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Simplex 4100 panel programming

All settings

In control operation: up to 31 remote displays can be connected, all of which work in parallel

Any of them can be recognized and silenced by activating this option, only one display can
recognize the system

Service reset: to reset the system when an alarm is active

Combined alarm and hardware reset: reset the software and hardware panel by pressing the reset
button, otherwise you should press twice to reset the hardware and software.

- Display first alarm: the display of the first alarm on the display
- Sync legacy signal: to synchronize legacy strobes
- Language of use: to activate the primary language in this case it is English and the
alternate requires changing the language per system.
- Non steady audible evac: By default the nac are continuously activated when activated
you can change the options

- Non stady visual: only activated for visual lights other than strobes
- Alarm cutout timer: to define the alarm activation time
- Alarm silence/reset inhibit: to add a timer to the silence and reset button of the
- panel
- Ac Fail delay: delay in minutes to issue AC failure
- Auto set panel and delay: To maintain the panel time when loading the programming,
otherwise it takes time from the programming laptop
- NFPA SQALERT Operation: to turn off audibles and strobes by pressing mute, otherwise
only the audibles are silenced (now according to the standard it mentions that all of them
should be turned off)
- GSA LED Operation: (no explanation without knowledge)
The default fault reminders are shown in this table.

(the maximum reminder is 18 hours)

- Recurring Trouble filter: To disable the occurrence filter, leave it at zero (normally it is
disabled to reduce the number of failures)
- Addresable apliance preferred defaults: used for addressable alarm devices, for example,
regulating the candles by hardware, if software is required, the device must be set to FACP
- Alert tone: only changed for non-fire alert tones

Audio settings low power conservation is only used when audio signals are present

Access level tab

Panel control key: programmable programming button can be assigned access levels

Passcode Tab Asiigmennts

password management

To create passwords, up to 10 digits can be used.

Features tab

Dongle is the key code, by enabling enable edit it can only be programmed with a single key - if the
assigned key is lost, the CPU must be replaced

It is recommended not to enable

The key serial number is on the key



Bay = bayha


Virtual cards

For the panel to work

511 digital points for the panel

………digital points for the user

256 analog points for the panel

256 analog points for the user

From 256 onwards they are for the user

Example digital point P1 is to mute digital point P0

In the PSEUDO POINT DEFINITIONS pdf file are all the analog and digital points defined by default
that the panel counts.
There are analog and digital points and lists which can be used from 256 to the user.

SEUDO: they are virtual cards

MONITOR are for adding conventional cards

Note: blue cards are old, green cards are new, old cards require a motherboard

SIGNAL: they are cards that have NACs

INTERFACES: (they are the most used)

For a printer you need an RS232, also to use a bacnet you need to output the data through 232.

Note: The vesda are aspiration detectors

DACT: to communicate some type of alarm center

DUAL RS232 interface (flat card) :……. To send emails

POWER In EPS2 it is when it has an IDnet card, the EPS only does not have an ID net card.

ANNUNCIATOR CARDS – f64LED/64 are for buttons for functions

DISPLAY CARDS are for LEDs and keypads

The 4020 is no longer used and is outdated

For the EPS we need the ID net card

t 0 refers to the CPU

M1 = loop 1

Device Type = specify the type of device

Point TYpe = what the device will be used for

For source with conventional nac


Cfig and al execs: to load the program and the bin

CFIG: Only to load the Program

File – file backup: To create a backup copy in a compressed file

And to decompress archive-restore and select destination ujobs

127 devices per total point per source ties nac ID


Hardware points = physical devices

Software points (pseudo) = virtual points

Digital point type: has two states on and off

Analog point type: save a value, example save the hour, save the minute

It can be kept in the activated state when it is at 0 and when it has a value it is considered turned

Point type determines the message in the second line, example low pressure alarm supervision.

Each device must be assigned a point type

Each point type comes with a table

Current limited monitors short and voltage drop

When there are conventional zones, a spull code type is used.

Spull for parallel connections of smoke and conventional manual station

Ssignal: activates with any alarm and turns off with the silence button (signal = audio)

Rvisual: Activates with any alarm and turns off with reset

When it is an audio visual device, the code type is Sqalert

Two types of points

There are points that work by default and there are types of points that require equations

Generic points require programming equations

Types of generic points in exam

4010u is the panel before 4100 is

DIAP 134

Download Options

- First option (load the program while the panel is online)

- Second (apply) to load the configuration so that it does not remain dormant in slope, a
reset for warm or cold to activate the new configuration
- Third option, when activating this option, when extracting the data, it is extracted
incomplete, it was applied to the 4100u panel (it is faster when loading)
- Fourth option does a version comparison on upload

View status button

To view programming progress status in case of interruption

Activate changes button: this is when you are working on the network and latent and then load
the programs to all the panels at the same time.

Communication failure problems:

fixed IP

Wifi active

Cable failure

Note: The program does not accept special characters when saving to the compact flash since
there will be no way to delete them later.
The sps source has conventional nacs, the old panels do not have a bus (PDI) where the cards can
be mounted

Power suppliers

PDM = power distributor module

Types of power source

Extend powerssupplier

Remote power suppliers

8x11 = occupies half a bay

4x11 = a quarter bay

There are sources that do not have a battery charger

There are sources that do not have smart ties

All sources have conventional nacs and all are 9 amp capacity

Cyti card = to connect to the fire department directly

XNAC card = additional cards to add 3 conventional nacs

Earth sensitiving = ground detection

When several sun sources are installed, one of them must detect the ground.

Jumpers on the PDI card = jumper 2 and 3 to distribute the source of the bay itself

Jumper 1 and 2 to distribute the source of the previous bay

Old cards are positioned by blocks, new cards are positioned by slots

The blocks are numbered starting from the top corner. Left

The CPU is always in block 4


TO c AND g
b d F h

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The only motherboard that has 2 slots is the one with the CPU, all the others only come with a
single slot

- Install mode = To program devices that are not yet installed, leave them in installation
mode so that it only shows as a failure.
You can manually enable all devices in group for all installed devices to migrate to normal
mode upon completion of the job. prior programming

- Group discussion: to send jobs as an installation

Note: to call the cards you put addres 1-0

When programming, disconnect the sources and only leave one source connected and
programmatically assign that only one source charges the battery to avoid crossovers and
overloads, assign only one source to charge the system, preferably the main source.

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