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SESA3038 Space Environment Image Project Coursework

Image project is 20% of the SESA3038 module final mark.

Student name/ID: 35411155

Your submission would have been
most improved by: Tighter connection between the avalanche idea and the Kessler Syndrome; image showing the danger/hazard more explicitly

The best thing about your

submission is:
Monochromatic image has impact

General comments:
See additional comments added to your submission

See overleaf for detailed marking criteria and mark.

Mark Awarded
Assessment 0 1 2 3 4 5
Image Image quality [5 Unsuitable for Image can be published Image can be Image can be Image can be Professional-level
presentation MARKS] publication after substantial published after some published with published with image. Can be
corrections to colour, corrections to colour, relatively few relatively few published without
[15 MARKS]
contrast, and contrast, and corrections to colour, corrections to one change
composition composition contrast, and aspect of colour,
11 composition contrast, or
Creativity and appeal Derived wholly Like existing images and Like existing images Unique image, similar Unique image, Entirely unique
[5 MARKS] from an existing subject lacks creativity but some creativity in in a few respects to presented creatively image, presented
image. in presentation, presentation, existing images with only minor creatively with
composition, etc. composition, etc. similarities to existing thought given to
images composition.
Use of light, colour, Minimal thought given Some thought given Good use of light, Excellent use of light, Light, colour, and
and tone [5 MARKS] to lighting, colour, and to lighting, colour, colour, and tone, colour, and tone, tone work together
tone and tone, reflecting reflecting (literally or reflecting (literally or with composition
(literally or figuratively) some figuratively) key to provide a strong
figuratively) some aspects of chosen aspects of chosen link to key aspects
aspects of chosen concept concept of chosen concept
Presentation of Structure [5 MARKS] No clear structure to Some organisation Organisation of text is Text is presented in a Excellent, well-
description and technical description the of text, showing generally logical and logical fashion with a structured text
and explanation some logic and well-structured clear structure and with logical
explanation structure only a few minor progression and no
[15 MARKS] issues obvious issues
References and No evidence of Evidence of some Good evidence of Evidence of a range of Evidence of a wide Evidence of a wide
7 evidence of reading [5 reading and no reading, limited use of reading from one reading with a mix of range of reading, with range of reading,
MARKS] references offered references to support source-type, some sources, cited references used with references
some aspects of chosen references used to appropriately, to appropriately to providing excellent
concept. support key aspects support some key support most aspects support to all
aspects aspects
Spelling, grammar, Spelling and Spelling and grammar Spelling and grammar Spelling and grammar Spelling and grammar Excellent and
and language [5 grammar are poor, are good with a few are good with a few are good with a few are very good with no creative use of
MARKS] language unsuitable issues remaining. minor issues minor issues obvious issues language and
for a general Improvements to remaining. Language remaining. Language remaining. Language grammar to appeal
audience language needed for a mostly suitable for a suitable for a general is suitable for a to a general
general audience general audience audience with only a general audience audience
few changes
Description and Description of Text is wholly Description of chosen Clarity of the Generally clear Clear description with Excellent, clear
explanation concept or derived from concept or description is description of the no obvious issues, description and
environmental existing material or phenomenon is unclear. satisfactory. Some chosen concept or with a corresponding corresponding
[15 MARKS]
generated using an Limited explanation of explanation of the environmental explanation of the explanation of the
phenomenon [5
AI-tool the concept or chosen concept or phenomenon, with a chosen concept or chosen concept or
phenomenon environmental good explanation of phenomenon environmental
phenomenon this phenomenon
Rationale for selection Limited or no Some explanation for Good explanation for Good explanation for Clear and creative
supported by suitable explanation of why the the selection, linked the selection, with the selection, with explanation for the
evidence [5 MARKS] concept or to some evidence to some evidence to well-chosen evidence selection linked to
environmental support the rationale support the rationale to support the well-chosen
phenomenon has been rationale evidence for the
selected rationale
Challenging concept Simple concept or Moderately Challenging concept Challenging concept Challenging
or environmental environmental challenging concept or environmental or environmental concept or
phenomenon [5 phenomenon selected or environmental phenomenon phenomenon, with environmental
phenomenon multiple but phenomenon, with
selected independent aspects multiple and inter-
dependent aspects
Link between Image-text connection No attempt to Literal: image does not Literal: image Literal: image Literal: image Literal and
image and text [5 MARKS] provide a clearly capture the captures some captures the key captures the broad figurative: excellent
description and connection concept or aspects of the aspects of the aspects of the connection
between the image phenomenon. Text is concept or concept or concept or between the image
and the chosen mostly unrelated to the phenomenon. Text is phenomenon well. phenomenon well, and text with all
[5 marks]
concept or image. appropriately focused Text is well-focused with the text offering aspects of the
environmental Figurative: weak on the image. on the image. a well-focused phenomenon
4 phenomenon connection between Figurative: Figurative: good explanation with only represented within
the image and the satisfactory connection between a few issues both, with no
chosen concept or connection between the image and the remaining. obvious issues
phenomenon. Text the image and the chosen concept or Figurative: very good remaining
provides a poor chosen concept is phenomenon connection between
explanation of the established through established through the image and the
image relevance to the the text. the text with some chosen concept
concept or issues remaining established through
phenomenon the text with only a
few issues remaining

TOTAL /50 30

Final Mark
(%) 60%

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