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Sooel SruDrEs Pnncnce Trsr

Directions: Use 65 minutes to answer the following 34 questions. You may fill in the circles next to
the correct answers or write your answers in boxes or on lines as indicated.

Question 1 is based on the following paragraph Question 2 is based on the following table.
andErapFl You MAY use your calculator.
When the value of exported goods - those sold 2. ln an opinion poll, people were asked, "ln
abroad-is greater than the value of imported politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a
goods-the$glpught from foreign nations- Republican, a Democrat, or an independent?"
there is a tdUdiHOle balance of trade. On the The chart below represents the results, by
other hand, when impo6l"s.,gre greater than month, for the first six months of 2013.
exports, there is an unt'fivUrHOle balance of trade.
Republicans lndependents Democrats
U.S. Merchandise lmports and Exports, 200F2010
a/a o/a o/a

Jan 2013 27 38 33
Feb 2013 28 38 32
Mar 2013 27 36 35
Ict Apr 2013 26 40 33
3o 1,soo May 2013 ?8 39 32
r.roo Jun 2013 26 41 31
eoo Source: Gallup
= 700 During the first six months of 2013, what
500 percent of the people surveyed, on aygl-
300 ggg, considered themselves mgeggggle3tg?
(Assume that the same number of people
2000 2002 2004 2006 were surveyed each month.) Round your
answer to the nearest percentage and write
Source: Statisticai Absfract of the Uniied Sfates
your answer in the box below.

1. Which of the following statements is

supported by the paragraph and the graph? ?.

u A. Exports equaled imports at the start of

the 2000s.,nu
,*- B. Exports exctieded imports throughout
the 2000s.
t, C. The United States had a favorable
balance of trade in merchandise during
, the 2000s.
X o. rn" United States had an unfavorable
balance of trade in merchandise during
the 2000s-

.606 I{ GED@ Practice Test

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the following information and graph.
What standard of living do people in other countries enjoy? There are different ways to answer that
question. Many economists hold that one good way is to calculate gross domestic product (GDP) per
capita. GDP per capita is found by adding up the value of all the goods produced and services
performed in a given country in a year and then dividing that total (the GDP) by the number of people
living in that country.
The map below showi GDP per capita for each country in the world in 2008. Some, but not all, of the
countries are labeled with the name of the country.
Map of GDP Per Capita by Country


3. ln the map above, place a dot on the 4. Place the countries below in order from
continent that, in 2008, had the highest highest GDP per capita to lowest GDP per
percentage of countries with a GDP per capita.
capita of less than $10,000 per year.
( rror, m"LJ Afrioa Second highest
Third highest lhd ic^
Lowest W"
Democratic Republic of Congo X
United States
Mexico x
lndia {

Social studies lt GO7

Question 5 refers to the following information 6. The 1Sth Amendment to the Constitution, rati-
And chart fied in 1870, declared that U.S. citizens' right
The Consumer Price lndex (CPl) is a measure of
to vote "shall not be denied. .. on account of
race." However, some states found ways to
the average prices paid by consumers for a typi-
continue to restrict voting rights for almost a
cal assortment of goods and services, including
century. For example, Mississippi's "1890 con-
housing, food, clothing, transportation, recre-
stitution restricted African Americans' voting
ation, and medical care. I hjgbelgflLindicates
rights by imposing a polltax and a literacy
that prices have,(gen. The table below shows
the CPI for severii}ars, as well as the percent test. ln the Voting Rights Act of 1965,
Congress outlawed such restrictions and put
change in CPI over the previous year.
protections in place for minority voters.
Percent change in CPI < It I I + I i I I I le I >
Year cPt over previous year '1870 1880 18S0 1900 1910 1920 193O 19,{O 1S50 1S60 1970

2008 215.3 3.8

On the timeline above, place tUgdots on the
2009 214.5 -0.4 /
years in which Vatj1g rjqlts were g4ggry$)in
2010 218.1 1.6 r the United States.
201 1 224.9 3.2
2412 229.6 2.1 ,
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
7. Like the ancient Chinese, the ancient Greeks
thought that a sound Qglllgel"ffi and
For the years included in the table, what was the
rySllegf3blig[gilpgc-isl ref ationships were
median percent change in CPI over the previous Greek rule
year? was decentralized, and as a result, many
Write your answer in the box below. political structures coexisted. ln contrast,
Chinese rule was largely centr-alized, and a
single political system prevailed. The Greeks
.9", t placed more value on councils, participation,
and law; the Chinese, on bureaucracy, hier-
archy, and rules.
-D.4rl.6le,l, ),r)5:{
Based on the paragraph, what did the
ancient Greeks and the ancient Chinese
have in common in regard to-oollfus and
;,A. Both governed through a hierarchical
f, S, Aotn valued a stable politicalframework
for society.
* C. Both had centralized councils. v
,; D. Both had decentralized political systems.Y

608 l{ cED@ Practice Test

Question 8 refers to the following chad. 10. lb combat the anticompetitive nature of
The Effect of World War ll on lndustry
monopolies or "trusts" such as US Steel,
Measure 1939 rs{{} tg41
Standard Oil, and the American Tobacco
Company, the U.S. Congress passed the
lndex of manufacturing
Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890. That act
outout (1939 = 100)
output lr* lrru lruo I
100 116 154

prorits I $6.4 I I I made it illegal for an individual to monopolize
Corporate profits
I corporate so,+ so,s
| $e.3 srz
I $17 I or conspire to monopolize an industry or to
before taxes billion
lbillion billion
lbillion billion
lbillion I act with others to restrain trade or commerce
pronts I $5su I su$ I $s.4so.a
billion I
Corporate profits
I corporate
among the States or abroad. While the
after taxes
I Sherman Antitrust Act was, and remains,
source: Fute, citbert c., and Beese, Jim E. An Ecanomic Histoty af the very influgntial, it was not sufficignt to solvg
unrredsrares all of the problems raised by monopolies.

I which of the fouowins best exprains why

war had
the effect on industry indicated by
fffi:ffi:ltt::;1jfl3flX?:,ilr: Hfi:"
interpreted the Sherman Antitrust Act differ_
the chaft? ently and inconsistently in the many cases to
kR. fu"n beforethe United States entered . whi;h it was applied. As a result, Cbngress
the war, corporate profits had increaseO\ g. r p?ss€d the Clayton Antitrust Act in 1914,
sharply. i.{.aJuoowhich targeted specific actions-such as
q, B. Manufacturing output increased by overf tVt'thitavorable price discrimination and exclusive
50 percent in two years- y J dealings contracts-that were used to create
i- C. The war created a huge demand for monopolies.
military equipment anl supplies. ln the passage above, the writer's main point
t-: D. With men gone to serve as soldiers,
is that
more women were employed in
factories. !, A. courts struck down the Sherman
Antitrust Act because its broad lan-
guage made it unconstitutional
9. The U.S. president has a great deal of influ-
ence over foreign policy. ln part, this is V B. proUems with consistently enforcing
the Sherman Antitrust Act led to further
because international relations often require
quick and decisive action, which is best legislation to prevent monopolies
undertaken by an individual. ln times of for-
J C. monopolies like US Steel, Standard Oil,
and the American Tobacco Company
eign crisis, the public usually rallies to the
support of the president, at least at first. successfully avoided prosecution under
the Sherman Antitrust Act
Which of the following values probably ri D. the Sherman Antitrust Act ended
underlies Americans' initial approval of a monopolies like US Steel, Standard Oil,
president's emergency foreign policy and the American Tobacco Company,
actions? but did not prevent new monopolies
from arising
f A. patriotism z
t", B. imperialism'
u,C. self-expression
D. self-sacrifice

Social Studies l( 609

11. Since the mid-twentieth century environ- Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following map.
mental scientists have been warning the Forced Resettlement of American Indians, t83Os
United States about the impact of unchecked
carbon emissions into the atmosphere, a
threat that many researchers conclude has
already led to climate change. Of the many
long-term dangers of climate change, which
refers to the trend toward greater global tem-
perature extremes, some of the most
destructive involve lengthy droughts, dimin-
ishing fresh water supplies, and decreased
world food production. Although some point
to the potential benefits of the temperature
changes in particular hemispheres, benefits
such as longer growing seasons and more
. temperate climates for certain populations,
the hazards far outweigh any potential
advantages. Since the United States has the
second highest rate of carbon emissions per
person, it must lead the way by dramatically
cutting industrial emissions and finding alter-
nate sources of fuel that do not release car-
bon dioxide as a byproduct. Positive efforts
are underway, particularly through the
Environmental Protection Agency, which has 12. Which of the following is the most likely
fostered several international partnerships to reason that American lndians were forcibly
limit the production of carbon dioxide, relocated in the 1830s?
among other greenhouse gases.
ffA. Whites wanted lands in the Kansas and
Place the letter of each statement within the Nebraska territory for settlement.
correct column. You may or may not fill up u B. Whites wanted to take over lndian lands
each column. in the eastern states.
o'C. lndians of different tribes wanted to
The author The author The author settle in a single lndian territory.
would agree would dis- does not t, D. lndians in the eastern states wanted to
with this agree with this address this look for gold in the West.
statement: statement: information:
b oJ c 13. Which American Indian tribe was moved the
q farthest from its tribal lands?
t-,A. the Sauk/Fox
4, The United States has failed to take
any action against carbon emissions. u,C. the Chocktaw
b. The dangers of climate change are J/D. the Seminole
more significant than the possible
g. Wind energy is preferable to solar
fl Climate change will not impact the
world food supply.

510 I{, cED@ Practice Test

Question 14 refers to the following cartoon. Questions 16 and 17 refer to the following char.t.
Acts of Parliament Directed at the American Colonies
Act Description

Revenue Act of lmposed duties (tariffs) on foreign sugar

1764 (Sugar Aet) and luxuries to raise money for Great Britain

Quartering Act Required colonists to provide food and

of 1765 shelter for British soldiers

Stamp Act o{ Required colonists to purchase revenue

1765 stamps for all important documents,
including legal documents, newspapers,
and ads

Declaratory Act AeAeded-llg,ItSh!-of Parliament to make

of 1 766 laws for the colonies
$ I THou6+t1rrt w^S A $ef*e(oF A J(eAAL rsll€(CsT €@)e -"-
got 1 ?o.rNO aJT fi€.'s r(.,rY A VoIe& ! ,' Townshend Acts lmposed new duties on the import of tea,
of 1767 glass, and paper
O 1989 Wayn€ Stayskal, Tampa Tribune. Reprinted by permission of
Wayne Stayskal.
16. How did the Declaratory Act differ from all
14. With which of the following opinions would the other acts of Parliament shown in the
the cartoonist be most likely to agree? chart?
'; A. People shouldn't have to stand around *'A. lt did not involve the quartering of
waiting to see their elected representatives. British soldiers. t
B. Senators should pay attention to special L B- lt related only to the import of luxury
interest groups as well as to voters. goods. Y
j{ I Special interest groups are treated better X C. lt did not impose direct economic costs
than voters by members of Congress. on the colonists.
* D. Senators are nicer to their constituents ., D. lt was enacted long afier the other acts
than are members of the House. of Parliament.

15. ln the late 1800s, industrialization caused a 17. The information in this chart would have
large-scale mfqfatiof from rural to urban been most useful for the writing of which of
areas in the United States. Parents who the following documents?
moved to cities with their children left behind
the social support of their extended families.
*J{ The Declaration of lndependence,
which explained why the colonies broke
ln addition, city families found that children, away from Great Britain
who were an asset on the farm because they t: B. The Articles of Confederation, which
could work at an early age, were more of an established a central government con-
economic drawback in the city. As a conse- sisting of a congress
quence, the birthrate dropped during this ,; C. The U.S. Constitution, which estab-
period and average family size shrank. lished the structure of government for
Which of the following is the best summary the newly independent nation
of this passage? ,t( D. Washington's Farewell Address, in
which he warned the new nation of pol-
,.: A. lndustrialization led to increased urban- icies and practices he thought unwise
ization in the late 1800s.
* B. City families lost the social support of
their extended families back on the farm.
;V C. lndustrialization and urbanization
caused many changes in family life in
the late 1800s.
u D. ln the late 1800s, average family size
, shrank due to the fall in the bidhrate. studies
Social I{ 611
Questions 18 and 19 are based on the following map.
Percentage of Undernourished People Worldwide
q?f,ffi -

'" *+il*

a. "v
LWffi .-?<-rH
qn-P At {

Hffi oy"to+z 3 zo"t"totsy" f__l Nodata

flf1l +ztoaoz. ! sszrozsz

Source: The United Nations, World Food Program.

18. According to the map, what is the percent- 19. Which of the following statements is
age range of people in the United States who supported by the information on the map?
do not get enough food and nutrients?
.; A. All areas with more than 35% of the
X n. ox to 4yo population undernourished are inland
,,.*.8. 4o/o to 20o/o nations.
* C. 2A% to 35% - World hunger would disappear if food
,...'D. 35Va to 73Yo were distributed more fairly.
r- C. There are no areas of hunger in Europe
or Australia.
( D. Hunger is a major problem in many
countries in Africa.

612 l{ GED@ Practice Test

Questions 20 through 22 refer to the following 22. Which document first set limits on the British
ffi monarch's powers?
lmportant Political Documents preceding the XA. the Magna Carta
Declaration of lndependence and the U.S. Constifution
'; B. the Mayflower Compact
Year Document Description ."; C. the Petition of Right
1215 Magna Carta Limited the power of the English ; D. the English Bill of Rights
king and granted rights to the nobles

1624 Mayflower Set rules by which the Pilgrims 23. The civil rights movement of the 1950s and
Compact would govern themselves in
Plymouth colony
1960s inspired historians to reinterpret slav-
1628 Petition of Right
ery's impact on U.S. society in general and
Limited the English king's powers
further on African Americans in particular. One inter-
pretation that emerged was that slaves and
't636 Great Established the first basic system
Fundamentals of laws in the English colonies, in
owners were always in conflict and that slav-
Massachusetls Bay Colony ery was destructive. The extent of slavery's
1688 English Bill Declared that the king rules with destructiveness was debated. Some histori-
of Right$ the consent of the people's ans argued that slavery destroyed the culture
represenlatives n Parliament;

granted ordinary people certain and self-respect of the slaves and their
rights descendants. Others thought that slaves
overcame hardship by developing a unique
20. What do the Mayflower Compaet and the African American culture that included,
Great Fundamentals have in common? among many different things, strong religious
,; A. Both limited the power of the king. and musical traditions.
u B. Both granted rights to the nobles. Based on the paragraph, which of the follow-
X C. eotn established methods of self- ing statements is an opinion rather than a
government in English colonies. fact?
.--, D. Both applied to the government in
*R. fne civil rights movement took place
during the middle of the twentieth
21. One of the major grievances the American century.
colonists had against the British was that the *, B. The civil rights movement caused
British taxed the colonists without granting historians to take another look at
them representation in the British parliament. slavery.
Part of the Declaration of lndependence is a r; C. Historians debated slavery's negative
list of political and economic rights that effects on slaves and their descendants.
American colonists complained that the
* D.- Slavery destroyed the culture of the
British king had deprived them of. slaves, diminishing their self-respect.

By which of the following documents were

the writers of the Declaration probably most
influenced as they drafted their list?
e; A. the Mayflower Compact
.; B. the Petition of Right
u C. the Great Fundamentals
*rD. the English Bill of Ftights

Social $tudies l{ 518

Questions 24 and 25 refer to the following para- Question 26 refers to the following paragraph
ffi ilA mapl
The market price of a product tends to change in The Battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of
a way that brings supply and demand into the American Civil War. South Carolina had
balancq a condition called equilibrium. This is seceded from the Union and insisted that Union
illustrated in the graph below, which shows troops in South Carolina leave. A small band of
supply and demand'for apples. Union soldiers was finally forced to evacuate Fort
Sumter, on the South Carolina coast. After that,
Supply and Demand for APPles President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to
help put down the rebellion in the south.
Following his call, four additional states seceded
from the Union and joined the Confederacy. The
@ progress of secession is shown here.
.9 .zo
The Pragress
.10 of
150 250 350 450 550
Bushels of apples Per month
ffi union states
S = Supply of apples
trl.jl Bord8r slare states that did
D = Demand for apples H-l n61 sggs{6.
E = Equilibrium E
\Slales thal ssceded afler the
fall of Forl Sumter

24. According to this graph, what is the market I :1ifrn=fi,:1"d

herors the

price of apples-also known as the price at

Fleprinted from "The South Sec€des," U.S. History Online Textbook,
,*,A. 45 cents
26. Match each of the following states to the
N B. 30 cents appropriate column{s} in the table. A state
- C. 20 cents may be matched to both columns, or to none
u, D. 15 cents at all. You may or may not fill up each column.

25. Which of the following would result if part of Belonged to the Belonged to the
the apple crop were destroyed but demand 9onfederacy hg[g5e Gonfederacy a'fteq
remained the same? the battle of Fort ffi'
.-.,A. Supply would increase. Sumter Sumter
i-, B. The market price would remain the Alabama I Lowa X
same. North Carolina x Dolaurare X
.-,C. The market.price would go down.
K D. The market price would go uP.

North Carolina



6L4 l,( cED@ Practice Test

Questions 27 through 29 refer to the following paragraph and diagram.

Most cases that arise under federal law are tried in the federal court system. The federal court system
has several levels of courts and several routes by which cases may be appealed to a higher court.

Routing CasesThrough the Federal Court System

The U.S Supreme Court

U.S. Courts ol Appeals Court o{ Appeals for

the Federal Circuit

27. A U.S. import-export firm files a lawsuit 29. lf cases are not resolved in any of the lower
against a foreign trading company. ln which federal courts, to which court may they even-
court is the suit most Iikely to be filed? tually, finally be appealed?
A. the United States Claims Court f$ the Supreme Court of the United States I
B. the United States Court of Appeals }E. tne United States Courts of Appeals -,,
X C. the Court of lnternational Trade -, C. the Court of Appeals for the Federal
.-; D. the United States Tax Courl
Circuit .r.
r- D. the Court of Military Appeals
28. The U.S. Constitution established onty the
Supreme Court, but it gave Congress the
power to create inferior (lower) federal courts.
Which of the following is the most likely rea-
son that Congress established other federal
courts? tdk ;-;
;-, A. The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court
were not wellversed enough in the law
to handle all federal cases.
zB. The volume and variety of federal cases
were too great for a single courl to
; C. A system of inferior federal cour.ts gave
the United States prestige in the eyes
of the rest of the world,
r- D. The Supreme Coud's power to interpret
the Constitution was established in
Marbury v. Madison.

Social studies l( 815

Question 30 refers to the following poster. Questions 31 and 32 refer to the following para-
graph and maps.
The poster below was published during
World War l. Mapmakers have devised many solutions to
the problem of proiecting the curued surface of
Earth onto a flat piece of paper. However, all map
projections involve some distortion, and each
type of projection has advantages and disadvan-
tages. Two types of proiections are shown here.
Mercator Projection


lnterrupted Proiection

:J 0"
Source: Library of Congress. Poster by Jarnes Montgomery Flagg
I zo"

30. Which of the fotlowing opinions is the artist I/eo'oo"

attempting to propagate? 80"
.-,A. Americans are not yet part of civilization.
X g. fhe war effort needs the help of 31. Approximately where is there the least distor-
everyone, including men, women and tion on these projections?
children. i A. at 60" north and south latitude
'; C. Every man, woman and child should ,; B. at 40'north and south latitude
rest in preparation for the war effott. ;, C. at 20" north and south latitude
u D. Americans are part of alazy civilization. 0" latitude
*. ^r
32. A sailor who wanted to plan an around-the-
world sailing trip decided to use the inter-
rupted proiection. What was wrong with his
u,A. The interrupted proiection distorts
distances across the continents at
u B. The interrupted projection distorts
distances across the oceans.
E,,C. The interrupted projection distorts the
shapes of mid-latitude land masses.
d D. The interrupted projection shows only
a few of the world's oceans.

616 l( GED@ Practice Test

Question 33 refers to the following paragraph 34. Constitutional guarantees of fairness and
ana map. equality under the law, our basic civil liber-
After the Roman Empire had reached its greatest ties, are called due process of law. The Fifth
extent in the 2nd century C.E. emperors consoli- and Foufteenth Amendments state that gov-
dated its borders in various wayst where the ernment shall not deprive anyone of ,,life, lib-
frontiers were over land, they were seen as vul* efty, or property, without due process of law.,,
nerable, and so the emperors often built heavy The Fifth Amendment protects people from
fortifications, such as forts or walls to defend the actions of the federal government. The
borders; where there was a natural barrier like a Fourteenth protects people specificalty from
iinerd a desert, light fortifications, such as actions of governments of the individual
watchtowers, were viewed as*adequdq; and states.
where there were major barriers, such as the What is a main difference between the Fifth
ocqq!,the emperors concluded that no defense and Fourleenth Amendments?
was needed.
.- A. The Fifth Amendment applies to adults,
Northwestern Frontiers of the Roman Empire,2nd Century C.E.
and the Fourteenth Amendment, to
': 1.: i' ,: ,1
.-, B. The Fifth Amendment applies to due
:i-:a : ..:-:f
process, and the Fourteenth

Amendment, to freedom of speech.

( C. The Fifth Amendment applies to the
federal government, and the Fourteenth
Amendment, to state governments.
u D. The'Fifth Amendment applies to life,
and the Fourteenth Amendment, to

33. Based on the information in the paragraph

above, match the appropriate degree of forti-
fication to each part of the frontier on the
map. You may use some labels twice.



Socnr- Sruprrs
Pages 606-617 increase in manufacturing out- Irrdians being moved away from
put between 1939 (when World 'eastern states to Kansas and
1./D" The United States had an War II began in Europe) and Oklahoma. The question asks
unfavorable balance of trade in 1941. Even though the United about "forcible" relocation, so
merchandise during the 2000s. States did not enter the war until the correct answer can't be about
According to the passage, the late 1941, industry had already what Indians wanted.
balance of trade is the difference geared up to seil equipment and Lg.b. the Seminole The Seminole
between exports and imports. supplies to the Allies in Europe. tribe's home territory was in
When imports are greater than Choices (A) and (B) may be true, Florida, which was farthest from
exports, the balance of frade is but do not explain the war's the new, government-declared
unfavorable. Since the graph impact. Indian Territory in the N4idwest.
shows that imports consistently
, zr
9/ A. patiohism The tendency of 114; C. Special interest groups are
exceeded exports during the theAmerican public to support Y treated better than voters by
2000s, you can conclude that the a president's emergency foreign members of Congress. The
balance of trade in merchandise policy actions is sometimes cartoonist is using irony in the
was unfavorable during the called the "rally'round the flag" caption to indicate that he thinks
decade. effect. members of Congress keat voters
2. 739
To calculate the average per- 10./h. problems enforcing the badly, but treat people who repre-
/ cent of people surveyed who ' Sherman Antitrust Act consis- sent special interest groups well.
considered themselves indepen- tently led to further legislation rSr/C. tnduskialization and urban-
dents, add up the ]anuary - |une to prevent monopolies Irr the ization caused many changes
numbers, 38 + 38 + 36 + 40 + 39 passage, the author explains the in family life in the late 1800s.
+ 41 = 232. Divide 232 by the intention behind the Sherman This covers the main points of
total number of terms, 6, and AntitrustAct: to make monopo- the passage, which discusses the
round to the nearest percentage lies illegal. He goes on to outline impact of industrialization and
to get 39 percent. the limitations of the act, arguing urbanization on the American
Look for the continent with the that its broad language rendered family. The other choices are all
highest percentage of countries it insufficient to soive the prob- supporting details.
colored in the lightest gray. Place iems created by monopolies. 16/ did not impose direct eco-
a dot on Africa. He concludes the paragraph by ' nomic costs on the colonists. All
n./, telling how Congress responded of the other acts of Parliament
Highest United States to the problems in the Sherman shown in the chart cost the
Second highest Mexico Antitrust Act by passing addi' colonists money, whether by
tional laws to control monopolis- having to pay import taxes, buy
Third hishest India tic practices. revenue stamps, or use their
Lowest Democratic 11. own resources to shelter British
Republic of poldiers.
The author The author The author - The Declaration of
would agree would dis- does not The median is the middle with this agree with address this Independence, which explained
number in a set of numbers. statement: this state- inJorxration: why the colonies broke away
Here, the question asks for the menl: from Great Britain The acts of
median in the percent change Parliament iisted in the chart
b. The dan- a. The c. Wind
figures, or the third column. were grievances used to justify
gers of cli- United errergy is
Arrange those numbers in mate change States has preferable to 5leclaring independence.
order, and 2.1 will be the middle aremore sig- failed to take solar energy.
1{A.o% to 4% First find the
number. United States on the map and
nificant than any action
see what shade it is colored.
o. /u20,1955 The lsthAmendment the possible against
Then consult the map key to see
lfAzO; and the \fr.ofrng Rights Act of benefits. carbon
the percentage of undemour-
J965 expanded the right to vote. emissions.
ished people that shade repre-
7. /B-Both valued a stable politi-
' cal framework for society. The
d. Climate sents. The map indicates that the
change wili percentage range is 0/" to 4"/".
paragraph indicates that this was not impact
one thing the ancient Chinese
19{D. Hunger is a maior problem
the world in many countries in Africa.
and the ancient Greeks had in
food supply. More than 20 nations in Africa
C. The war created a huge
have a very high percentage of
demand for military equipment
n.fS.V*ites wanted to take over undernourished people. The
Indian lands in the eastern remaining options are not sup-
and supplies. The chart shows
states. The graphic shows the ported by the data on the map.
that there was a substantial

720 ld GED@ Practice Test Answers and Explanations

20.7C. Both established methods of
self-government in the English
@v 31.fD. at 0" latitude On both of these
projections the distortions are
. colonies. Both documents set Belonged to the Belonged to the
greatest near the north and south
Confederacy Confederacy
forth rules and laws for the self- before the battle after the battle o{ poles. Along the equator (0'lati-
govemment of speci-fic English of Fort Sumter Fart Sumter tude), the maps look most alike
colonies. and most similar to a globe; the
Alabama Alabama
n/h.the English Bill of Rights distorticns inerease as y0t1 g0
' The English Bill of Rights tied North Carolina
or south toward the poles.
the king's right to rule to the ^north
/32.)8. The intermpted projection
Iowa and Delaware never seced-
consent of the people's represen-
ed, so they never belonged to the
- distorts distances across the
tatives, and the colonists'rnajor oceans. The interrupted proiec-
grievance was taxation without Confederacy. Alabama seceded
tion was a poor choice because
representation. The colonists felt before the Battle of Fort Sumte4
ocean areas are cut apart on the
they should be granted the same so it belonged t+ the Confederacy
map, making it very difficult to
representation and rights as other both before and after the Battle
measure distances on an around-
British citizens, which were listed of Fort Sumter. North Carolina
also belonged to the Confederary, fhe-world voyage.
in the English Bill of Righ*. 33y'The one segment (the bottom
22r/A. the Magna Carta The Magna but it didn't secede until after the 'right box) of the Roman frontier
t Carta, signed i^7275, was the Battie of Fort Sumter-
that the map legend identi-
first docr.rrnent to set limits on 27/C. the Court of lnternational
' Tlade "Intemational trade" is fies as land frontiers would see
fte British king's powers. "Heavy" fortificatiory the one
^ D.Slavery destroyed the culture
(2q corunerce with foreign com-
river frontier (the top right box)
v of the slaves, diminishing their panies, so the case would most
would see "Lighf fortifica-
self-resFeet. Accofding to the likely be fiIed in the Court of
tioru and the fwo sea coasts (the
paragraph, this is an opinion, or hrternational Trade.
two left-hand boxes) would see
beiief, held by some historians. B. The vnlume and variety of
"None." Rivers served as natural
The other chsiees are a.ll faets federal cases were too gieat
barriers, making forti{ications
stated in the paragraph. for a single court to handle. It
less necessary, and the emperors
24y'8.30 cents According to the pas- would be impractical to have just
saw no need to defend ocean
sage, market price is reached one conrt handling a1l cases; the
under equilibrium conditions- ,-,workload would be too great. s+.,t. The Fifth Amendment
when supply equals demand. ?91A. the Supreme Court of the 'applies to the federal govem-
According to the graph. supply - United States According to the ment and the Fourteenth
and demand cross each other- passage, eases arc appealed tc Amendment, to state govern-
and so are equal-at 30 cents. higher level courts; according to
ments. According to the passage,
25-,p. The market price would go the diagram, the Supreme Court
this is one of the main differences
up. When the supply deereases is the highest court of appeal.
be*ween the fwq: amendmente.
and demand stays the same, the 301. The war effort needs the help
market price increases. The same
/ of everyone, including merl
number of people want to buy lyomen and children- The foeus
fewer apples, so the people will of the poster is to enlist the help
generally be willing to pay more of everyone in the country for the
for the apples. war effort. The sleeping $roman
tion that needs to take action.

social Studies I{ 727

Social Studies Practice Test Evaluation Charts

Question s 7-34
Circle the numbers of the questions that you got correct and then total them in the last column of each row.

United States Civics and Geography and

History Government Economics the World Points
Pages 438-451 Pages 452-455 Pages 466477 Pages 478493
Social Studies Practices

Determine Central Idea and 10, 15 7,77 (no questions) (no questions)
Draw Conclusions 3tq
Pages 420421"
Interpret Words and Ideas 12 9,76,20,27 8,25 JJ
Pages 427423 7t,
Analyze Author's Purpose
and Point of View
11, 30 v (no questions) (no questions)
Pages 424-425
Evaluate Author's Reasoning 23 21,28,34 1 32
and Evidence
Pases 426427
Analyze Relationships 73,26 6,22,29 3,4,24 18,19,37
Between Materials 11n
Pages 428-431
Interpret Data and Statistics (no questions) 2 5 (no questions)
Pases 432-433 2tz
-.&.le lQ,*trE 5:tz 3-rs
If you do not have time to review the entire Social Studies unit you may want to review the sections that need the most
work. You can use your total above (25 /34) to figure out your percentage correct for the entire Social Studies test.
Divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100.

To understand your performance on the practice tests, please see pages 727-728.

722 l* GED@ Practice Test Answers and Explanations

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