Executive Secretariat Study Plan

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National Directorate of Higher and Technical Professional Education

Regional Directorate of Education Ayacucho


“César Augusto Guardia Mayorga”


GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Strengthen capacities in IEST Public “César
Augusto Guardia Mayorga” of Coracora, to develop its study plan for
the EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT career according to the new
guidelines and regulations within the framework of secretarial
resolution 311-2017-MINEDU dated October 17, 2017.

5. RIVAS ROQUE, Roxana
Coracora, November 2017


P. - 1
1. General information

1.1. Productive sector


1.2. Productive Family


1.3. Economic activity



1.4. Career


1.5. Name of the title to be issued


1.6. Name of the certifications to be issued

No. of
Naming of certifications according to the training modules.



1.7. Professional training level

Professional Technician x Professional

P. - 2
1.8. Career Fundamentals

1.8.1. Career Description

Provides customer service, reception and orientation for internal and external clients;
managing the flow of information in the office and the office, with the ability to identify
needs, select and propose alternative solutions and promote harmony, focused on
service and providing good personal treatment to face unforeseen problems,
especially in the environment business; complemented with the skills of being a good
communicator, exercising high leadership and a prospective vision that ensures self-
control and security to function in all work and professional areas.

1.8.2. Fields of action in which graduates will be inserted

 Senior Management Secretary.

 Management assistant
 Secretaries and/or assistance to Headquarters.
 Customer Support.
 Administrative.
 Call center.
 Management of your own company.

1.8.3. Study of labor demand that supports the relevance of the

professional career and its relationship with local and regional
development projects.

In the Ayacucho region, according to data from the National Superintendence of Tax
Administration (SUNAT), there are a total of 83,197 taxpayers with RUC; of which
60,558 (72.8%) have active status, that is, they are formally operational;
Of the total number of companies – with Business and that pay taxes in the Third
Category – existing in the 11 provinces of the Ayacucho region, 15,334 companies
have active RUC; Of these (total active), 93.9% (14,391) carry out non-manufacturing
activities ( services, commerce, tourism, financial, communications ), while 6.1%,
which corresponds to 943 companies, carry out manufacturing activities. The
province of Huamanga concentrates 68.1% of the companies, followed very far by
the provinces of Huanta, La Mar, Lucanas and Parinacochas with 10.1%, 6.2%, 5.7%
and 2.7% respectively. The remaining six provinces register a smaller number of
industrial companies.

P. - 3
As the company reports show, in the province of Parinaciochas, there are 19
manufacturing companies (factories) and 398 non-manufacturing companies
(Business Companies), accounting for 2.7% of the entire Ayacucho region, above 6
other provinces, and each of these companies It necessarily needs executive
secretaries if only in Parinacochas there are more than 400 companies where the
presence of professionals in this profession is necessary and if we add the bordering
provinces such as Lucanas and Paucar de Sarasara (South of Ayacucho) there are
approximately 900 companies. Only in the Province of Parinacochas is the Executive
Secretary career offered, who will have to cover this business demand in the
southern region of Ayacucho.
On the other hand, we have government institutions that also need professionals in
the Executive Secretariat. It has been calculated that at least between 50 to 100
graduates are necessary for each province, located mainly in provincial District
Municipalities, Educational Management Units, Colleges and schools, Ministries. and
NGOs etc.

P. - 4
1.8.3 Directory of companies and institutions with which the IEST
“CAGM” has links in the region in relation to the degree.

Provincial Municipality of Jr. Bolognesi s/n -
1 Plaza de Armas - (066) 451011 alcaldia@muniparinacochas.gob.pe
Cooperative of A. and C.
2 Jr. Nicolas de (066) 451005 coopacvn@hotmail.com
"Virgin of the Snows
Pierola 700
Jr. Saretzky and Jr.
August 5 S/N
3 UGEl - Parinacohas 966196055 ugelparinacochas@hotmail.com
Sanqui Sanqui
Municipality of Paca Calle Ccato S/N Mz. 973919106 /
4 verdi_08@hotmail.com
Pauza U Lt. 12 985939783

784335 /
5 Municipality of Chumpi Main Square 997754505 / munichumpi@gmail.com

Municipality of Coronel Plaza de Armas

6 99296300 aureliopanuera@hotmail.com
Castañeda Anizo N° 15
795137 /
7 Municipality of Pullo Gerard.fer@hotmail.com
Main Square 996309633 /
Municipality of Jr. Jorge Chávez 970938596 /
8 Edwin_f_p@hotmail.com
Hupahuacho S/N Mz. K Lt. 9 955922314
San Francisco de
9 (066) 630797 tjvayacucho@hotmail.com
Rivacayco Municipality Main Square
Jr. Ladislao 631069 /
10 Municipality of Puyusca wibedi@hotmail.com
Mosquera S/N 964570767
Transport Company López Jorge Chavez
11 3321015
Hnos SA Square
Anccascocha Rural Network
12 Trade 512 (066) 451262 @RedRuralAnccascocha
Central Executing Nucleus

1.8.4 Directory of IEST and ISE that offer professional careers in the province.

Management Legal authorization Legal revalidation

Name of the Institution Address
type device device

IESTP “CESAR AGUSTO RM No. 263-86- RDNª 390-2005-

Address Av. of Culture S/N

P. - 5
1.8.5 Statistical data of the student population.

Level / Management/ Registered 5th Year

District IE name IE address
Modality Dependency (2017) Graduates
Andrés Avelino Caceres
Coracora Secondary Public - Education Sector Aycara 37 7
M/Mx from Aycara
Coracora Reymundo Pimentel Calle Secondary Public - Education Sector Muchapampa 23 5
Nestor Martinez Carrasco
Coracora Secondary Public - Education Sector Magisterial Avenue s/n 78 16
m/mx Application
Coracora December 9 Secondary Public - Education Sector Student Avenue s/n 591 118
Coracora Our Lady of the Snows Secondary Public - Education Sector Jiron future s/n 246 49
Arch. Fernando Belaunde
Coracora Secondary Public - Education Sector Pampamarca 62 12
Coracora Industrial 12 Cristo Rey Secondary Public - Education Sector Jiron redemption s/n 303 61
South Andean highway km
Coracora Breeding of Black Mayo Secondary Public - Education Sector 20 4
Coracora Segundino Jimenez Alvarez Secondary Public - Education Sector Paucaray 37 7
Coracora New Athens Secondary Private - Individual December 9th Avenue s/n 49 10
Coracora 24219 Abraham Maurtua Secondary Public - Education Sector Jiron la mar 711 52 10
Chumpi Pio Pacheco Candia Secondary Public - Education Sector Pinahua 22 4
Jiron progress s/ny jr.
Chumpi Nestor Berrocal Falconi Secondary Public - Education Sector 141 28
Contisuyo s/n
Chumpi Colonel Francisco Bolognesi Secondary Public - Education Sector Acos 21 4
Chumpi Jose Carlos Mariategui Secondary Public - Education Sector carhuanilla park 39 8
Our Lady of Copacabana Secondary Public - Education Sector Anizo 43 9
Jose Antonio Encinas Franco Secondary Public - Education Sector Huanaccmarca alta child 26 5
Pacapausa Colonel Castaneda Secondary Public - Education Sector Avenida Los Maestros s/n 45 9

P. - 6
Level / Management/ Registered 5th Year
District IE name IE address
Modality Dependency (2017) Graduates
Jiron processions of
Pullo Tailings Secondary Public - Education Sector 301 60
independence s/n
Pullo Santa Rosa Secondary Public - Education Sector Sacsara 25 5
Pullo Jose Maria Arguedas Secondary Public - Education Sector Tarco 22 4
Pullo June 7th Secondary Public - Education Sector Pullo 104 21
Pullo San Martin de Porres Secondary Public - Education Sector Huillcallama 47 9
Pullo Juan Jose Vega Bello Secondary Private - Individual Tailings 22 4
Puyusca Antonio Raimondi dell'Acqua Secondary Public - Education Sector Yuracchuasi 29 6
Puyusca Alexander Von Humboldt Secondary Public - Education Sector Lacaya 44 9
Puyusca Heroes of Ayacucho Secondary Public - Education Sector Avenida san isidro s/n 133 27
San Francisco de
Tupac Amaru Secondary Public - Education Sector Main square park s/n 39 8
Upahuacho The Andes of Cochani Secondary Public - Education Sector Cochani 25 5
Upahuacho Jose Manuel Ybarguen Secondary Public - Education Sector Calpamayo 61 12
Avenida Alfonso Ugarte
Upahuacho Upahuacho Secondary Public - Education Sector 23 5
Provincial Total: 2710 541

P. - 7
2. Professional Technical Profile

2.1 General competence

Plan, organize, execute and evaluate the reception and management of information in
the development of secretarial activities, as well as assist management in accordance
with comprehensive security standards, demonstrating assertiveness, proactivity,
professional ethics and an attitude of change in the organizations.

2.2. Professional Capabilities

Transformative technical capabilities

 Write all entity documents effectively and efficiently.
 Classify, organize, code and archive documents of various kinds, obtaining better
document organization.
 Transcribe and interpret dictations according to established techniques with
precision and accuracy.
 Type all types of documents with precision and accuracy.
 Handle various computer programs that help execute office work efficiently and
 Use various office equipment to optimize its proper functioning.
 Apply basic and computerized accounting management correctly.
 Demonstrate the ability to develop events and competitions with diplomacy.
 Apply secretarial marketing inside and outside the organization.
 Prepare and translate foreign language documents accurately.
 Properly manage financial funds.

Organizational capabilities
 Possess a general vision to organize social and cultural events inside and outside
the institution.
 Design, adapt and operationalize the manual and computerized filing system to
achieve fluidity in work.
 Organize and manage the office according to established basic techniques and
 Evaluate the office's work plan by contrasting the results obtained with the goals
and objectives of the institution, proposing alternative solutions.
 Organize the agenda in coordination with the boss, making and confirming
 Organize correspondence sent and received according to established standards.

Cooperation and communication capabilities

 Establish effective communication in the development of your work, using clear
and concise language.
 Maintain good interpersonal relationships inside and outside the organization.
 Optimize public relations to improve organizational image.
 Demonstrate communicative fluency between organizations.
 Receive and transfer information, establishing efficient communication.

P. - 8
Contingency capabilities
 Adapt to new work situations, arising as a consequence of technological,
organizational, economic and labor changes that affect their professional
 Make decisions in contingency situations, within your competence.
 Represent the company in public relations and institutional image.
 Properly manage the organization's resources in situations of austerity.

Responsibility and autonomy

 The Executive Secretariat professional works under the supervision of her
immediate superior boss in the organization.
 He is responsible for receiving and managing information, developing
secretarial activities and managing institutional assistance.
 Has autonomy in the management and application of customer service
techniques, the organization of office work, applying filing techniques, and
the operation of electronic and computer equipment.
 It can assist in verifying the appropriate conditions of the environments and
operation of the equipment used in the workplace.
 It must assist in the determination of administrative strategies, the
establishment of the control system and information security. The
implementation of changes in work methods, criteria for organizing
meetings and events.

3. Foreseeable Evolution of the Profession

The advancement of computing and technological advances in office equipment require

that the Executive Secretariat professional have solid training in this field. To do this, you
must be in a constant process of learning and updating new techniques that you can apply
in your work.

On the other hand, in our country, the evolution and complexity of organizations
generated in companies the need to have highly qualified professionals, with mastery in
administration techniques, management of computer packages for the office and basic
command of languages, among others. that allow it to efficiently carry out the tasks of the
Executive Secretariat.

The Executive Secretariat professional will be able to work in large or small organizations;
performing various functions.

P. - 9
CREDITS: 120 N° HOURS: 2550 VALIDITY: 04 Years
Competence Unit Ogre Indicators:
1. Identify stages of a communicative process and the most common
Competition unit
No. 01:
2. Uses communication techniques and procedures according to established
Establish standards.
Administrative 3. Communicate with the interlocutor, taking into account the tone of voice,
Assistance, clear and concise expression, rules of courtesy, among others.
respecting the 4. Attendance at the work center properly uniformed.
protocol in 5. It clearly states the rules of etiquette used in social and work relations.
accordance with 6. Apply the correct personal image according to the place and circumstance.
the organization's 7. Use cutlery and glassware correctly.
standards and 8. Use the appropriate structure to prepare management documents
procedures. according to the needs of the company
9. Check the quality of documents based on the requirement
10. Demonstrate quality in writing documents.
11. Use the appropriate structure to prepare management documents
according to the needs of the company
12. Check the quality of documents based on the requirement
13. Demonstrate quality in writing documents.
14. Identify the general aspects, characteristics of the transcription.
15. Apply basic principles of transcription with skill and increasing speed in your
16. Perform oral dictations with established times.
17. It uses basic principles of transcription, grammatical combinations, endings
assuming speed in dictations.
18. Transcribe texts on computers using dictation with precision, accuracy and
19. Submit transcribed documents in a timely manner
20. Describes the universal keyboard and guide keys to begin the keyboard
mastery process.
21. Position your body and hands correctly to perform agile, flexible and rested
22. Use all fingers to type on the guide keyboard.
23. Recognize techniques for the beginning and process of good touch
24. Use all fingers to type on the keyboard.
25. Create lessons by memorizing the location of the keys according to the
proposed combinations.
26. Type combinations, words, phrases, sentences, signs, numbers,
progressively until you master the keyboard.
27. Move your fingers fluidly across the keyboard, considering their correct
placement on it.
28. Type all types of texts with precision and acceptable speed.
29. Prepare documents necessary to apply for a job, managing to attract the
attention of the interviewer.
30. Prepare information that the company requires assertively and promptly.
31. Type proposed documents with pressure and speed, with minimal error.

P. - 10
32. Manages documentary files, based on the needs and requirements of the
assigned area.
33. Select and classify documentary information according to the needs and
policies of the company
34. Identifies documents to be archived, reviewing content, importance and
35. Select the archiving process and techniques to be used.
36. Serves the public and/or staff based on information requirements and
requested interviews, in accordance with the procedures established by the
company and current regulations.
37. Recognizes the different types of internal and external clients, resolving
contingencies according to the circumstances and policies established by
the company.
38. Makes the control record of the documents received and issued, based on
the objectives and needs of the company.
39. Manages time in the transmission and dispatch of correspondence
40. Follows up on documentary procedures, in accordance with the procedures
established by the company and current regulations.
41. Apply the stages of the documentary processing according to current
company policies
42. Applies basic notions of the time value of money and knowledge of interest
to the solution of problematic situations in reality.
43. Assesses the importance of applying compound interest in financial
transactions and in the analysis of economic alternatives.
44. Apply knowledge about compound interest and annuities in problematic
financial amortization situations and evaluate the types of depreciation.
45. Record the main and auxiliary accounting books, as well as petty cash
control in accordance with accounting standards.
46. Apply properties in basic mathematical operations effectively
47. Understand statistical fundamentals in an analytical way
48. Understand data collection processes responsibly
49. Identify sampling and statistical method effectively
50. Build and graph frequency tables of qualitative variables accurately.
51. Build and graph frequency tables of quantitative variables accurately.
52. Calculate and interpret the results of position measurements for simple
data analytically

1. Recognize and differentiate commercial transaction documents

Competition unit
2. Know the characteristics of the documents used in commercial and financial
No. 02:
Manage 3. Know and prepare commercial documents using the appropriate format
secretarial according to established standards.
activities inside 4. Know and apply the principles and standards of commercial writing.

P. - 11
5. Synthesize and use business terminology when writing business documents.
and outside the
6. Applies the techniques and rules of commercial writing appropriately.
7. Valuation yourself, building a solid personality through your individual real
according to
8. Managing good self-control.
standards and
9. Relate assertively in the social environment, through your real group profile.
10. Performs the fingering of various information with precision and speed,
strengthening the techniques learned with all ten fingers.
11. Type paragraphs and sentences by touch with precision and within set
12. Manages text formatting with precision, presenting a neat document in the
required times.
13. Type documents applying tabulations, giving another presentation to the
requested information.
14. Develops and demonstrates neatness, finishes in standard times, according
to the needs of the company.
15. Applies administrative processes that govern the operation of an office.
16. Uses organizational principles, methods and instruments based on
17. Select the criteria to determine the requirements, materials of an office.
18. Differentiate, select and use the different types of equipment for the
distribution and optimal functioning of the organization.
19. Has the ability to analyze consumer behavior.
20. Develop personal marketing strategies.
21. Promotes the sale of the company's goods and services in different markets.
22. Apply marketing techniques and strategies to promote and disseminate the
company's image.
23. Prepare the situational diagnosis for administrative plans
24. Use modern techniques in preparing business plans
25. Proposes objectives, goals and strategies consistent with business objectives
26. Prepare the company's organizational chart taking into account its company
27. Knows how to use analysis instruments and know how to make business
decisions based on knowledge of economics.
28. Learn the strategies for business management and their implications for the
application of the different concepts of economics.
29. Explains the concept of scientific research precisely.
30. Identify and express the functions of scientific research
31. Identify and Classify research appropriately about a reality
32. Develop a theoretical framework of the research according to reality
33. Identify, describe and present the problem of your environment with
34. Formulate the general objective and specific objectives
35. Use critical sense to construct sentences and express yourself appropriately.
36. Systematizes information and applies the structure of grammar with
relevance to prepare documentation of an executive nature.
37. Adapt the construction of texts easily according to current labor demand
38. Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit, accounting principles.
39. Procedures for registering funds for cash payments
40. Filling and recording main and auxiliary books
41. Learn in a practical way the business concepts of establishing the

P. - 12
organization and legal support of a company.
42. Know and manage the production resource management tools of a good for
decision making.
43. Realize projected Cash Flow with certainty, establishing its coherence as a
management tool for decision making.
44. Applying the Methods of Analysis of Financial Statements that allow
developing and identifying the economic and financial situation of the
45. 2. It uses Vertical and Horizontal Analysis Methods that reflect the variation
from period to period in order to know its degree of profitability, liquidity
and management. And Their respective Recommendations and conclusions
of each of the States.
46. Appropriately use the criteria to evaluate an ecosystem through verification
47. Adequately manages the criteria to define and identify populations.
48. Know the interrelationships of human beings with other living organisms.
49. Uses technical criteria for the rational use of natural resources.
50. Initiates prevention measures against climate change at a global level.
51. Formulates and develops a technological research project, according to
established guidelines.
52. Execute the research project within the established deadline
53. Present and support a final report
54. Identify the basic elements of public speaking and leadership.
55. Learn different leadership and public speaking strategies.
56. Understand and apply leadership as a development tool in the modern
57. Identifies the operation of the program environment and its main tools.
58. Operate and apply format options according to your needs.
59. Organize and distribute large volumes of data, using it when required and in
a graphical way.
60. Manage and apply functions that make it easier for you to carry out your
tasks quickly and with reliable results.
61. Know the spreadsheet environment
62. Manage the navigation panel
63. Optimize tasks resulting in faster results
64. Understand and express ideas, opinions, emotions and feelings orally in
65. It includes varied texts of a certain complexity and length related to current
reality issues, expressed in a commonly used language.
66. Produces varied texts with adequacy, cohesion, coherence and correctness
on topics of personal and social interest, taking into account their
communicative purpose and recipients.
1. Produces creative texts for business documents.
2. Write commercial and administrative documents according to the
Competition unit
established structure.
No. 03:
3. Present documents applying appropriate techniques and strategies.
Establish 4. Know the main concepts and terms of telemarketing and advertising
direction and activity.
management 5. Apply telemarketing strategies in your healthcare work
assistance, 6. Interprets and helps make your sale much easier using the media via
according to the technical channels.

P. - 13
7. Develop strategies to resolve contingencies in events.
8. Recognize basic concepts of Government and Business Protocol.
standards and
9. Relate and organize each of the disciplines and activities that constitute
the Protocol Ceremonies.
10. Apply the techniques and rules of protocol ceremonies to plan, organize
and promote events, events and business meetings
11. Develop advertising strategies between organizations.
12. Values communication as an instrument of public relations.
13. Maintains favorable links between organizations in your work
14. Prepare various messages appropriately.
15. Write the requested messages with complete clarity.
16. Write using technological means, according to the selected style.
17. Use of appropriate terminologies.
18. Use appropriate terminology in order to conduct business transactions.
19. Identify the opportunities of globalization in your work.
20. Values the importance of international treaties in the development of the
21. Know international negotiation strategies and manage INCOTERMS,
international logistics and foreign trade operations in Peru.
23. Understand group behavior and its relationship with the dynamics of
relationships within the organization.
24. Defines the variables that intervene in the perception of the climate and
formation of the culture in the organization.
25. Analyze, discuss and find conclusions in groups about the central themes of
the subject.
26. Become aware of the proper management of the main concepts related to
27. organizational behavior.
28. Value the company's social responsibility practices.
29. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks
30. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.
31. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account aspects that
contribute to personal and business development.
32. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks
33. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.
34. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account aspects that
contribute to personal and business development.
35. Employs responsible distribution and stock control procedures.
36. Apply storage procedures correctly.
37. Applies the procedures established in the Integrated Financial
Administration System (SIAF) and Integrated State Acquisitions and
Contracting System (SIACE) with precision, standards for the application of
quality standards (ISO).
38. Implements the Quality Management System and its established
39. Learn the history of money and banking
40. Classifies the banking and non-banking system
41. Analyzes the activity of commercial and investment banking
42. Researches topics in banking and finance in terms of origin, evolution,
evaluation and perspectives

P. - 14
44. Carry out the Market Study according to your business idea.
45. Prepare an investment and financing plan, according to your business idea.
46. Evaluate the profitability of the project based on the market study.
47. Analyzes and interprets the causes of suspension and termination of an
employment relationship
48. Identifies, interprets and prepares a settlement of social benefits
49. Differentiates, explains and values the relative benefits and obligations of
50. Identifies and analyzes labor supply and demand and relates it to your
professional profile
51. Describes and applies the procedures for selecting sources of work in the
labor market.
52. Present the basic concepts related to the duties and rights in the
secretarial career.
53. Develops the ethical and moral aspects of professional activity, focusing on
what the behavior of a secretary should be like in both the social and work
54. Develops the concepts referring to organizations today, as well as their role
and responsibility in the context of the country's socioeconomic
55. Learn about the environment and the main options of the proposed widely
used software.
56. Achieve identification of the main logical control elements implemented in
the widely used Accounting System.
57. Understand the sequential stages involved in the accounting process
through the use of the proposed Accounting Software.
58. Defines and adequately differentiates what is Cost and Expense, in addition
to understanding its application in public and private companies.
59. Uses and properly differentiates techniques and procedures in the
application of industrial costs.
60. Recognizes, analyzes and classifies the components of the Budget, using it
with judgment and organization.
61. Judiciously uses the Projected Financial Statements and the break-even
point appropriately to establish general usefulness criteria in decision-
62. Develop advertising designs using basic, organization and location tools
63. Develops advanced advertising designs, inserting texts in its different
64. Carry out the respective treatment of photos and images, making
retouches and applying effects.
65. Classifies and processes data and terms clearly and accurately.
66. Develop writing techniques for understanding texts.
67. Interacts in personal and business communications.
68. Learn how the HTML language, Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash
programs work.
69. Edit and create backgrounds, buttons, banners, animations and design
local websites.
70. Create web pages with a professional finish by integrating the applications
for its development.
71. Establish appropriate terminologies for effective communication.

P. - 15
72. Interprets the information received in commercial transaction documents.
73. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools for better interpretation.
Qualification: Technical Professional in EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT

P. - 16
Step 1: Module Naming

Competence Unit Training Module Name

Competition unit No. 01:

Establish Administrative Assistance,

respecting the protocol in accordance with
the organization's standards and

Competition unit No. 02:

Manage secretarial activities inside and

outside the organization, according to
established standards and procedures. MANAGEMENT OF SECRETARY ACTIVITIES

Competition unit No. 03:

Establish direction and management

assistance, according to the organization's
standards and procedures.

P. - 17
“Secretary of Administrative Assistance”

Using the 11 methodological steps defined in the

Under the framework and formats indicated in RSG No. 311-2017-MINEDU

P. - 18
Step 2: Analysis of the Competence Unit for the definition of capabilities (According to the analysis of the Competence Unit and Basic


Competition unit No. 01: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
Assist in the exchange of 1. Identify stages of a communicative process and the most 1. Carry out the reception and transfer of
information, documentation common alterations. communications in the organization,
and coordination of activities 2. Uses communication techniques and procedures according according to established procedures.
of the different areas of the to established standards. 2. You will recognize and correct aspects of your
company, based on its 3. Communicate with the interlocutor, taking into account the personal image that will give you security in
policies and current tone of voice, clear and concise expression, rules of courtesy, your personal and professional development,
among others. cultivating the values that will allow you to
4. Attendance at the work center properly uniformed. accept and practice the rules of etiquette and
5. It clearly states the rules of etiquette used in social and work protocol for better development in society.
relations. 3. Write administrative documents of various
6. Apply the correct personal image according to the place and kinds, with clarity, precision and accuracy,
circumstance. taking into account the appropriate structure.
7. Use cutlery and glassware correctly. 4. Write business documents of various kinds,
8. Use the appropriate structure to prepare management with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking
documents according to the needs of the company into account the appropriate structure.
9. Check the quality of documents based on the requirement 5. Transcribe documents accurately.
10.Demonstrate quality in writing documents. 6. Transcribe documents with precision and
11.Use the appropriate structure to prepare management speed.
documents according to the needs of the company 7. Recognizes and operates the PC keyboard,
12.Check the quality of documents based on the requirement using basic typing techniques.
13.Demonstrate quality in writing documents. 8. Type various documents with precision and
14.Identify the general aspects, characteristics of the speed.
transcription. 9. Manage the correspondence management
15.Apply basic principles of transcription with skill and system in the documentary process,
increasing speed in your dictation. according to the needs in compliance with
16.Perform oral dictations with established times. the company's policies and standards.

P. - 19
17.It uses basic principles of transcription, grammatical 10. Provide service to the internal and external
combinations, endings assuming speed in dictations. public, complying with the protocol
18.Transcribe texts on computers using dictation with precision, established by the company and current
accuracy and neatness. regulations.
19.Submit transcribed documents in a timely manner 11. Makes the control record of the documents
20.Describes the universal keyboard and guide keys to begin the received and issued, based on the objectives
keyboard mastery process. and needs of the company.
21.Position your body and hands correctly to perform agile, 12. Perform basic financial calculations that the
flexible and rested work. company has and interpret their results and
22.Use all fingers to type on the guide keyboard. optimize resources based on them.
23.Recognize techniques for the beginning and process of good 13. Manage secretarial activities inside and
touch fingering. outside the organization, according to
24.Use all fingers to type on the keyboard. established standards and procedures.
25.Create lessons by memorizing the location of the keys 14. Collect, process, analyze and interpret
according to the proposed combinations. information for decision making.
26.Type combinations, words, phrases, sentences, signs,
numbers, progressively until you master the keyboard.
27.Move your fingers fluidly across the keyboard, considering
their correct placement on it.
28.Type all types of texts with precision and acceptable speed.
29.Prepare documents necessary to apply for a job, managing to
attract the attention of the interviewer.
30.Prepare information that the company requires assertively
and promptly.
31.Type proposed documents with pressure and speed, with
minimal error.
32.Manages documentary files, based on the needs and
requirements of the assigned area.
33.Select and classify documentary information according to the
needs and policies of the company
34.Identify documents to be archived, reviewing content,
importance and accuracy.
35.Select the archiving process and techniques to be used.

P. - 20
36.Serves the public and/or staff based on information
requirements and requested interviews, in accordance with
the procedures established by the company and current
37.Recognizes the different types of internal and external
clients, resolving contingencies according to the
circumstances and policies established by the company.
38.Makes the control record of the documents received and
issued, based on the objectives and needs of the company.
39.Manages time in the transmission and dispatch of
40.Follows up on documentary procedures, in accordance with
the procedures established by the company and current
41.Apply the stages of the documentary processing according to
current company policies
42.Applies basic notions of the time value of money and
knowledge of interest to the solution of problematic
situations in reality.
43.Assesses the importance of applying compound interest in
financial transactions and in the analysis of economic
44.Apply knowledge about compound interest and annuities in
problematic financial amortization situations and evaluate
the types of depreciation.
45.Record the main and auxiliary accounting books, as well as
petty cash control in accordance with accounting standards.
46.Apply properties in basic mathematical operations effectively
47.Understand statistical fundamentals in an analytical way
48.Understand data collection processes responsibly
49.Identify sampling and statistical method effectively
50.Build and graph frequency tables of qualitative variables

P. - 21
51.Build and graph frequency tables of quantitative variables
52.Calculate and interpret the results of position
measurements for simple data analytically

P. - 22
Steps 3: Definition of employability competencies


Competition unit No. 01: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
Assist in the exchange of 1. Identify stages of a communicative process and the most 1. Carry out the reception and transfer of
information, documentation common alterations. communications in the organization, according to
and coordination of activities 2. Uses communication techniques and procedures according to established procedures.
of the different areas of the established standards. 2. You will recognize and correct aspects of your
company, based on its 3. Communicate with the interlocutor, taking into account the personal image that will give you security in your
policies and current tone of voice, clear and concise expression, rules of courtesy, personal and professional development, cultivating
among others. the values that will allow you to accept and
4. Attendance at the work center properly uniformed. practice the rules of etiquette and protocol for
5. It clearly states the rules of etiquette used in social and work better development in society.
relations. 3. Write administrative documents of various kinds,
6. Apply the correct personal image according to the place and with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into
circumstance. account the appropriate structure.
7. Use cutlery and glassware correctly. 4. Write business documents of various kinds, with
8. Use the appropriate structure to prepare management clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into account
documents according to the needs of the company the appropriate structure.
9. Check the quality of documents based on the requirement 5. Transcribe documents accurately.
10.Demonstrate quality in writing documents. 6. Transcribe documents with precision and speed.
11.Use the appropriate structure to prepare management 7. Recognizes and operates the PC keyboard, using
documents according to the needs of the company basic typing techniques.
12.Check the quality of documents based on the requirement 8. Type various documents with precision and speed.
13.Demonstrate quality in writing documents. 9. Manage the correspondence management system
14.Identify the general aspects, characteristics of the in the documentary process, according to the
transcription. needs in compliance with the company's policies
15.Apply basic principles of transcription with skill and increasing and standards.
speed in your dictation. 10. Provide service to the internal and external public,
16.Perform oral dictations with established times. complying with the protocol established by the
17.It uses basic principles of transcription, grammatical company and current regulations.
combinations, endings assuming speed in dictations. 11. Makes the control record of the documents

P. - 23
18.Transcribe texts on computers using dictation with precision, received and issued, based on the objectives and
accuracy and neatness. needs of the company.
19.Submit transcribed documents in a timely manner 12. Perform basic financial calculations that the
20.Describes the universal keyboard and guide keys to begin the company has and interpret their results and
keyboard mastery process. optimize resources based on them.
21.Position your body and hands correctly to perform agile, 13. Manage secretarial activities inside and outside the
flexible and rested work. organization, according to established standards
22.Use all fingers to type on the guide keyboard. and procedures.
23.Recognize techniques for the beginning and process of good 14. Collect, process, analyze and interpret information
touch fingering. for decision making.
24.Use all fingers to type on the keyboard. 15. Understand and manage the different levels of
25.Create lessons by memorizing the location of the keys language. Exhibit and produce written and
according to the proposed combinations. audiovisual speeches with coherence and
26.Type combinations, words, phrases, sentences, signs, propriety; To this end, the student will be able to
numbers, progressively until you master the keyboard. correctly identify and use the Spanish regulations.
27.Move your fingers fluidly across the keyboard, considering On the other hand, you will recognize the structure
their correct placement on it. and functioning of the texts; Therefore, you will be
28.Type all types of texts with precision and acceptable speed. able to produce texts in line with your specialty.
29.Prepare documents necessary to apply for a job, managing to 16. Produce coherent, clear and appropriate texts
attract the attention of the interviewer. based on the reader, applying theoretical-practical
30.Prepare information that the company requires assertively content based on the formulation of functional
and promptly. hypotheses and the application of grammar in
31.Type proposed documents with pressure and speed, with general.
minimal error. 17. Use the computer, recognize the hardware and
32.Manages documentary files, based on the needs and software, as well as the operating system to
requirements of the assigned area. organize and manage files, considering it as a
33.Select and classify documentary information according to the means of information and communication, seeking
needs and policies of the company the
34.Identifies documents to be archived, reviewing content, 18. Optimize resources and prepare documents
importance and accuracy. related to your work environment using a word
35.Select the archiving process and techniques to be used. processor and sharing them electronically.
36.Serves the public and/or staff based on information 19. You will clearly express and understand concepts,
requirements and requested interviews, in accordance with ideas, feelings, facts and opinions orally and in

P. - 24
the procedures established by the company and current writing to communicate and interact with others in
regulations. a foreign language.
37.Recognizes the different types of internal and external clients, 20. Develop social integration, generate a sense of
resolving contingencies according to the circumstances and personal identity and discipline through physical
policies established by the company. and sports practice.
38.Makes the control record of the documents received and
issued, based on the objectives and needs of the company.
39.Manages time in the transmission and dispatch of
40.Follows up on documentary procedures, in accordance with
the procedures established by the company and current
41.Apply the stages of the documentary processing according to
current company policies
42.Applies basic notions of the time value of money and
knowledge of interest to the solution of problematic
situations in reality.
43.Assesses the importance of applying compound interest in
financial transactions and in the analysis of economic
44.Apply knowledge about compound interest and annuities in
problematic financial amortization situations and evaluate the
types of depreciation.
45.Record the main and auxiliary accounting books, as well as
petty cash control in accordance with accounting standards.
46.Apply properties in basic mathematical operations effectively
47.Understand statistical fundamentals in an analytical way
48.Understand data collection processes responsibly
49.Identify sampling and statistical method effectively
50.Build and graph frequency tables of qualitative variables
51.Build and graph frequency tables of quantitative variables

P. - 25
52.Calculate and interpret the results of position measurements
for simple data analytically

P. - 26
Step 4: Achievement Indicators are defined for each capacity
Assist in the exchange of information, documentation and coordination of activities of the different areas
Units associated with competency module No. 01:
of the company, based on its policies and current regulations.
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
1. Carry out the reception and transfer of 1. Identify stages of a communicative process and the most common alterations.
communications in the organization, 2. Uses communication techniques and procedures according to established standards.
according to established procedures. 3. Communicate with the interlocutor, taking into account the tone of voice, clear and concise
expression, rules of courtesy, among others.
2. You will recognize and correct aspects of 1. Attendance at the work center properly uniformed.
your personal image that will give you 2. It clearly states the rules of etiquette used in social and work relations.
security in your personal and professional 3. Apply the correct personal image according to the place and circumstance.
development, cultivating the values that will 4. Use cutlery and glassware correctly.
allow you to accept and practice the rules of
etiquette and protocol for better
development in society.
3. Write administrative documents of various 1. Use the appropriate structure to prepare management documents according to the needs of the
kinds, with clarity, precision and accuracy, company
taking into account the appropriate 2. Check the quality of documents based on the requirement
structure. 3. Demonstrate quality in writing documents.
4. Write business documents of various kinds, 1. Use the appropriate structure to prepare management documents according to the needs of the
with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking company
into account the appropriate structure. 2. Check the quality of documents based on the requirement
3. Demonstrate quality in writing documents.
5. Transcribe documents accurately. 1. Identify the general aspects, characteristics of the transcription.
2. Apply basic principles of transcription with skill and increasing speed in your dictation.
3. Perform oral dictations with established times.
6. Transcribe documents with precision and 1. It uses basic principles of transcription, grammatical combinations, endings assuming speed in
speed. dictations.
2. Transcribe texts on computers using dictation with precision, accuracy and neatness.
3. Submit transcribed documents in a timely manner

P. - 27
7. Recognizes and operates the PC keyboard, 1. Describes the universal keyboard and guide keys to begin the keyboard mastery process.
using basic typing techniques. 2. Position your body and hands correctly to perform agile, flexible and rested work.
3. Use all fingers to type on the guide keyboard.
4. Recognize techniques for the beginning and process of good touch fingering.
5. Use all fingers to type on the keyboard.
6. Create lessons by memorizing the location of the keys according to the proposed combinations.
8. Type various documents with precision and 1. Type combinations, words, phrases, sentences, signs, numbers, progressively until you master the
speed. keyboard.
2. Move your fingers fluidly across the keyboard, considering their correct placement on it.
3. Type all types of texts with precision and acceptable speed.
4. Prepare documents necessary to apply for a job, managing to attract the attention of the interviewer.
5. Prepare information that the company requires assertively and promptly.
6. Type proposed documents with pressure and speed, with minimal error.
9. Manage the correspondence management 1. Manages documentary files, based on the needs and requirements of the assigned area.
system in the documentary process, 2. Select and classify documentary information according to the needs and policies of the company
according to needs in compliance with 3. Identifies documents to be archived, reviewing content, importance and accuracy.
company policies and standards. 4. Select the archiving process and techniques to be used.
10.Provide service to the internal and external 1. Serves the public and/or staff based on information requirements and requested interviews, in
public, complying with the protocol accordance with the procedures established by the company and current regulations.
established by the company and current 2. Recognizes the different types of internal and external clients, resolving contingencies according to
regulations. the circumstances and policies established by the company.
11.Makes the control record of the documents 1. Makes the control record of the documents received and issued, based on the objectives and needs of
received and issued, based on the the company.
objectives and needs of the company. 2. Manages time in the transmission and dispatch of correspondence
3. Follows up on documentary procedures, in accordance with the procedures established by the
company and current regulations.
4. Apply the stages of the documentary processing according to current company policies

12.Perform basic financial calculations that the 1. Applies basic notions of the time value of money and knowledge of interest to the solution of
company has and interpret their results and problematic situations in reality.

P. - 28
optimize resources based on them. 2. Assesses the importance of applying compound interest in financial transactions and in the analysis of
economic alternatives.
3. Apply knowledge about compound interest and annuities in problematic financial amortization
situations and evaluate the types of depreciation.
13. Manage secretarial activities inside and 1. Record the main and auxiliary accounting books, as well as petty cash control in accordance with
outside the organization, according to accounting standards.
established standards and procedures.
14. Collect, process, analyze and interpret 1. Apply properties in basic mathematical operations effectively
information for decision making. 2. Understand statistical fundamentals in an analytical way
3. Understand data collection processes responsibly
4. Identify sampling and statistical method effectively
5. Build and graph frequency tables of qualitative variables accurately.
6. Calculate and interpret the results of position measurements for simple data analytically
15. Understand and manage the different 1. Orally presents the contents of an expository text with coherence, fluidity and order; responding in a
levels of language. Exhibit and produce relevant way and with a register appropriate to the context.
written and audiovisual speeches with Write expository and argumentative texts with coherence, cohesion and correctness, with the support of
coherence and propriety; To this end, the information and communication technological tools, autonomously and collaboratively.
student will be able to correctly identify 2. Analyzes and interprets various texts from their specialty based on a certain theoretical framework.
and use the Spanish regulations. On the
other hand, you will recognize the
structure and functioning of the texts;
Therefore, you will be able to produce
texts in line with your specialty.
16. Produce coherent, clear and appropriate 1. Write paragraphs using the principles and rules of writing.
texts based on the reader, applying 2. Use the appropriate structure of sentences and paragraphs in your preparation.
theoretical-practical content based on the 3. Presentation of paragraphs with style and neatness.
formulation of functional hypotheses and 4. Write paragraphs of administrative documents with principles and rules of writing.
the application of grammar in general.
17. Use the computer, recognize the hardware 1. Determines the operating process of the resources (Hardware and Software)
and software, as well as the operating 2. Select the important resources of the operating system graphical environment.
system to organize and manage files, 3. It proposes the optimization of processes for a correct task according to work needs.
considering it as a means of information

P. - 29
and communication, seeking the Manage the correct use of Internet communications through the Outlook program.
18. Optimize resources and prepare 1. Learn about a new approach and style for writing documents through new tools built into the word
documents related to your work processor.
environment using a word processor and 2. Control the company's work activities through the use of an electronic agenda.
sharing them electronically. 3. Appropriately applies the PowerPoint multimedia presentation editor to all your requirements for the
development of your business tasks.
19.You will clearly express and understand 1. Establish appropriate terminologies for effective communication.
concepts, ideas, feelings, facts and opinions 2. Interprets the information received in commercial transaction documents.
orally and in writing to communicate and 3. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools for better interpretation and translation.
interact with others in a foreign language. 4. Write commercial documentation considering the established protocol.
20. Develop social integration, generate a 1. Know the organic functions of the human body related to motor activity.
sense of personal identity and discipline 2. It demonstrates your physical and reaction capacity, strength and endurance.
through physical and sports practice. 3. Demonstrates and practices the technical-tactical fundamentals of volleyball, specific warm-up,
volleyball techniques
4. Demonstrates and practices the basic and common fundamentals of the sport of basketball, tactical

P. - 30
Step 05: Definition of contents :


Units associated with competency module No. 01: Assist in the exchange of information, documentation and coordination of activities of the different
areas of the company, based on its policies and current regulations.
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
1. Carry out the reception and 1. Identify stages of a communicative process and  The communication
transfer of communications in the the most common alterations. o Internal
organization, according to 2. Uses communication techniques and o External
established procedures. procedures according to established standards.  Conflicts
3. Communicate with the interlocutor, taking into  Editorial generalities
account the tone of voice, clear and concise  Structure of administrative documents
expression, rules of courtesy, among others.  Drafting administrative documents.
 The Summons, the notice and the communication.
 The Certificate, certificate and credential.
 memorandum, request, memorial,
 The office, circular and the report.
 Business correspondence, the letter.
 Minutes, contract, resolutions, curriculum vitae, statutes,
2. You will recognize and correct 1. Attendance at the work center properly  Personal and professional image
aspects of your personal image that uniformed.  Personal image, Personal etiquette
will give you security in your 2. It clearly states the rules of etiquette used in  The first impression
personal and professional social and work relations.  Generating influences with my image
development, cultivating the values 3. Apply the correct personal image according to  Executive behavior
that will allow you to accept and the place and circumstance. - Body language
practice the rules of etiquette and
4. Use cutlery and glassware correctly. - Personal care
protocol for better development in
society.  Soft skills as tools for professional success.
 Color in the professional image: psychological impact, color
symbology, personal color palette.
 Psychological impact of color

P. - 31
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Color symbology
 Theory of the 4 seasons, Discover your colors
 Business etiquette and protocol
 Presentations, Self - presentation
 Presentation to third parties
 Business presentations
 Greeting, farewell, non-verbal communication
 Postures: standing, sitting, hand position
 Behavior, Table Service
 Style for using cutlery
 The glasses, the plate, the bread, the napkin
 The language of cutlery
 Behavior at business dinner
 My image in business, The business card
 Correct use of cell phones and landlines
 Behavior at business dinner
 The perfect image for a job interview
 Postures and forms, How to express yourself
 Clothing (women and men)
 Tips for a photo that reflects your image
 Executive wardrobe, Principles of good dressing
 Accessories (women and men)
 Dress styles, Wardrobe backgrounds
 Executive Wardrobe Basics (Women's and Men's)
 Appropriate clothing: formal and business casual
 Women: suits, skirts, blouses, tights, shoes and handbags
 Man suit, shirts and ties
 Outfits and combinations ideal for work.
3. Write administrative documents of 1. Use the appropriate structure to prepare  Documents in public management

P. - 32
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
various kinds, with clarity, precision management documents according to the  procedure for the preparation and use of written communications
and accuracy, taking into account needs of the company in public management
the appropriate structure. 2. Check the quality of documents based on the  modern spelling according to the new regulations of the Spanish
requirement Royal Academy
3. Demonstrate quality in writing documents.  essential grammar; current regulations according to the RAE
 modern structured writing techniques
4. Write business documents of 1. Use the appropriate structure to prepare  Reading comprehension techniques as a basis for work writing.
various kinds, with clarity, precision management documents according to the  planning, structure and writing of administrative and official
and accuracy, taking into account needs of the company written communications
the appropriate structure. 2. Check the quality of documents based on the  Procedure for processing resolution acts in public entities.
3. Demonstrate quality in writing documents.
5. Transcribe documents accurately. 1. Identify the general aspects, characteristics of  Alphabet sounds:
the transcription.  Sounds a, e, i, s, f, v, n, m, ñ, t, d, o, r, rr, l, s inverse, p, b.
2. Apply basic principles of transcription with skill  Word formation.
and increasing speed in your dictation.  Deletion of final “o”, vowel before final r, grammaticals and
3. Perform oral dictations with established times. derivatives.
 Word writing. ch, j, u, k, g.
 Grammalogues and derivatives, sounds ye, direct and inverse ll,
sound x.
 Combinations: ea, ia, ai, ae, ei.
 Omission of vowels, combination ie, beginnings hua, hue, hui, sua,
sue, sui.
6. Transcribe documents with 1. It uses basic principles of transcription,  Endings ante, ente, iente and derivatives.
precision and speed. grammatical combinations, endings assuming  Grammalogues and derivatives, endings ando, endo, iendo and
speed in dictations. derivatives.
2. Transcribe texts on computers using dictation  Transcription of paragraphs.
with precision, accuracy and neatness.  Omission of vowels o, u, diphthong io, beginnings: con, com.
3. Submit transcribed documents in a timely  Grammalogues and derivatives, fusions: dn, tn, dm, tm, endings

P. - 33
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
manner ment, mento, miento, aron, eron, ieron.
 Endings tivo, ción, sion, xión, cial, aba and ble.
 Days, months, cities and countries.
 Grammalogues and nd,nt,eses fusions.
 Mergers mn, mñ, beginnings in, in, em, im.
 Grammalogues and derivatives, fusions td, dd, dt.
 Fusion rd, ld. Tulle, dur, tur combinations.

7. Recognizes and operates the PC 1. Describes the universal keyboard and guide  Basic Concepts: Fingering, typing, typing;
keyboard, using basic typing keys to begin the keyboard mastery process.  Keyboard Parts, Standard Keyboard Layout
techniques. 2. Position your body and hands correctly to  Correct placement of fingers on the keyboard Correct posture
perform agile, flexible and rested work.  GUIDE KEYS
3. Use all fingers to type on the guide keyboard.  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral.
4. Recognize techniques for the beginning and  Guide keys: Use of guide keys, writing short sentences.
process of good touch fingering.  Correct placement of the fingers on the guide keys.
5. Use all fingers to type on the keyboard.  Ergonomics; concept and importance
6. Create lessons by memorizing the location of  DOMINANT KEYS
the keys according to the proposed  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
combinations.  Dominant keys: Using dominant keys. Combo key application.
 Phrase Writing: Writing phrases and sentences using combination
8. Type various documents with 1. Type combinations, words, phrases, sentences,  LOWER KEYS
precision and speed. signs, numbers, progressively until you master  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
the keyboard.  Lower keys: Lower key typing.
2. Move your fingers fluidly across the keyboard,  ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD
considering their correct placement on it.  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
3. Type all types of texts with precision and  Alphanumeric keyboard: combination keys.
4. Prepare documents necessary to apply for a job,

P. - 34
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
managing to attract the attention of the  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
interviewer.  Spacing Rules: Applying Spacing Rules, Punctuation, and
5. Prepare information that the company requires Capitalization
assertively and promptly.  THE ACCENT
6. Type proposed documents with pressure and  UPPER KEYS
speed, with minimal error.  Upper keys: Using numeric upper keys. Accuracy and writing
speed control.
9. Manage the correspondence 1. Manages documentary files, based on the  File Introduction
management system in the needs and requirements of the assigned area.  File types.
documentary process, according to 2. Select and classify documentary information  Rules for classification
the needs in compliance with the according to the needs and policies of the  Fundamental principles in the archiving process.
company's policies and standards. company  Criteria for file organization.
3. Identifies documents to be archived, reviewing  Rules and procedure for filing correspondence
content, importance and accuracy.  File systems
4. Select the archiving process and techniques to  Furniture, tools and filing supplies.
be used.  File maintenance
 Safety rules
 Control and conservation of correspondence.
 The archive in the globalized world
 Archive staff.
10.Provide service to the internal and 1. Serves the public and/or staff based on  Courtesy rules.
external public, complying with the information requirements and requested  Rules of courtesy applied for effective communication.
protocol established by the interviews, in accordance with the procedures  Protocol for customer service
company and current regulations. established by the company and current  Customer Support.
regulations.  Customer needs
2. Recognizes the different types of internal and  Typology of internal and external clients
external clients, resolving contingencies  Relationships.
according to the circumstances and policies  Emotional intelligence.
established by the company.

P. - 35
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 The Client and the media
 Image
11.Makes the control record of the 1. Makes the control record of the documents  Document management
documents received and issued, received and issued, based on the objectives  Identification of archival documents
based on the objectives and needs and needs of the company.  document management
of the company. 2. Manages time in the transmission and dispatch  Computer technology and files
of correspondence  management of the documentary process
3. Follows up on documentary procedures, in  Document processing system, standard that regulates the
accordance with the procedures established by document processing system functional description of the
the company and current regulations. document processing system benefits requirements
4. Apply the stages of the documentary implementation process of the document processing system.
processing according to current company models of documentary processing systems.
policies  national archive system
 Formation of the national archives system classification of
archives regulation of the national archives system law of
transparency and access to information and archives
 Institutional file system
 Formation of an institutional file system evaluation for the
formation of peripheral files identification of file levels
12.Perform basic financial calculations 1. Applies basic notions of the time value of  Basic Notions and Simple Interest.
that the company has and money and knowledge of interest to the  Compound interest
interpret their results and optimize solution of problematic situations in reality.  Compound capitalization
resources based on them. 2. Assesses the importance of applying  Compound capitalization v/s Simple capitalization
compound interest in financial transactions  Economic factors and their use
and in the analysis of economic alternatives.  Nominal and effective interest rates
3. Apply knowledge about compound interest  Problems with Excel Discount
and annuities in problematic financial  Rents and Depreciation
amortization situations and evaluate the types
of depreciation.

P. - 36
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
13. Manage secretarial activities 1. Record the main and auxiliary accounting  Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit, accounting
inside and outside the books, as well as petty cash control in principles.
organization, according to accordance with accounting standards.  Procedures for registering funds for cash payments
established standards and  Filling and recording main and auxiliary books.

14. Collect, process, analyze and 1. Apply properties in basic mathematical  Statistical foundations:
interpret information for decision operations effectively  Data collection process:
making. 2. Understand statistical fundamentals in an  Sampling:
analytical way  Statistical method:
3. Understand data collection processes  Construction and graphs of frequency tables of qualitative
responsibly variables:
4. Identify sampling and statistical method  Construction and graphs of frequency tables of quantitative
effectively variables:
5. Build and graph frequency tables of qualitative  Position measurements for simple data:
variables accurately.  Measures of central tendency
6. Build and graph frequency tables of  Non-central position measurements
quantitative variables accurately.  Correlation and regression:
7. Calculate and interpret the results of position  Probability theory:
measurements for simple data analytically  Position Measurements for Grouped Data
 Measures of central tendency:
 Non-central position measurements:
 Dispersion measures for simple data:
 Dispersion measures for grouped data:
 Shape measures (bias):
 Shape measurements (pointing):
 Concentration measurements:
1. Orally presents the contents of an expository  Characteristics of human language. System, norm and speech.
15. Understand and manage the
text with coherence, fluidity and order;  Differences between orality and writing.
different levels of language.

P. - 37
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
responding in a relevant way and with a  Writing: punctuation.
Exhibit and produce written and
register appropriate to the context.  Linguistic records: formal and informal language
audiovisual speeches with
coherence and propriety; To this 2. Write expository and argumentative texts with  The text: differences between theme and idea.
end, the student will be able to coherence, cohesion and correctness, with the  Types of paragraphs: introduction, development and conclusion.
correctly identify and use the support of information and communication  Types of text: academic - scientific, literary, advertising and
Spanish regulations. On the other technological tools, autonomously and journalistic.
hand, you will recognize the collaboratively.  The logical-semantic structure of the text.
structure and functioning of the 3. Analyzes and interprets various texts from  Reading comprehension: metacognitive and cognitive strategies.
texts; Therefore, you will be able their specialty based on a certain theoretical Content outline: analyzing, synthesizing, framing and parallel. The
to produce texts in line with your framework. exhibition
specialty.  Content schemes and reading comprehension.
 Characteristics and steps for good writing.
The writing: main vices
 Characteristics and steps for good writing
16. Produce coherent, clear and 1. Write paragraphs using the principles and rules  Oral expression
appropriate texts based on the of writing.  Comunication elements
reader, applying theoretical- 2. Use the appropriate structure of sentences and  Communication conflicts
practical content based on the paragraphs in your preparation.  Conflict management
formulation of functional 3. Presentation of paragraphs with style and  Telephone communication
hypotheses and the application of neatness.
grammar in general.
4. Write paragraphs of administrative documents
with principles and rules of writing.
17. Use the computer, recognize the 1. Determines the operating process of the  The computer
hardware and software, as well as resources (Hardware and Software)  General definitions
the operating system to organize 2. Select the important resources of the  Data processing
and manage files, considering it as operating system graphical environment.  Computer parts: hardware, software
a means of information and 3. It proposes the optimization of processes for a  information unit
communication, seeking the correct task according to work needs.  Types of software: Windows operating system: concepts and
4. Manage the correct use of Internet information, the desktop: description of the environment, start
communications through the Outlook program.

P. - 38
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
menu options, how to operate
 The mouse: functions
 Windows Explorer, Creating folders and files, Windows accessories
to support tasks on the PC.
 Description of Windows accessories (Notepad, Paint, WordPad,
character map, calculator)
 Definition of network and internet, Evolution of the internet.
Internet functionality, Browsers
 Basic internet tools
 Identify social networks in search of information in Spanish and
18. Optimize resources and prepare 1. Learn about a new approach and style for  Word word processor
documents related to your work writing documents through new tools built into  Customize basic Microsoft Word options.
environment using a word the word processor.  Create images using the designs
processor and sharing them 2. Control the company's work activities through  Use SmartArt to create organizational charts.
electronically. the use of an electronic agenda.  Create documents using table and link formats
3. Appropriately applies the PowerPoint  Create documents using WordArt
multimedia presentation editor to all your  Editing the header and footer
requirements for the development of your  Symbol group
business tasks.  Creation and reference tables
 Citations and bibliographies
19.You will clearly express and 1. Establish appropriate terminologies for  Alphabet / Formal and informal Greetings and Farewells–
understand concepts, ideas, effective communication. Introduce people
feelings, facts and opinions orally 2. Interprets the information received in  Identify classroom objects – colors – Numbers cardinal & ordinal
and in writing to communicate and commercial transaction documents.  Basic nouns (family – places –Jobs- objects) Singular and plural
interact with others in a foreign 3. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools  The article: definite and indefinite / Possessive adjectives.
language. for better interpretation and translation.  Talk about your days, months and seasons.
4. Write commercial documentation considering  Demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns / Personal
the established protocol. pronouns

P. - 39
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Some adjectives
 Sentences with the verb to BE in affirmative.( present )
 Questions and short answers with the verb to BE _ Negative
( present )
 Writing 1 – Middle Exam
 Prepositions / There is / There are
 Rooms / Furniture / Describe your home
 Countable and uncountable nouns
 Some & anySpelling form of ING / Describing activities in present
 Simple present tense (affirmative form, negative / interrogative
 Past of the verb to BE (was / were)
 Presentation and exhibition of group works.
20. Develop social integration, 1. Know the organic functions of the human body  Physical condition.
generate a sense of personal related to motor activity.  General Warming.
identity and discipline through 2. It demonstrates your physical and reaction  Specific conditioning.
physical and sports practice. capacity, strength and endurance.  Motor qualities, Agility
3. Demonstrates and practices the technical-  Osseous system.
tactical fundamentals of volleyball, specific  Muscular system, Strength
warm-up, volleyball techniques  Joint.
4. Demonstrates and practices the basic and  flexibility
common fundamentals of the sport of  Circuit training.
basketball, tactical actions.  Pulse, Types of pulse
 Motor quality coordination.
 Form of pulse taking.
 Physical conditioning
 Knowledge and understanding of Athletics.
 Speed tests in athletics

P. - 40
Step 6: Organization of training experiences in real work situations .

Training experiences in real work situations.

Capacities 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be strengthened

1. You will recognize and correct aspects of your personal image that will give you security in your personal and professional development,
cultivating the values that will allow you to accept and practice the rules of etiquette and protocol for better development in society.
2. Write administrative documents of various kinds, with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into account the appropriate structure.
3. Write business documents of various kinds, with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into account the appropriate structure.
5. Transcribe documents accurately.
6. Transcribe documents with precision and speed.
7. Recognizes and operates the PC keyboard, using basic typing techniques.
8. Type various documents with precision and speed.
9. Manage the correspondence management system in the documentary process, according to needs in compliance with company policies
and standards.
Step 7: Definition of the minimum requirements.

Specialties of the teaching staff to teach the professional modules of the Executive Secretariat career.

P. - 41
Technical Professional in Executive Secretariat or equivalent
Administrative Assistance Secretary

Certified Public Accountant, Economist, Statistician and

Basic Capabilities of Module I
Graduates in Education with a specialty in Mathematics.

Graduate in Communication and Systems Engineer and/or

equivalent professional, English Teacher and/or Equivalent,
Capacities for Employability of Module I
Graduate in Education with a specialty in Physical Education,
Sport and Culture.


The minimum spaces and facilities required to provide the first module of the Executive Secretariat degree are:

Space required Area

01 Classroom 24 m2 minimum each 72 m2

01 Computing / Typing laboratory 40 m2

(*) Criteria for the Evaluation of DR Infrastructure Nº1109-2003

Step 8: Determination of the Didactic Unit


Units associated with competency Assist in the exchange of information, documentation and coordination of activities of the different areas of the company,
module No. 01: based on its policies and current regulations.
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
UD 1 1. Carry out the reception 1. Identify stages of a communicative  The communication

P. - 42
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
and transfer of process and the most common o Internal
communications in the alterations. o External
organization, according 2. Uses communication techniques and  Conflicts
to established procedures according to established  Editorial generalities
procedures. standards.  Structure of administrative documents
3. Communicate with the interlocutor,  Drafting administrative documents.
Company Secretary taking into account the tone of voice,  The Summons, the notice and the communication.
Communication clear and concise expression, rules of  The Certificate, certificate and credential.
courtesy, among others.  memorandum, request, memorial,
 The office, circular and the report.
 Business correspondence, the letter.
Minutes, contract, resolutions, curriculum vitae, statutes,
UD02 2. You will recognize and 1. Attendance at the work center properly  Personal and professional image
Image and Executive correct aspects of your uniformed.  Personal image, Personal etiquette
Label personal image that will 2. It clearly states the rules of etiquette  The first impression
give you security in used in social and work relations.  Generating influences with my image
your personal and 3. Apply the correct personal image  Executive behavior
professional according to the place and circumstance. - Body language
4. Use cutlery and glassware correctly. - Personal care
cultivating the values
that will allow you to  Soft skills as tools for professional success.
accept and practice the  Color in the professional image: psychological impact, color
rules of etiquette and symbology, personal color palette.
protocol for better  Psychological impact of color
development in society.  Color symbology
 Theory of the 4 seasons, Discover your colors
 Business etiquette and protocol
 Presentations, Self - presentation
 Presentation to third parties

P. - 43
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Business presentations
 Greeting, farewell, non-verbal communication
 Postures: standing, sitting, hand position
 Behavior, Table Service
 Style for using cutlery
 The glasses, the plate, the bread, the napkin
 The language of cutlery
 Behavior at business dinner
 My image in business
 The business card
 Correct use of cell phones and landlines
 Behavior at business dinner
 The perfect image for a job interview
 Postures and forms, How to express yourself
 Clothing (women and men)
 Tips for a photo that reflects your image
 Executive wardrobe, Principles of good dressing
 Accessories (women and men)
 Dress styles, Wardrobe backgrounds
 Executive Wardrobe Basics (Women's and Men's)
 Appropriate clothing: formal and business casual
 Women: suits, skirts, blouses, tights, shoes and handbags
 Man suit, shirts and ties
 Outfits and combinations ideal for work.
UD 03 3. Write administrative 1. Use the appropriate structure to prepare  Documents in public management
Administrative Writing documents of various management documents according to the  procedure for the preparation and use of written
I kinds, with clarity, needs of the company communications in public management
precision and accuracy, 2. Check the quality of documents based on  modern spelling according to the new regulations of the
taking into account the the requirement

P. - 44
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
appropriate structure. 3. Demonstrate quality in writing Spanish Royal Academy
documents.  essential grammar; current regulations according to the RAE
 modern structured writing techniques
4. Write business 1. Use the appropriate structure to prepare  Reading comprehension techniques as a basis for work
documents of various management documents according to the writing.
kinds, with clarity, needs of the company  planning, structure and writing of administrative and
UD 04 Administrative precision and accuracy, 2. Check the quality of documents based on official written communications
Writing II taking into account the the requirement  Procedure for processing resolution acts in public entities.
appropriate structure. 3. Demonstrate quality in writing
5. Transcribe documents 1. Identify the general aspects,  Alphabet sounds:
accurately. characteristics of the transcription.  Sounds a, e, i, s, f, v, n, m, ñ, t, d, o, r, rr, l, s inverse, p, b.
2. Apply basic principles of transcription  Word formation.
with skill and increasing speed in your  Deletion of final “o”, vowel before final r, grammaticals and
YOU 05 dictation. derivatives.
Text transcription I 3. Perform oral dictations with established  Word writing. ch, j, u, k, g.
times.  Grammalogues and derivatives, sounds ye, direct and
inverse ll, sound x.
 Combinations: ea, ia, ai, ae, ei. and omission of vowels,
combination ie, beginnings hua, hue, hui, sua, sue, sui.
YOU 06 6. Transcribe documents 1. It uses basic principles of transcription,  Endings ante, ente, iente and derivatives.
Text transcription II with precision and grammatical combinations, endings  Grammalogues and derivatives, endings ando, endo, iendo
speed. assuming speed in dictations. and derivatives.
2. Transcribe texts on computers using  Transcription of paragraphs.
dictation with precision, accuracy and  Omission of vowels o, u, diphthong io, beginnings: con, com.
neatness.  Grammalogues and derivatives, fusions: dn, tn, dm, tm,
3. Submit transcribed documents in a timely endings ment, mento, miento, aron, eron, ieron.
manner  Endings tivo, ción, sion, xión, cial, aba and ble.
 Days, months, cities and countries.

P. - 45
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Grammalogues and nd,nt,eses fusions.
 Mergers mn, mñ, beginnings in, in, em, im.
 Grammalogues and derivatives, fusions td, dd, dt.
 Fusion rd, ld. Tulle, dur, tur combinations.
7. Recognizes and 1. Describes the universal keyboard and  Basic Concepts: Fingering, typing, typing;
operates the PC guide keys to begin the keyboard mastery  Keyboard Parts, Standard Keyboard Layout
keyboard, using basic process.  Correct placement of fingers on the keyboard Correct
typing techniques. 2. Position your body and hands correctly to posture
perform agile, flexible and rested work.  GUIDE KEYS
3. Use all fingers to type on the guide  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral.
YOU. 7 keyboard.  Guide keys: Use of guide keys, writing short sentences.
Basic Computerized 4. Recognize techniques for the beginning  Correct placement of the fingers on the guide keys.
Typing. and process of good touch fingering.  Ergonomics; concept and importance
5. Use all fingers to type on the keyboard.  DOMINANT KEYS
6. Create lessons by memorizing the  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
location of the keys according to the  Dominant keys: Using dominant keys. Combo key
proposed combinations. application.
 Phrase Writing: Writing phrases and sentences using
combination keys.
YOU 8 8. Type various 1. Type combinations, words, phrases,  LOWER KEYS
Intermediate documents with sentences, signs, numbers, progressively  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
Computerized Typing. precision and speed. until you master the keyboard.  Lower keys: Lower key typing.
2. Move your fingers fluidly across the  ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD
keyboard, considering their correct  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
placement on it.  Alphanumeric keyboard: combination keys.
3. Type all types of texts with precision and  RULES OF SPACING AND COMBINATION OF LETTERS
acceptable speed.  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
4. Prepare documents necessary to apply for  Spacing Rules: Applying Spacing Rules, Punctuation, and
a job, managing to attract the attention of

P. - 46
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
the interviewer. Capitalization
5. Prepare information that the company  THE ACCENT
requires assertively and promptly.  UPPER KEYS
6. Type proposed documents with pressure  Upper keys: Using numeric upper keys. Accuracy and writing
and speed, with minimal error. speed control.
9. Manage the 1. Manages documentary files, based on the  File Introduction
correspondence needs and requirements of the assigned  File types.
administration system area.  Rules for classification
in the documentary 2. Select and classify documentary  Fundamental principles in the archiving process.
process, according to information according to the needs and  Criteria for file organization.
the needs in policies of the company
YOU 9  Rules and procedure for filing correspondence
compliance with the
Administration and 3. Identify documents to be archived,  File systems
company's policies and
documentary process reviewing content, importance and  Furniture, tools and filing supplies.
accuracy.  File maintenance
4. Select the archiving process and  Safety rules
techniques to be used.  Control and conservation of correspondence.
 The archive in the globalized world
 Archive staff.
10.Provide service to the 1. Serves the public and/or staff based on  Courtesy rules.
internal and external information requirements and requested  Rules of courtesy applied for effective communication.
public, complying with interviews, in accordance with the  Protocol for customer service
the protocol procedures established by the company  Customer Support.
YOU 10 established by the and current regulations.  Customer needs
Quality of service and company and current 2. Recognizes the different types of internal  Typology of internal and external clients
customer service. regulations.
and external clients, resolving  Relationships.
contingencies according to the  Emotional intelligence.
circumstances and policies established by  The Client and the media
the company.  Image

P. - 47
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
11.Makes the control 1. Makes the control record of the  Document management
record of the documents received and issued, based on  Identification of archival documents
documents received the objectives and needs of the company.  document management
and issued, based on 2. Manages time in the transmission and  Computer technology and files
the objectives and dispatch of correspondence  management of the documentary process
needs of the company. 3. Follows up on documentary procedures,  Document processing system, standard that regulates the
in accordance with the procedures document processing system functional description of the
established by the company and current document processing system benefits requirements
YOU 11 regulations. implementation process of the document processing
File management
4. Apply the stages of the documentary system. models of documentary processing systems.
processing according to current company national archive system
policies  Formation of the national archives system classification of
archives regulation of the national archives system law of
transparency and access to information and archives
 Institutional file system
 Formation of an institutional file system evaluation for the
formation of peripheral files identification of file levels
12.Perform basic financial 1. Applies basic notions of the time value of  Basic Notions and Simple Interest.
calculations that the money and knowledge of interest to the  Compound interest
company has and solution of problematic situations in  Compound capitalization
interpret their results reality.  Compound capitalization v/s Simple capitalization
and optimize 2. Assesses the importance of applying  Economic factors and their use
resources based on compound interest in financial
YOU 12  Nominal and effective interest rates
Financial mathematics transactions and in the analysis of  Problems with Excel Discount
economic alternatives.  Rents and Depreciation
3. Apply knowledge about compound
interest and annuities in problematic
financial amortization situations and
evaluate the types of depreciation.

P. - 48
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
13.Manage secretarial 1. Record the main and auxiliary accounting  Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit,
activities inside and books, as well as petty cash control in accounting principles.
outside the accordance with accounting standards.  Procedures for registering funds for cash payments
YOU 13
organization,  Filling and recording main and auxiliary books.
General Accounting
according to
established standards
and procedures.
14.Collect, process, 1. Apply properties in basic mathematical  Statistical foundations:
analyze and interpret operations effectively  Data collection process:
information for 2. Understand statistical fundamentals in an  Sampling:
decision making. analytical way  Statistical method:
3. Understand data collection processes  Construction and graphs of frequency tables of qualitative
responsibly variables:
4. Identify sampling and statistical method  Construction and graphs of frequency tables of quantitative
effectively variables:
5. Build and graph frequency tables of  Position measurements for simple data:
qualitative variables accurately.  Measures of central tendency
YOU 14 6. Build and graph frequency tables of  Non-central position measurements
Applied Statistics quantitative variables accurately.  Correlation and regression:
7. Calculate and interpret the results of  Probability theory:
position measurements for simple data  Position Measurements for Grouped Data
analytically  Measures of central tendency:
 Non-central position measurements:
 Dispersion measures for simple data:
 Dispersion measures for grouped data:
 Shape measures (bias):
 Shape measurements (pointing):
 Concentration measurements:
1. Orally presents the contents of an  Characteristics of human language. System, norm and
UD 15 15.Understand and

P. - 49
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
expository text with coherence, fluidity speech.
manage the different
and order; responding in a relevant way  Differences between orality and writing.
levels of language.
Exhibit and produce and with a register appropriate to the  Writing: punctuation.
written and context.  Linguistic records: formal and informal language
audiovisual speeches 2. Write expository and argumentative texts  The text: differences between theme and idea.
with coherence and with coherence, cohesion and  Types of paragraphs: introduction, development and
propriety; To this end, correctness, with the support of the conclusion.
the student will be technological tools of the  Types of text: academic - scientific, literary, advertising and
able to correctly information and communication, journalistic.
Oral and written identify and use the autonomously and collaboratively.  The logical-semantic structure of the text.
expression Spanish regulations. 3. Analyzes and interprets various texts  Reading comprehension: metacognitive and cognitive
On the other hand, from their specialty based on a certain strategies.
you will recognize the theoretical framework.
structure and
 Content outline: analyzing, synthesizing, framing and
functioning of the
parallel. The exhibition
texts; Therefore, you
 Content schemes and reading comprehension.
will be able to produce
 Characteristics and steps for good writing.
texts in line with your
The writing: main vices
 Characteristics and steps for good writing
UD 16 16.Produce coherent, 1. Write paragraphs using the principles and  Oral expression
Interpretation and clear and appropriate rules of writing.  Comunication elements
Production of Texts. texts based on the 2. Use the appropriate structure of  Communication conflicts
reader, applying sentences and paragraphs in your  Conflict management
theoretical-practical preparation.  Telephone communication
content based on the 3. Presentation of paragraphs with style and
formulation of
functional hypotheses
4. Write paragraphs of administrative
and the application of
grammar in general. documents with principles and rules of
YOU 17 17.Use the computer, 1. Determines the operating process of the  The computer, General definitions, Data processing

P. - 50
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
recognize the resources (Hardware and Software)  Parts of the computer: hardware, software, Information unit,
hardware and 2. Select the important resources of the Types of software: Windows operating system: concepts and
software, as well as operating system graphical environment. information
the operating system 3. It proposes the optimization of processes the desktop: description of the environment, start menu
to organize and for a correct task according to work options, how to operate
manage files, needs.  The mouse: functions
Windows Office Word considering it as a
4. Manage the correct use of Internet  Windows Explorer, Creating folders and files, Windows
Basic and Internet . means of information
communications through the Outlook accessories to support tasks on the PC.
and communication,
seeking the program.  Description of Windows accessories (Notepad, Paint,
WordPad, character map, calculator)
 Definition of network and internet, Evolution of the internet.
Internet functionality, Browsers
 Basic internet tools
 Identify social networks in search of information in Spanish
and English.
18.Optimize resources 1. Learn about a new approach and style for  Word word processor
and prepare writing documents through new tools  Customize basic Microsoft Word options.
documents related to built into the word processor.  Create images using the designs
your work 2. Control the company's work activities  Use SmartArt to create organizational charts.
environment using a through the use of an electronic agenda.  Create documents using table and link formats
YOU 18
word processor and 3. Appropriately applies the PowerPoint
Windows Office Word  Create documents using WordArt
sharing them
Advanced. multimedia presentation editor to all  Editing the header and footer
your requirements for the development  Symbol group
of your business tasks.  Creation and reference tables
 Citations and bibliographies

YOU 19 19.You will clearly express 1. Establish appropriate terminologies for  Alphabet / Formal and informal Greetings and Farewells–
Application Language I and understand effective communication. Introduce people
concepts, ideas, 2. Interprets the information received in  Identify classroom objects – colors – Numbers cardinal &

P. - 51
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
feelings, facts and commercial transaction documents. ordinal
opinions orally and in 3. Use cutting-edge technology media and  Basic nouns (family – places –Jobs- objects) Singular and
writing to tools for better interpretation and plural
communicate and translation.  The article: definite and indefinite / Possessive adjectives.
interact with others in 4. Write commercial documentation  Talk about your days, months and seasons.
a foreign language. considering the established protocol.  Demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns /
Personal pronouns
 Some adjectives
 Sentences with the verb to BE in affirmative.( present )
 Questions and short answers with the verb to BE _ Negative (
present )
 Writing 1 – Middle Exam
 Prepositions / There is / There are
 Rooms / Furniture / Describe your home
 Countable and uncountable nouns
 Some & anySpelling form of ING / Describing activities in
present continuous
 Simple present tense (affirmative form)
 Simple present tense (negative / interrogative form)
 Past of the verb to BE (was / were)
 Presentation and exhibition of group work.
YOU. 20 20.Develop social 1. Know the organic functions of the human  Physical condition.
Culture and Physical integration, generate a body related to motor activity.  General Warming.
Activity sense of personal 2. It demonstrates your physical and  Specific conditioning.
identity and discipline reaction capacity, strength and  motor qualities
through physical and endurance.  Agility
sports practice. 3. Demonstrates and practices the  Osseous system.
technical-tactical fundamentals of  Muscular system.
volleyball, specific warm-up, volleyball  Force
techniques  Joint.

P. - 52
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
4. Demonstrates and practices the basic and  flexibility
common fundamentals of the sport of  Circuit training.
basketball, tactical actions.  Pulse, Types of pulse
 Motor quality coordination.
 Pulse taking form.
 Physical conditioning
 Knowledge and understanding of Athletics.
 Speed tests in athletics

Capacities 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be strengthened

Training experiences in 2. You will recognize and correct aspects of your personal image that will give you security in your personal and professional
real work situations
development, cultivating the values that will allow you to accept and practice the rules of etiquette and protocol for better
development in society.
3. Write administrative documents of various kinds, with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into account the appropriate
4. Write business documents of various kinds, with clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into account the appropriate structure.
5. Transcribe documents accurately.
6. Transcribe documents with precision and speed.
7. Recognizes and operates the PC keyboard, using basic typing techniques.
8. Type various documents with precision and speed.
9. Manage the correspondence management system in the documentary process, according to the needs in compliance with the

P. - 53
company's policies and standards.

P. - 54

COMPETENCE UNIT 1: Assist in the exchange of information, documentation and coordination of activities of the different areas of the company, based on its current
policies and regulations.
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
1. Carry out the 1. Identify stages of a  The communication
reception and communicative process o Internal
transfer of and the most common o External
communications in alterations.  Conflicts
the organization, 2. Uses communication  Editorial generalities
according to techniques and procedures  Structure of administrative documents UD 1
established according to established Professional in
 Drafting administrative documents. Communication
procedures. standards. 2 2 Executive
 The Summons, the notice and the communication. Company
3. Communicate with the Secretariat
 The Certificate, certificate and credential. Secretary
interlocutor, taking into  memorandum, request, memorial,
account the tone of voice,  The office, circular and the report.
clear and concise  Business correspondence, the letter.
expression, rules of Minutes, contract, resolutions, curriculum vitae,
courtesy, among others. statutes, agreements
2. You will recognize 1. Attendance at the work  Personal and professional image UD02 Image and 3 4 Professional in
and correct aspects center properly uniformed.  Personal image, Personal etiquette Executive Label Executive
of your personal 2. It clearly states the rules of  The first impression Secretariat
image that will give etiquette used in social and  Generating influences with my image
you security in your work relations.  Executive behavior
personal and 3. Apply the correct personal - Body language
image according to the - Personal care
place and circumstance.  Soft skills as tools for professional success.
cultivating the values
that will allow you to 4. Use cutlery and glassware  Color in the professional image: psychological
accept and practice correctly. impact, color symbology, personal color palette.

P. - 55
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
the rules of etiquette  Psychological impact of color
and protocol for  Color symbology
better development  Theory of the 4 seasons, Discover your colors
in society.  Business etiquette and protocol
 Presentations, Self - presentation
 Presentation to third parties
 Business presentations
 Greeting, farewell, non-verbal communication
 Postures: standing, sitting, hand position
 Behavior, Table Service
 Style for using cutlery
 The glasses, the plate, the bread, the napkin
 The language of cutlery
 Behavior at business dinner
 My image in business
 The business card
 Correct use of cell phones and landlines
 Behavior at business dinner
 The perfect image for a job interview
 Postures and forms, How to express yourself
 Clothing (women and men)
 Tips for a photo that reflects your image
 Executive wardrobe
 Principles of good dressing
 Accessories (women and men)
 Dress styles, Wardrobe backgrounds
 Executive Wardrobe Basics (Women's and Men's)

P. - 56
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
 Appropriate clothing: formal and business casual
 Women: suits, skirts, blouses, tights, shoes and
 Man suit, shirts and ties
 Outfits and combinations ideal for work.
3. Write administrative 1. Use the appropriate  Documents in public management
documents of various structure to prepare  procedure for the preparation and use of written
kinds, with clarity, management documents communications in public management
precision and according to the needs of Professional in
 modern spelling according to the new regulations
accuracy, taking into UD 03 Executive
the company of the Spanish Royal Academy
account the Administrative 3 4 Secretariat
2. Check the quality of  essential grammar; current regulations according to
appropriate Writing I and/or Lic. in
documents based on the the RAE
structure. administration
requirement  modern structured writing techniques
3. Demonstrate quality in
writing documents.
4. Write business 1. Use the appropriate  Reading comprehension techniques as a basis for
documents of various structure to prepare work writing.
kinds, with clarity, management documents  planning, structure and writing of administrative
precision and according to the needs of and official written communications Professional in
accuracy, taking into UD 04 Executive
the company  Procedure for processing resolution acts in public
account the Administrative 3 4 Secretariat
2. Check the quality of entities.
appropriate Writing II and/or Lic. in
documents based on the
structure. administration
3. Demonstrate quality in
writing documents.
5. Transcribe documents 1. Identify the general aspects,  Alphabet sounds: YOU 05 3 4 Professional in
accurately. characteristics of the  Sounds a, e, i, s, f, v, n, m, ñ, t, d, o, r, rr, l, s inverse, Text transcription Executive
transcription. p, b. I Secretariat

P. - 57
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
2. Apply basic principles of  Word formation.
transcription with skill and  Deletion of final “o”, vowel before final r,
increasing speed in your grammaticals and derivatives.
dictation.  Word writing. ch, j, u, k, g.
3. Perform oral dictations with  Grammalogues and derivatives, sounds ye, direct
established times. and inverse ll, sound x.
 Combinations: ea, ia, ai, ae, ei.
 Omission of vowels, combination ie, beginnings hua,
hue, hui, sua, sue, sui.
6. Transcribe documents 1. It uses basic principles of  Endings ante, ente, iente and derivatives.
with precision and transcription, grammatical  Grammalogues and derivatives, endings ando, endo,
speed. combinations, endings iendo and derivatives.
assuming speed in  Transcription of paragraphs.
dictations.  Omission of vowels o, u, diphthong io, beginnings:
2. Transcribe texts on con, com.
computers using dictation  Grammalogues and derivatives, fusions: dn, tn, dm, YOU 06 Professional in
with precision, accuracy and Text 4 3 Executive
tm, endings ment, mento, miento, aron, eron, ieron.
transcription II Secretariat
neatness.  Endings tivo, ción, sion, xión, cial, aba and ble.
3. Submit transcribed  Days, months, cities and countries.
documents in a timely  Grammalogues and nd,nt,eses fusions.
manner  Mergers mn, mñ, beginnings in, in, em, im.
 Grammalogues and derivatives, fusions td, dd, dt.
 Fusion rd, ld. Tulle, dur, tur combinations.
7. Recognizes and 1. Describes the universal  Basic Concepts: Fingering, typing, typing; YOU. 7 Basic 4 6 Professional in
operates the PC keyboard and guide keys to  Keyboard Parts, Standard Keyboard Layout Computerized Executive
keyboard, using basic begin the keyboard mastery  Correct placement of fingers on the keyboard Typing. Secretariat
typing techniques. process. Correct posture
2. Position your body and  GUIDE KEYS

P. - 58
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
hands correctly to perform  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral.
agile, flexible and rested  Guide keys: Use of guide keys, writing short
work. sentences.
3. Use all fingers to type on the  Correct placement of the fingers on the guide keys.
guide keyboard.  Ergonomics; concept and importance
4. Recognize techniques for the  DOMINANT KEYS
beginning and process of  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
good touch fingering.  Dominant keys: Using dominant keys. Combo key
5. Use all fingers to type on the application.
keyboard.  Phrase Writing: Writing phrases and sentences
6. Create lessons by using combination keys.
memorizing the location of
the keys according to the
proposed combinations.
8. Type various 1. Type combinations, words,  LOWER KEYS YOU 8 4 2 Professional in
documents with phrases, sentences, signs,  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral: Intermediate Executive
precision and speed. numbers, progressively until  Lower keys: Lower key typing. Computerized Secretariat
you master the keyboard.  ALPHANUMERIC KEYBOARD Fingering.
2. Move your fingers fluidly  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
across the keyboard,  Alphanumeric keyboard: combination keys.
placement on it.  Recognition of the keyboard as a PC peripheral:
3. Type all types of texts with  Spacing Rules: Applying Spacing Rules, Punctuation,
precision and acceptable and Capitalization
speed.  THE ACCENT
4. Prepare documents necessary  UPPER KEYS
to apply for a job, managing  Upper keys: Using numeric upper keys. Accuracy
to attract the attention of the and writing speed control.

P. - 59
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
5. Prepare information that the
company requires assertively
and promptly.
6. Type proposed documents
with pressure and speed,
with minimal error.
9. Manage the 1. Manages documentary files,  File Introduction
correspondence based on the needs and  File types.
management system in requirements of the assigned  Rules for classification
the documentary area.  Fundamental principles in the archiving process.
process, according to 2. Select and classify  Criteria for file organization. YOU 9
the needs in documentary information  Rules and procedure for filing correspondence Administration Professional in
compliance with the
according to the needs and  File systems and 3 3 Executive
company's policies and
policies of the company  Furniture, tools and filing supplies. documentary Secretariat
3. Identify documents to be  File maintenance process
archived, reviewing content,  Safety rules
importance and accuracy.  Control and conservation of correspondence.
4. Select the archiving process  The archive in the globalized world
and techniques to be used.  Archive staff.
10.Provide service to the 1. Serves the public and/or  Courtesy rules. YOU 10 Quality 2 2 Professional in
internal and external staff based on information  Rules of courtesy applied for effective of Service and Executive
public, complying with requirements and requested communication. customer Secretariat
the protocol interviews, in accordance  Protocol for customer service service.
established by the with the procedures  Customer Support.
company and current established by the company  Customer needs
and current regulations.  Typology of internal and external clients
2. Recognizes the different  Relationships.

P. - 60
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
types of internal and  Emotional intelligence.
external clients, resolving  The Client and the media
contingencies according to  Image
the circumstances and
policies established by the
11.Makes the control 1. Makes the control record of  Document management
record of the the documents received and  Identification of archival documents
documents received issued, based on the  document management
and issued, based on objectives and needs of the  Computer technology and files
the objectives and company.  management of the documentary process
needs of the company. 2. Manages time in the  Document processing system, standard that
transmission and dispatch of regulates the document processing system
correspondence functional description of the document processing
3. Follows up on documentary system benefits requirements implementation
procedures, in accordance Professional in
process of the document processing system. models YOU 11 File
with the procedures 3 2 Executive
of documentary processing systems. Management
established by the company  national archive system
and current regulations.  Formation of the national archives system
4. Apply the stages of the classification of archives regulation of the national
documentary processing archives system law of transparency and access to
according to current information and archives
company policies  Institutional file system
 Formation of an institutional file system evaluation
for the formation of peripheral files identification of
file levels
12.Perform basic financial 1. Applies basic notions of the  Basic Notions and Simple Interest. YOU 12 2 2 Certified Public
calculations that the time value of money and  Compound interest Financial Accountant,

P. - 61
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
company has and knowledge of interest to the  Compound capitalization
interpret their results solution of problematic  Compound capitalization v/s Simple capitalization
and optimize resources situations in reality.  Economic factors and their use
based on them. 2. Assesses the importance of  Nominal and effective interest rates
applying compound interest  Problems with Excel Discount
in financial transactions and  Rents and Depreciation
in the analysis of economic
alternatives. Mathematics
3. Apply knowledge about
compound interest and
annuities in problematic
financial amortization
situations and evaluate the
types of depreciation.

13. Manage secretarial 1. Record the main and  Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit,
activities inside and auxiliary accounting books, accounting principles.
outside the as well as petty cash control  Procedures for registering funds for cash payments Certified Public
YOU 13 General
organization, according in accordance with  Filling and recording main and auxiliary books. 2 2 Accountant.
to established accounting standards.
standards and
14. Collect, process, 1. Apply properties in basic  Statistical foundations: YOU 14 2 2 Lic. in Statistics /
analyze and interpret mathematical operations  Data collection process: Applied Lic. in Education
information for effectively  Sampling: Statistics with a specialty
decision making. 2. Understand statistical  Statistical method: in Mathematics.
fundamentals in an  Construction and graphs of frequency tables of
analytical way qualitative variables:
3. Understand data collection

P. - 62
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
processes responsibly  Construction and graphs of frequency tables of
4. Identify sampling and quantitative variables:
statistical method effectively
 Position measurements for simple data:
5. Build and graph frequency  Measures of central tendency
tables of qualitative  Non-central position measurements
variables accurately.  Correlation and regression and Probability theory
6. Build and graph frequency  Position Measurements for Grouped Data
tables of quantitative  Measures of central tendency and Measures of non-
variables accurately. central position
7. Calculate and interpret the  Dispersion measures for simple data:
results of position  Dispersion measures for grouped data:
measurements for simple  Shape measures (bias):
data analytically  Shape measurements (pointing):
 Concentration measurements:
COMPETENCES FOR EMPLOYABILITY INCORPORATED THROUGH DIDACTIC UNIT: (Indicate the competencies for employability chosen)
1. Orally presents the contents  Characteristics of human language. System, norm UD 15 Oral and 2 2 Lic. in Education
15. Understand and
of an expository text with and speech. Written or teacher with
manage the different
coherence, fluidity and  Differences between orality and writing. Expression a specialty in
levels of language.
order; responding in a  Writing: punctuation. Communication
Exhibit and produce
written and relevant way and with a  Linguistic records: formal and informal language
audiovisual speeches register appropriate to the  The text: differences between theme and idea.
with coherence and context.  Types of paragraphs: introduction, development and
propriety; To this end, 2. Write expository and conclusion.
the student will be argumentative texts with  Types of text: academic - scientific, literary,
able to correctly coherence, cohesion and advertising and journalistic.
identify and use the correctness, with the  The logical-semantic structure of the text.
Spanish regulations. support of information and  Reading comprehension: metacognitive and
On the other hand, communication cognitive strategies.

P. - 63
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
technological tools,
you will recognize the
autonomously and  Content outline: analyzing, synthesizing, framing and
structure and
collaboratively. parallel. The exhibition
functioning of the
3. Analyzes and interprets  Content schemes and reading comprehension.
texts; Therefore, you
various texts from their  Characteristics and steps for good writing.
will be able to produce
specialty based on a certain The writing: main vices
texts in line with your
theoretical framework.  Characteristics and steps for good writing
16. Produce coherent, 1. Write paragraphs using the  Oral expression UD 16
clear and appropriate principles and rules of  Comunication elements Interpretation
texts based on the writing.  Communication conflicts and Production
reader, applying 2. Use the appropriate  Conflict management of Texts.
theoretical-practical structure of sentences and  Telephone communication
content based on the paragraphs in your Lic. in Education
formulation of or teacher with
preparation. 2 2
functional hypotheses a specialty in
3. Presentation of paragraphs
and the application of Communication
grammar in general. with style and neatness.
4. Write paragraphs of
administrative documents
with principles and rules of
17. Use the computer, 1. Determines the operating  The computer YOU 17 2 3
recognize the process of the resources  General definitions Windows Office
hardware and (Hardware and Software)  Data processing Word Basic and
software, as well as 2. Select the important  Computer parts: hardware, software Internet .
the operating system resources of the operating  information unit
to organize and system graphical  Types of software: Windows operating system:
manage files,
environment. concepts and information
considering it as a
3. It proposes the optimization  the desktop: description of the environment, start
means of information

P. - 64
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
and communication, of processes for a correct menu options, how to operate
seeking the task according to work  The mouse: functions
needs.  Windows Explorer, Creating folders and files,
4. Manage the correct use of Windows accessories to support tasks on the PC.
Internet communications  Description of Windows accessories (Notepad, Paint,
through the Outlook WordPad, character map, calculator)
program.  Definition of network and internet, Evolution of the
internet. Internet functionality, Browsers
 Basic internet tools
 Identify social networks in search of information in
Spanish and English.
18. Optimize resources 1. Learn about a new approach  Word word processor
and prepare and style for writing  Customize basic Microsoft Word options.
documents related to documents through new  Create images using the designs
your work tools built into the word  Use SmartArt to create organizational charts.
environment using a processor.  Create documents using table and link formats
word processor and 2. Control the company's work  Create documents using WordArt YOU 18
sharing them
activities through the use of  Editing the header and footer Windows Office
electronically. 2 3
an electronic agenda.  Symbol group Word
3. Appropriately applies the  Creation and reference tables Advanced.
PowerPoint multimedia  Citations and bibliographies
presentation editor to all
your requirements for the
development of your
business tasks.
19.You will clearly express 1. Establish appropriate  Alphabet / Formal and informal Greetings and YOU 19 2 2
and understand terminologies for effective Farewells– Introduce people Application
concepts, ideas, communication.  Identify classroom objects – colors – Numbers Language I

P. - 65
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
feelings, facts and 2. Interprets the information cardinal & ordinal
opinions orally and in received in commercial  Basic nouns (family – places –Jobs- objects) Singular
writing to transaction documents. and plural
communicate and 3. Use cutting-edge technology  The article: definite and indefinite / Possessive
interact with others in media and tools for better adjectives.
a foreign language. interpretation and  Talk about your days, months and seasons.
translation.  Demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative
4. Write commercial pronouns / Personal pronouns
documentation considering  Some adjectives
the established protocol.  Sentences with the verb to BE in affirmative.( present
 Questions and short answers with the verb to BE _
Negative ( present )
 Writing 1 – Middle Exam
 Prepositions / There is / There are
 Rooms / Furniture / Describe your home
 Countable and uncountable nouns
 Some & anySpelling form of ING / Describing
activities in present continuous
 Simple present tense (affirmative form)
 Simple present tense (negative / interrogative form)
 Past of the verb to BE (was / were)
 Presentation and exhibition of group works.
20. Develop social 1. Know the organic functions  Physical condition. YOU. 20 Culture 1 2 Lic. in Education
integration, generate a of the human body related  General Warming. and Physical with a specialty
sense of personal to motor activity.  Specific conditioning. Activity in Physical
identity and discipline 2. It demonstrates your  motor qualities Education or
through physical and physical and reaction teacher of
 Agility
sports practice. capacity, strength and Physical
 Osseous system.
Education and

P. - 66
(Technical or specific) INICATORS S (TP YP)
endurance.  Muscular system.
3. Demonstrates and practices  Force
the technical-tactical  Joint.
fundamentals of volleyball,  flexibility
specific warm-up, volleyball  Circuit training.
techniques  Pulse, Types of pulse sports
4. Demonstrates and practices  Motor quality coordination.
the basic and common  Form of pulse taking.
fundamentals of the sport of  Physical conditioning
basketball, tactical actions.  Knowledge and understanding of Athletics.
 Speed tests in athletics


Capacities 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be strengthened  9 290
2. You will recognize and correct aspects of your personal  In this first module, training experiences will be carried out in real
image that will give you security in your personal and situations in companies and/or institutions with which the
professional development, cultivating the values that will
allow you to accept and practice the rules of etiquette and Institute has agreements, strengthening capacities 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8
protocol for better development in society. and 9.
3. Write administrative documents of various kinds, with  Verification of real experiences in the area through unexpected
clarity, precision and accuracy, taking into account the
appropriate structure. supervision by the academic area manager and/or professor
4. Write business documents of various kinds, with clarity, responsible for supervision.
precision and accuracy, taking into account the appropriate
 As a second option, the implementation of a service and/or
5. Transcribe documents accurately. productive business project is considered, which reinforces the
6. Transcribe documents with precision and speed.

P. - 67
7. Recognizes and operates the PC keyboard, using basic capabilities chosen in this module.
typing techniques.  This entire process is duly regulated by the regulations on
8. Type various documents with precision and speed.
9. Manage the correspondence management system in the Training Experiences in Real Work Situations.
documentary process, according to needs in compliance
with company policies and standards.


Teacher specialties to teach professional modules

Technical Professional in Executive Secretariat or equivalent
Administrative Assistance Secretary

Certified Public Accountant, Economist, Statistician and Graduates

Basic Capabilities of Module I
in Education with a specialty in Mathematics.

Graduate in Communication and Systems Engineer and/or

equivalent professional, English Teacher and/or Equivalent,
Capacities for Employability of Module I
Graduate in Education with a specialty in Physical Education, Sport
and Culture.


The minimum spaces and facilities required to provide the first module are...

P. - 68
Space required Area
01 Classroom 24 m2 minimum each 72 m2

01 Computing / Typing laboratory 40 m2


“Management of Secretarial Activities”

P. - 69
P. - 70
Step 2: Analysis of the Competence Unit for the definition of capabilities (According to the analysis of the Competence Unit and Basic


Competition unit No. 02: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
Manage secretarial activities 1. Recognize and differentiate commercial transaction 1. Prepare commercial documents according
inside and outside the documents to the business line
organization, according to 2. Know the characteristics of the documents used in 2. Know and apply the principles and
established standards and commercial and financial entities. standards of commercial writing.
procedures. 3. Know and prepare commercial documents using the
3. Understand and know the main tools of
appropriate format according to established standards.
individual and collective human
4. Know and apply the principles and standards of commercial
writing. performance for the best job performance,
5. Synthesize and use business terminology when writing as well as the importance of integrating
business documents. psychological aspects as a key factor in
6. Applies the techniques and rules of commercial writing understanding people and achieving success
appropriately. and achievement of organizational
7. Valuation yourself, building a solid personality through objectives.
your individual real profile. 4. Type various documents with speed,
8. Managing good self-control. precision and neatness by adding other
9. Relate assertively in the social environment, through your applications to the PC.
real group profile. 5. Plan and organize the office, according to
10. Performs the fingering of various information with
secretarial tasks with the support of
precision and speed, strengthening the techniques learned
with all ten fingers.
modern equipment, taking into account
11. Type paragraphs and sentences by touch with precision ergonomic conditions.
and within set deadlines. 6. 6. Apply marketing concepts to generate
12. Manages text formatting with precision, presenting a neat value in organizations, knowing the factors
document in the required times. that explain consumer behavior, as well as
13. Type documents applying tabulations, giving another functional strategies, as well as their
presentation to the requested information. application through practical exercises.

P. - 71
14. Develops and demonstrates neatness, finishes in standard 7. Plan and organize supervision activities for
times, according to the needs of the company. the correct execution of the operational
15. Applies administrative processes that govern the operation plan.
of an office. 8. Learn about the Divisions in Micro and
16. Uses organizational principles, methods and instruments
Macro Economy as the positive and
based on ergonomics.
normative nature of the economy, for the
17. Select the criteria to determine the requirements,
materials of an office. management of business management in
18. Differentiate, select and use the different types of its different management processes.
equipment for the distribution and optimal functioning of 9. Know the importance of Scientific
the organization. research, its purpose, classification and
19. Has the ability to analyze consumer behavior. characteristics accurately and Identify and
20. Develop personal marketing strategies. describe a problematic reality in your
21. Promotes the sale of the company's goods and services in environment with precision.
different markets. 10. Relevantly apply their knowledge of the
22. Apply marketing techniques and strategies to promote and linguistic register in our language and
disseminate the company's image. express themselves appropriately in
23. Prepare the situational diagnosis for administrative plans
gestural, symbolic, written or verbal form,
24. Use modern techniques in preparing business plans
25. Proposes objectives, goals and strategies consistent with
as well as construct texts of a commercial,
business objectives administrative and technological nature.
26. Prepare the company's organizational chart taking into 11. Carry out the registration and control of
account its company characteristics petty cash in accordance with accounting
27. Knows how to use analysis instruments and know how to standards.
make business decisions based on knowledge of 12. Analyzes and understands the legal
economics. procedures that regulate the organization,
28. Learn the strategies for business management and their constitution and administration of
implications for the application of the different concepts of productive units and/or services
economics. (businesses) with emphasis on current
29. Explains the concept of scientific research precisely.
regulations for microenterprises (Mypes)
30. Identify and express the functions of scientific research
31. Identify and Classify research appropriately about a reality
13. Analyze and evaluate the Vertical and
32. Develop a theoretical framework of the research according Horizontal Financial Statements that

P. - 72
to reality reflect the variation from period to period
33. Identify, describe and present the problem of your in order to know their degree of
environment with coherence profitability, liquidity and management.
34. Formulate the general objective and specific objectives
35. Use critical sense to construct sentences and express
yourself appropriately.
36. Systematizes information and applies the structure of
grammar with relevance to prepare documentation of an
executive nature.
37. Adapt the construction of texts easily according to current
labor demand
38. Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit,
accounting principles.
39. Procedures for registering funds for cash payments
40. Filling and recording main and auxiliary books
41. Learn practically the business concepts of establishing an
organization and legal support for a company.
42. Know and manage the production resource management
tools of a good for decision making.
43. Realize projected Cash Flow with certainty, establishing its
coherence as a management tool for decision making.

44. Applying the Methods of Analysis of Financial Statements

that allow developing and identifying the economic and
financial situation of the company
45. It uses Vertical and Horizontal Analysis Methods that
reflect the variation from period to period in order to know
its degree of profitability, liquidity and management. And
Their respective Recommendations and conclusions of each
of the States.
46. Appropriately use the criteria to evaluate an ecosystem
through verification instruments.
47. Adequately manages the criteria to define and identify

P. - 73
48. Know the interrelationships of human beings with other
living organisms.
49. Uses technical criteria for the rational use of natural
50. Initiates prevention measures against climate change at a
global level.

51. Formulates and develops a technological research project,

according to established guidelines.
52. Execute the research project within the established
53. Present and support a final report
54. Identify the basic elements of public speaking and
55. Learn different leadership and public speaking strategies.
56. Understand and apply leadership as a development tool in
the modern organization.
57. Identifies the operation of the program environment and
its main tools.
58. Operate and apply format options according to your needs.
59. Organize and distribute large volumes of data, using it
when required and in a graphical way.
60. Manage and apply functions that make it easier for you to
carry out your tasks quickly and with reliable results.
61. Know the spreadsheet environment
62. Manage the navigation panel
63. Optimize tasks resulting in faster results
64. Understand and express ideas, opinions, emotions and
feelings orally in English.
65. It includes varied texts of a certain complexity and length
related to current reality issues, expressed in a commonly
used language.

P. - 74
66. 3. Produces varied texts with adequacy, cohesion,
coherence and correctness on topics of personal and social
interest, taking into account their communicative purpose
and recipients.

P. - 75
Steps 3: Definition of employability competencies


Competition unit No. 02: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
Manage secretarial activities 1. Recognize and differentiate commercial transaction 1. Prepare commercial documents according
inside and outside the documents to the business line
organization, according to 2. Know the characteristics of the documents used in 2. Know and apply the principles and standards
established standards and commercial and financial entities. of commercial writing.
procedures. 3. Know and prepare commercial documents using the
3. Understand and know the main tools of
appropriate format according to established standards.
individual and collective human
4. Know and apply the principles and standards of commercial
writing. performance for the best job performance,
5. Synthesize and use business terminology when writing as well as the importance of integrating
business documents. psychological aspects as a key factor in
6. Applies the techniques and rules of commercial writing understanding people and achieving success
appropriately. and achievement of organizational
7. Valuation yourself, building a solid personality through objectives.
your individual real profile. 4. Type various documents with speed,
8. Managing good self-control. precision and neatness by adding other
9. Relate assertively in the social environment, through your applications to the PC.
real group profile. 5. Plan and organize the office, according to
10. Performs the fingering of various information with
secretarial tasks with the support of
precision and speed, strengthening the techniques learned
with all ten fingers.
modern equipment, taking into account
11. Type paragraphs and sentences by touch with precision ergonomic conditions.
and within set deadlines. 6. 6. Apply marketing concepts to generate
12. Manages text formatting with precision, presenting a neat value in organizations, knowing the factors
document in the required times. that explain consumer behavior, as well as
13. Type documents applying tabulations, giving another functional strategies, as well as their
presentation to the requested information. application through practical exercises.
14. Develops and demonstrates neatness, finishes in standard 7. Plan and organize supervision activities for
times, according to the needs of the company.

P. - 76
15. Applies administrative processes that govern the operation the correct execution of the operational
of an office. plan.
16. Uses organizational principles, methods and instruments 8. Learn about the Divisions in Micro and
based on ergonomics. Macro Economy as the positive and
17. Select the criteria to determine the requirements,
normative nature of the economy, for the
materials of an office.
management of business management in
18. Differentiate, select and use the different types of
equipment for the distribution and optimal functioning of its different management processes.
the organization. 9. Know the importance of Scientific
19. Has the ability to analyze consumer behavior. research, its purpose, classification and
20. Develop personal marketing strategies. characteristics accurately and Identify and
21. Promotes the sale of the company's goods and services in describe a problematic reality in your
different markets. environment with precision.
22. Apply marketing techniques and strategies to promote and 10. Relevantly apply their knowledge of the
disseminate the company's image. linguistic register in our language and
23. Prepare the situational diagnosis for administrative plans express themselves appropriately in
24. Use modern techniques in preparing business plans gestural, symbolic, written or verbal form,
25. Proposes objectives, goals and strategies consistent with
as well as construct texts of a commercial,
business objectives
26. Prepare the company's organizational chart taking into
administrative and technological nature.
account its company characteristics 11. Carry out the registration and control of
27. Knows how to use analysis instruments and know how to petty cash in accordance with accounting
make business decisions based on knowledge of standards.
economics. 12. Analyzes and understands the legal
28. Learn the strategies for business management and their procedures that regulate the organization,
implications for the application of the different concepts of constitution and administration of
economics. productive units and/or services
29. Explains the concept of scientific research precisely. (businesses) with emphasis on current
30. Identify and express the functions of scientific research regulations for microenterprises (Mypes)
31. Identify and Classify research appropriately about a reality
13. Analyze and evaluate the Vertical and
32. Develop a theoretical framework of the research according
to reality
Horizontal Financial Statements that
33. Identify, describe and present the problem of your reflect the variation from period to period

P. - 77
environment with coherence in order to know their degree of
34. Formulate the general objective and specific objectives profitability, liquidity and management.
35. Use critical sense to construct sentences and express 14. Identify the polluting factors that generate
yourself appropriately. the ecological imbalance of your
36. Systematizes information and applies the structure of
environment, according to the company's
grammar with relevance to prepare documentation of an
environmental impact study.
executive nature.
37. Adapt the construction of texts easily according to current 15. Prepare and execute the Technological
labor demand Research Project to solve a specific
38. Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit, problem by preparing its final report.
accounting principles. 16. Improvement of personality to be able to
39. Procedures for registering funds for cash payments clearly express one's thoughts and develop
40. Filling and recording main and auxiliary books one's own participation and leadership
41. Learn in a practical way the business concepts of scheme in the organization.
establishing the organization and legal support of a 17. Organize, apply and record data, using the
company. necessary Microsoft office tools.
42. Know and manage the production resource management 18. Know the Microsoft Access environment
tools of a good for decision making.
adequately to organize the stored
43. Realize projected Cash Flow with certainty, establishing its
coherence as a management tool for decision making.
information and develop structures
44. Applying the Methods of Analysis of Financial Statements (forms), report tables according to the
that allow developing and identifying the economic and user's needs.
financial situation of the company 19. 6. Meet current academic demands;
45. It uses Vertical and Horizontal Analysis Methods that function efficiently in various life situations
reflect the variation from period to period in order to know when coming into contact with people -
its degree of profitability, liquidity and management. And who speak English - from other social and
Their respective Recommendations and conclusions of each cultural environments, as well as to
of the States. navigate work in different contexts.
46. Appropriately use the criteria to evaluate an ecosystem
through verification instruments.
47. Adequately manages the criteria to define and identify
48. Know the interrelationships of human beings with other

P. - 78
living organisms.
49. Uses technical criteria for the rational use of natural
50. Initiates prevention measures against climate change at a
global level.
51. Formulates and develops a technological research project,
according to established guidelines.
52. Execute the research project within the established
53. Present and support a final report
54. Identify the basic elements of public speaking and
55. Learn different leadership and public speaking strategies.
56. Understand and apply leadership as a development tool in
the modern organization.
57. Identifies the operation of the program environment and
its main tools.
58. Operate and apply format options according to your needs.
59. Organize and distribute large volumes of data, using it
when required and in a graphical way.
60. Manage and apply functions that make it easier for you to
carry out your tasks quickly and with reliable results.
61. Know the spreadsheet environment
62. Manage the navigation panel
63. Optimize tasks resulting in faster results
64. Understand and express ideas, opinions, emotions and
feelings orally in English.
65. It includes varied texts of a certain complexity and length
related to current reality issues, expressed in a commonly
used language.
66. Produces varied texts with adequacy, cohesion, coherence
and correctness on topics of personal and social interest,
taking into account their communicative purpose and

P. - 79

P. - 80
Step 4: Achievement Indicators are defined for each capacity


Manage secretarial activities inside and outside the organization, according to established
Units associated with competency module No. 02:
standards and procedures.
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
1. Prepare commercial documents according to 1. Recognize and differentiate commercial transaction documents
the business line 2. Know the characteristics of the documents used in commercial and financial entities.
3. Know and prepare commercial documents using the appropriate format according to established
2. Know and apply the principles and standards 1. Know and apply the principles and standards of commercial writing.
of commercial writing. 2. Synthesize and use business terminology when writing business documents.
3. Applies the techniques and rules of commercial writing appropriately.
3. Understand and know the main tools of 1. Valuation yourself, building a solid personality through your individual real profile.
individual and collective human performance 2. Management of good self-control.
for the best job performance, as well as the 3. Relate assertively in the social environment, through your real group profile.
importance of integrating psychological
aspects as a key factor in understanding
people and achieving success and
achievement of organizational objectives.
4. Type various documents with speed, 1. Performs the fingering of various information with precision and speed, strengthening the techniques
precision and neatness by adding other learned with all ten fingers.
applications to the PC. 2. Type paragraphs and sentences by touch with precision and within set deadlines.
3. Manages text formatting with precision, presenting a neat document in the required times.
4. Type documents applying tabulations, giving another presentation to the requested information.
5. Develops and demonstrates neatness, finishes in standard times, according to the needs of the

P. - 81
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
5. Plan and organize the office, according to 1. Applies administrative processes that govern the operation of an office.
secretarial tasks with the support of modern 2. Uses organizational principles, methods and instruments based on ergonomics.
equipment, taking into account ergonomic 3. Select the criteria to determine the requirements, materials of an office.
conditions. 4. Differentiate, select and use the different types of equipment for the distribution and optimal
functioning of the organization.
6. Apply marketing concepts to generate value 1. Has the ability to analyze consumer behavior.
in organizations, knowing the factors that 2. Develop personal marketing strategies.
explain consumer behavior, as well as 3. Promotes the sale of the company's goods and services in different markets.
functional strategies, as well as their 4. Apply marketing techniques and strategies to promote and disseminate the company's image.
application through practical exercises.
7. Plan and organize supervision activities for 1. Prepare the situational diagnosis for administrative plans
the correct execution of the operational plan. 2. Use modern techniques in preparing business plans
3. Proposes objectives, goals and strategies consistent with business objectives
4. Prepare the company's organizational chart taking into account its company characteristics
8. Learn about the Divisions in Micro and Macro 1. Knows how to use analysis instruments and know how to make business decisions based on
Economy as the positive and normative knowledge of economics.
nature of the economy, for the management
of business management in its different 2. Learn the strategies for business management and their implications for the application of the
management processes. different concepts of economics.
9. Know the importance of Scientific research, 1. Explains the concept of scientific research precisely.
its purpose, classification and characteristics 2. Identify and express the functions of scientific research
accurately and Identify and describe a 3. Identify and Classify research appropriately about a reality
problematic reality in your environment with 4. Develop a theoretical framework of the research according to reality
precision. 5. Identify, describe and present the problem of your environment with coherence
6. Formulate the general objective and specific objectives
10.Relevantly apply their knowledge of the 1. Use critical sense to construct sentences and express yourself appropriately.
linguistic register in our language and express 2. Systematizes information and applies the structure of grammar with relevance to prepare
themselves appropriately in gestural, documentation of an executive nature.
symbolic, written or verbal form, as well as
3. Adapt the construction of texts easily according to current labor demand
construct texts of a commercial,
administrative and technological nature.

P. - 82
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
11.Carry out the registration and control of 1. Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit, accounting principles.
petty cash in accordance with accounting 2. Procedures for registering funds for cash payments
standards. 3. Filling and recording main and auxiliary books
12.Analyzes and understands the legal 1. Learn in a practical way the business concepts of establishing the organization and legal support of a
procedures that regulate the organization, company.
constitution and administration of productive 2. Know and manage the production resource management tools of a good for decision making.
units and/or services (businesses) with 3. Realize projected Cash Flow with certainty, establishing its coherence as a management tool for
emphasis on current regulations for decision making.
microenterprises (Mypes)
13.Analyze and evaluate the Vertical and 1. Applying the Methods of Analysis of Financial Statements that allow developing and identifying the
Horizontal Financial Statements that reflect economic and financial situation of the company
the variation from period to period in order 2. It uses Vertical and Horizontal Analysis Methods that reflect the variation from period to period in
to know their degree of profitability, liquidity order to know its degree of profitability, liquidity and management. And Their respective
and management. Recommendations and conclusions of each of the States.
14.Identify the polluting factors that generate 1. Appropriately use the criteria to evaluate an ecosystem through verification instruments.
the ecological imbalance of your 2. Adequately manages the criteria to define and identify populations.
environment, according to the company's 3. Know the interrelationships of human beings with other living organisms.
environmental impact study. 4. Uses technical criteria for the rational use of natural resources.
5. Initiates prevention measures against climate change at a global level.

15.Prepare and execute the Technological 1. Formulates and develops a technological research project, according to established guidelines.
Research Project to solve a specific problem 2. Execute the research project within the established deadline
by preparing its final report. 3. Present and support a final report
16.Improvement of personality to be able to 1. Identify the basic elements of public speaking and leadership.
clearly express one's thoughts and develop 2. Learn different leadership and public speaking strategies.
one's own participation and leadership 3. Understand and apply leadership as a development tool in the modern organization.
scheme in the organization.

P. - 83
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
17. Organize, apply and record data, using the 1. Identifies the operation of the program environment and its main tools.
necessary Microsoft office tools. 2. Operate and apply format options according to your needs.
3. Organize and distribute large volumes of data, using it when required and in a graphical way.
4. Manage and apply functions that make it easier for you to carry out your tasks quickly and with
reliable results.
18. Know the Microsoft Access environment 1. Know the spreadsheet environment
adequately to organize the stored 2. Manage the navigation panel
information and develop structures 3. Optimize tasks resulting in faster results
(forms), report tables according to the
user's needs.
19. Meet current academic demands; function 1. Understand and express ideas, opinions, emotions and feelings orally in English.
efficiently in various life situations when 2. It includes varied texts of a certain complexity and length related to current reality issues, expressed in
coming into contact with people - who speak a commonly used language.
English - from other social and cultural 3. Produces varied texts with adequacy, cohesion, coherence and correctness on topics of personal and
environments, as well as to navigate work in social interest, taking into account their communicative purpose and recipients.
different contexts.

P. - 84
Step 05: Definition of contents :


COMPETITION UNIT N° 02: Manage secretarial activities inside and outside the organization, according to established standards
and procedures.
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
1. Prepare commercial documents 1. Recognize and differentiate commercial transaction  Business documents
according to the business line documents  Relevant legal standards
2. Know the characteristics of the documents used in  Commercial Operations Documents
commercial and financial entities.  Legal norms that regulate the process of preparing commercial
3. Know and prepare commercial documents using the
appropriate format according to established

2. Know and apply the principles 1. Know and apply the principles and standards of  Introduction to trading operations
and standards of commercial commercial writing.  Writing, composition and style
writing. 2. Synthesize and use business terminology when  Business correspondence techniques
writing business documents.  Material and grammatical aspects of commercial writing
3. Applies the techniques and rules of commercial
 Classification of commercial operations
writing appropriately.
3. Understand and know the main 1. Valuation yourself, building a solid personality  Human Development: Real individual profile, Real Group profile.
tools of individual and collective through your individual real profile.  Personal Inhibitor, Social Inhibitor.
human performance for the best 2. Management of good self-control.  Personality, emotions
job performance, as well as the 3. Relate assertively in the social environment, through  Attitudes, Self-esteem, Thinking, Self-control
importance of integrating your real group profile.  Social skills
psychological aspects as a key  Strategic Planning and Leadership
factor in understanding people  Motivation
and achieving success and  Communication and relationships
achievement of organizational  Stress, emotional intelligence
objectives.  Assertiveness, persuasion
 Ethics and values

P. - 85
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
4. Type various documents with 1. Performs the fingering of various information with  Touch fingering.
speed, precision and neatness by precision and speed, strengthening the techniques  Management and application of fingerprint techniques.
adding other applications to the learned with all ten fingers.  Typing documents with skill and progressive speed.
PC. 2. Type paragraphs and sentences by touch with  Mechanisms for Tabulation. Speed control.
precision and within set deadlines.  Use of indentations. Speed control
3. Manages text formatting with precision, presenting  Production techniques with tables.
a neat document in the required times.  Horizontal and vertical centering techniques, application
4. Type documents applying tabulations, giving exercises.
another presentation to the requested information.  Practice writing paragraphs with modalities of services and
5. Develops and demonstrates neatness, finishes in tabulations.
standard times, according to the needs of the  Drafting administrative and business documents with accuracy
company. and speed.
5. Plan and organize the office, 1. Applies administrative processes that govern the  Principles and functions of organization
according to secretarial tasks operation of an office.  Functional structure
with the support of modern 2. Uses organizational principles, methods and  Planning and determining factors in office organization
equipment, taking into account instruments based on ergonomics.  Programming of activities or tasks.
ergonomic conditions. 3. Select the criteria to determine the requirements,  Organization methods and instruments
materials of an office.  Control of secretarial activities
4. Differentiate, select and use the different types of  Resource management, time
equipment for the distribution and optimal
functioning of the organization.
6. Apply marketing concepts to 1. Has the ability to analyze consumer behavior.  Marketing Overview
generate value in organizations, 2. Develop personal marketing strategies.  Philosophy of marketing management.
knowing the factors that explain 3. Promotes the sale of the company's goods and  Concept, evolution, market, macro and micro environment.
consumer behavior, as well as services in different markets.  Components of marketing.
functional strategies, as well as 4. Apply marketing techniques and strategies to  Classes and types of marketing.
their application through promote and disseminate the company's image.  Marketing guidance
practical exercises.  The organization's focus
 The company's approach
 SWOT Analysis
 PEST analysis.

P. - 86
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Marketing mix
 Product: Characteristics, classification, life cycle, strategies and
 Product decisions: brand decision (brand name, brand
sponsorship, brand strategy), packaging decisions and labeling
 Nature and characteristics of the services.
 Plaza: customer selection techniques, identification of
commercial networks.
 Price: strategies techniques
 Promotion and advertising: techniques and strategies
 Consumer purchasing behavior
7. Plan and organize supervision 1. Prepare the situational diagnosis for administrative  Generalities of the company: concept, characteristics, types.
activities for the correct plans  Introduction to administration.
execution of the operational 2. Use modern techniques in preparing business plans  History, principles, importance, functions and objectives of
plan. 3. Proposes objectives, goals and strategies consistent administration.
with business objectives  Classes of administrative systems.
4. Prepare the company's organizational chart taking  Companies and forms of organization.
into account its company characteristics  Organic structure.
 Organization chart: importance, objectives, layout, practical
application, classes
 Manuals: concept, purpose, types, contents, methods of
preparation, use and handling
 Organization analysis: function of organizational analysis,
analysis by questionnaires, analysis by graphic procedures.

8. Learn about the Divisions in 1. Knows how to use analysis instruments and know  Basic notions of economics
Micro and Macro Economy as the how to make business decisions based on  Micro and macroeconomic aspects
positive and normative nature of knowledge of economics.  Doctrines and economic schools
the economy, for the  Production factors of a system
management of business

P. - 87
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
management in its different 2. Learn the strategies for business management and  The GDP
management processes. their implications for the application of the different  Components of supply and demand
concepts of economics.  Importance of money in the economy
 How inflation and deflation work
 Structure and functions of the public sector
 General budget of the republic
 The market and globalization
 Application of economics in administration
 Formulation of strategic planning
 Diagnostic analysis
 Resource management and optimization tools

9. Know the importance of 1. Explains the concept of scientific research precisely.  Science: requirements and functions
Scientific research, its purpose, 2. Identify and express the functions of scientific  The investigation
classification and characteristics research  Scientific research
accurately and Identify and 3. Identify and Classify research appropriately about a  The problem
describe a problematic reality in reality  The hypothesis and variables
your environment with precision. 4. Develop a theoretical framework of the research  Theoretical framework
according to reality  The cientific method
5. Identify, describe and present the problem of your  The research method
environment with coherence  Population, Universe and Sample
6. Formulate the general objective and specific  Data collection
objectives  Data Analysis and Interpretation

10. Relevantly apply their knowledge 1. Use critical sense to construct sentences and  Reading techniques
of the linguistic register in our express yourself appropriately.  The adjective
language and express themselves 2. Systematizes information and applies the structure  The noun
appropriately in gestural, of grammar with relevance to prepare  Noun Accidents
symbolic, written or verbal form,  Prepositions
documentation of an executive nature.

P. - 88
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
as well as construct texts of a 3. Adapt the construction of texts easily according to  The verb and its conjugations
commercial, administrative and current labor demand  General marking
technological nature.  Lexicon mastery
 The text and its properties
 Diacritic Tiltation
 homograph words
 inference of word meanings from the known elements of the
 paronyms, homonyms, homophones and polysemy words.
 theory and application of words together and separately.
 Nominal agreement of articles the, the, the, etc.
 Lexical precision
11. Carry out the registration and 1. Introduction and concept of account, charge, credit,  Generally revised chart of accounts
control of petty cash in accounting principles.  accounting books
accordance with accounting 2. Procedures for registering funds for cash payments  Remuneration sheets and balance sheet
standards. 3. Filling and recording main and auxiliary books  Profit and loss
 Balance sheet
12. Analyzes and understands the 4. Learn in a practical way the business concepts of  Administrative processes
legal procedures that regulate establishing the organization and legal support of a  The organization, principles
the organization, constitution company.  Historical evolution of organizations
and administration of productive 5. Know and manage the production resource  Market analysis
units and/or services management tools of a good for decision making.
 Types of organization
(businesses) with emphasis on 6. Realize projected Cash Flow with certainty,
 Business plan, company constitution
establishing its coherence as a management tool for
current regulations for  Characteristics, objectives and types of companies.
decision making.
microenterprises (Mypes)  Natural and legal person
 Commercial companies
 Franchises, MYPES

13. Analyze and evaluate the Vertical 1. Applying the Methods of Analysis of Financial  Financial Statements Concepts
and Horizontal Financial Statements that allow developing and identifying  Trend Methods in the Balance Sheet Statement and the Profit

P. - 89
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
Statements that reflect the the economic and financial situation of the company and Loss Statement
variation from period to period in 2. It uses Vertical and Horizontal Analysis Methods  Horizontal Analysis Method in the Balance Sheet and the
order to know their degree of that reflect the variation from period to period in Statement of Lost Profits conclusions and recommendations
profitability, liquidity and order to know its degree of profitability, liquidity  Vertical Analysis Method in the Balance Sheet and the
management. and management. And Their respective Statement of Lost Profits conclusions and recommendations
Recommendations and conclusions of each of the  Financial reasons and their application.
States.  Structure of financial ratios and their application.
 Financial impact
 Liquidity ratios indicate if it is a subject of credit
 Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement and their Vertical
and Horizontal Analysis
14. Identify the polluting factors that 1. Appropriately use the criteria to evaluate an  ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS: Global
generate the ecological ecosystem through verification instruments.  Pollution of vital resources:
imbalance of your environment, 2. Adequately manages the criteria to define and  Atmospheric pollution: Greenhouse effect, climate change,
according to the company's identify populations. deglaciation, extensive ozone layer and its impact.
environmental impact study. 3. Know the interrelationships of human beings with  Water pollution: Classification of contaminants and wastewater
other living organisms. treatment.
4. Uses technical criteria for the rational use of natural  Soil pollution: Main pollutants, soil and their impact and their
resources. impact. Effect of environmental soil pollution.
5. Initiates prevention measures against climate
change at a global level.
15. Prepare and execute the 1. Formulates and develops a technological research  Introduction from idea to project document
Technological Research Project project, according to established guidelines.  What is a problem? unsatisfactory current situation.
to solve a specific problem by 2. Execute the research project within the established  Project: Types of Projects, Classification and Characteristics
preparing its final report. deadline  Phases and study of a project
3. Present and support a final report  The product: Features
 Product technical specifications
 Production program
 Description of the production process
 Process diagram
 Profitable environmental management

P. - 90
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Quality management
 Raw material requirement
 Machinery and equipment
 Technology
 Human resource requirement
 Dimensions and layout of the plant
 Preparation of the technological project (Private) according to
work scheme:
 Market study
 Economic study
 Project evaluation
 The patents

16. Improvement of personality to be 1. Identify the basic elements of public speaking and  Foundations and purposes of leadership
able to clearly express one's thoughts leadership.  Attention to a message.
and develop one's own participation 2. Learn different leadership and public speaking strategies.
 Physical, moral and intellectual qualities.
and leadership scheme in the 3. Understand and apply leadership as a development tool  The speech and the message
organization. in the modern organization.
 The speaker and the audience
 Individual speaking
 Group oratory
 Body expression
 Genres, division of oratory.
 Debate techniques
 Concept and principles of leadership
 The interpersonal relationships
 Characteristics of leaders
 Leadership functions
 Environment and leadership.
 Cultivated activities of leaders.

P. - 91
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Leadership techniques.
 Leadership in Peruvian organizations.

17. Organize, apply and record data, 1. Identifies the operation of the program  Components and operation of the spreadsheet menu bar and
using the necessary Microsoft environment and its main tools. toolbar.
office tools. 2. Operate and apply format options according to your  Operations with cells and cell blocks.
needs.  Administration and control of cells and cell blocks.
3. Organize and distribute large volumes of data, using  Math and string functions.
it when required and in a graphical way.  Search for information in a block of cells.
4. Manage and apply functions that make it easier for
you to carry out your tasks quickly and with reliable
18. Know the Microsoft Access 1. Know the spreadsheet environment  Basic Database Concepts:
environment adequately to 2. Manage the navigation panel  Objects of a database:
organize the stored information 3. Optimize tasks resulting in faster results  Database
and develop structures (forms),  Table Creation
report tables according to the  Using the Properties Tab:
user's needs.  Modification in the fields.
 Database applications:
 Queries, Reports, Forms
 Publisher – Menus and Functions
 Basic layouts in Pubisher

19. Meet current academic 1. Understand and express ideas, opinions, emotions  Review of the Verb To Be (present and Past)
demands; function efficiently in and feelings orally in English.  Review present progressive
various life situations when 2. It includes varied texts of a certain complexity and  Past Progressive.: Affirmative Negative
coming into contact with people length related to current reality issues, expressed in  Present Simple (He/she/It)
- who speak English - from other a commonly used language.  Regular and irregular verbs.
social and cultural environments, 3. Produces varied texts with adequacy, cohesion,  Rules for 3 rd singular person
as well as to navigate work in coherence and correctness on topics of personal  Affirmative and negative
different contexts. and social interest, taking into account their  Present Simple

P. - 92
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
communicative purpose and recipients.  Frequency Adverbs
 Past Simple: (regular and irregular verbs) Affirmative. Negative
and interrogative
 Present simple vs.
 Past simple
 Reading
 Translation of Texts
 Possessive Adjectives
 Possessive Pronouns
 Object Pronouns
 Listening activity and pronunciation
 Future time: Will (affirmative, negative and interrogative-short
 Future time : Going to (affirmative, negative and interrogative-
short answer)
 Differences between WILL and GOING
 Reading, Translation of texts.
 Writing activity
 Comparative Adjectives
 Superlative Adjectives
 Conversation
 Wh_ questions (What, Who, Where, When, whose, Why)
 Project: Exposition about a theme selected by the student

Step 6: Organization of training experiences in real work situations .

Training experiences in real work situations.

P. - 93
Capacities 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 will be strengthened
1. Prepare commercial documents according to the business line
2. Know and apply the principles and standards of commercial writing.
3. Understand and know the main tools of individual and collective human performance for the best job performance, as well as the
importance of integrating psychological aspects as a key factor in understanding people and achieving success and achievement of
organizational objectives.
4. Type various documents with speed, precision and neatness by adding other applications to the PC.
5. Plan and organize the office, according to secretarial tasks with the support of modern equipment, taking into account ergonomic

P. - 94
Step 7: Definition of the minimum requirements.

Teacher specialties to teach professional modules

Technical Professional in Executive Secretariat or equivalent
Administrative Assistance Secretary

Module II Basic Capabilities Certified Public Accountant, Economist.

Industrial Engineer, Graduate in Communication and Systems

Engineer and/or equivalent professional, English Teacher
Module II Employability Capacities
and/or Equivalent, Graduate in Education with a specialty in
Physical Education, Sport and Culture.


The minimum spaces and facilities required to provide the first module are:

Space required Area

01 Classroom 24 m2 minimum each 72 m2

01 Computing / Typing laboratory 40 m2

(*) Criteria for the Evaluation of DR Infrastructure Nº1109-2003

P. - 95
Step 8: Determination of the Didactic Unit


Units associated with competency Manage secretarial activities inside and outside the organization, according to established standards and
module No. 02: procedures.

Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents

1. Prepare commercial 1. Recognize and differentiate  Business documents
documents according to commercial transaction documents  Relevant legal standards
the business line 2. Know the characteristics of the  Commercial Operations Documents
documents used in commercial and  Legal norms that regulate the process of preparing
UD 1 financial entities.
Commercial Writing I commercial documents
3. Know and prepare commercial
documents using the appropriate
format according to established
2. Know and apply the 1. Know and apply the principles and  Introduction to trading operations
principles and standards of standards of commercial writing.  Writing, composition and style
commercial writing. 2. Synthesize and use business  Business correspondence techniques
UD 2
terminology when writing business  Material and grammatical aspects of commercial writing
Commercial Writing II
 Classification of commercial operations
3. Applies the techniques and rules of
commercial writing appropriately.
UD 3 3. Understand and know the 1. Valuation yourself, building a solid  Human development:
Personality Development main tools of individual personality through your individual  Individual real profile.
and collective human real profile.  Group real profile.
performance for the best 2. Managing good self-control.  Personal Inhibitor.
job performance, as well 3. Relate assertively in the social
 Social Inhibitor.
as the importance of environment, through your real  The personality
integrating psychological group profile.  The emotions

P. - 96
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
aspects as a key factor in  Attitudes, Self-esteem, Thought
understanding people and  Self-control, Social skills
achieving success and  Strategic planning and leadership
achievement of  Motivation, communication and relationships
organizational objectives.  Stress, emotional intelligence
 Assertiveness, persuasion
 Ethics and values
4. Type various documents 1. Performs the fingering of various  Touch fingering.
with speed, precision and information with precision and  Management and application of fingerprint techniques.
neatness by adding other speed, strengthening the techniques  Typing documents with skill and progressive speed.
applications to the PC. learned with all ten fingers.  Mechanisms for Tabulation. Speed control.
2. Type paragraphs and sentences by  Use of indentations. Speed control
touch with precision and within set  Production techniques with tables.
deadlines.  Horizontal and vertical centering techniques, application
UD 4 3. Manages text formatting with exercises.
Advanced Computerized precision, presenting a neat  Practice writing paragraphs with modalities of services
Typing document in the required times. and tabulations.
4. Type documents applying  Drafting administrative and business documents with
tabulations, giving another accuracy and speed.
presentation to the requested
5. Develops and demonstrates
neatness, finishes in standard times,
according to the needs of the
UD 4 5. Plan and organize the 1. Applies administrative processes  Principles and functions of organization
Office Organization and office, according to that govern the operation of an  Functional structure
Administration secretarial tasks with the office.  Planning and determining factors in office
support of modern 2. Uses organizational principles, organization
equipment, taking into methods and instruments based on  Programming of activities or tasks.
account ergonomic ergonomics.  Organization methods and instruments

P. - 97
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
conditions. 3. Select the criteria to determine the  Control of secretarial activities
requirements, materials of an office.  Resource management, time
4. Differentiate, select and use the
different types of equipment for the
distribution and optimal functioning
of the organization.
6. Apply marketing concepts 1. Has the ability to analyze consumer  Marketing Overview
to generate value in behavior.  Philosophy of marketing management.
organizations, knowing the 2. Develop personal marketing  Concept, evolution, market, macro and micro
factors that explain strategies. environment.
consumer behavior, as 3. Promotes the sale of the company's  Components of marketing.
well as functional goods and services in different  Classes and types of marketing.
markets.  Marketing guidance
strategies, as well as their
4. Apply marketing techniques and  The organization's focus
application through
strategies to promote and  The company's approach
practical exercises. disseminate the company's image.  SWOT Analysis
UD 6  PEST analysis.
Secretarial Marketing  Marketing mix
 Product: Characteristics, classification, life cycle,
strategies and policies.
 Product decisions: brand decision (brand name, brand
sponsorship, brand strategy), packaging decisions and
labeling decisions.
 Nature and characteristics of the services.
 Plaza: customer selection techniques, identification of
commercial networks.
 Price: strategies techniques
 Promotion and advertising: techniques and strategies
 Consumer purchasing behavior

UD 7 7. Plan and organize 1. Prepare the situational diagnosis for  Generalities of the company: concept, characteristics,

P. - 98
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
supervision activities for administrative plans types.
the correct execution of 2. Use modern techniques in preparing  Introduction to administration.
the operational plan. business plans  History, principles, importance, functions and objectives
3. Proposes objectives, goals and of administration.
strategies consistent with business  Classes of administrative systems.
objectives  Companies and forms of organization.
Administration in the 4. Prepare the company's  Organic structure.
Global Environment organizational chart taking into  Organization chart: importance, objectives, layout,
account its company characteristics practical application, classes
 Manuals: concept, purpose, types, contents, methods of
preparation, use and handling
 Organization analysis: function of organizational
analysis, analysis by questionnaires, analysis by graphic
8. Learn about the Divisions 1. Knows how to use analysis  Basic notions of economics
in Micro and Macro instruments and know how to make  Micro and macroeconomic aspects
Economy as the positive business decisions based on  Doctrines and economic schools
and normative nature of knowledge of economics.  Production factors of a system
the economy, for the 2. Learn the strategies for business  GDP, Components of supply and demand
management of business management and their implications
UD 8  Importance of money in the economy
management in its
Society and Economy in for the application of the different  How inflation and deflation work
different management
Globalization concepts of economics.  Structure and functions of the public sector
 General budget of the republic
 The market and globalization
 Application of economics in administration
 Formulation of strategic planning
 Diagnostic analysis
 Resource management and optimization tools
UD 9 9. Know the importance of 1. Explains the concept of scientific  Science: requirements and functions

P. - 99
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
Scientific research, its research precisely.  The investigation
purpose, classification and 2. Identify and express the functions of  Scientific research
characteristics accurately scientific research  The problem
and Identify and describe a 3. Identify and Classify research  The hypothesis and variables
problematic reality in your appropriately about a reality  Theoretical framework
Research foundations environment with 4. Develop a theoretical framework of  The cientific method
precision. the research according to reality  The research method
5. Identify, describe and present the  Population, Universe and Sample
problem of your environment with  Data collection
coherence  Data Analysis and Interpretation
6. Formulate the general objective and
specific objectives
10. Relevantly apply their 1. Use critical sense to construct  Reading techniques
knowledge of the linguistic sentences and express yourself  The adjective, The noun
register in our language appropriately.  Noun Accidents
and express themselves 2. Systematizes information and  Prepositions
appropriately in gestural,  The verb and its conjugations
applies the structure of grammar
symbolic, written or verbal  General pronunciation, Mastery of the lexicon
with relevance to prepare
form, as well as construct  The text and its properties
documentation of an executive  Diacritic Tiltation
UD 10 texts of a commercial,
Spelling and Grammar nature.  homograph words
administrative and
3. Adapt the construction of texts  inference of word meanings from the known elements
technological nature.
easily according to current labor of the sentence.
demand  paronyms, homonyms, homophones and polysemy
 theory and application of words together and
 Nominal agreement of articles the, the, the, etc.
 Lexical precision
UD 11 11. Carry out the registration 1. Introduction and concept of  Generally revised chart of accounts

P. - 100
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
and control of petty cash account, charge, credit, accounting  accounting books
in accordance with principles.  Remuneration sheets and balance sheet
accounting standards. 2. Procedures for registering funds for  Profit and loss
Business accounting cash payments  Balance sheet
3. Filling and recording main and
auxiliary books
12. Analyzes and understands 1. Learn in a practical way the business  Administrative processes
the legal procedures that concepts of establishing the  The organization, principles
regulate the organization, organization and legal support of a  Historical evolution of organizations
constitution and company.  Market analysis
administration of 2. Know and manage the production
 Types of organization
UD 12 productive units and/or resource management tools of a
 Business plan
Company Constitution good for decision making.
services (businesses) with  Company constitution
3. Realize projected Cash Flow with
emphasis on current  Characteristics, objectives and types of companies.
certainty, establishing its coherence
regulations for as a management tool for decision  Natural and legal person
microenterprises (Mypes) making.  Commercial companies
 The franchises
UD 13 13. Analyze and evaluate the 1. Applying the Methods of Analysis of  Financial Statements Concepts
Financial statement Vertical and Horizontal Financial Statements that allow  Trend Methods in the Balance Sheet Statement and the
analysis Financial Statements that developing and identifying the Profit and Loss Statement
reflect the variation from economic and financial situation of  Horizontal Analysis Method in the Balance Sheet and the
period to period in order the company Statement of Lost Profits conclusions and
to know their degree of 2. It uses Vertical and Horizontal recommendations
Analysis Methods that reflect the  Vertical Analysis Method in the Balance Sheet and the
profitability, liquidity and
variation from period to period in Statement of Lost Profits conclusions and
order to know its degree of recommendations
profitability, liquidity and  Financial reasons and their application.
management. And Their respective  Structure of financial ratios and their application.
Recommendations and conclusions of  Financial impact

P. - 101
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
each of the States.  Liquidity ratios indicate if it is a subject of credit
 Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement and their
Vertical and Horizontal Analysis
14. Identify the polluting 1. Appropriately use the criteria to  ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS: Global
factors that generate the evaluate an ecosystem through  Pollution of vital resources:
ecological imbalance of verification instruments.  Atmospheric pollution: Greenhouse effect, climate
your environment, 2. Adequately manages the criteria to change, deglaciation, extensive ozone layer and its
according to the define and identify populations. impact.
UD 14 company's environmental 3. Know the interrelationships of  Water pollution: Classification of contaminants and
Enviromental culture human beings with other living wastewater treatment.
impact study.
organisms.  Soil pollution: Main pollutants, soil and their impact and
4. Uses technical criteria for the their impact. Effect of environmental soil pollution.
rational use of natural resources.
5. Initiates prevention measures
against climate change at a global
UD 15 15. Prepare and execute the 1. Formulates and develops a  Introduction from idea to project document
Research projects and Technological Research technological research project,  What is a problem? unsatisfactory current situation.
Technological Innovation Project to solve a specific according to established guidelines.  Project: Types of Projects, Classification and
problem by preparing its 2. Execute the research project within Characteristics
final report. the established deadline  Phases and study of a project
3. Present and support a final report  The product: Features
 Product technical specifications
 Production program
 Description of the production process
 Process diagram
 Profitable environmental management
 Quality management
 Raw material requirement
 Machinery and equipment
 Technology

P. - 102
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Human resource requirement
 Dimensions and layout of the plant
 Preparation of the technological project (Private)
according to work scheme:
 Market study
 Economic study
 Project evaluation
 The patents
16. Improvement of personality 1. to 
Identify the basic elements of public Foundations and purposes of leadership
be able to clearly express one's speaking and leadership.  Attention to a message.
thoughts and develop one's 2. Learn different leadership and public
 Physical, moral and intellectual qualities.
own participation and speaking strategies.  The speech and the message
leadership scheme in 3.
the Understand and apply leadership as a
 The speaker and the audience
organization. development tool in the modern
 Individual speaking
 Group oratory
 Body expression
UD 16  Genres, division of oratory.
Personal and Professional  Debate techniques
Leadership  Concept and principles of leadership
 The interpersonal relationships
 Characteristics of leaders
 Leadership functions
 Environment and leadership.
 Cultivated activities of leaders.
 Leadership techniques.
 Leadership in Peruvian organizations.

UD 17 17. Organize, apply and record 1. Identifies the operation of the  Components and operation of the spreadsheet menu
data, using the necessary program environment and its main bar and toolbar.

P. - 103
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
Microsoft office tools. tools.  Operations with cells and cell blocks.
2. Operate and apply format options  Administration and control of cells and cell blocks.
according to your needs.  Math and string functions.
3. Organize and distribute large  Search for information in a block of cells.
Office Automation II volumes of data, using it when
Spreadsheets required and in a graphical way.
4. Manage and apply functions that
make it easier for you to carry out
your tasks quickly and with reliable
18. Know the Microsoft 4. Know the spreadsheet environment  Basic Database Concepts:
Access environment 5. Manage the navigation panel  Objects of a database:
adequately to organize 6. Optimize tasks resulting in faster  Database
UD 18 the stored information results  Table Creation
Office Automation III and develop structures  Using the Properties Tab:
Access - Publisher (forms), report tables  Modification in the fields.
according to the user's  Database applications:
needs.  Queries, Reports, Forms
 Publisher – Menus and Functions
 Basic layouts in Pubisher
UD 19 19. Meet current academic 1. Understand and express ideas,  Review of the Verb To Be (present and Past)
Application Language I demands; function opinions, emotions and feelings  Review present progressive
efficiently in various life orally in English.  Past Progressive.
situations when coming 2. It includes varied texts of a certain Affirmative
into contact with people - complexity and length related to Negative
who speak English - from current reality issues, expressed in a  Present Simple (He/she/It)
commonly used language.  Regular and irregular verbs.
other social and cultural
3. Produces varied texts with  Rules for 3 rd singular person
environments, as well as
adequacy, cohesion, coherence and  Affirmative and negative
to navigate work in
correctness on topics of personal  Present Simple
different contexts.
and social interest, taking into  Frequency Adverbs

P. - 104
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
account their communicative  Past Simple: (regular and irregular verbs) Affirmative.
purpose and recipients. Negative and interrogative
 Present simple vs.
 Past simple
 Reading
 Translation of Texts
 Possessive Adjectives
 Possessive Pronouns
 Object Pronouns
 Listening activity and pronunciation
 Future time: Will (affirmative, negative and
interrogative-short answer)
 Future time : Going to (affirmative, negative and
interrogative-short answer)
 Differences between WILL and GOING
 Reading
 Translation of texts.
 Writing activity
 Comparative Adjectives
 Superlative Adjectives
 Conversation
 Wh_ questions (What, Who, Where, When, whose,
 Project
 Exposition about a theme selected by the student

Training experiences in
real work situations Capacities 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 will be strengthened

P. - 105
1. Prepare commercial documents according to the business line
2. Know and apply the principles and standards of commercial writing.
3. Understand and know the main tools of individual and collective human performance for the best job performance, as well as
the importance of integrating psychological aspects as a key factor in understanding people and achieving success and
achievement of organizational objectives.
4. Type various documents with speed, precision and neatness by adding other applications to the PC.
5. Plan and organize the office, according to secretarial tasks with the support of modern equipment, taking into account
ergonomic conditions.

P. - 106

COMPETENCE UNIT N° 02: Manage secretarial activities inside and outside the organization, according to established standards and procedures
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
1. Prepare commercial 1.Recognize and differentiate  Business documents
documents according commercial transaction  Relevant legal standards Executive
to the business line documents  Commercial Operations Documents Secretary or
2.Know the characteristics of  Legal norms that regulate the process of preparing
UD 1 Lic. in
the documents used in commercial documents
commercial and financial Education
Commercial 3 4
entities. with a
Writing I specialty in
3.Know and prepare
commercial documents Communicatio
using the appropriate n
format according to
established standards.
2. Know and apply the 1.Know and apply the  Introduction to trading operations Executive
principles and principles and standards of  Writing, composition and style
Secretary or
standards of commercial writing.  Business correspondence techniques
UD 2 Lic. in
commercial writing. 2.Synthesize and use  Material and grammatical aspects of commercial
business terminology when Education
writing Commercial 3 4
writing business with a
 Classification of commercial operations Writing I – II specialty in
3.Applies the techniques and Communicatio
rules of commercial writing n
3. Understand and know 1.Valuation yourself, building  Human development: UD 3 2 2 Psychologist
the main tools of a solid personality through  Individual real profile. Personality
individual and collective your individual real profile.  Group real profile. Development
human performance for 2.Managing good self-control.  Personal Inhibitor.

P. - 107
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
the best job 3.Relate assertively in the  Social Inhibitor.
performance, as well as social environment, through  The personality
the importance of your real group profile.  The emotions
integrating  Attitudes
psychological aspects as  Self-esteem
a key factor in  Thought
understanding people  Self-control
and achieving success  Social skills
and achievement of  Strategic planning and leadership
organizational  motivation
objectives.  communication and relationships
 stress
 emotional intelligence
 assertiveness
 persuasion
 Ethics and values
4. Type various 1.Performs the fingering of  Touch fingering. UD 4 3 4 Executive
documents with speed, various information with  Management and application of fingerprint Advanced Secretary or
precision and neatness precision and speed, techniques. Computerized Equivalent
by adding other strengthening the  Typing documents with skill and progressive Typing Professional.
applications to the PC. techniques learned with all speed.
ten fingers.  Mechanisms for Tabulation. Speed control.
2.Type paragraphs and  Use of indentations. Speed control
sentences by touch with  Production techniques with tables.
precision and within set  Horizontal and vertical centering techniques,
deadlines. application exercises.
3.Manages text formatting  Practice writing paragraphs with modalities of
with precision, presenting a services and tabulations.
neat document in the  Drafting administrative and business documents
required times. with accuracy and speed.

P. - 108
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
4.Type documents applying
tabulations, giving another
presentation to the
requested information.
5.Develops and demonstrates
neatness, finishes in
standard times, according to
the needs of the company.
5. Plan and organize the 1.Applies administrative  Principles and functions of organization
office, according to processes that govern the  Functional structure
secretarial tasks with operation of an office.  Planning and determining factors in office
the support of modern 2.Uses organizational organization
equipment, taking into principles, methods and  Programming of activities or tasks.
account ergonomic instruments based on  Organization methods and instruments
conditions. ergonomics.  Control of secretarial activities UD 4
3.Select the criteria to  Resource management, time Office
Secretary or
determine the Organization and 2 3
requirements, materials of Administration
an office.
4.Differentiate, select and use
the different types of
equipment for the
distribution and optimal
functioning of the
6. Apply marketing 1.Has the ability to analyze  Marketing Overview UD 6 3 4 Lic. in
concepts to generate consumer behavior.  Philosophy of marketing management. Secretarial Marketing
value in organizations, 2.Develop personal marketing  Concept, evolution, market, macro and micro Marketing and/or
knowing the factors strategies. environment. Equivalent
that explain consumer 3.Promotes the sale of the  Components of marketing. Professional.
behavior, as well as company's goods and

P. - 109
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
functional strategies, as services in different  Classes and types of marketing.
well as their application markets.  Marketing guidance
through practical 4.Apply marketing techniques  The organization's focus
exercises. and strategies to promote  The company's approach
and disseminate the  SWOT Analysis
company's image.  PEST analysis.
 Marketing mix
 Product: Characteristics, classification, life cycle,
strategies and policies.
 Product decisions: brand decision (brand name,
brand sponsorship, brand strategy), packaging
decisions and labeling decisions.
 Nature and characteristics of the services.
 Plaza: customer selection techniques,
identification of commercial networks.
 Price: strategies techniques
 Promotion and advertising: techniques and
 Consumer purchasing behavior
7. Plan and organize 1.Prepare the situational  Generalities of the company: concept, UD 7 3 4 Bachelor of
supervision activities diagnosis for administrative characteristics, types. Administration Administratio
for the correct plans  Introduction to administration. in the Global n
execution of the 2.Use modern techniques in  History, principles, importance, functions and Environment
operational plan. preparing business plans objectives of administration.
3.Proposes objectives, goals  Classes of administrative systems.
and strategies consistent  Companies and forms of organization.
with business objectives  Organic structure.
4.Prepare the company's  Organization chart: importance, objectives,
organizational chart taking layout, practical application, classes
into account its company  Manuals: concept, purpose, types, contents,

P. - 110
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
characteristics methods of preparation, use and handling
 Organization analysis: function of organizational
analysis, analysis by questionnaires, analysis by
graphic procedures.
8. Learn about the 1.Knows how to use analysis  Basic notions of economics
Divisions in Micro and instruments and know how  Micro and macroeconomic aspects
Macro Economy as the to make business decisions  Doctrines and economic schools
positive and normative based on knowledge of  Production factors of a system
nature of the economy, economics.  GDP, Components of supply and demand UD 8
for the management of 2.Learn the strategies for  Importance of money in the economy Society and
business management business management and  How inflation and deflation work Economy in 3 3 Economist
in its different their implications for the  Structure and functions of the public sector Globalization
management application of the different  General budget of the republic
processes. concepts of economics.  The market and globalization
 Application of economics in administration
 Formulation of strategic planning
 Diagnostic analysis
 Resource management and optimization tools
9. Know the importance 1.Explains the concept of  Science: requirements and functions UD 9 2 2 Lic. in
of Scientific research, scientific research precisely.  The investigation Education
its purpose, 2.Identify and express the  Scientific research Research
with the
classification and functions of scientific  The problem foundations
characteristics research  The hypothesis and variables Degree.
accurately and Identify 3.Identify and Classify  Theoretical framework
and describe a research appropriately  The cientific method
problematic reality in about a reality  The research method
your environment with 4.Develop a theoretical  Population, Universe and Sample
precision. framework of the research  Data collection
according to reality  Data Analysis and Interpretation
5.Identify, describe and

P. - 111
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
present the problem of your
environment with
6.Formulate the general
objective and specific
10. Relevantly apply their 1.Use critical sense to  Reading techniques
knowledge of the construct sentences and  The adjective, The noun, Accidents of the noun
linguistic register in our express yourself  Prepositions, The verb and its conjugations
language and express appropriately.  General pronunciation, Mastery of the lexicon
themselves 2.Systematizes information Lic. Education
 The text and its properties, Diacritical marking
appropriately in and applies the structure of UD 10 or teacher in
 homograph words
gestural, symbolic, grammar with relevance to the specialty
 inference of word meanings from the known 1 2
written or verbal form, prepare documentation of Spelling and of
elements of the sentence.
as well as construct an executive nature. Grammar Communicatio
 paronyms, homonyms, homophones and
texts of a commercial, 3.Adapt the construction of polysemy words. n
administrative and texts easily according to  theory and application of words together and
technological nature. current labor demand separately.
 Nominal agreement of articles the, the, the, etc.
 Lexical precision
11. Carry out the 1.Introduction and concept of  Generally revised chart of accounts
registration and account, charge, credit,  accounting books
UD 11 Certified
control of petty cash accounting principles.  Remuneration sheets and balance sheet
in accordance with 2.Procedures for registering Business 3 4 Public
 Profit and loss
accounting standards. funds for cash payments  Balance sheet accounting Accountant
3.Filling and recording main
and auxiliary books
12. Analyzes and 4.Learn in a practical way the  Administrative processes UD 12 3 4 Business
understands the legal business concepts of  The organization, principles Company Administrator
procedures that establishing the organization  Historical evolution of organizations Constitution and/or Public

P. - 112
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
regulate the and legal support of a  Market analysis
organization, company.  Types of organization
constitution and 5.Know and manage the  Business plan
administration of production resource  Company constitution
productive units and/or management tools of a good  Characteristics, objectives and types of
services (businesses) for decision making. Accountant
with emphasis on 6.Realize projected Cash Flow  Natural and legal person
current regulations for with certainty, establishing  Commercial companies
microenterprises its coherence as a  The franchises
(Mypes) management tool for  MYPES
decision making.
13. Analyze and evaluate 1.Applying the Methods of  Financial Statements Concepts
the Vertical and Analysis of Financial  Trend Methods in the Balance Sheet Statement
Horizontal Financial Statements that allow and the Profit and Loss Statement
Statements that reflect developing and identifying  Horizontal Analysis Method in the Balance Sheet
the variation from the economic and financial and the Statement of Lost Profits conclusions and
period to period in situation of the company recommendations
order to know their 2.It uses Vertical and  Vertical Analysis Method in the Balance Sheet and UD 13
degree of profitability, Horizontal Analysis Methods the Statement of Lost Profits conclusions and Financial
liquidity and that reflect the variation .2 2 Public
recommendations statement
management. from period to period in  Financial reasons and their application. Accountant
order to know its degree of  Structure of financial ratios and their application.
profitability, liquidity and  Financial impact
management. And Their  Liquidity ratios indicate if it is a subject of credit
respective  Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement and
Recommendations and their Vertical and Horizontal Analysis
conclusions of each of the
14. Identify the polluting 1.Appropriately use the  ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS: Global UD 14 3 2 Environmenta
factors that generate criteria to evaluate an  Pollution of vital resources: Enviromental l engineer
the ecological ecosystem through

P. - 113
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
imbalance of your verification instruments.  Atmospheric pollution: Greenhouse effect, climate
environment, according 2.Adequately manages the change, deglaciation, extensive ozone layer and its
to the company's criteria to define and impact.
environmental impact identify populations.  Water pollution: Classification of contaminants
and/or Lic. In
study. 3.Know the interrelationships and wastewater treatment.
Education in
of human beings with other  Soil pollution: Main pollutants, soil and their
living organisms. culture the Specialty
impact and their impact. Effect of environmental
4.Uses technical criteria for soil pollution. of Science and
the rational use of natural Environment
5.Initiates prevention
measures against climate
change at a global level.
15. Prepare and execute 1.Formulates and develops a  Introduction from idea to project document UD 15 3 4 Eng.
the Technological technological research  What is a problem? unsatisfactory current Industrial,
Research Project to project, according to situation. Research
solve a specific problem established guidelines.  Project: Types of Projects, Classification and projects and
by preparing its final 2.Execute the research project Characteristics Technological
report. within the established  Phases and study of a project Innovation
deadline  The product: Features
3.Present and support a final  Product technical specifications
report  Production program
 Description of the production process
 Process diagram
 Profitable environmental management
 Quality management
 Raw material requirement
 Machinery and equipment
 Technology
 Human resource requirement

P. - 114
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
 Dimensions and layout of the plant
 Preparation of the technological project (Private)
according to work scheme:
 Market study
 Economic study
 Project evaluation
 The patents
16. Improvement of personality 1.Identify the basic elements of  Foundations and purposes of leadership
to be able to clearly expresspublic speaking and leadership.  Attention to a message.
one's thoughts and develop 2.Learn different leadership and  Physical, moral and intellectual qualities.
one's own participation andpublic speaking strategies.  The speech and the message
leadership scheme in the 3.Understand and apply leadership  The speaker and the audience
organization. as a development tool in the  Individual speaking
modern organization.  Group speaking, body language UD 16
 Genres, division of oratory.
Personal and 2 2 Lic. Education
 Debate techniques
 Concept and principles of leadership
 The interpersonal relationships
 Characteristics of leaders
 Leadership functions
 Environment and leadership.
 Cultivated activities of leaders.
 Leadership techniques.
 Leadership in Peruvian organizations.
17. Organize, apply and 1.Identifies the operation of  Components and operation of the spreadsheet UD 17 3 2 Eng. Dd
record data, using the the program environment menu bar and toolbar. Office Systems
necessary Microsoft and its main tools.  Operations with cells and cell blocks. Automation II and/p
office tools. 2.Operate and apply format  Administration and control of cells and cell blocks. Spreadsheets equivalent
options according to your  Math and string functions. professional
needs.  Search for information in a block of cells.

P. - 115
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
3.Organize and distribute
large volumes of data, using
it when required and in a
graphical way.
4.Manage and apply functions
that make it easier for you
to carry out your tasks
quickly and with reliable
18. Know the Microsoft 1.Know the spreadsheet  Basic Database Concepts:
Access environment environment  Objects of a database:
adequately to 2.Manage the navigation  Database UD 18
organize the stored panel Eng. Systems
 Table Creation Office and/or
information and 3.Optimize tasks resulting in  Using the Properties Tab: 3 2
Automation III equivalent
develop structures faster results  Modification in the fields.
(forms), report tables Access - professional
 Database applications:
according to the user's Publisher
 Queries, Reports, Forms
needs.  Publisher – Menus and Functions
 Basic layouts in Pubisher
19. Meet current academic 1.Understand and express  Review of the Verb To Be (present and Past) UD 19 2 3 Lic. In
demands; function ideas, opinions, emotions  Review present progressive Education in
efficiently in various life and feelings orally in English.  Past Progressive: Affirmative, Negative Application
the Specialty
situations when coming 2.It includes varied texts of a  Present Simple (He/she/It) Language I
of English or
into contact with certain complexity and  Regular and irregular verbs. Foreign
people - who speak length related to current  Rules for 3 rd singular person Language
English - from other reality issues, expressed in a  Affirmative and negative and/or
social and cultural commonly used language.  Present Simple Equivalent
environments, as well 3.Produces varied texts with  Frequency Adverbs
as to navigate work in adequacy, cohesion, professional.
 Past Simple: (regular and irregular verbs)
different contexts. coherence and correctness Affirmative. Negative and interrogative

P. - 116
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
on topics of personal and  Present simple vs.
social interest, taking into  Past simple, Reading
account their  Translation of Texts
communicative purpose and  Possessive Adjectives
recipients.  Possessive Pronouns
 Object Pronouns
 Listening activity and pronunciation
 Future time: Will (affirmative, negative and
interrogative-short answer)
 Future time : Going to (affirmative, negative and
interrogative-short answer)
 Differences between WILL and GOING
 Reading, Translation of texts, Writing activity
 Comparative Adjectives
 Superlative Adjectives
 Conversation: Who questions (What, Who,
Where, When, whose, Why)
 Project: Exposition about a theme selected by the


Capacities 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 will be strengthened 8 265
 In this first module, training experiences will be carried out in real situations in
1. Prepare commercial documents according to the
companies and/or institutions with which the Institute has agreements,
business line
strengthening capacities 1, 2, 3,4 and 5.
2. Know and apply the principles and standards of
 Verification of real experiences in the area through unexpected supervision by
commercial writing.

P. - 117
3. Understand and know the main tools of individual the academic area manager and/or professor responsible for supervision.
and collective human performance for the best job  As a second option, the implementation of a service and/or productive
performance, as well as the importance of business project is considered, which reinforces the capabilities chosen in this
integrating psychological aspects as a key factor in module.
understanding people and achieving success and  This entire process is duly regulated by the regulations on Training
achievement of organizational objectives. Experiences in Real Work Situations.
4. Type various documents with speed, precision and
neatness by adding other applications to the PC.
5. Plan and organize the office, according to secretarial
tasks with the support of modern equipment, taking
into account ergonomic conditions.


Teacher specialties to teach professional modules

Technical Professional in Executive Secretariat or equivalent
Administrative Assistance Secretary

Module II Basic Capabilities Certified Public Accountant, Economist.

P. - 118
Industrial Engineer, Graduate in Communication and Systems
Engineer and/or equivalent professional, English Teacher and/or
Module II Employability Capacities
Equivalent, Graduate in Education with a specialty in Physical
Education, Sport and Culture.


The minimum spaces and facilities required to provide the first module are...

Space required Area

01 Classroom 24 m2 minimum each 72 m2

01 Computing / Typing laboratory 40 m2

P. - 119

P. - 120
Step 2: Analysis of the Competence Unit for the definition of capabilities (According to the analysis of the Competence Unit and Basic


Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
Establish direction and 1. Produces creative texts for business documents. 1. Produce creative texts taking into account the
management assistance, 2. Write commercial and administrative documents according established grammatical and structural rules
according to the organization's to the established structure. 2. Know how to plan and implement direct
standards and procedures. 3. Present documents applying appropriate techniques and marketing, through the use of new information
strategies. and communication technologies in the
4. Know the main concepts and terms of telemarketing and organization.
advertising activity. 3. Identify, interpret, analyze and comprehensively
5. Apply telemarketing strategies in your healthcare work apply the elements of the Government and
6. Interprets and helps make your sale much easier using the Business Protocol in accordance with the
media via technical channels. professional demands of the labor field and our
7. Develop strategies to resolve contingencies in events. socio-cultural and economic reality.
8. Recognize basic concepts of Government and Business 4. Apply the factors that affect communication
Protocol. between organizations
9. Relate and organize each of the disciplines and activities that 5. Prepare commercial, business and
constitute the Protocol Ceremonies. administrative documents; applying the rules of
10. Apply the techniques and rules of protocol ceremonies to writing, through the use of technological means.
plan, organize and promote events, events and business 6. Efficiently carry out the management and
meetings procedures of Import and Export in accordance
11. Develop advertising strategies between organizations. with International treaties.
12. Values communication as an instrument of public relations. 7. Know the scope of psychology applied to the
13. Maintains favorable links between organizations in your understanding and study of the organization.
work environment. 8. Carry out projects with the use of information
14. Prepare various messages appropriately. technology.
15. Write the requested messages with complete clarity. 9. Carry out projects with the use of information
16. Write using technological means, according to the selected technology.
style. 10. Organize the acquisition of goods and services

P. - 121
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
17. Use of appropriate terminologies. based on established standards, considering
18. Use appropriate terminology in order to conduct business quality management techniques.
transactions. 11. Conceptualize the tools and theories of money
19. Identify the opportunities of globalization in your work. and banking in the national economy.
20. Values the importance of international treaties in the 12. Execute a project or plan to create a company.
development of the organization 13. Recognize, interpret and apply the legal
21. Learn about international negotiation strategies and manage framework that describes the rights and
INCOTERMS, international logistics and foreign trade obligations in labor relations, Identify and use
operations in Peru. the insertion and orientation procedures in the
22. Understand group behavior and its relationship with the labor market and employment possibilities.
dynamics of relationships within the organization. 14. Identify and use insertion and orientation
23. Defines the variables that intervene in the perception of the procedures in the labor market and employment
climate and formation of the culture in the organization. possibilities.
24. Analyze, discuss and find conclusions in groups about the 15. Learn about the computerized accounting
central themes of the subject. systems most used in companies. and
25. Become aware of the proper management of the main Understands the importance in companies of
concepts related to the updated database and the use of the
26. organizational behavior. modified general business chart of accounts, as
27. Value the company's social responsibility practices. well as the formats required by SUNAT.
28. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks 16. Determine Costs and Expenses in public and
29. Demonstrates innovation in project execution. private companies by projecting Costs,
30. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account Expenses, Financial Statements and Budgets
aspects that contribute to personal and business
31. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks
32. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.
33. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account
aspects that contribute to personal and business
34. Employs responsible distribution and stock control

P. - 122
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
35. Apply storage procedures correctly.
36. Applies the procedures established in the Integrated
Financial Administration System (SIAF) and Integrated State
Acquisitions and Contracting System (SIACE) with precision,
standards for the application of quality standards (ISO).
37. Implements the Quality Management System and its
established procedures.
38. Learn the history of money and banking
39. Classifies the banking and non-banking system
40. Analyzes the activity of commercial and investment banking
41. Researches topics in banking and finance in terms of origin,
evolution, evaluation and perspectives

42. Carry out the Market Study according to your business idea.
43. Prepare an investment and financing plan, according to your
business idea.
44. Evaluate the profitability of the project based on the market
45. Analyzes and interprets the causes of suspension and
termination of an employment relationship
46. Identifies, interprets and prepares a settlement of social
47. Differentiates, explains and values the relative benefits and
obligations of ESSALUD, AFP, SUNAT, ONP, ETC.
48. Identifies and analyzes labor supply and demand and relates
it to your professional profile
49. Describes and applies the procedures for selecting sources of
work in the labor market.
50. Present the basic concepts related to the duties and rights in
the secretarial career.
51. Develops the ethical and moral aspects of professional

P. - 123
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
activity, focusing on what the behavior of a secretary should
be like in both the social and work spheres.
52. Develops the concepts referring to organizations today, as
well as their role and responsibility in the context of the
country's socioeconomic development.
53. Know the environment and the main options of the proposed
widely used software.
54. Achieve identification of the main logical control elements
implemented in the widely used Accounting System.
55. Understand the sequential stages involved in the accounting
process through the use of the proposed Accounting
56. Defines and adequately differentiates what is Cost and
Expense, in addition to understanding its application in public
and private companies.
57. Uses and properly differentiates techniques and procedures
in the application of industrial costs.
58. Recognizes, analyzes and classifies the components of the
Budget, using it with judgment and organization.
59. Judiciously uses the Projected Financial Statements and the
break-even point appropriately to establish general
usefulness criteria in decision-making.
60. Develop advertising designs using basic, organization and
location tools
61. Develops advanced advertising designs, inserting texts in its
different modalities.
62. Carry out the respective treatment of photos and images,
making retouches and applying effects.
63. Classifies and processes data and terms clearly and
64. Develop writing techniques for understanding texts.

P. - 124
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
65. Interacts in personal and business communications.
66. Learn how the HTML language, Fireworks, Dreamweaver and
Flash programs work.
67. Edit and create backgrounds, buttons, banners, animations
and design local websites.
68. Create web pages with a professional finish by integrating
the applications for its development.
69. Establish appropriate terminologies for effective
70. Interprets the information received in commercial
transaction documents.
71. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools for better

P. - 125
Steps 3: Definition of employability competencies


Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
Establish direction and 1. Produces creative texts for business documents. 1. Produce creative texts taking into account the
management assistance, 2. Write commercial and administrative documents according established grammatical and structural rules
according to the organization's to the established structure. 2. Know how to plan and implement direct
standards and procedures. 3. Present documents applying appropriate techniques and marketing, through the use of new information
strategies. and communication technologies in the
4. Know the main concepts and terms of telemarketing and organization.
advertising activity. 3. Identify, interpret, analyze and comprehensively
5. Apply telemarketing strategies in your healthcare work apply the elements of the Government and
6. Interprets and helps make your sale much easier using the Business Protocol in accordance with the
media via technical channels. professional demands of the labor field and our
7. Develop strategies to resolve contingencies in events. socio-cultural and economic reality.
8. Recognize basic concepts of Government and Business 4. Apply the factors that affect communication
Protocol. between organizations
9. Relate and organize each of the disciplines and activities that 5. Prepare commercial, business and
constitute the Protocol Ceremonies. administrative documents; applying the rules of
10. Apply the techniques and rules of protocol ceremonies to writing, through the use of technological means.
plan, organize and promote events, events and business 6. Efficiently carry out the management and
meetings procedures of Import and Export in accordance
11. Develop advertising strategies between organizations. with International treaties.
12. Values communication as an instrument of public relations. 7. Know the scope of psychology applied to the
13. Maintains favorable links between organizations in your understanding and study of the organization.
work environment. 8. Carry out projects with the use of information
14. Prepare various messages appropriately. technology.
15. Write the requested messages with complete clarity. 9. Carry out projects with the use of information
16. Write using technological means, according to the selected technology.
style. 10. Organize the acquisition of goods and services
17. Use of appropriate terminologies. based on established standards, considering

P. - 126
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
18. Use appropriate terminology in order to conduct business quality management techniques.
transactions. 11. Conceptualize the tools and theories of money
19. Identify the opportunities of globalization in your work. and banking in the national economy.
20. Values the importance of international treaties in the 12. Execute a project or plan to create a company.
development of the organization 13. Recognize, interpret and apply the legal
21. Learn about international negotiation strategies and manage framework that describes the rights and
INCOTERMS, international logistics and foreign trade obligations in labor relations, Identify and use
operations in Peru. the insertion and orientation procedures in the
22. Understand group behavior and its relationship with the labor market and employment possibilities.
dynamics of relationships within the organization. 14. Identify and use insertion and orientation
23. Defines the variables that intervene in the perception of the procedures in the labor market and employment
climate and formation of the culture in the organization. possibilities.
24. Analyze, discuss and find conclusions in groups about the 15. Learn about the computerized accounting
central themes of the subject. systems most used in companies. and
25. Become aware of the proper management of the main Understands the importance in companies of
concepts related to the updated database and the use of the
26. organizational behavior. modified general business chart of accounts, as
27. Value the company's social responsibility practices. well as the formats required by SUNAT.
28. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks 16. Determine Costs and Expenses in public and
29. Demonstrates innovation in project execution. private companies by projecting Costs,
30. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account Expenses, Financial Statements and Budgets
aspects that contribute to personal and business 17. Develop creative and original graphic designs
development. and advertising posters, using appropriate and
31. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks current software tools, according to the needs
32. Demonstrates innovation in project execution. of the organization.
33. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account 18. Translate and write documents in a foreign
aspects that contribute to personal and business language applying linguistic and grammatical
development. analysis.
34. Employs responsible distribution and stock control 19. Use computer resources, taking into account
procedures. work needs in accordance with the demands of
35. Apply storage procedures correctly. our market.

P. - 127
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
36. Applies the procedures established in the Integrated 20. Apply appropriate terminologies for the
Financial Administration System (SIAF) and Integrated State interpretation and translation of documents in a
Acquisitions and Contracting System (SIACE) with precision, foreign language
standards for the application of quality standards (ISO).
37. Implements the Quality Management System and its
established procedures.
38. Learn the history of money and banking
39. Classifies the banking and non-banking system
40. Analyzes the activity of commercial and investment banking
41. Researches topics in banking and finance in terms of origin,
evolution, evaluation and perspectives

42. Carry out the Market Study according to your business idea.
43. Prepare an investment and financing plan, according to your
business idea.
44. Evaluate the profitability of the project based on the market
45. Analyzes and interprets the causes of suspension and
termination of an employment relationship
46. Identifies, interprets and prepares a settlement of social
47. Differentiates, explains and values the relative benefits and
obligations of ESSALUD, AFP, SUNAT, ONP, ETC.
48. Identifies and analyzes labor supply and demand and relates
it to your professional profile
49. Describes and applies the procedures for selecting sources of
work in the labor market.
50. Present the basic concepts related to the duties and rights in
the secretarial career.
51. Develops the ethical and moral aspects of professional
activity, focusing on what the behavior of a secretary should

P. - 128
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
be like in both the social and work spheres.
52. Develops the concepts referring to organizations today, as
well as their role and responsibility in the context of the
country's socioeconomic development.
53. Learn about the environment and the main options of the
proposed widely used software.
54. Achieve identification of the main elements of logical control
implemented in the widely used Accounting System.
55. Understand the sequential stages involved in the accounting
process through the use of the proposed Accounting
56. Defines and adequately differentiates what is Cost and
Expense, in addition to understanding its application in public
and private companies.
57. Uses and properly differentiates techniques and procedures
in the application of industrial costs.
58. Recognizes, analyzes and classifies the components of the
Budget, using it with judgment and organization.
59. Judiciously uses the Projected Financial Statements and the
break-even point appropriately to establish general
usefulness criteria in decision-making.
60. Develop advertising designs using basic, organization and
location tools
61. Develops advanced advertising designs, inserting texts in its
different modalities.
62. Carry out the respective treatment of photos and images,
making retouches and applying effects.
63. Classifies and processes data and terms clearly and
64. Develop writing techniques for understanding texts.
65. Interacts in personal and business communications.

P. - 129
Competition unit No. 03: Minimum achievement indicators Capabilities
66. Learn how the HTML language, Fireworks, Dreamweaver and
Flash programs work.
67. Edit and create backgrounds, buttons, banners, animations
and design local websites.
68. Create web pages with a professional finish by integrating
the applications for its development.
69. Establish appropriate terminologies for effective
70. Interprets the information received in commercial
transaction documents.
71. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools for better

P. - 130
Step 4: Achievement Indicators are defined for each capacity


Unit Associated with the competency module No. Establish direction and management assistance, according to the organization's standards and
procedures .
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
1. Produce creative texts taking into account the 1. Produces creative texts for business documents.
established grammatical and structural rules 2. Write commercial and administrative documents according to the established structure.
3. Present documents applying appropriate techniques and strategies.
2. Know how to plan and implement direct 1. Know the main concepts and terms of telemarketing and advertising activity.
marketing, through the use of new information 2. Apply telemarketing strategies in your healthcare work
and communication technologies in the 3. Interprets and helps make your sale much easier using the media via technical channels.
3. Identify, interpret, analyze and comprehensively 1. Develop strategies to resolve contingencies in events.
apply the elements of the Government and 2. Recognize basic concepts of Government and Business Protocol.
Business Protocol in accordance with the 3. Relate and organize each of the disciplines and activities that constitute the Protocol Ceremonies.
professional demands of the labor field and our 4. Apply the techniques and rules of protocol ceremonies to plan, organize and promote events, events and
socio-cultural and economic reality. business meetings
4. Apply the factors that affect communication 5. Develop advertising strategies between organizations.
between organizations 6. Values communication as an instrument of public relations.
7. Maintains favorable links between organizations in your work environment.
5. Prepare commercial, business and administrative 1. Prepare various messages appropriately.
documents; applying the rules of writing, 2. Write the requested messages with complete clarity.
through the use of technological means. 3. Write using technological means, according to the selected style.
4. Use of appropriate terminologies.
6. Efficiently carry out the management and 1. Use appropriate terminology in order to conduct business transactions.
procedures of Import and Export in accordance 2. Identify the opportunities of globalization in your work.
with International treaties. 3. Values the importance of international treaties in the development of the organization
4. Know international negotiation strategies and manage INCOTERMS, international logistics and foreign
trade operations in Peru.
7. Know the scope of psychology applied to the 1. Understand group behavior and its relationship with the dynamics of relationships within the organization.

P. - 131
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
understanding and study of the organization. 2. Defines the variables that intervene in the perception of the climate and formation of the culture in the
3. Analyze, discuss and find conclusions in groups about the central themes of the subject.
4. Become aware of the proper management of the main concepts related to
5. organizational behavior.
6. Value the company's social responsibility practices.
8. Carry out projects with the use of information 1. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks
technology. 2. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.
3. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account aspects that contribute to personal and business
9. Carry out projects with the use of information 1. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial tasks
technology. 2. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.
3. Prepare monographs and projects taking into account aspects that contribute to personal and business
10. Organize the acquisition of goods and services 1. Employs responsible distribution and stock control procedures.
based on established standards, considering 2. Apply storage procedures correctly.
quality management techniques. 3. Applies the procedures established in the Integrated Financial Administration System (SIAF) and
Integrated State Acquisitions and Contracting System (SIACE) with precision, standards for the application
of quality standards (ISO).
4. Implements the Quality Management System and its established procedures.
11. Conceptualize the tools and theories of money 1. Learn the history of money and banking
and banking in the national economy. 2. Classifies the banking and non-banking system
3. Analyzes the activity of commercial and investment banking
4. Researches topics in banking and finance in terms of origin, evolution, evaluation and perspectives
12. Execute a project or plan to create a company. 1. Carry out the Market Study according to your business idea.
2. Prepare an investment and financing plan, according to your business idea.
3. Evaluate the profitability of the project based on the market study.

13. Recognize, interpret and apply the legal 1. Analyzes and interprets the causes of suspension and termination of an employment relationship
framework that describes the rights and 2. Identifies, interprets and prepares a settlement of social benefits

P. - 132
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
obligations in labor relations, Identify and use 3. Differentiates, explains and values the relative benefits and obligations of ESSALUD, AFP, SUNAT, ONP,
the insertion and orientation procedures in the ETC.
labor market and employment possibilities. 4. Identifies and analyzes labor supply and demand and relates it to your professional profile
5. Describes and applies the procedures for selecting sources of work in the labor market.
14. Identify and use insertion and orientation 1. Present the basic concepts related to the duties and rights in the secretarial career.
procedures in the labor market and employment 2. Develops the ethical and moral aspects of professional activity, focusing on what the behavior of a
possibilities. secretary should be like in both the social and work spheres.
3. Develops the concepts referring to organizations today, as well as their role and responsibility in the
context of the country's socioeconomic development.
15. Learn about the computerized accounting 1. Learn about the environment and the main options of the proposed widely used software.
systems most used in companies. and 2. Achieve identification of the main logical control elements implemented in the widely used Accounting
Understands the importance in companies of the System.
updated database and the use of the modified 3. Understand the sequential stages involved in the accounting process through the use of the proposed
general business chart of accounts, as well as the Accounting Software.
formats required by SUNAT.
16. Determine Costs and Expenses in public and 1. Defines and adequately differentiates what is Cost and Expense, in addition to understanding its
private companies by projecting Costs, Expenses, application in public and private companies.
Financial Statements and Budgets 2. Uses and properly differentiates techniques and procedures in the application of industrial costs.
3. Recognizes, analyzes and classifies the components of the Budget, using it with judgment and
4. Judiciously uses the Projected Financial Statements and the break-even point appropriately to establish
general usefulness criteria in decision-making.
17. Develop creative and original graphic designs and 1. Develop advertising designs using basic, organization and location tools
advertising posters, using appropriate and 2. Develops advanced advertising designs, inserting texts in its different modalities.
current software tools, according to the needs of 3. Carry out the respective treatment of photos and images, making retouches and applying effects.
the organization.
18. Translate and write documents in a foreign 1. Classifies and processes data and terms clearly and accurately.
language applying linguistic and grammatical 2. Develop writing techniques for understanding texts.
analysis. 3. Interacts in personal and business communications.

19. Use computer resources, taking into account 1. Learn how the HTML language, Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash programs work.

P. - 133
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators
work needs in accordance with the demands of 2. Edit and create backgrounds, buttons, banners, animations and design local websites.
our market. 3. Create web pages with a professional finish by integrating the applications for its development.

20. Apply appropriate terminologies for the 1. Establish appropriate terminologies for effective communication.
interpretation and translation of documents in a 2. Interprets the information received in commercial transaction documents.
foreign language 3. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools for better interpretation.

P. - 134
Step 05: Definition of contents :


COMPETITION UNIT N° 03: Establish direction and management assistance, according to the organization's standards and
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
1. Produce creative texts taking into 1. Produces creative texts for business documents.  Types of documents used in a company.
account the established 2. Write commercial and administrative documents  Techniques for writing complex documents.
grammatical and structural rules according to the established structure.  Various projects
3. Present documents applying appropriate techniques  Drafting technical and legal documents.
and strategies.  The Receiver of Advertising. Demographic, geographic and
psychographic influences.
 The Advertising Campaign
 The advertising brief.
 The Creative Strategy
 Positioning and brand image.
 The concept and theme of the campaign, the slogan.
2. Know how to plan and 1. Know the main concepts and terms of telemarketing  General introduction to marketing and advertising
implement direct marketing, and advertising activity.  Establishment of Marketing Objectives and Advertising
through the use of new 2. Apply telemarketing strategies in your healthcare Objectives
information and communication work  Study and analysis of Marketing
technologies in the organization. 3. Interprets and helps make your sale much easier  The Advertising Communicative Process
using the media via technical channels.  New technologies and communication networks
 The internet and the intranet
 Electronic trading system
 The use of speed reading techniques
 Perception of the person who communicates by telephone
 Protocol, argument and argument reply
 Psychological strategies to persuade the client
 Call center/call service
 Advertising as a basic strategic tool
 The advertising message

P. - 135
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Application of a brief via telephone
 The use of merchandising in the advertising proposal
 Production structures of an advertising and marketing message
 The general importance of telemarketing and advertising in the
organization's sales
3. Identify, interpret, analyze and 1. Develop strategies to resolve contingencies in  Introduction to the Course and definition of the basic aspects of
comprehensively apply the events. the protocol and business activities.
elements of the Government and 2. Recognize basic concepts of Government and  Identification and development of the Theoretical Framework:
Business Protocol in accordance Business Protocol. Urbanity, Etiquette, Protocol, and Ceremonial.
with the professional demands of 3. Relate and organize each of the disciplines and  Study and description of the Government Protocol, its elements
the labor field and our socio- activities that constitute the Protocol Ceremonies. and disciplines
cultural and economic reality. 4. Apply the techniques and rules of protocol  Greetings and Introductions; description of its rules, categories,
ceremonies to plan, organize and promote events, conventional and protocol formulas.
events and business meetings  Title Description
 Precedence Description
 Types of events
 Classification, analysis and characteristics of events
 Travel agency organization.
 Planning an event
 Event production evaluation
 Protocol
 Dissemination of the event
 Evaluation before and during the event
 Execution and Evaluation of the post-event
4. Apply the factors that affect 1. Develop advertising strategies between  Public Relations definition, types.
communication between organizations.  Client or public. Typology. Characteristics.
organizations 2. Values communication as an instrument of public  Gruning on the company image.
relations.  Institutional image
3. Maintains favorable links between organizations in  Institutional climate
your work environment.  Organizational culture
 Corporate identity
 Disciplines and Organizational Techniques

P. - 136
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
Journalism, Advertising, Human Relations, Industrial Relations.
 Advertising, Lobbying, Sponsorship
 Advertising and dissemination
 Publicity and propaganda
 The role of the Secretary in PR
 Institutional Image or Corporate Image
 Techniques and Tools of Public Relations. (Press releases,
statements, circulars, institutional magazine, newsletter, press
 Social Responsibility in Organizations
 PR and Institutional Crisis, Action Plan
 Public and/or private Competitions and Events.
5. Prepare commercial, business 1. Prepare various messages appropriately.  Writing, grammar and spelling
and administrative documents; 2. Write the requested messages with complete  Structure and parts of a document.
applying the rules of writing, clarity.  The memorandum, official letter, request, notarial letter, power
through the use of technological 3. Write using technological means, according to the of attorney, circular, minutes, contracts and agreements and
means. selected style. summons
4. Use of appropriate terminologies.  The resolution, diffusion area, publication and models.
 The triptych, use, parts, structure and models.
 The invitation, use, structure and models.
 Envelopes, models.
 Envelope labeling
6. Efficiently carry out the 1. Use appropriate terminology in order to conduct  Globalization
management and procedures of business transactions.  e-commerce
Import and Export in accordance 2. Identify the opportunities of globalization in your  Globalization
with International treaties. work.  e-commerce
3. Values the importance of international treaties in  International deals
the development of the organization  Tariff Items
4. Learn about international negotiation strategies and  International document management
manage INCOTERMS, international logistics and  World Trade Organization (WTO)
foreign trade operations in Peru.  International deals

P. - 137
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Foreign trade service companies
 Importance of Incoterms in International Purchases and Sales.
 Tariff Items
 International document management
 Foreign trade service companies
7. Know the scope of psychology 1. Understand group behavior and its relationship with  Panoramic view of Organizational Psychology.
applied to the understanding and the dynamics of relationships within the  Evolution of the Study of Organizational Behavior.
study of the organization. organization.  Informal Organization and Human Relations Model.
2. Defines the variables that intervene in the  Organizational climate and culture
perception of the climate and formation of the  Motivation: Complexities for your Study and
culture in the organization. Comprehension.
3. Analyze, discuss and find conclusions in groups  Personality and work motivation.
about the central themes of the subject.  Teamwork and decision making workshop.
4. Become aware of the proper management of the  Ethics and social responsibility.
main concepts related to
5. organizational behavior.
6. Value the company's social responsibility practices.
8. Carry out projects with the use of 1. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial  Execution of various projects
information technology. tasks  Use of various application programs
2. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.
3. Prepare monographs and projects taking into
account aspects that contribute to personal and
business development.
9. Carry out projects with the use of 1. Apply the functions and characteristics of secretarial Computer Topics in Secretarial Management
information technology. tasks  Execution of various projects
2. Demonstrates innovation in project execution.  Use of various application programs
3. Prepare monographs and projects taking into
account aspects that contribute to personal and
business development.

10. Organize the acquisition of goods 5. Employs responsible distribution and stock control  Supply process.

P. - 138
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
and services based on procedures.  Factors that determine acquisitions.
established standards, 1. Apply storage procedures correctly.  Storage and distribution.
considering quality management 2. Applies the procedures established in the Integrated  Inventories. Stock. Material flow.
techniques. Financial Administration System (SIAF) and  Quality control
Integrated System of State Acquisitions and  Quality assurance standards
Contracting (SIACE) with precision, norms for the  Quality models
application of quality standards (ISO).  ISO standards
3. Implements the Quality Management System and its  Implementation of the QMS.
established procedures.  Quality Audits
11. Conceptualize the tools and 1. Learn the history of money and banking  Introduction and History of money and banking
theories of money and banking in 2. Classifies the banking and non-banking system  The financial system and structure
the national economy. 3. Analyzes the activity of commercial and investment  Financial intermediation
banking  Importance in the Peruvian economy
4. Researches topics in banking and finance in terms of  commercial banking
origin, evolution, evaluation and perspectives  Banking operations: active and passive
 The interest rate
 investment banking
 Current situation of banking in Peru
 Business financing
 microfinance
 The financial crises
Banking and finance regulation
12. Execute a project or plan to 1. Carry out the Market Study according to your  Business idea and potential demand
create a company. business idea.  Determination of potential demand and objectives
2. Prepare an investment and financing plan,  Sales Forecast and Price Study
according to your business idea.  Fixed Investment and Working Capital
3. Evaluate the profitability of the project based on  Investment planning
the market study.  Cost management
 Expenses and Calculation of Debt Structures
 Cost and income budget
 Breakeven

P. - 139
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Economic and financial cash flow
 Profit and loss statement
 Financial economic indicators.
 Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
 Study of the operation phase of the project
 Sensitivity Analysis and Sustainability Analysis
13. Recognize, interpret and apply 1. Analyzes and interprets the causes of suspension  Labor standards
the legal framework that and termination of an employment relationship  Kelsen Pyramid
describes the rights and 2. Identifies, interprets and prepares a settlement of  Duties and rights of the worker
obligations in labor relations, social benefits  The employment contract
Identify and use the insertion 3. Differentiates, explains and values the relative  Special regimes
and orientation procedures in benefits and obligations of ESSALUD, AFP, SUNAT,  Remuneration
the labor market and ONP, ETC.  Basic remuneration
employment possibilities. 4. Identifies and analyzes labor supply and demand  Minimum vital remuneration
and relates it to your professional profile  Working day, schedule and overtime work
5. Describes and applies the procedures for selecting  Rewards and CTS
sources of work in the labor market.  The labor market
 Personal marketing.
 Agreements
 Job search
 Entrepreneurship and profile of the entrepreneur.
 Job security
14. Identify and use insertion and 1. Present the basic concepts related to the duties and  Deontology, concept and importance
orientation procedures in the rights in the secretarial career.  The good; The good and bad
labor market and employment 2. Develops the ethical and moral aspects of  Justice
possibilities. professional activity, focusing on what the behavior  Ethics
of a secretary should be like in both the social and  The values
work spheres.  Business ethics and morals
3. Develops the concepts referring to organizations  Acts that violate the morale of a service
today, as well as their role and responsibility in the  Secretary's ethics
context of the country's socioeconomic development.  The professional secret

P. - 140
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Values, science and technology
 The camaraderie
15. Learn about the computerized 1. Learn about the environment and the main options  Integrated Accounting Information Systems in companies.
accounting systems most used in of the proposed widely used software.  Analyzes and understands knowledge requirements for the
companies. and Understands the 2. Achieve identification of the main logical control application of an accounting information system, with
importance in companies of the elements implemented in the widely used information technologies.
updated database and the use of Accounting System.  Accounting Books: Concept, Accounting and Tax aspect.
the modified general business 3. Understand the sequential stages involved in the Classification.
chart of accounts, as well as the accounting process through the use of the proposed  SISCONT / MASTERCONT accounting systems
formats required by SUNAT. Accounting Software.  Administrative accounting software I
 Administrative accounting software II
16. Determine Costs and Expenses in 1. Defines and adequately differentiates what is Cost  Costs: definition, classification and its application in tourism
public and private companies by and Expense, in addition to understanding its service companies.
projecting Costs, Expenses, application in public and private companies.  Industrial costs: definition, classification, Price, Cost and Expense.
Financial Statements and 2. Uses and properly differentiates techniques and  Budgets: types and classification of Budgets, Cash Budget,
Budgets procedures in the application of industrial costs. Production Budget, Purchase Budget and Sales Budget.
3. Recognizes, analyzes and classifies the components  Activity-Based Costing: new perspectives on Cost Accounting,
of the Budget, using it with judgment and Budgetary Control and the Break-Even Point.
4. Judiciously uses the Projected Financial Statements
and the break-even point appropriately to establish
general usefulness criteria in decision-making.

17. Develop creative and original 1. Develop advertising designs using basic,  CorelDraw
graphic designs and advertising organization and location tools  Introduction. Environment of panels and tools.
posters, using appropriate and 2. Develops advanced advertising designs, inserting  Basic shapes
current software tools, according texts in its different modalities.  Work with fill colors and outlines.
to the needs of the organization. 3. Carry out the respective treatment of photos and  photoshop
images, making retouches and applying effects.  Introduction and Interfaces: Environment, tool panels

P. - 141
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Use of layers.
 Image Adjustment
 Strokes and paint.
 Image retouching.
18. Translate and write documents in 1. Classifies and processes data and terms clearly and  Write invitations in English
a foreign language applying accurately.  Writing and style in English
linguistic and grammatical 2. Develop writing techniques for understanding texts.  Writing emails in English
analysis. 3. Interacts in personal and business communications.  The interference of Spanish in learning English
 Job interview in English
 Translation of foreign language documents
 Business meeting. Vocabulary
 Marketing Vocabulary
19. Use computer resources, taking 1. Learn how the HTML language, Fireworks,  Overview of the basic HTML language and applications for web
into account work needs in Dreamweaver and Flash programs work. development.
accordance with the demands of 2. Edit and create backgrounds, buttons, banners,  Insertion of HTML tags for font styles, size, color, alignment,
our market. animations and design local websites.  Creating personalized web backgrounds and applying them to
3. Create web pages with a professional finish by WEB pages.
integrating the applications for its development.  Create banner and Gif-type animations.
 Overview of software resources, and use of views and define a
local website.
 Insert named anchors and make links within a web page.
 Make pages linked to each other.
 Create and edit advertising films guided by the teacher.

20. Apply appropriate terminologies 1. Establish appropriate terminologies for effective  Things we do
for the interpretation and communication.  Everyday actions
translation of documents in a 2. Interprets the information received in commercial  Simple Present/verb to be
foreign language transaction documents.  Present Continuous.
3. Use cutting-edge technology media and tools for  Defining Relative Clauses
better interpretation.  Simple Past: Regular and Irregular verbs
 Past Continuous.

P. - 142
Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Questions with and without
 So, because, but, although
 Going to, Present Continuous
 Will/won't

Step 6: Organization of training experiences in real work situations .

Training experiences in real work situations.

Capacities 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,9,10, 12,13 and 14 will be strengthened
2. Know how to plan and implement direct marketing, through the use of new information and communication technologies in the organization.
3. Identify, interpret, analyze and comprehensively apply the elements of the Government and Business Protocol in accordance with the professional
demands of the labor field and our socio-cultural and economic reality.
4. Apply the factors that affect communication between organizations
5. Prepare commercial, business and administrative documents; applying the rules of writing, through the use of technological means.
7. Know the scope of psychology applied to the understanding and study of the organization.
8. Carry out projects with the use of information technology.
9. Carry out projects with the use of information technology.
10.Organize the acquisition of goods and services based on established standards, considering quality management techniques.
12.Execute a project or plan to create a company.
13.Recognize, interpret and apply the legal framework that describes the rights and obligations in labor relations, Identify and use the insertion and
orientation procedures in the labor market and employment possibilities.
14.Identify and use insertion and orientation procedures in the labor market and employment possibilities.
Step 7: Definition of the minimum requirements.

Teacher specialties to teach professional modules

P. - 143
Technical Professional in Executive Secretariat or equivalent
Administrative Assistance Secretary

Certified Public Accountant, Systems Engineer, Lic. in

Module III Basic Capabilities
marketing, Bachelor of Communication

Systems engineer and/or equivalent professional, English

Module III Employability Capacities
Teacher and/or Equivalent.


The minimum spaces and facilities required to provide the first module are:

Space required Area

01 Classroom 24 m2 minimum each 72 m 2

01 Computing / Typing laboratory 40 m 2

(*) Criteria for the Evaluation of DR Infrastructure Nº1109-2003

Step 8: Determination of the Didactic Unit


Unit Associated with the competency
Establish direction and management assistance, according to the organization's standards and procedures .
module No. 03:

P. - 144
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
1.Produce creative texts 1.Produces creative texts for business  Types of documents used in a company.
taking into account the documents.  Techniques for writing complex documents.
established grammatical and 2.Write commercial and administrative  Various projects
structural rules documents according to the  Drafting technical and legal documents.
established structure.  The Receiver of Advertising. Demographic, geographic
UD 1
3.Present documents applying and psychographic influences.
Writing workshop
appropriate techniques and  The Advertising Campaign
strategies.  The advertising brief.
 The Creative Strategy
 Positioning and brand image.
 The concept and theme of the campaign, the slogan.
UD 2 2.Know how to plan and 1.Know the main concepts and terms of  General introduction to marketing and advertising
Telemarketing and implement direct marketing, telemarketing and advertising activity.  Establishment of Marketing Objectives and Advertising
Advertising through the use of new 2.Apply telemarketing strategies in your Objectives
information and healthcare work  Study and analysis of Marketing
communication 3.Interprets and helps make your sale  The Advertising Communicative Process
technologies in the much easier using the media via  New technologies and communication networks
organization. technical channels.  The internet and the intranet
 Electronic trading system
 The use of speed reading techniques
 Perception of the person who communicates by
 Protocol, argument and argument reply
 Psychological strategies to persuade the client
 Call center/call service
 Advertising as a basic strategic tool
 The advertising message
 Application of a brief via telephone
 The use of merchandising in the advertising proposal
 Production structures of an advertising and marketing

P. - 145
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 The general importance of telemarketing and advertising
in the sales of the organization
3.Identify, interpret, analyze 1.Develop strategies to resolve  Introduction to the Course and definition of the basic
and comprehensively apply contingencies in events. aspects of the protocol and business activities.
the elements of the 2.Recognize basic concepts of  Identification and development of the Theoretical
Government and Business Government and Business Protocol. Framework: Urbanity, Etiquette, Protocol, and
Protocol in accordance with 3.Relate and organize each of the Ceremonial.
the professional demands of disciplines and activities that  Study and description of the Government Protocol, its
the labor field and our socio- constitute the Protocol Ceremonies. elements and disciplines
cultural and economic 4.Apply the techniques and rules of  Greetings and Introductions; description of its rules,
UD 3
reality. protocol ceremonies to plan, organize categories, conventional and protocol formulas.
Organization of events
and promote events, events and  Title Description
and protocol
business meetings  Precedence Description
 Types of events
 Classification, analysis and characteristics of events
 Travel agency organization.
 Planning an event, Evaluation of the production of the
event, Protocol, Dissemination of the event
 Evaluation before and during the event
 Execution and Evaluation of the post-event
UD 4 4.Apply the factors that affect 1.Develop advertising strategies  Public Relations definition, types.
Public relations communication between between organizations.  Client or public. Typology. Characteristics.
organizations 2.Values communication as an  Gruning on the company image.
instrument of public relations.  Institutional image
3. Maintains favorable links between  Institutional climate
organizations in your work  Organizational culture
environment.  Corporate identity
 Disciplines and Organizational Techniques
Journalism, Advertising, Human Relations, Industrial
 Advertising, Lobbying, Sponsorship

P. - 146
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Advertising and dissemination
 Publicity and propaganda
 The role of the Secretary in PR
 Institutional Image or Corporate Image
 Techniques and Tools of Public Relations. (Press releases,
statements, circulars, institutional magazine, newsletter,
press dossier)
 Social Responsibility in Organizations
 PR and Institutional Crisis, Action Plan
 Public and/or private Competitions and Events.
5.Prepare commercial, 1.Prepare various messages  Writing, grammar and spelling
business and administrative appropriately.  Structure and parts of a document.
documents; applying the 2.Write the requested messages with  The memorandum, official letter, request, notarial letter,
rules of writing, through the complete clarity. power of attorney, circular, minutes, contracts and
UD 5
use of technological means. 3.Write using technological means, agreements and summons
Computerized Writing and
according to the selected style.  The resolution, diffusion area, publication and models.
Editing Workshop
4.Use of appropriate terminologies.  The triptych, use, parts, structure and models.
 The invitation, use, structure and models.
 Envelopes, models.
 Envelope labeling
UD 6 6.Efficiently carry out the 1.Use appropriate terminology in order  Globalization
International Business management and to conduct business transactions.  e-commerce
procedures of Import and 2.Identify the opportunities of  Globalization
Export in accordance with globalization in your work.  e-commerce
International treaties. 3.Values the importance of  International deals
international treaties in the  Tariff Items
development of the organization  International document management
4.Learn about international negotiation  World Trade Organization (WTO)
strategies and manage INCOTERMS,  International deals
international logistics and foreign  Foreign trade service companies
trade operations in Peru.  Importance of Incoterms in International Purchases and

P. - 147
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
 Tariff Items
 International document management
 Foreign trade service companies
7.Know the scope of 1.Understand group behavior and its  Panoramic view of Organizational Psychology.
psychology applied to the relationship with the dynamics of  Evolution of the Study of Organizational Behavior.
understanding and study of relationships within the organization.  Informal Organization and Human Relations Model.
the organization. 2.Defines the variables that intervene in  Organizational climate and culture
the perception of the climate and  Motivation: Complexities for your Study and
formation of the culture in the Comprehension.
organization.  Personality and work motivation.
UD 7
3.Analyze, discuss and find conclusions  Teamwork and decision making workshop.
Work Psychology
in groups about the central themes of  Ethics and social responsibility.
the subject.
4.Become aware of the proper
management of the main concepts
related to organizational behavior.
5.Value the company's social
responsibility practices.
8. Handle necessary tools for 1.Apply the functions and  Basic concepts of business management
adequate business characteristics of secretarial tasks  The business organization and its environment Planning
management, relating 2.Demonstrates innovation in project processes
UD 8
theory and practice. execution.  Formulation of the company's strategic policy
Business Administration
3.Prepare monographs and projects  Relationships within the organization Communication
and Management
taking into account aspects that in the company.
contribute to personal and business  Conflict Management and Relationship of the manager
development. with the members of the organization
UD 9 9.Carry out projects with the 1.Apply the functions and Computer Topics in Secretarial Management
IT Management Topics use of information characteristics of secretarial tasks  Execution of various projects
technology. 2.Demonstrates innovation in project  Use of various application programs

P. - 148
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
3.Prepare monographs and projects
taking into account aspects that
contribute to personal and business
10.Organize the acquisition of 1.Employs responsible distribution and  Supply process.
goods and services based on stock control procedures.  Factors that condition acquisitions.
established standards, 2.Apply storage procedures correctly.  Storage and distribution.
considering quality 3.Applies the procedures established in  Inventories. Stock. Material flow.
management techniques. the Integrated Financial  Quality control
UD 10 Administration System (SIAF) and  Quality assurance standards
Logistics and Quality Integrated State Acquisitions and  Quality models
Management Contracting System (SIACE) with  ISO standards
precision, standards for the  Implementation of the QMS.
application of quality standards (ISO).  Quality Audits
4.Implements the Quality Management
System and its established
11.Conceptualize the tools and 1.Learn the history of money and  Introduction and History of money and banking
theories of money and banking  The financial system and structure
banking in the national 2.Classifies the banking and non-  Financial intermediation
economy. banking system  Importance in the Peruvian economy
3.Analyzes the activity of commercial  commercial banking
and investment banking  Banking operations: active and passive
UD 11
4.Researches topics in banking and  The interest rate
Banking and finances
finance in terms of origin, evolution,  investment banking
evaluation and perspectives  Current situation of banking in Peru
 Business financing
 microfinance
 The financial crises
 Banking and finance regulation
UD 12 12.Execute a project or plan to 1.Carry out the Market Study  Business idea and potential demand

P. - 149
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
create a company. according to your business idea.  Determination of potential demand and objectives
2.Prepare an investment and financing  Sales Forecast and Price Study
plan, according to your business  Fixed Investment and Working Capital
idea.  Investment planning
3.Evaluate the profitability of the  Cost management
project based on the market study.  Expenses and Calculation of Debt Structures
 Cost and income budget
Business project  Breakeven
 Economic and financial cash flow
 Profit and loss statement
 Financial economic indicators.
 Net Present Value (NPV)
 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
 Study of the operation phase of the project
 Sensitivity Analysis and Sustainability Analysis
13.Recognize, interpret and 1.Analyzes and interprets the causes of  Labor standards
apply the legal framework suspension and termination of an  Kelsen Pyramid
that describes the rights and employment relationship  Duties and rights of the worker
obligations in labor 2.Identifies, interprets and prepares a  The employment contract
relations, Identify and use settlement of social benefits  Special regimes
the insertion and 3.Differentiates, explains and values the  Remuneration
orientation procedures in relative benefits and obligations of  Basic remuneration
UD 13 the labor market and ESSALUD, AFP, SUNAT, ONP, ETC.  Minimum vital remuneration
Legislation and Labor employment possibilities. 4.Identifies and analyzes labor supply  Working day, schedule and overtime work
Insertion and demand and relates it to your  Rewards and CTS
professional profile  The labor market
5.Describes and applies the procedures  Personal marketing.
for selecting sources of work in the  Agreements
labor market.  Job search
 Entrepreneurship and profile of the entrepreneur.
 Job security

P. - 150
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
14.Identify and use insertion 1.Present the basic concepts related to  Deontology, concept and importance
and orientation procedures the duties and rights in the secretarial  The good; The good and bad
in the labor market and career.  Justice
employment possibilities. 2.Develops the ethical and moral  Ethics
aspects of professional activity,  The values
UD 14 focusing on what the behavior of a  Business ethics and morals
Secretarial Deontology secretary should be like in both the  Acts that violate the morale of a service
and Ethics social and work spheres.  Secretary's ethics
3.Develops the concepts referring to  The professional secret
organizations today, as well as their  Values, science and technology
role and responsibility in the context of  The camaraderie
the country's socioeconomic
15.Learn about the 1.Know the environment and the main  Integrated Accounting Information Systems in
computerized accounting options of the proposed widely used companies.
systems most used in software.  Analyzes and understands knowledge requirements for
companies. and 2.Achieve identification of the main the application of an accounting information system,
YOU 15 Understands the importance elements of logical control with information technologies.
Computerized in companies of the updated implemented in the widely used  Accounting Books: Concept, Accounting and Tax aspect.
Management Accounting database and the use of the Accounting System. Classification.
modified general business 3.Understand the sequential stages  SISCONT / MASTERCONT accounting systems
chart of accounts, as well as involved in the accounting process  Administrative accounting software I
the formats required by through the use of the proposed  Administrative accounting software II
SUNAT. Accounting Software.
UD 16 16.Determine Costs and 1.Defines and adequately differentiates  Costs: definition, classification and its application in
Costs and Budget Expenses in public and what is Cost and Expense, in addition tourism service companies.
private companies by to understanding its application in  Industrial costs: definition, classification, Price, Cost and
projecting Costs, Expenses, public and private companies. Expense.
Financial Statements and 2.Uses and properly differentiates  Budgets: types and classification of Budgets, Cash
Budgets techniques and procedures in the Budget, Production Budget, Purchase Budget and Sales
application of industrial costs. Budget.

P. - 151
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
3.Recognizes, analyzes and classifies the  Activity-Based Costing: new perspectives on Cost
components of the Budget, using it Accounting, Budgetary Control and the Break-Even Point.
with judgment and organization.
4. Judiciously uses the Projected
Financial Statements and the break-
even point appropriately to establish
general criteria of usefulness in
17.Develop creative and 1.Develop advertising designs using  CorelDraw
original graphic designs and basic, organization and location tools  Introduction. Environment of panels and tools.
advertising posters, using 2.Develops advanced advertising  Basic shapes
appropriate and current designs, inserting texts in its different  Work with fill colors and outlines.
software tools, according to modalities.  photoshop
UD 17
the needs of the 3.Carry out the respective treatment of  Introduction and Interfaces: Environment, tool panels
Graphic design
organization. photos and images, making retouches  Use of layers.
and applying effects.  Image Adjustment
 Strokes and paint.
 Image retouching.

18.Translate and write 4.Classifies and processes data and  Write invitations in English
documents in a foreign terms clearly and accurately.  Writing and style in English
language applying linguistic 5.Develop writing techniques for  Writing emails in English
UD 18 and grammatical analysis. understanding texts.  The interference of Spanish in learning English
Applicable Language II 6.Interacts in personal and business  Job interview in English
communications.  Translation of foreign language documents
 Business meeting. Vocabulary
 Marketing Vocabulary
UD 19 19.Use computer resources, 1.Learn how the HTML language,  Overview of the basic HTML language and applications
Web page development taking into account work Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash for web development.
needs in accordance with programs work.  Insertion of HTML tags for font styles, size, color,
the demands of our market. 2.Edit and create backgrounds, buttons, alignment,

P. - 152
Didactic unit Capabilities Minimum achievement indicators Contents
banners, animations and design local  Creating personalized web backgrounds and applying
websites. them to WEB pages.
3.Create web pages with a professional  Create banner and Gif-type animations.
finish by integrating the applications  Overview of software resources, and use of views and
for its development. define a local website.
 Insert named anchors and make links within a web page.
 Make pages linked to each other.
 Create and edit advertising films guided by the teacher.
20.Apply appropriate 1.Establish appropriate terminologies  Things we do, Everyday actions
terminologies for the for effective communication.  Simple Present/verb to be
interpretation and 2.Interprets the information received in  Present Continuous.
UD 20 translation of documents in commercial transaction documents.  Defining Relative Clauses
Secretarial Application a foreign language 3.Use cutting-edge technology media  Simple Past: Regular and Irregular verbs
Language and tools for better interpretation.  Past Continuous, Questions with and without
 So, because, but, although
 Going to, Present Continuous
 Will/won't

Capacities 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,9,10, 12,13 and 14 will be strengthened

Training experiences in
real work situations 2. Know how to plan and implement direct marketing, through the use of new information and communication technologies in the
3. Identify, interpret, analyze and comprehensively apply the elements of the Government and Business Protocol in accordance with the
professional demands of the labor field and our socio-cultural and economic reality.
4. Apply the factors that affect communication between organizations
5. Prepare commercial, business and administrative documents; applying the rules of writing, through the use of technological means.
7. Know the scope of psychology applied to the understanding and study of the organization.

P. - 153
8. Carry out projects with the use of information technology.
9. Carry out projects with the use of information technology.
10.Organize the acquisition of goods and services based on established standards, considering quality management techniques.
12.Execute a project or plan to create a company.
13.Recognize, interpret and apply the legal framework that describes the rights and obligations in labor relations, Identify and use the
insertion and orientation procedures in the labor market and employment possibilities.
14.Identify and use insertion and orientation procedures in the labor market and employment possibilities.

P. - 154

Unit Associated with the competency module No. 03: Establish direction and management assistance, according to the organization's standards and
procedures .
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
1. Produce creative texts 1.Produces creative texts for  Types of documents used in a company.
taking into account business documents.  Techniques for writing complex documents.
the established 2.Write commercial and  Various projects
grammatical and administrative documents  Drafting technical and legal documents. Lic. in
structural rules according to the established  The Receiver of Advertising. Demographic, Education
UD 1
structure. geographic and psychographic influences. and/or
Writing 3 4
3.Present documents applying  The Advertising Campaign teacher in the
appropriate techniques and  The advertising brief. communicatio
strategies.  The Creative Strategy n specialty.
 Positioning and brand image.
 The concept and theme of the campaign, the
2. Know how to plan and 1.Know the main concepts  General introduction to marketing and advertising UD 2 3 3 Lic. in
implement direct and terms of telemarketing  Establishment of Marketing Objectives and Telemarketing Marketing and
marketing, through and advertising activity. Advertising Objectives and Advertising advertising
the use of new 2.Apply telemarketing  Study and analysis of Marketing and/or Lic. in
information and strategies in your healthcare  The Advertising Communicative Process Communicatio
communication work  New technologies and communication networks n Sciences.
technologies in the 3.Interprets and helps make  The internet and the intranet
organization. your sale much easier using  Electronic trading system
the media via technical  The use of speed reading techniques
channels.  Perception of the person who communicates by
 Protocol, argument and argument reply
 Psychological strategies to persuade the client

P. - 155
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
 Call center/call service
 Advertising as a basic strategic tool
 The advertising message
 Application of a brief via telephone
 The use of merchandising in the advertising
 Production structures of an advertising and
marketing message
 The general importance of telemarketing and
advertising in the sales of the organization
3. Identify, interpret, 1.Develop strategies to  Introduction to the Course and definition of the UD 3 3 4 Executive
analyze and apply in a resolve contingencies in basic aspects of the protocol and business Organization of Secretary
comprehensive events. activities. events and and/or
manner the elements 2.Recognize basic concepts of  Identification and development of the Theoretical protocol equivalent
of the Government Government and Business Framework: Urbanity, Etiquette, Protocol, and professional
and Business Protocol Protocol. Ceremonial.
in accordance with 3.Relate and organize each of  Study and description of the Government Protocol,
the professional the disciplines and activities its elements and disciplines
demands of the labor that constitute the Protocol  Greetings and Introductions; description of its
field and our socio- Ceremonies. rules, categories, conventional and protocol
cultural and economic 4.Apply the techniques and formulas.
reality. rules of protocol ceremonies  Title Description
to plan, organize and  Precedence Description
promote events, events and  Types of events, Classification, analysis and
business meetings characteristics of events
 Travel agency organization.
 Planning an event
 Event production evaluation
 Protocol, Dissemination of the event
 Evaluation before and during the event

P. - 156
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
 Execution and Evaluation of the post-event
4. Apply the factors that 1.Develop advertising  Public Relations definition, types.
affect communication strategies between  Client or public. Typology. Characteristics.
between organizations.  Gruning on the company image.
organizations 2.Values communication as an  Institutional image, Institutional climate
instrument of public  Organizational Culture, Corporate Identity
relations.  Disciplines and Organizational Techniques
3. Maintains favorable links  Journalism, Advertising, Human Relations,
between organizations in Industrial Relations.
your work environment.  Advertising, Lobbying, Sponsorship
UD 4 and/or
 Advertising and dissemination 2 3
Public relations Industrial
 Publicity and propaganda
 The role of the Secretary in PR
 Institutional Image or Corporate Image
 Techniques and Tools of Public Relations. (Press
releases, statements, circulars, institutional
magazine, newsletter, press dossier)
 Social Responsibility in Organizations
 PR and Institutional Crisis, Action Plan
 Public and/or private Competitions and Events.
5. Prepare commercial, 1.Prepare various messages  Writing, grammar and spelling
business and appropriately.  Structure and parts of a document.
administrative 2.Write the requested  The memorandum, official letter, request, notarial
documents; applying messages with complete letter, power of attorney, circular, minutes, UD 5
the rules of writing, clarity. contracts and agreements and summons Computerized
3 4 and/or
through the use of 3.Write using technological  The resolution, diffusion area, publication and Writing and
technological means. means, according to the models. Editing Workshop
selected style.  The triptych, use, parts, structure and models.
4.Use of appropriate  The invitation, use, structure and models.
terminologies.  Envelopes, models, Envelope lettering

P. - 157
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
6. Efficiently carry out 1.Use appropriate  Globalization
the management and terminology in order to  e-commerce
procedures of Import conduct business  Globalization
and Export in transactions.  e-commerce
accordance with 2.Identify the opportunities of  International deals
International treaties. globalization in your work.  Tariff Items
3.Values the importance of  International document management Lic. in
UD 6
international treaties in the  World Trade Organization (WTO) International
International 2 2
development of the  International deals Business or
organization  Foreign trade service companies foreign trade.
4.Know international  Importance of Incoterms in International
negotiation strategies and Purchases and Sales.
manage INCOTERMS,  Tariff Items
international logistics and  International document management
foreign trade operations in  Foreign trade service companies
7. Know the scope of 1.Understand group behavior  Panoramic view of Organizational Psychology. UD 7 2 2 Psychologist
psychology applied to and its relationship with the  Evolution of the Study of Organizational Behavior. Work Psychology
the understanding dynamics of relationships  Informal Organization and Human Relations
and study of the within the organization. Model.
organization. 2.Defines the variables that  Organizational climate and culture
intervene in the perception  Motivation: Complexities for Study and
of the climate and formation Understanding.
of the culture in the  Personality and work motivation.
organization.  Teamwork and decision making workshop.
3.Analyze, discuss and find  Ethics and social responsibility.
conclusions in groups about
the central themes of the
4.Become aware of the proper

P. - 158
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
management of the main
concepts related to
5.organizational behavior.
6.Value the company's social
responsibility practices.
8. Handle necessary 1. Know the principles,  Basic concepts of business management
tools for adequate elements, processes and  The business organization and its environment
business functions of administrative Planning processes
management, relating science.  Formulation of the company's strategic policy UD 8
theory and practice. 2. Identifies the process of  Relationships within the organization Business Lic. in Business
4 3
evolution of business The communication within the company. Administration Administrator
management and the  Conflict Management and Management
administrative theories  Relationship of the manager with the members of
that allowed its the organization
9. Carry out projects 1.Apply the functions and Computer Topics in Secretarial Management
with the use of characteristics of secretarial  Execution of various projects
information tasks  Use of various application programs.
technology. 2.Demonstrates innovation in  Resources in Project: Assign resources to tasks in a
Eng. Systems
project execution. project UD 9
3.Prepare monographs and  Adjust Resource Details: Adjust the details of the IT Management 3 2
projects taking into account resources needed for the project. Topics
aspects that contribute to  Adjust the Project Plan: Adjust the Project Plan.
personal and business  Project Format and Printing: Format and Printing

10. Organize the 1.Employs responsible  Supply process. UD 10 2 2 Lic. In business

acquisition of goods distribution and stock  Factors that determine acquisitions. Logistics and administration
and services based on control procedures.  Storage and distribution. Quality
established standards, 2.Apply storage procedures  Inventories. Stock. Material flow. Management

P. - 159
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
considering quality correctly.  Quality control
management 3.Applies the procedures  Quality assurance standards
techniques. established in the Integrated  Quality models
Financial Administration  ISO standards
System (SIAF) and  Implementation of the QMS.
Integrated System of State  Quality Audits
Acquisitions and Contracting
(SIACE) with precision,
norms for the application of
quality standards (ISO).
4.Implements the Quality
Management System and its
established procedures.
11. Conceptualize the 1.Learn the history of money  Introduction and History of money and banking
tools and theories of and banking  The financial system and structure
money and banking in 2.Classifies the banking and  Financial intermediation
the national economy. non-banking system  Importance in the Peruvian economy
3.Analyzes the activity of  commercial banking
commercial and investment  Banking operations: active and passive UD 11
banking  The interest rate Banking and 2 2
4.Researches topics in banking  investment banking finances
and finance in terms of  Current situation of banking in Peru
origin, evolution, evaluation  Business financing
and perspectives  microfinance
 The financial crises
Banking and finance regulation
12. Execute a project or 1.Carry out the Market Study  Business idea and potential demand UD 12 2 2 Lic. in Business
plan to create a according to your business  Determination of potential demand and objectives Business project Administration
company. idea.  Sales forecast and price study and/or
2.Prepare an investment and  Fixed Investment and Working Capital equivalent

P. - 160
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
financing plan, according to  Investment planning
your business idea.  Cost management
3.Evaluate the profitability of  Expenses and Calculation of Debt Structures
the project based on the  Cost and income budget
market study.  Breakeven
 Economic and financial cash flow
 Profit and loss statement
 Financial economic indicators.
 Net Present Value (NPV)
 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
 Study of the operation phase of the project
 Sensitivity Analysis and Sustainability Analysis
13. Recognize, interpret 1.Analyzes and interprets the  Labor standards UD 13 3 2 Lawyer and/or
and apply the legal causes of suspension and  Kelsen Pyramid Legislation and public
framework that termination of an  Duties and rights of the worker Labor Insertion accountant
describes the rights employment relationship  The employment contract
and obligations in 2.Identifies, interprets and  Special regimes
labor relations, prepares a settlement of  Remuneration
Identify and use the social benefits  Basic remuneration
insertion and 3.Differentiates, explains and  Minimum vital remuneration
orientation values the relative benefits  Working day, schedule and overtime work
procedures in the and obligations of ESSALUD,  Rewards and CTS
labor market and AFP, SUNAT, ONP, ETC.  The labor market
employment 4.Identifies and analyzes labor  Personal marketing.
possibilities. supply and demand and  Agreements
relates it to your  Job search
professional profile  Entrepreneurship and profile of the entrepreneur.
5.Describes and applies the  Job security
procedures for selecting
sources of work in the labor

P. - 161
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
14. Identify and use 1.Present the basic concepts  Deontology, concept and importance
insertion and related to the duties and  The good; The good and bad
orientation rights in the secretarial  Justice
procedures in the career.  Ethics
labor market and 2.Develops the ethical and  The values
employment moral aspects of  Business ethics and morals
possibilities. professional activity,  Acts that violate the morale of a service Executive
UD 14
focusing on what the  Secretary's ethics and/or
behavior of a secretary  The professional secret 2 2 personal
Deontology and
should be like in both the  Values, science and technology secretary
social and work spheres.  The camaraderie Equivalent
3.Develops the concepts
referring to organizations
today, as well as their role
and responsibility in the
context of the country's
socioeconomic development.
15. Learn about the 1.Know the environment and  Integrated Accounting Information Systems in YOU 15 2 3 Certified
computerized the main options of the companies. Computerized Public
accounting systems proposed widely used  Analyzes and understands knowledge Management Accountant
most used in software. requirements for the application of an accounting Accounting
companies. and 2.Achieve identification of the information system, with information
Understands the main elements of logical technologies.
importance in control implemented in the  Accounting Books: Concept, Accounting and Tax
companies of the widely used Accounting aspect. Classification.
updated database and System.  SISCONT / MASTERCONT accounting systems
the use of the 3.Understand the sequential  Administrative accounting software I
modified general stages involved in the  Administrative accounting software II
business chart of accounting process through

P. - 162
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
accounts, as well as the use of the proposed
the formats required Accounting Software.
16. Determine Costs and 1.Defines and adequately  Costs: definition, classification and its application
Expenses in public and differentiates what is Cost in tourism service companies.
private companies by and Expense, in addition to  Industrial costs: definition, classification, Price,
projecting Costs, understanding its Cost and Expense.
Expenses, Financial application in public and  Budgets: types and classification of Budgets, Cash
Statements and private companies. Budget, Production Budget, Purchase Budget and
Budgets 2.Uses and properly Sales Budget.
differentiates techniques  Activity-Based Costing: new perspectives on Cost
and procedures in the Accounting, Budgetary Control and the Break-Even
application of industrial Point. Certified
UD 16
costs. 4 3 Public
Costs and Budget
3.Recognizes, analyzes and Accountant
classifies the components of
the Budget, using it with
judgment and organization.
4. Judiciously uses the
Projected Financial
Statements and the break-
even point appropriately to
establish general usefulness
criteria in decision-making.
17. Develop creative and 1.Develop advertising designs  CorelDraw UD 17 3 2 Technical
original graphic using basic, organization and  Introduction. Environment of panels and tools. Graphic design professor in
designs and location tools  Basic shapes Graphic
advertising posters, 2.Develops advanced  Work with fill colors and outlines. Design.
using appropriate and advertising designs,  photoshop
current software inserting texts in its different  Introduction and Interfaces: Environment, tool

P. - 163
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
tools, according to the modalities. panels
needs of the 3.Carry out the respective  Use of layers.
organization. treatment of photos and  Image Adjustment
images, making retouches  Strokes and paint.
and applying effects.  Image retouching.
18. Translate and write 1.Classifies and processes data  Write invitations in English Lic. in
documents in a and terms clearly and  Writing and style in English Education with
foreign language accurately.  Writing emails in English the specialty
UD 18
applying linguistic and 2.Develop writing techniques  The interference of Spanish in learning English of Foreign
Applicable 3 2
grammatical analysis. for understanding texts.  Job interview in English and/or
Language II
3.Interacts in personal and  Translation of foreign language documents Professional
business communications.  Business meeting. Vocabulary Language
 Marketing Vocabulary Equivalent
19. Use computer 1.Learn how the HTML  Overview of the basic HTML language and
resources, taking into language, Fireworks, applications for web development.
account work needs in Dreamweaver and Flash  Insertion of HTML tags for font styles, size, color,
accordance with the programs work. alignment,
demands of our 2.Edit and create  Creating personalized web backgrounds and Eng. Systems
market. backgrounds, buttons, applying them to WEB pages. and/or
UD 19
banners, animations and  Create banner and Gif-type animations. technical
Web page 3 2
design local websites.  Overview of software resources, and use of views professional in
3.Create web pages with a and define a local website. computing and
professional finish by  Insert named anchors and make links within a web IT.
integrating the applications page.
for its development.  Make pages linked to each other.
 Create and edit advertising films guided by the
20. Apply appropriate 1.Establish appropriate  Things we do UD 20 3 2 Lic. in
terminologies for the terminologies for effective  Everyday actions Secretarial Education with
interpretation and communication.  Simple Present/verb to be Application the specialty

P. - 164
(Technical or specific) INICATORS TS (TP YP)
translation of 2.Interprets the information  Present Continuous.
documents in a received in commercial  Defining Relative Clauses
of Foreign
foreign language transaction documents.  Simple Past: Regular and Irregular verbs
3.Use cutting-edge technology  Past Continuous.
Language and/or
media and tools for better  Questions with and without
interpretation.  So, because, but, although
 Going to, Present Continuous
 Will/won't

P. - 165
Capacities 2, 3,4, 5, 7, 8,9,10, 12,13 and 14 will be strengthened
2. Know how to plan and implement direct marketing, through the  In this first module, training experiences will be carried out in
use of new information and communication technologies in the
real situations in companies and/or institutions with which the
3. Identify, interpret, analyze and comprehensively apply the Institute has agreements, strengthening capacities 2, 3,4, 5, 7,
elements of the Government and Business Protocol in
8,9,10, 12,13 and 14 .
accordance with the professional demands of the labor field and
our socio-cultural and economic reality.  Verification of real experiences in the area through unexpected
4. Apply the factors that affect communication between
supervisions by the academic area manager and/or professor
5. Prepare commercial, business and administrative documents; responsible for supervision.
applying the rules of writing, through the use of technological
 As a second option, the implementation of a service and/or
7. Know the scope of psychology applied to the understanding and productive business project is considered, which reinforces the 9 292
study of the organization.
capabilities chosen in this module.
8. Carry out projects with the use of information technology.
9. Carry out projects with the use of information technology.  This entire process is duly regulated by the regulations on
10. Organize the acquisition of goods and services based on
Training Experiences in Real Work Situations.
established standards, considering quality management
12. Execute a project or plan to create a company.
13. Recognize, interpret and apply the legal framework that
describes the rights and obligations in labor relations, Identify
and use the insertion and orientation procedures in the labor
market and employment possibilities.
14.Identify and use insertion and orientation procedures in the labor
market and employment possibilities.

P. - 166
Teacher specialties to teach professional modules

Technical Professional in Executive Secretariat or equivalent
Administrative Assistance Secretary

Certified Public Accountant, Systems Engineer, Lic. in marketing,

Module III Basic Capabilities
Bachelor of Communication

Systems engineer and/or equivalent professional, English Teacher

Module III Employability Capacities
and/or Equivalent.


The minimum spaces and facilities required to provide the first module are:

Space required Area

01 Classroom 24 m2 minimum each 72 m2

01 Computing / Typing laboratory 40 m2

P. - 167
Step 10: Itinerary
Academic period
(hours) Hours Credits
Unit (UC)
d Training Didactic Units (UD) S Total Total
Module II III IV V A Q YOU per T Q per
o P. U
W module Module

Company Secretary Communication 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Executive image and label 4 3 1 4 3 0 3

Administrative Writing I 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Administrative Writing II 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Transcription of Texts I 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Transcription of Texts I 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Basic computer typing 6 2 4 6 2 2 4

Intermediate Computerized Fingering 4 1 3 4 1 1 2

Document management and processing 3 3 0 3 3 0 3

Quality of service and customer service 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

MP No. 1

File management 3 2 1 3 1370 2 0 2 56

Financial mathematics 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

General Accounting 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Applied Statistics 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Oral and written expression 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Interpretation and Production of Texts 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Computing Operating System and internet 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Office automation I - Word processors 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Application Language I 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Culture and Physical Activity 2 1 1 2 1 0 1

EFSRT per Module: Hours 290 Credits 9

Commercial Writing I 4 2 2 4 1345 2 1 3 56

Personality Development 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Advanced Computerized Typing 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Office Organization and Administration 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Commercial Writing II 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Secretarial Marketing 4 4 0 4 4 0 4
MP No. 2

Administration and Global Environment 4 4 0 4 4 0 4

Society and Economy in Globalization 3 3 0 3 3 0 3

Research foundations 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Spelling and Grammar 2 1 1 2 1 0 1

Business accounting 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Company Constitution 4 2 2 4 2 1 3
Financial statement analysis 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

P. - 168
Enviromental culture 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Research and Technological Innovation Projects 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Personal and Professional Leadership 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Office Automation II Spreadsheets 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Office Automation III Access - Publisher 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Applicable Language II 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

EFSRT per Module: Hours 265 Credits 8

Writing Workshop I 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Telemarketing and Advertising 3 3 0 3 3 0 3

Organization of events and protocol 4 2 2 4 2 1 3

Public relations 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Computerized Writing and Editing Workshop 4 2 2 4 2 1 3


International Business 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Work Psychology 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Business Administration and Management 4 4 0 4 4 0 4

Computer Topics 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Logistics and Quality Management 2 2 0 2 2 0 2


Banking and finances 3 3 0 3 1376 3 0 3 56

Business project 2 1 1 2 1 0 1

Legislation and Labor Insertion 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Secretarial Deontology and Ethics 2 2 0 2 2 0 2

Computerized Management Accounting 3 1 2 3 1 1 2

Costs and budgets 4 2 1 3 2 0 2

Graphic Design (Corel Draw – Adobe Photoshop) 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Applicable Language II 3 2 2 4 2 1 3

Web Page Development 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

Secretarial Application Language 3 2 1 3 2 0 2

EFSRT per Module: Hours 296 Credit 9


Total hours/credits Specific or Technical Didactic 2 2

24 18 24 24 93 42 135 93 16 109
Units 3 3

Total hours/credits of employability skills 7 7 6 12 6 6 31 14 45 4091 31 2 33 168

Total hours/credits of the EFSRT 851 26

- EFSRT is understood as training experiences in real work situations.

STEP 11: Elaboration of Syllables

The syllables are made based on the Scheme given by e he ministry of education:

P. - 169

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