CDA Professional File

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NCI- Competency Standards I

Establish a safe and healthy learning environment

As a candidate I provided a safe environment. I prepare together with

the children rules, reinforcing and modeling them daily. In this way, I make
sure to prevent and reduce accidents. I promote good health by teaching and
modeling to children the correct way to wash their hands whenever
necessary. I make sure that daily food consumption time is pleasant and
familiar. I encourage parents to prepare healthy foods for their children at
home every day. I organize the classroom space, with materials, daily
schedule and routine in order to create a safe, interesting and pleasant
environment. I encourage participation, play, exploration and learning for all
children, including children with special needs.

CS I a - Since this menu was not designed by this candidate, my personal

suggestion would be that there be more variety of liquids at breakfast and
lunch time for children and strongly emphasizing drinking water when eating
their meals as which is the best source of energy and is the healthiest by
providing them with an option of a jug of water at the table. I would also
recommend offering children more opportunities to eat fresh, non-canned
vegetables. At snack time I would recommend promoting the consumption of
fresh fruits since it is more nutritious and encourages good nutrition from an
early age. I would also recommend that the food portions be increased as
some children remain hungry.
CS I b - I maintain learning areas designed to facilitate and support children's
learning progress through play. This is why I ensure that the classroom
environment is organized with appropriate, accessible and organized
materials. I would recommend providing a comfortable, distraction-free
space to hold a daily group meeting. In this way, I encourage the participation
and integration of all children, including children with special needs. You
would also encourage more outdoor activities with children for their physical
development without leaving parents out.

CS IC - This planning is based on the creative curriculum offered by the

program, I understand that it provides activities at all stages of children's
development. Challenging but achievable activities are planned to help them
achieve goals and everyone progress. My suggestion would be to recommend
a computer area for the child to interact with technology and thus prepare
them for a better future in a fun way with educational programs. Another
area that I would like to emphasize would be drills by offering children
something more concrete such as educational videos and photos of different
drills such as earthquake, fire, tsunami among others.

NCII- Competency standards II

Promote physical and intellectual competence
As a childhood candidate, I provide a variety of opportunities to promote
physical, cognitive, creative and communicative development. For physical
development I offer different activities where each child can stimulate their
muscles, for the majority I give them opportunities to jump, run, balance,
among others. For the fine one I offer plasticine, manipulative toys, etc. In
the cognitive area, I provide activities such as story reading where I develop a
broader vocabulary and understanding which helps them internalize
everything they learn in a clearer way. I use a variety of materials such as:
paint, paper, scissors among others so that children develop and express
their creativity.

CS II a - Play is the best context to reinforce children's learning. Therefore, I

provide them with the time necessary to finish an activity, I make sure that
the equipment is in good condition and I provide them with activities that
allow them to use their body, muscles and brain. I provide enough puzzles for
the younger children and more complicated ones for the older ones,
providing challenges but not allowing them to become frustrated. I adapt
activities and materials for children with disabilities. I provide them with
space outside to run and jump. They go up the stairs to slide down the slide
and kick balls. While they play they use their senses to discover their

NC II b - The activity helps children develop the cognitive area of children.

Resulting in a challenge, but at the same time being an achievable
achievement for them. Since this helps the child to show interest in
completing this and the following tasks that I plan for them. I provide them
with real experiences, such as activities to explore shapes, colors and sizes. In
this way, I help expand children's thinking. I facilitate creative problem-
solving skills, such as during daily activities and routines. I encourage them to
think, talk about what they see, smell, hear, taste and touch. I stimulate
curiosity, knowledge and investigation by asking cause and effect questions.

NC II c- The activity I chose encourages young children to use their

movements to explore and learn about their environment. I provide children
with activities that involve them in the creative artistic process and take
advantage of their experiences. I make sure that there are enough materials
such as: glue, scissors, markers, finger paint, plasticine, among others. I
encourage children to choose their own roles, creating and using props in
their own way in dramatic play. I encourage children to identify and imitate
creative forms found in the art, music and dance of their culture. In this way,
these activities stimulate children's appreciation of art and at the same time
encourage their intellectual development.

NC II d - I plan activities to stimulate language development. I provide story

books and read during the day in small groups. I use new vocabulary in
children's languages, including English, to expand their knowledge. I provide
the opportunity to talk about what you see on the cover of the book. I ask
open-ended questions to expand their ideas. I plan rhymes, songs, poems,
and vocabulary division games and even his own name ones. These activities
promote phonological awareness in children in an interesting and fun way.

NCIII- Competency standards III

Support social and emotional development and encourage and
provide positive guidance or guidance

This is why I use strategies that stimulate positive social skills and emotional
relationships. I treat my children and their parents with respect, as I am a
role model for both. I establish a warm and pleasant atmosphere with all of
them. I talk to parents and guide them about the emotional development of
their children. I clarify doubts, preferably, before they approach me to ask. I
work every day developing skills that contribute to the formation of their
character. I constantly use positive methods such as praising them for
following classroom rules. I guide them to help each other and give them the
opportunity to learn and help them develop how to think and create ideas in
the game.

NC III a -As a candidate I encourage the child to learn to express himself

spontaneously. When I go to call the child I use his name. I give him trust and
love so that he feels safe and confident. I care about each child's interests
and talk to them; I prepare to be able to get to know the boy or girl by:
making notes, observing the child, making home visits. I plan activities
according to your knowledge. I respect each child's decisions when they are
sad or angry. I try to motivate him and make him feel confident. I praise him
when the child does something out of the ordinary so that he feels confident.
I promote activities to solve social problems. I bring resources to the
classroom so that children can see and accept things more clearly. For
example: educational talks such as: health habits, children's rights. I present
this in a way according to the child's research.

NC III b Since I have observed that children's behavior is more challenging

than before, as is the case with adults. I talk to them about problems at
home and teach them to respect their parents, family and teachers. I guide
them to help each other and give them opportunities to learn and this helps
them develop how to think and create ideas in the game. As a candidate I
provide opportunities for children to direct and control their behavior, and
discover their own solutions, providing support when necessary. I explain the
rules to the child's level of understanding and/or include the children in
creating the rules. I make sure there is enough space at the table or play
areas so that children are not crowded or crowded and I reinforce positive
behavior. I provide a private (but well-supervised) space for children who
need some alone time. I provide multiple copies of popular toys to minimize
conflicts and waits in games. I prepare activities that need to release negative
feelings in a peaceful way, such as throwing foam balls, filled bags.

NCV – Competency Standards V

Ensure a well-directed program, with useful purposes and that

responds to the needs of participants

As an educator I objectively observe and record information about children's

behavior. I analyze and evaluate the evidence in order to establish goals
appropriate to each child's level. I follow current local regulations related to
early care and education, and program policies.
NCV a – As a candidate I use several sources of evidence when evaluating;
such as written observations, parent information, formal and informal
observation tools, individual portfolios, work samples, etc. I access the
resources the children's learning guide when it is available as a planning
guide. When I observe/document, I only record behavioral facts, objective
testimonies rather than their subjective positions or biases that lead to
misinterpretations. I seek resources for information and support if I suspect
physical, emotional, or sexual abuse following state laws as responses. I keep
updated records such as; attendance, accident/incident information, health and
emergency form, etc. As required by the regulations. I retain written parental
authorizations for all persons permitted to pick up children from the center. I
adhere to all legal requirements of the program. I work as a team with other
people in the classroom and in the program, including parents and volunteers.
I maintain a professional relationship with my supervisor and program staff.

NCVI Competency Standards VI

Maintain a professional commitment

As a professional in my early childhood education care, I will always be a

lifelong learner. Which means my profession is a continuous process of
staying abreast of the latest developmental studies and best practices, honing
my own teaching methods, and growing as an educator.

NC VI a - I am an early childhood educator. When I say that I am an early

childhood educator, people respond with an “ah,” so dull that I would like to
exclaim: Where else could I tie bows in my hair, adjust belts, and see a
fashion de file every day? Where, even if I always dress the same way, will
they tell me that my dress is pretty? Where else, if not there, would a
handsome young man hug me and tell me he loves me? Where are you so
important that you have to wipe the noses of file stars? Who gets more flowers
than me? Where else could I guide in writing the first letters, a little hand that
might one day write a book? Where else would I receive so many smiles?
Where else would I get a free portrait? Where else do my words cause so
much astonishment? In what other job do they welcome me with open arms
when I'm absent? Where can you see the execution of great works of art in the
front row? Where else would you shed tears because you have to end a year of
happy relationships? I feel great working with little ones. I feel proud to be an
educator because I sow so much for others to reap. For this reason I became an
educator because I believe that education has the power to transform lives,
families, communities and societies. I feel very happy to be an educator,
mother, friend and guide for the growth and development of my children.

NC VI b – I regularly reflect on my performance to identify my professional

development needs. I maintain an active membership in an education
association. I continue to increase my knowledge of child development in
order to help children and their parents deal with typical developmental issues
(such as anxiety, separation, crying, dependency, stubbornness, defiant
behavior, shyness, sexual identity, and making friends). . I demonstrate a clear
understanding of the expectations of my job. I maintain a positive attitude and
work ethically and always with energy and enthusiasm. I arrive at work early
every day and use good judgment when making decisions that affect the
children in my care. I conduct myself in a professional manner at all times. I
promote high quality services for children and their families.
The testimony of professional philosophy

As an educator, she interacted with institutions and parents regarding the

comprehensive development goals of the child. Being a preschool educator
gives me the opportunity to face a box of surprises every day: a smile, crying,
an achievement, a question that is difficult to answer, situations that make
academic exercise a rewarding role and a permanent challenge. In general, I
can say that my role as a child candidate is educational and encouraging, since
I attend to the child both in those scheduled teaching activities and in daily
routines and entertainment. I am an organized person who prepares the space,
the materials, the activities, distributing the time, adapting it to the means
available to the group and the goals it pursues. I create for the child an
affectionate, healthy and well-being environment, in which they will find the
necessary stimuli for their learning and for them to feel comfortable, safe and
happy. As an educator I motivate and stimulate development in its different
facets, both on an individual and social level. I am a cheerleader, I offer the
child actions that allow them to learn, but always motivating and fundamental
in the game. I motivate the child to be interested and awaken his curiosity
about things. I cooperate with the child in his learning, without being directed,
without substituting him in those actions that the child himself can perform. I
am attentive and do not intervene hastily, although I try to help you whenever
you need it. On the other hand, I maintain my role as an observer, knowing the
way to relate to children, their reactions, preferences, ways of playing,
materials they use the most, in short, it is about knowing the child in
particular, the group and also the environment. , so that its guidelines for
action and organization of the media can be modified if necessary. I carry out
continuous observation of the multiple aspects of children, their evolution,
relationships, play needs, etc. I stimulate the child's investigative spirit and
autonomy. With its activities and the environment created, I promote the
relationship between children through shared activities. Favoring the child
with attitudes of respect, cooperation and freedom, always with positive
attitudes. I deeply respect the child, which leads the child to mutual respect. In
my relationship with the child, the most important thing is knowing how to
capture the different messages they transmit to me, responding to their
interests and promoting communication with them.

Knowing their needs and interests, adapting educational media to satisfy them,
thus expanding their interests. I am careful not to overprotect him so as not to
limit his possibilities and the development of his autonomy. As a candidate I
serve as a model in many acquisitions (language, for example), that is why I
take care in my actions and attitudes towards the child. In general, I can say
that my main characteristics of my role as a candidate are conceived in the
following aspects. I am a mediator between the child and knowledge. As an
educator I direct the child, establishing strategies that facilitate the
construction of their own knowledge. Therefore, based on the characteristics
of my role as a candidate, I carry out the following aspects: I establish an
environment that is conducive to the socio-affective development of the child.
I evaluate the curriculum based on the socio-affective and socio-cognitive
requirements of the children. I select learning strategies that improve and
adopt cognitive constructions and lead them to teaching. I give individual
follow-up to the children. I create an environment that encourages
communication and parental participation in the classroom and in educational
tasks. Teamwork to help identify, diagnose and implement individualized
plans for children with special needs.
Testimony of Professional
Professional archive
CDA Resources
Coraly Betancourt Díaz

Author: McKee, David

Illustrator: McKee, David
Publisher: Santillana
Year of publication: 1996

Theme: Multicultural

Elmer the Elephant is an illustrated story that tells the story of a

colorful elephant who lives in the town accompanied by numerous
animals, as well as the rest of his species, which are all gray. Elmer,
despite being very loved by all the animals in town, thinks that
everyone laughs at him for being different. He decides to cross the
jungle to go in search of a tree with elephant-colored fruit in order to
dye his skin. When he succeeds, he returns to the town where all the
animals are sad for his absence. A storm is responsible for Elmer's gray
paint disappearing, so he does his usual work again, with a wide variety
of colors. It is then that he realizes that all his classmates love him just
the way he is, and he decides to organize an annual party: on that day,
every year, they will dress up as Elmer and he will dress up as a gray

Emergency Line: 911

Carolina Municipal Court
Tel. (787) 752-6900 – (787) 760-7111
Shadai Social Foundation
Service offered: Couple and family counseling, Independent living program,
Respite program, Gift of love program and Hot meal program.
Ignacio Arzuaga Street 203-7
Carolina PR 00986
Tel. (787)276-5000/7761120

Director: Mr. Luis Rivera

AFANA PROGRAM (Family Support Program for Children and
Adults) women heads of Service that offers: Guidance and support
services to women heads of family, survivors of domestic violence.
Support group. Guidance on discipline management, stress
management and decision making. Services are offered to aggressors
(Law#54). Service Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30

Calle Santiago Norte #53 Altos, Gurabo, PR

Located (in front of the plaza, domino house)
Tel. (787)737-7636 Fax: (787)737-7636

Competency Standard IV

Establish positive and productive relationships with family

As a candidate, I establish communication with the family, stimulating their

participation in the program and supporting the child's relationship with his or
her family. I provide them with information about important developments in
children's lives and offer mutual support in nurturing the physical, social,
emotional and cognitive development of each child. As a candidate I
appreciate the unique value of each family. I make sure to build a
“partnership” with each family to better support the needs of each child.

NC IV a: As a candidate I make sure that the children's families participate in

the program activities by inviting them to it. I prepare typical meals with the
children and invite the parents to participate and give us their ideas. I bring
parents into the room so that they can develop work with their children, giving
them confidence. I regularly hold conferences where families can share
information about their children's progress at home and within the program. I
provide oral and written communication with parents in their preferred
language. He sent the messages in the notebook so that the father is prepared
and knows the times of the meetings and health services that will be given to
his son on the day and time.

NC IV b : As a candidate, I visit them at home when necessary at least three

times a year and I keep records of all interviews. I meet with the father to
exchange impressions and thus make sure what is happening in the children's
family lives. In this way I help the family understand the importance of their
children's learning. I recommend activities that families can do at home in
order to support the development of their children. I provide information to
the family with resources about possible differences or delays that affect
hearing and speech. I am empathetic with the family about the areas that
generate stress in parenting, such as lack of sleep, illness, challenging
behavior, providing support and suggestions for strategy when requested. I
send home articles, brochures on various topics related to child development.

NC IV c : According to the parents' responses in the questionnaires, their

perfection in my work carried out in each area described therein, demonstrated
a high level of competence in the area of safety, educational promotion and
affection for parents and children . They also highlighted their interest in their
children learning English as a second language, despite the fact that most of
the teaching is in their native language (Spanish). This opens a gap for me as a
professional to decide to take an English course that helps me meet the
demands of an education that is constantly developing, improving the quality
of teaching. My surprise has been to see how parents have been able to
observe with such precision the quality of my work, both with the children and
the interaction I have with the parents. Many of the parents have put in writing
what they had not expressed to me verbally. It is good to know that I have
impacted parents and children with the strengths that characterize me and that
they themselves have expressed.

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