ADHD Detection and Intervention in The Classroom

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UNIVERSITY •m •m «A •m •F

FROM LA RIOJA “ü ■ E ■ •%

International University of La Rioja.

Master's Degree in Neuropsychology and Education.

Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Hyperactivity.

Detection and intervention of ADHD in the classroom.

Work presented by: Carolina Rodas Arias.

Teacher: Patricia Crespo.

December, 2020
Detection and intervention of ADHD in the classroom

1. Based on the description of Miguel's behavior, what subtype do you think he is? Justify your
answer in relation to the criteria we have seen in class.

Topic 10. Activities 1

As described in the case presented and the diagnostic criteria worked on in class, Miguel has
ADHD with a predominant presentation with lack of attention. The above is justified since,
according to what has been stated, the student recurrently fails to maintain sustained attention
in the classroom classes, does not seem to listen when an outsider speaks directly to him and
ignores him, does not finish his schoolwork and has difficulty following instructions.
Additionally, he usually forgets the materials necessary to carry out classes and therefore shows
that he does not pay attention to important details, he has a hard time finishing his exams and
assignments due to the difficulty in effectively organizing time, and he is easily distracted by
external stimuli. Despite this, the case does not detect behaviors related to hyperactivity or
impulsivity, so a combined presentation of the condition is ruled out.

Cognitive aspects
Ability Aim Development of the activity
1) Working Organize and The student is presented with an image of an urban
memory maintain useful landscape, instructed to observe the details for 30
information for the seconds, and then the image is removed. You are
development of then instructed to remember as much as possible.
specific tasks. of items with characteristics
specific, for example: blue elements or those whose
name begins with the letter A.
2) Strengthen the The student is told that the planning of a trip is
Planning organization of going to be simulated so, with guidance and support
steps and from the teacher, they must choose from one
structuring of the

Topic 10. Activities 2

thinking that list, the series of activities that must be followed in
enables the order to adequately complete the task:
execution of
1. Put the suitcases in the car.
2. Pack the things you are going to take
for the trip in your suitcase.
3. Select clothes for the trip.
4. Put the suitcase at the door so you
don't forget it.
5. Select the right suitcase for
pack all the
belongings that you are going to
6. Think about what things you need to
bring on the trip.

Behavioral aspects
Technique Aim Development
1) Token economy Establish in the A list is created in the company of the
program classroom a series of student with those reinforcers that have the
desirable behaviors most weight for him. Next, 3 objectives are
that strengthen the established, for example: 1) pay attention to
performance and the teacher's instruction (you are asked to
completion of tasks. repeat what the teacher has said and the
appropriate response is rewarded), 2)
Follow the steps indicated by the teacher (It
is evaluated by direct observation) and 3)
finish the task on time. These objectives that
serve in turn

Topic 10. Activities 3

as a chaining, they
will be
valued with a happy face every time the
student reaches them during weekly classes.
At the end of the week, if the child acquires
a significant number of happy faces, they
will receive one of the reinforcers they
choose. Once these 3 objectives are
automated, another 3 new objectives can be
2)Contingency contract Generate a strategy established.
In collaboration with the student, the
that strengthens the teacher draws up a contract that explicitly
ability to remember establishes the commitment to come to
class elements class with the materials necessary to carry
out class activities. For this, the “red
notebook” strategy is also suggested, a
small notebook that the teacher will provide
to the student and where, with the help of
the teacher, the materials necessary for the
next day's class will be recorded daily. The
child's task will be to write down and review
“the red notebook” daily and organize his
materials for the next day. They will also
agree in this contract on the rewards (based
on the list of reinforcers already mentioned)
and the consequences that could be
obtained if they do not comply with the
materials for any of the classes. The
document will be signed by the child, the
teacher and the parents.

Topic 10. Activities 4

Methodological strategies
For hyperactivity For inattention
1) Since the student feels comfortable 4) Use visual and colorful material to provide
helping his classmates, it is step-by-step instruction, given that the
recommended to assign the student student shows an affinity with artistic
as a support monitor in the classes subjects that tend to be more graphic in
that show the best performance, for nature.
example, instructing him to distribute
the activity sheets, colors or materials
to his classmates .
1) Given your interest in the subject of 5) Place the student in the first chair next to
education physical, HE the teacher, so that the latter can have
suggests control of the student's moments of
develop a curricular adaptation in this inattention and focus him or her
subject, which, according to the appropriately.
student's abilities, makes it possible
to generate physical exercises that
you allow channel your
activity motorboat in practices
specific ones that involve you
3) Use and mentally.
the subjects that generate the 6) Make the evaluation more flexible, taking into
greatest interest to the student to allow account the oral interventions that the student
them to be the co-teacher of their makes during the development of the classes and
classmates, during this space that can allowing the graphic or artistic realization of
last 20 minutes projects that allow us to realize that the student has
approximately, he acquired the expected knowledge during the
student will help and support he subjects.
development of their classmates'
activities, providing instruction and
generating demonstrations of be

Topic 10. Activities 5

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