Model. of Work Order

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Work Order Model


[Name and surname of the person who will do the work]

Order No.: 002123

[Place, day, month and year]

Client: [ Name and surname]

Service: Cleaning and garden maintenance.

The work to be done will consist of clearing the tall weeds in the garden,
maintaining and pruning the plants, planting the plants that are needed and
collecting all the waste.

Amount Description Unitary Total

1 Clearing tall weeds $1,000 $1,000
1 Plant maintenance and pruning $500 $500
6 Petunias $1,000 $6000
6 Planted petunias $500 $3000
1 waste cleaning $1,000 $1,000
Total 11,500

Payment conditions: Payment must be made 50% in advance on the day the
activities begin and the remaining 50% will be delivered when the work has
been completed. All payment will be made by [Transfer, cash, deposit]

Start date: [Day, month and year]

Completion date: [Day, month and year]

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