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It talks about how man began to populate the earth, men gathered in herds to
go hunt mammoth, then man learned to concentrate on one thing, because man
had to concentrate on the mammoth, calculate its movements, launch the
dance. and he couldn't concentrate on anything else but the mammoth. That's
why man is only able to concentrate on one thing.

The woman, on the other hand, I know that they went home to collect fruits and
they began to practice to kill time, so there they began to wire wire wire... they
collected fruits and learned the ability to concentrate on more than one thing
and also develop their hearing ability. .

On the other hand, man developed visual ability, because the mammoth is in
front and women make the mistake that man thinks like a woman. The man is
watching TV and you shout to him from the kitchen, my love, Sunday is mom's
birthday, well, he answers, you're going to take me of course, promise of
course. And Sunday comes and he doesn't take you to see your mom and you
tell her a lot of things, they already told me not to marry you, you don't care
about me, you have another one, etc. The man never processed the information
that he was going to go on Sunday, because you assumed that he received the
order aurally, when you had to stand in front of him and say, Mama Mammoth,
Sunday party, go. What we're going for

Because when a man pays attention to one thing, his eyes are aligned over his
shoulders. Have you seen them when they play play

The woman is auditory, the G-spot is in the ear not elsewhere, the man is

You have to talk to men with images. In an auditorium there are mammoths and
women. I have to talk to the woman with arguments and to the man with images
and videos. With non-verbal language.

To communicate my body has to communicate those emotions

The woman has to communicate with her non-verbal language, it must be

noted, for example, that she is angry or sad. If he says something sad, that
emotion has to be seen.
How to know if a woman lies and how a man lies. We do not lie the same
because one is auditory and the other is visual. This theory is proposed by Paul

He says that when a man lies the left side of the brain is activated and the right
side of everything can be proven by science. Everything that registers the
senses, smell, see, touch, taste, etc. And on the left side, everything that cannot
be proven is ideas, gossip, imagination, stories, legends.

Teachers can tell when a boy or girl is not studying, simply because they begin
to bite the pencil to the left side and raise their eyes as if thinking, and saying,
make up something, their left side is working.

When a man lies he speaks with his left side. When the wife tells her husband,
hey, I've seen your WhatsApp and I found this woman's name and she says,
don't worry, my whole family knows him, don't worry...and she's lying.

Your whole body is trying to put together a credible theory, because the left side
betrays you. He's a very good liar, if he can do it. But for a moment you will see
a facial microexpression, a slight facial inclination of the body that, even if you
control yourself or control yourself, betrays something. The brain knows that
you are lying.

How a woman lies, women cannot see each other's eyes when they lie.

When you ask that woman who is that person in her whassat, if she is lying, she
cannot look him in the eye, because in her head she is, don't look him in the


César Bono, who plays the Caveman, has a direct conversation with the
audience. It brings to light some of the deepest secrets of intimacy as a couple,
as well as the fears and prejudices, myths and misunderstandings that are
experienced daily.

Bono believes that the magic of this work lies in the fact that it is full of truths.
For comparison, this play is the non-musical staging with the most
performances on Broadway. It is considered the most successful monologue in
the world.

Defending the Caveman is a bittersweet monologue and ironic criticism of the

pre-established values of our society. The most sarcastic and stinging moments
of humanity are portrayed from a partying and festive angle. Their complaints,
protests and cries form a fundamental part of this overflowing range of joy and
revelry, but there is also an account of their traumas, disappointments and
frustrations. Thus, by finding in the man something more than a bag of lustful
thoughts and malicious charms, the beauty of femininity will also be discovered,
which requires a just complement.

A work that provokes laughter at all times but whose fundamental value is an
invitation to reflect on generic differences and their acceptance to enjoy a happy

Defending the Caveman is presented on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and

Sunday at the Teatro Renacimiento , located on Velázquez de León Street No. 31
col. San Rafael, Cuauhtémoc delegation.
Not to be missed. They are the latest functions.


Men must

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