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Means of transport

The Carriage (Chima)

In Ancient China the main transportation vehicle was horse carts. They say that in the time of Huangdi (Yellow Emperor),
there were already this type of carriages. According to historical records, in the Dayu period, at the beginning of the Xia
Dynasty, more than four thousand years ago, there was a famous official named Xi Zhong who invented the horse cart. It
was made of wood. The two wheels of the cart supported the axle of the car which was fixed to the frame of the cart
with a rod. Next to the car frame that was fixed to the car frame with a rod. Next to the frame were boxes to put goods.

Ships (Roman)

It is estimated that the first means of transportation to cross rivers, lakes, and lagoons were floating logs. These
primitive rafts were later replaced by canoes, propelled by oars. In ancient times, the Romans fueled their travels
through sailing vessels. Pushed by the wind, they managed to travel further. From this primitive vessel arose the galleys,
which were ships with one or two sails and several oars on each side that were operated by slaves or prisoners. Frigate


Made from bundles of tied papyrus, they were used for fishing or hunting waterfowl. Generally there were two people
standing in them and they were propelled with poles. The ancient Egyptians used this maritime system around 5000 BC
to 1990 AD
Canoe (mayan)

Maritime transport had great importance in the development of trade and therefore its economy. Their earliest boats
were based on oars and lacked a sail. With these first boats they coasted the Yucatan Peninsula and managed to leave
the dangerous coral barrier using lighthouses that indicated distances, dangers, as well as exits from the sea. They also
sailed along the rivers of Tabasco, Chiapas, Guatemala and Honduras. It is estimated that these boats could transport
twenty to forty people, including their merchandise.


Chinese writing

Chinese writing has pictograms that represent a stylized shape of the objects they refer to and also ideograms that are
made up of two or more simple characters that are joined together to create a new meaning.

Roman Forum

Many of the main towns of the Roman Empire were linked to each other and the capital, by roads, which, taking their
origin in the Roman Forum, crossed all of Italy and the provinces and ended at the borders of the Empire and from the
Antonine wall in the northern tip of England to Jerusalem, the line of communication spanned approximately 1,360
Spanish leagues and in each mile there was a stone that marked its number.

Egyptian Alphabet
They had an alphabet, made up of 24 hieroglyphs and each one represented a sound, this is where written
communication is combined with oral communication, that is, the same meaning is given to something so that it can be
used both when speaking and also for write.


Concerning the infrastructure of Mayan communication revolves around friezes, steles and codices, using the written-
visual technique, in which they put into practice a graphic syllabic alphabetic code, whose elements were the hieroglyph,
drawings and high reliefs. This constituted a massive means of communication for the expansion of the Mayan
civilization based on the communicative foresight of the Mayans.

Japan media

The media in Japan include several television and radio networks as well as newspapers and magazines. Most of these
networks were established thanks to existing radio networks.

Variety, series and news programs make up a large percentage of the programs that can be watched in the afternoons.
Western films are also part of the programming.

Media in Germany
In Germany, the regional press predominates and the national newspapers have a relatively low circulation, except in
the case of the newspaper Bild.

Media in the United States

The President's description of the ban on “cross-ownership” of newspapers and audiovisual media in the United States is
correct with one caveat. The regulation, according to its original wording from 1975, prevents a single company from
owning a newspaper and a television or radio station operating in the same local market. The President's description
omits that last condition, that the prohibition only applies when it comes to media in a single market. In fact, for
example, The Washington Post Company owns VHF television stations in six cities, but does not publish a newspaper in
any of those cities.

Media in Guatemala

RADIO SONORA With more than 60 years of history, it has a varied programming with a strong focus on national and
international events, as well as Guatemalan sports. Its programs include Marimba Music and listener opinions.

Means of Transportation in Japan

The railway system in Japan is one of the best in the world. They are among the fastest, punctual, clean and
comfortable. JR Railways is a group of companies that link all of Japan with railway lines of more than 200 thousand
kilometers. They also have a railway system within the metropolises of Tokyo and Osaka. The best-known and fastest
train is the shinkansen, which reaches speeds of over 300 kilometers per hour. It is also one of the safest means of
transportation, since since it was implemented 30 years ago there has not been any fatal accident. For more information
for the JR Railways system


In big cities there are many taxi stands and there is also the possibility of hailing a taxi on the street that is free. In small
cities and areas with little traffic it is advisable to request a taxi by phone. This is what taxi centers are for. Telephone
numbers are found in the telephone directory. A special feature is the so-called "short distance" (Kurzstrecke). If you
stop a free taxi on the street with your hand, you can agree with the taxi driver on a cheaper price if you want to travel a
short distance, for example 3 euros. Otherwise the trip is subject to fees.

Bus in the United States

The bus service is slightly cheaper than the plane but also much slower. The buses that connect most North American
cities are air-conditioned, with relatively comfortable seats, and those that make long-distance trips make stops for food
and rest every four hours.

The bus is recommended only on some short journeys, since it is preferable to travel by plane from one state to another.
Guatemala Means of Transportation

One of the main means of transportation is the motorcycle. It is used both to move people, basically, and to transport
belongings of all kinds.

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