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Content: living beings as organized, open and complex systems.



Group organization: usual work groups.

To get into the topic... moment of observation and oral and group socialization: (I SHOW THE

Guys, let's look at these three images (we problematize the relationship between these three
living beings)


Paste the photocopies (images in the notebook).

1) Describe what you see in each of the images.

2) What relationship can you find between them?

Sharing : so that children can get closer to understanding the content, I will give this simple
and understandable example.

The plant: with the process of photosynthesis (the absorption of light energy), water and
nutrients from the soil (such as fertilizer), the plant makes its own food and obtains energy.

If we are hungry, and we feel weak, we can eat something rich in sugar or salt like some
delicious noodles and with that we will feel better, we will have energy: the same thing
happens to the plant. Well watered, fertilized and with plenty of light, the plant will grow.

The cow : the cow eats the plant that we saw growing in the first photo, or in other words, it
eats the grass that grew in the field. The cow obtains nutrients and energy that previously
came from the plant. Now all that energy is in the cow's body. And what will happen next with
that energy? What will it transform into?

The child drinking milk: when we milk the milk from the cow, it is a product of the matter and
energy that the grass that the cow ate had. It is understood?

Closing of the moment:

We paste the photocopy in the notebook:

The plant: with the process of photosynthesis (the absorption of light energy), water and
nutrients from the soil (such as fertilizer), the plant makes its own food and obtains energy.

If we are hungry, and we feel weak, we can eat something rich in sugar or salt like some
delicious noodles and with that we will feel better, we will have energy: the same thing
happens to the plant. Well watered, fertilized and with plenty of light, the plant will grow.

The cow : the cow eats the plant that we saw growing in the first photo, or in other words, it
eats the grass that grew in the field. The cow obtains nutrients and energy that previously
came from the plant. Now all that energy is in the cow's body.

The child drinking milk: when we milk the milk from the cow, it is a product of the matter and
energy that the grass that the cow ate had.

Second moment.


1) Read the following text.

Matter and energy.

Matter: is everything that exists and occupies space in the world and that we can
weigh. This matter is characterized by two main aspects: its volume (which we
measure in liters) and its mass (which we will measure in kilograms). At the same time,
matter can occur in different states, such as the gaseous state, the liquid state or the
solid state.

Energy: is the engine of all activities. Plants need energy to grow and we need food to
be able to live and move around.

Energy is constantly being transported from one form to another. When we eat
chocolate, the energy it gives us is stored in the chocolate and when we digest we
release it and convert that stored energy into energy that we will use to carry out an
activity or work.

2) Give five examples of matter.

3) Give two examples of activities that a person can do with energy:
- Sea animal.
- Person.
- Bird.
- Tree.

Third moment.

1) Look at the following image and create a text that explains it, taking into account the
following words:
- Subject.
- Photosynthesis.
- Energy.
- Decomposition.
- Food.
- Death.
- Circuit.

For the evaluation of this activity, the cohesion of the texts or the relationship
established between the concepts will be taken into account, since from this I will be
able to account for the degree of understanding of the children so far. We will have
fulfilled the purpose if children realize the relationship between all living beings for
their survival, or in other words, the food chain as the reflection of the exchange
between matter and energy.


First moment.
We work on the system concept.

1) Think as a group: What is a system?

2) We take note and create a definition together.
3) They write the definition in the notebook and make a colorful box.

We should be left with something like this:

A system is a set of elements that relate to each other and allow it to function. Example: your
computer, the digestive system, a factory.

4) Think: Are living beings systems? Support your answer.

Sharing: we socialize, we reinforce concepts.

Second moment.

1) Create a concept map that integrates the following concepts:

- Living beings.
- Subject.
- Energy.
- Atmosphere.
- Open systems.
2) Paste this photocopy.

1) Why are living beings open systems and not closed ones? Justify the answer.

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