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It began in 1905 when Don José Carulla Vidal founded the first Carulla in Bogotá with the
name of the Catalan Shield Later, in 1922, Luis Eduardo Yepes opened the first law store
in Barranquilla. In 1949, Gustavo Toro Quintero opened the first Éxito in Medellín. Twenty
years later, in 1969, Alberto Azout founded the Vivero chain in Barranquilla.
Since 1994, the Company began a process of opening shares and developed a growth
and consolidation strategy to face the challenges of incoming international competition.
In 1998, the virtual store began operating, opening markets for sale online.
Subsequently, in 1999, the Casino Group acquired twenty-five percent (25%) of the
Company's shares, while the Company obtained the majority shareholding of Cadenalco.
The merger between the two national companies was consolidated in 2001.
In 2005 the real estate business began and the Éxito Card was born and in 2006 the
agreements for the acquisition of the Carulla Vivero SA organization were completed,
becoming its main shareholder in 2007.
On November 25, 2010, the Government of Venezuela expropriated several Éxito
supermarkets, subsequently bought the shares of the Francés Casino group (which owned
61.7% of Cativen's shares) and nationalized the 6 remaining Éxito supermarkets in the
The government of Venezuela changed the name of the acquired supermarkets to
Abastos Bicentenario .
On October 5, 2018, Grupo Éxito inaugurated the VIVA Envigado Shopping Center, which
with 260,000 m² is the second largest shopping center in Colombia after Centro Mayor and
surpassing the Santafé , Calima , Titan Plaza , Mayorca Mega Plaza, and Parque
shopping centers. from the Hill and Central Plaza.

Almacenes Success is a private organization since it is private people who invest capital in
order to obtain profits, they focus on product lines, allowing the growth and diversity of
products and services.
multilatin company, leader in the retail market in South America. Present in Colombia with
Grupo Éxito; in Brazil with the Pão de Açúcar Group; in Uruguay with the Groups Disco
and Devoto and in Argentina with Libertad

It is the satisfaction of customers' needs, tastes and preferences, through memorable

shopping experiences and a guarantee of excellence in service, product selection, quality
and price, all in modern environments and with value propositions differentiated by
commercial format.


The vision of the successful group is for the year 2020 to captivate above the competition,
the loyalty of Colombian consumers, the preference of suppliers and the pride of
employees and shareholders." Consolidate as an international company with participation
of its own commercial brands.


The values of the success group are

• Service
• I respect
• loyalty
• Trust
• Responsibility.

The principles of the successful group are

• Treat all people the way I want to be treated.

• Develop human talent to the maximum.
• Teamwork.
• Live the passion for the result.
• Guide our actions to the market and its clients.
• Promote the progress of our community

1. Every year they reinforce the strategies with which they aim to reduce and
adequately manage the waste from their activity, through programs for the efficient
use of water, reduction of atmospheric emissions and promotion of awareness
2. High-value customer loyalty (meetings, incentives delivery, signing autographs of
characters in entertainment, fashion areas, among others).
3. Boy scout; is a program that invites school children to tours of the different
warehouses with a guide and refreshments
4. Goticas de amor, is a solidarity initiative between clients and the company that can
help institutions that work for nutrition in early childhood in the country (success


For Almacenes Éxito SA, Corporate Social Responsibility is a way of sharing and giving
back to the community the benefits we receive from it, from: 
Suppliers, Environment, Investors, Customers, Employees, Communities, State


 Prioritize relationships with the three fundamental axes (customers. suppliers,

 Drive community progress
 develop human talent to the maximum
 direct actions to the market and its clients


 Customer Success Moments of Truth

 Creation of the basic need (product/service)
 The customer enters the warehouse
 Advice on discounts and product placement
 Departure from the facilities (use or consumption of the product/service)


 Among the undersigned ANDI – ACOPI, FENALCO and the other adherents, in
their capacity as unions representing companies that provide goods and services
for mass use or consumption, and supermarkets, hypermarkets and large stores,
by common agreement

 Redemption of success points (for redemption of benefits (raffle products and

money must be the owner presenting the ID card)

 Food Handler Certification

 That free and fair competition, as well as respect for consumer rights, are essential
prerequisites for the development of business activity.

 That it is our institutional decision, as subscribers of this declaration, to ratify our

commitment to comply with current legal regulations regarding consumer
protection, restrictive trade practices and fair competition.

 That as subscribers of this declaration we want to establish a constructive, win-win

relationship, of true business partners with a long-term vision, where differences
are resolved through negotiation.

 Industry and commerce are committed to improving the standard of living of


 Generating a harmonious chain between industry and commerce allows for an

environment of competitiveness in the face of the demands of the FTA, FTAA and
other free trade agreements.

 Clear rules between industry and commerce are essential given the existence of
strengthening their institutions and growing investment in Colombia.

 Within a free market economy, the effort of self-regulation and the resolution of
disputes by the economic agents themselves is essential.

 The sophistication and growth of the supply chain allows new product options for
the consumer and an improvement in the country's productivity and



Steps for the selection process

1. Requirement (area or warehouse)
2. Occupational analysis (position functions, profile, competence)
3. Recruitment: -Internal → Promotions, referrals
-External → Searches and platforms
4. Review and discard (according to profile)
5. Group Interview (Socialization of the position): Knowledge of the participant (personal,
expressions, activities (case test).)
6. Psychotechnical Tests (In-person and Internet)
7. Technical Tests (Depends on the position)
8. Individual Interview
9. Sending 2 candidates to the immediate boss.
10. Hiring/Internal Promotion
• Prioritize respect for the human rights of your employees,
clients, suppliers or communities in which it operates.
• Ensure that the labor rights of your workers are fulfilled
• Do not hire minors.
• Be transparent in your relationship with us, and with the information you provide us
(financial statements, commercial experience)
• Report us to the toll-free number 018000522526 or to the email,
if you detect fraud or corruption practices in our business relationship, by our employees or
other suppliers.
• Do not offer the competition information about sweepstakes, promotions or special events
that our company is going to hold.
Avoid giving our employees any type of gift that exceeds three current legal daily
minimum wages. Business partners give life to the retail market business, which is why
Grupo Éxito works to offer them attractive business opportunities and collaboration
processes that allow them to grow in economic, social, environmental and labor aspects.

Timely and adequate attention to complaints and claims

1) In the first instance, the complaint and/or claim must be addressed by the Chain official
warehouses and/or supplier who has been assigned direct contact with the person making
the complaint, or by the person who has carried out the act or originated the event that gave
rise to the Complaint and/or claim.
2) Once the described instance has been exhausted, if the disagreement persists, the
complaint or claim must be analyzed by the person or persons other than the one mentioned
in the previous point, that the Supplier or the chain designates for this purpose.
3) The resolution of complaints and claims by a different official will be done to the extent
permitted by the internal structure of each company.
4) In this phase, a priority system may be established for addressing complaints and/or
claims, according to their amount and/or severity.
5) The direct settlement phase may not exceed twenty-five (25) business days for non-
Accounting issues and forty (40) business days for accounting issues, counted from the date
of filing of the complaint or claim in due form. Once the dispute arises, the Parties may
agree to extend or extend this period.
6) Once the period referred to in the previous point has expired without an agreement
having been reached to resolve the conflict, any of the parties may take the dispute to the
Second Phase of the procedure, regardless of the degree of progress in which it is reached.

Control Mechanisms of a straight administration

Through the Board of Directors, the Internal Audit and the Statutory Auditor, as the case
may be, continuous evaluation and control of the Company's management bodies is carried
out. It is their responsibility to ensure proper administration of the company, adequate
conservation and investment of its assets, and orderly and efficient management of its
resources in compliance with its corporate purpose. Within the previous parameters, the
aforementioned bodies are empowered to:
1. Inspect the Company's accounting, its balance sheets, the assets and securities of the
company and those in custody; all operations, inventories, minutes, books, correspondence,
account receipts and business of the Company.
2. Request written reports from the company's administrative and management bodies on
general and specific matters of interest, as well as the clarifications, extensions and
explanations that they require.
3. Inform the Legal Representative of the Company, its Board of Directors or the General
Assembly of Shareholders, as the case may be, of the findings made by them.
4. Inform the Compensation, Evaluation and Monitoring Committee of the Good
Governance Code, as well as the Conflict of Interest Committee, of all situations that
constitute a violation of this Code.

Carlos Mario Giraldo Moreno is a lawyer from the University of Medellín with a Master's
Degree in Law from Tulane University. He has also completed studies in Strategic
Management and Retail Planning at Babson College and refresher studies in Management
and Marketing at Kellogg and Stanford. He has a recognized professional career with 18
years of experience in mass consumption, of which 13 in Nutresa (Noel and Zenú) and 5
years in Retail (Éxito). He served as President of Noel Food Industries and then the Noel
Cookie Company for about 10 years. Likewise, he was President of the General
Management Board of ANDI between 2003 and 2004. Currently, he is President of the
Board of Directors of the Coca Cola Retail Council for Latin America and in the last five
years he has served as Operational President of Retail for Success working hand in hand
with Gonzalo RestrepoLópez, ensuring a professional and efficient transition.
Carlos Mario Díez Gómez

Retail Vice President

He joined the company in 1992. He has served as Food Sales Director, Éxito Medellín
Bogotá Integration Project Manager, operations manager, Market Business Director,
Commercial Vice President, Vice President of the hypermarket format and currently leads
the Operations Vice President of all chains. Before joining Almacenes Éxito SA he worked
as Manager of Colcosmticos SA of the L'Oreal Group, Colombia. He is a business
administrator at EAFIT University
Filipe Da Silva
Financial and administrative vice president

Master in Business and Finance from the ECSP Europe school. He has 10 years of work
experience during which he has been part of companies such as Carrefour, where he served
as Finance Director at its headquarters in Indonesia and India, and in the same organization
under other roles as National Control Director in Colombia and Responsible of financial
control for the area of the Americas, from Buenos Aires, Argentina to our country. He
belonged to Total Fina, an important company in the petrochemical and energy sector, as a
Consultant in charge of analyzing the profitability of gas wells in Russia, and to Total Gas
where he was in charge of Production Cost Analysis.
Jacky Yanovich Mizrach

Vice President Brand Success

He studied International Business at the Eafit University of Medellín. He worked at the

Dann Carlton Hotel in Medellín and joined the Company in 2000. He held positions as
Manager of the Poblado and Envigado stores, Director of Éxito, Ley and Pomona
Operations and later served as Manager of the Éxito Brand. He is currently Vice President
of Marca Éxito.
Juan Felipe Montoya Street

Vice President of Human Resources

He began his career at Almacenes Éxito SA in 1996 as Chief of Personnel. Since then he
has held different positions: Deputy Operations Manager, District Head and from 2006 to
February 2010, he served as Director of Human Resources. In February 2010 he became
Vice President of Human Resources. He is a lawyer from the Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana with specialization in Labor Law and Social Security.
José Gabriel Loaiza Herrera

Commercial and Supply Vice President

Administrative engineer from the Faculty of Mines of the National University of

Colombia, with a master's degree in International Business from Texas A&M University.
He began his career with the Éxito Group in 1996 as an intern student, in 1998 he worked
as a stationery buyer at Cadenalco, in 2001 he became a sales manager for the Éxito format
and in 2003 he worked at the company Precision Trading Corp. of the United States. In
2006 he returned to Grupo Éxito as Head of the Investor Relations Department, to become
the Director of Financial Planning in 2008 and in 2010 to be the Corporate Entertainment
Manager, a position he held until June 30, 2011, when he was appointed Commercial and
Supply Vice President of Grupo Éxito.
Juan Lucas Vega

Vice Presidency of Real Estate and Development

For four and a half years he worked in the Organization, his last position being Planning
Director of the Real Estate Company. Juan Lucas is a Civil Engineer from the Antioquia
School of Engineering, with studies in finance at New York University. In 2001 he served
as Assistant President of Compañía de Galletas Noel; In 2006 he joined the Casino Group
in France to carry out international expansion studies for the Group and in 2008 he joined
the Éxito Group as Director of Planning and Expansion in the Real Estate Vice Presidency,
where he directed the Éxito - Cafam integration project and was in charge. facing the
opening of several warehouses through acquisitions.
Martin Nova Estrada

Vice President of Marketing

He is a Business Administrator from the University of Los Andes. Marketing Specialist at

Cesa and with various marketing courses abroad. After 7 years of experience at Nielsen as a
marketing and trade marketing advisor for mass consumption companies and retailers, he
joined Grupo Éxito in 2009 with the challenge of enhancing the company's Customer
Management area with a focus on customer knowledge. consumer and loyalty. He later
became Marketing Manager. He is currently the vice president of the area.
Carlos Fernando Henao Moreno

General Secretary and Affairs Manager


Lawyer from the Pontifical Bolivarian University; specialist in business law from the
Externado University of Colombia and in industrial property, copyright and new
technologies, from that same institution. In addition, he has a master's degree in private law
from Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where he graduated with high honors. He has
held the positions of Legal Secretary of Productos Familia SA and Lawyer of the Energy
Distribution Unit of Public Companies of Medellín, among others.
Jesus Alberto Quintero Marin

Supply chain manager

He is a public accountant from EAFIT University. He worked at Cadenalco in 1991 as

head of the Accounting Division. He held the position of Financial Manager at Cativen
(Venezuela) and later served as Director of Financial Planning at Almacenes Éxito. In April
2008 he was appointed general manager of Carulla and currently works as the group's
Supply Chain Manager.
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Gladys Elena Estrada Yepes

Audit Director

He joined the company in 1997 as Head of Operational and Financial Audit. She is a
Public Accountant from the University of Medellín and has a Master's degree in
Administration from EAFIT University. He has an accreditation in internal audit quality
assessment from the Institute of Internal Auditors of Colombia. Before joining the
company, she worked for 5 years at Grupo Mundial as a Statutory Auditor and Audit
Coordinator. She has extensive experience in governance, risk and control issues, which is
why between 2009 and 2010 she assumed the position of Comptroller for 8 months as

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