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The critical apparatus

French Classical System

The set of citations and notes present in a written work is called the critical apparatus.
They provide the theoretical basis and ideological foundation for the approaches made in
the work. In turn, they become support material and an important source of information,
by referring the reader to the various sources cited.
Some abbreviations used in the critical apparatus.
Idem: the same
Ibid: In the same place
Ob. quote: cited work.
Cit. by: quoted by.
Cf.: confront with.
V.: see.
Sic As written
Use of Ibid or Ibidem.
Ibid or ibidem is used to refer to the reference cited immediately before. That is, when it is
the same author and cited work but a different page, and between both citations there is
no other work or works involved .
Suoloaga, Gerardo. The atom. 1979, p. 37.
Ibid. p. 40.
Use of ob. cit.
Ob. cit. It is used to replace the title of a work previously cited or having made reference to
it, but other references or quotations have been inserted. Example:
1. Viñas, Alfredo. The cosmos . 1980. p. 18.
2. Idem.
3. Suoloaga, Gerardo. The atom . 1079. p. 36.
4. Viñas, Alfredo. ob. cit . p. 19.
Use of Idem
Idem. It is used immediately after citing a work, when it is necessary to cite it again, that is,
the same work is cited on the same page.
1. Viñas, Alfredo. The cosmos . 1980. p. 18.
2. Idem.

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