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Bullying is one of the worst things I have seen at my old school, it is one of those
situations that I could not see since sometimes those little pranks were very cruel from
burning someone ien with a cigarette until they broke their backpacks and it seems
very cruel to the companions who did not defend themselves. That is why I want to
share with you an issue of great importance that currently affects adolescents and
youth, not only at the local or national level, but has international impact. I am referring
to bullying, better known as bullying.
This harassment generally consists of psychological abuse and in several cases it
even becomes physical. Normally, the victim of harassment is insulted to the point of
believing that said insults are true, generating a series of complexes that lead to
depression. .
Normally, adolescents or young people who practice bullying aim to make someone
who they consider harmless, different or even with some defect feel inferior; Mocking,
hurtful mockery and insults are the means most used by this type of perpetrators.
However, this type of contempt and mistreatment does not end there, but rather leads
to the belief that the individual has no place in the world, and in extreme cases can
lead to suicide.
Commonly, the bullied person does not reveal the problem to another subject, this due
to his or her loneliness and social isolation, due to the social manipulation that the
victim of the bully receives.
This consists of a social distortion on the part of the adolescent, leading to self-
contempt, pushing him towards a loneliness that will make him unable to relate to other
people, causing a problem of mistrust and creating damage that is difficult to repair in
his self-esteem.

Therefore, the viable solution is to ask for help, but this is difficult since the young
person does not have confidence due to rejection; creating an insufficiency to
communicate, which makes it difficult for the person to communicate and ask for help.
In this sense, bullying is a difficult problem to detect; A better solution could be greater
vigilance by school staff and parents and also for the institution to provide professional
help to the affected person.

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