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Step 1 With the cell phone that you applied and with the sim.

Go to settings, applications, clear

cache of each and every app. Step 2 Uninstall the applications (Do not delete any contacts, do not
restore your cell phone) Step 3 Edit your contacts, except the ones you gave as a reference since
they cannot be modified. Step 4 Download the apps again and you will see that the WhatsApp app
collectors send you the list of the names of the contacts with whom you initially applied but since
you have now modified them, the names will appear but with the new numbers. Step 5 Avoid
harassment until you get fed up. Install an anti spam call and msm application. (ID blacklist). Step 6
Some apps register your IP, I recommend that you download an app that changes your IP/VPN. Imei
They cannot block your cell phone using imei. IMEI section: Only your telephone provider can do
that. Some legal apps regulated by condusef can block your phone, basically there are 3 of them;
payjoy, monneyman, nufin. *you can avoid the Nufin block, I did it* Step 7 They are not
Colombians. They are not hitmen. They are not going to show up at your home, no matter how
many letters they send you, they cannot seize you, stay calm. You are welcome. This is the finished
"guide". I also had one about the milking, which I'll still upload if I find it. Milking If you are going
to do something, do it well, not halfway. Without fear of success. Step 1 Edit your In3, so you can
bypass the apps that ask for facial recognition and increase your chances of milking. Download the
contact generator app, (I already uploaded the video). Don't create contacts manually, it makes me
really fucking lazy and above all think to see what fucking number exists. If you apply with your
INE, it is also valid. Step 2 Create a digital bank account with the name of the ine you are going to
apply with. In the play store there are more than 5 apps, Cuenca, Bankaya, Transfer Banamex, etc.
Step 3 There is a schedule to apply and a number of times you can apply with the same cell phone.
(Not confirmed). Do not apply to more than 6 or 7 apps in a row. If they reject you, delete the
system folder, or system files. Step 4 Apparently some apps have the record of your cell phone
model, serial number, imei and details like that. They don't block it, they just avoid authorizing
loans and there is nothing emasculating to apply to the asshole. Step 5 Your references, make sure
you put real ones, since some apps mark to confirm. With the number you registered, they also dial
that one. Do not change sim with that cell phone. This pending, cash box used to score.

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