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fettA n OF “ P ” BRANCH A F O s ' 3434^ 3438/ 45



N ot to be communicated to anyone outside H .M . Service


A d m ir a l t y , S.W .l,
28th June, 1945.
The following Honours and Awards are hereby promulgated
for information.
By Command of Their Lordships,

To Commanders-in-Chief, Flag
Officers, Senior Naval Officers,
Captains and Commanding Officers
o f H .M . Ships, Vessels and C.O.
Craft {A.F.O. 1628/45), Super­
intendents or Officers in Charge
o f H .M . Naval Establishments,
and Adm iralty Overseers concerned.
The scale of distribution is approxim ately half th a t shown in the
N o t e :—
A dm iralty Fleet Order Volume, 1941, Instructions, paragraph 10.

----------- J

- — X * 7 -

(7 1 6 9 7 ) A
3434 2 3 3434
. C entral C hancery of the O rders of K n ig h t h o o d ,

St. James's Palace, S .W .l.

14th June, 1945.
*3434.—Honours and Awards—Birthday Honours List, 1845 The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on th e occasion of the Celebration of
His M ajesty’s B irthday, to give orders for the following prom otions in, and appoint­
m ents to, the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire :—
(H. & A. 400/45.— 28 J u n . 1945.)
To be Additional Knights Commanders of the M ilitary Division of the said Most
Excellent Order :—
C entral C hancery of the O rders of K n ig h t h o o d ,
Instructor Rear-Admiral A rthur Edw ard Hall, C.B., C.B.E. (Ret.).
St. James's Palace, S .W .l. Vice-Admiral Charles Edw ard Barrington Simeon, C.B. (Ret.).
Major-General R obert Grice Sturges, C.B., D.S.O.
14th June, 1945.
To be Additional Commanders of the M ilitary Division of the said Most
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on th e occasion o f th e Celebration of Excellent Order :—
H is M ajesty’s B irthday, to give orders for the following prom otions in, and appoint­ Acting Captajn Lord Ampthill, R .N . (Ret.).
m ents to, the Most Honourable Order of th e B ath :— Captain Gerald Courtney Banister, O.B.E., R.N . (Ret.).
Captain Claude Lindsay Bate, D.S.O., R .N . (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Spartiate ” .
Acting C aptain (S) Glendenning Blarney, R .N ., H.M.S. “ Victory ” .
To be an Additional Member of the M ilitary Division of the First Class, or Knights Miss Agnes Je a n Currie, Superintendent, W .R.N.S.
Grand Cross, of the said Most Honourable Order :— Acting Captain R ichard Charlie Donovan, R.N. (Ret.).
A dm iral Sir Max K ennedy H orton, K.C.B., D.S.O. Acting Surgeon Captain W illiam lim es Gerrard, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., D .P.H .,
R .N . (Ret.), R.N.A .H. Kingseat.
To be Additional Members of the M ilitary Division of the Second Class, or Knights Acting Captain H arold Sinclair H opkins, R.N.
Captain H ugh Meynell Cyril Ionides, R .N ., H.M.S. “ A dam ant ” .
Commanders, of the said Most Honourable Order •
Lieutenant-Colonel (Acting Major-General) Charles R obert W harram Lamplough,
Vice-Admiral Denis W illiam Boyd, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C. D.S.C., R.M.
Vice-Admiral Sir R obert Lindsay B urnett, K .B.E., C.B., D.S.O. Captain (E) The H onourable Denis Crichton Maxwell, R.N.
Vice-Admiral Rhoderick R obert McGrigor, C.B., D.S.O. Captain Reginald Francis Morice, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ D rake ” .
Engineer Rear-Admiral H arold H epworth Perring, C.B. (Ret.).
Vice-Admiral Geoffrey Jo h n Audley Miles, C.B. Acting Captain (S) W illiam Brian Canning Simpson, O.B.E., R.N.
Colonel Second Com m andant (Acting Colonel Commandant) (Temporary Brigadier)
To be Additional Members of the M ilitary Division of the Third Class, or Companions A rthur Nicholls Williams, O.B.E., R.M.
Acting Captain R obert Bradshaw Wilmot-Sitwell, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Cochrane ”
of the said Most Honourable Order Commodore Charles Trevenen Wilson, R.N.
Rear-Admiral E rnest Russell Archer, C.B.E. To be Additional Officers of the M ilitary Division of the Said Most Excellent Order :
Rear-Admiral Claud B arrington B arry, D.S.O.
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Com mander (S) Eric Percy Alexander, R.N.V.R.
Rear-Admiral (Acting Vice-Admiral) Charles Saumarez Daniel, C.B.E., D.S.O. Lieutenant-Com mander W ilfrid Gordon Axworthy, R.N . (Ret.).
Acting Rear-Admiral (S) Edwin Howard D rayson, C.B.E. (Ret.). Miss Marjorie Gillespy Bois, Chief Officer W .R.N.S., H.M.S. “ Victory IV
Engineer Rear-Admiral Dennis Jo h n Hoare. Acting Commander Thomas W illiam Botley, R.N.
Rear-Admiral H arold Richard George K inahan, C.B.E. Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel Edw ard S tu art Simken Bowman, R.M .E., H.M.S.
“ Proserpine
Rear-Admiral Jo h n Maurice Mansfield, D.S.O., D.S.C. Temporary Acting Commander Douglas Vivian Laurence Cheeseman, R.N .R.
Rear-Admiral Llewellyn Vaughan Morgan, C.B.E., M.V.O., D.S.C. Commander (S) Norm an Thomas Porteous Cooper, R.N.
Rear-Admiral Philip Esm onde Phillips, D.S.O. Temporary Acting Commander George Dale Copeland, M.B.E., R.N.R.
Rear-Admiral A rthur Rullion R attra y , C.I.E. Commander Jam es Godfrey Wood Deneys, D.S.O., R.N.
Commander (S) N orm an E dgar Denning, R.N.
Rear-Admiral (E) Jo h n Benson Sidgwick.
Acting Commander Frederick Charles Fellows-Gordon, D.S.C., R .N . (Ret.), H.M.S.
“ Odyssey /
t ¡»Mirgeon Commander Jam es M artin Flattery, R.A.N. V
C h a n c e ry o f th e O r d e r o f St . M ic h a e l a n d St . G e o r g e , Acting Tem porary Commander (A) R ichard E x to n Gardner, D.S.C.. ^.N .V rR .
R.N.A.S: “ St. Merryn /
14th June, 1945. f e t i n g Lieutenant-Commançler Dennis Jo h n Stoney W estropp George, R . A . N . R . V
Commander E dgar William Grace, R .N . (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” .
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on th e occasion of th e Celebration of Captain (Temporary Major) Leslie A lban H arris, D.S.C., R.M., R.N.A.S. Lee-on-
H is M ajesty’s B irthday, to give directions for th e following appointm ent to th e Most Solent.
Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George :—- Acting Captajn (E) Sydney Alick Harrison-Sm ith, R.N.
Acting Commander H enry Treby Heale, R .N .R . (Ret.), H.M.S. “ L atim er ” .
To be an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Engineer Commander H enry Alan Higgs, R .N ., H.M.S. “ Philoctetes ” .
Distinguished Order :— Commander Alexander Scrope H utchinson, R .N . (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Cyclops
Lieutenant-Com mander Jo h n Augustin levers, R .N ., R.N.A.S. Inskip.
C aptain H enry Mangles D enham , R .N ., N aval A ttaché to H is M ajesty’s Legation Commander Charles Vincent Jack, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Fabius
a t Stockholm. Commander (E) W alter Sydney Corfield Jenks, R.N .
3434 4 5 3434
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Edward Alfred Charles Kimptonr Temporary Electrical Lieutenant William McKenzie, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Glen-
R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Byrsa eam ” ,
Commander David Charles Kinloch, D.S.O., R.N., H.M.S. “ Dauntless *\ Temporary Lieutenant William James Middlemis3, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Caroline ” .
Lieutenant-Commander Lancelot Charles Liddell, R.N., H.M.S. “ Shrapnel Acting Temporary Lieutenant Frederick Albert Parsons, R.N.V.R.
Commander Richard Herbert Mack, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Bridgewater ” . Temporary Lieutenant (Acting Temporary Captain) Sidney Michael Peretz, R.M.
Commander Arthur Avalon MacKinnon, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Pembroke ” . Mr. Percy William Price, Senior Chief Officer, Shore Wireless Service, H.M.S.
Commander (S) Morrice Alexander McMullen, R.N. “ Flowerdown
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (A) Anthony Horace Milward, R.N.V.R.> Mr. Albert Edward Reddy, Warrant Ordnance Officer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Woolwich
R.N.A.S. Defford. Temporary Lieutenant (Special) Joseph William Cyril Robinson, R.N.V.R.
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (S) Edgar Philip Stuart Parr, R.N.V.R. H.M.S. “ E lfin ” .
Acting Temporary Surgeon Commander Clarence Lucan Gray Pratt, M.B., Ch.B., Mr. William George Scott, D.C.M., Warrant Recruiter, R.M.
M.D., R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Dolphin Mr. William Scorey, Gunner (T), R.N., H.M.S. “ Lanka ” .
Captain (Ret.) (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Kenneth Edward Previté, R.M. Temporary Lieutenant Stanley Gordon Sheppard,. R.N.V.R., R.M.L. “ 550 ” .
Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) Gilbert Hammer George Stratford Rayer, Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Special) Philip Smiles, R.N.V.R..
R.N.V.R., R.N.A.S. Donibristle. H.M.S. “ President
Major (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Cosmo La Roche Salter, R.M., H.M.S. Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (Special) James Frederick Somner,
“ President R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ President ” .
Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) John MacDonald Scott, R.N.A.S. Hinstock. Mr. Albert Edward Spenee, Commissioned Telegraphist, R.I.N., Mahul W/T Station.
Lieutenant-Commander (A) Mayre Glen Sedorski, R.N., R.N.A.S. Eastleigh. Mr. John George Summers, Temporary Warrant Electrician, R.N., H.M.S.
Lieutenant-Commander (S) Thomas Charles Sherwin, R.N., H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” . “ Blenheim ” .
Acting Commander Eric Cardew Streatfield-James, R.I.N., H.M.I.S. “ India ” . Mr. Kenneth Haseltine Summers, Warrant Writer Officer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Lynx
Commander Roger Henry George Talbot, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Cochrane Mrs. May Isabella Thomas, First Officer W.R.N.S., H.M.S. “ Pembroke ” .
Temporary Acting Commander Allan Patterson Wallace, R.N.R. Temporary Lieutenant (Quartermaster) (Acting Temporary Captain) Leslie Thomas
Commander (S) George Arthur Patrick Webster, D.S.C., R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. Ludlow Tunnicliff, R.M., 47 R.M. Commando.
“ Afrikander ” . Temporary Lieutenant Laurence Tuppen, R.N.V.R., H.M.C.B. “ Gold Bell ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Cyril Wilson, R.N.V.R. Temporary Lieutenant (Special) William Peters Vannet, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Forth ” .
Commander Frederick Gordon Wynne, R.N., H.M.S. “ Ferret Lieutenant (E) Arthur Wallace Warner, R.N.' (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Dolphin ” .
Lieutenant-Commander (E) Robert Kerr Weir, R.N: (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Dartmouth
To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Mrs. Joan Mary Wiles, First Officer W.R.N.S., H.M.S. “ Pembroke I I I ” .
Order : Temporary Acting Commander (E) Guy Ernest Williamson, R.N.V.R.
Lieutenant (A) Ronald Angus Wood, R.N.V.R., R.N.A.S. Yeovilton.
Acting Skipper Lieutenant Alexander Adamson, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Barglow ” .
Acting Wardmaster Lieutenant-Commander Ernest Walter Biddlecombe, R.N. The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion o f the celebration of
(Ret.), R.N.A.H. Kingseat. His Majesty’s Birthday, and oil the advice of His Majesty’s Australian Ministers,
Temporary Lieutenant-Commander John Grigor Brodie, R.N.V.R. to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the
Telegraphist Lieutenant Frederick George Bunker, R.N., H.M.S. “ Pembroke ” . British Em pire:—
Miss Elizabeth Mary Candy, Second Officer, W.R.N.S , H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” To be an Additional Commander of the Military Division of the said Most
Acting Lieutenant-Commander Hajer Mohammed Siddiq Choudri, R.I.N., H.M.I.S. Excellent Order.:—
“ Rohilkhand ” .
Mr. Sydney Cleburne, Temporary Warrant Telegraphist, R.N., H.M.S. “ Sambur ” . Commodore Second Class Henry Arthur Showers, R.A.N-
Temporary Lieutenant Donald Cole, R.N.V.R., R.M.L. “ 515
To be an Additional Officer of the Military Division of the said Most
Mrs. Nancie Margaret Conner, Second Officer, W.R.N.S'.
Excellent Order :— /
Temporary Lieutenant (A) James Robson Cowan, R.JT.Z.N.V.R., R.N.A.S. St.
Merryn. «..irActing Captain (S) John Edward Hehir, R.A.N. s/
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Hilton Alfred Curnock, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Tyne ” .
Miss Esta Eldod, First Officer, W.R.N.S. To be an Additional Member of the Military Division of the said Most
Temporary Lieutenant Samuel James Norman Fenton, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Excellent Ordm :—•
“ President I I I ” . ’""Lieutenant John Albert Harte, R.A.N. » ,
Mr. John Frazer, Temporary Warrant Writer Officer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Ferret ” . L ieutenant, Commander Charles Victor Wood, R.A.N.R,*/
Mr. Arthur Crosby Gale, Temporary Warrant Writer Officer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Eland ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Thomas Gardner, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Curlew ” . The. K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion o f the Celebration of
Mr. Douglas H. J. Hardy, Accredited Naval Correspondent, British Paramount His Majesty’s Birthday, and on the advice of His Majesty’s New Zealand Ministers,
News. to give orders for the following appointment, to the Most Excellent Order of the
Mr. Frank Thomas Hatfield, Boatswain, R.N. British Empire :—
Temporary Lieutenant Douglas Valentine Hugonin, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Arran ” . To be an Additional Member of the Military Division of the said Most
Mr. Charles Edward John Jenner, Warrant Shipwright, R.N., H.M.S. “ Bona- Excellent Order :—-
venture ” .
Mr. William Charles Judkins, Warrant Recruiter, R.N. Temporary Lieutenant Frederick Johnston, R.N.Z.N.V.R.
The Reverend Robert Kirkland, Temporary Chaplain, R.N., 3rd Commando
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion o f the Celebration of
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) James Caldwell Kole Kortright, His Majesty’s Birthday, to approve the award of the British Empire Medal (Military
Division) to the under-mentioned :—
R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Implacable
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Robert Arthur Lochner, R.N.V.R. Chief Petty Officer (Torpedo Coxswain) Ronald Albert Adams, D.S.M., P/J. 107099,
Mr. Oliver Henry Mantle, Warrant Telegraphist, R.I.N., H.M.S. “ Euphrates ” . H.M.S. “ Maidstone ” .
Mr. Charles Frederick William McCoy, Temporary Warrant Stores Officer, R.N., Chief Electrical Artificer Edwin Samuel John Arscott, D/MX.52I56, H.M.S.
H.M.S. “ Quebec “ Ferret ” .
(71697) A »
3434 6
7 3434
Colour Sergeant John Attwood, R.M., Ply. 18366.
Stoker Petty Officer Charles Bailey, C/KX.80310, H.M.S. “ Woolwich ” , Chief Petty Officer Gunner’s Mate Albert Sydney Fountain, C/202767, H.M.S.
Chief Mechanician Jainuddin Bala, R.I.N.1428. “ Merlin
Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Harry Alfred Philip Barge, P/MX.51373, Quartermaster-Sergeant Instructor (Acting Regimental Sergeant-Major) Herbert
HJM.S. “ Abatos ” . Frederick Pinnegar Fuller, Depot/X.34, R.M.
Colour Sergeant Reginald William Beasant, Po.17780, R.M., H.M.S. “ Woolver- Petty Officer Wren Norah Edith Gallagher, W.R.N.S.2148, H.M.S. “ Calliope ” .
stone ” . Chief Engine Room Artificer Arthur Daniel Gard, D/MX.52070, H.M.S. “ Ambrose
Petty Officer Wren Muriel Beckley, W.R.N.S., O.N. 13842, H.M.S. “ Flowerdown ” . Chief Petty Officer Writer Maurice Gleeson, P/MX.46304, H.M.S. “ Lanka ” .
Temporary Leading Writer Joseph Bell, C/MX.95232, H.M.S. “ Highflyer ” . Chief Petty Officer Writer George Arthur Goddard, P/M.3926, H.M.S. “ Victory
Chief Petty Officer William James Bell, D/234461, H.M.S. “ Irwell ” . Chief Motor Mechanic Fourth Class William Richard Goldswain, D/MX.68721,
Cliief Petty Officer Cook (S) Arthur Edward Berrington, P/M.10416, H.M.S. H.M.S. “ Miranda
“ Fabius ” . Chief Petty Officer Writer Henry Goodwin, C/MX.54089, H.M.S. “ Cochrane
Petty Officer Air Fitter (A) Gilbert Michael Boivin, FAA/FX.79845, H.M.S. Leading Seaman George Kirk Graham, P/JX.269625, H.M.S. “ Spartiate
“ Raven ” . Able Seaman John Donald Graham, C/JX. 191560, H.M.S. “ Lynx
Chief Petty Officer Chris Boniface, P/J.50118, H.M.S. “ Beehive ” . Colour Sergeant (Temporary) Nicholas Graham, R.M.E. 11645, H.M.S. “ Proserpine
Chief Wren Gertrude Grace Boulton, W .R.N.S.1844, H.M.S. “ Drake ” . Marine Charles Gulliver, R.M., Po.8694, H.M.S. “ Victory
Engine Room Artificer Second Class William Thomas Harry Bowden, D/MX.55670, Chief Wren Margaret Farmer Halton, W.R.N.S. 11038.
H.M.S. “ Goshawk Marine (Acting Temporary Colour Sergeant) Herbert Edward Harris, R.M., Ch.X.
Chief Petty Officer George Robert Braddick, D/J. 115380, H.M.S. “ Forth ” . 192781.
Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class Joseph John Brazier, C/MX.96157, H.M.S. Ordnance Artificer First Class Llewellyn James Harris, P/MX.52125, H.M.S.
“ Lanka ” . “ Hornet
Stoker Petty Officer William Owen Brazier, C/KX.98941, H.M.S. “ Sparrowhawk ” . Petty Officer Wren Writer Catherine Ellen Hart, W.R.N.S. 18337, H.M.S.
Chief Wren Beatrice Mary Browne, W.R.N.S.2. “ Proserpine ” .
Chief Petty Officer Frank Wilfred Burfitt, P/J.9952, H.M.S. “ Bacchante ” . Stores Chief Petty Officer James Harvey, D/M.37373, H.M.S. “ Lucifer ” .
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Owen Edward Burgess, C/J.41138. Chief Pett^ Officer Cook Alexander Hassell, P/M.7461, H.M.S. “ Dunluce Castle
Petty Officer William Thomas Eli Butland, R/JX.174883, H.M.S. “ Pomona ” .
Leading Seaman Philip Anthony Hellyer, LT/JX. 180467, H.M.D. “ Ascona ” .
Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer John Campbell, C/MX.4595, H.M.S. “ Baldur I I ” .
Leading Wren Writer Joan Catchpole, W.R.N.S.16720, H.M.S. “ Pembroke I I I ” . Electrical Artificer First Class Horace Cyril Blewett Hewes, C/M.38105, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Writer William James Churclrav.rd, D/344171, H.M.S. “ Drake “ Blenheim ” .
IV ”. Acting Petty Officer James Hindley, D/JX. 165400.
Acting Able Seaman Edwin Clayton, C/JX. 183956, H.M.S. “ Yeoman Chief Mechanician Frederick Thomas Hingston, D/307084, H.M.S. “ Drake ” .
Master-at-Arms John Edward Colley, P/M.35738, H.M.S. “ Europa ” . Chief Engine Room Artificer Harry Holloway, C/M.11395, H.M.S. “ Greenwich” .
Petty Officer Rigger George William Colville, R/JX.164623, H.M.S. “ Baldur I I I ” . Petty Officer Wren Stella Holmes, W.R.N.S. 10577, H.M.S. “ Pembroke ” .
Chief Petty Officer Eugene Jeram Conlon, P/J.31000, H.M.S. “ Gosling ” . Acting Leading Seaman Cyril Hood, C/J. 109295, H.M.S. “ Aggressive ” .
Chief Stoker William Costello, D/KX.78602, H.M.S. “ Ivilham ” . Chief Wren Cook (S) Louie May Hooper, P/568, W.R.N.S., H.M.S. “ Mercury
Stoker Petty Officer Archibald Ernest James Cox, P/KX.83633, H.M.S. “ Fabius ” . Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist William Alfred Hooper, C/J. 102432, H.M.S.
T em poral Petty Officer Arthur John Cox, P/J.42093, H.M.S. “ Bacchante “ Dolphin ” .
Leading Wren Anne Cross, W.R.N.S.8078, H.M.S. “ Bee ” . Temporary Chief Petty Officer Sidney Edward Clarence Hughes, P/JX. 153587,
Chief Wren Florence Crowther, W.R.N.S.3?73, H.M.S. “ Pembroke ” . H.M.S. “ Nelson
Quartermaster Sergeant (Temporary) Wilfred Emest Davey, R.M., Po.215327. Chief Petty Officer Sheikh Hussain Ibrahim, R.I.N.1266, H.M.I.S. “ Bahadur
Chief Yeoman of Signals Thomas Leonard Derrick, P/J.6719, H.M.S. “ Osborne ” . Chief Petty Officer Alexander Jappy, R/6762C, H.M.D. “ Brine ” .
Chief Shipwright Oliver John Doble, P/M.23054, H.M.S. “ Greenwich ” . Petty Officer Gunner’s Mate Albert Thompson Jennings, P/JX. 142970, H.M.S.
Able Seaman Valentine John Dodson, P/JX.127030, H.M.S. “ Calliope ” . “ Excellent
Chief Petty Officer Harry Doidge, C/213436, H.M.S. “ Royal Arthur ” . Shipwright First Class William Johns, C/344439, H.M.S. “ Calliope
Leading Seaman Joseph Walter Douce, C JX.170396, H.M.S. “ T ern ” . Acting Able Seaman Ernest Henry Johnson, JX. 184258, H.M.S. “ Yeoman
Chief Motor Mechanic Fourth Class Alexander Duff, D/MX.92284, H.M.S. “ Beaver ” . Chief Wren Olive King, W.R.N.S. 2668, H.M.S. “ Mantis ” .
Petty Officer Rigger David Marshall Walker Dunlop, R/JX.176970, H.M.S. Chief Petty Officer Rigger Daniel Kirkpatrick, R/JX.184376, H.M.S. “ Barilla
“ Pomona ” . Chief Petty Officer Appuswamy Krishnamurthy, R.I.N., H.O. 75267, H.M.I.S.
Leading Seaman Stanley George Eld, P/JX.215502, H.M.S. “ Spartiate ” . “ Adyas ” .
Chief Shipwright Thomas Henry Elliott, C/345747, H.M.S. “ Fullarton ” . Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Bruce Lackland, P/J.68971.
Master-at-Arms William Henry Ellman, P/M.39922, H.M.S. “ Sakeij ” . Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Francis Albert Ralph Lansdowne, P/J. 15037»
Chief Petty Officer Shipwright Gwillyn Evans, CSP/R.238252, H.M.S. “ Britannic ” . H.M.S. “ Mercury I I
Chief Stoker William Albert Farwell, C/K.12499, H.M.S. “ M antis^ Chief Engine Room Artificer First Class Reginald Archibald Levin, C/272341.
Chief Petty Officer George Fender, D/J.33242, H.M.S. “ Europa ” . H.M.S. “ Wildfire
Chief Shipwright Percy Andrew Ferenbaek, D/345722, H.M.S. “ Lucifer ” . Leading Writer Emest James Ley, D/MX.583375, H.M.S. “ Nile
Temporary Regulating Petty Officer Hubert George Field, D/M.40274, H.M.S. Stores Chief Petty Officer John Lawrence Linehan, P/MX.46861, H.M.S. “ Byrsa
“ Eland ” . Petty Officer James Felix Luff, P/J.10625, H.M.S. “ Proserpine
Temporary Chief Engine Room Artificer Ronald Edward Fisher, C/MX.47937, Petty Officer Rigger John Adam Malcolmson, R/1422E, H.M.S. “ Avonwater
H.M.S. “ Bonaventure ” . Engine Room Artificer First Class Richard John Marriott, D.S.M., D/M.24898,
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Albert Victor Fletcher, P/J.76784, H.M.S. H.M.S. “ F orth ” .
“ Valkyrie I I ” . Able Seaman William John May, D/J. 1435, H.M.S. “ Defender
Chief Yeoman of Signals William Emest Fletcher, P/J.37109, H.M.S. “ Elissa ” . Chief Petty Officer William James Mellon, D/J.110647, H.M.S. “ Unicorn” .
Chief Engine Room Artificer First Class William James Florence, D.S.M., P/M.22627, Chief Petty Officer Reginald Victor Millson, P/J.5424, H.M.S. “ King Alfred
H.M.S. “ Elfin ” . Chief Wren Nellie Elizabeth May Mitchell, W.R.N.S.685, H.M.S. “ Daedalus ” .
Ordnance Artificer First Class Clarence Cheslyn Foreman, D/M.37062, H.M.S. Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant John Thomas Morgan, R.M., Ply.22441,
I “ Bee ” . 45 R.M. Commando.
Petty Officer James John Charles Morris, P/J. 106082, H.M.S. “ Byrsa
3434 8 9 3434
Temporary Master-at-Arms Joseph John Morse, P/M.38145, H.M.S. “ Dunluce
Castle ” . The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of
Yeoman of Signals Stanley Mullen, C/223113, H.M.S. “ Wildfire ” . His Majesty’s Birthday, and on the advice of His Majesty’s New Zealand Ministers,
Chief Shipwright Albert Edward Nevill, P/M.16518, H.M.S. “ Bacchante ” , to approve the following award o f the British Empire Medal (Military Division) :—
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Bernard Harris Newton, D/J.6644, H.M.S. Stores Chief Petty Officer James Charles Dean, R.N.Z.N.
“ Claverhouse
Leading Telegraphist Alec Oliver, D/J.90173.
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Frederick Baden Powell Porter, C/M 32463, H.M.S.
“ Baldur ” . A d m ir a l t y ,
Petty Officer Wren Yvonne Emily Powell, W.R.N.S. 1482, H.M.S. “ Drake
Whitehall, S .W .l.
Staff Clerk William George Preston, R.M., Ply. 10992, H.M.S. “ Drake ” .
Chief Petty Officer Charles James Pudney, C/J.1529, H.M.S. “ Pembroke 14th June, 1945.
Colour Sergeant Bertram Frederick Firth Radford, R.M., Ch.24782. The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the celebration of
Chief Petty Officer Writer Edwin Harry John James Rawlings, P/M.38347, H.M.S. His Majesty’s Birthday, to give orders for the following appointments to the
“ Tana ” . Distinguished Service Order and to approve the following awards for gallantry
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Stanley Redout, P/J.51938. or outstanding service in the face of the enemy, or for zeal, patience and cheerfulness
Temporary Colour Sergeant John Reeve, R.M.E., 10796. in dangerous waters, and lor setting an example of wholehearted devotion to duty,
Second Hand John Reid, LT/JX.280535, H.M.S. “ Pleiades ” . npliulttlng the liigli tm liUoll ot the Royal Navy :—•
Air Artificer Fourth Class Donal John Bruce Ritchie, FAA/FX.76666, H.M.S.
“ Bherunda ” . To be Companions of the Distinguished, Service Order
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Guy Robertson, D/J.30869.
Captain James Parrington Gomall, R.N., H.M.S. “ Orion ” .
Chief Petty Officer Kenneth Herbert James Robinson, P/J. 109845, H.M.S.
Acting Captain Kenneth Stewart Colquhoun, R.N., H.M.S. “ Trumpeter ” .
“ Cormorant
Leading Writer Leonard Round, C/MX. 105306. Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Stoker Petty Officer Ernest Charles Rowe, D/K.2738, H.M.S. “ Forte ” .
Temporary Stores Petty Officer Ernest Albert Saltmarsh, PD/X.94, H.M.S. Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander George Clifford Fanner, D.S.C., R.N.V.R.,
“ Marshal Soult ” . H.M.S. “ Attack ” .
Acting Leading Seaman Desmond Payler Samuelson, D/SSX.32451, H.M.S. “ Nile ” . Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Frederick Charles William Lawson, D.S.C., R.N.,
Petty Officer Wren Dorothy Avriel Shipley, W.R.N.S. 16741. H.M.S. “ Aurora ” .
Shipwright Fourth Class Arthur Reginald Shoobridge, C/MX.506185, H.M.S. Acting Lieutenant (E) Alexander Charles Grant, D.S.C., R.N., H.M.S. “ R apid.”
“ Fabius ” . The Distinguished Service Cross
Engineman James Slater, LT/X.3183U, H.M.S. “ Portsdown
Chief Shipwright Alexander George Smith, P/MX.46437, Commander Talbot Leadam Eddison, R.N., H.M.S. “ Diadem ” .
Chief Motor Mechanic Third Class William Nelson Smith, R.C.N.V.R., V-46528, Commander Dermod James Boris Jewitt, R.N., H.M.S. “ Meteor ” .
H.M.S. “ Midge ” . Commander Sidney Neville Smith, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Alca ” .
Yeoman of Signals Henry Charles Stanton, D/JX.207131, H.M.S. “ Dartmouth Commander James Lunnon, R.D., R.N.R. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Leigh ” .
Chief Yeoman of Signals Frederick George Stcne, C/J.17412, H.M.S. “ Fervent Commander Ernest Bernard Sandon, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Calliope ” .
Chief Petty Officer Writer Sydney Francis Stone, D/MX.45858, H.M.S. “ Drake Acting Commander Thomas Kirkpatrick Masterman, R.N., H.M.S. “ Khedive ” .
Petty Officer Writer Walter Tait, P/MX/60883, H.M.S. “ Gombroon ” . Acting Commander William Mills Mulhall, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Leigh ” .
Chief Petty Officer Charlie Tester, C/J.16791, H.M.S. “ Cochrane ” . Commander (E) Kenneth Joseph Robb Langmaid, R.N., H.M.S. “ Renown ” .
Chief Petty Officer Christopher Thomas Thompson, C/J.894, H.M.S. “ Midge ” , Commander (E) Alfred Godfrey Norman Blake, R.N., H.M.S. “ Apollo ” .
Chief Motor Mechanic Third Class Alfred Henry Tickett, P/MX.68675, H.M.S. Temporary Commander (E) Oliver John Rolfe Pinkney, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Begum
“ Colonsay Temporary Commander (E) Hector Norman Weir, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Vindex ” .
Wartime Chief Engineman Leonard Charles William Timson, LT/KX. 110529, Lieutenant-Commander John William Huyshe Bennett, R.N., H.M.S. “ Phoebe ” .
H.M.S. “ Windermere ” . Lieutenant-Commander Bryan Cecil Durant, R.N., H.M.S. “ Victorious ” .
Leading Stores Assistant James Tran, P/MX. 121003, H.M.S. “ Gregale ” . Lieutenant-Commander David Josceline Algernon Heber-Percy, R.N. Staff of
Chief Petty Officer Walter John Rowley Tregidgo, D/J.23819, H.M.S. “ Eaglet Vice-Admiral Commanding 10th Cruiser Squadron.
Stores Chief Petty Officer George John Turner, C/346449, H.M.S. “ Cressy ” . Acting Lieutenant-Commander James Woore Cortlandt-Simpson, R.N. (Ret.),
Chief Electrical Artificer Harold Turner, C/M.34939, H.M.S. “ Adamant ” H.M.S. “ Eglinton” .
Sergeant (Temporary) Albert William Charles Vaughan, R.M., Ply.X.120738, H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Harry Alves Inglis, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Alsey ” .
“ Proserpine ” . Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander John Ewan Cameron, R.N.R., B.Y.M.S.
Able Seaman Edward Hubert Wake, C/JX.170831, H.M.S. “ Cochrane ” . “ 2068 ” .
Temporary Sergeant (Acting Temporary Colour Sergeant) Alfred Harry Wallbutton, Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Byron Albert Caws, R.N.R., H.M.T.
R.M., Po.X.100839. “ Monimia ” ,
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Gordon Wearmouth, C/JX.133973, H.M.S. Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Arthur Jarvis, R.N.R., H.M.T.
Ai8jl8;l)8ir * “ Deodar
Chief Petty Officer Writer William Percy Wheeler, C/M.6895, H.M.S. “ President III**. Acting Lieutenant-Commander Philip Almond Read, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Allmgton
Petty Officer Wren Kathleen White, W.R.N.S.2529, H.M.S. “ Beaver Castle ” .
Ordnance Artificer Fourth Class Samuel Clifford Wilkinson, C/MX.92748, H.M.S. Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Ernest Searle, R.N.R., H.M.T.
“ Ferret “ Oystermouth Castle ” .
Chief Petty Officer Writer Harry William Winter, P/MX.45086, H.M.S. “ Wolfe ” . Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Basil Laurence Bourne, R.N.V.R.,
Chief Petty Officer Edward Woodley, D/J.1308, H.M.S. “ Dipper ” . H.M.S. “ Gregale” .
Marine Fred Worsh, R.M., Po.X.102061, H.M.S. “ Fox ” . Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Gordon Bevington Jones, R.N.V.R.,
Acting Petty Officer Richard Wright, LT/JX.224328. H.M.S. “ Aeolus ” . M.M.S. “ 66 ” .
Chief Petty Officer Thomas Wriglesworth, C/JX. 147521, H.M.S. “ Victory ” Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Wilfred Layland, R.N.V.R., H.M.S.
Chief Wren Teresa Louise Yorke, W.R.N.S. 12842, H.M.S. “ Cochrane I I ” . “ Forward ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander John Ivester Lloyd, R.N.V.R.
w y
3434 10 i
11 3434
, Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Special) Ronald George Middleton,
R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Queen Elizabeth ” . Temporary Lieutenant (E) John Christopher Thorne, R.N., H.M.S. “ Onslaught
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Adam Nicholson Robertson, R.N.V.R. Acting Lieutenant (E) Edgar Jack Johnston, R.N., H.M.S. “ Roebuck ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Special) Edward Eastaway Thomas, Temporary Lieutenant (E) Roderick John Noble Asher, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Vidette ” .
R.N.V.R., Staff of C.-in-C., Home Fleet. Temporary Lieutenant (E) Hugh Alexander Leslie, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Pursuer
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Frank Sydney Burnet Appleton, Temporary Lieutenant (E) Charles Edmund Stanger, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Princess
R.A.N.V.R., “ K ” L.C.T. Squadron. Josephine Charlotte ” .
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander William Edward Harrison, R.C.N.R., Temporary Lieutenant (E) John Richard Bottomley, R.N.V.R.
H.M.C.S. “ Trentonian ” . Temporary Lieutenant (S) George James Cotton Hambling, R.N.V.R., H.M.S.
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Alfred Stableton Miller, R.N.Z.N.V.R., “ Frobisher
H.M.S. “ Puffin ” . Temporary Lieutenant (S) Owen George Jenkins, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Fly
Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Harry Mannix Nees, R.N.Z.N.V.R., M.L. Temporary Lieutenant (S) Horace William Frank Johnson, R.N.V.R., H.M.S.
“ 1085 “ Wild Goose
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) Kenneth Philip Chapman, R.N.V.R., Temporary Lieutenant (S) John Moore, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Illustrious
H.M.S. “ Indomitable ” . Captain Colin Ramsay Julius Scott, R.M., H.M.S. “ Roberts
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Paul Norman Wilson, R.N., H.M.S. Acting Temporary Skipper Lieutenant Joseph William Greene, R.N.R., T.S.288,
“ Black Prince H.M.D. “ Pierre Gustave
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Alexander Gordon, R.N.R., H.M.S. Acting Chief Skipper William Bruce, R.N.R., T.S.427, H.M.D. “ Snap ” .
“ St. Modwen ” Acting Temporary Chief Skipper George Henry Davies, R.N.R., T.S.666, H.M.T.
The Reverend Martin Martin-Harvey, Temporary Chaplain, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Loch Leven ” .
“ Sirius Acting Temporary Chief Skipper George Henry Kersey, R.N.R., T.S.179, H.M.T.
Lieutenant David Reginald Forster, R.N., H.M.S. “ Blencathra “ Alfredian ” .
Lieutenant William Charles Jelley, R.N., H.M.S. “ Fraserburgh ” . Temporary Skipper Graham Edward John Muirhead, R.N.R., T.S.1572, H.M.T.
Lieutenant Arthur Thomas Trim, R.N., H.M.S. “ Weston “ Southern Foam
Lieutenant Vaughan Alec Désiré Turner, R.N., H.M.S. “ Retaliek ” Temporary Sub-Lieutenant John Carmel Vincent Bagn&ll, R.N.V.R., L.C.F. “ 4 ” .
Lieutenant John Stafford Hough, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Kittiwake Temporary Sub-Lieutenant; John Robert MeCluskie, R.N.V.R., B.Y.M.S. “ 2152
Lieutenant Roy McEwen 'Sinclair, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Launceston Castle ” . Temporary Sub-Lieutenant WilUam McLeod Stevenson, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ General
Temporary Lieutenant Ernest Reginald Waller, R.N.R., H.M.R.T. “ Mindful ” . Botha ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Harold Edward Bailey, R.N.V.R., L.C.F. “ 14 ” . Mr. Harry Thomas Bridle, Temporary Gunner, (T), R.N., H.M.S. “ Rodney
Temporary Lieutenant (Special) James Eric Bennett, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Bellona ” . Mr. Marcus Ronald Edwards, D.S.M., Temporary Gunner, (T), R.N.
Temporary Lieutenant John Eveleigh Bolton, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Wilton ” . Mr. Ronald James Gordon Stacey, Commissioned Engineer, R.N., H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant Gilbert Charles Price Boulton, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ Prong ” . “ Guillemot
Temporary Lieutenant Herbert William Ridley Bryan, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. Mr. Cyril Ernest Prosser, Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Crane ” .
“ Steepholm Mr. Frank Neville White, Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Ajax ” . ,
Temporary Lieutenant Brian Charles Coleman, R.N.V.R., M.L. “ 842 ” . a p ^ ilr. Clement George Tiller, Temporary Warrant Telegraphist, R.A.N.
Temporary Lieutenant Gordon Edric Collins, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Hound Mr. Frederick William Charles Hall, Warrant Mechanician, R.N., H.M.S. “ Bootle ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Thomas Garrett Dawson, R.N.V.R., L.S.T. “ 65 ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Archibald George Hawkes, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 361 Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal
Temporary Lieutenant David Thomas Hewlett, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Inman
Chief Mechanician George Merrick Richard Hide, D.S.M., P/K.(>1051, H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant John Douglas Hibberd, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Tanatside
“ Bluebell
Temporary Lieutenant Kenneth Hodson, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Speedwell
Temporary Lieutenant Horatio Sidney Lee, R.N.V.R., M.M.S. “ 1031 ” . The Distinguished Service Medal
Temporary Lieutenant (Special) George Pringle Millar, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Royalist”
Temporary Lieutenant Colin Ernest Polden, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 328 Chief Petty Officer Frederick Walter Atkins, C/JX.127091, H.M.S. “ Milne ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Norman Arthur Ray, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ Liberia ” . Chief Petty Officer Harold Frederick Bonsall, C/J.72607, H.M.S. “ Saltash
Temporary Lieutenant Joseph Anthony Reeves, R.N.V.R., M.T.B. “ 713 ” . Chief Petty Officer (Gunner’s Mate) Idris Bowen, D/J.107830, H.M.S. “ Devonshire
Temporary Lieutenant Michael SerraÜIier, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Queen Emma Chief Petty Officer Patrick Joseph Cahill, D/J.23946, H.M.S. “ Newcastle ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Norman Smale, R.N7V.R., 21st L.C.T. Flotilla. Chief Petty Officer James K ay Crotty, R.C.N.2242, H.M.C.S. “ Algonquin ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Neil William Gilchrist Taylor, R.N.V.R., M.T.B. “ 211 ” . Chief Petty Officer Edward Barwell Foster, C/J.110040, H.M.S. “ Warspite ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Francis Donald Tindley, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ Suma Chief Petty Officer Samuel James Alexander Hart, D/J.90132, H.M.S. “ Khedive ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Douglas Harold Titcombe, R.N.V.R., H.M.M.L. “ 198 ” . Chief Petty Officer George Albert Kitcher, P/JX.130802, H.M.S. “ Queen
Temporary Lieutenant Eric Edwin James Whife, R.N.V.R., M.T.B. “ 5007 ” . Elizabeth ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Alec Francis Wilkinson, R.N.V.R., L.C.I. (L ) “ 278 Chief Petty Officer Ernest Mantle, D/J.99820, H.M.S. “ Implacable ".
Temporary Lieutenant Charles Paul Willis, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 615 ” . Chief Petty Officer Torpedo Coxswain Francis Edward Cary Peaker, C/JX.130341,
Temporary Lieutenant John Oliver Wright, R.N.V.R. H.M.S. “ Raider ” . H.M.S. “ Crocus” .
Temporary Lieutenant Robert Stewart Wylie, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Jason Chief Petty Officer George Vanderhaegen, R.C.N.3154, H.M.C.S. “ Sioux ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant John Chalmers Mackenzie, R.N.V.R. Temporary Chief Petty Officer Hubert George Corben Brice, D/J.109230, H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant Ian Bryce Chenoweth, R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S. “ New “ Illustrious ” .
Glasgow * Acting Chief Petty Officer Andrew Black Wood, C/JX.126242, H.M.S. “ Bleasdale ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Robert Alexander Logan, R.N.Z.N.V.R., M.L. “ 355 Master-at-Arms Frederick Davey, C/M.39708, H.M.S. “ Ajax ” .
Temporary Master-at-Arms Thomas Reuben Oliver, D/M.40200, H.M.S. “ Renown ” ,
Temporary Lieutenant Robert Campbell Pearson, R.N.Z.N.V.R., M.L. “ 355 ” .
T e m p o r a r y ^ Lieutenant (A) Robert Christian Mathe, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Nairana
Chief Yeoman o f Signals Walter William Knight, P/JX. 159870, H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant (A) Patrick John Mortimer Canter, R.N.Z.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Enchantress ” .
“ Searcher Chief Yeoman of Signals Stephen Frederick Nicholls, D/JX.128699, H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant (A) Allan Ronald Duff, R.N.Z.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Searcher “ Kenya ” ,
Chief Yeoman o f Signals Alfred William John Warebam, D/J.70307, H.M.S
“ Malcolm ” .
3434 12 13 3434
* Acting Chief Engineman Edward Ritchie, LT/KX. 110490, M.M.S. “ 48
Chief Yeoman of Signals Arthur Weston, D/J.97337, H.M-.S. “ Newcastle Second Hand John Morrison Wilson Edgar; LT/JX.225530, H.M.T. “ Hercules ” .
Temporary Chief Yeoman o f Signals Robert Lionel Webb, C/JX.132708, H.M.S. Second Hand Peter Johnston, LT/JX.215599, M.F.V. “ Francolin ” .
“ Cumberland ” . Stores Chief Petty Officer William Edward George Briggs, P/MX.45451, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist James Edward Aldridge, C/J.64487. “ Argonaut ” .
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Walter Edward Bourn, C/JX.137952, H.M.S. Stores Chief Petty Officer Joseph Cox, D/MX.52768, H.M.S. “ Aurora ” .
“ Essington Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) William Victor Heam, P/MX.45004, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Arthur Walter Coleman, P/J.75I45, H.M.S. “ Indefatigable ” .
' “ Eaglet
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Allan Van Eck Smithurst, C/M.33903, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Herbert Bradley Fawcett, D/J.42285, H.M.S “ London
“ Eaglet ” .
Bandmaster First Class Francis Hugh Owen, R.M.B. 2991, H.M.S. “ Bellona ” .
Chief Engine Room Artificer John Danby Marris Coe, C/MX.47304. Petty Officer Alfred Leonard Downey, D/J.109308, M.L. “ 196 ” ,
Chief Engine Room Artificer John Hooper, D/MX.49130, H.M.S. “ Aberdeen ” . Petty Officer Stanley Charles Holmes, D/JX. 128036.
Chief Engine Room Artificer Richard Lawrence McGlade, D/MX.54536, H.M.S. Petty Officer Torpedo Coxswain George William Jiggins, C/J. 115283, li.M.S.
“ Tenacious ” . “ Amaranthus
Chief Engine Room Artificer Edward Maugham, P/MX.51033, H.M.S. “ Rother­ Petty Officer Derrick Francis Minchinton, P/JX.157520, H.M.S. “ Vindex
Petty Officer Francis James Rice, D/J.111895, H.M.S, “ R odney” .
Chief Engine Room Artificer William Charles Prosser, D/M.28736, H.M.S. Petty Officer Third Class Cornelius Seery, C/JX. 126122, L.S.T. “ 401 ” .
“ Illustrious ” . Petty Officer Alexander Bruce Sinclair, P/SSX.23429, H.M.S. “ Kimberley
Chief Engine Room Artificer John Thomas Ridley, C/MX.49887, H.M.S. “ Bazely Petty Officer Albert John Skinner, C/JX.186553, M.T.B. “ 677 ” .
Chief Engine Room Artificer First Class George William Smith, P/X.981E.B., Petty Officer Reginald Charles Wilson, D/.JX. 136600.
•H.M.S. “ Oxlip Petty Officer Hedley Sidney George Yeoman, D/J.96634, H.M.S. “ Helmsdale
Chief Engine Room Artificer Warren McCandless Wright, P/MX.46965, H.M.S. Temporary Petty Officer James Elliott Freemantle, P/JX.127256, H.M.S. “ Cleve­
“ Exmoor land
Engine Room Artificer First Class Robert Makepeace Bains, D/X.922E.B., H.M.S. Temporary Acting Petty Officer Albert Edgar Behenna, D/JX.204756.
“ Columbine Temporary Acting Petty Officer Arthur Brooklyn, C/JX.213039.
Engine Room Artificer Second Class Wilson Boothman, D/MX.51951, H.M.S. Temporary Acting Petty Officer Dudley Edward Tremaine Bums, P/JX.201370.
“ Seagull ” . | Temporary Acting Petty Officer Lawrence Patrick Camey, P/J.79082.
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Douglas Elmer Balcom, R.C.N.R., A-1613 Temporary Acting Petty Officer Eric Lawrence Carr, P/JX.171372.
H.M.C.S. “ Monnow ” . Temporary Acting Petty Officer Robert Criggie, P/X.10759 B.
Engine Room Artificer Third Class John Robert William Bryant, C/MX.73457 j Temporary Acting Petty Offieef William Malcolm Hannay, P/JX.274518, H.M.S.
H.M.S. “ DianeUa “ Indomitable ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Reginald James Croney, C/SMX.399, H.M.S. Temporary Acting Petty Officer John Edward Kendrick, D/JX.194889.
“ Quilliam Acting Temporary Petty Officer Frederick George May, C/J. 100006, H.M.S.
Chief Electrical Artificer John Finlay MacKenzie, P/MX.54905, H.M.S. “ Inde­ “ Elfreda ” .
fatigable Yeoman of Signals Douglas Robert James Clare, D/JX.159311, H.M.S.
Chief Electrical Artificer Dennis Charles Naunton, C/M.38860, H.M.S. “ Suffolk “ Albrighton ” .
Chief Electrical Artificer Norman Wilson, P/MX.54523, H.M.S. “ Diadem • Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals Arthur Batty, C/JX.182800, H.M.S. “ Eaglet”
Electrical Artificer First ¿lass William Roger Price, .D/MX.45988, H.M.S. “ Black Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals Frederick Clarke, C/JX. 172940, H.M.S.
Prince “ Eaglet ” . •
Chief Mechanician George Arthur Waters, C/K.55306, H.M.S. “ Balsam Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals Victor William Ellis, C/JX.171137, H.M.S.
Chief Mechanician Albert John Wiltshire, P/KX.77670, H.M.S. “ Indomitable ” . “ Eaglet ” .
Mechanician First Class John Peters Norton, D/KX.82424, H.M.S. “ Jamaica Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals Alfred Ronald Marriott, C/JX.172964,
Chief Stoker Robert Burridge, P/K.64747, H.M.S. “ Quantock ” . H.M.S. “ Eaglet ” .
Chief Stoker Arthur Driver, C/K.63146, H.M.S. “ Milne ” . Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals Charles Ernest Boyd Newland, C/JX. 174063,
Chief Stoker Samuel Haigh, R.C.N.21231, H.M.S. “ Outremont ” . H.M.S. “ Eaglet ” ,
Chief Stoker George Jane, P/K.65397, H.M.S. “ Queen Elizabeth ” . Convoy Yeoman of Signals Dennis Pitkeathley, C/JX.171159, H.M.S. “ E aglet” .
Chief Stoker Albert Lewis Francis Mills, D/KX.77173, H.M.S. “ Pytchley Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals George Tate, C/JX.172064, H.M.S. “ Eaglet
Chief Stoker James Spencer, C/K.62544, H.M.S. “ Dido Temporary Convoy Yeoman of Signals Russell Gordon Webb, C/JX.174072, H.M.S
Chief Stoker Harold Taylor, D/K.63395, H.M.S. “ Polruan ” . “ Eaglet ” ,
Chief Motor Mechanic Alexander Baxter, P/MX.78834, M.T.B. “ 673 Petty Officer Telegraphist Erie Bristow, C/JX.140819, H.M.S. “ A pollo” .
Chief Motor Mechanic Frederick Blain, P/MX.78085, M.T.B. “ 359 ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist John Edwin Caygill, C/JX.139671, H.M.S. “ Melbreak ” .
Chief Motor Mechanic (L ) Fourth Class Lewis Ernest Lewis, D/MX.75324, H.M.S. Petty Officer Telegraphist Eric. William Doughty, D/SSX.18289, Gunboat “ Aphis ” .
“ Speedy ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist William Edward Valentine Palmer, C/JX.136870, H.M.S.
Acting Chief Motor Mechanic Fourth Class Frederick James Home, D/MX.98304, “ Tadoussac ” .
L.C.F. “ 16 Petty Officer Telegraphist Edward Stanley Turner, D/JX. 141577, H.M.S. “ Sylvia ” .
Acting Chief Motor Mechanic John Edward William Snoswell, P/MX.116284, Temporary Acting Petty Officer Telegraphist Bernard Alfred Best, R.C.N.3531,
M-T.B. “ 468 H.M.C.S. “ Nene ” .
Chief Shipwright Clarence James Burgess, P/MX.52977, H.M.S. “ Sirius ” . Temporary Petty Officer Telegraphist William Dargavel, D/J.52441, H.M.S.
Chief Shipwright John Patrick Johnson, R.221129, H.M.S. “ Pursuer “ Eaglet ” .
Shipwright Third Class Kenneth Vivian Bums, D/MX.51880, H.M.S. “ Rodney Ordnance Artificer Officer Fourth Class Bertie George Parkins, C/MX.56123,
Chief Engineman'Alexander Farquhar, LT/X.417 E.U., H.M.T. “ Protest ” . H.M.S. “ Cumberland” .
Chief Engineman Harry Hughes, LT/KX.98154, H.M.T. “ Ellesmere Stoker Petty Officer Clifford Ralph Brocklehurst, C/KX.82835, H.M.S. “ Lamerton ” ,
Wartime Chief Engineman William Taws Munro, LT/X.382 E.T., M.M.S. “ 265 ", Stoker Petty Officer John Norman Cramer, P/KX.76220, H.M.S. “ Middleton ” .
Wartime Chief Engineman William Revell, LT/KX.99052, H.M.T. “ Erith ” . Stoker Petty Officer Joseph Arthur Edgerton, P/KX.96656, H.M.S. “ Lyme Regis ” .
Chief Engineman Robert Albert Ridley, LT/KX. 102439, H.M.S. “ Yarta Stoker Petty Officer William Henry Hocking, D/KX.90318,, H.M.S. “ Albury
Chief Engineman John Robert Wright, LT/KX.106151, H.M.T. “ Texada ” ,
15 3434
3434 14
Lance-Sergeant David George Ensor, 1466722, Third Regiment, M.R.A.
Stoker Petty Officer William Turner, D/KX.82623, H.M.S. “ Renown ” . Temporary Corporal Henry George Alfred Harvey, R.M., Ch.X.103497.
Temporary Stoker Petty Officer Charles Rupert Francis Hesse, D/KX.86857, Able Seaman Cording Edward Adams, D/J.45706, H.M.S. “ Victorious ” .
H.M.S. “ Onslow ” . Able Seaman John Henry Sylvester Correy, D/JX.417746, H.M.S. “ Pique ” .
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic William Richard Clements, P/MX.99295, L.C.T. Able Seaman Douglas Roy Horder, P/JX.263083, M.L. “ 293
“ 339 ” . Able Seaman George William Jordan, D/JX.253214, M.L. “ 139
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Walter Crabtree, D/MX. 117548, L.C.T. “ 542 ” . Able Seaman Charles Reader Kirk, P/JX.246782, H.M.S. “ Indefatigable
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Charles Jenvey Jenvey, D/MX.98502, L.C.T. “ 617 ” . Able Seaman George Roffe, P/J.31001, H.M.T. “ Milford Princess ” .
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic James Jordan, D/MX.74915, L.C.I.(L) “ 247 ” . Able Seaman Frederick John Samuel Waterton, C/JX.294197, H.M.S. “ Calpe
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic John Hurst Lacey, P/MX. 101921, M.T.B. “ 667 ” . Able Seaman William Frederick Wright, P/JX.274820, H.M.S. “ Curzon ” ,
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Cornelius Paul, C/MX. 116875. Acting Able Seaman James Ernest Allingham, P/JX.234548.
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Thomas Telfer, C/KX.89166, M.L. “ 255 ” . Acting Able Seaman Thomas Bland Caine, C/JX.267901.
Petty Officer Radio Mechanic Jack Holder, P/MX.99824, H.M.S. “ Tartar ” . Acting Able Seaman Albert Edward Davies, C/JX.278098.
Temporary Petty Officer Radio Mechanic (W ) Harry Wade, P/MX. 116310, H.M.S. j Acting Able Seaman Ernest Howard Dowbekin, C/JX.266533.
“ Orwell ” . Acting Able Seaman Herbert Henry Harrand, P/JX.267796.
Shipwright Fourth Class Philip Sidney Coast, C M.56754, H.M.S. “ Warspite ” . Acting Able Seaman William James Lynn, D/JX.289731.
Wartime Engineman Samuel Thomas Aston, L T KX.116112, H.M.T. “ Equerry ” . Acting Able Seaman Bernard Joseph O’Hagan, D/JX.290347.
Engineman Arne Kristiansen, LT/KX. 113499, M.M.S. “ 22 Acting Able Seaman Leonard Pragnell, C/JX.289953.
Temporary Sick Berth Petty Officer Herbert John Pullin, D/SBRX.6545, H.M.S. Acting Able Seaman Alexander Purse, D/JX.254134.
“ Campania Acting Able Seaman Edward Roberts, C/JX.266034.
Petty Officer Writer Bryan Jarman Wr'ght, C/MX.71805, H.M.S. “ Renown ” . Acting Able Seaman Arnold Webster, D/JX.291360.
Stores Petty Officer Sidney George Haskett, P/MX.51836, H.M.S. “ Marne ” . Acting Able Seaman John Henry Winship, C/JX.289896.
Temporary Petty .Officer Cook (O) Frederick Thomas Sayer, C/MX.51418, H.M.S. i Acting Able Seaman Albert Edward Woods, C/JX.234793.
“ Dido ' Wireman George Henry Jane, C/MX.118563, H.M.T. “ Blackwater ”
Leading Seaman Charles Barrett, C/J.41421, H.M.S. “ Ardrossan ” . Wireman George Winham, C/MX.118632, H.M.T. “ Varanga ” .
Leading Seaman Lewis Montgomery Bryden, C/TDX.1658, H.M.S. “ Tormentor ” . Signalman Henry John Browning, LT/LD/X.4211, B.Y.M.S. “ 2189 ” .
Leading Seaman Albert Collins, LT/JX.223345, B.Y.M.S. “ 2256 ” . Signalman Donald Charles Featherstone, D/JX.279314, H.M.S. “ Forward ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman Thomas Henry Edwards, LT/X.8097C, M.M.S. “ 236 ” . Signalman David Anderson Guild, D/JX.309387, H.M.S. “ Lynx ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman Philip Glover, LT/JX. 180157, H.M.T. “ Oku ” . Signalman James Robert Rowlands, C/JX.360102, 5th L-C.T. Flotilla.
Leading Seaman Ebenezer Haydn Lewis, D/JX. 129180, H.M.S. f’ Victorious ” . Telegraphist Alan Charles Habben, C/JX.271286, M.T.B. “ 467 ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman Hugh McClelland, LT/JX.203700, H.M.T. “ Clevela Telegraphist James Dunbar McWilliam, D/JX.340041, M.L. “ 565
Leading Seaman John William Maskery, LT/JX.225831, M.M.S. “ 220 **. Telegraphist Stephen George Rose, D/JX.250541, M.T.B. “ 497 ” .
Leading Seaman Thomas Riddell, C/JX.355364, H.M.S. “ Gorgon ” . Telegraphist George Thomas Smith, P/JX.235805, M.T.B. “ 679
Leading Seaman James Daley Ritchie, LT/JX.167009, M.M.S. “ 1001 ” . Coder Albert Donald Chown, P/JX.229659, H.M.T. “ Victrix ” .
Leading Seaman James Henry Williams, LT/JX.221354, H.M.T. “ Ben Idris ” . Stoker First Class Robert Brindle Finch, C/KX. 156986, M.T.B. “ 446 ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Roy Middleton Ayre, D/JX.223717. Stoker First Class William John Mounce, LT/KX.529177, M.M.S. “ 268 ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Harry Bray, C/JX.209765. Stoker William Henry Stone, LT/KX.112669, H.M.T. “ Withernsea ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Charles Henry Cobb, P/JX.261096, L.C.I.(L)102. j Temporary Acting Stoker John Stanley Avis, C/KX.135986, L.C.T. “ 421 ”
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman John Davies, D/JX.239905. Stores Assistant William Grant, P/MX.671816, H.M.S. “ Foley
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman John William Gregory, P/JX.220291. Seaman Thomas Anderson, LT/JX.305390, H.M.T. “ Kurd ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Frederick Ely Hudson, C/JX.249958. Seaman Basil Gunn, LT/JX.210926, H.M.T.“ T. R. Ferens
Acting Leading Seaman Llewellyn Warlow, C/JX.187373, M.L. “ 554 ” . Seaman Edward Mark Humphrey, LT/JX.280494, H.M.T. “ Ulva
Acting Leading Seaman Arthur Whalley, C/JX.347426, M.T.B. “ 704 ” . Seaman John Jones, LT/JX.213977, H.M.T. “ Marjorie M. Hastie ” .
Leading Signalman Frank Eldred, C/JX.172462, H.M.S. “ Leigh ” . Seaman John Noteyoung, LT/JX.355553, M.M.S. “ 268 ” .
Leading Signalman Charles William Skinner, D/J.42676, L.S.T. “ 410 ” . Seaman William Arthur Richardson, LT/JX.255355, H.M.T. “ Fitzgerald
Convoy Leading Signalman Richard Brown Fullerton, C/JX. 172464, H.M.S. Seaman Thomas John Wilson, LT/JX.280607, H.M.M.M.S. “ 1028 ” .
“ Eaglet ” . Seaman James Henry Winters, L l’/JX.385490, M.M.S. “ 205 ” .
Temporary Convoy Leading Signalman Owen Jones, C/JX. 172476, H.M.S.
“ Eaglet Mention in Despatches (Posthumous)
Temporary Convoy Leading Signalman Thomas O ’Meara, C/JX. 171155, H.M.S.
“ Eaglet Leading Steward Albert Edward Riches, LT/LX.27771, B.Y.M.S.2023.
Temporary Convoy Leading Signalman Lewis Strandring, C JX. 171089, H.M.S.
Mention in Despatches
“ Eaglet ” .
Leading Telegraphist Robert Ackers, P/SSX.33328, M.G.B. “ 659 ” . Surgeon Captain Gordon Ernest Dormer Ellis, R.N., H.M.S. “ Campania
Leading Telegraphist Joseph Clark, C/J.115614, H.M.S. “ Grindall Commander John Wyndham Studholme, D.S.C., R.N., H.M.S. “ Dido ” .
Leading Telegraphist William Healey, D/JX.250727, M.T.B. “ 458 ” . Acting Commander Edmund Henry Cracroft Chapman, R.N., H.M.S. “ Bherunda
Leading Telegraphist Dennis Lethby, P/LDX.5481, H.M.M.L. “ 146 ” . Acting Commander Lawrence Henry Phillips, R.N. (Retd.), H.M.S. “ Lowestoft
Acting Leading Telegraphist Stanley Frederick Coppin, D/JX.228689, M.T.B. “ 771 ” . Commander George William Dobson, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Leigh ” .
Leading Stoker Joe Adams, C/KX.127512, M.T.B. “ 776 ,J. Commander John Treasure Jones, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Blenlieim
Leading Stoker Alfred Herbert Bayliss, D/KX. 157986, L.C.I.(L) 280. Commander Derry Parsons, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Verdun
Leading Sick Berth Attendant Leslie George Spencer, P/RNASBR/X.7667, H.M.S. Commander Charles Henry Williams, R.D., R.N.R. (Retd.), H.M.S. “ Leigh
“ Royalist ” . Acting Commander Reginald Edkins Clarke, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Adamant
Temporary Leading Writer James Caddick, C/MX.86912, H.M.S. “ Harrier ” . Engineer Commander Harry Barton Olden, R.N. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Blenheim
Leading Cook Ronald Frederick Jillings, LT/MX.83331, H.M.T. “ Loch Eriboll ” . Commander (E) Arnold Hirst, R.N., H.M.S. “ Cumberland ” .
Temporary Leading Cook (S) Robert Edwin Gale, D/MX.64215, H.M.S. Commander (E) Arthur Reginald Kirk, R.N., H.M.S. “ Royalist
“ Wolverine Commander (E) Edward Horace Nutter, R.N., H.M.S. “ Milne
Leading Steward Sydney Edwin Walters, LT/LX.30319, M.M.S. “ 202 ” .
3434 16 17 3434
Commander (E) William Leonard Spear, R.N., H.M.S. “ Nelson Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) William Vanderzwan, D.S.C.,
Acting Commander (E) Clifford Ralph Snellgrove, R.N., H.M.S. “ Onslow R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Queen Emma ” .
Commander (S) John Eustace Pibworth, R.N., H.M.S. “ Adamant Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Frank William Baskerville, L.M.S.S.A., R.N.,
Temporary Major (Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Cecil Ross Borland, R.M., H.M.S. “ Konya ” .
H.M.S. “ Royal Edward Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Robert Bums Hamilton Faichney, R.N.V.R.,
Lieutenant-Commander Eric Hart Dyke, R.N., H.M.S. “ Caledon ” . H.M.S. “ London ” .
Lieutenant-Commander Robert Augustus Fell, R.N., H.M.S. “ Relentless” . Temporary Acting Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Francis Cameron Edington,
Lieutenant-Commander Charles Gerald Forsberg, R.N., H.M.S. “ Vega M.B., Ch.B., R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Shah” .
Lieutenant-Commander Brian Desmond Gallie, D.S.C., R.N., H.M.S. “ Bherunda ” . Temporary Acting Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander (D) Dennison Laverick, L.D.S.,
Lieutenant-Commander Colin Cargill Beveridge Mackenzie, R.N., H.M.S. R.C.S., R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Devonshire” .
“ Indefatigable ” . Acting Lieutenant-Commander (S) Geoffrey Harold Lewis Kitson, R.N., H.M.S.
Lieutenant-Commander Nigel Edward Godfrey Roper, D.S.O., R.N., I ' t.S. “ Fabius ” .
“ Redoubt ” . Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (S) Norman Victor Craven, R.N.V.R.
Lieutenant-Commander Peter Van Bredon Wadlow, R.N., H.M.S. “ Implacable ” .
Acting Lieutenant-Commander Philip Kynvin Lankester, R.N., H.M.S. “ Ariadne ” . Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (S) David Hailing Hammond, R.N.V.R.,
Lieutenant-Commander Charles Alexander Meyer, R.D., R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Hadleigh H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (S) Tom Alistair MacFarlane, R.N.V.R.,
Castle ” .
Lieutenant-Commander Geoffrey Ernest Milner, M.B.E., R.D., R.N.R. (Ret.), H.M.S. “ Royal Edward ” .
The Reverend Donovan Bawdon Allen, M.A., Temporary Chaplain, R.N.V.R.,
H.M.S. “ Vindex ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander William Stanley Adams, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Cumberland ” .
H.M.S. “ Engadine Lieutenant Lesley Edney Blackmore, R.N., H.M.S. “ Vivien ” ,
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (N) John Blair Anderson, R.N.R., Lieutenant George Blackwood, R.N., H.M.S. “ Braithwaiie ” .
H.M.S. “ Nairana Lieutenant Jack Broughton Cox, R.N., H.M.S. “ Woolston ” ,
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander William Harold Brittain, D.S.C., Lieutenant Ronald Gargill Campbell Greenlees, R.N., H.M.S. “ Brecon ” .
R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Royal Edward ” . Lieutenant John Dorsett Owen Hinton, R.N., H.M.S. “ Grindall ” .
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Jesse Dixon, R.N.R., H.M.T. “ Cape Lieutenant Alfred Nelson Littleboy, R.N., H.M.S. “ Rodney ” .
Nyemetzki Lieutenant Samuel George Potts, R.N., H.M.S. “ Rothesay ” .
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Walter Gibson, R.N.R., M.L. “ 238 ” . Lieutenant Laurence Robson, R.N., H.M.S. “ Tanganyika ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander John Edward Miles, R.N.R., H.M.S. Lieutenant Howard Thomas Arthur Winnall, R.N., H.M.S. “ Serapis ” .
“ Royal Edward ” . Temporary Lieutenant James Ayton, R.N., H.M.S. “ Tadoussac ” .
Lieutenant-Commander William Chilton Brooks, M.B.E., R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Royal Lieutenant Charles Peter dAuvergne Aplin, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Welfare ” .
James ” . Lieutenant Kenneth Maurice Cutler, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Gleneam ” .
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander John Kirke Craig, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Lieutenant Peter Stanhope Marchant, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Florizel ” .
“ Oxlip ” . Lieutenant Kenneth Ashley Rowbotham, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Whaddon ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Ronald Fitz-Gerald Barton Beesley, Lieutenant Donald Philip Runtz, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Ledbury ” .
R.N.V.R., B.Y.M.S. “ 2189 ” . Lieutenant Stanley Samuel Mitchell, R.N.R., B.Y.M.S. “ 2061 ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Leslie Ernest Humphries Brunton, Temporary Lieutenant David Lawrence Gall, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Brigand ” .
R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Abaster ” . Temporary Lieutenant Frank Rowland Pretty, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Cailiff ” .
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Leonard Jolly, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Lieutenant Herbert James Spencer, R.N.V.R.
“ Catherine ” . Temporary Lieutenant Reginald Charles Anciaume, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Pique
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Norman Herbert Jones, R,N.V.R., Temporary Lieutenant Thomas David Andrews, R.N.V.R., R.M.L. “ 547
M.M.S. “ 110 ” . Temporary Lieutenant Kenneth Metcalfe Banks, R.N.V.R., H.D.M.L. “ 1085 ” .
Acting Lieutenant-Commander William Norman Kennedy, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant Jeffrey Stanway Blackburn, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Hoy ” .
“ Devonshire ” . Temporary Lieutenant Frank Muil Brackenridge, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Rockingham ”
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Geoffrey William Le Gallais, R.N.V.R., Temporary Lieutenant Reginald Robert Brett, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 445 ” .
H.M.S. “ Alca ” . Temporary Lieutenant Thomas Arthur Byrne, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Halcyon ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Edward Hugh Pratt, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant Ernest Gray Cathro, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 307 ’.
“ Nelson ” Temporary Lieutenant Reginald Henry Clifton, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ Wardour ” .
Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Charles William Coslett Stevens, Temporary Lieutenant Ray Cloberry Christian, R.N.V.R., M.M.S. “ 91
R.N.V.R. Temporary Lieutenant Harold Aubrey Dale, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 849. ” .
Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) Bruce John Albert Hawkes, R.N., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant Trevor Etienne Bruno de Hamel, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Royal
“ Formidable ” . James ” .
Lieutenant-Commander (E) Charles William Gordon Ham, R.N., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant Arthur Dodd, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Tavy ” .
“ Tenacious Temporary Lieutenant Norman Edgar Gibbons, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Erebus ” ,
Lieutenant-Commander (E) Malcolm Hazlitt Sayers, D.S.C., R.N., H.M.S. “ Inde­ Temporary Lieutenant William Eric Myhill Grint, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Tormentor ” .
fatigable ” . Temporary Lieutenant Jock Seton Guthrie, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Balsam ” .
Lieutenant-Commander (E) Ari hur Francis Turner, R.N., H.M.S. “ Indomitable Temporary Lieutenant George Hatton, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ Euclase ” .
Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) John Nicholas Mutter, R.N. (Ret.). Temporary Lieutenant Norman Holloway, R.N.V.R., M.L. “ 567
Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (E) Alfred James Brabban, R.N.R., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant John Hutchinson, R.N.V.R., H.M.T. “ Saronta'” .
“ Eastway ” . Temporary Lieutenant Frederick John Jones, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Tartarin
Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (E) Alexander Arthur Graham, R.N.R., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant John Hamar Jones, R.N.V.R., L.C.G.(L) “ 14 ” .
“ Campania ” . Temporary Lieutenant Robert Knott, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 601 ” .
Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (E) Rodney William George Wise, R.N.R., Temporary Lieutenant Herbert William Leeds, R.N.V.R., B.Y.M.S. “ 2174 ” .
H.M.S. “ Stalker” . Temporary Lieutenant William Lavell McNaughton, R.N.V.R., L.C.T. “ 554 ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) John Morrison, R.N.C.R., H.M.C.S. Temporary Lieutenant Gordon Oswald Reginald Meyer, R.N.V.R., H.M.S.
“ Swansea ” . “ Aggressive

3434 18
19 3434
Temporary Lieutenant John Douglas Gordon Mitchell, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Dianella” .
Temporary Lieutenant Douglas Charles Morrison, R.N.V.R., H.M.T “ Dhoon Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant Gilbert Maurice Baird, M.B., Ch.B., R.N.V.R.,
Glen S.S. “ Aboyne ” .
Temporary Lieutenant John Michael Joseph Palmer, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant David Russell Kerr, M.B., Ch.B., R.N.V.R.,
“ Brocklesby H.M.S. “ Lancaster ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Thomas Hayward Pannell, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Adamant ” . Lieutenant (S) Peter John Glason, R.N., H.M.S. “ Renown ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Richard Henry Powell, R.N.V.R., M.M.S. “ 65 Lieutenant (S) Robert Magill Young, R.N.
Temporary Lieutenant Charles Ernest Serine, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Bangor ” . Temporary Lieutenant (S) Luis Diez, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Campania ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Stephen Cuthbert Samuel Skene, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Temporary Lieutenant (S) Rodney George Pullen, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Engadine
“ Lamerton Temporary Lieutenant (S) Arthur Leslie Bedwell, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Royal
Temporary Lieutenant Edmund Kidson Smith, R.N.V.R., R.M.L. “ 520 ” , Edward ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Raymond William Smith, R.N.V.R. Temporary Lieutenant (S) Maxwell Burton, R.N.V.R.
Temporary Lieutenant William Alfred Stevens, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Onyx Temporary Lieutenant (S) Peter Vivian Lorre, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Victorious ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Donald Sutherland, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Harrier Temporary Lieutenant (S) John Stoney, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Roberts” .
Temporary Lieutenant William Charles Thwaites, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Cape Temporary Lieutenant (S) Alec Warburton, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Argonaut ” .
Mariato Lieutenant (S) David Charles Staley, K.R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Mauritius ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Douglas Alexander John Tratner, R.N.V.R., R.M.L. “ 553 Second Officer Margery Rylance Bammant, W.R.N.S., H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Reginald Henry Wade, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Whitehall Skipper Lieutenant Magnus Andrew Smith, R.D., R.N.R., 2388 W.S., H.M.T.
Temporary Lieutenant Duncan James Campbell Walker, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Huddersfield Town ” .
“ Oxlip ” . Acting Skipper Lieutenant William Carclno, R.N.R., W.S.2849, M.M.S. “ 1021 ” .
Temporary Lieutenant George Harold Williams, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. 1; Blenheim Acting Skipper Lieutenant Arthur George Day, R.N.R., 2087 W.S., H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant Erie Ronald Wilson, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Reaply “ Grenadier ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Wilfred Arthur Wortham, R.N.V.R., H.M.T/^^Grassholm Acting Skipper Lieutenant Edward James Day, R.N.R., \V.S.2704, R.N.R., H.M.T.
^Lieutenant Clive Barker Dillon, R.A.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ .Marne ” . v / “ Spurs ” .
«¡Temporary Lieutenant Ralph Gerald Murrell, R.A.N.V.R., L.C.I.(L) “ 280 r Acting Chief Skipper James William Greengrass, R.N.R., Wr.S.3423, H.M.T.
«■Temporary Lieutenant William Alexander Wood, R.A.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Holmes/4. “ Raymond ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Croft G. Brook, R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S. “ Blairmore Acting Chief Skipper William Henry Makings, R.N.R. (Ret.), W.S.2740, H.M.T.
Temporary Lieutenant Allen Thomas Fallis, R.C.N.V.R., L.C.I.(L) “ 303 “ Cranefly ” .
Temporary Lieutenant John David Keys, R.C.N.V.R., L.C.I.(L) “ 272 ” . Acting Temporary Chief Skipper Robert Cooper, R.N.R., T.S.384, H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant (N) George Alexander Mavety, R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S. “ Plougastel ” .
“ Montreal ” Acting Temporary Chief Skipper Alfred Hales, R.N.R., T.S182, H.M.S. “ Sir
Temporary Lieutenant Mervyn Alexander Patterson, V.D., R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S. Galahad ” .
“ Jonquiere ” . Acting Temporary Chief Skipper George Wingfield Smith, R.N.R., T.S.118, H.M.T.
Lieutenant Richard Miles Steele, R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S. “ Algonquin ” , “ Delphinus ” .
Acting Temporary Chief Skipper Cyril Young, R.N.R., T.S.542, H.M.T. “ Lady
Temporary Lieutenant John Rawson Kenneth Stewart, R.C.N.V.R., H.M.C.S. Stanley ” .
“ Outremont ” . Skipper Vincent Nicolini, M.B.E., R.N.R., T.S.628, H.D.M.L. “ 1055 ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Douglas Leonard Hazard, R.N.Z.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Hes­ Skipper George Sutherland, R.N.R., WS.3726, H.M.T. “ Lincolnshire ” .
perus ” . Temporary Skipper Frederick Webb, R.N.R., T.S.785, H.M.T. “ Olvina ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Roderick Thomas Mclndoe, R.N.Z.N.V.R.. H.M.S. Temporary Skipper George Wood, R.N.R., T.S.966, H.M.T. “ Castelnau ” .
“ Holderness ” . Mr. Donovan John Shedlock Newton, Chief Officer, R.F.A., R.F.A. “ Ennerdale ” .
Temporary Lieutenant Kenneth Howden Webb, R.N.Z.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Verity ” . Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Robert William Burke, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Kenilworth
Temporary Acting Lieutenant George Baines, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Phoebe Castle ” .
Temporary Acting Lieutenant David Manson Muir, R.N.V.R.
rr. ■luuia’-y t 'ting Lieutenant Peter Frederick Smith, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ True- Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Frank Robert Dixon, R.N.V.R., H.D.M.L. “ 1393 ” .
lovc Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Leonard Fewell, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Orestes ” .
temporary Lieutenant (A) Cecil Michael Keller, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Formidable Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Peter Stanley Gregory, R.N.V.R.
Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Peter John Kelly, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Curzon ” .
Acting Lieutenant (A) David Edmond Strachan Pery-Knox-Gore, R.N.V.R., Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Derek Basil Laughton, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Oribi ” .
H.M.S. “ Stalker Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Frank Paul MacPhail, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Speedy ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (A) Allen Whitelaw Stewart, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Begum
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Alexander Dennis Taylor, R.N., H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” . Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Sidney Anthony Rotheray, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Sea­
Acting Lieutenant (E) Clarence-George Cole, R.N., H.M.S. “ Offa gull ” .
Acting Lieutenant (E) William John Sims, R.N., H.M.S. “ Calpe ” . Temporary Sub-Lieutenant James Buchan Stott, R.N.V.R., H.D.M.L. “ 1379 ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Arthur Lionel Benke, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Khedive Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Dennis Mansfield, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Vindex ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Arthur Elmer Blankley, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Bridport ” . Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Peter George Henry Roome, R.N.V.R., H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Thomas Henry Child, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Rockingham “ Indefatigable ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Harold Gummer, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Catherine ” . Temporary Acting Sub-Lieutenant (E) Ralph Mackintosh, R.N., H.M.S.
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Geoffrey Robert ! iarrv Lewis, R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Aggressive ” .
“ Elfreda ” . Sub-Lieutenant (E) William Emest Cooper, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Trumpeter ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Harold, Paul James Poulson^ R.N.R., H.M.S. “ Stayner Temporary Lieutenant Cuthbert Denton Collingwood, R.M., L.C.G.(L) 4.
Lieutenant (E) Bruce Ford Booth, R.C.N.R., H.M.C.S. “ Mene ” . Mr. Cornelius Stephen Lyons, Commissioned Gunner, R.N., H.M.S. “ Black Prince ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Archibald William Ainslie, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Tenby Mr. Ernest George Wye, Commissioned Gunner, R.N., H.M.S. “ Adamant ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Robert Bruce, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Nairana Mr. Norman Jack Dominy, Gunner, R.N., H.M.S. “ Royalist ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Stanley James Duneombe, R.N.V.R. Mr. Albert James Hooper Glanville, Temporary Gumier, R.N., H.M.S. “ London ” .
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Walter Smith, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Cranstoun Mr. Edward Gibson Hadley, Temporary Gunner, R.N., H.M.S. “ Apollo ” .
Lieutenant (E) Llewllyn Ivor Jones, R.N.Z.N.V.R., H.M.S. “ Combatant ” . Mr. James Alfred Matthews, Gunner (T), R.N., H.M.S. “ Kelvin ” .
Mr. John Oakley, Temporary Warrant Shipwright, R.N., H.M.S. “ Woolwich
3434 20 21 3434
Master-at-Arms Harold Henry Coleman, D/M.39836, H.M.S. “ Speaker ” .
Mr. Edward George Smith, Temporary Warrant Shipwright, R .N „ H.M.S. Master-at-Arms Frederick Henry Dawe, D/MX.40111, II.M.S. “ Shah
“ Greenwich ”
Master-at-Arms George Dermody, D/M.40169, H.M.S. “ Gleneam ” .
Mr. Frank William White, Acting Warrant Shipwright, R.N., H.M.S. “ Frobisher Master-at-Arms John David Percy Skinner, C/M.39857, H.M.S. “ Royal Edward ” .
Mr. Henry Charles Hillind, M.B.E., Commissioned Boatswain, R.N., H.M.S. Master-at-Arms Richard Stewart Worth, D/M.39632, H.M.S. “ Khedive ” .
“ Byrsa
Temporary Master-at-Arms Frank Arthur Frederick Hatch, C/M.40097, H.M.S.
Mr. John Percival Finch, Boatswain, R.N., H.M.S. “ Abatos
“ Phoebe ”
Mr. Geoffrey Alan Bloodworth, Signal Boatswain, R.N.
Temporary Master-at-Arms Alfred Charles Lynch, B.E.M., C/.MX.59273, H.M.S.
Mr. Alan George Pamplin, Warrant Telegraphist, R.N., H.M.S. “ Queen Elizabeth “ Warspite ” .
Mr. Reginald George Steward, Temporary Acting Warrant Master-at-Arms. R.N., Chief Yeoman of Signals Lemuel Charles Burgess, P/J.41934, H.M.S. “ Ceylon
H.M.S. “ Suffolk” .
Chief Yeoman of Signals William Deeley, C/JX.133188, H.M.S. “ London ” ,
Mr. Ambrose Thomas Beckett, Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Scimitar ” . Chief Yecman of Signals John Edward Giddings, C/JX.133765, H.M.S. “ Ekins
Mr. Archibald Christopher Menzies, Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Ceylon ” , Chief Yeoman of Signals James William Small, D/JX.132902, H.M.S. “ Gleaner
Mr. Arthur Edward Bird, Temporary Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Trent Chief Yeoman o f Signals John Lorimer Ward, P/JX.129291, Naval Party 1740.
Mr. Frederick Robert Blaber, D.S.M., R.N., H.M.S. “ Saladin ” . Temporary Chief Yeoman of Signals Albert Samuel Burrell, D/J.110636, H.M.S.
Mr. Cyril Desmond Carpenter, Temporary Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Skate “ Black Prince ” .
Mr. Stewart Harold Dutton, Temporary Warrant Engineer, R.N.. H M S Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Ernest George Charles Butcher, P/JX.134575,
“ Chesterfield” .
H.M.S. “ Berwick
Mr. Leslie Norris, Temporary Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Seagull Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Charles Edward Cock, P/JX.155788, H.M.S.
Mr. Leonard Hicks Williams, Temporary Warrant Engineer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Lewes “ Premier ” .
Mr. William Henry Gillard, Temporary Warrant Electrician, R.N., H.M.S. “ Dido ” . Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Alfred Goldsmith, P/J.69649, H.M.S. “ Trumpeter
Mr. Richard Belton Brooks, Warrant Mechanician, R.N., H.M.S. “ Illustrious ” , Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Emest Alfred Guinevan, P/JX.131077, H.M.S.
Mr. John Edwin Dearlove, Temporary Warrant Mechanician, R.N., H.M.S. “ Tyne ” . “ Easton” .
Mr. Walter Thomas Francklin, Temporary Warrant Wardmaster, R.N., H.M.H.S. Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Percy William Hancpck, P/JX. 126610, H.M.S.
“ Vasna ” .
“ Argonaut
Mr. Albert Charles Gxmdry, Temporary Warrant Writer Officer, R.N., H.M S Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Walter White Hodges, P/JX.130111, H.M.S.
“ Forth ” .
“ Rotherham
Mr.' Ernest Wilfred Larke, Warrant Stores Officer, R.N., H.M.S. “ Queen Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist William Charles Prior, P/J.79039, H.M.S.
“ Pursuer
Mr. George Alfred Moore, Temporary Warrant Stores Officer, R.N., H.M.S. Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Michael Wafer, D/JX.133000, H.M.S. “ Rapid ” .
“ Warspite
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Alexander Wigham McIntosh,
Chief Petty Officer Frank Henry Bates, D/J.109636, H.M.S. V Meteor C/JX. 390469, H.M.S. “ Phoebe ” .
Chief Petty Officer John Brodie, D/J.39012, H.M.S. “ Searcher ” . Chief Engine Room Artificer Forrest William Atkins, D/MUSI'S, H.M.S. “ Forth ” .
Chief Petty Officer Richard Ernest Chambers, B.E.M., P/J.33143, H.M.S. Chief Engine Room Artificer Simeon Bailey, D/188E.D., H.M.S. “ Titania ” .
“ Formidable
Chief Engine Room Artificer Daniel Frederick Baker, C/MX.56841, H.M.S.
* Chief Petty Officer Fredeiick James Churches, C/J.104283, H.M.S. “ Suffolk “ Kelvin
Chief Petty Officer Richard Lionel Courtenay, D.S.M., D/J.106382, H.M.S. Chief Engine Room Artificer Lawrence Mortimore Barker, C/MX.49805, H.M.S.
“ Onslaught
“ Holmes ” .
Chief Petty Officer Leonard William Hiscock, .P/J.37448, H.M.S. “ Paladin Chief Engine Room Artificer Lionel Button, C/M.33838, H.M.S. “ Product ” .
Chief Petty Officer Horace Sidney Keith, P/J.107705, H.M.S. “ Queen Elizabeth ” . Chief Engine Room Artificer Robert Edwin Clague, D.S.M., C/MX.50697, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Sydney Walter King, D/J.34048, H.M.S. “ Wheatland “ Woolwich
Chief Petty Officer Charles James Wallace Morgan, D/J.100025, H.M.S. “ Fame Chief Engine Room Artificer Charles Frederick Morton Clark, C/MX.46000, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer John Munro, C/JX.127738, H.M.S. “ Cumberland “ Famdale
Chief Petty Officer (Gunner’s Mate) Edward Kennedy Parnell, P/J. 114864, H'.M.S. Chief Engine Room Artificer Stanley Richard Clark, D/M. 34908, H.M.S. “ Witch ” .
“ Tanatside
Chief Engine Room Artificer Lawrence Henry Bawden Day, C/M.38786, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Frank William Arthur Pearsall, C/JX.127292, H.M.S. “ W olf­ “ Abercrombie
Chief Engine Room Artificer Frederick Ronald Earp, C/MX.47847, H.M.S. “ Milne ” .
Chief Petty Officer Leslie Oliver Porter, R.C.N.R., A-2124, H.M.C.S. “ Montreal Chief Engine Room Artificer Francis George Gardner, C/MX.49504, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Walter Ferdinand Rutter, D.S.M., C/JX.125245, H.M.S. “ Serapis
“ Tanganyika ” . Chief Engine Rbom Artificer Charles Jack Harris, C/MX.49763, H.M.S. “ Calder ” .
Chief Petty Officer Ernest Edward Stanley, D.S.M., D/J.107905, H.M.S. “ Wheat­ Chief Engine Room Artificer Kenneth George Hayman, D.S.M., C/M.36696, H.M.S.
“ Steadfast
Chief Petty Officer Richard William Wakeford, R.209133, H.M.S. “ Pursuer ” . Chief Engine Room Artificer Charles Robert Hayton, P/MX.54680, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Robert Webber, R.C.N., 2914, H.M.S. “ Swansea ” . “ Berwick
Chief Petty Officer William Weller, D/J.107061, H.M.S. “ Guillemot ” . Cliief Engine Room Artificer Ernest Redver Head, D/MX.47780, H.M.S. “ Kenya ” .
Chief Petty Officer Harry Arksey, C/J. 114674, H.M.S. “ Dido Chief Engine Room Artifioer Edmund Walter Thomas Janes, P/MX.55095, H.M.S.
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Arthur Bowden, D/J.98430, H.M.S. “ Vidette ” . “ Kingcup
Temporary Chief Petty Officer William Cross, P/J.383, H.M.S. “ Alca Chief Engine Room Artificer Douglas Royston Matthews, D/MX.46196, H.M.S.
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Frederick Arthur Gibbs, C/JX.132279, H.M.S. “ Teazer ” .
“ Mauritius Chief Engine Room Artificer Thomas James William Powell, P/MX.55749, H.M.S.
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Harold John Mahood, C/JX.126390, H.M.S. “ Brecon
“ Nigeria Chief Engine Room Artificer Terence William Ransley, P/MX.45644, H.M.S.
Temporaiy Chief Petty Officer Eric Frank Osmay Moore, P/J.92945, H.M.S. “ Fabius
“ Bridlington Chief Engine Room Artificer George Harry Rolls, D.S.M., P/MX.49955, H.M.S.
Acting Chief Petty Officer John William Redpath, C/JX.144791, H.M.S. “ Queen Elizabeth
“ Cockatrice Chief Engine Room Artificer Albert William Smith, D/M.28824, H.M.S. “ Raider
Acting Chief Petty Officer William Porte, D/J.101896, H.M.S. “ Albrighton

23 3434
3434 22
Air Artificer Third Class Norman Day, FAA/FX.75062, H.M.S. “ Implacable ” .
Chief Engine Room Artificer William Bertie Smithfield, D/MX.47036, H.M.S. Air Artificer John Langley, FAA/SFX.213, H.M.S. “ Indomitable ” .
“ Pique Chief Electrical Artificer George Philip Smith, C/MX.46563, H.M.S. “ London
Chief Engine Room Artificer Bernard Newberry Tolchard, C/M.7082, H.M.S. Acting Chief Electrical Artificer Waltei William Samson, C/M.39485, H.M.S.
“ Suffolk ” . “ Tyne ” .
Chief Engine Room Artificer Charles Harry Timms, D.S.M., C/MX.49743, H.M.S. Electrical Artificer First Class Sampson Charles Gripton, C/M.30423, H M S
“ Cumberland ” . “ Forth
Chief Engine Room Artificer Albert Edward Wood, C/MX.48509, H.M.S. “ Ver­ Electrical Artificer Third Class George Ernest Kam, P/MX.61481, H.M.S.
satile ” . “ Cleveland
Temporary Chief Engine Room Artificer Frederick Hugh Venables, D/MX.48546, Electrical Artificer Third Class Richard Stansfield, D/MX.62510, H.M.S. “ Im ­
H.M.S. “ Wolverine ” . placable ” .
Temporary Chief Engine Room Artificer William George Wright, C/MX.4998, Chief Ordnance Artificer Walter William Coles, P/MX.47266, H.M.S. “ Ceylon ” .
H.M.S. “ Puffin ” . Chief Ordnance Artificer Jack George Heath, P/MX.47812, H.M.S. “ Argonaut ” .
Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Thomas Joseph Campbell, C/MX. Chief Ordnance Artificer James Albert Mitchell, P/MX.57714, H.M.S. “ Queen
49496, H.M.S. “ Bellona ” . Elizabeth ” .
Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Robert Atkinson, D/MX.48887, H.M.S. Ordnance Artificer First Class Arthur Dane Jeffery, D/M.39466, H.M.S. “ Kenya ” .
“ Chesterfield ” . Ordnance Artificer Third Class Arthur James Higginson, D/MX.64101 H M S
Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Desmond Arthur Barnard, “ Rodney ” .
D/MX.54586, H.M.S. “ Dominica Ordnance Artificer Third Class John Edward Ratcliffe, C/MX.66740, H.M.S.
Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Walter Gwynne Jones, P/MX. “ Kelvin ” .
55654, H.M.S. “ Indefatigable Ordnance Artificer Third Class Leslie Charles Tolcher, D/MX.49968, H.M.S.
Temporary Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer Maurice Victor William Ransom, “ Whaddon ” .
C/MX.49520, H.M.S. “ Folkestone ” . Chief Mechanician Evan Henry Brown, D/K.59719, H.M.S. “ Implacable ” .
Acting Chief Engine Room Artifioer William Tyerman, C/MX.49942, H.M.S. Mechanician First Class Reginald Charles Digby, C/KX.88896, H.M.S. “ Phoebe” .
“ W ye ” . Mechanician First Class Thomas Charles Frederick Morphew, P/KX.90282, H.M.S
Acting Chief Engine Room'Artifioer George Thomas Wallis, C/MX'48683, H.M.S. “ Berwick ” .
“ Whitehall ” . Chief Motor Mechanic Gilbert Begg, C/MX.68727, H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” .
Engine Room Artificer First Glass Robert Hugh Gomall, C/MX.46184, H.M.S. Chief Motor Mechanic Thomas Eric Padbury, P/MX.116836, H.M.S. “ Fabius ” .
, “ Crane ” . Chief Motor Mechanic James Edwin Alfred Southeard, H.M.S. “ Benson ” .
Engine Room Artificer First Class James Henry .Stevens, D/M.24139, H.M.S. Acting Chief Motor Mechanic Fourth Class Alexander Masson Tavlor, C/MX.76150
“ Wellington ” . L.C.I.(L) “ 161 ” .
Engine Room Artificer First Class John Henry Davis, C/MX.56635, H.M.S. Chief Stoker Walter Allen Applin, C/K.60587, H.M.S. “ Lamerton ” .
“ Wolsey ” . Chief Stoker Sidney Beck, C/K.59923, H.M.S. “ Opportune
Engine Room Artificer Second Class Douglas Alfred Broderick, D/MX.53062, Chief Stoker EmeBt Thomas Bowler, D/K.65404, H.M.S. “ Bude ” .
H.M.S. “ Fernie ” . Chief Stoker John Nicholas James Davies, D/K.65957, H.M.S. “ Gleaner ” .
Engine Room Artificer Second ClaSs William Richard Chamberlain, D/X.2901EA, Chief Stoker Albert Edney, D.S.M., P/K.59031, H.M.S. “ Rockingham ” .
H.M.S. “ Trent ” . Chief Stoker James Evans, P/K.61174, H.M.S. “ Blenheim ” .
Engine Room Artificer Second Class Horace Arnold Filmore, P/MX.53576, H.M.S. Chief Stoker William Arthur Frost, D/KX.76982, H.M.S. “ Jamaica
“ Orestes ” . Chief Stoker William Acton Griffiths, P/KX.77013, H.M.S. “ Royalist ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class John Jenkin Bonsor, D/MX.60542, H.M.S. Chief Stoker Charles Harold Frank Hanks, D/K.55788, H.M.S. “ Illustrious ” .
“ Catherine ” . Chief Stoker Herbert John Mitchell, C/K.56457, H.M.S. “ Warspite ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class James Cat.heart, P/MX.79649, H.M.S. “ Brid­ Chief Stoker Joseph Moody, P/KX.78522, H.M.S. “ Whitshed ” .
lington ” . Chief Stoker Stanley Herbert Murphy, C/K.64917, H.M.S. “ Bellona ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Eric Brotherston Cooper, C/MX.53092, H.M.S. Chief Stoker George Henry Osborne, D/K.65285, H.M.S. “ Devonshire ” .
“ Holdemess ” . Chief Stoker Frederick Thomas Patrick Paddon, D/K.54731, H.M.S. “ Cattistock
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Barney John Cummings, D/MX.73347, H.M.S. Chief Stoker Richard James Palmer, D/K.66140, H.M.S. “ Wheatland ” .
“ Blencathra ” . Chief Stoker Arthur Leonard Potts, C/K.60552, H.M.S. “ Crocus ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Sidney Dawes, D/MX.56208, H.M.S. “ Halcyon ” . Chief Stoker John Charles Ricketts, D/K.57390, H.M.S. “ Wallace ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Reginald Francis Hugh Dowd, D/MX.51748, Chief Stoker Sidney Albert Rogers, C/K.60240, H.M.S. “ Ajax
H.M.S. “ Lookout Chief Stoker Arthur Schofield, C/K.60737, H.M.S. “ Tadoussac ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Ben Richard Erridge, C/MX.65516, H.M.S. Chief Stoker William Charles Sewell, C/K.59483, H.M.S. “ Woolwich ” .
“ Orwell Chief Stoker Gerald Arthur Studden, D/KX.75518, H.M.S. “ Bootle ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Frederick John Evans, D/MX.74237, H.M.S. Chief Stoker Bernard Trevaskis, D/K.5è389, H.M.S. “ Chesterfield ” .
“ Braithwaite ” . Chief stoker George Edward Whiffen, C/K.29785, H.M.S, “ Caledon ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Joshua Hallum, C/MX.71352, H.M.S. “ Mendip ” . Temporary Chief Stoker Harold Sydney Clark, P/K.60028, H.M.S. “ Diadem ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Thomas Hefferman, D/MX.55835, H.M.S. Temporary Chief Stoker Denis Salter, D/K.65039, H.M.S. “ Renown ” .
“ Riou Chief Engineman George Chorlton, LT/K X .l 12800, H.M.S. “ St. Wistan
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Thomas Liptrot, C/MX.73449, H.M.S. “ Oribi ” . Wartime Chief Engineman Ernest Leonard Fisher, LT/KX.125301, B.Y.M S
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Stanley Swan, D/MX.70667, H.M.S. “ Rapid ” . “ 2149” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Ernest Frederick Waite, D/MX.60517, H.M.S. Chief Engineman John William Hewson, L/X.259W, H.M.T. “ Regal ” .
“ Guillemot ” . Chief Engineman Alexander Jappy, L/X.451E.U., H.M.T. “ Derby County ” ,
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Gordon Wood, C/MX.76148, H.M.S. “ Kim ­ Chief Engineman Ernest' Oxtoby, LT/KX.124851, H.M.T. “ Ruskholm ” .
berley Chief Engineman George Ross, LT/KX.113961, H.M.S. “ Tekoura ” .
Engine Room Artificer Third Class William Wood, P/MX.69952, H.M.S. “ Brock- Temporary Chief Joiner Frederick Shellcock, C/MX.47106, H.M.S. “ Greenwich
lesby ” . Chief Shipwright Alfred John Baker, D/M.39510, H.M.S. “ Victorious ” .
Engine Room Artificer Frederick Henry Clarke, P/MX.60424, H.M.S. “ Grindall ” . Chief Shipwright Edwin Arnold Payne, P/MX.47482, H.M.S. “ Berwick ” ,
Engine Room Artificer George Wilfred Hargreaves, C/JX.506647, H.M.S. “ Ekins ” .
25 3434
3434 24
Petty Officer Alfred Wrinkmore English, P/JX.136551, H.M. Gunboat “ Scarab
Temporary Chief Shipwright Stanley Alfred Handley, P/MX.50821, H.M.S. Petty Officer George Frost, D/J.98742, H.M.S. “ Jamaica ” .
“ Byrsa ” . Petty Officer Rigger John Gilmour, R/JX.166938, H.M.S. “ Barbridge
Shipwright Third Class Emest Clifford Masterton, P/MX.88618, H.M.S. “ Blenheim Petty Officer Anthony John Parker Hammond, P/JX.148347, H.M.S. “ Nelson
Second Hand Chief Petty Officer Harry George Fletcher, LT/X.21396A, H.M.T, Petty Officer Emest Arthur James Holland, D/J. 109637, H.M.S. “ Femie ” .
“ Libra ” . Petty Officer Leslie Walter Humphrey, C/JX.145765, H.M.S. ‘ ‘ Kittiwake
Wartime Second Hand Chief Petty Officer James Patrick Hargreaves, L/JX. 167011, Petty Officer John Douglas Percy Jacobs, C/JX.143690.
H.M.T. “ Lowther Petty Officer David Ellis Jones, LT/JX.198770, H.M.S. “ Yashima
Second Hand Robert William Ho veil, LT/X. 18936, H.M.T. “ Oak ” . Petty Officer Alfred Harold Leggett, P./J.107359, H.M.S. “ Curzon
Second Hand Thomas Edward Jackson, LT/JX. 174484, M.M.S.04. Petty Officer Henry William Lucas, LT/JX.189944, H.D.M.L. “ 1091
Second Hand Chief Petty Officer James Douglas Mayall, L/X.20534A, H.M.T. Petty Officer John Henry McNulty, D/SSX.12549, H.M.S. “ Campania
“ Commiles ” . Petty Officer Whybum Parkes, D/JX.135812, H.M.S. “ Searcher
Second Hand George Anderson Thompson, LT/JX.280425, H.M.S. “ Hascosay Petty Officer Frank Phillipson, C/JX.133699, H.M.S. “ Quilliam
Carpenter David Thomas Booth, N.A.P.655218, H.M.S. “ Stalker ” . Petty Officer Albert Ernest Pickett, C/JX. 133549, H.M.S. “ Whitehall
Temporary Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer Arthur George Popplewell, D/MX.47460, Petty Officer John Clifford Poole, C/.JX.189200, H.M.S. “ Melbreak ” .
H.M.H.S. “ Vasna ” . Petty Officer Norman Stanley Redmond, LT/JX.212660, H.M.S. “ Nebb
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Writer Robert Frank Bull, P/MX.59933, H.M.S. Petty Officer Joseph Colin Sadler, D/J.97604, H.M.S. “ Engadine
“ Frobisher ” . Petty Officer Archie Murray Salter, P/JX.125507, H.M.S. “ Scourge” .
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Writer James Booth Thornton, C/MX.52445, H.M.S. Petty Officer Alfred Richard Ernest Shreeve, LT/JX.181748, H.M.S. “ Helvetia
“ Royal James ” . Petty Officer Francis Verrill, LT/.TX.202267, H.M.S. “ K lo ‘” .
Stores Chief Petty Officer William Evans, D/MX.47504, H.M.S. “ Devonshire ” . Petty Officer Alexander Louvain Webber, D/JX.135793, H.M.S. “ Renown
Stores Chief Petty Officer William Arthur Langdon, P/MX.51129, H.M.S. Petty Officer William Whitehead, D/J.106211, H.M.S. “ Rodney
“ Termagent Petty Officer Alfred John William Williams, P/JX.140902, H.M.S. “ Greenwich
Stores Chief Petty Officer Maurice John Perrin, D/MX.48819, H.M.S. “ Implacable Petty Officer Christopher Arthur Wood, LT/JX.224340, H.M.T. “ Clotil ” .
Stores Chief Petty Officer Jack Taylor, C/M.87884, H.M.S. “ Fabius Temporary Petty Officer George Auckland, C/JX.279578, H.M.S. “ Apollo
Stores Chief Petty Officer James Wellard, C/MX.51151, H.M.S. “ Ajax Temporary Pettv Officer Leslie James Brown, P/JX. 146405, H.M.S. “ Indefatig­
Stores Chief Petty Officer Albert George Wilson, C/M.29726, H.M.S. “ Royal able ” .
Edward ” . Temporary Petty Officer Walter William Dean, P/J.95765, H.M.S. “ Diadem ” .
Stores Chief Petty Officer Gordon Knowle Williams, D/MX.45447, H.M.S. Temporary Petty Officer David Lloyd Grimes, R.C.N.V.R., V.23126, H.M.S.
“ Newcastle ” . “ Beacon Hill
Temporary Stores Chief Petty Officer Harold Pritchard, C/MX.47522, H.M.S, Temporary petty Officer Arthur John Home, D/J.109448, H.M.S. “ Rodney ” .
“ Tyne Temporary Petty Officer Albert Leonard Sheppard, P/J.100137, H.M.S. “ Foam ” .
Temporary Stores Chief Petty Officer Joseph Frederick Rockey, P/MX.53439, Temporary Petty Officer Harold Thomas South, D/JX.152225, M.G.B. “ 674 ” .
H.M.S. “ Sirius Temporary Petty Officer Coxswain Isaac Edward Unthank, D/JX.155138, M.L.
Temporary Stores Chief Petty Officer Edward Sydney John Rose, P/MX.5,2719, “ 102
H.M.S. “ Diadem ” . Temporary Petty Officer Leopold David White, D/J.95655, H.M.S. “ Vidette ” .
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Percy James Bailey, D/MX.45584, H.M.S. “ Renown ” . Acting Petty Officer Robert Samuel Alexander Austin, D/SSX.27828, H.M.S.
Chief Petty Officer Cook Alfred Emest Hamley, D/M.35158, H.M.S. “ Black “ Catherine
Prince ” .
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Cyril Douglas Hughes, P/MX.46494, H.M.S. “ Sirius Acting Petty Officer Harry Arthur Moore, P/MX.126298, H.M.S. “ Kimberley ” .
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Frank George Pearson, C/M.37811, H.M.S. “ Royal Acting Petty Officer George Douglas Skinner, P/MX.635004, H.M.S. “ Riou
James ” . Acting Petty Officer Herbert Henry James Wade, P/JX.274173, M.L. “ 575 ” .
Chief Petty Officer Cook Charlie Stemp, C/M. 13320, H.M.S. “ Bellona ” . Temporary Acting Petty Officer Harold Stanley Alderson, D/JX.200336.
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Henry Bardwell Ward, C/MX.45952, H.M.S. “ Royal Temporary Acting Petty Officer Kenneth Ashworth, D/MD/X.3058.
Temporary Acting Petty Officer George Dickins, D/SSX.23389, H.M.S. “ Onslow ” .
Edward ” .
Temporary Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) John Newton, R.C.N.40512, H.M.C.S. Temporary Acting Petty Officer Frank Vincent Dickinson, D/SSX.27602, H.M.S.
“ Launceston Castle ” .
“ Algonquin ” .
Acting Chief Petty Officer Cook (O) David Geddes Burns, P/MX.64305. Temporary Acting Petty Officer John Elliot Grieve, P/JX.203189.
Acting Chief Petty Officer Cook (O) Stanley Mostyn Joffre Wiggins, D/MX.55961. Temporary Acting Petty Officer Jack William Loader, P/JX.161860, H.M.L.S.T.
Canteen Manager Joe Neill, C/MX. 1425, H.M.S. “ Albury ” . “ 239
Chief Steward Clarence Patrick Healey, R.F.A., R.F.A. “ Ennerdale ” . Petty Officer Wireman Thomas Edmund Henry Butler, P/MX.66132, H.M.S.
Chief Steward First Class Frank Winston Sawle, NAP/1093867, H.M.S. “ Stalker “ Onyx ” .
Colour Sergeant (Acting Temporary Quartermaster Sergeant) John Roberts, R.M., Petty Officer Wireman Leslie Richard Hines, P/MX.62276, H.M.S. “ Ceylon ” .
Ch.X.332, H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” . Yeoman of Signals Frank William Bridger, P/JX.144196, H.M.S. “ Orestes
Petty Officer Stanley Booth, P/J. 112458, H.M.S. “ Scimitar ” . Yeoman of Signals Frank Edward Hall, C/JX.139158, H.M.S. “ Westcott ” .
Petty Officer Thomas Sidney Carey, D/J.113396, H.M.S. “ Tenacious ” . Yeoman o f Signals Arthur Henry Koser, C/JX.132681, H.M.S. “ Ready ” .
Petty Officer Frederick Joseph Carter, D/JX. 152248, H.M.S. “ Seymour ” . Yeoman o f Signals Donald James Mathias, D/JX. 152820, H.M.S. “ Tavy ” .
Petty Officer James Bertie Christie, LT/JX.200834, B.Y.M.S. “ 2154 ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist Walter John Carro, D/JX.140200. H.M.S. “ Albury
Petty Officer Frank Edmund John Church, LT/JX. 164571, M.M.S. “ 50 ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist George Edward Claridge, P/JX.151522, H.M.S.
Petty Officer Thomas Richard Cranstone, C/J. 101792, H.M.S. “ Saltash ” . Middleton
Petty Officer James Heber Crawford, P/J. 100899, H.M.S. “ Fishguard ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist Robert Clarkson, D/JX.137574, H.M.S. “ Meteor ” .
Wartime Petty Officer Henry James Curtis, L/JX.193925, M.S. “ 1041 ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist John Hubert Noone Curling, P/SSX.20807, H.M.S.
Petty Officer Edward Newton Darke, P/J. 108434, H.M.S. “ Ledbury ” . “ Skate ” .
Petty Officer Leonard Davis, P/JX.145997, H.M.S. “ Ekins ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist Dennis Reginald Eagle, C/JX.139081, H.M.S. “ Holder -
Petty Officer Frank Charles Devoil, C/JX.131005, H.M.S. “ Lancaster ” . ness ” .
Petty Officer Charles Dunne, D/J.110526, H.M.S. “ W ilton ” . Petty Officer Telegraphist Kenneth Ellison, D/JX.133229, H.M.S. “ Ariadne
Petty Officer George William Elliott, D/JX.125750, H.M.S. “ Bermuda ” .
27 3434
3434 26
Petty Officer Air Mechanic (E) Patrick Joseph Thomas McEvoy, FAA/FX.82724,
Petty Officer Telegraphist Ronald Cecil Victor Godley, P/JX.158221, H.M.S. H.M.S. “ Victorious ” .
“ Termagent ” . Petty Officer Air Mechanic (E) Morgan Henry Williams, FAA/FX.80198, H.M.S.
Petty Officer Telegraphist Frederick James Mitchell, D/JX.134074, H.M.S. “ Begum ” .
“ Hound ” . Petty Officer Radio Mechanic Richard Ernest Charles Burford, D/MX.117249,
Petty Officer Telegraphist Richard John Mitchell, C/J.95003, H.M.S. “ Quilliam ” . H.M.S. “ Fishguard
Petty Officer Telegraphist Sydney Edward Pinington, C/JX.144970, H.M.S. Petty Officer Radio Mechanic Dennis Sidney Thomas Lawler, P/MX.11631 o,
“ Mendip ” . H.M.S. “ Verdun
Petty Officer Telegraphist Herbert Quick, D.S.M., D/JX.138288, H.M.S. “ Al- Petty Officer Radio Mechanic Donald Lund, FAA/FX.607228, H.M.S. " Vindex
brighton ” . Petty Officer Radio Mechanic William James Smith, P/MX.124373, H.M.S.
Temporary Petty Officer Telegraphist Frank John Dunk Capeling, C/J.100529, “ Amherst ” .
H.M.S. “ Versatile” . Temporary Petty Officer Radio Mechanic Cyril Rees Prosser, P/MX.116074, H.M.S.
Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class Charles Walter Cofield, D/MX.64110, H.M.S. “ Warspite ” .
“ Aurora” . Acting Petty Officer Radio Mechanic (W) Lawrence Walter Fozard, P/MX. 125647,
Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class John Edward Crumpton, D/MX.75849. H.M.S. “ Opportune ” .
Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class David Charles Dennis, P/MX.78844, H.M.S. Acting Petty Officer Radio Mechanic Leonard Frederick Charles Shilham, P/MX.
“ Termagent ” . 125448, H.M.S. “ Bayntun ” .
Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class David Joseph Philpot, P/MX.66022, H.M.S. Engineman Edwin Atkinson, L/KX.128064, H.M.S. “ Sethon ” .
“ Jason ” . Wartime Engineman Robert Broomhead, LT/KX.135913, M.L. “ 1405 ” .
Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class Donald Tate, C/MX.97425, H.M.S. “ Florizel ” . Wartime Engineman John James Buck, LT/KX.104782, M.M.S. “ 115 ” .
Air Artificer Fourth Class Henry John Cooper, FAA/FX. 100651, H.M.S. “ Begum ” . Petty Officer Engineman William Arthur Canty, LT/KX.144352, M.L. “ 1417
Air Artificer Fourth Class Tom Riding Littlewood, FAA/FX.77203, H.M.S. Petty Officer Engineman Jack Jacob Cotton, LT/KX.160104, H.D.M.L. “ 1085 ” .
“ Searcher ” . Wartime Engineman Thomas William Harrison, LT/KX.131101, M.M.S. “ 41 ” .
Air Artificer Fourth Class Roy Lionel Swain, FAA/FX.79381, H.M.S. “ Illustrious ” . Engineman David Alfred Henriekson, L/KX.124989, H.M.T. “ Florio
Air Artificer Fourth Class Eric Vincent, FAA/FX.81199, H.M.S. “ Illustrious ” . Engineman William Jappy, L/X.422EU, H.M.T. “ Cape Barracouta ” .
Electrical Artificer Fourth Class Edward Barrett, C/MX.92198, H.M.S. “ Serapis Petty Officer Engineman Fred Kay, LT/KX.102435, M.M.S. “ 255 ” .
Electrical Artificer Fourth Class Arthur Edgar Lucas, P/MX.116684, H.M.S. “ Ursa ” . Engineman William Henry Lloyd, L/X.75414, H.M.T. “ Hawthorn” .
Electrical Artificer Fourth Class George Peat Morris, D/MX.71624, H.M.S. “ Urania ” . Petty Officer Engineman Robert Alfred McCarron, LT/KX.156i01, M.L. “ 1476 ” .
Acting Electrical Artificer Fourth Class James Hunter Allan, P/MX.503565, H.M.S. Engineman John Reid, LT/KX.160095, H.D.M.L. “ 1070 ” .
“ Holmes ” . Wartime Engineman Alfred Harry Sparkes, LT/K X .110497, H.M.T. “ Earl-Essex
Acting Electrical Artificer Fourth Class Jack Hall. P/MX.500528. H.M.S. “ Loch Engineman Edward Stephens, L/KX. 106203, H.M.T. “ Flying W in g ” .
Fada ” . Engineman George Watson, LT/X.359EU, H.M.T. “ Contender ” .
Acting Electrical Artificer Fourth Class Alexander Taylor, C/MX.58916, H.M.S. Donkeyrnan Donald Ferguson, NAP/R.225131, H.M.S. “ Jiunter ” ,
“ Combatant ” . Plumber Robert Ridler, NAP/R.197183, H.M.S. “ Engadine ” .
Acting Ordnance Artificer Fourth Class Jack Redmond Keeley, C/MX.96219, Painter First Class Francis John Cecil Moore, D/MX.45044, H.M.S. “ Victorious ” .
H.M.S. “ Berry ” . Temporary Sick Berth Petty Officer Donald Edwin Grant, P/MX.52602, H.M.S.
Stoker Petty Officer William Charles Bolch, P/KX.75804, H.M.S. “ Abaster ” . “ Nelson ” ,
Stoker Petty Officer Albert Chalcraft, C/KX.78742, H.M.S. “ Albacore ” . Temporary Sick Berth petty Officer Sidney Redin, C/SBR.X.7747, H.M.H.S.
Stoker Petty Officer Thomas Douglas Francis Cross, C/KX.87782, H.M.S. “ Oxfordshire ” ,
“ Product ” . Petty Officer Writer Athelstan Leslie Sargeant, P/PD/X.52/CO.
Stoker Petty Officer Charles Alfred George, C K X .99532, H.M.L.S.T. “ 65 ” . Temporary Petty Officer Writer John Malcolm Darwent, D/MX.81194, H.M.S.
Stoker Petty Officer Joseph Norman Gould, D/KX.80473, H.M.S. “ Fly ” . “ Rothesay
Stoker Petty Officer Henry William Jacobs, C/K.47778, H.M.S. “ Pursuer ” . Stores Petty Officer William Glynda Burden, C/MX.63722, H.M.S. “ Goathland” .
Stoker Petty Officer Thomas Henry Jeffery, P/KX.76380, H.M.S. “ Indomitable ” . Stores Petty Officer John Henry Denley, D/MX .47160, H.M.S. “ Whaddon ” .
Stoker Petty Officer Walter Frederick Nunn, P/KX.78291, H.M.S. “ Bluebell ” . Stores Petty Officer Andrew Smith, P/MX.71603, H.M.S. “ Mauritius” .
Stoker Petty Officer Matthew O’Neill, D/KX.86134, H.M.S. “ Stayner Temporary Stores Petty Officer Leonard Edward Dane Baskerville, C/KX. 106470,
Stoker Petty Officer William Raspin, C/K.17590, H.M.S. “ Calpe ” . H.M.S. “ Apollo ” .
Stoker Petty Officer Joseph Robson, C/K.62509, H.M.S. “ Heather Temporary Stores Petty Officer Douglas Frederick Ellis, P/MX.57916, H.M.S.
Stoker Petty Officer James Alfred Sams, P/KX.82237, H.M.S. “ Byrsa ” . “ Trumpeter
Stoker Petty Officer Ernest Walter Walker, C/K.22043, late H.M.S. “ Sakara ” . Temporary Stores Petty Officer Ronald Edward Holt, C/CH/DX.87, H.M.S.
Stoker Petty Officer Edward Waylett, C/K.13345, H.M.S. “ Tyne ” . “ Bonaventure
Stoker Petty Officer Albert Edward Weller, D/K.63527, H.M.S. “ Kenilworth Temporary Stores Petty Officer Frederick Charles Hooper, C/MX.80246, L.S.T.
Castle ” . “ 401
Stoker Petty Officer Charles William Wise, C/KX.75123, H.M.S. “ Speedwell ” . Temporary Stores Petty Officer David Purdie, B.E.M., C/MX.72522, H.M.S.
Stoker Petty Officer Leslie Wood, D.S.M., P/MX.83529, H.M.S. “ Quantock ” . “ Bleasdale ” .
Temporary Acting Stoker Petty Officer Thomas Joseph Haldon Davies, D/KX.95354, Temporary Stores Petty Officer William Thomas Treece, D/MX.37053, H.M.S.
H.M.S. “ Wilton ” . “ Khedive
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Thomas Hulme, P/MX.77065, M.L. “ 305 ” . Petty Officer Cook (O) Ernest Gilbert Gill, D/L.14352, H.M.S. “ Roebuck ” .
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Ronald Inger, P/MX.99401, L.C.I.(L) “ 278 Petty Officer Cook Henry Holdforth, P/MX.49831, H.M.S. “ Verity
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Reginald Oscar Wilson Ives, P/MX.99402, L.C.T. Petty Officer Cook (S) Charles James Phillips, C/MX.48410, H.M.S. “ Orwell ” .
“ 361 Petty Officer Cook (S) Albert Henry George White, P/MX.49045, H.M.S.
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Arthur Thomas Northcote, C/MX.116874, L.C.I. (L) “ Quantock ” .
“ 303 ” . Temporary Petty Officer Cook (S) James Israel Balchin, P/MX.45020, H.M.S.
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Frederick Thomas Roberts, P/MX>79467, L.C.T. “ Oribi
“ 589 Temporary Petty Officer Cook William Alfred Crockett, C/MX.66592, H.M.S.
Petty Officer Ordnance Mechanic Reginald Stephen Tomlin, P/MX.116279, M.G.B. “ Crane ” .
“ 647 ” .
3434 28 29 3434
Temporary Petty Officer Cook (S) Albert Jennings, P/MX.46752, H.M.S- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman William McLeod, P/CDX.2955, H.M.S.
“ Tomngton “ Kilchrenan •” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Daniel Murren, C/JX. 169651, H.M.S. “ Harrier” .
Bandmaster Second Class Ernest George Margetts, R.M.B.3077, H.M.S. “ Orion ” . Temporary Acting Leading Seaman James Francis Orr, P/SSX.25280, H.M.S.
Sergeant Godfrey Oswald Phillips, R.M., Ch.X.715, H.M.S. “ Suffolk ” . “ Brocklesby
Corporal (Acting Temporary Sergeant) Arthur Henry Lindsay, R.M., Po.X.2509, Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Walter Thomas Ovenden, C/JX.212290, H.M.S.
H.M.S. “ Pvoyal Jamés ” . “ Melbreak
Leading Seaman Bertram Elihu Bartlett, C/JX. 181442, H.M.S. “ Caicos ” . Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Frederick Ronald Platt, P/JX.384654, H.M.S.
Leading Seaman Archibald Herbert Bates, D/J.111081, H.M.S. “ Bangor \ “ Bridport ” .
Leading Seaman James Douglas Harold Beardmore, LT/JX.242123, B.Y.M.S- Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Bernard Joseph Swift, D/JX.214353, H.M.S.
“ 2182 ” . “ Pytchley ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman George Henry Bullard, LT/JX.170613, H.M.T- T em p oral Acting Leading Seaman Reginald Herbert Waller, C/JX.204113.
“ Kastoria Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Walter James White, P/JX.326595, H.M.S.
Leading Seaman William Couch, D/J.22662, H.M.S. “ Shah ” . “ Blencathra ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman James Whyte Dawson, L/JX.262005, M.S. “ 1018 ” . Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Reginald Charles Henry Whitehead, D/J. 101782,
Leading Seaman Charles George Edwards, LT/JX.222800, H.D.M.L. “ 1387 ” . H.M.S. “ Newcastle
Leading Seaman George Emerson, LT/JX.200853, M.L. “ 1406 ” . Leading Wireman Richard Bird, C/MX.92320, H.M.M.S. “ 139 ” .
Leading Seaman Arthur Robert King, P/JX.315885, H.M.S. “ Essington ” . Leading Wireman Leslie Bowden, C/MX.118360, H.M.S. “ Fairy ” .
Leading Seaman William Henry Knight, LT/JX.206548, M.L. “ 1405 ” . Leading Wireman Jack Nathan Brayshaw, C/MX.69268, M.M.S. “ 283
Leading Seaman John Henry David Harris, LT/JX.225795, M.M.S. “ 291 ” . Leading Wireman Kenneth Roy Gammons, C/MX.96782, H.M.M.S. “ 1028 ” .
Leading Seaman James Thornton Hart, LT/JX.180451, H.M.T. “ Epine Leading Wireman Arthur William Gibbs, C/MX.96916, H.M.S. “ Frolic ” .
Leading Seaman Trevor James Hayes, D/SSX.27573, H.M.S. “ Stalker Leading Wireman Gwilym Jones, D/MX. 103431, L.C.I. (L) “ 258 ” .
Leading Seaman George Leiper, LT/JX.219464, M.L. “ 1413 Leading Wireman Cecil William Alfred Leech, C/MX.77413, M.M.S. “ 45 ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman Sidney Lewis, L/JX.181784, H.M.T. “ Carisbrooke Leading Signalman William Cox, C/JX. 143573, H.M.S. “ Fraserburgh” .
Leading Seaman George Lofthouse, P/J.24129, H.M.S. “ Orlando ” . Leading Signalman Lyn Holbrook, C/JX.169993, H.M.S. “ Leigh ” .
Wartime Leading Seaman William- MacFarlarie, LT/JX.280235, H.M.T. “ John- Leading Signalman John Septimus Strand, C/SSX.25678, H.M.S. “ Balsam ” .
Cattling Leading Signalman Edward Weir, D/J.112219, H.M.S. “ Woodruif ” .
Leadings Seaman Donald MacLennan, LT/JX.265162, H.M.T. “ Cedar ” . Leading Signalman Alfred William Woodcock, C/JX.232599, H.M.S. “ Leieh ” .
Leading Seaman John Geddes Murray, LT/JX.177021, B.Y.M.S “ 2175 ” Leading Telegraphist Frank Ellis, D/J.54056, H.M.S. “ Bangor ” .
Leading Seaman James Murray, LT/JX.20828, B.Y.M.S. “ 2012 ” . Leading Telegraphist Gordon Roland Short, P/JX. 142830, H.M.S. “ Kingcup ” .
Leading Seaman Reginald Henry Menyena, D/JX.145329, H.M.S. “ Kenilworth Leading Telegraphist Michael Henry Murphy, D/JX.150100, H.M.S. “ Octavia
Castle ” . Leading Telegraphist Eric Clifford Pattimore, P/SSX.33333.
Leading Seaman Patrick Terence O’Connor, LT/JX.190066, B.Y.M.S. “ 2053 Leading Telegraphist James Huitson Sproates, C/JX. 153040, H.M.S. “ Crocus ” .
Leading Seaman Jack Thompson Palmer, D/J.111567, H.M.S. “ Lookout ” . Temporary Leading Telegraphist George Wilson Downs, P/SSX.31382, H.M.S.
Leading Seaman Walter Leonard Platten, LT/JX.170553, B.Y.M.S. “ 2056 ” . “ Cyclamen ” .
Leading Seaman'Frederick George Rackham, LT/JX.225167, M.M.S. “ 1035 ” . Temporary Leading Telegraphist Ronald Victor Parsons, C/JX. 143925, H.M.S.
Leading Seaman Alexander Reid, LT/JX.265444, M.M.S. “ 294 ” . “ Ardrossan ” .
Leading Seaman Daniel Robertson, D/J.84476, H.M.S. “ Raider ” . Temporary Leading Telegraphist Stanley Cyril Wareham, P/JX. 171871.
Leading Seaman Ronald Taylor, P/JX.169661, H.M.S. “ Royalist ” . Acting Leading Telegraphist William Simmons, R.C.N.V.R., V.26082, H.M.C.S.
Leading Seaman Dennis John Gordon Tillet, P/JX.271617, H.M.S. “ Stayner ” . “ Sioux
Wartime Leading Seaman Sydney Arthur Whelpton, LT/JX.229398, M.M.S. Leading Coder Peter John Lay, D/JX.356007, H.M.S. “ Hunter ” .
“ 1062 Temporary Leading Coder Derek Summers Carr, D/JX.293373, H.M.S. “ Stalker
Temporary Leading Seaman Joseph Colquhoun, P/JX.289662, H.M.S. “ Leeds ” . Leading Stoker Clifford Henry Allen, P/KX.97481, H.M.S. “ Truelove ” .
Temporary Leading Seaman H ariy Walter Emerson, C/JX.195335, H.M.S. Leading Stoker William Henry Harvey, D/KX.98294, H.M.S. “ Kenya ” .
“ Tanganyika ” . Leading Stoker William Verdun Llewellyn, P/KX. 107456, L.C.T. “ 420
Temporary Leading Seaman Richard Alfred Hellens, LT/JX.278578, H.M.S.- Leading Stoker Ronald McAdam, D/KX.118453, L.S.T. “ 410 ” .
“ Inkpen ” . Leading Stoker Lloyd AngusrMartin, R.C.N.V.R., V.1603, H.M.C.S. “ PrinceHenry” .
Temporary Leading Seaman Alexander Francis Kydd, P/JX.278189, H.M.S- Leading Stoker Daniel Murphy, D/KX.80644. H.M.S. “ Tartar ” .
“ Victorious Leading Stoker John Quinn, P/K.66906, H.M.S. “ Weston ” .
Acting Leading Seaman Ronald Victor Batten, D/JX.159715, H.M.S. “ Hound ” . Wartime Leading Stoker Frederick Ward, LT/KX. 136044. H.M.T. “ Bracondene ” .
Acting Leading Seaman (Coxswain) Eric Hindley, P/SR.8721, M.L. “ i40 ” . Leading Stoker Raymond Victor Wildgoose, D/KX.97580, A.H.S. “ 4 ” .
Acting Leading Seaman Frank Surplice, D./JX.131296, H.M.S. “ Cattistock ” . Temporary Leading Stoker Herbert Daley, D/KX.97502, H.M.S. “ Byard ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman David William Appleton, D/JX.250078. Temporary Leading Stoker Trbvor Jones, D/KX.81496, H.M.S. “ Rodney ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Alfred Eric Victor Aplin, P/SSX.26289, H.M.S. Temporary Leading Stoker James Arthur Worboyds, P/KX.100727, L.S.T. “ 239” .
“ Greenwich ” . Temporary Acting Leading Stoker Colin Harold Daniel Hobbs, D/KX. 104212,
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Harold Edward Boulding, C/JX.212141. H.M.S. “ Wolverine ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaipan James Burke, C/JX.247788. Acting Temporary Leading Stoker Alexander Kilpatrick, C/KX.120870, H.M.S.
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Robert Calvert, D/JX.192975. “ Bleasdale ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman James William Clark, C/.TX.216608. Temporary Acting Leading Stoker John Robert Simpson, D/SS.118989, H.M.S.
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Harold Cracknell, D/JX.265739. “ Roebuck ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Arthur Stanley Cressy, C/JX.239490. Temporary Acting Leading Stoker James Silvester Strick, D/K.66266, H.M.S.
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Clarence Albert Davis. P/JX.224071. “ Dommett ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman William Duckworth, C/JX.226873, H.M.S. Electrical Mechanic Fifth Class Jonathan William Bennett, C/MX.95646, H.M.S.
“ Kittiwake ” . “ Holdfast ” .
Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Thomas William Jackson, P/JX.176333, Leading Motor Mechanic Kenneth Mundy, C/MX.501196, H.M.S. “ Tormentor ” .
H.M.S. “ Boston” . Acting Temporary Leading Air Mechanic (A) Robert Hill, H.M.S. “ Begum ” .
3434 30
31 3434
Temporary Leading Air Mechanic (A) Alfred Eric Dolling, FAA/FX.93939, H.M.S.
“ Trumpeter ” . Acting Able Seaman Herbert William Rampling, C/JX.37444, L.C.T. “ 849 ” .
Acting Leading Air Mechanic William John Willett, FAA/SFX.2757, H.M.S. Acting Able Seaman Wilfred George Reynolds, P/JX.289152.
“ Searcher Acting Able Seaman Arthur Robinson, C/JX.255446.
Leading Radio Mechanic Ralph Taylor Bog, P/MX.572435, H.M.S. “ Jason ” . Able Seaman Geoffrey Venables Rowland, C/JX.240171, H.M.S. “ Mauritius ” .
Blacksmith Fourth Class Patrick Harold Garrett, D/MX.90988, H.M.S. “ Woolwich” . Acting Able Seaman James Ross, C/JX.291840.
Leading Writer Arthur Spedding Lowe, C/MX.70945, H.M.S. “ Holdfast ” , Able Seaman Clifford Wright Scott, P/JX.282724, Knock John Fort.
Temporary Leading Writer Percy Cyril Squires, P/MX.80369. Able Seaman Lawrence Scott, R.C.N.V.R., V.10747, H.M.C.S. “ Sioux ” .
Leading Stores Assistant John Bernard Stiles, D/MX.82705, H.M.S. “ Polruan ” . Able Seaman Norman Scholes, C/JX.260875, H.M.S. “ Speedwell ” ,
Leading Cook John Harris Davies, D/MX.73180, H.M.S. “ Cooke Able Seaman William Ross Sutherland, D/JX.257688, L.C.I.(L) “ 247 ” .
Leading Cook (S) Frank Alfred Ellis, P/MX.94888, H.M.S. “ Inman ” . Able Seaman Alec Tate, D/JX.420465, H.M.S. “ Sylvia ” ,
Leading Cook (S) Norman Hale, D/MX.80899, H.M.S. “ Welfare ” . Able Seaman Arthur Douglas Twort, C/JX.203373, H.M.S. “ London
Leading Cook Arthur Lawrence, LT/MX.85225. M.M.S. “ 19 ” . Able Seaman Frederick Varty, D/JX.203104, M.L. “ 143 ” .
Leading Cook Percy William Woodsford, D/MX.64303, H.M.S. “ Oetavia Able Seaman Harold George Venney, D/JX.255702, H.M.S. “ Offa ” .
Leading Steward John Louis Davidson, jjT/LX.32097, H.M.T. “ Grampian ” . Able Seaman Arthur Wheatley, P/J.99162, H.M.S. “ Rotherham ” .
Leading Steward John Penrose, P/LX.25497, H.M.S. “ Berwick ” . Able Seaman Percy Harold Whitehand, C/JX.147885, H.M.S. “ Sheldrake ” .
Temporary Leading Steward Leslie Walker, D/LX.26065, H.M.S. “ Mauritius Wireman John Glyngwyn Jones, C/MX.68706, M.M.S. “ 1013 ” .
Temporary Leading Steward William David Aitken, D/LX.24981, H.M.S. Signalman Roy Edward Batchelor, P/JX.308340, H.M.S. “ Speedy ” .
“ Ariadne ” . Signalman Alan George Froude, C/JX.573663, H.M.S. “ Leigh
Greaser George William White, NAP/R.118582, H.M.S. “ Khedive ” . Signalman Alfred Norman Hale, P/JX.278264, H.M.S. “ Ironbound ” .
Diesel Greaser Harry William Arthur Fowles, NAP/R.29339, H.M.S. “ Nairana ” . Signalman Leonard Hart, D/JX.263009, H.M.S. “ Cailiff
Corporal (Temporary) William Henry Honey, R.M., Po.X.103167, H.M.S. Signalma,n Daniel Lewis, P/JX.380893, H.M.S. “ Cleveland ” .
“ Berwick ” . Signalman Allan James Swadkin, LT/JX.340205, H.M.S. “ Dochet ” .
Signalman Victor Yates, P/JX.322594.
Junior Electrician Bernard Leslie Banfield, NAP/R.293899, H.M.S. “ Nairana Telegraphist Douglas Donaldson, P/JX.454006, H.M.S. “ Foley ” .
Acting Able Seaman William Emest George Abramson, P/JX.268467. Telegraphist Andrew Hall, P/JX.204059, H.M.S. “ Rothesay ” .
Acting Able Seaman Frederick George Adams, C/JX.235760. Telegraphist Jack McLean Harper, LT/JX.331161, H.M.S. “ Southern Breeze ” .
Able Seaman Ronald Arrowsmith, C/JX.236932, H.M.S. “ Retalick ” . Coder William Henry Be1!, D/JX.615479, H.M.S. “ Oetavia
Able Seaman Harold Frederick Blackwell, D/JX.189115, H.M.S. “ Cattistock ” . Coder Perciva) Albert Birch, D/JX.207642, H.M.S. “ Fly ” .
Acting Able Seaman Joseph Boyes, D/JX.249141.
Coder Alec James Farquhar, P/JX.293800.
Able Seaman Henry Buckley, D/JX.365204, H.M.S. “ Byard ” . Coder Joseph Henry Gill, D/JX.272342, H.M.S. “ Pytchley
Able Seaman Robert Darrock Campbell, C/JX.235306, M.L. “ 138 ” . Coder Dennis Hargreaves, D/JX.230281, H.M.S. “ Seymour ” .
Acting Able Seaman Benjamin William Cannell, C/JX.265653. Stoker First Class Maurice Auburn, C/KX.154491, L.C.T. “ 536 ” .
Able Seaman Robert Bell Christian, D/JX.184252, H.M.S. “ Riou ” . Stoker First Class James Collins, D/KX.525129, H.M.S. “ Welfare ” .
Able Seaman Frederick William Collins, C/J.108166, H.M.S. “ Sheldrake.” . Stoker First Class Frederick Sidney Arthur Buckland, C/KX.135196, H.M.S.
Acting Able Seaman George Arthur Collins, P/JX.289177.
“ Warspite ” .
Acting Able Seaman Leslie Douglas Coulter, C/SR.148.
Stoker First Class David Adam Glen, C/KX.159133, H.M.S. “ Ready
Acting Able Seaman Harry Storey Cresswell, P/JX.236664. Stoker First Class John Branford Hall, C/KX.127815, H.M.S. “ Tyne ” .
Acting Able Seaman Selwyn Dobbs, D/JX.289583.
Stoker First Class Cyril Holmes, P/KX.101325, H.M.S. “ Indomitable ” .
Acting Able Seaman Donald Dumbreck, D/JX.349280, M.L. “ 257 ” . Stoker First Class George Edward Keal, LT/KX.131424, H.M.S. “ Saltarelo
Acting Able Seaman Albert Henry Eaton, D/JX.255222.
Stoker First Class Henry James Levis, D/K.57931, H.M.S. “ Offa ” .
Able Seaman Frank Joseph Fletcher, C/JX.317962, L.C.H. “ 315
Stoker First Glass Thomas McRae, R/300421, H.M.S. “ Sancroft
Able Seaman John Kenneth Fletcher, P/SSX.28640, H.M.S. “ Stomicloud ” . Stoker First Class Henry Thomas Roberts, P/KX.130148, H.M.S. “ Indomitable
Able Seaman Claud Bertam Fry, D/JX.257414, H.M.S. “ Seymour ” . Stoker First Class Harold Scott, D/KX.121666, H.M.S. “ Sylvia ” .
Able Seaman Arthur Edward Fullick, P/JX.325283, H.M.S. “ Brecon ’. Stoker First Class Sydney Thomas Sheath, P/KX.85705, H.M.S. “ Marne ” .
Able Seaman Henry Edward Hammill, D/JX.364976, M.T.B. “ 208 ” . Stoker First Class Herbert Stokes, P/K.64041, H.M.S. “ Middleton ” .
Able Seaman John Thomas Hart, P/JX.384758, L.C.T. “ 615 ” . Sick Berth Attendant Francis Patrick Armitage, P/MX.112379, H.M.S. “ Pevensey
Able Seaman Frank Stanyer Hewlett, P/JX.276494, H.M.S. “ Ledbury Castle ” .
Able Seaman Cecil Reginald Higgins, D/J.70884, H.M.S. “ Implacable
Acting Able Seaman Emest Hill, P/JX.265916. Sick Berth Attendant Kenneth Blakemore, D/MX.100511, H.M.S. “ Vasna ” .
Able Seaman Cyril Holt, D/JX.284697, H.M.S. “ Roberts ” . Writer Donald McKoy, C/CH/DX/40, H.M.S. “ Pursuer ” .
Acting Able Seaman George Henry Hudson, P/JX.263659. First Writer Hugh Robertson Ross, NAP/R.225399, H.M.S. “ Engadine
Able Seaman Frederick Ives, C/JX.398369, M.L. “ 142 ” . Marine Gordon Edwin Hibberd, R.M., Po.X.3855, H.M.S. “ Argonaut ” .
Abie Seaman Austin James Janes, P/JX.208915, H.M.S. “ Kingcup ” . Marine Walter Stanley Rose, R.M., Ply.X.106563, L.C.S.(L) 259.
Able Seaman Walter George Law, D/SX.185016, H.M.S. “ Gleaner ” . Ordinary Seaman Robert Douglas Barber, R/300344, H.M.S. “ Sancroft
Able Seaman Douglas Lewis, D/JX.239134, H.M.S. “ Fal ” . Ordinary Seaman Joseph Mostyn, P/JX.633726, H.M.S. “ Easton
Able Seaman Percy Ronald Lowery, P/JX.383240, L.C.T. “ 560 ” . Ordinary Seaman John Pearson, D/JX.650133, H.M.S. “ Onslaught
Able Seaman William Walter Luxton, D/JX.153983, H.M.S. “ Elfreda ” . Seaman Frank Bott, LT/JX.409945, M.L. “ 1413 ” .
Able Seaman William Thomas Moppett, P/J.95705, H.M.S. “ Aurora Seaman Matthew Cecil Cumming, L/JX.529382, M.S. “ 1076
Able Seaman Arthur Albert Murray, C/JX.300998, L.C.I.(L) “ 260 ” . Seaman William Endean, LT/JX.303108, H.M.T. “ Ebor Wyke ” .
Able Seaman William Ronald Newsum, P/JX.247745, H.M.S. “ Llandudno ” . Seaman Horace Hatch, LT/JX.173190, B.Y.M.S. “ 2209 ” .
Able Seaman Leonard Richard Northam, D/J.93153, H.M.S. “ Renown Seaman Sylvester Hickey, L/JX.662475, H.M.S. “ Harris ” .
Able Seaman Kenneth Frederick Poole, P/JX.324188, H.M.S. “ Truelove ” . Seaman James Henry Herbert Knight, L/JX.229253, H.M.S. “ Helier I I ” .
Able Seaman William Sidney Ernest Pearce, C/JX.54220, H.M.S. “ Bude Seaman Robert Lees, LT/JX.514100, H.D.M.L. 1055 ” .
Able Seaman Joseph Pellington, P/JX.516036, M.T.B. “ 751 ” . Seaman Joseph Macguirk, LT/JX.196123, H.M.T. “ Larch ” .
Able Seaman Eric Penkethman, C/JX.204447, H.M.S. “ Mendip Seaman Murdo Mackenzie, LT/X.8015C, H.M.T. “ British ” .
Able Seaman Robert Pye, D/JX.345971, H.M.T. “ yAzalea Seaman Frank Margerison, LT/JX.32105, H.M.T. “ Rotherslade ” .
Seaman Wilfred Jack Mitchell, LT/JX.219665, H.M.T. “ Mount Keen ” .

3434 32 33 3435
Seaman Henry Frederick Newberry, LT/JX.195967, H.M.T. “ Evelyn Rose
Seaman James Richmond, L/JX.202632, H.M.T. “ Northern Wave To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order :
Seaman George Joiner Ritchie, LT/JX.177013, H.M.T. “ Leicester C ity ” . Acting Lieutenant-Commander Ansten Anstenson, R.C.N.V.R.
Seaman Peter Kenneth Wallace Setch, LT/JX.317226, H.M.T. “ Darthema Acting Lieutenant-Commander Richard Cassils Chenoweth, R.C.N.V.R.
Seaman Stanley Smethurst, L/JX.205502, H.M.T. “ Sunspot Lieutenant (Special) Norah Janetta Cooper, W.R.C.N.S.
Seaman Henry Edmund Stockwell, LT/JX.319185, M.M.S. “ 92 Mr. David Cormack, Commissioned Engineer, R.C.N.R.
Seaman Samuel William Taylor, LT/JX.202198, H.M.T. “ Hortensia Skipper Lieutenant Stanley Francis Ellis, R.C.N.R.
The above appointments and awards are for gallantry or good services in the Acting Lieutenant-Commander Lester Atton Hickey, R.C.N.R.
last six months or more of war in His Majesty’s Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Special) John Henderson Kyle, R.C.N.V.R.
Cruisers, Landing Ships, Destroyers, Submarines, Minelayers, Corvettes, Sloops, Lieutenant-Commander Wilfred Mclsaac, R.C.N.V.R.
Escort Vessels, Minesweepers, Trawlers, Drifters, Yachts, Anti-Submarine Vessels, Acting Lieutenant-Commander (E) Ian Norton McKay, R.C.N.V.R.
Landing Craft, Tugs, Motor Gun Boats, Motor Torpedo Boats; Motor Launches, Mr. Duff Morrison Bennie, Warrant Engineer, R.C.N.
Patrol Ships, Naval Aircraft, Base Ships and Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships. Acting Lieutenant-Commander Arthur Martin Peregrin Scaife, R.C.N.V.R.
Mr. Alfred Richard Alexander Taylor, Commissioned Supply Officer, R.C.N.R.
His Majesty has also .been graciously pleased to approve the following Acting Lieutenant-Commander Breen Philip Young, R.C.N.R.
promotions in, and appointments to, the Royal Red Cross for outstanding zeal,
patience and cheerfulness and for courage and wholehearted devotion to duty in The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion o f the Celebration of
H.M. Naval Hospitals in the last six months or more of war : His Majesty’s Birthday and on the advice of Hi3 Majesty’s Canadian Ministers, to
approve the following awards :—
To be Members of the Royal Red Cross
Miss Grace Butterworth Martin, A.R.R.C., Acting Principal Matron, Q.A.R.N.N.S. Bar to the George Medal
Miss Madeline Hadderton, A.R.R.C., Acting Matron, Q.A.R.N.N.S. Lieutenant George Henry Olaf Rundle, G.M., R.C.N.R.
Miss Evelyn Jean Lawrie, A.R.R.C., Acting Matron, Q.A.R.N.N.R.
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion o f the Celebration of
To be Associates of the Royal Red Cross His Majesty’s Birthday and on the advice of His Majesty’s Canadian Ministers, to
Miss Muriel Evelyn Cawston, O.B.E., Acting Matron, Q.A.R.N.N.S. give orders for the award of the British Empire Medal (Military Division) to :—
Miss Barbara Nockolds, Acting Matron, Q.A.R.N.N.S. Chief Petty Officer Writer Angus McFadyen Smith Allan, R.C.N.V.R., V—10281.
Miss Fannie Colias, Acting Senior Sister, Q.A.R.N.N.R. Chief Yeoman of Signals Frederick Harold Ames, R.C.N., X —41093.
Miss Kathleen Mary Sabin, Acting Senior Sister, Q.A.R.N.N.R. Able Seaman Harry Badams, R.C.N.V.R., V—9858.
Miss Ruth Mary Bradfield, Supervising V.A.D., Nursing Member. Petty Officer Clare Lome Ball, R..C.N.R., A —4972.
Mrs. Winifred Ada Clark, Supervising V.A.D., Nursing Member. Chief Stoker Clyde James Brennan, R.C.N.R., A —953.
Miss Florence Beatrice Griffin, Head V.A.D., Nursing Member. Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Irene Carter, W.R.C.N.S., W-187.
Miss Ada Nightingale, V.A.D., Nursing Member, Commandant. Stoker Petty Officer Walter Stanley Chemist, R.C.N.R., A-726.
Miss Mary Patricia Symonds, Head V.A.D., Nursing Member. Chief Petty Officer John Leonard Christopher, R.C.N.R., A-1414.
Chief Petty Officer Gunner’s Mate John James Ashworth Clarke, R.C.N., 2898.
Electrical Artificer Third Class Herbert Arthur Coulman, R.C.N.V.R., V -37537.
*3435.— Honours and Awards— Birthday Honours List, 1945— Royal Canadian Navy
Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) Ross Douglas Eisen, R.C.N., 40247.
(H. & A. 540/45.— 28 Jun. 1945.) Acting Yeoman of Signals George Patrick Fenn, R.C.N.V.R., V-7691.
C entral C h ancery of the O rders of K n ig h t h o o d ,
Leading Signalman Thomas Jamieson, R.C.N.V.R., V-10303.
Petty Officer Patrolman William Arthur Johnson, R.C.N.R., A-1693.
St. James’s Palace, S.W .l. Chief Stoker Arthur Andrew Jourdin, R.C.N.V.R., V-11231.
14th June, 1945. Chief Stoker Delamark Stephen Lowe, R.C.N,, 21251.
Acting Chief Petty Officer Hugh Patrick McVeigh, R.C.N.R., A—1068.
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of Acting Chief Petty Officer Ronald Anthony Normand, R.C.N.V.R., V-35371.
His Majesty’s Birthday and on the advice of His Majesty’s Canadian Ministers, Chief Petty Officer Douglas William Pike, R.C.N.R., A—1168.
to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order o f the Master-at-Arms Phyllis Sanderson, W.R.C.N.S., W—61.
British Empire :— Chief Stoker Roy Smith, R.C.N.V.R., V—9892.
Leading Sick Berth Attendant Herbert Treller, R.C.N.V.R., V-517.
To be Additional Commanders of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Acting Chief Shipwright Frank Veinot, R.C.N.V.R., V-25798.
Order : Leading Seaman John William Wells, R.C.N.R., A—1084.
Captain Eustace Alexander Brock, V.D., R.C.N.V.R.
Captain Frank Llewellyn Houghton, R.C.N.
To be Additional Officers of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent order :—
Surgeon Captain Algeo Lloyd Anderson, R.C.N.V.R. Ottawa,
Captain Leslie Frederick Banyard, R.C.N.R. 14th June, 1945.
Captain Joseph Patrick Conolly, M.C., V.D., R.C.N.V.R.
Commander (E) Herbert Lane Elliot, R.C.N.R. The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of
Acting Commander Harry Freeland, D.S.O., R.C.N.R. His Majesty’s Birthday, to give orders for the following awards :—
Acting Commander Reginald Jackson, R.C.N.V.R.
Surgeon Captain David Walker Johnstone, R.C.N.V.R. The Distinguished Service Cross
Captain (E) John Grant Knowlton, R.C.N. Acting Commander St. Clair Balfour, R.C.N.V.R.
Acting Commander Alexander McAllister McLarnon, R.C.N.R. Acting Lieutenant-Commander Charles Patrick Nixon, R.C.N.
Captain Humphrey McMaster, R.C.N. (Temporary). Lieutenant James MacMurray Hay, R.C.N.V.R.
Commander (S) Harold Raymond Northrup, R.C.N.R. The Distinguished Service Medal
Electrical Commander William Hugh Gregory Rogers, R.C.N.V.R.
Acting Captain (S) Richard Walter Underhill, R.C.N.V.R. Petty Officer David Gray, R.C.N.V.R., V-23092.
35 3435
3435 34
Petty Officer Henry James, R.C.N. 2846.
Mention in Despatches (Posthumous) Petty Officer Rodger J. Ouellette, R.C.N.V.R., V—19149.
Lieutenant Malcolm Seafield Grant, R.C.N.V.R. Petty Officer Charles Rupert Selzer, R.C.N.V.R., V—10404.
Chief Petty Officer Augustus Eastman Lighthall, R.C.N.R., A-2404. Petty Officer Percy Smith, R.C.N. 2821.
Able Seaman Morris Kowbel, R.C.N.4648. Petty Officer Dean Nelson Wood, R.C.N.R., A —1074.
Acting Petty Officer Edwin Thompson Hughes, R.C.N.V.R., V-I6066.
Mention in Despatches Acting Petty Officer G. Mitchell, R.C.N. 4564.
Acting Commander Thomas Grant Denny, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Petty Officer Robert Tair Porter, R.C.N.V.R., V-73048.
Acting Lieutenant-Commander Harold Famcomb, R.C.N.V.R. Yeoman of Signals Richard John Moore, R.C.N.V.R., V-8314.
Acting Lieutenant-Commander Matthew Howard Wallace, R.C.N.V.R. Engine Room Artificer Fourth Class Thomas Ernest Davies, R.C.N.V.R., V-11402.
Acting Lieutenant-Commander George Fitzgerald Webb, R.C.N.V.R. Stoker Petty Officer Daniel Brown, R.C.N.R., A-1761.
Acting Lieutenant-Commander Richard Sugden Williams, R.C.N.V.R. Stoker Petty Officer Herbert John Perrett, R.C.N.R., A-2076.
Lieutenant Wilfred Orvin Oakley Barbour, R.C.N.R. Supply Petty Officer Robert Beverley Millar, R.C.N.V.R., V-17997.
Lieutenant John Foggo Carmichael, R.C.N.R. Stoker Petty Officer William Charles Scott, R.C.N.V.R., V-36929.
Lieutenant Lewis Dennis Quick, R.C.N.R. Stoker Petty Officer Donald Chalmers Lipsit, R.C.N.V.R., V-16494.
Skipper Lieutenant John Winston Sharpe, R.C.N.R. Stoker Petty Officer John Lockwood, R.C.N.R., A-2866.
Lieutenant Donald Richard Baker, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Stoker Petty Officer Jack Charles Hamott, R.C.N.R., A-3255.
Lieutenant Donald Patterson Best, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Stoker Petty Officer Andrew Lang Ritchie, R.C.N.R., A-8265.
Lieutenant Edmond Joli de Lotbiniere, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Seaman Roby Emmerson Hatfield, R.C.N.R., A-4522.
Lieutenant Frank Kinnear Ellis, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Seaman Allyn Morgan Ripley, R.C.N.R., A —2852.
Lieutenant John Forbes Evans, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Leading Seaman Paul Herbert, R.C.N.V.R., V-33358.
Lieutenant Kenneth David Heath, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Leading Seaman Edward John Hickey, R.C.N.V.R., V—22898.
Lieutenant Edward Gilbert Jarvis, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Leading Seaman Ray Johnson Tibert, R.C.N.V.R. V-41712.
Lieutenant John Gordon McClelland, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Signalman George C. Bayford, R.C.N.V.R., V-27292.
Lieutenant William George Mylett, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Signalman William Arthur Gilder, R.C.N.V.R., V-14205.
Lieutenant Thomas Beattie Robson, R.C.N.V.R. Acting Leading Telegraphist John Francis Mulvaney, R.C.N.V.R., V-27140.
Lieutenant Donald William Green Storey, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Supply Assistant Joseph Donat Hector Laine, R.C.N.V.R., V—3156.
Lieutenant Gerald Gray Zaphe, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Cook Gordon Kuhn, R.C.N.V.R., V-26386.
Surgeon Lieutenant John Douglas Boyd Baird, R.C.N.V.R. Leading Steward Peter Deas Sinclair, R.C.N.V.R., V-22763.
Skipper Lieutenant Henry Esson Young, R.C.N.R. Able Seaman George Sibley, R.C.N.R., A-1392.
Sub-Lieutenant Frank Herman Sheppard, R.C.N.V.R. Able Seaman Donald Raymond Phillips, R.C.N.R., A-2734.
Mr. Joseph William Edmundson, Commissioned Engineer, R.C.N.R. Able Seaman Norman Reginald Rutherford, R.C.N.V.R., V-11590.
Mr. George Cairns Ness, Commissioned Engineer, R.C.N.R. Able Seaman Anthony Genova, R.C.N.V.R., V—37029.
Mr. Walter Edgar Spershott, Warrant Engineer, R.C.N.R. Telegraphist Donald Warner Oberson, R.C.N.V.R., V-52614.
Chief Petty Officer Hugh Brown, R.C.N.R., A—1990. Sick Berth Attendant James Douglas Freeborn, R.C.N.V.R., V-34669.
Chief Petty Officer William Anderson Irving, R.C.N.V.R., V-351fl2.
Chief Petty Officer Murray Beasley Miller, R.C.N.3090. D E P A R T M E N T OF N A T IO N A L DEFENCE
Chief Petty Officer George.Henry Charles Pearce, R.C.N.2414. Ottawa,
Chief Petty Officer D. E. Snelgrove, R.C.N.3418. 14th June, 1945.
Chief Petty Officer R. Tiner, R.C.N.R., A-2853.
Chief Petty Officer Frank Wagg, R.C.N.R., A-5386. The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of
Acting Chief Petty Officer Lawrence Elswood Chapman, R.C.N.V.R., V-I4462. His Majesty’s Birthday to give orders for the following appointments to the Royal
Acting Chief Petty Officer Daniel Cunningham, R.C.N.V.R., V-5525. Red Cross :
Acting Chief Petty Officer Jack Charles Harnett, R.C.N.R., A-3255. To be Members of the Royal Red Gross
Acting Chief Petty Officer Stanley Simpson, R.C.N.V.R., V-23025. Principal Matron Alma Rae Fellowes, R.C.N. (Temporary).
Chief Engine Room Artificer Francis Feener, R.C.N.R., A-4028. Principal Matron Florence Martine Roach, R.C.N. (Temporary).
Chief Engine Room Artificer Keith McIntyre, R.C.N.V.R., V-24876. To be Associates of the Royal Red Cross
Chief Engine Room Artificer Karl Moe, R.C.N.R., A-2786.
Acting Matron Catherine Adeline Jane Evans, R.C.N. (Temporary).
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Allan Goss Davis, R.C.N.R., A-3357.
Nursing Sister Margaret Isabelle Green, R.C.N. (Temporary).
Engine Room Artificer Third Class James Alexander Duncan, R.C.N.V.R., V-3589
Engine Room Artificer Third Class James Hollywell Kerr, R.C.N.V.R., V-37467.
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Charles Little, R.C.N.V.R., V-9809. *3436.— Honours and Awards— Birthday Honours List, 1945— South African
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Thomas Joseph McCrate, R.C.N.R., A-1450. Naval Forces.
Engine Room Artificer Third Class Charles Wilson McHugh, R.C.N.V.R., V-22019. (H. & A.— 28 Jun. 1945.)
Engine Room Artificer Third Class William E. McLaren, R.C.N.R., A-5292.
Central C hancery of the O rders of K n ig h t h o o d ,
Chief Petty Officer Electrician Cedric Stanley Watling, R.C.N., X-41094.
Chief Stoker James Cooper, R.C.N. 21347. St. James’s Palace, S.W .l.
Chief Stoker Walter Alwin Elliott, R.C.N. 21273. 14th June, 1945.
Chief Stoker George Henry Thomas, R.C.N., X —41065. The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of
Chief Motor Mechanic John Buchan, R.C.N.V.R., V-22930. His Majesty’s Birthday and on the advice of His Majesty’s Ministers for the Union
Chief Motor Mechanic Charles Clarke, R.C.N.V.R., V-23747. of South Africa, to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent
Chief Motor Mechanic Robert Pankhurst Edward, R.C.N. V.R., V-30259. Order of the British Empire :—
Chief Motor Mechanic Roland Laurie Talbot, R.C.N.V.R., V-12593.
Petty Officer Charles Edward Bell, R.C.N.V.R., V-12053. To be an Additional Officer of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order :
Petty Officer Clifford Bell, R.C.N.V.R., V-5316. Temporary Commander Henry Ronald Gordon Cumming (70005V), South African
Petty Officer John Morley Davies, R.C.N.V.R., V-13724. Naval Forces (V).
Petty Officer Candido de Candido, R.C.N. 3523.
3436 36 37 3438
To be an Additional Member of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order : gun is proved by the way he demoralised the enemy, and later did definitely
silence many of the Spandaus firing on his Troop as they crossed open ground,
Temporary Lieutenant Oscar Ewalt Johnson (66730V), South African Naval Forces. so much so that under his covering fire elements of the Troop made then-
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion o f the Celebration of final objective before he was killed.
His Majesty’s Birthday and on the advice o f His Majesty’s Ministers for the Union Throughout the operation his magnificent courage, leadership and
of South Africa, to approve the award of the British Empire Medal (Military cheerfulness had been an inspiration to his comrades.
Division) to the undermentioned :—
Ce n t r a l C h a n c e r y of the Or d e r s of K n ig h t h o o d ,
69793V Chief Petty Officer Christian George Cooke, South African Naval Forces. St. James's Palace, S.W .l.
*3437.— Honours and Awards— Birthday Honours List, 1945— Allied Officers
12th June, 1945.
Serving in the Royal Navy. The K IN G has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following
(H. & A. 400/45.— 28 Jun. 1945.) appointments to the Most Excellent Order o f the British Empire :—
To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order :
The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of
His Majesty’s Birthday, to approve the following awards :— Temporary Lieutenant (Special) Jean Henri Coleman, R.N.V.R.
Temporary Lieutenant James William Jeffrey, R.N.V.R.
The Distinguished Service Cross For courage, skill and outstanding devotion to duty shown whilst on
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Carl Johan Johansen, R.N.R., H.M.T. “ Ben Urie special services.
Mention in Despatches The K IN G has been graciously pleased, on the advice of His Majesty’s Australian
Ministers, to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Kjell Tholfsen, R.N.R., H.M.S. of the British Empire :—
“ Thirlmere
To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order :
2.yThese awards will not be Gazetted.
•Temporary Lieutenant (Sp.) Francis Bernard Kington Drake, R.A.N.V.R. V ,
■ijpr^Temporary Lieutenant (Sp.) Lachlan de Salis Nicolson, R.A.N.V.R.
•3438^Honours and Awards— “ London Gazette ” Supplement ior 12th June, 1945.
For outstanding bravery, skill and initiative in the performance of
(H. & A.— 28 Jun. 1945.)
hazardous operations.
A d m ir a l t y , A d m ir a l t y ,

Whitehall, Whitehall,
12th June, 1945. 12thJune, 1945.
The K IN G has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VIC TO RIA The K IN G has also been graciously pleased to give orders for ’.he following
CROSS for valour to :— appointment to the Distinguished Service Order and to approve the following
The late Corporal (Temporary) Thomas Peck Hunter, CH/X. 110296, R.M. (attached awards :—
For gallantry, outstanding skill and devotion to duty whilst serving
Special Service Troops) (43rd R.M. Commando) (Edinburgh). in H.M. Ships “ Rhyl ” , “ Rothesay ” , “ Brixham ” , “ Polruan ” ,
In Italy during the advance by the Commando to its final objective, “ Stornoway ” , “ Hailstorm ” and “ Nebb ” , and Light Coastal Forces,
Corporal Hunter of “ C ” Troop was in charge of a Bren group o f the leading in minesweeping operations over dense and shallow minefields in the
sub-section of the Commando. Having advanced to within 400 yards of the opening up of Greek ports in the Gulf of Corinth.
canal, he observed the enemy were holding a group of houses South o f the To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order :
canal. Realising that his Troop behind him were in the open, as the country
there was completely devoid of cover, and that the enemy would cause Acting Captain Alister Angus Martin, D.S.C., R.D., R.N.R.
heavy casualties as soon as they opened fire, Corporal Hunter seized the Third Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross :
Bren gun and charged alone across two hundred yards o f open ground. Temporary Acting Commander Norman Eyre Morley, D.S.C., R.N.V.R. (Tilford,
Three Spandaus from the houses, and at least six from the North bank of Surrey).
the canal opened fire and at the same time the enemy mortars started to The Distinguished Service Cross :
fire at the Troop.
Lieutenant Andrew Hallam Calvert Booth, R.N. (Burlston, Dorset).
Corporal Hunter attracted most of the fire, and so determined was his Temporary Lieutenant William Kenneth Lewis, R.N.V.R.
charge and his firing from the hip that the enemy in the houses became Temporary Lieutenant Charles Guy Vaughan-Lee, R.N.V.R. (Midhurst).
demoralised. Showing complete disregard for the intense enemy fire, he Temporary Lieutenant Gordon Murray Stewart Russell, R.N.Z.N.V.R.
ran through the houses, changing magazines as he ran, and alone cleared the
houses. Six Germans surrendered to hi. and the remainder fled across a The Distinguished Service Medal :
footbridge on to the North bank of the cax>il. Chief Engine Room Artificer David Edgar Sharp Thomas, C/M.38779 (Wimbledon).
The Troop dashing up behind Corporal Hunter now became the target Petty Officer Stanley Gordon Summers, P/JX.153094.
for all the Spandaus on the North o f the canal. Again offering himself as a Petty Officer William Wardle, D/J.6959C (Liverpool).
target, he lay in full view of the enemy on a heap of rubble and fired at the Petty Officer Telegraphist John Russell Richards, D/JX.146718 (Splatt).
concrete pillboxes on the other side. He again drew most of the fire, but Petty Officer Engineman Robert Lorimer, S.A.51709 (Edinburgh).
by now the greater part o f the Troop had made for the safety of the houses. Motor Mechanic John Forsyth, P/MX.99669 (Glasgow).
During this period he shouted encouragement to the remainder, and called Able Seaman William John Graham, P/JX.366237 (Workington^
only for more Bren magazines with which he could engage the Spandaus. Able Seaman Leslie Thomas Harrison, D/JX. 196853 (Wigan).
Firing with great accuracy up to the last, Corporal Hunter was finally hit Mention in Despatches :
in the head by a burst of Spandau fire and killed instantly. Temporary Lieutenant Robert Henry Douglas Barklie, R.N.V.R.
There can be no doubt that Corporal Hunter offered himself as a target Temporary Lieutenant Richard Henry Beale, R.N.V.R.
in order to save his Troop, and only the speed of his movement prevented Temporary Lieutenant Eric James Selby, R.N.V.R. (Dartmouth).
^iiim being hit earlier. The skill and accuracy with which he used his Bren

3438 38
39 3438
“ -•Temporary Lieutenant Keith Hamilton Wade, R.A.N.V.R.
Temporary Lieutenant (E) Samuel Fielding Rawlinson, R.N.V.R. (Hull). Mention in Despatches :
Temporary Lieutenant (S) George Ernest Terrill, R.N.V.R. (Watford). Lieutenant-Commander Douglas Stewart Campbell, R.N.V.R.
Acting Skipper Lieutenant John Richard Clark, R.N.R., 2833 W.S. Acting Lieutenant-Commander Kenneth Horder Higson, D.S.C., R.N.R. (Highcliffe,
Temporary Skipper William John Sandford, LT/TS.943 (Milford Haven). Hants).
Chief Engine Room Artificer William Henry Croswell, D/MX.48555 (Warrenpoint Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Peter Charles Cresswell, R.N.V.R.
Co. Down). (Birmingham).
Acting Chief Engineman Thomas Craig. LT/KX. 101861 (Aberdeen). Temporary Sub-Lieutenant John Ccrden Hewett, R.N.V.R. (Brighton).
Acting Temporary Petty Officer Leonard Wilfred Bishop, C/SSX. 19593 (Birming- Temporary Chief Skipper Veroial Frank Everett, R.N.R., T.S.243.
- ham). Shipwright Second Class Percy William Kirbv, C/MX.47856 (Gillingham).
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic Charles Albert George Pearce, P/MX. 126427 Engine Room Artificer Third Class Ronald Frank Perry, P/MX.61365 (Rothsay).
(Tottenham). Petty Officer Daniel Dixon Petersen, D.S.M., P/X.8061C (North Shields).
Stoker Petty Officer Ronald Arthur Lane, P/KX.79863 (Basingstoke). Temporary Petty Officer Albert Tom Thume, D/JX.146836 (Morton-Fitzwarren,
Stoker Petty Officer William Murray, D/KX.77589 (Loehgelly). Somerset).
Stores Petty Officer William George Crimp, D/KX.79368 (Stonehouse). Leading Radio Mechanic Vincent Richard Thomas Watkins, P/MX. 125057 (Cardiff).
Leading Wireman Ernest James Course, C/MX.92318 (East Ham). Leading Signalman William Henry Cottington, P/J.81918 (Eastbourne).
Temporary Leading Signalman Francis Arthur Lucas, D/JX.176003 (Newcastle-on- Temporary Leading Signalman James Henry Stott, D/SSX.33018 (Shaw, near
Tyne). Oldham). < »
Able Seaman David Forbes Smith, C/JX.393097 (Aberdeen). Able Seaman Frank Folkard, C/JX.278555.
Acting Able Seaman Stanley Joseph Ward, P/JX.510377 (London). Able Seaman Patrick Kennedy, D/JX.365105.
Stoker First Class Lionel Skelton, P/KX.145968. Able Seaman Ronald Mawson, D/JX.255637 (Hitchin).
Seaman Harold Rossiter, LT/JX.533495 (North Curry, near Taunton). Able Seaman James Wilson, C/JX,353286 (Glasgow).
Seaman Robert Watson, LT/JX.232073 (Saltcoats, Ayr). Seaman Leonard Derricott, LT/JX.328049 (Langley, near Birmingham).
For gallantry, determination and devotion to duty in carrying out a For courage, audacity and skill shown whilst serving in H.M. Ships
successful air operation in the face of heavy opposition. “ Minuet ” , “ Gulland ” , “ Twostep ” , “ Ailsa Craig ” and “ Hornpipe ,”
and Light Coastal Forces, in an offensive sweep against enemy shipping.
The Distinguished Service Cross : The Distinguished Service Cross :
Lieutenant (A) George Frederick Cornish, R.N. Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander William Bruce Thornton Bâte, R.N.V.R.
(Par, Cornwall).
Mention in Despatches : Temporary Lieutenant Geddie Angus Anderson, R.N.V.R.
Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) Michael Thorpe, R.N.
The Distinguished Service Medal :
For skill, perseverance and great devotion to duty whilst serving in
H.M. Ships “ Fly ” , “ St. Kilda ” , “ Albacore ” , “ Squall ” , “ Waterwitch ” , Leading Seaman Albert Henry Charles Goldsmith, LT/JX.242304 (King’s Lynn).
“ Cadmus” , “ Nimbus” , “ Stornoway” , “ Acute” and “ B rave” , and Leading Seaman George Thomson, LT/JX.193161 (Cockenzie).
Light Coastal Forces in arduous minesweeping operations along the West Telegraphist James Murphy, D/JX.357913 (Birmingham).
Coast of Italy. Seaman Dennis Harold Olorenshaw, LT/JX.376683.
The Distinguished Service Cross :
Mention in Despatches :
Acting Captain Geoffrey Noel Rawlings, D.S.O., R.N. (Salisbury).
Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Adam Nicholson Robertson, R.N.V.R. Acting Lieutenant-Commander Henry Legh de Legh, R.N.R. (Moreton, Cheshire).
(Millport, Isle of Cumbrae). Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Geoffrey Oliver Sparks, R.N.V.R. (Mill
Lieutenant fN ) Arthur Rodney Barry Sturdee, R.N. (Kensington). Hill).
Temporary Lieutenant James Granville Dixon, R.N.V.R. Temporary Lieutenant Thomas Grange Hornsby, R.N.R.
Temporary Lieutenant James McGregor Alexander, R.N.V.R. Temporary Lieutenant John Henry Hand, R.N.V.R. (Margate).
Temporary Skipper Charles William Chilvers, R.N.R., 968 T.S. (Gorleston-on-Sea). Temporary Lieutenant John William Nye, R.N.V.R.
Chief Engineman Herbert West Aisthorpe, LT/KX. 116117 (Grimsby).
Chief Engineman James John Edmonds, LT/KX. 124933 (Hull).
The Distinguished Service. Medal : Chief Engineman Charles Edwin Kitching, LT/KX.98614.
Acting Chief Petty Officer George Howard McKinley, D/JX.137287 (Polman). Petty Officer Motor Mechanic William Taylor, P/MX.89947 (Faversham).
Chief Engineman George William Cartwright, P/KX.98756. Engineman Wilfred McNally, LT/KX.102456 (Whitby).
Engine Room Artificer Third Class William Thomas Sawle, D/SMX.56 (Truro). Able Seaman Edward Burchinshaw Hughes, D/SSX.29412 (Llanfairfechan).
Second Hand Ronald Hall, LT/X.19485A (Hull). Seaman John Vincent Joffre McIntyre, LT/JX.189869 (Scarborough).
Petty Officer George Frederick Cusack, P/JX.I28966 (Godalming). Seaman Thomas Arthur Stephenson, LT/JX.281728 (Fleetwood).
Petty Officer Telegraphist Ronald Connell, D/JX.134235 (Leeds).
Petty Officer Motor Mechanic George Albert Slater, C/MX.76606 (Coventry). For bravery, skill and great devotion to duty in damaging attacks
Stoker Petty Officer Frederick Hirst Mitchell, D/KX.78280 (Newton Abbot). against enemy shipping off the Coast o f France.
Leading Seaman Roy Pattinson Dent, C/JX.211216 (Blackburn).
Leading Wireman Leslie Arthur George Norris, C/MX.68830 (Hendon). The Distinguished Service Cross :
Able Seaman Walter John Gambier, P/J.447I9 (Cambridge). Temporary Lieutenant John William Collins, R.C.N.V.R. (Toronto).
Signalman Arthur Richard Cookson, LT/JX.309378 (Urmston). Temporary Lieutenant Malcolm Campbell Knox, R.C.N.V.R. (Montreal).
Temporary Signalman Barry Walter Stevenson, P/JX.204696 (Leicester).
Wireman Robert William Herbert Dawes, C/MX.96880 (New Malden). The Distinguished Service Medal :
Petty Officer Coxswain Herbert Leonard Harrison, R.C.N.3193 (Orcadia, Sask.).
Mention in Despatches (Posthumous) : Petty Officer Ralph Ambrose Hemphill, Y.3341 (Picton, N.S.).
Chief Petty Officer Engineman Stephen Arthur Housley, LT/KX.109644. Petty Officer Motor Mechanic André Juchli, V.58735 (Edmonton, Alberta).
Leading Seaman Frederick George Huntingford, C/JX.315176 (London).
3438 40
Mention in Despatches :
Temporary Lieutenant Leslie Raphael McLemon, D.S.C., R.C.N.V.R. (Montreal).
Temporary Lieutenant Robert Campbell Smith, R.C.N.V.R. (Montreal).
Leading Seaman Jack Alsensas McMahon, R.C.N.3894 (Liverpool, N.S.).
Leading Seaman Alfred John Pennington, C/JX.138418 (Strood, Kent).
Able Seaman Sydney James Anderson, V.31852 (Alberta).
Able Seaman Thomas Alton Pardo, V.4745 (Hamilton, Ont.).
For gallantry and promptness of action which saved his ship from
serious damage in an air attack during invasion operations at Anzio.

Mention in Despatches (Posthumous) :

Chief Yeoman o f Signals Albert Edward Spencer, P/J.9Ö111.
For courage and outstanding devotion to duty.

. Mention in Despatches :
Acting Leading Seaman Arthur George Elias Briard, D.S.M., C/JX.144881.
For outstanding skill and judgement in defending his ship during an
air attack.
Mention in Despatches :
Leading Seaman Frederick Amos Huckle, C/JX.192473.
For vigilance and skill in defence against attacks by E-Boats.

Mention in Despatches :
Temporary Leading Seaman John Richard Wilson, D/SSX.24031.
For bravery and great devotion to duty whilst operating with the
Allied Armies in North-West Europe.
To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order :
Acting Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Malcolm Gray, M.C., R.M.
The Military Cross :
Captain (Acting Major) Patrick Henry Bligh Wall, R.M.
Captain (acting Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Peter Walter James Neale, R. .VI.

The Military Medal :

Troop Sergeant Major Harwood Frederick George ßeaven, R.M., Ply.X.458.
Sergeant William George Deacon, R.M., Ch.X.106276.
Corporal (Temporary) James Patrick Scullion, R.M., Ch.X.104842.
The following amendments, where underlined, are made to previous Orders of
Honours and Awards under the headings shown :—
A.F.O. 1405/45.
Mention in Despatches :
Mr. Frederick Stanley Nicholls, Warrant Mechanician, R.N.
A.F.O. 2687/45.
The British Empire Medal (Military) :
Sergeant (Temporary) Walter Thom, Po.X.107028.
A.F.O. 3145/45.
To be an Additional Commander of the Military Division of the Order of the
British Empire :
Lieutenant-Colonel (Acting Colonel Commandant) (Temporary Brigadier) John
Edmund Leech-Porter, R.M.
The British Empire Medal (Military) :
Sergeant (Temporary) Hubert Sumption, R.M., Ply.X.100550.

(71697) W t. 8021/2275 14,500 0/45 Hw. G.3S8/10.

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