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U M D o r “P ” BRANCH A.F.Os.

*4684—4845 44

p i
(See Diagram Issue No. 37/44)



N ot to be communicated to anyone outside H .M . Service


A d m i r a l t y , S .W . l ,
7th September, 1944.
The following Orders having been approved by My Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty are hereby promulgated
for information and guidance and necessary action.
A list of these Orders is enclosed.
By Command of Their Lordships,

To all Commanders-in-Chief, Flag

Officers, Senior N aval Officers,
Captains and Commanding Officers
o f H .M . Ships, Vessels and C.O.
Craft (See A .F .O . 3758/44), Super­
intendents or Officers in Charge of
H .M . N aval Establishments, and
A dm iralty Overseers concerned.
N o t e : —The scale o f distribution is shown in the Admiralty Fleet Order
Volume, 1941, Instructions, paragraph 10.

S e c t i o n 3 . — G ., T . , N . , E . , e t c ., & Stores ; H ull E q u ip m e n t & F it t in g s .

Gunnery.— (Guns, Mountings, Ammunition, Turrets, Directors, Fire Control,

ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDERS Diving Apparatus, Magazines, etc., and Stores.)
No. Subject. 4725. Aircraft— Guns, 0 - 303-in. Browning, w ith Mark I T ransporter Ramps and Cams.
4726. Aircraft—"Guns, Hispano 20-mm.—Gauges Plug a n d Adaptor.
4727. Aircraft—Pistols, signal, l|- in ., No. 3, Mark I— provision of a Safety Catch.
4728. Am m unition—General—Grenades No. 36M—Removal of W aterproofing before
4683. Valves—Thermionic and sim ilar Stores for W /T R adar, Cinema, etc., Services Priming.
Accounting and Storing— Institution o f New Item , F.4, under Vote 8 /II— 4729. A m m unition—-Fuzes, Prim ers and Tubes— Prim ers No. 17 P.L. 1941, B.R. 9/41,
REPO RTS. (Issued separately on 31st August, 1944). L ots 142, 143, 144—No further reports required.
4730. Ammunition— Fuzes, Prim ers and Tubes—Fuzes, Time, No. 125, Mark I—
Restriction Removed.
7th September, 1944. 4731. Am m unition—Magazines—V entilation in Action.
4732. Am m unition—Pyrotechnics and Rockets, Signal— S tar Shell with Parachutes—
S e c t io n I.— A d m i n i s t r a t i o n of the F leet,
C e r e m o n ie s , F o r e ig n P ort
all Calibres—Minimum Ranges and Height a t which Satisfactory Functioning
R e g u l a t io n s , e t c .
can be expected.
(Station Limits : Fighting Efficiency of Ships : Naval Aircraft Administration : 4733. Am m unition—20 m m. Oerlikon H .E./Incendiary, L ot N .F.B. 44—W ithdraw al.
Internal Organization of Ships : Navigation and Seamanship : Fleet Exercises and 4734. Ammunition—20 mm. Oerlikon—Clearing Charges— One R ound Magazine for
Practices, etc.) use w ith—Introduction.
4735. Am m unition Supply—R eady Use and Magazine Lockers— Oerlikon R.U . Lockers,
4684. Defence Regulations— P rotected Areas— R elaxation of. P attern s 7103 and 7104—Stowing o f Clearing Charges and One-Round
4685. A ircraft—Definition and Recording of Flying Time. Magazine—As. and As.
4736. Binoculars, Telescopes—D irector and Gun Sighting Instrum ents—Anti-Misting
Compounds—Use of Anti-Dimming Outfit, Mark VI, in lieu of “ Kleersite ” .
S e c t io n 2.— P e r s o n n e l , P ay, S e r v ic e s , D is c ip l in e , etc. 4737. Guns—General—Introduction o f “ Crossley ” P a tte rn O bturators for B.L. Guns,
8-in. and below.
4686. Honours and Awards— “ London Gazette ” Supplement o f 29th August, 1944. 4738. Guns—0 - 5-in. Browning, M.2— Pin, Cocking, Lever, Design B. 147762-6.
4687. Honours and Awards— 1939-43 Star—Issue of Ribbon. 4739. Guns— 20 mm. Oerlikon—Introduction o f Popples in lieu of Plungers in Double
4688. Africa Star—Issue o f R ibbon to W .R.N.S. Loading Stop, P t. IV . '
4689. Prom otion o f Tem porary Reserve Officers to th e R ank o f Commander. 4740. G u n s — B.L., 6-in., Marks X X III and X X III* Breech Mechanism—Modifications
4690. E xam inations for the R anks o f P aym aster L ieutenant Commander, P aym aster and A djustm ents to Prevent Scoring.
Sub-Lieutenant, W arrant W riter, W arrant Supply Officer, W arrant Cook and 4741. Gun Mountings—4-7-in. C.P. Twin, M ark X IX —F itting o f H and Fuze Setting
W arrant Steward, R.N. T ray—R E PO R T S.
4691. W arrant Officers selected for direct Prom otion to L ieutenant, R.N .— Qualifying 4742. Gun Mountings—4-in. H.A. Twin, M ark X IX ,.including R .P. 50 series—Modifica­
Course. tio n for Lubrication of Sight T runnion Bracket.
4692. Prom otions from Lower Deck to Perm anent Commissions (Executive and Air 4743. Gun Mountings—20 mm., M ark V IIA —Arrangem ents for Drainage of Pedestals.
Branches). 4744. Gun Mountings—20 mm., Mark IX Twin Mountings—Safety Depression Geas—
4693. A/S Fixed Defence R atings—T em porary Commissions in the Special B ranch o f the Securing of Cam Roller Pin.
R.N.V.R. 4745. Projectors—Rocket—2-in. R ocket Flares—Fitting in Coastal Force Craft.
4694. N aval and Marine Officers— R etention o f Acting H igher Rank. 4746. T arget Indicating Systems— Bearing Indicator, Mark I I —Introduction.
4695. R.N . Officers in U.S.N. Ships and Establishm ents—Messing.
4696. Gunner (T)—U pper Age L im it for Appointm ent. Torpedo.— (Torpedoes, Tubes, Mines and Minesweeping, Depth Charges, Paravanes,
4697. R oyal Marines—R estriction o f E x tra D uty P ay for Mechanical R oad Transport Electrical Equipment, Anti-Gas, Aircraft Torpedoes, etc., and Stores.)
Driving. > 4747. A ircraft Torpedoes— 18-in., Marks X II and XV type—Reversion to Plunger
4698. accelerated Prom otion. Operated Valve in D epth Gear W eight Locking Catch and Rectification of
4699. A dm iralty Surgeon and Agent (Dundee). Defects in Ball-valve Type.
4700. H otel and R estaurant Cookery Exam inations—E xpenditure o f Service Provisions. 4748. D epth Charge Releasing Rails— Distortion.
4701. A dm iralty Agreement T.124 and V ariants—P a y o f Engine Room Storekeepers. 4749. Engines, 18 in., Marks X II-X V ; 21-in., Marks V III-V III**, IX -IX ** and IX**
4702. T.124T Personnel—Medical E xam ination and S tandard o f Fitness. N.A.B.—Introduction of Strengthened Design o f Crankshaft Cam.
4703. Orders m ade by th e A dm iralty under the Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth). 4750. Gyroscopes, U.S.A., M ark 12, Mod. I —Securing of Gymbal Ring during T ransport.
Act, 1933, in relation to th e Canadian M ilitary Forces. 4751. Torpedoes— 18-in., Marks X II/X V —Monoplane Air Tail, Mark IV—Modification
4704. Subsistence Charges for B ritish Officers on U.S. N aval Transports. to Strengthen and Im prove Jig Testing, R.A .F. Ref. 12E/402.
4705. W .R.N.S. Ratings— L iability to Serve Overseas. 4752. Torpedoes— 18-in., Marks X II and XV— Allowance to Training Units o f Spare
4706 W .R.N.S. Sw itchboard Operators—Training. Tails and Transmission Gearing.
4707. V .R.N .S. Hairdressers— Advancem ent. 4753. Torpedo Blowing and Collision Heads—Revised Allowances.
4708. Am endm ents to Complement— H.M. Destroyers. 4754. Torpedo Igniters, M ark X I— Disposal when Fired or Removed from Torpedoes.
4709. N aval Air Stations Complement Committee. 4755. Torpedo Tubes, L.C., 18-in.—Modification to In tern al Diam eter—As. and As.
4710. R oyal N aval Air U nits—Current Scales of Manning. 4756. Torpedo Stores—Spanners, St. No. 29A—Allowance.
4711. Engine Room R atings qualified in H .P .E .— Increase in num bers borne. 4757. Under-water Weapons— Serviceability of—Responsibility of N aval Ordnance
4712. Supply R atings Charge Allowance. Inspecting Officers.
4713. E x tra D uty Pay—R.M. Clerks—Carrier Borne Air Liaison Sections.
4714. Passage to U .K . o f N aval Personnel in Transports. Engineer.— (Main and Auxiliary Engines, Boilers, other Machinery in Charge of the
4715. Small Arms—Accidents. Engineer Officer, including Catapults, Coal and Oil Fuel, and Engineering Stores.)
4716. Service after completing tim e for Pension— Option o f counting for increase of 4758. I.C. Engines and Spare Components— Preservative Materials— Supply Arrange­
Pension. ments.
4717. Supplies o f Foreign Currency to Ships on Passage. Paxm an T.P.M . 12 Engines F itte d in L.C.T., L.C.G.(M), etc.—Big E nd Bearings.
4718. Transfer to Dominion Navies in W ar Time. Boilers—Tubing o f Superheaters.
4719. Smallpox Cases—C ancellation o f Leave. Boilers—M odernization of Oil Burning E quipm ent— As. and As.
4720. Clothing Rationing. 4762. Gearbox—Main Drive Gear T hrust Ball Bearings.
4721. No. 1 R.N . Orthopaedic R ehabilitation Centre. A ttached Fuel Boost Pum ps on General Motors, Diesels— Reduction of W ear of
4722. Services Committee for the W elfare o f th e Forces. Bush and T runnion supporting Idler Pinion.
4723. Fam ily W elfare Sections. 4764. Reducing the R isk o f Fire in the Engine Room on L.C.T.(3)s Petrol.
4724. Languages “ From Scratch ” . Replace P a rts o f Methyl Bromide Fire Extinguishers—Supply.
A 2
4 » 5
S e c t i o n 3.— G., T.; N., E . , e t c . & S t o k e s ; H u l l , E q u i p m e n t & F i t t i n g s — contd. S e c t io n 5.—B o o k s , F orm s, R e t u r n s , Co r r e s p o n d e n c e

Signals.—(W/T and V/S Apparatus, Radar, D.F., S.R.E., Wa/T and Stores.) 4819. Amendments to Books.
4766. Centralized Wireless Systems—Responsibility for Maintenance. 4820. AM.S.Is.
4821. Air Letter Forms—Supply to H.M. Ships Proceeding Overseas.
4767. H/F D/F Outfit FH4—Repairs to Defective Apparatus. 4822. Ammunition Labels—Form 0.6—Additions.
4768. Mersey Area—Control of W/T and Radar Stocks. 4823. B.R. 847 (44)—Handbook for the 2-pdr., Mark VIII Gun on the Mark VII and
4769. Radar Indicator Outfit JK (Skiatron)—Fitting-out Information. VH*P Mountings—Issue.
4770. Radar Type 242 with Type 273Q/QR—Modification to Power Supply. 4824. B.R. 1025 (44)—Small Ships’ Accountant Manual—Distribution.
4771. Radar Types 282/3/4/5—Amplifiers M53 Pattern W.1333A and M68 Pattern 4825. B.R. 1209 (Restricted) Pamphlet for 3-in., 50-Cal. Fire Control Equipment and
W.7825—Fuses. Arrangements for American Built D.Es. and P.Fs.—Issue.
4772. Radar—Mounting of Receiver P51 in Type 277 Prefabricated Corvette Type Oflk js. 4826. C.B. 4302—Declassification.
4773. Type 60EQR Wireless Installation—Fitting-out Information. 4827. Forms 0.2 (O)—Introduction.
4774. Radio Valves—Protection during Transit. 4828. Medical and Hospital Consultants.
4775. W/T and Radar Safety Enclosures. 4829. Navy List—To be Published Quarterly in Three Volumes.
4776. W/T Receiver—AR88LF. 4830. Office-of the Ordnance Consulting Officer for India—Change of Address.
4831. Correspondence for H.M. Ships bearing Place Names.
Anti-Submarine.—(Asdics, Hydrophones and Echo Sounding and Stores.) 4832. H.M.S. “ Collingwood ” and H.M.C.S. “ Collingwood ’’—Address.
4777. Valve V.T.60, Pattern C.V.1060—Issue of Valve, Type 807, Pattern C.V.124 in lieu.
S e c t io n 6 .— S h o r e E s t a b l is h m e n t s

General.—(Hull, Armour, General Equipment and Fittings, etc., and Orders affecting 4833. Annual Leave for Temporary Juvenile Civilian Non-Industrial Staffs.
two or more Departments.) 4834. Clerical and Typing Staffs under the age of 18 years—Hours of Attendance.
4835. Promotion of Clerical Assistants (Treasury and Departmental) to the Clerical
4778. Avenger Aircraft—Arrester Hook Switch. Staff.
4779. Aircraft Steel Tubing—Protection from Corrosion. 4836. Paying Officers for Civilian Staff employed Abroad.
4780. Aircraft Stores Establishment (B.R.377/378 Series)—Classification of Stores. 4837. Electrodes—Approved Types.
4781. Butt Welded Lathe and Turning Tools and Blanks. 4838. Training Devices using 35-mm. Inflammable Film—Fire Precautions.
4782. Carbon Brushes, Pattern 9129A and Brush-holders, Pattern 9095—Supply of Spares. 4839. Mortars M.L. 3-in., and M.L. 2-in. Gauges, Testing Straightness of Bore—Intro­
4783. Clocks, Pattern 727—Allowances.
4784. Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing—Second Grade Quality. duction. T. J
4840. Telephone Switchboards Owned by G.P.O.—Supervision of Operating Procedure.
4785. Electric Cable, Pattern 13470—Introduction. 4.841. Merchant Ships Supplies and Services—-Accounting—REPORTS.
4786. Electric Toasters—Precautions to be taken against Overheating. 4842. Lead Rates for Semi-skilled Grades in Admiralty War-time Establishments.
4787. Flying Clothing and Stocks—Bermuda. 4843. Rates of Pay of Female Industrial Canteen Staff.
4788. Hose Adaptors, etc—Allowances. 4844. Discharges of Workpeople.
4789. Hose, Canvas, for Washdeck and Firefighting—Supply of. 4845. The Royal Naval Scientific Service.
4790. H.P. Air Compressors—Alternative Circulating Water Arrangements—As. and As.
4791. L.C.T. (4)—Limitation of Load.
4792. Minor Landing Craft—Firefighting Equipment.
4793. Naval Stores Supplied from U.K. to Canada—Consigning Instructions.
4794. T.B.R. Squadron on A/S Operations—Binoculars for Air Gunners.
4795. Return of Steam and Motor. Boats by H.M. Ships to H.M. Dockyards—Procedure.
4796. Radar, W/T, A/S, etc., Spares—Stowage of.
4797. Shades, Front Glass, Red—Allowances.
4798. Ship’s Boats—Lifesaving Equipment.
4799. Stiff Nuts—Section 28M—Similarity in Part Numbers.
4800. Ventilation Trunking to W/T Offices in Destroyers—As. and As.

S e c t i o n 4 .— O t h e k S t o b e s — N a v a l S t o k e s * , V i c t u a l l i n g S t o r e s ,
M e d ic a l S t o k e s , C o n t r a c t s
(*All N.S. Orders not included under Section 3.)
4801. Officers’ Gilt Buttons.
4802. Officers’ Mess Traps—Replacement Allowances for 1944. (Sea-going Ships
(excluding Submarines)).
4803. Officers’ Mess Traps—Replacement Allowances for 1944. (Royal Naval Barracks),
Colleges, Hospitals, Stationary Ships and other Shore Establishments.
4804. Officers’ Mess Traps-—Replacement Allowances for 1944. (H.M. Submarines).
4805. Chief Petty Officers’ and Petty Officers’ Mess Utensils—Replacement Allowances
for 1944.
4806. Seamen’s Mess Utensils—Replacement Allowances.
4807. Camp Equipment—Issues to Naval Officers and Officers and Ratings of W.R.N.S.
4808. Leather Sea-Boots—Econoihy.
4809. Victualling Arrangements—Christmas, 1944—Supply of Poultry.
4810. Victualling Store Accounts (Implements and Mess Utensils, and Officers’ Mess
4811. R.N. Air Stations—Scale of Allowances of Clocks.
4812. Naval Stores, Machinery, etc.—Shipment of—Documentation.
4813. Supplies of Stores to Allied Warships and Armed Forces—Valued Reports.
4814. Stores for Vessels Refitting at Belfast—Addressing.
4815. Rolls Royce Merlin and Griffon Cylinder Blocks—Transportation Bases.
4816. Wairus and Seafire/Spitfire Interchangeable Spares—Re-referencing.
4817. H.M.S. “ Collingwood ” and H.M.C.S. “ Collingwood ’’—Address.
4818. Swill—Disposal.
4684 6 7 4686
To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order :—
(O rders m a rk e d * h a v e been, re p i in te d fo r p o stin g on N o tic e B o a rd s; m a rk e d t
C aptain W illiam R onald C hristopher L eggatt, R .N . (Liphook).
m a y be com m unicated to the P ress.)
Second B ar to the D istinguished Service Cross
A cting T em porary L ieutenant-C om m ander D onald Gould B radford, D.S.C., R .N .R .
Section 1 (Bolton).
ADMINISTRATION OF THE FLEET, CEREMONIES, B ar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Acting Lieutenant-C om m ander E dw ard F indlay G ueritz, D.S.C., R .N . (Cheltenham).
The Distinguished Service Cross
4684.—Defence Regulations—Protected Areas—Relaxation of A cting T em porary Lieutenant-C om m ander A rnold George N yburg, R .N .V .R .
(N.L. 3304/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (Harrow ).
A cting T em porary Lieutenant-C om m ander Charles A nthony Law, R.C.N V .R.
All th e rem aining protected area restrictions in E ngland ceased on th e 25th (Berlin, U.S.A.).
A ugust, 1944. An order to this effect has been m ade b y th e Secretary of S tate T em p o rary L ieu ten an t W illiam Beynon, R .N .V .R . (Mumbles, Swansea).
for W ar an d from th e 25th A ugust, th e only rem aining protected area in th e U nited A cting L ieu ten an t R o b ert E d w ard Billington, R .N .V .R .
K ingdom will be th a t consisting of th e counties of O rkney an d Shetland. P erm its T em porary L ieu ten an t Geoffrey W illiam Claydon, R .N .V .R . (Finchley).
are still required for en try into th a t area. T em porary L ieu ten an t Cecil W illiam F ord, R .N .V .R . (Elstree).
(A.F.O s. 1642/44, 3787a/44 and 4342/44 are cancelled.) T em porary L ieu ten an t S tu a rt D avid M arshall, R .N .V .R . (Cheltenham).
T em p o rary A cting L ieutenant Neil B lack Livingstone W allace, R .N .V .R . (H ynd-
land, Glasgow).
4685.—Aircraft—Definition and Recording of Flying Time T em porary Sub-L ieutenant A rth u r Sydney Granger Brom iley, R .N .V .R . (Leigh-
(A. M .R ./A /1 5 /4 4 .— 7 Sep. 1944.) on-Sea).
T em porary Sub-L ieutenant Douglas Iv o r Jones, R .N .V .R . (Maida Vale).
F ly in g tim e is a t p rese n t defined as th e p e rio d d u r in g w hich an a ir c r a f t T em porary S ub-L ieutenant D onald Charles M urray, R .N .V .R . (Purley).
is in m otion, i.e. fro m th e tim e th e chocks a re w ith d ra w n o r b rak es released Mr. Charles F rederick Fowler, T em porary M idshipman, R .N .V .R . (Liverpool).
or m o o rin gs d ro p p e d a n d th e a i r c r a f t s ta rts to ta x i, u n til it fin ally re tu r n s
to re s t o r tak es up its m oorings a f te r flight. The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.
2. F ly in g tim e defined as above, in c lu d es ta x i-in g a n d th u s m isre p re sen ts P e tty Officer R onald H a rry George M cKinlay, P /J X .245579.
th e a c tu a l a irb o rn e tim e, p a r tic u la r ly as u n d er m odern c o n d itio n s of airfield P e tty Officer M cKinlay was p u t ashore betw een noon an d 1400 hours
la y o u t a n a p p re c ia b le p e rio d of tim e is sp e n t in ta x i-in g . I t h as th e re fo re on 6 th Ju n e. F inding him self a t some distance from his pre-arranged
tim es a re to be reckoned fo r a ll purposes as th e tim e fro m w hich an a ir c r a f t destination he m ade his w ay along th e beach an d took charge of a p a rty
been decided, fo r th e sake of u n ifo rm ity , th a t as fr o m 1st M a y, 1944, flying of N aval ratings an d A rm y ranks who were bound for th e sam e point.
becomes a irb o rn e u n til th e tim e i t touches dow n on la n d o r w ate r. The Single-handed, he silenced tw o enem y strong points on th e w ay w ith h an d
only ex cep tio n to th is w ill be th a t w hen u n d e rta k in g c irc u its a n d la n d in g s grenades. L ater, on an open stretch of sand w hich was u n d er fire from
th e flying tim e w ill be reckoned as th e tim e from th e in it ia l take-off to ohe enem y snipers, disregarding his own safety, he w ent to th e rescue of a
final la n d in g . w ounded m an an d b ro u g h t him safely to cover.
3. F ly in g tim e reckoned as d irec ted in p a r a g r a p h 2 above is to fee
recorded in the p ilo t’s log book, th e a i r c r a f t serv icin g fo rm (F o rm 700), log The Distinguished Service Medal
ca rd s (F o rm 701) a n d a ll o th e r records of fly in g tim e, a n d is to be th e o nly A cting Chief M otor Mechanic Jo h n Shiell Sim m ister, P /M X .79033 (Neweastle-on-
tim e used in c a lc u la tin g w hen p erio d ic in sp ectio n of a i r c r a f t a n d o v erh a u l Tyne).
of en gines a re due. P e tty Officer F ra n k B ertie Coombes, P /JX .141370 (Sheffield).
(A .F .O . 1906/44 is cancelled.) P e tty Officer Jo h n George H untley, P /J X .144754 (W eym outh),
P e tty Officer M otor M echanic H aro ld Jo h n W right, P/M X.125927 (Cambridge).
Corporal (Tem porary) (Acting T em porary Lance Sergeant) K eith M ay Briggs,
R.M., Po.X .3095 (T).
Corporal (Tem porary) A lfred E r;c Poulsom , R.M ., E x .5056 (Bradford).
L eading Seam an R aym ond W illiam H en ry R oberts, C /JX .315938 (London).
L eading Seam an W illiam Reid, R.C.N .V .R., V.32837 (Calgary, A lberta).
Section 2.—PERSONNEL, PAY, SERVICES, DISCIPLINE, etc. A cting T em porary Leading Seam an Jo h n Thom as Charlton, P /J X . 166457
*4686.—Honours and Awards—“ London Gazette ” Supplement of L eading Stoker Sidney E rn est Peel, D /K X . 129758.
29th August, 1944 A cting Leading Stoker Jam es Gamble, D /KX.106041 (Chorlton-cum -H ardy).
(H. & A.— 7 Sep. 1944.) Able Seam an A rth u r H irst, P/JX .399104 (Birm ingham ).
Able Seam an George A lbert Wells, P/JX .429679 (Twickenham).
A d m ir a l t y , A ble Seam an W illiam Bushfield, R.C.N .V .R., V.4657 (Stratford, Ontario).
Whitehall, Able Seam an Jam es W right, R.C.N .V .R., V.26288 (New Glasgow, N ova Scotia).
29th August, 1944. A cting T em porary Corporal George Stanley P argeter, R.M., Ply.X.111730 (Warwick).
T he K IN G has been graciously pleased to give, orders for th e following ap p o in t­ M arine (Acting T em porary Corporal) George E rn est T andy, R.M., Ch.X.110723
m ents to th e D istinguished Service Order an d to approve th e following aw ards :— (London, S.E.7).
M arine (Lance Corporal) Jo h n E d w ard D avison, R.M ., P /X .l 11856 (Newcastle-on-
F o r gallantry, skill, determ ination and undau n ted devotion to d u ty Tyne).
during th e initial landings of Allied Forces on th e coast o f N orm andy :— O rdinary Seam an J a c k F ran k s, C/JX.376267.
Second B ar to the Distinguished Service Order : O rdinary Seam an W illiam D ublack, R .C.N .V .R ., V.47341 (St. Catherines, Ontario).
Sick B erth A tte n d an t E m lyn Jones, D/MX.81752 (Nantym oei).
Com mander Ia n H am ilton B ockett-P ugh, D.S.O., R .N . (Yelverton).
(68392) A 4
4686 8
9 4686
M ention in Despatches (Posthumous)
Tem porary S ub-L ieutenant K enneth Keyes, R.N .V .R . B ar to the Distinguished Service Medal
Tem porary S ub-L ieutenant R ichard Michael Pirrie, R.A .N .V .R. (Melbourne). Chief P e tty Officer D ouglrs A bbott, D.S.M., R.C.N.2479.
Leading Seam an P atric k M oran, P /J X . 170231.
Able Seam an George Lea, D /JX .362781. The Distinguished Service Medal
M arine Alec W alter O rton, P ly.X . 112489 (Nuneaton). Chief P e tty Officer L eonard Pentlow , B.E.M ., C/J.97501 (K ettering).
O rdinary Seam an F rederick Thom as A rm strong, R .C.N .V .R ., V.51371 (U tterson, Chief Stoker B ertram George Payne, D /K.61859 (Bristol).
Ontario). Chief P e tty Officer T elegraphist L eonard Sidney Stone, R.C.N ., 2178 (Victoria.
M ention in Despatches B ritish Columbia).
Chief O rdnance A rtificer Magnus Pedersen, R.C.N .V .R ., V .11549 (Victoria, British
A cting Leading Stoker Jo h n A nderson Black, P/K X.103381 (Leeds).
Able Seam an A S Bazley, R.C.N .V .R., V.37024 (Toronto).
T em porary Chief O rdnance Artificer Jex \es M arvin Hayw ood, R.C.N., 40727
Such fu rth e r aw ards as H is M ajesty m ay be graciously pleased to (Halifax, N ova Scotia).
approve for this operation will be published in due course. P e tty Officer D avid Swanson Taylor, R.C.N ., 3393 (New W estm inster. British
F o r gallant a n d distinguished services while operating w ith th e Arm y Columbia).
during th e successful landings in N orm andy. Stoker P e tty Officer R o b ert E d g ar, C /K X .77097 (Glasgow).
A cting Stoker P e tty Officer Tom Ogden, D /K X .87448 (Plym outh).
To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order L eading Seam an H a rry K ing Scholes, C/JX.233993.
Captain (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Jam es Louis M oulton, R.M. T em porary A cting L eading Signalm an W illiam Charles Rogers, D /S SX .35009
The M ilitary Cross Able Seam an P eter P au l W ispinski, R .C.N .V .R ., V .43955.
C aptain (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Thom as Malcolm G ray, R.M.
T em porary C aptain (Acting T em porary Major) Jo h n Lee, R.M. M ention in Despatches
T em porary C aptain (Acting T em porary Major) Jo h n Nicholson R ushforth, R.M.
T em porary C aptain Lyle Louwrens A rchibald M cK ay, S.A .U .D.F. L ieutenant-C om m ander P ete r B arth ro p N o rth Lewis, D.S.C., R .N . (Binford).
L ieu ten an t (Acting C aptain) Terence M orton P a tric k Stevens, R.M. L ieutenant-C om m ander E rroll N orm an Sinclair, R .N .
T em porary L ieu ten an t (A cting T em porary Captain) R oderick Gimson Mackenzie L ieutenant-C om m ander (E) B ernard Selwyn Padfield, R .N . (Plym stock).
R.M. L ieu ten an t Jo h n Crispo Leckie Annesley, R.C.N . (Montreal).
Tem porary L ieu ten an t (Acting T em porary Captain) K enneth Reginald M aurice L ieu ten an t R aym ond Phillips, R.C.N. (O ttaw a).
P erro tt, R.M. T em porary L ieu ten an t A lan Graeme W atson, R.C.N .V .R . (Toronto).
T em porary L ieutenant Cecil A rth u r Douglas Bircher, S.A.U.D.F. L ieu ten an t (E) Geoffrey Phillips, R.C.N . (O ttaw a).
T em porary Surgeon L ieu ten an t E lijah Fowler, M.B., Ch.B., R .N .V .R . (Aberdeen).
The M ilitary Medal Mr. E dw in George Boyling, D.S.M., G unner (T), R .N . (R ottingdean).
Sergeant (Tem porary) (Acting Tem porary Colour Sergeant) Russell Jo h n W ither, Chief P e tty Officer Jam es Douglas A rth u r Rhodes, D /J ,60051 (H arrogate).
R.M., Ch./X.2244. Chief P e tty Officer Torpedo Coxswain R o b ert A lexander B arker, R.C.N ., 2112
Sergeant George Jones, R.M ., P ly./X . 109237. (E squim ault, B ritish Columbia).
Corporal (Tem porary) (Acting T em porary Q uarterm aster Sergeant) R u tte r Thomas T em porary Chief P e tty Officer Charles P h ilip B urch, R.C.N ., X .2016 (London,
Clark, R.M ., Po./X.100345. England).
Corporal (Tem porary) (Acting T em porary Sergeant) A lbert Brown, R.M ., P o./X . A cting Chief P e tty Officer G aston Marcel T h o im sset, R.C.N ., 3396 (Fife Lake,
4113. Canada).
Corporal (Tem porary) (Acting T em porary Sergeant) Sam uel Cooper, R.M ., P o./X . Chief Stoker F rederick Jam es H eaver, C /K .63807 (Gravesend).
105978. O rdnance Artificer F o u rth Class A rth u r T. Davies, D /M X .60564 (N ew port, Mon.).
Marine (Acting T em porary Sergeant) Jeffery Noel K ay , R.M ., Ply./X.109571. P e tty Officer T elegraphist Leo H enry F lan ag an , D.S.M., D /J .76653.
Marine (Acting T em porary Sergeant) Jo h n Clive Stringer, R.M ., Po./X.112235. P e tty Officer H erb ert George T h u rtle, C /JX . 143478 (Caister-on-Sea).
Marine N orm an Green, R.M ., Ply./X.106617. Y eom an of Signals A lfred Jo h n Andrews, R.C.N ., 2946 (Calgary).
Marine T hom as V ardy, R.‘M., Ply./X.103900. P e tty Officer T elegraphist W illiam Joseph H enry W ilson, R.C.N ., 3062 (W indsor,
O ntario).
F o r outstanding courage, skill an d devotion to d u ty in H.M. Ships T em porary A cting Leading Stoker A lexander M ann M cHenery, C/K X . 117120
“ T a rta r,” “ A shanti,” “ E skim o,” “ Ja v elin ,” an d H.M. Canadian Ships (Greenock).
“ H aida ” an d “ H uron ” in action w ith G erm an destroyers : L eading Seam an P ete r A rtm ont, R .C .N .V .R ., V .17281 (London, O ntario).
B ar to the Distinguished Service Order Able Seam an H arry P ete r B urch, C/JX .201059 (Sydenham ).
Able Seam an George H en ry Rooke, D /J X .303070 (New port, Mon.).
Com mander Basil Jones, D .S.O., D.S.C., R .N . (Twyford). Able Seam an B enjam in P atil Honsinger, R.C .N .V .R ., V.19515.
To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order Able Seam an Jo h n M anning, R.C .N .V .R ., V. 18448 (Oshava, O ntario).
Able Seam an Jam es Tweedie, R.C.N .V .R ., V.05718 (Verdun, Quebec).
Lieutenant-C om m ander Jo h n R ichards Barnes, R .N . (Plym outh). Signalm an George H enry M annix, R.C.N ., 4760 (Saanich, B ritish Columbia).
Supply A ssistan t Jo h n L o ck h art M cCartney, R.C .N .V .R ., V.43125 (St. Jo h n , New
Ba/r to the Distinguished Service Cross Brunswick).
Lieutenant-C om m ander H erb ert Sharpies R ayner, D.S.C., R.C.N . (Bedford, N ova
Scotia). F o r u n d au n ted courage, skill an d devotion to d uty in sibccessful
The Distinguished Service Cross p atro ls in H.M. Subm arine “ T actician ” :
Com m ander H enry George D e W olf, D.S.O., R.C.N. (Bedford, N ova Scotia). B ar to the D istinguished Service Cross
A cting L ieutenant-C om m ander Charles N eedham Mawer, R.C.N .V .R. (Calgary). L ieutenant-C om m ander A nthony F o ster Collett, D.S.C., R .N . (Cheltenham).
L ieutenant P a tric k D avid Budge, R.C.N. (Halifax, N ova Scotia).
Sub-L ieutenant D avid Jam es B ent, R .N . (Alverstone). The Distinguished Service Cross
S ub-L ieutenant Jo h n W illiam Nevill W atkins, R .N . (Parkstone).
L ieu ten an t (E) Jo h n Andrew Sm ith, R .N . (Barrow-in-Furness).
11 4686
4686 10
M ention in Despatches
The D istinguished Service Medal P e tty Officer R aym ond Joseph Goldfinch, P /J X .183298 (Swanscombe).
A cting Chief P e tty Officer Frederick Cyril Flem ing, D /JX . 125855 (Blyth). L eading Seam an R o b ert "Trederick Ja rv is, L T /J X .203690 (Lowestoft).
Chief Engine Room A rtificer W illiam George W right, C/MX.48335 (Southsea). T em porary A cting Leading Stoker Charles H en ry Collins W illm ott, D/KX.122271
P e tty Officer Telegraphist E dg ar Glyn Moore, D /J X .135514 (Porth). (Plym outh).
Leading Seam an Jo h n Bertie Coss, P /J X . 145667 (K idderm inster). Signalm an R o b ert N orris Quinn, D /JX .247634 (W alsall).
M ention in Despatches F o ’ g allan t an d distinguished service while operating w ith th e Arm y
in Ita ly :
L ieutenant Charles Philip Bowers, R .N . (Solihull). The M ilitary Cross
L ieutenant George E dw ard D ay, S.A .N .F. (V) (E ast London, South Africa).
Chief Stoker George E dw ard B ertram Sherval, P /K .62760 (Reading). Second L ieu ten an t (Tem porary L ieutenant) Jo h n George B u rto n , R.M.
A cting T em porary Leading Seam an Leslie Jam es E nticknap, P /J X .153022 M ention in ? vpatches
(Aldershot). L ieu ten an t tActing Major) N eil Stanley E ustace M aude, R.M.
Leading Stoker W illiam Charles H arvey, D /K X .88143 (Bodmin). T em porary L ieutenant Raymonc 1 Neale, R.M.
A cting Leading Stoker Thom as G adney, C/KX.136673 (Abbey Wood). T em porary L ieutenant Jo h n A ubrey Sm ith, R.M.
Able Seam an Jo h n Green, D /J X .347766 (Oldham). Sergeant (T rrp o rary Com pany Sergeant Major) G. Malcolm, Ply./X .639, R.M.
F o r o utstanding skill and determ ination in H.M. Ships “ K ilm arnock,” Sergeant ( rJ ;n porary) (Acting T em norary Com pany Sergeant M ajor) K enneth
“ A ubretia ” an d “ Blackfly ” in anti-U -B oat operations : S cott H aw kins, C h ./X .ll? 0 , R.M.
M arine (Tem porary Corporal) 0 . Cooper, Ply./X.104215, R.M.
The Distinguished Service Cross Corporal (Tem porary) (Acting T em porary Sergeant) H enry W illiam H ill,
T em porary A cting Lieutenant-C om m ander K enneth Binfield Brown, R .N .V .R . Ex.5515, R.M.
(Swannington). Tem porary Corporal (Acting T em porary Sergeant) E rn est A rthur K innear, P o./X .
The Distinguished Service Medal 105560, R.M.
Marine Corporal (Temporary) Jo h n R ich ard H en rj K itchell, Ch./X.103988, R.M.
Able Seam an Douglas Leonard Ridler, D /J X .302865 (Box). Marine R . L. E nhland, P ly ./X . 110069, R.M.
M ention in Despatches Marine George F ra n k Forbes Jockam , Ch./X.111805, R.M.
Marine C. G. Strong, P ly ./X . 109036, R.M.
T em porary Acting Lieutenant-Com m ander Alwyn Phillips H ughes, D.S.C., R .N .R .
F o r skill a n d devotion to d u ty in H.M.S. “A shanti ” an d th e Polish
subm arine “ P iorun ” in a successful engagem ent w ith enem y m ine­
T em porary Sub-L ieutenant B rian Basil Stanion, R .N .V .R . (M anchester).
Leading Seam an Jo h n W alter M artin, LT/X.19377A. sweepers :
The Distinguished Service Medal
Able Seaman George Campbell Miller, D /J X .302694 (Edinburgh).
P e tty Officer Telegraphist George H en ry Steers, C/JX.144847 (Westgate-on-Sea).
F o r bravery and und au n ted devotion to d u ty in im p o rta n t and
M ention in Despatches
hazardous m inelaying operations :
L ieutenant Terence T hornton Lewin, D.S.C., R .N . (N orth H arrow ).
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross Stoker P etty Officer H a rry W hincup, C /K X .86900 (Southboum e).
T em porary Acting L ieutenant-C om m ander T hom as Nelson C artw right, D.S.C., Tem porary Leading T elegraphist R o b ert Phillip W illiams, D /JX . 158204 (B arrow -^t
R.N .V .R. Furress). ^
Acting T em porary Lieutenant-C om m ander H arold T hom as Kem sley, D.S.C., Able Seaman W illiam L eonard Clements, C/J.92467 (Lam berhurst). *
R .N .V .R . E ngine Ro>m Artificer F o u rth Class D udley H ulm e, C/MX.68311 (Pavell, N r. Hull).
The Distinguished Service Cross F o r u n d au n ted courage, skill an d determ ination in th e daring a tta c k
T em porary L ieutenant F ra n k O tto Stoe Man, R .N .V .R . (Epsom). • on the G erm an b attleship “ T irpitz ” on th e 3rd April, 1944 :—
The Distinguished Service Medal The Distinguished Service Medal
Acting P e tty Officer Joseph Cecil Back, D /JX . 129363 (Exm outh). Leading A irm in, T elegraphist Air G unner E rn est Carroll FA A /FX .96245 (Crewe).
Acting Leacling Seam an F rederick Charles H enry Fildew, D /J X .129173 (Exeter). F ir distinguished services in th e field while operating w ith th e A rm y :
M ention in Despatches The M ilitary Medal
A cting Tem porary Sergeant R ichard Douglas French, R.M., E x .3226.
T em porary L ieutenant R obert W illiam Alfred W inter, R .N .V .R . (Richmond).
T em porary Sub-L ieutenant D onald Louis Cranefield, R.N .V .R . (Welling). F or g allan t an d distinguished services :
P e tty Officer Motor Mechanic Jo h n R obert B atem an, P/M X.502752 (Newcastle). The Distinguished Service Medal
P e tty Officer Motor Mechanic A lexander B axter, P /M X .78834 (Glasgow). O rdnance A rtificer Third Class H en ry W illiam Cantle, C/MX.59277.
Leading Seam an Jam es Frederick Shiret, D.S.M., C/JX.168490 (London). •
Leading Telegraphist Jam es W illiam Pearson, P/JX .153914 (Middlesbrough). M ention in Despatches (Posthumous)
Stoker First Class Edw in George Stanley Buck, C /K X .121347 (G reat Y arm outh). T em porary Sub-Lieutenant Cornelius Lyons Page, R.A .N .V .R.
Stoker First Class A rthur V incent Kelly, D /K X .127419.
M ention in Despatches
Stoker F irst Class F ra n k Godfrey Sketchley, D /K X .156167 (Birm ingham ).
Able Seaman H arold Arm strong, C/JX.319244 (Leicester). L ieu ten an t Ia n L auchan M ackay McGeogh, D .S.O., R .N .
Able Seam an W illiam MacLean, P/CD /X .2165 (Glasgow). L eading A irm an Jo h n Redmond Fallon, F A A /F X .77301.
F o r courage an d coolness u n d er fire in a special operation in th e
F or distinguished services in H.M.S. “ Prince Leopold ” in th e M editerranean ►—
successful landing operations in Sicily, th e Messina S traits, Salerno and
N orm andy : The Distinguished Service Medal
The Distinguished Service Cross Corporal (Temporary) (Acting T em porary Sergeant) H orace A lan Long, R.M.,
T em porary L ieutenant H erbert A ntony Carter, R .N .V .R . (Poole)
The following image is
reproduced from a
damaged original.
Any inconvenience is
reg retted.
4686 12 13 4689
F or g reat skill an d devotion to d u ty in th e care of survivors from 4689.—Promotion of Temporary Reserve Officers to the Rank of Commander
ships w hich were sunk on th e hazardous passage to N o rth R ussia :
(C.W. 41992/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
M ention in Despatches
T heir Lordships have approved th e prom otion of th e following officers to th e
T em porary Surgeon L ieutenant A lexander Finlayson, M.B., Ch.B., R .N .V .R .
(Glasgow). ran k (or relativ e rank) of T em porary Com m ander to d ate 31st J u ly , 1944 :—

F o r skill an d devotion to d u ty in H.M.S. “ Row ley ” during a n ig h t For 'promotion to Temporary Commander, R .N .R . (
action w ith enem y a ir c r a f t: T em porary A cting Lieutenant-C om m ander A lexander H arp er T urner, D.S.C.,
M ention in Despatches R .N .R .— “ Vernon
L eading Seam an F rederick Owen D enton Blacknell, C/JX.313306. T em porary A cting L ieutenant-C om m ander Jo h n Stanley Roe, D.S.C., R .N .R .—
“ Ja sp er ” .
F o r skill an d determ ination while operating from H.M.S. “ P ursuer ” T em p o rary A cting Com m ander P hilip Jo h n Bowen Oakley, R .N .R .— “ V ictory ”
in shooting down an enem y a ir c r a f t:
M ention in Despatches For promotion to Temporary Commander, R .N .V .R .
T em porary L ieu ten an t (A) A lexander Crighton M artin, R .N .Z .N .V .R . (Auckland, T em porary A cting L ieutenant-C om m ander A rth u r Douglas Sharp, R .N .V .R .—
New Zealand). “ St. C hristopher
T em porary S ub-L ieutenant (A) Denis Symons, R .N .V .R . (Mitcham). T em porary A cting L ieutenant-C om m ander R u p e rt H en ry M archington, M .B.E.,
R .N .V .R .— “ Ness ” .
F o r outstanding devotion to d u ty during a successful air/sea rescue
in rough w eather :— For promotion to Temporary Commander (E), R .N .R
M ention in Despatches T em p o ra ry A cting Com m ander (E) George Sym ington, R .N .R .— Nile ” .
Telegraphist R o b ert M air Topping, P /JX .310437 (Glasgow).
For promotion to Temporary Surgeon Commander, R .N .V .R .
Stoker F rederick A rth u r Jam es Morris, P/K X .132555 (Reading).
T em porary A cting Surgeon L ieutenant-C om m ander Ce'cil H en ry T erry, F.R .C .S.,
F o r b ravery an d skill in rescuing th e pilot of a crashed an d burning B.Ch., B.M., M.R.C.S., L .R .C .P ., R .N .V .R .— “ Blenheim
a ir c r a f t:
Commendation For promotion to Temporary Commander (A), R .N .V .R .
A cting Lieutenant-C om m ander W ilfred Neville W aller, R .N . T em porary A cting Lieutenant-C om m ander (A) E d w ard Q raham Johnstone, D.S.C.,
T em porary L ieu ten an t (A) D onald Jam es H en ry N aim , R.N .Z.N .V .R . R.N.V.R.-—“ Blackcap
T em porary A cting Lieutenant-C om m ander (A) H a rry T hom as Molyneux, M.C/,
*4687.—Honours and Awaids—1939-43 Star—Issue of Ribbon R .N .V .R .— “ V ulture ” . '
Tem porary A cting L ieutenant-C om m ander (A) Charles R ow land H odgson, R .N .V .R .
(H. & A. 360/43 : H . & A. 760/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.) “ H eron
A .F.O . 660/44 is to be amended as follows :— For promotion to Temporary Commander (Sp.), R .N .V .R .
P arag rap h 3 (a) (iii)—
Tem porary A cting Com m ander (Sp.) G uy E rskine H ughes, B.A., R .N .V .R .-^
Read “ F rom 10th Ju n e 1940 : A nyw here a t sea, or ”
“ P resid en t ” .
(A.F .O . 660/44.)

.^I *4688.—Africa Star—Issue of Ribbon to W.R.N.S.

4691—Examinations for the Ranks of Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander, Pay-
& * > (H. & A.— 7 Sep. 1944.) P ,J / 1 master Sub-Lieutenant, Warrant Writer, Warrant Supply Officer, Warrant
T he W om en’s R oyal N aval Service does n o t norm ally serve afloat, and so does (\ /# * Cook and Warrant Steward, R.N.
n o t qualify b y sea service for th e 1939-43 S tar. A ny changes th a t may be m ade in (C.W. 4 7 3 5 3 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
th e conditions governing th e aw ard o f th a t S ta r for sea service will n o t therefore
norm ally affect th e W om en’s R oyal N aval Service b y rendering members o f th a t A F.O . 2704/44 is to be amended as follows :—
Service ineligible for th e Africa S tar thro u g h qualification for th e 1P39-43 Star. P aragriph 55.' The sentence “ Such of these ratings as are w ithin spue« years of
tension '.nay be prom oted to T em porary W a rra n t ran k under A.F.O- 2039/44
2. The ribbon o f th e Africa S tar, therefore, should be issued now to officers siould ap p ear as th e second sentence of Clause (a) an d n o t in C ause (o) as
an d ratin g s of th e W om en’s R oyal N aval Service who have qualified for th e S tar
b y service ashore or in harbour, having been appointed or ¿rafted for such panted. {; •'>.
(A .F .O . 2704/44.)
service, in From To
(i) N o rth Africa, w est o f th e Suez Canal an d (A .F .O . 2976/44 is cancelled.)
th e R ed Sea ... ... ... ... 10th Ju n e, 1940 12th May, 1943
(ii) A byssinia (including a tta c k on Moyale,
E lw ak an d K assala, Ita lia n Som ali­ 691.—Warrant Officers Selected for Direct Promotion to
land, an d E ritrch f. ... ... ... 10th June, 1S40 2 7 th N ov., 1941 Lieutenant, R.N.—Qualifying Course
(Personnel serving u nder th e com ­
m an d of G eneral C unningham and (C.W. 3 8 3 9 3 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
General P la tt) A .F.O . 430/42 is to be amended as follows :—
(iii) B ritish Som aliland ... ... ... 4 th Aug., 1940 19th Aug., 1940 (a) Signals. Sul-heading W /T . Delete “ Two days general service officers R .D .F .
(iv) M alta ... ... ... ... ... 10th June, 1940 12th M ay, 1943 course ” .
provided th a t th e y are n o t qualified for th e 1939-43 S tar 6y shore service in areas (b) A d d “ Separate course. R a d ar. L en g th of course— 1 w eek for all officers
an d betw een th e d ates th a t qualify th e A rm y. Syllabus as »ranged b y th e C aptain, R a d ar T raining ” .
(A.F.O s. 3658/43 and 4209/44.) fA .F .O . 4360/42.)

4692 15 4695
*4692.—Promotions from Lower Deck to Permanent Commissions (Executive and 4695.—R.N. Officers in U.S.N. Ships and Establishments—Messing
Air Branches) / U * , A fO a O ‘3 3 y y - ^ (C.W. 27169/44.— 7 Sep. 1944J^-
(C.W. 4 7 7 4 3 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
R .N . Officers messed in U .S.N . Ships an d E stab lish m en ts are responsible for
The underm entioned prom otions to th e ran k o f Acting S ub-L ieutenant, R.X ., m eeting th eir own mess bills d irect, an d m g ^ f o r such periods be credited w ith a
have been m ade, to d a te 1st Septem ber, 1944 :— special D.M.S. o f 2s. 0d. a day irrespectivp-rfrank. Liaison Officers should, however,
D aubney, Jo h n W illiam ... A ;P.O .(Ty) ... P /JX . 157423 receive allowances in accordance w jth 'A .F .O . 927/44. S
Hindes, Frederick Joseph ... Ldg.Sea. ... ... C /JX . 163534 raw n to<me necessity for^X&cers to m eet such bills in cash,
W adley, R oy A l i s t e r ................ ... A /P.O .(Ty) ... C /JX . 182076 eptional circumstan|iei£-'/ w h ere th is is impossible, however,

Blac-klock, Jo h n H ately ... Ldg.Sea. ... ... D /JX . 163714 survivors or escaj& fprisonerspf-'W ar, or, owing to currency
H u n t, A rthur Reginald ... L d g .S ea .... ... C /JX . 188445 < su ffic ie n t^ a fa C th e folJow'Tng procedure will be adopted,
2. The underm entioned prom otion to th e ran k of A cting S ub-L ieutenant ivill be^wiade o u t, shewing th e value of (a) messing, an d (b)
R.C.N ., has been m ade, to d ate 1st Septem ber, 1944 :— sgl^'Tand signed h y 'fn e Officer as a charge against his account,
mess subscription (K .R . & A .I., A rticle 623), to g eth er w ith
Howe, J . P .................................... A /P.O .(Ty) ... R.C.N. 4219 as consuj»6a, will th e n in due course be charged against his
3. The underm entioned prom otions to th e ran k of S ub-L ieutenant (A) have
been m ade, to date 1st Septem ber, 1944 :—
Breese, Jo h n E . ................ C.P.O.(A) ... F X . 76488
Thomson. F rederick Jo h n ... C.P.O.(A) ... F X . 77746 (A .F .O . 927/44.)

4. The underm entioned prom otions to th e ran k of A cting S ub-L ieutenant (A)
have been m ade, to d ate 1st Septem ber, 1944 :—
Miller, Gordon George R a lp h ... P.O.A.M. (E) ... F X . 79839
W’olverson, R ichard M unrow ... P.O . ... ... F X . 75644 *4696.—Gunner (T)—Upper Age Limit for Appointment
Bell, W illiam Jo h n K e n n e th ... A/P.O.A.M . (E) ... F X . 78721 (C.W. 39908/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
(A.F.O s. 147/44 and 148/44.) As from 7th Septem ber 1944, th e extension of th e upper age lim it for prom otion
to G unner (T), R .N ., to 40 will cease an d candidates will n o t be eligible for ap p o in t­
m ent to th a t ra n k if over 35 years of age.
4693.—A S Fixed Defence Ratings—Temporary Commissions in the Special Branch 2. C andidates who are already oh th e roster for G unner (T), however, or who
of the R.N.V.R. lav e passed th e seam anship exam ination for W a rra n t ran k before 7th Septem ber,
(C.W. 4 2 2 8 8 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) 944, will still be accepted for prom otion up to th e age of 40.
W ith reference to A.F.O. 4405/43, present requirem ents for A/S F ixed Defence 3. Should th e n um ber o f candidates qualifying for G unner (T) under p arag rap h
Officers are now fully m et and no fu rth er candidates can be accepted. labove prove insufficient, it m ay be necessary for th e regulation to be again r e ­
2. Form s C .W .l (T) still outstanding under th is order are, therefore, aow vswed. . 3
(A.F .O . 543/39 is cancelled.)
cancelled. I f an y of these candidates are considered suitable for recom m endation
for executive or executive-special branch commissions it is open to th eir Commanding
Officers to com mence a fresh F orm C .W .l (T) on th e ir b eh alf u n d er th e term s of
‘V.F.Os. 1163/43 and 1916/44.
697.—Royal Marines—Restriction of Extra Duty Pay for Mechanical Road
(A .F .O s. 1163/43 and 1916/44.) Transport Driving
(A .F .O . 4405/43 is cancelled.)
(N. 17217/44— 7 Sep. 1944.)
1 is notified th a t A.F.O. 4347/44, p aragraph 12, last sentence, precluding the
g ra n t f e x tra <lu ty p ay for acting as M.T. D rivers to R o y al M arines entered after
A RFn -rs? 7 Naval and Marine Officers—Retention of ActineiRgher Rank 25th Jne, 194 J, applies to all M arines entered after th a t d ate, n o t to T radesm en
* (C.W. 34511/44.— 7 Sep. 1 9 4 ^ ) / ^ ^ only, ad irrespective of w hether th ey entered expressly for th e d u ty or entered for
generalervice a n d w ere or are subsequently em ployed as M.T. Drivers.
ANith effect from 1st Ju ly , 1944, N aval and M arine Officers holding paid acting
higher ra n k g rantecj m reSpect Gf a particular^rfSpointm ent will retain such acting 2- ";ie d a te of e n try o f all M arines now in receipt o f e x tra d u ty p ay as M.T.
ran k , w ith t ^e pay thereof, when sick, wounded, or injured, th ro u g h a iy cause n o t D rivers i accordingly to be verified and should it be found th a t p ay m en t is being
w ithin theofficer’s own control, for a nujidm um period of four m onths from th e d ate m ade to m an entered after 25th Ju n e, 1940, it is to be stopped forthw ith.
of b ein g cheeked sick.
3. T h d a te of en try is also to be verified, in fu tu re, before an y p ay m en t of
“ • This rule applies to aJJ^officers checked sick on or after 1st Ju ly , 1944. ex tra duty^ay for Mechanical T ran sp o rt driving is authorized in th e case of a
Officers checked sick prior i/6 1st Ju ly , 1944, who were still retaining th eir acting R oyal Mari,.
r fiik under th e provisicm»<)f A.F.O. 3898/43, will have th e period of *etent,ion of rank
extended to a maximrfm of four m onths, b u t officers who h a d already relinquished 4. Marii8> other th a n Tradesm en, entered on or before 25th Ju n e, 1940,
acting rank undey^L F.O . 3898/43 will n o t be reinstated. continue to i eligible for e x tra d u ty pay under K .R . & A .I., A ppendix X V II,
P a r t 3, N o. 5’.which will be am ended.
3. The e|¥Sct of th e new regulation o f th e corresponding rule* for N aval ratings
an d M arinpgis under consideration, an d fu rth er O rders will be is»ued. (A.C.O .S. N o . 863/O.S.391/93, 14 J u l. 1944.)
(A.F.O . 3898/43.) 'K .R . & A .I ., A(A.F.O.
p p en d ix4347/44.)
X V I I , P art 3, N o. 57).
4698 16 17 4698
*4698.—Accelerated Promotion Special
(C.W. 4 8 5 2 4 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) C. W ill “ D rake ” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
E . A. Bromfield “ R oyal A rth u r ” 1st Septem ber, 1944.
W ith reference to A .F.O . 4067/44, th e following Sub-L ieutenants have been “ R o b e rts ” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
prom oted from th e dates shown :— K . P . N ey ...
T. P . R . L aslett “ P resid en t ” (N.I.D .) ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
Executive “ P resident ” (N.I.D .) ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
B. W . B. Dawes F ra n k T aylor
“ K enya 1st Septem ber, 1944. G. P . R a ttu e (Sp. Cy.) “ St. Angelo ” ... ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
R . J . Phelps “ W indsor “ 1st Septem ber, 1944. “ S c o tia ” 1st Septem ber, 1944.
C. H . Rosser M. J . A shburst
“ Colonsay ” for “ P ro p e rty ” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944. W . E . Lewis “ D uke of Y ork ” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
M. W . Tedcastle “ Copra ” (L.C.T. (R)), “‘457 ” 1st Septem ber, 1944. “ V ictory IV ” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
C. C. H . W ashtell
in cd.). D . H . D avenport “ P re s id e n t” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
R . B allantine “ M o sq u ito ” 1st Septem ber, 1944. 1st Septem ber, 1944.
E . W . Sims ... “ H a th i”
W . L. S tew art “ Copra ” (L.C.T.) ............... 1st Septem ber, 1944. “ O d y sse y ” 1st Septem ber, 1944.
P . W. P ayne M. D . M acLennan
“ Bressay ” 1st Septem ber, 1944. “ P resident ” (P.D.) 1st Septem ber, 1944.
J . L . Cooko ... L . A. Francis
“ Copra ” (L.C.T.) ............... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
J . D. W hyte... “ Copra ” ............................ 1st Septem ber, 1944. Executive (S .A .N .F . (F))
J ; W. H . Berry “ Copra ” (L.C.I.) ................ 1st Septem ber, 1944. D . A. G orton ... “ M osquito ” ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
A. George “ B lackbird ” ............................. 1st Septem ber, 1944.
R . G ear-Evans “ D iadem ” .............................. 1st Septem ber, 1944. Executive (R .A .N .)
F . A. H . Gibbins A. Olliffe ................ “ F al ” ... 1st S eptem ber, 1944.
“ Copra ” 1st Septem ber, 1944.
D. R . H . P a rro tt ... “ Copra ” (L.C.T.) ................ 1st Septem ber, 1944. Executive ( R .N .Z .N .V .R .)
T. Finlayson “ H a a rle m ” ............................ . 1st Septem ber, 1944. 1st Septfcrhljfer,
J . A. Boden-TebbUtt “ L eith ” ........................................... 1st Septem ber, 1944. J . W . Gordon ... M .T.B. “ 687 ”
C. G. Goldsmith ... M.T.B. “ 723 ” .................. 1st Septem ber, 1941
D. G. Gill ................ “ B e e h iv e ” 1st Septem ber, 1944. ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
H . J.-W oodw ard A. G. A nderson ... “ P ro d ig a l” ..................
“ S an d w ich ” ................ 1st Septem ber; 1944. ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
T. I . G. S othcott J . F . In g h am ... “ C o p ra ”
“ Ludlow ” .............................. 1st Septem ber, 1944.
W . L. R oberts “ E pping ” (for B.Y.M.S. “ 22 ” ) 1st Septem ber, 1944. F lying (R .N .Z .N .V .R .)
E . G. R oberts “ H aw th o rn ” ... A . Sharpe ... ... “ Searcher ” 1st Septem ber, 1944.
1st Septem ber, 1944.
' G. M. McDougall “ Tulip ” .......................................... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
C. A. K roon “ Campbell ” Special (R .N .Z .N .V .R .)
1st Septem ber, 1944.
H . H . H . B ayley ... “ Pem broke IV ” (for L.S.T. D. G. F rancis ... “ Odyssey ” ... ... ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
1st Septem ber, 1944.
“ 365 ” ). 2. W ith reference to A .F.O . 4067/44, p arag rap h 5, th e following S ub-L ieutenants
G. W . T yrw hitf-D rake “ M antis ” for M.T.Bs.
F . J . A. Shults 1st Septem ber, 1944. have been prom oted from th e dates shown :—
“ L anka” 1st Septem ber, Ì944.
C. M. Radcliffe “ Colne ” ............................. 1st Septem ber, 1944. Executive
T. Q. K i n g ................ “ C o p ra ” (L.C.I.(S) “ 533 ” in R . L am b ... ... “ D rake IV ” ... ... ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
1st Septem ber, 1944.
cd.). R . N . P erham ... “ M a la b a r” ... ... ... 1st Septem ber, 1944.
H erb ert K ing “ W estray ”
C. I. W alker 1st Septem ber, 1944 3. T he above prom otions will ap p ear in C.W . L ist o f A ppointm ents.
“ Copra ” (L.C.(I)) ................ 1st Septem ber, 1944
F lying 4. R ecom m endations for accelerated prom otion to L ieu ten an t an d A cting
R . D. W ood “ S ta lk e r ” L ieu ten an t of Reserve Officers are considered m onthly. Those received u p to an d
R . O. Steel ... 1st Septem ber, 194t. including th e 15th o f each m o n th are dealt w ith a t th e end of th a t m onth, an d
“ S triker ” 1st Septem ber, 19*<4.
L. D. D um o “ V icto rio u s” ... th e nam es of selected officers are published in th e first A.F.O . of th e following
1st Septem ber, 19*4. m onth. N o individual replies are m ade to recom m ending au thorities sta tin g w hether
P . K . D ew hurst “ A d v e n tu re ” ... an officer has been selected or not.
S. D. Tweddle 1st Septem ber, 1M4.
525 L.C.A. Flotilla (A .F .O . 4067144.)
W . M. Charles 1st Septem ber, ]944.
“ M a lag as” 1st Septem ber, i944.
C. I. W. Jam es “ B e eh iv e”
J . H . H ow arth 1st Septem ber, 1944.
“ V ictory IV ” ... 1st September, 1944.
4699.—Admiralty Surgeon and Agent (Dundee)
A ir Engineering (C.E. 9906/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
F . V. K . S utton “ P re s id e n t” 1st Septembe', 1944. Mr. A. J . E . Mills, M.B., Ch.B., of 8 Clarendon Terrace, P e rth Road, D undee
(Telephone, D tmdee 67558) has been appointed A d m iralty Surgeon an d A gent for
G. R . Small ... “ B raganza I I ” ... 1st Septem ler, 1944;
J . O. Trundle D undee, to d ate 1st J u ly , 1944, vice Mr. S. W . R intoul.
“ F abius ” 1st Septem>er, 1944.
G. Hoey “ Pem broke ” ... 1st September, 1944. tip . 4*7«W .
E . L. McKibbin “ W oolverstone ” 1st September, 1944. 4700.—Hotel and Restaurant Cookery Examinations—Expenditure of Service
E . G. B utterw orth “ M artello ” 1st September, 1944. Provisions
E . C. Cronin (V. 2/5131/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
“ H o r n e t” 1st September, 1944.
H . Orbell ... “ V ictory IV ” ... W ith reference to th e arrangem ents for th e exam ination of N aval personnel
1st September, 1944.
L. W . Burrows “ Skirm isher ” ... in H o tel an d R e sta u ra n t Cookery u nder th e auspices of th e C ity an d Guilds of
1st September, 1944.
D. W . Mills ... “ D ia d e m ” 1st Stptem ber, 1944. L ondon In stitu te , an y service foodstuffs expended on th e p ractical work, referred
Ik C. Pegg ... “ N em o” to in p arag rap h 6 of A .F.O . 3811/44, in N aval E stab lish m en ts used as exam ination
E . Arnold 1st September, 1944.
“ O d y sse y ” 1st September, 1944. centres, are to be tak en off charge in th e Provision A ccount, sup p o rted by certificate
B. J. Drew ... “ E la n d ” ’ quoting th is Order.
1st September, 1944.
19 4703
2. In order to avoid w aste of food .it is essential th a t th e service foodstuffs NOW , therefore, in pursuance of th e powers vested in th em b y th e said
expended in th is connection should be dealt w ith, so fa r as practicable, in either Section 4(2)(i) of th e V isiting Forces (B ritish Commonwealth) A ct, 1933
of th e following w a y s :—- \ ' / (23 George V, C hapter 6) th e Lords Commissioners of th e A dm iralty hereby
(i) consumed in N aval messes,; a tta c h tem porarily to th e N aval Forces of H is M ajesty raised in an d serving
(ii) used to m ake up dishes for N aval instructional purposes ; either w ithin or w ith o u t th e U n ited K ingdom every m em ber of th e said
M ilitary Forces of H is M ajesty raised in Canada w hich are controlled an d
(iii) transferred to charitable organizations.
adm inistered b y or th ro u g h Canadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in G reat B ritain
(A .F .O . 3811/44.) during th e period for w hich an d in th e circum stances u n d er which he is as
aforesaid placed a t th eir disposal.
4701.—Admiralty Agreement T.124 and Variants—Pay of Engine Room Storekeepers Given u nder our h an d th is 20th day of Ju n e , 1944.
(N.21335/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) A. F . E . P A L L IS E R
Consequent on a decision of th e N ational M aritim e B oard th e p ay of E ngine A. U. W IL L IS
R oom Storekeepers engaged on A dm iralty A greem ent T.124 and v arian ts is to be B Y COMMAND OF T H E IR L O R D SH IPS,
increased to th e ra te applicable to D onkeym en, nam ely, £15 12s. 6d. a m onth, with H . V. MARKHAM.
effect from th e 1st Septem ber, 1944. Explanation
This O rder does n o t apply to (i) T he ap p ro p riate C anadian Service A uthorities m ade an Order of Disposal
(1) Lascars and Asiatics. d ated M arch 17th, 1944, placing a t th e disposal of th e A d m iralty for th e purpose of
(2) Personnel signed on A greem ent T.124 abroad a t local or D om inion rates being tem porarily attac h ed to H is M ajesty’s N aval Forces raised in th e U nited
of paj^ K ingdom every m em ber of th e M ilitary Forces o f H is M ajesty raised in C anada
w hich are controlled an d adm inistered b y or th ro u g h Canadian M ilitary H ea d ­
fifP. sfflM q u arters in B ritain during such period as w hether w ithin or w ith o u t th e U nited
4702.—T.IJ^IT Personnel—Medical Examination and Standard of Fitness K ingdom he is on th e staff or a p a tie n t in a n y hospital or convalescent establishm ent.
(M.D.G.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (ii) T he A dm iralty O rder attach es tem porarily to th e N aval forces every
m em ber of th e said Canadian m ilitary forces during th e period th a t he has been so
Experience has shown th a t exam ining Medical Officers have n o t ap p aren tly placed a t th e disposal of th e A dm iralty, i.e., while h e is on th e staff o f or a p a tie n t
correctly envisaged th e ty p e of em ploym ent fo r w hich personnel w ere being engaged. in an y ho sp ital or convalescent establishm ent w hich is p a r t of th e N aval forces
This has resulted in m any rejections a t th e F inal Medical E x am in atio n an d cases of H is M ajesty raised in th e U n ited Kingdom .
o f early breakdow n an d discharge.
(iii) T he effect of attach in g these m em bers of th e C anadian m ilitary forces is
2. Personnel engaged on T.124T A greem ent for service in H.M. rescue tugs are th a t while so attac h ed th e y are m ade subject to th e N av al Discipline A ct an d also
called upon to perform long stretches of arduous d u ty a t sea— th ere are no h arb o u r have like powers of com m and an d punishm ent over m em bers of H is M ajesty’s
nor shore service duties. / N avy as if th e y were m em bers of th e N av y holding relative ran k . In th e unlikely
The strenuous n atu re of H.M. Rescue T ug Service should be k ep t in m ind by event of it being necessary for Sentence of d eath to be passed b y Court M artial on
E xam ining Medical Officers of candidates and A .F.O . 2469/40, p aragraph 4, an y m em ber o f th e C anadian m ilitary forces while so a tta c h e d to H is M ajesty’s
in terp reted accordingly. N aval Forces, th e sentence is n o t to be carried o ut w hether abroad or in th e U nited
(A.F.O . 2469/40.) K ingdom u n til it has been confirmed b y th e A dm iralty.
I I . Order made by the A dm iralty under Section 4(2)(ii) of the Visiting Forces
(British Commonwealth) Act, 1933
4703.—Orders Made by the Admiralty under the Visiting Forces (British Common­ B Y v irtu e of th e powers vested in them by Section 4(2)(ii) of th e Visiting
wealth) Act, 1933, in Relation to the Canadian Military Forces Forces (B ritish Com monwealth) A ct, 1933, th e L ords Commissioners of th e
(N.L. 17961/43.— 7 Sep. i944.) A dm iralty hereby place a t th e disposal of th e Canadian Service A uthorities
The following O rders w hich have been m ade b y Their Lordships under th e for th e purpose of being attac h ed tem porarily by those A uthorities to th e
Visiting Forces (B ritish Commonwealth) A ct, 1933, are prom ulgated for inform ation, M ilitary Forces of H is M ajesty raised in C anada w hich are controlled an d
together w ith a copy of an Order m ade by th e Canadian au th o rities under th e adm inistered b y or th ro u g h C anadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in G reat
B ritain :—
corresponding C anadian enactm ents.
I. Order made by the A dm iralty under Section 4(2)(i) of the Visiting Forces All m em bers of th e N av al Forces of H is M ajesty raised in th e U nited
(British Commonwealth) Act, 1933 K ingdom w henever an d for so long as w hether w ithin or w ithout th e
U nited K ingdom th e y m ay be on th e staff o f or p atien ts in an y hospital
W H E R E A S th e Chief of S taff a t C anadian M ilitary H eadquarters in or convalescent establishm ent w hich belongs to or is under th e control
G reat B ritain in pursuance of his powers u nder th e Designation of th e M inister of th e said M ilitary Forces raised in C anada w hich are controlled an d
of N ational Defence of 23 F ebruary, 1944, an d Order-in-Council (PC 3464) adm inistered b y or th ro u g h C anadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in G reat
of 29 A pril, 1943, which was enacted irnder Section 6(5) of th e Visiting B ritain.
Forces (British Commonwealth) A ct, C hapter 21 of th e S tatu tes of Canada,
1933, an d th e W ar Measures A ct, C hapter 206 Revised S tatu tes „of Canada, Given u nder our h an d th is 20th d ay of Ju n e , 1944.
1927, has by Order d ated 17 M arch, 1944, placed a t th e 3nSp,teaHof the» ' A. F . E . P A L L ISE R .
A dm iralty for th e purpose of being attac h ed tem porarily to th e N aval Forces A. U. W IL L IS .
of H is M ajesty raised in th e U nited K ingdom under Section 4(2)(i) of the B Y COMMAND OF T H E IR LO R D SH IPS,
Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) A ct, 1933 (23 George V, C hapter 6)
every m em ber of th e M ilitary Forces of H is M ajesty raised in Canada which H . V. MARKHAM.
are controlled and adm inistered by or through Canadian M ilitary H ead ­ Order of attachment made by the Canadian Authorities (being the Counterpart
qu arters in G reat B ritain during such period as w hether w ithin or w ithout o f the A dm iralty Order o f attachment shown in paragraph I)
th e U nited K ingdom he is on th e staff of or a p atien t in an y hospital or W H E R E A S th e Lords Commissioners of th e A dm iralty have b y Order
convalescent establishm ent w hich is p a r t of th e said N aval Forces raised in of 20 June. 1944, placed a t th e disposal o f th e Canadian Service A uthorities
th e U nited Kingdom. for th e purpose o f being attac h ed tem porarily b y those A uthorities to th<*
4703 20 21 4703
M ilitary Forces of H is M ajesty raised in C anada w hich are controlled an d Explanation
adm inistered b y or thro u g h Canadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in G reat (i) This O rder is com plim entary to a sim ilar O rder w hich has been m ade b y
B ritain :— th e Canadian authorities, an d th e effect of th e tw o Orders is th a t an y m em ber of th e
All m em bers of th e N av al Forces of H is M ajesty raised in th e U nited specified Canadian m ilitary forces will b e tre a te d as an d h av e over N aval personnel
K ingdom w henever an d for so long as w hether w ith in or w ith o u t th e th e sam e powers of com m and (but n o t of punishm ent) as if th e y were m em bers of
U nited K ingdom th e y m ay be on th e sta ff of or p atien ts in a n y hospital H is M ajesty’s N av al Forces of relative ran k , w henever th e y are serving in th e same
or convalescent establishm ent w hich belongs to or is u n d er th e control of place as these N aval forces. Sim ilarly, w hen so serving, N av al personnel will have
th e said M ilitary Forces raised in C anada w hich are controlled an d th e sam e powers of com m and (but n o t of punishm ent) over m em bers of th e specified
adm inistered b y or thro u g h Canadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in G reat C anadian m ilitary forces as if th e y were m em bers of those forces of relative rank.
B ritain.
(ii) I n p articu lar, P ro v o st an d R egulating personnel of each of th e forces will
A ND w hereas I , th e Chief of Staff a t th e said C anadian M ilitary h av e pow ers of com m and over personnel of th e o th er force.
H eadquarters am an appropriate C anadian Service A u th o rity u nder th e
D esignation of th e M inister of N ational Defence of 23 F eb ru ary , 1944, N .B .— I t should be p articu larly n o ted th a t each of th e above-mentioned; Orders
m ade p u rsu an t to Order-in-Council (PC 3464) of 29 A pril, 1943, w hich was applies only to m em bers of th e C anadian m ilitary forces w hich are controlled or
enacted under th e V isiting Forces (B ritish Com monwealth) A ct, C hapter 21 adm inistered b y or th ro u g h th e C anadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in B ritain. These
of th e S tatu tes of C anada, 1933, an d th e W ar Measures A ct, C hapter 206 forces are confined to those serving in th e U n ited K ingdom or th e C ontinent of
Revised S tatu tes of Canada, 1927, for th e purpose of effecting such a tta c h ­ E urope. T he above O rders have no application to m em bers of th e C anadian m ilitary
m ent to th e said M ilitary Force's raised in C anada w hich are controlled an d forces serving elsewhere.
adm inistered b y or thro u g h th e said C anadian M ilitary H eadquarters.
N OW , therefore, in pursuance of th e pow er so vested in m e I hereby
a tta c h tem porarily to th e said M ilitary Forces raised in C anada w hich are
controlled an d adm inistered b y or th ro u g h th e said C anadian M ilitary
H eadq u arters every m em ber of th e N a /a l Forces of H is M ajesty raised in th e 4704.—Subsistence Charges for British Officers on U.S. Naval Transports
U nited K ingdom during th e period for w hich an d in th e circum stances u n d er (C.W. 3 5 6 7 7 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
w hich he is as aforesaid placed a t th e disposal of th e said C anadian Service
A uthorities. W ith reference to th e U .S. N aval R egulations w hich call for th e p ay m en t of
Signed a t London in th e U nited K ingdom th is 20th d a y o f Ju n e , 1944. m essing a n d lau n d ry charges for each B ritish officer em barked on U.S. N aval
tran sp o rts, it has been decided th a t th e following procedure regarding th e collection
K . STUART, a n d p ay m en t of these am ounts to th e U .S. N av al rep resen tativ e on b o ard shall be
L ieutenant-G eneral. ad o p ted in fu tu re :—
Chief of Staff,
(1) M essing Charges
CANADIAN M IL IT A R Y H E A D Q U A R T E R S. (а) In d iy id u al B ritish officers an d p arties u p to 12 in n um ber will p ay
E xplanation
th e ap p ro p riate messing charges to th e ship’s mess officer on board. These
(i) This Order is th e A dm iralty co u n terp art of th e above-m entioned Canadian officers should b e w arned beforehand of th e charges in order th a t th e y m ay
O rder of M arch 17th, 1944. I t places m em bers of th e N av y a t th e dispoasl of th e h av e sufficient funds in h a n d to m eet them . O n com pletion of th e voyage,
Canadian Service A uthorities for th e purpose of being a tta c h e d tem p o rarily by claim s for th e refund of such charges should b e forw arded to th e ap propriate
those A uthorities to th e specified Canadian m ilitary forces, for so long as w hether A ccountant Officer, receipts -for th e p ay m en ts being enclosed in support.
w ithin or w ithout th e U nited K ingdom th e y m ay be on th e sta ff of or p atien ts in T hese claims should be settled' b y th e A ccountant Officers concerned on th e
an y hospital or convalescent establishm ent w hich belongs to or is under th e control basis of th e am o u n t actu ally disbursed b y th e individual concerned, in
o f th e said C anadian m ilitary forces. sterling (norm ally 5s. Od. a day) as à charge to V ote 11.N.3.
(ii) T he C anadian Order of th e 20th Ju n e, 1944, tem p o rarily attac h es N aval (б) In th e case of p arties of B ritish officers of over 12 in num ber p ay m en t
personnel while so placed a t th e disposal of th e C anadian Service A uthorities to for messing charges will be m ade b y th e B ritish Officer Com manding Troops
th e specified Canadian m ilitary forces. W hile si) attac h ed , th e N av al personnel (i.e. norm ally an A rm y officer) o u t of th e Voyiage Im p re st A ccount as a charge
will be subject to Canadian m ilitary law an d will have th e sam e pow ers o f com m and to W ar Office V otes, no ad ju stm en t being necessary betw een th e D e p a rt­
an d punishm ent as if th e y w ere m em bers of th e said Canadian m ilitary forces of
relative rank. m ents.
I I I . Order made by the A dm iralty under Section 4(5) of the V isiting Forces (c) Should a N av al officer using N av al funds a t an y tim e be Officer
(British Commonwealth) A ct, 1933 Com m anding Troops an d in charge of th e Voyage Im p re st A ccount, th e
position in (1) (6) above will be reversed, a n d p ay m en t of messing charges
B Y v irtu e of th e powers vested in th e m b y Section 4(5) of th e Visiting for b o th A rm y an d N aval officers will be m ade b y h im o u t of th e Voyage
Forces (B ritish Com monwealth) A ct, 1933, th e Lords Commissioners of the- Im p re st A ccount as a charge to V ote 11.N.3, no ad ju stm en t being necessary
A dm iralty hereby declare”th a t :— w ith th e W ar Office. A certificate giving details of th e num ber of B ritish
M embers of H is M ajesty’s N aval Forces raised in an d serving w ithin officers em barked a n d th e period during w hich th e y w ere messed on b oard
or w ithout th e U nited K ingdom shall be deem ed for th e purposes of Section will b e h anded to th e U .S. N av al representative w hen p ay m en t is m ade,
4 of th e said A ct to be serving together w ith th e m em bers of H is M ajesty’s an d a copy enclosed w ith th e Voyage Im p re st A ccount. T he to ta l am o u n t
M ilitary Forces raised in Canada w hich are controlled an d adm inistered p aid o u t of th è Voyage Im p re st A ccount should be charged to V ote 11.N.3.
b y or through Canadian M ilitary H ead q u arters in G reat B ritain whenever
an y m em bers of th e said N aval an d th e said M ilitary Forces are serving (2) L aundry Charges
a t th e sam e tim e in th e sam e place. These charges are in respect of personal la u n d ry an d are due to be
Given under our h an d th is 20th d ay o f Ju n e , 1944. p aid b y th e officers concerned. T he am ounts will be collected from th e
A. F . E . P A L L IS E R . officers for p ay m en t to th e lau n d ry service on b o ard u nder arrangem ents
A. U . W IL L IS . to be m ade b y Officer Com m anding Troops, Such charges in respect of
personal lau n d ry subscriptions are inadm issible ag ain st public funds and
B Y COMMAND O F T H E IR L O R D SH IPS , m u st n o t be m e t from th e Voyage Im p re st Account.
4705 22
4705.—W.R.N.S. Ratings—Liability to Serve Overseas
w ith a view to th eir being reverted to th e lower unspecialized ra te of
(N. 11574/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) pay. I f so reverted, arrangem ents should be m ade for th e ir rem uster
The instructions in A .F.O . 4419/43, paragraph 1, for com pleting th e am ended in an ap propriate category. /
Question 13 on th e W .R.N .S. E nrolm ent F orm (S.1521) are cancelled. I n view of (b) R atin g s who are found to have insufficient basic traimng/'will be expected
th e difficulty of binding th e form s w ith slips attach ed , th e am endm ent, w hich to ta k e th e full train in g course A a t a la ter d a tp i N am es of such
merely involves deletion of th e phrase “ w ithin th e U nited K ingdom ” , is in future ratin g s are to be given to th e Superintendent, ^W .R.N.S. (Training),
to be m ade and initialled in ink b y th e recruit herself. w ho will advise Commands of th e d ate of th e course. I f immobile
ratings are n o t prepared to ta k e th e th ree weeks’ course, th e y will
(A.F.O s. 4419/43 and 3386/44.)
have to rem uster.
13. N am es of candidates for Course B are to b e forw arded to th e S uperintendent,
a fo 70k'/uo 4706. W.R.N.S. Switchboard Operators—Training
W .R .N .S. (Training), who will notify Commands of th e dates of th e course, r. . ?
*« »* 3 k y tb ftt6 (N. 569 j/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Course C. ,
D etails of th e training of all classes of W .R.N .S. telephone sw itchboard 14. Course C is for Leading an d P.Q. W rens an d is intended to ensure th a t
operators is set out below. Training is given a t th e Telephone School, W .R.N .S. these higher ratings h av e th e kn owl edge to carry o u t th e duties of supervisors as
Central T raining D epot, W estfield College, London, N.W .3.
d istin ct from operators. I t is desirable th a t, as far as possible, all Leading and
2. There are three types of courses :— P.O . W rens sh o u ld ta k e the co u rts as opjy>rtjf f i i cour se is of one
A. In itia l training courses w hich include :— w eek’s d u ratio n /SipL ratings w ill/^e^lassjifed^accorm ng to ttye ty p e of P .B .X . for
(i) New en try courses. w hich it is cons/sKa-ed tfeey ^« v < i^t^st3 itab le. On retu rn to Commands, arran g e­
m ents s h o u l d ^ ^ J f d e , 'W l a r as possible, to see th a t th e ratin g s are on ap p ro p riate
(ii) Change of category courses. sw itchboara^.
B. Refresher courses.
15. K arnes of candidates for Course C are to be forw arded to th e Superintendent,
C. Supervisors’ courses. W .R .N .S. (Training), who will notify Commands of th e d ates of th e courses.
Course, A . 16. No professional qualification in th is category is required for advancem ent
3. Course A is a th ree weeks’ course com prising a stu d y of th e telephone w hich is governed b y th e rules in A .F.O . 4864/42.
operating procedure as set forth in B .R . 845, together w ith p ractical train in g in 17. Sw ^ohboard O perator is to be added to th e list of categories in th e A ppendix
b o th m ultiple an d non-m ultiple sw itchboards. A stu d y is m ade of all types of to A -F .O y ll79/43 from which transfer m ay n o t be m ade w ithout prior A dm iralty
P .B .X s. and practical experience is given on th e /more usual types.
4. A n assessm ent is fnade a t th e end of th e course, tak in g into account b o th 7 (B .R . 845.)
theoretical an d practical ability, an d a recom m endation is m ade, where necessary,
/ (A.F.O s. 4864/42, 1179/43 and 5201/43.)
as to th e ty p e of P .B .X . to w hich an operator should be drafted.
5. N ew en try ratings failing th e course will be re^iyfetered a t th e Central
T raining D epot. . . *4707.—W.R.N.S. Hairdressers—Advancement
6. Before an application for transfer to t t e S fef^h b o ard O perator category is 'T f e : (N . 158„
forw arded, th e ratin g concerned is to be teste« locally b y th e travelling supervisor. W ren HairdrasSePs a re (jiew -'eligible for advancem ent to L eading W ren by
A ttention is, however, draw n to A .F.O . 1yk7±'.\, p arag rap h 1. R atings in th is th e ir Com mandjf^jXmieers on com pletion of mgtfTths’ sejy i c e th e category if
category m u st show initiative, be able toig^and up to strain , be courteous, p atien t recommendedCatfid provided th eir c o n d u c ji^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ ^ ^ m u o u s ly “ V ery Good "’
an d have clear speaking voices. Fofljp&ample, W reus (G.D.) who have operated for six m p ^ f^ ^ m e ^ i^ i^ ly ^ 9 rg e € ffir!^ a d v a n c e c a e » t:—R a tin g s w ith m ore th a n
th e smaller boards under th e te r m s ^ f A .F.O . 5201/43 m ay be suitable cand dates. 18 m opiiisi prrvjcr as xfau'dressera mayJse'tttTvanced retrospectively from th e d ate
As from th e d ate of this OrdeKnipl ratings whose tran sfer to th e Sw itchboard of^frtmifVing, provided th e y wotnfTTiave been recom m ended a t th a t tim e.
O perator category is approvedjlviJ/be required to ta k e Course A (ii).
7. R atings ho fail tc reach th e required sta n d ard will be dealt w ith in
accordance with, .F .O .. )/4s, paragraphs 8 an d 9. 4708.—Amendments to Complement
S. Names 'candidates for Course A (ii) should be forw arded to th e Superin- H .M . Destroyers
ten d en t, W .R .Î a in m a , who will notify Com mands of th e dates of th e courses.
(N. 2 5 6 5 4 /4 3 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
Course B.
9. Course B has been' in itiated prim arily for sw itchboard operators who have The following amendments are to be m ade to schemes of co m p lem en t:—
h ad no specialized train in g an d all sw itchboard operators, w hether mobile o r H .M . Destroyers of “ Town ” Class (A.L. N . 25947/41 of 17 M arch, 1942, as am ended
immobile, who have n o t h ad centralized training should ta k e th is course. I t b y A .F.O . 4270/43).
consists of one w eek’s general training, concentrating on th e m ore essential aspects
of th e telephone procedure, an d includes practical train in g on a m ultiple sw itchboard. Reduce “ 1 P e tty Officer (Q .R .l) ” .
10. I t is particularly recom m ended th a t, w herever a non-m ultiple P .B .X . is Insert n o tatio n “ (m) ” against th e 2 Q .R ., 2nd class ; an d a new n o te as
being replaced b y a m ultiple board, operators should ta k e th is course before th e follows :—
installation o f th e new P .B .X . “ (m) One m u st be a P.O . or L.S. passed for P .O .”

11. R atings will be given an assessm ent a t th e end of th e course an d recom ­ H .M . S h ip s “ Leeds ” and “ Ludlow ” (A.L. N . 13524/41 of 12 A ugust, 1941).
m endation will be m ade as to th e ty p e of sw itchboard for w hich th e y are considered
m ost useful. , H .M .S . “ Lewes ” (A.L. N. 24948/41 of 7 Novem ber, 1941) w hen in full commission.
12. R atings who fail th e course will be dealt w ith as follows :— Reduce “ 1 P e tty Officer (G.M., Q .R .l) ” .
(a) R atings who are considered to be unsuitable for sw itchboard operating Insert n o tatio n “ (k) ” against th e 3 Q .R ., 2nd class and a new n o te as follows :—
will be reported as such to th e establishm ent whence th e y have com e, “ (k ) One m u st be a P.O . or L.S. passed for P .O .”
25 4709
4708 24
L ie u te n a n t C om m ander (A) H . C o lv ille-S tew art, R .N .V .R .
H .M . S hips o f “ Shakespeare ” Glass, as Private S h ip s (A.L. N. 19730/41 of 30 P a y m a s te r L ie u te n a n t J . P . B a n b u ry , R .N ., H .M .S . “ D a e d a lu s ” ,
Septem ber, 1941). w ill be S e c re ta ry of th e C om m ittee.
H .M . Destroyers o f “ V ” and “ W ” and “ Repeat W ” Classes— “ Vees 4. A ll fa c ilitie s a r e to be g iven to th e C om m ittee in its w ork.
H .M . S hips “ Am azon ” and “ D uncan ” , H .M . Destroyers o f “ Acasta ” , “ Beagle ’,
“ Eclipse ” , “ Fearless ” , “ Hero ” , “ H avant ” an d “ In trep id ” Classes
(A.L. N ./D .P.S. 542/41/M. of 19 N ovem ber, 1941). fifO
A 4710.—Royal Naval Air Units—Current Scales of Manning
H .M . S h ip s “ Inconstant ” an d “ Ithuriel ” (A.L. N./G. 019060/41 o f 31 M arch, 1942). / (N. 14277/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Insert n o tatio n “ (*/) ” against “ P e tty Officer ” , “ G unner’s M ate ” , “ Q uarters
The following amendment is to be m ade to A .F.O . 1759/44 on th e above
R atin g , 1st Class ” an d “ Q uarters R atin g , 2nd Class ” a n d a new n o te as follows
subject :—
“ (y) I n ships w ithout directors or intricate fire control ap p aratu s, reduce
1 P e tty Officer (G.M., Q .R .l) ; one of th e Q .R.2s is th e n to be a P.O . or Table 1. A fter la st F ighter— Column B, add new column.
L .S. passed for P .O .”
H .M . S hips “ Fleetwood ” and “ Londonderry ” (A.L. N . 16473/41 of 13 A ugust, 1941). T ype of Squadron 2-Seater
Insert n o tatio n “ (m) ” against “ P e tty Officer ” , “ G unner’s M ate ” and Reconnaisance (Firefly)
“ Q uarters R atin g , 2nd Class ” and a n^w note as follows :—
“ (m) In ships w ith o u t directors o r in tricate fire control ap p a ratu s, reduce No. of I.E . A ircraft 12
1 P e tty Officer (G.M.) ; one of th e Q.R.2s is th e n to be a P.O . or L.S.
passed for P .O .” _£--- -----------------------------------------------------------

H .M .S . “ Lowestoft ” (A.L. N. 8862/43 of 16 A pril, 1943). 12

£ L toC m dr. L t. Sub.-L t. (P) or (A) ...
Reduce “ 1 P e tty Officer (G.M.) Lt.-C m dr. L t. Sub.-Lt. (O) or (A) ... 12
Ch. or P e tty Officer or C.P.O. or P.O . A irm an (GD) 1
Insert notatio n “ (g) ” against the 2 Q .R ., 2nd Class a n d a new n o te as follows :— 2
L eading Seam an or L eading A irm an (GD)
“r(g) One m u st be a P.O . or L.S. passed for P .O .” A .B . or Ord. Seam an or N aval A irm an (GD) 10
C.P.O . or P.O . A irm en (TAG 1 or 2)-~
H .M .S . “ Enchantress ” (A.L. N . 16473/41 of 13 A ugust, 1941, as am ended b y P.O . or L eading A irm an (TAG 3)
A .L. N. 26580/42 of 24 N ovem ber, 1942). 1
Leading W riter /..
Insert notatio n “ (/) ” against th e 3 Q .R ., 2nd Class, a n d a new n o te as Leading Supply A ssistant . ., 1
follows :— Supply A ssistan t 1
“ (/) One m u st be a P.O . or L.S. passed for P .O .” Cook 2
L eading Stew ard 1
H .M . (ex-U .S.) Coastguard Cutters (A.L. N ./D .P.S. 343/41/M. of 19 Ju n e , 1941, S tew ard or A sst. Stew ard ... 7
as am ended b y A.L. N . 15245/41 of 1 O ctober, 1941, an d A .F.O . 4270/43.). Leading P hoto, or P hoto. ... 1 I f fitte d w ith F.24 Camera.
Reduce “ 1 P e tty Officer (Q .R .l) L t. or S ub.-L t. (E) or (A) (A/E) or Cd. or W t. A
craft Officer 1
Insert n o tatio n “ (m) ” against th e 4 Q .R ., 2nd Class, an d a new n o te as A ir A rtificer (A.E.) ... 2
follows :— 1
A ir Artificer (O)
“ (m ) One m u st be a P.O . or L.S. passed for P .O .” L eading or Air F itte r (A) 3
(A .F .(h J tfO /4 3 .) L eading or A ir F itte r (E) 3
L eading or A ir F itte r (O) 2
(A.F .O . 4462/44 is cancelled.) L eading or Air F itte r (L) 1
P .O . or L eading R adio M echanic (A.R.)
P.O . or Leading R adio M echanic (A.W.) 5
C.P.O . A ir Mechanic (A) or (E) 1
4709.—Naval Air Stations Complement Committee P .O . A ir M echanic (A) 1
P .O . A ir M echanic (E) 1
(N . 20354/44.—7 Sep. 1944.) 1
P .O . A ir M echanic (O)
A com m ittee h as been a p p o in te d w ith th e follo w in g te rm s o f re fe re n c e : — P .O . A ir M echanic (L) 1
(1) To exam ine th e m a n n in g of N a v a l A ir S ta tio n s ; a n d to su b m it L eading A ir Mechanic (A) 3
recom m endations aim ed a t e n s u rin g th a t th e y a re m an n ed w ith L eading A ir Mechanic (E) 3
the m in im u m p ersonnel to c a rry o u t th e ir fu n c tio n s in th e Leading Air M echanic (O) 2
m ost econom ical m anner. Leading A ir M echanic (L) 1
A ir Mechanic (A) 12
(2) To d raw u p p ro p o sa ls fo r th e com plem ents of N a v a l A ir S tatio n s.
A ir M echanic (E) 12
2. The com m ittee w ill n o t be re q u ire d to go in to q u estio n s of com plem ent A ir M echanic (O) 10
of A ir T echnical r a tin g s fo r m a in te n an c e purp o ses, w hich have recen tly A ir M echanic (L) 4
been considered as th e r e s u lt of th e recom m endatio n s of an o th e r C om m ittee,
ex c ep t in so f a r as these affect th e g en e ral m a n n in g o f sta tio n s. 121
3. The m em bership of the C om m ittee w ill b e : —
Vice A d m ira l S ir W. E. C. T a it, K .C .B ., M .V.O. (C h a irm a n ). (A.F.O. 1759/44.)
C a p ta in C. P . C lark e, D .S .O ., R .N .
4713 26 27 4714
4711.—Engine Room Ratings Qualified in H.P.E.— Increase in Numbers Bome 2. A P /L signal should b e sei.t in th e form indicated below, followed b y a
(N. 1897/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) coded trailer giving th e nam e of th e tran sp o rt (A.F.O. S .10/44, p arag rap h 211,
refers) :—
R epresentations have been m ade from tim e to tim e th a t th e num bers of Engine A .F.O . 4714/44— E m b ark atio n s for Passage.
R oom ratings qualified in H .P .E ., bom e in ships, have been inadequate to deal w ith (а) N um ber of N av al officers (excluding invalids).
th e increasing am ou nt o f m aintenance o f electrical m achinery under th e jurisdiction
of th e E ngineer Officer. (б) T otal n um ber of ratings (excluding invalids).
(c) N um ber of ratin g s for each p o rt, division or establishm ent (grand to ta l
2. To provide an electrical p a rty large enough to carry o u t th is m aintejian^- should agree w ith (b)).
under all conditions, especially when additional assistance becomes necessary, it is (d) In v alid officers (cot cases).
th e intention to increase th e num bers of H .P .E . ratings bo m e w ith o u t substantive
increase in com plem ent. (e) In v alid officers (non-cot).
(/) In v alid ratings (cot).
3. F o r norm al requirem ents, some of these ratings can be em ployed on ordinary (g) In v alid ratings (non-cot).
ship’s sta ff m aintenance a t th e discretion o f th e E ngineer Officer.
4. The increased num bers of qualified ratings proposed are n o t im m ediately 3. Similar inform ation should be signalled in th e following form of personnel
available, b u t action h as been tak en to increase th e num bers o f E ngine R oom ratings previously rep o rted as on passage who m ay be disem barked a t interm ediate p o rts
to be train ed in H .P .E ., so th a t w hen available th e y will be d rafted to th e ships for tran sh ip m en t or other reasons :—
concerned in lieu o f equivalent ratings n o t train ed in H .P .E .
(h) Officers.
5. In each of th e following classes of ships, th e to ta l num ber of Engine Room (i) R atin g s (specifying n u m b er for each depot).
ratings qualified in H .P .E . to be allowed in com plem ent will be tw o E .R .A ., tw o (j) Officer invalids (cot).
L eading Stokers an d four Stokers :—
(k ) Officer invalids (non-cot).
C apital ships. L ight fleet carriers.
(I) R a tin g invalids (cot).
Cruisers. F leet repair ships.
(to) R a tin g invalids (non-cot).
F leet carriers. A ircraft repair an d m aintenance ships.
4. Personnel of th e W .R .N .S. included u nder (a) to (g) an d (h) to (m) above
Schemes o f com plem ent are to be am ended accordingly w ith o u t increase in should be specially indicated.
substantive num bers.
5. In stru ctio n s concerning sim ilar signals ab o u t personnel on passage in
H.M . ships an d M erchant ships o th e r th a n tran sp o rts a re contained in A .F.O .3814/43.
4712.—Supply Ratings Charge Allowance (K .R . & A .I ., A rt. 832 and 832A.)
(A.F .O . 3814/43.)
(D.N.A. 8941/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
The conditions for p aym en t of charge allowance to Supply R atin g s as laid down
in K .R . & A .I., A ppendix X V II, P a r t 3, No. 107A, have been modified. A ¿A r /» i 4715.- Small Arms—Accidents
2. In fu tu re th e allowance will only be payable if independent provision an d Jj (N.L./G.D. *033/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
clothing accounts are rendered direct to the Adm iralty. The other requirem ents of T heir Lordships n o te w ith concern th a t th e n um ber o f fata l accidents w ith
th e regulation rem ain unchanged.
sm all arm s continues to rise. In alm ost every case th e accident would have been
3. T he necessary am endm ent to K .R . & A .I., A ppendix X V II, will be avoided if th e firer h ad observed th e elem entary rules for safety when handling any
prom ulgated in due course. rifle, pistol or m achine gun, viz. :—
(1) N ever p o in t a gun a t a friend.
(K .R . & A .I ., A ppendix X V I I , P art 3, No. 107A .) (2) D on’t sta n d in front of th e muzzlo.
(3) W hen you p ick up a gun, don’t aisum e it is unloaded ; m ake sure.
(4) D on’t learW a loaded gun lying about.
4713.—Extra Duty Pay—R.M. Clerks—Carrier Bome Air Liaison Sections (5) D on’t p lay about/flSth 4, gun you don’t u n derstand. I f you have to handle
one, fceep it j^ n p in ^ 'S afe. y
(N. 21152/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (6) R e m e i^ e r,y i^ (o r^ accidents are caused by jajptfms th a n by an y other
A pproval is given for paym ent of ex tra d u ty p a y of 6rf. a day to R.M. ranks
em ployed on clerical duties in Carrier B om e A ir L ia'son Sections while perform ing The elem entary rules are capable of wide expa»ai£n b ut should be understood and
such duties. P ay m en t will be restricted to clerks allowed w ithin th e w ar estab ­ ac te d on in th e ir sim plest form b y every officer and m an who wears a uniform .
lishm ent o f th e sections an d will take effect from th e d ate o f appointm ent.
2. T he accident is alm ost always caused b y a light-hearted fool who, b y failure
to observe th e above rules, freq u en tly kills himself, b u t m ore often shoots his
messm ate.
4714.—Passage to U.K. of Naval Personnel in Transports
3. T he largest single preventable cause o f accident is th e issue of loaded pistols
(N. 18888/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) to sentries in circum stances w here a cudgel or sidearm s would have been a b etter
Embarkations selection. Officers should be guided in th is respect b y orders from th e Commander-
Senior N aval Officers of ports abroad should inform A dm iralty b y signal,, in-Chief or A dm inistrative authority.
rep eated to th e F lag Officer in Charge o f th e p o rt o f destination, or if n o t known, 4. T heir Lordships are aw are th a t th e v a st m a jo rity of officers, p e tty officers
to th e F lag Officers in Charge, Greenock an d Liverpool, whenever N aval personnel an d m en un d erstan d an d observe th e rules of commonsense when handling arm s.
em b ark in tran sp o rts for passage to U .K ., eith er a t th e p o rt o f origin or in te r­ T hey ask for th e ir renewed co-operation b y supervision an d exam ple in reducing
m ediate ports.
th is w aste of life.
29 4716
4715 28
7. D etained p a y will n o t be payable to m en who are d etain ed afte r com pleting
5. A tten tio n is called to th e following points w hich w ere issued in A .F.O . 561/44 tim e for pension during th e w ar .whichever altern ativ e is chosen.
an d are rep rin ted for convenience :—
(K .R . <fc A .I ., Articles 1995 (3.)
(а) No m an should be allowed to handle a leth al w eapon u n til it is certain
th a t he understands how it works. T his order applies even to rifles, • (A.F.Os. 1107/40 and 173/44.)
a n d morefso to less common weapons such as Sten guns a n d foreign arm s. (A.F.O s. 1386/41 and 6006/42 are cancelled.)
(б) Sentries should be posted in an orthodox m anner b y a responsible ratin g .
I f sentries relieve each other a t th e ir own convenience an d w ithout
supervision, a n accident will occur sooner or later. 4717.—Supplies of Foreign Currency to Ships on Passage
(c) Sentries should n o t be allowed ,to carry loaded weapons except u n d er (M. 057537/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
exceptional circum stances and particu lar care m u st th e n be ta k e n to T heir Lordships a tte n tio n has been draw n to th e fa c t th a t th e necessity for
enforce safety precautions. com plying w ith th e regulations laid dow n in A .F.O . 3624/40 dealing w ith th e
(d) C ertain weapons, including revolvers an d S ten guns, are liable to fire if p rohibition o f th e use o f B a n k o f E n gland notes on shore abroad, h as resulted in
dropped w ith a ro u n d 1in th e cham ber. In th e case of revolvers, th is
delays in g ran tin g shore leave w hen ships arriv e a t foreign p o rts.
danger can be^. obviated if th e cham ber u n d er th e ham m er (i.e., a t
12 o’clock) is k ep t unloaded. This precaution will n o t p rev en t th e 2. E v ery effort should, therefore, be m ade to arrange th e necessary exchange
revolver from firing if th e trigger is pulled. o f currency as quickly as possible, especially where th e ship’s sta y in p o rt is likely
(e) Sentries should norm ally be arm ed w ith rifles, w hich are less dangerous to be brief. I f there is an y d o u b t w hether th e A ccountant Officer or his rep re­
to friendly personnel th a n oth er weapons. M oreover, a rifle is fitte d sen tativ e will be able to obtain local currency in tim e to p a y or change m oney
w ith a safety device in th e form Of a safety catch an d m agazine cut-off. before leave is g ranted, a signal should b e sent b y th e ship for currency to b e sent
(/) A m m unition issued to sentries should be carefully accounted for. o u t to it.
(g) Skylarking w ith weapons, believed to be unloaded, is a fru itfu l cause o f (A.F.O. 3624/40.)
(A.F .O . -564/44 is cancelled.) 4718.—Transfer to Dominion Navies in War Time
(N. 19520/44.— 7 Sept. 1944.
R eferring to A .F.O . 2715/43, p arag rap h 4 (e), Com m anding Officers should
4716.—Service after Completing Time for Pension—Option of Counting satisfy them selves th a t a n y com passionate grounds quoted are genuine before
for Increase of Pension sending a n y ap p licatio n to th e A dm iralty.
(P.M. 32/41.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (A.F.O . 2715/43.)
N aval ratings an d R oyal M arines who com plete tim e for Long Service Pension
during th e p resent w ar m ay be given th e option of eith er :— 4719.—Smallpox Cases—Cancellation of Leave
(а) Receiving pension based on service u p to d ate of com pletion of tim e fo r (M.D.G. 15749/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
pension, in addition to p ay ; fu rth e r service not to reckon for increase N av al ratin g s who h av e been in co n tact w ith sm allpox abroad or w hilst on
o f pension.
passage a n d arriv e in th e U n ited K ingdom w ithin th e incubation period of th e
(A lternative m ethods of p ay m en t of pension are contained in K .R . & disease are n o t to b e allowed to proceed on long leave u n til 16 days h av e elapsed
A .I., A rt. 1996 (2).) ' V . , !s^
or V since such co n tact.
2. As no dep o t accom m odation exists for officers th e y m ay b e allowed to
(б) N o t draw ing pension while serving ; fu rth e r w ar service to count fo r
proceed on leave provided th e y h av e been w arned o f th e risk o f developing sm allpox
increase of pension u nder norm al regulations.
during th e above period.
2. I t should be fully understood th a t a choice once m ade cannot be altered (A .6 .M . Home 884 A .Z . is cancelled,)
later, an d th a t altern ativ e (b) is conditional on th e m a n ’s continuing to serve on his
active service engagem ent for th e rem aining period of th e em ergency.
4720.—Clothing Rationing
3. I t is generally m ore beneficial to continue to serve on p a y plus pension if
th e pension draw n during fu rth e r service is invested p erm an en tly b y th e pensioner. (V. 1 1 /6 1 7 8 /4 4 .-7 5 % ). 1944.)
(A ttention is draw n to th e service facilities afforded for th e purchase of N atio n al ring am endm ents should be to A jf.O . 5817/43
Savings Certificates (A.F.O. 173/44).) T he following a:
BoardjGf T rad e should be am ended
P arag rap h 4Q, lines 7 a n d 8. T h e address
4. I t should be noted, however, th a t in th e ev en t of prom otion to tem p o rary to rea d•* as J?-11___
w arra n t ra n k afte r com pleting tim e for pension, (i) those who have elected to serve B oard of
as pensioners will be eligible for th e benefits laid dow n in p arag rap h 9 (a) o f Area ie,
A .F.O . 1107/40, (ii) those who have elected to serve on as active service ratings R oad,
will be eligible for th e benefits laid down in p aragrap h 9 (6) of A .F.O . 1107/40.
5. T he rate s of pension earned b y service u p to th e d ate of com pleting tim e A ppendix E . Delete London a d
for pension will be safeguarded to m en u nder th e provisions of K .R . & A .I., A rt. (A.F.
1995 (3) to th e ex ten t th erein prescribed, w hichever altern ativ e is chosen.
6. T he option referred to in parag rap h 1, w hich m ay be exercised a t an y tim e 4721.--No. 1 R N. Orthopae^frJ**ksBiIi!5tion Centre
w ithin th ree m onths afte r com pleting tim e for pension, should be exercised definitely (M .D .G .8a JlO
(M.D.G;j » 7 T,i ?fi£
^ ^7
r S eSep.
p . ¿944.)
1944.) 1
in every case. Men who elect altern ativ e (a) should ap p ly for pension in th e usual sferred tem porarily
m anner, an d those who elect altern ativ e (b) Should n o tify th e D irector of N avy No. 1 R .N . O rth o n ^ fiic R e h a b ilita tio iiji^ ja tC M ^ s
A ccounts accordingly. W here neith er application for pension nor notification is to St. F elix School, ScajjBTwold-on 11
received, th e m an concerned will be deem ed to have accep ted altern ativ e (b) and 2. O nly m aJerN avl a tings ^ n d -R o y a l M arine o th er ran k s w ho are w alking
pension will n norm ally be aw arded u n til th e end of th e war. cases can be ad m itted .
4721 30 31 4723
3. R equests fo r transfers from oth er he^pitals, etc., m u st in th e fiost instance difficulties are dealt w ith in a m inim um of tim e, b u t also th a t th ey are dealt w ith by
be m ade by le tte r to th e Medical O ffic ep in Charge of th e Centre, sjfould include experienced an d sym pathetic persons.
a sum m ary o f th e case. / — —'
3. A n y requests or enquiries from serving ratin g s on dom estic affairs should
4. The Centre will be r u ju rn th a lines o f a ^tDai
^ e g i^ W fish m e n t ra+Jiir th an be m ade b y th em th ro u g h th eir Com manding Officer, who should in tu rn com ­
as a hospital, an d p atiep ts will receive p a \i a n d n o ^ h o s p ita l aljMvance. The m unicate, as necessary, w ith th e Com modor& of th e ra tin g ’s d epots T he la tte r will
A ccountant Officer wip-'m aintain a ledger, pry wSfc ■'''all membeeeTof th e staff will pass th e m a tte r on to th e F am ily W elfare Section. ;
be bom e for p ay ajarfall patien ts for victu^Je jjifly.
4. Com m anding Officers m ay in stitu te w ith o u t d elay in jV e n q u iries or a rra n g e ­
5. H.M s a n d establish me n t h receive inform ation on F o rm M.22 m en ts for th e well-being o f m en’s families, onNaehalf -of m en who desire advice or
of transfer e O rthopaedic R oilQ jifltation Centm^of ratin g s an d m arines bom e assistance, th ro u g h these F am ily W elfare Sections, an d th e services of these Sections
on th eir boi re to fo rw ard h e th e Centre a victualling tran sfer list showing th e should b e utilized b y Com m anding Officers w ith o u t hesitation.
m a n ’s ay. W h e n iiin a n is transfeppfil from th is C entre th e tran sfer list
will be reti 5. All m en &re advised to in fo rm 'th eir wives or dependants th a t in case of th eir
to > \s §iup or establishm efit showing th e period victualled a t th e d ea th or in ju ry th ey , th a t is thfeirjwives or dependants, should com m unicate w ith
Centre. any charges te-'be m ade against his account, th e Fapaily W elfare Section .«at th e ir depot an d , should th e y require a n y inform ation
tss o f th e Centre^is :— or advice asj regjards m arriage allowance or allotm ents, th e y should com m unicate
1 R .N . OrtJxSpaedic R ehabilitation Centre, w ith th é Corhmodorafo# th e ra tin g ’s d ep o t an d n o t w ith th e A dm iralty unless th e y
S t.V m ix School, Southwold, Suffolk. are required \o answ er a direct com m unication from th e A dm iralty.
(Telephorjj^No. : Soufenwold 2336.) 6. EVch Section/ oth er th a n 'th a t a t Liverpool, is available to all ratings whose
(A.F .O s. 1940¡$4 and 4475/44 are cancelled.) d ep o t is aV+tiat^poiT. T he L iverpool Section is available to all ratings statio n ed a t
Liverpool, those w ith families resident in th e area of Liverpool Sub-Command-afid
all ratin g s serving in ships based on Liverpool.
*4722.—Services Committee for the Welfare of the Forces
7. T he Section a t Liverpool w orks in close co-operation w ith th e other F am ily
(N. 11328/41.— 7 Sep. 1944.) W elfare Sections an d full inform ation is in each case exchanged betw een th e L iv er­
I n order to pool th e resources and inform ation of all th e fighting services in pool Section a n d th e F am ily W elfare Section a t th e r a tin g s depot.
m a tte rs o f w elfare, a Services C om m ittee fo r th e W elfare o f th e F orces (S.C.W.F.) (A.F .O s. 2028/42, 1798/44.)
has been set up. I ts term s of reference are “ to consider an d m ake recom m endations
upon m a tte rs directly an d indirectly affecting th e welfare o f th e officers an d m en of (A.F .O . 2 2 7 9 ^5 is cancelled.)
th e th ree services an d of th e ir families ” . The welfare of th e W om en’s A uxiliary
Services will come w ithin th e scope o f th e Com m ittee. The A d m iralty rep re­
sentatives on th e Com m ittee will consider th e interests of th e M erchant N avy in *4724.—Languages “ From Scratch ”
an y m a tte rs w hich m a y concern it an d represent th em to th e responsible d e p a rt­ (N. 14556/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
m ents. The m em bers of th e Com m ittee are th e D irector o f W elfare Services an d
A ssistant D irector of W elfare Services, A dm iralty, th e D irector and D ep u ty D irector Small elem entary te x t books, w ritten specially for H.M . Forces, are available
of A rm y W elfare Services, W a r Office, an d th e D irector a n d D ep u ty D irector of in th e following languages :—
Air Force W elfare, A ir M inistry, w ith a secretary provided by th e A dm iralty. F rench
2. The Com m ittee will consider questions of recreation, leave, canteens,
en tertainm ents, social activities, lectures, travelling facilities, etc. I t will also G erm an
keep before it questions of welfare w hich m ay affect th e families anci hom es of R ussian
ratings. B y sharing inform ation a n d facilities i t is hoped th a t each service will Ita lia n
obtain th e m axim um advantage from th e ir com bined resources an d experience. Arabic
I t is hoped also th a t a g reat saving o f tim e a n d m oney m ay b e achieved b y
collaboration. 2. These books are in ten d ed for class use b u t w ould be o f value to those who
3. Commanders-in-Chief, F lag Officers-in-Charge, an d N av al Officers-in-Charge have to w ork w ith o u t an instructor.
ere requested to give full facilities to officers o f th e other services who visit th eir 3. Copies of te x t books should be dem anded b y Com m anding Officers from
Commands on behalf of th e Com m ittee, an d to do all th e y can to help th e co­ th e D irector, E d u catio n D ep artm en t, A dm iralty, S .W .l. They need, not be taken
operation an d sharing o f resources i a t m a tte rs o f welfare w hich are th e o bject o f th é on charge an d m ay be issued on loan to officers or ratings or sold a t 6d. per copy.
Com m ittee. ^ ^ , R eceipts should be b ro u g h t to account in th e Cash A ccount or, in sm all ships,
4. I t is n o t intended th a t th e establishm ent of th is Com m ittee should in any th ro u g h th e C ontingent A ccount.
w ay supplant th e responsibility of F lag an d Com manding Officers for th e m a in te ­ N ote.—T he A rabic te x t book is still in p rep aratio n an d dem ands for th is m ay
nance of discipline an d m orale am ong officers and m en under th eir com m and. n o t be m et for some tim e afte r th e d a te o f^h is Order.
(A .F .O , 3142/41 is cancelled.) (A.F .O . 1938/44 is cancelled.)

m . —Family
*i72$. - Welfare Sections
VO .V)
^ (N. 16365/4^.— 7 Sep. 1'944.)
The atten tio n of all officers an d m en is directed to th e F am ily W elfare Sections,
which, in th e interests of N aval ratings an d their families, are established a t 'ekeh
of th e three home ports and also a t th e P atro l Service Central D epot, Low estoft,
a t R o syth an d Liverpool. ^
2. The prim ary purpose' of these Sections is to give » tk q ce an d assistance
to ratings w herever th e y m ay be serving or to their wives an d ' families in an y
dom estic troubles or difficulties which m ay arise. T hey n o t only ensure th a t such
4725 32
33 4728
Section 3.—G., T., N., E., etc., & STORES; HULL,
3. Before prim ing (inserting th e detonator) all signs of w aterproofing and/or
EQUIPMENT & FITTINGS grease are to be rem oved from around th e striker outside th e body an d u nder the
strik er lever. The striker should th e n be tested for freedom in accordance w ith
4725.—Aircraft—Guns, 0 •303-in., Browning, with Mark I Transporter B .R .787, page 4, p aragraph 4 (iii). ,
Ramps and Cams 4. In fu tu re 36M grenades will be issued to ships w ith th e striker w aterproofed
(A.S./G. 8 8 8 5 /4 2 .-7 Sep. 1944.) by lightly applying Cooper’s Grease No. 4 or D.T.D.143C Grease. This should
be rem oved before prim ing b u t th e m echanism need n o t be stripped if th e striker
I t has been decided th a t all 0 -303-in. Brow ning guns in operational aircraft is free. S eparate instructions have been issued to R.N .A . depots as to this.
should be fitte d w ith M ark I I tran sp o rte r ram ps, rear cam s an d springs, as in
Leaflet A .P. 1641C/D8-W.
4729.—Ammunition—Fuzes, Primers and Tubes—Primers No. 17, P.L. 1941,
2. H.M. Ships, R .N . A ir S tations and R ep air Y ards, etc., should exam ine B.R. 9/41, Lots 142, 143, 144—No Further Reports Required
0 - 303-in. Brow ning guns in operational aircraft an d an y held fitted w ith M ark I
tran sp o rte r ram ps and/or cams should be exchanged a t th e ap p ro p riate R .N . (A .S. 6 6 2 2 /4 3 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
A rm am ent D epot. M ark I springs fitted in guns should be exchanged for M ark I I W ith reference to A .F .O . 5356/43, a sufficient q u a n tity of P rim ers,
springs if th e gun does n o t require to be exchanged. No. 7 P .L . 1941, B .R .9/41, L ots 142, 143 a n d 144, has been o b ta in ed a n d no
3. Guns in train in g airc ra ft will n o t be exchanged, b u t all fu tu re issues of guns f u rth e r re p o rts of q u a n titie s becom ing a v a ila b le a re req u ired .
will be of th e modified type, w hether for training or operational aircraft. (A .F .O . 5356/ 43 is cancelled.)
4. Guns held b y Stations an d Carriers as m aintenance outfit should be
exchanged as necessary, together w ith spare breech covers (w ith M ark I cams) an d 4730.—Ammunition—Fuzes, Primers and Tubes—Fuzes, Time, No. 125, Mark I—
tran sp o rte r springs, M ark I. Restriction Removed
5. R .N . A rm am ent D epots should ensure th a t all guns issued in fu tu re have (A.S./G. 4353/43/B.89.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
M ark I I tran sp o rter ram ps, cams an d springs. T he restriction placed upon certain lots of fuzes, tim e, No. 125, M ark I , in
C.A.F.O. 67/44 is hereby removed.
4726.—Aircraft—Guns, Hispano, 20-mm.—Gauges, Plug and Adaptor 2. Critical exam ination an d proof of samples of th e fuze lots concerned having
(A.S. 2303/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.) revealed no defects, th e fuzes m ay be issued for u n restricted use.
Gauges, plug an d adap to r, R .A .F ., R ef. 8D/2292, are unsuitable for N aval (C.A.F.O . 67/44 is cancelled.)
service, an d all such gauges held b y H.M. Ships, an d R .N . A ir S tations, R epair
Y ards, etc., should be retu rn ed to th e appropriate N av al A rm am ent D epot. 4731.—Ammunition—Magazines—Ventilation in Action
2. A new gauge, plug a n d ad ap to r, M ark I I , R .A .F ., R ef. 8D/2533, has been (G. 01823/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
introduced for detecting coppering in barrels, b u t will be used b y R .N . A rm am ent E xperience has shown th a t even in very cold w eather th e m agazine ven tilatio n
D epots an d Inspecting Officers only, a n d will n o t be issued to Ships a n d A ir in heav y gun B.L. magazines, w here B.L. charges are handled bare, m u st be k ep t
S tations, etc. running continuously on th e closed circuit so long as th e m agazine crew are closed
3. I f th e gauge fails to pass thro u g h th e bore, barrels should be tre a te d in up a t action statio n s. N.M. an d E .R ., A rticle 197, refers. The running of the
accordance w ith A .P. 1641F, B I-W . m agazine ven tilatio n on closed circuit is acceptable from th e dam age control aspect
as regards w ate rtig h t integrity.
4. Supply of gauges to Inspecting Officers will b e arranged w ith o u t dem and.
2. In th e interest of consistent ballistic perform ance it is necessary th a t all
5. D isposal instructions regarding old ty p e gauge, R ef. 8D/2292, will be given m agazine com partm ents of th e sam e arm am en t should be k ep t a t th e same
to R .N . A rm am ent D epots later. tem perature.
3. V entilation on “ open circuit ” (when permissible) or “ closed circuit ”
4727.—Aircraft—Pistols, Signal, 1^-in., No. 3, Mark I—Provision of a Safety Catch should be w orked w ith th is end in view. T he “ cooling ” system should be operated
(A.S. 4441/42.—7 Sep. 1944.) in conjunction w ith “ closed circuit ” v en tilatio n when necessary for th e efficiency
of personnel or to m eet th e requirem ent in p arag rap h 2.
A .F.O . 3831/44 applies to pistols carried for aircraft use only. No. 3, M ark I
“pistols, held for deck use, are n o t to be exchanged.
4732.—Ammunition—Pyrotechnics and Rockets, Signal—Star Shell with
2. A ny dem ands outstanding a t R .N . A rm am ent D epots fo r pistols, signal, Parachutes—all Calibres—Minimum Ranges and Height at which
lj-in ., No. 3, M ark I* or No. 4, M ark I* under A .F.O . 3831/44, o th er th a n for use Satisfactory Functioning can be Expected
in aircraft, should be cancelled. A ny unm odified pistols for deck use, landed b y (G. 02040/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
ships to R .N . A rm am ent D epot, should be returned.
(A.F .O . 3831/44.) Cases have been reported in w hich th e p arachutes o f s ta r shell have failed,
resulting in too rap id descent o f th e sta r. E n q u iry has show n th a t some of th e
shell h a d been set to b u rst a t so sh o rt a range th a t satisfactory functioning should
4728.—Ammunition—General—Grenades No. 36M—Removal of Waterproofing n o t be expected.
before Priming
2. Two natures of p arachutes are to be found in some calibres of shell, th e
(A.S. 8491/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) original ty p e an d a m uch stronger ty p e recently introduced an d now in production.
R eports have recently been received of missfires occurring w ith th e No. 36M Shell containing th is la tte r are m arked w ith a green s ta r on a w hite background in
grenade w hich upon investigation have been found to be due to th e w aterproofing place o f th e norm al red sta r on a w hite background.
com pound around th e striker im m ediately outside th e body of th e grenade. 3. The following tab le shows, for each calibre an d for each of th e types of
2. A tten tio n is draw n to B .R ,787, Small A rm s Training, Vol. I , P am p h let p arachute, th e m inim um range for correct functioning w ith th e present sta r shell
No. 13, page 4, p arag rap h 4. charges. I f fuzes are set to b u rst a t sh o rter ranges, p arach u te failures are likely
to occur.
4732 34 35 4734
4. T he heights a t w hich th e shell should be set to b u rst are show n in th e last charge ready in position. A rack holding 6 clearing charges stow ed base up will
colum n. These heights are selected to give th e best illum ination of th e ta rg e t con­ also be provided in th e locker. F or m odifications to th e existing lockers see
sistent w ith th e m inim um dazzling o f director crews, an d are intended to cause th e A .F.O . 4735/44.
s ta r to cease to b u m w hen it has fallen to ab o u t 200 ft. from th e w ater. They 5. To load the magazine.— Place th e m agazine on its back, press dow n on th e
differ in detail from th e sta n d ard “ 2,000 ft. height of b u rst ” for w hich m o st ships centre o f th e pusher p late an d in sert a clearing charge w ith th e base tow ard th e
have calculated th e ranges to set on th e range dials of th e sta r shell guns an d some m agazine interlock projection, th e clearing charge having been previously lightly
revision o f th e “ ranges to set ” will be necessary. greased.
6. Greasing of clearing charges.— Clearing charges stow ed in th e R .U . locker,
Old T ype N ew Type H eig h t a t w hether contained in th e one-round m agazine or in th e rack to be provided, are to
E quipm ent. P arachute. (Green Star). w hich B u rst be read y greased. I n greasing, it is im p o rta n t th a t only a lig h t coat of grease be
should occur. applied, an d th a t n eith er th e neck of th e case, nor th e base, be greased.
7. Method o f use.— (o) I f th e gun has been h eated b y firing m ore th a n
Y ards. Y ards. Feet. 240 rounds, first release th e recoiling p a rts so th a t th e breech of th e gun is m asked
Q .F., 5-25 in., M ark I 6,200 2,600 2,200 as m uch as possible in th e event of th e shell “ cooling off,” and second, thoroughly
Q .F., 4-7 in., M ark X I 4,200 1,100 2,200 cool th e rear end of th e barrel w ith w ater. T hen cock th e gun.
B.L., 4-7 in., M arks I* an d I I
y i,8oo 1,000 2,200 (6) Rem ove an y propellant or foreign m a tte r in th e cham ber or body of th e gun.
Q .F., 4-7 in., M arks I X an d X I I ...
Q .F., 4 -7 in., M ark V m ................ 1,800 1,000 2,200 (c) Cock th e m agazine catch lever, set safety catch to “ safe,” an d ship th e
Q .F., 4-5 in., M arks I, I I I an d IV ... 3,200 1,000 1,700 m agazine, engaging th e tru n n io n s first, an d th e n press h ard dow n on th e rear to
Q .F., 4 in., M ark X IX ................. 1,000 1,000 1,700 trip th e catch.
Q .F., 4 in., M ark X V I ................ 1,700 1,000 1,700 (d) L ay th e gun on a safe bearing an d elevation, p u t th e safety catch to “ fire,”
Q .F., 4-in., Marks IV , V an d X I I ... 1,000 — 1,700 an d press th e trigger.
Q.F., 3 in., 20 cwt. ... 1,000 1,200 (e) T he charge will clear th e bore, b u t m ay or m ay n o t re-cock th e gun,
Q.F., 12 pdr. 1,000 — 1,200 depending on th e position of th e sep arated shell in th e bore.
(/) I f th e gun is in th e cocked position, rem ove th e one-round m agazine, ship
(C. A .F .O s. 1145/40, 1863/41, A .F .O s. 972/44 and 4104/44 are cancelled.) a full m agazine an d continue firing.
(g) I f th e gun requires re-cocking, re-cock, an d inspect th e bore before shipping
4733.—Ammunition—20-mm. Oerlikon H.E/Incendiary, Lot N.F.B.44—Withdrawal a new m agazine.
Note.— M ark I I clearing charges are suitable for all barrels.
(A.S. 02199/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) M ark I clearing charges are suitable for B ritish M arks I I , I I I , III*
20 mm. Oerlikon H .E /In cen d iary am m unition of lo t N .F.B .44 is to be barrels only.
w ithdraw n from service owing to excessive liability to prem atures. (On issue of th e one-round m agazine, parag rap h s 2, 3 an d 4 of A .F.O . 3399/44
2. All H .E /In cen d iary am m unition of this lo t on board ships is to be retu rn ed are au to m atically cancelled.)
to th e nearest N aval A rm am ent D epot or Officer in Charge of A rm am ent Supply a t (A .F .O s. 3399/44 and 4735/44)
th e first o pportunity and other lots draw n in lieu.
3. D.E.M .S. S taff Officers are to arrange for sim ilar action to be ta k en in 4735.—Ammunition Supply—Ready Use and Magazine Lockers—Oerlikon R.U.
m erchant ships. Lockers, Patterns 7103 and 7104—Stowage of Clearing Charges and One-Round
Magazine—As. and As.
4. H .E /In cen d iary am m unition of this lo t in store a t N aval A rm am ent D epots
or subsequently received should be brought to produce. Ships concerned, P.S.O s. and E.R .O s.
(G. 07917/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
4734.—Ammunition—20-mm. Oerlikon—Clearing Charges—One-Round Magazine Stowage for clearing charges an d one-round m agazines should be provided in
for Use With—Introduction R .U . lockers, as shown in A .F.O . D iagram 289/44 (Draw ing D.N.C. 2A/1086).
(G. 3 3 9 8 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) 2. A n item should be included in th e cu rren t list of alteratio n s an d additions
To facilitate th e use of clearing charges in Oerlikon guns, a one-round m agazine to cover th e w ork involved if beyond th e cap acity o f sh ip ’s staff.
will shortly be available for issue to ships in th e proportion of one per Oerlikon 3. Base staffs should arrange for lockers in D.E.M .S. to be modified a t th e
gun. The m agazine is suitable for use on an y m ark of gun. first o p p o rtunity.
2. Ships should dem and th eir requirem ents of these m agazines from th e 4. Special instructions will be issued b y th e A d m iralty for vessels under
nearest N.A. depot. Supplies will be sent to all N.A. depots as soon as received construction.
from m anufacture. ( T his Order is to be retained until complied with)
N aval P roportion Book will be am ended.
3. Description.— The upper p art o f the m agazine has a cover w hich forms 4736.—Binoculars, Telescopes—Director and Gun Sighting Instruments—Anti-
a h and grip. Misting Compounds—Use of Anti-Dimming Outfit, Mark VI, in Lieu of
“ Kleersite ”
The lower p a rt o f th e one-round m agazine is sim ilar to th e m outhpiece of th e (G. 010349/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
ordinary m agazine, so th a t it will fit in place of th e latter, an d is shipped in precisely
th e sam e m anner. M isting problem s are alw ays likely to occur in optical instrum ents fitted w ith
W ithin th e m agazine is a pusher plate, supported by tw o helical springs. One ru b b er eye- or face-pieces ; in these cases th e w arm eye in close pro x im ity to a cold
end of the pusher plate is shaped to engage th e m agazine interlock lever when th e surface produces a m isting or steam ing effec t; w ithout eye- or face-pieces, v en tilatio n
clearing charge has left th e m agazine. of th e space betw een th e eye a n d th e glass surface largely p revents this. An an ti-
m ista n t m ay, therefore, be used w ith ad v an tag e upon th e eye-pieces of all range-
4. Stowiiijc.—R eady use lockers will be fitted w ith a container in one corner finders, inclinom eters, director-sighting instrum ents an d gun-sighting telescopes an d
to hold the one-round m agazine, w hich should be k ep t stow ed w ith a clearing binoculars, w hen these instrum ents are fitted w ith rubber eye- or face-pieces.
(68392) B 2
4736 36 37 4737
2. ‘ K leersite ” anti-m isting com pound has h ith e rto been issued to H.M . ships 8. T he ordinary disc, adju stin g o b tu rato r, askised w ith asbestos/rape oil pads,
b u t, as a result of recent trials a t sea, has now been proVed to be inferior as a n anti- is used. W hen assem bled, it is im p o rta n t th a t th e disc should n o t sta n d proud
m ista n t to A nti-dim m ing O utfit, M ark V I, w hich is provided w ith general service of th e rea r ring, outer, or th e edge m ay tu rn over (fie rea r ring a n d p rev en t it seating
respirators, anti-gas. (Note.— “ K leersite ” supplied as N aval stores is a p aste w hich correctly.
is applied in sm all quantities an d th en polished, while th e anti-dim m ing outfit,
M ark V I, supplied as arm am ent stores, consists of an im pregnated cloth w ith w hich Thickness L im its
th e glass surface is polished).
9. O b tu rato rs for guns 6 in. an d below should be w ithin ^ ^ ° f p lan thick-
3. No fu rth er purchases o f “ K leersite ” will be m ade, b u t issues will continue I . 00 I
for general vise u n til present stocks are exhausted. ness, those for guns above 6 in .__Q2 O b tu rato rs outside these lim its should be
4. As considerable im portance is a tta c h e d to th e use of th e m ost efficient
retu rn ed to a N av al A rm am ent D epot.
an ti-m ista n t w ith director-sighting instrum ents, A nti-dim m ing O utfit, M ark V I, is to
be used for th is purpose, even though stocks of “ K leersite ” m ay still be available. M aintenance
5. A rrangem ents are to be m ade for sm all stocks of A nti-dim m ing Outfits, 10. Crossley o b tu rato rs supplied to ships? as spare will be issued in special
M ark V I, from th e spares carried on board, to be available in th e cen tral stores for plastic containers, an d should be k ep t in these jwhen n o t assem bled in a gun.
use for gunnery purposes in H.M . ships. 11. O b tu rato rs should be handled w ith care to avoid dam age to th e sealing
6. T he necessary am endm ents will be m ade to th e E stab lish m en t o f N aval face, or loosening of rings.
(A .F .O . 56/39 is cancelled.) 12. Crossley o b tu rato rs should on no account be placed in presses. W hen
ships are o u tfitted w ith Crossley obturators,! a n y o b tu rato r presses an d thickness
gauges on b oard should be retu rn ed to store. N aval P ro p o rtio n Book will be
4737.—Guns—General—Introduction of “ Crossley ” Pattern Obturators for B.L. am ended.
Guns 8 and below 13. On assem bly, an d on all occasions of stripping th e m echanism , th e whole
flt=o (o l,3 7 /*+*-■ (G. 030/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.1 o b tu rato r should be lightly sm eared w ith th e oil used for general lubrication of th e
m echanism , i.e., G.S. m ineral oil or D .T.D . 44D according to th e tem p eratu re.
A. new ty p e of O b tu rato r for B.L. guns, knowii as th e Crossley P a tte rn , is I f th is is n o t practicable before firing, th e sealing face of th e o b tu rato r should be
now in production, and will be issued to th e F leet a J supplies become available. so tre a te d . This should also be done as o p p o rtu n ity offers during prolonged periods
2. A pproval for th e use of th is p a tte rn of o b tu jito r is a t present confined to of firing. A ny good q u ality grease or P etroleum jelly m ay be used as an altern ativ e
B.L. guns 8 in. an d below, b u t trials are in h an d to Ix te n d its use to larger calibre lubricant a t norm al tem peratures, b u t a non-freezing oil is essential a t low
guns. tem p eratu re.
3. The salient features of th e Crossley p a tte rn o b tu rato r are :— O b tu rato rs in store should sim ilarly be k ep t lightly lubricated.
(i) As in th e present Service o b tu rato r, th è base m aterial for th e p ad is S u p p ly
asbestos fibre, b u t th e binding m a te r ia ls N eoprene instead of rape oil.
T he asbestos eloth cover, w hich is alio im pregnated w ith N eoprene, 14. I n th e first instance, distribution of Crossley o b tu rato rs to H.M. Ships
has a fine wire w oven into it. will be arranged b y th e A dm iralty, ship b y ship, for guns B .L. 8 in., 6-in,
(ii) No copper p rotecting disc is used. M arks X X I I I an d X II , 4 - 7-in. Marks I. an d I I an d 4-in. M ark IX only.
(iii) The fro n t an d rea r rings, outer, are ixiade u p of a n um ber of separate 15. T he present allowance of spare o b tu rato rs to ships will continue to apply
segm ents (three for guns 6 in. an d below, four for guns betw een 6 in. for Crossley o b turators. Ships should n o t norm ally carry a m ixed outfit of asbestos/
and 12 in., and six for guns 12 in. anil above) w ith scarf joints betw een rap e oil, an d Crossley o b turators.
them .
(iv) T he fro n t and re a r rings, outer, an d rear ring, inner, are m oulded to 16. Crossley o b tu rato rs should norm ally be tran sp o rted in th e special plastic
th e pad, so th a t th e whole o b tu rato r is in one piece. containers referred to in para. 10 above. Before shipm ent overseas, N.A. D epots
should seal th e jo in t betw een th e lid an d body of th e container, and over th e head
4. T he advantages of th e Crossley p a tte rn o b tu rato r are :—
of th e securing screw w ith H igh Melting P o in t W ax.
(i) Com pact construction.
(ii) T here is no tendency for th e pad to swell, due to eith er oxidation or 17. F o r tran sp o rt in hom e w aters, if th e special containers are n o t available,
absorption of oil. O b tu rato r presses, are, therefore, n o t required. g reat care is necessary to ensure th a t steel rings are n o t subjected to pressure
(iii) The tendency for th e p ad to swefl w ith th e h e a t of firing is v ery m uch w hich m ay loosen th em , an d th a t sharp edges of rings of one o b tu rato r cannot
less th a n w ith asbestos/rape oil pads, and “ S ticky p ad ” trouble dam age another. E xisting O b tu rato r boxes m ay be used, provided th a t :
should n o t be experienced. (a) I n metal boxes— steps are ta k e n to ensure th a t th e lid is n o t exerting
(iv) The o b tu rato r will function cofrectly a t th e pressures of th e lowest pressure on th e o b tu rato r.
charges used in N aval Service a t tem p eratu res down to —30°F. (b) I n wooden boxes— a sleeve; is fitted over th e cen tral screw w hich is a
w ith o u t special precautions, oth er th a n th e use of low tem p eratu re sufficiently n ea t fit b o th over th e screw and on th e in tern al diam eter
lubricant, vide parag rap h 13. o f th e o b tu rato r to p re se n t sideways m ovem ent, an d of such length
A djustm ent th a t th e o b tu rato rs are n eith er under compression, nor have undue
5. E xcept in B.L. 6 in. M ark X X I I I an d 7 • 5 in. M ark V I guns, th e o b tu rato r v ertical m ovem ent. Also th a t a sheet of plyw ood, cardboard, or
should be assem bled w ith th e m inim um num ber of adju stin g discs w hich will cause sim ilar m aterial is placed betw een o b tu rato rs to p rev en t th e front ring
„ a slight resistance to be felt ju s t before th é breech is fully locked. of one o b tu rato r dam aging another.
6. Pow er w orked breech m echanism ! should be ad ju sted w ith th e m echanism 18. T he nom enclature of th e new o b tu rato rs an d special containers will be :—
in H an d working.
O.B.L. | c h :—
7. In order to ensure proper closing of th e breech b y its own m om entum ,
o b tu rato rs of B.L. 6 in. M ark X X I I I and 7-5 in. M ark V I guns should be ad ju sted O b tu rato r Crossley M ark..................................
as above, afte r w hich one disc ad ju stin g o b tu rato r should be rem oved. Case O b turator.
4738 38 39 4740
4738.—Guns—0 5-in Browning M.2—Pin, Cocking, Lever, Design B.147762-6 4740.—Guns—B.L., 6-in., Marks x X m and XXHI*, Breech Mechanism—
Modifications and Adjustments to Prevent Scoring
(A .S./G.08167/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (A.S. 3409/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
A num ber of cocking lever pins to th e above design as shown on inset on To p rev en t scoring of breech th read s, all B.L., 6-in., M arks X X I I I an d X X III*
A.F.O. D iagram No. 279/44 have recently been issued for service. guns m anufactured since 1938 have h a d th e leading edges of breech screw an d
breech bush th read s cham fered off.
2. I t has been found th a t, due to th e excess m etal on th e lower forw ard edge 2. Should scoring of th read s be experienced in guns of earlier m anufacture, th e -
of th e pin coming into contact w ith th e rear face of th e barrel extension, difficulty leading edges of th e breech screw th read s only should be modified by R .N . arm am en t
m ay be experienced in th e correct breeching u p o f th e gun. depots in accordance w ith In stru ctio n al P rin t N.O.D.2196/67, Item . 2. Copies of
3. To overcome th is th e m odification shown in A.F.O. D iagram No. 279/44 th is p rin t should be am ended under d ate 10th Ju n e, 1942, to cover M ark X X III*
is to be carried o u t where necessary b y R.N .A .D . or base staffs for “ deck ” guns, guns.
a n d b y staffs o f H.M. ships an d R .N . air stations, etc., for aircraft guns. 3. The cam ro tatin g breech screw of rig h t guns is incorrectly designed to obtain
correct engagem ent of th e th read s of breech screw an d breech bush. A M ark I I I
design will come in to service in due course in w hich th is error is corrected.
4. Marks I an d I I cam s, ro tatin g , breech screw, for rig h t guns, are to be modified
4739.—Guns—20-mm., Oerlikon—Introduction of Popples in Lieu of Plungers in b y R .N . arm am en t depots b y fitting a m ild steel shim 0 -036-in. th ick (20 S.W.G.)
Double Loading Stop, Part IV u nder th e cam as shown on In stru ctio n al P rin t N.O.D.2196/103. The shim should
(A.S./G. 8068/42.— 7 Sep. 1944.) be sw eated to th e cam. T he fitting of th is shim m ay resu lt in a foul betw een th e
roller on th e breech screw an d th e face of th e cam. All cams should, a t th e same
Popples have been introduced for curren t m anufacture to supersede th e plunger tim e, therefore, be modified by relieving th e edge to a d ep th of 0 • 015 in., as indicated
h ith e rto fitted in P a r t IV o f th e double loading stops o f 20-mm. Oerlikon guns. on N.O.D.2196/103.
Plungers already fitte d to guns will n o t be replaced u n til th e y become unserviceable. 5. T he m ark of caVns so ad ju sted should be advanced to M ark I* or II* as
No gun should, how ever, be fitted w ith a plunger on one side an d a popple on th e appropriate.
6. A t b o th rig h t an d left guns th e face of th e carrier m u st be ad ju sted so th a t,
2. The popples are easier to assem ble th a n plungers. w ith th e breech screw Fully closed, th ere is clearance of 0-005 in. betw een it and th e
breech face of th e gun, w ith th e carrier pulled bafik.
3. The nom enclature of th e new item s is :—
7. The breech m echanism s of all B.L., 6 in., M arks X X II I- X X II I* guns
Popple, double loading stop, P a r t IV , item 641. m ounted a n d in store are to be ad ju sted accordingly a t th e first opportunity. Spare
Spring, popple loading stop, P a r t IV , item 642. cam s, ro tatin g , R .H ., in store an d carried b y ships should be modified.
I t should be noted th a t th e new spring (item 642) for th e popple is n o t in te r­ (A.F .O . 2818/38).
changeable w ith th e spring (item 613) h ith erto used w ith th e plunger, The tw o (A .F .O . 3803/39 is cancelled.)
springs can be distinguished as follows :—
4741.—Gun Mountings—4-7-in. C.P. Twin, Mark XIX—Fitting of Hand Fuze-Setting
“ T rib a l" , “ J ”, “ K ” and “ N ” Class Destroyers : Dockyards and Repair
Length L ength Establishments
Ite m In itia l w ith M axim um w ith Section (G. 011667/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
M axi­ F ree
No. Load. Initial Load. L ength. t of The h an d fuze settin g tray s for th e above m ountings, referred to in p aragraph 9 .
Load. m um Coils.
Load. of A .F.O . 696/44 are now becoming available a t th e G un M ounting Store, Coventry.
A .F.O . D iagram No. 284/44 (G.R. 6796) shows th e new tr a y for th e left-hand gun
fitte d in position on th e rea r of th e shield. The tra y consists of a chuck, m ounted
lb. mm. mm. mm. on springs, w hich houses th e settin g key. The round is su p p o rted by a set of four
O.F.M. 613 2 -5 ± -1 3 230 3 ± -1 5 19-0 45-0 0-75 rollers, th e lower tw o tak in g th e w eight an d th e upper tw o acting as guides. The
22.6.43 whole is m ou n ted on a b rack et w hich slopes forward a t 10° an d secures to th e gun
642 2 -4 ± -1 4 22-4 3 ± '1 7 18-6 38-9 shield. Illum ination is provided by a lam p. A dm iralty p a tte rn No. 5779.
2. T he chuck is arranged so th a t it can m ount eith er :—
(i) T he special key for th e No. 198 fuze as supplied for th e 4-7-in., M ark
No. of Mean No. of (ii) The existing h an d fuze settin g keys, Nos. 127, M ark I I an d 15,3 M ark I I
Coils. D iam eter. Effective W ound. for fuzes Nos. 206, 207 or 211.
I t is necessary to m odify th e existing h an d fuze settin g keys as shown in A .F.O .
- D iagram No. 284/44 an d to use an ad a p to r ring.
mm. 3. The ro u n d is placed in th e tra y b y th e fuze settin g num ber an d launched
Ite m 613 ................ 22-5 5-1 21 L.R . forw ard in to th e key, red spot upperm ost, and tu rn ed by h an d in a clockwise direction
u n til th e required fuze is set. I t is necessary to w atch th e red spot on th e fuze as
Ite m 642 16-5 6-86 15 L.R . th e ro u n d is tu rn ed in order to m ake sure th a t th e stu d has gripped.
4. Com manding Officers of ships concerned should m ake arrangem ents for this
tra y to be fitted, th e w ork being carried o u t by ship’s staff w ith th e assistance of
Spring, plunger, double loading stop, P a r t IV 2 per gun according to dockyards an d repair establishm ents if necessary. Two tra y s should be dem anded
for each m ounting from th e G un M ounting Store, C oventry. I f an y of th e 4 • 7-in.,
or >- th e ty p e fitted in M ark X IX m ountings are used for starshell firing or th e ship concerned is still using
Spring, popple, double loading stop, P a rt IV J guns m ounted.
fuzes No. 198 it sta te d when th e tra y s are dem anded how m any of th e
5. N aval P roportion B ook will be am ended. . special keys for 198 fuzes are required. The num ber of these special keys is lim ited
and th e y should only be dem anded if th ere is a definite requirem ent for them .
4741 40 41 4743
5. The following modifications are necessary when th e tra y is fitted. 3. T he w ork involved is to be tre a te d as a defect an d a n ap p ro p riate item
(i) The existing han d fuze setting keys should have th e fittings rem oved should b e inserted in th e defect list.
and th en be m achined to fit in th e ad a p to r ring an d drilled for th e As an interim m easure, u n til such tim e as it is found possible to carry o u t th is
securing b olt as indicated in A .F.O . D iagram 284/44. w ork, d rain holes as indicated on F ig. 2 of th e same diagram should be drilled in
(ii) The m agnifying u n it rem oved from th e key should be m ounted on th e th e pedestals b y sh ip ’s staffs.
sliding band as shown in A .F.O . D iagram 284/44.
(iii) T he gunshield should be stiffened locally b y th e addition o f a 2 |-in . x (T h is Order is to be retained un til complied with)
2J-in. x ¿-in. “ T ” b ar riveted to th e inside as shown on th e diagram .
(iv) The beading on th e edge of th e shield should be cu t aw ay locally as required. 4744.—Gun Mountings—20-m.m, Mark IX, Twin Mountings—Safety Depression
(v) T he fuze receivers, A .P. 9480 or 9802, should be re-positioned as indicated Gear—Securing of Cam Roller Pin
in th e diagram an d it m ay be found necessary to replace th e existing Ships, H .M . Dockyards, Bases and F.O.G.M.Os. concerned
P a tte rn No. 4503 cable w iring to th e in stru m en t from th e fixed
stru ctu re junction box via th e m ounting cable gland p late b y a longer (G. 015414/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
length of cable. I t has been found th a t on th e safety depression gear of some 20-mm., M ark IX ,
(vi) The existing plug boxes, wiring a n d lam p fitting for th e fuze keys should tw in m ountings, th e pin carrying th e cam roller has n o t been fixed to th e roller
be rem oved, an d a connection from th e existing n ig h t sight an d carrier o th e r th a n b y being a drive fit.
illum ination connections should then be used for supply to th e new
2. All m ountings should, therefore, be inspected, an d w here necessary th e pin
lam p fitting, P a tte rn No. 5779, using cable, P a tte rn No. 4521D.
(vii) The canvas cover should be cu t aw ay to allow th e tr a y to p ro tru d e an d a should be secured b y eith er a fillet weld where th e collar faces on to th e roller
suitable e x tra cover added fo r th e tra y . carriers, as shown on A .F.O . D iagram 285/44 (Drg. No. G .R .6731), or b y pinning
th ro u g h th e side of th e roller carrier.
6. All item s rendered red u n d a n t as th e result of th is new fitting should be
rem oved from th e m ounting a n d landed a t th e first o p p o rtunity. 3. T he w ork involved should be carried o u t b y dockyard or base staff.
7. The register num ber of m ountings fitted should be rep o rted to th e A dm iralty,
when th is m odification has been carried out. 4745.—Projectors, Rocket, 2-in. Rocket Flares—Fitting in Coastal Force Craft
(A .F .O . 696/44.) AFO *48*1/h L. (G. 09174/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Two inch rocket flares, for illum inating purposes, an d th e corresponding
projectors, are now being issued w ith o u t dem and, to Coastal Force bases, for fittin g
4742.—Gun Mountings—4-in. H.A., Twin Mark XIX, Including R.P.50 Series— in Coastal Force craft, an d th e following in stru ctio n s are issued for guidance in
Modification for Lubrication of Sight Trunnion Bracket fitting, care an d m aintenance, etc.
Ships concerned, H .M . Dockyards and Repair Establishments
2. Projectors, Positions, F itting, M aintenance, etc.
(G. 1878/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) A. Positions
R eports from sea indicate th a t th e grease nipple provided a t th e to p of th e (i) In boats w hich carry a 2-pdr. X V I or 6-pdr. V II m ounting forw ard, th e
housing for th e ball bearing in the sight trunnion b racket on th e train ers’ side projector will be fitted to th e forw ard pow ered m ounting.
(plate 35 B.R. 257) is inadequate to enable this housing to be com pletely charged (ii) In M.T.Bs. w hich do n o t ca rry a pow ered m o u n tin g forw ard th e projector
with grease. will be carried on sh o rt pedestal m ountings fitted on saddles over th e forw ard end
2. In order to ensure satisfactory lubrication o f th is bearing a n E n o ts grease o f th e torpedo tubes, p o rt a n d starb o ard . A step is to be fitted for loading. This is
nipple, A /P atte rn No. 4147, should be fitted a t the b o tto m of th e sight trunnion to be positioned a t th e heig h t of th e to p o f th e torpedo tu b e girder an d is to be 9-in.
bracket cover, R .H . side only, and positioned 2 -4-in. from th e centre of th e cover. w ide an d to ex ten d for 2 ft. 3 in. forw ard from th e afte r end of th e base o f th e
pedestal saddle. T his step is to be supplied from local sources.
3. I f tim e does n o t allow of dism antling th e sighting gear to rem ove th e cover (iii) I n B ty p e M.Ls. th e projectors will be carried on sm all pedestal m ountings,
com pletely to drill and ta p th e hole for th e grease nipple, g reat care should be fitted on low stools, p o rt an d starb o ard of th e forw ard corners of th e bridge. Low
tak en to ensure th a t no sw arf is allowed to get into th e housing. stools will be supplied b y A dm iralty from th e F airm ile M arine Co., w ith o u t dem and
The cover should be wedged back as far as possible from th e housing to drill on agreed priorities, these to be positioned as shew n on A .F.O . D igaram 287/44(1)
and ta p th e hole.
The cover m u st on no account be drilled an d tap p ed in position. (D.N.C. 28/A/1944).
4. Com manding Officers of ships concerned should arrange for th is modification B. Fitting
to be carried o u t by ships’ staff a t th e first available o p p o rtunity. (i) 2-pdr. X V I mounting.—R ails, com plete w ith all th e necessary brack ets and
5. The bearings of th e sight trunnions and oth er lubricating points on th e electrical fittings for a tta c h m e n t to th e m ounting, an d including train in g housing
sights should be covered by th e weekly routine greasing. sto p m odification p arts, a re being supplied b y M arine M ountings, L td ., in accordance
6. A uthorities holding copies of draw ing No. N .10938 an d N.10938F and w ith agreed priorities.
N.10935 should m odify them accordingly. M arine M ountings, L td ., have been in stru cted —
(B .R . 257.) (a) to arrange for th e ir outside staff to fit all m echanical an d electrical
com ponents to th e m ounting an d
(b) to prep are th e m o unting for th e electrical w iring an d assist in th e w iring
4743.—Gun Mountings—20-mm. Mark VIIA—Arrangements for Drainage as m uch as possible.
of Pedestals (ii) 6-pdr. V I I m ounting.— R ails, com plete w ith all th e necessary brackets an d
H .M . Ships, Dockyards, Depots and Bases concerned electrical fittings for a tta c h m e n t to th e m ounting, are being supplied b y M arine
(G. 015584/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) M ountings, L td ., in accordance w ith agreed priorities.
On 20-mm. M ark V IIA m ountings, Registered Nos. 9001 to 9491 inclusive, M arine M ountings, L td ., have been instructed to m ake arrangem ents for th eir
th e drainage grooves have been o m itted from th e pedestals. outside staff to fit th e com plete equipm ent to th e m ounting, including th e electrical
2. In order to provide necessary drainage for th e m ountings affected, holes w iring as far as th e slip ring box.
as indicated on Fig. 1, A .F.O . D iagram 288/44 (G.R. 6735) should be drilled in th e (iii) Pedestal mounting.— P rojectors should be fitted in accordance w ith A .F.O .
pedestals. D iagram 287/44(2) (D raw ing G.R. 6756).
4745 42 43 4745
W hen fitted on saddles over th e torpedo tubes, it is essential th a t th e projectors 4. Wiring of Projectors and Communications
be secured in such a m anner as to ensure th a t w hen th e p o in ter is read in g 0° th e (а) T ypical w iring arrangem ents for th e projector firing circuits and
p rojector is in th e fore an d a f t line of th e boat, allow ance being m ade for th e angling com m unications are shown in draw ings D .E .E . 12465R/1 a n d D .E .E . 12466, copies
o f th e torpedo tubes. of w hich m ay be obtained on application to th e D irector of E lectrical Engineering
C. M aintenance of Projectors (D .E.E.) D ep artm en t, A dm iralty, Technical College, B ath .
P rojectors should be well p ain ted before fitting, b u t care should be tak«n to (б) T he 5-am p. fuzed supply to th e firing circuit as show n a n d referred to in
keep th e electrical contacts free from p ain t. th e draw ings quoted in (a) above, is to be obtained as follows for th e various classes
Projector, rails should a t all tim es be covered w ith a coating o f Cooper’s grease. o f craft
P artic u lar a tte n tio n should be p aid to th e regular lu b ricatio n o f th e projector
Class F uzed supply to be ta k e n from
3. Allowances, Stowage and M aintenance of Rockets
A . Allowances
(i) O utfit 30 per ship (20 to be carried on board an d 10 a t th e base). Spare fuze w ay from eith er p o rt or
F airm ile “ C ” Class M.G.Bs.
(ii) Drill. One per ship,(to be carried a t base an d issued w hen required). starb o ard d istrib u tio n boxes in
(iii) Practice. (To be ta k e n from outfit.) engine room.
(iv) Spare fins, five per ship. (To be carried a t base an d issued w hen required.
B. Stowage F airm ile “ B ” Class M/Ls. The 3-in. C.A.V. exhauster fuzes in
th e engine room are to be d is­
(i) I n “ B ” type M .L s .—R ockets should be stow ed as indicated in A .F.O .
connected from th e p o rt a n d
D iagram 287/44( 3) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1933). Clips an d head chocks as indicated)
sta rb o a rd d istrib u tio n boxes an d
on A.F.O . D iagram 287/44(4) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1926) will be supplied by th e
reconnected to J .B .I. in th e engine
A dm iralty w ithout dem and on agreed priorities. T he chocks to receive th e heels
of th e rockets are to be m ade an d supplied locally. room p o rt.
T hen as for “ C ” Class M.G.Bs.
(ii) “ C ” type M .O .B s.— The rockets should be stow ed alongside th e bridge
an d charthouseas indicated on A .F.O . D iagram 287/44(5) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1936) Spare fuze w ay “ H in th e wheel -
The clips an d head chocks will be supplied by th e A dm iralty w ith o u t dem and, b u t F airm ile “ D ” Class M .T.Bs. 601
640 ex 632. house fuze board.
th e chocks to receive th e heels of th e rockets m u st be m ade an d supplied locally.
(iii) “ D ” type M .T .B s .— Stowage for th e rockets is to be arranged as shown on Fairm ile 41 D ” Class M.T.Bs. 632, S pare fuze w ay in 24-volt sw itch­
A .F.O . D iagram 287/44(6) (Fairm ile M arine Cos. draw ing D.243). T he fram es for 641-696. b o ard via J.B .9 in th e engine
supporting th e clips, together w ith th e clips, head chocks, pads for securing to th e room.
deck and all fastenings, will be supplied by th e Fairm ile M arine Co., w ith o u t
dem and, on agreed priorities. Fairm ile “ D ” Class M.T.Bs. 697 Spare fuze w ay in 24-volt fuze panel.
(iv) 70-ft. M .T .B s .— The rockets are to be stow ed in lockers one on each side et seq.
of th e bridge, each locker to hold 10. The lockers will be supplied b y A dm iralty
from Messrs. Vospers on agreed priorities w ithout dem and, an d will be m ade in th e 70-ft. M .T.Bs. V osper (prior to Spare fuze w ay in control panel in
form shown in A .F.O . D iagram 287/44 (7) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1950). N um ber 347). engine room .
(v) 71 ft. 6 in. M .T .B s .— (a) W ith canopy.—The rockets are to be stow ed as
indicated on A .F.O . D iagram 287/44(8) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1935). T he lockers 71 ft. 6-in. M .T.Bs. pow er b o at S pare fuze w ay in th e m ain fuze
an d clips required will be supplied by th e A dm iralty w ith o u t dem and, on agreed (prior to N um ber 458). panel in th e lobby.
(6) W ithout canopy.— T he rockets are to be stow ed as indicated on A.F.O. 1942 Program m e— M.T.Bs. 347- Spare fuze w ay in F .B .I. in th e
D iagram 287/44(9) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1995). The lockers an d clips required 362. engine room.
will be supplied b y th e A dm iralty w ithout dem and b u t th e fram e for supporting th e
clips is to be provided locally. * 9 1943 Program m e— M .T.Bs. 379- S pare fuze w ay in F .B .4 in th e
(vi) M .T .B s . 379-395.— The rockets are to be stow ed in lockers each to hold 395, 424-429, 458-489. crew space.
10 of the form show n in A .F.O . D iagram 287/44(7) (Draw ing D.N.C. 28/A/1950).
These lockers are to be positioned one on th e po rt an d one on th e starb o ard side S.G.Bs. A t p resen t th ese cra ft have an
of th e bridge structure. These lockers will be supplied b y A dm iralty w ith o u t dem and, insulated tw o-wire 24-volt elec­
if th e boats are n o t previously fitted before delivery. trical installation. In order to fit
(vii) S .O .B s.—The rockets are to be stow ed in lockers, each to hold 10 of th e rocket flare projector firing cir­
form shown in A .F.O . D iagram 287/44(7) (Drawing D.N.C. 28/A/1950). These cuits it will be necessary to place
lockers are to be placed under th e Oerlikon platform s opening forw ard. One a n e a rth on th e negative side of
Oerlikon locker on each side of th e craft will need consequent resiting. th e system , a n d th is should b e done
a t th e b a tte ry b y m eans of a
C. M aintenance of Rockets conductor of n o t less th a n 10 am ps,
All rockets are to be given a coating of D .T.D . 143C or Cooper’s grease over capacity. T he supply for th e
th e entire surface before being placed in th e rack stowage or read y use lockers. firing circuit is to be ta k en in
W hen placed in rack stowage, th e rockets are to be provided w ith canvas cable A .P . 13050D from th e
covers, as shown in A.F.O . D iagram 287/44(10) (Drawing U .P.4). positive bus b a r o f th e 24-volt
On re tu rn to harbour th e rockets should be carefully cleaned, disassembled fuze panel th ro u g h a fuze box,
an d te ste d electrically for continuity an d ea rth before replacem ent in th e ir stowage, A .P. 8191 to th e existing gun
an y rockets found defective being returned to th e nearest arm am en t depot in th eir junction box, an d thence to a
package. F or electrical testing routine see C.F.T.M. Nos. 564 an d 346. F o r division spare slip ring o f th e 6-pdr.
of responsibility in D epartm ents in Coastal Force bases for th e electrical testing m ounting.
routine, see C.F.T.M. 1225.
4745 44 45 4746
5. Precautions when F iring 4. T he bearing indicators M ark I I are being dealt w ith as N aval Stores under
The safety firing sw itch m u st be to “ SAFE ” w hen loading th e rocket into Subhead F .l.B , p a rt I of th e R a te Book an d p a tte rn num ber 10031 has been
th e projector. assigned to them .
Before firing th e projector on th e 2-pdr. or 6-pdr. m ounting, th e firing num ber 5. A llocation of these instrum ents to ships will, in th e first place, be arranged
m u st look a t one of th e tw o “ check-fire ” lam ps fitte d on th e forw ard com ers of b y th e D irector of N av a l O rdnance.
th e bridge, to ascertain w hether or n o t he has to continue firing.
As a safeguard against th e rem ote chance of in ju ry due to flying particles,
th e firing num ber should alw ays w ear a steel helm et, an d a t th e m om ent of firing
should face forw ard, an d tu rn his head down arid aw ay from th e rocket. 4747.—Aircraft Torpedoes—18-in., Marks XII and XV Type—Reversion to Plunger
F o r precautions to be ta k e n to ensure th a t flam e-proof gauzes to p etro l com ­ Operated Valve in Depth Gear Weight Locking Catch and Rectification
p a rtm e n t and fuel ta n k v ents are in position, see C.F.T.M. 1497. of Defects in Ball-valve Type
6. Disposal of Holm an, M ark I I I Equipm ent (A.S. 8471/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
H olm an projectors, M ark I I I and ancillary equipm ent are to be landed on th e The design of d ep th gear w eight locking catch operated b y a ball valve is
fitting o f 2-in. rocket flare projectors in Coastal Force craft. u nsatisfactory an d has been w ithdraw n from m an u factu re ; all cu rren t an d future
D isposal of equipm ent is to be m ade as follows :— production is to th e original design, w ith plunger-operation.
(i) H olm an, M ark I I I projectors, an d associated stores— to nearest R.N . 2. Ball-valve ty p e catches fitte d in existing 18-in., M arks X I I an d X V ty p e
A rm am ent D epot or O.C.A.S. torpedoes are being w ithdraw n an d converted to or replaced by plunger-operated
(ii) R e ad y use lockers for projectiles, illum inating, an d cartridges, impulse— catches u nder classification “ C ” of A .F.O . 3169/43. T he corresponding T .D .I.
to nearest R .N . Store D epot or D ockyard. is 1797.
(iii) G unnery control com m unications to H olm an, M ark I I I projectors, to be 3. D etailed Reg. Nos. are as follows for
retain ed in base as spares. (a) Torpedoes fitted with ball-valve type catches :—
(C .F .T .M s. 346, 564, 1225 and 1497.) 18-in. A.W . Marks X II**-X II*** ... 2201-2646 inclusive.
18-in. A .W ., M ark X V ... ... 1-47 inclusive an d 1,000-
1349 inclusive.
(b) Torpedoes fitted with plunger type catches :—
4746.—Target Indicating Systems—Bearing Indicator Mark II—Introduction
18-in. A.W . M ark X V ... ... ... Reg. No. 48 an d onwards
(G. 018406/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.) to 999.
To m eet a need for th e sim plest ty p e of Magslip bearing indicator th e bearing Reg. No. 1350 onwards.
indicator M ark I I has been designed. T he indicator consists of a 360° sector value (c) 18-in. M arks X I I - X V A .A . Torpedoes :—
magslip pointer and contains no m echanical pointer, cut-lam p or dial illum ination N o details can be given.
lam p. T he dial of th e instrum ent is reversible so th a t th e bearing indicator can be 4. W here th e ball-valve ty p e catch is still fitted, atte n tio n is called to certain
used for tru e or relative bearings—see p aragraph 3 below. defects w hich m ay p resen t them selves an d to th e rem edial m easures which can
2. The indicator will be used for a num ber of services for w hich a m ore complex be ta k e n against them .
instrum ent is unnecessary, chiefly in conjunction w ith th e changes in ta rg et 5. Instances have been rep o rted of oil leakage th ro u g h th e anti-cushioning
indication arrangem ents consequent on th e fitting of T .I.U . M ark I I . A t p resen t th e hole “ A ” of depth-locking catches fitted w ith ball valves as shown in A.F.O.
uses visualized are :— D iagram 281/44, Fig. 1, oil th u s obtaining access to th e balance cham ber w ith
(а) On th e fixed stru ctu re of U.S. M ark 51 director platform to receive th e possibility, in serious cases, of coming into contact w ith th e india-
relative bearing from th e T .I.U . M ark I I . These directors have no ru b b er diaphragm of th e d ep th gear itself. I t should also be n oted th a t a
black pointer drive. leaking gear m ay resu lt in th e torpedo being rim w ith th e oil b o ttle p a rtly em pty.
(б) I n th e T.S. of capital ships an d cruisers n o t fitted w ith A.F.C.Ts. to Besides possible sta rv a tio n of engine and tail lubrication, th is affects th e tim e of
receive relative bearing from th e T .I.U . These indicators will also be operation of th e w eight locking gear due to tim e required to build up pressure
fitted tem porarily in ships w ith A.F.C.Ts. u n til bearing m atching in th e bottle.
receivers M ark I I are available.
(c) I f th e ty p e 285 rem ote bearing tu b e in destroyers, etc. is fitted in th e T.S. 6. I t is observed th a t even in a perfect w eight locking u n it of th is ty p e
or 285 office a bearing indicator M ark I I will be required n ear th e a m om entary sq u irt of oil through th e hole “ A ” m ust occur w hilst th e ball valve
R .T .U . M ark V. Trials are in hand to decide th is point. (item 2, Fig. 1) is passing from its lower to its upper seat during functioning, b u t
such leakage will n o t be of a serious n atu re.
3. I f it is required, for some fu tu re service to use this instrum ent for receiving
tru e bearing th e dial, w hich is graduated from 0° to 180° R ed an d Green, can be 7. W here serious leakage is occurring, however, th e m ost likely cause is
reversed to show graduations from 0° to 360°. To reverse th e dial :— considered to be due to th e to e “ B ” (Fig. 1) of th e cateh lever w hen in its down
position resting on th e surface “ C ” of th e catch p late.o n th e d ep th gear pendulum
(i) Open th e hinged fro n t of th e indicator. w hen in its locked position. This would prev en t th e spring, item 5, exerting any
(ii) Rem ove th e m agslip supporting plate, slacken th e small screw in th e hub dow nw ard pressure on th e ball valve, item 2, th u s "allowing leakage of oil from
of th e pointer, and pull th e pointer com plete w ith its hub off th e spindle. th e engine oil b o ttle p a s t th e ball an d so through hole “ A ” .
(iii) D etach th e dial, reverse an d replace over th e dowel pin.
(iv) Slacken th e screws securing th e magslip case to th e supporting p late and, 8. In order to ensure th a t clearance exists betw een “ B ” an d “ C ” prior to
w ith current on, replace th e pointer on th e spindle as closely as possible unlocking, th e following exam inations and, if necessary, ad ju stm en ts are to be
to its lining-up position, and secure so as to leave a clearance of 0- 05-in. m ade b y ships’ staffs concerned :—
betw een th e pointer an d th e dial. (a) R em ove th e d ep th gear an d centralize th e w eight b y fitting a transporting
(v) W ith th e curren t still on, replace th e supporting p late and, by m eans of screw. Measure th e height from th e face of th e d ep th gear seat to
th e sta to r pinion, m ake the final ad ju stm en t to th e pointer. th e face “ C ” as shown in Fig. 3, and, if necessary, a d ju st this height
(vi) T ighten th e screws securing th e m agslip case to th e supporting plate, and to w ithin th e dimensional lim its shown by filing th e catch plate
close an d secure th e front of th e indicator. face “ C
4747 46 47 4749
(6) W hilst th e d ep th gear is rem oved, w ith th e catch lever, item 4, Fig. 2, 4749.—Engines, 18-in., Marks XII-XV : 21-in., Marks Vm-Vm**, IX-IX** and
o f th e locking u n it pressed down, m easure th e height from th e torpedo IX** N.A.B.—Introduction of Strengthened Design of Crank Shaft Cam
d ep th gear seating face to th e underside o f th e to e “ B ” , and, if
necessary ad ju st this height to w ithin th e dim ensional lim its shown (A.S. 8617/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
b y filing th e toe “ B ” , w hich, during m anufacture, is left long for Cases o f cracked engine cams have become m ore freq u en t o f late an d
th is purpose. strengthened designs of cam s for crank sh afts of 18-in., M arks X II-X II* * * , XV,
A fter a n y necessary correction as above there will be a m inim um clearance 21-in., M arks V III-V III* * an d M arks IX -IX * * engines are being introduced
betw een “ B ” an d “ C ” of 0 -04-in. w hen th e depth-gear pendulum is in th e for fu tu re m anufacture. These cam s will have a to e extending th e full w idth ; a t
locked position. th e base of th e keyw ay, radii have been introduced to dispense w ith th e sharp
com ers, th e use of which m ay have been a co n trib u to ry facto r in th e cracking
9. If, afte r action as outlined in parag rap h 8 has been ta k en th e w eight locking of cams
gear is still subject to serious leakage, th e cause is p ro b ab ly due to a defective
ball valve, valve seat, spring or plug jo in t, in w hich case a probable cure can be 2. I n th e case of each of th e 21-in. cam s, flats have been provided across th e
effected by— outside d iam eter an d a sketch showing details of th e new design 21-in. (typical)
cam is as show n on A .F.O . D iagram 286/44.
(a) fitting a new J-in. diam eter bronze or steel ball, St. No. 2037, if th e
existing ball is dam aged or corroded ; 3. T he new cam s will be accounted for as :—
(b) lightly tap p in g th e steel ball on to th e vaLve seats to ensure a sm ooth Section V—
an d correctly shaped face. Cam, engine, 21-in., Ma,rks V III**, IX**, IX** N .A .B ., St. No. 8004A.
Cam, engine, 21-in., M ark V III, St. No. 2437A.
10. O ther possible defects are :—
Cam, engine, 21-in., Marks V III* -IX -IX * , St. No. 1822A.
(а) T ripping lanyard too ta u t, preventing th e spring seating th e ball on Cam engine, 18-in., M arks X II/X V types, St. No. 5439A.
its lower seat.
4. T he existing cam s, St. Nos. 5439, 1822, 2437 an d 8004, are declared O.F.M.,
(б) W eak, d istorted or too long a spring. T his causes insufficient pull to
b u t stocks m ay be used up u n til exhausted. Care should be ta k e n on assem bly
seat ball against residual pressure, or if th e spring is too long, actually
th a t th e drive fit is n o t such th a t a w eakness a t th e sharp corners of th e keyw ays
holds th e catch up. m ight develop.
These can be cured by refitting or renewing th e trip p in g lan y ard and/or fitting
a new spring. A rrangem ents have now been m ade to supply wire an d springs in 5. Torpedo D epot In stru ctio n No. 1976, corresponding to th is instruction, has
spare gear chests. been issued.
11. W hatever th e cause of oil leakage, m ost of it escapes v ia th e leak hole
above th e ball an d below th e operating plunger. D ue to th e clearance round th e 4750.—Gyroscopes, U.S.A., Mark 12, Mod. I—Securing of Gymbal Ring During
latte r, it has been found possible to blank th e leak hole w ith o u t affecting th e Transport
operation of th e gear. (T. 09101/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
12. The leakage of oil from a w ell-fitted gear is negligible, b u t it is still fu rth er I t has been decided to replace th e light tw ine lashing referred to in C.A.F.O.
reduced b y blanking th e leak hole, w hich can easily be done w ith solder. In th e 309/44 by th e fitm ent of a m etal clip.
case of a badly fitte d gear, leakage is very considerably reduced b y blanking th e
leak hole, b u t some oil will still escape via th e plunger, depending on th e cause of 2. W ith th e gyroscope installed in its “ container tin for U.S.A. Gyro ” th e
th e leak an d th e fit of th e plunger. This applies to th e ball ty p e only an d ships clip fits over th e to p ball race w ith its arm s engaging over th e inner gym bal and
or stations m ay do th is for torpedoes on board, if desired. is k ep t in place b y th e spring in th e lid of th e inner container.
13. A ny u n it w hich cannot be m ade effective b y th e foregoing m eans should 3. The clip, w hich will be supplied, should alw ays be in position when gyro­
be rem oved an d retu rn ed to a torpedo depot for repair. A replace catch u n it scopes are being tran sp o rted .
of th e plunger ty p e should be dem anded in lieu. 4. Pending availability of th e clips, th e inner gym bal ring is to be secured
(A.F .O . 3169/43.) ag ain st m ovem ent b y light tw ine lashing.
(A.F.O s. 3954/43, 5360/43 and 5736/43 are cancelled.) 5. D em ands for th e clips required w hich will be know n as :—
Clip, securing, inner gym bal, 2 2 -4-in. U .S.A., M ark 12— St. No. T.527
4748.—Depth Charge Releasing Rails—Distortion should be forw arded to th e nearest torpedo depot an d supply will be m ade on
A ll S hips concerned receip t from m anufacturer.
(C.A.F.O . 309/44 is cancelled.)
(T. 1491/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
R eports have been received of th e d ep th charge releasing rails becoming 4751.—Torpedoes -18-in- Marks XII/XV—Monoplane Air Tail Mark IV—Modification
distorted and unserviceable due to item s of gear an d equipm ent being stow ed on to Strengthen and Improve Jig Testing R.A.F. Ref. 12E/402
to p of th e rails w ith o u t separate support.
(A.S. 5815/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
2. The practice of stow ing any ty p e of gear or equipm ent on to p of th e dep th
charge releasing rails is norm ally to be discontinued, b u t w here no possible a lte r­ The jig testin g M.A.T. M ark IV has been found n o t en tirely satisfactory, due
n ative stow age is available, provision is to be m ade to fit ad eq u ate support, clear to slackness which develops during use. To prev en t “ springing ” , th e vertical
of th e rails in every respect, w hich m u st n o t prev en t free and easy access to th e b rack et of th e cruciform m ounting is to be strengthened by th e addition of “ welded-
pistols an d prim ers of charges in th e rails. on ” web p lates ; in addition, an inertia w eight stop is to be fitted to prev en t acci­
d en tal release of th e M.A.T. M ark IV from th e jig during te st routines. D etails
3. All ships fitte d w ith dep th charge releasing rails are to exam ine th e rails are in th e a tta c h e d sketch.
where item s o f gear are stow ed on to p of th e rails w ith o u t d istin ct or separate
support clear of th e rails an d to ta k e action to provide altern ativ e stow age ; w here 2. T he procedure for effecting th e m odifications, w hich are to be carried out
th e la tte r is im practicable, an item is to be inserted in n ex t list of As. an d As., under Classification “ C ” of A .F.O . 3169/43, is :—
classification “ A ” , for additional stow age arrangem ents to be fitted over th e to p (i) R em ove th e vertical an d horizontal brackets by first rem oving th e
of th e rails and sta tin g for w h at item s stow age is required. cen tral castellated n u t an d washer.
4751 48 49 4752
(ii) F rom th e vertical b racket rem ove th e ru b b er stop.
(iii) W eld, in position as show n on A .F.O . D iagram , 282/44, th e webs item*
3 and 4, which are to be m anufactured b y ship or base staff. I f difficulty
is experienced in earring out th is operation, assistance m ay be sought {JO'S
from th e nearest torpedo depot. (See also p arag rap h 4.)
(iv) R eplace ru b b er stop on vertical bracket.
(v) F rom th e horizontal brack et rem ove th e guide block, discarding th e four H) lO »c IC lO lO lO o
ce O c3
in num ber 6 B.A. bolts and spring w ashers a t present used for holding it. H
(vi) D ism antle th e horizontal brack et locking m echanism b y rem oving th e ce
1/16-in. dia. ta p e r pin used for holding th e locking dog in position. IQ »Oiii *Q »OO
D iscard th e existing knurled head locking pin.
(vii) M anufacture on board, or a t base, th e p late item 5, an d weld in position
on th e horizontal brack et (see arrangem ent). D rill th e four holes for
IQ Ifi IQ lij L'J LOO o
securing th e plate to th e brack et using 4 B.A. drill size, an d th e existing
6 B.A. holes, as a guide to position.
(viii) Open o u t th e four existing 6 B.A. holes in th e guide block ((v) above to) *s*
4 B.A. size. © '5
(ix) M anufacture pin locking, item 6, a n d re-assem ble th e locking m echanism .
The hole for th e ta p er pin a t present used is to be drilled and ream ed
in th e new locking pin using th e existing hole in th e dog as a guide.
> ' ° §
(x) Secure th e locking m echanism com plete on to th e horizontal bracket ce ce
using 4 B.A. bolts and spring w ashers to hold th e guide block. These £ ¡5
item s are to be obtained from N aval Stores if n o t available on board.
(Note.—The pin will p rotrude 0‘53-in. beyond th e dogs.) CO COCOCOCOco co
(xi) D rill tw o holes in th e horizontal b rack et to su it th e holes in th e stop
p la te block item 1. The hole for th e 4 B.A. screw is to be positioned
8’625-in. from th e centre of th e locking m echanism ((x) above) and CO COCOCOCOCOCO
0-50-in. in from th e edge of th e bracket.
(xii) M anufacture th e inertia w eight stop plate and block, item s 2 and 1, and
assem ble in position as shown in th e arrangem ent. CO COCOCOCOCOCO
o £
(xiii) Re-assem ble th e horizontal and vertical brackets to th e jig. e
3. In th e arrangem ent draw ing, th e inertia w eight stop is show n in th e position
ta k en up during gyro te st, b u t it m ay be swung through 90° to lie parallel w ith th e o©3 COCOCOCOCOCO
horizontal b racket w hen testin g th e operation of tiie inertia release gear.
4. In th e event of th is m odification being beyond th e capacity of ship’s staff,
th e jig should be exchanged for a modified jig, draw n from th e nearest torpedo depot COt" q
a t th e first opportunity. o o CO O
o -
(A.F .O . 3169/43.)
00 00 00 t-4
w : o
§ O o o ©
© iO ^ CO IQ O
N M C IO 1.0
h MO Tjf
05 CO
00 CO00 IO IO IQ IQ ffl
4752.—Torpedoes—18-in., Marks XII and XV—Allowance to Training Units o »
of Spare Tails and Transmission Gearing £ ¿y
po ©

(A.S. 05160/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.) © . © ©•?— c° C3 rn

To m inim ize delays in rep air of 18-in. Marks X I I an d X V ty p e torpedoes a t

X rC
ai ©cs§
: o £ ©o
So X,
CO c

certain R .N . A ir S tations, item s as show n in th e following tab le will be allowed © ^ co 02 © C
T5 I .'S
'X -r-i ©
to the stations indicated. ° O A £ > o S £ J2 § 15
„©© C CO
2. The tails will be either bronze or steel, w hichever ty p e is available, b u t co © - . r-
r& cOe
w herever possible, bronze tails will be issued. T hey will have sta n d ard fittings
for air tails attac h ed ; in th e case of steel tails th e fulcrum b rack et St. No. 981
1g I 2
o 3 .2 islii
¿ ‘g 'S £ 's.
-H u o
•u C
%£ a
will n o t be sw eated. E ach ta il, w hen issued, will be accom panied b y fittings for
■ „.2tfi
> ®-5 .
¡: "caOcd.C—
CO „ ?
© ^
^ o^
© ©

attac h in g either th e M.A.T., M arks I or IV. o > M-t

^ .c ^co © oco c £© M
eg; ■
— [o © 5 iT,'D A g
3. Torpedoes fitted by T raining U nits w ith a new ta il are to be iised for training > xfi ¿2 G 'J A cC ”Z pG c
; cc co • w E w ©. 2c ce ©
O CO cc
£ o o ceo ce p ,c c cd u
purposes only, an d a notification accordingly is to be m ade on page 9 of th e H isto ry ■S'® 2 2 J ° ©G I■- or-
Sheet. A com plete overhaul an d re-range will be necessary before such torpedoes H Pi CO-f- 00
a re used for operational purposes. o •
4. S tations are to re tu rn replaced p a rts to D epot, w hen new p a rts are fitted. &
5. Instru ctio n s for fitting replace ta il units, gearing, shafting, etc., are being
issued in th e A F.O . “ P ” Series as a n am endm ent to B .R . 035
4753 50 51 4757
4753.—Torpedo Blowing and Collision Heads—Revised Allowances 4757.-Under-water Weapons Serviceability of—Responsibility of Naval Ordnance
Inspecting Officers
(A.S. 9870/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
(T. 1563/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
A.F.O. 2755/43 is to be amended as follows, viz. :—
Depot Ships or Bases fo r Destroyers with 21-in., M ark I X Type Torpedoes— In C.A.F.O. 415A/44 and am endm ent C.A.F.O. 873/44 th e addresses are given
For “ (a) Home Fleet D epot Ship ” of N aval Ordnance Inspecting Officers who are specially appointed for d u ty a t
F leet bases. I t is felt th a t it m ay n o t be generally realized th a t these officers, in
Read “ (a) H om e Fleet D epot Ship. addition to th eir ordnance gunnery duties, are also responsible, through C.I.N.O.,
D epot Ships for D estroyers attach ed to th e E astern F leet.” to th e D irector of Torpedoes an d Mining for th e serviceability of all under-w ater
(A.F.O . 2755143.) w eapons issued from N aval A rm am ent D epots.
2. W here defects in such under-w ater weapons occur an d are considered to be
4754.—Torpedo Igniters, Mark XI Disposal When Fired or Removed from Torpedoes due to defective m anufacture or testin g before issue, it is desirable, particularly
(A .S. 8 9 2 3 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) abroad, th a t these officers should be consulted, where available, since in such cases
it is m ost im p o rtan t th a t th e exact n atu re of th e defect should be established as soon
The to rp ed o m ain ten an ce re g u la tio n s a t p rese n t sta te th a t a ll fired as possible in order th a t action to prevent its repetition in stores under m anufacture
ig n iters, a n d unfired ig n ite rs rem oved from torp ed o es when d u e fo r renew al, or te st can be taken.
are to be re tu rn e d to the nearest N av a l A rm am en t D epot fo r refilling.
3. P arag rap h 2 above is n ot intended in an y w ay to m odify existing procedure
2. I t is not desired to continue th e p rac tice of re-co n d itio n in g an d w hereby reports of such failure are sent through th e adm inistrative au th o rity to
refilling ig n iters.
the D irector of Torpedoes and Mining, A dm iralty, or to supersede th e system
3. I g n ite rs removed from torpedoes u n d e r the co n d itio n s re fe rre d to in w hereby officers from H.M.S. “ Vernon ” carry out, on behalf of th e D irector of
p a ra g ra p h 1 a re not th e re fo re to he re tu rn e d , b u t are to be th ro w n o v er­ Torpedoes and Mining, investigation from th e user’s point of view of defects reported.
board. U nfired ig n ite rs should be throw n o verboard in deep w ater if
possible. 4. I t will be clear from th e above th a t is is n o t intended th a t reports of all
failures should be forw arded to th e F leet N aval Inspecting Officer, b u t only those
4. I g n ite rs a re s till to be re tu rn e d u n d e r th e fo llo w in g co n d itio n s: — in which m aterial failures have occurred or are suspected.
(« ) M issfired ig n iters.
(/>) I g n ite rs w hich a p p e a r by visu al in spectio n to be defective. (C.A.F.Os. 415A/44 and 873/44.)
These a re to be d e a lt w ith, as a t p resen t, in accordance w ith th e in stru c tio n s
in th e to rp ed o m ain te n an c e reg u la tio n s, T orpedo F ir in g M a n u al a n d N av al
M agazine a n d E xplosive reg u latio n s.
5. The to rp ed o m a in te n an c e re g u la tio n s a re b eing am ended in accordance
w ith p a r a g ra p h 3 above. 4758.—I.C. Engines and Spare Components Preservative Materials—Supply
4755.—Torpedo Tubes, L.C., 18-in.—Modification to Internal Diameter—
As. and As. (N.S. 016546/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Coastal Craft and Repair Yards concerned Supplies of th e following preservative m aterials, which have been assigned
(T. 0 1 8 8 4 '4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) the p a tte rn num bers indicated, have been arranged for delivery to yards an d depots
as follows
18-in. L.C. torpedo tubes which have an internal diam eter greater th an
17 • 8-in. are to have a strip of steel, 1 in. wide, 6 in. long, welded to th e interior P a tte rn No. 1177. Solution, m etal preservative.—C.S. 1746A (Subhead E.9).
surface of the tu b e opposite th e side stop, th e forem ost end of th e strip to be in P a tte rn No. 1178. Composition, ru st preservative.—C.S. 1033A (Subhead E.9).
line with the face of the side stop.
P a tte rn No. 1179. D e-w atering oil (Subhead E.9).
2. The strip is then to be ground to leave an effective diam eter of tu b e of
17-8-in. P a tte rn No. 861. Grease G.S.—C.S. 881E (Subhead E.8).
3. The modification is to be carried out by repair yards when M.T.Bs. are P a tte rn No. 1180. Pigm ented lanoline resin solution.— D.TX>. 279B. (Subhead E.9).
undergoing refit an A. and A. item, classification “ A* ” , will be raised for classes of P atte rn P a tte rn l ’il t tern P atte rn P a tte r
M.T.Bs. affected. 1177 1178 1179 861 1180
4. On the first occasion of loading a torpedo after th e above modification, galls. galls. galls. cwts. galls.
th e tube should be carefully checked to see th a t there is no distortion as a result C hatham ................ 2,350 2,300 2,350 23J 115
of welding, th a t th e air lever will engage correctly w ith th e tripper an d th a t all
access fittings are in correct alignment. Sheerness 550 550 550 5i 25
P o rtsm o u th ... ................ 2,400 2,400 2,400 24 110
4756.—Torpedo Stores—Spanners, St. No. 29A—Allowance— D evonport 750 725 750 71 40
Depot Ships fo r Destroyers and Submarines
B o sv th ................ 1,100 1,100 1,100 11 50
(A.S. 01040/42.—7 Sep. 1944.)
Preston ................ 5,800 5,750 5,800 58 i 240
The following item , viz. :— ................ 800 800 8 40
Stroud 775
Section I I
W est Riding ... ................ 500 500 500 5 20
Spanners, box, air stop valve—St. No. 29A—will be allowed to depot ships for
destroyers and subm arines in the proportion of 12 per ship. Carfin ... ................ 500 500 500 5 20
2. Ships concerned are to ad ju st to th e new allowance from th e nearest torpedo L.C.M.S. D epot, Staines, Building I I I 300 150 300 3 30
4758 52 53 4758
2. The following quantities are to be shipped by Superintending N aval Store 2. Big end bearings having copper lead outer linings should be exam ined, b u t
Officer, Mersey Area, to yards abroad as shown to m eet initial requirem ents of if th ey are in ap p aren tly satisfactory condition th ey need not be renewed. The
authorized services and to provide stocks. instruction th a t big end bearings should be renewed still stands for bearings having
P a tte rn P atte rn P a tte rn P a tte rn P attern w hitem etal outer linings, irrespective of a p p aren t condition.
1177 1178 1179 861 1180 3. The m aintenance ch art issued w ith A.F.O. 6010/43 (A.F.O. diagram 372/43
galls. galls. galls. cwts. galls. (3) is to be am ended as follows :—-
G ibraltar 600 600 600 6 24 Column “ A fter every 1,000 hours ” , item “ In and E x valves, bearings,
L evant 950 950 950 9| 42 m ain an d connecting rod ”—
M alta ... ... __ 800 800 800 8 34 Delete “ Renew big end bearings ” , substitute “ E xam ine big end bearings.
Berm uda 500 500 500 5 20 White metal backed bearings are to be renewed ” .
Simonstown ... 500 500 500 5 20
D urban 500 500 500 5 20 (A.F .O s. 6010/43 and 3163/44.)
Colombo 550 550 550 5è 22
Bom bay 400 400 400 4 20 4760.—Boilers—Tubing of Superheaters
Freetow n 100 100' 100 1 4 (D. 13738/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Kilindini 50 50 50 Ì 2
A num ber of reports have been received indicating th e necessity for early
3. The initial supply quantities for establishm ents concerned are as follows :— retubing of superheaters owing to external w astage of tu b e ends ad jacen t to tu b e
P a tte rn P a tte rn P a tte rn P atte rn P atte rn plates due to tu b e end leakage.
1177 1178 1179 861 1180 2. W ith a view to avoiding th e possibility of disturbing th e expanded joints
galls. galls. galls. cwts. galls. when belling th e tu b e ends, th e following procedure should be adopted when
Coastal Force Spare Gear D epots and 200 200 200 • 2 10 retubing superheaters :—
O verhaul E stablishm ents. Landing (а) P rior to belling all tubes should be adequately expanded to ensure support
Craft M aterial Supply D epots. during th e belling operation.
Engine Reconditioning D epots con- 50 25 50 5 (б) All tubes are to be again expanded afte r belling.
trolled by D.C.O.M.
A dm iralty M achinery D epot, E rith ... 200 200 200 2 10 4761.—Boilers—Modernization of Oil Burning Equipment—As. and As.
A dm iralty I.C .E. D epot, c/o Southern 200 200 200 2 10 (H .M .S. “ K in g Oeorge V ” class)
R ailw ay, Botley, H ants.
Coastal Force bases ... 50 50 50 2 (D. 017789/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Landing Craft bases a t home (see 50 50 50 Ï 2 R ecent trials carried o ut in H.M.S. “ K ing George V ” have shown considerably
paragraph 4) and abroad. im proved oil burning conditions in tw o boilers fitted w ith a new A dm iralty design
4. Supplies of these m aterials to Landing C raft bases a t home are to be restricted of oil burning register an d sprayer known as th e A dm iralty 1943 type, and
to th e following :— arrangem ents will be m ade accordingly to alter th e rem aining boilers in th is ship
sim ilarly as o p p o rtu n ity offers.
H.M.S. “ H opetoun ” H.M.S. “ N orthney ” H.M.S. ; Cricket ”
“ Stopford ” “ Sea Serpent ” “ M astodon ” 2. This alteratio n is also to be applied to all ships of th e class.
“ St. Clement ” “ Porcupine ” “ T orm entor ” 3. The com m anding officers are to include in their lists of As. and As. an item ,
“ St. M athew ” “ M anatee ” “ Tennyson ” classification “ A ,”to provide for th e m odernization of th e oil burning equipm ent
“ Mylodon ” “ T urtle ” “ F oliot I ” an d th e fitting of new oil burning registers an d sprayers of A dm iralty 1943 ty p e to
“ Wool versione ” “ Squid ” “ D inosaur I I ” all boilers.
“ H elder ” “ M edina ” “ Quebec ” (This Order is to be retained u n til complied with.)
“ W ildfire I I I ” ‘ D ragonfly ” C.O.M.U. Calshot
“ R obertson ” “ L izard ” L.C.M.B. “ Monck ’
4782.—Gearbox—Main Drive Gear Thrust Ball Bearings
Landing C raft E xperim ental Base, Appledore.
L .C .I. (L)
5. Services concerned are to dem and th e quantities shown in p aragraph 3 (D/D.C.O.M. 4 2 4 8 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
from th e appropriate (Superintending) N aval Store Officers. Subsequent require­
m ents of landing craft engine reconditioning depots should be draw n from O perating experience has shown th a t th e life of th e m ain drive gear th ru st ball
L.C.M.S.O., Staines. bearings, P a rt No. 6147092, in th e gear boxes of th e above-m entioned vessels, is
lim ited to approxim ately 2,000 hours when severe operating conditions exist.
6. P atte rn s 1177, 1178 and 1179 are being supplied, 50 per cent, in 1 gallon
containers and 50 per cent, in 1 q u a rt containers. P a tte rn 1180 is being supplied 2. The following procedure is to be carried o ut in all L.C.I. (L) on each occasion
in 1 gallon containers and P a tte rn 861 in 7 lb. tins. of rem oving m ain engines for 2,000 hour overhaul, or if th e to ta l running hours
exceed 1,500 when m ain engines have to be rem oved for defects :—
7. The R a te Book for N aval Stores will be am ended.
(a) The double row, m atched set, m ain drive gear th ru st ball bearing, P a rt
(A.F.O s. 3701/44 and 3841/44.) No. 6147092, is to be rem oved from th e gear box. P recautions m ust
be tak en to see th a t th e tw o rows of bearings are n ot separated an d
m ixed w ith an o th er set.
(b) The set of bearings is to be inspected and, if in a satisfactory condition,
4759.—Paxman T.P.M.12 Engines fitted in L.C.T., L.C.G.(M), etc.—Big End Bearings replaced in th e gear box w ith th e com plete assem bly tu rn ed end for end
'D.C.O.M. 4 5 3 2 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) so th e forw ard th ru st is tak en on th e bearing form erly taking th e astern
th ru st. E x trem e care m ust be tak en th a t th e two bearings are still
Cases have occurred during 1,000 hour overhauls of P axm an T.P.12M engines
installed back to back as outlined in instruction m anual.
when big end bearings w ith copper lead lining inside and out have been renewed
unnecessarily. (c) The race of th e bearings is to be m arked to indicate th a t th e bearings
have been reversed.
4763 54 55 4765
4763.—Attached Fuel Boost Pumps on General Motors, Diesels—Reduction of Wear 2. D em ands for replace p arts or for replace sets of equipm ent are to be forwarded
of Bush and Trunnion Supporting Idler Pinion b y rep air authorities to The N ational F ire Protection Co., L td., who will supply
D B E s. B A M s. and A M s. B A T s . and A T Its. L S T (2 ), B Y M S , B E C s. and other from stock.
Lease Lend Ships 3. T he financial transaction involved will be dealt w ith a t th e A dm iralty and
(D. 10348/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) claims are n o t to be accepted for an y item s or sets dem anded and supplied by th is
Experience w ith th e “ gear in m esh” design of pum p, set o u t in A.F.O. D iagram
No. 280/44, has shown th a t initial w ear in th e idler bush an d tru n n io n is caused Copies of dem ands are to be forw arded to th e A dm iralty for inform ation.
by local accum ulation of sludge containing abrasive m a tte r an d consequent 4. R eplace p a rts or com plete replacem ent sets are n o t to be dem anded if
starv atio n of th e trunnion bearing surface. defective p arts are readily repairable w ithout extending d ates of completion of
2. W ear m ay be obviated by th e provision of a restricted supply of filtered vessels concerned.
fuel through ■he centre of th e trunnion pin and fuel pum p cover, by drilling and (A.F.O . 3712/44 is, cancelled.)
fitting these .vith a sm all ad ap to r an d length of pipe from th e gauge connection
and stopcock on th e engine side of th e fuel filter. This will keep th e trunnion 4766.—Centralized Wireless Systems - Responsibility for Maintenance
flushed w ith clean fuel and increase th e life of th e working p arts. Only a very (R.E. 10534/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
little clean fuel under pressure is required.
In ships fitted w ith centralized wireless system s, th e Torpedo Officer is to have
3. Only a sm all am o u n t of m aterial an d labour is required an d th e work is to charge of an d be responsible for th e supply, b oth D.C. and A.C., as far as th e input
be tre a te d as a defect w hich m ay be carried out by th e sh ip ’s staff a t th e earliest term inals of th e power distribution boards in th e various wireless offices. This will
opportunity. include th e A.C. voltage control devices.
4. F requent exam ination of fuel strainers, sludge an d w ater drains between
supply ta n k an d booster pum p will assist also in overcoming th e initial cause of i 4767. —H/ F D/F Outfit FH4—Repairs to Defective Apparatus
i flF o S X o y j^ U . (R .E. 12187/44.— 7 S |p . 1944.)
W ith reference to C.A.F.O. 1432/43, paragraph 7, w hen either th e receiver
4764.—Reducing the Risk of Fire in the Engine Room on L.C.T.(3)s Petrol unit F H B , P a tte rn W.6142/A or th e power i n i t F H B ,P a tte rn W.6143, become
defective, an d when it is beyond th e capacity J{ ship or base staffs to rectify, both
(D.C.O.M./P.06946/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) units should be retu rn ed to th e Plessey Co., Vicarage Lane, Ilford, Essex.
In order to reduce th e risk of fire in th e engine room s on L.C.T.(3)s petrol, In addition, th e following articles include«! in th e outfit should also be returned
th e following precautions are to be observed :— as th ey are specially m atched to th e receiver u p it, an d direct replacem ent by articles
(а) The protective insulating tape on all exposed electrical connections on bearing serial num bers other th a n those of »the receiver an d power units would
24-volt sta rter, dynam o or associated electrical equipm ent on the lead to inaccuracies in results J
m ain engines or the 30-k.W. generating set to be replaced after refit P a tte rn W.5424 set of 10 aerial ceils in box.
an d m aintained in good condition. P a tte rn W.5423 set of 15 R /F c o ls in box.
(б) W hen an y w ork is to be undertaken in th e engine room an d a “ petrol- 2. I t is essential th a t all th e a p p a ra tu s should be carefully packed, if possible
free ” certificate has n o t been issued, b o th links are to be removed in its original packing. I f wood-wool or sinnlar packing m aterial is used, th e in stru ­
from th e m ain b attery link box, after th e norm al precautions for m ents should first be w rapped in paper, b u t l t is preferable to use some other form of
ventilating th e engine room have been tak en an d before an y such work packing. I
is commenced. The links are only to be replaced w hen th e work is
com pleted or as necessary during th e period required to s ta rt th e main 3. The boxes of coils should be packefl for tran sp o rt as follows :—
engines or 30-kW. generating set. The stowage box consists of a wooden box an d steel cover, th e la tte r
2. A suitable instruction notice in th e sense of parag rap h (6) is to be fitted in being used as a fixing plate for thefeoil box when fitted to a bulkhead. For
a prom inent position in th e engine room. tran sp o rt, tw o m etal strips fixed tqlthe cover by four bolts should be removed
an d placed inside th e cover lengtlw ise, th e cover th e n used as a lid for th e
coil box being screwed down wiffli four wood screws.
4765.—Replace Parts of Methyl Bromide Fire Extinguishers—Supply
4. A label should be attac h ed to she receiver u n it F H B , P a tte rn W.6142 (or
(D/D.C.O.M. 4031/44.—7 Sep. 1944.) other defective u n its returned), in ev fry case giving brief details of th e defects
A rrangem ents have been m ade w ith Messrs. The N ational Fire Protection concerned, viz. “ in te rm itte n t ” , “ lovJ sensitivity on range 2 ” , etc.
Co., L td., P etersham R oad, Richm ond, Surrey, to hold available com plete sets of 5. T he valves in th e receiver u nit!and power u n it should not be rem oved when
m ethyl bromide rem ote controlled fire extinguishing equipm ent suitable for the returning th e units. The valves in tf ie power u n it should be secured in place for
following types of petrol-engined craft :— tran sp o rt by insertion of a pad of ccJrugated paper over th e valves.
Fairm iles “ B ” , “ D ” and “ H 6. These instructions apply oijjy to th e plug-in model (P a tte rn W.6142/A)
60 ft. C.T. receiver com prised in D /F outfit F ll 4 an d will n o t apply for th e sw itched model
L.C.P.(S). (P attern 54535) receiver com prised ia D /F outfit F H 4 for which separate instructions
M.A./S.B. will be issued. *
L.C.T. (C.A.F.O . 1432/43.)
B ritish Power boats 71 ft. 6 in. M.T.B. 4768.—Mersey Area—Control of W/T and Radar Stocks
L.C.M. (N.S. 26032/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Vosper 1943 M.T.B. T he control of W /T and R ad ar stores under F IA /I and F.4 in th e Mersey Area
Samuel W hites M.T.B. is now vested in th e Liverpool office.
4768 56 57 4771
2. All correspondence an d dem ands relating to these stores should be addressed 2. Amplifiers M53 and M68 are to be re-fused w ith 1 am p. fusewire, P a tte rn
to Superintending N aval Store Officer, Mersey Area, R oyal L iver Building, 2027, which should be dem anded from th e n earest storing y ard .
Liverpool, 3.
3. The relevant establishm ent list has been am ended.
3. Bulk stocks are held a t Mossley, and ready-use stocks a t W est F lo at, B irken­
head. The ready-use stock previously held a t P reston has been w ithdraw n.
4772.—Radar—Mounting of Receiver P51 in Type 277 Prefabricated Corvette Type
4769.—Radar Indicator Outfit JK (Skiatron)—Fitting-out Information
(R .E. 02659/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
(R .E. 12332/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
T he receiver P51 in prefabricated 277 offices is n o t required to be m ounted
A.S.E. Prelim inary Specification No. B.325, issue 2, has been prepared to show on th e special b rack et according to instructions prom ulgated in A.F.O. 3556/44.
th e m ethod of fitting and w iring R a d ar indicator outfit J K (Skiatron).
2. Ships fitted w ith a T ype 277 prefabricated office should n o t tak e action on
2. Copies of th e specification have been forw arded to th e Commanders-in-Chief, A.F.O. 3556/44.
E astern Fleet and W estern Approaches ; A dm irals S uperintendent, Chatham , (A.F.O . 3556/44.)
D evonport, P ortsm outh, Ceylon, Orkneys and R o sy th ; F lag Officers-in-Charge,
E a st Africa, W est Africa ; F lag Officers-in-Charge, .Milford H aven an d A den (for
R a d ar Officers) ; Commodore, Algiers ; Com modores-Superintendent, G ibraltar,
M alta and Simonstown ; Commodores-in-Charge, Sheem ess an d H alifax ; Com­ 4773.—Type 60 EQR Wireless Installation—Fitting-Out Information
modore Com manding, R .I.N ., B om bay ; Captain-in-Charge, B erm uda ; to Captains (R.E. 12280/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Superintendent, A lexandria an d D urban ; N aval H eadquarters, In d ia ; D eputy A.S.E. In stallatio n Specification No. B.495 has been prepared to show th e m ethod
S uperintendent, Pem broke ; N aval Secretary, W ellington ; N aval Secretary, of fitting an d wiring T ype 60 E Q R wireless installation w ith b a tte ry outfits BB q
M elbourne, for the officers concerned a t Melbourne, Sydney an d F rem antle ; or BB r.
Secretary N aval B oard (N.D.A.), O ttaw a ; Chief Constructors-in-Charge, H.M.
N aval R epair Bases, Corpach an d D unstaffnage ; an d to th e B.A.D. W ashington. 2. Copies of th e specification have been forw arded to th e Commanders-in-Chief,
E astern F leet an d W estern A p p ro ach es; A dm irals S uperintendent, Chatham ,
3. Copies of th e Specifications have also been forw arded to th e W arship P ro ­ D evonport, P o rtsm o u th , O rkneys, R o sy th an d K ilin d in i; F lag Officers-in-Charge,
d uction Superintendents, E a st Coast of Scotland, N o rth W estern, H um ber, Southern. E a st Africa, W est Africa an d Ceylon ; D irector of Combined O perations M a te ria l;
London, South W ales, Belfast, Scottish an d N o rth E astern Areas ; W arship Commodore, Algiers ; Com m odores-Superintendent, G ibraltar, M alta an d Simons­
E lectrical Superintendents, Scottish, N orth W estern, N o rth E astern , South Wales tow n ; Commodores-in-Charge, Sheemess an d H alifax ; Commodore Commanding,
London, South W estern an d N orthern Ireland Areas. The P rincipal (Ship) O ver­ R .I.N ., B o m b a y ; Captain-in-Charge, B e rm u d a ; Captains Superintendent,
seers a n d Em ergency R epair Overseers of all ships approved to be fitted w ith R ad ar A lexandria and D u rb an ; N aval Officer-in-Charge, L ondonderry ; N aval H ead ­
indicator outfit J K (Skiatron) are therefore to ap ply to th e W arship Production quarters, In d ia ; N aval Secretary, W ellington ; N aval Secretary, Melbourne, for
S uperintendents of th eir areas fo ra copy of A.S.E. Specification No. B.325, issue 2 th e officers concerned a t Melbourne, Sydney and F rem antle ; Secretary N aval
in accordance w ith the procedure laid down in A.F.O. 790/40. Board (N.D.A.) O ttaw a ; Chief Constructors-in-Charge, H.M. N aval R epair Bases,
4. I t is to be noted th a t B .325/43 an d an y advance fitting-out draw ings, etc. Corpach an d D unstaffnage ; an d B .A .D ., W ashington.
which m ay already have been distrib u ted are superseded by th is specification and 3. Copies o f th e specification have also been forw arded to th e W arship P ro ­
should be disposed of as confidential waste. duction Superintendents, E a st Coast o f Scotland, N o rth W estern, H um ber, Southern,
( A .F fi. 790,140.) London, South W ales, Belfast, Scottish an d N o rth E astern A re a s ; W arship
E lectrical Superintendents, Scottish, N o rth W estern, N o rth E astern, South Wales,
4770.—Radar, Type 242 with Type 273QQR—Modification to Power Supply London, South W estern an d N orthern Irelan d Areas. The Principal (Ship)
Overseers an d Em ergency R epair Overseers of all ships approved to be fitted w ith
(R .E. 02469/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) Type 60 E Q R are therefore to ap ply to th e W arship P roduction Superintendents
The power supply outfit used w ith Type 273 has four independently switched of th eir areas for a copy of A .S.E. Specification No. B.495 in accordance w ith th e
o utputs. These are shown in Specification B .214/42 connected to :— procedure laid down in A.F.O. 790/40.
(a) Rectifier unit. 4. I t is to be n o ted th a t an y advance fitting-out drawings, etc., which m ay
(b) Receiver. already have been distrib u ted are superseded b y th is specification an d should be
(c) T ran sm itter in parallel w ith Type 242. disposed of as confidential w aste.
(d) Panel L I 7/L l 8 in th e T.S.
(A.F.O . 790/40.)
2. These connections do n o t perm it power to Type 242 to be sw itched off
while 273 is on. In order to m ake th is possible an d to provide separate fusing
for Type 242, th e wiring is to be changed by ship’s staff so th a t o u tp u ts (c) and (d)
are connected thus :— 4774.—Radio Valves—Protection during Transit
(c) T ransm itter in parallel w ith L I 7 /L l8. (N.S. 29142/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
(d) Type 242. The a tte n tio n of all concerned is draw n to th e necessity for th e careful handling
3. Specification B .214/42 is being am ended. an d packing of radio valves— p articu larly those of th e larger types an d cathode
ray tubes— during all stages of th eir m ovem ents.
4771—Radar Types 282 3 4/5—Amplifiers M53, Pattern W.1333A and M68, 2. The presents m ethods of packing, especially for shipm ent overseas, are
Pattern W.7825 -F uses being exam ined by a special com m ittee. I t is clear, however, th a t some tim e
m ust elapse before ad equate m ethods can be devised, accepted and adopted.
(R .E. 6 5 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) D uring th is period it will be necessary to rely on m ethods of packing considerably
I t has been found th a t th e fuse rating of 3 am peres, specified for th e mains below th e desired standard, b u t all possible action is to be ta k en to im prove th e
fuses in amplifiers M53 and M68, is too high and is n o t sufficient protection for th e handling an d packing o f these valves w ith a view to a reduction in th e ra te of
H .T. transform ers in these equipm ents. breakage.
(68392) D
4775 58 59 4779
4775.—W T and Radar Safety Enclosures 4779.—Aircraft Steel Tubing—Protection from Corrosion
(R .E. 12411/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (N.S. A ir 12419/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
Instances have occurred o f safety devices having been deliberately rendered Supplies of cadm ium for th e protection of steel tu bing in aircraft from corrosion
inoperative, w ith resultant severe electric shock and burns to personnel who were have become increasingly difficult to obtain, an d as a result, th e R .A .F. has now
unaw are of th e fact an d m ight have been killed. decided to dism antle th e p lan t from which cadm ium -coated and stove-enam elled
2. I f it is essential to render safety devices inoperative th e subsequent work m aterials have been obtained in th e p ast for N aval an d R .A .F . use.
inside th e safety enclosure is to be done by or supervised by an officer an d th e 2. Zinc coating has been approved as a suitable su b stitu te for N aval purposes,
safety arrangem ents are to be resumed as soon as th e work is com pleted. an d tu bing p rotected in th is w ay will be supplied in fu tu re against dem ands for
(A.F.O . 1350/43 is cancelled.) cadm ium -coated an d stove-enam elled tubing. T he sam e R .A .F . reference num bers
will be used for zinc-coated tu b in g as are used for cadm ium -coated m aterial o f th e
4776.—W/T Receiver—AR.88 L.F. ap p ro p riate size. D em ands should be restricted to cases where th e protected
tu b in g is absolutely essential, an d in an y case are n o t to be preferred to replace
(R .E. 12357/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) plain tu bing w hich has been fitted in th e aircraft b y th e m anufacturer.
Q uantities of receivers A R.88 L .F. are a t present available an d m ay be issued
in lieu of P a tte rn W.2835A receivers B.28, according to th e stock position. 3. A ircraft Store E stablishm ents will be am ended, an d m eanw nile existing
copies should be altered in m anuscript.
2. T his receiver com pares favourably in m ost respects w ith Receiver B.28
an d in particu lar it incorporates a noise lim iter, w hich is equally as effective as a n y
form of R .I.S . Its frequency sta b ility is also b etter th a n in th e B.28. 4780.—Aircraft Stores Establishment (B.R.377/378 Series)—Classification of Stores
3. The A.R.88 L .F ’s m ajor disadvantages are :— (N.S. Air. 10534/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
(a) The type of aerial coupling varies over th e frequency range an d is not
suitable for use on either series or parallel aerial exchanges unless a In order to sim plify th e lay o u t of th e A ircraft Stores E stablishm ents an d to
separate aerial is used for each receiver A.R.88. avoid m uch unnecessary clerical w ork which is a t present inevitable owing to th e
An exception to this rule is th a t if the external link on th e receiver distinction which is draw n betw een perm anent an d consumable stores, it has been
aerial-earth term inal board is rem oved, an d th e tw in feeder from the decided to extend to all sections of th e A ircraft Stores E stablishm ents th e principle
aerial exchange connected to th e aerial term inal and th e adjacent o f re-grouping perm anent an d consumable stores into one list in reference num ber
unm arked term inal, th e A.R.88 can be used on its H /F ranges only, order. This will be und ertak en as opportunities for revision an d rep rin t occur.
w ith series aerial exchanges (P attern s 24, 4036, 4043) in conjunction 2. All item s which are to be tre a te d as permanent will be indicated by th e
w ith other receivers on th e same aerial. letter “ P ”
(b) The loudspeaker o u tp u t has a 2 - 5 ohm. im pedance. I t cannot, th e re­
fore, be used w ith norm al Service loudspeaker unless a direct con­ 3. All th e rem aining item s in th e E stablishm ents will be consumable. Those,
nection is m ade to th e m oving coil. however, which were transferred by A.F.O. 1238/44 from th e perm anent to th e
(c) The depth from fro n t to back is 4-in. greater th a n th a t of th e B.28 an d consumable category and designated “ P ” item s will in fu tu re be known as
th is m akes it more difficult to accom m odate in a modern cram ped “ starred ” item s, an d will be m arked “ C* ” in th e E stablishm ents. The
W /T office. rem ainder of th e consumable item s will bear no special indication of classification.
4. Dimensions. 4. A lthough all th e starred item s will henceforth be classed as consumable
it is m anifestly im practicable to perm it services to hold stocks of th e more
19}-in. w ide X 19J-in. deep (plus 3-in. for access a t rear) X 11-in. high im p o rtan t item s, e.g., m ain planes, oieo legs, in excess of th e q uantities authorized.
(excluding resilient mountings)
W eight — 100-lb. 5. Item s classified “ C* ” are to be dealt w ith as follows :—
Power — 100-w atts a t 230-v., 50-cycles. (а) T hey are to be supplied by R .N . Store D epots as consumable stores
F requency range — 73-550Kc/s an d 1-5-30-5 mc/s. u p to the quantities shown in the Aircraft Stores Establishments, subject,
5. F ittin g o u t details are shown on A.F.O. D iagram 283/44 (A.S.E. Drawing for H ome Stations an d R epair Y ards, to A.F.O. 77/44. Stocks m ust
40300.) n o t exceed th e q u an tities authorized.
(б) A ccounting by ships an d stations will be on consum able ledger pages.
4777.—Valve V.T.60, Pattern C.V.1060 Issue of Valve, Type 807, Pattern C.V.124 (c) T hey are to be issued outright from ledger charge by th e A ccountant
in Lieu Officer (S) on supply from m ain store under an y of th e following
categories, viz. :—
Vessels fitted with A /S sets, Types 136, 147B, and “ Q ” attachment (i) initial supply— S. 156 to be used ;
(N.S. 011172/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (ii) in replacem ent of unserviceable item s returned— exchange
voucher procedure to be used (see B.R.4, A rticle 41A) except
Valve, Type 807, P a tte rn C.V.124, m ay be used as an altern ativ e to Valve, th a t th e Form S. 1091 is to be endorsed “ unserviceable item n o t
V.T.60, P a tte rn C.V.1060, by ships fitted w ith asdic equipm ent, Types 136, 147B
and “ Q ” attach m en t. for ledger action ” ;
(iii) in replacem ent of unserviceable item s not returnable, i.e., reduced
2. The alternative valve will be included in th e p ertin en t A/S E stablishm ent to produce or throw n overboard (see B .R .4, P a r t I I , Article 190).
Lists in due course. S. 156 is to be used an d th e reason w hy an unserviceable item
is n o t being retu rn ed in lieu is to be sta te d ;
4778.—Avenger Aircraft—Arrester Hook Switch (iv) in replacem ent of losses an d deficiencies— S .156 is to be used.
(A.01389/44.— 7 Sep. 1344.) (d) R etu rn s of serviceable starred item s are to be supported by F orm S .1091.
P rior to landing on a carrier, pilots of Avenger aircraft should check th a t the R etu rn s of unserviceable starred item s for w hich replacem ents are n ot
arrester hook sw itch is in the hook-out position. A fu rth er check should th en be w anted do n o t require any supporting docum ent.
m ade to confirm th a t th e em ergency control cannot be pulled th ro u g h a com plete (e) D em ands S.134d on Air Store D epots to replenish within, or to complete
stroke (i.e., 10 inches). to, the authorized allowances are to show in th e appropriate spaces
2. A .P. 238 (P ilot’s Notes) will be am ended accordingly. (i) th e q u an tity allowed, (ii) th e num ber held on board a t th e d ate of
3. T he above supersedes R Message No. 352R. rendering th e dem and, and (iii) w hether th e item s are required in lieu
4780 60 61 4781
of unserviceable articles available for retu rn or to replace item s w ritten 2. A rrangem ents should be m ade b y H om e D ockyards for stan d ard b u tt
off charge. These dem ands are to be rendered im m ediately issue has welded high speed tools an d blanks w hich it is n o t desired to m anufacture locally,
been m ade in order to m aintain th e stock authorized. to be obtained as N aval Stores u n d er Subhead B l l from th e underm entioned firms
(/) D em ands for quantities in excess of allowances m ay be forw arded direct who are now supplying high speed steel b a r an d su b stitu tes u nder standing
to th e appropriate R .N . Store D epot for compliance, b u t th e y are to co n tracts :—
be signed by th e Commanding Officer, an d are to show full reasons fo
Portsmouth ... ................ Messrs. Samuel Osborn & Co.
th e requirem ent together w ith th e particulars of stock, p ast ex p e n d i­ Chatham ... ... ... Messrs. J . J . Saville.
ture, etc., as provided for on Form s S.134d. Devonport ... ... ... Messrs. F irth an d Jo h n Brown L td.
(g) A lthough no internal accounting action is required under these instructions
Rosyth ... ... ... Messrs. A rth u r Balfour.
in connection w ith th e retu rn of unserviceable starred item s, th e
Sheemess ............................. Messrs. B. K . M orton.
responsibility for labelling unserviceable item s, showing reference and
p a rt num bers, description and w hether considered to be repairable, 3. U n til standing co n tracts for b u tt w elded tools an d blanks are placed,
still devolves on th e returning officer as a t present laid down for returns requirem ents should be obtained b y local p u r c h a s e . I f difficulty is experienced
of perm anent items. a t a n y hom e dockyard in obtaining b u tt w elded tools or blanks from th e firms
6. The existing instructions concerning th e supply an d accounting for perm a­ who norm ally supply high speed steel u nder standing co n tract, an y o f th e firms
n ent and consum able (other th a n starred) item s rem ain unaltered. show n above m ay be approached, or A dm iralty instructions requested as to other
sources o f supply.
7. I t is essential th a t all equipm ent, w hether classified P erm anent, Consumable*
or Consumable, shall be returned to th e A ccountant Officer (S) if it is considered 4. R equirem ents a t other A dm iralty establishm ents a t hom e should be m et
by dem anding from th e n earest dockyard.
to be repairable or to have an y value as arisings or salvage.
5. Ships should dem and on th e ir storing yards as required.
Returns to R .N . Store Depots and H .M . Dockyards
8. R eturns of repairable item s of starred equipm ent are to be m ade on F orm .
6 D em ands for these tools an d blanks for yards abroad should be forw arded
w ith th e periodical dem ands for high speed steel to th e A dm iralty.
S.331 or other appropriate voucher which, in view of th e fact th a t th e store account
has already been credited, are to be m arked “ NOT F O R STO RE L E D G E R ” . 7. Inform ation as to th e shapes a n d sizes of sta n d ard b u tt welded tools and
Ships’ copies of these forms are to be filed separately in chronological order an d blanks available for supply b y th e firms referred to above is given in th e appendix
held available for reference whenever required. The tem porary arrangem ents for to th is Order.
th e disposal of ships’ vouchers authorized under A .F.O . 2776/43 will, however,
apply as long as th ey rem ain in force. 8. Devonport only.—Proposals for th e ad d itio n o f th ese item s to C ontract
Schedule 54 an d th e A uthorized L ist of N av al Stores should be forw arded in due
9. Services are to ensure th a t full receipts are obtained in respect of item s course.
returned on Form s S.331, etc., and, unless th e y are concurred in an y im p o rtan t A p p e n d ix
differences, e.g., valuable an d im portant equipm ent or where th e value exceeds £5,
are to be m ade th e subject of correspondence w ith th e p ertin en t store depot. W here Particulars of High Speed Butt Welded Lathe and Planer Tools
such differences cannot be reconciled, th e y are to be trea ted as losses in tran sit, th e
store account being adjusted by F orm S. 148, a copy of which is to be forw arded to
Seotion i in. sq. f in. sq. { in. X f in. J in. sq. 1 x i in.
th e A dm iralty (D. of S.) w ith all th e relevant correspondence. W here th e differences Shank
in th e q u an tity returned by th e service an d th a t received b y th e Store D epot are Length 4 in. 4£ in. 5J in. 8 in. 4J in. 5 in. 8 in.
of a m inor character, th e store account should be adjusted by th e use of F o rm S .147,
a cross reference being m ade thereon to th e p ertinen t S.331.
N o. 2710/F.O .C.T. 401, G Ju n . 1944 Standard T 1 to 28, 1 to 28, I to 43, 50, 33, 34, 47, 1 to 28,
281/E.C. 462/7, 27 M ay 1944. shapes for J 37 to 40, 37, 38, 45 to 49 52, 41 to 43 48, 37, 38,
general | 43, 43, 53 49 43
N .A .S . (North) 1926/626/8, 15 Ju n . 1944. purposes [_ 47 to 49 47 to 49
Implacable No. S .3/153, 20 Ju n . 1944,
(A.F .O .s 2776/43 and 77/44.)
(A.F.O . 1238/44 is cancelled.) Section 1 X 1 in. 1 X î in. 1 in. sq. 1J in. x f in. 1J in. x 1 in.
4781.—Butt Welded Lathe and Turning Tools and Blanks Length 4£ in. 8 in. 8 in. 10 in. 5J in. 5J in. 10 in. 10 in. 12 in.
(N.S. 30388/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
In order to com ply w ith th e Control of Machine Tools (Cutting Tools) No. 2
Order, an e x tra c t of which is given below, b u tt welded high speed tools and blanks Standard f 35, Ito 34, Ito 43, 50, 33, 34, 35 1 to 28, Ito 32, 50,
shapes for J 36 37 to 43, 45 to 49 '52, 41, 42, 35 to38, 35 to 38, 52,
should be used to th e fullest possible extent, and high speed steel in b a r form ordered general | 45 to 47 53 47 43, 43, 53
in future only to m eet special requirem ents :— purposes (_ 45 to 47 45 to 47
Extract :—
“ No cutting tool capable of being used w ith a m achine tool, m ade
from square or rectangular m aterial, w ith a cross section of above | in., or Section l i in. x 1 in. 1J in. sq. 1} in. sq. li- X 1J in. 2 in X 1£ in.
circular section exceeding § in. diam eter, is to be m ade otherwise th a n by Shank
welding or brazing th e operative portion of th e tool, known as high speed
steel, to a shank portion, which will be of steel containing no tungsten, Length 12 in. 14 in. 12 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in.
vanadium or cobalt—except under th e au th o rity of, an d in accordance
w ith th e licence granted, or a special or general direction issued by th e
Standard f Ito 32, 50, 1 to 28, 1 to 28, 1 to 28, 1 to 28,
M inistry of Supply. shapes for J 35 to 40 52, 37, 38,
“ The operative portion of th e tool or blank will be approxim ately ¿th 37, 38, 37, 38, 37, 38,
heavy ] 43, 53 43, 47 43, 47 43, 47 43, 47
th e overall length of th e tool supplied.” duty L 45 to 47
6? 4783
4781 62 3. Ships concerned in commission should forw ard dem ands to th eir supplying
Particulars of H igh Speed B utt Welded Rectangular Blanks fo r Lathe and Planer Tools y ard s or depots accordingly, b u t, in view o f th e production situation, supply should
n o t be hastened. Supply to ships concerned u nder construction should be arranged
by th e w arran t y ard an d supplying yards or depots in th e usual m anner.
Lengths Lengths
4. B .R .358— E stablishm ent of N aval Stores for E xecutive Purposes—will be
Section am ended.
Section High Speed
High Speed Overall
Overall Steel Steel
4784.—Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing—Second Grade Quality
lx | 8 (D. 9064/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
4x4 4 4 »
I n order to conserve ru bber, arrangem ents have been m ade to debase a
1X f t l XÍ 8 percentage of th e norm al C.A.F. jointing b y th e su b stitu tio n of GR-S synthetic
ru b b er for some of th e crude ru b b er used in th e m ix.
î x i 6 il 1 X i 8 Ü
2. This debased jointing will be called 2nd G rade C.A.F. an d in order to
8 li X Ì 10 1* distinguish it from norm al C.A.F. jointing it will be of a distinctive colour either
ix i
of a bluish-green or of a yellowish tinge. I t proved impossible to standardize on
1 X 1 8 l lì X 1 10 1* th e colour because of th e different plasticizers used by th e various m anufacturers.
12 14 x l 12 H As an additional an d m ore definite precaution, th e figure “ 2 ” is stam ped on
l i x 1Ì ii «ach 6-in. square of one side of th e sheeting.
14 x 14 12 14 li x lì 14 14 3. T he jointing will be suitable for sa tu ra te d steam services u p to 100 lb./in2.,
2 x 14 16 ii ex h au st steam , L .P . w ater services an d all oth er L .P . services in which C.A.F.
f x f 54 * jo in tin g was form erly used.
I t will n o t be supplied g rap h ited for th e tim e being.
4. Twenty-five p er cent of all Y ard dem ands of thicknesses u p to an d including
4782.—Carbon Brushes, Pattern 9129A and Brush-holders, Pattern 9095—Supply oi ¿ - in ., 50 p er cent, of ^ - in . an d ¿-in. thicknesses and 75 p er cent, of ^ - in . an d ¿-in.
Spares thicknesses are being m e t in th is second grade jointing b u t th is figure is purely
(Coastal Force Bases.) a rb itra ry as it was impossible to estim ate how m uch of th e jointing requirem ents
could be m e t in th is grade. W hen m aking dem ands for jointing, ships should sta te
(N.S./C.F.M. 2043/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) th e m axim um am o u n t of this grade th a t th e y can take, in order to fulfil th eir
The following are to be held b y Coastal F orce Bases for replacem ents w hen a n ticip ate d requirem ents an d to assist in th e saving of crude rubber.
necessary of carbon brushes an d brusb-holders of slip ring assemblies of sm all
pow er-operated gun m ountings in Coastal F orce craft. T he initial supplies should 5. Second grade is supplied in th e sam e thicknesses as norm al grade.
be on th e basis shown in paragraph 2. 6. As a first supply—
2. 560 lb. of A-in. thick.
Subhead Pattern Description Q uantity per Flotilla 1,120 lb. of -in. thick.
F.2A 9129 A Carbon brushes ... 6~| R.M .Ls., “ C ” class M.G.Bs., 2,240 lb. of ¿ - in . thick.
7 1 | ft- M .T.Bs. an d M .T.Bs. 4,480 lb. of J-in. thick,
F.1B 9095 Brush-holders ... 2 1> 424-429 an d 523-538 (1 h av e been ordered u nder C.P. 19117/44 of 25th March, 1944, in p a rt satisfaction of
I m ounting p er craft). th e 9 th W a r D em and requirem ents from each of th e following firms for distribution
F.2A 9129A Carbon brushes ... 18 j| “ D ” class M .T.Bs. (24 V an d a s shown :—
> 220V craft) (4 m ountings p er Messrs. R . K linger, L td ............................................... To Chatham .
F.1B 9095 B rush-holders ... 6J craft). Messrs. J . W alker & Co., L td. ... ... ... To Portsm outh.
3. Bases concerned should forw ard dem ands to th e ir storing, yards or depots Messrs. Beldam Asbestos Co., L td ............... ... To D evonport.
accordingly. Messrs. T urner Bros. A sbestos Co., L td . ... To Rosyth.
4. The E stablishm ents of N aval Stores concerned will be am ended.

4785.—Electric Cable, Pattern 13470—Introduction

4783.—Clocks, Pattern 727—Allowances (N.S. 2 3 4 6 6 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
Fleet, Light Fleet and Escort Carriers E lectric cable, P a tte rn 13470, single core, air space insulated, 1/0-44-in. self-
(N.S. 14652/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) locating conductor, L.A. an d T.R .S. sheathed, required for use in connection w ith
One clock, P a tte rn 727, is to be allowed to fleet, light fleet an d escort carriers W /T an d R a d ar equipm ent h as been added to th e R a te Book of N aval Stores under
S ubhead F1C, P a rt 1, page 1377 (new edition).
for each of th e following positions :—
(a) O perations room. 2. A rrangem ents have been m ade for th e purchase from Messrs. Siemens
(b) Briefing room. Bros., L td., u nder C.P. 75263/44 of 10,000 yards for distribution as follows and
(c) Each ready room. deliveries have com menced :—
(d) M ilitary plotting room (assault escort carriers only). Carfin 500 yds. M ersey 500 yds*
C hatham ... 500 yds. R o sy th 500 yds-
2.. One clock, P a tte rn 724, is already allowed to aircraft carriers for th a
operations room an d one for th e fighter or T .B .R . ready room . T his allowance is P o rtsm o u th 500 yds. N ew castle ..; 500 yds-
now w ithdraw n b u t where clocks, P a tte rn 724, have been supplied for these positions D evonport 500 yds. W est Riding ... 500 yds-
Severn (Dafen) .. 500 yds. Glossop 5,500 yds.
th e y are to be retained in p a rt satisfaction of th e allowance referred to in
paragraph 1 above. (68392)
4786 64 65 4789
4788.—Electric Toasters—Precautions to be taken against Overheating 2. Bases should arrange supply to c ra ft a tta c h e d w hich are n o t already
(N.S./T. 1468/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) equipped. Storing yards responsible for supplying m inim um outfits to builders
for new construction L.C.M. (I) should include these item s in th e outfite.
A rep o rt received from sea has indicated th a t considerable distortion of th e
grids of electric toasters has occurred caused b y overheating due to leaving th e 3. T he E stab lish m en t o f Stores will be am ended.
to a ste r sw itched “ ON ” w hen n o t in use.
2. T he heating elem ents of electric to asters have a high loading in order to 4790.—H.P. Air Compressors —Alternative Circulating Water Arrangements—
p erm it of th e following rate s of toasting :— As. and As.
200 slices per hour for 4-way toasters. “ Porpoise," “ Rorqual,” “ Severn ” and “ Clyde ”
450 shoes per hour for 8-way toasters. (D. 012731/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
3. W hilst to astin g operations are in progress, th e in tern al h e a t is k ep t w ithin "Minelayer an d “ R iv er ” classes, Ite m N u m b er 519, Classification A*.
a safe lim it b y th e frequent w ithdraw al of th e to a st racks, b u t should th e to a ste r
be left sw itched “ ON ” w hen n o t toasting an d w ith th e to a st' racks inserted, 2. A rrangem ents are to be provided to enable th e H .P . air com pressors to be
dam age and failure of th e heatin g elem ents and distortion of th e grids are liable ru n in em ergency w hen th e subm arine is a t d ep th s in excess o f 120 ft.
to occur. 3. I n th e above-m entioned subm arines th e following w ork is to be carried o u t :—
4. Ships’ staffs are to ensure th a t to a ste rs are sw itched “ O F F ” w hen toasting “ Rorqual ”
is n o t in progress. (а) A 1-in. bore w ate r suction pipe to be led from th e lowest p o rtio n o f “ W ”
5. In futu re supplies, it has been arranged for a w arning ta lly to be affixed com pensating ta n k 129-135 to a S.D.V. an d te e piece in th e
b y th e m anufacturer on all electric toasters, bearing th e words :— com pressor circulating w ater suction.
“ Caution.—The to a ste r m u st be sw itched “ O FF ” when to astin g is n o t in (б) A 1-in. bore re tu rn pipe to be led from a tee piece an d S.D.V. in th e
progress.” com pressor circulating w ater discharge pipe to th e to p of “ W ”
com pensating tan k .
4787.—Flying Clothing and Stocks—Bermuda (c) To assist th e com pressor circulating w ater pum p in obtaining th e necessary
(V. 9/5112/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) suction a n a ir b o o st o f 5 lb. p er sq. in. is to be provided for “ W ”
com pensating ta n k , ta k en off th e blow to slop d rain ta n k w ith a shut-
I n view o f th e reduction o f R .N . A ir S tation, B erm uda, to care an d m aintenance, off cock te ste d to 50 lb. p er sq. in.
vide A .F.O . 1463/44, it is no longer considered necessary to m ain tain stocks of “ Severn ” and “ Clyde ”
flying clothing a t H.M . N aval V ictualling Y ard, B erm uda, an d arrangem ents have
been m ade for all stocks to be w ithdraw n. Sim ilar arrangem ents to th o se fo r “ R o rq u al ” are to b e fitte d to provide an
altern ativ e suction from “ W ” com pensating ta n k 147-155 except th a t a lj-in .
(A .F .O . 1463/44.) suction an d 1-in. re tu rn pipe should be fitted . N o special a ir boost arrangem ents
are required as a 50 lb. p er sq. in. blow is already fitte d to th is tan k .
4788.—Hose Adaptors, etc.—Allowances “ Porpoise ”
Ships fitted with Instantaneous Couplings (а) A l£-in. bore w ater suction pipe to be led from th e low est p o rtion of
(N.S. 17901/43.—7 Sep. 1944.) N o. 5 m ine com pensating ta n k 126-130 w ith a S.D.V. to a te e piece
w ith 1-in. b o re pipes led to ¿he circulating w ater suction of th e
The -following amendments should be m ade to th e A ppendix to A.F.O. respective com pressors.
4155/44 :— (б) A 1-in. bore pipe to be led from th e circulating w ater discharge o f each
Item 3 (Branch P ipe, Pattern 1552, etc.)— Delete all particulars.
Item 4 D iffuser (Jet/Spray) Nozzle, Pattern 1563)— Delete th e allowance com pressor th ro u g h a com m on tee piece an d a S.D.V. to a 1J-in. bore
shown, i.e. “ 50 per cent, o f to ta l num ber of fire m ain hose connections, re tu rn pipe a t th e to p of No. 5 m ine com pensating ta n k .
etc ............. ” and “A .F.O . 3981/43 ” in “ R em arks ” column. Substitute th e (c) A 5-lb. p er sq. in. pressure boost off th e blow to slop d rain ta n k , as for
following :— “ R o rq u al,” to be fitte d to No. 5 m ine com pensating ta n k .
“ One for each fire m ain hose connection (A.F.O. 4004/44) ” . (A.F .O . 2260/44.)
Item 24 (Cap, Pattern 1550)— A m end “ rem arks ” to read “As required (T h is Order is to be retained u n til complied unth.)
for item 19 an d fresh w ater hoses
Item 25 (Cap, Pattern 1551)— A m end “ rem arks ” to read “As reauired
for item s 16 an d 20, a n d fresh w ater hoses ” . 4791.—L.C.T.(4)—Limitation of Load
(A.F.O s. 4004/44 and 4155/44.) (D.C.O.M. 3140/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
I n L.C.T.(4) w hich h av e been fully-stiffened for ocean voyages a n d fitted for
4789.—Hose, Canvas, lor Washdeck and Fire-fighting—Supply of tropical service th e cargo load should n o t exceed 240 tons.
L .C .M . (I) T his figure is exclusive o f oil fuel b u t includes fresh w ate r carried in No. D.B.12
ta n k an d an y ballast w ater in th e double b o tto m or wing tanks.
(N.S. 21327/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
E ach L.C.M. (I) should carry th e following equipm ent as p a rt of th e m inim um
outfit of stores :— 4792.—Minor Landing Craft—Firefighting Equipment
B .8 (Permanent)
(N;S. 2 8 4 9 5 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
Hose, canvas, lj-in ., No. 1 size, 40-ft. length, w ith 1 No.
screw coupling. A .F.O . 4403/44 is to be am ended as follows :— The allowance o f P a tte rn 4728,
B .9 (Permanent) Refill for P y ren e extinguisher to all L .C .P . an d L.C . V. is to bo 1 only.
Nozzles, N o. 1 size screw .......................................... 1 No. (A.F .O . 4403/44.)
4793 66 67 4795
4793.—Naval Stores Supplied from U.K. to Canada—Consigning Instructions (6) T he F orm D.320B (Spare Gear L ist) an d F ix tu res L ist D.6c, to g eth er
(M.A.S. 4 2 4 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.) w ith draw ings, etc., relatin g to th e b o at should accom pany th e
R equisition for Survey forms S.331, an d should be forw arded to th e
T he following are th e addresses to w hich certain groups of N av al Stores shipped
Superintending N av al Store Officer concerned, to g eth er w ith a copy
to C anada are in futu re to be consigned. o f th e com m unication to th e A dm iral S uperintendent referred to in
(i) W /T , Radar and V /S stores supplied against Canadian Government (a) above.
Requisitions :— (c) All spare gear should be locked u p in th e spare gear box, d u ly labelled
N av al Store Officer, w ith th e num ber o f th e bo at, a n d th e keys forw arded im m ediately
625, St. M aurice S treet, b y registered p o st to th e S uperintending N aval Store Officer on despatch
M ontreal, o f th e boat.
Quebec. (d) In view of th e H om e D ockyard R egulations, A rt. 882A, all m agnetos,
(ii) A / S and E /S stores supplied against Canadian Government Requisitions :— vaporizers, coils, v aluable articles an d an y p o rtab le equipm ent
N av al S tore Officer, essential to th e satisfactory operation of th e craft, liable to m isappro­
4590, St. Denis S treet, p riatio n should be rem oved from th e bo at, packed separately together
M ontreal, w ith an y defective p a rts a n d consigned to th e Superintending N aval
Quebec. Store Officer. T he case should contain a list showing its contents an d
All vouchers an d packing cases for th e stores u nder (i) an d (ii) should be clearly be su itab ly tallied w ith th e n um ber of th e b o at to w hich th e articles
m arked w ith th e Canadian G overnm ent R equisition No. belong. On despatch, a copy of th e list of th e contents of th e case
should be sent b y p o st to th e S uperintending N aval Store Officer.
(iii) A ll stores on Im perial account consigned to Canadian N a va l Bases under T his list should bear a reference to th e R equisition for Survey forms
(C)A.F.O s. as reserves fo r R .N . purposes :— S.331 (see (b) above).
N aval S tore Officer o f th e Base. (e) I f a n engine to be landed is incom plete, i.e., an y spare gear, etc., missing,
Packing cases containing these stores should be m ark ed “ A d m iralty R eserve ” a sta te m en t should accom pany th e F o rm S.331 giving a list of th e
an d th e (C)A.F.O. q uoted on th e packing notes. m issing item s an d th e reason w hy th e y are n o t being landed.
(iv) A ll A /S , W /T , Radar and V /S stores shipped fo r R .N . N ew Construction (/) I f m o to r or steam b o ats are landed for repair only th e R equisition for
in Canada :— Survey form s S.331 should be endorsed accordingly.
B ritish A dm iralty Stores, (g) I f b o ats are landed out-right, th e form s S.331 should s ta te clearly w h at
355, Logan A venue, sea stores belonging to th e boats h av e been retu rn ed , e.g., navigational
Toronto, lanterns, b o a t’s anchor, klaxon horn, etc., etc.
O ntario. (h) S teps should be ta k e n to ensure th a t all sp are gear, sea stores a n d o th er
equipm ent, except as sta te d in p arag rap h (d), retu rn ed w ith th e b o at
are secured an d locked in th e cabin where p racticable to av oid th e
possibility of pilfering during tra n sit. The cabin keys should be fo r­
4794.—T.B.R. Squadron on A/S Operations—Binoculars for Air Gunners w arded w ith th e keys referred to a t (c) above to th e S uperintending
(N.S. 18306/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) N aval Store Officer.
T o enable T elegraphist A ir G unners to p articip a te in keeping an efficient 3. A tte n tio n is also directed to th e in stru ctio n s contained in th e N aval
subm arine look-out w hile on anti-subm arine operations, six ad ditional binoculars Storekeeping M anual, B .R .4, A rticle 56, regarding th e procedure to be followed
will be supplied as squadron m obile equipm ent. w hen pow er b o ats are tran sferred betw een H.M. ships an d establishm ents.
2. These will be A rm y T ype num ber 2, an d are to be held b y th e Squadron 4796.—Radar, W/T, A/S, etc., Spares—Stowage of
Com m ander for issue to th e T elegraphist A ir G unners before each flight. New Construction H .M . S h ip s
3. P a re n t ships should dem and in th e usual m anner. (N.S. 2 8 9 4 7 /4 4 .-7 Sept. 1944.)
4. T he A ircraft Store E stablishm ent will be am ended. I t has been brought to notice th a t spares for R ad ar, W /T, A/S, Gyro an d other
sim ilar equipm ents supplied b y storing yards an d depots for H.M. ships building a t
co n tracto rs’ yards, are being collected from R adio E quipm ent A ssistants, Asdic
4795.—Return of Steam and Motor Boats by H.M. Ships to H.M. Dockyards— In stallatio n Officers, etc., a n d stow ed in unauthorized storages by th e respective
Procedure d ep artm en tal officers of th e ships.
(N .S./D .6566/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) 2. This procedure is co n trary to th e principles o f th e centralized N aval store-
Considerable inconvenience an d delay, involving m uch correspondence, have keeping system laid down in th e N aval Storekeeping M anual, B.R .4, an d th e
been caused b y H.M . ships a n d services retu rn in g steam a n d m o to r b oats, o u trig h t, practice is to cease forthw ith.
w ith o u t th e ir spare gear, etc. 3. I t is pointed o u t th a t special stowages are provided in th e N aval storeroom s
2. T he following procedure is, therefore, to be stric tly com plied w ith . If, for th e spares in question, an d R adio E q u ip m en t A ssistants, Asdic In stallatio n
how ever, th e re are circum stances w hich p rev en t com pliance, a sta te m en t is to be Officers, etc., should ensure in fu tu re th a t th e stores are h anded over to th e
forw arded giving th e reasons for th e d ep artu re from these instructions. A ccountant/A ccounting Officer during th e initial storing of th e vessel w ith her first
(a) Ships an d services retu rn in g steam an d m otor b o ats should com m unicate outfit o f N aval stores.
w ith th e A dm iral S uperintendent of th e d ockyard concerned sta tin g 4797.—Shades, Front Glass, Red—Allowances
th e provisional d a te an d tim e of arriv al o f th e b oats, to g eth er w ith S h ip s and services concerned
a u th o rity for landing, in order th a t arrangem ents m a y b e m ade for
th e representatives of th e various departm en ts to be p resen t for checking (N.S. 19267/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
fixtures a n d spare gear im m ediately th e b o at arrives. T he ships an d I t has been found th a t in term ed iate signalling lanterns, p a tte rn W.2174, do
services retu rn in g th e b oats should furnish full p articu lars o f actu al n o t function satisfactorily in th e sam e m anner as Aldis lan tern s, p a tte rn 5110E,
despatch. fitte d w ith shades, fro n t glass, red. (Air M inistry reference 5A/1152.)
4797 68
2. T he allowances of shades to ships provided w ith in term ediate signalling
lanterns as well as Aldis lanterns, were w ithdraw n, b u t in view o f p arag rap h 1 above,
ships and services concerned m ay dem and them , if required, on th e following basis :—
First supply Section 4
Capital ships, cruisers, aircraft-carriers, rep air an d depot ships ... 4 OTHER STORES—NAVAL STORES, VICTUALLING STORES,
All other ships to w hich Aldis lanterns are allowed ... ... 2
P o rt W ar Signal S tations and Shore Signal Stations ... ... 2 MEDICAL STORES, CONTRACTS
3. The shades will be supplied in boxes, A ir M inistry reference No. 5A/1674,
an d dem ands should include th e boxes on th e basis of one box for every tw o shades. 4801. Officers’ Gilt Buttons
4. W a rra n t an d supplying y ards or depots are to arrange supply in th e usual (V.8/5756/44.— 1 Sep. 1944.)
m anner to new construction vessels. G ilt crown an d anchor b u tto n s, size 1 ( , \ in. diam eter) an d size 3 (Jj{ in.
5. The E stablishm ents of N aval Stores concerned will be am ended. diam eter) for officers below th e ran k o f Commodore, 1s t Class, have been added to
(C.-in-C., E .F.533/E.F./332/4— 14 M ar. 1944.) th e list o f item s w hich m ay be tak en up on repaym ent from Service stocks. Supplies |
(A.F.O. 2870/43 is cancelled.) are available now a t th e victualling y ard s or depots a t hom e a t which officers’
clothing -is stocked, a n d will be provided a t victualling y ard s abroad as soon as
possible. D em ands should be lim ited to actu al requirem ents.
4798.—Ship’s Boats—Life-saving Equipment
(N.L. 10624/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) 2. T he issuing prices are us follows :—
F o u r lives were recently lost w hen a ship’s m o to r b o at san k as a resu lt of a Prices, including purchase ta.r—
collision. THe subsequent B oard of In q u iry established th a t no life-saving gear of Size 1 ... ... ... 4d. each.
an y kind w as on board th e b o at a t th e tim e. Size 3 ... ... ... 3d. each.
2. Com manding Officers should ensure th a t ship’s boats are equipped w ith a Prices, free of purchase tax —
lifebelt for each m em ber of a b o a t’s crew.
Size 1 ... ... ... '.id. each.
3. A ttention is draw n to th e Seam anship M anual, V olume 1, C hapter 8
(Miscellaneous F ittin g s for S team an d M otor Boats). Size 3 ... ... ... 2d. each.
3. A tten tio n is draw n to A .F.O . 652/44, p aragraphs 3 a n d 4 .
4799.—Stiff Nuts—Section 28M—Similarity in Part Numbers (.4.i'.Oji. <ii>2¡44 and 654/44.)
(N.S. A ir 7713/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
I t is essential th a t w hen subm itting dem ands for
(i) Simmonds ty p e double anchor stiff n u ts an d
(ii) G K N an d Oddie ty p e plates, single anchor stiff n u ts, 4802.- Officers’ Mess Traps-Replacement Allowances for 1944
th a t th e correct stores references are quoted. I f th e stores references are n o t Sea-going S h ip s (excluding Submarines)
known, th e full description m u st be given as these item s cannot be correctly identified
when p a rt num bers only are quoted. (V. 5/6302/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
2. The following illustrates how confusion m ay arise if th e p a r t num ber only F o r th e financial -^ear 1944 th e auth o rized allowances in Seagoing Ships for th e
is quoted :— replacem ent o f articles in th e consum able sections o f th e scales shown in A .F.O. 94/42
Simmonds type nuts G K N and Oddie type nuts P art No. for both an d articles in th e perm anent sections of those scales which are m arked w ith an
asterisk are :—
(Stores.R ef. 28M/5929) (Stores R ef. 28M/8987)
N uts, stiff :— N uts, s tif f :— AG/3 F lag Officer £ s. d.
L ight alloy, double P lates, single anchor, 21 10 0
Commodore or Captain ... ... ... ... ... 14
14 15 0
anchor, 6 B.A. for th in n u ts, stiff,
light alloy, 6 B.A. F lag C aptain, Com m ander or L ieutenant-C om m ander in 1(1 5 0
Ward Room Messes
4800.—Ventilation Trunking to W/T Offices in Destroyers—A’s. and A’s.
(D. 3062/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) Mess o f one Officer ...
3 13 0
Mess of tw o Officers
R eports have been received of considerable leakage o f w ater in to th e m ain 6 5 0
W /T offices of certain destroyers thro u g h th e tw o ven tilatio n tru n k s w hich are fitted F or every Officer borne in excess o f tw o ...
1 2 6
as n a tu ra l supplies and w hich term in ate in cowls on “ B ” gun deck.
Gun Rooni Messes
2. These tru n k s are n o t effective as n a tu ra l supplies an d are to be rem oved. Mess o f one Officer ...
T he openings in th e sides of th e m ain W /T office pierced for th e t runks a re to be fitted 3 8 0
w ith baffle boxes to serve as n a tu ra l exhausts rom th e office. F o r every Officer borne in excess of one ............. .
1 1 6
3. No alteration is required where th e existing n a tu ra l supply tru n k s end in Warrant Officers' Messes
w ater, excluding m ushroom tops or where w ater leakage has n o t been experienced. Mess of one Officer ...
4 . T he Com m anding Officers of ships concerned are to insert an item in th eir 0 0 4
F or every Officer borne in excess o f one ... t, u ...
lists of A ’s. an d A ’s., classification “ A ” , to cover th e w ork involved. 17 6
5. Special instructions will be issued b y th e A d m iralty for ships u n d er con­ 2. T he allowances are to be based on th e average daily num ber of O fficers
borne in each mess.
(Commodore(D) H .F ., 21 Feb., 1944, No. 123/H.D. 316.) 3. The articles draw n against these allowances are to be valued a t th e Victualling
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.) R a te Book prices for 1944-45.
(A.F.Os. 94,42 and 3746/43.)
4803 70 71 4805
4803.—Officers’ Mess Traps—Replacement Allowances for 1944 4805.—Chief Petty Officers’ and Petty Officers’ Mess Utensils—Replacement
Royai N aval Barracks, Colleges, Hospitals, Stationary Ships and other Shore Allowances for 1944
(V. 5/6302/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.
(V. 5/6302/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) •
F o r th e financial year 1944, th e auth o rized allowance for th e replacem ent of
F o r th e financial year 1944 th e authorized allowances in messes in H.M. Ships consum able articles in th e scale of mess utensils for Chief P e tty Officers’ an d P e tty
an d E stablishm ents m entioned above, for th e replacem ent o f articles in th e Officers’ messes show n in A .F.O . 94/42 w ill be 9s. 3d. for each Chief P e tty Officer
consum able sections o f th e sc,ale show n in A .F.O . 94/42 a n d articles in th e p erm anent or P e tty Officer in th e messes.
sections o f those scales w hich are m arked w ith a n asterisk are :—
£ s. d. 2. T he articles draw n ag ain st th is allowance are to be valued a t th e V ictualling
12 1 6 R a te B ook prices for 1944—45.
Captain, R .N .
(A.F.O s. 94/42 and 3746a;43.)
Ward Room Messes
3 1 0
Mess o f one Officer ... 4806.—Seamen’s Mess Utensils—Replacement Allowances
5 3 6
Mess o f tw o Officers (V. 5/6302/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
F o r every Officer bom e in excess of tw o ... 14 6
I t has been decided to introduce an an n u al m oney allow ance to cover
Gun Room Messes replacem ents of breakages arid losses of consum able item s of seam en’s mess utensils.
2 16 6 T he instructions contained in B .R . 93, M anual of V ictualling, C hapter X I I I ,
Mess o f one Officer ... ... ................ Section E , are suspended in so far as th ey relate to th e replacem ent of these item s
14 0
F o r every Officer borne in excess o f on^ in kind.
Warrant Officers' Messes 2. T he allowance is intended to cover all breakages a n d losses other th a n those
3 6 6 due to neglect, th e value of w hich has been recovered from th e individual or mess
Mess of one Officer ...
11 0 concerned.
F o r every Officer bo m e in excess o f one
3. F o r th e financial year 1944 th e auth o rized allowance for th e replacem ent
H .M . Ships and Establishments (except R .N . College, Eaton H all, Cheshire and o f consum able articles in th e st ale of mess utensils for seam en’s messes show n in
R .M . M ilitary School, Thurlestone). A .F.O . 94/42 will be 5s. 8d. for each seam en in th e messes.
2. T he allowances are to be based on th e average daily n u m b er of Royal N aval
an d R oyal M arine Officers bom e in each mess during th e 12 m onths ended 31st 4. T he articles draw n ag ain st th is allowance are to be valued a t th e V ictualling
M arch, 1944. W here N aval and M arine Officers on th e A ctive L ist are honorary R a te Book prices for 1944-45.
m em bers of a mess, one h a lf o f th e above allowances m a y b e claim ed for them . (A .F .O . 94/42.)
N o allowances are to be claim ed in respect o f other honorary members.
R .N . College, Eaton H all, Cheshire. . 4807.—Camp Equipment—Issues to Naval Officers and Officers and
/IP O / 9 Ratings of W.R.N.S.
R .M . M ilitary School, Thurlestone.
(N.S. 3 5 4 2 8 /4 3 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
3. The allowances are to b e calculated on th e num ber o f cadets bo m e during th e
Revised arrangem ents for th e issue of cam p equipm ent are as follows :—
preceding term .
A free issue will be m ade to N aval officers serving w ith R oyal M arine units,
4. W here supplies in excess o f th e allowances are draw n or are required on
an d to N av al officers an d officers an d ratin g s o f W .R .N .S. w hen special circum ­
31st M arch, 1945, to com plete th e set of replaceable articles to th e full scale allowed,
stances of th eir em ploym ent, w hich are to be rep o rted on th e relev an t dem and,
th e Com manding Officer is to rep o rt th e value of such excess (giving reasons) to
render it necessary. D em ands for cam p eq u ipm ent are to be m ade on th e a u th o rity
th e A dm iralty (D irector o f Victualling) w hen forw arding th e an n u al Officers’ mess
of th e Com m anding Officer, su p p o rted by a certificate, th a t th e recipient has n ot
tra p s accounts. previously h ad a free issue or a cash g ra n t in lieu.
5. T he articles draw n against th e allowances are to b e valued a t th e Victualling
2. F or-N aval officers th e k it will consist of th e following articles :—
R a te Book prices fo r 1944-45. B edstead (X chair, P a tte rn No. 2) Chair (X chair, P a tte rn No. 8)
(A.F.Os. 94/42 and 3744/43.) Bag for B ucket, canvas, w ater
Canvas b ath an d w ash basin P a tte rn 37 pillow
B ag for Valise, w ith lock or cord
4804.—Officers’ Mess Traps—Replacement Allowances for 1944 This equipm ent m ay be augm ented, if th e Com m anding Officer considers it necessary,
H .M . Submarines by th e addition of tw o brow n arm y blankets, tw o P a tte rn 37A pillow covers, a
(V. 5/6302/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) seam an’s ham m ock m attress, an d a sandfly or m osquito n et. All issues to N av al
officers are to be rep o rted to th e D irector of N av y A ccounts (B ranch 4A (O.G.))
F o r th e financial year 1944 th e authorized allowances in H.M . subm arines for im m ediately th e y are m ade.
th e replacem ent of consum able item s in th e scales show n in A .F.O . 94/42 are :—
P er quarter 3. F o r officers an d ratings o f W .R .N .S. th e k it is to be sim ilar to th a t shown
£ s. d . in p arag rap h 2 above, w ith th e addition o f th e following articles :—
M attress, seam an’s ham m ock ... ... ... 1
“ H ” a n d “ U n ity ” classes ............................. ... ... 1 4 6 P a tte rn 37 Covers for pillows ... ... ... ... ... 2
“ L ” an d “ P.551 ” classes ... ... ... ... ... 1 15 6
B lankets, brown arm y ... ... ... ... 2
“ O ” , “ P ” , “ R ” , “ P orpoise ” , “ Swordfish ” , “ T ham es ” , P a tte rn 34 Sheets ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
“ T rito n ” , 1940s ” a n d “ A ” c l a s s e s ........................................... 2 14 6 P a tte rn T.341 Towels, b a th ... ... ... ... ... 2
2. T he articles draw n again st these allowances are to b e valued a t th e V ictualling P a tte rn T.343 Towels, h an d ... ... ... ... ... 2
R a te Book prices for 1944-45. P a tte rn 25 Coverlets ... ................ ........... ... ... 2
(A.F.O . 94/42 and 3745/43.) Sandfly or m osquito nets (whichever is necessary, if

* d
4807 72 73 4811
4. T he issue of all k its to officers an d ratings of W .R .N .S. will be recorded b y 4811.—B.N. Air Stations—Scale of Allowances of Clocks
th e issuing officer in th e N aval P a y and Id e n tity Book (S.43a) of th e individuals, (N.S. 31136/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
an d in th e rem arks colum n of th e ledger of th e ship or establishm ent concerned.
This e n try will be carried forw ard, from ledger to ledger, an d on tran sfer lists (S.45), R equirem ents of clocks .for R .N . A ir S tations are to be based generally on th e
u n til th e equipm ent is w ithdraw n. following scale :—
5. W hen th e conditions necessitating th e issue of a k it no longer prevail, th e Four—M ain Office Block. One— each self-contained Office Block,
Meteorological Office, Officers’ Mess, Officers’ A nte-room , G uard Room , Class
k it is to be w ithdraw n, a corresponding n o tatio n m ade in th e p a y book an d th e
ledger e n try cancelled. W here th e p a y book is u ltim ately surrendered, n o tatio n s an d L ecture Room s, Sick Q uarters, Galley, Officers’ an d R atin g s’ Sleeping
Blocks, S.D.O., W /T T ran sm ittin g a n d Receiving Room s, Teleprinter
th erein are to be cheeked against ledger entries to ensure th a t k its h av e been retu rn ed
Room , Telephone E xchange, M otor T ran sp o rt Section, G ym nasium , O pera­
an d th a t credit has been given.
tio n al C ontrol Room , O perational Office an d Com m anding Officer’s Official
6. G rants in respect of th e purchase of cam p k its will no longer b e m ade, b u t Q uarters. (W .R.N .S. Blocks, etc., w here applicable, to be d ealt w ith as
sums already p aid will n o t be recovered. above.)
(A .F .O . 1742/43, sub-paragraph, relative to N aval officers not serving with Note.-—Clocks are n o t provided for C anteens, R a tin g s’ Mess, R ecreation Rooms,
D ining H alls an d Offices o th er th a n those m entioned above.
Royal M arine units, is cancelled.)
2. Clocks are in sh o rt supply an d w hile th e above scale should b e w orked to
as a guide for ih e equipm ent of new stations, etc., th e y should n o t be dem anded
4808.—Leather Sea Boots—Economy for use in positions j n w hich th e y are n o t essential. D em ands for a n y requirem ents
(V. 9 /5 3 8 9 /4 3 .-7 Sep. 1944.) n o t covered by th e approved scale b u t w hich are considered necessary for special
L eather sea-boots are frequently retu rn ed to th e victualling y ard s in a condition reasons, also requirem ents o f clocks of R .A .F . p a tte rn , where th is ty p e is essential,
w hich necessitates scrapping sooner th a n should be necessary. These boots are n o t should be forw arded to th e A dm iralty (D irector o f Stores). Sujjh dem ands should
only costly b u t th e ir production requires specially skilled labour an d uses m aterial be forw arded th ro u g h th e A dm inistrative A u th o rity accom panied b y a statem en t
w hich is already scarce. establishing th e necessity for supply.
2. I f sea-boots are n o t properly cared for, th e leather soon deteriorates an d 3. T he list referred to in A.F.O . 1408/44 should be am ended to include clocks
th ey become h ard an d uncom fortable to wear. To p rev en t this, th e y should be on th e basis show n in p arag rap h 1.
regularly tre a te d w ith dubbin or other suitable grease b o th while in store an d in 4. T he supply of synchronous electric clocks to shore establishm ents is
use ; dubbin for th e purpose can be dem anded from th e victualling yards. Sea- governed b y A .F.O . 1753/44.
boots th a t are n o t in use should be k ep t clean an d if th ey become w et th e y should (A.F .O s. 1408/44 and 1753/44.)
be dried slowly.
3. I t is also essential th a t sea-boots w hich become w orn should be retu rn ed to a 4812.—Naval Stores, Machinery, etc.—Shipment of—Documentation
victualling yard while still in a repairable condition. T he ex ten t to w hich repairs (N.S. 8 8 6 /4 3 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
can be executed is necessarily lim ited to replacem ent of th e o u ter sole or heel and
to m inor restitching or patching. Boots should not, therefore, be w orn down below E fforts have been m ade to im prove th e transm ission of shipping and accounting
th e ou ter sole. I f th e leather should become hardened, th e boots should be bum ped docum ents. T he following inform ation concerns th e m ethods now in lose.
o u t w ith paper to th eir proper shape and th e leather revived b y a generous use of A. For shipm ents generally
dubbin or grease. (i) T he consignee’s copy o f th e Bill of L ading is sent in th e freightship itself.
4. Sea-boots retu rn ed to victualling yards should be tied to g eth er in pairs. (ii) A packing note is enclosed in each package, giving details of th e contents
and. th e service for w hich th e y are intended. I n addition, th e q uadruplicate copy
o f th e accounting voucher is enclosed in th e case.
4809.—Victualling Arrangements—Christmas, 1944—Supply of Poultry (iii) A ccounting vouchers or reference sheets, as indicated below, are sent to
(V. 25505/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) consignees by A ir Mail w hen packages leave yards or depots, it being assum ed th a t
The M inistry o f F ood has m ade a special allocation of tu rk ey s to N .A .A .F.I, shipm ent will be effected in th e ship for w hich packages are sen t forw ard. These
for supply to H.M . F orces a t C hristm as on a basis w hich is expected to provide papers give full p articu lars o f th e service for w hich packages axe intended an d of th e
ab o u t 5 ozs. a head, and H.M . ships a n d establishm ents in hom e w aters w hich p a tte rn num bers an d descriptions o f th e stores shipped. F or yards an d bases w here
are victualled from service sources should m ake early application to N .A .A .F.I. th ere is a “ D ’ account, th e triplicate copy of th e accounting voucher (D.66) is
for th eir requirem ents. used, an n o t ,te 1 w ith th e nam es o f th e freightships. W here th e re is no “ D ”
account a reference sheet is used giving sim ilar inform ation.
2. In view of th e foregoing arrangem ents th e purchase b y A ccountant Officers (iv) A n e x tra copy of th e packing n o te is forw arded to th e ultimate consignee
or messes (including officers’ messes) of p o u ltry from sources o th er th a n N .A .A .F.I. b y p ost, as an advance voucher ohly. This voucher contains no p articulars o f
is to be avoided, in order th a t th e civilian population m ay receive an equitable despatch.
share of th e available supplies. (v) Messages giving particulars of freightship, package num bers an d brief
descriptions of stores for p articu lar ships an d services are forw arded from th e
4810.—Victualling Store Accounts (Implements and Mess Utensils, and Officers’ A dm iralty b y m eans of a non-confidential portion in plain language, followed b y a
Mess Traps) coded or cypher trailer.
(V 3/5964/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) B. Special arrangements fo r shipm ents to particular destinations
In view of doubts th a t have arisen it is notified th a t, for th e purpose of K .R . & Alexandria and Durban only An advance (additional copy of th e Bill of
A .I., A rticle 1891, seagoing ships are n o t regarded as being in continuous com ­ Lading is sent by A ir Mail as soon as th e
mission during w ar tim e. The Im plem ent an d Mess T rap accounts of such vessels consignments leave y ard s an d depots. This
need, therefore, only be rendered in accordance w ith th e instructions laid down in shows th e services for w hich packages are
th e article quoted.
(K .R . <& A .I ., A rt. 1891.) Note.—W hen th e microgram service is
well established, despatch of sim ilar shipping
(C.-in-C., Eastern Fleet No. 826/E.F.430/19 o f 18 A p r. 1944.) docum ents b y Air Mail will be discontinued.
4812 74 75 4815
K ilindini, Durban, M alta, Bombay 4815.—Rolls Royce Merlin and Griffon Cylinder Blocks—Transportation Bases
Microgram copies o f Bills o f L ading showing
and Alexandria. services an d packing notes (for stores for (N.S. A ir 11722/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
stock) are forw arded from th e A dm iralty. T he tran sp o rta tio n bases fo r Merlin a n d Griffon cylinder blocks are detailed
Ceylon M icrogram copies of Bills of L ading showing below. To avoid d isto rtio n an d dam age th ese cylinder blocks are invariably to be
services are forw arded from th e A dm iralty. stored, packed an d tran sp o rted only on th e base on w hich th e y were originally
Durban only delivered :—
Messages giving b rief details an d tonnages M erlin—
of stores fo r stock w ith p articu lars o f heav y
lifts are also sent. R ef. 36DD/40742, cylinder block, L .H ., one piece ...
Ref. 36DD/40743, cylinder block, R .H ., one piece ... (, tran sp o rta tio n
For H .M . S hips refitting in America (i) Copies of Bills o f L ading a n d packing
(A.F.O. 5699/42) Ref. 36DD/53360, cylinder block, L .H ., tw o piece ... f
notes are forw arded by Air Mail. These Ref. 36DD/53361, cylinder block, R .H ., two piece ... J ^ •W9u,i-
and indicate th e R equest N um ber (America)
at other Yards Abroad or J o b No. (other Y ards A broad) an d th e Griffon-—-
(C.A.F.O. 435/42) sym bol followed b y th e item n u m b er Ref. 36HH/8440, cylinder block, L .H . . . . T ran sp o rtatio n base.
R ef. 36HH/8441, cylinder block, R .H . . . . / 36HH/54856.
of th e D efect L ist or A lterations and
2. F o r accounting purposes a t R .N . sto re depots, it should be th e rule th a t
A dditions for which intended, for bases delivered with cylinder blocks are n o t to be tak en on or issued off charge as
ships’ own use or <P^ (America only) for sep arate item s ; only spare bases are to be so accounted for.
“ Pools ”, i.e., stocks for use during
refits of a class of ships, etc. 4816.—Walrus and Seafire/Spitfire Interchangeable Spares—Re-referencing.
(ii) Supply notes (Form s S.134d) are for­ (N.S. A ir 5 7 4 7 /4 3 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
w arded to Ship’s A ccountant Officer, o r
to B ritish A dm iralty Delegation in th e W ith reference to th e re-allocation o f reference num bers, as shown in th e
case o f “ Pool ” stocks. ap p en d ix to A .F.O . 5136/43, to item s interchangeable betw een W alrus, Seafire/
Spitfire and Sea-O tter aircraft, owing to th e lim ited production capacity rem aining
(C .A .F .O . 435/42 and A .F .O . 5699/42.) u nder th e W alrus contract, an d th e large R .A .F . requirem ents of these item s used
on Spitfire aircraft, it is no longer possible for A ir M inistry to o b tain such req u ire­
(A.F .O . 5134/43 is cancelled.)
m ents u n d er th e W alrus co n tract an d reference num bers.
2. U n til such tim es, therefore, as A dm iralty deliveries u nder th e existing W alrus
co n tract are com pleted, these spares will b ea r b o th a 26A J (Spitfire) an d a 26B
(W alrus) reference num ber, as show n in A ppendix I to th is A .F.O . W hen deliveries
4813.—Supplies of Stores to Allied Warships and Armed Forces—Valued Reports from th e W alrus co n tract are com plete, fu tu re supplies will be provided only to th e
Spitfire reference num ber.
(V. 3/6230/44.—7 Sep. 1944.) 3. U n til th e W alrus reference num bers become obsolete, however, duplicate
M any o f th e reports received from H.M. ships a n d establishm ents, etc., o f stockholding m ust, be avoided a n d stocks in R .N . store depots, aircraft carriers,
stores supplied to allied w arships and^ arm ed forces in respect of w hich no charge sta tio n s an d rep air or m aintenance yards should be held only under th e 26AJ
is to be m ade do not show th e value of th e supplies as required by th e instructions (Spitfire) num ber. Stocks now held u nder th e 26B reference n um ber should, th e re­
in th e relevant A dm iralty F leet O rders quoted below. I t is essential th a t this fore, be transferred fo rth w ith to th e 26AJ num ber an d supplies a n d fu tu re demands,
inform ation shall be furnished. I f difficulty is experienced or delay involved in m ade accordingly. Vouchers, for deliveries or retu rn s quoting th e reference 26B
assessing th e actual cost an approxim ate value should be assigned. n um ber should be am ended to th e 26A J num ber.
4. Pending publication of official am endm ent lists, spare p a r t schedules should
2. Care should be taken, however, to see th a t no price is inserted in an y
invoice or transfer docum ent h anded to allied personnel. be am ended in m anuscript.
5. Since th e publication of A .F.O . 5136/43, am endm ent has also been m ade to
(A.F.O s. 4553/42, 4554/42, 885/44, 1047/44, 3211/44, 3959/44.) th e section an d /o r reference num bers of certain A.G.S. and oth er item s shown in
th e appendix to th e order, an d these should be now re-referenced in accordance
-with A ppenoix I I of th is A .F.O . w here n o t alread y done.
A p p e n d ix I
Old Part N o. R e f No. allocated Further reference number
4814.—Stores for Vessels Refitting at Belfast—Addressing Ref. N o. A .F .O . 5136/43 now allocated
(N.S./D . 017124/44.—7 Sep. 1944.) 351 D .248/22/7352 26B/33675 26AJ/47500
696 22144/103 26B/33701 26AJ/47501
In fu ture, all V ote 8 Stores for H.M . ships refitting a t Belfast, as well as sto res 730 VGS.929/A/50 26B/33703 26AJ/47502
for Em ergency R epair Overseers for E .R . Jo b N um bers, should be forw arded 738 VGS.929/B 26B/33704 26AJ/47503
addressed as follows :— 26AJ/47504
741 VGS.4181/3 26B/33705
P .E .R .O . (Hull, Engineering or E lectrical, as applicable), 744 VGS.929/D 26B/33707 26AJ/47505
K ing’s W orks, 745 VGS.929/C 26B/33708 26AJ/47506
780 22344/135 26B/33709 26AJ/47507
Messrs. H arland & Wolff, L td., 26B/33710 26AJ/47508
882 23036/679
Belfast. 1126 D.248/21/7350 26B/33724 26AJ/47509
F or E .R ................................................................... 1192 S P .1628/5 26B/33727 26AJ/47510
1196 D .248/13/7352 26B/33728 26AJ/47511
(A.F.O. 3740/43 is cancelled.)
4816 76 77 4816
A p p e n d ix I — contd. A p p e n d i x I I — contd.
Old P art No. R ef. N o. allocated by Further reference number Old P art N o . R ef. N o . allocated by Further reference number
R ef. N o. A .F .O . 5136/43 now allocated R ef. N o . A .F .O . 5136/43 now allocated
1478 T em ax 31 26B/33745 26AJ/47512 2198 28C/6457 28S/6457
- 3031 PE.73 26B/33783
3032 26AJ/47513 2280 28C/6220 28W/6220
P E.75 26B/33784 26AJ/47514 2282 28C/6221 28W/6221
3033 SK. 1448/3 26B/33785 26AJ/47515 4182 28C/6349 28S/6349
3034 SK. 1448/4 26B/33786 26AJ/47516 4188 28C/6363 28S/6363
3035 SK. 1448/5 26B/33787 26AJ/47517 4192 28C/6456 28S/6456
3036 SK. 1448/6 26B/33788 26AJ/47518 4194 28C/6346 28S/6346
3037 SK. 1448/7 26B/33789 26AJ/47519 4204 28C/6428 28S/6428
3038 S K .1448/8 26B/33790 26AJ/47520 4206 28C/6375 288/6375
4208 SS .248/23/7352 Id en tical w ith B ef. 360 transferred to 26AJ/45073 5800 26B/33803 26EM/39409
6041 SP561/5454 26B/33806 26AJ/47521 5952 28C/6524 28S/6524
6044 SP.563/5454 26B/33807 26AJ/47522 7072 28C/6218 28W /6218
6137 VGS.754/0/5 26B/33809 26AJ/47523 7144 28C/6112 28S/6112
6986 SP.7/4445 26B/33813 26AJ/47525 7770 28C/6419 28S/6419
8044 SP.409/5215 26B/33833
8164 26AJ/47527 8130 28B/7964 28P/7964
17133/339 26B/33838 26AJ/47528 8190 288/6362
8536 28C/6362
23033/1201 26B/33846 26AJ/47529 8878 28C/6450 288/6450
14377 23027/Sht.l81 26B/33852
14879 26A J/475Í0 (A .F .O . 5136/43.)
23033/1203 26B/33854 26AJ/47541
14880 23033/1205 26B/33855
14881 26AJ/47542
23033/1207 26B/33856 26AJ/47543 4817—H.M.S. “ Collingwood ” and H.M.C.S. “ Collingwood »—Address
16250 VGS.4204/15 26B/33861
16275 26AJ/47544 (M. 1849/44— 7 Sep. 1944.)
SP.5/4445 26B/33862 26AJ/47545
16371 VGS.4204/11 26B/33863 A tten tio n is draw n to A .F.O . 4832/44 in Section 5 of th is w eek’s issue.
16485 26AJ/47546
Ross Courtney 26B/33864 26AJ/47547
17977 ( 4 . i \ 0 . 4832/44)
22434/47 26B/33866 26AJ/47548
17978 22434/59 26B/33867
18609 26AJ/47549 4818.—Swill—Disposal
22336/475 26B/33869
18705 26AJ/47550
23036/1655 26B/33870 (V/W .P.O. 1178/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
18733 26AJ/47551
23036/1687 26B/33871 26AJ/47552 The M inistry of Supply has draw n a tte n tio n to th e fact th a t difficulties an d
A p p e n d ix II delays are occurring in some areas in w hich concentrator plan ts have been recently
Old j?e/ No. allocated by brought into operation.
-tfou> referenced as
Ref. No. A .F .O . 5136/43 2. U nder th e term s set o u t in A .F.O . 1267/44 (paragraphs 4, 12 an d 13) all
82 28C/6043 swill m u st be offered a t th e controlled price to th e local au th o rity operating a
186 28W/6043
28/6387 5K/2347 concentrator p lan t. Care should be taken, therefore, to term in ate existing contracts
272 28C/6359 in good tim e so as to enable this to be done w ithout undue delay.
343 28S/6359
28C/6579 28S/6579
347 28C/6175
364 28S/6175 The K itchen W aste (Licensing o f P riv ate Collectors) (Consolidation and
28C/6378 28S/6378
368 28C/6042 E xtension) Order, 1944 (a) has been am ended b y th e addition a t th e end of th e
379 28W/6042 Second Schedule to th a t O rder of P a rt E as follows :—
380 26B/33686 P a r t E (operative from 1st N ovem ber, 1944)
381 26B/33687 Item s now cancelled. T he area com prising th e County Borough of Swansea an d th e Borough of N eath.
382 26B/33688 The area com prising th e County B orough of Gloucester.
695 28B/7849 T he area com prising th e C ounty B orough o f P ortsm outh.
760 28/6386 The area com prising th e County B orpugh of B ournem outh an d th e boroughs of
1060 28B/-AGS.502/24 C hristchurch an d Poole.
1120 28P/-A .G .S.502/24
28C/6350 28S/6350 The area com prising th e Borough of St. A lbans an d th e U rb an D istrict of W elwyn
1122 28C/6577 G arden City.
1128 288/6577
28C/6360 28S/6360 The area com prising th e B orough of Haslingden.
1203 26EM/39287 T he area com prising th e B orough of K idderm inster.
1266 26B/13097
28C/6205 28W/6205 The area com prising th e Borough of Mansfield.
1272 28C/6044 The area com prising th e Borough of Southall.
1274 28W/6044
28C/6045 28W/6045 The area com prising th e u rb an districts of Baldock, H itchin, L etchw orth an d
1390 28C/6219 Stevenage.
1536 28W/6219
28B/8287 28P/8287 T he ¿rea com prising th e U rb an D istrict of H a v a n t an d W aterloo.
1564 28C/6217 T he area com prising th e U rb an D istrict of Camborne an d R ed ru th .
1740 28W/6217
28/6384 5K/209 The area com prising th e U rb an D istrict of St. Austell.
1858 26B/33764 28W /6043 (Id en tical w ith old (A .F .O . 1267/44.)
1942 ref. 82.)
26B/33769 5K/2345 (Id en tical w ith old
ref. 182.)
4819 78
4819.—Amendments to Books A.F.O. P.592/44.— B .R . 966.— H andbook for th e 4 - 7-in. Q.F. G un M ark IX**
on C.P. M ark X V III M ounting— 1938— A m endm ent No. 3.
(E.F.O .— 7 Sep. 1944.) P.593/44.— B .R . 967— H andbook for 4 -7-in. Q .F. M ark X II , X II* Guns
The underm entioned am endm ents (A.F.Os. P.566-601/44) to B .R . a n d O.U. on C.P. T w in M ark X IX M ounting— 1939— A m endm ent
books are available for issue from th e R .N . Store D epot, E lvedon R oad, P a rk R oyal, No. 6.
N.W .10, in accordance w ith A .F.O . Volume 1941, In stru ctio n s, p arag rap h 9 ! P.594/44.—B .R . 1036— R egulations for M aintenance o f 18-in. D uplex
D istrib u tio n is lim ited to holders of th e relative publication(s) affected. Pistols M arks I an d I I — A m endm ent No. 1.
Demands fro m shore establishments in the Portsmouth Command should be sent P.595/44.—B .R . 1061— D rill for 4 -7-in. Q.F. M ark IX** G un on C.P.
to the Portsmouth Book Office, 54 Bedford Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, M ark X X II M ounting an d 4-5-in. Q .F. M ark IV Gun on C.P.
and fro m those in the Plym outh Command to the Devonport Book Office, R .N . Port M ark V M ounting— 1944— A m endm ent No. 1.
Library, Devonport. Demands fro m other shore establishments at horns should be P.596/44.— B .R . 1203 (form erly O.U. 5378/1940)— In stru ctio n s for th e
sent to R .N . Store Depot, P ark Royal, London, N .W .10 . Inspection of N aval A rm am ent Stores— A m endm ent No. 15.
Am endm ents required fo r personal copies of the m ain books should be obtained P.597/44.—-O.U.5332/37— Procedure for Supervision of Ships a n d Vessels
fro m D istributing Authorities abroad, and fro m P ark Royal when the Officer or rating B uilding a n d Com pleting a t C ontractors’ Y ard s—A m end­
is serving at home. m e n t No. 25.
P.598/44.— O.U. 5449—R egulations for M aintenance of 21-in. M ark
A.F.O. *P.566/44.— B .R . 377 (General)—A .S.E.— A m endm ent No. 7. II-V Torpedoes—A m endm ent.
*P.567/44.— B .R . 377 (General)—A .S.E.—A m endm ent No. 8. P.599/44.— O.U. 5450— R egulations for M aintenance of 21-in. M ark IV*S
*P.568/44.—B .R . 377 (General)— A .S.E.— A m endm ent No. 9. a n d S.O. Torpedoes in Subm arines—A m endm ent.
*P.569/44.— B .R . 377 (General)— A .S.E.—A m endm ent No. 10. P.600/44.— O.U. 6341 (2)— R egulations for M aintenance o f 21-in. L.C.
*P.570/44.—B .R . 377 (A)— Swordfish A .S.E.— A m endm ent No. 4. M arks I, I I , II* an d Vosper L.C. Torpedo T ubes (Cordite
*P.571/44.— B .R . 378 (General)— A .S.E.—A m endm ent No. 42. Im pulse) in M.T.Bs. an d S.G.Bs— A m endm ent No. 22.
*P.572/44.—B .R . 378 (General)—A .S.E.—A m endm ent No. 43. P.601/44.— O.U. 6341 (3)— R egulations for M aintenance of 18-in. L.C.
*P.573/44.—B .R . 378 (General)—A .S.E.—A m endm ent No. 44. M ark I I Torpedo T ubes (Pow der Im pulse) in M.T.Bs. an d
*P.574/44.:—B .R . 378 (General)—A .S.E.— A m endm ent No. 45. 18 in. troughs—A m endm ent No. 13.
*P.575/44.—B .R . 378 (General)—A .S.E.— A m endm ent No. 46.
P.576/44.— B .R . 46A—A dm iralty M anual of N av ig atio n 1938, Vol. I l l — * Exceptionally A .F .O s. P .566-575 will be distributed without demand by the
A m endm ent No. 5. Superintending Naval Store Officer, R .N . Store Depot, 191a, A skew Road, Shepherds
P.577/44.—B .R . 127— P hotographic Views o f B ritish an d F oreign W arships Bush, W ., who holds the stock of the parent book.
—A m endm ent No. 3. (A .F .O . 4659/44.)
P.578/44.—B .R . 236.— T u rre t Gun D rill for 14 in. B.L. M ark V II Guns on
Tw in M ark I I an d Q uadruple M ark I I I M ountings— 1942— 4820.—A.M.S.Is.
A m endm ent No. 4.
P.579/44.—B .R . 257.— H andbook for th e 4 in. Q.F. M ark X V I* G un on (E.F.O .— 7 Sep. 1944.)
th e H .A . Tw in M ark X IX an d Single M ark X X M ountings— A d m iralty M erchant Shipping In stru ctio n s Nos. 44-47/44 are being
1941— A m endm ent No. 8. d istrib u ted concurrently w ith th is issue of A.F.Os.
P.580/44.—B .R . 291— Tables showing particu lars in regard to N aval
O rdnance, 1942—A m endm ent No. 21. (A .F .O . 4657/44.)
P.581/44.—B .R . 312—T u rre t Gun D rill for 15 in. M ark I Guns on Tw in
M ark I/N M ountings— 1938—A m endm ent No. 12. 4821.—Air Letter Forms—Supply to H.M. Ships Proceeding Overseas
P.582/44.— B .R . 615 (C)— L ecture N otes for In stru ctio n o f C.R.3s. Q uali­ (M. 1488/44.—7 Sep. 1944.)
fying a t Sea— A m endm ent No. 1.
P.583/44.—B .R . 026— D rill for 4-in. M ark X V I* Q.F. Sem i-A utom atic H .M . ship s p ro ceed in g to overseas sta tio n s fro m w hich th e sp ecial forces
Guns on H .A . Tw in M ark X IX M ounting— 1942— A m end­ A ir L e tte r S ervice o p era tes can now o b ta in u p to one m o n th ’s su p p ly of
m ent No. 6. A ir L e tte r F o rm s (A rm y F o rm s W.3077 a n d W.3077A) fro m th e N a v a l S to re
P.584/44 .— B .R . 772—M aintenance of Torpedo T ubes in Subm arines fitte d D epot, P a r k R oyal, before le av in g th e U n ite d K in g d o m . These sh o u ld be
w ith H .P . F irm g Gear—A m endm ent No. 8. dem anded in th e p ro p o rtio n of fo u r O rd in a ry A ir L e tte r F o rm s (A rm y
P.585/44.—B .R . 796/42— H andbook o f Periodical M aintenance R outines F o rm W.3077) to one P riv ile g e A ir L e tte r F o rm (A rm y F o rm W.3077A).
for 21-in. M ark V III** Torpedoes-—A m endm ent No. 12. 2. The appropriate stand in g instructions in Home Commands are to be
P.586/44.— B .R . 859—R egulations for M aintenance of 21-in. M ark V III- noted accordingly.
V III** Torpedoes—A m endm ent.N o. 9.
P.587/44 •— B .R . 862—N aval M agazine an d Explosives R egulations, 1941— 4822.— Ammunition Labels—Form 0.6—Additions
A m endm ent No. 16.
P.588/44.—B .R . 915— H andbook for 5 -25-in. Q .F. M ark I G un on H .A ./ (Sta. 16649/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
L.A . Twin, M arks I an d I I M ountings— 1941— A m endm ent
No. 14. Serial W here Page in Sta. No.
D escription F o rm 0 .6
P.589/44.—B .R . 917—H andbook for 4-5-in. Q .F. M ark I (N ),.III (N) Guns No. u^d
on th e Twin M ark I I B.D. and M ark I I I U .D , M ountings—
1940—A m endm ent No. 13.
N.505A Classification o f Explosives — F o r use 39 Sta. 16649/44
P .590/44.— B .R . 965—H andbook for th e 4 - 7-in. Q.F. Guns M arks I X and
IX * on O.P. M ark X IV an d C.P. (S) M ark X V I M ountings— G roup 6 (size I f in. X I f in.) where
1933— A m endm ent No. 7. 3 in. X 3 in.
P.591/44.—B .R . 965 (1)— H andbook for th e 4 - 7-in. Q.F. M ark IX * Guns label is too
on C.P. M ark X V II M ountings. A ddendum No. 1 to th e large.
H andbook for 4 - 7-in. Q.F. M arks I X an d IX * Guns on th e 2. Labels should be dem anded as necessary from N.A.S.O., Finchfield H ouse,
C.P. M ark X IV a n d C.P. (S) M ark X V I M ountings, 1933- Com pton, W olverham pton.
1934—A m endm ent No. 4.
4823 80 81 4823
-B .R .847(44)—H andbook for the 2-pdr., M ark V III Gun on the Gun M ounting Overseers— Copies

M ark V II and VII*P Mountings—Issue N .E . Area, Barrow
(G. 6271/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.) W oolwich, Crayford ...
W est M idlands... ... 1 each
T he above-m entioned book is now in th e press an d copies will be issued, w ith o u t E a s t M id lan d s...
dem and, b y th e Superintending N aval Store Officer, R .N . Store D epot, 307, E lveden P ark h ead an d Coventry
R oad, P a rk R oyal, N .W .10, w hen supplies become available, in accordance w ith B.A .T.M .................................................................................................. 2
th e following establishm ent, viz.
B.A.D. ... ................................................................................. 1
Copies 1
P.A .M .S.R ............................ .......................................................
Commanders-in-Chief an d F lag Officers afloat .................... 1 D .N .O ., W ashington ... ................ ............................. 1
F lag Officers-in-Charge a t H ome .................... 1
B attleships ............................ 2* S ecretary to N av al B oard (N.D.A.), O ttaw a, Canada 25
B a ttle Cruisers ... ............................ 2* (4 for H.M.C.S. “ Cornwallis ” an d 4 for H.M.C.S. “ N aden ” )
Cruisers «... ............................ 3* C.O. N orthern A.A. R ange, Scapa 2
A.A. Cruisers ............................ 2* C.O. A.A. R ange, Trincom alee 2
F leet Carriers ............................ 2* C.O. A.A. R ange, Colombo ... 2
L ight F leet Carriers ............................ 4*
E sco rt Carriers' ... C.O. A.A. R ange, M alta 2
............................ 3*
D estroyer D epot Ships ... ............................ 3* C.O. A.A. R ange, A lexandria ... 2
Subm arine D epot Ships ............................ 3 Secretary, N av y Office, W ellington, New Zealand 5
Base Ships ............................ 3* Secretary, N av y Office, M elbourne (including 2 for Flinders
E scort Base Ships ............................ 3* 10
G unnery School)
A ircraft R epair Ships .......................... 3*
F leet R epair Ships ............................ 2* F itting Out Gun M ounting Overseers—
A.A. Ships .......................... 2*
F ig h ter D irection Ships .......................... 2* Liverpool, Glasgow, B elfast, M iddlesbrough, Newcastle-on
Accom m odation Ships ... .......................... 2* T yne, H ull, Cardiff, A vonm outh, Barrow , L eith, A berdeen
D estroyers .......................... 2* S outham pton, F alm o u th , London an d Low estoft 1 each
G unboats ... .......................... 2* Senior F ittin g O ut G unnery Officer, H um ber Area, H ull 1
M onitors ... .......................... 3* B.N .L.O . F rench N aval H ead q u arters 1
Minelayers 2* N aval S taff L ibrary, A dm iralty- ... ... ... 1
L . S . I ( L ) ............................. ................... i>* A rm am ent Supply D epots an d E stablishm ents \
Sloops ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2* As necessary
Inspectors o f N aval O rdnance ... ... ... /
Frigates ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2*
♦Ships fitted w ith th e 2-pdr., M ark V III Gun on th e M ark V II an d V II* P
C aptain, H.M.S. “ E xcellent ” .................................................................... 50
M ountings.
C aptain (G), H.M. G unnery School, D evonport ... ... ... 25
C aptain (G), R .N . G unnery School, C hatham ... .. ... 12 2. T his book supersedes B.R.847—Prelim inary P am p h let for 2-pdr. Mountirig
— M ark V II(P ) (Power O perated) 1943 an d O.U. 6357(2)—A ddendum No. 2
General Officer Commanding R oyal M arines ... ... ... ... 8 to O.U. 6357—for th e M ark V II M ounting— copies of w hich should be disposed of
Official Secretary, Office of H igh Commissioner for Canada, C anada in accordance w ith B .R .l— B .R . an d I.D . Catalogue— w hen copies of B.R.847/44
H ouse, T rafalgar Square, S .W .l ... ... ... ... ... 10 are received. W ith reference to p arag rap h 3 of A.F.O . 1623/43 all copies of
D.A. Algiers ............................................................................................... 3 O.U.6357 are now obsolete an d can be disposed of in accordance w ith the*,
C aptain “ F ” , M editerranean ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 instructions in O.U.2A— O.U. Catalogue.
(A .F .O . 1623/43.)
P o rtsm outh ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 (A.F .O . 6291/43 is cancelled.)
D evonport ... ... ... ... ... ,.. ... ... 5
C hatham ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
Sheem ess ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
R o syth ;.. .................. ... ......................... ... ... ... 3
O rkneys ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1
4824.—B.R. 1025(44)—Small Ships’ Accountant Manual—Distribution
Pem broke ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 , (P .D .G .-^ 7 Sep. 1944.)
M alta ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
G ibraltar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 B .R . 1025 (44)— S m all S h ip s’ A cc o u n tan t M a n u a l (sh o rt tit le — S .S .A .M .)—
A lexandria ... ... * ... ................. ........... ... ... 2 has now been p r in te d a n d w ill be d is trib u te d w ith o u t d em an d on the
Berm uda ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 b asis of tw o copies to a ll sh ip s dow n to a n d in c lu d in g m iifes^eepers, a n d
D urb an ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 on e copy to a ll F la g Officers fo r th e ir in fo rm a tio n .
Ceylon ... ... ... ... ... ... ,.. ... ... 1 2. T he M a n u a l is n o t ap p lic a b le to L a n d in g craifcv ^ j
K ilindini ... ................ ........... ... ... ... ... 2
E.O . for Gun M ountings, A lexandria ... ... ... ... ... 1 3. A d d itio n a l copies w ill be su p p lie d to d is tr ib u tin g ' a u th o ritie s to
R .N . College, Greenwich ... ... ... ... ... ... 1
m eet d em an d s fo r e x tr a copies. \ / \
Com m andant, M ilitary College of Science, Q ueen’s R oad, Penkhull, 4. S u g g estio n s fo r im p ro v em en t of th e M a n u al w ill be welcdtned an d
Stoke-on-T rent, Staffs ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 m ay be sen t to th e P a y m a ste r D ire c to r G en eral, A d m ira lty . \
83 4828
4825 82
M edicine—
4825.—B.R. 1209 (Restricted) Pamphlet for 3-inch, 50 Cal. Fire Control Equipment Tem py. Surgeon R ear-A dm iral R . A. Row lands, O .B .E., M.D., R .N . H ospital,
and Arrangements for American Built D.Es. and P.Fs.—Issue H aslar (Portsm outh D ockyard 4321.)
(G. 012988/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) T em py. Surgeon R ear-A dm iral J . W . McNee, D .S.O ., D.Sc., M.D., F .R .C .P .,
(c/o T he G ardiner In s titu te of Medicine, U niversity of Glasgow, 50, Church
T he above-m entioned publication has been added to B .R .l— B .R . Catalogue, S treet, Glasgow, W .l.)
a n d will be issued w ith o u t dem and b y th e Superintending N av al Store Officer,
R .N . Store D epot, P a rk R oyal, to th e following services :— Neurology—
Copies Tem py. Surgeon C aptain M. Critchley, M.D., F .R .C .P ., R .N .V .R ., R .N .
A uxiliary H ospital, B arrow G urney. (Long A shton (Bristol) 3163.)
Commander-in-Chief, W estern A pproaches ... ... 1
Captains (D) :— Psychological M edicine—
Liverpool, Greenock, B elfast ... ... ... l each Tem py. Surgeon C aptain D . Curran, F .R .C .P ., M.B., B.Ch., D .P.M ., R .N .V .R .,
D .E s. (“ C aptain ” Class F rigates) ... ... ... ... 1 c/o A dm iralty M edical B oard, R oom 936, N in th F loor, Queen A nne’s
P .F . (“ Colony ” Class F rigate), H.M.S. “ A nguilla ” ... 1
Mansions, London, S.W .l.
C aptain (G), R .N . G unnery School, C hatham ... ... l
C aptain (G), H.M . G unnery School, D evonport ... ... 1 Radiology—
2. All P .F s. (“ Colony ” Class Frigates), except H.M .S. “ A nguilla ” , have T em py. Surgeon-Commander A. R . Thom as, B.Ch., M.R.C.S., L .R .C .P.,
already been supplied w ith this pam phlet an d should insert th e n um ber “ B .R . 1209 ” D .M .R .E ., R .N .V .R ., R .N . A uxiliary H ospital, N ew ton A bbot. (Newton
an d “ R estricted (For Official U se Only) ” on th e cover o f th eir copy. A bbot 912.)
Diseases o f the Chest—
T em py. Surgeon C aptain W . D. W . Brooks, D.M<f”i\R .C .P ., R .N .V .R ., R .N .
4826.—C.B. 4302—Declassification H ospital, C hatham . (C hatham D ockyard y ifx ten sio n 28.)
(G.B. 2 9 5 3 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
■Oenito-U rinary Disease—
C.B. 4302 has been declassed to th e Books o f Reference (R estricted) series Tem py. Surgeon Com m ander S. G. Sanftfey, F.R .C .S., R .N .V .R ., R .N . H ospital
and allotted th e num ber B .R . 847 (1) (R estricted).
H aslar. (Portsm outh D ockyard; E xtension 4321.)
Venereal Diseases—
4827.—Forms 0.2 (0)—Introduction Surgeon C aptain T. R . L. ínes, R .N ., R .N . Sick Queen A lexandra
(AS/Sta. 16417/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) H ospital, Cosham, its . (Cosham 76076.)
A dditional p rin te d voucher form s (0.2 series) have been introduced, an d should M edical Statistics—
be add ed to F orm O .l, page 1, as follows :— Tem py. Surgeon Com m ander J . A. F . HeWerts, M.D., Sc., F .R .C .S. (Ed.),
0 .2 (O) Guns, Machine, Vickers, 0 • 303-in. (outside) R .N .V .R ., Medical D e p a rtm e n tA 4 m ira lty , 64 St. eimes’s S treet, L ondon,
0 .2 (O) Guns, Machine, Vickers, 0 - 303-in. (inside) S .W .l. (Regent 7481.)
2. One outside sheet an d one inside sheet co n stitu te a com plete p rin ted voucher. 2. T he following Civil Consultantfh&re available fa /c o n su lta tio n in th e U nited
3. These form s are m ade u p in to pads of 60 sheets each. D em ands should be K ingdom . T he Medical D irector-G eneral is th e a u th o rity for arranging cases for
addressed to S uperintending N aval Store Officer, R .N . Store D epot, E lveden R oad, consultation, an d M edical Officers-fc^Charge are r e t i r e d to forw ard details of each
P a rk R oyal, N.W .10, for supply to be m ade w hen available, an d a n in itial supply to case in accordance w ith th e ro^dlations laid drpnii in B .R . 677 In stru ctio n s for
m ain depots abroad will be arranged w ith o u t dem and. N aval H ospitals, etc., A r tic l/ 86 (see also B /R . 677(2) an d relev an t A dm iralty
F leet OMars). Exceptionsytfo th is procedure ean only be m ade w ith th e perm ission
of th e Aledical D irector-G eneral, as n o ted inAhe following list.
•4828.—Medical and Hospital Consultants îe followii in s titu te s a list o ^ th e Civil Consultants
(M.D.G. 56152/43
56 ; M.D.G. 44819/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.) EJTOLAND
The following N aval C onsultants are available, an d Medical Officers should urological Diseases—7 Telephone :
com m unicate w ith th e appropriate Medical Officer-in-Charge (or direct to private u Bond, K .B .E ., DiSc., M.D., F.R .C .P. W hitehall 7010
address, where shown), when cases arise in w hich % e«''serviees are required :— VBo^ d& of C ontrol (London Office : 25, V ictoria S treet, S .W .l). E x t. 122-123
n h e E ar, Nose arid Throat-— (
Tem py. Surgeon R ear-A dm iral C. E W a k e l e j / M ^ B . , D.Sc., F.R.C.S., . W : Carte, E sq., F.KAXS., W elbeck 6860
F.A.C.S., F.R.A .C .S., R .N . ^Hospital, H aslaar (Portsm outh D ockyard, 16, U pper W im pole S treet, W .l.
E xtension 4321.) , Colledge, E sq., F;R.C.S., W elbeck 4971
Tem py. Surgeon Rear-Adjrfiral R . JflW fflan , M .V .O .^JS.B .E., V .D ., M.S., 2, U pper W im pole S treet, W .l.
F.R .C .S., c/o N av a J'H e alth O ffice/ffosyth. (E^iirfnirgh T runks 39.)
Tem py. Surgeon R ear-A dm iral Îon-Taylorj, O .B .E., M.S., M .B., sthetics—
F.R.QnSi, R .N . H ospital, ham. D ockyard, E xtension 28.) I. W . Magill, E sq., M.B., B.Ch., D .A ., 149 H arley S treet, W .l. W elbeck 4444
Orthopaedic Pathology (Morbid Histology)—
T em py J niral R . 5e, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S. (75, P o rtland W . W . W oods, E sq., M.R.C.S., L .R .C .P. B ishopsgate 8333
Pla! (Welbj 1020.) c/o London H ospital. (Specimens should be sen t direct.)
N euro-Surgi Dentistry—
Temp- ;eon CaptainLfeTC. Rogers, M.Sc., F.R .C .S., F.R.A .C.S., F.A .C.S., Sir N orm an B en n ett, K t., M.A., M.B., L.D .S., etc. L angham 2453
•V.R., R .N . A uxiliary H ospital, B arrow Gurney. (Long Ashton,. 57, H arley S treet, W .l.
r(Bristol) 3163.)
4828 85 4828
Ophthalmology— Dentistry—
A. C. H utchinson, E sq., M.D.S., E dinburgh 22711
Sir A rnold Lawson, K .B .E ., L angham 1232
12, H arley S treet, W .l. 31, Cham bers S treet, E dinburgh.
F . A. W illiamson Noble, F.R .C.S., L angham 1631 Ophthalmology—
27, H arley S treet, W .l. , E dinburgh 4318
J . M arshall, E sq., M.B., Ch.B., D.O.M.S
Plastic Surgery— 11, Clairm ount G ardens, Glasgow, C.3
Sir H arold Gillies, K t., C .B.E., F.R.C.S. W elbeck 4444
149, H arley S treet, W .l. N O R T H E R N IR E L A
Gynaecology— M edicine—
S. T. T urkington, M.D., jlfast 24396
14, U niversity Square, Belfast.
J . P . Hedley, E sq., M.D., F.R .C .P., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G., Langhany 3432
17, B entinck S treet, London, W .l. Surgery—
D am e Louise M cllroy, D .B .E ., M.D., F.R .C .P., F.R.C.O .G ., C. J . A. W oodside, M.B., F .R Belfaèt 26931
Weib« k 8010
115a, H arley S treet, W .l. 3, Elm w ood A venue, Belfast.
Plymouth— Gynaecology— /I
J . W. G. Riddell, E sq., M.C., M.D., F.R.C.S., M.R.C.O.G., P rof. C. G. LdwJy, M.D., F.R .C .S., F.R .C B elfast 21959
I|iy m o u th 4565
9, T he C resctnt, Plym outh. 12, U niversity Square, Belfast.
Liverpool— / 4. W hen cases/af urgency arise, ibices o f C onsultants u n d er th e Em ergency
Prof. A. L. R obinson, F.R.C.S., F.C.O.G, Medical Service Scheme o f th e Mir of H eaM j/fE .M .S^ Scheme) are available.
Lj^èrpool, R oyal 8061
63, R odney S treet, Liverpool. A pplication shhiild be m ade to tl) ional ^H ospital Officers or G roup Officers
Bristol— (London Sec top's).
H . L. Shepherd, E sq., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.O.G., 5. Abro th e service th e n I N aval, M ilitary or A ir Force specialist
Bristol 36463
79, Pem broke Road, Clifton. Bristol. available sfro I d b e /Û till8 p ^ , bUUU
ut w v i s 'oV..V.
n uher n e is
. n
uov tv available, th e---------------
-------- -----, ----- Medical Officers-
Tropical M edicine— in-Charge yof Î..N. MoppitalR, H ospital Ships an d R .N . A uxiliary H ospitals abroad,
a n d Flee# Mi lical/Oflncers, are authorised to call in a civilian con su ltan t u nder th e
Sir P hilip M anson-Bahr, K.C.M^G., D.S.O., M.A ' M.D., F.R .C .P., conditions la dow^i in I n s tr u c to r s to N aval H ospitals, A rticle 86 (4) as am ended
149, H arley S treet, W .l. relbeck 4444 b y A .F.O . P . [45/J
Dermatology— T he Consulting Radiological E ngineer is available for H om e H ospitals,
H . W. B arber, M.A., M .B .^ .R .C .P ., W elbeck 9727 etc./
7, D evonshire Place, London. W .l. C. M organ D avies, E sq., A .M .I.E .E ., K ings Langley 7919
Radio-therapy and Physio -therapy— R u sk in H ouse, A bbots R oad, A b b o t’s Langley, H erts.
J . E . C arter Braine, Esij., M.D., F.R.C. W elbeck 8607 (A.F.Os. 1793/44, 1933/44 and 3516/44.)
55, W impole S tre e t/ W .l.
Special Consultant fo r Rehabilitation Si (A.F.Os. 5818/43 and 406/44 are cancelled.)
H . E . Moore, Egg., M.B., Ch.B. (Su ;eon to L.M.S. Railway),
1, W ellington yillas, Crewe
H . K . G rah Idgson,, E sq.,
, Hr.O„ M.D.,, F.R.C.
. - , -, Museum 8333 4829.—Navy List—To be Published Quarterly in Three Volumes
X -R ay DepE^rt'^ent, Middl H ospital. M ortim er S tre it, W .l.
(C W 15964/44 — 7 Sep 1944 )
Medical Statistics—
M. Greenwood, ¡¡jq., F .R .S ., D.Sc., F .R .C .P., Owing to editorial a n d p rin tin g difficulties th e N av y L ist will be published
London School }f H ygiene and Tropical Medicine, K eppel Street q u a rte rly in fu tu re in stead of every tw o m onths. In order to effect th e change-over
(Gower Stree th e J u n e ed itio n will be published as usual, th e re will be no A ugust edition, an d th e
Museum 3041
first q u arte rly ed itio n w ill b e th a t for O ctober, corrected u p to a n d including
, ^ , SCOTLAND 3 0 th Septem ber, 1944.'
Surgery— 2. I n view o f th e considerable grow th o f th e N av y L ist it will be published in
Sir Jo h n Fraser, K.C.V.O., MX'., M.D., Ch.M/i E dinburgh 22814 th re e volum es com mencing w ith th e O ctober edition, th e contents being :—
20. Moray Plac >, Edinburgh. V olum e 1— R .N ., R .N .R ., R .N .V .R . an d W .R.N .S. Indexes.
Gynaecology— Volume 2— R .N ., R .N .R ., R .N .V .R . an d W .R.N .S. Seniority L ists.
Edinburgh and, East of Scotland— , Volume 3— Civil D ep artm en ts a n d L ists o f Ships an d E stablishm ents, etc.
Prof. R . W. John stone, C.B.E., F .A .S .C .^ .C .O .C ., Edinburgh 23377
26, Palm erstorJ Place, E dinburgh. 3. D ivision has been m ade in th is m anner in order to effect a saving o f labour,
(A uthority tb arrange consultations is delegated to p ap er a n d tran sp o rt as m an y E stablishm ents a n d D ep artm en ts will n o t require all
Senior Medical Officer, H.M.S. “ Cochrane ” .) th re e volumes. T he D istrib u tio n L ist has accordingly been revised to th a t end an d
m an y users will n o t be supplied in fu tu re w ith a com plete ed itio n o f th ree volumes.
Glasgow and West of Scotland. A ny users who can dispense w ith volum es over a n d above those curtailed b y th is
D. M cIntyre, E sq., M .B.E., F .R .S.(E din.), F.R.C .S.(E din.), M.D., F.R.C .O .G ., revision a re requested to inform th e K eeper o f S tatio n ery a n d P rin tin g , A dm iralty,
9, P a rk Circus, a s soon as possible after th e O ctober edition has been published.
Glasgows C.3. Douglas, E dinburgh 4741
4830 86 87 4833
4830.—Office of the Ordnance Consulting Officer for India—Change of Address
(M. 1979/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
As from 1st Septem ber, 1944, th e location an d address o f th e office o f th e 4833.—Annual Leave for Temporary Juvenile Civilian Non-Industrial Staffs
O rdnance Consulting Officer for In d ia will be as follows :—
O rdnance C onsulting Officer for India, (C.E. 5 4 9 7 4 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
Duffield H ouse, U n d er norm al arrangem ents, tem p o rary staff who becom e entitled to n o t less
Stoke Green, th a n 18 d ay s’ an n u al leave a t age 18 are allowed only 12 d ay s’ an n u al leave so long
Slough, Bucks. as th e y are under th e age o f 18.
T elephone N o. : Slough 22294 (3 lines).
2. I t h as now been decided th a t, as a pu rely w artim e concession, an additional
6 d ay s’ an n u al leave m ay be g ran ted to those juveniles, aged 17, who w ould norm ally
4831.—Correspondence for H.M. Ships Bearing Place Names become en titled to n o t less th a n 18 d ay s’ an n u al leave a t age 18.
(M. 1913/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
3. This arran g e m en t will ap ply during th e cu rren t leave year, an d it is hoped
A tte n tio n is draw n to A .F.O . 5929/43. Since th e com missioning of H .M .S. th a t establishm ents will find it possible to allow th e juveniles concerned to have
“ K ilm arnock ”, a considerable q u a n tity o f m ail has been received on b o ard in ten d ed tw o “ breaks ” in th e y ear— of w hich one should, w herever practicable, be a
for th e tow n o f K ilm arnock, th e R .N .A . H ospital, an d th e R oyal M arine base a t consecutive fortnight.
K ilm arnock.
(A.F.O . 4675/44.)
2. To avoid unnecessary delays in delivery, correspondence intended for N aval
A uthorities an d E stablishm ents should include th e co u n ty o r country, as well a s
th e p o st tow n, in th e address.
4834.—Clerical and Typing Staffs Under the Age of 18 Years—Hours of Attendance
(A .F .O s. 649/43 and 5929/43.)
(C .E . 57518/43.—7 Sep. 1944.)
4832.—H.M.S. “ Collingwood ” and H.M.C.S. “ Collingwood ” —Address The question of the hours o f attendance of clerical and ty p in g staffs
under the age o f 18 has been under consideration.
(M. 1849/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
2. The norm al hours of attendance of staff aged 16 should not exceed
Correspondence a n d stores for H.M.C.S. “ Collingwood ” are co n stan tly being 44 a week, and those of staff aged 17 should not exceed 48 a week. W here
received in H.M .S. “ Collingwood,” an d vice versa. A tten tio n is directed to th e hours in excess of those quoted are being worked establishm ents should
correct addresses for these ships, i.e. :—
in vestigate the p osition w ith a view to effecting a reduction.
H.M.S. “ Collingwood,”
F areham , 3. Y oung people o f 16 and 17 should in no circum stances be required to
w ork more than 49 and 51 hours a week respectively. I f th is cannot be
H a n ts fo r stores and correspondence
achieved w ithou t an increase in staff the facts should be reported to the
H.M.C.S. “ Collingwood,” A dm iralty, Bath (C.E. Éranch I I ) for consideration.
c/o G.P.O .,
4. Establishm ents are rem inded th a t juveniles under 16 should not
London, F .C .l fo r correspondence
■ordinarily be made to work more than 39 hours a week, exclusive of tim e
2. A pplication for th e address for stores for th e C anadian ship should be m ad e sp en t on general education.
to th e Director, o f Stores (IF ), A dm iralty, on each occasion it is required.
(A .F .O s. 2U 5/A3 a n d 1,027/¿3.)

4835.—Promotion of Clerical Assistants (Treasury and Departmental) to the Clerical

(C.E. 14498/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
F o r th e period of th e w ar th e norm al peacetim e procedure for th e prom otion
o f Clerical A ssistants (Treasury an d D epartm ental) to th e Clerical Class has been
suspended. T he instructions w hich rem ain operative regarding th e w artim e
prom otion of Clerical A ssistants have been consolidated an d are prom ulgated below.
2. Reviews are now held regularly a t six m o nthly intervals w hen H eads of
E stablishm ents m ay recom m end for acting prom otion to th e Clerical Class an y
Clerical A ssistants or D ep artm en tal Clerical A ssistants, G rade I (including those
retain ed on m arriage in a tem p o rary capacity) who are n o t less th a n 18 years of
age an d are considered to have reached th e stan d ard s necessary for such prom otion.
C andidates m ay also be n o m in ated by th e Staff Side Of th e A d m iralty A dm inistrative
W hitley Council.
3. Recom m endations should be forw arded to th e A dm iralty for rev ie w 'a n d
should reach C .E .II., B ath , n o t la ter th a n th e 15th May an d 15th N ovem ber each
year in order th a t candidates m ay, if selected, be placed on tria l on D epartm ental
Clerical Officer duties as from th e 1st J u ly a n d 1st Ja n u a ry as a regular routine. No
can d id ate is, however, to be placed on tria l u n til selection is prom ulgated in C.E.
A ppointm ents L ist.
4835 88 89 4838
4. Recom m endations should include th e following inform ation in respect o f 4838.—Training Devices Using 35-mm. Inflammable Film—Fire Precautions
each candidate :—
(N.L./C.E.-in-C. 04994/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
(а) F u ll nam e.
(б) W here serving. W hile A.A. dom e teachers an d oth er fixed train in g ap p a ratu s involving th e
(c) D ate o f b irth. use o f 35-mm. film can n o t b e categorically classed a s cinem as, th e in h eren t fire risk
(d) F u ll particulars o f all G overnm ent service. nevertheless exists in th e use an d handling of inflam m able film.
(e) W hether th e candidate is p o ten tially qualified to perform th e full duties
of th e Clerical Class, and 2. T he fire precaution m easures laid down in A .F.O . 5938/43 for 35-mm. cinema
(/) W hether a change o f duties to w ork appro p riate to th e Clerical Class projection equipm ent are to be observed in so fa r as th e y are applicable an d
can be arranged w ithin th e candidate’s present D ep artm en t or w hether practicable, p articu larly as regards storage of film, re-wind rooms an d ex it doors.
tran sfer to an o th er D ep artm en t w ould be necessary. 3. This O rder h as no application to P o rto b els or still projectors or other units
5. All other qualifications being equal, candidates will b e selected in order o f em ploying non-inflam m able film.
(A .F .O . 5938/43)
6. N orm ally, Clerical A ssistants over th e age of 50 will n o t be selected for
prom otion u nder th is scheme b u t cases o f exceptional m erit m ay be specially
represented for consideration.
7. Clerical A ssistants on loan to th e A dm iralty from oth er G overnm ent 4839.—Mortars, M.L. 3-in. and M.L. 2-in. Gauges, Testing Straightness of Bore—
D ep artm ents are eligible equally w ith A dm iralty staff for consideration for actin g Introduction
prom otion under th e term s o f th is A .F.O . (A.S. 10630/42.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
8. Officers who are placed on tria l for prom otion to th e Clerical Class sjiould The following gauges, te stin g straightness of bore, are being introduced in to
continue to receive during th e period of tria l th e rem uneration ap p ro p riate to th eir
N av al service fo r use in R .N . arm am en t depots
su b stantive rank. T he prom otion of Clerical A ssistants w ho successfully com plete
th e tria l period will, however, be an ted a ted for p a y purposes to th e d ate of com m ence­ Gauge, straightness of bore, M.L. 3-in. F o r M.L. 3-in. M ark I I m ortars
m en t of th a t period. m ortar, M ark I w ith M ark-IA barrels
Note.—The duties of Clerical A ssistants, G rade I, will com prise th e w ork Gauge, straightness of bore, M.L. 3-in. F o r M.L. 3-in. M ark I I m ortars
form erly allocated to W riting A ssistants, together w ith sim pler Clerical d u ties m o rta r, M ark I I w ith M ark I barrels
h ith e rto falling w ithin th e scope of th e general Clerical Class. The duties will th u s
Gauge, straightness of bore, M.L. 2-in. F or all M.L. 2-in. m ortars
com prise w ork prelim inary to m achine operations (punching, tab u latin g , etc.),
a n d copying a n d transcribing w ork (w riting o u t acknow ledgem ents, filling u p form s, m o rtar, M ark I I
w arran ts an d bills), th e addressing of letters ; th e counting a n d ro u tin e exam ination 2. These gauges are used to te s t th e straightness of th e barrels ; th e M.L. 2-in.
o f p o stal orders, insurance cards, etc.; th e casting a n d p rep aratio n of schedules an d m o rta r being P.C. if th e gauge will n o t pass down th e bore ; th e M.L. 3-in. m o rta r is
lists, an d th e w riting u p o f sim ple cards ; th e custody of card indexes ; th e p re p a ra ­ sim ilarly condem ned if th e gauge will n o t pass down th e b arrel to 35 in. from th e
tion, verification a n d scru tin y o f straightforw ard docum ents, statistics a n d records, muzzle.
etc.; th e preparation of other docum ents, etc.; subject to check ; sim ple a r ith ­
m etical calculations w ith or w ith o u t th e a id o f office m achinery, th e sim pler form s o f 3. T he gauge for th e M.L. 2-in. m o rta r can also be used for testin g th e
registry w ork ; sim ple correspondence o f th e stock le tte r a n d p rin ted form ty p e eccentricity of th e firing pin, by inserting plasticine or w ax in th e recess in th e end
u n d er well defined general instructions ; a n d th e operation o f office m achines w here o f th e gauge.
4. T he gauges will, w hen available, be issued to R .N .A . d epots w ithout dem and.
2. The above is a description ra th e r th a n a rigid definition, a n d other duties in
keeping w ith th e te n o r of this general description b u t n o t superior th ereto m ay also
be assigned to Clerical A ssistants. *
(A .F .O 's. 3099/41, 960/42 and 1614/42 are cancelled.) 4840.—Telephone Switchboards Owned by G.P.O.—Supervision of
Operating Procedure
4836.—Paying Officers for Civilian Staff Employed Abroad Shore Establishments
(D.N.A.20208/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.) (D. 17318/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
A tte n tio n is draw n to th e fac t th a t T ransfer D ocum ents (Form s D.135) fo r
in d u strial personnel ap pointed to A ustralia, N ew Zealand, C anada or th e U nited I n th e case of A dm iralty telephone sw itchboards owned an d m aintained b y
S tate s o f A m erica, are to be forw arded to th e D irector o f N av y A ccounts, B ran ch 5, G.P.O., b u t m anned b y A d m iralty civilian personnel, w here it is ascertained th a t
in accordance w ith A .F.O . 2’ 43/44. fau lty operating procedure is followed, early arrangem ents should b e m ade to
approach th e ap p ro p riate G.P.O. Telephone M anager for th e atten d an ce o f a G.P.O.
2. I t is im p o rta n t th a t F orm s D.135 for such personnel should b e rendered Travelling Supervisor to give such advice as will lead to th e rectification of th e faults.
prom ptly.
(A.F .O s. 2143/44 and 3606/44.) 2. I f th e boards concerned are connected to th e long distance N av al telephone
netw ork, an d th e fa u lty procedure extends to th a t netw ork, a request should b e
4837.—Electrodes—Approved Types m ade to th e adm inistrative a u th o rity concerned (C.A.F.O. 333/44 refers) for th e
(N.S./C.P. 75260/42.— 7 Sep. 1944.) a tten d an ce an d advice o f a Chief W ren Travelling Telephone Supervisor w ith
The following types of electrodes are approved for A dm iralty w ork :— specialist knowledge of th e operating procedure over th a t netw ork.
F irm . T ype o f Electrode. 3. T he p am p h let en titled “ Telephone Sw itchboard O perating ” (B .R .845),
The Sure-Arc E lectrode Co., L td. ... Overhead for th e vertical welding of m ild referred to in A .F.O . 3001/43, has recently been rep rin ted in a m ore perm anent
steel only. form an d au th o rities concerned should dem and from th e Superintending N aval
Store Officer, R .N . Store D epot, E lveden R oad, P a rk R oyal, N .W .10, copies required
Speed arc for down h an d welding only on
b o th m ild steel an d D .W . q u ality steel. for guidance on th e sw itchboards referred' to above.
Deependarc for down h an d welding only on (A .F .O . 3001/43 and C.A.F.O. 333/44.)
b o th m ild steel a n d D .W . steel.
4841 90
91 4843
4841.—Merchant Ships’ Supplies and Services—Accounting—REPORTS
(W .G.F. 148/43.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
4843.—Rates of Pay of Female Industrial Canteen Staff
A .F.O . 4439/44 is to be amended as follows :— (L. 9178/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
P arag raph 2, second line— Following an agreem ent reached b y th e M inistry o f Supply w ith th e tra d e
F or “ p arag rap h 6 ” read “ p aragraph 3 unions concerned, th e wages o f fem ale in d u strial canteen w orkers em ployed in
canteens o perated b y th e A dm iralty u n d er paragraphs 3 (ii), 6 an d 7 of A.F.O .
(A.F .O . 4439/44.) 3515/43 are to be revised as follows :—

t- New R a te or R ange.
P resent R a te
4842.—Lead Rates for Semi-skilled Grades in Admiralty War-Time Establishments Grade. or Range.
London Area. Provinces.
(L.6507/44.— 7 Sep. 1944.)
T he following additional “ lead ” rates for semi-skilled grades, as set o u t below,
have been agreed w ith th e T rade U nions concerned as being applicable a t th e s. d. s. d. s. d. s’.- d. s. d. s. d.
A dm iralty establishm ents referred to in parag rap h 1 of A .F.O . 3101/44, viz. :— 83 0 to 93 0 73 0 to 83 0 67 0 to 77 0
Supervisor ................
Lead rate over A ssistant Supervisor \ 63 0 to 73 0 63 0 to 68 0 57 0 to 62 0
ordinary labourers’ Cooks ... ... f 4s. a week above
Grade rate fo r the A ssistant Cooks \ 4s. a week abov 3 rates of other
canteen w orke rs shown below. rates of oth er can
establishment Cashiers ... / te en w orkers
s. d. shown below.
D om estic boiler a tte n d a n t 3 0
D estructor a t te n d a n t................ ............................. 5 0
D epot tru c k driver ... ... 6 0
P u m p a tte n d a n t 6 0 W eekly R a te . W eekly R ate.
P la n t a tte n d a n t ... ............................. O ther
6 0 Age. Age. L ondon P ro ­
C anteen London P ro ­
Loco, firem an ... 6 0 W orkers. vinces. Area. vinces.
D espatch rider 8 6
Loco, driver— s. d. s. d.
S. d. s. d.
N arrow gauge 10 0 26 6 26 6 15 years 23 6 23 6
15 years
B road gauge 12 0 31 0 31 0 16 years 27 0 27 0
16 years
Crane driver— 36 0 36 0 17 years 31 0 31 0
17 years
A tte n d a n ts 48 6 48 6 18 years 42 6 42 6
D river o f cranes o f lifting capacity of u p to and 8 0 18 years
W aitresses, = 51 0 51 0 19 years 45 0 45 0
including 2 tons. 19 years
Cleaners,etc. 53 j6 53 6 20 years 47 6 47 6
D river o f cranes w ith a lifting capacity of over 2 tons 10 0 20 years
58 0 56 0 21 years 52 0 50 0
and u p to an d including 6 tons. 21 years
an d over an d over
(Note.—A ny cases o f drivers o f cranes w ith lifting capacity of over 6 tons should
be reported.)
Slinger (fully qualified) ....................................................... 6 0 to 2. These increases will ta k e effect from th e beginning o f th e full p a y period in
9 0 w hich 18th A ugust, 1944, fell.
(Note.— Simple duties connected w ith slinging w ould be rem u n erated a t th e
3. All o th e r w orking conditions fo r th ese grades (working hours, overtim e an d
3s. Od. ra te as in A .F.O . 3101/44, p arag rap h 2 (c).)
ad ditional p ay , general conditions o f service) rem ain as s e t o u t in A .F.O s. 1279/43
2. •T he following rates o f charge p a y are appropriate for chargehands o f unskilled an d 3015/43.
a n d semi-skilled grades a t these establishm ents, viz. :— (A .F .O s. 1279/43, 3015/43 and 3515/43.)
W here 10 m en or m ore are supervised ... 6s. a w eek over th e ra te o f th e
highest p aid m an in th e gang.
W here less th a n 10 m en are supervised ... 4s. a week over th e ra te o f th e
highest paid m an in th e gang.
3. H eads of E stablishm ents should review th e lead rates a t present being paid
to an y em ployees o f th e above-m entioned grades. W here a n increase is necessary
4844.—Discharges of Workpeople
to bring th e ra te u p to th a t authorized above, p ay m en t should be m ade as from th e (L. 8 5 9 6 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
beginning o f th e first full p ay period following th e d ate of th is Order. A ny employee
whose existing lead ra te (or charge pay) is higher th a n th a t au thorized above, m ay T he procedure laid dow n in H om e D ockyard R egulations,, A rticle 52, p a ra ­
be allowed to reta in th e existing ra te on a personal basis. g rap h 2, is to be followed in all cases of discharge authorized u n d e t C.A.F.O. 907/44.
4. A ny case o f d o u b t or difficulty should be reported to th e Secretary o f th e 2. T he requisite notifications should include a n indication w hether th e ground
A d m iralty (L. Branch).
of discharge falls u n d er th e h ead o f p arag rap h 4 (a) or p arag rap h 4 (6) of th e C.A.F.O.
(A.F.O s. 3101/44 and 4197/44.)
{C .A .F .O . 907/44.)
4845 92
y i l * . U F Oï t4845.—The Royal Naval Scientific Service
(H < o . (C E< 5 6 8 8 7 /4 4 .-7 Sep. 1944.)
T heir Lordships have h ad under consideration th e steps necessary to ensure
th e p erm anent provision for th e N avy of th e service w hich it needs in th e fields of
research, experim ental design an d developm ent, in view of th e ever growing im p o rt­
ance of th is w ork. T hey have therefore decided th a t scientists an d engineers
engaged in research, experim ental design an d developm ent, th a t is to say, broadly
speaking th e personnel now enrolled in th e A dm iralty Scientific, Technical and
Chemical Pools shall be reorganized as th e R oyal N aval Scientific Service. This
Service will incorporate grades corresponding to th e Officer, A ssistant an d A rtificer
classes of th e p resent A dm iralty Pools.
2. T he H ead of th e R oyal N aval Scientific Service will be th e D irector of
Scientific Research.
3. This reorganization m u st n atu ra lly be a gradual process an d fu rth e r orders
on th e subject will be issued from tim e to tim e. In th e m eantim e th e following
statem en ts m ay be ta k en as indicating Their Lordships’ intention to give th e
R.N .S.S. th e sta tu s an d responsibilities com m ensurate w ith its high im portance.
(а) Special atte n tio n will be paid to th e conditions of service of th e R.N .S.S.
an d to th e provision of laboratory an d all oth er necessary facilities.
(б) I t will be th e responsibility of th e D irector o f Scientific R esearch as H ead
o f th e R oyal N aval Scientific Service to ensure th a t a fte r en try , its
m em bers get such fu rth e r training a n d varied experience as will best
fit them for th e full range of th e ir duties.
(c) I t is th e in tention th a t as a rule Officers of. th e R .N .S.S. should have
train in g an d experience a t sea, an d th a t during such tim e th e y would
w ear th e uniform of th e ir equivalent N aval rank.
(d) I t is intended th a t so far as security considerations p e n r :t, m em bers of
th e R .N .S.S. should contribute to th e discussions of th e learned In s ti­
tutions, th u s enabling th em to fu rth e r th e rep u tatio n of th e N av y for
high q uality scientific an d engineering work, an d to co n trib u te to
advances in these subjects for th e benefit of th e n atio n as a whole.

(68892) W t. 8092/2356 18,900 9/44 Hw. G.338/10.

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