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Article 1.- The provisions of this Regulation are of public order and social interest, of
mandatory observance throughout the territory of the State, and are intended to provide
what is necessary in the administrative order for the best compliance with the Law of
Roads, Traffic and Vehicle Control of the State of Campeche.

The application and monitoring of compliance with this Regulation corresponds to the
Secretariat of Public Security and the Secretariat of Public Works and Communications,
both of the State Public Administration, and to the Municipalities, through their traffic and
road authorities, in the exercise of their respective areas of competence. The
administrative acts and resolutions issued in application of this Regulation will be
challengeable under the terms of the Administrative Procedure Law for the State and
Municipalities of Campeche.

Article 2.- For the purposes of this Regulation, it is understood


YO. Sidewalk or bench, part of the public road elevated and built on the sides of the
rolling surface, intended especially for pedestrian traffic;
II. Boundary, strip between the edge of the rolling surface and the crown of a road,
whose purpose is to provide greater safety to traffic and
eventual vehicle parking;
III. Agent, the element of the Traffic Police empowered by the Secretariat of Public
Security or by the corresponding Municipalities of the State, to carry out functions of
control, supervision, regulation of the traffic of people and vehicles on public roads,
as well as the application of sanctions. for violations of the provisions established in
the Law, this Regulation and other legal-regulatory provisions applicable to traffic
IV. Entry points, a means of road control that is used to move from a primary road to a
secondary one;
V. Transit Authority, the Secretariat and the municipal traffic police bodies that,
according to their respective territorial jurisdiction and sphere of competence,
regulate the application of the Law and this Regulation;
SAW. Street, path located between two rows of buildings; urban communication and
transit route usually flanked by houses, buildings or plots; public road
included within an urban area;
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VII. Highway, extra-urban communication route, wide, spacious, paved and arranged for
the transit of vehicles; public road under state jurisdiction intended primarily for
vehicle traffic;
VIII. Lane, one of the circulation strips into which the rolling surface of a road can be
divided, marked or unmarked, with sufficient width for the circulation of motor
vehicles with 4 wheels or more in a row;
IX. Give way, take all necessary precautions, including stopping if necessary, so that
other vehicles or pedestrians are not forced to abruptly change their direction or
x. Commission, the State Highway Commission.
XI. Proof of address, documents that prove the place where
The individual usually resides such as: voting credential with photograph,
receipts issued by the Secretary of Finance and Administration, lease contract duly
registered with the competent authority, contracts or
electricity, water or telephone bills, and bank documents;
XII. Driver, people who control the movement of a vehicle;
XIII. Crossing or crossing, intersection of a road with a railway track;
XIV. Devices for traffic control, signs, markings, pavement painting,
traffic lights and other means used to regulate and channel traffic;
XV. Roundabout, intersection of several roads where vehicular movement is rotary
around a central island;
XVI. Official identification, documents that prove the identity of the person such as:
voting credential with photograph, National Military Service card,
Passport, Driver's License issued by the Secretariat, Professional License or
Official Credential issued by competent authority;
XVII. Infringement, the act carried out by a driver, pedestrian or passenger, which
constitutes a contravention or violation of the provisions of the Law, this
Regulation and other regulations applicable to the matter, and which results in a
XVIII. Institute, the State Transportation Institute of Campeche
XIX. Intersection or crossing, common rolling surface of two or more roads; place in
where two or more public roads that cross or converge meet;
XX. Law, the Road, Traffic and Vehicle Control Law of the State of Campeche;
XXI. Prohibited place, that established by the competent authorities, through the
installation of signs or other traffic control devices;
XXII. Pedestrian, Passerby or Passerby, any person who travels on foot, on roads or
streets, including those who are disabled or children who travel in special devices
handled by them or by another person and that are not considered vehicles under
the terms of this Regulation. ; person who travels on public roads;
XXIII. Passenger, Traveler or Vehicle User, any person who, other than the driver,
occupies a place inside the vehicle, with the driver's knowledge; person who is on
board a vehicle and who is not a driver;

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XXIV. Overpass, structure that allows simultaneous circulation at different elevations on

two or more roads;
XXV. A person with a disability is someone whose physical, intellectual or sensory capacity
is diminished or limited, temporarily or permanently, whether due to congenital
defect, acquired defect or due to old age, in such a way that it makes it difficult or
impossible for them to carry out their basic activities on their own. in a normal
XXVI. Road support personnel, those in charge of any program implemented or authorized
by the corresponding state and municipal authorities, in order to assist in providing
security, continuity and fluidity to pedestrian and vehicular traffic;
XXVII. Regulations, the Regulations of the Road, Traffic and Vehicle Control Law of the
State of Campeche;
XXVIII. Secretariat, the Secretariat of Public Security of the Public Administration of the
State of Campeche;
XXIX. Traffic light, electronic or light signaling device that serves to regulate urban traffic;
XXX. Toxic or Hazardous Substances, those considered as such in federal environmental,
health and transportation regulations;
XXXI. Vehicle, any means of motor or form of propulsion used to transport people or cargo;
device with wheels that is used to transport people or objects along roads and
XXXII. Public Road, any land space of common use delimited by the perimeters of the
properties and that is intended for the transit of pedestrians and vehicles, as well
as the provision of public services and placement of street furniture; any road
intended for free transit of vehicles and/or pedestrians, with no limitations other
than those imposed by law, which in turn is synonymous with a land
communication route;
XXXIII. Pedestrian passage or crossing area, area of the rolling surface, marked or
unmarked, intended for pedestrian crossing. When it is not marked, it will be
considered as such, the extension of the sidewalk or shoulder;
XXXIV. Safety zone, demarcated area on the rolling surface of a public road, intended for
the exclusive use of pedestrians or the disabled; and
XXXV. Pedestrian zone, sidewalks, walkways, platforms, bridges or places intended for
pedestrian traffic.



Article 3.- The State Road Commission is the body that will coordinate, supervise and plan
actions related to roads in the State.

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Article 4.- The Commission, in addition to the powers established in articles 13 and
14 of the Law, will have the following powers:

YO. Formulate and update the Sectoral Road Program of the State of Campeche;
II. Carry out technical, economic and social studies that allow developing a
efficient road system;
III. Provide specialized advice on road matters to municipal authorities, when they
require it;
IV. Know the different road systems, as well as the infrastructure used nationally and
internationally and evaluate the most convenient one to adapt them to the needs.
State conditions;
V. Investigate and update the different types of road signs, as well as traffic lights and
propose the implementation of the most appropriate ones;
SAW. Coordinate your studies, projects and works on roads with the federal authorities
and other agencies and entities whose jurisdiction is
relate to these matters;
VII. Hire, when appropriate, the advice or services of people or companies to meet the
objectives of the Commission;
VIII. Study, project and determine the characteristics and location of the public works and
road infrastructure that are required; and
IX. The others that indicate other laws and regulations or derive from agreements
adopted within the Commission.

Article 5.- The Commission will hold ordinary sessions once every six months, but may be
called to extraordinary sessions as many times as required. For the sessions to be valid, the
presence of the majority of the proprietary members is required.

If the majority of the members of the Commission do not meet, it will be convened again for
a second time, which will meet with the number of members who attend it.

Article 6.- The president of the Commission, through his Technical Secretary, will convene
its members for both the ordinary and extraordinary sessions, by means of an official
summons accompanied by the respective agenda, with at least five days of notice. advance
notice for the first and thirty-six hours in the case of the second.

Of each session the Technical Secretary will draw up minutes in which he will briefly record:
the agenda; the issues discussed; the meaning or terms of your discussion; the resolutions
that have passed to them and whether these were approved by the Plenary or by a majority
of votes. In the event of a tie, the president will have the casting vote.

Article 7.- The following are the powers of the President of the

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YO. Call and preside over ordinary and extraordinary sessions;

II. Monitor compliance with plenary agreements; and
III. The others that are necessary to comply with the obligations arising from
the Law and this regulation.

Article 8.- The following are the powers of the

Technical Secretary:

YO. Deputize for the President in his temporary or accidental

II. Coordinate the work of the
III. Prepare the work schedule for approval by the Commission;
IV. Prepare and submit for the consideration of the President, the agenda of the
V. Prepare the minutes of the plenary sessions;
SAW. Keep the book of plenary agreements, monitor and report on the progress of
said agreements in plenary sessions; and
VII. The others that are necessary to comply with the obligations derived from the Law
and this Regulation.

Article 9.- When required, the Commission, through its President, may invite other federal,
state or municipal agencies and entities, as well as private organizations and educational
institutions related to road matters, sending them for the purpose and with due opportunity
the corresponding agenda.

Article 10.- The members of the Commission indicated in article 16 of the Law will have
voice and vote, and must also comply with and enforce the agreements made, as well as
disseminate the programs, projects and actions that the Commission itself determines.

Article 11.- Representatives may not attend Commission sessions.

Article 12.- The members of the Commission may only appoint substitutes for the purposes
of monitoring, supporting and/or assisting the Technical Secretary.



Article 13.- Pedestrians have the right of preference over vehicular traffic, to guarantee
their physical integrity when:

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YO. In pedestrian crossings marked with diagonal stripes or marimbas, the traffic light
signal indicates this;
II. The vehicles are going to turn to enter another road and there are pedestrians
crossing it;
III. Vehicles must circulate on the shoulder and there are pedestrians passing through
it who do not have a pedestrian zone;
IV. The vehicles pass in front of troops in formation, organized processions or school
V. The pedestrian travels on the sidewalk and a driver must cross it to enter or exit a
garage, parking lot or private street; and
SAW. According to the traffic light cycle, do not cross the road.

Vehicle drivers must particularly respect the right of way of minors, older adults, women in
an advanced state of pregnancy or people with disabilities; The latter will also enjoy the
benefits established in Chapter III of this Title.

Article 14.- The sidewalks on public roads are intended for pedestrian traffic.

The corresponding authorities will take the appropriate measures to guarantee the physical
integrity and safe transit of pedestrians. Likewise, they will carry out the necessary actions
to guarantee that the sidewalks are free of obstacles that impede their transit, particularly
in the transfer areas authorized for circulation and pick-up and drop-off for passengers.

Article 15.- Pedestrians are obliged to abide by the following provisions:

YO. Do not travel on the road surface of the public road intended for the circulation of
vehicles, except to cross it when the traffic light cycle indicates it. If there is no traffic
light, the road will be crossed taking the necessary precautions and on corners;
II. Cross the rolling surface of the public road through the corners or areas marked for
this purpose;
III. Obey the instructions of the agents, road support personnel, volunteer road safety
promoters and the signals of the control devices when traveling.
on public roads;
IV. Use pedestrian crossings to cross public roads provided for this purpose;
V. Do not drive diagonally on cruises;
SAW. Do not walk in the front or rear of parked vehicles;
VII. Do not invade the rolling surface unexpectedly;
VIII. Do not use public roads to carry out street commerce or offer services, nor
practice begging; and

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IX. Board public transport vehicles only at the stops established for boarding and

Article 16.- Pedestrians who do not comply with the provisions of this Regulation will be
verbally warned by the agents and instructed to conduct themselves in accordance with the
provisions of the applicable provisions; If they do not obey, they will be sent to the
corresponding administrative authority in accordance with the government order or
municipal police regulations.


Article 17.- Educational centers of any kind may have road support personnel, who will be
authorized and supervised by the corresponding traffic authorities, prior to compliance with
the requirements and training courses established by them for this purpose.

They are auxiliaries to the agents, the authorized road support personnel who carry out
maneuvers and execute traffic control signals that allow the safety and integrity of students
and pedestrians in general.

Article 18.- Vehicle drivers will be obliged to:

YO. Reduce the speed of your vehicle and take due precautions when you encounter a
school transport stopped on public roads, carrying out loading and unloading
maneuvers for schoolchildren;
II. Strictly obey the protection signs and instructions of the agents, and, where
appropriate, of the road support personnel authorized to assist them; and
III. Reduce speed to 20 kilometers per hour in school zones and take extreme
precautions, respecting the corresponding vehicular traffic control signs installed; as
well as giving way to schoolchildren and pedestrians, stopping completely.

Article 19.- Schools must have special places for school transport vehicles to pick up and
drop off students, without affecting or hindering circulation on public roads. The foregoing,
without prejudice to strict compliance with the provisions of article 43, of the Regulations of
the Transportation Law of the State of Campeche, regarding rules applicable to the
provision of the school transportation service.

In the event that the pick-up and drop-off location for schoolchildren causes traffic conflicts,
or puts their physical integrity at risk, said places will be located in the

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vicinity of the campuses at the proposal of the educational centers and prior authorization
from the corresponding traffic authority, primarily observing what is necessary to guarantee
the safety of the schoolchildren.

Educational centers are obliged to place the relevant signs or traffic control devices, prior
authorization from the corresponding authority, to which they must present the land use
permit from the Municipal Urban Development Directorate and the authorization of the
relevant educational authority.

No application will be made if the requirements requested by the competent authorities are
not met.

Article 20.- Drivers of school transport vehicles who stop on public roads to carry out uphill
or downhill maneuvers in places authorized by the corresponding traffic authorities must
put the vehicle's flashing warning lights into operation.

Article 21.- It is the responsibility of the driver of the school transport vehicle to take due
precautions so that the maneuvers for loading and unloading schoolchildren are carried out
safely. Likewise, you must ensure that the passengers are properly seated before starting
the journey.

It is strictly prohibited to carry standing and overcrowded students.


Article 22.- People with disabilities will especially enjoy the rights and preferences of
passage provided for in article 13 of this Regulation. Drivers of vehicles that are stopped at
intersections are obliged not to start moving their vehicles until they realize that said people
have completely crossed the public road.

Article 23.- Vehicle drivers are obliged to reduce speed to the minimum authorized by the
corresponding traffic authorities in areas and surroundings of hospitals, nursing homes or
shelters and home homes, as well as to take extreme precautions, respecting the
corresponding signs; and, where appropriate, to give way to all pedestrians, particularly
people with disabilities or the elderly, stopping completely.

Article 24.- The transit authority, in the exercise of its powers, will promote to the Institute
that the vehicles authorized to provide the public passenger transport service have special
accessories that

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allow users with disabilities, older adults, pregnant women and children to use the public
transportation service in conditions of accessibility, safety, comfort, hygiene and efficiency.
Article 25.- It is prohibited to obstruct or use the spaces designated for
parking of vehicles for people with disabilities, as well as their access ramps to sidewalks
and pedestrian paths.

Article 26.- Without prejudice to the provisions of this chapter, people with disabilities will
enjoy the following rights and preferences:

YO. At non-signalized level intersections, they will have preferential right of way, in
relation to vehicles of any type;
II. At traffic signalized intersections, the person with a disability will enjoy the right of
way when the pedestrian traffic light so indicates, once
corresponding to the traffic lights and not being able to cross the road.
road, it is the obligation of drivers to remain stopped until they finish crossing;
III. Police officers may stop the circulation of vehicles so that people with disabilities
can cross an intersection. motorists
They are obliged to obey the traffic authority, stopping their movement;
IV. In order to facilitate the parking of vehicles that display the distinctive license plate
for people with disabilities, the necessary places will be marked with the following
measures: ON BATTERY 5:00 METERS LONG BY 3.70
METERS WIDE; For the boarding and alighting of people with disabilities on public
roads, they will be allowed to do so in restricted areas as long as it does not
substantially affect the road and the free movement of vehicles that will have the
corresponding signage, so said stop must be only momentary.

Article 27.- In public and private parking lots, the use of exclusive areas for parking vehicles
with distinctive plates for people with disabilities will be delimited, both on public roads and
in places with public access, and must be indicated with the measures authorized in section
IV of the previous article.

Article 28.- The corresponding traffic authorities will allow parking in restricted areas of
vehicles that display the distinctive license plate for people with disabilities*, as long as it is
for the shortest possible time and does not substantially affect the roads and traffic of the
other vehicles.


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Article 29.- Users and passengers of public transportation services, in addition to the
provisions of article 35 of the Transportation Law of the State of Campeche, are obliged to:

YO. Refrain from putting your hands or any other part of the human body out of the
vehicle windows;
II. Do not throw garbage, objects or liquids inside and outside the vehicle;
III. Do not spit on the interior and exterior of the
IV. Do not use rude or obscene words inside the vehicle;
V. Do not paint or cause damage to the seats or interior of the
SAW. Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages inside vehicles;
VII. Do not distract the
VIII. Do not carry out acts inside the vehicle that violate morality, decency
and good manners;
IX. Do not open the doors of the vehicle while
x. Do not interfere in the work and functions of the agents;
XI. Do not carry radio or music devices at high volume or making noise.

It is the driver's obligation to report any of these violations to the corresponding traffic

Article 30.- Users and passengers of private, commercial or private transportation services
are obliged to:

YO. Refrain from putting your hands or any other part of the human body out of the
vehicle windows;
II. Do not throw garbage, objects or liquids inside and outside the vehicle;
III. Do not spit on the interior and exterior of the
IV. Do not utter rude or obscene words inside, or to passersby or
people traveling in another unit;
V. Do not distract the
SAW. Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages inside the vehicle;
VII. Do not carry out acts inside the vehicle that violate morality, decency
and good manners;
VIII. Do not open the doors of the vehicle while
IX. Do not interfere in the work and functions of the agents;
x. Do not carry radio or music devices at high volume or making noise.
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strident; and
XI. Do not paint or cause damage to the seats or interior of the

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Article 31.- Drivers have the following obligations regarding pedestrian crossings:

YO. They must reduce their speed when approaching a pedestrian

II. They must come to a complete stop when they reach the pedestrian crossing and
make sure both sides
that no pedestrian crosses;
III. If a person is crossing the pedestrian crossing, they must at all times wait until they
completely cross it;
IV. When a pedestrian passes by, they should not honk the horn or
accelerate the vehicle;
V. They must invariably give way to people with disabilities; and
SAW. The pedestrian has the right of way from the moment of attempting to cross or
when being
crossing the pedestrian crossing.

Article 32.- People have the following obligations when crossing the pedestrian crossing:

YO. Before crossing, they must make sure that drivers slow down when approaching the
pedestrian crossing;
II. When crossing it, they must make sure that the drivers have come to a
complete stop;
III. When crossing the pedestrian crossing they must do so quickly;
IV. When crossing the pedestrian crossing, they must reach the other end of the street
and never
outside of it; and
V. Pedestrians are obliged not to cross the pedestrian crossing when an emergency
vehicle with a siren or turret activated approaches it, since they have the right of

Article 33.- Pedestrian bridges are those elevated works that join one end of the sidewalk to
another, passing over a street, avenue or highway, and are intended for pedestrian

The Ministry of Public Works and Communications and the Municipalities, in the exercise of
their respective areas of competence, are the entities in charge of constructing pedestrian
bridges. For the construction of a pedestrian bridge, it is necessary to carry out a feasibility
study, which must consider the vehicle flow and urban image, among others.

Article 34.- Motorcyclists and cyclists are strictly prohibited from traveling with their vehicles
over pedestrian crossings and bridges. Likewise, it is prohibited to place commercial sales
stands of any type at the entrance or on pedestrian steps and bridges.
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Article 35.- To drive vehicles in the State, a current license or permit is required, issued by
the Secretariat, or, where appropriate, issued by the Federal Entities or Federal Agencies,
which authorizes the specific driving of the vehicle in question, regardless of the place
where the vehicle registration plate was issued and in accordance with the classification
referred to in article 33 of the Law.

Article 36.- The driver's licenses issued by the Secretariat will be valid for three years and
will be of the following types:

YO. Motorist, who authorizes driving cars and trucks whose capacity is up to two (2) tons
of cargo or fifteen (15) passengers, provided that such vehicles are not intended for
the provision of a public transportation service;
II. Motorcyclist, which authorizes drivers of motor-propelled vehicles, with two, three and
even four wheels, regardless of their capacity, size or displacement;
III. Driver, who authorizes the driving of vehicles with a capacity greater than two (2)
tons of load, intended for the provision of transportation service for wages and who
drive a service vehicle under the orders of an employer.
particular; and
IV. Public Transport Driver; which is granted by the transit authority that corresponds
only to people authorized to drive vehicles of the public transportation service in the
State in any of its modalities, who have the certification/card issued by the Institute
and are registered in the Public Registry of Transportation, in the terms of the Law
and Regulations on the matter.

Article 37.- Driving licenses and permits will have the following characteristics:

YO. It will have a dimension of eight centimeters long by five centimeters

II. It will have the legend “United Mexican States, Government of the State of
Campeche”, the name and position of the head of the Ministry of Public Security;
III. The coat of arms of the State of
IV. The license will be made of PVC plastic
V. The corresponding license number;
SAW. The front, color photograph of the user in credential size;
VII. The user's full name;
VIII. The signature and right thumbprint of the user;
IX. The address and date of birth of the user;
x. The name of the Municipality where it was
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XI. Sex and blood type;

XII. The name and address who must be notified in the event of an
XIII. User's phone
XIV. The type of license issued;
XV. The dates of issue and expiration;
XVI. The issued license will have at least five elements or measures of
security; and
XVII. The license will be authorized by the head of the agency with an electronic

Article 38.- To obtain a motorist's or motorcyclist's driver's license for the first time, after
paying the established fees, the interested party will present the corresponding application
in the formats issued for this purpose by the Secretariat with a declaration under oath that
the data is true. stated are correct.

The indicated request must be accompanied


YO. Proof of payment of fees;

II. Official identification proving your age of majority;
III. Pre-book or National Military Service Card released;
IV. Proof of address in the name of the applicant, if it is in the name of
a family member, must present a document from the owner or possessor of the
property, who
You must attach a copy of your identification and certify that you are living there;
V. Accreditation of the Comprehensive Medical Evaluation, which includes
psychometric, alcohol consumption or intake, general medical, visual, and hearing
examinations; and
SAW. Accreditation of the theoretical-practical course for driving cars or motorcycles,

Article 39.- To obtain the driver's license, you must prove that you have at least two years of
experience driving motor vehicle types.

The indicated request must be accompanied


YO. Proof of payment of fees;

II. Official identification showing your age of majority;
III. Proof of address in the name of the applicant, if it is in the name of
a family member, must present a document from the owner or possessor of the
property, who
You must attach a copy of your identification and certify that you are living there;
IV. Accreditation of the Comprehensive Medical Evaluation, which includes
psychometric, alcohol consumption or intake, general medical, visual, and hearing
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V. Accreditation of the training course for driving motor vehicles;

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SAW. Accreditation of the theoretical-practical course for driving cars or motorcycles.

The medical examination, in this case, will be carried out more thoroughly to know if the
applicant is a victim of a disabling illness, if he or she is affected by excessive consumption
of intoxicating beverages or the use of intoxicating or psychotropic drugs. If the test is
positive, the requested license will be denied.

Additionally, the violation file or database must be verified to determine if the applicant has
not had his or her license temporarily suspended; If it has been suspended, the license will
only be granted for one year, complying with the other requirements. At the end of the term
and in case of not having incurred a new suspension or other sanction indicated in article 38
of the Law, it will be renewed for three years.

In the case of foreigners, in addition to proving their legal stay in the country, by presenting
the immigration document issued by the competent authority, whose validity does not
exceed three years; They must prove their domicile/residence in the territory of the State
and comply with the other requirements and provisions established in this Regulation. No
license or permit will be granted to foreigners as tourists.

People who present themselves with the certificate or certificate issued by a private driving
school must take the course taught by the traffic authority and the corresponding exam
prior to the issuance of their license or driving permit.

If you do not comply with any of the stated requirements, your driver's license will be denied.

Article 40.- In the case of the public transport driver's license, you must present a valid
driver's license that is three years old; toxicological, psychological and social environment
tests must be performed and additionally accredited, and the obligation to accredit a training
course given by the Secretariat, not have a criminal record, must bring a document issued
by the Institute, which shows their registration in their database, it must also bring proof
issued by the owner of the concessionaire company where it endorses the conduct of the
applicant and is jointly responsible for the repair of damages if any.

To renew said license, you must prove that you have not been infracted on six occasions in
one year, and that you have participated in the training and evaluation courses that the
Secretariat gives periodically, according to calls sent to the permit holders of the service. In
addition, you must not have a criminal record, you must present a current certificate issued
by the Institute, which shows your re-registration in its database and not having incurred any
administrative irregularity during your stay.

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function, must bring proof issued by the owner of the concessionaire company which
endorses the conduct of the applicant and is jointly responsible for repairing any
damages, if any.

Article 41.- The replacement of a license in all its modalities or valid driving permit is
appropriate, for the time remaining until the expiration of the document in cases of
mutilation, deterioration of the image or when the data is illegible; For this purpose, an
application is required with a declaration under oath that the data stated is correct, in the
formats established by the Secretariat for this purpose, which must be accompanied by
proof of payment of fees. In case of theft or loss, you must present a certified copy of the
complaint of facts presented to the ministerial authority.

Whoever has a damaged or illegible driver's license is obliged to request its replacement,
after paying the corresponding fees. The replacement will be processed according to the
information registered in the Secretariat's database.

Article 42.- Driver's licenses for motorists, motorcyclists, chauffeurs or public transport drivers
may be renewed from the month prior to the end of their validity, and must be presented:

YO. Request from the interested party with a declaration, under oath that the data stated
is correct, in the formats that for this purpose are found in the offices of the
Department of Licenses of the Secretariat;
II. Proof of payment of fees; and
III. Accreditation of the Comprehensive Medical Evaluation, which includes exams
psychometric, alcohol consumption or intake, general medical, visual, and auditory.

In addition, they must prove the requirements indicated in the previous articles.

When the person who intends to renew a license has been the recipient of three infractions
in the last year, or has been suspended or cancelled, he or she must take the driver's
education course taught by the Secretariat or the road authority again, in order to obtain the
license again. The renewal will be processed according to the information registered in the
Secretariat's database.

Article 43.- Drivers who are issued public transport driver's licenses require permanent
updating in training and road culture, which guarantees the safety of pedestrians and
users; as well as the quality of the service, which is why they are obliged, together with the
concessionaires and permit holders, to the self-regulation indicated by the applicable

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Article 44.- Minors may drive motor vehicles that require a motorist license, through special
driving permits, in accordance with the following conditions:

YO. They will only be valid between 06:00 and 22:00.

II. It is prohibited to drive in demonstrations, caravans, processions,
sports exhibitions and other types of human gatherings; and
III. Likewise, it is strictly prohibited to drive any public, commercial or private passenger
or cargo transport vehicle in any of its forms; and

The validity of the special driving permits authorized for minors will expire when they reach
the age of majority, or upon incurring any violation of the law and its regulations.

Article 45.- The driving license will be valid for one year, with the option of renewal until
reaching the age of majority. To obtain a driving permit , a request from the father, mother
or guardian is required, with a declaration under oath that the information provided is
correct, and that they assume legal responsibility for the minor, which must be
accompanied by:

YO. Proof of payment of fees;

II. Official identification of the father, mother or
III. Birth certificate of the minor that certifies the age of 16 and a
identity card;
IV. Written under oath of truth from the father, mother or guardian that the minor is fit to
V. Accreditation of the driving course, taught by the Secretariat;
SAW. Accreditation of the Comprehensive Medical Evaluation, which includes a
psychometric examination,
alcohol consumption or intake, general medical, visual, and hearing; and
VII. In the case of foreigners, in addition to proving their legal stay in the country of the
minor and the father, mother or guardian, by presenting the immigration documents
issued by the competent authority, they must prove their domicile/residence in the
territory of the State and comply with these requirements and other provisions of the
Law and these Regulations, valid for the time in which your legal stay in the country
is authorized; It will not be granted to foreigners with tourist status.

The above, without prejudice to the parents or guardian, as the case may be, strictly
complying with the provisions of article 35 of the Law.

Article 46.- The Secretariat will suspend and, where appropriate, cancel driving licenses
and permits, temporarily or permanently, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and
these Regulations.

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In the case of temporary suspension of the driver's license, the Secretariat may, for the only
time, revoke said suspension, provided that the offender reliably certifies having passed the
training course determined by it.

When the applicant has incurred any of the causes for suspension or cancellation of driving
licenses, provided for in the Law, the Secretariat will not issue or renew these.

Article 47.- A person who suffers from a physical disability may be issued a motorist's
driver's license when he or she has a prosthesis for the safe driving of motor vehicles, to
remedy the disability, or if the vehicle he or she intends to drive is provided with
mechanisms or other auxiliary means that, after demonstration before the competent
authority, allow you to drive safely, without prejudice to satisfying, as appropriate, the
provisions of articles 35, 36, 37 and 38 of this Regulation.

Article 48.- Driving licenses or permits will be extinguished or canceled in the terms
established by articles 36 and 37 of the Law and in this Regulation. In the event that the
applicant for a driver's license or permit presents false or altered documents or
impersonates an identity, the Public Ministry will be notified to proceed in accordance with
the law and the corresponding license or permit will be canceled.



Article 49.- Drivers are required to carry the following documentation to circulate on public

YO. Original of the current circulation card or document that proves having covered the
payment of taxes for ownership or use of vehicles;
II. Current front and rear license plates, which must match the registration card;
III. Current decal or hologram if applicable; and
IV. Valid and authorized driver's license for the vehicle you drive.

Article 50.- Drivers and passengers of vehicles of all types are obliged to use seat belts,
which must be made of braided fiber or another that covers the safety requirements,
which must adapt to the

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requirements of each unit, and its length may vary from one model to another, as well as
its hooks and automatic tensioning systems, so that they adjust to the body in the event of
an accident .

Article 51.- Drivers are obliged to respect the speed limits established for the roads:

YO. On primary roads they will circulate at the speed indicated by the respective signs.
When public roads lack signs, the maximum speed will be 30 kilometers per hour;
II. On secondary roads the maximum speed will be 20 kilometers per hour. In school,
pedestrian, hospital, nursing home, shelter and home areas, the maximum speed
will be the same; and
III. It is prohibited to use public roads to carry out high-speed vehicle competitions or
drag races.

Article 52.- At intersections and in the right of way, the driver will be subject to the following

YO. It will comply with the signs that regulate

II. At intersections regulated by an agent or road support personnel, you must
stop your vehicle when ordered to do so;
III. At intersections regulated by traffic lights, you must stop your vehicle at the "stop"
line, without invading the pedestrian crossing area when the traffic light is red;
IV. Those traveling on a priority road and approaching an intersection have the right of
way over vehicles traveling on the other road;
V. At intersections of roads marked with indications of "give way" or "stop", if applicable,
you must always give way to vehicles traveling on the preferred route, regardless of
which side they approach, arriving to completely stop their march when necessary
and, in any case, when so
indicate the corresponding sign;
SAW. When the road on which you are traveling lacks signs that regulate the right of
way, or the traffic lights are flashing in such a way that they do not control traffic, you
will be obliged to yield to vehicles approaching from your right, except in the
following cases. :
to). When the road on which one circulates is of greater width than the other or
increased traffic volume; and
b). When someone driving on the right does so on an unpaved road;
VII. When at intersections there is no possibility for vehicles to advance until they cross
the road in its entirety, it will avoid continuing to travel and thus obstruct the
circulation of the streets transversal to its direction of circulation;
VIII. On railway cruises, the latter has the right of way;

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IX. Turning in continuous traffic, to the right or left, when a traffic light is red, will only be
allowed in places where there is a sign indicating it and will be done with caution. It
will only be continuous to the left when the road on which the vehicle circulates is
one-way and the roads that converge have a one-way direction to the movement of
the left turn, being prohibited from turning left on any primary two-way road;
x. Between midnight and 5:00 a.m. the next day, you must completely stop the vehicle
in front of the stop sign of a traffic light and, once you are sure that no vehicle or
pedestrian is about to cross the intersection, you may continue driving even if the
stop sign has not changed with caution;
XI. In roundabouts, those who are inside the circular road have priority over those who
intend to access them;
XII. At the entry and exit points of the primary controlled access roads, vehicle drivers
must alternate, giving way one by one; and
XIII. Emergency or police vehicles have the right of way when they circulate with sound
and light signals operating simultaneously.

Article 53.- Circulation is prohibited:

YO. In reverse more than 8 meters , unless it is not possible to drive forward and with
due caution; Under no circumstances may you change lanes while driving in
II. Changing direction without due caution;
III. On cycle paths for motor vehicles; and
IV. In exclusive lanes for public passenger transport.

Article 54.- The driver of a vehicle is prohibited from passing another vehicle in the
opposite traffic lane when:

YO. It is possible to pass it in the same direction of its circulation;

II. The oncoming traffic lane does not offer clear visibility or when it is not
free of traffic in a sufficient length to allow the maneuver to be carried out without
III. Approaches the top of a slope or around a curve; and
IV. Is 30 meters or less away from a cruise ship or crossing

Article 55.- On roads with two or more lanes in the same direction, all drivers must keep to
their right .

It is prohibited to pass or overtake another vehicle traveling in the same direction on the
right, except when the vehicle you intend to pass or overtake is

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about to turn left, once you indicate it with due opportunity to the vehicles following you.

The driver who intends to reduce the speed of his vehicle, stop, change direction or lane,
can only begin the maneuver after ensuring that he can carry it out, with due caution, and
warning the vehicles following him.

At night , or when there is not enough visibility during the day, drivers will have their
regulatory headlights and rear lights on when driving, preventing the light beam from
dazzling those traveling in the opposite direction.


Article 56.- All drivers must respect the road signs of the
“one by one” cruises.

Article 57.- When the transit authority considers it pertinent, it may implement the device
one by one, which consists of:
YO. Vehicles approaching the intersection on any of the streets must reduce their
II. The vehicle that is closest to the cruise ship will have the right of way, after taking
due precautions, who will also indicate it with a change of lights or touch.
III. The vehicle that follows the one that had the right of way must stop and yield to the
vehicle traveling through the other traffic artery;
IV. The vehicle that yielded the right of way may continue its journey, making sure that
the vehicle preceding the one that yielded the right of way has come to a complete
stop, for which it will use a change of lights or sound of the horn as a preventive
measure; and
V. The other vehicles that continue to travel must alternately and politely follow these

Article 58.- In roundabouts where traffic is not controlled by traffic lights, drivers who enter
must give way to vehicles that are already circulating there.

Article 59.- The corresponding traffic authorities, through the different media, will carry out
a permanent orientation and dissemination campaign aimed at drivers and pedestrians,
with the aim of gaining better knowledge about the procedures and provisions on the
matter. of vehicular and pedestrian traffic that they must observe, in the case of circulation
at intersections of several roads around a central island.

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Article 60.- The foregoing without detracting from the fact that, if said authorities consider it
pertinent, they assign for a prudent period of time foot-to-ground traffic agents in the
cruises of the places where the device in question is implemented, the one that most This
reason applies in the event that the transit authority implements the device called “one-by-
one cruise” of article 57, with the purpose of effectively providing the guidance and
information that is required by drivers and pedestrians, obviously. to avoid accidents and
endangering their physical integrity.



Article 61.- It is prohibited to travel in the opposite direction of traffic, as well as on

sidewalks, medians, walkways, islands, approach marks and longitudinal stripes and to
invade the opposite lane.


Article 62.- In cruises where there is no traffic light or it is not controlled by an agent, the
following provisions will be observed:

YO. The driver who approaches the intersection must give way to those vehicles that are
already inside it;
II. When vehicles from the different roads that converge at the intersection approach
the intersection simultaneously, the drivers must alternate
the step, starting the crossing whoever reaches the intersection first. The authority
road will try to establish the corresponding signage; and
III. When one of the roads that converge at the intersection is wider than the other, or
has a significantly greater volume of traffic, there will be right of way for the vehicles
that travel through it.


63.- In the circulation of vehicles, the following are prohibited:

YO. Throwing, depositing or abandoning objects, vehicles, materials or garbage on public


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II. Deteriorate the roads or their facilities, producing effects on them or in their
surroundings that modify the appropriate conditions for circulating, stopping or
parking motor vehicles; and
III. Closing or obstructing circulation on public roads through people, vehicles or through
the installation of bars, booms or any other object or element.

Whoever violates this provision must remove the obstruction assuming the cost that this
represents, or the corresponding road authority will do so in the terms established by the
current provisions on the matter.

Article 64.- In terms of polarization, only grade 1 filter sun protection film (35% of
transmitted visible light, 52% of solar transmission and 38% of total rejected energy) is
allowed on the windows and side fins and on the rear medallion. In the front panoramic
view, only its upper part may be polarized, in a strip no larger than the width of the visors
that the vehicle comes with from the factory, with a grade 1 filter or a grade 2 filter (18%
transmitted visible light, 49% solar transmission and 38% of the total rejected energy). The
tone or color of the film can only be smoke, gray or green, any other tone or color is
prohibited. The above does not apply to vehicles whose windows are tinted at the factory.

Public transportation and driving school vehicles may not have their windows, fins,
medallions or panoramic windows tinted.

Vehicles with crashed or broken windshields will not be allowed to circulate.

Article 65.- Every motor vehicle must be provided with:

YO. Headlights connected to a high beam and low beam distributor, positioned in such a
way as to allow the driver to operate the device to reduce the height and intensity of
the light. The low light must allow the visibility of people and objects at a distance of
no less than thirty meters in front. The high beam will allow easy vision of people
and objects at a distance of no less than one hundred meters in front. The vehicle's
dashboard must have an automatic light change indicator. The location of these
must comply with the standards provided for the type of vehicle;
II. Brake indicators at the rear;
III. Flashing turn signals, front and rear;
IV. Flashing flashing emergency stop;
V. Front quarters, with yellow light, and rear quarters, with red
SAW. Special, depending on the type of dimensions and service of
the vehicle;
VII. Light that illuminates the rear license plate; and
VIII. Reverse or reversing light.

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Article 66.- Private vehicles that have adapted coupling devices for pulling trailers and
semi-trailers must:

YO. Have a rotating or retractable mechanism that does not exceed the vehicle's
II. Be provided on their sides and rear with two or more red reflectors, as well as two
braking indicator lamps;
III. When combining vehicles, it is only necessary that the brake lights be visible at the
rear of the last vehicle; and
IV. School vehicles must also be equipped with two front lamps that project yellow light
and two rear lamps that project red light, both

Article 67.- It is prohibited to use in private vehicles:

YO. Colors in shades or tonality, or in color combinations, equal to those of public

transportation of passengers registered in the State, emergency vehicles or patrol
II. Headlights of a color other than white or amber;
III. Bubbles or turrets;
IV. Devices similar to those used by police or emergency vehicles;
V. Dazzling headlights that put the safety of drivers or pedestrians at risk; and
SAW. Unauthorized advertisements.

Article 68.- The tires of motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers must be in maximum
safety conditions. These vehicles must have a spare tire capable of guaranteeing the
replacement of any of those that are rolling, as well as the essential tool to carry out the

Public transport, school or driving school vehicles must have a first aid kit and extinguisher
with a current charge.

Article 69.- Agents and other drivers of official vehicles are obliged to comply with each and
every one of the obligations that this Regulation imposes on individuals, except when they
are performing emergency services.

Article 70.- For the purposes of this Chapter, tricycles are assimilated to bicycles unless the
nature of the vehicle does not allow it. Bicycle drivers must stay to the extreme right of the
road on which they are traveling and will proceed with care when passing parked vehicles;
they should not travel next to another or on sidewalks and areas reserved for the exclusive
use of pedestrians.

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Bicycles and tricycles are equipped with a single-intensity white light headlamp that allows
the driver to see people and objects. On the back they will have a red reflector and
optionally a light of the same color.

Article 71.- Without prejudice to the other restrictions established by this Regulation, private
service and public transport drivers must respect the following provisions:

YO. Circulate in the direction indicated by the road, maintaining a minimum distance of
five meters from the vehicle in front, which guarantees timely stopping in cases
where it stops unexpectedly;
II. Do not transport people on the outside of the body or in places not specified for this
purpose. Loaders or stevedores can only be transported when the purpose of the
transport requires it, and in numbers and in such conditions as to guarantee their
physical integrity;
III. Do not transport a greater number of people than indicated on the driving card;
IV. Do not carry out maneuvers to raise or lower people in the center lanes of the roads
or in unauthorized places;
V. Children under five years of age must travel in the back seat, using special child-
carrying seats for this purpose, which must be attached to said seat in the manner
indicated in the corresponding manufacturer's instructions;
SAW. Do not keep the vehicle doors open or open them before it comes to a complete
VII. Do not use electronic or mechanical devices that distract the driver's attention;
VIII. Do not use cell phones, or other objects or goods that make it impossible to drive the
vehicle unless they have hands-free devices;
IX. Televisions or screens may not be placed to reproduce images in the front interior of
the vehicle;
x. Do not transport bicycles, motorcycles or any similar vehicle, outside the vehicle,
without the necessary safety devices;
XI. When visibility significantly decreases due to any natural or environmental factor or
due to road infrastructure, the lights must be turned on.
XII. Refrain from producing excessive or annoying noise with the radio, horn, exhaust or
engine of your vehicle;
XIII. Do not make a "U" turn in prohibited places, or near a curve;
XIV. Do not turn right or left without taking the far lane.
corresponding, with a safe distance, to avoid collision with another
XV. Timely stock up on fuel;
XVI. Have at least two rearview mirrors, interior and driver's side;
XVII. Do not circulate without

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XVIII. Obstruct the march of military columns, schoolchildren, civic parades, funeral
processions and other types of civic and similar events;
XIX. Do not drive in the left lane, preventing vehicles from passing; and
XX. Drivers and passengers in the front seat will not be able to transport
arms to minors, as well as pets of any kind, nor to
people sitting on their legs.

Article 72.- Vehicle drivers may not:

YO. Circulate without a license or permit; or if these are expired, or have been
suspended or cancelled; or when those documents do not authorize you to drive that
II. Circulate without valid license plates; or, being valid, they do not carry one or both
license plates; the license plate does not match the registration card or the traffic
registration database;
III. Circulate hiding vehicle license plates or carrying them altered or modified;
IV. Consuming alcoholic beverages inside the vehicle while in circulation, parked on
public roads or in public parking lots; and
V. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics.

Article 73.- To stop or park on public roads, the following rules must be observed:

YO. In urban areas, the wheels adjacent to the sidewalk will be at a maximum distance
from it that does not exceed 20 centimeters;
II. Drivers who, due to unforeseen circumstances or force majeure, stop their vehicles
on the rolling surface of a local road or on a continuous circulation road, will try to
occupy the minimum of said surface and will leave a sufficient visibility distance in
both directions, and must immediately place the
regulatory warning devices;
III. If the road has two directions of traffic, you must place your devices 100 meters in
front of the outer edge of the other lane. In urban areas, they must place their device
20 meters behind the disabled vehicle;
IV. Public passenger transport buses may not park on public roads outside their
service hours; and
V. Cargo vehicles can only park in authorized places.

Article 74.- Drivers of passenger transport vehicles are prohibited;

YO. Circular:

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to). In any lane except the right lane, and passing moving vehicles;
b). On main arteries in the second lane counted from right to left, except for
using it to pass, if there is no traffic that
prevent it;
II. Allow users to ride on the steps or on the outside of the vehicle;
III. Drive with the doors open;
IV. Allowing the boarding of a passenger who is clearly intoxicated or under the
of enervants or psychotropics;
V. Carry out maneuvers to raise or lower passengers in places prohibited for this
SAW. Carry out passenger loading or unloading maneuvers in the second lane of traffic,
counted from right to left , or in prohibited places;
VII. Allow passengers to board or disembark while the vehicle is moving;
VIII. The immoderate use of the horn, radios, recorders and sound equipment in
IX. Drive without turning on the vehicle's interior lights when it gets dark;
x. Refuel with passengers on board and/or with the engine running;
XI. Parking in double rows or more, or blocking the road; and
XII. Abuse a user verbally or physically.

Article 75.- Vehicles cannot circulate when the load:

YO. Protrudes from the front or sides;

II. Protrude from the rear by more than one meter and do not have reflectors
red color or flags that indicate danger;
III. Puts people in danger or is dragged on public roads;
IV. Hide the vehicle's lights, rearview mirrors, side mirrors, interior mirrors, or
license plates;
V. Spills or spreads on public roads;
SAW. Obstruct the driver's visibility or hinder the stability or handling of the vehicle.
VII. It is not properly covered, being dispersible materials;
VIII. It is not properly attached to the vehicle by cables or tarpaulins and other accessories
to condition or secure it; and
IX. The cables, tarps and other accessories to condition or secure it are not properly
attached to the vehicle.

Article 76.- In the case of vehicles whose gross vehicle weight, dimensions or load exceed
the limits established by the traffic authority or the Institute, authorization to circulate must
be requested from them, which will define the route and schedule for their circulation and
maneuvers, and, where appropriate, the protective measures that must be adopted.

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Article 77.- The road authority is empowered to restrict and subject to specific schedules
and routes, the transit of public and commercial cargo vehicles, with or without it, in
accordance with the nature of the roads, the type of load, weight. and dimensions of the
vehicle, the intensity of traffic and the public interest.

Loading and unloading maneuvers must be carried out without hindering pedestrian and
automotive flows, within properties and businesses that have adequate ramps or accesses
and sufficient interior space. Otherwise, the road authority will authorize the appropriate
places and times.

The general restrictions established by the road authority to limit the transit of cargo
vehicles, as well as the maneuvers carried out, must be published for observance in the
Official State Newspaper and the newspapers with the greatest circulation in the State.

Article 78.- Vehicle drivers are obliged to reduce their speed and stop their movement,
following the instructions of the traffic authority or when inspections are being carried out
on public or private service vehicles, in order to check if they have the equipment. and
regulatory documentation.

Article 79.- The circulation of any motor vehicle is prohibited when it is in such conditions
that its transit poses a danger to its occupants or third parties.


Article 80.- Drivers of bicycles, adapted bicycles, tricycles, mopeds, self-propelled tricycles,
ATVs, scooters and motorcycles have the following:

TO. Obligations:

YO. They may only be accompanied by the number of people for whom there is a seat
available and which is indicated on the circulation card;
II. Drive in the far right lane of the road and proceed carefully when
passing parked vehicles;
III. Travel in the right lane and when passing a motor vehicle you must use the left lane;

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IV. Use only one traffic lane;

V. Driving at night with the lights on;
SAW. Wear a semi-integral protective helmet for scooter-type motorcycles that do not
exceed 100 cubic meters and a full-face helmet for other types of motorcycles, as
well as your passenger;
VII. Signal in advance when a turn or any other change of direction is going to be made;
VIII. Strictly abide by the provisions established by these regulations; and

b. Prohibitions:

YO. Circulate in the opposite

II. Travel on sidewalks and areas reserved for the exclusive use of pedestrians, with
the exception of Public Security bicycles and motorcycles when they perform
surveillance functions;
III. Traveling two or more of the aforementioned vehicles in a parallel position within
the same lane, or between lanes;
IV. Grasping or holding on to other vehicles traveling on public roads; and
V. Carrying load that hinders visibility, balance, proper operation and constitutes a
danger to oneself or other users of public roads.

Article 81.- Drivers of motor vehicles with four or more wheels must respect the right that
two- or three-wheeled vehicles have to use a traffic lane.

Article 82.- Drivers of bicycles, mopeds, self-propelled tricycles, ATVs, scooters and
motorcycles are prohibited from traveling on the central or interior lanes of the primary
roads that have said lanes, and where the signage indicates so. controlled access roads.

Article 83.- On traffic routes in which the road authority establishes exclusive lanes for the
circulation of bicycles or adapts cycle paths or cycle paths, bicycle drivers must respect the
signs and drivers of motor vehicles must respect their right to traffic and give them
preferential passage, mainly at intersections. The maximum speed on cycle paths will be
that indicated by the respective signs by the road authority. On cycle paths where there are
no signs, the maximum speed will be 15 kilometers per hour.

Article 84.- Authorized adapted bicycles can only circulate on the roads indicated by the
corresponding traffic authority.

Article 85.- Bicycles that use an engine for propulsion will be considered within the
category of motorcycles. Therefore, they cannot ride on cycle paths.

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Article 86.- For the holding of parades, caravans, demonstrations, pilgrimages or any other
type of human concentration of a political, religious, sports, recreational or social nature
referred to in article 46 of the Law, the provisions of articles 47, 48 and 49 of the
aforementioned legal system and, without prejudice to this, it is required:

YO. Written notice from the interested party to the competent traffic authority, at least 48
hours in advance of the march, parade, caravan or demonstration;
II. Copy of the applicant's official identification; and
III. Route sketch (origin - destination).

Article 87.- The corresponding traffic authority may order the removal of vehicles that are
parked on public roads where a march, parade or demonstration will take place up to 24
hours in advance using the available means of communication. If the owner of the vehicle
does not show up to move his unit, the road authority may remove it, moving it to an
authorized yard or warehouse or relocating it.



Article 88.- The traffic authorities in a coordinated manner will permanently carry out safety
and road education campaigns, programs and courses, aimed at promoting basic
guidelines on the matter among citizens, with the aim of reducing the number of accidents.
traffic, improve vehicle circulation and in general, create the necessary conditions to
achieve the well-being of the inhabitants of the State; the above, without detriment to the
provisions of article 54 of the Law.

Article 89.- Road training for the personnel of concessionaires and permit holders, as well
as vehicle operators that provide the public transportation service.

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passengers and cargo, will be subject to the terms, mechanisms and forms established in
Transportation Law of the State of Campeche and its

Article 90.- The traffic education programs taught in the State must refer to at least the
following topics:

YO. Roads;
II. Basic rules for pedestrians;
III. Basic rules for the driver;
IV. Prevention of traffic accidents;
V. Signage or device for traffic control;
SAW. Basic knowledge of this regulation;
VII. First aid; and
VIII. Notions of automotive mechanics.

Article 91.- The traffic authorities, within the scope of their respective territorial jurisdictions,
will celebrate the necessary agreements to promote and disseminate road safety education
programs, training and the essential provisions of the relative regulations and will
coordinate with the Institute and other agencies. and entities of the State Public
Administration, in order to design and implement permanent safety and road safety
programs and campaigns, aimed at creating awareness and habits of respect for traffic and
road regulations, aimed at:

YO. To students of basic and upper secondary education from public and private
II. To those who intend to obtain driving licenses or permits;
III. To drivers of official vehicles;
IV. To drivers of vehicles for private and commercial use;
V. To drivers of vehicles of the public transportation service; and
SAW. To violators of this Regulation.

Article 92.- Driving schools that are dedicated to the training, teaching and training of
drivers of private vehicles will be subject to the provisions issued by the traffic authority
regarding their operation and the delivery of training courses, in the terms referred to in the
provisions contained in articles 55, 57, 58, 59 and 60 of the Law.

Concessionaires and permit holders are obliged to permanently update the field of road
safety education for the personnel who work as drivers of the vehicles under their
responsibility, considering the contents, form and periodicity established by the Secretariat
and the Institute; without prejudice to the strict observance of the provisions of articles 25,
section XIX, 89, sections IX and X, and 113, section VII, of the Transportation Law of the
State of Campeche.

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Article 93.- For the purposes of this Chapter, the traffic authority in matters of road safety
education will be subject to the provisions of articles 54, 55, 56 and 57 of the Law.

Article 94.- The traffic education programs taught to obtain motorcyclist, motorist and driver
licenses will have a minimum duration of ten hours. The personnel who teach these
programs must be certified by the relevant traffic authority.

In addition to the contents that the driver's education program must have, an anti-addiction
program will also be taught.

Article 95.- Training for personnel who want to obtain a public transportation driver's
license must accredit a course certified by the Institute before the transit authority.

Article 96.- Educational centers that are dedicated to the training, teaching and training of
drivers of private vehicles will also be subject to the contents established in the Law and in
this Regulation.


Article 97.- The natural or legal person who intends to dedicate himself to teaching driving
courses and classes must comply with the requirements established by the Secretariat, in
accordance with the provisions of articles 58, 59 and 60 of the Law.

Article 98.- To provide service to the public, vehicle driving schools and instructors must
meet the following requirements:


YO. Submit a written request to the transit authority;

II. Submit an acknowledgment of the application for a municipal license to
provide the service;
III. Present the original of the Federal Taxpayer Registry with the money order
IV. Make the payment of fees to the corresponding tax authority and display the original
of the receipt;

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V. Exhibit the original documentation to prove ownership of the vehicle(s) that will be
used for the development of the indicated activity, which must be in the name of the
owner according to the tax regime;
SAW. Present the vehicles properly labeled, untinted and with alternate driving control
devices, which must not be older than five years. Vehicles that meet the
requirements will be provided with a vehicle verification certificate;
VII. Provide in the application the name, private and legal address, age, nationality, sex,
education, occupation, articles of incorporation (in the case of a legal entity) and
other general information of the requesting owner, representative and instructors;
VIII. Present, in original and a copy for comparison, birth certificate, voter ID, unique
population registration card, current driver's license with driver category, letters of no
criminal record of the owner, photographs of the school facilities and the vehicles
that will be used in the activity which must be labeled on both sides;
IX. Present a list and documentation of the instructors, consisting of: curriculum vitae,
birth certificate, voter ID, Unique Population Registration Card (CURP), driver's
license, proof of no criminal record and certification from the transit authority where it
was obtained. accredit as an instructor;
x. Submit school or instructor safety and procedures manuals for approval;
XI. Insure vehicles intended for teaching for one year, with broad coverage insurance
XII. Certificate issued by the transit authority where the facilities have been verified and
confirm that the safety requirements are met;
XIII. Certificate issued by the transit authority of the physical verification of the facilities
and assets indicated in the application;
XIV. Proof issued by the traffic authority of the mechanical inspection of the vehicles
registered in the driving school; and
XV. Present the driver's education program that will be taught, which must contain at
least the topics established in article 55 of the Law; and


YO. Submit a document signed by the natural person or the legal representative of the
legal entity, if applicable, by the driving school, addressed to the traffic authority, in
which you request the certification of the person(s). physics(es) as instructor(s);
II. Submit original of the Federal Taxpayer Registry;
III. Make the payment of rights before the corresponding tax authority and
display receipt;

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IV. Present documentation of the person to be certified as an instructor: original birth

certificate and copy, voter ID, unique population registration card, valid driver's
category driver's license, letter of no criminal record, study certificate, proof of the
approved course about driving vehicles, and proof of address; and
V. Accredit the toxicological

Article 99.- Driving schools must keep a record of the number of courses, number of
participants or classes, and report it to the traffic authority, within the first five days of every
third month.

Failure to comply with the above or with the established requirements will motivate the
cancellation of the corresponding permit, following an administrative procedure that
complies with the formalities and guarantees of due process.

When the transit authority considers it, it may carry out inspection visits to the vehicles or
facilities to corroborate that they comply with the provisions indicated in the Law and in this

In order to grant the permit again to the interested parties, they must first correct, where
appropriate, the irregularities detected.

Article 100.- The official permit for driving schools will be valid for one year from the date of
its issuance. This permit may be revalidated up to three times, and at the end you must
complete the process again to obtain a new authorization.

The driving instructor certificate issued by the traffic authority will be valid for one year from
the date of its issuance.

Article 101.- Vehicles may not be used to teach driving classes without having the
corresponding permit issued by the competent authority.

Instructors who do not have authorization issued by the competent authority or whose
authorization has expired will not be able to teach driving classes.


Article 102.- For the purposes of this regulation and in accordance with the provisions of
article 61 of the Law, vehicles are subclassified into the following types:

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YO. Due to its

weight, in:

to). Light:
1. Human-powered bicycles and tricycles;
2. Self-propelled scooters and tricycles;
3. Motorcycles and scooters;
4. Automobiles;
5. Vans;
6. Animal-drawn carts; and
7. Human-powered cars; and

b). Heavy:
1. Buses;
2. Trucks with two or more axles;
3. Tractors with semi-trailers;
4. Trucks with trailers;
5. Agricultural vehicles; and
6. Mobile special equipment;

II. By type, in:

to). Automobiles:
1. Convertible;
2. Coupe;
3. Sports;
4. Guayín with up to nine seats;
5.Jeep ;
6. Limousine;
7. Sedan; and
8. All terrain or country;

b). Buses
1. Bus;
2. Minibus;
3. Minibus; and
4. Midibus;

c). Trucks:
1. Box;
2. Booths;
3. Cells;
4. Chassis;
5. Dashboard;

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6. Pick-up;
7. Platform;
8. Redilas;
9. Refrigerator;
10. Tank;
11. Tractor;
12. Vanette; and
13. Flip;

d). Trailers:
1. Box;
2. Low bed;
3. Room;
4. Cage;
5. Platform;
6. For poles;
7. Refrigerator;
8. Tank;
9. Hopper; and
10. Palletized;

and). Emergency vehicles:

1. Firefighters;
2. Ambulance;
3. Police; and
4. Cranes;

F). Vans:
1. Open box; and
2. Closed box (van);

g). Miscellaneous:
1. Stirrer; and
2. Other special equipment such as engines, compressors, plows, buggies, etc.;

h). Collective transport vehicles:

1. Minibuses;
2. Buses; and
3. Combis; and

III. By the number of axles,


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1. C2 Simple two-axle unit (bus or truck);

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2. C3 Simple three-axle unit (bus or truck);

3. C4 Single four-axle unit (bus or truck);
4. T2S1 Combination of two-axle tractor and single-axle semi-trailer;
5. T2S2 Two-axle tractor and two-axle semi-trailer combination;
6. T3S1 Three-axle tractor and single-axle semi-trailer combination;
7. T3S2 Three-axle tractor and two-axle semi-trailer combination;
8. C2R2 Two-axle truck and two-axle trailer combination; and
9. C3R2 three-axle truck and two-axle trailer combination.

In order to clarify the above, on the next page this subclassification is graphically


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Article 103.- In order for a vehicle to travel in the State, it is required that it be registered in
the vehicle registry of the transit authority of the residence of its owner or keeper, and that it
be provided with license plates and registration card, sticker. and meets the other
requirements established in these regulations.

Article 104.- For registration, vehicle owners or holders must:

YO. Submit a written request to the respective transit authority, which will contain the
name and address of the applicant;
II. Original invoice of the vehicle stating its description (make, model, type, color,
engine and serial numbers), as well as any other
information related to it;
III. Proof of payment of tax for vehicle ownership or use;
IV. Proof of payment of the fee for issuing license plates, and the rest
rights established by the respective laws and regulations;
V. If applicable, the proof of cancellation of registration (deregistration), with which they
must deliver the circulation card, as well as the circulation plates, which must be
valid in the payment of possession or use of vehicles;
SAW. Proof of address in the name of the applicant. If the property is rented, you must
present the rental contract; and
VII. Voter ID card with updated address.

The documentation must be presented in original and a legible copy for comparison by the
competent authority. Once the comparison has been carried out, the originals will be
returned, with the authority retaining the respective copies.

Article 105.- Any vehicle whose registration is intended to be registered must be

presented to the corresponding traffic authority, for verification of the vehicle, as well as
for verification of its correct operation and that it has the regulatory equipment.
Additionally, it must be verified in the stolen vehicle database. If there is a report of theft,
it will be forwarded to the corresponding ministerial authority.

Article 106.- In the case of vehicles that are covered by an invoice issued abroad, in
addition to the requirements listed in the previous articles, their owners must verify that
import taxes are covered before the corresponding tax authority.

Article 107.- In the case of registration of buses and cargo trucks for private service, their
holders, in addition to meeting the requirements established in the preceding articles, must
verify, with the last receipt, that the person who owns the vehicle has covered the tax
obligations that arise as a result of the business

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company to whose service the vehicle is destined.

In addition, you must present to the transit authority the corresponding certificate issued by
the Institute, which shows the authorization to park the unit.

Article 108.- Persons who wish to obtain the registration or circulation permit of
automobiles, buses for passenger transportation and cargo trucks or any other type
intended for public service, in addition to complying with the requirements previously
indicated in this regulation and in the Transportation Law of the State of Campeche, must
present to the transit authority:

YO. Certificate issued by the Institute, granting authorization to park the unit;
II. Current permit or concession granted by the corresponding authority for the
exploitation of the service in question;
III. Current passenger and civil liability insurance for comprehensive coverage with a
minimum validity of one year;
IV. Proof of verification of the proper functioning of the unit issued by the relevant transit
authority; and
V. Proof of verification where the vehicle is properly labeled.

Article 109.- People who wish to obtain the registration, circulation card and distinctive
license plate of people with disabilities, in addition to complying with the provisions of the
106 of this regulation, they must present to the transit authority:

YO. Official identification with a photograph of the person suffering from the disability if
they are adults. In the event that the person with a disability is a minor, he or she
will appear with the parent or guardian to carry out the procedure and will display
the respective birth certificate; and
II. Clinical summary issued by the State or Municipal DIF System in which the
alterations that cause the disability of the person in question are demonstrated, only
when this is not evident.

Article 110.- The transit authority, in addition to the distinctive license plate for people with
disabilities, must issue an identification card for the person who suffers from the disability.

The card will be for strictly personal use and must always accompany the person with a
disability when they are on board the vehicle, for the purposes of being able to enjoy the
benefits granted by the Law and these regulations.

The improper use of the benefits granted by distinctive license plates for people with
disabilities is prohibited.

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Article 111- Vehicles may circulate with provisional permits issued by the
Secretary in the following cases:

YO. When trying to register a vehicle that lacks the necessary requirements for
registration. This permit will be issued upon payment of the corresponding fees, for a
period that will not exceed thirty calendar days;
II. When it comes to the transfer of new or retired vehicles from one place to another,
within the State; This circumstance and the place where it will be taken for
registration will be specified. These permits may only be issued once, upon payment
of the corresponding fees, and will have a maximum validity of fifteen calendar days;
III. In the case of accidental loss or deterioration of one or both plates, the provisional
permit will be issued for a period of no more than 15 days, while the issuance of new
plates is processed, after payment of the respective fees and presentation of the
complaint. before the public ministry.

To obtain a provisional permit, a copy of the invoice must be presented; owner's voter
registration card; If applicable, copy of the last tenancy payment; proof of address in the
name of the applicant. The transit authority will determine whether or not the permit in
question is granted.

Article 112.- When the body or engine of a vehicle is changed, the owner of the vehicle is
obliged to process a new registration within fifteen days following the change in question,
upon presentation of the unit for verification, as well as the invoice or proof of ownership of
the body or engine.

Article 113.- In case of damage or loss of the circulation card, a duplicate will be issued,
upon request of the interested party, payment of the corresponding fees and, in the case of
loss, a certified copy of the statement made before the Public Ministry.

Article 114.- When it is intended to change the color of the vehicle or make any structural
modification, the corresponding notice must be given to the traffic authority within the fifteen
days immediately prior to the change or modification. Once the color change or modification
has been made, the interested party, within a period of no more than thirty days, will present
the vehicle to it, so that the entries can be made in the corresponding registry.

Article 115.- To cancel the registration of a vehicle you need:

YO. Submit the corresponding request through the format provided for this purpose by
the Secretariat;
II. Cover the amount of tax debts incurred due to the ownership, possession and use of
the vehicle; and

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III. Deliver the registration card and corresponding license


Once the above requirements are met, the interested party will be given proof
(deregistration) that the registration of the vehicle has been cancelled.

Article 116.- Any owner who sells or transfers a vehicle that has been previously
registered must process its deregistration within a period of no more than fifteen days
after the operation in question. The same will be observed in case of permanent

Article 117.- When the ownership of the vehicle is obtained through auction or judicial or
administrative adjudication, it is the responsibility of the new owner to process both the
respective deregistration and registration within the following fifteen days, presenting for this
purpose the documentation that was delivered at the time. of the auction or allocation of the

Article 118.- The person who registers a vehicle with false or apocryphal data or
documents or impersonating an identity will cause the corresponding traffic authority to
order the arrest of the unit and the person, immediately putting them at the disposal of the
Ministry. Public, regardless of the cancellation in the vehicle registration.


Article 119.- The license plates will be those established in article 70 of the Law.

Article 120.- Private service plates will be used for vehicles in the private service of their
owners, and may be passenger or cargo vehicles, without distinction.

Article 121.- Public service plates will be used for passenger, cargo or mixed vehicles that
operate by charging authorized rates, according to a concession or permit. Public service
plates may not be used on another unauthorized vehicle.

Article 122.- The demonstration plates will be used by companies dedicated to the
purchase and sale of vehicles. They can only be used to travel on public roads in order to
demonstrate the operation of the units to potential buyers. It is prohibited for such vehicles
to circulate outside a radius greater than thirty kilometers from the center of the town in
which the company is located.

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Article 123.- Emergency vehicle plates will be used for fire, ambulance and police vehicles
or those determined by the Secretariat, as long as they do not belong to an individual.

Emergency vehicle license plates may not be used on an unauthorized vehicle.

Article 124.- The distinctive license plates for people with disabilities will be used for
vehicles whose owner, or one of his or her family members up to the second degree who
also makes frequent use of the vehicle as a driver or passenger, certifies to the traffic
authority the disability he or she suffers from. said owner or said family member. Distinctive
license plates for people with disabilities may not be used in vehicles other than the
authorized one.

Article 125.- The circulation card is the document issued by the competent traffic authority
that authorizes the circulation of the vehicle.

The circulation card will contain at least the following requirements:

YO. Owner's name; II.

Owner's address; III.
Vehicle brand;
IV. Engine number;
V. Serial number,
SAW. Vehicle model, class and type;
VII. Vehicle capacity;
VIII. Vehicle color or color combination;
IX. Current license plate and previous license
plate of the vehicle;
x. Municipality and
XI. Expedition date;
XII. Card validity;
XIII. Type of service;
XIV. Use for which the vehicle is

Article 126.- The circulation card will be valid for one year.


Article 127.- The database of the Public Transit Registry, in charge of the Secretariat, will
be made up of at least the items indicated in article 72 of the Law. In addition, it will include
the basis of administratively or judicially suspended licenses, administratively or judicially
canceled licenses, of offenders, of
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responsible for accidents, and other items determined by the Secretariat itself.

Article 128.- The Secretariat will determine, according to the needs, what data will be
contained in each of the items indicated in the previous article, which will at least be:

YO. Name;
II. Home;
III. License number and type;
IV. Entity or
V. License validity;
SAW. Judicial or administrative resolution regarding suspension or cancellation of the
VII. The data indicated on the registration card in the case of vehicles;
VIII. Judicial or administrative resolution and term of the sanction in the case of vehicles;
IX. Infractions or administrative faults.



Article 129.- Roads and traffic in the State of Campeche will be subject to the provisions of
Chapter One of Title Six of the Law.

Article 130.- Public policies regarding roads and traffic of people and vehicles will have as
their primary objective the benefit of society through training and awareness, for which
permanent training, dissemination, analysis and study programs will be applied. road and
traffic problems, particularly of drivers and pedestrians, taking into account the
characteristics of the Entity.

Article 131.- In order to guarantee the preservation of the environment in the State of
Campeche, the traffic and road authorities will ensure that the owners of motor vehicles do
not exceed the maximum permissible emission levels established in the official Mexican
standards. .

The owners of motor vehicles registered in the State must submit their vehicles to
mandatory verification of polluting emissions of smoke, toxic gases and noise, during the
periods and in the authorized verification centers, in accordance with the program issued
by the competent authority.

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In order to verify that motor vehicles do not exceed the maximum levels of pollutant
emissions allowed into the atmosphere, the Secretariat, the Secretariat of Ecology and the
Municipalities, within the scope of their respective powers and in coordination with other
departments of the Public Administration State agencies related to the matter will implement
verification programs for the emission of polluting gases from the exhaust of motor vehicles
in circulation.

Article 132.- The limitations and restrictions for the traffic of vehicles on roads will be
carried out in accordance with the Law, this Regulation, the Manual of Devices for Traffic
Control in Urban and Suburban Areas, the Official Mexican Standards and the provisions
issued by the Secretariat.

Article 133.- The Secretariat will verify and supervise the registration of vehicles and the
issuance of their identification documents; For their part, the Secretariat of Public Works
and Communications and the municipal authorities, within the scope of their respective
powers, will verify the control of the infrastructure, services and elements inherent or
incorporated into the road, as well as the preventive and corrective maintenance of the
traffic signs, and that meet the requirements established in the Law, in this Regulation, the
Manual of Devices for Traffic Control in Urban and Suburban Areas, and in the other
provisions applicable to the matter.

Article 134.- The road authority will determine, according to the land use authorized for the
construction of the road and the topography of the underground work, the authorization to
park vehicles according to their weights and dimensions.

Article 135.- In the event of a natural disaster or any other type, the traffic authority may
order the closure of streets and avenues partially or completely, as well as remove vehicles
or objects that obstruct roads in order to provide security to the population.

Article 136.- Only the transit authority or the state and municipal authorities in matters of
public works may install or place speed bumps on public roads.

Article 137.- Metal or plastic spheres commonly identified as buoys, shells or turtles may
be used to demarcate or delimit areas or spaces over which traffic is not permitted or to
indicate the division of traffic lanes.


Article 138.- Vehicle drivers are obliged to use the device

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directional (flashing lights). If you do not have said device, or to reinforce its instructions,
you must make the following signs:

YO. Stop or slow down, extending left arm out and down, palm facing back;
II. Turn to the left, extending the left arm outward, in a horizontal position; and
III. Turn to the right, extending the left arm outward, in a square position, with the
hand up.

It will be considered an infraction to make any of these signals when the corresponding
maneuver is not carried out, except when these are impossible to carry out due to an
unforeseen obstacle.

Article 139.- When the parked vehicle requires to start moving, the driver is obliged to
indicate this by operating the light signal (intermittent) that corresponds to the side of the
road surface, taking due precautions.

Article 140.- It is mandatory to make the signals referred to in article 138, at least thirty
meters before the place where the maneuver will take place.

Article 141.- In vehicles in which, due to their design, the driver is far from the left window,
special mechanisms will be placed that make the signs referred to in the aforementioned
article 138 clearly visible to the drivers of the vehicles traveling behind it. of this order.

Article 142.- The traffic authority will be in charge of determining and supervising the
installation of mechanical, luminous, reflective, electromechanical or electronic signs that
indicate the precautions that drivers and pedestrians must observe in order to make
circulation expeditious and safe.

Article 143.- When traffic regulation is in charge of an agent, he or she will do so from a
place where it is easily visible to drivers and pedestrians. The signals will consist of
positions, gestures and regulatory blows of the whistle in the following way:

YO. STOP, when the agent faces the vehicles and signals with his arm extended and his
palm open. In this case, the driver will stop at the stop line marked on the pavement;
In the absence of this, it will be done before entering the pedestrian crossing area or
before entering the intersection. Pedestrians traveling in the same direction as the
vehicles stopped by the signal will refrain from crossing the road along which vehicle
circulation is continuous;

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II. GO, when one of the sides of the agent faces the vehicles on one lane. In this case,
drivers may continue moving forward or turn right or left, as traffic permits;
III. PREVENTIVE, when the agent is on his side and raises one arm horizontally with his
hand extended upward on the side where the circulation comes from or both arms, if
this occurs in two directions. In this case, drivers should take precautions because
the change from follow to stop is about to be made; Pedestrians traveling in the
same direction as the vehicles must refrain from crossing the road and those who
are doing so must speed up their pace; and
IV. GENERAL STOP, when the agent raises both arms in a vertical position, and turns
left and right. When making these signals, the agent will use whistle signals to
reinforce them.

A short touch means STOP; two short taps mean GO and one long tap means GENERAL
STOP. It is prohibited for officers to use the whistle outside of the specified cases.

The GENERAL STOP sign indicates an emergency situation or necessary protection,

consequently both drivers and pedestrians must stop moving immediately.

Article 144.- The indications of the luminous devices for regulating traffic for pedestrians
and drivers are the following:

YO. GREEN LIGHT. Given this indication, drivers can continue their journey, taking care
that when turning they give way to pedestrians. Pedestrians must refrain from
crossing the road when there is a green light. When the light signal contains an
arrow displayed alone or in combination with another indication, vehicular traffic will
proceed only in the direction indicated by the arrow;
II. AMBER LIGHT. Given this indication, pedestrians and drivers will refrain from
entering the intersection, unless the vehicle or pedestrian is already there and
stopping would mean putting themselves in danger or causing an accident or
obstructing traffic. In this case the driver or pedestrian will speed up the pace;
III. RED LIGHT. When faced with this indication, drivers will completely stop driving,
refraining from invading the intersection or area delimited in the pavement
markings. If this does not exist, vehicles must stop three meters before reaching the
place where the sidewalk ends. Pedestrians, when faced with a red light, may cross
the road with caution; and
a) When a RED lens flashes intermittently, the
Drivers must stop driving before entering the pedestrian zone or other control
area; they may only resume driving after making sure that they do not endanger
third parties;

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b) When an AMBER lens flashes intermittently, drivers must slow their vehicle and
may only proceed through the intersection or pass the sign after taking the
necessary precautions; and
c) Vehicles traveling on a road with a flashing amber light will have right of way over
those traveling on a road with a flashing red light.

Article 145.- When the traffic lights allow the movement of vehicles in an intersection, but at
the moment there is no free space to continue traffic on the next block, it is prohibited to
advance, to avoid obstruction of the intersection. The same provision will be observed when
there is no traffic light at the intersection.

Article 146.- When vehicles stop on corners or other places with a stop sign or right of way,
their drivers will avoid passing the pedestrian zone or, failing that, the alignment of the

Article 147.- The indications of the luminous devices for the regulation of pedestrian traffic
will be the following:

YO. Faced with the human silhouette, in WHITE or GREEN color, and walking attitude,
pedestrians will be able to cross through the intersection; and
II. When faced with a human silhouette in WHITE or RED and an attitude of immobility,
pedestrians must refrain from crossing through the intersection.

Article 148.- The indications of traffic lights, bells and bars installed at railway crossings are
preventive road signs that must be obeyed by drivers and pedestrians.

Article 149.- Road signs are classified as preventive, restrictive and informative , in
accordance with the following indications:

YO. Preventive signs are intended to warn of the existence or nature of a danger, or the
change in the situation of the public road; These signs are in black characters on a
yellow background;
II. Restrictive signs are intended to indicate limitations or prohibitions; These signs are
in text, in symbol or in a combination of both; The characters will be in red and
black on a white background, except for the STOP sign, which will be in white
characters on a red background; and
III. The purpose of informative signs is to serve as a guide for the location or
identification of streets, roads, towns, places of interest or services; the characters
will be white on raised signs, and black on all others; The background will be white
or green when it comes to destination or identification signs and blue when it comes
to service signs.

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It is mandatory to respect the restrictive and preventive signs.



Article 150.- White or yellow stripes, symbols or letters painted or applied on the pavement
or on the edge of the sidewalk or median immediately to the stream will be used on public
roads. It is prohibited to plant vegetation at the ends of the ridges that prevents perfect
visibility of the rolling surfaces they divide.

The design, measurements and typography used as a measure of road marking on the
rolling surface will be established in the Manual of Devices for the Control of Urban and
Suburban Areas.

Article 151.- The islands located at the crossings of the traffic lanes or in their vicinity must
be delimited by buoys, curbs, studs, stripes or other appropriate materials that serve to
channel the flow of traffic. It is prohibited for vehicles to circulate on the islands.

Article 152.- Those who carry out works on public roads are obliged to install auxiliary
devices for traffic control, both at the site of the work and in the area of influence of it,
whenever the work interferes with or endangers traffic. pedestrian and vehicle insurance.

Article 153.- Whoever carries out a work on public roads, regardless of the administrative
procedures to obtain the construction permit, must request an authorization from the
corresponding road authority in which they inform the name of the person who will act as
responsible for the work. work, which will indicate your general information and driver's
license number. At the end of the work, they must leave the public road in optimal
conditions for transit. The road authority may infringe the person responsible for the work
in case of non-compliance.

Article 154.- The Manual of Devices for the Control of Urban and Suburban Areas must be
updated and published annually by the Secretariat.

Article 155.- Any person who obstructs, limits, damages or alters in any way the signaling
and nomenclature devices will be referred to the ministerial authority.


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Article. 156.- In order to delimit the areas in which it is necessary to establish restrictions
on the free use of the streets, to facilitate or make the circulation of vehicles more
expeditious, the competent authority will indicate areas of intense traffic that will be made
known to the public. with every opportunity, through the media considered most effective.

For this purpose, the concentration areas of schools, businesses, public offices, meeting
centers, performance halls, markets and in general all those places in which, due to the
nature of the activities carried out there, cause considerable influx of vehicles and people,
making it essential to issue special provisions on free transit arteries, restricted circulation,
parking, appropriate schedules for loading and unloading operations, bus and truck sites
and terminals, and any other order. the corresponding transit authority.


Article 157.- To park a vehicle on public roads, the following rules must be observed:

YO. The vehicle will be oriented in the direction of traffic, except when battery parking is
II. The vehicle may only be parked in places permitted by traffic signs; In the absence
of these, on one-way streets they must always park on the left side and on avenues
they must park on the right side;
III. In rural areas, the vehicle must be parked outside the rolling surface of paved roads;
IV. If the vehicle is parked on a downhill slope, the front wheels will be directed towards
the road shoulder;
When the position of the vehicle is uphill, the wheels will be directed towards the
bearing surface; In any case, the parking brake will always be applied and
appropriate wedges will be placed between the floor and the front part, when going
downhill, or the rear part, when going uphill, of the rear wheels;
V. When the driver leaves the parked vehicle, he must leave the engine off;
SAW. Motorcycles and bicycles may only be parked in the corners delimited by the road
authority perpendicular to the sidewalk (battery);
VII. In areas not delimited by the road authority, motorcycles and bicycles may park
freely, always in a battery; within the extension
span the strip of sidewalk painted white; and

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VIII. Vehicles with distinctive license plates for people with disabilities may be parked in
the areas reserved for this type of license plate by the highway authority.

Article 158.- Parking vehicles is prohibited:

YO. On sidewalks, medians, walkways, islands and other roads reserved for pedestrian
traffic, except as provided in other applicable provisions;
II. In double or more rows;
III. In a section less than 1 meter from the entrance of a garage or garage, and in a
less than 5 meters on each side of the entrance axis on the sidewalk
opposite it;
IV. In a section less than 5 meters from the entrance of a fire station and emergency
vehicles, and in a section of 25 meters on each side of the entrance axis on the
sidewalk opposite it;
V. In passenger pick-up and drop-off areas and public service bays.
collective passenger transport;
SAW. On high-speed lanes;
VII. In pedestrian crossing areas;
VIII. In authorized areas for loading and unloading;
IX. In places where the visibility of traffic signs or the visibility of drivers is obstructed;
x. In prohibited public areas or roads, identified with the respective signage;
XI. In the place designated for parking vehicles transporting people with disabilities;
XII. In the opposite direction to traffic;
XIII. In the exclusive lanes for transporting passengers of public service buses;
XIV. In front of banking establishments;
XV. In front of special access ramps to sidewalks intended for the disabled, or
occupying or obstructing spaces intended for parking their vehicles;
XVI. In front of the entrance and exit of ambulances in hospitals;
XVII. In front of the hydrants for use by firefighters;
XVIII. In front of the entrances or exits of controlled access roads;
XIX. Outside the permitted and designated spaces, invading or obstructing another;
XX. Specifically, motorcycles, parallel to the sidewalk (in a curb);
XXI. On bridges or elevated one-way structures;
XXII. Within ten meters of the nearest rail of any railway crossing;
XXIII. Less than fifty meters from a vehicle parked in the opposite direction, on two-lane
roads with two-way traffic;
XXIV. Less than one hundred meters from a curve or summit;
XXV. Less than fifteen meters from a street intersection; and
XXVI. Less than fifteen meters from the entrance of schools, public offices, performance
halls and other places with a high concentration of people.

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Article 159.- In any case, uniform, clear, visible and easy to understand signs, placed in an
orderly manner, will always be used to indicate parking areas.

Article 160.- In areas of intense traffic and when feasible, parking of vehicles in a curb
(parallel to the sidewalk) will only be permitted, and vehicles must remain within the areas
marked for this purpose.

Article 161.- In areas of intense traffic, public transport vehicles will only be allowed to stop
momentarily for the boarding or alighting of their users in places authorized by the traffic

Article 162.- In areas of intense traffic and during the period between eight in the morning
and nine at night, the maximum parking time will be set by the traffic authority.

Article 163.- The transit authority will determine the places and times to park on public
roads when road needs require it.




Article 164.- It is prohibited to set aside parking spaces on public roads, placing objects
that obstruct it, which will be removed by police officers and transferred to the place
determined by the traffic authority.

It is the responsibility of the road authority to establish exclusive parking areas, in

accordance with the studies and resolutions carried out on the matter, as well as charging

Article 165.- Obstruction, destruction or alteration of road nomenclature or signage is


Article 166.- It is prohibited to deposit construction material, household objects or other

utensils on the sidewalks or sidewalks and the road surface, preventing or hindering the
free movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

Article 167.- The person who does not remove the elements incorporated into the road,
within the period granted by the municipal authority, will be sanctioned and said elements
will be

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collected by the latter and the payment of the execution costs will be borne by the
offending person.

Article 168.- It is prohibited to leave vehicles abandoned on public roads. When an

abandoned vehicle is reported, the following rules will be observed:

YO. They will go to the place where the unit is located and call among the neighbors to
locate the owner or possessor;
II. If no person shows up to claim it or no information is obtained about the owner, it will
be returned the next day for removal from the
public road;
III. The removal operation will avoid causing unnecessary damage to the unit;
IV. It will be immediately made available to the transit authority for safekeeping.
through an inventory of the state of conservation of the unit, its accessories and
of the objects found inside, if applicable, moving it to the patios of the offices of said
authority or to the corrales concessioned for that purpose; and
V. If during the removal operation the owner or driver of the vehicle appears and is
willing to remove it, it will be suspended and only an infraction ticket will be issued; If
the agent refuses to remove the vehicle
will continue with the withdrawal operation.

Article 169.- On public roads it is prohibited:

YO. Carry out repairs to vehicles, except for emergency repairs, and not even when the
flow of traffic is obstructed;
II. Place signs or any other unauthorized objects or vehicles;
III. Reduce road capacity, through inadequate vehicle parking; and
IV. Park motor vehicles on display for sale or rental.



Article 170.- All vehicles that transport toxic or dangerous substances that travel on the
roads of the State of Campeche must be subject to this Regulation and have the
respective authorization from the traffic authority.

Article 171.- In vehicles that transport toxic or dangerous substances, it is prohibited to have
on board people who are not involved in their operation.

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Article 172.- Drivers of vehicles that transport toxic or dangerous substances on roads
within the territorial jurisdiction of the State of Campeche must:

YO. Strictly adhere to the loading and unloading routes and itineraries authorized by the
Ministry of Communications and Transportation of the Federal Public Administration;
II. Refrain from making stops that are not indicated in the operation of the service; and
III. Circulate on the bypasses, when they exist.

Article 173.- It is prohibited to purge the floor or discharge into the roads, as well as
unnecessarily venting, any type of toxic or dangerous substances.

Article 174.- In the event of traffic congestion that interrupts circulation, the driver of the
vehicle must request priority from the agents to continue driving, showing them the
documentation that protects the risk to the product being transported.

Article 175.- It is prohibited to park vehicles that transport toxic or dangerous substances
on public roads or near an open fire or in the proximity of a source of risk, regardless of
compliance with the conditions and restrictions imposed by federal authorities in
environmental and transportation matters.

Article 176.- When, due to any emergency circumstance, it is necessary to park a vehicle
that transports toxic or dangerous substances on public roads or near a source of risk, the
driver must ensure that the load is properly protected and marked, to in order to prevent
people unrelated to the transportation from manipulating the equipment or cargo.

When the above happens at night, the driver must place safety triangles, both in the front
and rear of the unit, at a distance that allows other drivers to take the necessary

Drivers must inform the corresponding traffic and road authorities so that the area is
protected and the necessary safety measures are taken.

Article 177.- For the application of this regulation, public service cranes will be understood
as those vehicles with a state concession, mechanically designed for the proper
transportation of other vehicles, through the payment of a fee for the provision of the
service, subject to the current rate authorized by the Institute.

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Article 178.- It is prohibited for private or public service vehicles to tow broken down or
damaged vehicles by means of ropes, chains or any other accessory.

Article 179.- Private cranes are prevented from providing service to the public or charging
for the service. They have the obligation to register with the Institute, as well as provide the
necessary assistance when the traffic authority requires it for reasons of social interest.

Article 180.- Tow truck drivers who intervene in cases of accidents will be responsible for
the objects found inside the vehicles, as well as their mechanical and superficial parts,
proceeding to carry out rescue maneuvers and transfer to the pension. , for which they
must carry out the corresponding inventory, which must be delivered to the transit authority
and the interested party, who must sign in accordance, stating the conditions in which it is
located, as well as the objects existing inside.

Article 181.- Any damage that may be caused to a vehicle, when rescue or towing
maneuvers are carried out, will not be attributable to the tow truck driver, only in cases that
have been caused by his lack of caution.

Article 182.- Public service cranes will only be used when the traffic authority requires it to
transport abandoned vehicles or those that are involved in a traffic accident and their
mechanical conditions do not allow their movement.

The transit authority will under no circumstances use tow trucks when the vehicle is in
good condition for movement and has the keys to move it. Failure to comply with this
article will motivate the affected person to file a complaint with the corresponding area that
knows about the internal procedures.

Article 183.- In the event of an emergency or disaster, public service cranes are obliged to
provide the necessary assistance required by the transit authority free of charge.



Article 184.- Vehicle drivers and pedestrians involved in a traffic accident, in which people
are injured or killed, are obliged to proceed as follows:

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YO. They will remain at the scene of the accident in order to provide assistance to the
injured person(s) and will ensure that notification is given to the competent traffic and
ministerial authorities so that they can immediately investigate the facts;
II. They will refrain from moving or displacing the injured person or persons, unless that
is the only way to provide them with help or ensure that they receive the necessary
medical assistance to prevent their health condition from worsening, in the event that
immediate medical assistance is not available. ;
III. They will install preventive signs and will try to channel free circulation in order to
prevent another accident from occurring; and
IV. They will provide, to the authority that assumes knowledge of the fact, all the
cooperation that is required of them.

Article 185.- In traffic accidents, the following procedures will be followed, if applicable:

YO. If the damage occurs only to privately owned property, those involved may reach an
agreement among themselves, entering into an agreement before the traffic
authority, provided that this does not contravene the provisions of state criminal
legislation or other legal regulations. applicable;
II. If the damages also fall, or only, on property owned by the Nation, the State or the
Municipality, those involved will be made available to the corresponding Public
Ministry for the clarification of responsibilities;
III. If there are, in addition to the material damage, people injured in the incident, the
corresponding Public Ministry will be informed for the demarcation of the property.
IV. When the person responsible for a traffic incident is found to be intoxicated,
regardless of the administrative sanction, he or she will be referred to the ministerial
authority; and
V. If the damage occurs to private property lacking custody, those involved will notify
the traffic authority so that it can take the appropriate measures.
to the case.

The agents will inform the corresponding traffic authority of the violations committed, which
will initiate the respective administrative procedure to apply the appropriate sanctions.

Article 186.- The owners of automotive mechanics, body shops and painting workshops will
have the obligation to report it to the traffic authority when they carry out the repair of a
vehicle with visible signs of an accident.


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Article 187.- Violations of the provisions of this title will be sanctioned in accordance with
the following procedures:

YO. The material fact of the infraction will be recorded on a ticket or printed forms, in
triplicate, numbered consecutively, which will contain:

to). Name and address of the

b). Number and other specifications of your driver's license, if applicable;
c). Data contained in the registration card of the vehicle with which the offense
was committed, if applicable;
d). Description of the violation committed and citation of the violated
and). Place, date and time of commission of the
F). Name, number and signature of the agent who issues the violation ticket;
g). Signature of the offender, if
II. A copy of the violation ticket will be given to the offender; If the latter refuses to
receive it, it will be stated in the original;
III. If the offender refuses to sign the ballot, the procedure indicated in the previous
section will be followed;
IV. If the person responsible for the infraction is not present, the agent who raises the
ticket will state it on it;
V. The agent will not be able to strip the offender's vehicle of license plates or his
license or circulation card, much less proceed to arrest the driver or
vehicle, or both, due to the violation, unless it is a vehicle
with license plates from another federal or foreign entity. The arrest of the vehicle
and its driver will only proceed when the agent is facing the commission of a crime
or under any of the hypotheses established in the Law; and
SAW. When, due to the application of an infraction to a driver, he physically or verbally
attacks the traffic agent, the unit will be arrested and, where appropriate, the
aggressor may be referred to the ministerial authority.

Article 188.- Infractions will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of the article
130 of the Law, and in the catalog of sanctions that are applicable due to territory.

Article 189.- The collection and use of infractions corresponds to the corresponding
municipal or state authority, as the case may be.

Article 190.- The economic sanctions will be adjusted annually according to the percentage
increase in the minimum wage established for the State.
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Article 191.- The offender who covers the amount of a fine, whose collection benefits the
state treasury, within 5 calendar days of having been imposed, has

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right to have 50% deducted from the amount; If you cover the amount of the fines from the
6th to the 10th calendar day after they were imposed, you have the right to a 25%
discount. Violations committed while intoxicated, when the offender is performing a public
service or when speeding is involved, will not be entitled to any discount. The payment of
the fine will be made at the collection offices of the Ministry of Finance and Administration
of the State Public Administration or at the centers authorized by it for that purpose.

For the origin of any driver's license or vehicle control procedure, the competent authority,
subject to the computer systems that are developed and the guidelines that are issued, will
verify that the applicant is free of debts for fines derived from violations of this regulation. .

Article 192.- Without prejudice to the corresponding sanctions, vehicle drivers who commit
any violation of the rules of this Regulation that, in addition, may give rise to the
classification of a crime, will be placed at the disposal of the corresponding Public Ministry
by the agents who have knowledge of the case, so that it proceeds in accordance with the

Article 193.- When the infraction is committed by a minor, the parents or guardians of the
minor will be called for the corresponding legal effects.

Article 194.- When the minor's conduct may give rise to the classification of a crime, it will
be sent to the corresponding specialized Public Ministry by the agents who have knowledge
of the case, so that it proceeds in accordance with the law.

Article 195.- The lifting of infractions and imposition of sanctions will be challengeable in the
manner provided for by the Law of Administrative Procedure for the State and Municipalities
of Campeche.


First.- This Regulation will enter into force on the day following its publication in the
Official State Newspaper.

Second.- All regulatory and administrative provisions issued by the State Executive insofar
as they oppose this Regulation are repealed.

THIRD.- Everything not provided for in this Regulation will be subject to the agreement
that, with respect to the nature of each case, is issued by the Plenary Session of the
Commission, by majority vote of its members.

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Given at the Government Palace, residence of the Executive Branch of the State, in
the City of San Francisco de Campeche, Municipality and State of Campeche, United
Mexican States, on the nineteenth day of the month of December of the year two
thousand and eight.

CP Jorge Carlos Hurtado Valdez, Constitutional Governor of the State.- M. in D.

Ricardo Miguel Medina Farfán, Secretary of Government.-CP Víctor Santiago Pérez
Aguilar, Secretary of Finance and Administration.- Eng. Eduardo Guerrero Valdez,
Secretary of Public Works and Communications.- QI José Hernández Chávez,
Secretary of Ecology.- Lic. Carlos Miguel Aysa González, Secretary of Public
Security.-Rubricas. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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