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Agent 69: Stroken, Not Stirred

A Choose Your Own Erotic Story

By Callista J. Hawkes
Text Copyright © 2015 Callista J. Hawkes
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be
copied or reproduced in any format, electronic or otherwise
without prior written permission.
Cover photo © Newphotoservice / Dreamstime Stock Photos
& Stock Free Images
Cover font effect © deviantART
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, alive or dead, is purely
coincidental. All persons portrayed in this eBook are 18 years of age or older.

This eBook contains sexually explicit situations and terms

and is intended for a mature audience only.
As a choose your own Erotic story, this book contains multiple paths
leading to several different endings. At the end of each section, you
will generally be given two or more choices. To progress, simply
select your preferred option to continue the story. (No need for the
page-flicking back and forth of similar books of yesteryear!) When
you reach an ending, you can either skip back to the previous choice
or choose to go to the chapter menu. Here you can start the story
from the very beginning and enjoy an alternative path through the
whole story, or skip to a later section to see how events might play
out differently.
The wind howls around you as you plummet towards the churning,
ice cold surface of the Atlantic Ocean. You grit your teeth, thankful
for the protection of your black HALO suit. A warning message
flashes up on the visor of your helmet.
You watch as the number counts down: 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
0. The zero begins to flash impatiently at you followed by:
You grin before finally pulling hard down on the parachute
toggle. Your body is abruptly jerked upwards, making you wince in
pain as the black parachute above you opens and dramatically slows
your descent. You tilt your head forward, looking past your dangling
feet at the peaks and troughs of the waves rushing up to meet you. A
split second before you plunge into the water, you release the
parachute which flies off into the moonlit night sky. You grimace as
the cold of the ocean envelops you before your body quickly grows
accustomed to it as you dive down into the depths. A waypoint
appears on your visor. You are on target. You just have to hope that
the small tank of oxygen in your enclosed helmet is sufficient to get
you the rest of the way there. The darkness consumes you and you
concentrate on keeping on course for the waypoint, conscious that it
would be easy to become disorientated with no visual guide and
consume precious oxygen swimming at a tangent. The air in your
helmet is already thin and you try not to think about what would
happen if you use it all up before you reach your target. You kick
your legs harder, driving yourself further down into the depths, the
pressure building painfully in your ears. Just as you are beginning to
fear the worst, you see a grey shape before you, vast like a sleeping
leviathan. You breathe a sigh of relief and swim towards the conning
tower of the stolen nuclear submarine.
Moments later, you cycle the airlock and hope that no one is
within earshot as the water is pumped out. You pull off your helmet
and breathe deeply, filling your lungs with air. You discard the helmet
and reach into your watertight backpack and pull out your pistol, a
Walther P99 and a silencer. As you screw the silencer in place, you
glance at the remaining contents of the backpack: two bricks of C4
high explosive. Plan B. One way or another, it’s time to deal with the
errant Captain Frost. You have to admire the audaciousness of his
plan: Steal your own nuclear submarine while simultaneously
kidnapping the daughter of the man capable of authorising its
destruction and putting her on board as a human shield. With the
apparent ease of his daughter’s capture, the President had feared
that Captain Frost had a source close to him and couldn’t trust
anyone within his inner circle. Calling in a favour from the Prime
Minister, he had passed on the submarine’s tracking code and asked
that England send their very best man. Twenty-six hours later, here
you are.
You carefully open a hatch at your feet, training your pistol
through the opening but finding only a ladder dropping down to a
dimly lit grey painted corridor beneath. You cautiously descend the
ladder until you are standing in the empty passageway. Before you
rescue the President’s daughter, you need to make sure that the
submarine is neutralised. The bridge is just aft, through a door at the
end of the corridor while the torpedo room is forward. You listen at
the bridge door for a moment, trying to determine how many men are
inside. At least six. Tough odds. Still, you have the element of
surprise and they may not even be armed.
Plan A: Take the bridge
Plan B: Plant timed explosives on the torpedoes
Though successfully taking the bridge would mean saving the
submarine, it’s too high risk given the stakes. Better the clandestine
approach. You move through the narrow corridors and
companionways of the all but deserted submarine. The emergency
lighting is on, bathing everything in a dim red light, adding to the
eeriness of the vessel. You tread lightly, your silenced pistol held out
in front of you. With the majority of the skeleton crew of the captain’s
most trusted men on the bridge, you make your way forward without
incident. You cautiously approach the forward torpedo room, peeking
around a corner. Two guards wearing body armour and helmets flank
the door.
Use the element of surprise and shoot the guards
Try to lure a guard towards you and deal with them one at a time
You duck back around the corner and tap the steel wall with
the butt of your pistol. The dull clank echoes down the passageway.
“What was that?” You hear one of the guards say.
“Probably just the hull creaking from the pressure.” The other
tells him.
“Maybe.” The first guard replies doubtfully. “I’d better check it
out anyway.”
“Suit yourself.” You hear footsteps approach and you duck
into a shadowy alcove. The guard appears, cautiously holding his
submachine gun out in front of him. You step out of the shadows and
shoot him point blank before he has a chance to react.
“Anything?” The second guard calls out after a moment.
“Dude, that’s not funny.” Comes the reply when he doesn’t reply. “If
you’re dicking around, I’m going to shoot you in the ass.” He
grumbles, his footsteps approaching. You duck back into the alcove.
As he turns the corner, his eyes widen as he sees the corpse of the
first guard. You step out and repeat the process, shooting him point
The final obstacle removed, you enter the torpedo room. You
glance around at racks of long, gleaming cylinders filled with fuel and
explosives and reach into your bag for the bricks of C4. You fix them
onto the body of two torpedoes and set the timer. You set them for
ten minutes, which should give you just enough time to find the
president’s daughter and get to one of the escape capsules located
in the submarine’s dorsal side before it ends up at the bottom of the
Atlantic. Any longer and you risk the explosives being discovered
and deactivated. You could allow a few more minutes, but you
always enjoy the perverse thrill of leaving barely enough time. You
check your watch and step out of the torpedo room, walking quickly
but silently towards the brig.
You spring out from cover and fire at the two guards. You get
a headshot with the first, but the bullet pings off the helmet of the
second. You empty the rest of the clip into him, but he ducks,
denying you a second opportunity and the bullets hit only his body
armour. He looks up, grinning as he hears the tell-tale click of your
empty pistol and raises his submachine gun. Your eyes have just
enough time to widen before a burst of gunfire shreds through your
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You pull open the hatch, hoping the element of surprise will be
enough to swing the odds in your favour. You gently ease it open,
praying the hinges of the heavy hatch are well lubricated and won’t
squeak. The bridge is bathed in red emergency lighting with banks of
screens at the various control positions. The broad chrome cylinder
of the periscope hangs down from the ceiling and you recognise the
renegade Captain Frost standing next to it. There are six other
crewmen on the bridge and though they haven’t yet noticed you,
they are all armed with pistols. Frost’s eyes widen as he sees you
just as you take aim. Your silenced pistol takes out four of the
crewmen before they have a chance to react. The captain takes
cover as does one of his men while the other fumbles for his pistol.
He joins his treacherous shipmates in a pool of his own blood. The
remaining armed crewman blind-fires from behind cover, screens
and control stations shattering to your left as you move into the
room, keeping low as you move into cover.
“Seems we have ourselves a Mexican standoff here.” Captain
Frost calls out in his native Alabama twang. “Why don’t you give up
son? No need to be a hero. I’ve got a sub full of nukes and the
President’s daughter on board. The President will cave in a few days
and anyone who stands with me will be wildly rich and lying on a
beach in a country with no extradition. So how about it son? I could
use a man like you.”
It’s a tempting proposition. Join the renegade crew
Try to talk Captain Frost into surrendering
Spring out from cover and shoot them
You spring out from cover and open fire on the remaining
crewman, the bullets tearing into the control console he is cowering
behind. He panics, reaching up and blind-firing over the console, the
unsilenced weapon deafening in the enclosed space. You smile as
you hear his pistol click empty.
“Don’t shoot!” He begs, tossing his weapon away and
standing up, his hands raised as you move closer, your pistol aimed
at his head. You get in close and pistol whip him, sending him
crashing to the deck unconscious. You turn your attention to Captain
Frost who is busily working at a control station.
“Step away Frost. It’s over.” You tell him. He ignores you, his
fingers feverishly tapping at the keyboard.
Shoot Frost
Drag him away from the control station
You quickly move behind Frost and drag him away from the
console. He flails an elbow back at you, crunching hard into the side
of your head. It’s a lucky shot and momentarily stunned, you loosen
your grip for a split second. Frost maybe in his fifties, but he hasn’t
forgotten his military training. Taking his opportunity, he slips from
your grasp and wrestles the gun from you, twisting it around and
pulling the trigger. The bullet rips through your gut and you fall to the
floor, clutching at the wound.
“Looks like I won’t have to threaten to scuttle my sub after all.”
Frost tells you, deactivating a countdown on the screen of the control
station he was working at. “Not your day son.” He adds grimly as you
bleed out, your vision darkening before you slip away.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
Realising he may be inputting nuclear launch codes, you
shoot him twice in the back. He drops to the floor, his face contorted
in pain as you stand over him. He smiles grimly up at you, blood
trickling from his lips.
“You win son, but I won’t die alone.” His eyes flick up to the
screen at the control station. “I’m scuttling the sub. The detonation
codes are already locked in and will explode in ten minutes. You and
that spoilt bitch will be joining me at the bottom of the Atlantic.”
“Disarm it Frost.” You tell him angrily, but as Frost’s face
relaxes and his glassy eyed stare looks right through you, you
realise he’s already dead. “Shit.” You curse, checking your watch
and hurrying from the bridge and back into the passageway beyond.
Less than ten minutes to rescue the President’s daughter and get off
the doomed sub.
A career as a field agent tends to shorten a man’s lifespan
considerably, so you are more than tempted by Captain Frost’s
proposition. Besides, the President will have to see sense and pay
whatever ransom Frost has demanded. No one else need be
“Ok Frost.” You call out. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“You won’t.” He replies. “Toss your gun away so we know this
isn’t a trick.” You get to your feet and drop your pistol on the floor,
raising your hands. The Captain and the one remaining crewman on
the bridge cautiously emerge from behind cover.
“You made the right call son.” Frost grins at you.
“Unfortunately not the right call for you. Take him out.”
Your eyes widen as the remaining crewman grins wickedly as
he raises his gun. The last thing you see is the flash of the muzzle.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
“It’s over Frost!” You shout. “Order your men to stand down
and I’ll see to it you’re given a comfortable life in prison. No one else
needs to die.”
“No son,” Frost calls out, “One more person needs to die.
Take him!” The remaining crewman springs from cover and opens
fire, bullets shattering the control console you are crouched behind.
He steps towards you, grinning maniacally as he aims at your head.
You grin back, recognising a Beretta M9 in his hand. You’d counted
nine shots. He pulls the trigger, his smile instantly fading as the
weapon clicks empty in his hand. You raise your own pistol and fire
once, the crewman snatched back as the bullet tears through him.
You get to your feet and train your weapon on Frost, who is hunched
over one of the control stations. He thumps a button and turns to
face you, a smug expression on his face.
“I’m scuttling the sub.” He tells you. “The detonation codes are
already locked in and the sub will explode in ten minutes. Your only
chance is to hand me the gun.” You shoot him in both legs. Frost
howls in pain, dropping to the floor and gazing up at you in disbelief.
“Who said I wanted to save the sub?” You tell him coldly. “I’m
here to neutralise the threat and retrieve the President’s daughter.”
You put another two bullets into the control station, the smashed
screen fizzing and sparking. “You’ve just done the first part for me.
Time to go down with the ship Captain.”
“Goddamn you!” Frost hisses through clenched teeth as you
turn your back on him and stride from the bridge.
You drop down a level, walking cautiously towards the brig
and peering around the corner along a corridor. A single guard leans
lazily against the wall next to the cell door and is quickly dispatched
with a muffled pop from your silenced pistol. You move silently
towards the door and stoop to collect the cell key from the guard’s
belt. You turn it in the lock and pull open the door to find a young
woman sitting on the bench at the back of the featureless cell. Her
dark hair is dishevelled, her face and white blouse a little grimy, but
you recognise her immediately.
“Miss West?” You ask, somewhat redundantly as she glances
up at you, her brown eyes widening in surprise. You saw her photo in
the mission file and as the US President’s beautiful daughter, you
would know her face anyway. Never one to shy away from the
limelight, Elise West had been a constant fixture in high society
social gatherings, where her looks and famous father had made her
quite the media darling. Ultimately, her high profile contributed to the
ease of her kidnap when she was taken from a charity gala at the
Naval base where Captain Frost’s submarine was moored.
“Yes.” She replies, eyeing you suspiciously.
“I work for British Intelligence. I’m here to rescue you.”
“Thank God!” She jumps up from the bench.
“This way Miss West.” You tell her, ushering her from the cell
and move swiftly down the corridor to a staircase at the end.
“Time is of the essence.” You tell her impatiently as she trots
behind you in her high heels. “Here, give me those.”
“Why?” She asks suspiciously, leaning on the staircase railing
as she slips them off her feet and hands them to you. You
immediately drop them down the stairwell, the shoes hitting the deck
below with a thud. “Those were designer!” She squeals in anguish,
leaning over the railing.
“I’m sure daddy will buy you some new ones, now come on!”
You grab her arm and pull her with you just as a loud boom echoes
down the corridors of the submarine.
“What was that?!” She asks fearfully.
“Our cue to leave.” You reply grimly.
You both rapidly climb the stairs, the submarine already listing
quite dramatically as you reach the deck above.
“Quickly!” You tell her as you move down the narrow corridor
towards a ladder bolted to the wall.
“What’s happening?” Elise asks you, looking bewildered as
she grasps the wall for balance. You hear a sound like distant
thunder rolling in, quiet at first until it builds to a crescendo.
Suddenly, a wall of water rushes towards you down the corridor.
Elise shrieks in fear.
“Grab hold of something!” You shout, grasping the ladder, the
wall of water almost upon you. She freezes, her eyes wide with
panic. “Shit.” You curse.
Let go of the ladder and grab her yourself
Hold on to the ladder and hope you can grab her when the water hits
You release your hold on the ladder and reach the panicking
Elise just as the wall of water reaches you. You hold her tightly as
the force of the water knocks you both from your feet, the physical
force combining with the shock of the icy cold seawater to leave your
senses reeling. You are swept along the corridor, tumbling through
the doomed submarine. Finally you are smashed into the wall at the
end of the corridor leaving you dazed and disorientated. You both
struggle to your feet, breaking through the surface of the churning
water to take deep, rasping breaths.
“Quickly!” You tell Elise, wading through the water back
towards the ladder to the escape capsule. The water is already up to
chest height and you are fighting against the flow as you slowly
make your way back. You can see the ladder some fifty yards away,
but the water level is steadily rising, slowing your progress even
“It’s hopeless!” Elise cries behind you, her voice shrill with
terror as the water level reaches her neck. “We’re going to drown!”
“Pull yourself along on the pipes on the ceiling.” You tell her.
“We can make it.” But as you continue to fight through the icy cold
water, you realise she’s right. The water level reaches the ceiling and
you take one last breath before the air disappears. You are still thirty
yards short of the ladder and your lungs burn as you run out of air.
You watch grimly as Elise violently bucks and shudders as her body
forces her to breathe in the seawater. Her eyes are filled with fear,
her mouth a silent scream before she relaxes as the life leaves her
body. Stubborn to the last, you drag Elise’s inert body behind you
before you too succumb. Fingers of ice reach down into your chest
as your lungs fill with seawater and everything goes black.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You wrap one arm around a rung of the ladder and brace
yourself as the wall of water sweeps along the corridor towards you,
knocking Elise off her feet. She screams as she is dragged along by
the powerful head of water. You reach out an arm, groping for her as
the wave hits you. You feel her body brush your fingers and you flail
out, grasping at her, your hand finding her wrist. You grip her as hard
as you can, the powerful surge of water threatening to strip her from
your grasp. When it passes, the corridor is half submerged, the icy
cold water churning around your waists.
“Thanks.” She gasps, her eyes still wide with fright.
“All part of the service.” You grin nonchalantly as you help her
up the rungs of the ladder, your eyes lingering a moment on her
long, toned legs. As she disappears through the overhead hatch into
the escape capsule, you follow her up and slam it shut behind you.
You thump a large red button on a control panel mounted on the wall
and you hear a mechanical clunk as the capsule is released. You
throw yourself down into a seat as the capsule leaves the doomed
submarine behind and floats up towards the surface. You breathe a
sigh of relief and glance around you. The capsule is circular with a
ring of seats around the edge. The hatch you climbed through is in
the centre of the floor while another hatch is located in the ceiling.
The interior is well heated and takes the chill off your wet bodies.
You glance across at the pretty brunette sitting opposite you. She is
hugging herself to warm herself back up and notices you gazing
across at her. She theatrically puffs out her cheeks and flashes you a
relieved smile.
“Well Miss West,” You grin, “That was a close run thing.”
“Please, call me Elise.” She smiles. You nod as the capsule
rocks violently as it breaks through to the surface, bobbing like a
cork before settling down as it floats in the middle of the Atlantic. You
glance through the portholes, an orange smudge on the horizon
heralding the imminent sunrise. You press a button on the wall
behind you, activating the emergency beacon.
“Now we just sit back, relax and wait to be rescued.” You grin,
reclining back in the seat opposite the pretty brunette, your eyes
drawn to her black bra clad breasts visible through the all but
transparent wet blouse.
“Well,” She smiles coyly as golden light shines in through the
escape capsule’s portholes, “I’d have thought we might find a more
enjoyable use of our time.” She reaches up and begins to unbutton
her blouse, a tantalising glimpse of her cleavage revealed. “After all,
you did save my life…”
Well, it’s not like you have anything better to do…
Sleep with the daughter of the most powerful man on the planet? No
“I’m extremely flattered,” You tell her gently, “But you’ve been
through a traumatic experience and it wouldn’t be right to take
advantage of you when you might not be quite yourself.”
“Such a gentleman!” She smiles, continuing to unbutton her
blouse, the damp material clinging to her body. “A pity.” She adds,
peeling off the blouse to reveal a slender, tanned body and small,
bra clad breasts. Her eyes flick up to meet yours as she unfastens
her skirt, lifting herself up off the seat as she tugs it down, letting it
drop to her ankles and kicking it away. Now sitting there in just her
lacy black underwear, she smiles at your wide eyed expression
before slowly parting her legs and sliding her hand down her toned
stomach and between her thighs. She runs a finger along the gusset
of her panties, tracing the length of her slit beneath the flimsy fabric.
“Miss West…” You say hoarsely, your mouth dry and your
pulse racing. She ignores you, closing her eyes and chewing her
lower lip as she slides her hand up to the waistband of her panties
and slips it inside. You watch in stunned silence as you see the thin,
black fabric stretch as she thrusts her fingers inside, Elise letting out
a little gasp as she slips a finger inside her pussy.
“I’m so wet!” She comments, beginning to thrust her fingers in
and out. “You know, I’ve had precious little to do, stuck in that cell.
Hours felt like days and I was going out of my mind with boredom.”
She reaches up with her free hand and pulls a breast free of the cup
of her bra, pulling and pinching at the nipple as she continues to
pleasure herself. “I decided to masturbate to pass the time. I
remember tentatively touching myself at first, biting my lip to keep
quiet, but the closer I got, the less inhibited I became. Just as I was
about to orgasm, I noticed a pair of eyes watching me through the
small cell door window. One of the guards had obviously heard my
little moans and was watching me. After my initial revulsion and
embarrassment, I found it quite exciting. I continued, even displaying
myself to my voyeur as I touched myself.” Her eyes take on a
faraway look and she smiles at the memory, her hand working faster
still between her open thighs. “We came together, him grunting
behind the door while my moans of ecstasy echoed in the cell. It was
quite magical.”
“If you say so.” You reply doubtfully, squirming slightly at the
uncomfortable erection trapped inside your trousers.
“He kept checking on me every couple of hours and each time
I would touch myself for him and he would watch.” Elise continues,
her words becoming increasingly breathless, her face and chest
flushing slightly. “I never saw his face or even knew his name, but I
found I was quite addicted to performing for an audience.”
“You’re quite the exhibitionist.” You agree, your throbbing cock
aching for attention.
“Yeah, but it’s no substitute for the real thing.” She grins,
gazing pointedly at your groin. “So how about helping a girl out?”
With that, she reaches down and yanks the gusset of her panties to
one side, lewdly displaying her pussy while continuing to pump her
glistening fingers into her juicy slit.
She’s the US President’s daughter and absolutely off limits!
Damn it, you’re only human
“‘British Spy Seduces President’s Daughter’.” You quote
grandly as you give in to temptation and begin to strip off. “I can see
the headlines now.” You grin. Elise, her eyes lighting up as you pull
down your underpants to reveal your hard cock, giggles at the
“Pretty ironic when you consider the reverse is true.” She
smiles, cooing with delight as you drop to your knees before her and
hook your fingers into the waistband of her panties. Elise pulls her
fingers from her slit and lifts herself up off the seat as you pull them
down her slender legs and toss them over your shoulder. She lets
out a moan of excitement, reaching behind her back to unclasp her
bra and slips it off to reveal her small perky breasts, her nipples
swollen with her arousal. The bra drops from her hand and she
wriggles forward in her chair, breathless in anticipation as you gaze
down at her pussy, her puffy lips glistening with her juices. You
slowly lower your face between her parted legs, lightly kissing the
soft, smooth skin of her inner thighs, feeling the heat radiating out
from her aroused pussy as you work your way closer to it. Elise
squirms with pleasure and excitement as she feels your hot breath
on her moist folds. You hesitate, knowing that if you haven’t crossed
a line already, you certainly will do once you press your lips to her
delicious wet slit. Elise is the daughter of the most powerful man in
the world while you are an agent on a mission to rescue her, not
seduce her.
“Do it!” Elise moans with a mixture of frustration and
anticipation, a hand reaching for your head to encourage you to
continue. You smile to yourself. For once, it’s not you doing the
seducing. Elise West is certainly a girl who knows what she wants
and is used to getting it. Who are you to deny her?
“The things I do for England.” You quip, before grasping her
hips and burying your face in her wet folds, the smell of saltwater
mingling with the feminine aroma of her arousal.
“Oh yes!” She moans as your tongue finds her slit, her fingers
lacing through your hair and pulling your face in tightly against her
pussy. “Lick me, taste me, ohhh yes, just like that!” You lash your
tongue against her hole, enjoying the taste of her as she moans with
delight. Now you have given in to temptation, your reservations are
swiftly forgotten as you enthusiastically pleasure the amorous
brunette. Your cock is rock hard and aching almost painfully for
attention. You are tempted to reach down and stroke yourself while
you pleasure her.
“Fuck, that feels so good!” She pants, wriggling against your
probing tongue, her moans echoing around the confined interior of
the escape capsule. “You’re getting me close. Now lick my clit!”
Finding yourself in a somewhat unfamiliar submissive role, you
obediently slide your tongue up to the top of her slit and begin to flick
it over the little nub of her clitoris. Elise stiffens, gasping as you begin
to trace intricate patterns on the sensitive little fleshy hood with the
tip of your tongue. Her breathing becomes rapid and rasping and her
other hand joins the first, cradling your head to her pussy. Her
moans grow in volume until a loud groan of pleasure signals her
climax. Your hard cock twitches in sympathy as you feel her clitoris
quivering against the flat of your tongue, her whole body trembling
as a powerful orgasm rips through her. Her quick little gasping
moans fill the air until finally, with a satisfied sigh, you feel her relax.
“You’re a man of many talents!” She pants as your pull your
face from between her thighs, your lips and chin wet with her juices.
“Glad I could be of assistance.” You grin and get to your feet,
throwing yourself down next to her.
“Perhaps you could do with some assistance yourself?” She
smiles, glancing pointedly at the raging erection jutting out of your
You could certainly use some relief
Tempting as that thought might be, you had better not
“What’s good for the goose…” You grin, sitting back invitingly.
Elise grins and reaches out, grasping your cock in her hand. You
groan as she begins to stroke your hard shaft, the painful ache
giving way to a far more pleasurable sensation as she pumps her
hand up and down.
“Is that better?” She smiles, her famous face studying yours.
“Yeah.” You nod. Again, you wonder if you’ll regret giving in to
temptation, but as the beautiful brunette continues to stroke you,
you’re not about to stop her.
“Your cock is so hard.” She purrs, her fingers gliding up and
down your length. “Look at that.” She adds as she squeezes a bead
of pre-come from the tip. You groan with pleasure as she swipes her
thumb over the taut purple tinged skin of your cockhead, smearing
the cloudy fluid into the sensitive crown. More pre-come weeps from
the tip and you notice Elise subconsciously lick her lips before slowly
bending across you and lowering her head into your lap.
“Oh fuck!” You groan as you feel her tongue swirl around the
tip of your cock, tasting your pre-come. She moans softly in her
throat before you feel her lips close around the crown and a gentle
suction as she begins to bob her head up and down in your lap. Her
hand continues to pump you while her lips suck and slurp on your
shaft, the sensation incredible. You grit your teeth, fighting back the
climax already building in your balls. As you sit back and enjoy her
talented lips working their magic, Elise begins to wriggle and squirm
next to you. You realise she is desperate for further attention, but
with one hand wrapped around your cock and the other supporting
her weight, she needs you to give it to her. You slide your hand down
past her firm buttocks and reach between her legs. Elise hoists a leg
up to ease your access as your fingers find the warmth of her slit,
her pussy still wet from her earlier climax. Her muffled moans of
approval vibrate around your cock as you sink your fingers inside
her. As you begin to alternative between teasing her clit and working
your fingers in and out of her, Elise’s pace increases as her own
excitement builds. You groan as you feel a tightening in your balls as
your impending climax returns with a vengeance. You gaze down at
the almost surreal sight of the slender, tanned body of the
President’s daughter spread across you, her head bobbing up and
down in your lap as she rapidly brings you towards your climax.
“I’m going to come!” You groan as the pressure builds and you
pass the point of no return. Elise moans with delight, whether from
your fingers or her excitement at bringing you to your climax you
cannot tell. You roar with release as your balls twitch powerfully,
pumping your seed into Elise’s waiting mouth. She locks her lips
around the tip and greedily gulps down the thick creamy fluid as it
splashes across her tongue. Your hips jerk with each pulse as you
empty your balls into the warm confines of her mouth. Just as your
climax begins to fade, Elise reaches hers, pulling her lips free of your
cock before crying out in ecstasy as your fingers bring her to her
second orgasm. You gently rub her clit as she trembles in pleasure,
before letting out a deep, satisfied sigh as her sated body relaxes.
She sits up, her brown eyes meeting yours and a contented smile on
her lips that no doubt mirrors your own.
“Kinda makes me hope I get kidnapped again if you’re going
to come to my rescue.” She purrs.
“I’m sorry, I really can’t.” You tell her, scarcely able to believe
the words have actually come from your mouth.
“It’s ok.” She smiles. “I respect your professionalism, but keep
watching me ok?” You nod dumbly, unsure if you’d be capable of
tearing your eyes away from her even if you wanted to. She pulls her
fingers from her pussy and reaches behind her back, unclasping her
bra and pulling it off her arms. You stifle a groan as your eyes drink
in the soft curves of her pert tanned breasts, her nipples erect. She
then hooks her hands into the waistband of her panties and lifts
herself off the seat and pulls them down before stretching her long
legs into the air as she slips them past her ankles. She flashes you a
mischievous grin and tosses them into your lap before sitting back
down opposite you, parting her legs and slipping her hand back
between them. Her brown eyes lock onto yours and she chews her
lip as she resumes pumping her fingers inside her sodden slit. She
reaches down with her other hand and begins to rub at her clit, her
chest heaving as her panting becomes increasingly uneven and
ragged. Her face and chest become flushed and her mouth drops
open. You are utterly enthralled by the pretty brunette as you watch
her approaching her climax. Everything else seems to fade away, the
sea, the capsule, even your own body until nothing existing other
than this beautiful young woman pleasuring herself before you. She
buries her fingers deep inside her pussy and holds them there while
her other hand continues to play its staccato beat on her clit before
her whole body stiffens. She arches her back, her mouth dropping
open, but her eyes never leave yours as she finally reaches her
orgasm. Her body bucks and shudders before you as waves of
intense pleasure radiate out from her loins. As she trembles in
ecstasy, little moans of pleasure escape her lips until her climax
begins to fade and she relaxes, slumping back in her seat. She
smiles across at you and slips her fingers from her pussy, her slit wet
with her juices and her fingers glistening.
“That was incredible.” You admit, your pulse racing and your
raging erection threatening to burst the zip of your fly.
“I admire your self-control.” She purrs drowsily.
“Believe me, if you weren’t who you are, it would have been a
different story.” You smile. She chuckles before getting up and
crossing the capsule to you.
“A little taste of what you missed.” She smiles, pressing her
glistening fingers to your lips. You can’t help yourself and lick each in
turn, your cock twitching at the taste and aroma of her juices. Elise
giggles, her eyes glinting with delight. “Having regrets?”
Before you can reply, a foghorn makes you both jump and
Elise leaps up and presses her face to the window. You join her,
spotting the grey silhouette of a naval patrol vessel rapidly closing on
your position.
“Looks like the cavalry has arrived.” You smile at her.
“The cavalry arrived over an hour ago.” She tells you,
pressing her lips to yours and kissing you tenderly. “Thank you.” She
stoops and collects her bra from the floor, slipping it back on before
retrieving her blouse and skirt and quickly pulling them on.
“Haven’t you forgotten something?” You ask with a raised
eyebrow, dangling her panties from your index finger.
“Keep ‘em.” She smiles mischievously. “Something to
remember me by.”
“As if I would need a reminder.” You grin roguishly, standing
up and taking her in your arms, kissing her passionately this time,
Elise moaning with delight.
“Who are you?” She pants breathlessly as you break the kiss,
her dark hair dishevelled and her famous face still glistening with
perspiration from her recent climax.
“The name’s Hazard,” You reply, “James Hazard.”
“Well, I suppose we ought to get out of these wet clothes…”
You grin, feeling a tightening in your groin as Elise opens her blouse,
the soft curves of her black bra clad breasts revealed to you. She
shrugs off her blouse, her long dark hair hanging wetly past her
shoulders and dripping beads of water onto her tanned skin. She
gets to her feet and stands before you, her eyes fixed on yours as
she unfastens her skirt and shimmies out of it.
“Beautiful.” You murmur, your eyes drinking in the slender
lingerie clad form of the president’s daughter. She smiles, her brown
eyes twinkling with mischief as she climbs onto your lap, reaching for
you and pressing her lips to yours. She kisses you hungrily, her
fingers pulling at your clothes, stripping them from you, her hands
exploring your muscular chest. Her tongue darts between your lips,
seeking yours and you wonder if her passion is fuelled by her brush
with death just minutes earlier. You know from experience that
nothing makes you feel alive like a close call with the grim reaper.
“Feels like someone’s ready for me.” Elise purrs, grinding
herself against the bulge that has formed in the front of your
trousers. She reaches down and unfastens them, freeing your
straining cock from within. As she runs her fingers along your length,
your own hands find the clasp of her bra and unfasten it, pulling it
free of her small, pert breasts. Elise moans her approval as you
lower your head to her chest, taking an erect nipple into your mouth.
Her flesh still feels a little cold and clammy from the seawater and
her skin tastes a little salty, but she seems to enjoy the warmth of
your lips as you tenderly suck and kiss her nipples.
“Oh that feels so good!” She moans, cradling your head and
beginning to rub herself against your hard shaft through the gusset
of her panties. She climbs off you and you lift your hips as she pulls
your trousers off, your hard cock standing to attention before her.
She chuckles before turning her back to you and gazing over her
shoulder at you as she slowly and seductively pulls her panties down
her firm buttocks, the pert cheeks revealed inch by inch until the
flimsy garment is sliding down her thighs to drop to her ankles. She
steps out of them and you stifle a groan as the President’s daughter
stands completely naked before you. She turns back to you, your
eyes sliding up her body from her slender legs to the neatly trimmed
patch of pubic hair, up past her toned stomach and her perky breasts
to her pouting lips and brown eyes gleaming with lust.
“I need your hard cock inside me.” She tells you, her voice
thick with desire. “I want to feel you pounding into me.”
Have her ride you
Bend her over and enter her from behind
“Turn around and bend over.” You tell her, your heart
thumping with excitement. Her eyes widen almost imperceptibly as
you take control. She gives the slightest of nods and obeys, turning
slowly around. She stands before you, your eyes drawn to her firm,
tanned buttocks and her long, slender legs. With a furtive glance
over her shoulder, Elise bends slowly forward, placing her hands on
the seats opposite you and parts her legs, the dewy lips of her labia
peeking out between her toned thighs.
“Take me.” She pants breathlessly, surrendering herself to
you. You smile to yourself as you get to your feet, your rigid shaft
swinging to and fro as you step behind her. You reach out and grasp
her hips, feeling her tremble with excitement beneath your strong
hands. You grasp your shaft and guide it between her legs, pressing
the bulbous head to her puffy lips. You groan as the tip pushes easily
inside her wet folds, Elise letting out a little gasp as you slip all the
way inside her. The snug warmth of her pussy envelops your shaft
and you begin to thrust into her in slow, steady strokes, Elise softly
panting every time you bury your length back inside her. You gaze
down, watching enthralled as your cock, glistening with her juices,
pistons in and out of her. You slide your hands up to her narrow
waist and beneath her, cupping a breast in each, feeling her
hardened nipples against your palms.
“Pull my hair.” She gasps, her breathing becoming
increasingly ragged as you continue to pump your cock inside her.
You smile to yourself, wondering if this slightly kinky request is just
the tip of the iceberg. You reach for the long mane of dark hair, the
moist strands still sticking together in clumps and grasp a fistful.
“Yes!” She moans thickly as you pull on it, quickening your pace as
you thrust into her.
“That feel good?” You grunt, slamming your cock into her in
time with your tugs on her dark mane.
“Yeah.” She moans, glancing over her shoulder at you, her
brown eyes wild with lust. “Now quit talking and fuck me harder!”
Still pulling at her hair, you slide your other hand down to her
hip and grasp her, pounding into her. Her moans increase in volume
and intensity.
“You’re getting close aren’t you?” You hiss, your own climax
beginning to build.
“Uh huh.” She pants.
“So am I.” You tell her through gritted teeth. “You want me to
send you back to your father with my thick creamy come inside
“Yes!” She moans, “Do it! Fill me with your come! I want to
feel you explode inside me!” Your come is boiling in your balls and
with a final firm tug on her hair, you slam your cock deep inside her
one last time. With a guttural grunt of release, you feel your seed
race up your shaft to explode deep inside her. The feel of your
erupting cock seems to trigger Elise’s own climax and she lets out a
shriek of ecstasy as her body begins to convulse before you. Her
pussy clenches around your spurting shaft, intensifying your own
pleasure. Your bodies buck together in a dance of ecstasy, your
gasps and moans filling the confined interior of the escape capsule
until your climaxes finally ebb and you slip from her depths. You both
collapse onto the seats together, your desires sated, your bodies
“Damn, that was good!” You tell her, fighting for breath.
“It was.” She pants before smiling wickedly. “That might work
in your favour when I tell daddy how you seduced me…”
“If you insist.” You grin, reaching for her. Elise smiles and
climbs back onto your lap, sitting astride you and throwing her arms
around your neck. You slide your hands up her back and through her
long, wet hair and pull her towards you. Her lips press against yours
and she kisses you hungrily, almost aggressively. She pulls away
from you, her eyes full of need.
“Fuck me.” She tells you. You reach down between your legs
and guide your cock to the warm, moist folds of her pussy. Elise
moans with excitement, sitting up slightly as you press the head
against her labia. You both gasp in unison as the tip slips inside her.
She chews her lower lip, her eyes fixed on yours as she sits back
down, impaling herself on your rigid shaft. Her mouth drops open
with a little sigh as she takes you deep inside her.
“Yes, that feels so good!” She moans, smiling broadly as she
sinks down to the root of your hard cock. Elise leans forward, her
long, damp hair brushing your face, the salty smell of seawater on
her skin as she groans with pleasure.
“You like that?” You ask her, your lips at her ear.
“Yeah,” She groans, beginning to ride you, “Now stop talking
and fuck me!” You grin and grip her hips, thrusting up to meet her as
she bounces up and down in your lap. Your grunts and moans echo
around the confines of the escape capsule and you gaze at the
beautiful brunette, her naked body bathed in the golden light of
dawn. You slide your hands up to her chest, cupping her small, firm
breasts, the hard buds of her nipples pressing into the palms of your
hands. As you caress them your eyes flick up to meet hers, her
brown eyes filled with lust and excitement, her pouting lips emitting a
soft gasp every time she sinks down on your engorged shaft. It all
seems quite surreal, the famous face of the President’s daughter
contorted in pleasure as she rides you towards her climax. As if
reading your mind, her lips curl into a smile and she leans forward,
pressing her lips to yours. You kiss hungrily and passionately, the
beginnings of a climax building in your balls while her gasps become
pants as she closes in on her own.
“Oh God, I’m getting close!” She moans, breaking the kiss
and beginning to gyrate her hips, grinding herself against you.
“Me too.” You grunt through clenched teeth.
“Yes! Yes! Come inside me!” She pants. “Fill me with your
come!” You slide your hands back down to her hips and thrust up
into her one final time as you feel the tension that had been steadily
building release. Elise’s mouth drops open and she arches her back
and you both let out a loud groan of ecstasy in unison as you climax
simultaneously. Her pussy convulses around your spurting shaft
amplifying your orgasm. Your bodies quiver and tremble together as
your cock pulses again and again, pleasure radiating out from your
loins as Elise gasps with each wave of ecstasy that surges through
her. As her climax subsides, Elise flashes you a satisfied smile,
playfully clenching her pussy and squeezing the last few drops of
come from your twitching shaft. She leans forward and presses her
lips to yours before pulling back and gazing into your eyes.
“That was wonderful.” She smiles, her chest heaving as she
catches her breath.
“I couldn’t agree more.” You grin weakly, shattered from your
powerful climax.
“I’ve never screwed an English guy before.” She muses
breathlessly as she climbs gingerly off your lap.
“That’s okay, I’ve never screwed a celebrity before.” You grin.
“You might well do again.” She purrs.
Callista J Hawkes Productions presents…
James Hazard…
Agent 69 in…
You push open a door and step into the outer office of N, the
head of MI6.
“Welcome back James.” Miss Meriweather smiles up at you
from behind her desk as you stride into the room.
“Miss Meriweather!” You grin, “A sight for sore eyes. Why, you
look lovelier than ever.”
The petite twenty-something waves away the compliment, but
blushes furiously, self-consciously brushing a few loose strands of
her mousy brown hair behind an ear. You always enjoy flirting with
the pretty secretary and though you never intend to go beyond a few
risqué innuendoes, you can’t help but wonder if there might be quite
the temptress beneath that slightly shy and reserved exterior.
“James Hazard is here Ma’am.” Miss Meriweather says,
pressing the intercom button on her desk.
“Send him through.” Comes the terse response. Miss
Meriweather glances up at you and frowns. You flash her a confident
smile and push open the door. You step into the mahogany lined
office to find the new head of MI6 sitting behind her desk. She does
not acknowledge your presence, continuing to study a file on the
desk in front of her. N is perhaps in her late forties and despite her
dour demeanour is quite a handsome woman in a matronly way. Her
rich auburn hair is streaked with a few strands of grey and tied neatly
behind her head. She wears a well-tailored trouser suit and cream
blouse and exudes a business-like authority. She continues to ignore
you for just long enough to irritate you before finally looking up.
“Agent 69,” N growls, her eyes gazing coolly at you over the
frames of her glasses, “Your file makes for interesting reading. Quite
frankly I am astounded that my predecessor tolerated such
behaviour from you. You’re a loose cannon, your methods
questionable and your cavalier attitude towards the service most
irregular. Your swagger and charm may appeal to that silly girl out
there, but I can assure you that I am far from impressed with your
general conduct.”
“And yet I always get results.” You retort, bristling at her
criticism. N’s eyes flick back to the file on her desk and she lets out a
“You seem to have the devil’s own luck, but yes, you do.” She
reluctantly concedes. She rises from her chair, approaching a
cabinet behind her and pulling a bottle of cognac and a pair of
glasses from within. She pours you both a healthy measure and
passes one to you. You silently raise your glasses and drink.
“I may not agree with your methods, but that does not mean I
don’t respect you and your record.” She tells you. “While your
drinking, your womanising and your constant recklessness may not
be to my liking, I understand that to strip these aspects from you
would make you less of an agent, so I suppose I shall just have to
turn a blind eye. Just don’t expect to be given the latitude you
enjoyed previously. Understood?”
“Understood.” You reply. N gets up from behind her desk and
walks around it, perching on the edge before you and drinking the
last of her cognac.
“I’m pleased we could clear the air.” She smiles, her brown
eyes meeting yours. “Now unless there is anything else, we’ll
proceed to the briefing.”
Her eyes remain fixed on yours, her legs slightly parted and
her chest thrust forward. A smile plays on the edge of her lips and
your eyes widen as you recognise the unmistakable body language
of a come-on.
Proceed to the briefing
Sleep with the boss. Why not?
“Nothing else that springs to mind.” You reply, shunning her
advances. Her eyes narrow slightly, but N quickly recovers, returning
to her chair and sitting down.
“Down to business then.” She begins. “Two days ago there
was an incident at a Russian military base...”
“Yes, an accident in a munitions store blew the base sky
high.” You interrupt disinterestedly, reclining back in your chair.
“Terrible accident, tragic loss of life, etcetera, etcetera.”
“That’s the official story, yes.” N glowers. “The truth is a little
more alarming. The base was infiltrated by an unknown force.
Bombs were set and detonated, destroying most of the base.” You
sit up in your chair, your interest piqued. “While the bombs destroyed
most of the evidence, they were not entirely successful. The media
doesn’t know this but the base was a nuclear weapons facility with a
dozen nuclear warheads in their silos. Only ten missiles have been
accounted for.”
“Two nuclear missiles have been stolen?” You murmur.
“Your mathematics is faultless.” N snaps. “Fortunately, the
GPS transmitter from the missiles was not disabled until sometime
after the theft. The signal was finally discontinued with the missiles
located close to Istanbul.”
“I’ll fly out immediately.” You tell N.
“Yes you will, but not to Turkey.” She replies. “You will be
flying to Vienna. Whoever stole the missiles are clearly well
organised and will be watching the airports. With your celebrity
status amongst the world’s intelligence services, you would be
spotted immediately. No, you’ll travel in quietly on the Orient
“Very well.” You nod and shape to rise from your seat.
“Sit down Agent 69!” N barks. “This time you will not be
working alone. We are cooperating with our friends in Russian
Intelligence to bring about a swift resolution to this crisis. You will
rendezvous with their best agent, Anya Suchova. She will meet you
on the train in Vienna, where you will travel undercover as Mr and
Mrs Somerset.” You fail to suppress a smile which is not missed by
N, who glares at you before continuing. “Go to Istanbul, meet our
contact in the city and follow up on any leads he might have.”
“Understood.” You reply, rising from your chair and turning to
“Good luck Hazard.” N adds as you push the leather
upholstered door open.
“Once again, we pass like ships in the night.” You smile at
Miss Meriweather as you pass her desk.
“You’re away again already?” She frowns.
“Duty calls.” You grin.
“A pity.” She pouts. “I had rather hoped we might have time to
have lunch together.” Her brown eyes gaze up at you from beneath
her fringe and a little smile plays on her lips that promises more than
sandwiches and polite conversation. You check your watch. You do
have a little time…
You have a mission. Such distractions can wait
Seems cruel to deny Miss Meriweather the pleasure of your
“Now, now Miss Meriweather,” You smile, “What would N say
if she found out we were fraternising?” You stride past her and just
as the door shuts behind you, you hear her mutter:
“Chance would be a fine thing.”
“For you Miss Meriweather, I’ll make time.” You smile.
“Wonderful.” She beams, springing to her feet and joining you
as you leave.
You make your way through the corridors of the MI6 Building
before you abruptly stop opposite a nondescript door.
“What are you doing?” Miss Meriweather asks quizzically.
“Have you seen the tech store?” You ask her, nodding to the
“No.” She replies. “I’m not authorised to…”
“I am.” You grin roguishly, pressing your hand against the
scanner. The scanner glows green and the door lock is released with
a mechanical clank. You grab her hand and pull her inside.
“We shouldn’t be in here!” She giggles as the lights
automatically flicker on. The large storeroom is lined with racks
containing numerous weapons, surveillance equipment and to one
side, various everyday objects.
“Gadgets.” You explain as she does a double take at racks of
briefcases, electric shavers, pens and watches. “At first glance, they
appear unexceptional but beneath the façade, they are anything
but.” Your eyes pointedly meet hers and she smiles shyly before
dropping her gaze and blushing furiously. You pull her towards you,
her petite frame inches from you, her lips pouting with excitement.
“Oh James…” She murmurs. You take her into your arms and
she melts against you, tilting her head back, her eyes closed and her
lips slightly parted. You press your lips to hers and your tongue darts
between them. As she meets your probing tongue with her own
tentative flicks, you feel a stirring in your groin. You slide your hands
down her back to her buttocks, squeezing them through the tight
fabric of her skirt and making her squeak with surprise. You break
the kiss, pulling back and sliding your hands around to the buttons of
her silky blouse. You slowly begin to unfasten them, her chest further
revealed with each opened button. You pull it open and gaze at her
small breasts contained within an ivory coloured bra. You slip the
blouse off her shoulders and reach behind her, deftly unclasping the
bra. As the bra slips from her body, she throws her hands across her
chest, shielding her breasts from you, her eyes downcast.
“It’s okay.” You tell her softly, gently prising her hands away,
revealing her small breasts. “I know you want this.”
“I want this.” She murmurs meekly, tilting her head back, her
lips parting as she surrenders herself to both her own desires and
yours. You press your lips back to hers, kissing her deeply before
pulling back and cupping the firm swell of a breast, the little pink
nubs of her nipples hard and erect.
“Beautiful.” You tell her. She smiles at the compliment, gaining
confidence and reaching for you. She runs her hands down your
muscular chest, down your stomach and pauses at your waist. She
glances up at you and you give her a subtle nod. She slides a hand
lower, tracing the outline of the bulge that is running down the inside
of your left thigh.
“Looks like I’ve found another concealed weapon.” She
murmurs. You flash her a grin and take her back into your arms,
kissing her again, feeling her hardened nipples pressing through the
thin fabric of your shirt. Your hands glide down the soft skin of her
back as you kiss each other hungrily. You feel her hands at your belt,
tugging it open and feeling your trousers slip down your legs. As
your hands glide down past the small of her back to reach the
waistband of her tight fitting skirt, your fingers find the fastener and
pull it open, unzipping it. Your passion is infectious as you both pull
at each other’s clothes, Miss Meriweather gasping with excitement
as she fumbles with the buttons of your shirt while you tug down her
skirt and panties as one. You gaze down at the neatly trimmed tuft of
dark pubic hair, contrasting with her pale skin. She blushes, utterly
exposed before you.
“You seem to have me at a disadvantage Mr Hazard.” She
smiles, her eyes fixed on your briefs, the front obscenely stretched
by your raging erection. You grin cockily and pull them down, your
cock springing up between you, the shaft rigid and the straining head
angry red.
“My, that will do nicely.” She smiles shyly, tentatively reaching
out and taking it in her hand. “Now, what do you want to do to me?”
She purrs.
Press her up against the racking and slip inside her
Guide her downwards
“You like the look of it,” You remark before raising an eyebrow,
“How about the taste?” Miss Meriweather’s eyes widen but the
corners of her lips curl into a smile and she drops to her knees
before you, her fingers still wrapped around your engorged cock.
You gaze coolly down at her, but in truth you are breathless in
anticipation, desperate to corrupt N’s shy secretary and feel her
pouting lips sliding down your aching length.
“It’s so big.” She purrs, slowly sliding her fingers up and down
your length, her lips almost brushing the straining tip. “I’m not sure it
will fit in my mouth.” Her eyes sparkle mischievously and you realise
she is enjoying tormenting you.
“Perhaps you should use your tongue.” You groan.
“Perhaps…” She replies noncommittally, manipulating your
aching shaft in her grasp. She cranes forward and you can feel the
warmth of her breath on your balls. You bite your lower lip, fighting
against the desperate urge to beg her to take you into her mouth.
You gasp as you feel her tongue swipe across your balls, her saliva
cooling on the thick skin of your sack. Again her tongue darts out,
swirling around each of your balls before sliding upwards, tracing the
thick vein on the underside of your shaft.
“That feels so good!” You groan, gazing down at her as her
tongue reaches the tip. Her eyes sparkle up at you before she opens
her mouth and takes you inside. You let out a deep satisfied moan
as you feel the tip enveloped within the warm, moist confines of her
mouth, watching transfixed as her lips glide down past the bulbous
head until they meet her hand halfway down your length. You are
suddenly struck as how surreal it is to be watching Miss
Meriweather, your timid, mousy colleague of several years, on her
knees before you with your cock in her mouth. As she finds a
rhythm, sucking and slurping on your length while her hand
continues to pump your shaft, you reach down and run your fingers
through her hair, gently encouraging her. She mews contentedly as
she bobs her head back and forth and you notice her free hand
sliding down between her thighs. You grin as she brazenly begins to
work her fingers at her clit, a little moan of pleasure reverberating
around your cock. The sight of the petite brunette pleasuring herself
only heightens your own excitement and you feel the pressure
building as she brings you rapidly towards your climax.
“You’re a little too good at that.” You gasp. Miss Meriweather
pulls her lips from your cock and gazes up at you.
“You want me to carry on?” She purrs. “I was kind of hoping
you might return the favour…”
Let her continue
Go down on her
“Well, you did invite me to lunch so I really should have
something to eat.” You grin. Miss Meriweather rolls her eyes, but
chuckles as you help her back to her feet.
“Where do you want me?” She asks, her breasts heaving with
excitement. You guide her to lean back against the wall next to the
racking. Your eyes meet and she blushes, smiling shyly. You flash
her a reassuring grin.
“Just relax.” You tell her, your hand gliding down her thigh
before sliding behind her knee and lifting her leg slightly. She
guesses your intentions and places her foot on one of the lower
shelves next to her, her thighs parted for you. You drop to your
knees before her, your eyes level with the neatly trimmed triangle of
pubic hair. You grasp her hips and lean forward, her pussy just
inches from your face, her faint feminine aroma filling your nostrils.
You can hear her elevated breathing betraying her excitement as
she gazes down at you. You smile to yourself before pressing your
face into her moist folds. Miss Meriweather squeals with delight as
she feels your tongue run the length of her slit before flicking over
her engorged clitoris. Her hands go to the back of your head, her
fingers running through your hair as you begin to trace intricate
patterns over the tiny fleshy nub.
“Oh God, that feels so good!” She gasps, tenderly caressing
your head as you lavish attention on her. Your eyes flick up, gazing
through the heaving valley of her cleavage to her face. Her eyes are
closed and her mouth agape as you lap at her sensitive clit. You sink
lower, parting her puffy labia with the tip of your tongue, enjoying the
tangy taste of her arousal. She moans with pleasure, pulling your
head tightly into her pussy as your tongue probes inside her sopping
“Oh James, just like that.” She pants breathlessly. “Your
tongue feels incredible. Eat me! Taste my pussy!” You oblige,
alternating between lashing your tongue against her clitoris and
slipping your tongue inside her juicy slit. She squirms with pleasure
and her breathing becomes increasingly ragged. Her own excitement
is infectious and you feel your neglected erection twitch in sympathy.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God!” She cries out, her hands
tightening in your hair. She stiffens, falling silent for a moment before
letting out a cry of unadulterated pleasure and release. Her whole
body jerks in the throes of ecstasy as waves of pleasure crash
through her. You press the flat of your tongue against her quivering
clitoris, enjoying feeling her sodden slit against your chin as she
trembles with the powerful orgasm consuming her. As her climax
subsides, her fingers release their iron grip on your hair and pull your
face from between her legs. Miss Meriweather gazes down at you,
her eyes dilated and a beatific, satisfied smile on her lips.
“That… was… incredible!” She tells you, gasping for breath.
You grin and get to your feet. Miss Meriweather immediately kisses
you passionately, seemingly unconcerned at tasting herself on your
lips. You feel her hand slide down between your bodies, finding your
throbbing cock. She breaks the kiss and you groan as she wraps her
fingers around your length, slowly pumping it.
“Now what should we do about that?” She purrs, pulling back,
her eyes glinting mischievously.
Press her up against the racking and enter her
Ask her to return the favour
“How about finishing what you started earlier?” You grin. Miss
Meriweather nods, smiles coyly before dropping to her knees before
you. There is none of the playful torment of earlier as she eagerly
leans forward and engulfs the end of your hard cock, her lips
stretching around your thick shaft. Her right hand pumps your length
while her left cups your balls and gently caresses them. You groan
with delight at the combination of glorious sensations from your
groin. Her eyes sparkle up at you, clearly enjoying your reaction as
her head continues to bob back and forth on your saliva slick cock.
“Damn that feels good.” You groan hoarsely, reaching for her
and running your fingers through her hair. Her eyes gleam hungrily
as her lips glide up and down your cock, the warmth of her mouth
and the wetness of her slithering tongue on the underside of your
shaft. You can feel the pressure building as she drives you towards
your climax and the excitement of the thought of coming inside the
shy secretary’s mouth is intoxicating. You feel her caressing fingers
leave your balls and realise with a start that she has resumed
touching herself, her hand working furiously between her legs.
“My God woman, you’re insatiable!” You grin down at her. She
chuckles around your length and her eyes glint mischievously. As
her fingers work away between her thighs, her lust seems to
embolden her and she sucks and slurps on your cock with wild
abandon, her hand gripping your length tightly as she strokes it. The
pressure that was building in your balls intensifies and your
breathing becomes increasingly ragged.
“I’m getting close.” You gasp. Miss Meriweather answers only
with a muffled throaty moan, pumping your cock with increasing
urgency while the hand thrust between her thighs quickens its pace.
As you rapidly reach the point of no return, you gaze down at her
firm little breasts and have a sudden compulsion to finish all over
them. Miss Meriweather seems hell bent on tasting you as her lips fly
up and down your length.
Come in her mouth
Come on her breasts
“I’ll have to owe you one.” You groan. “This feels far too good
for you to stop now.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Miss Meriweather replies, clearly
flattered at the compliment before craning forward and taking you
back into her mouth. You moan with delight as she resumes
pleasuring you, her lips sliding up and down your saliva slick shaft.
The petite brunette gazes up at you, her eyes full of lust as she
sucks you towards your climax. Your fingers tighten in her hair as
you feel the delicious sensation of the pressure building in your loins.
“I’m getting close.” You gasp. Miss Meriweather answers only
with a muffled throaty moan, pumping your cock with increasing
urgency while the hand thrust between her thighs quickens its pace.
As you rapidly reach the point of no return, you gaze down at her
firm little breasts and have a sudden compulsion to finish all over
them. However, Miss Meriweather seems hell bent on tasting you as
her lips fly up and down your length.
Come in her mouth
Come on her breasts
As you feel your balls twitch, you pull your cock free of her
lips. Her eyes widen and she lets out a squeal of surprise as a long,
thick rope of come streaks from the tip of your cock to splash across
her cleavage.
“James!” She gasps as you spurt again and again, grunting
with each powerful eruption as you aim your cock from one side of
her chest to the other. Your creamy seed splatters across the tops of
the soft curves of her breasts until the last weaker spurts ooze from
the tip to drop onto her thighs, her pert breasts covered in your
pearly white seed. “Oh, oh, what have you done?!” She asks
incredulously as she surveys her defiled chest.
“It’s what you might call a change in plans.” You chuckle.
“That was a little presumptuous.” She glares up at you. You
can’t help but smile as you watch your thick, creamy come trickling
down the soft swell of her breasts. Your grin widens and her
expression softens. “Still, it felt deliciously dirty.” She admits coyly
before her eyes meet yours. “I wonder what it would feel like for you
to come all over my face instead...” She muses. It is her turn to
chuckle at your surprised expression as she gets back to her feet.
She cleans herself off as best she can before you both quickly dress,
a slight awkwardness now that the moment has passed. You hold
the store room door open for her as you step back into the corridor.
“Well Miss Meriweather, it’s been a pleasure.” You grin. She
blushes and smiles shyly. “However, duty calls.” You add, glancing at
your watch. She nods and you hurry off, wondering to yourself if your
relationship with the timid, petite secretary will ever be quite the
same again. You know it won’t and smile to yourself as your mind
wanders, considering how you might further corrupt the pretty
You groan as you feel your balls tighten before twitching
powerfully as your seed races up your shaft to erupt into Miss
Meriweather’s waiting mouth. She moans with delight as she feels
the warm fluid splash across her tongue, locking her lips around the
flared head as your shaft pulses in her hand with each powerful
spurt. You grunt in pleasure as she sucks the creamy fluid from you,
your hips jerking as you empty your balls into her mouth. As your
climax begins to subside, her cheeks cave in as she sucks the last
weaker spurts from you before letting your cock slip from her lips and
sits back on her haunches. Her eyes meet yours and hold your gaze
as she gulps down the mouthful of come.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting such a protein rich lunch.” She
smiles, licking an errant droplet of the pearly white fluid from the
corner of her mouth.
“It’s good for your teeth and gums too.” You grin as you help
her to her feet.
“A convenient myth.” She replies, reaching for her clothes.
“And one well worth perpetuating.” You chuckle, pulling on
your own clothes.
Moments later, you are both dressed and standing in the
corridor outside the store room. Miss Meriweather shuffles
uncomfortably, resuming her usual timid demeanour. You make a
show of checking your watch.
“A flight to Austria beckons.” You grin apologetically. “But
lunch was… a revelation.” Unable to meet your gaze, she blushes,
smiling shyly. You turn to leave.
“Good luck James.” You hear her call out behind you.
Without another word, you take her in your arms and pick her
up, Miss Meriweather squealing with a mixture of surprise and
excitement. You hoist her up against the racking, resting her
buttocks against the edge of a shelf. She gasps but opens her thighs
in anticipation, her eyes gleaming with passion and gazing deeply
into yours. You grin roguishly at her and accept her overt invitation,
taking your hard cock in your hand and guiding it to her moist
entrance, her lips glistening with her arousal.
“Do it.” She pants. “I need you inside me!” You press the tip of
your cock to her entrance, feeling the warm wetness of her labia
against the bulbous head. You pause and your eyes meet hers, her
expression pensive, the gravity of what you are about to do on both
your minds.
“Do it.” She whispers again, more insistently this time.
“Please.” You nod and push forward, her mouth dropping open as
you slide your length inside her, your body pressing against hers.
You feel the warmth of a satisfied sigh on your cheek as you slide all
the way up inside her. Her legs wrap around your thighs and you
begin to thrust into her with slow, steady strokes, the racking
creaking every time you drive up inside her.
“Oh my God, that feels good!” She pants, her hands gripping
your back as you begin to quicken your pace, her moist velvety
depths enveloping your hard cock. Your own deep groans join her
breathless little gasps as you enjoy the feel of her body pressed
against yours, her ragged breath on your neck and slender legs
wrapped around you, pulling you in deeper.
You twist your head around to face her and she crushes her
lips against yours, kissing you passionately. Her fingernails rake up
and down your back as you continue to pound into her with
increasing urgency. She breaks the kiss, her lust crazed eyes fixed
on yours.
“Harder! Fuck me harder!” She hisses. Your eyes widen in
surprise, shocked at the timid secretary’s transformation, but you
grasp her hips and begin to slam into her, the contents of the racking
rattling away behind her. Her moans of pleasure seem to be building
to a crescendo and as she closes in on her climax, you realise you
are close behind, the pressure building in your balls with each thrust
into her depths.
“I’m getting close.” You grunt.
“Yes, yes!” She pants breathlessly. “Finish inside me. Fill me
with your thick creamy come.” Her words send you over the edge
and you thrust up inside her one last time as you feel your balls
twitch. With a roar of pleasure and release, you erupt deep inside
her, your cock pulsing again and again. Your climax seems to trigger
Miss Meriweather’s own and with a shrill little cry of pleasure she
shudders and trembles against you as a powerful orgasm radiates
out from her quivering pussy. You hold each other tightly as your
bodies are wracked in ecstasy until finally you both relax. You kiss
her gently before easing yourself out of her. Her body glistens with a
sheen of perspiration and her chest is flushed and heaving as she
catches her breath.
“Why, Miss Meriweather, I didn’t know you had it in you.” You
grin. She smiles weakly, sliding off the shelf onto the floor and into
your arms.
“I’d gladly have it in me again any time you like.” She purrs.
“That was incredible.”
“Now now Miss Meriweather, I believe double entendres are
my speciality.” You reply. She stretches up and tenderly kisses you
before glancing over her shoulder.
“My God, are those grenades?” She gasps, seeing the
contents of the rack behind her.
“Well, I always wanted to go out with a bang.” You grin.
Moments later, you are both dressed and standing in the
corridor outside the store room. Miss Meriweather shuffles
uncomfortably, resuming her usual timid demeanour. You make a
show of checking your watch.
“A flight to Austria beckons.” You grin apologetically. “But
lunch was… a revelation.” Unable to meet your gaze, she blushes,
smiling shyly. You turn to leave.
“Good luck James.” You hear her call out behind you.
“Just one question:” You reply getting to your feet. “Where do
you stand on sexual relationships in the workplace?” You raise an
eyebrow and step towards her, your face inches from hers.
“Not to be encouraged.” N murmurs, blushing slightly, but
making no move to pull away from you.
“Then I guess this will just have to be a one off then…” You
smirk as you lean into her, N’s eyes widening.
“You really are an arrogant son of a bitch.” She replies
breathlessly before your lips find hers. As you kiss her, she responds
with a passion you would not have expected of her, her tongue
darting between your lips and flicking against your own. She breaks
the kiss and removes her glasses before reaching behind her head
and unfastening her hair, her auburn tresses falling down to her
“Much better.” You comment. N smiles sexily as she shrugs
off her jacket before groping behind her, finding and pressing a
button on the intercom.
“Ma’am?” Miss Meriweather’s voice crackles through the
“Something’s come up.” N announces as her other hand
caresses the hardening bulge in the front of your trousers. “I am
about to debrief Mr Hazard, so no interruptions until further notice.”
“Understood Ma’am.” Miss Meriweather replies before N cuts
her off and grins up at you.
“I suppose it would be remiss of me not to thoroughly evaluate
you.” She purrs, her fingers pulling at the zip on your fly.
“I shall endeavour not to disappoint.” You grin as her fingers
reach inside and grasp your cock. She pulls it free of your trousers
and a groan escapes your lips as she begins to gently pump it.
“Now where shall we start?” She smiles.
Undress N, bend her over the desk and enter her
Have her suck your cock
“How about here?” You murmur, pulling her towards you and
pressing your lips to hers. Her lips part in expectation as your tongue
darts between them. She kisses you back hungrily, while your fingers
quickly unbutton her silk blouse. You unfasten the last button before
breaking the kiss and pulling back slightly, N panting with excitement
as you pull open her blouse. She blushes slightly as she feels your
gaze on her bra clad breasts, but releases her grasp on your shaft to
eagerly pull the blouse off. She chews her bottom lip as she
unfastens your trousers while you do likewise to hers, the garments
sliding down to your ankles, leaving you both standing in just your
underwear, your erect cock jutting out from yours.
“I really should hate myself,” N murmurs as you reach behind
her, your fingers springing open the clasp of her bra, “Allowing
myself to be seduced by my own subordinate.”
“There will be plenty of time for self-recriminations later.” You
smirk as her bra straps slide off her shoulders, the white lacy
garment joining the rest of her clothes at your feet. You gaze at her
generous pear-shaped breasts, which despite a hint of sag are in
remarkably good shape for a woman of her age. “Now turn around.”
N nods and does as you ask before you pull off your underpants,
your straining cock aching for attention. N gasps as you hook your
fingers into the waistband of her rather functional cotton panties and
pull them down, her pale buttocks revealed to you. You caress them
for a moment before pressing your body against hers, your cock
lodging between her cheeks and your pre-come smearing against
the small of her back. You slide your hands around to cup her
pendulous breasts, gently caressing them before leaning forward
and kissing her neck, your lips sliding towards her ear.
“What do you want me to do to you?” You whisper, your lips
brushing her earlobe, while your right hand slides down her soft
“You know what I want you to do.” She replies hoarsely, her
buttocks pushing back against your cock as your fingertips glide
through the soft down of her pubic hair.
“Tell me.” You insist, your fingers finding her wet slit making N
moan with frustration.
“Fuck me, you bastard!” She spits, twisting her head towards
you, her eyes filled with a mixture of fury and lust. “Slide your big,
thick cock inside me and fuck me!” She places her hands on the
desk and bends forward, her auburn haired head gazing over her
bare shoulder as she submissively awaits you. You grin and take
your cock in your hand, guiding the head to her puffy labia. N lets out
a throaty moan of pleasure as your shaft slips inside her warm, moist
pussy. You grasp her hips and begin to thrust into her in slow, steady
strokes, N gasping with delight each time your shaft disappears
inside her.
“My God, that feels good.” N groans, beginning to push back
against you. “Harder, fuck me harder!” You quicken your pace, a pen
tidy falling over and a couple of files falling off the edge of the
creaking desk as you pound into her. She glances over her shoulder
at you, her eyes filled with a wild lust.
“I want you to fuck my arse.” She tells you. You stop thrusting
inside her, shocked by her suggestion and study her face. There is a
wanton excitement there, but also a hint of fear. You realise this is
not something she has done before.
“Ma’am, I…” You stutter.
“Do it.” She interrupts. “Quickly, before I lose my nerve.”
Do as she asks
Continue to pound into her pussy
“Another time perhaps.” You tell her, continuing to drive your
cock into her sopping wet slit.
“Even in this, you just can’t help but buck authority.” N glares
back at you, though a smile plays on her lips.
“I prefer to fuck authority.” You grin, slamming into her, the
flesh of her plump buttocks rippling with each thrust. N moans with
pleasure as you quickly slip back into your rhythm, the desk creaking
in protest as you vigorously plough into her. She drops forward onto
the desk and you quickly realise why as she reaches back beneath
her and begins to play with her clitoris.
“I’m getting close!” She gasps. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” With a
final intense groan of pleasure, she reaches her climax. Her body
judders with each wave of her orgasm, the muscles of her pussy
clenching your cock and threatening to send you over the edge too.
You grip her hips tightly, enjoying the feeling of the attractive older
woman trembling in ecstasy and panting with delight before with a
final satisfied moan, she slumps forward onto the desk, utterly sated.
She gazes back over her shoulder at you, her eyes heavy lidded, a
blissful smile on her face.
“I can’t tell you how much I’ve needed that.” She breathes.
“But don’t stop on my account.” She adds before giving your cock a
playful squeeze with her pussy. You chuckle and resume your
pumping, your cock sliding easily in her well lubricated pussy. The
excitement of N’s climax has you rapidly closing in on your own and
your grunts increase in intensity as you feel your balls tightening.
“I’m going to come!” You announce, your pulse racing as you
pound into her with reckless abandon, swiftly reaching the point of
no return.
“Yes!” N moans. “Come inside me. Let me feel you explode.
Fill me with your seed!”
Come inside her
Pull out and come on her buttocks instead
You have something a little more visual in mind and pull your
cock from her juicy slit, taking it in your hand. N looks quizzically
over her shoulder at you before her eyes widen as you let out a roar
of pleasure as a thick rope of creamy come streaks from the tip of
your cock to land wetly across the top of her buttocks and the small
of her back.
“You dirty bastard!” She scolds you, but you just grin,
sweeping your cock from one side to the other as you liberally splash
her generous fleshy cheeks with your thick seed. As your climax
subsides, you tease the last few drops of your pearly white come
from the tip which drip onto her come splattered buttocks, trickling
between them. You gaze down at her defiled buttocks with a look of
satisfaction that is not missed by N.
“Happy now?” She growls.
“Exceedingly.” You grin as she stands up, reaching for a box
of tissues which is one of the few items that has remained
undisturbed on her desk. As she wipes your come from her derrière,
she glares at you before her expression softens and a subtle smile
plays on her lips. As she reaches for her discarded clothes, you
stoop to collect your own, both of you hurriedly dressing.
“Now Agent 69, back to business.” She tells you briskly, sitting
back down behind her desk, still fumbling with the buttons of her
blouse. “Two days ago there was an incident at a Russian military
base...” She continues, straightening her blouse.
“Yes, an accident in a munitions store blew the base sky
high.” You reply nonchalantly as you sit back down opposite her.
“Terrible accident, tragic loss of life etcetera, etcetera.”
“That’s the official story, yes.” N smiles, running her fingers
through her dishevelled hair. “The truth is a little more alarming. The
base was infiltrated by an unknown force. Bombs were set and
detonated, destroying most of the base.” You raise an eyebrow, your
interest piqued. “While the bombs destroyed most of the evidence,
they were not entirely successful. The media doesn’t know this but
the base was a nuclear weapons facility with a dozen nuclear
warheads in their silos. Only ten missiles have been accounted for.”
“Two nuclear missiles have been stolen?” You murmur as N
retrieves her glasses and puts them back on.
“Your mathematics is faultless.” N replies, looking witheringly
at you over the frames of her glasses. “Fortunately, the GPS
transmitter from the missiles was not disabled until sometime after
the theft. The signal was finally discontinued with the missiles
located close to Istanbul.”
“I’ll fly out immediately.” You tell N.
“Yes you will, but not to Turkey.” She replies. “You will be
flying to Vienna. Whoever stole the missiles are clearly well
organised and will be watching the airports. With your celebrity
status amongst the world’s intelligence services, you would be
spotted immediately. No, you’ll travel in quietly on the Orient
“Very well.” You nod and rise up to leave.
“Agent 69!” N barks. “This time you will not be working alone.
We are cooperating with our friends in Russian Intelligence to bring
about a swift resolution to this crisis. You will rendezvous with their
best agent, Anya Suchova. She will meet you on the train in Vienna,
where you will travel undercover as Mr and Mrs Somerset.” You fail
to suppress a smile which is not missed by N, who glares at you
before continuing. “Go to Istanbul, meet our contact in the city and
follow up on any leads he might have.”
“Understood.” You reply, turning to leave.
“Good luck Hazard.” N adds as you push the leather
upholstered door open.
“You seemed to be in there a long time.” Miss Meriweather
asks suspiciously from behind her desk.
“N wanted to evaluate me.” You shrug. “It was a more
thorough evaluation than anticipated.” You add with a coy smile.
Miss Meriweather’s eyes narrow as you confirm what she no doubt
“It’s been a while since I’ve been evaluated.” She sighs
almost to herself as you turn to leave. “You’re away again already?”
She frowns.
“I’m afraid so.” You reply before flashing her a smile. “Though
parting is such sweet sorrow.” You add before leaving her office.
You thrust your cock deep inside her, pulling her hips into your
pelvis as you feel the glorious sensation deep within your loins as
your balls twitch and release their load. With a roar of pleasure, you
feel your cock pulse again and again as your come races up your
shaft to erupt deep inside her.
“Yes, yes!” N moans, almost delirious with lust as she feels
your creamy seed splash against the velvety walls of her pussy. You
grunt with each powerful release until with one final twitch, your
climax subsides and you let out a satisfied sigh.
You slide your hands across the soft flesh of her buttocks,
easing them apart and gazing down at her lips stretched around your
thick shaft and above it, the tiny puckered hole of her arsehole. You
stretch out your thumb, collecting some of her juices from your cock
before smearing it over her little rosebud. She flinches as she feels
your digit brush across it making you hesitate.
“Do it.” She breathes. You nod and apply pressure, your
thumb pushing past the tight ring of muscle and into the hot, snug
confines of her arse. N grunts at the unfamiliar sensation of the
intruder as you begin to work your thumb in and out of her arse, your
cock twitching inside her at the excitement of what you are doing to
this attractive older woman.
“That feel good?” You grin, beginning to thrust your cock into
her while continuing to pump your thumb inside her tight orifice.
“Yes.” She groans pushing back against you. “It feels so
deliciously dirty.”
“Ready for something a little larger?” You ask her.
“Yes, yes, do it!” She pants eagerly. You ease your thumb
from her arse and slip your cock from her pussy, sliding the tip up to
her tight hole. Your cock glistens with her juices and you press the
head against her puckered opening. You can feel her pushing back
against you and you both gasp in unison as the bulbous tip slips into
her arse.
“My God, that feels so big!” She groans, holding still for a
moment before pushing back against you. You watch in awe as your
cock disappears inside her tight orifice inch by inch until your pelvis
is pressed against her buttocks. “Oh James, I feel so full!” Her
sphincter grips the base of your cock tightly and the warm confines
of her arse envelop your rigid shaft. You begin to slowly pump your
cock into her, N letting out guttural moans of pleasure with each
thrust. You grip her hips as you begin to find a rhythm, already
feeling the come boiling in your balls at the sight and feel of her
sphincter stretched tightly around the base of your shaft. N’s moans
become rasping breaths as she too closes in on her climax. You lean
forward, your chest pressing against her arched back.
“You like it don’t you, you dirty bitch.” You hiss in her ear. “You
like having my cock buried deep inside your arse.” She nods, her
breathing becoming more ragged with every passing moment. You
reach under her, sliding your hand down between her legs and
finding her clit. She lets out a muted cry of delight as she feels your
fingers begin to gently rub it.
“Oh God, I’m going to come!” She tells you breathlessly.
“I’m getting close too.” You grunt, the pressure building in your
“Come inside me!” She tells you, turning her head towards
you, her eyes burning with lust. “I want to feel you erupt inside my
arse.” The thought seems to send her over the edge and you feel her
stiffen beneath you. With a long moan of ecstasy, she reaches her
climax, her body shaking as pleasure surges through her body. You
can feel her clit twitch beneath your fingertips and her arse clenches
your cock in an iron grip.
“I’m going to come.” You groan, as you feel the pressure in
your balls build up to a crescendo.
“Yes, yes!” She shrieks, bucking with pleasure, her arse
clenching the base of your shaft, “Fill my arse with your come!”
You let out a loud, guttural groan of pleasure and release as
you feel your seed race up your shaft to spurt deep within N’s
bowels, your body jerking with each powerful eruption. As N’s
orgasm wanes, she coos with delight as she feels your thick seed
splashing inside her. You groan as you feel her clenching sphincter
draw the last of your come from your balls and you both let out a
contented sigh.
“Oh my God, I needed that!” N tells you breathlessly as you
slip your cock from her.
“Glad to have been of service Ma’am.” You smirk, your heart
still thumping in your chest. She turns and smiles at you, her face
flushed and glistening with a thin film of perspiration.
“I have been divorced for more than four years now and have
focussed on my career since.” She tells you. “I’d forgotten how much
I enjoyed the simple pleasures of a damn good seeing to.” You nod,
stooping to retrieve your clothes. As you both dress, you glance at
her as she pulls her bra back on. The moment having passed, she
smiles awkwardly and blushes.
“Back to business.” She mumbles, hurriedly pulling on her
blouse. “Two days ago there was an incident at a Russian military
base...” She tells you, buttoning up her blouse.
“Yes, an accident in a munitions store blew the base sky
high.” You reply nonchalantly as you pull your trousers on. “Terrible
accident, tragic loss of life etcetera, etcetera.”
“That’s the official story, yes.” N smiles, running her fingers
through her dishevelled hair. “The truth is a little more alarming. The
base was infiltrated by an unknown force. Bombs were set and
detonated, destroying most of the base.” Now fully dressed, you
straighten your tie and raise an eyebrow, your interest piqued. “While
the bombs destroyed most of the evidence, they were not entirely
successful. The media doesn’t know this but the base was a nuclear
weapons facility with a dozen nuclear warheads in their silos. Only
ten missiles have been accounted for.”
“Two nuclear missiles have been stolen?” You murmur as N
retrieves her glasses and puts them back on.
“Your mathematics is faultless.” N replies, looking witheringly
at you over the frames of her glasses. “Fortunately, the GPS
transmitter from the missiles was not disabled until sometime after
the theft. The signal was finally discontinued with the missiles
located close to Istanbul.”
“I’ll fly out immediately.” You tell N.
“Yes you will, but not to Turkey.” She replies. “You will be
flying to Vienna. Whoever stole the missiles are clearly well
organised and will be watching the airports. With your celebrity
status amongst the world’s intelligence services, you would be
spotted immediately. No, you’ll travel in quietly on the Orient
“Very well.” You nod and turn to leave.
“Agent 69!” N barks. “This time you will not be working alone.
We are cooperating with our friends in Russian Intelligence to bring
about a swift resolution to this crisis. You will rendezvous with their
best agent, Anya Suchova. She will meet you on the train in Vienna,
where you will travel undercover as Mr and Mrs Somerset.” You fail
to suppress a smile which is not missed by N, who glares at you
before continuing. “Go to Istanbul, meet our contact in the city and
follow up on any leads he might have.”
“Understood.” You reply, turning to leave.
“Good luck Hazard.” N adds as you push the leather
upholstered door open.
“You seemed to be in there a long time.” Miss Meriweather
asks suspiciously from behind her desk.
“N wanted to evaluate me.” You shrug. “It was a more
thorough evaluation than anticipated.” You add with a coy smile.
Miss Meriweather’s eyes narrow as you confirm what she no doubt
“It’s been a while since I’ve been evaluated.” She sighs
almost to herself as you turn to leave. “You’re away again already?”
She frowns.
“I’m afraid so.” You reply before flashing her a smile. “Though
parting is such sweet sorrow.” You add before leaving her office.
“That seems to be as good a place as any.” You groan, her
hand continuing to slide up and down your length. N smiles and
drops to her knees before you, her head level with your engorged
cock, her eyes fixed on the bulbous head and the bead of pre-come
forming at the tip. Her hands move to your belt and quickly unfasten
your trousers. She hooks her fingers into your waistband and pulls
your trousers and underpants down to your ankles as one. You gaze
down at N, feeling a little exposed before your fully clothed superior.
Her eyes flicks up momentarily to yours and she bites her lower lip
thoughtfully for a moment, perhaps weighing up the implications of
what she is about to do. Her desire overcomes her reservations, the
moment of indecision swiftly passing as she grasps your shaft and
leans forward, swiping her tongue across the straining tip. You groan
as you feel the warm wetness of her tongue against the hot flesh of
your cock head, swirling around it for a moment before lifting your
shaft up, her tongue slithering down the underside to your balls. Your
mouth drops open as you feel her tongue slide over every inch of
your taut sack, covering your sensitive balls with her saliva. She
slides back up your shaft and pulls away, gazing up at you.
“Lost for words Mr Hazard?” She purrs sexily as she slowly
slides her hand up and down your shaft.
“Just enjoying the moment.” You grin. “It’s certainly true what
they say…”
“What’s that?” She asks distractedly as she leans forward and
takes your cock into her mouth. You stifle a groan as you feel the
delicious warmth of her mouth envelope the straining tip.
“That there’s no substitute for experience.” You gasp as her
lips begin to glide up and down your length. You hear her chuckle
around your cock, her green eyes gleaming up at you as her head
bobs back and forth. Without her glasses and with her hair down,
you are struck at the transformation from the austere and
humourless head of MI6 to an attractive wanton seductress. It may
have been a quip, but as she continues to slurp and suck on your
cock, one hand cradling and gently caressing your balls while the
other strokes your shaft, you marvel at her talented technique. You
reach down and run your fingers through her auburn hair, groaning
with pleasure as you feel the pressure beginning to build in your
balls. Her mouth feels so good and though you desperately want her
to continue, you are equally tempted to tear N’s clothes off and slide
your cock inside her.
Come in N’s mouth
Pull out before you come and enter her instead
Reluctantly, you pull your cock from her lips, N glancing up at
you quizzically as you help her back to her feet.
“Strip off.” You tell her. You can see a moment of indecision
before she nods and obediently begins to strip before you. Your
pulse is racing, but you gaze coolly at her as she slowly unbuttons
her blouse. As she opens it and shrugs it off her shoulders, you stare
shamelessly at her large bra clad breasts as she reaches behind her
back and fumbles with the clasp. She glances up at you as she slips
the straps down her arms, her authority now completely punctured
as she blushes under your penetrating gaze. As the bra cups fall
away, you subconsciously lick your lips at the sight of her large,
pear-shaped breasts, her nipples swollen with her excitement. The
bra discarded, she slides her hands to her waist, unfastening her
trousers before pausing, her eyes meeting yours.
“Keep going.” You growl, unbuttoning and shrugging off your
own shirt while your straining cock, now starved of stimulation
twitches, aching for attention. She slides her trousers past her hips,
allowing them to drop to the floor. Naked save for her rather
functional white cotton panties, she hooks her thumbs into the
waistband and slowly peels them down. Your cock twitches again at
the sight of the dark patch of pubic hair and her slit just beneath. She
leans forward as she slips her panties past her thighs, her large,
pendulous breasts hanging down and jiggling before you. As her
panties drop to her ankles to join her trousers, she straightens and
steps out of them, her eyes wide, her lips pouting and her chest
heaving with excitement.
“Now turn around.” You tell her firmly. She nods and does as
you ask, her pale buttocks revealed to you. You move closer, N
flinching as you reach out and caress her generous cheeks for a
moment before pressing your body against hers. As your body
moulds to hers, your hard cock lodges between her buttocks, your
pre-come smearing against the small of her back. You slide your
hands around to cup her breasts, gently caressing them before
leaning forward and kissing her neck, your lips sliding towards her
“What do you want me to do to you?” You whisper, your lips
brushing her earlobe while your right hand slides down her soft
“You know what I want you to do.” She replies hoarsely, her
buttocks pushing back against your cock as your fingertips glide
through the soft down of her pubic hair.
“Tell me.” You insist, your fingers finding her wet slit making N
moan with frustration.
“Fuck me, you bastard!” She spits, twisting her head towards
you, her eyes filled with a mixture of fury and lust. “Slide your big,
thick cock inside me and fuck me!” She places her hands on the
desk and bends forward, her auburn haired head gazing over her
bare shoulder as she submissively awaits you. You grin and take
your cock in your hand, guiding the head to her puffy labia. N lets out
a throaty moan of pleasure as your shaft slips inside her warm, moist
pussy. You grasp her hips and begin to thrust into her in slow, steady
strokes, N gasping with delight each time your shaft disappears
inside her.
“My God, that feels good.” N groans, beginning to push back
against you. “Harder, fuck me harder!” You quicken your pace, a pen
tidy falling over and a couple of files falling off the edge of the
creaking desk as you pound into her. She glances over her shoulder
at you, her eyes filled with a wild lust.
“I want you to fuck my arse.” She tells you. You stop thrusting
inside her, shocked by her suggestion and study her face. There is a
wanton excitement there, but also a hint of fear. You realise this is
not something she has done before.
“Ma’am, I…” You stutter.
“Do it.” She interrupts. “Quickly, before I lose my nerve.”
Do as she asks
Continue to pound into her pussy
You cannot bring yourself to pull your cock from her lips and
with a final grunt of release, you feel your balls twitch as your come
races up your length. N’s eyes widen in surprise as the first spurt
splashes across her tongue, but she locks her lips around the
bulbous tip as it pulses again and again. Her eyes flick up to meet
yours as you quickly fill her mouth with your creamy come as she
swirls her tongue around your erupting head. You groan with
pleasure at each contraction within your balls as your hips jerk with
each powerful pulse. As the last spurts trickle into her mouth, she
pulls her lips free of your shaft and gulps down your load.
“That was magnificent.” You pant, gazing down at her as she
wipes her lips with the back of her hand.
“The pleasure was all yours.” N replies caustically, getting to
her feet and straightening her clothes. She retrieves her glasses,
sliding them back on and sits back behind her desk, glaring at you
for a moment. “Now back to business.” She tells you. “Two days ago
there was an incident at a Russian military base...”
“Yes, an accident in a munitions store blew the base sky
high.” You reply nonchalantly as you pull your trousers back on.
“Terrible accident, tragic loss of life etcetera, etcetera.”
“That’s the official story, yes.” N growls, running her fingers
through her dishevelled hair. “The truth is a little more alarming. The
base was infiltrated by an unknown force. Bombs were set and
detonated, destroying most of the base.” Now fully dressed, you
straighten your tie and raise an eyebrow, your interest piqued. “While
the bombs destroyed most of the evidence, they were not entirely
successful. The media doesn’t know this but the base was a nuclear
weapons facility with a dozen nuclear warheads in their silos. Only
ten missiles have been accounted for.”
“Two nuclear missiles have been stolen?” You murmur.
“Your mathematics is faultless.” N replies, looking witheringly
at you over the frames of her glasses. “Fortunately, the GPS
transmitter from the missiles was not disabled until sometime after
the theft. The signal was finally discontinued with the missiles
located close to Istanbul.”
“I’ll fly out immediately.” You tell N.
“Yes you will, but not to Turkey.” She replies. “You will be
flying to Vienna. Whoever stole the missiles are clearly well
organised and will be watching the airports. With your celebrity
status amongst the world’s intelligence services, you would be
spotted immediately. No, you’ll travel in quietly on the Orient
“Very well.” You nod and turn to leave.
“Agent 69!” N barks. “This time you will not be working alone.
We are cooperating with our friends in Russian Intelligence to bring
about a swift resolution to this crisis. You will rendezvous with their
best agent, Anya Suchova. She will meet you on the train in Vienna,
where you will travel undercover as Mr and Mrs Somerset.” You fail
to suppress a smile which is not missed by N, who glares at you
before continuing. “Go to Istanbul, meet our contact in the city and
follow up on any leads he might have.”
“Understood.” You reply, turning to leave.
“Good luck Hazard.” N adds as you push the leather
upholstered door open.
“You seemed to be in there a long time.” Miss Meriweather
asks suspiciously from behind her desk.
“N wanted to evaluate me.” You shrug. “It was a more
thorough evaluation than anticipated.” You add with a coy smile.
Miss Meriweather’s eyes narrow as you confirm what she no doubt
“It’s been a while since I’ve been evaluated.” She sighs
almost to herself as you turn to leave. “You’re away again already?”
She frowns.
“I’m afraid so.” You reply before flashing her a smile. “Though
parting is such sweet sorrow.” You add before leaving her office.
“Quite quaint travelling by train don’t you think?” You grin.
“If you say so.” Anya replies reticently.
“Yes, much more civilised than a plane.” You continue
undeterred. “Comfortable seats, a bed to sleep in, proper meals and
a fine view.” Your glance towards her holding her gaze just for a
moment, long enough for her to blush.
“I prefer air travel.” She replies. “You get to your destination
much faster and have much less time enduring your fellow
passengers.” Her lips curl up slightly at the corners as she delivers
the riposte.
“Why Mrs Somerset, you’ve never been one to suffer fools
gladly.” You tell her.
“I suppose our marriage is the exception to the rule.” She
replies, her smile now much more obvious and genuine. Her eyes
sparkle and her allure is amplified as the attractive but dour Russian
is transformed before you.
“A lapse I am only too happy to be the beneficiary of.” You
reply, returning her smile. Perhaps disarmed by your self-
deprecating humour, she unfolds her arms and turns slightly more
towards you.
“Perhaps I misjudged you.” She muses. “Perhaps you are not
quite the arrogant, conceited hedonist our file would have us
“Or perhaps I just hide it well.” You reply.
“Well, we have all evening for me to find out.” She smiles, her
eyes meeting yours. A loud knock at the door breaks the spell and
you both look towards the source.
“Tickets.” A voice rasps from outside. Something feels off, but
before you can react, Anya has already got to her feet and opened
the door. A ghostly pale, bald headed giant of a man fills the frame of
the door, his red eyes gazing malevolently at you both. He reaches
out with huge hands and grasps Anya by the throat, lifting her up off
the floor. Her strangulated gasps fill the air and you realise you only
have a moment to react.
There’s a lamp to hand. Bludgeon the pale assassin
He’s too big. Retrieve your gun from your case and shoot the giant
“How about something to eat?” You ask Anya. “I hear the food
served in the Restaurant car is actually rather good.” She glances at
you suspiciously for a moment, perhaps trying to determine if you
might have some ulterior motive before her expression softens and
she nods. “Excellent.” You beam and get to your feet.
You make your way down the narrow passageways and
through adjoining carriages before reaching the Restaurant car. It is
luxuriously appointed in an art deco style with rich mahogany panels
and gleaming brass fixtures and fittings. A waiter in his brilliant white
livery politely guides you to a table and you wait for Anya to be
seated before sliding into the seat opposite. You order some wine
and he returns moments later, opens a bottle and once you have
tasted it, pours you both a glass. Having carefully placed the wine in
an ornate silver ice bucket, the waiter leaves you with the menus.
“Well, here’s to a successful trip to Istanbul.” You smile at
Anya, raising your glass. She raises her own and the glasses touch
with a barely audible clink.
“This is strange for me.” She tells you. “I am used to working
“I have worked with others on occasion,” You reply, sipping
from your glass, “Though I prefer to work alone. Still,” You add,
holding her gaze, “I can certainly see the benefits.” Anya blushes,
but she quickly recovers.
“Very smooth.” She smiles. “But don’t get too excited. Our
marriage isn’t what it once was since I caught you with your
secretary, so you will not be sharing my bed this evening.”
“Mrs Somerset!” You reply aghast. “Have you still not found it
in your heart to forgive me for such a momentary lapse?”
“You will have to work very hard to earn my forgiveness.” She
narrows her eyes, though a subtle smile plays at the corners of her
mouth. “My mother warned me not to marry you.”
“A very perceptive woman.” You grin. “To my wonderful
mother-in-law.” You raise your glass again and Anya chuckles,
clinking her glass against yours and taking another sip of wine. She
sits back in her seat, eyeing you thoughtfully for a moment. The ice
broken, her shoulders relax as the tension evaporates. You reach for
the wine bottle and refill both your glasses.
A couple of hours later, you have enjoyed a luxurious three
course meal and enjoyed several glasses of fine wine and you are
both feeling quite relaxed. Your initial impressions of Anya prove
unfounded as she becomes quite conversational, albeit guarded on
any subject that might be in any way sensitive. You drain the last of
your wine as Anya does the same and rise together from the table.
As you turn to leave, you see something out of the corner of your
eye – a fleeting, almost ghostly presence from behind the window in
the door at the far end of the Restaurant car. You focus your
attention on the door but there is no one there.
Investigate the apparition
Ignore it and return to your compartment
“Just a moment.” You tell Anya, wishing you’d brought your
trusty Walther P99 with you. You walk towards the door and
cautiously slide it open. You step into the vestibule beyond, finding it
empty. The Restaurant car is the last carriage on the train, so there
is nothing but the night beyond it. You silently curse yourself for
being so jumpy before noticing an open window in the external door.
You move towards it, the wind howling in your ears as you crane
your head through it.
“What are you doing?” Anya asks.
“I thought I saw someone lurking through the door.” You tell
her, noticing some steel rungs fixed into the side of the carriage.
“Probably the train guard.” She suggests.
“Not unless he enjoys train surfing between checking tickets.”
You tell her. “Take a look.” You step back and she takes your place,
leaning out of the window. As she does, a huge deathly white hand
reaches down and grasps her by the neck, wrenching her out
through the window.
“Anya!” You cry out, flailing for her through the window and
succeeding only in grasping an expensive looking stiletto heeled
shoe. You quickly climb out of the window and grasp the ladder,
hauling yourself across and scrambling up the side of the train. The
wind is howling all around you as the train thunders on through the
night. You clamber onto the roof and look along the train. The
assailant, a bald headed giant of a man is just ahead, grappling with
a struggling Anya. Dwarfed by his tall, thickset frame, she is clearly
no match for him. You get to your feet, bracing yourself against the
strong winds threatening to send you tumbling from the train and
forge ahead.
“James!” Anya cries out to you as she rains blows down on
the giant attacker. He turns to face you and your eyes widen in
surprise at his appearance. His skin is deathly white and his red
eyes seem to bore into you. He roars in anger and throws Anya to
the floor, her head hitting the train roof with an impact that makes
you wince.
Attack the assassin
Try to drag Anya to safety
Fearing for Anya’s life, you throw caution to the wind,
charging into the albino and pushing him back, knocking the hulking
pale skinned assassin off balance. He staggers backwards before
losing his footing and crashing to the roof of the carriage. You stoop
and grasp Anya’s arms before trying to pull her away from him.
Roaring with anger, the albino climbs back to his feet and advances
towards you as you drag Anya’s prone form back towards the ladder
and safety. You are nearly to the end of the carriage and glance up
just as he lunges at you, his huge hands reaching for your throat.
Drop Anya and throw yourself onto the ladder to avoid his lunge
Grapple with him on the roof and try to use his size against him
You let go of Anya’s arms and throw yourself back over the
edge of the carriage, your hands flailing for the ladder. They hook
onto the first steel rung, but your momentum drags you downwards,
your fingers slipping as you try to grasp each rung and crying out in
fear as you cannot find purchase. You manage to hold on six rungs
down, hanging by one hand for a moment with your feet dangling
just inches from the rail tracks before you manage to scramble back
up on the ladder, the muscles in your arms screaming in agony. You
grit your teeth against the pain and clamber back up the ladder, the
night howling around you as you steel yourself for a brutal fight to the
death with the huge albino. When you climb up onto the carriage
roof, you find that the assassin has vanished, but your heart sinks as
your gaze drops to the prone form of Anya. You drop to your knees
next to her, her pale blue eyes gazing lifelessly up into the night sky.
You frantically try CPR, but after a few minutes you realise it is
hopeless. You reach down and gently close her eyes before drawing
her to you and gazing sadly at the corpse of the beautiful Russian
agent you barely knew.
You release Anya’s hands and reach for the albino as his
giant hands close around your neck. He wrenches you up in the air
by your throat, your eyes bulging and your hands desperately pulling
at his as he begins to squeeze. You try to draw breath, but his
powerful grip has crushed your windpipe. His red eyes burn in the
night, a grim smile of victory on his lips. You are on the edge of
losing consciousness when he hurls you from the train, sending you
flailing into the night to smash headfirst into the ground, the impact
fracturing your skull and killing you instantly.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You advance towards the towering albino assassin. He grins,
confident of his superiority and swings a right hook just as you reach
him. You duck underneath it and smash your fist up into his jaw. His
head barely moves and he just smiles at you before swinging
another punch. This time he connects, his fist smashing into your
stomach and knocking you off your feet. You grunt in pain as you
land hard, feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck as you wince and
clamber back up to your feet. He throws another punch and you
sway to one side to avoid it before raining a few punches into his
body. Again, he barely seems to notice and throws his head forward,
connecting with a crunching head butt. You drop to your knees, your
vision blurring from the impact. He follows up with a savage kick,
knocking you from the roof of the train. You throw out a hand,
grasping the edge of the roof, your arm screaming in agony as it is
almost wrenched from its socket. You smash into the side of the
train, but manage to hold on, dangling from one hand for a moment.
You swing your other arm up, holding on for dear life as the wind
howls around you. You look up to see the assassin looming over
you, his lips curled in a sneer as he raises a foot and stamps down
on one hand. You grunt in pain as your hand gives way, hanging on
by one hand. The albino grins, enjoying his moment of victory as he
prepares to deliver the final blow.
Call out to Anya to push him from the train
Try to pull the assassin over the edge
“Anya! Now!” You yell. The albino glances over his shoulder
before turning back to you and with mock pity slowly shakes his
head. He raises his foot, his red eyes seeming to glow in the night as
he delivers the final blow. His foot crunches down hard on your
fingers and you cry out in pain and fear as you lose your grip. You
flail for a handhold, but there is no reprieve this time and you fall
screaming from the speeding train. You smash headfirst into the
ground and mercifully your death is instantaneous.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
As he raises his foot again and prepares to land the final blow
on your other hand, you summon your last reserves of strength and
pull yourself up, throwing your free arm up and around the back of
his standing leg, grasping it and pulling it out from under him. For a
split second, you see his red eyes widen in surprise and fear before
with a roar of anguish, he tumbles off the roof and into the night. You
struggle back up onto the train roof and drop to your knees next to
the prone form of Anya. For a moment you fear the worst, but she
stirs and looks up at you, confused for a moment. Her eyes widen as
she realises where she is and what has happened.
“The assassin?” She asks groggily.
“He’s disembarked.” You grin at Anya as you help her to her
“Thank you.” She tells you, her relief palpable. You nod and
both clamber back down from the train roof and back into the
restaurant car vestibule. As you both stroll through the restaurant,
Anya now shoeless, her beautiful dress ripped and her hair in
disarray while you look similarly unkempt, you draw curious glances
from the other passengers and your waiter, who seems poised to say
something before thinking better of it. You flash Anya a grin as you
exit the car and make you way back along the train to your
“You saved my life. I won’t forget that.” Anya tells you,
glancing up at your reflection as she sits at a mirror, running her
fingers through her dishevelled hair, the blonde somehow just as
beautiful despite her ragged appearance.
“Does this mean there is a chance for reconciliation between
us Mrs Somerset?” You ask with a raised eyebrow as you lean
casually against the wall of the compartment behind her. You study
her face in the mirror, the Russian chewing her bottom lip for a
moment before a subtle smile gives the game away.
“Everyone deserves a second chance.” She purrs, getting to
her feet, turning to face you and allowing you to take her into your
arms. You press your lips to hers and a barely audible moan
escapes her lips as you tenderly kiss her. Your tongue darts between
her lips, flicking over her own as her body melts into yours. You
reach up and pull the straps of her ruined dress off her shoulders,
the slinky garment sliding down her body to pool at her feet and
leave her standing in just her red underwear, her full breasts almost
spilling out of her bra.
“Red.” You comment with a wry grin. “Your KGB predecessors
would approve…” Anya rolls her eyes, but her lips curl into a smile,
her fingers quickly unbuttoning your shirt, her hands playing over
your hairy chest.
“So, Mr Somerset,” She asks in a passable cut glass English
accent, her hand sliding down past your waist and cupping the
growing bulge in the front of your trousers, “How would an English
married couple behave?”
Guide her to the bed and go down on her
Have her go down on you
You follow Anya back to your compartment and step inside,
locking the door behind you. You turn to the beautiful Russian agent,
her face just inches from yours.
“So Mrs Somerset,” You grin, “Any chance of a reconciliation
between us?”
“I have had a wonderful evening...” She admits, her body
language already giving the game away. You lean towards her, her
head tilting back, her eyes closing and her lips parting in anticipation.
A loud knock at the door breaks the spell and you both look towards
the source.
“Tickets.” A voice rasps from outside. Something feels off, but
before you can react, Anya has already opened the door. A ghostly
pale, bald headed giant of a man fills the frame of the door, his red
eyes gazing malevolently at you both. He reaches out with huge
hands and grasps Anya by the throat, lifting her up off the floor. Her
strangulated gasps fill the air as you realise you only have a moment
to react.
There’s a lamp to hand. Bludgeon the pale assassin
He’s too big. Retrieve your gun from your case and shoot the giant
Realising Anya doesn’t have time for you to retrieve your gun,
you reach for the lamp and swing it as hard as you can into the
albino’s huge bald head. He reels away, dropping Anya and
clutching his head as she scrambles away, gasping for breath. You
swing the lamp again, but the assassin throws out an arm, knocking
it from your hand. You smash a fist into his face, but it barely seems
to register. He punches you in the gut and you double up, winded
from the blow. You stagger back, glancing up at the giant as he
grins, cracking his knuckles as he enjoys his moment of supremacy.
Anya lies dazed on the floor, holding her throat and wheezing. As
you back up against the window, you can feel the handle press into
your back. Nowhere to run. You size the albino assassin up. He
might have the heavier punch, but you’re well trained in unarmed
combat. Still, there are alternatives to fighting…
Fight the giant albino
Goad the assassin into charging at you and try to throw him through
the window
Cornered and with nowhere to go, you decide that attack is
the best form of defence. You throw yourself at the albino, his red
eyes widening in surprise as you pummel him with blows to the body
and face. Barely reacting to the onslaught, he simply grins and
smashes his bald head into your face. The head butt is devastating,
breaking your nose and leaving you dazed on the floor, blood
gushing out of your nostrils. The assassin looms over you and you
feel his powerful hands close around your throat. His grip tightens
and your eyes bulge as he begins to choke you. Your vision darkens
as you thrash around, trying to claw his hands from your neck, but
he is too strong. Your body goes limp as he strangles the life from
you before turning his attention back to Anya, a sadistic smile
crossing his face as he prepares to finish the job.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You reach for your case, quickly disarming the explosive
security locks and hurriedly pulling your Walther P99 pistol from
within. You turn, bringing the weapon to bear on the albino assassin.
His red eyes widen and he swings Anya’s struggling body around,
shielding himself with her. You curse, trying to get a shot, but the
albino, realising the odds are no longer in his favour, hurls Anya at
you and disappears back through the door. Your initial inclination is
to pursue the assassin and put a bullet between those red eyes, but
Anya is slumped limply over you and you carefully slide her onto her
back. Her throat is badly bruised and her glassy eyes gaze lifelessly
up at the ceiling. You frantically try CPR, but after a few minutes you
realise it is hopeless. You get to your feet and gaze sadly down at
the corpse of the beautiful Russian agent you barely knew.
“Not the most auspicious of starts.” N tells you grimly over the
phone as you stride through Istanbul’s busy Sirkeci Terminal the next
day. “I have smoothed things over with the local authorities and the
Russians have been informed. The have asked that if the opportunity
presents itself, you avenge Agent Suchova and terminate this
assassin with extreme prejudice. Any leads on the assailant?”
“No.” You reply. “I pursued him, but he must have jumped off
the train.”
“I’ve circulated his description.” N says. “He’s hardly
inconspicuous, so if he’s foolish enough to try to finish the job, we
should see him coming this time.”
“They were on to us straight away.” You tell N. “Whoever is
responsible must have a source within either MI6 or Russian
“Yes, the thought had occurred.” N replies. “Very troubling that
their influence extends so far. Continue with your mission, but be on
your guard.”
“Understood.” You reply, ending the call.
An hour later, you make your way through the Grand bazaar,
the market stalls bustling with activity as you make your way through
the busy covered streets, the vaulted ceilings keeping in the noise of
the crowded lanes and the aroma of the scents and spices. You
push past the traders and gawping tourists before you feel a strong
hand on your shoulder.
“You look a discerning gentleman sir.” A heavily accented
voice booms in your ear. “Come, visit my stall. I give you very best
price!” You glance over your shoulder at a stocky, moustachioed
man, his thick black hair streaked with grey, his dark brown eyes
gleaming at you.
“In London, you get what you pay for.” You reply carefully,
recognising Hakan Emre, your contact at Outpost T, but observing
the niceties.
“Then my stall will not disappoint.” He answers, his lips
twitching in a smile beneath his bushy moustache.
“Lead on.” You reply, returning his smile.
You follow Hakan through the maze of stalls until he abruptly
ducks into the darkened doorway of a particularly pungent spice
stall. You follow him inside and down a winding stone staircase. You
emerge into a brightly lit, bustling office with rows of desks. Screens
and maps line the walls with satellite images and live feeds of
current operations.
“Welcome to Turkish Intelligence.” Hakan smiles.
“Impressive.” You comment.
“Thank you.” He grins. “Please. Step into my office and we
can discuss your mission.”
You step into a large office to one side, Hakan sitting down
behind his desk and gesturing for you to take a seat.
“I was sorry to hear about the Russian agent.” He tells you. “It
seems the influence of our mysterious adversary stretches
“Yes.” You tell him. “I barely knew Anya, but it is a tragedy.”
“Times have changed eh.” Hakan muses sadly. “When I first
started in Intelligence, the thought of a mourning the death of a
Russian agent would have been laughable.”
“It’s a different world.” You agree.
“It certainly is my friend.” Hakan nods. “Shall we get down to
“Please.” You reply keen to change the subject, a pang of guilt
at Anya’s death still gnawing at you.
“As you know, three days ago two missiles were stolen. They
appear to have been transferred to a ship and transported across the
Black sea to Istanbul. The last recorded position of the missiles was
at the docks. The GPS pinpoints the location to a warehouse there.
I’ve posted agents nearby and they have confirmed that nothing has
left the warehouse since they arrived, so the missiles must still be
there. I know time is of the essence, but I think we might be better
served waiting until we can slip in under cover of darkness.”
There is no time to lose. Go to the warehouse immediately
Wait until night has fallen
“We can’t wait,” You tell Hakan, “There’s no time to lose.”
“As you wish.” He shrugs, rising from behind his desk. “Come,
follow me.” He leads you out of his office and through another door.
Beyond it is a vast underground car park. You eye up a row of high
performance sports cars, but Hakan leads you to a rather dull
looking sedan.
“Do not fret my friend.” Hakan chuckles at your obvious
disappointment. “She may not look like much, but it’s what is
underneath that counts.” He adds with a wink before unlocking the
“Here. I’ll drive.” You tell him, taking the keys and slipping into
the driver’s seat, Hakan climbing in alongside you. You turn the key
in the ignition and the engine roars to life. You gun the engine before
pulling out of the bay with a screech of tires echoing around the car
park before accelerating up the ramp and into the afternoon
You drive slowly through the narrow and congested streets of
central Istanbul. The buildings are an eclectic mixture of remnants of
Roman and Ottoman architecture before giving way to modern
streets as you leave the older part of the city. Finally, you climb a
ramp and join a wide multilane highway, the traffic heavy but flowing.
Glad to be free of the narrow lanes, you press your foot down,
accelerating towards the docks. To one side, the sun reflects off the
water of the Sea of Marmara and in the distance you can see the
elaborate dome and six minarets of the Blue Mosque.
“I thought we might be followed, but we seem to have been
lucky.” Hakan comments, gazing out of the window.
“I think you may have spoken too soon.” You reply grimly,
spotting two cars weaving through traffic behind you and rapidly
closing. You put your foot down, the engine roaring as you pick up
speed, cars flashing by as you try to outrun them. You glance up at
the rear view mirror, grimacing as you realise that not only are the
pursuing cars still there, but they are closing. The car jerks as one
rams into the back of you and you fight with the steering wheel to
keep control. Hakan leans forward and presses a button on the
dashboard. A panel opens just above the gearstick and you glance
at the controls beneath: Machine guns, Oil slick, wheel blades. You
glance across at Hakan who grins proudly back at you. Decisions
Use machine guns
Use oil slick
Use wheel blades
“Let’s see how good you are when you’re not strangling a
defenceless woman, you lumbering coward.” You bark at the
assassin. The albino snarls, his red eyes blazing with fury. He
charges at you, his huge hands outstretched. You reach behind you,
yanking the window down and sidestep, grasping him by the collar
and using his own momentum against him. His snarl swiftly changes
to a cry of surprise and panic as he is thrown through the open
window, his yelp drowned out by the howl of the wind outside as he
disappears into the darkness.
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” You quip, pulling
the window shut, abruptly silencing the howling wind as the train
thunders on through the night. “So much for travelling incognito.”
“Thank you.” Anya tells you, her relief palpable. “You saved
my life. I won’t forget that.”
“Think nothing of it.” You grin. She returns your smile, her
earlier frostiness gone. “Well Mrs Somerset,” You say pulling the bed
down from the wall, “I suppose as a married couple, we really should
keep up appearances…”
Anya’s eyes widen in surprise before her expression softens
and she allows you to take her into your arms. You press your lips to
hers and a barely audible moan escapes her lips as you tenderly
kiss her. Your tongue darts between her lips, flicking over her own as
her body melts into yours. You reach up and pull the straps of her
dress off her shoulders, the slinky garment sliding down her body to
pool at her feet and leave her standing in just her red underwear, her
full breasts almost spilling out of her bra.
“Red.” You comment with a wry grin. “Your KGB predecessors
would approve…” Anya rolls her eyes, but her lips curl into a smile,
her fingers quickly unbuttoning your shirt, her hands playing over
your hairy chest.
“So, Mr Somerset,” She asks in a passable cut glass English
accent, her hand sliding down past your waist and cupping the
growing bulge in the front of your trousers, “How would an English
married couple behave?”
Guide her to the bed and go down on her
Have her go down on you
“Your accent is a little off.” You reply, pulling off your shirt.
“Perhaps your oral talents lie elsewhere?” You cock an eyebrow and
Anya can’t help but smile before dropping to her knees before you.
She quickly unfastens your belt and fly, hooks her fingers into your
waistband and pulls down your trousers and underpants in one go.
Your hard cock springs up in her face.
“Mr Hazard!” She gasps, your aliases and her accent
forgotten. “I didn’t realise you had such a large weapon!” You grin
cockily down at her as she gazes at your throbbing cock jutting
proudly towards her, the skin of the flared tip taut and tinged with
purple. She reaches out and grasps your shaft. You stifle a moan as
she begins to slowly stroke you, her lips curling into a smile as a
bead of pearly white pre-come is squeezed from the tip. She leans
forward and her tongue darts out collecting the droplet. Her blue
eyes flick mischievously up at you before she leans forward again
and slowly slides her tongue all over the straining head of your cock,
leaving it wet with her saliva. Her tongue snakes down the underside
of your shaft, tracing the thick vein down to your aching balls. You
reach down, running your fingers through her long honey-blonde hair
as you feel the tip of her tongue play over the sensitive skin of your
ball sack, another moan of pleasure escaping your lips. She mews
contentedly as her lips and tongue continue to slither all over your
scrotum, the vibrations making your balls tingle. She laps at your
balls while her hand continues to pump your cock, her fist stroking
you slowly and steadily. She tears her lips away from your aching
balls, her blue eyes flicking lustfully up at you before she cranes her
head forward and takes your cock into the warmth of her mouth. It’s
your turn to gasp as you feel her tongue swirl around the bulbous
head before her lips slide further down your shaft until half its length
is buried inside her mouth.
“Damn, that feels good!” You moan as her head begins to rock
back and forth, her lips gliding up and down your saliva slick length.
She pulls back, pumping your shaft and smiling sexily up at you.
“You like that?” She purrs. “You like an obedient wife on her
knees sucking your cock?”
“I do, though it’s not as much fun if her husband finds out.”
You quip before letting out a groan as she takes you back into her
mouth. Her hand continues to pump your cock while her free hand
reaches between your legs and cradles your saliva soaked balls. Her
pace, perhaps fuelled by her own excitement, increases and you can
feel the beginnings of a climax building in your loins. You grimace,
torn between the divine sensation of Anya’s talented mouth and a
desire to enter the beautiful Russian agent.
Allow her to continue
Stop her and slide your cock inside her
“Much as I’m enjoying that,” You tell her, reluctantly pulling
your saliva slick cock from her lips, “I think I’d rather find a more
mutually pleasurable alternative.”
“Why, Mr Somerset,” Anya replies, returning to her English
accent as you help her to her feet, “You’re such a considerate lover.
No wonder I married you.” You chuckle as you reach behind her and
effortlessly unclasp her bra. She quickly discards it and lies back on
the bed reaching down, pulling her panties off and tossing them onto
the floor. She parts her legs and grins shamelessly up at you as you
drink in her naked form. Her long blonde hair lies in a halo around
her beautiful face. Her chest rises and falls with her every breath
while the darker pink of her hardened nipples and areolas contrasts
with the soft creamy white skin of her large breasts. Her narrow waist
curves out to her slender hips and her long, athletic legs. Your gaze
is drawn to her bald pubic mound and her glistening folds just
“No wonder I married you!” You echo appreciatively.
“Are you going to stand there all night?” She purrs, reaching
between her legs and running a forefinger the length of her slit.
“Now, what do you want to do to me?”
Slide your cock inside her
Lie back on the bed and have her ride you
You join Anya on the bed and lie on your back, reaching for
her and pulling her towards you, your lips meeting and your tongue
seeking and finding hers. You kiss passionately for a moment before
pulling away and gazing deeply into her eyes.
“I want you to ride me.” You tell her. She nods almost
submissively before throwing a long, toned leg over your hips and
sitting astride you. She reaches between her legs and you stifle a
gasp as you feel her fingers grasp your hard, aching shaft. She
guides it to her moist, puffy labia and slowly lowers herself down
onto you. You let out a moan as you feel her warmth envelop the tip
before she releases your cock from her grasp and impales herself on
your length, letting out a deep sigh of delight as she slips down your
shaft. Her eyes fix on yours and her lips curl into a smile before she
begins to slowly ride you. You return her smile and grasp her hips as
she grinds herself against you.
“Oh yes!” She moans as you thrust up into her. “Your cock
feels so good inside me!” She begins to ride you with wild abandon,
panting softly as her breathing quickens. You gaze up at the
beautiful Russian agent, her blonde locks cascading down to the
tops of her large, heaving breasts, her lips pouting slightly and her
eyes fixed on yours. She leans forward, placing her hands on your
chest to support her weight. You slide your hands up from her hips to
cup her swaying breasts, caressing them for a moment and enjoying
the weight and softness of her magnificent mounds. You crane your
head forward and Anya smiles as she realises your intentions and
leans further forward, guiding her right breast to your lips. You suck
the engorged nipple into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it
and flicking it over the hard bud. Anya moans with delight and
quickens her pace, grinding herself against you with renewed vigour
as you tease each nipple in turn.
“That feels so good!” She purrs, throwing back her head.
“Don’t stop, I’m getting close!” You pull your lips from her nipple
leaving Anya groaning with frustration.
“Sit up.” You tell her. She obeys, straightening and gazing
down at you quizzically. “Now touch yourself.” A smile spreads
across her face and she eagerly slides her right hand down her
stomach and between her legs. As her fingertips find her clit, you
watch enthralled as she begins to tease it while continuing to bounce
up and down on your hard cock. Her left hand goes to her right
breast and squeezes and caresses it, pinching her saliva coated
nipple between thumb and forefinger.
“Fuck me James, fuck me!” She rasps, her breathing
becoming ragged and uneven.
“God, you’re beautiful.” You groan, the sight of this gorgeous
Russian woman riding you while touching herself driving you close to
your own climax. Her hand works furiously between her legs as she
grinds her pussy down on you, her eyes blazing with lust.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh fuuuuuuuck!” She pants before stiffening, her
mouth dropping open and her body bucking on top of you as her
orgasm washes through her. You feel her pussy quivering around
your throbbing cock and her climax sends you to yours, grunting as
you feel your balls release their load into the pretty blonde. Your
body bucks beneath her as your cock pulses again and again,
twitching with each powerful blast and making you groan with
pleasure as your bodies both jerk and tremble in ecstasy. As Anya’s
climax fades, she slumps forward against you, panting heavily, her
warm breath against your cheek as you pump the last weaker spurts
of your own climax into her pussy, your cock already beginning to
soften. You reach for her, playfully squeezing her buttocks before
taking her into your embrace. You kiss tenderly before she rolls off to
one side and gazes into your eyes, a satisfied smile playing on her
Without the willpower to stop her, you reach down and gently
guide Anya’s bobbing head, the sensations radiating out from your
groin causing you to groan with pleasure as you feel your climax
building. Her fingers stroke and caress your aching balls while her
other hand continues its slow, deliberate pace as she pumps your
shaft. Her lips are stretched around your engorged cock and her blue
eyes gaze up at you, enjoying your obvious pleasure.
“That feels incredible!” You pant, your heart racing as the
beautiful blonde continues to rock her head back and forth, your
cock glistening with her saliva. She begins to scrape her long
fingernails over the thick skin of your scrotum, her eyes brimming
with mischief, knowing that she has you on the very brink but holding
you tantalisingly short of your climax.
“Please,” You beg, “Please make me come!” But still she
torments you, her lips and hands feeling divine while your balls ache
with a desperate need for release. Finally she relents and releases
her grip on your shaft, her lips sliding further along your length, while
her fingers probe behind your balls, her nails scraping along the
sensitive seam of skin between your balls and arse.
“Oh fuck!” You groan, feeling her finger press against your
arsehole as she takes your cock deep into her mouth. You feel your
balls twitch powerfully and your cock expanding in the warm confines
of her mouth as the come races up your length to explode across her
tongue. She locks her lips around the head and gently sucks each
blast from you as her finger continues to tease your anus. You throw
back your head and bellow in ecstasy as waves of pleasure radiate
out from your loins with each powerful pulse until as Anya sucks the
last weaker spurts from you, she withdraws her probing finger and
allows your softening cock to slip from her lips. She gulps down your
seed and smiles up at you.
“I might just defect.” You tell her breathlessly, helping her to
her feet. She chuckles and you take her into your arms, kissing her
“Let’s go to bed.” She murmurs, climbing onto the bed. As the
excitement of your climax fades and you gaze at Anya lying there in
her sexy red lingerie, you feel a pang of regret that you let her finish
you off. You climb into bed next to her and a smile crosses your face
as you remember that you won’t reach Istanbul until noon and there
will be plenty of time in the morning…
“Why don’t I show you.” You smile, reaching behind her and
effortlessly unclasping her bra with one hand. You pull the straps
from her shoulders and it drops away, your eyes drawn to her
heaving breasts and her swollen nipples. She pulls you towards her,
her blue eyes gazing lustfully into yours, her lips parted in
anticipation. You lean into her, your lips meeting and you kiss
hungrily, your tongues flicking and dancing over one another, your
brush with death fuelling your passion. You slide your lips
downwards, kissing your way down her chin and throat. Anya lets
out a murmur of delight and tilts her head back as you feather kisses
down her neck, a faint trace of her perfume filling your nostrils. Your
lips brush down her chest, kissing the soft flesh of her breasts before
you find a nipple, gently sucking the engorged nub into your mouth.
“Oh yessss!” She moans in pleasure, her fingers running
through your hair as you flick your tongue over her left nipple. After a
moment, she guides your head to her right breast and you take her
other nipple into your mouth, teasing and sucking it to her obvious
pleasure. You then allow her nipple to slip from your lips and begin to
kiss your way down her flat stomach, Anya mewing with pleasure as
she realises your intentions. You kiss down past her navel and past
the waistband of her silky red panties, enjoying the aroma of her
feminine musk as you kiss the front of the flimsy fabric. You glance
up at her, her blue eyes gazing back at you through her cleavage,
her breasts heaving with her excitement. You smile and hook your
fingers into the waistband of her panties and pull them down her
long, toned legs. She steps out of them and you gaze at her bare
pussy, her labia glistening with her arousal. You guide her back onto
the bed and she eagerly reclines back, her legs parted in
anticipation. You drop to your knees between her thighs and bury
your face between them, your tongue probing deeply inside her
moist pussy.
“Da, da, da!” She cries out in breathless Russian, her cover
completely forgotten in her excitement, “Your tongue feels so good!
Lick me! Lick my pussy!” You continue to thrust your tongue inside
her drenched slit, enjoying the taste of her juices and her cries of
delight as she squirms with pleasure. You glance up at her, noticing
that the beautiful blonde is squeezing her breasts and pinching her
nipples as you plunge your tongue inside her. You withdraw your
tongue and slide it up to the top of her slit, the tip finding her clit.
Anya gasps with delight as you begin to lap at the sensitive little nub.
“Oh James!” She shrieks, arching her back as you trace
intricate patterns on her clit with your tongue, “You’re going to make
me… uhhhh!!” Her body convulses powerfully on the bed and you
feel her clit twitching against your tongue as waves of pleasure surge
through her body. You hold your tongue motionless against her
quivering clit, enjoying her cries of ecstasy as her body is consumed
by a powerful orgasm. As she finally relaxes, you get to your feet.
Anya’s chest heaves as she catches her breath, a broad satisfied
smile on her lips. Her blue eyes meet yours and you return her smile.
“That was… incredible.” She tells you breathlessly before her
gaze drops to the bulge in the front of your trousers. “I wonder if you
are as talented with that as you are with your tongue.”
“I’ll let you be the judge.” You grin, quickly shedding your shirt
and unbuckling your trousers, your erect cock springing from your
underpants as you pull them down. Anya’s eyes widen and her smile
“What do you want to do to me?” She asks huskily, her gaze
still fixed on your throbbing cock as your trousers and underpants
swiftly join her dress and underwear on the floor.
Straddle her chest and guide your cock to her impressive cleavage
Slip your cock inside her
“That magnificent cleavage would be a good place to start.”
You grin, climbing onto the bed and straddling her chest.
“Men.” She snorts with a roll of her eyes as you guide your
shaft between the two fleshy mounds. She presses them together
and you groan as you feel your length enveloped in the warmth of
her soft cleavage. You begin to thrust forward, eager to alleviate the
aching from your neglected cock. As the bulbous tip of your shaft
emerges from its fleshy prison, Anya cranes her head forward and
swipes her tongue across the taut purple skin of the head. You groan
at the sight and the sensation of her moist, warm tongue flicking
against the straining tip.
“Fuck, that feels good.” You groan through gritted teeth. Anya
grins wickedly up at you and continues to lap at the head with every
upstroke, swirling her tongue around it, leaving it glistening with her
saliva. You quicken your pace, your pulse racing as you gaze down
at your cock sliding between Anya’s beautiful breasts, her eyes
watching you intently as you do so.
“You like that don’t you?” She teases. “Are you going to come
“Yeah.” You groan through gritted teeth, the tension already
building in your balls.
“I think I’d like you to come on me.” She muses. “Perhaps you
could give me… what do you call it… a pearl necklace?”
“Whatever the lady wants.” You reply breathlessly, her dirty
talk bringing you rapidly to your climax.
“Yes, I think I’d like that,” She purrs, kneading her breasts as
you continue to thrust your throbbing cock between them, “To feel
your hot come splashing against my skin as you erupt all over me.”
“Oh fuuuuck!” You groan as you feel your balls tighten.”
“Yes, come on me!” She moans, her blue eyes filled with
wanton desire as she senses your imminent climax. “Shower me
with your creamy seed!” She releases your cock from between her
breasts and you quickly grasp your shaft, your balls twitching as you
pass the point of no return.
Come on her breasts
Come on her face
You rapidly stroke your cock, gazing at Anya’s beautiful
breasts as she presses them together, presenting them to you. Her
pale blue eyes are fixed on your hard cock and her lips are pouting
slightly as she waits in breathless anticipation. You give in to
temptation and as you feel the come race up your shaft, you aim a
little higher. You let out a loud grunt of pleasure as the first glob of
thick white come erupts from the tip to splatter across Anya’s left
cheek. Her eyes widen in surprise and she opens her mouth to
berate you just as a second spurt splashes across and into her open
mouth and up the side of her nose. You can’t help but smile at her
surprised expression as you continue to come all over her beautiful
“You son of a bitch!” She fumes angrily as your climax
subsides, the last weaker spurts dribbling from the tip to land wetly
on her chin and throat. Her face is streaked in thick ropes of your
pearly white seed.
“You said you wanted to feel my come on your skin.” You
shrug unapologetically as you climb off her.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She glares back at
you. You can’t help but smirk. The edges of Anya’s lips curl slightly
and her eyes soften. “Though I did find it surprisingly exhilarating.”
She admits. “Here.” She grasps your hand and thrusts it between her
legs. Your fingers find her slit and you raise an eyebrow at her
wetness before slipping them inside her.
“Oh yes!” She moans as your fingers squelch wetly inside her
sodden hole, “Yes, make me come!” She gazes lustfully at you, her
face still covered in thick white globs of your seed while her hands
knead her breasts, fingers teasing and pinching her nipples. You
pump your fingers into her faster and faster, her hips lifting off the
bed to meet you.
“Touch my clit!” She moans, delirious with need. You reach
between her legs with your other hand and find the little fleshy nub.
As you begin to tease it with a fingertip, Anya’s moans turn to cries.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She shrieks before arching her back and
falling silent for a moment as she tenses up. Her eyes squeeze shut
and her mouth falls open in a silent scream, her body bucking in
ecstasy as she reaches her climax. She lets out a long wheezing
gasp of pleasure as her body trembles with each wave of her
orgasm until finally sated, she relaxes, her chest heaving and her
come streaked face flushed. Her eyes flick open, meeting yours and
she smiles up at you.
“You have redeemed yourself.” She pants, wiping her face
with the edge of a sheet before reaching for you.
You rapidly stroke your cock, your eyes fixed on Anya’s
beautiful breasts as she presses them together, presenting them to
you. You let out a long guttural groan of pleasure as you feel the
come race up your shaft and erupt from the tip, splashing across her
throat and the underside of her chin. Anya giggles with delight as
your cock twitches again, thick creamy come splattering across the
tops of her breasts and trickling into her cleavage. You grunt as you
aim further spurts across her nipples before the last couple of
weaker eruptions trickle down your fingers.
“Looks like you needed that.” Anya grins, surveying her come
splattered breasts with satisfaction. You nod dumbly, releasing your
softening cock from your grasp. She takes your hand and guides it to
her lips. Her pale blue eyes meet yours, holding your gaze as she
takes each finger into her mouth in turn, sucking your come from
each digit.
“Not bad.” She comments. “Perhaps I should have swallowed
your come instead.”
“There’s always next time.” You grin cockily, climbing off her
and lying beside her.
“I’ve always enjoyed slipping into Russia.” You grin, climbing
between her open thighs and guiding your cock to the dewy lips of
her pussy.
“You English and your double entendres.” Anya replies, rolling
her eyes before smiling up at you, her body pale in the moonlight
shining in through the train window. Her mouth drops open as you
press the head of your shaft between her labia, sinking easily inside
her moist pussy. You both gasp in unison as you plunge into her
velvety depths, her long legs wrapping around your thighs and
pulling you deep inside her. You lean forward, your lips finding hers
and kissing her passionately as you begin to thrust in and out of her.
Her hands reach for you, her fingers sliding through your hair as your
bodies mould together.
“Yes, fuck me!” She hisses in your ear as you find a rhythm.
Her hands slide down to your back and her fingernails dig into your
flesh as you pound into her. Your breathless gasps fill the
compartment as you both frantically work towards your climaxes.
You can feel a tightening in your loins as you close in on yours. You
try to slow your pace, but Anya has other ideas, controlling the pace
with her strong thighs as she pulls you into her again and again, her
nails raking down your back and her gasps becoming moans of
pleasure as she nears her own climax.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She cries out, throwing back her head and
tensing beneath you as she reaches her orgasm. “Ugghhhh!” Her
body convulses as pleasure surges through her body, her cries of
ecstasy deafening in the confines of the compartment. Her pussy
quivers around your cock and you can hold off no longer, your own
roar of release joining her shrieks of passion as you climax together.
Your balls twitch with each pulse as you explode inside her, filling her
pussy with your thick, creamy come. Your own climax seems to
amplify Anya’s and her cries seem to go up an octave as her
clenching pussy milks the come from your balls. Finally as your
climaxes fade, you both relax, panting as you catch your breath, your
bodies moist with perspiration. Anya unclamps her legs from your
thighs and slides her hands from your back.
“Is that what they mean by wedded bliss?” She smiles up at
“It’s certainly been a pleasure, Mrs Somerset.” You grin as
you slip from her and roll onto the bed next to her. As you take her in
your arms, you gaze at the moon shining in through the window, the
glass now covered in a film of condensation.
As you lie together in the afterglow, Anya’s head resting
against your chest, you listen to her soft, regular breathing and for a
moment you wonder if she has dropped off to sleep.
“This changes nothing.” She murmurs. “When we arrive in
Istanbul, we will carry out our mission with utmost professionalism.”
“Naturally.” You grin.
“Our superiors need not know what happened this evening.”
She adds.
“I shall endeavour to omit it from my official report.” You reply.
She glances up at you, glaring at you in the moonlight.
“I’m serious.”
“I might need a little more persuading in the morning.” You
smile. Her eyes narrow before the moonlight reflects off her teeth,
her smile betraying her true feelings.
“We shall see.” She purrs before rolling away from you as you
both drift off to sleep.
At noon the next day, the train pulls into the bustling Sirkeci
Terminal in Istanbul. You disembark and turn to help her down from
the train.
“Such a gentleman.” She comments wryly. “At least in public.”
She grins before moving her lips close to your ear. “You know what
you did to me this morning is illegal in many countries, including this
one if I’m not mistaken.”
“Then I suppose I had better omit that from my official report
too.” You grin roguishly.
An hour later, you make your way through the Grand bazaar,
the market stalls bustling with activity as you make your way through
the busy covered streets, the vaulted ceilings keeping in the noise of
the crowded lanes and the strong aroma of scents and spices.
“I should work with you more often.” You whisper in Anya’s
ear. “I’m practically invisible.” She glances around at all the traders
staring back at her, the closest one leering at her with a yellow, gap-
toothed grin on his face. She shoots him a look of distain before you
continue on, weaving your way through the throng of traders and
tourists before you feel a strong hand on your shoulder.
“You look a discerning gentleman sir.” A heavily accented
voice booms in your ear. “Come, visit my stall. I give you very best
price!” You glance over your shoulder at a stocky, moustachioed
man, his thick black hair streaked with grey, his dark brown eyes
gleaming at you.
“In London, you get what you pay for.” You reply carefully,
recognising Hakan Emre, your contact at Outpost T, but observing
the niceties.
“Then my stall will not disappoint.” He answers, his lips
twitching in a smile beneath his bushy moustache.
“Lead on.” You reply, returning his smile.
You follow Hakan through the maze of stalls until he abruptly
ducks into the darkened doorway of a particularly pungent spice
stall. You follow him inside and down a winding stone staircase. You
emerge into a large, brightly lit, bustling office with rows of desks.
Screens and maps line the walls with satellite images and live feeds
of current operations.
“Welcome to Turkish Intelligence.” Hakan smiles, gesturing
grandly about him.
“Impressive.” You comment.
“Thank you.” He grins. “Step into my office and we can
discuss your mission.”
You step into a large office to one side, Hakan sitting down
behind his desk and gesturing for you both to take a seat.
“Times have changed eh.” Hakan smiles across his desk at
you both, his eyes settling on Anya. “When I first started in
Intelligence, the thought of a Russian agent in here would be
unthinkable. Now we are all friends.”
“Allies perhaps.” Anya replies coolly.
“As you say.” He shrugs. “Still, it is a pleasure to welcome you
to my humble premises.” He smiles broadly beneath his bushy
moustache and his eyes twinkle at the pretty Russian agent.
“Knock it off, you old charmer.” You grin good-naturedly,
“She’s young enough to be your daughter.”
“An old man can dream.” He shrugs apologetically. “Shall we
get down to business?”
“Please.” Anya replies.
“As you know, three days ago two missiles were stolen. They
appear to have been transferred to a ship and transported across the
Black sea to Istanbul. The last recorded position of the missiles was
at the docks. The GPS pinpoints the location to a warehouse there.
I’ve posted agents nearby and they have confirmed that nothing has
left the warehouse since they arrived, so the missiles must still be
“We should leave at once.” Anya tells you. “There is no time
to lose.”
“I disagree.” Hakan says. “We should wait and slip in under
cover of darkness.”
Go to the warehouse immediately
Wait until night has fallen
“Anya’s right,” You tell Hakan, “There’s no time to lose.”
“As you wish.” He shrugs, rising from behind his desk. “Come,
follow me.” He leads you out of his office and through another door.
Beyond it is a vast underground car park. You eye up a row of high
performance sports cars, but Hakan leads you to a rather dull
looking sedan.
“Do not fret my friend.” Hakan chuckles at your obvious
disappointment. “She may not look like much, but it’s what is
underneath that counts.” He adds with a wink before unlocking the
“Here. I’ll drive.” You tell him, taking the keys and slipping into
the driver’s seat. Hakan sits alongside you while Anya climbs into the
back. You turn the key in the ignition and the engine roars to life. You
gun the engine before pulling out of the bay with a screech of tires
echoing around the car park before accelerating up the ramp and
into the afternoon sunshine.
You drive slowly through the narrow and congested streets of
central Istanbul. The buildings are an eclectic mixture of remnants of
Roman and Ottoman architecture before giving way to modern
streets as you leave the older part of the city. Finally, you climb a
ramp and join a wide multilane highway, the traffic heavy but flowing.
Glad to be free of the narrow lanes, you press your foot down,
accelerating towards the docks. To one side, the sun reflects off the
water of the Sea of Marmara and in the distance you can see the
elaborate dome and six minarets of the Blue Mosque.
“I thought we might be followed, but we seem to have been
lucky.” Hakan comments, gazing out of the window.
“I think you may have spoken too soon.” Anya replies grimly,
gazing through the rear window. You glance over your shoulder,
spotting two cars weaving through traffic behind you and rapidly
closing. You put your foot down, the engine roaring as you pick up
speed, cars flashing by as you try to outrun them. You glance up at
the rear view mirror, grimacing as you realise that not only are the
pursuing cars still there, but they are closing. The car jerks as one
rams into the back of you and you fight with the steering wheel to
keep control. Hakan leans forward and presses a button on the
dashboard. A panel opens just above the gearstick and you glance
at the controls beneath: Machine guns, Oil slick, wheel blades. You
glance across at Hakan who grins proudly back at you. Decisions
Use machine guns
Use oil slick
Use wheel blades
You press the button for the wheel blades, leaning sideways
and watching with satisfaction as razor sharp blades fold out from
the wheels. They lock into position, the sun glinting off the rapidly
spinning blades. Unfortunately, your pursuers have also spotted
them and hang back, knowing better than to draw up alongside. You
watch in horror in the rear view mirror as a gunman leans out of the
window and takes aim at the tyres. A gunshot rings out and the car
swerves across the road as the shredded tyre disintegrates. You
fight for control, but at your speed it is hopeless. The car swings
wildly across the road, clipping a truck and flipping into the air before
crunching back down onto the road on its roof. On the edge of
consciousness and hanging upside down in your seat, you hear a
piercing air horn. Your eyes have just enough time to widen before a
huge truck smashes into you, the car exploding in a ball of flame.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You press the oil slick button and there is a hiss as a high
pressure cylinder hidden beneath the rear of the car sprays the road
behind you. You glance up at the rear view mirror, watching with
satisfaction as one of the pursuing cars immediately loses grip,
sliding all over the road before swinging wildly away and colliding
with the side of a truck. There is a cacophony of blaring horns and
the crunch of metal against metal as other cars swerve to avoid the
carnage and smash into one another. Smoke billows out behind you
and you allow yourself a smile of satisfaction. The smile is short lived
as the remaining car skilfully weaves through the destruction, tires
screeching before once again accelerating up behind you. This time
warily keeping to one side, his engine roars as he rapidly draws level
next to you.
“Quickly my friend.” Hakan urges you as a gunman leans out
of the passenger window with a shotgun.
Use machine guns
Use wheel blades
You press the machine gun button and the road ahead is
peppered with bullets in a deafening explosion of gunfire.
“Forward facing only James!” Hakan tells you. You grimace
and glance sideways, realising it is already too late. The assailant
with the shotgun grins maliciously before the muzzle flashes and the
shell rips into you. You slump forward onto the wheel, the car
swerving out of control and rolling over, your bodies thrown about
like ragdolls before the car explodes in a huge fireball.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You press the button for the machine guns. There is a
deafening rapid clacking as the car sprays bullets ahead of you,
tearing into the rear of an articulated lorry in front. It shreds the tires
causing it to swing wildly across the road. You swerve and
accelerate to avoid it, but one of the pursing cars is not quite so
fortunate and ploughs into the back of it, exploding in a fireball
behind you. The remaining car sweeps through the cloud of smoke
and is bearing down on you again.
“Machine guns are forward facing only.” Hakan comments
apologetically. “Still, seemed to do the trick.” You smile grimly,
glancing in the rear view mirror as the remaining pursuing vehicle
closes up right behind you.
Use oil slick
Use wheel blades
You press the button for the wheel blades, hearing a
mechanical whirr and click as they lock into position on the outside of
the wheel hubs. You violently swing the steering wheel, crunching
into the side of the pursuing car, the razor sharp blades shredding its
tyres. As the driver fights for control, the gunman loses his grip on
the shotgun, the weapon bouncing on the tarmac behind you. You
wrench the steering wheel again, the tyres screeching in protest
before the jarring collision with your assailant finally sends him
careering out of control, smashing into the wall of the highway.
“Brutal but effective.” You comment. Hakan nods and grins
proudly as you accelerate away from the smoking carnage behind
If Anya is dead, go here
If Anya is with you, go here
You press the button for the oil slick and hear the high
pressure hiss as oil is sprayed onto the road behind you. The
remaining pursuing vehicle ploughs straight through it, swerving
wildly one way and then the other, the driver fighting for control
before the car flies into a high speed spin, smashing into the barriers
at the side of the road.
“Very effective.” You tell Hakan.
“Thank you.” He grins proudly as you accelerate away from
the smoking carnage behind you.
If Anya is dead, go here
If Anya is with you, go here
You arrive at the docks, the mass of huge cargo ships and
broad, low warehouses stretching as far as the eye can see. You
make your way along the dockside, the whole place a hive of activity
as dock workers scurry about, shouting to each other to be heard
over the constant whine of cranes travelling overhead as huge
container ships are loaded or unloaded. There is the constant arrival
and departure of ships ferrying their loads across the Black Sea or
further afield to the Mediterranean and beyond. Most of the
dockhands ignore you, though Anya receives a few lecherous looks.
“The warehouse is just at the end of this wharf.” Hakan tells
you, gesturing ahead.
A few minutes later, you reach the large, squat building. The
huge dockside shutter doors are shut and there are no workers or
guards in evidence. You skirt around to the back of the warehouse
and find another door. The three of you draw your guns, cautiously
approaching it. Anya reaches out and tries the door handle.
“Locked.” She grimaces.
“Not for long.” You grin, pulling a small device from your
pocket. You slide it into the lock and it whirrs for a moment before
clicking. You turn it and the door opens. You flash Anya and Hakan a
grin and step inside. The large interior is an area roughly the size of
a football pitch with the vast shutter doors at the far end. A large
crane hangs above the floor from runners which travel the length of
the warehouse with a maintenance catwalk running along one side.
Many of the lights are either broken or switched off meaning that
beyond a pool of light in the centre of the room, the warehouse is
cloaked in darkness. Besides a bit of debris in the centre of the
warehouse, it seems to be completely empty. Your heart sinks as
you realise that if the missiles were here, they certainly are not here
now. The whole warehouse seems to be deserted, but you keep to
the shadows as you sweep the building. Satisfied, you move into the
centre of the room. As you step into the light, Anya drops to her
knees studying the debris.
“It’s the GPS tracking system from the missiles.” She tells
you, her voice flat. “It’s been smashed to pieces.”
“They must have stripped the tracking system from the
missiles here and then moved them on to a new location.” You reply.
“Yes, it would appear we are too late my friends.” Hakan tells
you sadly. At that moment you hear a barely audible clank above
you. You look up, spotting a shadow on the steel catwalk overhead.
Your eyes widen as the shadow raises a gun and you dive to one
side as three pistol shots echo through the warehouse, the bullets
smashing into the concrete floor by your feet and kicking up a small
cloud of dust. The pistol clicks empty and the weapon is hurled in
your direction, clattering onto the floor in front of you.
“Perhaps not.” You grin, scrambling back to your feet as the
figure scurries quickly away along the catwalk.
“Allow me.” Anya tells you, taking careful aim with her gun.
Tell Anya to aim to wound only
Stop Anya from shooting and try to cut the assassin off at the door
“Aim to wound!” You tell Anya. “We need the assassin alive!”
She pauses a moment taking steady aim and pulls the trigger, the
gunshot booming out and echoing around the cavernous warehouse.
You see a fine spray of blood as the bullet rips through the woman’s
leg followed by a shrill cry of agony as she loses her footing. As she
was in full flight, her momentum carries her forward and she falls,
toppling over the edge of the gantry railing before plummeting
headfirst onto the concrete floor of the warehouse, her scream of
terror abruptly silenced. You wince, watching as a pool of blood
slowly expands in a halo around what is left of her head.
“Unfortunate.” Hakan comments. “She will be taking any
answers with her to the afterlife.”
“We have no other leads.” Anya adds, standing over the
corpse. “What now James?”
“Time to find alternative employment.” You reply grimly as you
reach for your phone, dreading the call you have to make to N.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
“No!” You shout, knocking Anya’s arm just as she pulls the
trigger. The bullet narrowly misses its target, the figure letting out an
unmistakably feminine cry of surprise as the shot ricochets off the
warehouse wall. Anya turns and glares at you. “We need her alive
for questioning!”
“Cut her off at the door!” Hakan shouts. You both sprint across
the warehouse as the figure scurries quickly away along the catwalk.
She clambers down a ladder at the far end, dropping the last six or
seven rungs and hitting the concrete floor with a grunt of pain. You
sprint after her just a few paces behind, but she is quick and out of
the door before you can catch her. You chase her down the side of
the warehouse as she heads towards the dockside, but she
continues to match your pace. As you emerge onto the dockside,
you can see a tug boat pulling away. The woman spots it too,
running towards it as fast as she can. If she manages to jump the
three or four metres to the tug, she’ll escape. You’ll never catch her,
so you stop and aim your gun.
Shoot her in the leg to prevent her escape
Fire a warning shot above her head and hope she stops
You pull the trigger and a single gunshot rings out. The
woman freezes on the edge of the dock, the tug boat chugging as it
pulls away.
“The next one goes through your back.” You growl. You see
her shoulders slump in resignation as she slowly turns around,
raising her arms in surrender. Anya moves towards her and grasps
her arm, pulling her back towards the warehouse while you keep
your gun trained on her.
“Good work my friends.” Hakan smiles as you step back
inside the warehouse with your mysterious captive. Anya roughly
pushes her through the door of a small office in the corner of the
warehouse. You follow them in, frowning at the dilapidated interior. A
rusty filing cabinet with a drawer missing against one wall, a broad,
ancient looking desk in the centre of the room with a large, battered
leather chair behind it. The carpet is threadbare and covered in
scraps of paper and cigarette butts. A single light bulb dangles from
the ceiling, barely illuminating the room. Hakan reaches into his
pocket and moves behind the woman. He holds her arms tightly
behind her and closes the steel bracelets of a pair of handcuffs over
her wrists, the mechanism ratcheting noisily. She struggles and spits
before unleashing a long tirade at Hakan in Turkish. You don’t need
to speak her native tongue to know that it is a particularly colourful
set of curses.
“Charming,” Hakan tells her in his usual affable manner, “But
please my dear, stop struggling now or I shall have to be…
unpleasant.” There is steel in the last word and she reluctantly
obeys, but stares defiantly back at you and Anya. She is perhaps in
her late twenties, slender with long black hair and olive coloured
skin. She is dressed in khaki cargo pants and a tight fitting white vest
“That’s better.” Hakan tells her, cautiously releasing his grip
on her. “Now, my two friends here have some questions.” She
regards you both coolly for a moment.
“You are English?” She asks, her dark brown eyes meeting
yours. You nod. “I will tell you nothing.” She adds sullenly, her
English a little uncertain and heavily accented.
“If you don’t talk, things will go very badly for you.” Anya tells
“Russian.” The woman spits, her lip curling in disgust. “Listen
bitch, your threats useless. I talk, I die. Unless…” Her gaze settles
on you, softening slightly. “I want guarantee of protection and asylum
in your country.” You consider for a moment. It seems a small price
to pay if she can help you find the missiles.
“You have my word.” You tell her solemnly. Her eyes lock to
yours, as if boring into your very soul.
“Very well.” She tells you. “But before I talk, we must make
blood oath.”
“You mean we both slice open our palms and press them
together?” You ask confused. Hakan roars with laughter.
“My friend, I think she has something a little more intimate in
mind.” Your eyes widen in realisation as you meet her gaze. Her dark
brown eyes smoulder from beneath strands of long, dishevelled silky
black hair and a smile plays at the corners of her mouth.
“Sounds like your kind of interrogation.” Anya grins, her eyes
glinting with amusement. “We’ll give you two some privacy.”
“No.” The woman calls out. “Russian bitch too.”
“No!” Anya objects, her eyes opening just as wide as yours
had moments earlier, “I’m not into that!”
“Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the good of the
mission.” You grin, your cock hardening at the thought of what is
about to happen. Anya narrows her eyes at you before sighing in
“The things I do for Mother Russia.” She mutters.
“It’s settled then.” Hakan grins, unlocking Zehra’s handcuffs
and heading for the door. “I’ll step outside and keep guard while you
seal the deal!” His footsteps and laughter echoes around the
warehouse before the door slams shut behind him. You turn and
regard the beautiful slender woman standing before you. “My name
is James.” You tell her. “This is Anya.”
“Zehra.” She replies.
“Well Zehra, what did you have in mind?”
“The blood oath demands that we all take pleasure.” She
replies. “Details not important.” She adds with a shrug.
“I suppose we have to start somewhere.” You smile, moving
closer and taking her in your arms. You press your lips to hers and
kiss her deeply, her body moulding against yours, her small firm
breasts pressing against your chest. Hands pull at your clothes and
you realise Anya is just behind you, undressing you. As your
garments are stripped from you, you pull away from Zehra. She
smiles back at you, her gaze dropping to your groin and her eyes
widening as she watches your hard cock swaying before her.
“So big!” She murmurs.
Suggest she takes it in her mouth
Guide Zehra to the floor and enter her
“Glad you approve.” You grin, your hands fumbling at Zehra’s
waist as you unfasten her cargo pants. Anya moves behind her and
her hands slide down Zehra’s side and grasp the hem of her vest. As
she tentatively peels the thin fabric of the garment up over Zehra’s
slender body, while you can sense her reluctance, there is
something in her expression: curiosity, perhaps even excitement. A
smile crosses your face as you realise that perhaps the beautiful
Russian isn’t quite as appalled at the thought of intimacy with
another woman as her earlier objections might have suggested.
“What are you smiling at?” Anya snaps as she pulls the vest
free and drops it on the floor, Zehra’s small but pert olive skinned
breasts revealed, the dark brown nipples jutting out proudly. You
shrug your innocence as you pull open her cargo pants and let them
drop to the floor. Zehra, now naked apart from her panties, turns
around and takes Anya into her embrace, the blonde flinching as she
strips her clothes from her. Zehra reaches behind her and unclasps
her bra, pulling it free before cupping her generous breasts, her
tanned fingers contrasting with the pale creamy flesh of Anya’s
“So beautiful.” Zehra murmurs. A barely audible sigh escapes
Anya’s lips as Zehra’s fingers play across her nipples before sliding
down to tug down her panties, leaving the Russian naked and
vulnerable before her. You slide your hands around Zehra’s waist,
your hard cock pressed into the small of her back. You kiss her
shoulder and up the side of her neck while sliding a hand inside her
panties, your fingers gliding through the tangle of pubic hair and
finding her moist humid folds. As you kiss up to her cheek, your eyes
widen as Anya leans in and presses her lips to Zehra’s kissing her
hungrily, passionately, her inhibitions forgotten. Your cock twitches at
the sight and Zehra chuckles as she feels it against her back. She
pulls away from Anya and you guide her to the floor. Zehra lies back,
legs spread and her chest heaving in anticipation. Your own heart
thumping with excitement, you drop to your knees and grasp her
panties, tearing the flimsy fabric apart. Zehra squeals with a mixture
of surprise and excitement as you pull the ripped underwear from her
and move between her thighs. You grasp your straining cock in your
hand and guide it to her glistening slit while Anya kneels next to her,
leaning forward and pressing her lips to Zehra’s, the women kissing
tenderly, their hands exploring each other’s bodies, playing over
each other’s curves. You press the tip of your cock into Zehra’s
pussy, the beautiful Turkish woman breaking the kiss and moaning
as you sink your length inside her warm depths. Anya begins to
move down Zehra’s body, trailing kisses down her throat until she
reaches her chest.
“Yes, yes!” Zehra moans thickly as Anya takes a nipple into
her mouth, reaching out and running her fingers through the blonde’s
long hair. Increasingly aroused by the antics of the two beautiful
women, you grasp Zehra’s hips and begin to drive into her with
increasingly wild abandon, Zehra groaning with pleasure at the
combined sensations. You grunt as you find a rhythm, shunting
Zehra forward with every thrust. Anya continues to kiss and suck at
her breasts and Zehra’s groans turn to gasps as she closes in on her
climax. You wonder whether to roll her on top of you and have her
ride you to her climax or delay the inevitable and slip inside Anya
Have Zehra ride you
Enter Anya
You draw Zehra to you and roll on to your back, the beautiful
woman squealing in surprise as she finds herself astride you, your
cock still buried deep inside her. You gaze up at the beautiful Turkish
woman, her slender, toned body sitting majestically atop you, her
silky black hair falling past her shoulders to the tops of her pert
breasts, the dark brown nipples hard and erect. Her gaze meets
yours and her lips pout as she begins to ride you, bouncing up and
down in your lap. You pull yourself up onto your elbows and lean
forward. Zehra smiles and leans forward, allowing you to take a
nipple into your mouth and gently suck on it, flicking your tongue
over the hardened little bud. She moans with delight, cradling your
head before guiding you to her other nipple. She straightens and you
lie back, noticing Anya leaning against the desk and looking a little
“Come.” Zehra smiles kindly at her as she continues to ride
you. “Sit.” She gestures at your face. Your eyes widen as Anya grins
and pushes herself off the desk, stepping towards you and squatting
astride your head. She slowly lowers herself down, her smooth
pussy looming large, her labia glistening with her excitement. Her
feminine musk fills your nostrils and your mouth waters at the
prospect of slipping your tongue inside her. You lift your head, slowly
tracing the length of her slit. Anya gasps, stiffening as your tongue
flicks over her clitoris.
“Yes, eat me!” Anya moans, lowering her wet folds onto your
mouth. You thrust your tongue inside her, her tangy taste
intoxicating. Zehra, perhaps enjoying the display, thrusts down on
you with increased vigour, driving your cock deep inside her in long,
steady strokes. Your grunts of pleasure are muffled by the soft flesh
of Anya’s pussy as she begins to grind her slit back and forth across
your face. Anya shifts forward slightly and you hear the gentle, moist
smacking of their lips as the two women kiss. You wish you could
see yourself lying there in this dilapidated office with the two
beautiful women riding you with wild abandon, kissing each other
passionately while their hands no doubt tenderly caress each other’s
curves. The thought amplifies your excitement and you can already
feel the delicious sensation as the pressure begins to build in your
loins. Anya and Zehra too moan breathlessly as they grind
themselves towards their own orgasms.
“Oh my God! Oh yes!” Anya moans, pressing her pussy
almost painfully tightly against your face. “Oh fuck, I’m going to
come! Oh… oh… ohhhhh! Uggghhhh!” Her body jerks above you as
she shrieks in ecstasy, her pussy quivering against your tongue and
soaking your face with her wetness. Your cock twitches inside Zehra
as you eagerly lap at Anya as she convulses with each surge of
pleasure radiating out from her pussy. As her climax subsides, she
climbs unsteadily to her feet, smiling down at you as she returns to
sit against the desk. Zehra, her eyes filled with wanton desire, leans
forward and kisses you passionately, eagerly tasting Anya on your
lips. Her pert breasts are crushed against your chest and you can
feel the hard nubs of her erect nipples against your skin.
“I grow close.” She murmurs thickly as she breaks the kiss
and sits back up, her chest heaving. You nod and grasp her hips,
driving your cock up inside her as she thrusts down on you with
increasing urgency as she too closes in on her climax. Moments
later she stiffens, arching her back and throwing back her head,
bellowing in ecstasy as her body shudders with pleasure. You hold
your cock deep inside her, her quivering pussy threatening to drive
you over the edge too, but after a few moments, her orgasm fades
and her head rocks forward, a sheen of perspiration on her brow and
a broad satisfied smile on her lips.
“Now you must take pleasure.” She tells you as she gingerly
climbs off you, your cock slapping back wetly against your stomach.
Have them both finish you with their mouths
Guide your cock to Zehra’s arse
Bend Anya over the end of the desk and enter her
“Not so fast.” You grin, pulling Zehra back down onto your lap.
“Oh, you will take pleasure inside me?” She asks with a raised
“Yes,” You smirk, “But not where you’re thinking.” With that,
you push the head back past her juicy slit to the little hollow of her
“No!” She gasps, her eyes widening. “You too big!”
“You’ll stretch and it will feel so good.” Anya reassures her.
You glance up at Anya, who blushes and gives you a subtle shrug.
Zehra looks doubtful but nonetheless you feel her begin to press
down on you.
“Just relax and let it happen.” Anya tells her. Zehra nods and
you feel her sphincter slip past the bulbous head of your cock, both
of you gasping in unison.
“Too big!” She repeats through clenched teeth, but makes no
move to dismount, waiting a moment before allowing her weight to
drive your cock further inside her. Her mouth drops open and you
groan as she slides down your length, your shaft slippery from her
own juices. Anya leans forward and watches intently, captivated at
the sight of your cock disappearing inside Zehra’s tight, hot arsehole.
You grunt as her stretched sphincter clenches the base of your cock,
enjoying the sensation of the snug warmth of her arse. Zehra’s
mouth has dropped open as she begins to tentatively slide up and
down on you, grimacing slightly. Anya moves to sit astride your legs
behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and sliding one
hand up to cup a breast while the other delves between her thighs.
Zehra moans as Anya’s fingers find her clit, caressing and teasing it.
The distraction seems to relax her, her eyes closing and the grimace
becoming a smile as she begins to bounce up and down on you.
Anya’s gaze meets yours, her pale blue eyes sparkling wickedly as
the beautiful Turkish woman moans softly, now clearly enjoying your
thick cock in her tight hole. You smile back at Anya, enjoying the
irony that things have come full circle in a short time: Zehra
corrupting Anya who in turn has introduced Zehra to other
debauched pleasures of the flesh.
“Feel so full!” Zehra moans, her stretched arse gliding up and
down your shaft much more freely now. Her tight hole feels
incredible, her sphincter holding you in a vicelike grasp and pumping
you hard. Your breathing becomes ragged as you feel the pressure
in your loins return with a vengeance. Anya’s eyes glint
mischievously and she slides her lips to Zehra’s ear and whispers in
it. Though inaudible to you, Zehra’s eyes flick open and she giggles
before reaching behind her. You feel her hand cup your balls, gently
caressing them. You groan, enjoying the extra sensation before her
hand stretches back further. Your eyes widen as you feel a slender
finger press against your own sphincter, pushing inside. You gasp as
the digit slips in past the first knuckle, probing and caressing your
prostate. Zehra’s arse clenches your cock the overload of sensations
pushes you over the edge. Your body stiffens and your balls contract
before with a bellow of release, you erupt into Zehra’s bowels. Your
sphincter clenches around her finger with each powerful pulse as
your whole body tenses, your back arching as you seem to pour your
very essence into Zehra’s tight orifice. Your body quakes and you
thrash about as you enjoy one of the most intense climaxes you
have ever experienced. Finally, your orgasm recedes and you slump
back onto the threadbare carpet, your chest heaving and fighting for
breath. The two women smile down at you as Zehra gently
withdraws her finger from your arse.
“What is it you say in England? What’s good for the goose is
good for the gander.” Anya grins down at you as she and Zehra
climb off your shattered body, your spent cock flopping against the
top of your thigh. You smile weakly as you sit up and climb
unsteadily to your feet.
Zehra lets out a moan of frustration as you slip your cock from
her. As you pull away, you guide Anya to take your place, the blonde
intuitively dropping on all fours between her thighs. She gazes down
at Zehra's glistening labia and for a moment you wonder if this is a
step too far, but as you move behind the blonde and guide your cock
to her own pussy, she lowers her face between Zehra's thighs.
“Yes!” Zehra moans, her voice thick with lust. “Lick me, taste
me!” If Anya had any reservations, she doesn't reveal them,
enthusiastically lashing her tongue at Zehra's moist slit while the
beautiful Turkish woman runs her fingers tenderly through Anya's
long blonde hair. Distracted by the erotic sight before you, the tip of
your cock hovers at Anya's entrance. The Russian wiggles her hips
provocatively and you grin, pushing the head to her slit, her own
pussy wet with her excitement. You hear a muffled gasp of delight as
you sink into her moist velvety depths and you let out a grunt of
satisfaction as her warmth engulfs your entire length. Grasping her
hips, you quickly find your earlier rhythm, pumping into Anya as she
continues to bury her face in Zehra's folds. Anya's contented moans
fill the room.
“Russian whore.” Zehra tells her, though a smile plays on her
lips, her earlier hostility forgotten. “You like taste of pussy while cock
inside you.” Anya's muffled groan in response confirms it. Zehra's
gaze flicks up to meet yours and you share a smile, both of you
enjoying corrupting the beautiful blonde. Zehra's eyes close and her
smile becomes one of bliss as she luxuriates in Anya's oral
“Oh yes!” She purrs. “You quick learner. Unless... unless this
not first time you taste pussy.” The statement hangs in the air and
you feel your balls twitch at the thought. Your excitement building,
you begin to pound into Anya faster, her moans increasing in
intensity. Zehra too is closing in on her climax, panting breathlessly
as the blonde feasts on her juicy slit.
“Oh yes!” Zehra moans thickly. “Don't stop! I so close!” Anya
clearly has no intention of stopping, her enthusiastic slurping filling
the air as she drives Zehra relentlessly towards her orgasm.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She moans before her body tenses up and
she shrieks in ecstasy as Anya tongue sends her over the edge. You
pound harder into Anya as Zehra's body shudders with each
powerful surge of pleasure. Moments later, the blonde pulls her head
from between Zehra's thighs and gasps in ecstasy as her own climax
rips through her. You bury your cock deep inside her, enjoying the
sensation of her trembling body and quivering pussy as waves of
pleasure wash through her. As the women's orgasms fade, Anya
pulls away, your cock slipping from her pussy. She turns and smiles
at you, her face glistening with Zehra's juices, before crawling up her
body, the two women sharing a tender kiss for a moment before
breaking the kiss and turning their attention to you.
“Your turn.” Zehra smiles.
“What do you want to do to us?” Anya purrs, a hand idly
caressing one of Zehra's breasts.
Have them finish you with their mouths
Sit down in the leather chair and have Zehra ride you
“Not too big for these lips I hope.” You grin before kissing her
deeply again before she has a chance to answer. She moans into
your mouth, clearly excited at the thought. You feel a hand grasp
your cock and you find it exhilarating to have no idea whether it is
hers or Anya’s as it begins to slowly stroke your shaft. Your own
hands slide down to Zehra’s waist and unfasten her cargo pants,
pulling them down along with her panties, allowing them to drop to
the floor at her feet. You then grasp the hem of her vest and peel it
upwards, Zehra raising her arms as you pull it up over her head. The
stroking hand never leaves your shaft. You smile, enjoying the
beautiful Russian’s attentions. Zehra pulls away and throws herself
down in the large battered leather office chair, her slender naked
body sprawled shamelessly before you. Your cock twitches in Anya’s
grasp at the sight of her small, firm breasts and hard brown nipples,
her slender waist and her long, toned legs. Between them her puffy
labia glisten with her excitement.
“Come, let me taste you.” She smiles, her eyes fixed on your
engorged cock and beckons you to join her. Anya releases her grasp
and you move to stand next to Zehra. She reaches out, her fingers
running up and down your shaft, exploring your rigid cock before
trailing them lower and running her fingertips over your balls. You
groan, enjoying her delicate touch though your hard cock strains for
greater stimulation, a bead of pre come oozing from the tip. Zehra
chuckles and grasps your shaft in a tight grip, craning her head
forward and swiping her tongue across the bulbous head. You gasp
at the sensation of her warm, moist tongue before groaning with
frustration as she pulls her mouth away again. She glances up at
Anya, who stands watching nearby, still fully dressed and looking
“You. Eat me.” Zehra demands. The blonde’s eyes widen and
she glances from her to you and then back to Zehra.
“I’ve never… I’m not sure… I’m not comfortable doing…” She
“Do it.” Zehra insists, her legs opening wide. Anya glances at
you and you shrug and flash her a smile. She narrows her eyes and
with a final sigh of resignation, she quickly undresses, Zehra and you
transfixed as the voluptuous blonde strips before you. The
statuesque Russian pauses as she stands before you both in just
her underwear, perhaps realising that this is the point of no return.
She reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra, slowly pulling
the straps down her arms and allowing it to drop to the floor. You feel
a smile creep across your face as you gaze once again at her large
breasts, the pink nipples hard and proud. Anya blushes furiously as
she hooks her fingers into the waistband of her panties and tugs
them down past her thighs, the flimsy garment floating down to her
ankles and revealing her smooth pubic mound.
“Beautiful.” Zehra comments. “Now taste me.” Anya nods
meekly and steps closer, dropping to her knees before her, gazing at
the beautiful Turkish woman’s moist folds inches from her face.
Zehra reaches out with her free hand, tenderly running her fingers
through Anya’s long blonde hair before gently guiding her head
forward. You watch as the blonde tentatively traces the length of
Zehra’s slit with the tip of her tongue. Zehra moans with delight, her
eyes closing and smiling broadly. Encouraged, Anya presses more
firmly, her tongue parting Zehra’s labia and slipping inside her. Your
cock twitches in her hand and Zehra’s eyes flick to you, guiding you
back between her lips. Starved of physical stimulation for the last
minute or so, you groan as you feel the delicious warmth of her
mouth engulfing you, her lips sliding back and forth on your rigid
shaft. Anya seems to have lost all her inhibitions, grasping Zehra’s
hips and pressing her face enthusiastically into her pussy. Zehra’s
moans of delight vibrate around your cock, heightening your own
pleasure. The sight of Anya pleasuring Zehra combined with the
Turkish woman’s talented mouth on your cock have your balls
tingling as you feel the beginnings of a climax building. You have no
intention of coming just yet and reluctantly pull your cock from
Zehra’s mouth. Zehra raises an eyebrow in surprise and Anya pulls
her face from between her thighs, looking up at you quizzically.
Step behind Anya and slip your cock inside her
Have the two women to sixty-nine while you enter Zehra
You step behind Anya who smiles and spreads her legs in
anticipation before burying her face back into Zehra’s wet folds.
Grasping your cock which glistens with Zehra’s saliva, you press the
tip to Anya’s slit, the blonde groaning as the head pushes past her
labia and into her humid depths. You grunt with pleasure as you feel
her warmth engulf your length and begin to thrust into her. Zehra’s
gaze meets yours and she smiles wolfishly at you as you both enjoy
the pleasures of the beautiful Russian between you. Anya is clearly
more than content to be your sexual plaything, her moans of
pleasure muffled by Zehra’s pussy as you pound into her.
“Yes, yes.” Zehra moans while she gently, almost lovingly,
caresses Anya’s head. “Eat pussy. Taste me!” Anya moans
contentedly as she continues to lap at her juicy slit. Zehra’s
breathing becomes increasingly uneven and her body tenses up.
Your own excitement building at the sight of her impending climax,
you drive harder into Anya, your pelvis slapping against her buttocks.
Zehra’s hands grasp Anya’s head and pull her tightly into her pussy
as her tongue sends her to her orgasm. Zehra shrieks in ecstasy, her
body convulsing in the leather chair as Anya’s tongue works its
magic. You can tell Anya too is on the brink and lean forward, sliding
a hand around her waist and between her thighs. Your fingertips
glide over her smooth pubic mound before finding her clitoris,
teasing it and sending her over the edge too. You grin as Anya’s
muffled cries join Zehra’s breathless panting as the two women
climax together. Her pussy quivers around your cock, threatening to
send you over the edge too as the two women tremble in ecstasy.
Zehra finally releases Anya from between her thighs and the blonde
gasps as the final waves of pleasure surge through her body. As
Anya’s climax fades, Zehra rises from the leather chair and reaches
for the blonde. Anya pulls herself from your shaft gets unsteadily to
her feet before embracing Zehra, the two women sharing a tender
kiss before turning to face you.
“Your turn.” Anya smiles, her lips and chin glistening with
Zehra’s juices.
“Yes.” Zehra agrees, gazing lustfully at your engorged cock.
“Now you must take pleasure.”
Suggest they both finish you with their mouths
Take Zehra’s place in the leather chair and have her ride you
You sit down in the battered leather chair and beckon Zehra
to you. She smiles, her gaze fixed on your hard cock swaying in the
air before stepping between your open thighs and turning her back to
you. You grin, your eyes drinking in her slender, athletic form, her
silky black hair cascading halfway down her back. You reach out, her
flawlessly smooth olive skin soft to your touch as you run your hands
from the small of her back down to her firm, pert buttocks, cupping a
cheek in each hand and gently squeezing them. A low moan of
delight escapes her lips and you feel her push back against you.
Your cock, just inches away from her pussy, strains with your
excitement. She slowly lowers herself down into your lap, reaching
between her legs and grasping your shaft. She guides the tip to her
moist labia and you both groan in unison as your cock sinks easily
inside her, her pussy well lubricated from her recent climax.
“Yes!” Zehra breathes as your length slides deeply inside her.
“Now fuck me!” She grips the side of the chair for leverage as she
begins to bounce up and down in your lap. Anya leans against the
desk opposite, watching you both intently a hand almost
subconsciously sliding down to idly tease her clit. Your own
mesmerised gaze is fixed on the sight of your cock disappearing into
Zehra again and again, her lips stretched around your thick shaft.
You feel almost passive as she grinds herself down on you,
alternating between rocking back and forth and rotating her hips.
“Cock feels so good.” She pants before glancing over her
shoulder at you, her dark brown eyes burning with lust. “You will take
pleasure inside me?”
“If you insist.” You grunt, your pulse racing as you anticipate
exploding inside the sexy and exotic Turkish woman. You glance up,
suddenly wondering where Anya is. You find out moments later as
you feel the warmth of her soft tongue swipe across the sensitive
skin of your ball sack.
“Anya!” You groan as her tongue swirls all over your sack,
gently sucking each of your balls in turn. Her tongue leaves your
balls and you deduce its destination moments later as Zehra’s own
groans increase in intensity. You wish you could see the beautiful
blonde on her knees, enthusiastically lapping at each of you in turn.
As her tongue returns to your balls, you marvel at how far removed
she is from the cool and austere agent you met on the train in
Vienna just a day before. The added stimulation has the pressure
building in your balls and Zehra begins to slam herself down on you
as she seeks her own climax.
“I’m getting close!” You grunt, your balls aching for release.
“Yes! Yes!” Zehra cries, “Fill me with thick seed! Come!
Come!” As Anya’s tongue slides up and leaves your balls, Zehra
stiffens and arches her back, gasping with delight as she reaches
her second climax. Her body shudders with each powerful pulse of
pleasure and her pussy convulses around your cock. The sensation
sends you over the edge too. Grasping her hips, you thrust up into
her as your balls twitch, sending the contents racing up your shaft
and into her quaking hole. You both tremble in a dance of ecstasy,
grunting, groaning and gasping as pleasure pulses through you both.
Finally, utterly sated, you slump back into the chair while Zehra rocks
forward, her chin resting on her chest and panting for breath. Your
wilting cock slips from her and she gingerly gets back to her feet.
Anya is still on her knees, grinning wickedly up at you both. You get
out of the chair and help her to her feet, drawing her to you and
kissing her long and hard, tasting Zehra’s juices on her lips. After a
moment, Anya pulls away and kisses Zehra too, perhaps with a little
more tenderness than with you. As you watch the two of them, you
wonder if Anya is forever changed by this experience.
“You’re a little too good with your mouth.” You smile at Zehra.
“Perhaps you should give Anya a demonstration of your oral
prowess?” Zehra smiles and nods, her own excitement overcoming
her earlier hostility towards the Russian. She climbs out of the chair
and sprawls across the battered office desk, her legs hanging over
the end.
“Come.” She tells Anya, gesturing for the blonde to join her.
Anya nods and eagerly climbs onto the desk, her knees either side
of Zehra’s head and leans forward onto her elbows, her face inches
from Zehra’s juicy folds. Your cock twitches as Anya lowers her face
between her thighs and thrusts her tongue back inside her slit. Zehra
cries out in pleasure and grasps Anya’s creamy buttocks, craning
her head forward and returning the favour. Anya’s muffled moans of
delight suggest that Zehra is equally adept with pleasuring either
sex. You watch in wonder as the two women enthusiastically
pleasure each other, Zehra flicking her tongue all over Anya’s slit
and clitoris while Anya sinks her fingers inside Zehra’s sodden pussy
as she lashes her clit with her tongue. Your cock aches for
stimulation and you move towards the desk, guiding your cock
between Zehra’s thighs. Anya looks up, her eyes filled with a wild
lust. She slips her fingers from Zehra’s pussy and reaches out,
grasping your cock with her glistening fingers and guiding it to her
mouth. She sucks you enthusiastically for a few moments before
guiding it to Zehra’s slit. Your pulse racing, you plunge inside the
beautiful Turkish woman while Anya sits up and rubs at Zehra’s clit
with her fingers. Between Anya’s thighs, Zehra squeals with pleasure
as she enjoys your combined attentions. Anya’s gaze meets yours,
her eyes brimming with desire, her earlier misgivings forgotten. You
lean forward, crushing your lips against hers, your tongues hungrily
lancing into each other’s mouths. Your hands grip Zehra’s thighs as
you slam into her, her grunts muffled by Anya’s pussy as the Russian
grinds her slit against her face. Anya pulls away and lets out a groan
of pleasure.
“Don’t stop!” She gasps, gazing between her legs at Zehra.
“Your tongue feels so good! I’m getting so close!” You quicken your
pace, your mind reeling at the exotic sight of the beautiful Russian
frantically working at Zehra’s clit with her fingers while her own
clitoris is teased in return. Anya’s breathing quickens, her face and
chest flushing as she closes in on her orgasm. She reaches up with
her free hand, squeezing and pinching at her nipples. She throws
back her head, her eyes closing and her mouth dropping open
before letting out a long groan of pure ecstasy as Zehra’s talented
tongue finally sends her over the brink. Her body trembles as waves
of pleasure wash through her, panting breathlessly before slumping
forward, her eyes flicking open and smiling broadly.
“I never knew it could be that way with a woman.” She sighs.
“Russian bitch. Use fingers!” Zehra growls impatiently from
between her legs, though the insult spoken breathlessly and without
the vitriol of earlier. Anya obeys, resuming rubbing her engorged
clitoris while you continue to thrust into her sodden pussy. Zehra
buries her face back into Anya’s pussy, her muffled moans growing
in intensity as she rapidly approaches her own climax. Knowing she
is on the brink, you bury your cock deep inside Zehra and hold it
there, feeling her body stiffen. You grunt as you feel her pussy
gripping your cock as her body bucks in ecstasy before you. She
pulls her lips from Anya’s juicy folds and cries out in pleasure. Anya
smiles broadly as she continues to strum Zehra’s clit with her fingers,
the beautiful Turkish woman thrashing about beneath her. Finally her
orgasm fades and her body relaxes, Zehra letting out a satisfied
sigh. You pull your cock from her pussy and Anya immediately leans
forward, eagerly taking it into her mouth, licking Zehra’s juices from
your shaft. You groan, your balls throbbing with a desperate desire to
reach your own climax. Anya climbs off Zehra and the two beautiful
naked women gaze lustfully at your straining cock.
“We have both taken pleasure.” Zehra tells you thickly, her
dark brown eyes flicking up to meet yours. “Now your turn.”
Suggest they both finish you with their mouths
Bend Anya over the end of the desk and enter her
You nod and move towards Anya, embracing her and
pressing your lips to hers. She kisses you back hungrily, her recent
climax seemingly having not quite sating her lust.
“I need you inside me.” She murmurs, her hand reaching
between your bodies and grasping your hard cock.
“Who am I to refuse the wishes of a lady?” You grin, grasping
her hips and turning her away from you. She chuckles sexily and
leans over the end of the desk, resting on her elbows and parting her
legs. You gaze at the beautiful blonde bent over before you, her pale
skin almost white in the semi-darkness of the office.
“Russian whore.” Zehra comments, though with amusement
rather than malice. You guide your cock to her pussy, Anya purring
with delight as you sink inside her.
“Fuck, that feels good.” Anya moans as you begin to thrust
into her. Zehra throws herself down in the battered leather chair,
swinging her right leg up over the arm and brazenly rubbing at her
clitoris as she watches. Enjoying the gaze of the voyeuristic Zehra
on you, you grasp Anya’s hips and begin to plunge into her with
increased vigour, your excitement building as you shunt the blonde
forward with each thrust.
“Harder! Fuck me harder!” Anya pants, glancing over her
shoulder at you, her eyes brimming with lust. You can feel the
pressure beginning to build in your loins and grit your teeth, trying to
delay the inevitable as long as possible. You reach out and grasp a
fistful of her long blonde hair, tugging on it as you continue to pound
into her.
“Yes, yes!” Anya moans, clearly revelling in the rough
treatment as you slam your cock into her again and again. You
glance over at Zehra who is feverishly strumming her clit, her lips
pouting and her eyes glazed as she masturbates towards her own
climax. As you let out a guttural groan, Anya glances over her
shoulder again.
“You’re close aren’t you?” She pants. “Come inside me! Fill
me with your seed!” You can hear Zehra’s breathless gasps of
ecstasy as she brings herself to orgasm and glance over at her, the
sexy Turkish woman quivering and trembling as she reaches her
second climax. You can’t hold off any longer and with a final grunt,
you slam deep into Anya one last time as you feel your balls twitch
and the blissful release as your come races up your shaft to erupt
deep inside her. Anya stiffens, your own climax sending her over the
edge too. She cries out in ecstasy as your bodies jerk and tremble
together, her orgasm intensifying your own and vice versa until you
collapse on top of her, both breathless but utterly satisfied.
“Damn, that felt good!” You pant, your body raw as you slip
from her sodden slit. Anya nods dumbly as she rolls onto her back
on the desk, a blissful, satisfied grin on her face.
“How about you both finish me with your mouths?” You
suggest with a confident smirk and a raised eyebrow before throwing
yourself down in the battered leather office chair. The two women
look at each other, perhaps taken aback at your cocky bravado, but
smile and drop to their knees before you. You spread your legs wide
as two heads drop into your lap, tongues slowly running up the
length of your cock and making you moan with pleasure. They slip
and slide up and down, trailing saliva the length of your shaft. You
groan at the sensation of it cooling against your skin and contrasting
delightfully with the warmth of their tongues. Anya slides her lips up
to the tip, swirling her tongue around the hot, taut skin of the head
while Zehra settles lower and begins to lap at your balls.
“Damn, that feels good.” You grunt straining upwards,
desperate for Anya to take you into her mouth. She giggles and
maintains her distance, continuing to mercilessly tease you with her
tongue. You feel Zehra take one of your balls into her mouth, softly
sucking on it before doing the same to the other.
“You like my lips on balls?” She murmurs huskily, her dark
brown sultry eyes gazing up at you. Your groan of pleasure confirms
you do and she chuckles and presses her hot, wet tongue back to
your sensitive sack. Anya’s tongue continues to lightly flick all over
your shaft, driving you wild with lust as you will her to take you into
her mouth. Your cock throbs painfully with a desperate need for
greater stimulation and the skin of the crown is taut and angry red. A
bead of pre-come oozes from the tip, the pearl coloured droplet
clinging there by its surface tension. The beautiful Russian’s gaze
meets yours as she runs the tip of her tongue around the edge of
your bulbous head, her pale blue eyes filled with mischief as she
relentlessly torments you.
“Please.” You beg through gritted teeth. “Please suck it.” Anya
smiles, clearly enjoying the power she holds over you, but she runs
her tongue up to the tip and swipes it across, collecting the droplet of
pre-come. She smiles as she tastes you before opening her mouth
and engulfing the head. You moan with pleasure as her lips slide
down your shaft, your cock twitching at the heightened sensations as
she begins to bob her head up and down while Zehra continues to
lap and suck at your balls.
“Damn that feels good.” You gasp, gazing down at the two
beautiful women intent on pleasuring you. You can feel the pressure
building in your balls and grit your teeth, determined to stave off the
inevitable for as long as you can. Anya sucks and slurps noisily while
Zehra’s tongue continues to slither over every inch of your churning
balls. You squeeze your eyes shut, luxuriating in the incredible
sensations radiating out from your groin and wonder if you should
allow Anya to continue until you come in her mouth or whether you’d
prefer something more visual…
Come in Anya’s mouth
Pull out and come on their faces
Come on Anya’s ample cleavage
“Use your cleavage.” You grunt. Anya pulls her lips from your
cock, smiling and shuffling closer, grasping her breasts and pressing
them together, enveloping your shaft between them. You groan as
she begins to slide her breasts up and down, the soft, warm flesh
feeling divine. You gaze at the beautiful sight of her large breasts
wrapped around your cock, just the head visible at the top of her
cleavage. Anya smiles up at you, her pale blue eyes sparkling with
excitement as she begins to move her breasts up and down making
you groan with pleasure. Zehra, perhaps feeling a little left out,
moves to the side of the chair and kisses you passionately, her
tongue aggressively seeking your own. Her hands caress your chest
before she kisses down your body, playfully sucking each of your
nipples in turn. You groan, feeling the pressure building in your balls.
Zehra looks up, smiling mischievously as she recognises the
warning signs of your impending climax. Anya too is grinning up at
“Are you going to come all over me?” She purrs. “Are you
going to cover my breasts in your thick, creamy come? I want you to.
I want to feel the warmth of it splashing against my skin.” You groan,
her dirty talk driving you to the brink. Zehra chuckles and reaches
below your thighs, her nimble fingers closing around your balls.
“Balls full.” She smiles at Anya. “He ready.” With that she
gives them a little squeeze and you can hold off no longer. You feel
your balls contract in Zehra’s grasp as they pump their contents up
your length. You let out a guttural grunt of pleasure as the first pulse
explodes powerfully from the tip, splashing against the underside of
Anya’s chin. She squeals in surprise, pulling your cock free of her
cleavage and pointing the tip at her breasts just as the next spurt
arcs from the straining head and splatters across the top of her right
breast. Zehra caresses your twitching balls and your body judders
with each eruption as Anya guides your cock from one breast to the
other until they are dripping with your thick seed.
“What a mess.” Anya smiles as your climax subsides and she
surveys her defiled chest. You groan your agreement, panting for
breath as you watch a rivulet of your thick, pearly white seed dribble
down the soft curve of her left breast, coating a nipple. Zehra
releases your shrivelled balls and reaches for Anya, kissing her
tenderly before lowering her head and beginning to lap your seed
from her breasts.
“Taste good.” She comments, before sucking the come from
Anya’s left nipple, Anya sighing with pleasure. She greedily laps up
every last trace of your seed from Anya’s body before pressing her
lips to Anya’s and then to yours.
You pull your cock free of Anya’s lips and she furrows her
brow questioningly at you. Zehra chuckles, intuitively guessing your
intentions and emerging from behind your balls, pressing her face
next to Anya’s. She grasps your shaft and begins to vigorously pump
it, pointing the tip at their faces.
“You want to come on our faces!” Anya’s gasps her eyes
widening as she finally realises what you intend and for a moment
she seems certain to object. Instead, she smiles sexily and tilts her
head back. “Come on then James, cover our faces with your thick,
creamy seed. I want to feel it splashing against my skin and feel the
warmth of it as it trickles down my face.” You groan and she giggles
before reaching down and caressing your saliva coated balls, gently
caressing them while Zehra continues to pump your shaft. You gaze
at the two beautiful faces pressed together, gleefully driving you
towards your climax, Zehra’s olive skin, sultry brown eyes and silky
black hair contrasting with Anya’s light skin, pale blue eyes and long
blonde hair. Despite the disparity in their appearance, their
expressions are identical, eyes gleaming with excitement and lips
pouting as they eagerly await your climax.
“Come for us.” Zehra urges you, her hand gliding up and
down your shaft. “Let us feel your seed.” They only have a few
moments to wait as Anya’s caressing fingers on your balls and
Zehra’s stroking hand send you over the edge. You grunt loudly as
the pressure is released and you feel your balls twitch in Anya’s
grasp. You gasp as you feel your come race up your shaft and
explode from the tip, splashing across Anya’s cheek. She squeals
with delight and Zehra smiles broadly, aiming the next spurt at her
own face, a thick rope of come hitting her across her forehead and
the bridge of her nose and trickling down her face. Your hips jerk and
you grunt in ecstasy with each powerful eruption as Zehra sweeps
your cock from one side to the other, coating their faces in your thick,
creamy seed until the last few drops ooze from the tip and dribble
down her fingers. Catching your breath, you gaze in wonder at the
two sexy women smiling up at you, their faces streaked with thick
ropes of pearly white come. Their hands leave your wilting cock and
sensitive balls and they turn to each other, kissing tenderly and
slowly lapping your seed from each other’s faces. You groan,
scarcely able to believe what has transpired between the three of
Unable to bring yourself to interrupt the delicious rhythm the
two sexy women have found with their talented mouths, you relax
and allow them to bring you to your climax. Opening your eyes
again, you smile as you find both women gazing back at you, Anya’s
pale blue eyes contrasting with Zehra’s dark brown eyes as they
both continue to pleasure you with their magical mouths. You can
feel your balls tighten as you pass the point of no return, your whole
body stiffening. Anya and Zehra increase their pace, realising you
are on the brink. Your back arches and you roar as your balls twitch
and your come races up your shaft. Anya’s eyes widen as the first
powerful spurt erupts into her waiting mouth, splashing against the
back of her throat. You grunt with each pulse, Zehra’s lapping tongue
on your balls amplifying your pleasure while Anya’s cheeks cave in
as she greedily sucks on your gushing cock. As your climax
subsides, your body relaxes, Anya’s tongue swiping across the tip of
your cock one last time before pulling her lips from you, your shaft
slapping back against your stomach. Her eyes meet yours and she
holds your gaze while she gulps down the mouthful of thick come.
Zehra’s tongue leaves your balls and both women straighten, smiling
up at you. You smile back at them, panting lightly as you catch your
“Now you too have taken pleasure, blood oath sealed.” Zehra
tells you solemnly as you each reach for your clothes and begin to
dress. “I will talk and you will keep promise to send me to safety of
“I will.” You tell her sincerely, before moving towards the door
and calling out to Hakan.
“Good work my friends.” Hakan tells you moments later as he
steps back into the office, his bushy moustache twitching as he grins
broadly at you and Anya before glancing kindly at Zehra. “Now my
dear, what do you have to tell us?”
“It all happen three nights ago.” Zehra tells you. “My employer
owns warehouse. We guard building. This not unusual. My employer
is Turkish crime syndicate.” She shrugs. “Drugs often come in across
Black sea. This time different. No drugs. Missiles! Two missiles. Men
from ship come. They work on missiles. Missiles go back on cargo
ship. Then men from ship shoot guards, take bodies and drop them
into harbour. I hide in shadows. Men load missiles back onto ship
and lock doors behind them. I trapped here for three days.”
“Did you see the name of the ship?” You ask.
“Yes. Ship called Janus.” You immediately reach for your
“A ship matching your informant’s description passed
Gibraltar two days ago.” Miss Meriweather tells you over the phone
half an hour later, the four of you now in the cavernous interior of the
warehouse. “SS Janus. Registered in the Bahamas.”
“Who owns the ship?” You ask, the phone pressed hard
against your ear as you pace around the warehouse, glancing at
Zehra who gazes coolly back at you, her hands back in Hakan’s
“A Turkish shipping company, but we’ve dug a little deeper
and found that they are owned by Kruger Corporation.”
“As in Hugo Kruger, the billionaire Industrialist?” You ask.
“Yes.” Miss Meriweather replies.
“Then he has just become a person of interest.” You reply,
glancing at Hakan.
“Surely not.” Hakan says. “Hugo Kruger is something of a
philanthropist, donating millions to develop the townships in his
native Johannesburg and elsewhere. He has been lauded
throughout the world as a generous humanitarian. Perhaps someone
else within his organisation.”
“Perhaps…” You muse.
“I must report this intelligence to my superiors.” Anya tells you
both. “I will go immediately to the Russian Embassy to submit my
report and await their instructions.”
“Of course.” Hakan smiles. “Shall I arrange for a car?”
“Not necessary.” Anya replies briskly, back to her usual frosty
and efficient self after the debauchery less than an hour earlier. “I will
have our own car sent from the Russian Embassy. Our investigation
in Istanbul is at an end. I thank you both for your cooperation.” She
turns to leave but then turns back, a hint of a smile playing at her
lips. She moves towards Hakan and kisses him on the cheek and
then turns to you and kisses you tenderly on the lips. “Until we meet
again Mr Hazard.” She purrs before walking purposefully across the
warehouse, her footsteps echoing around the cavernous interior
before disappearing through the door.
“An interesting young lady.” Hakan comments, his eyes
sparkling with amusement.
“I seem to attract them.” You grin, glancing across at Zehra
who leans nonchalantly against the wall nearby.
“You certainly do my friend.” Hakan chuckles. “It would seem
our business here is concluded. What next?”
First things first. Deal with Zehra
Travel to Johannesburg and investigate Hugo Kruger
“We have one loose end to deal with.” You glance across at
Zehra. She returns your gaze, concern etched on her features as
she realises you are discussing her fate.
“Yes.” Hakan replies, deep in thought. “She was co-operative
and kept to her word, but she is still a criminal James. What do you
want to do?”
She kept to her word, so you will keep to yours
She is a criminal and needs to be dealt with accordingly
“You’re right, we can’t simply ignore the sins of her past.” You
tell Hakan. “Still, perhaps there’s a way I can still keep my word.”
“What are you talking about?” She asks suspiciously, her dark
brown eyes boring into yours.
“I’ll approve your extradition to England, but as a prisoner.”
You tell her. “You must still atone for your past crimes. When you
have served your time, you may stay in England as agreed.”
“Bastard!” She spits. “We made blood oath!”
“I did what I needed to do to get the information I needed.”
You tell her coldly.
“A curse on you.” She tells you darkly as Hakan grasps her
“Calm yourself my dear.” He soothes her. “Life in an English
prison will be far easier than a Turkish one and you will still have a
better life eventually.” She seems less than convinced, glaring at you
as he begins to lead her away.
“You are leaving straight away?” Hakan asks.
There is not a moment to lose. Go to Johannesburg
You arrive at the docks, the mass of huge cargo ships and
broad, low warehouses stretching as far as the eye can see. As you
walk along the dockside, the whole place is a hive of activity as dock
workers scurry about, shouting to each other to be heard over the
constant whine of cranes travelling overhead as huge container
ships are loaded or unloaded. There is the constant arrival and
departure of ships ferrying their loads across the Black Sea or further
afield to the Mediterranean and beyond.
“The warehouse is just at the end of this wharf.” Hakan tells
you, gesturing ahead.
A few minutes later, you reach the large, squat building. The
huge dockside shutter doors are shut and there are no workers or
guards in evidence. You skirt around to the back of the warehouse
and find another smaller door. Both drawing your guns, you
cautiously approach it, Hakan reaching out and trying the door
“Locked.” Hakan grimaces.
“Not for long.” You grin, pulling a small device from your
pocket. You slide it into the lock and it whirrs for a moment before
clicking. You turn it and the door opens. You flash Hakan a grin and
step inside. The large interior is an area roughly the size of a football
pitch with the vast shutter doors at the far end. A large crane hangs
above the floor from runners which travel the length of the
warehouse with a maintenance catwalk running along one side.
Many of the lights are either broken or switched off meaning that
beyond a pool of light in the centre of the room, the warehouse is
cloaked in darkness. You both stop in your tracks, expecting to find
the two missiles and perhaps technicians crawling all over them
while guards patrol the perimeter. Despite the fact that much of the
warehouse is in darkness, you can see that the warehouse is all but
empty. No missiles, no guards, no technicians. Not that it is
completely unoccupied. Two figures, both oblivious to your presence,
stand in the centre of the warehouse under one of the few remaining
lights. You recognise one of them immediately, but then a giant
albino assassin is hardly inconspicuous. He stands before a slender
Turkish woman who cowers before him, her hands chained above
her head to the crane dangling from the ceiling. The albino is
brandishing a particularly wicked looking blade and judging by the
fearful look in the woman’s eyes, is just about to get started. Even
with your skilled marksmanship, you couldn’t be sure of shooting the
albino without killing the woman too. You weigh up your options. You
could sneak up behind him and try to catch him by surprise or
perhaps call out to him and hope he moves away from the woman
and presents a clear shot.
Sneak up on the albino
Call out to the albino
Knowing you have the advantage of surprise, you skulk
through the shadows towards the hulking albino. He seems to be
taking his time with his captive, running the blunt topside of the blade
across the woman’s face, while she whimpers with fear. You grit your
teeth, remembering him murdering Anya on the train and glad of a
chance to avenge her. You move silently towards him, now just a few
paces away. The terrified woman’s eyes flick towards you as you
emerge from the shadows just behind him. The albino obviously
notices and whirls around, the blade glinting in the light. You feel the
razor sharp edge slice through your throat and your hands
instinctively reach up to find a deep wound, gushing with blood.
Gargling blood, you drop to your knees, slumping forward onto the
cold concrete floor.
“James!” You hear Hakan shout out, followed by two
gunshots. What the aftermath was, you never know, quickly losing
consciousness as you rapidly bleed out.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
“I’m sorry, are we interrupting something?” You call out. The
albino stiffens and turns to face you. His red eyes gleam in
recognition and a cruel smile crosses his face.
“You.” He rasps. “I will enjoy finishing the job I started last
night.” He stands in front of his captive, still not giving you a clear
shot. Hakan sidesteps to your right, trying to give himself a clear
shot, but the albino sees the danger and hurls his knife at him. The
knife flies through the air on a flat trajectory with unerring accuracy
towards his chest. Hakan dives out of the way, narrowly avoiding it
and the albino uses the distraction to launch himself at you. His
shoulder crunches into your chest, sending you crashing to the
ground, the gun flying from your grasp. You grapple with him, flailing
a hand out to try and find the gun while his huge hands tighten
around your throat. His eyes burn with hate and his lips contort into a
sneer as he senses he has the upper hand. Your vision starts to
darken as he chokes the life from you, but your fingers find the cold
steel of your gun, tightening around the grip.
Smash the gun into the side of the albino’s head
Shoot the albino
You smash the gun into the side of the albino’s head. He
winces but his grip slackens only slightly. You smash it into his head
again and again until finally he releases his grip and you push the all
but unconscious assassin from you. As you clamber to your feet,
Hakan joins you.
“I’m sorry my friend.” He grins ruefully. “I’m not as nimble and
agile as I once was. I’m afraid I wasn’t much use to you.”
“No harm, no foul.” You reply, rubbing your bruised throat and
training your gun on the dazed assassin.
“Time to talk.” Hakan tells him as he gazes malevolently up at
you both.
“Very well,” The albino rasps, “I enjoyed choking the life from
your blonde bitch.” His terrible red eyes fix on yours. “She died like a
pathetic little girl, those pretty blue eyes begging for mercy.” You
clench your teeth, anger boiling up within you. Anya’s face flashes
up in your mind and your finger tightens on the trigger, the single
gunshot echoing around the warehouse as the bullet pierces the
albino’s forehead.
“For Anya.” You growl at him, a halo of blood slowly seeping
out from behind his shattered skull.
“That was a little rash.” Hakan tells you, gazing down at the
corpse. “But I understand. I probably would have done the same in
your position.”
“We still have the girl.” You nod at the dark haired woman
chained nearby, her dark brown eyes glancing suspiciously across at
you both.
You press the muzzle of the pistol into the underside of the
albino’s chin, waiting just long enough to see the terror in his red
eyes before you pull the trigger. The gunshot is deafening that close
to your head and there is a ringing in your ears as a fine red mist
showers down on you. You shove the albino’s corpse to one side
and clamber back to your feet, slightly dazed as the ringing begins to
“For Anya.” You growl at the albino’s body as Hakan joins you.
“Are you okay my friend?” He asks, his brow furrowed. You
nod dumbly, rubbing at your bruised throat. “A shame we couldn’t
take him alive, but perhaps the girl knows something.” You both
glance across at the slender woman, her dark brown eyes gazing
suspiciously at her saviours.
You carefully take aim and fire just as she reaches the edge of
the dock, the shot ringing out and a red mist spraying from her calf.
She cries out in surprise and pain. Though wounded, her momentum
carries her over the edge. Without the power to jump and spring over
the gap, her body is launched headlong into the water. You hear a
blood curdling scream of agony and rush to the dockside. Your blood
runs cold as you realise she has been drawn into the tug’s
propellers, the water a mass of blood and entrails.
“This is not good.” Anya comments with something of an
understatement as she joins you on the dockside. “We have no other
leads. What now?”
“Time to find alternative employment.” You reply grimly as you
reach for your phone, dreading the call you have to make to N.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You both approach the woman, her handcuffed hands
stretched above her head and chained to the winch hook hanging
from the overhead crane. She is perhaps in her late twenties,
slender with long black hair and olive coloured skin. She is dressed
in khaki cargo pants and a tight fitting white vest top.
“Hello my dear.” Hakan smiles at her. “It would appear we
have arrived at an opportune moment.”
“You police?” She asks suspiciously, her English a little
uncertain and heavily accented.
“Not exactly.” Hakan replies. “But something like that.”
“Release me.” She replies.
“Not before you answer some questions.” You reply.
“Then I tell you nothing.” She growls, staring defiantly back at
you both.
“Then you had better get used to these chains.” Hakan
shrugs. She thrashes around, pulling at her chains, her dark brown
eyes filled with rage. She spits and unleashes a long tirade at Hakan
in Turkish. You don’t need to speak the language to know that it is a
particularly colourful set of curses aimed at him.
“Charming my dear.” He grins. “But please, in English for my
friend here.”
“I will tell you nothing.” She spits angrily, her dark brown eyes
glaring at Hakan before they settle on you, softening slightly.
“Though I may tell you.”
“Oh?” You raise an eyebrow.
“You are English yes?” She asks. You nod. “Then I want
guarantee of protection and asylum in your country.” You consider for
a moment. It seems a small price to pay if she can help you find the
“You have my word.” You tell her solemnly. Her eyes lock to
yours, as if boring into your very soul.
“Very well.” She replies. “But before I tell you, we must make
blood oath.”
“You mean we both slice open our palms and press them
together?” You ask confused. Hakan roars with laughter.
“My friend, I think she has something a little more intimate in
mind.” Your eyes widen in realisation as you meet her gaze. Her dark
brown eyes smoulder from beneath strands of long, dishevelled silky
black hair and a smile plays at the corners of her mouth.
“You certainly have a way with the ladies.” Hakan chuckles.
“I’ll step outside and keep guard while you seal the deal!” His
footsteps and laughter echoes around the warehouse before the
door slams shut behind him. You turn and regard the beautiful
slender woman chained up before you. With her arms bound above
her head, her small pert breasts are thrust up and outwards while the
tight fitting vest top has ridden up and exposed a toned midriff. You
move closer, her eyes following you.
“My name is James.” You tell her.
“Zehra.” She replies.
“Well Zehra, I can’t release you from your chains, so perhaps
you will just have to take me at my word rather than any kind of
physical pact.”
“Who said I want you to release me?” She replies, her eyes
glinting and her smile becoming more overt. “First we fuck, then I
“Well if you insist.” You smile, not entirely comfortable with the
situation, though a tingling in your groin suggests you will have no
problem with rising to the occasion.
Take her in your arms and press your lips to hers
Turn her around and tease her from behind
You move closer, reaching for her, your hands sliding behind
her and caressing the small of her back. Zehra tilts her head back,
her lips parted as you lean into her. As your lips meet, you kiss each
other tentatively at first but then with increasing urgency, her tongue
darting out to flick over yours. Your hands slide down to her firm
buttocks and she moans into your mouth as you caress them
through the thick fabric of the cargo pants. You pull her gently
towards you, her body moulding against yours. She pants with
excitement as you slide your hands up around her sides and across
to cup her breasts. You can feel her nipples harden through the thin
cotton vest and rub your thumbs across them, eliciting a little squeal
of delight. You pull back slightly and slide your hands down to the
hem of her vest, peeling the tight fitting garment up over her chest.
Her braless breasts exposed, you gaze at her erect nipples, the dark
brown areolas contrasting with the soft olive flesh of her breasts.
“Suck them.” She tells you thickly. You nod and stoop slightly,
taking a hardened nub between your lips. Zehra throws her head
back and moans with pleasure as you gently suck on each in turn.
Continue downwards
Pull off her cargo pants and enter her
You kiss and caress Zehra’s firm breasts before sliding your
hands down her slender body. Your fingers fumble with her belt
before finally unfastening her cargo pants. You hook your fingers into
the waistband and stoop down pulling them down with her panties as
one. She moans with excitement as they slide down to her ankles.
She steps out of them and parts her legs, your face level with the
patch of dark pubic hair between her legs. You can smell her
excitement and your cock twitches at the sight of her puffy labia
peeking out beneath the wiry black tangles. You eagerly get back to
your feet, your own excitement building.
Your lips leave her nipple and trail across to her cleavage
before slowly kissing your way down her body, your fingers fumbling
at her waist as you unfasten her cargo pants. Zehra struggles
against her bonds, moaning in anticipation as you kiss past her
navel, your fingers hooking into the waistband of her cargo pants
and tugging them down with her panties as one. You feel your
hardening cock twitch at the sight of the dark triangle of curls and the
puffy lips of her slit just visible beneath. You drop to your knees, the
concrete floor cold and hard against your knees, but too excited to
notice the discomfort. You grasp her hips and she parts her legs as
you press your face between her thighs. Her feminine aroma fills
your nostrils and you eagerly stretch out your tongue, the tip tracing
the length of her slit. Zehra gasps at your touch, thrusting her hips
forward in an effort to encourage you to press inside her. You hold
back slowly running your tongue up and down her labia.
“Eat me.” She tells you, her voice thick with desire. “Eat my
pussy!” You grin to yourself as you ignore her, continuing to tease
her. “Bastard!” She groans before you feel her straining against her
bonds. Your eyes widen as she suddenly hoists herself up on her
chains, pulling her slender legs up and wrapping them around your
head. With her thighs around your head, she could quite easily snap
your neck, but instead she uses her legs to pull your face tightly into
her hot, moist pussy.
“Now you will eat my pussy.” She tells you, a note of
satisfaction in her voice now that she has the upper hand. You thrust
your tongue deep into her sodden slit, her tangy taste exciting you as
she moans with pleasure. Your hands squeeze and caress her
buttocks as you slip your tongue deeply inside her. Zehra’s shrill
cries of delight echo around the warehouse as she squirms above
you, her legs rocking you back and forth as you pleasure her.
“Yes, yes!” She gasps. “That feels so good! I grow close. Now
lick me. Lick me until I come!” As the iron grip of her legs holds your
face tightly against her pussy, you reflect that you hardly have a
choice in the matter, but continue to lash your tongue against her
juicy slit. Her breathing becomes increasingly laboured and erratic
and you can feel her tensing up as she closes in. You crane your
head up slightly and flick your tongue over her clitoris and that sends
her over the edge. With a shriek of release, she writhes in ecstasy,
her thighs clamping so tightly around your head that you can no
longer hear her cries of pleasure. Her body trembles as her orgasm
rips through her until finally she relaxes, her thighs releasing your
head from their vicelike grip. Zehra pants and wheezes as she
catches her breath.
“Good. Very good.” She purrs, pulling herself up by her chains
and unfolding her slender legs from you with the grace of a gymnast.
“Now fuck me.”
Slide your cock inside her
Have her return the favour
Facing her, you press your lips to hers, quickly undressing
before grasping her thighs and lifting her up off the floor. She kisses
you back passionately, dangling from her chains as she wraps her
slender legs around your waist. You guide your throbbing cock to her
moist opening and you both gasp in unison as you sink into her
velvety depths.
“Yes, yes!” Zehra moans, her hot breath on your neck as she
bounces up and down on you. You slide your hands back, grasping
her firm buttocks as you thrust up inside her, your cock sliding easily
inside her wet pussy. She leans back, using the chains to allow you
to swing her body back and forth, impaling her on your hard cock.
You gaze down, watching your shaft, glistening with her juices,
disappear again and again inside her. Your eyes slide up her olive
skinned body, past her toned stomach before lingering a moment on
her firm breasts which tremble slightly with each thrust before
reaching her face. Her long dark hair dangles behind her head and a
sheen of perspiration covers her forehead. Her lips are parted and
her dark brown eyes are filled with passion and locked on yours.
“Fuck me harder.” She tells you breathlessly. “I grow close.”
Zehra’s legs tighten around your hips, slamming herself against you,
panting as she takes your length deeply inside her. You grasp her
hips and pound into her with renewed vigour, her infectious lust
driving you towards your climax.
“I’m getting close too.” You tell her, feeling the tension in your
loins building.
“Yessssssssss!” She hisses. “Give me your seed. Fill me with
it!” The thought seems to excite her even more than it does you as
moments later she throws back her head, her eyes squeezing shut
and her mouth dropping open before shrieking with pleasure as her
climax crashes through her. Her body jerks against you, trembling in
ecstasy as waves of pleasure surge through her. Her pussy clenches
your shaft and sends you over the edge too. You slam into her one
last time and feel your balls contract before unleashing a powerful
torrent of come inside her quivering body. Her legs grip you tightly,
drawing you deep inside her as your twitching cock spurts again and
again. You grunt with each powerful eruption, drowning out her soft
gasps as your bodies are locked in a dance of ecstasy. Finally as the
last of your seed erupts from the tip, her legs relax their grip on you
and you gently slip from her pussy before her feet return to the floor.
Zehra’s chest heaves as she catches her breath and she flashes you
a satisfied smile.
“That’s my kind of interrogation.” You quip breathlessly.
“I think you’re forgetting who’s in charge here.” You grin,
reaching out and grasping a chunky yellow control box dangling from
a flex. You press a button and the winch above her head whines as it
lowers her onto her knees. You unzip your fly and pull your hard,
throbbing cock from your trousers, relieved to have freed it from the
restricted confines of your underpants. Zehra’s eyes widen slightly at
the sight of your thick engorged shaft swaying before her face.
“Your turn.” You tell her, guiding it to her lips. She glares
angrily up at you before her gaze drops to your straining member
and she reluctantly opens her mouth and allows you to slip the tip
inside. You groan as you watch her lips close around it and feel her
warm, moist tongue slithering all over the bulbous head. You gaze
down, enjoying the sight of her lips stretched around your shaft. She
begins to bob her head back and forth, growing more enthusiastic
with your every groan of pleasure. You run your fingers through her
silky black hair, guiding her pace as she sucks and slurps on your
cock. You can already feel a growing tightness in your loins and not
wanting to come just yet, you abruptly pull your cock from her lips.
“It was not good for you?” She asks, looking up at you
“On the contrary.” You smile, pulling off your trousers and
underpants. “Your technique is a little too good.” Zehra returns your
smile, her relief obvious.
“Then please, let me continue.” She purrs thickly. “You may
take pleasure in my mouth if you wish it.” Your eyes widen. “I want
you to.” She adds. You guide your cock back to her lips, but this time
she feathers her tongue down her underside of your shaft down to
your balls. You groan as you feel her tongue slithering all over them,
leaving them wet with saliva before she licks back up to the head
and takes it back into her mouth.
“That feels incredible.” You grunt, running your fingers through
her silky black hair as she quickly finds her earlier rhythm. You can
feel the come churning in your balls and as your eyes meet, you can
tell Zehra knows it too. Her dark brown eyes glint with lust filled
excitement and her pace quickens as she drives you over the edge.
With a roar of release, you feel the blissful sensation of your balls
twitching as your come races up your shaft to explode in her waiting
mouth. You hold her head tightly, groaning in ecstasy as she hungrily
sucks at your erupting cock, your seed splashing across her tongue.
As she draws the last of your come from your balls, you slip from her
lips feeling light headed.
“Damn, that was good.” You smile weakly at her as she gulps
down the mouthful of your thick creamy seed. She licks her lips and
grins up at you, her eyes sparkling at your satisfied expression.
“We have sealed agreement.” Zehra tells you simply. You nod,
catching your breath for a moment before protecting her modesty
and pulling her clothes back on before pulling up your own trousers.
“Hakan!” You call out, winking conspiratorially at Zehra. “The
prisoner is ready to talk.”
“Good work my friend.” He tells you as he steps back in, his
bushy moustache twitching as he grins broadly at you before
glancing kindly at Zehra. “Now my dear, what do you have to tell
“It all happen three nights ago.” Zehra tells you. “My employer
owns warehouse. We guard building. This not unusual. My employer
is Turkish crime syndicate.” She shrugs. “Drugs often come in across
Black sea. This time different. No drugs. Missiles! Two missiles. Men
from ship come. They work on missiles. Remove something from
“The GPS tracking system I presume.” You murmur to Hakan,
who nods.
“Missiles go back on cargo ship. Then men from ship shoot
guards, take bodies and drop them into harbour. I hide in shadows.
Men load missiles back onto ship and lock doors behind them. I
trapped here for three days. Then ghost man comes. He find me. He
going to kill me. The rest you know.”
“Did you see the name of the ship?” You ask.
“Yes. Ship called Janus.” You immediately reach for your
“A ship matching your informant’s description passed
Gibraltar two days ago.” Miss Meriweather tells you over the phone
half an hour later. “SS Janus. Registered in the Bahamas.”
“Who owns the ship?” You ask, the phone pressed hard
against your ear as you pace around the warehouse.
“A Turkish shipping company, but we’ve dug a little deeper
and found that they are owned by Kruger Corporation.”
“As in Hugo Kruger, the billionaire Industrialist?” You ask.
“Yes.” Miss Meriweather replies.
“Then he has just become a person of interest.” You reply,
glancing at Hakan.
“Surely not.” Hakan says. “Hugo Kruger is something of a
philanthropist, donating millions to develop the townships in his
native Johannesburg and elsewhere. He has been lauded
throughout the world as a generous humanitarian. Perhaps someone
else within his organisation.”
“Perhaps…” You muse.
“An interesting turn of events.” Hakan frowns. “What next?”
First things first. Deal with Zehra
Travel to Johannesburg and investigate Hugo Kruger
“We have one loose end to deal with.” You glance across at
Zehra, still chained up beneath the crane. She returns your gaze,
concern etched on her features as she realises you are discussing
her fate.
“Yes.” Hakan replies, deep in thought. “She was co-operative
and kept to her word, but she is still a criminal James. What do you
want to do?”
She kept to her word, so you will keep to yours
She is a criminal and needs to be dealt with accordingly
“Regardless of her chequered past, she’s redeemed herself
with intel that might have saved the lives of millions.” You tell Hakan.
“I’ll keep to my word.” You stride across towards her and unlock her
handcuffs. She rubs her tender wrists and gazes uncertainly into
your eyes.
“England is beautiful this time of year.” You grin.
“Thank you James.” She smiles, her relief palpable. She
throws her arms around you and presses her lips to yours, kissing
you tenderly. You gently ease her away, conscious that you have a
pressing assignment to carry out.
“Hakan will make the necessary arrangements.” You tell her.
She nods, glancing at him.
“Yes, come my dear.” He grins beneath his bushy moustache.
“A new life awaits.” He turns to you and shakes you warmly by the
hand. “You have time to celebrate before you go?” He asks. “I know
a place, nice ambience, the women are beautiful…”
There is not a moment to lose. Go to Johannesburg
“You’re right, we can’t simply ignore the sins of her past.” You
tell Hakan. “Still, perhaps there’s a way I can still keep my word.” You
turn to Zehra who eyes you suspiciously. You lower the winch and
unhook her chains but make no move to remove her handcuffs.
“What is this?” She asks, her dark brown eyes boring into
“I’ll approve your extradition to England, but as a prisoner.”
You tell her. “You must still atone for your past crimes. When you
have served your time, you may stay in England as agreed.”
“Bastard!” She spits. “We made blood oath! Your seed is
within me!”
“I did what I needed to do to get the information I needed.”
You tell her coldly.
“A curse on you.” She tells you darkly as Hakan grasps her
“Calm yourself my dear.” He soothes her. “Life in an English
prison will be far easier than a Turkish one and you will still have a
better life eventually.” She seems less than convinced, glaring at you
as he begins to lead her away.
“You are leaving straight away?” Hakan asks.
There is not a moment to lose. Go to Johannesburg
You grasp Zehra’s hips and twist her roughly around in her
chains so she has her back to you. She gasps with a mixture of
surprise and excitement as you pull her towards you, pressing her
firm buttocks against your groin. You slide your hands upwards,
grasping the hem of her tight fitting vest and pulling it up above her
chest. You cup her small, firm breasts, Zehra moaning with pleasure
as you caress them, pushing back against you and grinding her
buttocks against your rapidly hardening cock. You lean forward,
pressing your lips to the side of her neck, Zehra letting out a low
moan of delight as you kiss her soft flesh.
“Fuck me.” She murmurs thickly as you pinch the hard buds of
her nipples. You slide your hands down to her waist, unfastening her
cargo pants and tugging them down to her ankles. You slide a hand
down between her legs, feeling the delicate lacy fabric of her panties
and the soft down of her pubic hair beneath. You slip your fingers
lower, Zehra tensing up and letting out a gasp of excitement as you
find her puffy labia. Your fingertips trace the length of her slit,
detecting moistness seeping through the gusset. You smile, sliding
your lips up to her ear.
“You like to be tied up don’t you?” You whisper, slowly rubbing
her through the flimsy material. She replies only with a low groan,
grinding back against you as you continue to rub at her pussy. You
press a little more firmly, your fingers pressing the increasingly damp
fabric between her lips and making Zehra gasp with delight. Your
hard cock throbs painfully within the confines of your trousers and
unable to stand it anymore, you pull back from her, fumbling with
your fly before pulling your aching shaft free.
“Yes, yes!” Zehra moans over her shoulder as you hook your
fingers into the waistband of her panties and peel them down her
legs. She kicks them away and parts her legs in anticipation as you
press your body back against hers, your cock slipping between her
legs. Instead of pushing inside her, you push back and forth, your
cock rubbing against her moist, puffy lips. Zehra wriggles in her
bonds, trying to adjust her position so that you slip inside but to no
avail. You smile at her cry of frustration as you continue to drag the
bulbous tip of your cock along her slit.
“Fuck me.” She repeats, this time breathless with desire, a
note of desperation in her voice. You ignore her, continuing to slide
your length through her sodden trench, feeling her warm wetness
coating the topside of your hard shaft. Zehra trembles with need and
while you are enjoying tormenting her, your own lustful desires need
sating as much as hers.
Turn her around and slip your cock inside her
Pull back a little and guide the tip to her arse
You pull back a little, the head of your cock trailing through the
warm wetness of her slit. Zehra moans in anticipation, expecting you
to press into her, but instead you pull back further still until the
bulbous head nestles between her buttocks. She flinches in surprise,
her buttocks clenching and squeezing the tip. She glances over her
shoulder at you, her brown eyes gazing fearfully into yours.
“It’s okay.” You soothe, kissing her tenderly. “I’ll be gentle, I
promise.” She nods, her expression softening and you feel her
buttocks relax. You grip her hips and apply pressure, pushing
against the tight knot of muscle until she grunts as the head pops
inside. You groan as you feel her sphincter instinctively clench your
shaft, but hold still for a moment, allowing her to grow accustomed to
the intruder. You feel her relax and push back, grunting as your shaft
slowly slides all that way inside the hot, snug confines of her arse.
“So full!” She groans, gyrating her hips against you. You moan
thickly in reply, sliding a hand from her hip down to her pussy and
rubbing her clitoris as you begin to thrust into her tight back passage.
Any reservations Zehra might have harboured are swiftly forgotten
as she pushes back against you, meeting your thrusts and driving
your cock deeply inside her. Her pussy is drenched and you can feel
her juices trickling down your shaft and onto your balls. Her
breathing becomes increasingly ragged and her moans become
louder and more intense, echoing around the warehouse. You
wonder if Hakan can hear her cries as you pound into her, your
excitement driving you towards your own climax.
“Damn, that feels good.” You pant as you feel your balls
“Take pleasure inside me.” She tells you, twisting her head
around, her lust filled eyes meeting yours. “Give me your seed.”
Broken English or not, that sends you over the edge and with a roar
of release, you explode into her tight hole. You fire stream after
stream of your creamy come into the hot confines of her arse which
seems to send her over the edge too. With a cry of ecstasy, she
jerks and judders in her chains as a powerful orgasm surges through
her. You can feel her clitoris twitching against your fingers and her
sphincter gripping your shaft tightly as she trembles and moans with
pleasure. As you pump the last of your seed into her quivering body,
you slip from her buttocks before taking an unsteady step back. You
gaze at the beautiful half naked woman chained up before you, from
her silky black hair to her narrow waist and her firm buttocks and
lower to her toned thighs and slender legs.
“That was wonderful.” You smile as she glances over her
shoulder at you, her face a picture of satisfaction.
“There’s no time to waste.” You tell Hakan. “I’ll go to
Johannesburg immediately and see what I can dig up on Kruger.
Can you deal with Zehra and make the necessary arrangements?”
“Of course.” Hakan nods. “Good luck my friend.”
You arrive in Johannesburg the next morning, the temperature
rising as the sun climbs the cloudless South African sky. As you
make your way out of the airport, your phone rings.
“Agent 69.” N begins brusquely. “You have arrived in
“I have.” You reply.
“Excellent. Hugo Kruger is hosting a Charity Gala at the
Kruger Corporation building in the city centre. You are to assume an
alias and attend the Gala as a guest. Find out what you can and then
infiltrate the server room in the basement. Upload the contents of the
server to our mainframe. If he has any secrets, we’ll find them.”
“Have you managed to dig anything up on him at your end?”
“Yes and no.” She tells you. “Our preliminary investigations
haven’t turned up anything of note. Kruger has a relatively clean
record. He has a ruthless streak, but no more than any other
successful businessman. No strong political affiliations or vices.”
“So far, so dull.” You reply.
“Indeed. However, our American friends have taken an
interest in him.” N tells you. “The CIA have a deep cover agent
imbedded within Kruger’s organisation. Our friends across the pond
would rather not blow their operative’s cover at this moment, but
“She.” You echo.
“Yes, ‘She’!” N replies impatiently. “As she is in deep cover,
she has gone dark, so even the CIA have no way to contact her.
However, they believe that she intends to access the server room
too, so our interests and that of the CIA and their agent should align.
Try to make contact and she may be able to assist you if you cannot
gain access to the server room yourself.”
“Do we have a photo of the agent?” You ask.
“No, the CIA refuse to divulge much information to us,
however she is a redhead and to politely paraphrase what my
opposite number at the CIA said, she is rather large in the bust.” You
stifle a chuckle, but it does not go undetected.
“One last thing.” N tells you sternly, “Her codename is
“Jackrabbit!?” You echo.
“Yes.” N replies impatiently.
“Thank you ma’am.” You reply.
“Good luck Agent 69.” N replies before ending the call and
checking your watch. You have a few hours to kill.
Check in with Hakan
Make arrangements to attend Kruger’s Gala
You reach for your phone and call Hakan.
“Hello my old friend.” His voice booms. “Any progress with
“Not yet,” You reply, “Anything at your end?”
“We’ve pulled in the boss of the crime syndicate that owns the
warehouse.” Hakan tells you. “We have nothing to link him directly to
the theft of the missiles of course, but he wouldn’t make a good
poker player. When we mentioned Hugo Kruger, he went pale and
refused to say another word. How do you English say? That you are
barking up the right tree?”
“Close enough.” You grin. “Thanks.”
“Good luck my friend.” Hakan tells you before ending the call.
You smile grimly, looking forward to locking horns with Hugo Kruger.
Make arrangements to attend Kruger’s Gala
You call MI6’s Johannesburg outpost and make arrangements
to have yourself added to the guest list (Under an alias of course)
and with the appropriate forged identification. That done, you again
check your watch. Enough time to locate Johannesburg’s best
A few hours later, you adjust your bowtie and straighten your
tuxedo jacket before striding into the opulent ballroom within the
Kruger Corporation building. The huge chamber is appointed in the
style of a French chateau with ornate chandeliers hanging from the
ceiling while fine paintings and luxurious drapes hang from the walls.
The charity gala is in full swing and you recognise a number of
famous dignitaries, film stars, politicians and businessmen all
dressed in their finest evening wear. You linger on the periphery for a
moment before spotting the man himself. Hugo Kruger, a bull on a
man, holding court in the centre of the room surrounded by a
selection of braying sycophants. Despite having been in business for
some twenty-five years, he still has the look of the rugby player he
once was in his youth with his close-cropped hair, crooked nose and
powerful physique. Once touted as a future rugby international, he
turned his back on a promising career with the Springboks to pursue
a career in business. You notice among Kruger’s group a couple of
people of interest: One, an elegant brunette in a stylish vintage
purple dress has her arm linked into his and narrows her eyes at any
of the other beautiful women who she deems to be becoming
overfamiliar with her man. The other, a beautiful voluptuous redhead
wearing a long, flowing green dress that hugs her figure, the low cut
neckline drawing your gaze to her impressive cleavage. Though
within the group, she seems to stand apart, not laughing with the
others and regarding Kruger with cool detachment. You smile to
yourself, certain that she is the CIA’s embedded operative.
Introduce yourself to Kruger
Speak to the brunette
Make contact with the redhead
You make your way across the room to the throng of people
surrounding Kruger. His brunette lady friend, her accent French,
appears to be voicing her displeasure at something.
“If you don’t like it Bérénice, then perhaps you should return to
Paris and I will arrange to have all your items sent on.” He tells her,
his voice low but firm. “Not including anything you have bought with
my money of course…” He grins humourlessly at her, fixing her with
a flinty eyed stare. She glares coolly back at him for a moment
before lowering her head in submission. He leans forward and
whispers in her ear. “A wise decision my dear. After all, there are
plenty of pretty, younger women who would jump at the chance of
taking your place as my… assistant.” You clear your throat, Kruger
turning to you, a flash of anger in his eyes that quickly evaporates.
“Good evening Mr Kruger.” You smile. “Allow me to introduce
myself. I am George Grenville, a banker from London.” You
effortlessly lie, continuing a habit you have of using former British
prime ministers as aliases.
“Surprised you would admit such a thing in public.” Kruger
smirks, while the Frenchwoman eyes you disinterestedly. “City
bankers are hardly flavour of the month these days.” The group
around him all laugh a little too loud and long.
“Water off a duck’s back Mr Kruger.” You shrug.
“Exactly the correct attitude Mr Grenville.” Kruger tells you.
“You must be resilient in any line of business.”
“Thank you sir.” You reply.
“So, what can I do for you Mr Grenville?” Kruger asks.
“I just wanted to express my gratitude at being invited to such
a prestigious event, but my office did ask me to mention that they are
awaiting some account information for your shipping company in
Istanbul.” You watch Kruger’s face closely, but he must be a hell of a
poker player as there is not so much as a flicker.
“You are mistaken Mr Grenville.” Kruger tells you firmly. “I
have no business interests in Istanbul.”
“Oh? You’re certain Mr Kruger?” You reply, knitting your
eyebrows. “Perhaps through a subsidiary company?”
“No Mr Grenville.” Kruger tells you, a note of finality in his
“Apologies sir. I will explain to my colleagues that they are in
“Good.” He replies. “Have a pleasant evening Mr Grenville.”
With that he turns away and you find yourself once again on the
periphery of his enthralled guests.
Speak to Kruger’s lady friend
Make contact with the redhead
You make your way across the bustling room of the rich and
famous before reaching the redhead, who is sipping thoughtfully at a
glass of champagne.
“Enjoying the gala?” You grin.
“It’s quite the occasion.” She replies evasively, her eyes
flicking momentarily to you before returning to Kruger. Her accent is
American and you can detect a subtle hint of a Texas drawl.
“Your accent.” You smile, your eyes lingering on her, drinking
in her curvaceous body. “Texan?”
“Originally.” She replies, her green eyes studying you
curiously. “You’ve got a good ear.”
“Just wait until you see the rest of me.” You reply with a smirk.
A smile plays on her lips as she turns to you.
“And a quick wit.” She laughs. “Something that’s in short
supply around here.” She gestures dismissively at the group around
Kruger and rolls her eyes. His brunette lady friend speaks sullenly to
him and though you can’t quite hear what she said, she sounded
“Bérénice Marceau.” The redhead tells you, following your
gaze. “Kruger’s assistant… and mistress.”
“She doesn’t look too happy.” You observe.
“What a hard life it must be to live in the lap of luxury.” She
replies caustically. You both smile before you extend a hand.
“My name is Grenville, George Grenville.” You tell her,
continuing a habit you have of using former British prime ministers
as aliases.
“Pleased to meet you Mr Grenville.” She replies, offering her
hand but not her name. Undeterred, you continue.
“So Texas.” You smile. “You grow up shooting Jackrabbits?”
She starts and her eyes bore into yours, perhaps trying to discern
whether your words are loaded or if it is a pure coincidence. You
certainly have her full attention now.
“Contrary to popular belief, Texans aren’t given a gun the
moment we’re out of diapers.” She retorts.
“Apologies.” You reply. “I’m glad to hear it. I’m rather fond of
Jackrabbits.” You hold her gaze for a moment.
“Excuse me Mr Grenville.” She replies, hurrying from the room
perhaps to check in with Langley and tell them she may have been
“Smooth. Very smooth.” You berate yourself under your breath
before draining the last of your champagne. Looks like you’ll have to
infiltrate the server room on your own.
An hour later, you have managed to follow a careless
employee through a security door and into the secure part of the
building. You stalk through the office corridors and find a stairwell,
descending down several flights to the building’s lowermost sub-
basement. You find yourself confronted with a heavily reinforced
security door. You smile grimly at the sophisticated electronic door
lock. It’ll take a while to breach. Time is a factor and you don’t want
to be caught by any patrolling security guards. You have a small
shaped charge with you. Noisy but quick. If you’re lucky, you could
get in, get to the server and away before a response team reaches
you. Otherwise, you’ll just have to crack the electronic lock with the
decryption software in your phone and hope you can get through the
door before you are spotted.
Use the shaped charge
Crack the lock electronically
You pull the shaped charge from your jacket pocket and
carefully secure it to the door lock. You set the timer for ten seconds
and quickly clamber up the steps. You reach the landing above when
a loud thunderclap of an explosion echoes up the confined stairwell,
making your ears ring. You silently curse, knowing that the noise will
no doubt have been heard and will be investigated. You need to
work swiftly. You retrace your steps to the warped and smouldering
remains of the door and kick it open, moving into the sub-basement.
The sub-basement is a vast open space, empty apart from a large
gleaming steel enclosure in the centre of the room. A huge circular
vault door is mounted in one face. You realise that if the server room
is down here, it must be within the vault. You curse the incomplete
intelligence from N and your heart sinks as you listen to the heavy
footfall of several pairs of boots on the staircase behind you. You
wish you could have smuggled a weapon into the gala, wondering if
you can instead best them in hand to hand combat, but as the
guards appear, clad in body armour and carrying MP5 submachine
guns, you know it is hopeless. You raise your hands. One of the
guards smiles grimly and raises his MP5 and takes aim. Your eyes
widen and the weapon’s muzzle-flash is the last thing you ever see.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You pull your phone from your pocket and set the software
running. You shift your weight impatiently from foot to foot as the
software scans, makes a connection and begins the slow process of
decrypting the electronic lock. You watch as a progress bar slowly
fills. The bar is just over halfway when you hear footsteps slowly
clanking on the staircase high above. You wince, cursing your luck.
No doubt a patrolling security guard. He has several flights of steps
to descend, but he is far too close and will certainly reach you before
the lock has been decrypted. You glance again at the progress bar
as it passes 60%. You wish you could have smuggled a weapon into
the gala. You wonder if you could ambush the guard, but in the
confines of the stairwell there are no blind spots from which to
pounce. 73% and his footsteps grow louder as he approaches. He
must only be a couple of floors above you now. 79%. Just another
thirty seconds and you’ll be through. Unfortunately, as you hear the
guard’s boots scraping on the landing directly above another ten
seconds and he will reach you. You hear his feet begin to descend
the next flight of steps. Once he turns on the mid-landing, he’ll see
you. 85%. So close! You hear the rasp of static from his radio. The
footsteps stop.
“Blue Eleven here.” The guard reports, his tone flat, bored.
“Yes, just finishing my patrol of the west staircase…” You glance at
the screen. 92%. The guard sighs deeply. “I guess I can cover his
shift…” 97%. “…but tell him he owes me a beer or ten.” The lock
clicks open. You quickly push through the door and ease it shut just
as the footsteps begin to fall again. You spot a shadow on the mid
landing just as the door closes. You breathe a deep sigh of relief and
turn around. You are standing in a vast, open sub-basement. Apart
from supporting columns, the space is completely empty apart from
a large gleaming steel enclosure in the centre of the room. A huge
circular vault door is mounted in one face. You realise that if the
server room is down here, it must be within the vault. As you
approach the vault, you silently curse the incomplete intelligence
from N and wonder just how you are going to get through the huge
steel door. Your thoughts are broken by a tapping noise overhead.
You glance up and watch as a grille drops from the ventilation duct
above you. You step into the shadows as figure dressed all in black
swings out from the ducting and hangs from it for a moment before
dropping to the floor and landing with the grace of a gymnast.
Though she has her back to you, you recognise the curvaceous
body contained within the catsuit, the strip lighting reflecting off the
smooth, glossy latex. She reaches up and runs her fingers through
her long red hair before striding purposefully towards the vault door.
Reveal yourself to ‘Jackrabbit’
Wait and watch what she does
You watch from the shadows as the redhead glances
cautiously around her before dialling in a combination. She then
turns the large spindle in the centre of the vault door and there is a
mechanical thud as the lock bolts are withdrawn. The redhead steps
back as the heavy steel door swings slowly open, lights flickering on
within the vault. With one last glance over her shoulder, she steps
inside and disappears from sight. You emerge from your hiding place
and creep silently across the floor to the vault door. You step inside,
your eyes widening as a hand darts out from just inside the opening,
grasping your shirt and pulling you through the air. The interior of the
vault is a blur as you find yourself swept up off your feet to land
painfully on your back, the wind knocked out of you. You see a flash
of chrome and feel a crushing weight against your chest, the
redhead’s knee pinning you to the floor, her knife at your throat.
“Easy Jackrabbit, we’re on the same side.” You grin, her blade
pressing against your windpipe.
“Who the hell are you?” She growls.
“The name’s Hazard, James Hazard.” You reply.
“You’re MI6?” She asks, eyeing you warily.
“I am.” You reply. She slowly pulls the blade from your throat
and climbs off you. “Nice move.” You comment, climbing back to
your feet and rubbing your throat. You take in the interior of the vault,
gazing in wonder at the contents. To one side are pallets of gold bars
and shrink wrapped pallets of neatly stacked cash of various
denominations. To the other are strange antiquities and no doubt
priceless works of art. In the centre of the vault is a glass walled
server room, a series of tall server units all humming with life.
“You’ve been briefed about the nuclear warheads?” You ask
“Yes.” She replies grimly. “I received a dead drop this
afternoon. You really think Kruger Corporation is linked to it?”
“The evidence supports it.” You tell her. “But the theft only
happened days ago. Why were you undercover within the
organisation already?”
“That’s classified.” She replies coolly. You shrug and turn
towards the server room.
“Shall we?” You ask, throwing the redhead a cocky grin and
pulling open the glass door.
“No!” She hisses as you step inside. Red lights flash and
there is a loud rumbling behind you. You spin around to find the
heavy vault door rumbling shut. The redhead charges at the door,
but it slams shut with a booming echo. She thumps the heavy steel
door in frustration before turning to face you, glaring across the vault
at you.
“Goddamn it! It’s on a time lock!” She fumes. “Luckily, I’ve
disabled the alarms, but we’re stuck in here until 7.00 am. Nice going
“Apologies.” You grin ruefully. “Not my finest moment.”
“No, it’s not!” She replies before exhaling, her initial fury
“So, who do I have the pleasure of spending the night with?”
You smile.
“My name is Scarlett Bush.” She replies reticently. You smile
and open your mouth to speak. “Don’t.” She snaps. “I’ve heard them
all before.”
“I’d never be so obvious.” You grin. “So Agent Bush, what
“We get what we came for.” She tells you, pushing past you
into the server room and bending over to plug a USB device into the
mainframe. You find your eyes drawn to her shapely buttocks, the
shiny black latex stretched tightly across them. “I’m uploading the
contents of the servers to the tech guys at Langley.” She tells you. “If
Kruger’s got any skeletons in his closet, we’ll soon know about it.”
She straightens, leaving her gadget to siphon off the data. You follow
Scarlett from the server room and return to the vault, pulling off your
jacket and throwing it on top of a stack of gold. You glance at your
watch. Just after midnight. Nearly seven hours to kill. You glance
over at Scarlett, who glares back at you, no doubt coming to the
same conclusion. What to do?
Attempt to seduce her
You’re a professional on a mission. Keep it in your pants for once
As tempted as you are to seduce the beautiful redhead, you
are in the middle of a mission. You reluctantly sit down against the
stack of gold and glance across at Scarlett, who is settling down
against a pallet stacked with US dollars. She meets your gaze, her
eyes narrowing as she wriggles, making a show of your
uncomfortable quarters for the night. As she closes her eyes, your
gaze lingers on her latex clad body one last time before you too
close your eyes and drift off to an uneasy night’s sleep.
You are abruptly awoken by the mechanical locks
disengaging in the vault door. You spring up while Scarlett retrieves
her device from the server room.
“Upload has been completed.” She tells you, studying the
read-out. “Our techs at Langley will have been sifting through the
data. We should have an answer on any suspicious activity soon.”
“Good.” You reply. “Now we just have to get out of here.”
“We’re both highly trained operatives.” She shrugs. “Security
are a handful of rent-a-cops. It’ll be a walk in the park.”
Half an hour later, it is quite literally a walk in the park as you
leave the building without incident and make your way to the nearby
Joubert Park, sitting by a large fountain while commuters, coffee
cups in hand walk briskly past on their way to work. Sitting there in a
tux while Scarlett wears her latex catsuit, you get a few curious
looks. Her phone suddenly vibrates and she studies the screen.
“A response from Langley.” She tells you quietly. “Kruger has
a private island in the Bahamas. The techs have found architectural
plans of what appears to be a missile silo! All the intel has been
uploaded to MI6’s servers, so they’re in the loop.”
“Good work.” You tell her, getting to your feet. “I’ll speak to N
and arrange to infiltrate the island. How about it Agent Bush? You
ready to finish this?”
“I’d love to,” Scarlett tells you sadly, “But as my cover is still
intact, Langley have told me to remain on station.”
“Maybe next time.” You reply.
“Maybe.” She smiles. “Good luck James.”
“Good evening.” You grin, your voice echoing in the
cavernous sub-basement. The redhead flinches and whirls around to
face you, simultaneous taking up a fighting stance. You throw your
hands up in the air. “Easy, we’re on the same side. Jackrabbit I
presume?” The redhead nods, eyeing you warily.
“You’re MI6?”
“I am.” You reply before gesturing at the vault door. “Shall
we?” The redhead narrows her eyes at you before stepping forward
and dialling in a combination.
“All a bit old school.” You comment.
“Deliberately.” The redhead replies. “If it had been electronic,
I’d have hacked it weeks ago. I’ve been undercover for over three
months trying to find out the combination number.”
“Well, not a moment too soon.” You reply. “You’ve been
briefed about the nuclear warheads?”
“Yes.” She replies grimly. “I received a dead drop this
afternoon. You really think Kruger Corporation is linked to it?”
“The evidence supports it.” You tell her. “But that’s all a recent
development. Why were you undercover within the organisation
“That’s classified.” She replies coolly before stepping back
and turning the large spindle in the centre of the vault door. There is
a mechanical thud as the lock bolts are withdrawn. The redhead
steps back as the heavy steel door swings slowly open. You both
step inside the vault, gazing in wonder at the contents. To one side
are pallets of gold bars and shrink wrapped pallets of neatly stacked
cash of various denominations. To the other are strange antiquities
and no doubt priceless works of art. In the centre of the vault is a
glass walled server room, a series of tall server units all humming
with life.
“That wasn’t so hard.” You say, throwing the redhead a cocky
grin and pulling open the glass door.
“No!” She hisses as you step inside. Red lights flash and
there is a loud rumbling behind you. You spin around to find the
heavy vault door rumbling shut. The redhead charges at the door,
but it slams shut with a booming echo. She thumps the heavy steel
door in frustration before turning to face you, glaring across the vault
at you.
“Goddamn it! It’s on a time lock!” She fumes. “Luckily, I’ve
disabled the alarms, but we’re stuck in here until 7.00 am. Nice going
“Apologies.” You grin ruefully. “Not my finest moment.”
“Who the hell are you anyway?” She growls.
“The name’s Hazard, James Hazard.” You tell her. “MI6 agent
and reckless idiot.”
“At least we agree on something.” She replies her initial fury
cooling. “My name is Scarlett Bush.” You smile and open your mouth
to speak. “Don’t.” She snaps. “I’ve heard them all before.”
“I’d never be so obvious.” You grin. “So Agent Bush, what
“We get what we came for.” She tells you, pushing past you
into the server room and bending over to plug a USB device into the
mainframe. You find your eyes drawn to her shapely buttocks, the
shiny black latex stretched tightly across them. “I’m uploading the
contents of the servers to the tech guys at Langley.” She tells you. “If
Kruger’s got any skeletons in his closet, we’ll soon know about it.”
She straightens, leaving her gadget to siphon off the data. You follow
Scarlett from the server room and return to the vault, pulling off your
jacket and throwing it on top of a stack of gold. You glance at your
watch. Just after midnight. Nearly seven hours to kill. You glance
over at Scarlett, who glares back at you, no doubt coming to the
same conclusion. What to do?
Attempt to seduce her
You’re a professional on a mission. Keep it in your pants for once
You wait until Kruger is deep in conversation with one of his
guests and his lady friend stands neglected a few paces away before
making your move.
“Good evening.” You smile at the beautiful brunette. “Enjoying
the gala?”
“Once perhaps.” She smiles faintly, her accent French. “They
swiftly become rather tiresome.” Her poise and manner suggests if
not an upbringing in the upper echelons of high society, then
certainly not far removed. She has a tall, athletic figure, slender but
still feminine like that of a tennis player. Her tanned skin, perhaps
obtained from hours of sunbathing on Kruger’s private yacht moored
in Monaco’s marina, gives her a healthy glow and her long dark
brown hair is immaculately styled, falling just past her shoulders. The
elegant vintage purple dress she wears has a plunging neckline
down to just below her breasts, which are small enough for her to not
require a bra, but firm and pert.
“You’ll forgive me.” You tell her. “This is my first such
occasion. You must be Mrs Kruger?” Her eyes widen and she laughs
“Hardly.” She replies bitterly, subconsciously reaching up and
touching a diamond necklace glittering at her throat. “At best
concubine, mistress or lover, at worst a high-class…”
“Sounds complicated.” You interrupt. “My name is Grenville,
George Grenville.” You tell her, continuing a habit you have of using
the names of former British prime ministers as aliases.
“Bérénice Marceau.” She replies.
“A pleasure to meet you Ms Marceau.” You smile, holding her
gaze. She returns your smile, blushing slightly.
“Bérénice, please.” She replies, her hazel eyes gazing
attentively into yours.
You make polite small talk for the next few minutes and it
soon becomes clear from the odd statement and the occasional
narrow eyed glance in Kruger’s direction that Bérénice is far from
content. With her obvious disillusionment with her life with him, she
could be an excellent source of information. As your eyes drink in
her tall, slender figure, you decide the best (and most pleasurable)
approach would be seduction. You lean forward and whisper
“Mr Kruger does not know his own good fortune. If I was in his
shoes, I’d appreciate the beautiful, sensual woman he seems to
have forgotten.” Bérénice blinks in surprise, blushing and smiling
shyly at the compliment. You talk for another couple of minutes, the
beautiful Frenchwoman now quite receptive to your charm, smiling
happily as you converse. She glances over at Kruger, who has his
back to her and is deep in conversation with an attractive Italian
woman. Her smile vanishes and she touches his shoulder.
“I’m a little weary.” She tells Kruger. “I think I shall retire for the
evening.” He gives her a cursory glance and grunts in
acknowledgement before turning his back to her and continuing his
conversation. You see a brief flash of anger in her eyes before she
turns back to you.
“It’s been a pleasure to meet you Mr Grenville.” She tells you,
pressing her hand to yours. You feel something pressed into your
palm and quickly slip it into your pocket. You watch her make her
way towards the lobby, glancing over her shoulder at you just as she
reaches the door before disappearing through it. You slip away from
the Kruger and his guests and pull the item out of your pocket. A key
card to a suite upstairs. You allow yourself a brief smile before
checking your watch. You decide to wait ten minutes and follow her
You check your watch again. Ten minutes have passed and
upstairs the beautiful Miss Marceau awaits. As you sip the last of
your champagne, your eyes flick back towards the voluptuous
redhead, still in Kruger’s orbit. Despite the excitement of an illicit
rendezvous upstairs, perhaps you should make contact with the
CIA’s operative instead.
Follow Bérénice Marceau to her suite
Approach the redhead
You leave the gala, making your way from the ballroom to the
pristine marble lined lobby. You call a lift and gaze through the glass
walls as it climbs through the ceiling of the lobby and up the exterior
wall of the Kruger Corporation building, the lights of Johannesburg
stretching out before you.
The lift slows to a halt and you make your way to Bérénice’s
suite. You press the card to the lock and a light flashes green with a
barely audible click as the mechanism unlocks. You slowly push
open the door and enter the suite. The lights are dimmed, but you
can see Bérénice waiting for you on a large bed, silhouetted against
the Johannesburg skyline visible through the full height plate glass
windows beyond. She lies on her front on the bed, propping herself
up on her elbows, her arms folded across her chest, accentuating
her cleavage. She is wearing a lacy black corset and sheer silk
stockings, her legs bent at the knee and folded back in the air behind
“I’ve been expecting you.” She smiles coquettishly, gazing up
at you from beneath long eyelashes.
“Really?” You smile, stepping towards her, your eyes tracing
the contour of her arched back, down to the curves of her panty clad
buttocks. “While your allure is without question, I would imagine not
all men would risk the wrath of one of the most powerful men in the
“But then you’re not all men are you?” She purrs. “You’re not
afraid of Hugo.”
“Clearly not.” You grin, taking off your jacket before you meet
her curious gaze. “Should I be?”
“He may seem amiable, but it is only a façade.” She tells you,
her hazel eyes watching your hands as you pull off your bow tie and
begin to unbutton your shirt. “He has a terrible temper. He scares me
sometimes, particularly these last few days.”
Ask her why Kruger has been angry
Now is not the time for talking
“Really?” You ask, feigning disinterest as you shed your shirt
and unfasten your trousers. As you draw closer to the bed, Bérénice
rolls onto her side, her tanned skin contrasting with the black corset
and stockings. “What’s he so upset about?”
“Oh some nonsense about an island in the Bahamas he
bought a while ago.” She tells you, rolling her eyes. “All very
secretive, no doubt to keep the tax man away. He was shouting at
one of his assistants that it had to be ready in time for a delivery from
Turkey of all places. All very dull.”
You’ve got what you came for. Contact N
It would be rude to leave now
“I don’t think you invited me up to your suite for conversation.”
You grin, raising an eyebrow and pulling off your bowtie.
“No I didn’t.” Bérénice smiles in the semi-darkness as you
begin to unbutton your shirt, stripping it off and discarding it. As you
draw closer to the bed, she rolls onto her side, her lightly tanned skin
contrasting with the black corset and stockings. She watches you
intently as you unfasten your trousers, her heaving chest betraying
her excitement.
“Now, allow me to provide a suitable distraction.” You grin,
allowing your trousers to drop to the floor. Bérénice gazes up at you
as you stand before her in just your underpants, her eyes flicking
from your face to your muscular hairy chest to the growing bulge in
the front of your underwear.
“Let me see it.” She breathes. You smile, moving closer and
tugging down your underpants. Freed of restraint, your hardening
cock springs up. “Magnifique.” She murmurs, reaching out and
running her fingers over your shaft. It twitches in response to her
touch, making her giggle. She wraps her fingers around it and begins
to slowly pump it.
“That feels good.” You groan.
“I should hope so.” She smiles. “We French have a reputation
to uphold. Now what should we to do with this?”
Go down on her
Press her up against the window and slide your cock inside her
“Why don’t we admire the view?” You grin, helping Bérénice
from the bed and guiding her over to the full height plate glass
windows. Her tall, slender, lingerie clad form saunters across the
room before you, silhouetted against the bright lights of the city
beyond. As you eagerly join her, she leans against the window, her
hands flat against the pane, her legs slightly parted. You step behind
her, wrapping your arms around her corset clad midriff, your hard
cock pressing against her firm buttocks. You gently kiss the side of
her neck, your lips sliding up towards her ear, the faint scent of her
perfume in your nostrils. She moans softly, her breath misting up the
glass as you take her earlobe between your lips, lightly sucking on it
before she turns to face you, your lips sliding across her cheek to her
mouth. You kiss her tenderly, her tongue tentatively flicking against
your own as your left hand slides up to cup a breast through the lacy
fabric of the corset while your right hand slides down, hovering just
above the waistband of her panties. She lets out a little sigh as you
squeeze a breast, feeling a nipple harden against the palm of your
hand through the flimsy fabric. You slide your other hand lower, your
fingertips slipping inside her panties and gliding through the soft
curls of her pubic hair before finding her hot moist slit. Bérénice lets
out a little gasp of delight as your probing fingertips delve inside her
juicy folds. As you tease her with your fingertips, she begins to grind
her buttocks back against your throbbing cock and you let out your
own groan of pleasure. After a few minutes of this, she can stand it
no longer.
“Please,” She murmurs, her eyes heavy lidded, her lips
pouting, “I need you inside me.” You grin, slipping your cock from
between her buttocks and pulling the gusset of her panties to one
side. Bérénice moans with excitement as you guide the straining
head of your cock to her entrance, the Frenchwoman letting out a
little sigh as she feels you enter her. You grasp her hips as you thrust
up inside her, groaning with relief as your aching cock finally
receives some stimulation. You quickly find a rhythm, your grunts
and Bérénice’s moans filling the room as you drive into her. The
excitement of taking Kruger’s beautiful mistress against the window
of his own building with the bright lights of the city before you has
you pounding into her with reckless abandon. Your enthusiasm
seems infectious and soon the brunette is crying out in pleasure,
pushing back against you and meeting your thrusts.
“Oui, oui, oui!” She wails, delirious with lust. “Harder, fuck me
harder!” You slam into her, the sound of your flesh slapping together
joining your moans of pleasure as you both strive to reach your
climaxes. Your bodies, both hot and perspiring from the effort, begin
to mist up the whole window. Bérénice’s hands begin to slide down
the pane, her fingers leaving streaks like claw marks in the film of
“You like that?” You hiss in her ear as her panting begins to
increase in intensity. “You like my big hard cock inside you?”
“Oh yes!” She moans breathlessly. “It feels so good! Don’t
stop, you’re getting me so close!” As the tension in your balls begins
to build, stopping is the last thing on your mind. Her breathing
becomes increasingly uneven and ragged.
“Oui, oui, make me come!” She groans. You gaze down at
your shaft, glistening with her juices, disappearing into her again and
again, Bérénice rapidly closing in on her orgasm now with her
breathing coming in sharp gasps. Her fingers squeak against the
window pane as they clench into claws and she bows her head, her
whole body tensing up. With a final little cry of release, she reaches
her climax. She lets out a series of guttural groans of ecstasy as she
trembles with the waves of pleasure surging through her body. You
hold your cock deep inside her, enjoying the sensation of her
clenching pussy muscles around your shaft as her orgasm rips
through her. With a final satisfied moan, her hands flatten against the
window and she slumps forward, her forehead resting against the
steamed up pane.
“I haven’t come like that in a long time.” She pants after a
moment. “Now let’s see if I can return the favour.”
Continue and come inside her
Pull out and have her finish you with her mouth
“My thoughts precisely.” You groan, continuing to thrust up
inside her. Bérénice bends forward, bracing herself against the
window. The new position as well as her sodden pussy allows you to
pound into her with renewed vigour and you can feel the pressure
building in your balls as your own climax approaches.
“Yes, yes!” She moans. “You’re close aren’t you? Come inside
me. Fill me with your thick creamy seed!” You groan, her filthy words
having the desired effect and bringing you rapidly to the edge.
“Oh fuck!” You gasp, grasping her hips and slamming into her
one last time, pulling her pelvis into yours as you feel your balls
twitch. You let out a guttural grunt of ecstasy and release as you feel
your seed race up your length and erupt from the tip of your jerking
“Oui, oui, oui!” Bérénice wails as she feels your cock pulse
deep inside her, the hot fluid spurting into her snug passage. You
grunt with each powerful eruption, your head swimming as you
empty your balls inside her. Your body trembles as your grunts of
pleasure become moans of satisfaction as her pussy muscles
squeeze the last few drops of come from you.
“That… was… incredible!” You pant as you slowly withdraw
your spent cock from her.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Bérénice smiles as she straightens
and turns to face you. You take her in your arms, pressing your lips
to hers and kissing her tenderly. Both of you sated, you guide her
back to the bed, climbing in beside her and falling quickly to sleep
with her head resting on your chest.
You awake just as the sun rises, the golden light reflecting off
the skyscrapers around the Kruger Corporation building. You slip
silently from the bed and quickly gather your clothes, pulling them on
with a wary glance towards Bérénice’s sleeping form. You cross the
room towards the door and step out into the corridor, making your
way to the lift and back down to the lobby. You walk down the steps
outside the Kruger Corporation building, strolling out into the long
shadow cast by the monolithic structure.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” You grin, pulling your cock from
her clenching hole. Bérénice intuitively knows what you want and
turns around, dropping to her knees before you. She grasps your
shaft, wet and sticky with her juices and immediately takes it into her
mouth. You groan with pleasure as the warm confines of her pussy
are replaced with the moist hotness of her mouth. She brushes her
hair behind her ears and her hazel eyes gaze up from beneath long
eye lashes as she begins to bob her head back and forth, sucking
and slurping at your cock. She reaches up, her fingers closing
around the base of your shaft. You groan as she grips you tightly, her
lips gliding up and down your length while her hand pumps you in
slow, steady strokes.
“I’m getting close.” You groan as you feel your balls tightening.
Bérénice just continues at the same deliberate pace, your come
boiling in your balls as she slowly but relentlessly brings you towards
your orgasm. You gaze down at the beautiful, lingerie clad French
socialite enthusiastically sucking you towards your climax, her well-
manicured fingers sliding up and down your saliva slick shaft. The
thought of erupting into her mouth sends you to the very brink.
“I’m going to come!” You grunt, feeling the delicious sensation
as the tension in your balls reaches the point of release. You stifle a
groan of disappointment as she pulls your cock free of her lips.
However, she opens her mouth wide and continues to stroke your
shaft, the straining head hovering close to her lips. Your balls twitch
and your cock pulses in her pumping hand as the first spurt shoots
from the tip and straight into her open mouth. You grunt loudly as
your cock twitches again and again, more and more of your thick
creamy seed shooting past her waiting lips, coating her teeth and
tongue in the cloudy pearly white fluid. As the strength of the spurts
weakens, Bérénice leans forward and takes your cock back into her
mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip. As she collects the last
drops of your come, you glance behind her at the bright lights of the
Johannesburg skyline illuminating the night behind her.
“It certainly brings new meaning to the phrase ‘come and see
the sights’.” You grin. She rolls her eyes and pulls her lips from your
spent cock before gulping down the mouthful of come.
“Just as well you fuck better than you joke.” She smiles, as
you help her to her feet. You chuckle and take her in your arms,
kissing her tenderly. Both sated, you move to the bed, climbing
beneath the silk sheets and falling quickly to sleep with her head
resting on your chest.
You awake just as the sun rises, the golden light reflecting off
the skyscrapers around the Kruger Corporation building. You slip
silently from the bed and quickly gather your clothes, pulling them on
with a wary glance towards Bérénice’s sleeping form. You cross the
room towards the door and step out into the corridor, making your
way to the lift and back down to the lobby. You walk down the steps
outside the Kruger Corporation building, strolling out into the long
shadow cast by the monolithic structure.
“It’s more a question of what I’d like to do to you.” You grin,
reaching for Bérénice’s stocking clad legs and pulling them towards
you. She lets out a squeak of surprise, gasping as you rip her
panties down her legs, casually tossing them over your shoulder. Her
hazel eyes filled with excitement and lust meet yours as you drop to
your knees between her open thighs. The hem of the corset stops
just short of the neatly trimmed tangle of pubic hair and even in the
semi-darkness of the suite, you can see her labia glistening with her
arousal. You move closer, your cock throbbing as your own
excitement grows before leaning forward, her pussy just inches from
your face.
“Do it.” She pants, her hands reaching for your head. “Eat me.
Eat my pussy!” You smile, tempted to tease her, but Bérénice
already seems so aroused it would only serve to frustrate her. And
you for that matter. Grasping her hips, you press your face into her
moist folds.
“Oui, oui!” She squirms in delight as you slip your tongue
inside her, enjoying the tangy taste of her arousal. She spreads her
legs wider and runs her fingers through your hair, murmuring her
encouragement as you lap at her juicy slit. As she lays there,
luxuriating in the pleasurable sensations emanating from her pussy,
you move upwards, flicking your tongue over her engorged clitoris as
you replace your tongue with your fingers, slipping them inside her.
Bérénice gasps with delight, lifting her hips up off the bed as your
tongue teases her clit while you pump your fingers into her drenched
hole. As your tongue and fingers work together in tandem,
Bérénice’s soft moans of encouragement in English intensify,
segueing into a string of increasingly frantic French. Her hands leave
your head and your eyes flick upwards, watching as she roughly
squeezes her breasts through the corset. She falls silent, biting her
bottom lip before her whole body tenses up and with a loud groan of
pleasure, she reaches her climax. Her whole body shakes with each
wave of ecstasy, her breathless sharp little cries music to your ears
as you feel her pussy clench around your fingers and her clitoris
twitching against your tongue. As the beautiful brunette finally
relaxes, she cranes her head forward, smiling down at you.
“Trés bien!” She pants. “That felt incredible!” You pull your
face from between her thighs and grin up at her.
“I think I could stand a little more of your talented tongue.”
She purrs. “But I am not a selfish lover. Why don’t you join me on the
bed so I can suck you at the same time?”
A sixty-nine sounds good
You’d rather slip your cock inside her pussy
“I had something even more satisfying in mind.” You tell
Bérénice, joining her on the bed. You pull her on top of you and she
smiles, eagerly straddling you. Her stocking clad thighs press
against your sides, her long brown hair falling into your face as she
leans forward to press her lips to yours. You kiss her passionately,
your cock twitching between her legs as your excitement builds. As
your exploring tongues flick over each other, you feel her reach back
and grasp your cock, guiding it to her opening. You feel her weight
shift and you groan as you feel yourself slip inside her velvety pussy.
Bérénice pulls back slightly, a broad smile on her face as her pussy
lips slide all the way down to the base of your shaft.
“That feels so good.” She coos, your hands grasping fistfuls of
silk sheet as she begins to slowly ride you. You groan your
agreement as she straightens up, her hands resting on your chest.
You gaze up at the beautiful brunette, the Frenchwoman a vision of
lustful desire. Her heaving breasts threaten to spill out of her corset,
her immaculately styled hair cascades past her shoulders, her hazel
eyes are fixed on yours while she chews her lower lip, the corners of
her mouth curled up in pleasure.
“I couldn’t agree more.” You murmur, before sliding your
hands up the outside of her thighs, enjoying the texture of her
stockings and then the warmth of her smooth skin as you caress up
past her hips. You slip your hands forward over the front of the corset
before cupping her breasts. She groans her approval, her eyes
rolling back as you tease her nipples through the thin black fabric.
You pull the top of the corset down freeing her breasts, smiling as
you gaze at her tanned chest, her erect nipples protruding proudly
from the darker skin of her areola. You crane your head forward and
she cradles your head, her fingers running through your hair as you
take first one nipple and then the other into your mouth. Bérénice
begins to rotate her hips, grinding her pussy against you as you
tease and suck at her nipples, her throaty groans of pleasure
encouraging you. You can feel the tension building in your loins as
she rides you with increasing ferocity, her pussy gliding up and down
your shaft.
“My God, I’m going to come again!” She gasps, pulling back
and sitting upright. You gaze up at her, her face flushed, her mouth
gaping as she closes in on her second orgasm. Your own climax is
rapidly building, her own excitement infectious and you stifle a groan
as you try to hold off, not wanting to come just yet.
“You’re close too aren’t you?” She pants. “Come with me.
We’ll come together. Fill me with your seed.” While a tempting
proposition, you also have an alternate destination for your come in
Come with her
Come on her
“I’d rather come on you.” You grin. Bérénice feigns shock,
gazing down at you aghast.
“How deliciously filthy.” She gasps, her hips continuing to
grind against you, her chest heaving as she rapidly approaches her
orgasm. “Where did you have in mind?” She asks, straightening up
and sliding her hands back over her buttocks.
“Here?” She asks. You shake your head, both of you enjoying
her little game. She slides her hands up to her breasts, cupping them
and pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger.
“You haven’t been able to take your eyes off these.” She
purrs. “I bet you want to come all over them don’t you?” You smile
and shake your head. A genuine look of puzzlement crosses her
face before her eyes widen in realisation.
“You want to come on my face?!” She gasps. You nod and
smile. “But I’ve never let anyone… no one’s… not even Hugo…”
Subconsciously, her right hand has slid down between her legs and
idly rubs at her clitoris as she digests what you propose. Your smile
broadens, knowing her decision before she does. You grasp her
hips, thrusting up inside her as the thought of what you intend sends
her over the edge. With a shriek of pleasure she bucks and writhes
on top of you as her whole body is wracked in ecstasy, her finger
dancing a staccato beat on her quivering clitoris. You grit your teeth
as her pussy clenches around your shaft, desperate to stave off your
own climax. Her rasping gasps finally taper off and she slumps
forward, her warm breath against the side of your face.
“Is Madame ready for her facial?” You grin. She rolls off you
onto her back, her eyes meeting yours.
“Do it.” She tells you earnestly, still breathless from her
orgasm. You sit up, kneeling beside her head and take your
throbbing cock in your hand. Your balls ache for release and you
know you are just a few strokes away from your own climax. Her
hazel eyes gaze up at you expectantly as you grip your shaft and
begin to pump it. You grit your teeth as you feel the tension rapidly
build, trying to hold on a few seconds longer before you finally reach
the point of no return. Your feel your balls twitch powerfully and you
let out a guttural grunt of release as you feel the blissful sensation of
your come racing up your shaft. You lean forward, Bérénice’s eyes
widening as the first spurt streaks from the tip, splashing across her
cheek and nose. The next burst splatters across her forehead and
plasters her left eye closed making her squeal in surprise. The last
few spurts land across her lips and chin, dribbling down her cheeks
and into her mouth. You lean forward, nudging the head of your cock
to her lips. You groan as she takes you inside, softly sucking the last
weaker eruptions into her mouth. Sated, you sit back, gazing in
wonder at the beautiful Frenchwoman’s come splattered visage as
she reaches up and wipes your seed from her eye.
“It feels so warm.” She smiles broadly up at you, running her
fingers through the white creamy fluid, rubbing it into her skin like it
was moisturiser. “It felt filthy letting you do that to me. I felt like such
a slut, like a cheap whore… and I liked it.”
“Glad I could broaden your horizons.” You smirk before
climbing between the silk sheets next to her. She rolls over and rests
her head on your chest and within minutes you have both drifted off
to a satisfied slumber.
You awake just as the sun rises, the golden light reflecting off
the skyscrapers around the Kruger Corporation building. You slip
silently from the bed and quickly gather your clothes, pulling them on
with a wary glance towards Bérénice’s sleeping form. You cross the
room towards the door and step out into the corridor, making your
way to the lift and back down to the lobby. You walk down the steps
outside the Kruger Corporation building, strolling out into the long
shadow cast by the monolithic structure.
You nod, your hands grasping Bérénice’s hips for purchase as
you thrust up inside her snug pussy, desperate now to come inside
her. She rides you with wild abandon, her sopping slit sliding up and
down your shaft, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged and
uneven. The pressure in your balls has built up to bursting point and
you groan, knowing you are on the very brink. Bérénice reaches up,
grasping and kneading her breasts, her mouth dropping open before
throwing back her head. Her whole body convulses on top of you as
she reaches her climax a moment before you. As she lets out a
rasping cry of pleasure, her pussy clenches you and you can hold
back no longer. With a deep grunt of release, you erupt into her
quivering hole, leaning forward and burying your face in her
cleavage as you both tremble in the throes of passion. You wrap
your arms around one another, Bérénice’s long fingernails digging
into your shoulders, your bodies moulded together as you shudder
and shake in a dance of ecstasy. Her moans of pleasure tail off into
low whimpers while your grunts subside as you pump the last of your
seed inside her. Her hold on you relaxes and you fall back onto the
bed. You gaze up at the beautiful Frenchwoman, her face a picture
of bliss. She leans forward, kissing you tenderly before climbing
gingerly off you, your spent cock slapping wetly back onto your
“That was wonderful.” She pants, collapsing onto the bed next
to you, her chest heaving as she catches her breath. “Whoever
would think a banker would have so much imagination.” Her hazel
eyes gaze deeply into yours as if searching your soul. You flash her
an enigmatic smile, but do not elaborate. While she may harbour
doubts that you are not who you say you are, there is no need to fan
the flames of her suspicions.
“So not as dull an evening as you expected.” You grin.
“No.” She chuckles as you take her in your arms before you
both drift off to sleep.
You awake just as the sun rises, the golden light reflecting off
the skyscrapers around the Kruger Corporation building. You slip
silently from the bed and quickly gather your clothes, pulling them on
with a wary glance towards Bérénice’s sleeping form. You cross the
room towards the door and step out into the corridor, making your
way to the lift and back down to the lobby. You walk down the steps
outside the Kruger Corporation building, strolling out into the long
shadow cast by the monolithic structure.
“Soixante-neuf?” You grin before raising an eyebrow.
“Whatever the lady wants.” You eagerly join Bérénice on the bed,
gazing for a moment at her beautiful body laid out before you. The
corset accentuates her already impressive cleavage while her
slender, stocking clad legs are shamelessly splayed, her pussy
glistening with a mixture of her juices and your saliva.
“Good enough to eat, no?” She laughs before eyeing your
hardened cock. “And I’d certainly like to sample a taste of your
“You French do enjoy your fine cuisine.” You chuckle, kneeling
astride her head and bending forward. You slowly lower your face
back between her thighs, enjoying the fragrant aroma of her pussy.
As you slip your tongue between her sodden labia, you feel her hand
grasp your aching shaft and guide it to her lips. You groan in
pleasure as you feel the warmth of her mouth envelop the tip, her
lips closing around it and her moist, hot tongue beginning to lap at
the straining head. You moan into her pussy as she grasps your
hips, using them as leverage to lift her head up off the bed as she
begins to slide her lips up and down your length. Every time she
raises her head, her lips slide a little further up your shaft until you
can feel the tip nudging the back of her throat. Her tongue slides
along the underside of your cock as she stretches it out and your
eyes widen, your tongue freezing on her clit as you feel your cock
push into her throat. You groan with a mixture of pleasure and
amazement at the incredible sensation as her lips continue up to the
root of your cock, her nose buried in your balls. She holds you there
for a moment while thrusting her hips up slightly to encourage you to
resume your own oral attentions. As her mouth and throat massages
your shaft you attack her pussy with renewed enthusiasm, tracing
intricate patterns on her clit while slipping a hand between her thighs
and thrusting your fingers inside her. You hear Bérénice let out a
muffled cry of delight around your length, the vibrations making your
balls tingle. The sensations induced by her skilful mouth combined
with the excitement of tasting her juicy pussy has the tension rapidly
building in your balls. You eagerly lap at her engorged clitoris, gazing
at your fingers, wet with her juices as you thrust then inside her and
resisting the urge to break the rhythm and lick her essence from
them. Bérénice begins to moan around your cock and she squirms
beneath you. Realising she too is close, you quicken your pace, your
fingers pumping into her while your tongue flicks at her sensitive clit.
Her mouth suddenly leaves your cock as her head drops back onto
the bed, letting out a cry of pure ecstasy as her body jerks beneath
you. You hold your tongue against her clit as you feel it twitch with
each surge of pleasure that washes through her until she finally
relaxes with a deep, satisfied sigh.
“Magnifique.” She breathes. “Deux fois! What a talented
tongue you have!”
“Why thank you.” You grin, your lips wet with her juices.
“Though I was quite enjoying your own skilled attentions.”
“Just a taster of my talents.” She chuckles, pulling you closer
to her face. You gasp as you feel her tongue press to the underside
of your cock, but instead of sliding up towards the tip, it slithers back
towards your balls. You let out a groan of pleasure as she reaches
your balls and begins to swirl her tongue all over the thick skin of
your scrotum leaving your sack wet with her saliva.
“That feels incredible.” You moan as she sucks each of your
balls into her mouth in turn. She chuckles sexily before resuming
running her tongue all over your sensitive skin, the tip sliding back
behind your balls. As her tongue trails back further, your eyes widen
as you realise her intentions.
Allow her to continue
You’d rather she sucked your cock
You tense up, squirming uncomfortably and sliding back, her
tongue slipping back over your balls to your cock. Bérénice chuckles
to herself at your obvious uneasiness, but grasps your shaft and
guides the head back into her mouth. You groan with pleasure as
she begins to pump it, her lips closing around the head.
“Yes. That feels so good!” You gasp, dipping your head and
gazing up between your bodies at your cock disappearing into her
mouth. You can feel the tension in your balls that had receded
quickly building again.
“I’m getting close.” You warn her. She responds with a little
moan of excitement, her hand pumping you faster. The thought of
coming in her mouth has you racing towards your climax and with a
final grunt of release, you feel your balls pulse as your come shoots
up your shaft and into Bérénice’s waiting mouth. You groan with
each surge of pleasure as your cock twitches again and again as
your spurting cock fills her mouth with your thick creamy seed. As
your climax wanes, she sucks the last few drops from you before
enthusiastically swallowing it all.
“Not bad.” She comments as your softening cock slips from
her lips. You climb off her and lie next to her, panting softly as you
catch your breath. Bérénice gazes thoughtfully at you for a moment.
“I wonder why I’m attracted to men like Hugo… like you.” She
“The excitement.” You reply. “You like to live dangerously.”
“Perhaps.” She replies before her expression becomes a little
melancholy. “Or perhaps I have some subconscious desire for self-
“Better to burn out than fade away.” You grin flippantly before
rolling over and drifting off to sleep, completely oblivious to the
brunette’s angry glare behind you.
You awake just as the sun rises, the golden light reflecting off
the skyscrapers around the Kruger Corporation building. You slip
silently from the bed and quickly gather your clothes, pulling them on
with a wary glance towards Bérénice’s sleeping form. You cross the
room towards the door and step out into the corridor, making your
way to the lift and back down to the lobby. You walk down the steps
outside the Kruger Corporation building, strolling out into the long
shadow cast by the monolithic structure.
You groan as your feel the tip of Bérénice’s tongue run along
the ridge of skin between your balls and arse before feeling it snake
into the little hollow to your arsehole. Her hand continues to pump
your shaft as you feel her tongue tentatively flick around the outside
of your puckered hole. A moan escapes your lips as you luxuriate in
this illicit pleasure as she slowly teases your arse while her hand
glides up and down your cock, your saliva coated balls tightening
and your cockhead straining with an urgent desire to come. Bérénice
however continues her own slow, deliberate pace, her tongue
continuing to skirt the little hollow with feathery little flicks while the
caress of her hand keeps you tantalisingly on the edge.
“Please.” You beg. “Please. Do it.” You hear her chuckle sexily
in her throat as she continues to gently lap between your cheeks.
Frustrated, you push back a little, her tongue slipping between your
buttocks and into your puckered hole. Bérénice lets out a muffled
moan of surprise while you groan with pleasure as you feel her wet
tongue slither over your arsehole. Her hand quickens its pace on
your cock and she begins to enthusiastically lap at your tight knot.
Desperate to come and yet enjoying the kinky Frenchwoman’s
probing tongue and pumping hand, you try to hold off. Your balls
ache with a desperate need for release and your heart thumps in
your chest as your excitement builds and as your balls tighten, you
realise you cannot suppress the inevitable any longer.
“Bérénice…” You gasp as her lapping tongue finally sends
you over the edge. Your cock twitches in her hand as your balls
release their load, your come racing up your shaft to streak from the
tip. You grunt with each powerful eruption as your seed splatters
wetly across her toned stomach. She continues to wriggle her
tongue in your arse until she squeezes the last few drops from your
spent cock. You climb off her, collapsing onto the bed beside her,
your head swimming.
“That was pretty nasty.” You pant, gazing at your creamy
white come streaked across her tanned abdomen.
“You didn’t seem to mind.” Bérénice chuckles unashamedly,
reaching down and running her fingers through your seed before
rubbing it into her skin.
“It certainly had the virtue of being a fresh experience.” You
grin, taking her into your arms. Her body moulds itself to yours and
within minutes you have both drifted off to sleep.
You awake just as the sun rises, the golden light reflecting off
the skyscrapers around the Kruger Corporation building. You slip
silently from the bed and quickly gather your clothes, pulling them on
with a wary glance towards Bérénice’s sleeping form. You cross the
room towards the door and step out into the corridor, making your
way to the lift and back down to the lobby. You walk down the steps
outside the Kruger Corporation building, strolling out into the long
shadow cast by the monolithic structure.
“I’m terribly sorry, but I have to go.” You tell Bérénice, her
eyes widening in surprise as you fasten up your trousers and reach
for your shirt.
“You can’t leave now!” She protests, sitting up.
“I’m truly sorry,” You reply, not even bothering to sound
sincere, “But I’ve just remembered that I need to do something.”
“Yes, me!” She objects, but you are already halfway to the
door, buttoning up your shirt as you go.
“Another time perhaps?” You shrug, sidestepping a pillow as
she hurls it across the room at you, her face contorted in fury.
“Bastard!” She spits.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful when you’re
angry?” You grin over your shoulder before leaving, the door closing
behind you and silencing a string of colourful curses.
“Well Agent Bush,” You grin, leaning nonchalantly against a
pallet stacked waist high with US dollars, “It would appear we have a
little time to kill. However might we amuse ourselves for a few
hours?” You raise an eyebrow.
“You really are a cocky son of a bitch.” She glares at you,
before her expression softens and she saunters across the vault
towards you. “But I’ll bite. Now let’s see if you’re all hat and no
cattle.” As she reaches you, you take her in your arms, pressing your
lips to hers. Scarlett kisses you passionately, almost aggressively,
your eyes widening in surprise as she spears her tongue between
your lips. She pulls away and chuckles sexily.
“You prefer your women a little more submissive?” She
enquires, her green eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Not at all.” You grin, your hands running down the smooth
latex clad contours of her back and down to her generous buttocks.
“I like a woman that knows what she wants.”
“While you seem to be a man that is used to getting what he
wants.” Scarlett purrs, her fingers working at the buttons on your
shirt. “And I’m not the sort of girl to leave a man disappointed.” She
adds, a wicked smile and a sparkle in her eye promising a multitude
of carnal pleasures. Her hands unbuckle your belt and pull your
trousers open letting them drop to your ankles. She eagerly reaches
inside your underpants, her fingers closing around your rapidly
hardening shaft.
“A assume the ‘cattle’ is to your satisfaction?” You ask,
flashing her a cocky smile.
“I’ll let you know in a little while.” She purrs, stooping to pull
down your underpants. You kick off your shoes and step out of your
trousers and underpants, simultaneously pulling off your shirt to
stand naked before her. Scarlett smiles, her eyes fixed on your cock
which, encouraged by her exploring fingers, has become fully
engorged and erect.
“Quid pro quo.” You murmur, helping her back to her feet and
reaching for the zipper hanging between her full breasts. Her green
eyes gaze hungrily into yours as you tug the zip down, the glossy
black latex of her catsuit peeling open to further reveal her
impressive cleavage. You smile and kneel as you slowly continue to
pull the zip down her body, past her navel and continuing lower still.
You smile as the red fuzz of her pubic hair is revealed.
“If I hear the words ‘collars’ or ‘cuffs’, I’ll cut your tongue out.”
She growls, her green eyes glaring down at you.
“That really would be a pity: As sharp as my tongue can be,
it’s not where it’s true talent lies.” You grin.
“Really?” She smiles before turning around and bending over
the shrink wrapped stack of money before you. She reaches back
and pulls the zip open the rest of the way; back up between her
buttocks nearly to the small of her back.
“Very practical.” You quip, gazing at the shiny latex clinging
tightly to her shapely buttocks. You eye is drawn between them to
the narrow strip of exposed flesh with her glistening folds and tight
puckered arsehole.
“A good agent is prepared for all eventualities.” She grins over
her shoulder at you before standing and slowly turning to face you.
You gaze at the beautiful redhead before you, the catsuit open and
her voluptuous body finally revealed to you. Her long red hair hangs
down just past her shoulders, the colour contrasting with her pale
skin. Your gaze drops lower, your cock twitching at the sight of her
large breasts, the pink nipples erect and begging for attention.
Though they are still clad within the catsuit, the skin-tight latex hugs
her slender, toned legs. Your eyes are drawn between them to the
neatly trimmed patch of red pubic hair and her glistening lips peeking
out just beneath.
“Well?” She purrs, stepping towards you and reaching out to
caress your muscular chest. “What are you going to do to me?”
Bury your face into her wet folds
Slip your cock inside her
You guide her back to the shrink wrapped stack of cash and
she sits on the edge, parting her thighs in anticipation. As you drop
down between her legs, a broad smile crosses her lips.
“I like a man on his knees before me.” Scarlett quips as you
settle between her open thighs and grasp her hips through the latex
material of her catsuit. You move your face closer, enjoying the
aroma of her musky scent, your mouth salivating at the sight of her
labia glistening with her juices. You draw back slightly and begin to
kiss your way up her left inner thigh, your lips grazing the smooth
glossy latex material. You can feel the heat radiating from her pussy
against your cheek, but you pull back and repeat the process, this
time kissing your way up her right inner thigh.
“Stop teasing me, you son of a bitch.” Scarlett moans,
squirming in frustration. You grin, slowly sliding your lips back
towards her moist folds, the open catsuit gaping as she spreads her
legs wide, willing you to pleasure her. Finally you relent, dragging the
tip of your tongue along her sodden slit. She lets out a guttural groan
of delight, her hands grasping your head and pulling you tightly into
her warm, wet pussy. You thrust your tongue inside her, your cock
twitching as you enjoy the feminine taste of her juices. Her fingers
pull your head in tighter as your tongue probes inside her.
“Yes, fucking eat me!” She groans, thrashing about on the
mountain of cash. “Taste me! Lick my clit!” You slide your tongue up
to the top of her slit and begin to flick it over the sensitive little nub.
You feel her flinch, her cries of pleasure increasing in intensity.
“Fuck, that feels good!” She gasps. Her excitement infectious,
your hard cock aches for attention as you trace elaborate patterns on
her clitoris. You slide a hand around from her hip and slip it between
her legs, thrusting your fingers inside her sopping pussy. Her
breathing becomes increasingly erratic and you realise she is closing
in on her climax. Her fingers tighten in your hair until you are almost
wincing from the pain.
“Oh God, don’t stop now.” She pants as you lash your tongue
against her clit while thrusting your fingers into her. “Oh God, oh
God, oh God, oh Fuuuuck!” She tenses up, arching her back before
with a cry of pure pleasure, she explodes into her orgasm. Her whole
body convulses before you as her clit twitches against your tongue,
her pussy clenching around your fingers. Her cries of pleasure echo
around the vault until finally she relaxes, slumping back on the pile of
money, her hands releasing their grip on your head.
“Not bad for a limey.” She smiles, craning her head forward as
you emerge from between her thighs, your lips and chin wet with her
“You certainly seemed to enjoy yourself.” You smirk, glancing
pointedly at a wet, sticky stain on the cash. “Though I think this
money might need laundering.” Scarlett rolls her eyes before
climbing off the shrink-wrapped green banknotes and into your arms.
“Enough talk.” Scarlett purrs, reaching out and playfully
squeezing your hardened shaft, “What are we going to do about
Bend her over the stack of money and slip your cock inside her
Suggest she takes you into her mouth
“Bend back over that stack of money.” You tell Scarlett. She
smiles and eagerly turns around, bending forward over the shrink-
wrapped pallet of cash, her legs parted. You step behind her,
caressing her shiny latex covered buttocks for a moment before
sliding a hand between them, your fingertips skirting her moist slit.
“Stop teasing me and fuck me already!” Scarlett tells you
“You’re not a shy girl are you?” You smirk as you take your
cock in your hand and press the tip to her sopping wet pussy, easing
the head past her puffy labia.
“Yeah!” Scarlett moans, impatiently pushing back against you,
your cock sliding deeply inside her. “Oh, that feels good! Now fuck
me!” You grin and grasp her hips, thrusting inside her right up to the
root. She lets out a groan of pleasure as you quickly find a rhythm,
slamming your cock into her drenched hole, your shaft glistening
with her juices. She begins to arch her back and gyrates her hips,
her pussy snugly gripping your cock as you pound into her.
“Pull my hair.” She tells you, glancing over her shoulder, her
green eyes filled with lust. You reach out and grasp a handful of her
long red mane, tugging on it. “Yessss!” She moans in response.
“Harder, harder!” Not sure if she is referring to your thrusting or hair-
pulling, you hedge your bets and do both, driving your cock into her
with renewed vigour while roughly pulling at her hair.
“Is that what you want?” You hiss. “Does that feel good?”
“Oh fuck yes!” She moans, her breathing coming in short,
sharp gasps. “Don’t. Fucking. Stop!” You grin, enjoying her reaction
as she closes in on her climax. Her groans reach a crescendo before
with a final moan of pure ecstasy, she reaches her orgasm, her body
jerking and juddering before you as powerful waves of pleasure
consume her. Her pussy convulses around your rigid shaft until
finally sated, she slumps forward onto the stack of money.
“Fuck, that was good.” She tells you breathlessly, glancing
over her shoulder at you, a sheen of perspiration on her face.
“I think Wildcat might have been more apt a codename.” You
grin. “You have those in Texas?” Scarlett returns your smile and
“Yeah.” She pants. “I’ll bear it in mind. Now I guess it’s your
turn to come.” She adds, squeezing your hard cock with her pussy
muscles. Her green eyes sparkle with mischief as they meet yours.
“So how about putting that thing somewhere a little tighter?” She
“What?” You reply, your eyes widening in surprise at her
brazen request. “You want my cock in your arse?”
“I love the way you English guys say ass.” She chuckles
sexily before her green eyes meet yours. “Yes, I want you to fuck me
in the arse.” She tells you shamelessly, mimicking your English
accent and exaggerating the ‘r’.
Sounds good
No thanks. Have her ride you instead
“I think I’d rather have you riding me.” You reply.
“You Brits are so reserved.” She chuckles, a hint of
disappointment on her face. “But that sounds good too.” You slip
your cock from her and climb onto the stack of money, lying back
with your glistening shaft jutting proudly into the air. Scarlett eagerly
joins you, throwing a latex clad leg across you and straddling you.
She leans forward, her large breasts spilling out of her gaping
catsuit, her long red hair dangling in your face. Her green eyes, just
inches away, gaze deeply into yours as you feel her reach between
her legs and grasp your shaft, guiding it back to her slit. Her mouth
drops open as you feel her warm moist pussy engulf your cock, her
lips sliding down to the root. As she begins to ride you, you grasp her
hips, driving up to meet her downward thrusts. Scarlett moans with
delight as your long, hard length slams into her, riding you harder as
you both pant and gasp with a mixture of excitement and effort. Her
large breasts bounce before your face with every thrust and you
crane your head forward, your lips seeking and finding an engorged
nipple. Scarlett moans with delight as you suck the sensitive nub into
your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and gently nibbling at it.
“That feels good.” She moans, guiding your head to her other
breast where you repeat the process. She begins to gyrate her hips,
grinding her pussy against you, your cock buried deep inside her.
You let out a muffled groan of pleasure against her fleshy breast as
you feel the beginnings of a climax building in your balls.
“Are you going to come?” She teases, caressing your head as
you softly suck and lap at her nipples. “I want you to. I want to feel
you thrust up inside me and your whole body tensing up. I want to
hear your manly grunts of pleasure as you come. I want to feel your
hot, thick seed erupting deep inside my pussy.”
“Scarlett…” You groan, her filthy talk exciting you and sending
you rushing towards your climax. She reaches back behind her and
you feel her free hand gently caress your aching balls.
“These feel so full.” She purrs. “I can’t wait for you to empty
them into me. Come for me James, come inside me.” With that, she
squeezes your balls and sends you over the edge. You let out a roar
of ecstasy as you feel the pressure released and your balls twitch in
her hand as your seed races up your length to explode deep inside
Scarlett’s pussy.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She cries in delight as you grasp her hips,
thrusting up inside her as your erupting cock spurts again and again.
“I can feel your hot come inside me!” As your climax begins to fade,
she squeezes her pussy muscles tightly around your shaft, drawing
the last of your come from you. She lets go of your head and you fall
back onto the stack of cash, letting out a groan of satisfaction. She
leans forward, kissing you tenderly on the lips, the soft weight of her
large breasts pressing against your chest. Breaking the kiss, she sits
up, smiling down at you before gingerly climbing off you.
“You’re some woman.” You tell her, catching your breath after
such an energetic session.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” She grins, zipping her catsuit
back up. “I’d say you’ve just about redeemed yourself for getting us
trapped in here in the first place!”
“If you insist.” You grin, slipping your cock from her pussy,
your shaft glistening with her juices. Scarlett coos with excitement,
reaching back and dipping her fingertips inside her pussy before
smearing her juices over her tiny puckered orifice. You press the tip
of your cock against it and push, Scarlett groaning as you force the
bulbous head past the tight ring of muscle and into the hot, snug
confines of her arse.
“Oh yes!” She moans as your shaft slowly slides inside her
back passage, her sphincter obscenely stretched around the thick
intruder. “Give me all of it!” She pushes back against you, your cock
disappearing completely between her buttocks. You groan with
pleasure at the incomparable sensation of her hot arse enveloping
your cock, her sphincter clenching the base of your shaft in a vicelike
“Damn, that feels good.” You groan, unable to pull your eyes
away from the sight of your cock buried deep inside her arse.
“You like that huh?” She chuckles sexily, glancing over her
shoulder at you as she playfully clenches her sphincter, squeezing
the base of your cock and making you gasp. “Now fuck me. Fuck my
ass!” You grasp her hips and begin to slowly thrust into her, her
sphincter squeezing your shaft as you slide in and out. Scarlett’s
groans join your own as you begin to quicken your pace.
“Yes, yes!” She gasps. “Harder, fuck my ass harder!” You
oblige, the banknotes crumpling beneath her body as you pound into
her. You slide your right hand around her waist and down, your
fingertips grazing the soft tangles of pubic hair before finding her clit.
She stiffens, her moans turning to cries of pleasure as you
simultaneously tease her clit and thrust into her arse.
“You like that?” You echo, smirking. She answers only with a
guttural grunt as her hands grasp fistfuls of money as you bring her
rapidly towards her climax. She breathes in rasping, uneven breaths
as you continue to slam into her, your fingers furiously rubbing at her
clit. You can feel your own climax building, the pressure building in
your balls with each passing moment
“Uh that feels so good.” Scarlett pants. “Are you going to
come inside me?”
“Yes.” You hiss in her ear as you lean forward, your chest
pressed against her back. “I’m getting close and I’m going to thrust
deeply inside you and explode in your tight arse. Is that what you
“Yes.” She groans thickly. “Do it. I want you to fill my ass with
your thick creamy come.” You grin and drive into her, your fingers
strumming her clit as you hear her breathing becoming increasingly
ragged as she teeters on the edge of her climax. Her filthy talk has
you on the brink too as you feel the pressure in your balls reach a
“Oh fuck!” She cries out, her back arching and her clitoris
twitching against your finger as you bring her to her orgasm. Her
sphincter grips you tightly as her whole body convulses as a
powerful orgasm consumes her, her delirious cries of pleasure
echoing around the vault. Her clenching arse sends you over the
edge too and with a final deep thrust into her snug back passage,
you erupt inside her with a roar of pleasure and release. Your bodies
quiver and tremble in a dance of ecstasy as your balls pump your
seed deep into her bowels, the sensation seeming to prolong
Scarlett’s own climax as she moans with delight. As your climaxes
subside, you slip your softening cock from her arse, her sphincter
clamping shut. She turns to face you, your bodies covered in a light
sheen of perspiration as you both catch your breath.
“Fuck, that was good.” She grins, her chest heaving as she
recovers. “Just about worth being trapped in here for.”
“I’ve certainly discovered a newfound enjoyment of being in a
confined space.” You grin. Scarlett rolls her eyes but reaches for you
and you kiss tenderly for a moment.
Sated, you slump down against the side of the shrink-
wrapped stack of dollars, Scarlett settling down next to you, her head
resting against your chest. As you hold her close, you glance around
the vault at the Aladdin’s cave of treasures, struck at the surreal
surroundings before quickly drifting off to sleep.
You are abruptly awoken by the mechanical locks
disengaging in the vault door. You spring up and hurriedly get
dressed while Scarlett retrieves her device from the server room.
“Upload was completed while we were… occupied.” She tells
you, studying the read-out. “Our techs at Langley will have been
sifting through the data. We should have an answer on any
suspicious activity soon.”
“Splendid.” You grin. “Now we just have to get out of here.”
“We’re both highly trained operatives.” She shrugs. “Security
are a handful of rent-a-cops. It’ll be a walk in the park.”
Half an hour later, it is quite literally a walk in the park as you
leave the building without incident and make your way to the nearby
Joubert Park, sitting by a large fountain while commuters, coffee
cups in hand walk briskly past on their way to work. Sitting there in a
crumpled tux while Scarlett wears her latex catsuit, you get a few
curious looks, making you grin at each other. Her phone suddenly
vibrates and she studies the screen.
“A response from Langley.” She tells you quietly. “Kruger has
a private island in the Bahamas. The techs have found architectural
plans of what appears to be a missile silo! All the intel has been
uploaded to MI6’s servers, so they’re in the loop.”
“Good work.” You tell her, getting to your feet. “I’ll speak to N
and arrange to infiltrate the island. How about it Scarlett? You ready
to finish this?”
“I’d love to,” Scarlett tells you sadly, “But as my cover is still
intact, Langley have told me to remain on station.”
“Sorry to hear that.” You reply. “I’d have loved you to have
come with me.”
“Rain check. Though I look forward to coming with you
another time.” She adds with a knowing smile.
“I’ll hold you to that.” You grin, before hurrying from the park.
You reach for your phone and call N.
“Perhaps you should return the favour.” You tell her.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” She smiles, her green eyes
glinting with excitement as she drops to her knees before you.
“You’re not the only one who’s skilled with their tongue.” With that
she cranes her head forward and licks your cock from root to tip,
flicking her tongue around the straining bulbous head. You groan
your approval, her lips curling into a smile before she licks back
down your shaft, her tongue tracing the thick vein on the underside.
Her free hand reaches between your legs, lifting your heavy balls
and lapping at each of them. You moan with pleasure as she swirls
her tongue around each sensitive orb as she pumps your shaft with
her hand.
“Damn, that feels good.” You tell her, your pulse racing. She
chuckles deep in her throat as she continues to lap at your sack.
Pleasurable as her tongue feels on your balls, your cock twitches in
her hand, desperate for attention. Scarlett finally relents and as she
slides back up your length, the air cools your saliva coated scrotum,
contrasting pleasantly with the moist warmth of her tongue slithering
back up your shaft. As she reaches the tip, she pauses for a
moment, her green eyes flicking upwards to meet yours. She smiles
before parting her lips and taking the head into her mouth, softly
sucking on it. Her hand gently caresses your slippery balls, gently
massaging them as her lips begin to descend your length. You let
out a guttural groan of delight as you feel her begin to bob her head
up and down, one hand pumping the base of your shaft while the
other continues to cradle your balls. You gaze down at the beautiful
CIA agent, her lips stretched around your saliva coated cock, her red
hair cascading past her shoulders to the swell of her breasts jutting
proudly out from her opened catsuit. As her fingers gently caress
your balls, probing further back and stroking your perineum, you can
feel the pressure in your loins beginning to build. Scarlett seems
intent on bringing you swiftly to your climax as her mouth and hands
work in tandem to send you over the edge.
“I’m getting close.” You warn Scarlett through gritted teeth.
She pulls you from her lips and gazes up at you, her eyes burning
with lust.
“Yeah?” She grins. “Wanna come all over my face?” Your
eyes widen, once again taken aback by the brazenness of the
beautiful redhead. She chuckles sexily before taking you back into
her mouth, an eyebrow raised as she awaits your response.
It would be rude to ignore a lady’s invitation
Her mouth feels too good to pull out
You’d rather come all over her beautiful breasts
“I’d rather you finished what you’ve started.” You groan.
“Mmm-hmm.” Comes the muffled reply, Scarlett’s green eyes
gleaming as she eagerly continues to suck your cock. Her hand grips
the base of your shaft tightly, pumping you as her lips slide up and
down your shaft. The pressure building in your balls reaches a
crescendo and you feel them twitch in her hand as your seed is
pumped out of them, racing up your length to explode into Scarlett’s
waiting mouth. You grunt with pleasure, watching enthralled as her
cheeks cave in as she greedily sucks your creamy come from your
erupting cock. Your hips jerk as your shaft pulses again and again,
her hand gently massaging your balls as you fill her mouth with your
seed. You groan as her other hand pumps the last of your thick
creamy fluid into her mouth, her warm tongue swiping across the tip
and collecting the last droplets. She sits back, your spent cock
slipping from her mouth, her lips closed to hold in your seed, her
eyes sparkling impishly up at you.
“Show me.” You groan. She opens her mouth, proudly
showing you your come, the thick cloudy white fluid pooled on her
tongue. Having savoured your reaction, she closes her mouth and
gulps down your seed before getting to her feet and pressing her lips
to yours. You take her in your arms, kissing her deeply and enjoying
the feel of her warm flesh pressed against you, her large breasts
crushed against your chest. After a moment she pulls away.
“Not my first choice for a midnight snack, but not bad.” She
grins. “Besides, a girls gotta eat!”
“I’d rather come all over those.” You grin, gazing pointedly at
her breasts.
“You would huh?” Scarlett grins, slipping you from her lips.
She sits up so that her breasts are level with your cock and guides it
between her magnificent fleshy mounds, pressing them together and
trapping your shaft between them. You groan as she begins to slide
her breasts up and down, her soft warm flesh stimulating your aching
“Damn, that feels good.” You groan, your pulse racing and
your balls churning as she keeps you on the very edge of your
“You like that?” She purrs. “What about this?” She cranes her
head forward and swipes her tongue across the taut skin of your
bulbous head before it disappears back into her cleavage. She grins
mischievously before repeating the process on every upstroke.
“Scarlett…” You moan thickly, moments away. She looks up,
her green eyes meeting yours as you feel your balls twitch and your
shaft pulse as your cock erupts. You roar with release as a thick rope
of come shoots from the tip, landing on Scarlett’s chest and dribbling
down into her cleavage. She giggles with delight, pulling you free
and sweeping your shaft from side to side, pumping it as your seed
erupts, splattering both her breasts. You jerk with each powerful
eruption, groaning with delight at the heady combination of the
sensation, the sight of her defiled breasts and her own gleeful
reaction. As the last of your come dribbles down over her fingers,
Scarlett releases your spent cock, smiling up at you as she rubs your
creamy seed into her breasts.
“Whatever the lady wants.” you grin, pulling your cock from
her lips. Scarlett chuckles with delight and moves closer, tilting her
head back in anticipation. She caresses your balls with one hand
while she slides the other down between her thighs.
“Do it.” She purrs, biting her lower lip with excitement as you
rapidly stroke your cock. “Cover my face with your thick, creamy
“I’m close.” You gasp, the come boiling in your balls.
“Yes, yes!” She moans, squeezing your sensitive sack, her
other hand working at her clit. That sends you over the edge and
with a roar of release, you feel your seed race up your length and
explode from the tip. The first streak of come splatters across
Scarlett’s cheek and forehead, dribbling back into her hairline. She
chuckles with delight, continuing to caress your balls as you groan
with pleasure, your cock continuing to erupt all over her beautiful
upturned face. Your thick cock twitches again, splashing your pearly
white seed over her other cheek and the bridge of her nose, then
across her lips and chin, trickling down her throat. One hand
continues to frantically work at her clit while the other softly
massages your spent balls, coaxing the last of your come from them.
You groan as you squeeze the last of your seed from the tip, the fluid
collecting on the underside of the bulbous head. Scarlett leans
forward, her face streaked with your come and her green eyes fixed
on yours as she guides your cock back to her mouth. She mews
softly as her tongue swirls around the tip and collects the last of your
come. She then sits back, your cock slipping from her mouth, her
eyes gleaming as she licks her lips, clearly enjoying the taste of your
essence, her hand still busily working away between her thighs. Her
eyes close and her mouth drops open, stiffening before letting out a
groan of ecstasy as her fingers bring her to her own climax. You
watch transfixed as Scarlett trembles before you as waves of
pleasure surge through her body. As her orgasm passes, her eyes
flick open and she flashes you a come soaked smile, her breasts
heaving as she catches her breath.
“Thank you.” She pants. “It always turns me on to feel the
warmth of a man’s come splashing across my face. It feels so
deliciously filthy.”
“I’m not sure I’ve ever been thanked for doing that, but you’re
most welcome.” You grin.
You pull out your phone and call MI6 on a secure line.
“Agent 69 reporting in.” You tell the automated system. There
is a momentary pause while it checks and confirms your voice print
before a familiar voice answers.
“Agent 69. Report.” N says tersely.
“I’m all finished here.” You tell her.
“Excellent.” N replies. “Our analysts have come up with three
possible locations for the missiles, all owned by Kruger Corporation.
Kruger has an abandoned research facility in Antarctica, an offshore
oil rig in the Persian Gulf and a private island in the Bahamas. They
all seem equally likely. Do you have any leads?”
Abandoned Antarctic research facility
Oil Rig in the Persian Gulf
Kruger’s private island in the Bahamas
“The offshore rig.” You tell N, mustering more confidence in
your response than you feel.
“Good work Agent 69.” She tells you. “You’ll infiltrate the oil rig
and neutralise the threat with extreme prejudice.”
“Yes ma’am.” You reply.
Under cover of darkness and clad in black, you approach the
floodlit oil rig. As you draw nearer, you cut the engine and allow your
inflatable boat to drift silently to the landing platform at one of the
legs. You clamber out and draw your silenced Walther P99 pistol,
stepping lightly as you climb the steps to the platform high above
you. You keep to the shadows, favouring a clandestine approach. As
you move silently around the platform’s gantries and corridors
searching for the missiles, you are surprised at how casually
Kruger’s men go about their business. None seem vigilant for
intruders or even armed for that matter. You suddenly feel sick to the
pit of your stomach as you realise this isn’t where the missiles are
located. Your satellite phone vibrates and you reach for it, leaning
heavily on the handrail at the edge of the platform as you press it to
your ear.
“You’re in the wrong place!” N tells you, her voice
incandescent with rage. “Kruger has launched one of the missiles.
He’s just wiped Washington DC off the face of the Earth! He’s
threatening to do the same to London if we don’t meet his demands.”
Your blood runs cold.
“N… I…” You stutter.
“Don’t.” She snaps. “This could have been avoided if you’d
done your job. Against my better judgement I trusted you with this
and you’ve failed utterly. Your negligence has led to the death of
millions. I hope you have plenty of loyal contacts left around the
globe, because you need to drop off the grid. Both the British
Government and the Americans want to have you executed!” The
line goes dead and you hurl the handset into the churning waters of
the Persian Gulf below, your curses drowned out by the background
noise of the drilling platform. You reflect that perhaps you should
have done your job rather than just concentrating on pleasures of the
“Antarctica.” You tell N, mustering more confidence in your
response than you feel.
“Good work Agent 69.” She tells you. “You’ll infiltrate the
facility and neutralise the threat with extreme prejudice.”
“Yes ma’am.” You reply.
A few hours later, you parachute in from the freezing cold
Antarctic sky. You land on the ice a couple of hundred yards from the
facility, quickly clambering to your feet and hurrying towards the slab
sided structure. You are dressed from head to toe in a thick snow
camouflage suit while a mask protects your face from the Antarctic
gale howling around you. You make slow progress across the ice to
the facility. Finally reaching it, you move to a heavy steel door and
reach inside your pack. You pull out a small oxyacetylene cutter and
ignite it, sparks showering you as you burn through the lock. The
lock falls away, the red hot metal hissing in the snow at your feet.
You pull out your silenced Walther P99 and cautiously push open the
door, stepping inside the cavernous structure. As soon as you are
inside, your heart sinks. You can see clearly that no one has been
here for a very long time. Your satellite phone rings and you pull your
mask off, pressing the handset to your ear.
“You’re in the wrong place!” N tells you, her voice
incandescent with rage. “Kruger has launched one of the missiles.
He’s just wiped Washington DC off the face of the Earth! He’s
threatening to do the same to London if we don’t meet his demands.”
Your blood runs cold.
“N… I…” You stutter.
“Don’t.” She snaps. “This could have been avoided if you’d
done your job. Against my better judgement I trusted you with this
and you’ve failed utterly. Your negligence has led to the death of
millions. I hope you have plenty of loyal contacts left around the
globe, because you need to drop off the grid. Both the British
Government and the Americans want to have you executed!” The
line goes dead and you hurl the handset across the room, your
curses echoing through the abandoned facility. You reflect that
perhaps you should have done your job rather than just
concentrating on pleasures of the flesh.
“The missiles have been transported to Kruger’s private island
in the Bahamas.” You tell N.
“Excellent work Agent 69.” N replies. “Go there immediately.
Infiltrate the facility, neutralise the threat and if the opportunity
presents itself, neutralise Kruger. With extreme prejudice.”
“Understood.” You reply.
A few hours later, lit only by the starry sky and sitting astride a
black Jet Ski, you streak across the dark waters of the Caribbean
Sea towards the silhouette of Kruger’s private island. M’s intel
indicated that the west side of the island was the optimum landing
zone for a stealthy incursion as satellite images showed most of the
buildings are located to the east. An orange smudge on the horizon
heralds the coming dawn as you quickly close on the island, the Jet
Ski skipping on the waves as you near the shore. You open the
throttle, running it straight onto the beach and quickly pull it up to the
treeline, throwing a camouflage net over the top and drawing your
silenced Walther P99 pistol. Dressed all in black, you press on
through the forest of palm trees, checking a GPS waypoint on your
watch that will take you straight to Kruger’s facility.
You make steady progress, the sun rising up ahead of you,
sunbeams piercing through the gaps in the foliage. You hear the
beating of rotor blades and move into the cover of the foliage,
glancing up as a large shiny black helicopter with KRUGER
CORPORATION emblazoned down the side in yellow swoops
overhead. You wonder if Hugo Kruger is on board, arriving to witness
his moment first hand. The helicopter rises to a suspended helipad
at the peak of the island’s central mountain and you emerge from
cover and press on through the forest.
You finally reach a clearing, the thick vegetation giving way to
a neatly trimmed lawn and a path winding across it before
disappearing down the hillside. (Towards a jetty to the south of the
island if M’s intel is accurate). You are more interested in the other
end of the path – a small door built into the hillside. M’s analysts
believed it was the back door of the facility. Time to find out. You are
about to step out of the treeline when you hear footsteps
approaching. A uniformed guard, an AK47 slung lazily over his
shoulder, makes his way up the path before standing before the
door. He stands there for a few minutes, shifting his weight from foot
to foot before pacing slowly back along the path and standing at the
far side of the lawn, gazing down towards the sea below. He then
retraces his steps back towards the door, leaning against it and
folding his arms. A few minutes later, he repeats his patrol. You time
him. Forty-seven seconds from leaving the door to turning around to
return to it. Just enough time to slip past him. Having said that, dead
men tell no tales…
Shoot the guard and hide his body in the forest
Sneak past the guard
As the guard paces back along the path, you grasp the
opportunity and dart from the treeline, soundlessly crossing the well-
manicured lawn to the door. Glancing over your shoulder at the
retreating back of the guard, you grin and twist the handle of the
door. It doesn’t open. You push against it, but it is solid. Locked. You
feel your blood run cold.
“Drop it!” The guard growls behind you. You can hear his
footsteps behind you as he quickly closes the distance between you,
his AK47 no doubt aimed at your back. Your gun hand hangs down
at your side and you consider whether you might still be able to turn
and shoot before his finger tightens on the trigger. Doubtful, but your
initial impressions of him are of a sloppy mercenary who was
probably thrown out of the military before he even finished his
Spin around and try to shoot the guard
You twist around, bringing your silenced pistol up to bear. The
muzzle of the AK47 flashes and the bark of machinegun fire sends a
flock of colourful tropical birds into the sky as bullets tear through
your chest. The force of the impact throws you back against the door
and you slump down, your head lolling forward as your lifeblood
quickly drains from you.
“Nice try.” The guard tells you as he stands over you. “But
ultimately foolish.” He takes a step back as the expanding pool of
your blood threatens to reach his boots before your vision fades to
black as you fall into the abyss.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
Your shoulders slump and you toss the weapon onto the
grass and slowly turn around to face the guard. He advances
towards you, his AK47 raised and his yellowed teeth showing as he
grins in triumph.
“Reckon this will earn me a promotion.” He muses as he
reaches you. “Maybe guarding the pool area and gazing at those
beautiful women in bikinis all day.” With that, he swings the butt of
the rifle into the side of your head. The crunching blow sends you
reeling and as you collapse to the ground, your vision fades to black.
You aim your gun and put the guard down with a single shot.
His body collapses onto the lawn and you step out of cover and drag
his body towards the treeline. You notice a bunch of keys on his belt
and unclip them before continuing to drag his corpse into the
shadows of the trees and hiding it in the undergrowth. You retrace
your steps back to the door and try to open it, finding it locked. You
try the keys and smile as it swings open. Lights flicker on within and
you step into a long, narrow passageway with walls of exposed rock.
The gradient drops steeply as it runs deep into the hillside. You hurry
along it, your footsteps echoing loudly.
You continue along the passageway for several minutes deep
into the subterranean facility before finally reaching the end. You
emerge into a large store room, with weapons and ammunition
cases piled high. Kruger is evidently well prepared to defend his
facility. You notice another passageway on the opposite side of the
room. Conscious that time is running out, you throw caution to the
wind and hurry towards it. You wince when you hear a footstep just
behind you, knowing your assailant already has the drop on you. You
grimace as you feel the muzzle of a gun pressed into your back and
raise your hands, your own pistol dangling by the trigger guard from
your forefinger. It is snatched away and dropped on the floor.
“Hello Mr Grenville.” A female voice purrs behind you. “Or
should I say Mr Hazard?” You recognise the dulcet tones of Kruger’s
mistress, Bérénice Marceau’s French accent instantly.
If you saved Anya Suchova’s life, select this option
If Anya is dead and you seduced Bérénice Marceau, select this
Otherwise, select this option
“You French have a reputation for surrendering.” A familiar
Russian voice announces before the menacing metallic click of a
pistol being cocked. “Don’t be the exception to the rule.”
“Mrs Somerset!” You grin as Anya steps out of the shadows.
Her blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail and she is dressed in a dark
grey vest top and black shorts with a twin holstered gun belt around
her waist. Her steely gaze is fixed on Bérénice behind you and she
holds a pistol in each hand, both trained on your assailant. You feel
the muzzle of the gun leave your back and hear the weapon clatter
to the floor.
“I believe the passageway behind you leads back to the
surface.” Anya growls as you turn to face the Frenchwoman who is
enchanting in an exquisite blue dress, her long dark hair
immaculately styled, falling past her shoulders in gentle spirals. “I
suggest you use it.” Bérénice gulps and nods before fleeing as
quickly as her designer heels will allow.
“An old flame?” She replies coolly, glancing past you at the
retreating brunette.
“She couldn’t hold a candle to you.” You smirk, collecting your
gun from the floor. Anya glares at you, but the corners of her lips curl
into a reluctant smile. “Now, shall we finish this?” Anya nods. “Ladies
first.” You grin, gesturing with your gun towards the next
“What’s your plan?” Anya asks as you move further into the
“We need to find the missile silos.” You reply. “We’ll try to jam
the silo doors so that when the missile launches, the missile will
smash into the doors and the rocket fuel will detonate. Fail safes
should stop a nuclear detonation, but a full load of fuel exploding
should still take out half the island.”
“‘Should’ stop a nuclear detonation?” She glances over her
shoulder with a raised eyebrow.
“You like to live a little dangerously don’t you?” You flash her a
“You really are reckless aren’t you.” She scolds you before
sighing in resignation. “But in the absence of an alternative plan, we
don’t have much choice. I passed what looked like an access door to
the missile silos on the way in. Follow me.”
As you hurry deeper into the underground complex, you pass
the corpses of several guards lying on the floor, all efficiently
assassinated with no sign of a fire fight or struggle.
“Your handiwork I presume?” You ask Anya. She nods grimly.
“Yes. We should have a clear run back to the silo door.”
You reach a stairwell, quickly climbing up several flights of
steps before reaching a door labelled Silo 1. You push through it and
move quickly along a concrete corridor towards a thick steel
pressure door with a wheel in the centre of it. You grunt as you turn
it, the locking mechanism disengaging with a solid clank. You pull the
door open, your eyes immediately drawn to the sleek nose cone of
one of the stolen missiles.
“Here you are.” You murmur.
“Come, there is no time to lose!” Anya says stepping onto the
gantry that rings the missile around the circumference of the silo.
“Wait.” You call out, but she has already stepped inside. You
see a thick arm swing out and grasp Anya by the throat. He shakes
her, the guns slipping from her fingers and clattering onto the gantry.
“Drop your weapon!” Kruger’s voice growls pulling her body to
him and using her as a human shield as he steps into view.
“Kruger.” You spit. “It’s over. Give yourself up and you might
yet be able to strike a deal.”
“Fool.” Kruger snarls maniacally. “It’s too late. You’re too late!
In four minutes, this missile will launch and wipe Washington DC off
the face of the Earth!”
“Just shoot him!” Anya tells you hoarsely, her eyes bulging as
his arm grips her throat tightly.
Shoot Kruger and hope you miss Anya
Drop your weapon and hope for an opening later
You quickly raise your gun, Kruger’s eyes widening and
pulling Anya’s body in the way. Your finger tightens on the trigger, the
muzzle flashing and the shot echoing around the silo. You hear Anya
gasp as a spray of blood erupts from them, their bodies collapsing to
the floor. You drop to your knees, pulling Kruger’s limp arm from
around Anya’s throat. Kruger’s corpse stares at the ceiling, a small
bullet hole through his forehead. While satisfied that Kruger is dead,
as you glance at Anya’s bloody body, your heart sinks. The cost is
too high.
“Anya!” You gasp, her long blonde hair stained red and her
face splattered with blood from the wound. “I’m so sorry!” You feel
her body shift very slightly and she coughs, her pale blue eyes
meeting yours.
“You should be.” She croaks, reaching up and wincing as her
fingers find a wound on the side of her head. “I think that will leave a
“You’re okay?” You smile, your relief palpable.
“It’s just a nick. Most of the blood is his.” She grins, getting
back to her feet. “Good shot I suppose.” She adds grudgingly.
“Let’s finish this.” You tell her, turning to study an
instrumentation panel on the wall. “If we can somehow lock the silo
doors from here…” A gunshot booms out behind you, your ears
ringing while a fine mist of fluid rains down on you. You turn around,
a smoking gun in Anya’s hand.
“Or we could just shoot the hydraulic pipe feeding the doors.”
She shrugs with a wry smile.
“That will do it.” You grin. “How long until the missile
“Two minutes James!” Anya tells you, checking her watch.
“It’s going to be tight. The explosion will rip this whole place apart.”
“Kruger’s helicopter.” You tell her. “If we hurry, we can be
airborne before the missiles explode.” Anya nods and you turn to
leave. As your footsteps clank on the gantry, you notice several grate
covers over exhaust vents in the silo wall. Perhaps that might get
you out quicker.
Prise a grate off and throw yourselves into the exhaust vent
Take the elevator to the top of the facility and fly off in Kruger’s
Reluctantly, you drop your weapon on the floor.
“There, you’re not as stupid as you look.” Kruger grins. “Now
step inside the silo please Mr Hazard.” You step through the
pressure door, Kruger wheeling around to keep Anya between the
two of you.
“So what has Washington DC done to provoke your wrath?”
You ask, stalling for time while you try to think of a way out of the
“Nothing.” Kruger shrugs. “I simply require a target to show
the world I am not to be trifled with. Then I will threaten city after city,
all of which will bow to my demands. New York, Tokyo, Beijing, all
will tremble when my gaze falls upon them. I may eventually even
get as far down the list as your pitiful country and threaten London.”
“Why?” You ask. “You are already the wealthiest man in the
world. Why do this?”
“Because I want to be the most powerful man in the world too.” He
replies. “Wealth gives you power to a certain extent. I can influence
governments to a degree but nothing compares to wielding the threat
of a nuclear strike on the city of my choice. Governments will tremble
and bow to my will. My influence will be total and with it I will stamp
out petty squabbles fuelled by archaic religions or oil deposits and
build a better world. All for a reasonable fee from each of the world’s
countries of course.”
“An international protection racket?” You scoff, rolling your
eyes and taking a little sidestep towards the gun. “I can’t decide
whether you’re delusional or outright insane.”
“I grow tired of this inane banter.” Kruger sighs. “I think I shall
leave you here to witness the launch first hand. You will enjoy the
view… however briefly.” He glances lasciviously at Anya. “Though I
may keep your attractive Russian friend here for my own
If you seduced Bérénice earlier, select this option
Throw yourself at Kruger and wrestle him to the ground
Dive for the gun, open fire and hope you miss Anya
You dive for the gun, hitting the chequer plate floor of the
gantry hard. You reach out, grasping the gun and swinging it up to
bear on Kruger. His eyes widen and he wrenches Anya around,
blocking your shot just as you pull the trigger. The gunshot is
deafening in the confined space of the silo, the sound booming out
and echoing around the cylindrical chamber. The bullet rips through
her and she shrieks in agony, her scream oddly muffled from the
ringing in your ears. Kruger grunts as the bullet passes through her
and into his stomach. His grasp on her weakening, Anya wriggles
free and swings a fist into his groin. He doubles up and Anya drops
to the floor giving you a clear shot. You fire again, the gunshot
booming out, the bullet causing Kruger’s head to rock back as it
pierces his forehead, a red mist filling the air behind him. His bulky
frame collapses face down on the floor.
“You son of a bitch!” Anya grimaces, clutching her side, her
vest soaked with blood.
“Sorry.” You reply. “No other option. How does it look?”
“I’ll live.” She snaps. “I thought you might shoot your load
inside me when all this was over, but that’s not quite what I had in
mind.” She snatches her gun from you and aims above your head. A
third gunshot booms out and hydraulic fluid rains down on you. You
glance up and realise she has shot a hole in the hydraulic hose
leading up to the silo door mechanism. “That’s the silo doors dealt
with.” She gestures with the gun to the open pressure door. “Shall
“After you.” You grin, stepping over Kruger’s corpse.
Anya, using you for support with her arm resting on your
shoulder, grunts in pain as you hurry back down the corridor and up
the stairwell.
“Less than two minutes.” Anya tells you through clenched
teeth as she glances at her watch.
“Nearly there.” You tell her as you emerge out of the top of the
stairwell into broad daylight and the suspended platform of the
helipad. Kruger’s helicopter sits there, the rotors already spinning as
the pilot prepares to take off.
“Don’t even think about it.” Anya snarls, aiming her pistol at
him. You see him blanch and raise his hands as you hurry to the side
of the helicopter and slide open the door. You help Anya in, the
Russian cursing at the pain from the wound as you clamber in with
“Go.” You shout at the pilot. He nods and the thumping of the
rotors rapidly intensifies before the machine rises into the blue sky.
You glance back just as a series of explosions boom out behind you,
thick black smoke pouring from the facility. The helipad you were
standing on only moments earlier collapses in on itself, the
supporting steelwork breaking apart like matchsticks.
“Mission accomplished.” You grin at Anya.
“I’ll have the scars to prove it.” Anya replies sourly.
Sheepishly, you pull a green first aid kit from the wall behind you and
rummage through it. Anya draws in her breath sharply as you peel
her vest up and clean the wound as best you can before pulling out
some pads and a bandage and dressing it.
“Thank you.” She tells you grudgingly.
“I’ll make it up to you.” You promise.
“Yes you will.” She replies, her pale blue eyes fixed on yours.
“Once I’ve recovered, I’ll expect a meal in a fine London restaurant
followed by a night in a luxurious suite in an expensive hotel. You will
then give me a night of pleasure that will take you to the very limits of
your skills and endurance.”
“I’m already looking forward to it.” You grin, your cock
twitching at the thought.
Desperate, you launch yourself at Kruger. He grins, obviously
anticipating this last throw of the dice and swinging his free hand at
you. His huge fist crunches into the side of your head, sending you
crashing to the floor and leaves you lying there in a daze.
“Goodbye Mr Hazard.” He tells you cheerfully before
slamming the pressure door shut. You struggle to your feet, but the
mechanism is already clanking into place. You twist the wheel with
all your might, but Kruger has obviously locked the door shut from
outside. You hammer and scream at the door, but it is no avail. Your
blood runs cold as you hear the hydraulics above you as the silo
doors open, daylight shining in. Moments later, you hear the roar of
the missile’s engines followed by immense heat as a ball of gas and
fire is funnelled up the silo. You have just enough time to scream
before your body is utterly incinerated.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
“Be sure to give my regards to Bérénice.” You smirk. “I
wonder if after the gala, she imagines my face when you’re in bed.”
Kruger’s face darkens.
“You’re lying.” He tells you, but his voice cracks as doubt
creeps in. His eyes lose focus for a moment and you wonder if he is
imagining the two of you together.
“Was the black lingerie she wore for me a gift from you
perhaps?” You chuckle. “You have a good eye. I particularly enjoyed
the way that lacy black corset accentuated her cleavage…” He roars
in fury, throwing Anya crashing to the floor and launching himself at
you, his face red with rage, his teeth bared and huge hands
outstretched. His anger is his undoing and you easily sidestep his
lunge, grasp his arm and redirect his momentum towards the gantry
railing. He yells in fear as you swing him into it, his back crashing
into the tubular steel railing, his bulk bending it outwards, leaving him
teetering on the brink. His arms wave wildly, trying to right himself as
you watch coolly.
“You can’t do this!” Kruger tells you, his eyes wide with fear as
he strains every sinew to pull himself forward. “I’m the richest man
on the planet!”
“I think your stocks are about to plummet.” You tell him before
savagely shoving him over the railing. His screams of terror echo
around the silo, as does a sickening thud a moment later.
“Let’s finish this.” You tell Anya, helping her back to her feet.
You turn and study an instrumentation panel on the wall. “If we can
somehow lock the silo doors from here…” A gunshot booms out from
behind you, your ears ringing while a fine mist of brown fluid rains
down on you. You turn around, a smoking gun in Anya’s hand.
“Or we could just shoot the hydraulic pipe feeding the doors.”
She shrugs with a wry smile.
“That will do it.” You grin. “How long until the missile
“Two minutes James!” Anya tells you, checking her watch.
“We’re not going to get away in time. The explosion will rip this whole
place apart.”
“Kruger’s helicopter.” You tell her. “If we hurry, we can be
airborne before the missiles explode.” Anya nods and you turn to
leave. As your footsteps clank on the gantry, you notice several grate
covers over exhaust vents in the silo wall. Perhaps that might get
you out quicker.
Prise a grate off and throw yourselves into the exhaust vent
Take the elevator to the top of the facility and fly off in Kruger’s
“Quickly!” You shout at Anya as you sprint down the corridor
back towards the stairwell at the far end. She runs next to you,
glancing at her watch as you reach the stairwell. You scramble up
the stairs, climbing two at a time, your pulse racing.
“Less than a minute!” Anya tells you.
“We’ll make it.” You reply, panting, your lungs on fire. You
burst through a door and stumble out into daylight, the suspended
flat square surface of the helipad before you. A vacant helipad. You
feel your blood run cold.
“No, no!” Anya cries out as you scan the sky. You can see the
tiny silhouette of the helicopter disappearing into the distance. You
curse, looking about you for an alternative escape route. A deep
rumble shakes the helipad as the countdown reaches zero.
“It’s too late!” Anya tells you, her voice flat and deflated as she
fears the worst. Muffled explosions echo from deep within the facility
below and the helipad trembles violently, the steel structure creaking
in protest.
“We’re not done yet.” You reply, but as the helipad begins to
lurch to one side, you both struggle to keep your footing.
“Well, at least the mission was successful.” Anya tells you
grimly as thick acrid smoke pours from the stairwell. More
explosions, louder and closer now, boom out and the structure
supporting the helipad begins to fail, the steelwork creaking in
protest. You both lose your footing as the helipad rips apart and
collapses in on itself, Anya screaming in terror as she slips through
the tear. You manage to hold on a moment longer before you too
plummet to your death.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
“Mademoiselle Marceau!” You reply, cautiously glancing over
your shoulder. The attractive Frenchwoman is just as beautiful as
your first encounter in Johannesburg. This time she is dressed in an
elegant, figure hugging blue dress with a plunging neckline revealing
her tanned cleavage while a slit up the side of her skirt reveals a
tantalising glimpse of a slender leg. Diamonds dangle from her ears
and sparkle at her throat. Her long dark hair is immaculately styled,
falling past her shoulders in gentle spirals. “You look absolutely
enchanting, or should I say captivating?”
“Your charm will not work a second time.” She tells you,
pressing the gun firmly into your back. “I really should escort you
straight to Kruger. He would no doubt have an imaginative though
unpleasant death planned for you.”
“Oh?” You reply, detecting her resolve wavering. You hear a
barely audible sigh as she realises her slip.
“Hugo can be a demanding and aggressive partner.” She tells
you. “And his plans, while ambitious, are high risk. It’s a volatile
situation I have no intention of being at the epicentre of if things go
wrong. Fortunately for you, not only do you offer an alternative, but
our brief dalliance in Johannesburg has somewhat whetted my
“That’s very flattering.” You grin, though the muzzle of her
weapon is still pressed firmly into your back.
“It should be.” She replies with typical Gallic aloofness. “So
Monsieur Hazard, are you ready to set a wayward girl back on the
road to redemption?”
It's not like you have much of a choice
You don’t trust this sudden change of heart. Attempt to disarm her
“I don’t think so!” You reply, whirling around and flailing for the
gun. Bérénice had obviously anticipated the move and rocks back
out of reach, your hand grasping nothing but thin air.
“How disappointing.” She sighs before swinging the butt of the
gun hard into the side of your skull. You wince, shocked at both the
grace of her evading manoeuvre and the ferocity of the blow before
crumpling unconscious to the floor.
“I like to think of myself as a positive influence.” You reply. You
feel the weapon leave your back and slowly turn to face Bérénice.
She still has the gun aimed at you, but is noticeably more relaxed.
“Good.” She replies. “Kruger plans to cement his influential
position by using the threat of a nuclear strike to control the
governments that have so far managed to resist him. He’s going to
launch the first missile at Washington DC within the hour to prove
he’s not bluffing!”
“Then we have no time to lose.” You tell her. “Which way to
the control room?”
“This way.” She tells you, lowering her weapon. You follow her
down a corridor leading further into the depths of the facility. “What’s
your plan?”
“We’ll try to cancel the missile launch and then sabotage the
control room.” You tell her. “Then we’ll deal with Kruger.”
“You’re going to kill him?” Bérénice asks quietly.
“A likely outcome.” You admit. “Is that going to be a problem?”
“No.” She sighs after a moment. “He’s been good to me in his
own way, but he has become increasingly cruel and erratic.”
“Good.” You reply. “Now, which way to the control room?”
A few minutes later, you step inside a large though deserted
control room with banks of controls laid out before you. Your gaze is
drawn to huge screens dominating the room. The stolen nuclear
missiles are shown in their silos and are clearly ready for launch. A
large timer on the wall is counting down. 27:12.
“Less than half an hour.” You murmur, studying the controls
before you. “We haven’t much time.”
“You know,” Bérénice purrs, leaning into you, her lips brushing
your ear, “I’ve watched Hugo at the controls in here like a child with a
new toy. I know exactly which controls cancel the launch.”
“Well?” You reply impatiently. “I’m waiting with baited breath!”
“Oh no monsieur,” She chuckles sexily, “You’ll have to
persuade me a bit better than that.” She moves between you and the
console and drapes her arms around your neck, gazing up into your
eyes, her full lips pouting.
“We really don’t have time for this.” You tell her.
“Au Contraire.” She replies. “We have enough time. If you
want my help.”
Submit to her whims
You have no time for games. Find the controls yourself
You push her away from you, pressing buttons at random and
hoping something works. All the time the timer relentlessly counts
away the seconds as you begin to run out of time. You keep glancing
up at Bérénice, who leans against the wall and casually files her
nails, an enigmatic smile on her face.
“Damn it woman, this is no time for a manicure!” You growl at
her, your frustration boiling over as the timer drops below eight
minutes. “Millions of lives are at stake!” She shrugs, putting the file
away and examining her nails. Exasperated, you turn back to the
controls, pressing button after button, but nothing seems to work.
“Warmer.” Bérénice purrs as your hand drifts over a particular
“Warmer.” She continues as your hands skim over nearby
“Hot.” Your hand hovers over a transparent flap over a large
red button. You flip open the flap and rest your fingers on the red
“Red hot.” She smiles. You glance at the timer. 06:37. You
take a deep breath and press the button. Klaxons sound and the
timer suddenly drops rapidly to zero. There is a deep rumbling and
the room shakes. Your eyes widen as you watch one of the missiles
slowly rising up the silo, the powerful thrust of the engines
accelerating it until it streaks into the sky. Your eye flicks to the next
screen, watching in horror as the trail of smoke arcs across the clear
blue sky on its short journey to Washington DC. You glance at
Bérénice in disbelief.
“Or was it the other button?” She grins evilly.
“My God, what have you done?!” You ask her, your voice
cracking as the implications begin to sink in.
“I was tired of waiting.” She shrugs. “Now that’s out of the
way, perhaps we can retire to my bedroom?”
“Why you evil bitch!” You yell, advancing towards her, your
hands reaching for her neck. Her eyes widen in terror as your fingers
close around her throat. You see a flash of steel in your peripheral
vision and feel something stab into your neck. Your fingers fall away
from her throat and you collapse to the floor, your hands reaching up
to your own throat and coming away bloody. Bérénice stands over
you, the nail file in her hand, blood trickling down it. You try to speak,
but blood gurgles in your throat.
“A pity it had to end this way.” She tells you sadly as the
lifeblood quickly drains from you, your vision darkening as you slip
away. “Au revoir Monsieur Hazard.”
“Anya, help me with this.” You tell her, dropping to your knees
and pulling at one of the grates.
“What are you doing? We have no time for this?” She tells
“Quickly!” You snap. “This will get us out of the facility before
the missiles explode.” She checks her watch and glances doubtfully
at the grate before joining you and pulling at it.
“It’s not moving!” Anya grunts through gritted teeth as you
both pull at the edge of the grate.
“Keep trying!” You shout, your heart thumping as you wonder
if you have made the wrong decision.
“James, we have less than a minute now!” Anya tells you,
glancing fearfully over the edge of the gantry at the missile below
Persevere with the grate
Cut your losses and get out of the silo while you can
“It’s no use, let’s go!” You tell Anya, struggling back to your
feet. “Let’s get out of here. If we shut the pressure door, it may be
enough to contain the explosion.” She nods, her blue eyes wide with
terror as she checks her watch.
“Thirty seconds!” She tells you as you clamber back through
the hatch and into the corridor. You throw all your weight behind the
heavy steel door, the unwieldy bulk of it making it swing closed
maddeningly slowly. Finally it slams into position and you twist the
wheel, locking it shut.
“Five seconds!” Anya tells you, already sprinting down the
corridor towards the staircase at the far end. You set off after her, the
floor shaking as the missile’s engines fire. You glance over your
shoulder, imagining the missile slowly rising in its silo just behind
you. A deafening crash signals its impact with the jammed silo doors
and the whole building shakes as the missile breaks apart as the
engines continue to try to thrust upwards. The fuel ignites and the
whole building shakes, cracks appearing in the walls and floor, the
air thick with dust. Anya is nearly to the staircase and looks back at
“Keep going!” You shout, your voice barely audible above the
cacophony of explosions and deep rumblings as the facility begins to
tear itself apart. The fabric of the building creaks, the ceiling behind
you caving in with a mixture of beams, concrete and rock filling the
corridor behind you. You stumble, struggling to keep your feet on the
uneven floor as Anya disappears up the staircase. You are just
behind her. You’re going to make it. You grin. You always make it.
You’re James Hazard, Agent 69! The floor ahead of you cracks. The
crack rapidly widening to a fissure and you feel the ground beneath
your feet fall away. You fall to the floor, scrambling to reach the
staircase. There is a deep rumbling above you and you glance
fearfully upward as the whole ceiling collapses down onto you. Your
scream of terror is abruptly silenced as several tons of rock and
concrete crush the life from your body.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
Your heart thumps in your chest as you struggle to wrench the
grate free.
“Twenty seconds.” Anya tells you, utterly deflated as she
realises it is too late. You grit your teeth, using every last ounce of
strength you possess and finally the grate creaks as it gives way.
“Go now!” You shout, discarding the grate cover and pushing
her into the vent just as you hear the roar of the missile’s engines
below, a huge fireball funnelling up the silo towards you. Your eyes
widen and you dive into the vent moments before the fireball reaches
you. You slip and slide down the long winding tube, Anya just ahead
of you. You can feel terrific heat and glance behind you. You gasp in
horror. The fireball has been channelled into the vent and is rapidly
closing in on you. You wonder how far the chute goes and what is at
the end. If there is another grate across the bottom end of the
exhaust vent, you’ll have no time to remove it before you are both
roasted alive! As you feel the flames singeing you, you grimly realise
that the chute’s destination might be a moot point if two flaming
corpses emerge from it. You hear Anya cry out and realise that you
are running out of chute. You are thrown out of the end and into
daylight, both yelling with shock as you plummet several yards
before plunging into the churning waves of the Caribbean Sea. You
sink down into the watery depths before pushing yourself back
towards the surface, the orange and reds of the fireball refracting
through the waves. You both burst through the surface, gasping for
breath and feeling the heat against your faces as the fireball
“Swim to shore!” You shout at Anya. She looks blankly at you,
her eyes wide with shock. You swim closer to her, reaching out and
squeezing her hand. “We’ll be okay.” She nods and smiles weakly
and you turn and strike out towards a stretch of beach further along
the coast.
You crawl onto the beach, secondary explosions still booming
deep within the facility, smoke billowing from the top of the mountain
giving it the appearance of an erupting volcano. You both lie there for
a moment in the surf, your breathing heavy as you fight for breath.
“Mission accomplished Mr Hazard.” Anya smiles at you, her
grey vest soaked through and almost transparent. “Somehow
everything seems to have worked out for you.”
“It usually does.” You reply, flashing her a cocky grin.
“You are so arrogant!” She says, crawling over to you. “I really
should detest you, but somehow I feel the opposite.”
“Oh?” You smile, taking her in your arms. Her body, still
clammy from the seawater, presses against yours, her eyes
gleaming as your lips meet. You kiss long and hard, the relaxing
undulating crashing of the waves the only sound as the cool surf
washes up over your legs. The sun is high in the sky and quickly
dries your bodies as you roll around in the damp sand, kissing each
other hungrily, with a passion that only two people who have just
stared death in the face can know. You can feel your cock rapidly
hardening with excitement as your tongues flick and slide over one
another. Your hands slide down to the small of her back, grasping
the hem of her damp vest. Anya breaks the kiss, smiling down at you
as she allows you to pull it up and over her head, her large breasts
falling free, the nipples hard. Her blonde hair, wet and matted
together in thick strands, dangles down in your face as she gazes
into your eyes, the sun directly behind her head making her appear
almost angelic. She reaches down, her hands working at the buttons
on your shirt, peeling back the wet fabric from your chest. Your hard
cock strains within the restricted confines of your trousers, desperate
to be freed. Your excitement building, you both frantically undress
each other, the beautiful Russian murmuring her approval when your
erect cock springs from your underwear. You roll her onto her back,
peeling her tight fitting shorts down her long, toned legs and discard
them, your eyes drinking in her slender naked form. Her pale blue
eyes gaze up into yours and her lips pout expectantly, the swell of
her chest heaving and betraying her excitement. Her legs are slightly
parted, the dewy lips of her slit just visible between them.
“So Mr Hazard, what did you want to do now?” She smiles.
Pull her towards you and pleasure her with your tongue
Slip inside her
“I want you.” You tell Anya earnestly.
“Take me.” She replies, drawing her legs up and letting them
fall open in anticipation. Your pulse racing, you move between her
parted thighs, your knees sinking into the wet sand. Anya’s eyes
gleam as you lean forward, your body pressing against hers, her
breasts crushed against your chest and your throbbing cock against
her smooth pubic mound. You kiss her again, Anya responding
passionately, your excitement infectious.
“I need you inside me.” She murmurs hotly, momentarily
breaking the kiss. You adjust your position, reaching down between
your bodies and grasping your shaft, guiding it to her moist opening.
A soft moan escapes her lips as you gently thrust into her, your cock
slipping deep inside the slick warmth of her pussy. Her fingers slide
down your back, the thin layer of sand clinging to your skin making
her touch abrasive. Her legs lock around your thighs, pulling you in
tightly as you begin to pump into her. Your grunts join her little gasps
of pleasure as you quickly find your rhythm, your bodies churning up
the sand as the surf washes over you.
“Yes, yes, harder, harder!” She moans, her fingernails
scraping down your back as she writhes beneath you. The contrast
of the hot sun on your naked bodies and the cool waves washing
over you both serving to heighten your pleasure as you pound into
her. Anya gazes up at you, desperate desire burning in her eyes as
her pouting lips gasp with each thrust. You can feel your balls
beginning to tighten as your own excitement builds. You slow your
pace, having no intention of climaxing just yet.
“No!” Anya lets out a frustrated moan. You ignore her pleas
and sit up, grasping her hips as you continue to gently and
rhythmically thrust into her.
“Touch yourself.” You tell her. She nods submissively and you
watch with satisfaction as she slides a hand across her stomach and
down between her thighs. At this moment, you believe Anya would
do anything you asked of her. You fleetingly wonder if it would even
extend to sharing a few state secrets, but you’re far too invested in
the pursuit of your own pleasure to even attempt that. Her fingertips
slip down to her pussy, stopping just short of where your cock is
imbedded inside her, her labia stretched around your thick shaft. She
stiffens as she touches her clit, before smiling broadly as she begins
to tease it, her eyes heavy lidded. You continue to slowly slide into
her, enjoying the sight of this beautiful woman on heat as she
pleasures herself. Her eyes are closed and she chews on her lower
lip, her moans becoming increasingly intense as she frantically rubs
at her clit. Suddenly her eyes open and she lets out a series of
gasps. Her legs pull you in deep, holding you there as she arches
her back. Her fingers on her clit lose their rhythm, playing a final
staccato beat on the sensitive little nub before she cries out in
ecstasy, her body jerking in the throes of passion as a powerful
climax sweeps through her. You let out a groan of your own as her
pussy clenches around your shaft. Anya finally relaxes, slumping
back into the sand, her finger sliding away from her twitching clit.
“My God, that was incredible.” She smiles broadly. “But now
it’s your turn. Come for me James.” He pale blue eyes meet yours
and she adds: “You can do anything you want to me. Anything.” You
raise an eyebrow and your cock twitches at the thought.
Roll over and have her ride you to your climax
The thought of a sixty-nine appeals
If that’s not an anal invitation, you don’t know what is!
“Ride me.” You tell her. Anya squeals in surprise as you roll
onto your back, taking her with you, your cock still buried deep inside
“Sounds good to me.” She sighs, beginning to bounce up and
down on your lap, your cock slipping easily in and out of her juicy slit.
You reach up and squeeze her full breasts, Anya moaning
contentedly at the extra stimulation. As she quickens her pace, your
own moans join hers and you begin to drive up inside her, meeting
her downward thrusts. Anya’s moans increase in intensity and she
gyrates her hips, grinding herself against you, burying your cock
deep inside her. Her breathing becomes increasingly ragged as you
caress and massage her breasts, her nipples erect and angry red.
You pull yourself up and guide each nipple to your mouth in turn, her
cool skin tasting salty from the seawater. Anya holds you to her
chest and throws back her head, moaning with delight as you suck
and playfully nibble at the hard little buds.
“Yes, yes!” She gasps. “Don’t stop! That feels so good!” She
begins to ride you even more vigorously, slamming herself down on
your cock, your lips pulled from her breasts as she pants louder and
faster. Her blue eyes are filled with a wild lust as she loses control in
pursuit of her impending climax.
“Don’t stop!” She shrieks. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck
meeeeeee!” She thrusts down on you one last time before stiffening,
her back arching, her mouth dropping open and letting out a long cry
of pure pleasure as her orgasm tears through her. Anya jerks with
each powerful pulse, letting out a little gasp of pleasure with each
one until finally she slumps forward, breathless, her damp long
blonde hair dangling in your face as she pants for breath. As she
finally recovers, she straightens and smiles broadly at you.
“Twice!” She tells you breathlessly. “I need to make you come
before you fuck me to death!”
Have her ride you to your climax
The thought of a sixty-nine appeals
You grasp her thighs and pull her up your body. Anya grins
down at you, realising your intentions and shuffles forward,
straddling your head, her glistening labia just inches from your lips.
You breathe in, enjoying the aroma of her arousal, the smell
intoxicating. You caress her buttocks before gently easing her closer,
craning your head forward and gently kissing her moist entrance.
Anya moans softly and your gaze flicks upward, her blue eyes
gazing back at you from between her heaving breasts. She is
chewing her lower lip and she blushes as you hold her gaze. You
turn your attention back to her slit, stretching out your tongue and
tracing the length of it, softly kissing her clit, making her shiver as
you tease the sensitive little button.
“Please, do it.” She moans, squirming, trying to push her
pussy closer to your lips. You grin and relent, your tongue gliding
back up her slit, pushing firmly this time and parting her labia. You
salivate as you taste her tangy juices, traces of seawater adding a
hint of saltiness. Your rigid cock aches for attention and Anya
intuitively reaches behind her. You groan into her folds as her fingers
grasp your shaft.
“You’re so hard.” Anya purrs, beginning to slowly stroke it.
“Does this feel good?” You reply only with a gasp of pleasure before
thrusting your tongue back inside her as deeply as you can. She
shrieks with pleasure, her loud cries startling some brightly coloured
birds, making them take flight from a palm tree at the top of the
beach. Anya’s free hand squeezes and caresses her breasts, pulling
at her nipples, frantically switching between them. You slide your
hands up her flanks and take one in each hand, the soft flesh still
cool from the sea. You tease and tug at her nipples, her moans
becoming increasingly intense. She begins to gyrate her hips,
grinding her pussy against your face, her juices covering your lips
and chin.
“Oh James,” She pants, “Oh, oh... oh... yessss!” Her body
stiffens, her hand freezes on your cock, gripping it even more tightly
before she arches her back and cries out in ecstasy. Her body jerks
and quivers above you as waves of pleasure surge through her. Her
clitoris twitches against your lips with each powerful pulse as her
orgasm rips through her. Finally, as her climax fades, she slumps
forward with a satisfied sigh before gingerly climbing off your face,
her hand still gripping your cock.
“That felt incredible.” She tells you breathlessly, her hand
resuming its pumping. “Would you like me to return the favour?”
Yes please!
That’s enough foreplay. Have her ride you
Anya rolls onto her back and gestures for you to sit astride
her. You eagerly straddle her chest and she reaches up to grasp
your shaft, guiding your straining cock to her lips. Her pale blue eyes
gleam mischievously as she stretches out her tongue, flicking it over
the taut head. You groan as you feel the warmth of her moist tongue
swirl around it before sliding down one side leaving a trail of saliva.
She licks back up the other side and kisses the tip, your agonised
moans bringing a smile to her lips as you will her to take you into her
“It’s so hard.” She purrs. “I bet you’re just desperate for me to
take this big cock into my mouth aren’t you?”
“Yes.” You hiss, straining forward, trying to push the tip past
her lips which hover so close. “Please, suck it.” Her tongue flicks out
again, collecting a bead of pre come that has formed on the tip. She
smiles up at you before finally relenting and taking your cock into her
mouth. You gasp as you feel the warmth of her mouth envelop the
tip, her hand slowly pumping your shaft.
“Damn, that feels good.” You groan as Anya softly sucks on
the bulbous head. Her lips slide back and forth, meeting her hand
halfway down your length, your cock glistening with her saliva. You
are so turned on that you can already feel the tension building in
your balls as you contemplate exploding into the beautiful blonde’s
mouth on the beach in such as stunning and exotic location. Anya
reads the warning signs and slips you from her lips.
“Not yet.” She smiles, guiding your shaft to her magnificent
cleavage. She presses them together, your shaft trapped between
the soft warm flesh of her impressive breasts. “You like that?” She
asks as you begin to thrust between them, the straining tip emerging
from the top of her cleavage and leaving a trail of pre come on her
Yes, yes you do
Feels good, but you’d rather slip inside her
You nod, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight of your
hard cock sliding through Anya’s ample cleavage. She chuckles
sexily and cranes her head forward, swiping her tongue across the
straining head of your cock on the upstroke. You groan, your balls
tightening as you feel your climax beginning to build.
“You’re getting close aren’t you?” She teases, raising an
eyebrow. “Are you going to come for me? Where do you want to
come? I bet you’d like to come all over these wouldn’t you?” She
purrs, squeezing her breasts. “You haven’t been able to take your
eyes off them since you first walked into our compartment on the
Orient Express.”
Come on her breasts
Come in her mouth
Come on her face
“I want to come all over you,” You nod, “but just a little higher
up.” Anya’s eyes widen.
“Not on my face!” She gasps as you continue to thrust
between her breasts.
“Yes.” You grin, your cock twitching at the thought.
“I’m not sure…” She begins to object, but never completes the
sentence as a thick rope of come streaks from the tip to splash
across her face. Anya squeals in surprise, her hands leaving her
breasts and your spurting cock springing free of her cleavage. You
groan in pleasure as it pulses again and again, streaks of come
arcing through the air to splatter across her face and into her hair.
Anya finally grasps your shaft, guiding the tip towards her open
mouth and you watch with satisfaction as the last couple of eruptions
shoot across her tongue.
“Damn!” You gasp, smiling down at her come streaked visage.
“You bastard!” She fumes, glaring angrily up at you, your
pearly white seed dribbling down her cheeks and chin. “I should bite
your cock off for that!”
“I put myself at your mercy.” You frown mock apologetically
and thrust back towards her lips, a trickle of come still clinging to the
tip of your cock. Her bluff called, she sighs before taking the head
back into her mouth, licking the last of your seed from it. You climb
off her and she climbs to her feet, splashing out into the sea. You
watch as she washes her face before wading back to you, emerging
beautiful and naked from the waves like a mariner’s fantasy of a
mermaid or siren. She saunters across the sand and lies next to you
on the beach.
“It did feel quite sexy in a filthy kind of way.” Anya admits after
a moment.
“Then I’ll look forward to doing that again.” You reply, flashing
her a roguish smile. She playfully elbows you in the side and allows
you to take her in your arms.
“Well, if you insist.” You grin, pulling your cock free of Anya’s
cleavage and sliding further down her body. You reach out to grasp
your shaft to pump it the dozen or so times it would take to bring you
to your climax, but she reaches up and pulls your hand away.
“No.” She purrs, her eyes gleaming mischievously. “I’ve got a
better idea.” She slides out from under you and turns around, sliding
back underneath you on her back with her head between your legs
and her body laid out before you. You gasp as you feel her tongue
swipe across your balls, your sack tightening as it slithers all over
them. Her hand grasps your cock and begins to stroke it. Her free
hand slides down her body and between her thighs. Your eyes
widen. The woman is insatiable!
“Anya…” You groan, gritting your teeth to try and stave off
your climax as long as possible as you enjoy her tongue lapping at
each of your balls. She chuckles sexily, recognising your
predicament and slowing down, her hand barely moving on your
shaft as her tongue snakes over every inch of your churning balls.
You gaze down at her beautiful body laid out before you, her large
breasts poised beneath your straining cock in Anya’s fist. Your gaze
sweeps further to her narrow waist, her curvaceous hips and her
hand frantically working between her long, shapely legs. You can
hold off no longer and your balls tighten and draw up before you
grunt loudly as they convulse, pumping your load up your shaft.
Anya resumes stroking your cock, squealing with delight as your
warm come streaks from the tip to splash on her cleavage and down
to her navel. You grunt with each powerful eruption as you spurt
again and again, Anya sweeping your shaft from side to side until
her breasts are liberally splattered with your thick creamy seed. The
sensation seems to send her racing to her own climax. Her tongue
leaves your balls as her whole body stiffens, her hand frantically
working at her clit before she gasps in ecstasy, her body jerking
before you. Her hand tightens around your shaft, squeezing the last
few drops of come from your twitching cock, the thick pearly white
fluid oozing from the tip and dribbling down her fingers. Anya
trembles in pleasure, a series of sharp gasps escaping her lips until
with a final sigh of satisfaction, her body relaxes. She releases you
from her grasp and her other hand slides down to her side, the
fingers glistening with her juices. You climb off her, sitting in the sand
next to her, catching your breath, a satisfied smile on your face.
“Men!” She remarks, sitting up and gazing down at her defiled
chest, the pearly white fluid slowly trickling down her breasts. She
glances at her hand, droplets of your come clinging to her knuckles
and shimmering in the sunlight. She raises her hand to her lips and
licks your seed from her fingers, tasting you and giving you an
approving nod. You groan and draw her to you, lying back on the
“I’d rather you finished what you started earlier.” You grin,
pulling your cock free of her generous breasts and guiding it back
towards her lips. Anya raises an eyebrow at your boldness but
eagerly takes you back into her warm, moist mouth. Your eyes close
momentarily, a gasp escaping your lips as she begins to gently suck
on the tip. She grasps your shaft with one hand and caresses your
balls with the other, pumping you vigorously. You can feel the
pressure building and know you are just moments away. Anya
senses it too, her lips sliding up your length until just the head is
inside her mouth.
“Oh yes!” You groan, as you feel your balls tighten in her
grasp, “Don’t stop!” Her eyes sparkle as her gaze meets yours and
even though her lips are stretched around the bulbous head of your
cock, you know she is smiling. Your balls twitch and with a guttural
grunt of release, you explode into her waiting mouth. Her eyes widen
at the force and volume of your eruption as your seed splashes into
the roof of her mouth. You groan with each powerful spurt, your body
jerking in ecstasy as Anya dutifully sucks each from your twitching
cock. As your climax subsides, she pulls you from her lips and you
glimpse your thick creamy seed pooled on her tongue before she
closes her mouth and gulps it down.
“Looks like you were ready for that.” She comments dryly as
you collapse onto the sand next to her.
“I’d rather have you ride me.” You tell her. Anya nods and
smiles, releasing your cock and rolling on top of you.
“Sounds good to me.” She purrs, reaching between her legs
and guiding the tip to her glistening slit. You watch enthralled as she
slowly sinks down on you, enjoying the delicious warmth of her
moist, velvety pussy slipping down your length. Your gaze flicks to
Anya’s face, her mouth dropping open and her eyes closing as she
impales herself on your rigid shaft. Her lips curl into a smile and her
eyes flick open, meeting yours.
“That feels so good!” She sighs, beginning to bounce up and
down on your lap, your cock slipping easily in and out of her juicy slit.
You reach up and squeeze her full breasts, Anya moaning
contentedly at the extra stimulation. As she quickens her pace, your
own moans join hers and you begin to drive up inside her, meeting
her downward thrusts. Anya’s moans increase in intensity and she
gyrates her hips, grinding herself against you, burying your cock
deep inside her. Her breathing becomes increasingly ragged as you
caress and massage her breasts, her nipples erect and angry red.
You pull yourself up and guide each nipple to your mouth in turn, her
cool skin tasting salty from the seawater. Anya holds you to her
chest and throws back her head, moaning with delight as you suck
and playfully nibble at the hard little nubs.
“Yes, yes!” She gasps. “Don’t stop! That feels so good!” She
begins to ride you even more vigorously, slamming herself down on
your cock, your lips pulled from her breasts as she pants louder and
faster. Her blue eyes are filled with a wild lust as she loses control in
pursuit of her impending climax.
“Don’t stop!” She shrieks. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck
meeeeeee!” She thrusts down on you one last time before stiffening,
her back arching, her mouth dropping open and letting out a long cry
of pure pleasure as her climax tears through her. Anya jerks with
each powerful pulse, letting out a little pant of pleasure with each
one until finally she slumps forward, breathless, her damp long
blonde hair dangling in your face as she gasps for breath. As she
finally recovers, she straightens and smiles broadly at you.
“Twice!” She tells you breathlessly. “I need to make you come
before you fuck me to death! What do you want to do to me?” Her
pale blue eyes meet yours and she adds: “You can do anything you
like. Anything.” You raise an eyebrow and your cock twitches at the
Have her ride you to your climax
The thought of a sixty-nine appeals
If that’s not an anal invitation, you don’t know what is!
“I’m pretty content with what you’re doing already.” You tell
her, continuing to thrust up inside her. She raises an eyebrow and for
a moment you think you detect a shadow of disappointment sweep
across her face, but she recovers quickly.
“Okay,” She purrs, “But how about with a little twist?” With
that, she slowly turns herself around, your cock still buried deep
inside her until she straddles your hips with her back to you.
“Incredible.” You comment, enjoying the sight of her
curvaceous buttocks and hips narrowing to a slender waist, her long,
blonde hair cascading down to just beneath her shoulder blades.
“I knew you’d like this position.” She replies. You smile and
open your mouth to tell her you weren’t referring to the position, but
think better of it. Besides, you don’t want a reputation for
sentimentality! You reach up and caress her buttocks as she begins
to slowly work her hips back and forth. You feel her reach down
between your legs, her fingers playing over your balls.
“Damn, that feels good.” You tell her. She chuckles and
begins to ride you harder, becoming more vigorous with each
passing moment until she is thrusting up and down with long, deep
strokes. You gaze enthralled at her buttocks bouncing up and down
on you, your hard shaft, slick with her juices slipping in and out of her
pussy. Her fingers continue to caress and gently kneed your balls
and you can feel the tension building within them.
“I’m getting close.” You grunt as you begin to build towards
your climax. Your hands drop to your side, fingers curling tightly,
digging into the wet sand until you are gripping a handful in each fist.
Your body tenses up, your jaw clenching until finally you grasp her
hips and slam up into her one last time. Your balls twitch and you
grunt as you feel your come race up your shaft, erupting deep inside
“Yes!” Anya moans, glancing over her shoulder at you. “Yes,
fill me with your come!” She gyrates her hips, grinding herself down
on your spurting cock as you empty your balls into her, your body
jerking with each powerful eruption. Your grunts and groans trail off
and your hands release their grip on Anya’s hips, slipping limply
back to the sand. Your whole body relaxes and you let out a satisfied
moan of pleasure. After a moment, Anya gingerly climbs off you,
your cock slapping wetly against your stomach. The beautiful blonde
smiles at you before lying next to you. You pull her towards you,
Anya allowing you to take her into your embrace.
“How about a little mutually assured stimulation?” You
suggest, slipping your cock from her sodden pussy.
“What did you have in mind?” Anya purrs.
“What’s the Russian for sixty nine?” You reply with a raised
“I’d tell you, but I think I’m about to have my mouth full.” She
quips, turning around and lying on her back. You chuckle and climb
on top of her, gazing down at her glistening pussy before you. As
you lower your face between her thighs, you can already feel her lips
closing around the tip of your cock. You eagerly bury your face in her
wet folds, lapping at her juicy slit, her taste exciting you. Anya lets
out a muffled moan around your cock and you feel her fingers wrap
around your shaft, stroking it in tandem with her sucking mouth. You
slide your lips up to her clit, Anya gasping as you flick your tongue
over her sensitive little nub. The sounds of your competing muffled
moans fill the air as you pleasure each other, your tongue and
Anya’s lips working at each other’s genitals as you drive each other
inexorably towards your climaxes. You alternate between her teasing
her clit and probing inside her with your tongue while she strokes
your cock into her mouth, the intensity of her pumping matching her
excitement as you bring her ever closer to her orgasm. Anya squirms
beneath you as she closes in, her moans vibrating along your shaft,
making your balls tingle as her talented lips bring you swiftly towards
your own climax. Sensing she is on the brink, you concentrate on her
clitoris and reach between her thighs, pushing your fingers inside her
drenched hole. Anya lets out a guttural groan at the added
stimulation as you pump your fingers into her pussy. Anya lasts only
a few more moments before her hips jerk and her clit twitches
against your tongue as her orgasm sweeps through her. Her lips slip
from your cock and she lets out a moan of ecstasy before quickly
taking you back into her mouth, her lips vigorously working at your
cock as her body bucks with pleasure beneath you. The excitement
of bringing Anya to her climax as well as her accomplished
attentions to your straining cock have you rushing towards your own.
You pull your lips from her quivering clit and grunt as your balls
twitch and send a torrent of come racing down your shaft and into
Anya’s waiting mouth. She lets out a muffled coo of delight as she
feels you filling her mouth with your thick seed, gently sucking on the
tip until she has drawn every last drop from you. She releases you
from her grasp and her lips slide off your softening shaft. You roll to
one side, exhausted. Anya props herself up on an elbow, her eyes
meeting yours before gulping down the mouthful of thick creamy
come. She flashes you a smile before slumping back down into the
sand, utterly sated.
“That’s what I call interagency cooperation.” Anya pants as
you both recover from your climaxes.
“I’ll be sure to mention it in my report.” You grin. “No doubt our
superiors will be delighted.” She chuckles and turns back around,
resting her head on your chest and allowing you to take her into your
“Really.” You smile wolfishly before slipping your cock from
her and guiding her onto her hands and knees. Anya subserviently
assumes the position, glancing over her shoulder at you, her eyes
burning with lust. Your pulse racing, you move behind her, reaching
between her legs and slipping your fingers inside her juicy pussy
before sliding them up between her buttocks. Anya flinches as your
fingertips graze her tight little hole, letting out a low moan as you
circle it, spreading her wetness over it. Your cock is rigid and aching
with need as you apply pressure to her arse with one finger, the
narrow digit slipping easily into the hot confines of her arse.
“Oh fuck!” Anya moans as you begin to work your finger in
and out of her tight orifice. “Oh God, that feels good.” You grin, your
own excitement building as you breathlessly pump your finger inside
her. With your cock almost painfully hard, you can wait no longer and
slip your finger from her clenching hole. Grasping your shaft, you
guide it to her puckered entrance, the thick tip looking impossibly
broad next to her tiny arsehole. Perhaps sensing your doubt, Anya
glances over her shoulder.
“Do it.” She tells you thickly. “Fuck my arse.” You push against
her arse and feel her push back against you, both of you gasping in
unison as her sphincter yields and the bulbous head disappears
inside her. She continues to press back against you and you watch
spellbound as your entire length slides into her arse, the tight ring of
muscle stretched around the thick base of your cock. Her hot
passage grips your cock snugly and you grasp her hips as you begin
to slowly thrust into her arse.
“Damn, you feel tight.” You groan as you slip back and forth
inside her.
“I’m offended you might think otherwise.” Anya pants. You
chuckle, your heart thumping in your chest as you gaze at the
beautiful Russian on her hands and knees before you, her head
bowed forward as you continue to plough into her tight canal. You
can feel the pressure building in your balls as your excitement drives
you towards your climax.
“I’m getting close.” You grunt.
“Yes!” She pants. “Your cock feels so good inside me. I feel so
full!” She thrusts back against you, her buttocks slapping against
your pelvis. You grit your teeth as you teeter on the edge of your
climax, desperate to come but trying to hold off to prolong the
delicious sensations from your groin.
“Do it!” Anya gasps, glancing over her shoulder. “Come for me
James, fill my arse with your seed!” Unable to hold off any longer,
you grasp her hips and slam deep inside her one last time before
bellowing with release. You feel your balls twitch before pumping
your load up your length and into the hot confines of her bowels.
Anya moans with delight as she feels your seed erupting deep inside
her tight hole, her sphincter gripping the base of your shaft and
squeezing your come from it. You grunt in ecstasy as your body jerks
and shudders with each powerful eruption until your orgasm finally
subsides and you pull your cock from her clenching hole, collapsing
on the sand next to her. Anya drops down next to you, grinning
broadly at your shattered form.
“Satisfying?” She asks, her eyes gleaming, an eyebrow
raised. Breathless, you nod before smiling weakly and drawing her to
You both lie there for a moment, Anya’s body pressed to
yours, her head resting on your chest as you catch your breath. The
hot sun beats down on your naked bodies and you enjoy the
moment, the afterglow, the only sounds the gentle lapping of the
waves on the beach and each other’s slightly elevated breathing.
“Well, I suppose we ought to report in.” You tell her reluctantly
after a moment.
“Yes.” Anya replies with a sigh. You both get gingerly to your
feet, collecting the items of clothes strewn all over the beach around
you. You brush off the sand as best you can and pull them back on.
Having been nearly cooked, drowned and then unceremoniously torn
off in the heat of passion, the garments are crumpled, ripped and
ragged and you smile at each other as you take in each other’s
dishevelled appearance.
“We’ll head to the jetty on the far side of the island.” You tell
Anya. “With a bit of luck, there’ll be a boat we can commandeer.”
Anya nods and you turn to leave. As you cross the beach, you see
movement in the tree line ahead. As one, a squad of soldiers
emerges from the undergrowth. You recognise their combat uniforms
as that of the US Marine Corps.
“Mr Hazard, Agent Suchova?” One smiles broadly, three
sergeant stripes on his arm. “Looks like we missed the action.” You
return his smile, uncertain as to whether he is referring to the
mission or... the aftermath.
“How long have you chaps been there?” You ask tentatively.
“Long enough sir.” The sergeant deadpans, his men
sniggering behind him. You cast a glance at Anya, her arms folded
across her chest, blushing furiously. “We’ll secure the island. I’m
assuming you two have finished debriefing each other,” More
sniggers from the marines, “So I’ve called in a chopper to extract
you. I’m told President West wants to thank you both personally for
your actions here today.” With a smart, crisp salute, the marine
sergeant turns and disappears into the trees, his men following
closely behind.
Minutes later, you hear the whup-whup of rotor blades as the
huge form of a Black Hawk helicopter appears over the trees and
descends onto the beach. You shield your eyes from the maelstrom
of sand stirred up as it sets down before you. A side door slides
open and a marine beckons you on board. You duck your heads as
you approach and climb on board. The helicopter rises up into the
cloudless Caribbean sky, the smoking ruins of Kruger’s base in your
wake as you head northwest towards Washington DC and the White
House lawn. Anya squeezes your hand and flashes you a smile. You
return her smile though your mind is elsewhere as you wonder if
Elise will also be present when her father expresses his gratitude...
“Ms Marceau.” You reply, dropping your weapon and slowly
raising your hands. “A pleasure to see you again.”
“No, the pleasure will be all mine.” She replies, the muzzle of
the gun leaving your back before you feel it smash into the base of
your skull. You drop to the floor as everything fades to black.
Your eyes flick open and you wince, rubbing at the painful
lump at the back of your head from where Bérénice pistol whipped
you. Shielding your eyes from the glare of the sun, you sit up, finding
yourself alone on a white couch in the middle of a large glass dome.
You can hear the low hum of air conditioning and feel a cool breeze
from above you. You get gingerly to your feet and walk a few paces
across the immaculately clean tiled floor and gaze out of the glazed
walls at the island before you. A carpet of palm trees sweeps out
beneath the dome, dropping down in the distance to a thin band of
white sand and the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea beyond. The
dome must be at the top of Kruger’s private residence at the summit
of the island’s central peak. You glance around you, but the dome is
featureless and unfurnished apart from the couch.
“Welcome Mr Hazard!” A familiar South African accent
booms out. Kruger emerges from a spiral staircase in the floor to one
side of the dome and strides towards you, Bérénice Marceau in his
wake. While not as glamorously dressed as in Johannesburg, she
still looks stunningly attractive even in a white fitted blouse and dark
pencil skirt with her hair neatly pinned back, presumably dressed in
her professional capacity as Kruger’s personal assistant.
“Kruger.” You spit.
“How kind of you to drop in and bear witness to my
“And what madness is that? Nuking the polar ice caps to flood
the world? Simultaneously destroying New York and Moscow to
bring about global Armageddon?”
“Well I am something of a traditionalist.” He shrugs. “Though
biological warfare or cyber terrorism are fashionable, you can’t beat
the good old fashioned threat of a nuclear strike. I will destroy
Washington DC to show the world I am not to be trifled with. Then I
will threaten city after city, all of which will bow to my demands. New
York, Tokyo, Beijing, all will tremble when my gaze falls upon them. I
may eventually even get as far down the list as your pitiful country
and threaten London.”
“Why?” You ask. “You are already the wealthiest man in the
world. Why do this?”
“Because I want to be the most powerful man in the world
too.” He replies. “Wealth gives you power to a certain extent of
course. I can influence governments to a degree but nothing
compares to wielding the threat of a nuclear strike on the city of my
choice. Governments will tremble and bow to my will. My influence
will be total and with it I will stamp out petty squabbles fuelled by
archaic religions or oil deposits and build a better world. All for a
reasonable fee from each of the world’s countries of course.”
“An international protection racket?” You scoff, rolling your
eyes. “If you’re going to kill me, get on with it. I’ve heard enough of
your posturing.”
“You misunderstand Mr Hazard.” Kruger laughs. “I don’t want
to kill you. I want to offer you a job.”
“What?!” You reply incredulously.
“You have been a formidable and worthy adversary these past
few days.” Kruger smiles. “I respect that. I respect you. I would rather
you were with me than against me, so why not work for me. Become
a part of this and help me build a better world.”
“I can’t be a part of this!” You tell him. “To be an accessory to
the slaughter of millions!”
“Don’t be a fool Mr Hazard.” Kruger tells you. “Yes, we’ll give
the world a bloody nose to make our point, but what’s a few million in
a world of seven billion? Work for me and I’ll make you rich beyond
your wildest dreams.”
“Come James,” Bérénice purrs, stepping forward and running
a hand over your chest, “Stay with us. I think I would enjoy the
company of two strong and powerful men…” You raise an eyebrow
and she chuckles sexily as her hand travels downwards and playfully
squeezes the bulge in the front of your trousers. You have to admit
that Kruger’s proposal is more than a little tempting, as are
Bérénice’s overt sexual overtures.
Save the world
Betray the world
“You’re both delusional at best.” You tell them. “Your whole
plan is absolutely insane. But it’s not too late. See sense and step
back from the brink!” Kruger’s face is set and resolute, but you think
you see a flicker of doubt in Bérénice’s eyes.
“I thought you were a man of vision.” Kruger tells you. “But
you are a fool. No matter…” Kruger swings the pistol hard into the
side of your head and once again you crumple to the floor,
everything fading to black.
You groan as you slowly regain consciousness, your blurred
vision clearing as your feet come into focus. You realise you are
upright, your hands manacled above your head, which is lolling
forward with your chin resting on your chest. You raise your head
and look about you. You are in the centre of a vast circular chamber,
the metallic walls stretching up high above you. The room seems to
be empty save for a countdown timer high up on the wall in front of
you. 40:57. You wonder what happens when the timer reaches zero.
Nothing good, you’re sure. You twist around to see what you’ve been
manacled to, your eyes widening as you take in the tall cylindrical
shape with a tapered tip. You smile humourlessly. At least you’ve
found one of the missing nuclear missiles.
“Ah, welcome back!” Kruger calls out, striding across the floor
of the silo, the stocky industrialist gazing malevolently at you. “A pity
you stubbornly refused to see sense, but no matter. My plan is now
just over half an hour from fruition and you are powerless to stop me
“You’re insane.” You tell him with a pitiful shake of your head.
“And you are nothing.” Kruger gloats. “An agent for a country
a shadow of its former self. The British Empire is dead, Mr Hazard,”
He glances up at the large digital display glowing on the wall of the
chamber, “And in a little under thirty eight minutes, so are you.” He
grins before turning and striding from the chamber, his maniacal
laughter echoing around the silo.
Moments after he leaves, you hear footsteps approaching.
Too light to be Kruger returning, you look up at the newcomer.
“Hello again Monsieur Hazard.” Bérénice smiles as she
saunters towards you, now wearing an elegant, figure hugging blue
dress, her hips swaying provocatively with each step. “I didn’t want
to leave you to your fate without properly saying goodbye.” She purrs
as she reaches you and runs a hand down your chest. Her fingers
glide further downwards, passing your waistline before cupping the
bulge in the front of your trousers.
“That’s very thoughtful.” You tell her as she unzips your fly.
“But I’m afraid I’ll be departing very shortly.” She grins, reaching
inside, her fingers finding your cock which despite the bleak
situation, begins to stiffen at her touch. You groan as she pulls your
shaft out of your trousers before glancing up at the countdown which
now reads 29:27.
“Don’t worry,” She smiles sexily as she drops to her knees
before you, “I’ll make sure you explode before you… explode.” With
that, she parts her lips and takes you into her mouth. You groan as
her lips begin to slide back and forth, your head spinning as your
mind struggles with the terror of your imminent death while
simultaneously, the pleasure centres of your brain are stimulated by
the beautiful Frenchwoman’s talented lips on your cock.
Continue to enjoy the pleasure of her lips
Suggest you might be able to return the favour if she releases you
“There are worse ways to go, I suppose.” You groan,
accepting your fate as you watch Bérénice’s lips glide up and down
your cock, leaving it glistening with her saliva. As you watch the
beautiful Frenchwoman dressed in her elegant blue dress on her
knees pleasuring you, you almost forget about the timer behind her
relentlessly ticking the seconds of your life away. Her lips slide back
up to the tip of your cock, her cheeks caving in with the suction
before she pulls away with an audible pop.
“It’s almost a shame I won’t be able to do this again.” She
murmurs, her eyes fixed on the straining head. “I’ll have to enjoy it
while it lasts.” She leans forward and slithers her tongue up your
length before lightly kissing the tip.
“That makes two of us.” You pant. Her hazel eyes flick up to
meet yours.
“I want you to give me something to remember you by. Let me
taste you. I want you to fill my mouth with your seed.” She takes you
back into her mouth, her head bobbing faster and more purposefully
until you can feel the beginnings of your climax building deep in your
loins. You watch enthralled as her head rocks back and forth, her
warm, moist lips sliding up and down your length.
“Better than being tortured.” You admit through gritted teeth.
Bérénice immediately pulls you from her mouth, her hand grasping
your shaft and pumping at the same pace as her lips a moment
“Oh, I’m going to torture you.” She chuckles sexily. “But you
won’t be pleading for me to stop.” With that, she takes you back into
her mouth, sucking and slurping on you with wild abandon until you
are moments away.
“Oh yes!” You gasp, “You’re going to make me come!”
Bérénice evidently has other ideas and slows her pace, her lips
softly brushing down your aching shaft as she keeps you from your
For the next few minutes Bérénice keeps you on the very
brink, tantalisingly close to erupting inside the warmth of her mouth.
Every time you are on the cusp, she instinctively slows her pace,
making you moan with a mixture of frustration and pleasure,
desperate to reach your climax.
“Please.” You beg. “Please, make me come.” She chuckles
around your length before finally relenting, her pace quickening and
her intensity increasing. You let out a long, loud groan as you feel
your balls twitch followed by the blissful sensation of your come
racing up your shaft to spurt into her mouth. She pulls her head back
and closes her lips tightly around the head, mewing contentedly as
she feels your thick creamy come splashing across her tongue. Your
hips jerk and you grunt with each powerful eruption as you empty
your balls into her mouth. She gently sucks the last few drops from
you before rocking back on her knees, your cock slipping from her
lips. She glances up at you before gulping down your seed and
getting back to her feet.
“Thank you.” She smiles, before glancing at the timer behind
her. 02:17. “Just in time too.” She leans forward and tenderly kisses
you. “Au Revoir Monsieur Hazard.” She turns away, her hips swaying
mesmerizingly before she disappears through a thick pressure door.
The heavy steel door slams shut with finality of the sealing of a tomb,
the clunk echoing around the silo. You smile grimly at your wilting
cock, wondering if it has led you to this unfortunate end. You glance
back up at the timer, gulping as it drops into single figures. 3… 2…
1… There is a deafening roar as the missile’s propulsion system
ignites and a huge fireball immediately engulfs the base of the silo,
mercifully killing you instantaneously as your body is consumed and
“Shouldn’t the condemned man get one last wish?” You tell
Bérénice through gritted teeth as her lips slide down nearly to the
root of your shaft. Her eyes flick up to meet yours and she pulls
back, your cock slipping from her lips.
“What did you have in mind?” She purrs, pumping your cock
in her hand.
“I’d like to enjoy the warmth of a woman for one last time
before I die.” You grin, cocking an eyebrow. She chews her lips
thoughtfully for a moment, clearly knowing your intention is to
escape, but there is something else there. A flicker of doubt about
what she has become a part of perhaps?
“I’m not your enemy.” She tells you, getting back to her feet. “I
know I’m no angel but I have no wish to be an accomplice to the
murder of millions either. Kruger plans to cement his influential
position by using the threat of a nuclear strike to control the
governments that have so far managed to resist him. He’s going to
launch the first missile at Washington DC within the hour to prove
he’s not bluffing!”
“Then get me out of here.” You tell her earnestly. “Let’s put a
stop to this before it’s too late.” She chews her lip thoughtfully for a
“Very well.” She tells you. “But I want a pardon for my actions
so far.”
“Done.” You tell her, valiantly disguising your relief as she
reaches up to unlock your chains. Freed, you rub at your chafed
wrists before following her out of the silo, through a heavy pressure
door which you pull shut behind you and down a concrete lined
corridor towards another door at the far end.
You step inside a large though deserted control room, the
walls constructed from thick concrete. Banks of controls are laid out
before you and before them several huge screens dominate the
room. Your gaze is drawn to the screens which show the stolen
nuclear missiles in their silos. As in the silo, a large timer on the wall
is counting down and now reads 26:22.
“We haven’t much time.” You murmur, studying the
overwhelming multitude of controls before you.
“What’s your plan?” Bérénice asks.
“We’ll cancel the missile launch and then sabotage the
controls.” You tell her. “Then we’ll deal with Kruger.”
“You’re going to kill him?” Bérénice asks quietly.
“A likely outcome.” You admit. “Is that going to be a problem?”
“No.” She sighs after a moment. “He’s been good to me in his
own way, but he has become increasingly erratic and his temper
increasingly violent. No, I do not have a problem if it comes to that.”
“Good.” You reply. “Where is he anyway? I thought he’d be
“The system is automated.” Bérénice replies. “He’ll be above
ground with a glass of champagne, awaiting the fireworks.”
“Then let’s turn them into damp squibs.” You reply, studying
the array of controls in front of you.
“You know,” Bérénice purrs, leaning into you, her lips brushing
your ear, “I’ve watched Hugo at the controls in here like a child with a
new toy. I know exactly which controls cancel the launch...”
“Well?” You reply impatiently. “I’m waiting with baited breath!”
“Oh no monsieur,” She chuckles sexily, “You’ll have to
persuade me a bit better than that.” She moves between you and the
console and drapes her arms around your neck, gazing up into your
eyes, her full lips pouting.
“We really don’t have time for this.” You tell her.
“Au Contraire.” She replies. “We have enough time. If you
want my help…”
Submit to her whims
You have no time for games. Find the controls yourself
You groan as you slowly regain consciousness, your blurred
vision clearing as your feet come into focus. You realise you are
upright, your hands manacled above your head, which is lolling
forward with your chin resting on your chest. You raise your head
and look about you. You are in the centre of a vast circular chamber,
the metallic walls stretching up high above you. The room seems to
be empty save for a countdown timer high up on the wall in front of
you. 40:57. You wonder what happens when the timer reaches zero.
Nothing good, you’re sure. You twist around to see what you’ve been
manacled to, your eyes widening as you take in the tall cylindrical
shape with a tapered tip. You smile humourlessly. At least you’ve
found one of the missing nuclear missiles.
“Ah, you’re awake!” Kruger calls out, striding across the floor
of the silo, the stocky industrialist gazing malevolently at you. “You
have been a thorn in my side Mr Hazard, but not for much longer. My
plan is now just over half an hour from fruition.”
“You’re insane.” You tell him with a pitiful shake of your head.
“And you are nothing.” Kruger gloats. “An agent for a country
a shadow of its former self. The British Empire is dead, Mr Hazard,”
He glances up at the large digital display glowing on the wall of the
chamber, “And in a little under thirty eight minutes, so are you.” He
grins before turning and striding from the chamber, his maniacal
laughter echoing around the silo.
Moments after he leaves, you hear footsteps approaching.
Too light to be Kruger returning, you look up at the newcomer.
“Hello again Monsieur Hazard.” Bérénice Marceau smiles as
she saunters towards you, wearing an elegant, figure hugging blue
dress, her hips swaying provocatively with each step. “I didn’t want
to leave you to your fate without properly saying goodbye.” She purrs
as she reaches you and runs a hand down your chest. Her fingers
glide further downwards, passing your waistline before cupping the
bulge in the front of your trousers.
“That’s very thoughtful.” You tell her as she unzips your fly.
“But I’m afraid I’ll be departing very shortly.” She grins, reaching
inside, her fingers finding your cock which despite the situation,
begins to stiffen at her touch. You groan as she pulls your shaft out
of your trousers before glancing up at the countdown which now
reads 29:27.
“Don’t worry,” She smiles sexily as she drops to her knees
before you, “I’ll make sure you explode before you… explode.” With
that, she parts her lips and takes you into her mouth. You groan as
her lips begin to slide back and forth, your head spinning as your
mind struggles with the terror of your imminent death while
simultaneously the pleasure centres of your brain are stimulated by
the beautiful Frenchwoman’s talented lips on your cock.
Continue to enjoy the pleasure of her lips
Suggest you might be able to return the favour if she releases you
Your cock begins to stir beneath Bérénice’s caressing hand.
“Oh,” She smiles, her eyes widening, “I think we have our
“Excellent.” Kruger grins. “Welcome to Kruger Corporation Mr
Hazard.” He moves behind Bérénice and wraps his thick arms
around her waist before sliding his hands upwards to cup her
breasts. Bérénice’s eyes gleam and she twists her head around,
Kruger pressing his lips to hers, kissing her passionately. Her hand
continues to caress the growing bulge in the front of your trousers.
Kruger’s hands begin to unbutton her blouse, unfastening each
button down to her waist before pulling the garment open and pulling
it off her. Your eyes are drawn to her small, firm breasts, her black
bra pushing them together and accentuating her cleavage. You
suddenly feel your trousers loosen before sliding down to your
ankles under their own weight as Bérénice’s nimble fingers begin to
undress you. She tugs down your underpants and your cock springs
free. She coos with delight, grasping your shaft in her hand just as
you hear a zip tugged down as Kruger’s fingers work at her black
pencil skirt. She shimmies out of it, the skirt sliding down to her
ankles and pooling around her designer heels. Standing before you
both in just her black underwear she smiles broadly, clearly enjoying
your lustful gaze. She turns to face Kruger, unbuttoning his shirt and
unfastening his trousers. As she strips him off, you unbutton your
own shirt and move behind Bérénice. She hooks her fingers into his
underwear and pulls them down, his own hard cock springs out.
While relieved that he is not as long as you, like the man himself it is
broad, her fingers not quite closing around it as she reaches out to
grasp it. She reaches back with her free hand and you groan as her
fingers close around your own shaft. She giggles with delight as she
begins to pump you both simultaneously.
“As you see Mr Hazard, a certain moral flexibility brings its
own rewards, eh?” Kruger grins before gazing at Bérénice. “Now,
what shall we do to you my dear?”
“Let Mr Hazard decide.” She purrs, glancing over her shoulder
at you, her hazel eyes smouldering with desire.
Bend her over and enter her while she takes Kruger into her mouth
Have her pleasure you both with her mouth
You step behind Bérénice, the beautiful brunette gasping with
delight as you grasp her hips and press your body against her firm
buttocks. Kruger guides her head down to his cock, groaning with
pleasure as she eagerly takes his thick cock into her mouth. You
grind your cock between her buttocks for a moment before reaching
down and tugging the gusset of her panties to one side. You ease
her cheeks apart and gaze down at her labia glistening with her
juices and just above, the tight knot of her arsehole. You guide the
straining head of your engorged cock to her slit and push inside her.
You hear a muffled moan of pleasure as you slowly slide your entire
length into the inviting warmth of her well lubricated pussy. Gripping
her hips tightly, you begin to thrust into her, Bérénice letting out a
little moan of delight each time your pelvis presses into the soft flesh
of her buttocks. Kruger too grunts with pleasure as his hands guide
her bobbing head. As your own excitement builds, you quicken your
pace, slamming your cock into her as the sounds of your pleasure fill
the room.
“You like that don’t you?” Kruger hisses at his mistress. “You
like having both our cocks inside you at the same time.” She lets out
a low moan of assent. “Yes, you might be born of French aristocracy,
but deep down you are just a filthy whore.” Bérénice is clearly
anything but offended, letting out a muffled groan of pleasure and
begins to rotate her hips, grinding herself back against you. You slide
your hand down between her legs, your fingers gliding through her
soft pubic hair before finding her clitoris. She stiffens as you begin to
gently caress the sensitive little nub, pulling her lips free of Kruger’s
length just long enough to glance over her shoulder at you.
“Oui, oui!” She pants huskily, her hazel eyes filled with lust
before turning back to Kruger and taking him back into her mouth,
bobbing her head with renewed vigour. You grin, strumming her clit
as you continue to thrust deeply inside her, your balls tightening as
you feel the beginnings of your climax building. Bérénice is already
there and she pulls Kruger’s cock from her mouth before letting out a
long, low moan of ecstasy as her body trembles against you. You
ram your cock deep inside her and hold it there, gently teasing her
clit as her body jerks and quivers with each wave of pleasure. Her
pussy convulses around your cock and you let out a grunt at the
pleasurable sensation. As her climax subsides, a satisfied sigh
escapes her lips and she eases off your cock. She turns her back to
your both and saunters away from you, her hips swaying
provocatively with each step. She reaches the couch and turns to
face you, reaching behind her to unfasten the clasp of her bra. As
she discards the lacy garment, your eyes drink in her firm tanned
breasts, her nipples hard and proud. She hooks her fingers into the
waistband of her panties and slides them past her hips and thighs,
the flimsy underwear floating down to her ankles where she kicks
them dismissively away. She glances up at you both, her legs
parted, completely naked apart from her high heels. Her eyes burn
with passion and her lips pout.
“I want you in both inside me.” She announces, her sultry
French accented voice thick with desire. “One in my pussy and one
in my arse. I don’t care which.”
Slide back into her pussy while Kruger takes her arse
Let Kruger take over while you enter her arse
You step eagerly forward and sit on the sofa, gesturing for
Bérénice to join you. She smiles and sits astride you, reaching down
and guiding your cock to her pussy. You groan in unison as you sink
into her juicy slit. Kruger steps behind her and guides his saliva slick
cock to her arse. You watch Bérénice’s face as he presses the tip to
her sphincter. Her eyes widen and she grits her teeth as he forces
the thick head past the tight ring of muscle. Her mouth drops open
and she gasps as her arse finally yields and he begins to slide inside
her. Her eyes close and you can feel Kruger slipping into her through
the thin membrane between her pussy and arse. You both hold still
for a moment as she grows accustomed to having both your cocks
inside her. Her eyes open and meet your gaze, her lips curling into a
“I feel so full!” She purrs. “Now fuck me. Both of you fuck me!”
You both begin to slowly pump into her, one pushing in while the
other withdraws. You watch Bérénice’s face as she closes her eyes
and chews her lower lip as you both thrust into her. You pull her
towards you and press your lips to hers, your tongue darting into her
mouth. She responds with an almost feral passion, lust consuming
her as her own tongue fences hungrily with yours. She pulls away,
guiding your head to her breasts and crying out with delight as you
take a nipple into your mouth, sucking on it as she runs her fingers
through your hair. Encouraged by her shrill cries of pleasure, you
both quicken your pace, driving into her tight holes with increasingly
wild abandon. Your heart thumping with the excitement of
participating in such a passionate threesome, you can feel the come
boiling in your balls as your climax builds. Kruger too is evidently
close as he leans forward, his lips at her ear.
“I’m getting close.” He grunts. “I’m going to fill your tight little
arse with my come.”
“Oui, oui!” She tells him, twisting her head towards him and
reaching for him, pressing her lips to his. “Do it! I want to feel you
explode inside my arsehole.”
“Fuuuuck!” He groans, thrusting up into her one last time and
erupting inside her.
“Oh yessss!” Bérénice cries as the feel of her lover climaxing
into her tight orifice sends her over the edge. You cannot hold back
any longer and as her pussy clenches your cock, you ram up inside
her one last time and explode into her pussy. Your bodies all tremble
and jerk in the throes of passion, the dome filled with a cacophony of
ecstasy as you all moan, groan and cry out in pleasure. Utterly
spent, Bérénice collapses onto you. Kruger carefully withdraws from
her arse and throws himself down next to you on the couch. You can
feel Bérénice’s hot breath against your chest as she pants, catching
her breath before finally she pulls herself upright, her face a picture
of satisfied bliss.
“That was incredible.” She murmurs, her eyes heavy lidded.
She gingerly climbs off you, your spent cock slapping back against
your stomach, and gets to her feet. At that moment the room
trembles and there is a low rumble.
“There it is.” Kruger grins, getting to his feet and pointing
through the dome. A lengthening plume of black smoke stretches up
into the cloudless blue sky and arcs towards the west. You feel a
pang of guilt as your mind considers the implications of the missile
strike. Bérénice however is not so easily distracted.
“I’d like to do that again.” She muses before running her
fingers over her tender holes. “In a few days perhaps.” She adds
with a wry smile.
“Maybe we could find someone else to fill that mouth of yours
at the same time.” Kruger retorts tetchily, clearly irritated by her
talking over his moment.
“Three cocks at once.” She murmurs to herself. “I think I’d like
“I’m sure we’d both appreciate the feel of your lips to begin
with.” You smile, glancing pointedly downwards. Bérénice chuckles
sexily and makes a half turn towards you before dropping to her
knees, her hands still slowly pumping both your shafts. You both
shuffle closer to her, your engorged cocks each side of her face.
“Mmmm magnifique.” She breathes, gazing from one to the
other before glancing up at you both. “I don’t know where to start.”
You thrust your hips forward, the tip of your cock brushing her cheek
and leaving a smear of pre-come on her tanned skin. She giggles
and opens her mouth, taking you inside.
“Damn, that feels good.” You groan as you feel the moist
warmth of her mouth engulf the end of your cock, her hot wet tongue
swiping across the bulbous head.
“You see my personal assistant has many talents.” Kruger
smiles knowingly as Bérénice’s hand continues to slowly pump your
shaft. You nod your agreement, watching enthralled as she begins to
bob her head back and forth. Your moans of pleasure quickly
become a groan of frustration as her lips leave your cock to engulf
the tip of Kruger’s thick shaft. Her mouth seems to barely stretch
around him as he grunts with pleasure at the delicious sensation you
had enjoyed moments earlier. Her hands continue to stroke you
both, her mouth swapping back and forth at regular intervals as you
both vie for her lips. Your cocks glisten with her saliva, lubricating her
fingers as they glide up and down your lengths. You notice her
wriggle and squirm and as she takes you back into her mouth once
again, her moans vibrating around your shaft, you realise that she is
desperate for her own stimulation.
Guide her to lie back on the couch and go down on her
Suggest Kruger enters her while she continues to pleasure you
She can attend to herself after she has satisfied both of you
“I think she’s ready for some cock.” You grin at Kruger, your
hands guiding Bérénice’s head as she continues to bob back and
forth, her lips sucking and slurping on your shaft. He nods and steps
behind her, lying on the floor and guiding her to sit on his lap with her
back to him. He yanks the gusset of her panties to one side and as
he slides his thick cock inside her, your cock slips from her lips.
“Yes, yes, I need that!” She gasps, grinding her hips down
onto Kruger, taking his shaft inside her up to the root. With your cock
throbbing with need, you guide it quickly back into her mouth and
she resumes sucking you. Kruger reaches up and unsnaps the clasp
of her bra and pulls it free, her firm tanned breasts spilling out. She
lets out a throaty moan around your cock and moves her free hand
to her chest pulling and pinching at her nipples and bouncing up and
down on Kruger’s cock, riding him like a woman possessed. You can
feel the tension building in your loins as the feel of her talented lips
combined with the eroticism of what is unfolding before you have you
rushing towards your climax. Kruger’s large hands grip Bérénice’s
waist and he begins to slam up into her, her moans intensifying and
her oral attentions becoming increasingly distracted. Realising the
futility of pleasuring you simultaneously with her mouth, she slips it
from her lips and grasps your shaft, pumping it while wailing with
delight as Kruger continues to drive up into her. Her eyes close and
her mouth opens, her face flushed and glistening with perspiration.
She throws back her head and lets out a long rasping moan of
ecstasy. Her body bucks with each wave of pleasure that surges
through her until with a deep sigh of satisfaction, she slumps
forward, strands of her long, dark hair which have worked loose
during the session falling over her face.
“Fuck, that felt good.” She murmurs, almost to herself as her
eyes flick open, a smile playing on her lips.
“Don’t think we’re finished yet.” You grin, glancing pointedly at
your throbbing cock in her static grip.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten.” She purrs, grinding her
pussy down onto Kruger, eliciting a grunt from him before guiding
you back towards her lips. “You want to come in my mouth monsieur,
or did you have something else in mind?” She raises an eyebrow
and takes you back into the warm wetness of her mouth.
Come in her mouth
Come all over her breasts
“No, that sounds perfect.” You reply as Bérénice’s lips slowly
slide back down your saliva slick shaft. Her eyes gleam
mischievously as she quickly finds her earlier rhythm and the tension
in your loins that had subsided during the interruption quickly builds
again. Kruger is even closer and with a loud roar of release, he
thrusts up inside her one last time and explodes inside her. She
moans with pleasure around your shaft as she feels him pumping his
seed deep into her pussy, his body jerking with each powerful
eruption. She pulls you momentarily from her lips, glancing over her
shoulder at Kruger, her hand continuing to pump your shaft.
“Yes, yes, fill my pussy.” She moans with delight before taking
your cock back into her mouth and sucking it with wild abandon.
Kruger lets out one last grunt before his body relaxes, his thick arms
spread wide on the floor as he catches his breath. Bérénice, now
able to concentrate exclusively on you, bobs her head still faster,
your cock nudging the back of her throat. Her hazel eyes are fixed
on yours and filled with an almost feral lust as she wills you to reach
your own climax. You teeter on the edge torn between enjoying the
blissful sensation of being so close and not wanting it to end and a
desperate need to explode inside her sucking mouth. Ultimately, you
cannot delay the inevitable any longer and her talented lips send you
over the edge. You throw back your head, your bellow of ecstasy
echoing around the dome, your balls twitching powerfully as your
come races up your shaft to erupt into Bérénice’s mouth. She mews
contentedly as she eagerly sucks each pulse from you, one hand
caressing your balls while the other slowly strokes your jerking shaft.
Your grunts of pleasure begin to fade as your orgasm subsides and
her hand gently squeezes your sensitive balls, coaxing the last of
your seed into her waiting mouth where she gratefully swallows the
mouthful of seed you have deposited.
“Confident you have made the right choice Mr Hazard?”
Kruger asks, clambering to his feet and arching an eyebrow as
Bérénice allows you to slip from her lips, grinning up at you like the
cat that got the cream.
“I’m certainly appreciating the fringe benefits.” You reply
breathlessly, gazing at the beautiful brunette before you. At that
moment the room shakes and your blood runs cold as you realise it
is Kruger’s missile launching. You glance up through the transparent
walls of the dome, tracing its trajectory as it arcs towards the west.
“A necessary evil.” Kruger shrugs as he gets dressed. “The
world will be a better place for my controlling influence and you too
will reap the benefits.”
“I can assure you of that.” Bérénice purrs with a playful
squeeze of your wilting cock. You grin weakly, watching the missile
quickly disappear from view and wondering just what you have done.
“I have something far more visual in mind.” You tell Bérénice,
gazing pointedly at her pert tanned breasts. She pulls you from her
lips, pumping your shaft and raising an eyebrow.
“Do you?” She purrs, before glancing over her shoulder at
Kruger. “Did you hear that? Our guest wants to come all over my
chest, to defile my breasts with his seed.” Kruger can only groan in
response, his own climax clearly only moments away. Bérénice turns
back to you, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “I don’t think he
minds.” She grins wickedly and guides you closer to her, dragging
the taut head of your engorged cock across her breasts.
“Uh that feels good.” You gasp, the tip leaving a trail of your
pre come across her soft skin. She smiles up at you, continuing to
grind her hips down on Kruger.
“Yes?” She replies. “I can’t wait to feel you erupt all over me,
to feel your hot seed splash all over my breasts, to feel it trickle down
my skin.” Whether her dirty talk is for your benefit or Kruger’s, it is
the latter who reacts first, grasping Bérénice’s hips and slamming up
inside her one last time before grunting as he erupts inside her. She
smiles broadly, clearly enjoying the sensation of Kruger’s thick cock
spurting deep within her pussy. Her hazel eyes lock onto yours as
her hand continues to pump your cock, willing you to come too. She
gets her wish and with a long, drawn out groan you feel your balls
twitch as your seed races up your length to explode from the tip,
splattering across her left breast. Bérénice squeals with delight,
guiding your spurting cock from side to side. You grunt with pleasure
with each powerful pulse as you quickly cover her firm breasts with
thick strands of your creamy white come. You groan as you gaze
down at her come streaked chest, the pearly fluid contrasting with
her tanned skin. Bérénice smiles happily up at you before leaning
forward and guiding your cock back to her lips, her tongue flicking
out and swiping across the head, collecting the last bead of come
from the tip.
“Magnifique.” She comments, surveying her come spattered
chest. As you step back, she gingerly climbs off Kruger, the big man
climbing to his feet. Bérénice stands brazenly before you, one hand
caressing a come splattered breast while the other massages her
tender pussy.
“As you see Mr Hazard,” Kruger grins, “I told you we can work
well together.” You nod your silent agreement before the silence is
shattered by a roar as the first missile launches from its silo. You
gaze up, watching through the transparent walls of the dome as it
streaks up into the sky.
“The world is about to change.” Kruger announces grandly. “I
am needed elsewhere. You can entertain Mr Hazard my dear?”
“Yes, it would be my pleasure.” She purrs, her hazel eyes
flicking towards you. “I’m far from finished with you.” You return her
smile, trying not to think about the missile streaking towards
Washington DC...
“Your turn.” You tell Bérénice, reluctantly pulling your cock
from her lips. “Lie back on the couch.” She smiles and gets to her
feet, eagerly crossing the room to the couch and reclining back on it,
her legs parted in anticipation. You join her, dropping to your knees
before her and leaning forward, kissing her through the thin lacy
fabric of her panties. The fabric is soaked with her arousal and she
squirms beneath you, thrusting her hips up to meet your lips. You
grin and slide your hands up the smooth tanned skin of her thighs
before hooking your fingers into the waistband of her panties. She
gasps with a mixture of surprise and excitement as you rip the flimsy
garment down her legs and casually toss it over your shoulder. You
move your face closer to her glistening labia, her musky scent filling
your nostrils.
“Eat me.” She implores you, a note of desperation in her
voice. You lean forward and press your mouth to her juicy slit, kissing
her softly, enjoying her warm wetness against your lips. Bérénice lets
out a low moan as you flick out your tongue, slipping it between her
puffy lips. You push it inside her, enjoying the tangy taste of her
juices as you begin to lap at her pussy. You drag your tongue up and
over her clitoris, the brunette stiffening as you tease the sensitive
little button.
“Yes, yes, oui, oui!” She moans thickly, her hands gripping the
back of your head and forcing you in tightly as she writhes on the
couch. Your cock twitching at her enthusiastic response, you flick
your tongue over her increasingly wet pussy and trace intricate
patterns on her clitoris, eliciting further gasps and groans of
pleasure. Her body twists to one side and her moans become
strangely muffled. You glance upwards to find that she has pulled
herself up onto an elbow and taken Kruger’s cock back into her
mouth. Kruger groans with pleasure as she begins to bob her head
back and forth, his hands reaching behind her and efficiently
unclasping her bra, her small but firm breasts springing out. He
reaches down, roughly pinching and pulling at a nipple which only
seems to heighten her enjoyment. She sucks on him like a woman
possessed and her hands tighten into fists, grasping your hair so
hard you worry that she’s about to pull it out in clumps. Suddenly she
stiffens, Kruger’s cock slipping from her lips before with a long moan
of ecstasy, your tongue sends her over the edge. She gasps and
thrashes about on the couch as a powerful orgasm consumes her.
Her cries of pleasure echo around the glass dome and her whole
body quakes and shudders as her climax surges through her. As her
body finally relaxes, her hands release their grip on your head and
you pull away, your lips and chin wet with her juices. You get to your
feet and shape to wipe your face with your hand.
“No.” She purrs, getting gracefully to her feet and pressing her
lips to yours. She kisses you deeply, before pulling back and lapping
up her juices from your face, smiling broadly at your surprised
expression. Far from sated, Bérénice appears to have just got
“I want you in both inside me.” She announces, her sultry
French accented voice thick with desire. “One in my pussy and one
in my arse. I don’t care which.”
Slide into her pussy while Kruger takes her arse
Have her ride Kruger while you enter her arse
“Sounds good to me.” You grin. “I’ll call tails… if you have to
objection?” You say, glancing at Kruger. He shrugs indifferently as if
you were discussing who should tee off first at his country club.
“Be my guest.” He grins. Kruger lays back on the couch and
Bérénice eagerly climbs on top of him, guiding his thick shaft to her
slit. Despite his girth, he slides easily inside her sopping wet pussy,
both of them groaning in unison as she sinks down, impaling herself
on his length. You move behind her, gazing down at her pussy
stretched around Kruger’s cock and her tiny puckered arsehole just
above. Bérénice reaches back, collecting some of her juices from
Kruger’s shaft and smears it over her sphincter. You grasp your cock
and move behind her, pressing the bulbous tip to her hole. She
flinches, but glances over her shoulder at you.
“Do it.” She tells you hotly. “Fuck my arse.” You apply
pressure, Bérénice grunting as the tight ring of muscle relaxes and
you push inside.
“Bloody hell!” You gasp, watching her arse stretch around
your shaft as you sink into her hot, tight rectum. Bérénice replies
only with a guttural groan of pleasure as she enjoys the sensation of
both your cocks inside her. You begin to tentatively move inside her,
Kruger doing the same. It is a strange sensation to feel him moving
within her and not one you are entirely comfortable with, but the
excitement of the depravity outweighs any misgivings and soon you
are both pumping into her with wild abandon, her cries of pleasure
exciting you. You slide your hands up from her hips and slip them
around to her chest, cupping her breasts. Her erect nipples press
into the palms of your hands and she moans with delight as you
squeeze and caress them. Her breathing becomes increasingly
ragged and uneven as you both pound into her stretched holes.
“Oui, oui!” She pants breathlessly. “I’m so close! Fuck me!
Make me come!” You can feel your balls tightening as your own
climax rapidly builds, but Kruger is the first to get there. With a roar
of release, his cock twitches inside her as he erupts, his body jerking
beneath her.
“Yes, yes.” Bérénice purrs gleefully as she rocks back,
luxuriating in the sensation of his spurting cock deep inside her. She
and you reach your own climaxes together moments later, your
hands grasping her hips as you ram up into her tight back passage
one final time, your balls convulsing as your seed streaks up your
shaft and explodes deep within her arse. She throws back her head
and cries out in ecstasy, her sphincter clenching the base of your
shaft and amplifying your own pleasure. Her body judders and her
shrill cries drown out your own grunts as her orgasm rips through
her. Finally sated, she slumps forward onto Kruger. You hold your
cock inside her arse as the tight ring of muscle milks the last of your
come from you. Spent, you ease your cock from her, her puckered
hole squeezing tightly shut as soon as you pull the head from her
narrow passage. At that moment, the floor trembles and you hear a
roar as the first missile launches from its silo. You glance up through
the transparent domed ceiling as it streaks through the sky towards
its target.
“Did the Earth move for you?” You quip. Bérénice glances
over her shoulder and rolls her eyes at you before climbing off
Kruger and pressing her lips tenderly to yours. Kruger’s eyes are
fixed on the exhaust trail of the missile as it begins its short and
deadly journey, but in the fog of post orgasmic bliss, the fate of a city
barely registers. Your thoughts instead are fixed on the beautiful,
naked woman in your arms and the numerous debauched pleasures
to come.
Having taken a darker path, you’re not about to concern
yourself with Bérénice’s needs. Her eyes gaze up at you pleadingly,
but you ignore her, smiling cruelly, her desperate need for relief
driving you towards your climax. You groan with pleasure, your balls
tightening as you feel yourself closing in. Bérénice abruptly pulls her
lips from your cock, switching back to Kruger. Wondering if she is
exacting a modicum of revenge, you stifle a groan of frustration and
watch as she stretches her lips back around Kruger’s thick shaft. His
low grunts suggest that he too is closing on his own climax and her
pumping hand keeps you on the edge of yours. She pulls Kruger’s
cock from her mouth and grins wickedly up at the pair of you.
“You’re both so close aren’t you?” She purrs, continuing to
pump both your cocks. “Where do you want to come?” Kruger looks
across at you and shrugs.
Come in her mouth
Come on her face
“I think we should come all over your pretty face.” You tell her
through gritted teeth as you desperately stave off your climax.
Bérénice’s eyes widen and she smiles broadly, pumping you both
harder, clearly excited at the prospect.
“Yes, yes!” Kruger grunts as she guides your cocks closer to
her upturned face. With a guttural groan of release, you reach your
climax moments before Kruger, your cock twitching in her hand and
sending a thick stream of creamy come across her right cheek. She
squeals with delight just as Kruger lets out a roar as his thick cock
erupts into her face. You moan with pleasure at the heady cocktail of
sight and sensation as your shaft pulses again and again in her
grasp. Bérénice gleefully pumps your spurting cocks until her entire
face is dripping with your combined seed, the pearly white fluid
trickling down from her forehead and cheeks while a few errant globs
have splattered onto the tops of her breasts and into her dark brown
hair. She smiles up at you, her hands still gently pumping you both
as the last of your seed oozes from the tips and dribbles over her
“Just an appetiser of the exotic pleasures you will enjoy
working for me Mr Hazard.” Kruger tells you as you both catch your
breath. At that moment, you feel the floor tremble beneath your feet
as the first missile launches from its silo. You glance up through the
glass dome, watching as the missile streaks into the sky, leaving
thick black smoke in its wake. Your stomach churns as you have a
moment of clarity at what you have allowed to happen.
“You will not regret your decision.” Kruger adds, perhaps
seeing a shadow of doubt crossing your face. “The world will be a
better place with my influence. You, your bank balance and your
legendary libido will be among the beneficiaries.” As if to reinforce
the point, Bérénice leans forward and gives your wilting cock a
playful suck, promising that this impromptu tryst will be far from a
one off.
“I want to come in your mouth.” You tell her, delirious with lust
and desire. Bérénice grins up at you before taking you into her
mouth and passionately sucking your cock as she takes you over the
edge. You feel your balls convulse as they tighten and pump your
seed up your length. You grunt with pleasure as you explode into her
mouth, her lips locking tightly around the crown as your hips jerk with
each powerful eruption. Her hazel eyes are fixed on yours and her
cheeks cave in as she enthusiastically sucks the come from your
spurting cock. You groan with each pulse, filling her mouth with your
creamy seed before finally sated, you stagger back, your cock
slipping from her lips. Bérénice flashes you a come coated smile, a
droplet of the pearly white fluid trickling down her chin. You groan as
she tips back her head and greedily gulps down your come.
“Délicieuse.” She smiles, theatrically licking her lips before
turning to Kruger. Perhaps thrilled at the sight of you filling his
mistress’s mouth with your seed, Kruger’s face is flushed and you
realise he is also on the very brink. Bérénice guides him back
towards her mouth, but he pulls his cock from her grasp and begins
to stroke it himself standing over her. Intuitively, she presses her bra
clad breasts together and grins up at him, the droplet of your seed
still clinging to her chin. He lets out a roar of release and you watch
as his thick cock pulses in his grasp, shooting thick ropes of creamy
come all over her chest. Bérénice moans with delight as his seed
splatters all over the tops of her breasts, dribbling down into her
cleavage and trickling over the lacy fabric of the cups of her bra. As
his climax begins to wane, she leans forward and takes the tip of his
cock into her mouth, sucking the final weaker spurts from him.
“Thank you my dear.” He tells her breathlessly as he pulls his
cock free of her lips. “Sometimes it’s good to be bad is it not Mr
Hazard?” He adds with a smirk.
“I’m beginning to see the benefits.” You grin, gazing down at
Bérénice. She smiles up at you both, proudly displaying her come
splattered chest. At that moment you feel the floor tremble beneath
your feet. You glance up through the transparent walls of the dome,
your eyes widening at the sight of the first missile streaking up into
the sky, a thick plume of smoke in its wake.
“If you have anything important to say to anyone in
Washington DC, now is the time.” Kruger grins at you as he reaches
for his clothes. You feel a sharp pang of guilt as Elise West’s face
flashes through your mind. You hope that the President’s daughter is
far from the White House…
You lean forward and press your lips to hers. Bérénice moans
with delight as you finally acquiesce, kissing you back, her tongue
darting hungrily into your mouth.
“Oh James.” She groans as your hands grasp her hips, pulling
her body to yours. Your hands slip around her waist and down to
squeeze her firm buttocks through the luxurious silky fabric of the
dress. You smile to yourself as you detect the absence of any
underwear. She moans into your mouth as you caress her while her
own hands slide down to caress your muscular chest through your
shirt before beginning to unbutton it. You slide your hands up past
her slender waist and cup her breasts, feeling her nipples harden
through her dress. You kiss your way from her lips to her throat, the
faint scent of her perfume in your nostrils. She pulls your shirt open
and slips it off your shoulders. As you nuzzle at her throat, your eyes
flick up, glancing past her shoulder towards the timer on the wall.
24:02. Your eyes widen, scarcely able to believe you are doing this
with the fate of the world in the balance.
“I hate to rush this.” You murmur, sliding your lips up to her
ear. “Why not cancel the launch now. We can deal with Kruger and
then spend the rest of the day in bed.”
“No, no, Monsieur Hazard.” She chuckles, her hands
unbuckling your trousers and pulling at the zip on your fly. “You must
satisfy me first.” Worth a try. You kiss your way down the side of her
neck down to the soft skin of her shoulder and further down to the
tops of her breasts. She lets out a throaty moan as her hands tug
your trousers and underpants down in one go, your hardening cock
catching momentarily on the waistband before springing free. You
feel the warmth of her fingers around it as she grasps your shaft,
murmuring her approval and making you gasp as she begins to
slowly pump her hand up and down.
“I need you inside me.” She tells you, her voice thick with
desire, hopping up onto the edge of the console and parting her legs,
the blue satin dress riding up her tanned thighs.
Enter her
Go down on her
“I’d rather taste you.” You reply, gazing down at her slender
legs, the hem of her dress tantalisingly high on her exposed thighs.
“I think I can live with that.” Bérénice purrs, a subtle smile
playing on her lips as she spreads her legs wider in anticipation. You
drop to your knees before her and pull her hips towards you making
her gasp with excitement. You pull the hem of her dress up to her
waist and gaze at her pussy just inches before you. Her lips are
dilated and moist with her arousal and you eagerly lower your head
between her thighs, her feminine musk intoxicating as you press
your tongue into her juicy folds. She squeals with delight as you flick
the tip up to her sensitive clit, gently lapping at it as her hands caress
your head, encouraging you.
“Mmmm, that feels so good!” She sighs, hidden from view by
a veil of flimsy blue fabric as the hem of her dress slips back down
her thighs and over your head. You smile, enjoying the taste of her
arousal, enthusiastically lapping at her slit as she urges you on with
words of encouragement, slipping into French as she becomes
increasingly excited. You alternate between lashing your tongue
between her puffy labia and teasing her clit with the tip. Bérénice
moans softly as she squirms on the edge of the control console,
luxuriating in the sensations you are inducing in her. Your hands grip
her hips tightly as you thrust your tongue deeply inside her before
slipping it back up to her clit. As your tongue dances on the sensitive
little nub, her breathing becomes increasingly uneven, coming in
sharp little gasps. Realising that she is on the brink, you increase the
pace, feeling her hands tighten their grip on your head in response
until she is almost suffocating you against her sodden pussy. Her
gasps become pants and with a final rasping shriek of release, she
reaches her climax. You hold your tongue against her quivering
clitoris as her body trembles with each wave of pleasure radiating
out from it. As her orgasm passes, Bérénice lets out a final deep
shuddering sigh of satisfaction and relaxes her hold on your head.
You pull away from her drenched slit and climb back to your feet,
surreptitiously wiping her juices from your chin. You glance at the
timer on the wall. 10:34. You smile smugly to yourself, impressed at
your own sexual prowess to have brought her to her climax with over
ten minutes spare.
“Well, now we’ve scratched that particular itch, there’s half a
million people in DC that would appreciate us halting this
“Not yet monsieur.” Bérénice replies, her eyes still heavy
lidded from her climax. “We still have to satisfy you.”
“There’ll be plenty of time for that later.” You smile.
“No, I insist.” She tells you firmly, her hazel eyes flicking open
and meeting yours. There is a coldness in her eyes that immediately
convinces you that she is deadly serious. You realise that while
Kruger is clearly psychotic, Bérénice is a sociopath. You glance at
the timer. 9:47.
“What did you have in mind?” You ask wearily, hoping you can
perform with the lives of so many in the balance.
“Perhaps I should return the favour.” She purrs. “Or, maybe…”
She turns around and bends over the console, the silky fabric of her
blue dress stretched tightly over her firm buttocks, “You’d prefer to…
how do you English say? ‘Give me a damn good seeing to’.”
Have Bérénice return the favour
Enter her from behind
Deciding on the later, you move behind Bérénice, glancing up
at the timer. 8:33. Your anger at her manipulation of you boils over
and you roughly yank the hem of the blue dress up over her
buttocks. She gasps as her firm, tanned derriere is revealed to you.
You guide your hard cock to her pussy which glistens with a mixture
of your saliva and her juices and plunge into her. She stifles a moan
as you grasp her hips and begin to thrust savagely into her. Your
pulse races as you unleash your darker, feral side, glancing up at the
timer and barely registering that you now have less than seven
minutes as you continue to brutally drive into her with no regard for
anything other than your own immediate gratification. Clearly
aroused at this wild, animalistic fucking, Bérénice cries out with glee
as you pound into her, her hands gripping the control console,
bracing herself against your onslaught.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She cries out. “Fuck me! Fuck me like the
filthy whore I am! Fuck me harder! Take me!” You clench your teeth
and slam into her harder still, your anger driving you just as much as
your own arousal. Bérénice glances over her shoulder, her hazel
eyes filled with a wild lust. With her dishevelled hair and crumpled
dress hoisted up over her waist, she is a far cry from the
sophisticated and demure woman you first encountered at the Gala
in Johannesburg.
“You like that don’t you?” You hiss, her body rocking forward
each time you ram your cock into her. “You like to be fucked hard.”
“Yessss.” She groans breathlessly. You realise she is closing
in on a second orgasm and your balls twitch in response as the
thought drives you closer to your own.
“You’re just a filthy slut aren’t you?” You tell her. She just lets
out a deep, guttural moan, no longer able to speak as your own
words put her on the brink. Your seed is churning in your balls and
with a loud grunt of release, you thrust deeply into her one last time
as your come races up your shaft. Bérénice shrieks with pleasure as
she feels your cock explode inside her, your twitching shaft pumping
your thick, creamy come deep inside her hot pussy. Your climax is
the catalyst for her own. Her arms give out and she slumps forward
as a powerful orgasm sweeps through her body. Her little gasping
moans join your deep grunts of ecstasy as you both climax together.
As you pump the last of your seed into her, Bérénice’s climax also
subsides, the brunette whimpering softly as she recovers from the
shatteringly powerful orgasm. Your own needs satisfied, you abruptly
pull out of her, Bérénice gasping with surprise at your sudden
withdrawal from her raw body. It is her turn to glare angrily at you as
she gingerly straightens and turns to face you.
“Now, cancel the launch!” You growl at her, glancing up at the
timer. 00:13. She pouts indignantly and gazes at the controls in front
of her for a moment before nonchalantly leaning forward and
pressing a button at the top of the panel. The timer freezes at 00:04
and you breathe a deep sigh of relief.
“Happy?” She scowls.
“Ecstatic.” You snap, quickly pulling on your clothes, while
Bérénice pulls the hem of her dress back down and runs her fingers
through her dishevelled hair. You wrench a fire extinguisher from the
wall and swing it into each control panel, the heavy cylinder crashing
into the array of buttons and dials. The metallic thuds echo around
the room until every single control station is smashed. With a grim
smile of satisfaction you drop the cylinder and turn to Bérénice.
“Now, let’s finish this.” You tell her, striding from the control
You pull away slightly and grasp her exposed thighs. Bérénice
gasps with excitement as you pull her towards you before sliding
your hands up higher, raising the hem of her dress up to her waist.
You gaze down at the neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair and the
juicy folds of her pussy just beneath. Her eyes gaze down at your
thick cock as you guide it between her thighs, softly biting her lower
lip in anticipation. As you press the tip to her, her eyes close and she
smiles broadly as you slip into her, moaning softly as your length
disappears inside her.
“Yessss.” She breathes, her legs tightening around your
thighs, pulling you in deeper. “Yes! Now fuck me!” You begin to thrust
into her, your hands grasping her hips while her fingernails dig into
your shoulders. As you build up a rhythm, driving into her
increasingly vigorously, she begins to slide back over the console.
You glance at all the controls behind her and hope that none of them
are too important: To trigger Armageddon because of a wayward
buttock cheek would be embarrassing…
“Qui est sensationnel!” She moans thickly, writhing with
pleasure and oblivious to any potential danger. You glance behind
her at the timer counting down to an all too real danger. 18:47. You
grit your teeth and hope she is as aroused as she sounds. As you
continue to pound into her, the timer ticking away second by
precious second, you decide to push things along. You slip your cock
from her, Bérénice crying out in frustration.
“Turn around.” You growl. She nods, eagerly turning her back
to you and bending over the control console. The hem of her dress
covers her buttocks, so you hoist it up to her waist, her tanned
cheeks revealed from beneath the thin blue fabric. You grasp your
cock, sticky and wet with her juices and guide it back inside her,
quickly finding your earlier rhythm. You lean forward, sliding a hand
between her legs. Your fingers graze through the soft patch of pubic
hair before finding her clitoris. She flinches as you begin to caress
the sensitive little nub, letting out a guttural moan of pleasure as you
begin to gently rub it.
“Oh yes, yes!” She pants, beginning to thrust her hips back
against you. “Don’t stop! I’m so close!” You throw a glance at the
timer. 12:59. You grin, confident that you’ll get there with time to
spare. You slam your hips into hers, her body jerking forward with
each thrust. Her panting grows increasingly intense and breathless
until her body stiffens and she lets out a gasp of ecstasy, her body
shuddering as she reaches her climax. You hold your cock deep
inside, your relief nearly as intense as her cries of pleasure as her
body convulses before you. She finally slumps forward onto the
control console, shattered but utterly sated.
“That’s what I call performing under pressure.” You grin,
slipping your cock from her pussy.
“Oui,” She replies breathlessly, glancing over her shoulder at
you, her hazel eyes glazed and a sheen of perspiration on her brow,
“Still, much as I enjoy the afterglow, we ought to save the
good people of Washington DC don’t you think?”
“Non.” Bérénice replies simply.
“What!” You reply, looking up at the timer which now reads
“We need to satisfy you too.” She purrs, a glint in her eye.
“That’s not necessary!” You reply, your blood running cold.
“I insist monsieur.” She chuckles sexily. You glare at her,
realising that far from seeking redemption, Bérénice Marceau is just
as psychotic as Kruger. “What do you want to do to me?” She
smiles, delighting in your anger. “Would you like me to finish you with
my mouth or…” She reaches behind her and runs a finger between
her shapely buttocks, “Perhaps you have something more
unorthodox in mind?”
Have her take you in her mouth
Slip your cock inside her arse
Mesmerized at the thought of entering Bérénice’s tightest
orifice, you guide your hard shaft towards her arse. She giggles with
delight, reaching back and grasping her cheeks, pulling them apart
and lewdly displaying her puckered arsehole.
“My God.” You groan, before pressing the bulbous tip of your
cock to the tight knot of her arse.
“Mmmm, yes.” She coos, pressing back against you, before
gasping as the tight ring of muscle relaxes and the head pops inside.
She pauses for a moment, her hot arse clenching the tip of your cock
before she pushes back again. You watch in amazement as your
thick shaft, still glistening with her juices, disappears into her narrow
back passage inch by inch until her firm buttocks are pressed
against you.
“Damn, that feels good.” You gasp, Bérénice’s arse hot and
snug around your shaft while her sphincter grips the base. She
chuckles sexily and begins to gently rock back and forth, her
stretched arse running up and down your thick length.
“You like fucking my arse?” She purrs, glancing over her
shoulder, her hazel eyes glinting with a mixture of lust and mischief.
“I bet it feels so tight.” With that she clenches her sphincter, drawing
an involuntary moan of surprise and pleasure as you feel the ring of
muscle clamp tightly around your shaft. She chuckles and begins to
push back against you with a little more urgency as she stretches to
accommodate the intruder deep within her anal cavity.
“Bérénice…” You moan, your heart thumping and your pulse
racing at the sensations radiating out from your groin. You grasp her
hips and begin to meet her thrusts and it’s the brunette’s turn to gasp
as you drive your cock deeper still inside her.
“Oui, oui!” She groans loudly as you find a rhythm, your cock
pistoning in and out of her clenching orifice. You glance up at the
timer, now reading 4:58. Less than five minutes, but as you feel your
balls aching with need, you know you will never last that long.
Bérénice shifts her weight, slumping forward onto the control
console. You realise why as she slips her right hand beneath her and
reaches between her thighs. She begins to feverishly work at her
clitoris as you continue to pump your cock into her arse, desperate
for the blissful release you know is only moments away. Bérénice’s
moans become increasingly loud and intense as she closes in on a
second climax.
“I’m getting close!” You grunt.
“Yes, yes!” She cries. “Come for me. Fill my arse with your
thick creamy seed!” Your balls twitch as you pass the point of no
return. Bellowing in ecstasy, you feel your come race up your shaft
and erupt into the hot confines of her rectum. Your own climax sends
Bérénice headlong into hers and she trembles as waves of pleasure
surge through her, her shrill cries of ecstasy joining your loud grunts
as your bodies jerk and quiver together. As your climaxes subside,
you gently ease your softening cock from her arse, her stretched
hole clamping shut behind it.
“I can see why Kruger keeps you around.” You grin as
Bérénice straightens and pulls the hem of her dress back down.
“And I thought it was my charming smile.” She replies. You
chuckle before glancing up at the timer. 00:26.
“The missile!” You shout. Bérénice’s eyes widen and she
quickly studies the console in front of her, biting her lower lip. Her
finger hovers over one button. “What are you doing? Press it!” You
“I’m not sure if it’s the right one!” She tells you as the seconds
tick away. 00:09… 00:08… 00:07… You reach out and press the
button, your heart in your mouth as you glance back to the timer. It is
frozen at 00:02.
“Thank God.” You exhale before breathing a deep sigh of
relief. You quickly pull on your clothes, while Bérénice straightens
her dress and runs her fingers through her dishevelled hair. You
wrench a fire extinguisher from the wall and swing it into each control
panel, the heavy cylinder crashing into the array of buttons and dials.
The metallic thuds echo around the room until every single control
station is smashed. With a grim smile of satisfaction you drop the
cylinder and turn to Bérénice.
“Now, let’s finish this.” You tell her, striding from the control
“Suck my cock, you crazy bitch.” You growl.
“Oh monsieur,” Bérénice grins, immediately turning around
and dropping to her knees before you, “I love this aggressive side to
you! It really turns me on.” She reaches for your cock and takes it
straight into her mouth, her hands grasping your hips as her lips
glide up and down your shaft, the tip nudging the back of her throat
as she enthusiastically pleasures you. You groan with pleasure as
you watch the beautiful brunette on her knees, her exquisite blue
dress now looking crumpled and dishevelled. Feeling your gaze on
her, her hazel eyes meet yours, gleaming wickedly as she bobs her
head back and forth. You reach down, caressing her head, her hair
silky smooth against your hands. She pulls her mouth from your cock
and glances up at you, an almost feral look in her eyes.
“Pull my hair.” She tells you.
“What?!” You blink.
“Pull my hair.” She repeats, reaching back and unpinning it,
her long brown hair tumbling down about her shoulders. “Be rough
with me. Use me. Make me suck your cock.” You reach down and
gather her dark mane behind her head and grasp it in your fist.
Bérénice gasps as you push her face back down onto your cock, the
brunette eagerly taking your length deep inside her mouth. She lets
out a muffled moan of pleasure around it as you dictate her pace,
pulling her head back and forth to suit your own needs. Her hands
leave your hips, one sliding down to cup your balls where she begins
to gently caress them while the other slides down her own body
before slipping between her legs.
“You dirty bitch.” You growl. “No wonder Kruger took you as
his mistress. You really are one insatiable whore aren’t you?” Her
eyes close and she moans her agreement, her lips sucking and
slurping as you impale her face on your throbbing shaft. The timer on
the wall is forgotten, let alone the nuclear missile sitting in its silo and
the fate of a city. All that exists in the universe is you and the
beautiful Frenchwoman on her knees before you. You can feel your
balls tingling, tightening in her grasp as you close in on your climax.
You increase your pace, frantically thrusting into her mouth, saliva
trickling down her chin and her own muffled moans of pleasure
joining yours as her hand frantically works at her clit. You grit your
teeth as you feel yourself reach the point of no return, your whole
body tensing up before your balls twitch powerfully, pumping their
contents up your length to erupt in Bérénice’s throat. You roar with
pleasure as your cock pulses again and again. Her eyes are fixed on
yours as she eagerly swallows your load before they roll back in her
head as she reaches her own climax. She moans around your
erupting cock, her whole body shuddering as a second powerful
orgasm rips through her. Still grasping a handful of hair, you pull her
head back so that the tip hovers between her open lips, watching
enthralled as the last few spurts splash across her tongue. She
eagerly gulps it down, trembling as the aftershocks of her climax
surge through her. Breathing heavily, your heart still thumping in your
chest, you release your hold on her hair and take an unsteady step
“Magnifique.” Bérénice sighs, her chest heaving as she
recovers from her own climax. You smile weakly before your blood
runs cold as you glance at the timer on the wall. 00:29.
“The missile.” You shout, pulling Bérénice to her feet. “Cancel
the launch!” She indignantly twists out of your grasp and gazes at
the controls in front of her.
“Now which one was it?” She muses, chewing her lower lip,
her eyes flicking mischievously in your direction. 00:12
“Just. Cancel. The. Launch.” You growl. She narrows her eyes
at you before nonchalantly leaning forward and pressing a button at
the top of the panel. The timer freezes at 00:02 and you breathe a
deep sigh of relief.
“Happy?” She pouts.
“Ecstatic.” You smile, quickly pulling on your clothes, while
Bérénice straightens her dress and runs her fingers through her
dishevelled hair. You wrench a fire extinguisher from the wall and
swing it into each control panel, the heavy cylinder crashing into the
array of buttons and dials. The metallic thuds echo around the room
until every single control station is smashed. With a grim smile of
satisfaction you drop the cylinder and turn to Bérénice.
“Now, let’s finish this.” You tell her, striding from the control
“Which is the quickest way to the surface?” You ask Bérénice
as you hurry along a corridor.
“There is an elevator nearby.” She tells you, leading the way.
“It will take us up to a helipad on the surface.”
You follow her down the corridor to the polished bronze doors
of a cylindrical lift. The doors part and you step inside, the glass
walls revealing the rough-hewn sides of the lift shaft bored through
the rock. The lift accelerates smoothly upwards until the rock gives
way to glass and a beautiful view over the azure waters of the
Caribbean Sea. The car slows as it passes through the thick floor of
the suspended helipad and the doors part. Kruger’s helicopter is just
before you, the rotors already spinning up to speed. Kruger emerges
from a staircase to one side of the helipad and hurries towards the
open door of the helicopter, his jaw clenched and his eyebrows
knitted. You smile grimly. His morning has not gone to plan. He
glances in your direction and his eyes widen.
“You!” He snarls, his deep-set eyes flashing with anger.
Before you can react, he has pulled a gun and is bringing it to bear
on you.
Duck back inside the lift
Drag Bérénice down to the floor
“Down!” You yell, pulling Bérénice to the helipad deck as a
hail of bullets pass overhead, pinging against the lift behind you and
shattering the glazed car walls. The gun clicks empty and you
quickly scramble back to your feet, throwing yourself into Kruger.
The impact knocks him to the floor and the gun slips from his fingers,
sliding away from you as you grapple with the big South African.
Despite having sacrificed a career in rugby, Kruger has kept his
physique, fitness and strength intact and you struggle against his
superior bulk and power.
“I’m going to rip your head off.” He snarls, his deep-set eyes
gleaming with malice. “And once you lie dead at my feet, I’m going to
kill the French whore.” His hands tighten around your throat, his
thumbs digging into your windpipe, crushing it. “But it won’t be a
quick death, I promise you. She will suffer greatly for her betrayal.”
You smash your fists into Kruger’s head, panic threatening to
overwhelm you as your lungs desperately try to draw air through
your blocked airway. Kruger doesn’t even flinch as you rain blows on
him and your vision begins to darken as you begin to succumb. A
close range gunshot booms out, making your ears ring. Kruger eyes
widen in surprise and his mouth drops open, blood trickling from his
lips before his eyes roll back in his head and his grip relaxes around
your neck. You throw him off you and clamber back to your feet,
gasping for air and massaging your bruised throat. Bérénice stands
before you, a smoking pistol in her hand. Her eyes are wide and the
gun drops from her fingers, clattering onto the helipad deck. You
take her into your arms and she softly sobs into your shoulder.
“It’s over.” You soothe. “The bastard is dead.” Kruger’s
helicopter pilot has obviously seen enough and you hear the rotors
beat faster as it rises up into the air and tilts forward, heading swiftly
away from the island.
Moments later, an American Black Hawk helicopter sweeps
into view, circling the helipad for a moment before setting down
before you. Marines pour from the door and quickly secure the
helipad. One approaches you, carrying himself with confident
authority. You notice three stripes on his arm.
“Mr Hazard I presume?” The marine sergeant asks. You nod.
“Good work here today sir.” He grins. “On behalf of the US President
and the American people, you have our gratitude.” His eyes flick
from you to Kruger’s corpse before settling on Bérénice. He gazes
quizzically at her for a moment, perhaps trying to reconcile her
tearstained face and elegantly dressed appearance with the carnage
around her.
“Ma’am.” He finally nods before following his men into the lift,
their feet crunching on the shattered glass. As the lift doors close
and the lift descends back into the facility, Bérénice glances up at
you, her hazel eyes large and fearful.
“What will become of me?” She asks.
“I would expect you will have some tough questions to
answer.” You tell her truthfully. “They may be lenient given what you
have done today, though equally they may consider you an
accessory. You may well be looking at a little prison time.”
“No.” She murmurs, her eyes moistening.
“Unless…” You smile. Her eyes meet yours. “The next island
in the archipelago doesn’t have an extradition agreement with the
US, the UK, South Africa or France. An intelligent and resourceful
woman might borrow one of Kruger’s speedboats and head there.
I’m sure if she was quick, she would be able to siphon off a
significant amount of cash into her account before Kruger’s accounts
are frozen. She might be able to live comfortably on the island for
years if need be…” She nods and wipes the tears from her eyes
before leaning forward and kissing you tenderly.
“Merci.” She tells you gratefully before turning and crossing
the helipad towards a steel staircase down to the ground. She
glances over her shoulder and flashes you a smile. “Au revoir
Monsieur Hazard.” She adds before her feet clank on the steps and
she disappears from view.
“Au revoir.” You murmur, smiling to yourself.
You dive back inside the lift, gunshots ringing out and the
glass wall of the lift car shattering behind you as bullets smash
through it. You press yourself inside the frame of the door before
listening until the gun clicks empty. You then launch yourself out of
the lift car, barely registering Bérénice’s prone form as you sprint
towards Kruger and throw yourself at him. Your body slams into his
and the gun slips from his grasp, skittering away beneath the
helicopter. The big South African may have sacrificed a career in
Rugby, but still has the physique of a player, recovering from the
crunching impact quickly and throwing you down to the ground. You
wince as your body smashes into the hard helipad decking before
gasping in pain as he follows up with a powerful kick to your
“You disrupt my plans and fuck my woman?!” Kruger snarls
down at you. “I’m going to enjoy watching you die Mr Hazard.” He
raises his foot and prepares to stamp down on your face.
Grasp his leg and pull him off balance
Roll out from under him and get back to your feet
You roll away from the blow, Kruger’s foot stamping down
next to your head. You quickly and agilely bounce back to your feet
and smash your fist into his face, his head rocking back. He roars in
pain, clutching his broken nose as a torrent of blood spills from his
nostrils. He swings a return blow and you manage to partly parry it.
The crunching impact still makes you see stars and you duck his
next blow before smashing an uppercut into his chin. You continue to
trade blows, ducking and weaving to avoid most of his, though you
are slowly backed towards the edge of the helipad and a sheer drop
of a hundred feet onto the rocks below. Kruger flashes you a bloody
smile as he manoeuvres you closer. You reflect grimly that you could
add boxing to the list of his talents along with rugby, business and
“Time to die, Mr Hazard.” He tells you as he backs you to the
very edge.
Sidestep out of the way and use his own strength against him,
dragging him over the edge
Duck beneath his swing and hope his momentum takes him over
He draws back his arm to deliver the final blow and as he
swings, you duck beneath it. His momentum makes him step forward
and into you, overbalancing as his centre of gravity takes him over
you. His screams of terror fill the air as he plummets headfirst down
from the helipad, the shrill sound abruptly silenced with a dull thud as
his body smashes into the rocks below. You get back to your feet
and gaze grimly over the edge, his body broken far below and the
rocks around him wet with his blood.
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” You murmur before
turning away and glancing at Kruger’s helicopter. The pilot’s eyes
widen and the beating of the rotors increases as the bulky machine
rises up and swiftly departs. You move quickly towards the prone
figure of Bérénice. You roll her onto her back, her blue dress soaked
in blood, her face deathly pale.
“You’re going to be okay.” You tell her, trying to force some
sincerity into your voice. She smiles weakly up at you, knowing it is a
“Kruger?” She asks.
“Dead.” You tell her.
“Good.” She replies before the light goes out in her eyes and
her body goes limp. You reach down and gently close her eyes
before leaning forward and kissing her tenderly on the forehead.
While she was no angel, she did redeem herself by helping you to
stop the missile launch. You get back to your feet, trying to ignore
the guilt gnawing at your soul, knowing that you failed to protect her
from Kruger’s wrath.
Minutes later, an American Black Hawk helicopter sweeps into
view, circling the helipad for a moment before setting down before
you. Marines pour from the door and having secured the helipad,
slap your back and shake you warmly by the hand. You smile and
nod your acknowledgement at their congratulations, but the victory
has come at a cost. You glance at Bérénice’s corpse and wonder if
you could have done things differently. Whether you could have
saved her and Anya too for that matter…
You step to the side just as he delivers the final blow and
reach out to grasp his wrist and send him plummeting to his doom.
Unfortunately, Kruger has anticipated your final throw of the dice and
pulls back his arm before your fingers can tighten around it. With a
thin smile of victory, he follows up with a second blow with his left
hand. Your eyes widen as the force of the punch knocks you
backwards over the edge of the helipad.
“Goodbye Mr Hazard!” Kruger sneers as you plummet down,
yours arms and legs flapping wildly as you scream in terror. Your
screams are abruptly silenced a second later as your body smashes
into the rocks below where mercifully you die instantaneously.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
You grasp Kruger’s ankle and pull it sharply to one side just
as he prepares to deliver the coup de grâce. He yelps in surprise as
the tug sends him off balance, his heavy frame teetering for a
moment before crashing to the ground next to you. Grasping the
opportunity, you are on him, raining blow after blow into his face.
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” You snarl angrily,
blood running from his nose and mouth as you savagely beat him.
Finally with Kruger dazed and on the brink of losing consciousness,
you get back to your feet and turn your attention to the helicopter.
The pilot’s eyes widen and the beating of the rotors increases as the
bulky machine rises up and swiftly departs.
“James!” You hear a panicked voice call out behind you. You
turn just in time to see a bloodied Kruger lunging at you, a knife in
his hand. There is no time to react and you grimace, your body
stiffening as you await the thrusting blade piercing your chest. A
gunshot rings out and Kruger’s eyes open wide, a surprised
expression on his face before the knife drops from his fingers,
clattering to the floor. He drops to his knees and falls face down at
your feet, a gunshot wound in the middle of his back. Behind him,
Bérénice, still lying on the helipad deck in a pool of her own blood,
drops her pistol and smiles weakly.
“Bérénice!” You drop to your knees at her side, rolling her onto
her back and cradling her head. A pair of gunshot wounds to her
body have stained her blue dress crimson and you know it is
hopeless. She knows it too.
“I guess bad girls don’t deserve a happy ending.” She tells
you, a trickle of blood running from the corner of her mouth. You
open your mouth to reply, but the words are not there. She smiles
one last time, before the light in her mischievous hazel eyes goes
out forever. Her eyes roll back in her head and she takes one final
shuddering breath before her body slumps in your arms. You draw
her close and kiss her tenderly on the forehead. While she was no
angel, she did redeem herself by helping you to stop the missile
launch and saving your life. With a heavy heart, you gently close her
eyes and lower her back to the floor, a pang of guilt gnawing at your
soul that you failed to protect her from Kruger’s wrath.
Minutes later, an American Black Hawk helicopter sweeps into
view, circling the helipad for a moment before setting down before
you. Marines pour from the door and having secured the helipad,
slap your back and shake you warmly by the hand. You smile and
nod your acknowledgement at their congratulations, but the victory
has come at a cost. You glance at Bérénice’s corpse and wonder if
you could have done things differently. Whether you could have
saved her and Anya too for that matter…
A few hours later, you arrive at Vienna airport. As you step out
of the gleaming, glass fronted terminal you glance up at an overcast
late afternoon sky. Dark clouds are gathering in the east and you
smile grimly, hoping it is not an omen. You climb into a taxi and
speed off towards the city.
Arriving at Vienna train station, you cross the bustling ticket
hall and step onto the platform. The Orient Express is waiting for
you, the luxurious dark blue carriages stretching off along the
platform. All around you others are getting ready to embark, flustered
parents marshalling their children while weighed down with cases,
lovers parting with a teary farewell and porters loading provisions for
the restaurant car. You feel eyes on you and turn to face a figure
lurking in your peripheral vision, but at that moment the porter, his
cart unloaded, hurries past you. When he has passed, the figure has
vanished. You shrug your shoulders wondering if it is just your
paranoia and board the train. You make your way along the narrow
but lavish mahogany panelled passageway until you find your
compartment. Your hand closes on the brass handle and you
carefully ease the door open. The first thing you see are a pair of
long, shapely legs stretching out from the luxurious leather seats of
the first class cabin.
“Mrs Somerset I presume?” You grin as you step through the
door, your eyes tracking up from her legs to take in the rest of her
tall, statuesque figure, from her narrow waist to her full breasts and
her long, lustrous blonde locks cascading down past her shoulders.
She is wearing a luxurious blue satin dress, the neckline low enough
to afford a generous view of her impressive cleavage. Anya looks up,
her blue eyes regarding you coolly for a moment.
“You are as reckless as your file suggests.” She tells you, her
Russian accent betraying her true heritage. “Now come in and close
the door before the whole train knows of this charade.”
“Now now darling.” You sooth as you shut the door behind
you. “That’s no way to speak of our marriage. Besides, your accent
is hardly convincing.”
“Quite right, a western man with a Russian bride is completely
far-fetched.” Anya retorts dryly.
“Touché.” You grin, enjoying her feistiness and sitting down in
the leather seat next to hers. The train jerks as it begins to slowly
pull out of the station, the almost musical metallic chatter of the
wheels rubbing against the rails as it picks up speed. You gaze
thoughtfully through the window as the train leaves the old city
behind, the green dome of the baroque church of Karlskirche and the
spire of St Stephen’s Cathedral dominating the skyline.
Soon the buildings give way to fields and hedgerows and the
train thunders out of Austria and into Hungary towards Budapest.
You sit in silence and you wonder if Ms Suchova hails from Siberia,
she is so cold. As the sun sets and the light quickly fades, you
glance across at the beautiful Russian agent and wonder how you
might thaw her frosty demeanour.
Suggest a visit to the Restaurant car
Strike up a conversation
Skip to a section
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have to start from the beginning. If you would rather skip to the start
of a particular part of the story, please select the appropriate heading
below. To start from the very beginning, select “Pre-credits

Pre-credits sequence
President’s Daughter

MI6 Building
Miss Meriweather
Orient Express
Istanbul (With Anya)

Istanbul (Without Anya)


The Vault
Bérénice Marceau

Villain’s Lair
Also by the same author
Also by the same author
Spurtacus: A Choose Your Own Erotic Story
A prisoner of the Roman Empire, you find yourself sold into slavery
to the wealthy House of Felatius and your Domina, Servilia, known
throughout Rome for hosting wild parties and for her insatiable
sexual appetites. Having caught her eye, you must keep in Servilia's
good graces while also planning your escape.
This 50,000 word Erotic choose your own story puts you in control,
utilising e-book technology to eliminate the page flicking of
yesteryear and allow you to enjoy seducing beautiful slave girls, an
exotic African woman, a sophisticated young noblewoman and the
voluptuous Servilia herself. Featuring numerous paths to multiple
endings and where leaving a woman unsatisfied will lead to a much
more serious outcome than a cold shoulder!
Spurtacus features several steamy sexual encounters including oral
and anal sex, threesomes, lesbians and in the best traditions of the
Roman Empire at its most decadent, a full on orgy.
Lure of the Sirens: A Sci-fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story
As a roguish smuggler on the fringes of the galaxy, you live a life of
excitement and adventure. Whether battling bloodthirsty pirates or
enjoying the pleasures of a girl in every spaceport, you live each day
as if it were your last. Now tasked with travelling through the deadly
Dark nebula with a precious cargo, you and your beautiful
redheaded co-pilot will encounter danger and temptation at every
turn and where your choices can lead to the heights of ecstasy or a
quick and gruesome death.
This Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising e-
book technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and
allow you to enjoy the pleasures of an exotic alien seductress or your
voluptuous android sidekick. Alternatively, you may find yourself
rescuing a pretty but petulant space princess, or running into an old
flame, a ruthless but gorgeous alien space pirate. You might find
yourself captured and thrown in a cell with an alluring blonde by
aliens wanting to study human mating behaviour. You may have to
strike a bargain of the flesh with an attractive reptilian woman or
enjoy the advances of a classy and sophisticated station commander
with a sexual appetite exceeding even your own. And then there are
the beautiful but lethal Sirens of the Dark Nebula to contend with...
Inspired by Firefly, Serenity, Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars,
this 100,000+ word Erotic choose your own story offers a wealth of
content, with its intricate branching storyline offering several wildly
different paths to multiple endings, ensuring you can read again and
again and see how events play out differently depending on the
choices you make.
The Seductress of Andromeda: A Sci-Fi Choose Your Own
Erotic Story
Disgraced and thrown out of the Galactic Navy, you now make a
living as a smuggler and part-time bounty hunter on the fringes of the
galaxy. When a beautiful but deadly assassin offers you the
opportunity to join her on the greatest heist in Galactic history, you
have to decide whether or not to trust her.
This Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising e-
book technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and
allow you to decide the outcome. The choices you make may lead to
a gruesome death or into the arms of beautiful women, both human
and alien, from the enchanting Takagi sisters to the exotic
amphibious Aquilans deep below the surface of an ocean planet.
Alternatively, your travels may lead you to encounter an attractive
but enigmatic sole survivor of an isolated research base or discover
a beautiful android woman in a dilapidated nightclub on Titan. You
may find yourself marooned on a forest planet with a gorgeous
Valkyrie woman or seduced by the pretty daughter of an Admiral. If
you decide to embark on the heist, you may also fall under the spell
of the alluring seductress of Andromeda herself, Eris the assassin.
A prequel to ‘Lust of the Sirens’ this e-book can either be enjoyed
without having read the previous book or alternatively as the
backstory of the roguish hero’s formative days working on the fringes
of the law at the edge of the known galaxy. At 110,000+ words, this
Erotic choose your own story offers a wealth of content, with its
intricate branching storyline offering several wildly different paths to
multiple endings, ensuring you can read again and again and see
how events play out differently depending on the choices you make.
Lust of the Pirates: A Choose Your Own Erotic Story
As the Captain of a pirate ship, you are the scourge of the high seas,
pillaging the merchant vessels travelling through the Caribbean.
When the glamorous madam of Nassau’s brothel comes to you with
a tale of lost Mayan gold and riches beyond your wildest dreams,
you are thrown into a fantastic swashbuckling adventure where
danger and excitement, pleasure and death are but moments away.
This Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising e-
book technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and
enjoy the pleasures of many beautiful and seductive women, from
buxom serving wenches in Nassau to the enigmatic wife of a
Spanish commander whose lustful urges rival your own. You will
travel the azure seas of the Caribbean on your quest for riches
where deadly perils or temptation await at every turn. Depending on
the choices you make, you might find yourself rescuing a beautiful
damsel from a burning vessel, diving to the depths of the sea to
plunder a wreck or indulging in an orgy with the legendary pirate
Anne Bonny. The decisions you make can lead to the heights of
ecstasy or a quick and gruesome death.
Inspired by numerous pirate adventures, this 66,000+ word Erotic
choose your own story offers a wealth of content, with its intricate
branching storyline offering several wildly different paths to multiple
endings, ensuring you can read again and again and see how events
play out differently depending on the choices you make.
The Temptress of Upton Manor: A historical erotic novella
Spring 1922. Jack Shaw enters employment as a footman at Upton
Manor, the stately country residence of the aristocratic Wynthorpe
family. He soon discovers that he his initial impression of dull rural
life couldn’t be further from the truth and that the grand old house is
a hotbed of sin and debauchery.
The Earl of Grangeborough, outwardly a Gentleman, finds a very
ungentlemanly cure for his insomnia while his wife has desires of a
forbidden nature. Their widowed daughter seeks solace in the arms
of one of the staff, while her caddish brother pursues an attractive,
naïve debutant and gets more than he bargained for.
The decadence is not confined to the family, as Jack makes quite an
impression on an attractive maid with a taste for excitement and
seduces a young, shy but eager cook. Jack quickly discovers that no
one is quite what they seem, but then he too has a secret of his
Inspired by the TV show ‘Downton Abbey’, The Temptress of Upton
Manor is a 41,000+ word novel which follows the erotic exploits of
the resident aristocracy and their servants.
Maxine of the Wasteland
A heady mix of erotica and post-apocalyptic action, Maxine of the
Wasteland tells the story of a feisty, red headed road warrior, whose
beauty is only surpassed by her skill with a crossbow and razor
sharp tongue.
Set years after a war has devastated the Earth, the survivors either
cling to the shreds of civilisation in wild shantytown settlements or
maraud the wasteland as barbaric bandits. Maxine ekes out an
existence with just a turbocharged Mustang V8 and a crossbow for
company, living day to day with the threat of death following her like
a shadow. Determined to live each day as if it is her last, she finds
herself enjoying the pleasures of the company of the men (and
women) with whom she strikes up uneasy alliances.
This 38,000+ word novel is filled with high-octane excitement and
erotic action in every chapter.
It’s Always The Quiet Ones
Seven sizzling short stories tracing the erotic adventures of an
unnamed protagonist from his early days at University, through his
carefree twenties and into his thirties, where despite settling down
and getting married, his sex life is as wild as ever…

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