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Organizational study of the project

The organizational study is very important for a company, since it provides an

adequate organizational structure that will allow an efficient organization that
will seek better levels of productivity. That is, it establishes the economic
consequences of organizing a project. There are three important aspects on
which the organization must be founded:
1. Establish the different units or departments with which the company will be
2. The functions inherent to those departments to be performed by the people
who will work in those departments
3. A human resources plan: call, selection, incorporation and training
Organizational study of the project
The organizational structure establishes the organizational units that will execute the
project and the relationships that will exist between them. It will allow the organization
of human resources so that:
1. Different activities are identified and classified
2. Group these, in different departments
3. Assign each of these departments a level of authority
4. Coordinate interdepartmental actions in order to achieve the established objectives.
5. Hierarchy of the organization
The interpersonal relationships, both vertical and horizontal, of the company must be
subject to a set of rules that are regulated in internal regulations, which must be approved
by the competent authority.

Organizational study of the project

• An organization is a group of people that through coordinated action seeks to
achieve a common objective. Then it will try from the perspective of the people
who will contribute two aspects:
• 1. The positions they will occupy

• 2. the relationships that will occur between them

• Positions .- They are associated with people, therefore:

• Must fulfill certain tasks or functions
• Must achieve certain results or goals
• He is responsible for accounting for his achievements and failures.
• To accomplish this, you have other people reporting to you and are part of a chain of

Organizational study of the project

Relationships - Define and analyze the relationships that exist between the people who are part of the organization,
to do this the following must be considered:
. The coordination mechanisms between them:
Horizontal between people of similar responsibility
Vertical between managers and dependents
. The degree of centralization and decentralization in decision making:
How many people depend on a leadership
Delegation of functions, autonomy of each one
. Degree of formalization in relationships

Information records

• Human resources will be assigned to each department and with the necessary skills for their adequate
performance. Each department must have precise, achievable and measurable objectives.
• The organization of a company is defined through an organizational chart.

Organization chart
• To structure an organization chart, several aspects relevant to its structure must be considered:
• 1. Production
• 2. Marketing
• 3. Human resources (HR)
• 4. Finances
• * Depending on the size of the company, others are considered such as quality, legal, logistics.
• An organization chart is a graphic representation of the structure of the relationships that exist within the
company. It must clearly represent the organization of the company, in which the hierarchical structure, positions
and functions inherent to them can be clearly seen. and, the official lines of communication.
• Every company will have its organizational chart depending on its nature and dimension, this depends on size,
technology, environment, etc. Every organizational chart must promote departmental interaction and
• There are different types of organizations depending on their structure:
1. Online organization. They are governed by a manager, the one who makes decisions, has responsibility and
command, and assigns functions to his subordinates.
2. Functional organization. Composed of different departmental managers

Online organization

Vertical organization

1 Present financial reports
2 Control of departmental
results under your

REPORT TO Management
IN CHARGE Accounting,
Minimize costs,
maximize profits
Organizational study of the project
• Everything seen allows us a formal organization, but there is an
informal organization that is based on interpersonal relationships
of empathy between people, groups of people resulting from
similarity of functions, work groups, etc. Informal organization
that contributes in most cases to the proper development of the
company's activities.
Types of company organization
circular structure
Types of company organization
Horizontal structure

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