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• ABURTO MUÑOZ, Hilda Ana María: "Ideology of the Mexican student

movement of 1968", UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences,
Bachelor of Political Science and Public Administration, 1969, 93 p.
• ABURTO ORTIZ, Martina: "The municipality of Tacámbaro and educational
policy 1917-1940", UMSNH, School of History, Bachelor's Degree in
History, 1991.
• ACEVEDO, José Luis: "The historical configuration of education in
Zacatecas. The case of secondary television, 1980-1997", UAZ, Faculty of
Humanities, Bachelor of History, 2000, 107 p.
• ACEVEDO, José Luis: "Enlightened education in Zacatecas. The House of
Studies of Jerez. 1832-1837", UAZ, Faculty of Humanities, Master of
Humanities, 2002.
• ADAM FIGUEROA, Josafat: "Faculty development at the Institute
Polytechnic National", University of Alabama (EU), PhD, 1978.
• AGISS ORMAECHEA, Maria Angélica: "Training of preschool teachers:
proposal oriented towards the confrontation of teaching practice with the
history of the preschool level, the history of the school and the personal
history of the teachers", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor
of Pedagogy, 1993, 179 p.
• AGUILAR CASTAÑÓN, David Eduardo: "Catalog of the Historical Archive
of the Manuel Ávila Camacho Normal School: 1899-1908. Notes for the
history of the normal and attached primary schools of Zacatecas", UAZ,
Faculty of Humanities, Bachelor of History, 2003, 777 p.
• AGUILAR Y PÉREZ, Julio: "Educational policy at the service of Mexico.
Ontological analysis of Mexican educational thought", UNAM, National
School of Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of Political Sciences,
1963, 226 p.
• AGUILERA RÍOS, Sara: "Emergence and development of research and
higher teaching in the area of nutrition in Mexico", UNAM, Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 2003, 342 p.
• AGUIRRE FREGOSO, Ángel Armando: "Partial catalog of the archive of the
National School of Fine Arts 1902-1909", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and
Letters, Bachelor of History, 2001, 141 p.
• AGUIRRE SALVADOR, Rodolfo: "The professors of laws and cannons of
the Royal University of Mexico, 1700-1750", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy
and Letters, Master's Degree in History of Mexico, 1995, 258 p.
• AGUIRRE SALVADOR, Rodolfo: "University and society: the graduates of
New Spain in the 18th century", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,
Doctorate in History, 2000, 468 p.
• AGUIRRE Y QUINTANA, Ana María: "Proposal for a Mexican art history
program to be integrated into the curriculum of upper secondary education
in Mexico City", UIA, Department of Art, Bachelor's Degree in Art History,
1991, 198 hrs.
• AGUIRRE Y RIVERA, Susana del Sagrado Corazón: "Retrospective and
scope of the study material in the SUAFYL degree in history", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Degree in History, 1995, 94 p.
• ALARCÓN CRUZ, Arcadio: "Educational reform and the Colegio de
Bachilleres", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of
Pedagogy, 1975, 34 p.


• ALATORRE ROJO, Elba Patricia: "Liberal principles in Jalisco education

from the Porfiriato to constitutionalism", UDG, Bachelor of History, 1986.
• ALCÁNTARA BOJORGE, Dante Alberto: "Bachelors in theology at the
Royal University of Mexico: 16th-18th centuries (1553-1738)", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History 2002, 250 p.
• ALCÁNTARA RIVERA, Israel Amador: "Outline on indigenous education in
Mexico", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of Pedagogy,
1969, 31 p.
• ALCUBIERRE MOYA, Beatriz: "Childhood, reading and recreation: a history
of publications for children in the Mexican 19th century", El Colegio de
México, Center for Historical Studies, Doctorate in History, 2004, 423 h.
• ALVARADO MARTÍNEZ ESCOBAR, Ma. de Lourdes: "Female higher
education in 19th century Mexico: social demand and governmental
challenge", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Doctorate in History
2001, 346 p.
• ALVARADO MARTÍNEZ ESCOBAR, Ma. de Lourdes: "A secular
controversy: the nineteenth-century concept of the university", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Master's Degree in History, 1992, 289 p.
• ALVARADO MARTÍNEZ ESCOBAR, María de Lourdes: "Idea of the story of
Porfirio Parra and his contribution to the positive educational trend in the
National Preparatory School", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,
Bachelor of History, 1981, 269 p.
• ÁLVAREZ CABRERA, Jaime: "The University Reform in Michoacán. The
Student Movement for a New Organic Law (1966-1986)", UMSNH, School
of History, Bachelor of History, 1999.
• ÁLVAREZ DE LA PEZA, Miguel and ZAMORA PATIÑO, Martha Patricia:
"Mexican history text for agricultural technological high school centers",
UIA, Department of History, Bachelor's Degree in History, 1985, 470 p.
• ÁLVAREZ DE ORSI, María Teresa: "Historical background of the Mexican
migrant population to the United States and the Migrant Education
programs in the state of California", UDG, Bachelor of History, 2002.
• ÁLVAREZ GALÁN, Sofía: "Contributions to the history of vocational
education in Mexico: essays and bibliographic index (1868-1985)", UNAM,
Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor's degree, 1987, 217 p.
• ÁLVAREZ GUZMÁN, Tania Madeleine: "The Universidad Michoacana as a
modern university 1956-1966", UMSNH, School of History, Bachelor of
History, 2001.
• ÁLVAREZ MENDIOLA, Germán: "The student movement at UNAM in the
seventies", UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of
Sociology, 1985, 476 p.
• ÁLVAREZ PÉREZ, Eréndira: "Comprehensive proposal for teacher training
for the biological sciences of the UNAM high school", UNAM, Faculty of
Sciences, Master of Sciences, 2001, 154 p.
• ÁLVAREZ SÁNCHEZ, Adriana: "Catalog of bachelors in arts in the field
University of the General Archive of the Nation 17th-18th centuries", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 2000, 488 p.
• ÁLVAREZ TOSTADO ALARCÓN, Laura Elena: "The College and Seminary
of Sinaloa under the dedication of San Ignacio de Loyola", UNAM, Faculty
of Philosophy and Letters, Master's Degree in History, 2004.


• ÁLVAREZ ZAMORA, Netzahualcóyotl: "Characteristics of education among

the Aztecs", University of Guanajuato, School of Philosophy, Letters and
History, Bachelor of History, 1989, 82 p.
• ALVEAR ACEVEDO, Carlos: "Education and the law: legislation on
educational matters in independent Mexico", UNAM, Faculty of Law,
Bachelor of Laws, 1963, 331 p.
• ALVEAR OLEA, Lili: "The teaching of history at the Colegio de Bachilleres,
Campus No. 3 Iztacalco", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,
Bachelor of History, 2000, 100 p.
• AMAYA ROJAS, Carlos Alfonso: "The teaching movement of 1958 seen
through La Prensa de la Ciudad de México", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy
and Letters, Bachelor of History, 1994, 300 p.
Margarita: "Textbook proposal for the subject of International History, for
the fourth semester of high school", UDG, Bachelor of History, 1999.
• ANKERSON, D. C.: "Educational reform in the era of President Obregon
and Calles in Mexico, 1920-1928", University of Cambridge (GB), PhD,
• ANTONIO PÉREZ, Lilia: "The construction of historical-social knowledge in
the discursive interaction of the classroom", ISCEEM, Master's degree,
• ARAGÓN PÉREZ, Ricardo: "Primary education in Sonora. Inquiry into its
state during the years 1900-1910", University of Sonora, Department of
History and Anthropology, Bachelor's Degree, 1995, 213 p.
• ARBELAEZ ÁLVAREZ, María Soledad: "Primary public education in the
state of Tabasco during the Porfiriato (1877-1910)", UNAM, Faculty of
Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of Sociology, 1984, 334 p.
• ARBESU GARCÍA, Maria Isabel: "Higher Education in the post-
revolutionary Cuban educational system", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy
and Letters, Master's Degree in Latin American Studies, 1988, 135 p.
• ARCE GURZA, Francisco: "The establishment of socialist education in
Mexico, 1934", El Colegio de México, Bachelor of International Relations,
• ARCE GURZA, Francisco: "Freedom of teaching as a constitutional
guarantee: historical interpretation of an idea in Mexican legalistic thought",
ITAM, 1987, 231 p.
• ARELLANO BUSTOS, Irma Leticia: "Catalog of the Public Education
Branch of the Historical Archive of Guanajuato 1791-1906", University of
Guanajuato, School of Philosophy, Letters and History, Bachelor's Degree
in History, 1992, 440 p.
• ARENAL FENOCHIO, Jaime: "The legislation of the second Mexican
empire in educational matters", Escuela Libre de Derecho, Bachelor of
Laws, 1978, 137 p.
• ARGOTA QUIROZ, Maria Isabel: "The new paradigms in basic secondary
education: an experience in the subjects of universal history and civic and
ethical training in the first year of secondary school", UNAM, Faculty of
Professional Studies Acatlán, Bachelor of Sociology, 2004.
• ARIAS LÓPEZ, María de Lourdes: "Development and growth of the UDG:
1925-1940", UDG, Bachelor of History, 1991.


• ARIAS Y SIMARRO, Concepción Ma. Rosa Rita: "Teaching History to non-

historian university students: design of a History Center in the ITESO
Integration area", UIA, Master's Degree in History 1995.
• ARIZMENDI RUVALCABA, César: "The emergence of free textbooks
analysis of: My fourth year textbook, history and civics", UNAM, ENEP
Aragón, Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1986, 125 p.
• ARMAS BRIZ, Luz Amelia: "History of education in Querétaro: during the
Porfiriato", UIA, Department of History, Bachelor of History, 1996, 47 p.
• ARMAS BRIZ, Luz Amelia: "Girls and young ladies in the classrooms of
Porfirian Querétaro (1877-1910)", UAQ, Master's Degree in History, 2001.
• ARMENTA MASON, Verónica Michelle: "Western culture and its impact on
Mexican education", UIA, Department of Social and Political Sciences,
Bachelor of Political Science and Public Administration, 1992, 195 h.
• ARNAUT SALGADO, Alberto: "History of a profession: primary education
teachers in Mexico 1887-1993", El Colegio de México, Center for
International Studies, Master's Degree in Political Science, 1993, 330 p.
• ARREOLA GONZÁLEZ, Katia: "Melchor Ocampo School of Higher
Studies", UMSNH, School of History, Bachelor's Degree in History, 1996.
• ARREOLA ROSAS, Orlando Osvaldo: "The teaching of history at ENAH
1937-1985", ENAH, Bachelor of History, 2001, 235 p.
• ARROYAVE GUTIÉRREZ, Lucía Verónica: "The special education provided
by the SEP in the states of the Mexican Republic", UNAM, Faculty of
Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of Sociology, 1986, 111 p.
• ASTORGA ORTIZ, Fidel Fernando: "Idea of university government",
UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 1993, 127 p.
• AVELAR, Netzahualcoyotl: "A critical analysis of the 1848 Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo between the United States of America and the Republic
of Mexico: Educational implications", University of San Francisco (EU),
1993, 271 p.
• ÁVILA ALDAPA, Rosa Mayra: "Teaching the history of culture at the Higher
School of Tourism of the National Polytechnic Institute", UNAM, Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 1987, 124 p.
• ÁVILA GAMBOA, Ma. Esther: "Ad majorem Dei gloriem." The educational
actions of the Jesuits in Zacatecas (1590-1767)", UAZ, Faculty of
Humanities, Master's Degree in Philosophy and History of Ideas, 1999, 222
• ÁVILA GARCÍA, Virginia: "Doctor Mora and the educational reform of l833",
UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 1989, 131 p.
• ÁVILA LÓPEZ, Ana Cristina: "The dispute over textbooks. The school
perspective 1958-1964", Mora Institute, Master's degree, 1998.
• AZAMAR HERNÁNDEZ, Javier: "History of the Faculty of Higher Studies
Cuautitlán in its academic scope 1974-1987", UNAM, Faculty of Higher
Studies Cuautitlán, Pharmaceutical Chemist Biologist, 1990, 122 p.
• BACA PRIETO, Imelda: "The History Department of the UIA, 1957 1995",
UIA, Master in History 1995.
• BACUZZI REBOLLEDO, Marco: "The training of the actor in Mexico:
historical review of the training of the actor in Mexico and the core of
theater studies (NET), 1987-1992 as a current alternative", UIA,
Department of Communication, Bachelor of Communication, 1994, 150


• BALLESTEROS CALZADILLA, Adriana: "Comparative analysis in the
handling of the characters in the history of Mexico during the period from
1917 to 1938, in the free primary education books and the video series
Senda de gloria", UNAM, ENEP Acatlán, Bachelor's degree in Journalism
and Collective Communication, 1996, 288 p.
• BALTASAR CHÁVEZ, Gerardo: "Reform and conflict at the Universidad
Michoacana 1986", UMSNH, School of History, Bachelor of History, 2003.
• BARAJAS GONZÁLEZ, Amparo: "Evaluation in the history of education
subjects in the lic. in pedagogy from ENEP Aragón", UNAM, ENEP Aragón,
Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1985, 78 p.
• BÁRCENA NARVAEZ, Jorge: "Education for development: a perspective of
the Mexican reality", UIA, Department of Human Development, Master of
Human Development, 1979, 239 p.
• BÁRCENAS CASTELLANOS, Martina del Carmen: "Changes and
continuities of elementary education in Jalisco, 1826-1856", UDG, Bachelor
of History, 2002.
• BARRAGÁN REYES, Ma. Guadalupe: "Primary education in Ciudad
Guzmán in the first half of the 19th century: 1821-1860", UDG, Bachelor of
History, 1992.
• BASANEZ, M.: "The politics of education in Mexico", University of Liverpool
(GB), 1981.
• BAUTISTA ZANE, Refugio: "Normal education in Michoacán 1900 1940:
The Girls' Academy and the Morelia Normal School", UNAM, Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor's degree, 1985.
• BAYARDO, Barbara: "Contradictions in the pursuit of professionalism and
unionism: a study of public school teachers in Mexico", Stanford University
(USA), PhD, 1993, 234 p.
• BECERRA LÓPEZ, José Luís: "The organization of studies in New Spain",
UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1963,
379 p.
• BECERRIL GUZMÁN, Elizabeth: "Education and condition of Mexican
women through the press (1805-1842)", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and
Letters, Bachelor of History, 2000, 267 p.
• BENÍTEZ GARCÍA, Rosario: "The teaching of the history of Mexico II,
UNAM plan, at the University of the Valley of Mexico", UNAM, Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 2004
• BOUGEARD, Roselyne, ep. Resmond: "Litteratures du mexique
prehispanique. L'éducation au Mexique précolombien", University of
Toulouse le Mirail - Parias (France), Master's degree, 1972.
• BRAVO DÍAZ, Dulce María Mónica: "Vasconcelos and popular education",
UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of Sociology,
1986, 111 p.
• BRINGAS COLÍN, Martha Idalia: "The school of arts and crafts during the
government of General José Vicente Villada (1889-1904)", UAEMEX,
Faculty of Humanities, Bachelor of History, 1984.
• BRITTON, John A.: "The Mexican Ministry of Education, 1931-1940:
radicalism and institutional development", Tulane University (USA), PhD,
1971, 308 p.
• BUENDÍA ARRIAGA, Gabriel: "Historical development of the Preparatory


School No. 2 Nezahualcóyotl 1972-1985", UAEMEX, Faculty of Humanities,

Bachelor's Degree in History, 1986.
• BURGOS BUENFIL Rosa Nidia: "Politics, hegemony and persuasion:
education and the Mexican Revolutionary discourse during World War II",
University of Essex (GB), PhD, 1990, 554 p.
• BUSTAMANTE ÁVILA, Aretha Heidy: "Analysis of educational content in
the development of audiovisuals for teaching 2nd year universal history.
degree", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of Pedagogy,
2001, 79 p.
• BUSTAMANTE VILDOSOLA, Emma Aida: "Higher education in Baja
California: a retrospective analysis of its evolution from 1975 to 1986", UIA,
Department of Administration and Industrial Relations, Master of Business
Administration, 1988, 100 h.
• BUSTOS VELÁZQUEZ, Eulalia: "The educational policy of socialist
education in Mexico (1934-1945)" UNAM, Faculty of Law, Bachelor of
Laws, 1988, 72 p.
• CABALLERO MONTEMIRA, Humberto: "Educational Policies in Xalapa
during the Porfiriato, 1873 - 1911", Universidad Veracruzana, Faculty of
History, Bachelor's Degree in History, 2002.
• CABRAL FAJARDO, Jesús Javier: "The teaching of the history of culture in
high school No. 5 DEA la UNAM", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and
Letters, Bachelor of History, 2002, 159 p.
• CABRERA QUINTERO, Conrado Gilberto: "The teaching movement in
Mexico, 1979-1982", BUAP, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor's
degree, 1988, 163 p.
• CALATAYUD ARCOS, Alejandro: "Theoretical-methodological proposal for
the integration of concepts of sociological use to sources of information for
university academic planning 1960-1984", UNAM, 1989, 149 p.
• CALVILLO ESTÉVEZ, Liliana and SALDAÑA Gaitan, Nora Angélica:
"Collective communication through the free history textbook 1992-1993",
UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of
Communication Sciences, 1994, 169 p.
• CAMACHO CRISTIAN, Carmen: "A formal systematization strategy for
teaching Art History", UNAM, Bachelor of Psychology, Faculty of
Psychology 1981, 172 p.
María del Refugio: "Analysis of the national literacy program from the
perspective of normative operation case study (dissemination area)", ITAM,
Bachelor of Social Sciences, 1982, 96 p.
• CAMARENA NAVARRO, María Eugenia: "School museums in Jalisco:
1973-1979", UDG, Bachelor of History, 1995.
• CAMBRAY-NÚÑEZ, Rodrigo: "Reform process of the mathematics
curriculum for basic education in Mexico during 1992-2000", Ball State
University (EU), 2003, 182 p.
• CAMPOS CALDERÓN, Margarita: "The school and the community in a
town in Acolhuacán", UIA, Master in Social Anthropology, 1971, 375 p.
• CAMPOS GONZÁLEZ, Ricardo: "Public Education in Mexico as an
instrument of the political elite to exert its influence on the masses", UIA,


Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bachelor of Political Science

and Public Administration, 1995, 126 h.
• CAMPOS MUÑIZ, Victoria: "Lev Semionovich Vygotsky (1896-1934)
historical environment and contributions to educational theory", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 2004.
• CAMPUZANO MILLA, Víctor Carlos: "Education and educationalism in the
State of Mexico during the first Federal Republic", UAEMEX, Faculty of
Humanities, Bachelor of History, 1978.
• CAMPUZANO PÉREZ, Juan Carlos: "Two-dimensional schemes program
as teaching support for the history of design subject", UIA, Department of
Industrial and Graphic Design, Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design, 1995,
260 h.
• CANO BONILLA, Ana Isabel: "On the educational thought of Narciso
Bassols", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor's degree,
1983, 72 p.
• CANO ORTEGA, Ruth Gabriela: "From the National School of Higher
Studies to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, 1910-1929: a process of
feminization", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Doctorate in
History, 1996, 312 p.
• CANO ORTEGA, Ruth Gabriela: "The teaching movement of 1919", UNAM,
Bachelor's degree, 1984.
• CANO VARGAS, Noe: "Public and confessional education in Puebla 1950-
1963", BUAP, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 2004,
• CÁRDENAS PÉREZ, Verónica Margarita: "Has Educational Television
been a support for teaching in Mexico?", UIA, Bachelor of Communications,
1982, 189 p.
• CÁRDENAS RAMÍREZ, Genaro: "Teaching history in the College of
Pedagogy", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of
Pedagogy, 1993, 157 p.
• CARLSON, Harry John: "The impact of the Cárdenas administration on
Mexican education", University of Arizona (USA), Doctorate, 1963, 194 p.
• CARPENTER, Kenneth Dale: "Planning for 'La Universidad Productiva':
economic development and educational reform at Benito Juarez
Autonomous University of Oaxaca, 1988-1994", University of Oregon
(USA), Ph.D., 1994, 204 p.
• CARREÑO ALVARADO, Gloria Celia: "The College of Santa Rosa María
de Valladolid 1743 - 1810", UMSNH, School of History, Bachelor's Degree
in History, 1979.
• CASAS FLORES, María Cristina: "State structure and educational project
during Obregonism 1920-1924", UNAM, ENEP Acatlán, Bachelor of
Sociology, 1987, 199 p.
• CASAS IÑIGUEZ, Mauricio: "The bachelor's degree in the old University of
Mexico, 1553-1630", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of
History, 1998, 100 p.
• CASILLAS ALVARADO, Miguel Ángel: "Alternative projects of the Mexican
university: the emergence of the democratic, critical and popular university
project at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa 1966-1977", UNAM,
Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Bachelor of Sociology, 1986 , 162


• CASTAÑEDA CRISOLIS, Reyes Edgar: "Teaching and practice of

engineering in the State of Mexico 1870-1910", UNAM, Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, Master's Degree in History of Mexico, 2004.
Lidia: "Thesaurus of the degree in History, 1960-1995", UDG, Degree in
History, 1997.
• CASTAÑEDA GARCÍA, Carmen: "Education in Guadalajara during the
colony, 1551-1821", El Colegio de México, Doctorate in History, 1974, 2 v.
• CASTAÑEDA GARCÍA, Carmen: "Higher religious education in New
Spain", UDG, Master's degree, 1969.
• CASTAÑEDA RAMÍREZ MOGUEL, Rosalía Leonor: "History and teaching
of history in the National Preparatory School, an initial approach", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 2002, 117 p.
• CASTAÑEDA SABIDO, Fernando: "The constitution of academic sociology
in Mexico", El Colegio de México, Center for Sociological Studies,
Doctorate in Sociology, 2002, 384 p.
• CASTILLO BERNAL, Consuelo: "Historical review of school sexual
education in Mexico during the periods of 1930-1934 and 1970 1976",
UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1983, 75
• CASTILLO MARCELO, Maribel: "School militarization during the
government of Victoriano Huerta" UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and
Letters, Bachelor of History, 2000, 94 p.
• CASTILLO MORENO, María Esther and CELIS BARRAGÁN, Rosa María
Alejandra: "Effects of the SIP in the teaching of history (CECTEM)", UNAM,
Faculty of Psychology, Bachelor of Psychology, 1980, 92 p.
• CASTILLO OLMEDO, José Napoleón: "Teaching history at the high school
level: theoretical-methodological implications", Universidad Veracruzana,
Faculty of History, Bachelor's Degree in History, 1998.
• CASTILLO SOSA, María del Carmen: "History and institutional prestige, a
case study", ISCEEM, Master's degree, 2003.
• CASTILLO TAPIA, Salvador: "The Mexican rural teaching profession, from
a historical perspective: the case of federal teachers, 1943-1967", ISCEEM,
Master of Education Sciences, 2004, 185 p.
• CASTRO ARENAS, Irma Nieves: "The National Higher Education Program
and its participation in the development of Mexico", UIA, Department of
Social and Political Sciences. Master's degree in sociology 1987, 198
• CAYETANO VELA, Tranquilina: "Teaching history to Nahua boys and girls
in the 6th grade of a bilingual primary school in the mountains of Guerrero:
an ethnographic study", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor
of Pedagogy, 2002, 102 p.
• CEPEDA FLORES, Francisco Javier: "The Promethean in Mexico: origin
and development of the UNAM Faculty of Sciences, 1867-1980", UIA,
Department of History, Master's Degree in History, 1997, 257 h.
• CERRUDO, José Salvador: "Enrique C Rébsamen and the educational
reforms of the Porfiriato", University of California - Berkeley (USA),
Doctorate, 1976, 290 p.
• CERVANTES SÁNCHEZ, Enrique: "Crisis and resurgence of the Academy


of San Carlos: 1822-1846. Documentary catalog and historical

interpretation", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of
History, 1997, 99 p.
• CHAOUL PEREYRA, María Eugenia: "Public instruction and the City
Council of Mexico City: a vision of municipal education in the city (1867-
1896)", Mora Institute, Master's degree, 1998.
• CHÁVEZ PAZ, Eréndira: "The impact of pedagogical currents on the
secondary Tele model and its repercussions on teaching practice",
UMSNH, School of History, Bachelor's Degree in History, 1996.
• CHICO Y PARDO, María Elena: "History of the College of Notaries 1792
1901", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 1986.
• CHINCOYA TEUTLI, Héctor: "Approach to a non-experimental design for
the study of low academic performance in a group of students from the
National Preparatory School based on the fundamental postulates of critical
didactics", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor's Degree in
History, 1997, 184 p.
• CILLERO GARCIA, José and María Luisa SIERRA MONCAYO: "Higher
education in Mexico", ITAM, Bachelor of Economics, 1978, 212 p.
• CIPRÉS GONZÁLEZ, Yazmín del: "Education and formation of the nation-
state: fourteen years of educational policy in Mexico (1920-1934)", UNAM,
ENEP Acatlán, Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1987, 486 p.
• CIVERA CERECEDO, Alicia: "Educational policy of the government of the
State of Mexico, 1920-1940", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,
Bachelor of Pedagogy, 1988, 97 p.
• COBOS GONZÁLEZ, Rubén: "University and government of the UDG",
UDG, Bachelor's degree, 1974.
• COBOS GONZÁLEZ, Rubén: "University and Government. The UDG from
1925 to 1940", UDG, Master's Degree, 1974.
• COLLINOT, Marie-Hélene: "La fondation de l'Université du Mexique",
Faculty of Letters (France), Master's degree, 1966.
• CONTRERAS CALLEJAS, Carmen Gabriela: "The use of maps as a
teaching resource in teaching history in the second grade of secondary
school", UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, 2003, Bachelor of
Geography, 67 p.
• CONTRERAS ESPINOSA, José Carlos Jaime: "Some considerations on
educational matters in the constituent of 1917: study of two positions",
UDG, Bachelor of History, 1995.
• CONTRERAS PÉREZ, Gabriela: "Rodulfo Brito Foucher, 1899-1970:
political biography", UIA, Department of History, Doctorate in History, 2003,
337 p.
• CORCHADO GARCÍA, Mayra Angélica: "Computer teaching material,
multimedia, alternative for teaching history in secondary education", UNAM,
ENAP, Degree in Graphic Communication, 1999, 184 p.
• CORNEJO LÓPEZ, Concepción del Rocío Eréndira: "The use of
newspaper material for the study of Universal History in the College of
Science and Humanities: an example, the Nicaraguan Revolution", UNAM,
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Bachelor of History, 1988, 127 p.
"Proposal for a strategy for teaching pre-Hispanic history in Mexico",
UNAM, ENEP Iztacala, Bachelor of Psychology, 2001, 139 p.


• CORTÉS HERNÁNDEZ, Valeria Soledad: "Education in the debate of the

second half of the 19th century, a historiographical vision", UAM-A, Master
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• DÍAZ MONTES, Norma Angélica: "Educational policy and the position of the
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