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Promoters of the Private Educational Institution “Lord of Mercy”:

---------------------------------and --- -------------------------, Madam Director.
-------------------------------------------- , sponsors of the class, esteemed teachers,
parents, guests of honor, the general public and students of the 6th grade class
present here.

First of all, thank God for allowing us to meet today and be able to celebrate the
promotion of the primary level.

I have the privilege of addressing you, my dear children, to express in words

this feeling of pride and satisfaction, at seeing that the six years of study and
dedication culminate in this moment.

The joint effort of your parents, your teachers and yourselves will be enough
tools to succeed on each step that you continue to climb on your permanent
journey towards your dreams.

It has been very gratifying for me to have them as students, as a group, as

friends, since today more than ever I am convinced that the gratitude and
affection reflected in their eyes makes the work of a teacher more pleasant and
I thank each one of them. You are the one who on this day makes me feel
proud and satisfied with my profession.

They must be very proud of what they have achieved, because today they have
reached the fulfillment of a goal, but not at the end of the road. There is still a
long way to go, many more goals to discover; They must continue fighting and
striving to reach the top and realize their most cherished dreams step by step,
overcoming each of the obstacles that they will have to go through, it will not be
easy, because sometimes there will be falls, some painful, others not so much,
but do not forget to get up. Because with each fall they will learn and gain
experience, which is what makes us grow as people.
This day, colleagues, friends, accomplices, this special day for those of us who
know you and for you, culminates what began six years ago, this day will be
sealed with a hug and tears, so many days of games, of exams, of fights. , of
triumphs and defeats, of laughter and tears, of efforts, of nerves, of scoldings, of
joys and fears. From this day on, when you leave here, you will go out into the
world, but not defenseless, you will come out covered with armor that is your
values and weapons that are your knowledge, which you acquired in this home,
your school, with the help of This great family that all the people who work in
this honorable institution form, which has prepared them to go out onto the
battlefield with their heads held high.

And for this, today, in the name of the IEP “Lord of Mercy, it is important for me
to mention a thank you, mainly to God, who gives us life and makes everything
possible. To their parents, for believing in us, since if it had not been for them, it
would not have been possible for us to give them this education to this day.

To us their teachers, for having been their guides and drivers throughout time,
for the teachings that we have left in their minds and the formation of their

To all the staff who work in this institution, the classrooms where you left your
laughter and cries, your colleagues and especially me, we will miss you and we
hope you never forget us.

For all that has been said, I can tell you, dear students, to put into practice the
beautiful motto of your promotion "Students willing to succeed." Many
successes in the future for you.

May God bless you and illuminate your path today and always

Thank you so much.

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