PNF in Mechanical Engineering

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TSU en Mecánica
Ingeniería Mecánica

PNF in Mechanics

 Instituciones Participantes en la Elaboración

IUTAI Región Los Andes

IUT de Caripito I.U.T. APURE

IUT Barinas
IUT “José Antonio Anzoátegui” IUT Cabimas
IUT Trujillo
Universidad Bolivariana de los Trabajadores
IUT Carupano “Jacinto Vallenilla”
IUT del Oeste “Mariscal Sucre”

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


Mechanical MSc. Metallurgical
Engineer process management
Mechanical MSc. Industrial
Engineer maintenance
CHARLES DELGADO BARINAS 10.171.034 Management
Business Management
Mechanical Specialist.
Engineer MSc. Business
MSc. In education
PUERTO Mechanical
3.701.066 PhD student in Social
PUERTO Mechanical MSc. Industrial
Engineer engineering
Specialist in
SILFREDO RIVERO QUICK 9.868.066 Automation of
industrial processes
Mechanical MSc. Maintenance
Engineer Management
Specialist in Industrial
WILLIAM BABYLON THE VICTORY 12.030.828 TSU Mechanic Design and
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

7.049.031 Eng. Civil
WORKERS Maintenance

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


The PNF of Mechanics is the set of academic activities leading to professional certifications and the
granting of the titles of Higher University Technician or Higher University Technician in Mechanics
and Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Engineer, as well as the degree of Specialist in related
This PNF responds to the resolution issued by the citizen President of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela through the Official Gazette No. 38,930 published on May 14, 2008 regarding the
regulations on national university training programs, which establishes in its article 1 that “…national
university training programs are defined as those studies and academic activities leading to titles,
degrees or certifications of higher education taught and accredited in different areas of the national
territory…”. Furthermore, “… the National Training Programs will have as common characteristics:
humanistic training with links to communities and professional practice developed in educational
environments, characterized by free expression and debate of ideas, respect, diversity and
integration of the participants…” (Art. 3 of the Official Gazette No. 38,930 promulgated on May 14,
Based on this legal framework; The PNF in Mechanics responds to the transformation process that
Venezuelan society is currently experiencing, where mechanical technology must be applied to
improve the quality of life of the country's communities, in terms of job creation, production of goods
and services. , respecting and guaranteeing the preservation of the health of the individual and the
environment for future generations. Promoting and strengthening the socialist production model that
generates goods and services, linked to mechanical technology in accordance with the needs and
potential of the communities, framed and articulated with the Economic and Social Development plan
of the Nation 2007 – 2013.
The satisfaction of such expectations must be assumed and shared by different social factors, with
University Education institutions having a relevant role, since among the functions that the State and
Society have assigned to them are the generation, development and transfer of knowledge and the
training of professionals with a deep sense of ethics, autonomous, critical, reflective citizens,
researchers, committed, involved, with the national transformation with solid knowledge in the area of
Mechanics and in socio-political training, ecological awareness, with a willingness to work,
collaborative, act to design, evaluate, formulate projects to meet local, regional, national and
international needs with the countries in accordance with the nation's plans.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

In recent decades, industrial processes have changed rapidly, where communities have been forced
to organize, generating a change in the nature of both manufacturing processes and public and
private services. These changes have impacted the way of thinking and acting of our society
regarding the development of industry and community services. The concepts used today are more
complex and cover a broader environment. Given this reality, the role of the TSU and Mechanical
Engineer becomes a fundamental piece to satisfy the needs of the communities.
It is important to highlight that the PNF in Mechanics is presented as a flexible program that allows
establishing strong and lasting alliances with the national industry, regional communities and with
other nations, in accordance with what is reflected in the Simón Bolívar National Project 2007 - 2013,
allowing direct the effort towards the true institutionality and articulation of Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) with the national productive sector, with an innovative vision and mission,
strengthening and accelerating the endogenous development of the nation by incorporating TSUs
and Engineers into the productive process in core areas of the economy.

Train integral citizens with ethical, humanistic, ecological principles and values and social sensitivity,
with mastery in science and technology for the coordination, planning, programming, execution,
direction, control and supervision of human, financial and material resources during the professional
management of the assets of productive systems, with efficiency for the benefit of the entire society
and the recomposition of social forces, improving the quality of life of communities, adjusting to the
transformation derived from innovation in learning, within the framework of the country project
contained in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

To be the academic training program of national and international reference, in the Mechanical area,
that contributes to the sustainable endogenous development of the country by consolidating the
various productive and service sectors, through the training of integral human beings, with values and
principles of the socialist society of the 21st century, adjusting to the transformation derived from
innovation in learning, within the framework of the country project in pursuit of supreme social


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

The PNF in Mechanics is part of the Alma Mater Mission as it constitutes a new academic model
committed to the universalization of University Education, inclusion and social transformation, linking
the processes of training, research and technological development with the strategic projects of the
Nation. , aimed at political, technological, economic, social and cultural sovereignty. All this with the
supreme objective of the liberation of human beings and the eradication of all forms of oppression,
exploitation and exclusion.
This PNF is designed under the parameters and criteria that support the actions of teaching,
research, production and the socio-educational linkage of the Polytechnic University :
a. Comprehensiveness, for a holistic training that promotes sustainable human development,
with a harmonious balance in scientific, technological and humanistic training, providing them
with qualities of high human significance, capable of understanding the need to put their
knowledge at the service of society instead. to use it only for your personal benefit.
b. Relevance, due to the institution's commitment to offering a curriculum to respond to the
demands of local, regional and national development and the social demand for new
professional training opportunities.
c. Quality, supported by the permanent evaluation of its components: the adaptation of facilities
and equipment, and the updating of human talent.
d. Effectiveness, commitment to achievement with formal statements of vision, mission, values
and graduate profiles.
e. Versatility, profiles of graduates in line with the skills required in the workplace, with updates in
the application of information and communication technologies, professionals with a proactive
attitude and facilitators of team and community work.
f. Integrative directionality, to promote the coherence of values and the instrumental organicity of
the curriculum.
g. Techno-curricular, establishing quantitative aspects for the administration of the curriculum.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Objectives of the Alma Mater Mission

1.Develop and transform Higher Education based on the strengthening of popular power and the
construction of a socialist society.
2.Guarantee the participation of everyone in the generation, transformation and dissemination of
3.Reclaim the humanistic character of university education as a space for the realization and
construction of human beings in their fullness, in recognition of their culture, their environment, their
relevance to humanity and their capacity for the creation of the new and the transformation of the
4.Strengthen a new academic model committed to inclusion and social transformation.
5.Link the training, research and technological development processes with the Nation's strategic
projects aimed at political, technological, economic, social and cultural sovereignty.
6.Root Higher Education throughout the national territory, in close ties with the communities.
7.Promote the articulation of the Venezuelan Higher Education system, under principles of solidarity
8.Promote Higher Education as a space for Latin American and Caribbean unity and solidarity and
cooperation with the people of the world.
Consequently, a strong commitment has been established with the Alma Mater Mission, to develop a
program that responds to the transformation of Education in this area, strengthening popular power
and the construction of a socialist society.

In this sense, the PNF in Mechanics contributes to generating a new vision of Venezuelan
University Education , through socio-community and productive research projects, institutional
solidarity cooperation, aimed at: developing and transforming Higher Education based on
strengthening the popular power and the construction of a society of equals where the commitment is
to train citizens capable of developing technologies that allow the endogenous development of the
country but with a more human and supportive purpose. Whose intention is to promote the formation
of the new citizen, with creative, transformative autonomy, with revolutionary ideas, as well as an
entrepreneurial attitude to implement solutions in endogenous transformation in the social-community
Consequently, the PNF in Mechanics develops strategies so that he and the participant appropriate
methods and procedures that can be used from the theories, laws and properties studied to apply

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

them in the solution of new scientific, technical, economic and social problems. from critical reflection.
Furthermore, it must foster processes that occur collectively, that promote interaction, discussion,
controversy and the coincidence of meanings; all of this, to achieve the configuration of a new social
being, knowledgeable and committed to his sociocultural environment, co-responsible and leading in
the diagnosis and solution of his community's problems through collective creation.
This implies the development of values, attitudes and virtues typical of full democracy, linked to the
values of emotional relationships marked by cooperation and solidarity, using as the main strategy to
promote them, in addition to dialectics, critical reflection and dialogue, voluntary work, maximum
expression of social awareness.
In summary, taking as a basis the forms of property that constitute the current socio-productive
structure of the country, with the exception of social property, and taking into account the indicative
elements in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in its articles 70, 118 , 184 and
308. It is possible to determine that in this phase of the transition to socialism, the Venezuelan
economic system will be made up of three large areas: the private economy, the popular economy
and the social economy.
In this sense, the PNF in Mechanics will represent a transcendental step in the development of the
area of social economy, as well as in the evolution of the technical-scientific “know-how” of the social
sciences, which results in the transformation of the forms and content of work, research and
administration. Therefore, the program is responsible for such evolutions (in its form and content),
which requires training creative and multidisciplinary professionals to provide solutions to today's
problems based on satisfying the needs of the people.

III.-Link of the PNF in Mechanics with the Economic and Social Development Project of the
Nation 2007 – 2013.

He Simón Bolívar National Project formulates among its objectives the development of the new
endogenous productive model as the economic basis of 21st century socialism and to achieve
sustained development, the increase in food sovereignty and the consolidation of food security, the
consolidation of Venezuela as a world energy power, the development of the basic non-energy
industry, manufacturing and basic services, objectives for which high-level training combined with the
generation and social appropriation of knowledge in the area of mechanics are fundamental.
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Specifically, the Simón Bolívar National Project considers the following:

1. New Socialist Ethics

• Ethically and morally refound the Nation
2. Supreme Social Happiness
· Reduce misery to zero and accelerate the reduction of poverty.
· Transform the social relations of production by building the socialist type based on social property.
· Strengthen basic capabilities for productive work.
· Promote liberating and supportive ethics, culture and education.
· Deepen solidarity with the excluded in Latin America and the Caribbean.
3. Protagonist and Revolutionary Democracy
· Irrevocably achieve revolutionary leading democracy, in which the sovereign majority personifies the
decision-making process
· Build the sociopolitical base of 21st Century Socialism
· Form a new political culture based on the citizen's awareness of solidarity, their rights and
. Build a public sector at the service of the citizen that leads to the transformation of society
· Expand spaces for citizen participation in public management.
4. Socialist Productive Model
The Socialist Productive Model will basically be made up of social production companies, which
constitute the germ and the path towards 21st Century Socialism, although state companies and
private capitalist companies will persist.
. Develop the new endogenous productive model as the economic basis of 21st century socialism
and achieve sustained growth.
· Increase food sovereignty and consolidate food security.
· Promote science and technology at the service of national development and reduce differences in
access to knowledge.
· Develop the basic non-energy industry, manufacturing and basic services.
5. New National Geopolitics
· Deepen socio-territorial cohesion and equity.
· Deconcentrate activities and population.
· Take advantage of regional strengths by creating synergy between them.
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

· Make possible an inclusive city with quality of life.

· Protect spaces to conserve water and biodiversity.
· Raise levels of environmental awareness in the population.
· Preserve the balance of ecosystems rich in biodiversity.
· Achieve a sustainable environmental production and accumulation model.
· Reduce the environmental impact of human intervention.
· Recover degraded soils and bodies of water.
6. Venezuela: World Energy Power
· Convert Venezuela into a regional energy power and strengthen Latin American and Caribbean
energy integration.
· Accelerate oil sowing, deepening the internalization of hydrocarbons to strengthen productive
diversification and social inclusion.
· Ensure that energy production and consumption contribute to the preservation of the environment.
· Promote a radical change towards the thermal generation of additional electrical energy based on
gas and other alternative energy sources.

7. New International Geopolitics

· Diversify political, economic and cultural relations, in accordance with the establishment of
geostrategic areas of interest.
· Deepen fraternal dialogue between peoples, respect for freedoms of thought, religion and self-
determination of peoples.
· Strengthen national sovereignty by reinvigorating and expanding alliances aimed at the formation of
the regional geopolitical bloc and a multipolar world.

This is why the PNF in Mechanics is linked to the Economic and Social Development Plan of
the Nation 2007-2013, by promoting science and technology at the service of national
development, ethically and morally refounding the Republic by training a professional to
service of the citizen and the community, which leads to social and technological
transformation, strengthening the new endogenous productive model as the economic basis
of this 21st century Socialism.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

The PNF in Mechanics is linked to the National Economic and Social Development Plan 2007 – 2013
in the following objectives:
 Ethically and morally refound the Nation.
 Strengthen basic capabilities for productive work.
 Promote liberating and supportive ethics, culture and education.
 Build a public sector at the service of the citizen that leads to the transformation of society.
 Develop the new endogenous productive model as the economic basis of 21st Century Socialism
and achieve sustained growth.
 Increase food sovereignty and consolidate food security.
 Promote science and technology at the service of national development and reduce differences in
access to knowledge.
 Develop the basic non-energy industry, manufacturing and basic services.
 Deconcentrate activities and population.
 Take advantage of regional strengths by creating synergy between them.
 Raise levels of environmental awareness in the population.
 Achieve a sustainable environmental production and accumulation model.
 Turn Venezuela into a regional energy power and strengthen Latin American and Caribbean energy
 Accelerate oil sowing, deepening the internalization of hydrocarbons to strengthen productive
diversification and social inclusion.
 Ensure that energy production and consumption contribute to the preservation of the environment.
 Promote a radical change towards the thermal generation of additional electrical energy based on
gas and other alternative energy sources.
• Diversify political, economic and cultural relations, in accordance with the establishment of
geostrategic areas of interest



The ideological and symbolic meaning, as one of its foundations the thought of Simón Bolívar and the
example of the aboriginal peoples. It makes explicit the Refoundation of the Republic and its
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

multiethnic and multicultural character. It declares Latin American integration as a fundamental

objective. In his article No. 1. “The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is irrevocably free and
independent and bases its moral heritage and its values of freedom, dignity, justice and international
peace on the doctrine of Simón Bolívar, the Liberator. “Independence, freedom, sovereignty,
immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination are inalienable rights of the Nation.”

From this point of view, the PNF in Mechanics establishes strategies to strengthen science and
technology at the service of the economic and social development of the nation, promoting the
mastery and management of acquired technologies, increasing access to knowledge and its
appropriation, for the development of basic industries, manufacturing and services, guaranteeing the
solutions that society demands, achieving our technological sovereignty.

Likewise, our constitution in its Articles 102, 103, 104 and 105, establishes education as a human
right based on equality and equity with the purpose of developing the creative potential of each
human being, based on the ethical valuation of the work and active participation in the processes of
social transformation mainly consubstantiated with the values of national identity.

Article 102: Education is a right and a fundamental social duty, it is democratic, free and obligatory.
The State will assume it as an unavoidable function of maximum interest at all its levels and
modalities, and as an instrument of scientific, humanistic and technological knowledge at the service
of society. Education is a public service and is based on respect for all currents of thought, with the
purpose of developing the creative potential of each human being and the full exercise of their
personality in a democratic society based on the ethical valuation of work and in active, conscious
and supportive participation in the processes of social transformation consubstantiated with the
values of national identity, and with a Latin American and universal vision. The State, with the
participation of families and society, will promote the process of citizen education in accordance with
the principles contained in this Constitution and the law. The use of higher education as an instrument
to bring together scientific knowledge and knowledge of popular wisdom to improve the processes of
conservation and maintenance of physical assets.

Article 103: Every person has the right to a comprehensive education, with quality conditions and
opportunities, with no limitations other than those derived from their abilities, vocation and aspirations.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Education is mandatory at all levels, from kindergarten to diversified secondary level. That taught in
State institutions is free up to university undergraduate. To this end, the state will make a priority
investment, in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations Organization. The State
will create and sustain institutions and services sufficiently equipped to ensure access, permanence
and completion in the educational system. The Law will guarantee equal attention to people with
special needs or disabilities and to those who are deprived of their liberty or lack basic conditions for
their incorporation and permanence in the educational system. Contributions from individuals to
public educational projects and programs at the secondary and university levels will be recognized as
without income tax levies, according to the respective law.

Article 104: Education will be provided by people of recognized morality and proven academic
suitability. The State will encourage their permanent updating and will guarantee stability in the
exercise of their teaching career, whether public or private, in accordance with this Constitution and
the Law, in a work regime and standard of living in accordance with their high mission. Entry,
promotion and permanence in the educational system will be established by Law and will respond to
merit evaluation criteria, without partisan or other non-academic inherence.

Article 105: The law will determine the professions that require a degree and the conditions that must
be met to practice them, including membership.

Within this context, the PNF in Mechanics must promote changes in production models, taking
advantage of the strengths of each region, creating synergy between them, transferring technologies
to other productive sectors to achieve a sustainable production and accumulation model, acquiring
technology and adapting it to the environment, to turn the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela into a
technological power.


The PNF in Mechanics is in congruence with the approaches on general undergraduate,

postgraduate and research policies of the polytechnic universities in science and technology
established in the Alma Mater mission, proposing:

• Train a comprehensive professional with deep-rooted human values and socio-historical awareness.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

• Use mechanical technologies to improve the quality of life in the country's communities, in terms of
job creation, production of goods and services, respecting and preserving the health of the individual
and the environment.
• Promote and strengthen cooperativism, the small and medium-sized industry that produces goods
and services, linked to mechanical technology in accordance with the needs and potential of the
municipalities, framed and articulated with the sustainable development plans of the region and the

• Promote technological development that reduces the dependency that currently affects the nation in
the production of goods and provision of services related to the area of mechanics to satisfy the
needs and expectations of the country.
• Plan technological development in the field of mechanics for the transformation of raw materials,
taking advantage of our potential, towards continuous improvement in the production of goods and
the provision of services, preserving the environment to satisfy our needs and those of others.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


In Venezuela, it is observed that the adoption of mechanical technology in the industrial sector has
been limited and fundamentally oriented towards dependency, which has turned the national
industrial park into a non-competitive sector with few possibilities for expansion.
Furthermore, the inefficient management of technological assets in the industrial sector has produced
a tendency towards the almost exclusive use of corrective maintenance, as opposed to the use of
preventive maintenance, the latter generating greater availability and efficiency in the use of such
The current training programs in the area of Mechanics of traditional institutions have been limited to
training professionals to be employees and not entrepreneurs, the production of goods and services
of these professionals is scarce, the training system is largely theoretical and Consequently, they are
disjointed from the real needs of both the productive sector and the community.
As an example, we can cite the Agricultural sector, which depends in a high percentage on imports,
particularly on machinery, implements, equipment and spare parts, such as tractors, harvesters,
seeders, injection pumps, engines, gearboxes, among others. There are lots of machinery, equipment
and agricultural implements in an advanced state of deterioration where it is evident that there is no
national metalworking industry capable of reproducing or recovering this type of machinery, therefore
there is a need to acquire imported machinery.
On the other hand, the recent implementation of alternative transportation systems such as the
Trolleybus, Metro, Railway and the installation of automobile and tractor assembly plants in the
country will demand professionals in the area of mechanics for their implementation and correct
According to the objectives outlined in the nation's plans, qualified personnel are required to be
incorporated into the strategic lines of social production companies in the sectors: health, naval, food,
steel, telecommunications, petrochemicals, military and oil, among other.
The technological development for the transformation of energy is generating deterioration to the
environment, either from the burning of hydrocarbons or from the emanation of toxic gases,
management of solid waste and polluting liquids, generated by carrying out productive activities.
Consequently, research and development of alternative technologies that preserve the environment
and the health of the collective is necessary.
Consequently, various debates linked to the PNF in Mechanics have been generated:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Selective import substitution

 Development of new sustainable energy alternatives
 New solid waste treatment methods.
 Improvement of maintenance systems
 Development of equipment and instructional materials for education
 Articulation of the mechanics training program with the country's productive sector.
 Entrepreneur training
 Use and management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in university
education in the sector.
 Research and development of design, manufacturing and maintenance in the areas of:
biomechanics, mechatronics, energy, materials, renewable energy, transportation, thermofluids and
agricultural technology.

Venezuelan State Plans

 Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation 2007 – 2013.
 National railway development plan.
 Plan to enhance and increase hydrocarbon production capacity.
 Free natural gas industry development plan.
 Oil planting plan.

Laws and Regulations

 Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
 Organic Labor Law.
 Organic Law on Protection, Working Conditions and Environment (LOPCYMAT).
 Regulations of the IUT and CU of Venezuela.
 MPPES Organic Regulations.


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

The universities and technological institutes that offer programs in the area of mechanical training
established by region are:
Mechanical Engineering:

Institution City/Core

Central University of Venezuela Cagua

Central University of Venezuela Caracas

university of Carabobo Valencia

University of the Andes Merida

University of the Andes Trujillo

Eastern University Anzoategui

University of Zulia Cabimas

University of Zulia Maracaibo

José Antonio Páez University Valencia

Metropolitan University Caracas

National Experimental University of Táchira San Cristobal.

Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University Chorus

Vice Rectorate "Luis

Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic
Caballero Mejías" of

Vice Rectorate "Luis

Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic
Caballero Mejías"
Guarenas Nucleus

Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic Vice Rectorate of

University Barquisimeto

Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic Vice Rectorate of Puerto

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Institution City/Core

University Ordaz

National Polytechnic Experimental University of the

National Armed Forces

National Polytechnic Experimental University of the Anzoátegui Nucleus, San

National Armed Forces Tomé Edo. Anzoategui

National Polytechnic Experimental University of the

Puerto Cabello
National Armed Forces

Simón Bolívar National Experimental University Caracas

Rafael Urdaneta University Maracaibo

Technological University of the Center Guacara

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering:

Institution City/Core

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Barcelona

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Barinas Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Caracas Extension

East Coast Extension of

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute
the Lake

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Maracaibo Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Maracay Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Maturín Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Merida Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Puerto Ordaz Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute San Cristóbal Extension

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Institution City/Core

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Tovar Extension

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Valencia Extension

Fermin Toro University Cabudare

Fermin Toro University Portuguese-Araure

Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University Ojeda city

Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University Ports of Altagracia

Mechanical Engineering Maintenance Mention:

Institution City/Core

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Porlamar Extension

Higher University Technician in Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment:

Institution City/Core

Trujillo State University Institute of Technology Valera

Mariscal Sucre Western University Institute of Technology Caracas

Senior Technician in Mechanical Maintenance:

Institution City/Core

Border University Institute Merida Extension

Caripito University Institute of Technology Caripito

University institute of industrial technology Guacara Expansion

University institute of industrial technology Caracas

University institute of industrial technology Maracaibo Extension

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

University institute of industrial technology San Cristóbal Extension

University institute of industrial technology Valencia

Higher Technician in Mechanics:

Institution City/Core

Alonso Gamero University Institute of Technology Chorus

Puerto Cabello University Institute of Technology Chichiriviche Extension

Puerto Cabello University Institute of Technology Puerto Cabello

Apure State University Institute of Technology San Fernando de Apure

Barinas State University Institute of Technology Barinas

Bolívar State University Institute of Technology Bolivar City

University Institute of Marine Technology San Felix Extension

Dr. Federico Rivero Palacio University Institute of


José Antonio Anzoátegui University Institute of

The Tiger

La Victoria Experimental University Institute of

The victory

Vice Rectorate "Luis

Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic
Caballero Mejías"
Guarenas Nucleus

Vice-Rectorate "Luis
Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic
Caballero Mejías"
Charallave Nucleus

Technological University of the Center Guacara

Higher Technician in Automotive Mechanics:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Institution City/Core

Puerto Cabello University Institute of Technology Puerto Cabello

Higher Technician in Industrial Mechanics:

Institution City/Core

Cabimas University Institute of Technology Cabimas

Higher Technician in Thermal Mechanics:

Institution City/Core

University institute of industrial technology Guacara Expansion

University institute of industrial technology Caracas

University institute of industrial technology Maracaibo Extension

University institute of industrial technology Maracay Extension

University institute of industrial technology Valencia

José Leonardo Chirino University Institute of Technology Fixed Point

Higher Technician in Automotive Technology:

Institution City/Core

University institute of industrial technology Guacara Expansion

University institute of industrial technology Caracas

University institute of industrial technology Maracaibo Extension

University institute of industrial technology Maracay Extension

University institute of industrial technology San Cristóbal Extension

University institute of industrial technology Valencia

Mechanical Manufacturing Technologist:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Institution City/Core

Eastern University Anzoategui

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Higher University Technician in Mechanical Technology:

Institution City/Core

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Guarenas Expansion

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Caracas

Barcelona Aragua
Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Barcelona Extension

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Barinas Extension

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Maracaibo Extension

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Maracay Extension

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Porlamar Extension

Puerto Ordaz
Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Fixed Point Extension

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology San Felipe Extension

Antonio José de Sucre University Institute of Technology Valencia Extension

Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental Polytechnic


Simón Bolívar National Experimental University Coast

Higher Technician in Thermal Mechanical Technology:

Institution City/Core

Puerto Cabello University Institute of Technology Puerto Cabello

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


The PNF in Mechanics grants the certification of Mechanical Draftsman , third-level qualifications
such as Higher University Technician in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineer

National Training Program in Mechanical Engineering


Yo Mechanical Draftsman

II TSU in Mechanics


IV Mechanical engineer


Institutions with aspirations to teach the PNF in Mechanics:

Institution City/Core

Alonso Gamero University Institute of Technology Chorus

Puerto Cabello University Institute of Technology Chichiriviche Extension

Puerto Cabello –
Puerto Cabello University Institute of Technology

Apure State University Institute of Technology San Fernando de Apure

Barinas State University Institute of Technology Barinas

Bolívar State University Institute of Technology Bolivar City

Caripito University Institute of Technology Caripito

Dr. Federico Rivero Palacio University Institute of


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Institution City/Core

José Antonio Anzoátegui University Institute of

The Tiger

La Victoria Experimental University Institute of

The victory

Cabimas University Institute of Technology Cabimas

Bolivarian University of Workers Maracaibo

“Jacinto Vallenilla” University Institute of Technology Carupano

Western University Institute of Technology “Mariscal


Los Andes University Institute of Technology San Cristobal

Trujillo University Institute of Technology Trujillo

Portuguese State University Institute of Technology Acarigua


The PNF in Mechanics is based on the guidelines of the Alma Mater Mission of the Ministry of
Popular Power for Higher Education.
Its connection is fundamentally due to the fact that this program, like the programs created for the
Antonio José de Sucre Plan executed through the Sucre Mission, transcends the academic field,
interacting with the social, cultural, economic, and political environment in which the participants
operate. as managers of the transformation, through a collective and cooperative learning process,
creating spaces for their integral development with a high level of commitment to the processes of
said transformation.
In this sense, it seeks the contribution of all actors in the Higher Education system, to generate a
synergy between them and the community, allowing comprehensive human development as an axis
for the construction of a socialist society, where the dialogue of knowledge is manifested.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

This integration is harmonized with a curricular design that promotes research, training, production
and shared use of different educational resources, through the different study modalities. Likewise, it
promotes a unique, open, flexible, dynamic and innovative curriculum that develops study plans and
methodologies in line with the country's strategic lines of development.
This program also allows the consolidation of the municipalization of education at the regional and
local level, thus responding to the needs of human talent in the area of mechanics in order to
strengthen the productive and social development of the country.

The PNF in Mechanics due to its link with the specific plans of the nation and the policies of all
governmental and non-governmental entities, with the productive and service sector in general, as an
example we have the projects that the petrochemical industry is going to develop in the period 2008 –
2013; the increase in production capacity planned in PEQUIVEN, the investment plans of PDVSA and
basic industries of Guayana, the investments planned in the area of electricity generation, the
national railway plan, and the diversity of development plans in the public sector industry and private;
which would turn Venezuela into a global industrial power that serves as a base to promote its
scientific and technological development, in order to contribute to the transformation of the national
productive model into a socialist model.


The PNF in Mechanics aims to improve our mastery of industrial technologies and above all to
implement the import substitution plan in all sectors of the national economy. Since at the present
time the national government, in compliance with the “Simón Bolívar National Project. First Socialist
Plan", which dictates the guidelines for the economic and social development of the nation 2007-
2013, makes large investments in the modernization of its physical assets in strategic sectors for its
development, such as: health, construction, electricity, transportation, heavy and light industry,
agribusiness, communications, and others of national interest; This provision must be accompanied
by strategic management, which would allow the incorporation of the student in these training areas
and integrate them into the social and economic development needs of the country.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


The project will constitute the central training strategy, becoming an integrating axis that organizes
professional practice, research and the integration of knowledge with the community.
Tobón (2006) defines it as “…an integrated work plan… whose objective is to carry out a set of
actions framed in real life…” that integrate the students, the teacher and the community to execute it.
For this reason, it must be flexible, dynamic and relevant to endogenous, local, regional, and national
development. Consequently, project work transcends the principles of active pedagogy, since it is not
only about doing and solving problems, but also about understanding the context and generating new


Each path of the PNF in mechanics is guided by a Socio-technological project as a form of
organization of learning that links the training units that allow interdisciplinarity and the integration of
Each path of the PNF in Mechanics is guided by a Socio-technological project as a form of organization of
learning that links the training units that allow interdisciplinarity and the integration of knowledge. The
following table presents the different projects to the PNF in Mechanics:

Projects associated with the PNF in Mechanics by route:

Journey Projects
Yo Preparation and interpretation of plans of mechanical elements by
conventional or computer-assisted methods.
II Design, construction, installation and maintenance of mechanical elements
and equipment.
III Design, construction, installation and maintenance application of
mechanical systems.
IV Development and automation of mechanical processes for the production
of goods or services with determined quality standards.


OBJECTIVE : To form an axis of scientific-technical knowledge in the field of Mechanics to research

and develop projects and programs related to the field of their socio-professional practice, inspired by
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

the direct link with the communities and their environment, integrated with the productive sector to
acquire technological autonomy in the design, manufacture and maintenance of mechanical parts and
equipment, in order to replace imported parts and equipment. becoming the support for their
university education for the new citizen.

DEFINITION: In consideration of the country's need to achieve sustainable economic development,

centered on human beings and the satisfaction of their needs and based on the national
government's plan to work on the recovery of the industrial fabric, it is necessary that the university,
the productive sector and the communities jointly address the design, manufacturing and
maintenance of products, equipment and processes to develop models with national technology, for
this it is necessary to update and continuously improve companies, researching and developing
technologies required for the development of the nation.

JUSTIFICATION : The development of these lines is justified based on meeting the following needs:

1.- It represents an effective knowledge tool for technology transfer processes in the area of design,
manufacturing, maintenance and application of reverse engineering in industrial components;
strategic for the effects of technological dominance and import substitution.

2.- Because advances in the theory and practice of this line provide the means to obtain better
designs, improve the quality of inspections in favor of better prevention and maintenance plans,
almost all technological and scientific study centers They must acquire continuous learning in this

PURPOSE: The primary purpose is oriented towards the formation of a multidisciplinary work team
aimed at sowing a culture of scientific method as a tool to address and solve problems of
technological dependency.

 Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems

 Selective import substitution

 Development and application of sustainable energy alternatives

 Development and Application of Technology for the Treatment of Solid Waste

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Improvement of maintenance systems

 Development of equipment and instructional materials for education

 Articulation of the mechanics training program with the country's productive sector

 Use and management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in university education
in the sector.

 Research and development of design, manufacturing and maintenance in the areas of: biomechanics,
mechatronics, energy, materials, renewable energy, transportation, thermofluids and agricultural

 Design and Development of Transportation Systems.

The PNF in Mechanics aims, through the execution of the projects, to link communities through
appropriate and necessary educational practices for the formation of a socialist society, creating the
generation and social appropriation of knowledge through the encounter of knowledge that promotes
cooperative and participatory learning, originating and contributing to social production in order to
contribute to the fulfillment and development of the Simón Bolívar Plan and the guidelines of the
science, technology and innovation plan.
The PNF in Mechanics has been created to respond to the real needs of technology and production
relations, technical-labor relations and community linkage, where knowledge based on the
coordinated execution of research processes, social interaction, action, reflection, participation and
systematization, representing all these aspects in a comprehensive manner as fundamental support.
Where the core part consists of the training of Venezuelans, responding to the national industry
through the creation of knowledge networks, becoming a “knowledge community”, where the central
curricular unit will be the development of the project.
These Projects must be developed by the participants of the PNF in Mechanics jointly under the
guidance of the teacher-tutor, and they will be linked to the research lines of the training program,
thus promoting our potential, actively contributing to the development of new technologies that allow
the integral sustainable development of social justice, equality and sovereignty.


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

The Participant who enters the training program is conceived as free beings, with independent
thoughts, capable of reflecting, making criticisms, addressing, raising problems and exploring
alternatives according to the social context in which they are immersed. It starts from the ability to
unlearn, learn from situations and facts according to experience, planning and managing training
processes based on their own knowledge and previous experiences, is the north of curricular design.
This provides you with security and freedom to make the most of the resources offered to you, to
regulate the pace and quality of your progress.
The student who enters the national program can be grouped into three profiles, namely:
a. High school graduates who have not joined university studies, with or without work experience
in the area.
b. Higher University Technicians.
c. Students of the different mentions of Mechanics of the Institutes and University Colleges.
These characteristics must be considered when establishing the entry criteria for participants in the
PNFen Mecánica.


The Admission, Permanence and Exit System of Polytechnic Universities is conceived as a set of
guidelines, policies, actions and proposals that seek to improve and rethink what university does,
focusing on the articulation with the different educational levels, generating orientation strategies from
basic education, attention to student trajectory and performance, local and regional integration of
university institutions, in order to reinforce territorial development. Its principles are: Being an
inclusive system; oriented to the satisfaction of national needs; systemic action; with recognition of
diversity, flexible training programs that allow participants their continuing education process and their
horizontal and vertical mobility; attending to municipalization, territoriality and universality.

In order to promote the Inclusion, Accessibility, Permanence and successful Completion of the
participants of the PNF in Mechanics, within the framework of the Polytechnic University, it is
necessary to define policies and strategies that respond to the democratic principle of equal
conditions and opportunities for all participants, meeting the requirements for admission provided for
in the National Higher Education Admission System, in accordance with those provided for in the
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics



Design a single and effective admission process to the PNF in Mechanics based on the
principles of inclusion, equity, systemic action, flexibility, diversity, municipalization and
territoriality, which allow the applicant to begin their university studies, based on the
provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Strategies and Actions.

Establish actions aimed at strengthening the entry process, based on the potential and limitations of
the institutions and facilitating the full exercise of the right to the incorporation of people with
disabilities, indigenous people, without gender discrimination, workers, that is, in accordance to
criteria of equity, relevance, social justice and development of multiculturalism as an expression of
human wealth.
o Identify the demand for PNFen Mecánica at the local, regional and national level.
o Carry out a recruitment and pre-registration process, based on the needs of local,
regional and national development, articulating joint actions with the diversified
educational system, in order to provide vocational guidance for the training programs
offered in each institution in correspondence with the regional needs linked to social
equity policy and with strategic value in national development.
o Simplify the entry process based on the provisions of the Law on simplification of
administrative procedures.
o Instrument the vocational, aptitude, attitudinal and personality exploration of applicants
to enter the PNFen Mecánica, in order to guide the strategies linked to their subsequent
academic performance.
o Carry out a General and Specific Induction process for new participants.
o Activate the operation of commissions that allow the assessment and accreditation of
experience and the validation of uncompleted national or international university

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

o Implement an Accreditation System for knowledge through work experience, through

which said knowledge acquired and developed curricularly or extracurricularly is


Specify the profile, conditions and entry requirements.

Strategies and Actions.

- Define the entry profile of the applicant to the PNF in Mechanics. It is suggested, to begin
studies leading to obtaining the title of Mechanical Engineer:

o That the applicant has obtained the TSU degree in the area of Mechanics of any
specialty, in any Venezuelan higher education institution, official or private, recognized
by the MPPES.

o That the applicant has revalidated the TSU degree, if it was obtained in a foreign higher
education institution, official or private, recognized by the MPPES, except in the cases
contemplated in the international agreements that the Venezuelan state has signed with
other countries. in matters of higher education and in which the recognition and
validation of the TSU degree is specified, to carry out undergraduate and/or
postgraduate studies in Venezuela.

o Preferably have one (1) year of professional experience as a TSU.

- Establish minimum documentation necessary to prepare academic records. It is suggested to

o Copy in black background of the bachelor's degree or the TSU degree, in case you
aspire to start studies for TSU or Engineer, respectively.
o Enlarged photocopy of the identity card.
o Filling out the respective registration form.

- Define successive phases of entry that allow demand to be satisfied.

- Establish the general and specific conditions of the academic offer.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

- Build an inter-institutional network of the PNF in Mechanics that favors the academic mobility
of students locally, regionally and nationally and facilitates the administrative process for said

Guarantee the continuation of the participants of the PNF in Mechanics based on
diverse, flexible and equitable standards, procedures, plans and programs that
contribute to the permanent development of knowledge.

- Propose programs for the articulation of content, development of cognitive abilities, skills,
abilities and attitudes that contribute to the success of participants in their transition through
the PNF.
- Implement programs and activities that include the recognition of popular knowledge.
- Implement the Comprehensive Student Care System that includes a Socio-productive
Assistance program aimed at strengthening work-related activities.
- Implement innovative pedagogical strategies that favor the improvement of student
performance with emphasis on the mediation of materials and learning.
- Promote inter-institutional articulations and with the social environment, as the foundation of
comprehensive student care.
- Incorporate undergraduate participants into research projects as part of their training process
(formative research).
- Implement a Qualitative System for the Evaluation of student performance that is conceived as
a deeply human process, as a process and processes, of a comprehensive nature, that
recognizes the different rhythms and developments of each young person and adult as a
unique and changing person in congruence. with the country's philosophical approach
expressed in our constitution, where the development of human and intellectual capacities in
BEING, DOING, KNOWING and LIVING was evaluated; and where the student actively
participates in their own individual and collective evaluation process, exercising in practice,
ethical assessment, conscience, democracy and the full development of personality.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

- Design strategies and methodologies that favor the consolidation of the socialist productive
model provided for in the Simón Bolívar National Development Plan 2007-2013 (Socio-
community Project Axis).
- Promote the discussion and implementation of curricular changes that combine attention to
new social demands and the comprehensive training of participants as people, citizens, and
professionals capable of thinking and acting critically and creatively.
- Establish actions that support the permanent training of participants through the information
and communication technology infrastructure as well as tutorial systems that transcend formal
educational events and promote an open, flexible, permanent educational process.


Ensure the satisfactory completion of the PNF student in Mechanics

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Strategies and Actions

- Implement undergraduate and postgraduate studies leading to a degree (TSU, Engineer, and

- Implement studies that do not lead to a degree in order to insert the student into work and
socio-productive activities, without prejudice to their pursuit and student performance
(Certifications), as well as accreditation programs (improvement, expansion, updating and/or
improvement courses ).

- The PNF contemplates the following outputs:

 1st
year – Certification as a Mechanical Draftsman.
 2nd
year – TSU Degree in Mechanics.
 4th year – Mechanical Engineer Degree.
 5th year – Title of Specialist in Mechanics according to the specialty studied.
- Implement temporary professionalization programs (not leading to a title) that meet the
demand or development plans of the state regarding the training of human talent required to
satisfy specific local, regional or national needs.

- The PNF in Mechanics will develop actions that allow recognition of international titles and/or
diplomas in order to validate their acceptance at the national level, as well as accredit
knowledge through work experience.


The proposed study modalities will be framed under the comprehensive training profile with the aim of
graduating a more humane professional, based on “Project Learning”, under the following modalities:

a) In-person : Requires the permanent “presence” of the actors (participants, teachers,

community) in pre-established environments for the development of pedagogical activities.

b) Semi-face-to-face: Addresses the pedagogical process with strategies based on ICT, tutorial
systems and community work.

c) Remote: Reduces personal interaction between actors, based on virtual pedagogical and
distance didactic strategies.

d) Tutorial: Combination of several of the above.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

These modalities will allow expanding the possibilities of studies adapted to the applicants, since on
the one hand they reduce the use of physical plant, they are viewed as a system of modalities which
must be combined to respond to the system of inclusion and accessibility that guarantee the
democratization of higher education.

A time distribution is proposed that makes it possible to address the differences in characteristics and
particularities of the participants, that is, eliminating illegitimate obstacles and facilitating appropriate
conditions for access by people with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and workers. It is suggested to
organize academic and academic-administrative activities in three shifts (morning, afternoon and
night) from Monday to Friday and incorporate academic activities during the weekends.


According to the provisions of Official Gazette No. 39,032 of October 7, 2008, contemplates:
 The studies leading to TSU will be designed to have a duration between two (2) and
three (3) years, and between ninety (90) and one hundred ten (110) credit units.
 The studies leading to the title of engineer will be designed to last between four (4) and
five (5) years, and between one hundred and eighty (180) and two hundred (220) credit
 The studies leading to the degree of specialist will have a minimum of twenty-four (24)
credit units and will involve the preparation and approval of a Special Degree Work
assisted by a tutor. The Special Degree Work will be the report of an innovation,
research or technological development activity carried out in accordance with the
canons of the professional activity and linked to social demands or the improvement of
services or productive processes, in which instrumental management is demonstrated.
high level of knowledge, attitudes and skills in the area, with ethical, moral, social and
environmental responsibilities.
 The credit unit will be based on the student's work, including study accompanied by the
professor, individual or group study, practices, laboratories, project development and
report preparation. The study plans and programs of the curricular units will estimate a
maximum of 44 hours of student work per week. One credit unit will be equivalent to
between 25 and 30 hours of student work.
 The PNF curricular units in Mechanics include:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Projects, defined as curricular units of integration of knowledge and contrast of

theory and practice, that involve carrying out diagnostic activities, presentation of
services or production of goods, linked to the needs of the regions.
 Critical training seminars, aimed at the in-depth study of problems linked to the
profession, considering the ethical, political, social, cultural, economic and
environmental dimensions involved.
 Courses, workshops and seminars aimed at completing professional and citizen
 Creditable activities, carried out by the participant in community, productive and
professional contexts.
The PNF study plan in Mechanics contemplates the completion of two (2) paths or years, at the end
of which the student, once all the curricular units, axes and workshops provided for in the plan have
been completed and approved, will opt for the Title of TSU in Mechanics and in the third and fourth
course he will opt for the title of Mechanical Engineer (a).

Once the training as a TSU or Engineer has been completed and the elective academic activities
provided for in the respective study plan have been approved during the studies leading to one of
said titles, the TSU or Mechanical Engineer may opt for the Specialist Title according to the Specialty,
one year after obtaining the corresponding degree.


Ensure the continuation of participants who are currently studying an Administration
program at HEIs.

- Analyze the installed capacity of the polytechnic university, to determine the number of
participants to enter, in the different admission phases that are organized for such purposes.

- Establish agreements or agreements with other polytechnic universities to share resources,

facilities and personnel that facilitate the implementation and development of the PNF,
according to local and/or regional demand.

- Implement prosecution strategies according to the following:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

- Participants who have obtained the TSU degree in Mechanics or related areas.


The PNF in Mechanics must guarantee that program participants achieve comprehensive well-being,
incorporating the cooperative action of participants, teachers and other members of the community,
promoting their development and socio-labor-community integration.
In this sense, the intention is to promote the organization and participation in the design, execution
and dissemination of actions, plans and projects for care, protection, and student performance that
contribute to the development of the student as a human being, citizen and professional.


Guarantee the development of studies in a climate that allows the strengthening of

socialist values and a satisfactory completion of said studies.

Strategies and Actions.

- Design and implement comprehensive plans of flexible actions that allow academic and
development support in view of continuous orientation, reorientation, monitoring and action in
favor of professional improvement, humanistic, social, ethical and cultural training of university
education participants.

- Design and implement student support programs in order to contribute to their human,
professional, and social growth and development.

- Develop the permanence regulations contemplating the characteristics of socialist university

institutions, considering the participation of the actors involved (government, state,
municipality, student, professors and community in general).

- Develop an objective, permanent, inclusive and multidimensional evaluation system, where

standards, procedures, methods, instruments and reporting of results are defined that take into
account existing social realities. That it be applied permanently and continuously in order to
establish mechanisms for its permanent updating and rearrangement.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

- Design methodological strategies that promote creativity, responsibility and conservationism

that allow permanent personal growth and development as an entrepreneur.
- Promote the development, publication and dissemination of knowledge assets (texts, guides,
magazines, multimedia and others) for the comprehensive training of the student.


Promote the cooperative, humanistic and professional bond between members of the
university community and their environment.

Strategies and Actions.

- Establish projects and action plans that facilitate the production generated in the community
and its environment.

- Establish the figure of an academic tutor that allows mediation between the student and the
university environment, that is, for each academic year there is a coordinator in each group
who will accompany them throughout the journey, as well as a student spokesperson.

- Promote cultural, sporting, recreational and other meetings that allow the integral growth of the
university community and its environment at the local, regional and national level.
- Promote the integration of participants with the communities and the curricular recognition of
projects and sustained actions directed for this purpose.
- Disseminate significant experiences of participation and social integration.


Invest in the sustained development of services that address the basic needs of
university students (protagonist participation, nutrition, comprehensive health,
recreation, accommodation, among others).

Institutional strategies and actions:

- Promote the creation of University Student Councils that encourage the leading participation of
participants from the polytechnic university.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

- Build and implement dining services for university participants in number and service capacity
according to the demographic density corresponding to each region of the country.

- Offer a diet according to the nutritional needs of the university population adjusted to the
production of the region.

- Ensure permanent basic medical assistance (medical-dental) in all university training centers.
Creating medical services with specialties adjusted to the characteristics of the student
enrollment and the training program.

- Offer psychiatric, psychological, legal and guidance care services to support the vocational,
academic and personal development needs of the participants.

- Allocation of scholarships in its different modalities and immediate financial aid for participants
with their own needs.

- Guarantee transportation for the transfer of the student on urban, trunk and other routes.

- Guarantee student residences for those who require it.

- Disseminate and apply family planning and sexual education programs for participants.

- Create early childhood care centers, daycare centers and preschools in areas accessible to
the corresponding Polytechnic University.

- Establish peer support and faculty advisors to facilitate the incorporation into university life of
participants with disabilities.

- Guarantee technological resources and technical aids that allow participants with disabilities to
act independently and achieve continuous improvement in their student performance.

- Strengthen exchange between national and international student organizations.

- Create computer rooms for the academic training of participants and provide initiatives for the
creation of videoconferences.

- Update the libraries with topics adjusted to the curricular demands of the PNF. (put in materials
section for the program).

- Guarantee didactic texts developed by teachers, communities, among others. (put in materials
section for the program).

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


In the Constituent Document of the Polytechnic University, training is conceived within the humanist -
social - dialectical approach, which recognizes the human condition in permanent interaction with its
environment, recognized as part of the ecosystem, which promotes the values of solidarity,
cooperation, equality , justice and commitment to the liberation of the human being and the
eradication of all forms of oppression, exploitation and exclusion, capable of exercising democratic
sovereignty, solidarity, through collective construction and transformative professional action, of free
expression, where the debate of ideas, respect for diversity, with responsibility and socialist ethics.
For this reason, the PNF in Mechanics must be closely linked to the development plans and projects
of the nation, the region, the state, the municipality, the localities, committed to this development and
generating knowledge, through training. and research linked to the real needs of the new economic,
social, and political reality of Venezuela, with an integrationist and collaborative vision with the Latin
American and Caribbean space.
The curricular approach used in the construction of the PNF in Mechanics is humanist-social and
dialectical, where the rationalities of complex thinking, the dialogue of knowledge, and the curricular
design converge, and must remain focused on comprehensive training, whose pedagogical action
becomes viable. through the development of a contextualized project, which means “in”, “for” and
“with” the context, with a view to strengthening knowledge, producing innovations and thus
contributing to the construction of a new society: supportive, sustainable and more human.
This social and dialectical humanistic approach is focused on integrated and integrative learning,
conceived as a set of knowledge and values required by human beings to be part of a group, with a
view to their leading participation in the development of the country.
• To understand what underlies the conception of a curriculum based on the social and
dialectical humanistic approach, we begin by recognizing the need to assume a different form
of organization of the political economy of the world, in relation to the logic of capitalism.
Capitalism organized its economic life on the law of accumulation and everything that does not
contribute to accumulation does not enter into its calculations. Likewise, the well-being of the
people enters the economic and market calculation, only as profit and the possibility of
accumulation. This logic is what has caused the destruction of nature and the social
destruction of millions of people.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

• In this sense, the conception of the curriculum is one of research processes, which proposes
learning as a process (action – reflection – action) with constructive social interaction, which
promotes the encounter of knowledge between the actors of the community social fact; This
covers all related learning experiences such as: knowing – conceptual content, doing –
Procedural, living together – Attitudinal, to form the Social Being.
• It is necessary that the curricular approach be under a comprehensive humanist profile,
referring to the formation of a being capable of living and coexisting in harmony, overcoming
the practices of capitalism as a result of its own logic, not simply trying to humanize its
practices, in order to thus be participants and protagonists in the collective exercise of the
construction of an inclusive, equitable and fair social structure, supported by a teaching and
learning process, which allows their participation in local, regional, national, Latin American
and regional development. Caribbean.
• In light of the above, what gives meaning to an argument and dialogue is not the defense of
particular interests, but of the universalist interests that we could all assume as the main
element in the recognition of the other as a valid and fundamental interlocutor for the
construction of a pluralistic society with a set of values and principles that can be universalized
because they develop and launch the humanizing force that turns men and women into fair,
supportive and happy citizens.
Within this context, curriculum development is based on the following curricular principles:

This principle is based on the holistic conception of the being as a person with diverse characteristics,
potentialities and needs, varied dynamics, with socio-historical and deontological commitment, in
close relationship with different contexts that contribute to its formation. In this sense, the Curriculum
will promote an education that stimulates their development in a balanced way to achieve a full and
integrated work, personal, social life, coherent, responsible in their actions, that generates responses
to the problems of their environment, for a social welfare.


From its comprehensive conception, it explains the relationship between the Institutional Educational
Project and the curricular practice with society, in order to meet its demands in a specific historical

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

context; Therefore, relevance assumes different names according to the nature of the binding object:
cultural, economic, pedagogical, conceptual epistemological, teleological relevance, among others.


As a continuous process of transformations, aimed at expanding the possibilities and opportunities of

access to the university, without any type of discrimination, which contributes to the formation of a
comprehensive general culture of the population and a sustained increase in equity and social justice.


Principle of permanent renewal that addresses the achievement of comprehensive training, based on
the pillars of education, with efficiency and effectiveness, with criteria of relevance, flexibility,
assertiveness, creativity, resourcefulness and innovation to achieve the mission of the Alma Mater


It involves the formation of groups, both intra- and extra-institutional, of professionals from various
areas, which would allow a greater extension of the knowledge that must be handled when analyzing
different situations. Its inclusion in the curriculum will allow us to appreciate the benefits of common
objectives, as well as the development of convictions... "about the advantages of shared work and the
significance of the contributions of different areas of knowledge." (CNC, 1997) and reach an
understanding of the need to transdisciplinary.
It involves the crossing of disciplinary boundaries, as a requirement for understanding the objects of
knowledge that do not belong to the absolute domain of a discipline. In this sense, it addresses and
overcomes conceptual limits, opening spaces for the unprecedented, the unexpected, the increasing,
the unexplored, the suppressed and in general for the profound experience of novelty. These spaces
are characterized by openness, freedom, dialogue, encounter, and understanding for the construction
of knowledge.
The transversality is expressed in the pedagogical, in the concretion of the values as a conviction, as
a practice of oneself, it is to make the axiological the guide that guides the thinking-acting of
individuals. These values emerge, are expressed, in the exercise of a pedagogical practice that is

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

based on freedom, dialogue, discussion as forms of constitution of an ethic, a deeply humanizing

It is a cultural confirmation of the present in the field of practices, knowledge and, above all, thought.
It allows us to understand the training process as a practice that has to interact with the diverse, the
different, the heterogeneous, the chaos, the rupture, the uncertainty, the crisis. It involves critical and
creative thinking that delves into the cognitive and affective dimension of life processes, allowing
human beings a global and integrative vision of their needs and intelligence.
The education offered, as Barreto (1998) points out, must be evaluated and reoriented towards a
permanent flexibility of the study plans, adjusting its contents and teachings according to the way life
in society, knowledge and training change, seeking the elevation of the cultural level of the
The aim is to open up to different training modalities such as: face-to-face, blended, distance and
non-conventional education. Likewise, incorporate the proposal of shared studies and multi-
institutional studies, which allow the permanence and continuation of the participants in the
educational subsystem.
Sense of Purpose and Significance of Training.
The purpose of the PNF-Mechanics is to have a transcendent meaning, beyond the specialization
and professionalization established by the market. It is not about training for a job. Training is
intended for the comprehensive development of people and social transformation. That is, citizens
linked to the problems, needs and demands of the country, co-responsible for national progress,
sustainable and sustainable development, with the capacity to undertake and build their own spaces
for incorporation into social and productive life, trained for the construction of citizenship, the
consolidation of participatory democracy and national sovereignty.

From which come premises such as thinking about the human condition from its complexity,
proposing training aimed at the exercise of citizenship committed to the great Latin American
homeland and to all of humanity, that is, planet Earth as the homeland of humanity.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics



LEARN TO KNOW: mathematics, physics, graphic expressions, materials, manufacturing processes.

LEARN TO DO: Drawings and interpretation of plans of mechanical elements by conventional and
computer-assisted methods.

LEARNING TO BE: a professional with social relevance, conscious of the collective, respectful and
supportive, with a proactive attitude towards learning, continuous improvement and innovation.

LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER: involved with the nation's economic and social development plans
in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of Venezuelan society, Latin America and the
Caribbean, preserving the environment and the health of the individual.

UNDERTAKE: Activities or projects related to the preparation and interpretation of the graphic
representation of mechanical elements by conventional or computer-assisted methods to satisfy
needs and take advantage of the potential of communities and their environment.


LEARN TO KNOW: mathematics, physics, mechanical design, mechanical maintenance,

manufacturing processes, energy processes and transformation, automatic systems.

LEARNING TO DO : design, construction, installation, maintenance and control of mechanical

elements and equipment.

LEARNING TO BE : a professional with social relevance, conscious of the collective, respectful and
supportive, with a proactive attitude towards learning, continuous improvement and innovation.

LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER: involved with the nation's economic and social development plans
in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of Venezuelan society, Latin America and the
Caribbean, preserving the environment and the health of the individual.
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

UNDERTAKE: Activities or projects related to the design, construction, installation, maintenance and
control of mechanical elements and equipment in order to promote the socioeconomic, technological
and service development of the nation.



LEARN TO KNOW: physics, design of mechanical systems, maintenance techniques, manufacturing

processes and energy transformation.

LEARN TO DO: design, construction, installation and maintenance application of mechanical


LEARNING TO BE: a professional with social relevance, conscious of the group, respectful and
supportive, with a proactive attitude towards learning, continuous improvement and innovation, who
joins a multidisciplinary group to develop and lead projects framed in national plans.

LEARNING TO LIVING: Involved with the economic and social development plans of the nation and
the Productive Social Practice and Scientific Research within the framework of Technological
Development as a Means for the Liberation and Full Development of the Human Being in order to
satisfy the needs and expectations of Venezuelan society, Latin America and the Caribbean,
preserving the environment and the health of the individual.

UNDERTAKE: Activities or projects and research related to the design, construction, installation and
maintenance application of mechanical systems to promote the socioeconomic, technological and
service development of the nation.


LEARN TO KNOW: Product design, quality, manufacturing projects, automation, simulation, energy
transformation and alternative sources and economics

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

LEARNING TO DO : Development of products with quality standards applying computational tools,

implementation and development of technological processes and process automation.

LEARNING TO BE: A professional with social relevance, conscious of the group, respectful and
supportive, with a proactive attitude towards learning, continuous improvement and innovation, who
joins a multidisciplinary group to develop and lead projects framed in national plans.

LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER: Involved with the economic and social development plans of the
nation and with the organization of the socialist enterprise in the transition period in order to develop
the socialist mode of production.

ENTREPRENEUR: Activities or projects and research related to the development of products with
quality standards applying computational tools, implementation and development of technological
processes and automation of processes in order to promote the socioeconomic, technological and
service development of the nation.


He is a professional with social relevance, aware of the group, respectful and supportive, with a
proactive attitude towards learning, continuous improvement and innovation, committed to the
economic and social development plans of the nation, who knows the availability of the resources of
the country, with comprehensive, socio-humanistic, technological and scientific training to identify,
address and solve problems related to the analysis, design, construction, assembly, start-up,
operation and maintenance of productive and service machinery, in order to satisfy the needs and
expectations of Venezuelan society, Latin America and the Caribbean, preserving the environment
and the health of the individual.


The Mechanical Engineer is a professional with social relevance, innovative, with a proactive attitude
towards learning and continuous improvement, committed to the economic and social development
plans of the nation, as well as its links with Latin America, the Caribbean and the rest of the world. . It
Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

rationally takes advantage of the availability of the country's resources, with comprehensive, socio-
humanistic, scientific and technological training, which allows it to use the principles of science to
manage projects in their research, development, coordination, direction and administration phases.
during the analysis, design, construction, assembly, start-up, operation, maintenance, disposal and
disposal of industrial equipment and facilities; where machinery is used to convert, transport and use
energy, also in the transformation of raw materials into manufactured products, assuming a
responsible, ethical, honest attitude, sensitized to environmental conservation, efficient use of human
talent, and material resources. , financial and energy.


Specialization in Metrology and Quality:

The graduate of the Specialization in Metrology and Quality will have sufficiently developed
knowledge, skills, abilities and personality traits to perform in any of the following professional areas:

 Metrological management
 Quality management
 Industrial technological management

Due to the diversity of existing technologies and the dissimilar development achieved in the industrial
and commercial sector, the graduate must be able to program, supervise and execute the tasks
inherent to their role as analyst, laboratory head, production assistant or supervisor. It must also
effectively select measurement methods and instruments, ensure compliance with standards, comply
with inspection and calibration programs, assist in the development of quality manuals and participate
in research and technological development projects for industrial or industrial products. of more
advanced measurement and testing systems, within their professional field of action.

With this profile, the Metrology and Quality Specialist will strengthen the different industrial sectors of
the country, which will thus be able to act better as valid interlocutors with the government sector, in
order to be able to efficiently put into practice the policies on technological and industrial development
that designs the State for the short and medium term.

Due to the aforementioned, it is essential to academically train the Specialist in Metrology and
Quality, whose comprehensive and updated knowledge in technological management, quality,
measurements and precision, allows companies and research and development institutions to
practically achieve but at the same time ethical, the demands imposed today by world markets.

The graduate's profile can then be summarized through the following functions:

 Manager.
 Investigator.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Executor.
 Evaluator.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


The PNF curriculum in Mechanics will be developed through Learning Projects, through conceptual,
procedural and attitudinal content, with transversal axes and under an interdisciplinary and
transdisciplinary vision for the development of human capabilities in knowing, doing, living and being.
Hence, the proposal from Transformative Critical Theory, which allows the training of teachers;
reflective critics with cognitive autonomy, and committed to the transformation processes that today's
Venezuela demands, in the construction and development of curricula, which implies, among other
things, being aware that teaching relations are social relations, not power relations, which Their
practices allow or favor the construction of appreciation and respect for humanity, leading
participation, surpassing instrumental and technological training.
In this way, the organization of teachers in interdisciplinary collective structures is favored, in order to
plan and build relevant pedagogical strategies with learning projects, for the comprehensive training
of the student that enables them to transform their reality, among these strategies are suggest:
 Learning as a process that is built in a social, community and cooperation context that goes
through the diagnosis of the contexts.
 Consider the prior knowledge of the participants through the diagnosis of the entry profile.
 Organize the contents of the different learning areas, based on the significant problems diagnosed
in the contexts for the formulation of the learning project, to contribute to the development of the
profile in each of the students.
 Build the Action Plan that the group considers relevant to resolve the problem.
 Execution of the Action Plan, both in the work and community context, is subject to the support
and mediation of the teacher; implying, in turn, the interaction of all the actors or those involved in
the project.
 Organization of the progress of the Action Plan in order to systematize the experiences.
 Discussion of experiences in order to contrast them with theoretical learning.
 Socialization of the results of the learning project, privileging the local vision as a significant
learning scenario in a space to disseminate new knowledge, through communication strategies.


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

It is a period of integration with the training program and the student's understanding of the
conception, function and responsibility of the Polytechnic University (UP). This journey lasts one
quarter and is made up of a set of strategic activities that allow the student to actively integrate into
the University.
The PNF in Mechanics begins with a period of twelve (12) weeks called the Initial Course. Where
the applicant to enter the PNF in Mechanics receives leveling training, promoted by programs that
allow the articulation of content, development of cognitive abilities, abilities, skills and attitudes that
contribute to the success of the participants in their transit through the PNF. .
Likewise, a path called “Introduction to Engineering” is proposed, where two (2) permanent
workshops and a total of three (3) curricular units are proposed with the purpose of achieving the
integration and continuity of the TSU in the pursuit of obtaining the title of Mechanical Engineer.


The PNF in Mechanics is oriented under the guidelines established by the governing document of the
Alma Mater Mission, which are described below.

Epistemological-Heuristic: It is structured by a set of content and training practices that constitute:

 The way in which knowledge is produced from the perspective of rationality that supports the way
in which statements are presented and their historical character.

 The links between research and the ethical, cultural, educational, epistemological and
methodological changes that represent the social transformation of Venezuela.

 Construction of knowledge, what it is and how knowledge is produced for critical reflection.

Socio-Cultural-Economic-Historical-Ethical-Political : It constitutes a multidimensional curricular

space in which contents and training practices associated with the fields of knowledge, historical,
socio-cultural, ethical and political converge with undoubted value for comprehensive training. .

. Professional: It constitutes a set of contents and training practices that have as basic thematic
cores, those that are defined as foundations for the professional's practice in their performance.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Aesthetic-Leisure : It constitutes the curricular space for the training of the student and the
development of creativity, imagination and sensitivity, promoting attitudes and interests towards art,
sports and other areas of concern.

Environmental : Training to strengthen awareness about the relationship between lifestyle habits,
professional practice and the environment.

The proposed transversal axes are:

 Language as an Expression of Freedom.

 Citizen Training and National Identity.

 Computing.

 Languages.

 Socio-Community Training.

 Preservation of the Environment and Health.

Hence, the proposal from Transformative Critical Theory, which allows the training of professionals;
Reflective critics with cognitive autonomy, and committed to the transformation processes that today's
Venezuela demands, in the construction and development of curricula, which implies, among other
things, being aware that teaching relations are social relations, not power relations, which Their
practices allow or favor the construction of appreciation and respect for humanity, leading
participation, surpassing instrumental and technological training.


The PNF in Mechanics conceives Professional Training as the action that, through the integration of
knowledge, guides the formation of a new being, making it conscious in its way of acting with social,
political, critical and environmental responsibility, whose thought and action is directed at all times to
the search for generating answers to the problems of its environment, for social well-being.

Humanist Training:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Multiculture, Traditions, Values, Art, Sports, Language and Communication, Languages, Politics,
Socialist Ethics, National Identity, Recreation, Ecology, Environment, Citizenship, Innovation and
Creativity, Collective Consciousness, History, Professional Ethics, Human Rights.
Training and Endogenous Development:
Socio-Business Training, Economy, Technological Sovereignty, Sustainable and Sustainable
Development, Plans, Laws, Regulations and Regulations of the Nation, Planning, Research, Transfer,
Innovation and Technological Assimilation, Project Formulation and Evaluation, Action Research,
Community Services, Training and Dissemination of Knowledge, Industrial Standardization, Registry
of Intellectual Property and Patents.
Mechanical design:
Mechanical Drawing, Science, Technology and resistance of Materials, Rational Mechanics, Design
of Machine Elements, Mechanisms.
Manufacture process:
Machining, Forming, Casting, Welding and Assembly of Metallic and Non-Metallic Materials.
Mechanical maintenance:
Management, Function, Administration and Execution of Maintenance, Productivity and Quality .
Processes and Energy Transformation:
Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic, Thermal and Refrigeration Machines, Heat Transfer,
Power Generation, Alternative Energy Sources.
Automatic systems:
Electrotechnics, Automation, Pneumatic and Oleohydraulic Systems.
Basic sciences:
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Graphic Expressions.

The PNF in Mechanics must promote and develop an objective, permanent, inclusive and
multidimensional evaluation system, where the standards, procedures, methods, instruments and
reporting of results that take into account existing social realities are defined. That it be applied
permanently and continuously in order to establish mechanisms for its permanent updating and

Considering evaluation as a continuous, cyclical, dynamic, reflective, systematic, inclusive, action-

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

research- flexible, participatory, comprehensive and integrated process that will allow the assessment
of achievements in the multiple curricular dimensions at different times, in order to guide the decision
making based on the mission of the Polytechnic University .

This will be developed as a cumulative, comprehensive, permanent, cooperative and ethical process,
based on different forms of evaluation, such as: the evaluation of intervening actors (the teacher, the
group, the community, among others) and self-evaluation, with The goal is for participants to become
aware of their own learning process.

The references for the evaluation of the participants in the training process will be previously
determined, but they may also be built from participation, creativity, and the process of conceptual
negotiation that derive from significant processes of university life.

Some basic guiding elements.

 Consider individual differences and potentialities, as well as prior knowledge of each student, to
establish levels of educational progress.
 Emphasize the diagnostic and training functions of the evaluation, assuming summative
evaluation for the certification of evidence of achievements or results to recognize certain
knowledge, referred to in the profile, in the demands of the environment and the requirements of
 Transformational processes must take shape in the use of various strategies according to the
nature of learning.
 Assume the permanent integration of the evaluation process with learning.
 The purpose of the evaluation is strengthened by relying on a validation system referring to the
construct of knowledge, the training process, its consequences (meta - evaluation or evaluation of
the evaluation) and the reliability of the results generated by the curricular proposal.
 The role of teachers entails the responsibility of directly influencing the curriculum in which action
is framed, in providing elements and criteria that promote a culture of self-assessment in their
students and of course, the shared social responsibility that corresponds. who is endorsed by a
certification on the quality of the knowledge with which he has contributed to its consolidation.


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

The PNF in Mechanics is organized under an annual regime administered quarterly, based on the
duration of the academic activities provided for in the study plan and that contribute to the student's
training, intellectual creation or production of knowledge and its connection and insertion. socio-labor
and socio-community.

The academic activities provided for in the PNF curriculum in Mechanics include seven (7) Training
Axes that are developed throughout the entire TSU training and throughout the entire engineering
The PNF in Mechanics consists of a central curricular unit that is socio-integrative projects. These
Socio-Integrative Projects constitute the central axis of training and are developed throughout the
PNF in Mechanics. They have a socio-community nature with the purpose of responding to or solving
specific problems at the local, regional or national level.
The curriculum is completed with training units developed through various learning strategies and
methodologies, including workshops and seminars , sports, artistic and recreational activities,
and language learning (English, sign language, others) that form part of the transverse axes named

The proposed transversal axes are:

 Language as an Expression of Freedom.

 Citizen Training and National Identity.

 Computing.

 Languages.

 Socio-Community Training.

 Preservation of the Environment and Health.

The PNF-Mecanica begins with a period of twelve (12) weeks called Initial Course and continues with
four periods of one (1) year each, called, respectively, Course I, Course II, Course III and Course IV.
The academic activities associated with the Socio-Integrative Project and Socio-cultural-
Economic-Historical-Ethical-Political Training axes are distributed along each route.

Certification and qualifications

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Once Course I is completed, the academic and academic-administrative requirements established for
this purpose have been met and the learning acquired or developed up to that point has been
demonstrated, the student will be eligible for a certification as a Mechanical Draftsman.

Likewise, once courses I and II have been completed, and all the academic and academic-
administrative requirements established for this purpose have been met, the student will obtain the
TSU degree in Mechanics.

For its part, once the title of Higher University Technician has been obtained, courses III and IV have
been completed, and the academic and academic-administrative requirements established for this
purpose have been met, the student will obtain the title of Mechanical Engineer.

The table of the PNF-Mechanics study plan is detailed below. In this table the acronyms HTE, UC
and TOTAL HTE appear, with the following meaning:
HTE: Student Work Hours; It is equivalent to the total hours that the student requires to master
learning. The HTE are made up of the Accompanied Student Work Hours (HTEA) and the
Independent Student Work Hours (HTEI). HTEAs involve carrying out training activities with
the supervision or direct assistance of the teacher. For their part, HTAEI involve carrying out
training activities without the supervision or direct assistance of the teacher; This does not
rule out the possibility of eventual assistance from the teacher or consultation of the
students to clarify doubts regarding information, procedures or similar. It is estimated that
the student requires investing between one (1) and one and a half (1.5) HTAEI for each

UC (Credit Units): Relative value of an academic activity calculated based on the total HTE that the
student invests to master learning. One (1) Credit Unit is assigned for between twenty-five
(20) and thirty (30) HTE.

TOTAL HTE: Sum of the HTE of the different academic activities developed in the study plan in
each path.


Some legal and regulatory instruments related to the teacher's performance must be considered in
order to obtain the PNF teacher profile in Mechanics, such as:

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Organic Law of Education

 Universities Law

 Organic Education Law Project

 Higher Education Bill

 IUT and CU regulations

 IUT and CU Entry and Promotion Regulations

Taking into account the principles observed in these instruments of equity, relevance, quality, social
justice, non-discrimination, tolerance and freedom, a broad and comprehensive conception of
education is evident in them; It is then concluded that the purpose of University Education is:
“Training of a comprehensive, humanistic Professional who connects with the needs, weaknesses
and strengths of his environment, where moral, ethical, cultural and artistic values have greater
participation, stimulating the critical, reflective and creative learning.”
Therefore, Higher Education is inspired by a defined spirit of democracy, social justice and human
solidarity. It is necessary to be open to all currents of universal thought in the search for the truth,
which will be exposed, investigated and disseminated with rigorous objectivity.
Transform society based on knowledge, humanistic based on respect for human beings and
participation in the preservation of the environment.
In this sense, the following is suggested:

Conditions to be a Teacher:

 The teacher for this university must be committed to his work within the institution based on
truth, knowledge and relevance.

 The teacher within his characteristics must be sensitive in dealing with his students, always
oriented towards mutual respect.

 It must have moral and ethical conditions and be participatory.

 The teacher must be a researcher and promote interest in research that leads to the solution of
specific problems in the academic and community environment.

 It is necessary to be innovative, recreational and productive.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 The teacher for this university must show mastery of knowledge in their comprehensive and
psycho-pedagogical training, as well as in new information technologies.

 The teacher must promote creativity and critical-reflective thinking.

 Possess civic moral conditions that make him suitable for such function.

 Attentive to the different technological changes to incorporate them into the classroom.

 Do not be authoritarian; You must share and be friendly with the students.

 A teacher who liberates thought, promotes research, who has mastery of knowledge and who,
in addition, is innovative and productive .


1. Training and permanent evaluation of the teacher.

2. To enter as a university teacher, it will be an essential requirement to complete the Teaching


3. Promote teacher development through graduate studies and research.

4. Promote meetings by study area.

5. Constantly sensitize teaching staff.

6. Create an evaluation board composed of community members and professionals involved in

community development.


For the beginning of the National Training Program in Mechanics, it is necessary to implement certain
strategies in order to obtain the necessary requirements so that participants and teachers can
achieve project-based learning, among them are:

1. Construction of teaching equipment according to the provision of workshops and laboratories

of each Institution

2. Creation of a network of virtual laboratories for the development of practices

3. Financing of research projects for the design and construction of teaching equipment

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

4. Acquisition of equipment whose construction is not possible by the institutions


Mechanics, Industrial Mechanics, Mechanical Technology, Mechanical Manufacturing

The Technologist in Mechanical Manufacturing or the Higher University Technician in Mechanics are
prepared in the basic areas of the industry with sufficient knowledge to handle machinery specific to
this technology. You can carry out business organization and personnel supervision activities,
participate in investigations and execute administrative processes related to the area of

Within the occupational market we can find food, paper, textile, plastic, chemical processes, oil and
petrochemical industries; thermodynamic plants, hydroelectric plants, diesel plants, gas turbines,
wind systems; metalworking, metallurgical, steel and aluminum industries; design, construction,
assembly and commissioning of machines of all types and industrial plants.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

• Computer Aided Manufacturing
• Electromechanical
• Metrology and Quality
• Design and Manufacturing
• Railway Systems
• Industrial maintenance
• Industrial Process Control
• Industrial Logistics


• Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems

• Development and Application of Sustainable Energy Alternatives
• Development and Application of Technology for the Treatment of Solid Waste
• Maintenance
• Productivity and Quality
• Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems
• Development and Application of Sustainable Energy Alternatives
• Development and Application of Technology for the Treatment of Solid Waste
• Maintenance
• Productivity and Quality

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

PROJECT PATH I : Preparation and interpretation of plans of mechanical elements by conventional or computer-
assisted methods.
PROJECT SCOPE: Draw and interpret plans of mechanical elements by conventional and computer-assisted
methods in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of the community and its environment, preserving the
environment and the health of the individual.
TRAINING AREAS: Basic sciences, materials, manufacturing processes and Design
LINES OF RESEARCH: Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems, Development of Didactic
Equipment and Instructional Material for Education.


EPISTEMOLOGICAL HEURISTIC will be developed based on the personal and collective construction of knowledge,
through learning by doing, considering the pillars of education: being, knowing, doing, living together and undertaking.

PROFESSIONAL includes integration activities of knowing, doing and undertaking technological projects, based on the
realities of the communities, strengthening teamwork and social sensitivity.

ETICO POLÍTICO is present in spaces for the construction of knowledge based on ethics and a vocation for service.

CULTURAL HISTORY is encouraged in activities of a technological nature related to regional and national identity.

ECONOMIC PARTNER, knowing the social and economic realities of the communities through socio-technological

PLAY AESTHETIC includes activities such as plays, poems, songs, interactive software, instructional videos, educational
games, among others.

ENVIRONMENTAL through the use of technological resources towards the management of the waste they generate,
recycling and disincorporation thereof, preserving the quality of life of human beings.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Humanization of socio-professional practice and
the learning of all knowledge through the
mathematics, physics, graphic  Technical
expression of what we are and feel in essence with drawing
expressions, materials,
the purpose of improving the quality of life of  Mechanical Drawing I
manufacturing processes,
society in harmony with nature.  Mechanical Drawing
dimensioning of the human
 Get involved with the nation's socioeconomic being and Venezuelan reality II
development plans to respond to the socio- LEARN TO DO Drawings and  Physical
technological and scientific needs, problems and interpretation of plans of
contradictions in the areas; community, regional,  Materials Technology
mechanical elements by I
national and its connection with the rest of the conventional and computer-
world, respecting and preserving the environment.  Applied Mechanics I
assisted methods
 Identification and Integration into  Mechanical Workshop
multidisciplinary groups during the performance LEARN TO BE a professional I: Workshop
of human work as a community-social duty, with social relevance, conscious Techniques
overcoming selfish forms of private appropriation of the collective, respectful and  Mechanical Workshop
of knowledge in its disciplinary modalities. supportive, with a proactive II: Electricity
 Research and development of projects and attitude towards learning,  Mechanical Workshop
programs related to the field of their socio- continuous improvement and III: Machining
professional practice, inspired by the direct link innovation and critical of the  calculation I
with the communities and their environment, 3 Quarters
Venezuelan reality  Calculus II
becoming the support for the comprehensive 1 Journey
LEARN TO LIVING involved  Materials Technology
university education of the new citizen.
with the nation's economic and II
 Participation and promotion of the model of social
production of goods and services intended to social development plans in  Socio-Integrative
satisfy the requirements for the economic and order to satisfy the needs and Project
social development of the nation. expectations of Venezuelan  Universal Dimension
society, Latin America and the of the Human Being I
 Application and development of their creative
Caribbean, preserving the  Universal Dimension
capacity with ethics and responsibility,
environment and the health of of the Human Being II
considering in a critical-reflective manner the
the individual.
laws, regulations, standards and provisions of a  Critical Analysis of
national and international nature, inherent to their UNDERTAKE Activities or the Venezuelan
professional and social practice. projects related to the Reality
 Preparation and interpretation of plans for preparation and interpretation of
mechanical equipment and installations the graphic representation of
 Interpretation of physical facts associated with mechanical elements by
mechanics, for their application in their continuing conventional or computer-
training as a professional. assisted methods to satisfy needs
 Identification and safe handling of mechanical and take advantage of the
work tools, basic measuring instruments, assembly potential of communities and
and disassembly tools, as well as their storage and their environment .
 Application of the concepts of algebra, geometry
and differential calculus to solve mechanical
 Use of computational tools in tasks inherent to the
Training Program.
 Construction of mechanical elements.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

PROJECT PATH II: Design, construction, installation and maintenance of mechanical elements and equipment.
PROJECT SCOPE: Design, construction, installation and maintenance of mechanical elements and equipment in
order to promote the socioeconomic, technological and service development of each region of the nation,
preserving the environment and the health of the individual.
TRAINING AREAS: Basic sciences, Design, maintenance, manufacturing processes, energy transformation,
politics and economics
LINES OF RESEARCH: Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems, Maintenance.



EPISTEMOLOGICAL HEURISTIC will be developed based on the personal and collective construction of knowledge,
through learning by doing, considering the pillars of education: being, knowing, doing, living together and undertaking.

PROFESSIONAL includes integration activities of knowing, doing and undertaking technological projects, based on the
realities of the communities, strengthening teamwork and social sensitivity.

ETICO POLÍTICO is present in spaces for the construction of knowledge based on ethics and a vocation for service.

CULTURAL HISTORY is encouraged in activities of a technological nature related to regional and national identity.

ECONOMIC PARTNER, knowing the social and economic realities of the communities through socio-technological

PLAY AESTHETIC includes activities such as plays, poems, songs, interactive software, instructional videos, educational
games, among others.

ENVIRONMENTAL through the use of technological resources towards the management of the waste they generate,
recycling and disincorporation thereof, preserving the quality of life of human beings.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Humanization of socio-professional
LEARN TO KNOW:  Resistance of
practice and the learning of all knowledge
physics, design of Materials
through the expression of what we are
mechanical elements,
and feel in essence with the aim of  Design of Mechanical
improving the quality of life of society in Elements I
manufacturing processes,
harmony with nature.
energy transformation,
 Get involved with the nation's  Design of Mechanical
political sovereignty and
socioeconomic development plans to Elements II
economic independence
respond to the socio-technological and LEARN TO DO design,
scientific needs, problems and  Applied Mechanics II
construction, installation
contradictions in the areas; community, and maintenance of  Probability, Statistics
regional, national and its connection with mechanical elements and and Quality
the rest of the world, respecting and equipment
preserving the environment. LEARN TO BE a  Maintenance
 Identification and Integration into professional with social
multidisciplinary groups during the  Mechanical Workshop
relevance, conscious of the IV: Computer Aided
performance of human work as a group, respectful and
community-social duty, overcoming Manufacturing
supportive, with a proactive
selfish forms of private appropriation of 3 Quarters
attitude towards learning,  Mechanical Workshop
knowledge in its disciplinary modalities. 1 Journey
continuous improvement V: Forming
 Research and development of projects and innovation.
and programs related to the field of their LEARN TO LIVE  Mechanical Workshop
socio-professional practice, inspired by TOGETHER involved with VI: Welding
the direct link with the communities and the nation's economic and
their environment, becoming the support  Thermodynamics
social development plans,
for the comprehensive university and in particular with  Fluid Mechanics
education of the new citizen. energy policies, in order to
 Participation and promotion of the model satisfy the needs and  Hydraulic machines
of social production of goods and services expectations of Venezuelan
intended to satisfy the requirements for  Project
society, Latin America and Socio-Integrator
the economic and social development of the Caribbean, preserving
the nation. the environment and the  Political Sovereignty
 Application and development of their health of the individual. and Economic
creative capacity with ethics and UNDERTAKE Activities or Independence I
responsibility, considering in a critical- projects related to the
reflective manner the laws, regulations, design, construction,  Political Sovereignty
standards and provisions of a national and installation and and Economic
international nature, inherent to their maintenance of mechanical Independence II
professional and social practice. elements and equipment in  Energy Policies
 Application of Basic Sciences tools to order to promote the
interpret the behavior of real systems socioeconomic,
in the field of mechanics technological and service
 Understanding the operation of development of each region
mechanical elements and equipment. and that contributes to the
 Design and construction of mechanical political and economic
elements sovereignty of the nation.
 Supervision, planning and execution of
conventional and automated mechanical
 Supervision, planning, organization,
execution and control of mechanical Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
maintenance programs for industrial
PNF in Mechanics


PROJECT PATH III: Design, construction, installation and maintenance application of mechanical systems.
PROJECT SCOPE: Design, construction, installation and application of maintenance of mechanical systems that
contribute to the Liberation and Full Development of the Human Being in terms of Science and Technology
TRAINING AREAS: Basic sciences, Design, maintenance, manufacturing processes, energy transformation.
LINES OF RESEARCH: Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems, Thermofluids,
Development and Application of Technology for the Treatment of Solid Waste.


EPISTEMOLOGICAL HEURISTIC will be developed based on the personal and collective construction of knowledge,
through learning by doing, considering the pillars of education: being, knowing, doing, living together and undertaking.

PROFESSIONAL includes integration activities of knowing, doing and undertaking technological projects, based on the
realities of the communities, strengthening teamwork and social sensitivity.

ETICO POLÍTICO is present in spaces for the construction of knowledge based on ethics and a vocation for service.

CULTURAL HISTORY is encouraged in activities of a technological nature related to regional and national identity.

ECONOMIC PARTNER, knowing the social and economic realities of the communities through socio-technological

PLAY AESTHETIC includes activities such as plays, poems, songs, interactive software, instructional videos, educational
games, among others.

ENVIRONMENTAL through the use of technological resources towards the management of the waste they generate,
recycling and disincorporation thereof, preserving the quality of life of human beings.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Humanization of socio-professional LEARN TO KNOW:
physics, design of  Mechanisms
practice and the learning of all knowledge
through the expression of what we are and mechanical systems,  Machine Dynamics
feel in essence with the aim of improving maintenance techniques,
the quality of life of society in harmony manufacturing processes and  Lifting and Transport
with nature. energy transformation. Machines
 Get involved with the nation's LEARN TO DO design,  Calculus III
socioeconomic development plans to construction, installation and
respond to the socio-technological and maintenance application of  Numerical methods
scientific needs, problems and mechanical systems.
 Electrical
contradictions in the areas; community, LEARN TO BE a
regional, national and its connection with professional with social
the rest of the world, respecting and relevance, aware of the  Mechanical
preserving the environment. group, respectful and Workshop VII:
 Identification and Integration into supportive, with a proactive Maintenance and
multidisciplinary groups during the attitude towards learning, Diagnostic
performance of human work as a continuous improvement and Techniques
community-social duty, overcoming innovation, who joins a
multidisciplinary group to  Mechanical 3 Quarters
selfish forms of private appropriation of
develop and lead projects Workshop VIII: 1 Journey
knowledge in its disciplinary modalities.
framed in national plans. Foundry
 Research and development of projects and
programs related to the field of their LEARN TO LIVING  Mechanical
socio-professional practice, inspired by involved with the economic Workshop IX:
the direct link with the communities and and social development Plastics Processing
their environment, becoming the support plans of the nation and the
Productive Social Practice  Applied Chemistry
for the comprehensive university
education of the new citizen. and Scientific Research  Thermal Machines I
 Participation and promotion of the model within the framework of
of social production of goods and services Technological Development  Thermal Machines II
intended to satisfy the requirements for the as a Means for the
 Project
economic and social development of the Liberation and Full
nation. Development of the Human
 Application and development of their Being in order to satisfy the  Science, Technology
creative capacity with ethics and needs and expectations of and Society I
responsibility, considering in a critical- Venezuelan society, Latin
America and the Caribbean,  Science, Technology
reflective manner the laws, regulations, and Society II
standards and provisions of a national and preserving the environment
international nature, inherent to their and the health of the  Dialectical Logic
professional and social practice. individual.
 Design and construction of mechanical UNDERTAKE Activities or
systems, applying relevant laws, projects and research related
standards and regulations, with the use to the design, construction,
of conventional techniques and installation and maintenance
computational tools. application of mechanical
systems to promote the
 Interpretation of the operation of
mechanical systems
technological and service
 Design, development, implementation and
development of the nation.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

direction of conventional and automated
mechanical processes
 Detection of training and research needs to
remain a relevant professional with the
nation's socio-economic development
 Practice socio-professional exercise with
the support of information and
communication technologies (ICTs)


PROJECT PATH IV: Development and automation of mechanical processes for the production of goods or
services with determined quality standards.
PROJECT SCOPE: Development and automation of mechanical processes for the production of goods or
services with determined quality standards in order to promote the socioeconomic, technological and service
development of the nation and consequently the new productive model, preserving the environment and health
of the individual.
TRAINING AREAS: Design, quality, manufacturing projects, control, automation, simulation, energy
transformation and alternative sources and economics
LINES OF RESEARCH: Design and Manufacturing of Mechanical Elements and Systems, Productivity and Quality,
Instrumentation and Control, Development of Information and Communication Technologies, Development and
Application of Sustainable Energy Alternatives, Design and Development of Transportation Systems.



EPISTEMOLOGICAL HEURISTIC will be developed based on the personal and collective construction of knowledge,
through learning by doing, considering the pillars of education: being, knowing, doing, living together and undertaking.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

PROFESSIONAL includes integration activities of knowing, doing and undertaking technological projects, based on the
realities of the communities, strengthening teamwork and social sensitivity.

ETICO POLÍTICO is present in spaces for the construction of knowledge based on ethics and a vocation for service.

CULTURAL HISTORY is encouraged in activities of a technological nature related to regional and national identity.

ECONOMIC PARTNER, knowing the social and economic realities of the communities through socio-technological

PLAY AESTHETIC includes activities such as plays, poems, songs, interactive software, instructional videos, educational
games, among others.

ENVIRONMENTAL through the use of technological resources towards the management of the waste they generate,
recycling and disincorporation thereof, preserving the quality of life of human beings.

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

 Humanization of socio-professional LEARN TO KNOW:  Electives
practice and the learning of all product design, quality,
knowledge through the expression of manufacturing projects,  Design and
what we are and feel in essence with the automation, simulation, development of
aim of improving the quality of life of energy transformation and products
society in harmony with nature. alternative sources and  Productivity and
 Get involved with the nation's economics Quality
socioeconomic development plans to  Control Theory
respond to the socio-technological and LEARNING TO DO :
Development of products  Automation
scientific needs, problems and
contradictions in the areas; community, with quality standards  Simulation
regional, national and its connection with applying computational  Manufacturing Project
the rest of the world, respecting and tools, implementation and
development of  Computer Aided
preserving the environment.
technological processes and Engineering
 Identification and Integration into
multidisciplinary groups during the process automation.  Heat transfer
performance of human work as a  Alternative Energy
community-social duty, overcoming LEARN TO BE a Sources
selfish forms of private appropriation of professional with social 3 Quarters
relevance, aware of the  Socio-Integrative
knowledge in its disciplinary modalities. 1 Journey
group, respectful and Project
 Research and development of projects
and programs related to the field of their supportive, with a proactive  Political Economy I
socio-professional practice, inspired by attitude towards learning,  Political Economy II
the direct link with the communities and continuous improvement
and innovation, who joins a  Political Economy III
their environment, becoming the support
for the comprehensive university multidisciplinary group to
education of the new citizen. develop and lead projects
framed in national plans.
 Participation and promotion of the model
of social production of goods and
services intended to satisfy the
involved with the economic
requirements for the economic and social
and social development
development of the nation.
plans of the nation and with
 Application and development of their
the organization of the
creative capacity with ethics and
socialist enterprise in the
responsibility, considering in a critical-
transition period in order to
reflective manner the laws, regulations,
develop the socialist mode
standards and provisions of a national
of production.
and international nature, inherent to their
professional and social practice.
UNDERTAKE Activities or
 Development of quality products
projects and research related
 Understanding and application of to the development of
mathematical models that govern the products with quality
behavior of real systems in the field of standards applying
mechanics, to satisfy the needs and take computational tools,
advantage of the potential of society. implementation and
 Design, development, implementation development of
and direction of conventional and technological processes and

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

automated mechanical processes automation of processes in
 Practice socio-professional exercise with order to promote the
the support of information and socioeconomic,
communication technologies (ICTs) technological and service
development of the nation.

Number of sections and students

Alonso Gamero
Capital Region
Marshal Sucre


The victory

The Tiger

Pt. Hair




Startup Plan

Number of 1st trimester 3 1 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1

sections 7th Quarter 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Number of 1st trimester 90 30 50 80 200 60 120 80 135 30 50 30 30 80 30
students 7th Quarter 60 30 40 60 120 30 135 30 50 30 30 30 30

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Minimum requirements to start the PNF in Mechanics

Alonso Gamero
Capital Region
Marshal Sucre


The victory

The Tiger


Pt. Hair




HIRING 10 5 3 5 2 10 2 6 6 3 2
Day x x x x x x x x x x x
Shift (1st. Night x x
quarter) Weekend
Day x
Night x x x x x x
(7th. x
quarter) Weekend x x x x x

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Minimum requirements to start the PNF in Mechanics


The Tiger

Pt. Hair






requirements to Equipmen



























start the PNF

Lab. IT d d d d d d d d d d d P.S. P.S. d d d d d d d d d d d d
Lab. Physics d d d . . 3 P.S. d d P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. d d . . d d d d d d d d
Lab. From CAD-CAE-CAM P.S. d d d d d d d d 5 . 3
P.S. 3 . d d 2 . P.S. P.S. d P.S. d d
Lab. Machine Dynamics N.D. . . . 1 d . . P.S. P.S. N.D. . 3 . 1 . P.S. P.S. . . 1 1 . .
Lab. Thermal Treatments 1 . d . . d d d d d d P.S. P.S. 3 . P.S. P.S. . . d d d P.S. 3 .
Lab. Mechanical Testing 1 d d . . P.S. P.S. d d d d 3 P.S. 3 . P.S. P.S. 2 . d P.S. d d 2 .
Lab. Metallurgy 1 d d . . 4 d d d d d P.S. P.S. 3 . P.S. P.S. . . . . d d . .
Lab. Of Vibrations 3 d . . 1 P.S. . . 3 . N.D. . 3 . 3 d . . . . 1 1 . .
Electricity workshop d d d d d d d d d P.S. P.S. d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
Conventional Machining
Workshop d d d d d d d d d d d P.S. P.S. d d d d P.S. P.S. d P.S. d d d d
CNC Machining Workshop 2 d d d d d d d d 5 . N.D. . 3 d d d . . . . d 1 . .
Welding shop d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d P.S. P.S. d d P.S. P.S.
Lab. Metrology d d d d P.S. d d d d d d d dP.S. d d d d d P.S. P.S. d P.S. d d
Forming Workshop 1 . d . . P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. d d d P.S. 3 . d d . . d P.S. d P.S. 3 .
Foundry Workshop 1 . d . . 1 d P.S. P.S. d d d P.S. 3 . d d . . 1 P.S. P.S. . .
Polymer Workshop 1 . . . 1 P.S. . . 4 . N.D. . . . 3 . . . . . 1 . .

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


The Tiger

Pt. Hair






requirements to




























start the PNF

Lab. Non-destructive testing 1 . d . . 1 P.S. d d d d d P.S. 3 P.S. P.S. P.S. . . 2 . P.S. P.S. 2 .
Lab. Of Thermal Machines 1 . d . . P.S. P.S. d d d d 1 d d P.S. 3 d 1 . d d d d d d
Lab. Of Hydraulic Machines d d d . . P.S. P.S. d d d d 1 d d P.S. d d P.S. P.S. d P.S. d d d d
Lab. Automation d d d . . P.S. P.S. d d 3 . P.S. P.S. d P.S. d d 2 . . . d d d

(1) IUT-Company Agreement
(3) IUT-University
(4) IUT-IUT Convention
(5) IUT-Institutions
(D) Gifted
(PS) Partially Gifted
(ND) Not Available

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics


Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University
PNF in Mechanics

Alma Mater Mission …For an Education System towards the Polytechnic University

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