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[1.0] BLKOUT Supplemental [2.

0] FAQ
The BLKOUT Supplemental is a reference tool for players. It How many Models are in a Unit?
includes a list of Universal Special Rules, a Quick Reference, - The number of Grunts and Specialists listed on both sides
frequently asked questions, and any relevant Rules from of the Unit card equal the total number of Models in that
Expansions. Unit.

The Supplemental does not include Unit cards or Unit Do Data Attacks have a maximum range or require Line of
specific Special Rules. It only includes Rules from sight?
Expansions that are not specific to Scenarios or Units from - No.
those Expansions.
Can you roll less than 1D10 in a Skill Check?
The Supplemental is considered the “Go To” Resource for up - No, roll at least one.
to date Special Rules.
Can you Ace Armor Checks?
[1.1] Matched Play - No, you can only Ace Skill Checks.
The goal of the matched play rules are to provide clear
guidelines for players on what to expect when they engage Does a Unit keep its Armory Item?
in BLKOUT games outside of their regular play group. - No. A Model benefits from the Armory or uses the
Weapon only during the Activation in which it marked its
[1.2] Matched Play Rules Combat Load. Imagine the Armory as limited use or one
Matched play games will require players to use the Control time abilities.
Point system.
Does a Smoke Token have a certain height?
Control Points - Players will begin each game with 3 Control - For blocking Line of Sight, no. For counting as in Smoke,
Points. They may never regain these Control Points. yes. Models within 3” of the Token measured vertically are
Players may spend a Control Point to: in Smoke. Imagine it is infinite height for drawing Line of
- Allow a Unit to benefit from a Battle Drill during its Sight through it but not for counting Models as in Smoke.
- Activate a Unit after they finish Activating a Unit. Can a Lean Out Move be Reacted to by Overwatch?
- Add an additional D10 to their Initiative roll. - No, the Model is spending its Movement, not Moving that
- Allow a Handler to make an Action after they finish an distance when Leaning Out.
Action. (Can be done multiple times in one Activation.)
When Jumping do I have to have Line of Sight to the final
[1.3] Matched Play Group Building point?
A matched play Group will consist of: - No, as long as Terrain doesn’t prevent the Model from
1 Handler Unit “moving” from its original point to the new point. IE:
1 Force Card Jumping through a wall of a totally enclosed structure.
3 different Units from the chosen Force
Can I place a Blast Marker outside of Line of Sight?
Example Group: - Only if your opponent agrees. We like to eyeball it and say
1x Siege Handler Unit if it’s a thrown weapon (use your imagination) like a hand
Manticor Borz Group Force Card grenade then you can simply halve the Range of the Weapon
1x Manticor Borz Group Bratva Unit Card to simulate the arc.
1x Manticor Borz Group CYKA Unit Alpha Card
1x Manticor Borz Insertion Team Unit Card Suggested Rules - ask before using in Matched
- All Infantry have Jump(1) to navigate terrain easier.

- Models 3” or more above other Models ignore their Cover.

This prevents weird Line of Sight measurements.
[3.0] QUICK REFERENCE Reactions
Game Setup Models from a Unit that hasn’t Activated yet and Models
1. Choose Game size, assemble Groups, pick scenario, and with a Ready Token may gain an Engaged Token to make a
setup the Table. Reaction.
2. Players set their Control Trackers to 3 and draw 3 - Overwatch: Shoot an Enemy Model after it finishes a
Burncards per Player from the same deck. movement over half its Movement Value or Action in Line of
3. Choose Deployment Edges and start the first Round. Sight.
- Return Fire: One Model may Shoot the Active Shooting
Rounds Structure Model. Both Models roll Shots at the same time with the
Operation: Model that rolls the most Successes applying Damage first.
1. Remove all Ready, Engaged, and Light Smoke Tokens. If Tied, the highest die result wins. Reroll if still tied. If a
Remove Activation Markers from Units. Roll for Smoke Model is Destroyed before resolving its Shots, do not apply
Tokens (6+). them.
2. Roll for Initiative. Winner becomes Active Player. - Juke: Gain Cover when Targeted by Shooting.
3. Players alternate Activating Units beginning with the Tokens and Markers
Active Player. A Player may spend a Control Point to 1. Pinned: Pinned Units must remove their Pinned Marker
Activate a different Unit after Activating a Unit. instead of Moving their Models during the Reposition Step.
5. After all Units have Activated, start a new round.
2. Ready: Spend to gain an Engage Token and React.
1. The Player may spend Control to choose a Battledrill. 3. Engaged: Gained when making a Reaction. Models with
2. Reposition all Models, allowing them to Move. an Engaged Token cannot React or make an Action but may
3. All Models must make 1 Action. Resolving them still Reposition.
- Shoot 4. Smoke and Light Smoke: Models cannot draw Line of
- Ready (Gain Ready Token) Sight through the area within 3” of the Token and Models
- Sprint (Move the Model) within 3” of the Token gain Cover and treat their Targets as
4. The Unit gains an Activation Marker after all Models in Cover.
make their Actions.
Remove Light Smoke Tokens and roll 1D10 for each Smoke
Shooting Token in Step 1 of the Operation Phase, removing them
1. Choose Weapon and Target of Shooting Action. on a result of 6+. Smoke Tokens that are not removed are
2. Determine Cover. replaced with a Light Smoke Token. The controlling Player
3. Make Skill Check, +1D10 if Target is not in Cover or places it within 1” of the original Token before removing the
-1D10 if they are. Smoke Token.
4. Each Success applies the Weapon’s Damage. Aces
(rolling a ten) count as 2 Successes. 5. Lean Out Marker: Models using Lean Out Markers may
5. Target makes Armor Check. draw Line of Sight and Measure from it. Enemy Models
SKILL CHECKS - Roll 2D10 but never less than 1. Hard Skill may Target the Marker if they cannot see the Target Model
Checks only ever roll 1D10. itself. If doing so, the Targeted Model gains Cover.
The Marker is removed when the Model Moves or an Enemy
Shooting with Explosives enters into Base-to-Base with it.
1. Place 25mm Blast Marker in Shooting Models Line of
Sight. 6. Blast Marker: A 25mm Marker used to resolve a Blast
2. Shooting Model makes Shooting Skill Check. for Explosive Weapons.
3. Enemy Models within X” of the Blast Marker must roll
an Armor D10 per Success scored in the Skill Check. Each
D10 that rolls under Models Armor Marks one Damage on
[4.0] Expansion Rules [5.0] Universal Special Rules
The following include the rules for BLKOUT that were added AP (X): Add X to the Target of this Weapon’s Armor Check
in Expansions to the game. This is intended to create a number. (AP(2) makes 3+ become 5+)
single document for all additional Rules.
Players are still encouraged to view and download the CQB: This Weapon may reroll all Failed Shots against a
Expansions as they will include specific Scenarios, Units, Target within half of its range.
history, and more.
Cyclic: This Model may make one Shoot or Ready Action
[4.1] Handlers after Shooting with the Cyclic Weapon.
Handlers are individual Models that may be added to
Player’s Group and are represented by a Handler Unit Card. Deployed: This Weapon may not be used in an Activation in
Players should agree on the number of Handlers they which the Model moved.
will each bring to a Game.
EMP: This Weapon can only apply Damage to Units with the
[4.1.1] Handler Special Rules AI Special Rule and cannot be stopped by Armor Checks.
A Player may spend a Control Point to allow a Handler to
make an extra Action after it has completed an Action. This Heavy: +1 Shot if this Model did not Move
may be done as many times as a Player has Control Points
to spend. Medium: This Weapon may reroll one Failed Shot when
used in a Shoot Action.
[4.2.0] Hostiles
Hostiles are Models that are not controlled by either Player. Seeking: This Weapon does not suffer -1 Shot from Target
being in Cover.
[4.2.1] Activating Hostiles
After both Players have Activated all of their Units, every Shield: This Model and one Model in base-to-base with it
Hostile Model without an Engaged Token will Move towards gain Cover.
the nearest Player Model. If they have Line of Sight to a (Players can decide which Model benefits from the Shield at
Player Model they will not Move. any time.)
After all Hostile Models have Moved, they will make a Shoot
Action Targeting the closest Player Model in Line of Sight. Sustained (X): Target must reroll up to (X) successful
Armor D10 when Hit by this Weapon.
[4.2.2] Reacting with Hostiles
Hostiles without an Engaged Token will always React. They
will make the Overwatch Reaction against Player Models
and make the Return Fire Reaction if they are the only
Model capable of doing so.

[4.3] Unknowns
Unknowns are Hostiles that could be either a Hostile or a
Civilian. When a Player-controlled Model gains Line of Sight
to one of them, roll a D10. If the roll is equal to or higher
than 6, the Unknown is identified as a Civilian and is
removed from the game. If the roll is lower, the
Unknown is replaced with a Hostile.
Unknowns revealed to be a Hostile may not be targeted by
Overwatch when Moving.

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