Egypt 2

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Review of the history of Egypt

Origins. Society.
Egypt was born on the banks of the Nile River. In the hundreds of
Egyptians do not trust everything outside their world and Gve always maintain
years after becoming a great civilization, they settled and formed
balance and order. The city is I ।
a minority population, which was achieved by using the resources P F: 1
provided by the river. It developed around temples that played a very important social role.
Although the house is small, the sanitary facilities are good. There are also
luxury houses belonging to the elite and wealthy class. The power of the
temple gradually surpassed the power of some pharaohs, accumulating
farmland, livestock and political influence. Egypt has to import metal, wood,
stone, etc., but it produces wheat, barley, flax, papyrus... Agriculture is the
basis of the Egyptian economy and is . is favored by the periodic flooding of
the Nile;; \
Culture . /\ 5. I A Egyptian
We can study and analyze the social religion.
structure of Egypt, very organized but Egyptians believe in polytheism, that is,
discriminatory at the same time, its they worship several gods, and they
technology, art and culture gave rise to believe that these gods have different
several basic sciences of our time. The natural phenomena (such as wind,
religion is based on sacred worship (the thunder, fertility, etc.). The most
cult of the pharaoh provides various important god is the sun god "Amun
rituals), funerary beliefs (life after death) Ra", followed by the god of death
and tombs (only for royal and noble "Osiris". The ancient Egyptians believed
families). that the soul; called "ka", was immortal
and could not exist without a body:g5

Egyptian architecture.
The main symbol of Egyptian drinks and valuables.
architecture is the pyramids. They
are made up of majestic stone
buildings and act as tombs, allowing
the soul to be reborn. They have a
complex system of corridors and
rooms, and eventually place

Bibliographic references:
Lety, R. (2011, February 7). History of Egypt. Backpacking around the world. Uriarte, J. M.
(2020, January 14). Egyptian civilization.

mummified corpses and many useful

items for the souls of others, food,
It is very interesting to know and
learn a little about Egyptian culture,
especially its great architecture and,
like ancient civilizations like this
one, it has had good and bad
moments. Let's learn about the great
Egypt, its history, its culture and the
important legacy that has left this

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