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2018 – 1

How can we regain the trust of our clients in the San Miguel district?


2.1 General approach

Know how the opinion of customers and potential customers has changed
after the incident that occurred in 2013 and what actions would once again
promote trust and consumption at the KFC San Miguel location.

2.2 Goals

- Identify unsatisfied consumer needs regarding the competition

(procedural improvement).

- Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped buying our

- Know the suggestions that customers can give us about the product in
general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

- To know the opinion of former potential customers, and non-customers

of KFC, regarding what would motivate them to become regular
customers of KFC.

- Identify strategies that competitors use to decrease KFC customer

preferences in the market.

3.1 Background

KFC is the oldest brand in Delosi's portfolio: the company brought it to the
Peruvian market in 1981. With more than 30 years in the market, it is also the
best perceived fast food brand in Lima by people between 21 and 35 years
old of all levels, according to Ipsos Perú.

In 2012, the Municipality of San Miguel fined one of the KFC stores with ½
UIT for verifying that the oil was reused, for which in 2013, the Peruvian
Association of Consumers and Users (Apec) reported to the INDECOPÍ to the
fast food company KFC for violation of the rights to health, suitability, safety,
safety and information that assist consumers. According to Aspec, the health
damage caused by ingesting this type of oil is multiple, such as:
hypertension, increase in fatty acids in the plasma, hepatic steatosis (liver
damage), insulin resistance (hormone secreted by the pancreas that
regulates the amount of glucose in the blood) and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Currently, fast food is consumed by a diverse audience, people of all ages,

which represents a fairly broad market, so competition is constant and quite
innovative ideas are required to gain customer loyalty. Therefore, it is
necessary to determine the actions to be carried out by the KFC fast food
chain, in order to regain customer trust in the district of San Miguel.


We know that the main competitors such as Popeyes, McDonalds, have

taken advantage of this fact to attract these consumers and build their loyalty,
through exclusive launches and different promotions. Even the added value
that Popeyes gave to its product, which is chili, caused the increase in its

3.2 Research Purpose

Due to the inconveniences that arose due to the journalistic coverage of
various media and a large number of outraged consumers, KFC received a
negative impact on its entire network of establishments. For this reason, it is
important to identify the factors that make it difficult to maintain the leadership
of the KFC fast food chain in the district of San Miguel, for the development of
strategies that allow us to regain consumer trust.

3.3 Target population of the study

 Men and women who are in the range of 18

to 40 years old, belonging to socioeconomic
level B and C.

 According to lifestyle: People with little time

to prepare their food, consequently see fast
food as their first option, in addition to
spending a good time with family and
 According to occupation or main activity:
Students of higher institutes and
universities, employees (executive

● Pleasant atmosphere, comfort, service and


 For the development of market research,

the following variables must be considered:
Sex, age, occupation, SES, frequency of
consumption, preferred brand, consumption
need, among others.
 The market research will be carried out in
the San Miguel district.

3.4 Methodological aspects

 Men and women who are between 18 and 40

years old in socioeconomic levels B and C, who
GROUP PROFILE consume fast food at least once a month.

TYPE OF STUDY  Qualitative and Quantitative

 Survey

INSTRUMENT  Data collection through questionnaire

GEOGRAPHICAL  This research will be carried out in the city of

SCOPE Lima, in the district of San Miguel.

3.5 Deliverable results

The results will be presented in a qualitative (schemes) and quantitative
(statistics) report, detailing the main findings for each requested variable.
Likewise, the document must be delivered in printed, digital form and
presented in person using digital tools.
3.6 Restrictions
There is no legal limitation on the part of the company to carry out the
proposed study.

The time available for the development of this research will be one month,
considering the following presentation dates:

- Estimated start date of the investigation: March 19, 2018

- Estimated date for presentation of results: April 19, 2018

The base budget assigned to carry out the research work is S/.10,000.00


The fast food chain KFC presented negative events in 2013 at its location located
in the San Miguel district. Thus, it currently seeks to identify the factors that are
making it difficult to maintain its leadership in the market, in order to develop
strategies that favor regaining the trust of its clients. To do this, a qualitative study
will be carried out, which will allow us to know and analyze the emotions,
motivations, behavior and fears of the target audience. The objectives set for
qualitative research are the following:

- Identify unsatisfied consumer needs regarding the competition (procedural


- Know the suggestions that customers can give us about the product in
general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

- Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped buying our product.


5.1 Methodology
The research methodology to be used is the exploratory method under the
Focus Group technique. This group dynamic seeks to know the opinion of the
interviewees, it is more economical than in-depth interviews and it implies
being able to carry it out in less time. Furthermore, the fluid intervention of the
participants will enrich the information collected, since it will generate trust in
the group and motivate the contribution of opinions.

5.2 Target population

The target audience will be made up of men and women (customers – non-
customers), consumers of products in the fast food sector, who are students
(high schools and universities) and/or employees (executive professionals),
whose ages are in the range from 18 to 40 years old, belonging to
socioeconomic level B and C, residing in the district of San Miguel and who
have consumed a similar product at least once a month, in the last three

5.3 Qualitative Sampling Plan

To collect the information necessary for the study in question, we will use
non-probabilistic sampling by “Quotas”, because it is a technical instrument
that will allow us to establish differences in the population under study.
People who have a preference for fast food will be considered and those who
have a family or friend relationship will be avoided. The segmentation will
contain the most relevant variables: gender, age and socioeconomic level.

5.4 Sample size

For the development of our research, 08 Focus Groups will be carried out,
each group will be made up of 8 people between men and women (clients –
non-clients) in the range of 18 to 40 years (young – adult) who belong to
socioeconomic level B or C .

It should be noted that the Focus Group methodology was chosen because it
will allow the interviewees to delve deeper into the topic, it implies a lower
cost and shorter execution time for the company.
We have considered segmenting our target audience as follows:

- Focus 1 = Clients, Youth of NSE B

- Focus 2 = Clients, Youth of NSE C
- Focus 3 = Clients, Adults, of SES B
- Focus 4 = Clients, Adults of SES C
- Focus 5 = Non-customers, young people, SES B
- Focus 6 = Non-clients, young people of SES C
- Focus 7 = Non-clients, Adults, SES B
- Focus 8 = Non-clients, Adults of SES C

With this segmentation we would be considering the study variables: gender,

age and SES. For the purposes of our research work, the sample will be
taken in the district of San Miguel and the maximum duration of each focus
group will be 02 hours, the evidence of which will be recorded in videos
and/or audio.


6.1 Filter Questionnaire

Personal information:
Names and surnames:
General Filter

1. Do you or any of your family or close friends have a relationship with market
research companies?
2. Do you or any of your family members or close friends have a relationship with the
3. Do you or any of your family or close friends have a relationship with advertising
4. Do you or any of your family or close friends have a relationship with a fast food

If all the answers were NO, continue with the questionnaire.
If any answer was YES, finish the survey.
5. Have you participated in a Focus Group or Depth Interview before?

If the answer is NO, skip to the Specific Filter section.
If the answer is YES, continue with the questionnaire.
6. Was the Focus Group or In-Depth Interview in which you participated less than 6
months ago?

If the answer is NO, continue with the questionnaire.
If the answer is YES, finish the survey.
7. Was the Focus Group or In-Depth Interview you participated in about fast food

If the answer is NO, continue with the questionnaire.
If the answer is YES, finish the survey.
Specific Filter

8. Are you in the age range between 18 and 40 years old ?

If the answer is YES, continue with the questionnaire.
If the answer is NO, end the survey.
9. Have you ever had crispy chicken pieces?

If the answer is YES, continue with the questionnaire.
If the answer is NO, end the survey.
10. Do you consume crispy chicken pieces regularly? That is, at least once a month
for the last 3 months
If the answer is YES, continue with the SES questionnaire.
If the answer is NO, end the survey.

11. Have you been a KFC consumer before?

With the answer to this question, the respondent will be classified as KFC Customers
or Non-KFC Customers.

6.2 SES Questionnaire

1. Information about the Head of the Family (responsible or person in charge of making
decisions and/or contributing financially at home)

Current occupation: ____________________________________________________

2. Relationship with the Head of Family:

. Father mother ( ) . Spouse ( ) .Brother ( ) . Child ( ) . She
herself ( ) .Others__________


Until incomplete secondary school 1 Health Center / Medical Post / Pharmacy / Naturist 1
Complete secondary/Higher Non-university incomplete 2 Ministry of Health Hospital / Solidarity Hospital 2
Social Security/ Armed Forces Hospital/ Police
Higher Non-Univ. Complete / Univ. incomplete 3 3
Complete university 4 Private doctor in office 4
Postgraduate/Master's/PhD 5 Private doctor in private clinic 5

3. Which of these assets do you have in your home that are currently in use?


Computer in operation
washing machine in operation
Landline in operation
Refrigerator in operation
Kitchen or primus in operation (firewood included)

4.a. How many people live permanently in the home? (Not including domestic service) ________________
b. How many rooms do you have in your home that you currently use exclusively for sleeping (include domestic help)?

ROOMS IN THE HOME (exclusively for sleeping)
1 to 3 people 4 or more
0 rooms 1 1
1 rooms 2 1
2 rooms 3 2
3 rooms 4 3
4 bedrooms 5 4
5 rooms 5 5

5. What is the predominant material in the floors of your home?

Dirt/sand/unpolished boards (jungle) 1 Majolica/ tile/ mosaic/ vinyl/ ceramic 4
unpolished cement 2 Parquet/ polished wood/ carpet/ laminate (wood type)/ 5
Polished cement/ Tapestry/ Planks (coast and mountains) 3 marble/ terrazzo


From 18 to 19 CONTINUE
From 5 to 8 points ( ) NSE E FINISH ( ) NSE B2
From 9 to 12 From 20 to 21 CONTINUE
points points
From 13 to 14 From 22 to 23 CONTINUE
points points
From 15 to 17 FINISH
( ) NSE C1 CONTINUE From 24 to 25 points ( ) NSE A1

6.3 Inquiry Guide

“Good morning, my name is….., thank you for agreeing to participate in this Focus Group.
Today we are conducting a study on consumption preferences for crispy chicken pieces.
This particular case we will focus on the product offered by the fast food chain KFC. You
have been selected from a large group of people, because you meet the profile to whom
this product is directed. The dynamic consists of talking, sharing opinions and experiences
about your consumption of the product offered by KFC, which is why there are no wrong
answers. Feel comfortable, calm, we require the best sincerity on your part. If there are no
questions, we will start the dynamic:

- Objective No. 1: Identify the unmet needs of consumers regarding the

competition (procedural improvement).
a) Currently, what brand of crispy chicken pieces do you consume?

b) Are the prices offered by the brand you consume in line with the quality of
the product? Do you think they can offer it at a lower price?

c) Do they offer you promotions that adjust to your purchasing power?

(Whatever the answer) Do you have a promotion in mind that you would like
to be offered and they haven't yet? What would?

d) Are the payment methods used by the brand you consume sufficient? Do
you think you need to add anything more? What would?

e) Of all the things that the brand of crispy chicken pieces that you currently
consume should improve, what would be the most important or the one that
should be improved soon?

- Objective N°2: Know the suggestions that customers can give us about the
product in general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

a) Have you ever tried the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) brand? What did
you think of the taste?

b) What promotion would you like the KFC chain to offer you that the
competition is currently offering?

c) Do you think KFC's prices are reasonable?

d) Of all the things that KFC should improve, what would be the one that they
should improve soon? Service, price, quality, promotion?

e) Do you think that KFC provides you with good service from the moment
you place your order?

f) If it meets your expectations 100%, would you be willing to change the

brand you currently consume for KFC? Yes or no? Because? Are you
satisfied with the quality of your product offered by KFC? What would be
your suggestion?

g) Is the wait time for your order to reach our table typically long? Does that
bother you a lot or do you think that good preparation is worth the time it

h) If you weren't the consumers, how much do you think the public would buy
KFC products again? Explain why.

i) If the kitchen had a glass visible to customers, so that they could see how
clean the work was, would that generate more confidence in them?

- Objectives No. 3: Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped
buying our product.

a) Did you hear about what happened in 2013 at the San Miguel location of
the KFC chain that led to its temporary closure? What do you think of what
happened? Are you still willing to consume at said location?

b) If I asked you to name the best brand that offers you quality crispy chicken
pieces, which would it be? If you don't mention the KFC brand, why don't
you consider KFC as your first choice?

c) Have you had a bad experience at the San Miguel district location in the
last three months? Was it regarding the product or service? Did they solve
your problem? Were you satisfied with the solution provided?

d) Nowadays, why wouldn't you buy the product offered by KFC? o Why do
you prefer to buy said product?

Well, we have concluded with the Focus Groups. Your participation is very important for
the analysis of this study. We greatly appreciate your collaboration. Thank you."

7.1 Objective of the Study

- Identify unsatisfied consumer needs regarding the competition (procedural


- Know the suggestions that customers can give us about the product in
general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

- Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped buying our product.

7.2 Methodology and Sample

a) Technique: Focus Groups

b) Instruments: A filter questionnaire was used to make the call, which was
attended by 8 people who fit the target population. In the Focus Groups,
an inquiry guide, prepared by the work team, was used as an instrument.

c) Sample: Men and women with ages ranging between 18 and 40 years
belonging to socioeconomic level B. (First focus groups)

d) Profile of the participants: It was carried out with 8 people (05 women and
03 men), who reside or work in the district of San Miguel. With an average
age of 26 years, belonging to NSE B.

The names of the participants are detailed below:

- Carlos Flores
- Leticia Torres
- Lucia Melendez
- Azucena Medina
- Rodolfo Cumapa
- Luis Casazola
- Abigail Peralta
- Lucero Carrillo

e) Field Date: The Focus Group was held on April 2, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the
San Miguel district.

7.3 Findings from the Qualitative Study

- Objective No. 1: Identify the unmet needs of consumers regarding

the competition (procedural improvement).
The people interviewed consider that the competition gives them
personalized attention, the staff is very friendly and attentive to them.
Likewise, its flavor adapts to Peruvian customs and it offers various
promotions, although they point out that they prefer the taste of the potatoes
offered by KFC than those of its competition.

“… I am satisfied with the attention provided by Popeye's, before I would not

have changed the seasoning of KFC, but after the news of closure I decided
to change stores”
Abigail Peralta
- Objective N°2: Know the suggestions that customers can give us
about the product in general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

Regarding the price, they indicate that it should be according to the

proportion, they agree with the promotions that KFC offers, there should be
more offers for customers. It should improve the quality of the consumer

“……..The price should be according to the product…”

Carlos Flores

- Objectives No. 3: Know the reasons why KFC consumers have

stopped buying our product.
The main reason why they have stopped consuming is because of the waiting
time for product service. They also point out that they do not have enough
boxes to serve customers and for this reason they form long lines. As a
second point, they doubt the origin of the oil with which they prepare their
products, since they point out that the crispy chickens they offer tend to
contain too much oil and the closure of said location (San Miguel) has been

“……..they should use special oil to prepare the product”

Leticia Torres

7.4 Conclusions and recommendations

- Objective No. 1: Identify the unmet needs of consumers regarding

the competition (procedural improvement).

It is suggested to use fresh organic ingredients and adhere to the correct

cooking times for food. Follow and fully respect health operations when
handling utensils and food.

Increased brand advertising on this product is recommended to improve

product endorsement

- Objective N°2: Know the suggestions that customers can give us

about the product in general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

Moderate the prices of products and services taking into consideration the
sectors and economic status of the population, providing them with different
products in a single purchase at relatively affordable prices. Take advantage
of a marketing plan where the brand can integrate potential customers by
providing them with different products in a single purchase at relatively
affordable prices.

It is recommended to carry out promotions since in this way, the consumer

will be able to choose the one that best suits them. It is recommended to
serve our customers the quality products that they deserve .

- Objectives No. 3: Know the reasons why KFC consumers have

stopped buying our product.

The reasons our customers have stopped consuming our product is because
it has been proven that one of the inputs (oil) used in the preparation was
reused to fry the chicken pieces and potatoes. And so that there were no
doubts about it, the always effective audiovisual tool recorded all the details
of the fryers that contained oil evidently in unsanitary conditions.

It is recommended to serve our customers the quality products they deserve

and to monitor and verify the oil used in our restaurants. Greater brand
advertising on this product is recommended to improve product support.

7.5 Focus Group Filming

In the following link you can see the development of one of the focus groups.



To meet the objective of this study, we will additionally carry out a Quantitative
Type Analysis, by Survey, since they help us obtain abundant information with
greater accuracy, in less time and generating lower costs, using a Questionnaire,
because this will help us obtain the specific information we require for our study.

In order to deepen the analysis to be carried out, we clarify the objectives of the
research from a quantitative point of view.
- Identify the unsatisfied needs of consumers with respect to the
competition: we will identify this objective, through the management of scales
and qualifications, KFC will develop strategies for its products and services,
placing greater emphasis on those needs in which the least has been obtained.
score and in those less favored by their competition.

- Know the suggestions that customers can give us about the product in
general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.): The purpose of this
objective is to identify how many and what qualities the customer values when
purchasing a product. .

- Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped buying our product:
we seek to respond to this objective, finding data, in the form of numerical
scales and/or ratings, related to the aspects that KFC must improve. on issues
of product and service quality, in order to regain consumer confidence and
preference and attract potential new customers.


To fulfill the objective of this study, we will additionally carry out a Quantitative Type
Analysis, by Survey, since they help us obtain abundant information with greater
accuracy, in less time and generating lower costs, using a Questionnaire, because
this will help us obtain the specific information we require for our study.

9.1 Methodology

The Survey Method, Personal in Shopping Center, will be used, as it will

provide us with quick, low-cost information and the ease of quickly finding the
respondents due to the influx of public to the KFC store, located in the district
of San Miguel. The respondents will provide us with greater detail in the
information, we will have a lower rate of errors in the answers, it will allow us
to carry out the surveys in less time and the information we obtain will be
more reliable.
9.2 Target Population

The target audience will be made up of men and women (customers – non-
customers), consumers of products in the fast food sector, who are students
(high schools and universities) and/or employees (executive professionals),
whose ages are in the range from 18 to 40 years old, belonging to
socioeconomic level B and C, residing in the district of San Miguel and who
have consumed a similar product at least once a month, in the last three

9.3 Quantitative Sampling Plan

In order to obtain the necessary information for the study, we will take into
consideration the following points:

Item:KFC consumer.

Population: KFC consumers from SES B and C.

Sampling Framework: We will approach KFC customers, before or after having

consumed something, we will also interview those who seem to have plenty
of time. The important thing is that you have to eliminate people who may not

Sample: The probabilistic sampling methods to be used are: Systematic ,

once the surveys have been completed, a starting point will be chosen
among the first k=N/n elements. The sample is made up of this element and
those that follow it, selecting each “k” elements. Stratified , the population will
be divided into socioeconomic levels B and C, identifying them between KFC
customers and non-customers.

9.4Sample Size
The sample size will be a proportion of the target population determined by
the indicated segmentation, this is defined in the district of San Miguel, to
respondents in a range of 18 to 40 years of age, of SES B and C. This
population being 49,654 people.

p = probability of occurrence: 0.5

z = confidence level: 95% = 1.96

e = margin of error: 5%

We will calculate the sample size:

TARGET POPULATION (People from 19 to 40 years of age,

from SES B and C, from the San Miguel district)

% according
to segment
NSE B Clients
10% 4,965 1.96 0.05 385 7.8% y
NSE C Clients
25% 12,414 1.96 0.05 385 3.1% y
NSE B consumers
20% 9,931 1.96 0.05 385 3.9% y
NSE C Consumers
25% 12,414 1.96 0.05 385 3.1% y
Total 80% 39,724

Total sample 1,540 Surveys (385+385+385+385)

Determination of population (finite or infinite):

n < 10%... So the population is finite


In all cases the population is finite.


10.1 Questionnaire

Filter Questions

General Filter

 Are you or any of your family or close friends related to any type of company
mentioned below? Check one or more alternatives.

a. Media
b. Advertising or Marketing Agencies
c. Fast food restaurant
d. None of the above

Specific Filter

 Are you in the age range between 18 and 40 years old ?

Yeah ( ) No ( )
 Have you ever had crispy chicken?
Yeah ( ) No ( )

 Have you eaten crispy chicken at least once a month during the last 3 months?
Yeah ( ) No ( )

Research questions

- Objective 1: Identify the unmet needs of consumers regarding the


1. What brand of crispy chicken pieces do you consume?

a) Popeye's
b) McDonald's
c) Kentucky Fried Chicken – KFC
d) Others

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, do you consider that the competition's prices are

reasonable according to the quality of the product?

Very reasonable (1)

Reasonable (2)
It is indistinct (3)
Unreasonable (4)
Not at all reasonable (5)
3. Of the qualities offered by the brand you consume, which would be the
most important or the one that should be improved soon?

a) Staff attention
b) Location of the premises
c) Variety in flavors
d) Speed of attention
e) Decoration of the premises
f) Promotions

4. Would you be willing to replace the brand you currently consume with the
products offered by KFC?

Yeah ( ) No ( )
5. According to the previous question, why would you be willing to replace
Sabor de pollo crujiente rico 1 2 3 Sabor de pollo crujiente desagradable
Atencion de personal excelente 1 2 3 Atencion de personal defciente
Local aseado 1 2 3 Local en condiciones insalubles
Local Moderno 1 2 3 Local en malas condiciones (antiguo)

6. Were you satisfied with the last consumption made in any of our
competitors' stores?
Yeah ( ) No ( )

7. List the following attributes when choosing the fast food restaurant to
consume crispy chicken. 1 being the most important.
Rapidez en la atención
Nuevas Promociones

8. What do you think of the taste, price, offers, and service time of KFC,
compared to other fast food establishments?
Very good (1)
Well (2)
Regular (3)
Bad (4)
Very bad (5)

- Objective 2: Know the suggestions that customers can give us about

the product in general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

1. How often do you eat fast food?

( ) Never
( ) Sometimes
( ) Frequently
( ) Always

2. What preferences do you have for eating fast food, on weekdays,

weekends or holidays?
( ) Monday to thursday
( ) Friday to Sunday
( ) Holidays

3. Who do you usually go to eat fast food with?

( ) Only
( ) In couple
( ) With family
( ) With friends
4. In order of priority, what are you most interested in when ordering food?
( ) Quality and flavor
( ) Speed and good service
( ) Prices and offers

5. Do you use the alternative of ordering food online?

Yeah ( ) No ( )

- Objective 3: Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped

buying our product.

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how is the quality of the brand you consume

compared to KFC?
Very superior quality (1)
Slightly higher quality (2)
Equal quality (3)
Slightly lower quality (4)
Very inferior quality (5)

2. Do you think KFC's prices are justified by the product you consume?
Yeah ( ) No ( )

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how is the attention of the staff at the store located

in the San Miguel district belonging to the KFC chain?

Very nice (1)

Pleasant (2)
Regular (3)
Disgusting (4)
Very unpleasant (5)
4. Of all the things that the KFC chain should improve, what would be the
one that they should improve soon?
a) Staff attention
b) Location of the premises
c) Variety in flavors
d) Speed of attention
e) Decoration of the premises
f) Promotions

5. In the last three months, have you consumed KFC products at the San
Miguel location?

Yeah ( ) No ( )

6. After the events presented at the San Miguel location, are you willing to
consume at said location?

Yeah ( ) No ( )

7. If I asked you to name the best brand that offers you quality crispy
chicken pieces, which would it be?

a) Popeye's
b) Bembos
c) McDonald's
d) Kentucky Fried Chicken

8. Nowadays, why wouldn't you buy the product offered by KFC?

a) Quality
b) Price
c) Warranty
d) All

Classification or Control Questions

 Have you been a consumer of the KFC brand before?
Yeah ( ) No ( )

 Socioeconomic Level Assessment

1. Information about the Head of the Family (responsible or person in charge of making decisions
and/or contributing financially at home)

Current occupation: ____________________________________________________

2. Relationship with the Head of Family:

. Father mother ( ) . Spouse ( ) .Brother ( ) . Child ( ) . She herself ( )


Until incomplete secondary school 1 Health Center / Medical Post / Pharmacy / Naturist 1
Complete secondary/Higher Non-university incomplete 2 Ministry of Health Hospital / Solidarity Hospital 2
Social Security/ Armed Forces Hospital/ Police
Higher Non-Univ. Complete / Univ. Incomplete 3 3
Complete university 4 Private doctor in office 4
Postgraduate/Master's/PhD 5 Private doctor in private clinic 5

3. Which of these assets do you have in your home that are currently in use?


Computer in operation
washing machine in operation
Landline in operation
Refrigerator in operation
Kitchen or primus in operation (firewood included)

4.a. How many people live permanently in the home? (Not including domestic service) ________________

b. How many rooms do you have in your home that you currently use exclusively for sleeping (include domestic help)?

ROOMS IN THE HOME (exclusively for sleeping)
1 to 3 people 4 or more
0 rooms 1 1
1 rooms 2 1
2 rooms 3 2
3 rooms 4 3
4 bedrooms 5 4
5 rooms 5 5

5. What is the predominant material in the floors of your home?

Dirt/sand/unpolished boards (jungle) 1 Majolica/ tile/ mosaic/ vinyl/ ceramic 4
unpolished cement 2 Parquet/ polished wood/ carpet/ laminate (wood type)/ 5
Polished cement/ Tapestry/ Planks (coast and mountains) 3 marble/ terrazzo


From 18 to 19 CONTINUE
From 5 to 8 points ( ) NSE E FINISH ( ) NSE B2
From 9 to 12 From 20 to 21 CONTINUE
points points
From 13 to 14 From 22 to 23 CONTINUE
points points
From 15 to 17 FINISH
( ) NSE C1 CONTINUE From 24 to 25 points ( ) NSE A1


- Objective 1: Identify the unmet needs of consumers regarding the


1. What brand of crispy chicken pieces do you consume?

Source: self made

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, do you consider that the competition's prices are

reasonable according to the quality of the product?
Source: self made

3. Of the qualities offered by the brand you consume, which would be the most
important or the one that should be improved soon?

Source: self made

4. Would you be willing to replace the brand you currently consume with the
products offered by KFC?
Source: self made

5. According to the previous question, why would you be willing to replace


Source: self made

6. Were you satisfied with the last consumption made in any of our
competitors' stores?

Source: self made

7. List the following attributes when choosing the fast food restaurant to
consume crispy chicken. 1 being the most important.
8. What do you think of the taste, price, offers, and service time of KFC,
compared to other fast food establishments?

Preferencia a comparacion de la
Source: self made

Regular Muy Bueno

19% 35%


Source: self made

a) Findings

- Of the total number of respondents, 37% consume products from the

Kentucky Fried Chicken – KFC brand, 26% consume the Popeye's brand
and 21% consume McDonald's.

- 45% of people consider that the competition's prices are reasonable with
respect to the quality of the product, but 17% think that the prices do not
justify the purchase of the product.
- Of the total number of respondents, 25% consider that the competition
should improve service time, followed by 21% who need to improve the
quality of staff service, 20% point out the variety of flavors and only 13%
show promotions.

- 69% of people surveyed are willing to replace the current brand they
consume with Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC products.

- The question was asked regarding the aspects that would make KFC
customers willing to switch to the competition, so of the total number of
respondents, 14.45% would stop consuming at KFC due to poor service in
the stores, another 7.08% would do it for health reasons, 5.95% would do it
because of deficiencies in the premises, and only 3.08% would do it
because the taste is unpleasant.

- Regarding the last consumption made in competing stores, 41% were

satisfied with the consumption made, while 59% were not satisfied.

- Of the total number of respondents, we can find that the attributes that
consumers appreciate the most are the taste of crispy chicken since 50% of
those surveyed consider it that way, then 31% consider that speed is
another important attribute when choosing the establishment. consumption,
on the other hand, 54% of those surveyed do not give greater importance to
the presentation of the food.

- In comparison to the competition, 46% of those surveyed indicated that the

flavor, price, offers and service time compared to the competition is good
and only 19% indicated that it is average.

b) Conclusions

- It is verified that 60% of respondents consume other brands and only 40%
consume the KFC brand. Which indicates that there is a neglected segment
that the competition has taken advantage of to capture, within which the
brand that approaches the KFC market is Popeye's with 30%. Likewise, it
has been confirmed that customers' preference for the competition is due to
the location, decoration of the premises and the variety of flavors. However,
he considers that competition should improve the quality and time of staff
attention. Therefore, of the total surveyed, 60% of people would be willing to
replace the brand they currently consume for the reasons indicated above.
- While it is true, the competition could gain a larger market, by offering better
prices, faster service, and even a more pleasant flavor, with respect to
crispy chicken, we must take into consideration, so we must give greater
consideration to these aspects. Since they are essential, at the time of
consumption at the KFC - San Miguel location, consumer preference has
not declined, as could be seen, 46% of respondents consider that the flavor,
price, offers and service time are better. Regarding the competition, greater
care must be taken with the attention provided to customers, since 13.31%
of those surveyed would be willing to change KFC for another location, due
to this aspect.

c) recommendations

- The KFC restaurant chain must take into account that 60% of the total
respondents are willing to change the brand they currently consume, there
being an opportunity to gain a greater market percentage, improving the
weaknesses of the competition or reinforcing the strengths of the company.
since unsatisfied needs have been identified in the competition's
consumers. The factors to consider as an improvement are the quality and
service time since today the Peruvian consumer values the experience
when entering an establishment in addition to the quality of the product.

- Likewise, we must consider that KFC is one of the best-known fast food
establishments in the Peruvian market, therefore we must take advantage
of this strength and not neglect aspects such as those already mentioned;
the attention from KFC employees, the attention time, which is one of the
essential factors considered by the respondents, modernizing the premises,
improving the healthy conditions of the premises, well remember that this
study was carried out because this local was affected by an issue of this

The company must continue with the commitment to improve its services
and not neglect the aspects already mentioned, because every day the
competition seeks to improve its strategies and win more clients, so it must
be aware of the weaknesses found and improve them. , to continue gaining
a greater position in the market and recover customers who were lost at
some point.

- Objective N°2: Know the suggestions that customers can give us

about the product in general (quality, price, promotions, offers, etc.)

1. How often do you eat fast food?

10% A veces
Con frecuencia


Source: self made

2. What preferences do you have for eating fast food, on weekdays, weekends
or holidays?



60% 58%



20% 18%


Lunes a jueves Viernes a domingo Feriados

Source: self made

3. Who do you usually go to eat fast food with?

Source: self made

4. In order of priority, what are you most interested in when ordering food?

70% 68%
5. Do


Calidad y sabor Rapidez y buen servicio Precios y ofertas

alternative of ordering food online?
Source: self made

Source: self made

a) Findings
- Of the total number of respondents, 70% frequently consume fast food. The
remaining 30% consume fast food between sometimes and always, and 0%

- 58% of consumers consume fast food on weekends, that is, from Friday to
Sunday, while 24% only go on holidays and 18% consume between
Monday and Thursday.

- Of all consumers, 35% go to eat fast food in the company of their family,
while 30% do so with friends.

- 68% indicated as a priority that they prefer quality and flavor when choosing
fast food, while 20% prefer prices and offers.

- 81% of consumers use online media to buy fast food.

b) Conclusions

- From the processed data, we can conclude that consumers prefer fast food
to spend pleasant moments with family and friends, which is supported by
the large percentage of consumers who prefer to access this product on
weekends and the percentage who indicates that they do it in the company
of family and friends. Likewise, they are not guided so much by price but
rather by the quality and flavor of the product. On the other hand, the large
percentage of consumers who already use online media is also notable.

c) recommendations

- The KFC restaurant chain must take into account that consumers are not
only looking for fast food service but also the experience of spending
pleasant moments with family and friends, which is why it would be
advisable for the premises to be welcoming and with large tables to share.
in groups.

Likewise, looking at the attendance percentages from Monday to Thursday,

it is recommended to implement more offers and executive menus, to
increase numbers and take advantage of those low days, attracting clients
such as students, workers in the San Miguel area, etc.

- Objective 3: Know the reasons why KFC consumers have stopped

buying our product.

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how is the quality of the brand you consume

compared to KFC?

Source: self made

2. Do you think KFC's prices are justified by the product you consume?
Source: self made

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how is the attention of the staff at the store located in

the San Miguel district belonging to the KFC chain?

Source: self made

4. Of all the things that the KFC chain should improve, what would be the
one that they should improve soon?
Source: self made

5. In the last three months, have you consumed KFC products at the San
Miguel location?

Source: self made

6. After what happened, are you still willing to consume at that location?
Source: self made

7. If I asked you to name the best brand that offers you quality crispy chicken
pieces, which would it be?

Source: self made

8. Nowadays, why wouldn't you buy the product offered by KFC?

Source: self made

a) Findings

- 35% of consumers indicate that the quality of our products is much higher
than the competition and 42% consider that it is a little higher.

- 61% consider that payment for the product provided at KFC is justified.

- 42% consider the service in the San Miguel store to be very pleasant, but
35% think it is average.

- Of the total number of respondents, 34% believe that promotions should be

improved, 26% indicate that flavors should be varied and 22% consider
improving service.

- We found that 62% of customers have consumed at the San Miguel location
in the last 3 months and 38% stopped doing so.

- 60% of respondents are willing to continue consuming the product, after

what happened in the San Miguel district.
- Of the total number of respondents, 40% point out that the brand that offers
the best crispy chicken pieces is Kentucky Fried Chicken – KFC.

- Currently, the Peruvian public would not buy KFC's product because of its
quality at 40%, the price at 27% and the guarantee at 18%.

b) Conclusions

- We verified that customers in the San Miguel store tend to observe the
promotions found in this establishment, this is due to the influx of young
people or university students in the area who ask about current promotions,
for which direct competitors such as POPEYES and Mc DONALDS take
advantage of offering similar products and providing other options that
convince customers. Some respondents consider the price justified, due to
the quality and taste of their products.
- The Kentucky Fried Chicken brand leads the Peruvian market and the
experience it offers in the consumption of its products has allowed 60% of
respondents to be willing to continue consuming despite the events
presented in recent years and that put the different company locations.
However, it should be taken into account that there is a percentage of the
public that would not buy the product due to quality, strength and

c) recommendations

- We consider that an improvement in service can be relevant for the return of

diners since this area would be neglected, this must be due to the high
turnover of staff that manages this establishment, an improvement and
focus in the service area can bring favorable results for the store.

- Likewise, it is recommended to increase offers that allow the client to

access promotional prices and discounts on specific dates in order to
recover the market share that the brand chose to leave due to the events
presented years ago and that today has had an impact on the preference.
of the consumer.

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