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Diploma Program Course Outline – TOC

school code
School name

Time distribution Start date of the TOK course in the first year End date of the TOK course in the second year of
of the Diploma Program the Diploma Program

Name of the teacher who

completed this outline IB training date March 2022

Date the outline was Workshop name

completed (indicate name of the subject and category of
the workshop)

1. Course outline

– Use the following table to organize the topics to be taught in the course. Add as many rows as you need.

– This document should not explain the day-to-day life of each unit. This is an outline that should show how topics and time will be distributed so that students
are prepared to meet the course requirements.

– This outline should show how the teaching of the course will unfold. It should reflect the individual characteristics of the classroom course and not be limited
to “copy and paste” from the TOK guide.
Allotted time Evaluation Resources
Issue Contents
A tough class 40 minutes. instruments that
(as identified in the IB are leaving List the main resources to be
subject guide) to use used, including information
In a week there is 2 classes. technology if applicable
Write the topics in the order
in which you plan to teach
First Knowledge and the Introduction to the course 12 hours of classes. Learning Diary. Individual work.
year Knowledge Actor Who am I, what do I know Who am I, what do I know and how do I know that I know? Oral Group collaboration
and how do I know it? Is knowledge possible? presentation Consensus agreements.
Management of course Concepts : with peer and
concepts proof, certainty, truth, interpretation, power, justification, explanation, teacher feedback Classroom
The scope, perspectives, objectivity, perspective, culture, values and responsibility. Slide Presenter
methods, tools and ethics Scope :
in knowledge What criteria can we use to distinguish between knowledge, belief and BBC:
Theoretical and practical knowledge: Are there situations in which mundo/noticias-54842538
practical knowledge is more important than theoretical knowledge?
Are some types of knowledge more useful than others? nytimes:
What is considered knowledge? https://
Perspectives :
Is there some knowledge that belongs only to specific communities of 2019/04/26/espanol/
knowledge actors? sarampion-vacuna-ninos-
What determines my perspective as a knowledge actor? antivacunas.html
Is the truth what most people accept?
Methods and Tools:
What methods and tools do we use?
Theories of truth
Are intuition, evidence, reasoning, consensus, and authority equally
compelling methods of justification?
The validity of our knowledge
How do we know what we know? How do we check it? What constitutes
good evidence to support a claim?
Ethics :
Knowledge and responsibility
Does all knowledge impose ethical obligations on those who possess it?
Does knowing something or knowing how to do something necessarily
entail responsibilities?
Is responsibility always something ethical?
Biases, assumptions, beliefs, opinions and knowledge.
The ethical dilemmas
Is there knowledge that a person or a society has the responsibility to
acquire or not acquire?
If there are contrary moral claims, does it follow that all points of view Select digital
are equally acceptable? communication
Oral Presentation Process 10 hours of classes options
TOK presentation selectively and
Choice of question Introduction and motivation for the oral presentation
(assessed internally) specifically for
Choice of objects Elaboration process
Development of the Choice of question and objects – Ideas or key words that emanate from each situation.
argument the object and that can help answer the question Master the
Assessment Argument development : knowledge claim, exemplification and practice of
Organization of the justification. referencing
presentation. Evaluation of the oral presentation document : Understanding, analysis (references)
and evaluation of knowledge issues. Protect privacy
Organization of the oral presentation at school in digital
Optional Topics Knowledge and Politics 10 hours of classes environments
Introduction with appropriate
How is the theory of knowledge manifested in politics? measures.
What do choices and knowledge seem to tell us? Use digital
Do we have a moral duty to examine our biases and assumptions? technologies
What criteria can we use to distinguish between knowledge, belief and consciously
opinion? Share your own
Scope problem-solving
What do we think we know about politics? strategies with What is politics?
How do you differentiate what politics is from what it is not? others.
Are all decisions political? Evaluate and N4ZXuG0hgCM
How does the practice of politics differ from the discipline of political utilize effective
science? digital learning
In what ways is factual evidence sometimes used, twisted, dismissed and opportunities.
ignored in politics?
How can advances in scientific knowledge trigger political controversies? Forums, debates,
Why have political leaders sometimes tried to control or eradicate internet
specific bodies of knowledge? searches,
The misinformation portfolio
Perspective Research, self-
What types of knowledge shape our political opinions management, Proof of coordinated
The political compass social, thinking policies
To what extent are our political opinions determined by society, family and http://political-
origins, education or social class? communication
Has technology changed how and where our political opinions are skills test_es.html
shaped? What is post-truth?
Methods and Tools mundo/noticias-
What are more effective in forming public opinion: objective facts or internacional-38594515
appeals to emotion?
Right to decide
Why are referendums sometimes considered a controversial decision-
making tool?
To what extent can polls offer reliable knowledge and accurate

Are political trials a type of moral judgment?
Based on what criteria do we judge whether an action should be
considered justifiable civil disobedience?
Is it an ethical responsibility to be informed?

Knowledge and Language 10 hours of classes

Introduction: The realities of language:
The verbalization of knowledge
Is there any knowledge that is not linked to any language at all? Can z3I1jjZxToI
concepts be handled outside of a language that indicates them,
represents them or refers to them?
The signs
Is the taxonomy of signs a clear sample of a culture?
The realities of language
What implication does language have on the objectivity of reality?
Scope :
The limits of language: How far does language go? What can and can't I Wittgenstein: This is a very
talk about? Are the limits of my languages the limits of my world? Is pleasant pineapple.
language a limit to what I can know? https://
Can all knowledge be expressed with words or symbols?
Do we only know what we can say? watch?v=628eVJgHD6I
Perspectives Traditional skills,
A single common language or many languages? techniques and knowledge
Does knowledge depend on language? for the transmission of
Does the transmission of knowledge from one person to another or from wooden architecture in
one generation to another depend on language? Japan
How do our values and assumptions influence language when expressing https://
our ideas?
Is ambiguity a language defect that must be eliminated or can it watch?v=3LevIgOHYEY
contribute positively to knowledge and learning?
Of madness and ambiguity
Methods and Tools
What are more effective in forming public opinion: objective facts or diario/1988/10/22/
appeals to emotion? opinion/
Why are referendums sometimes considered a controversial decision- 593478010_850215.html
making tool?
To what extent can surveys give us accurate knowledge?

Ethics Moral emotivism

Does ethical language differ from other types of language in any https://
significant way?
Moral language and scientific language watch?v=VwlPgpyv4XM
Do ethical statements simply express our feelings or emotions rather https://
than making statements?
Can we turn to objective characteristics of the world to help us define watch?v=yiXMOAY4jUw
concepts such as good or bad? The naturalistic fallacy
The naturalistic fallacy https://
History What knowledge is about 10 hours of classes
in history, historiography. Introduction
The possibility of knowing What do we talk about when we talk about history?
the past and the historical What is historiography? Historiography:
fact. Subjectivism and the https://
historian and the Scope
responsibility of the Is it possible to know the past? watch?v=X-stX1DY6v0
historian. What is considered a fact in history?
Is truth the goal of all historical inquiry? The hidden life of Rosa
The Historical Truth Parks
Is it possible to know who we are without knowing the past?

What is historical truth?
What is history for?

Perspectives History against Napoleon

How do context and communities of knowledge actors shape historical Bonaparte
knowledge? https://
Are historians' accounts necessarily subjective?
The subjectivism of the historian watch?v=8aq_gRfmjgY
Historical Revisionism
Can the historian be impartial in the selection and interpretation of Are several objective
facts? interpretations possible?
The value of evidence

A revisionist view

Methods and tools The Objectivity and

What methods do historians use to acquire knowledge? impartiality of the
The reliability of witnesses Historian
Primary and Secondary Sources https://
How do historians' own methods and conventions change over time?

Primary and Secondary


Primo Levi: the pain of


Herodotus's Revolution
Ethics watch?v=A542ixwyBhc
Do historians have a moral responsibility to try to prevent people from
misusing or distorting history for their own purposes? The Role of the Historian
Responsibility of historians https://
History and its connections with Art and Natural Sciences
Value judgments watch?v=jVqlgR_EE3w
Is it unfair to judge people and actions of the past by today's standards?
Statuephobia and history

The Historical Review


human Sciences The usefulness and 10 hours of classes The End of Social Science
difficulties of the human Introduction as We Know it
or social sciences. The Are social sciences useful? https://
tools and use of
mathematics to predict watch?v=FLbEKpL-5Z0
human behavior and the Scope
role of ethics in the How do we decide whether a particular discipline should be considered a
responsibility of the human science?
human scientist What main difficulties do specialists in human sciences face when trying Theory of Knowledge:
to explain human behavior? Human Sciences
Statistical methods applied to the human sciences https://
Is it possible to discover laws of human behavior in the same way that
laws of nature are discovered in the natural sciences? watch?v=dZxPywSVwwA
Is it possible to dispense with the observer effect in the search for
knowledge in the human sciences? Social Compliance
“Participant observation” and the observer effect https://
How can the beliefs and interests of human scientists influence their
conclusions? watch?v=5hYdlXNuA1I
How can human science specialists avoid errors and biases in their

The use of statistics in the

social sciences

Tales from the Jungle:

Malinowski and the
Trobriand Islands
Methods and tools watch?v=YBQi9STHI5U
What are the mechanisms through which knowledge is produced in this
area? What role do models play in the acquisition of knowledge in the The Stanford Prison
human sciences? Experiment: Beware of
Theoretical models Labels
What assumptions underlie the methods used in the human sciences? https://
Are observation and experimentation the only two ways in which human
science specialists produce knowledge? watch?v=dXixBKcEqcA

Understanding the human

mind without a human
mind: The AI

Learning Theories

Carving of an Achaelense
biface in flint
What moral implications does possessing knowledge have about human watch?v=PgYNP9xQg9I
General principles of bioethics
To what extent are the methods used in the human sciences limited by
the ethical considerations involved in the study of human beings? Experimental evidence of
Does the role of the human sciences specialist consist only of describing massive-scale emotional
cases or does it also involve making judgments about what it should be contagion through social
like? networks

The era of blind faith in

big data must end

natural Sciences The trust of scientific 10 hours of classes Peer review

knowledge, causality and Introduction https://
the possibilities of What is this area of knowledge about?
achieving universal truths, Can scientific knowledge be trusted? watch?v=XY6aAPhs0tE
its tools and the
perspective that is
generated from Scope
communities and context, About what aspects of the world do the natural sciences produce Is there a limit to
in addition to the role of knowledge? technological progress?
ethics in the construction The causality https://
of knowledge. The scientific disciplines
Scientific problems and technology watch?v=zVsHzS70krg
Scientific advances and political controversies and controversies with
other areas Climate change: the giant
Is prediction the main purpose of scientific knowledge? terrestrial Tetris - Joss
How much do interpretation, knowledge communities and context
influence? How a few scientists
What role do paradigm shifts play in scientific knowledge? transformed the way we
How have influential individuals contributed to the development of the think about disease - Tien
natural sciences as an area of knowledge? Nguyen
How does the social context of scientific work affect the methods and
discoveries of science? 3ZKiok

Thomas Kuhn's concept of


Biography of Ignacio
Felipe Semmelweis
Methods and tools
How is knowledge produced in this area? miN7sD7JxHI
The scientific method and its function
What role do imagination and intuition play in generating hypotheses in How a scientist averted a
the natural sciences? national health crisis – Ted
Karl Popper and Falsificationism Ed
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Peer review and reproducibility in the sciences 4wIBCoxuOJ0
Biases and errors in scientific work
The role of Error Rosalind Franklin, the
forgotten scientist behind
the discovery of the
structure of DNA

Open Science

Anti-vaccine movements
and the question about
scientific rigor

The Scientific Method:

How Scientists Solve

Ethics The true story behind the

Should there be ethical limitations in scientific research? Eureka! of Archimedes
Should scientific research be subject to ethical limitations or is the
pursuit of all scientific knowledge intrinsically worthwhile? 0v86Yk14rf8
Ethical Parameters
The ethical dilemma Karl Popper's
Is value science lacking, or should it be lacking? falsificationism

Is there a reproducibility
crisis in science? - Matt

Cognitive Biases

Scientific Serendipities


Nuremberg Code of Ethics


The ethical dilemma of

autonomous vehicles

Frankenstein and the

myth of Prometheus

Second TOK essay on a prescribed Preparation for writing 10 hours Learning Diary.
year qualification (externally the essay, the evaluation Unpacking the titles Oral
assessed) instrument, the structure First interaction : Understanding the titles and Choosing the examples. presentation
of the essay Second interaction : Review of the draft with peer and
Third interaction : Review of the final essay, self-assessment and teacher feedback
feedback, and verification of authorship.

Math The patterns and space of 10 hours of classes How did zero become a
mathematics, Introduction number?
mathematics is discovered The endless patterns and scales
or invented, mathematical The poetic space of mathematics KD1_rWvZnzg
language, and the role of
new technologies. Scope Emmy Noether, the
Mathematical proof, What is mathematics about? woman whose theorem
symbolism, mathematical Should mathematics be defined as a language? revolutionized physics.
logic and the application Do they only produce knowledge about the real world when combined
of knowledge, the with other areas of knowledge? mundo/noticias-39231616
implications of the use of What better defines mathematics, its content or its method?
mathematics as well as How have technological innovations influenced the scope and nature of Plato's Theory of Ideas or
the use of error in mathematics? Theories of Forms
Perspectives uLaqau9pfv4
How much do interpretation, knowledge communities and context
influence? Bees and mathematics
Mathematics, is it discovered or invented?
Mathematics and culture mcZJH5D6pPk
Does personal experience play a role in making claims in mathematics?
The incredible story of

How to Prove a
Mathematical Theory -
Scott Kennedy
Methods and tools watch?v=S0DSM-EkQE8
How is knowledge produced in this area?
(Axiom, theorem, postulate) Mathematics is forever
What is meant by mathematical proof?
Do mathematical symbols have meaning? 0MeQ0wTGYdA
Applied mathematics
Scientists create “Principle
of Unethical Optimization”
Ethics tomara-decisiones-mas-
Are there ethical implications in mathematical knowledge? etica.html
Are mathematicians responsible for the way their work is used?
Statistics How can statistics be
Can statistics practiced unethically be misleading? misleading?
Can mathematicians generate codes of ethics for my mathematicians
themselves? sxYrzzy3cq8

The era of blind faith in

big data must end.

Arts The freedom of art and 10 hours of classes Banksy on the London
the use of knowledge in Introduction Underground promoting
this area. The practical What is this area of knowledge about? the use of face masks
problems of art. Are the arts the area of knowledge with the greatest freedom to
Technology in art. The produce knowledge? e9swI2O6j9s
interpretation, What's the utility of arts?
importance and valuation Functions of Art
of art. The role of Scope
conventionalism. The About what aspects of the world do the arts produce knowledge? ZVlQOytFCRI
ethics and morals of the What practical problems do the arts seek to solve?
artist. Functions of Art Why read Virginia Woolf?
Is artistic knowledge something that cannot be expressed in any other
way? DcMLkce_BLg
How have new technologies changed the nature and scope of the arts as
an area of knowledge? An art made of trust,
vulnerability and

Petting Zoo by Miniforms

Art that catches your


A Eurovision song created

with AI
Perspectives 4MKAf6YX_7M
How much do interpretation, knowledge communities and context
Should your judgments be given the same weight as those of an expert? Joshua Bell's 'Stop and
Who determines what is valued in art and based on what criteria? Hear the Music' metro
Who decides what art means? experiment | Washington
The role of the avant-garde and its dialogue with the past and the future Post
How did ancient art influence modern art? https://

Tracey Emin and the

unmade bed

"Tea for three"

Who decides what art

Good art, Campbell's Soup

How did ancient art
influence modern art?
Methods and tools V9RrO0dtu5M
How is knowledge produced in this area?
How does the medium used change the way knowledge is produced,
shared and understood? “Girl with balloon”, Banksy
Is it the method that defines the value of knowledge? https://
The Convention - Does the convention play a different role in the arts
compared to other areas of knowledge? cultura/

Is graffiti art or vandalism?

“How to see more and

worry less: the art of
Georgia O'Keefe”
Ethics 4KQeu_mTYTQ
Are there ethical limitations when generating artistic knowledge?
Are the production and enjoyment of art subject to ethical limitations?
Can we separate the moral character of the artist from the value of the

Western and Christian


Course bibliography:
OBI 2020. Theory of Knowledge Guide (first exams 2022) Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue, Cardiff Gate,
Gonzales del Riego, LF 2021. Yachay Tinkuy, Meeting and confrontation of knowledge. Theory of knowledge materials (PDF digital version)
Bjelke, Anita; Valero, Angel; Wohlfeiler, Federico, 2021. Theory of Knowledge TOK. First edition.

2. Links with Diploma Program teachers

As the TOK guide indicates, the IB requires all Diploma Program teachers to be familiar with TOK, as they must make links to TOK questions in their own subjects. They may also
suggest some theoretical concerns that can be explored further in the TOK class. In this context, how do you plan to work with your colleagues so that TOC is a true link between all
of them?

A “Classroom” has been created to share the course activities that students carry out with teachers from other areas, and they have been invited to
carry out the activities that correspond to their areas.
In addition, the knowledge questions specified in the course guide regarding their areas have been shared in this same virtual environment.
The pre-written titles will also be shared with the students who have chosen them with the areas to work on, it is expected that they will have the
opportunity to discuss the evidence or examples that they are going to use in their essays, it will allow teachers to understand the dimension of the
course in matter of analysis, argumentation and counterargument when dealing with knowledge questions.
In the level coordination meetings (teachers who teach in the first and second year) spaces are offered to discuss questions about the development of
the subject, as well as doubts that are generated from the interaction of the students in the development of their essays.
In the month of September we will have the oral presentation of the chosen question with the objects in the framework of an activity that we call
“Open Doors” with the presence of teachers of the subjects of the diploma program and teachers of lower grades, as well as students of different
grades and parents.
3. TOK assessment components

Briefly explain how and when you will work on them. Include the date you first present the assessment components to your students. Explain the different stages
and deadlines and how students will be prepared to complete them.

In the first year we have the presentation of the evaluation process in the month of March. Here we observe the guidelines, objectives and evaluation
of the oral presentation and the essay
First year: Oral Presentation
May, first oral presentation interaction, to review the selection of the question, the objects, and the ideas that relate the objects to the selected
July, second oral presentation interaction, review of the analysis of the objects, evaluation and self-assessment based on the evaluation criteria
September, third oral presentation interaction, evaluation and qualification of the oral presentation document. Organization and implementation of
the oral presentation.
Second year: Essay
March, receipt and unpacking of the titles. First interaction: Understanding the titles and reviewing the examples or evidence
May, second interaction: draft review and feedback
July, third interaction: review and feedback on the completed essay, ensuring academic honesty.
August, final delivery of the essay
4. Approaches to learning

All IB subjects should contribute to the development of students' approaches to learning skills. To give an example of how you would do this, choose a course
outline topic that allows students to specifically develop one or more of the skill categories (social, thinking, communication, self-management, and research).

Issue Contribution to the development of students' approaches to learning skills (including one or more skill categories)
Recognize one's own deficits in the use of digital tools and develop strategies to improve.
Knowledge and language Share your own problem-solving strategies with others.
Find, evaluate and use effective digital learning opportunities.
Organize a personal system of your own digital networked learning resources.
Plan, design, present, publish or share a production in various formats.

Critical production
Exhibition- Personal presentation
Reflection and summary sheets
Develop relational schemas and analysis
Research, self-management, social, thinking and communication skills
5. International mentality

All IB subjects must contribute to the development of an international mindset in students. To give an example of how you would do this, choose a topic from the
course outline that allows students to analyze it from different cultural perspectives. Briefly explain why you choose that topic and what resources you would use to
achieve this goal.

Issue Contribution to the development of IB learner profile attributes

natural Sciences The pandemic caused by Covid 19 and climate change provide us with good tools to deal with international mentality.
Regarding the subject of study of natural sciences in knowing the universe and in this case, two topics that are affecting all
realities, it is possible to observe the need to agree on efforts to understand these phenomena that affect all societies.
The way these two issues are approached from different perspectives allows us to understand the actions that are carried
out around them, such as the understanding and use of different methods and tools, to know them and to mitigate them.
Furthermore, the perspectives, methods and tools used as the objectives to be known depend largely on the ethical
responsibilities inherent in each individual or group of individuals in each society.
So, the recognition that there are different perspectives on knowledge and these depend on the individual's own point of
view of the space that the individual occupies on the planet allows us to contribute to international mentality.
6. Development of the IB learner profile

It is also expected that, through the subjects, students will develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. To give an example of how you would do this, choose a
topic from the course outline and explain how the content and related skills would foster the development of your chosen IB learner profile attributes.

Issue Contribution to the development of IB learner profile attributes

Knowledge and policy: Scope Our students differentiate belief from evidence when trying to answer: What do we think we know about politics? And
how do you differentiate what politics is from what it is not? Promoting inquiry and being well informed and instructed,
the basis for being able to develop their coherent and credible point of view that allows them to prepare presentations
with a good basis on what they are communicating.
The decisions respond, among other factors, to utilitarianism and are contextualized within politics, the possibility of
exploring whether are all decisions political? It will allow them to open their minds to different possibilities of decisions
and doing politics and on the other hand the question: In what ways is factual evidence used, distorted, dismissed and
sometimes ignored in politics? It offers the opportunity to relate the inquiry with the desire to know the facts in depth
to give a logical meaning to the events.
We know that advances in scientific knowledge trigger political controversies, from being uninformed to having
privileged information, which allows us to reflect on the commitment we have to ensure equity in the management of
information as well as the commitment to influence, through technology, positively in the lives of others.
Finally, our students have a learning diary, which allows them to evaluate learning experiences, inside and outside of
class, as well as, and it is possible, with the request for support from the teacher, to understand their strengths and
weaknesses when communicating their ideas.

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