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It was the 600th year of Noah's life and something awful happened. unique in his life, unique in the
history of humanity, nothing more and nothing less than the fountains of the great abyss opened
from below with a thunderous explosion and from above the cataracts of the heavens, and thus
every living being was destroyed with water. on the face of the earth. Genesis 7 says because God
saw that man's wickedness on earth was too much and that the tendency of his thoughts was
continually towards evil .

Genesis chapter says . 6 So God said we have come this far and destroyed them all . About 2000
years after that universal event and just also about 2000 years ago Jesus said...... as it happened in
the days of Noah, they ate, they drank, they married and gave in marriage until the day Noah
entered the ark, then the flood came. and destroyed them all ………

As it also happened in the days of Lot, they ate, drank, bought, sold, planted and built, but the day
Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all, so it will be the day
when the son of man comes .

If we put together the two stories that Jesus gives to draw attention, that is, what happened in the
days of Noah with what happened in the days of Lot, and we compare them today, we have an
amazing similarity:
1° We see a lot of people lost en masse,
2° We see people playing with marriage; and,
3° Everyone is looking for the good life; The exact same three elements from back then some 4000
years ago are amazingly the same elements today.

The two fundamental topics that we will analyze today are:

First proclaim the gospel of salvation for that lost mass of today,
Second , denounce the issue of divorce and remarriage of divorced people today, just as in the days
of Noah.

We will then analyze three passages separately to develop today's topic.

Let's look at the first passage in Luke 17:26-30 and we will analyze it phrase by phrase verse by
Verse 26 says: “as it was in the days of Noah ” we already know that these days are like the days of
Noah and Lot even worse, there is more sin and evil now than before but the key the important
point is not the subject of the second coming, no, but since the days are like those of Noah and Lot,
it is necessary to know how to individually escape the coming of the Lord on our lives, that is, how
to be saved from these days similar to those of Lot and Noah, how to be rescued from this worldly
current and how to be saved when the Lord comes to call you on the day of your personal
catastrophe, that is, your death, that is what is truly important about the theme of Noah. Here it is
not so much the theme of the second coming of Jesus or the terrible social reality. about today,
which has been talked about for centuries and is even tiring and the reality is that nothing changes
and even Jesus has not yet come, we believe in the doctrine of the second coming of Jesus, we
believe in human depravity, but we do not focus In the second coming, we focus on the coming on
your soul, the surprising coming on your life, the coming on you of death, we focus on preparing
people individually for when the Lord comes for you through death , that is the priority and that
should be the wake-up call of this message.

Many have died waiting for the second coming and Jesus did not come and they had not prepared
themselves for death.

The gospel is the ark that saves you from eternal catastrophe when the rain of death falls on your
life like the days of Noah building the ark.

Gospel Ark; Rain Death

Like Noah, you build your ark trunk by trunk, wood by wood and get on the ark because one day
God will close the door and there will be no more opportunity and your end will come.

The ark of salvation is the gospel, yes, as you have heard the bible, it presents the ark of salvation,
which is the true gospel as a legal matter, and we say this, because the gospel has the same basic
elements that are in a living room. justice, for example:
o In a courtroom there is a judge, in the gospel God is the judge;
o In a courtroom there is a criminal, in the gospel the sinner is the criminal;
o In a courtroom is the law, in the gospel the commandments of God are the law;
o In a courtroom the violation of the law is analyzed, in the gospel sins are the violation of the
o In a courtroom there is a verdict, in the gospel the only verdict on man is guilty or
innocent ; (who will be judged?) find out
o In a courtroom justice is dispensed, in the gospel the justice of God is revealed;
o In a courtroom a trial takes place, in the gospel what awaits man is the trial;
o In a courtroom there is a condemnation, in the gospel what man deserves is eternal
o In a courtroom there are witnesses, in the gospel the people we have offended are the
o In a courtroom there is a prosecutor, in the gospel the preacher is the prosecutor; and,
o In a courtroom there is a lawyer, in the gospel the Lord Jesus is the lawyer.

It is thus demonstrated biblically speaking that the gospel, the ark that saves is a legal question, then
it consists of presenting these legal elements correctly combined in two legal news:

The first bad legal news is to demonstrate that first man is totally condemned for the crimes he
commits daily, that is, for what he does, and he is also condemned for having a bad nature, that is,
for what man is; On the other hand, man faces God who is a just judge, therefore God must apply
his justice to man's crimes and must also discharge his anger, that is, the punishment that he
produces in man's crimes, so with all this the Man in front of God has a serious problem: judgment,
justice, and the wrath of God are upon him.
The second and good legal news is precisely that justice fell on another on the cross, the father
unloaded eternal wrath on his son to satisfy his justice for your injustices, justice that you deserve to
receive in eternal damnation; then, when the father punishes and kills his Son by doing justice for
your injustices, in this way divine justice against man is canceled; and, on the other hand, the wrath
of God is withdrawn from man. The resurrection of Jesus is the evidence that he never sinned and
that God accepted this perfect sacrifice on behalf of you and me as sinful men, then we are all
forgiven because there is an ark already made.
In conclusion: God commands every man in these days of Noah two conditions:
First : that he recognizes his crimes and abandons them, that is repentance,
Second condition : that he believes, that is, that he appropriates the justice fallen on the cross.

When man obeys these two conditions; Then, God declares him totally forgiven, totally reconciled
and totally saved from the wrath of the flood. Therefore, now, man can rest assured, because he will
be able to enter the Glory of God.

Get on the ark today, because tomorrow it may start to rain on your life and drown you, enter
through the door of the ark of the gospel and you will be saved from this perverse generation free
from punishment and you will one day enter a new world like the throne.

Verse 27: says “ they ate and drank, married and gave in marriage, until the day when Noah
entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”
Verse 28: says “even as it was in the days of Lot; They ate, drank, bought, sold, planted, and
built” ; In the same way, today it happens like this, dear brother, this is the only thing that matters
to people, in other words they only care about the good life , but there will inevitably come a day
when the misfortune of death, its own flood; In those days death came to them by water or fire; but,
death can come to you by any means; eating, drinking, marrying, buying, planting and building is
not bad in itself, the problem is when you study all this and you care nothing about the true God,
there are religious or moral people who buy, sell, eat, sleep, marry, build a family or build a house,
etc.; but they do everything outside of God and without the protection of the ark of the gospel; What
underlies this text is that the centrality of all these people of the time of Lot and Noah was only to
live seeking those things of the good life apart from God.

The second theme that this text also names says: “ they got married and gave in marriage” or in
other words the lightness with which marriage was taken that, just like today, people get married,
get divorced, become to marry, they divorce again, as if nothing were happening here, there is
nothing that allows divorce in the Bible, except in cases of fornication, incest, bigamy and
homosexual unions, only those cases can be divorced; But divorce due to adultery, abandonment, or
violence does not exist in the Bible, they can only separate but cannot divorce.

Verse 29 says “ destroyed them all” as the flood of Noah's day that destroyed them all throughout
the planet will have been capable of that destruction that will inevitably come to everyone
collectively or individually, and in order to escape of the destruction of the waters of death was only
achieved through the ark and today it is only achieved through the ark of the gospel of the new
Noah: the Lord Jesus, when a person recognizes his sins and abandons them, 1 ° condition ; and,
when a person recognizes that the Lord Jesus fell to the justice that your injustices deserve 2nd
condition; then God saves you from the waters of death and delivers you from the destruction of
the eternal flood . Obey the two conditions to be delivered from the flood and the eternal fire that
one day will inevitably come upon your life if you do not obey.
1. The first condition go to that room acknowledge your sins in detail one by one
2. Second condition , appropriate the justice that fell on Jesus, which is the justice that you
deserve to receive in eternal punishment. When you obey these two conditions then you will
be like a Noah or a Lot saved from the destruction that may come to your life, to your town,
to your city, or one day on this planet.
Verse 30 says “ This is how it will be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.” We believe in
the second coming of the Lord Jesus. It is an irrefutable biblical doctrine but we also believe by
objective evidence that the Lord can come for you individually at any time before that glorious
second coming comes to earth for all to see, you should be concerned not with the physical second
coming of Jesus but the coming of him upon your life and your soul with death; What good is it for
a man to earn his living by eating, drinking, planting, buying, selling, marrying, building if he loses
his soul in his own personal flood, death comes without warning but we are like Noah, we warn you
that the Lord will one day come upon us. you with its flood get ready get on the ark while you can

Analysis of the second passage of the study:

1st Peter chapter 3 verse 20 and it says like this “when once the patience of God waited in the days
of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few people, that is, eight, were saved by
water” as we always say if for a single sin the devil was expelled from heaven instantly, if for a
single sin Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise instantly, then we start to think how many
sins you have committed in your life, we also wonder why then does God still Didn't he expel you
from planet Earth? Think about it, it is for patience , not for love, not for mercy, not for being a
good God; God is a judge and a judge is not loving, he is not consensual, God is a just judge, God
has not taken your life, he has not taken you from this planet despite having many sins, for patience
so that you can get on the ark of the gospel of salvation.

Second Peter chapter 3 verse 15 says as a complement to what we are saying “And know that the
patience of our Lord is for salvation ”, do not abuse the patience of God dear brother, because you
never know when it may start to rain on you. life and your own flood falls on you and kills you; As
you can see we do not focus on the second coming of Jesus, we do not focus on the sensationalism
of the future, we do not focus on scaring people with eschatology but death is a present reality, we
focus on redirecting every text of the bible towards the ark that saves “the gospel” .

First Peter chapter 3 verse 20 says at the end of the verse “ few people were saved” if the moral
and social aspect of that time is the same as today, then in this aspect it is also the same, that is,
there are few people who are also saved. Today they will be saved, there are millions of bad people,
there are also thousands of churches, that is, broken arks, cracked arks, poorly made arks with holes
that will sink when your personal flood comes, because that does not save; The Bible says in this
passage that there are few who are saved. There are thousands of religious people today, thousands
of moral people, but the text says that there are few who are saved.

How those few people were saved from the days of Noah only in the robust ark designed by God
with the measurements given by God, this is the gospel of today, the ark designed by God, the only
one that saves those few in those days It started to rain and the water level rose, surely many people
began to make their own arks of salvation, their boats, their boats, their floats, thinking that this
would help them, but all that broke, all that failed and drowned them all, just a few. They were
saved in the ark of God. The text says and the same thing happens today, only a few are saved and
they are only saved through the true gospel, which is the ark of God.

Analysis of the third study passage:

2nd Peter 2:5 says “but I observe Noah, a preacher of justice” in the same way today we correctly
proclaim the topic of divine justice, those seven people believed the same as Noah and those seven
were few, few people among millions of people of that time also represent the small group of today
who are saved because the rest do not want to enter the ark of justice of the gospel; In the same way
today despite the super abundant religiosity that exists in masses, mega churches, thousands of
pastors as there surely were in the times of Noah because man was always religious, despite that the
Bible says that faith is for few, the flock of sheep is small, those who enter through the narrow gate
are few; and as this text says , those who are saved are few, so hold on to this ark of justice that we
preach and proclaim like modern Noah and be part of that group of seven, that is, be part of the ark
of the true gospel. At any moment your own catastrophe, your own eschatology, your own end of
life, your own flood, your own death can come upon you.

In conclusion
1. We must be careful with today's false Noahs
2. Be careful because your own flood can come to you like the days of Noah at any moment
and can drown you; and,
3. Put your foundation as soon as possible on the ark of the gospel and that's it, dear brother,
for the warning of this Noah today.

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