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It is a musical work written solely based on the distribution of sounds and beats in the
beat. This does not mean that the rhythmic composition is the entire work, but in a
collective composition the percussionists must create the corresponding set of sounds.
In percussion instruments, melody and harmony are susceptible to changes that come
from the distribution of notes in time.
TEMPO: (in Spanish "time") an element that refers to the speed with which music
develops in terms of its rhythm. The musical can be:
STABLE : when it always remains the same throughout the work, FAST - MODERATE -
UNSTABLE: when the speed of the rhythm changes over the course of the work:
accelerating (going faster and faster), rallentando (going slower and slower) and/or in
a variable way (alternating the previous ones).
PULSE: measure of unit from which musical rhythm is usually structured. It is classified
PERCEIVED: when it is heard and can be marked throughout the work.
NOT PERCEIVED: when it is not heard and therefore cannot be followed or marked as
the work progresses.
ACCENT: natural fall or accentuation of the rhythm in music: It commonly occurs every
2, 3 or 4 pulses or beats.
COMPASS: grouping of pulses with their respective accent. The measures can be:
REGULAR: when the accent occurs every the same number of beats throughout the
IRREGULAR: when the grouping values alternate throughout the work (Ex.: 2 and 3, 3
and 2, 4 and 3, etc.).
Musical composition is a job that is responsible for the creation of musical works,
therefore it is useful for us to understand the concept of a musical work.
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, it is “The part of music that
deals with time in relation to singing, and the choice and number of sounds with which
musical periods must be formed in each genre of composition, already on a given tone,
already modulating so that the song pleases the ear.” It is also said to be: “The
composition in which a musical idea, simple or composed, is developed, independently
of its accompaniment, as opposed to harmony, a combination of different, but chord,
simultaneous sounds.”
By harmony we can understand in music the union of three or more simultaneous
sounds, understanding that the song or melody produced by a single voice is
homonymous, with two voices harmonic intervals are produced and, from 3 voices or
simultaneous sounds we speak of harmony.
Composition in popular music
In popular music, composition is completely different from the field of classical music,
taking into account the target audience and the methods used in the composition
process. In fact, pop music composition does not have to be subject to strict rules like
classical music and can also be created by self-taught musicians, who fit into the
category of singer-songwriters.
Composition in film music
In the music that is created for films there is a fairly wide variety of genres. The musical
genre of cinema is closely linked to the filming, depending on the scene, the film genre
or the temperament that the characters develop. In film music we can find classical
and semi-classical music, as well as pop, rock, folk music, etc.

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