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The minutes

The word acta comes from Latin and means “the facts”; Therefore, a minute is nothing more than
a written testimony of the events that occurred in any circumstance: a consortium meeting, an
assembly of members of a board of directors of any entity, a certification of the birth of a person,
etc. That is, facts that are recorded in writing and that are important to record and preserve.

A record is a certification or written testimony in which an account is made of what happened,

treated or agreed upon in the event of any circumstance that warrants it, such as the meeting of a
consortium, the election of a person for a position that may be public or private, the meeting of
the board of directors of a company or organization, the record of a birth or any other fact that
requires or demands the corresponding legal certification of something as having occurred due to
its importance and because in the future, if the need arises, it may serve as evidence in a trial.

The document that during a meeting is written by a person present at the meeting is called the
minutes, and through which the topics that have been discussed are recorded, as well as the
conclusions or agreements that have been adopted after said meeting. .

There are some elements in common that all the minutes have: for example, they all offer a
general vision or structure of what happened in the meeting, who the participants or attendees
were, the details of the different questions or topics raised, what the debates, and their
conclusions, determining whether both the conveners and those summoned have reached an
agreement, or not, on the issues that have been raised during their celebration.


There is no known standardized way to prepare a report. Many believe that whoever must do it
must have a whole horizon of freedom to be creative, as long as they do not make the most
common errors, which are: excessive details or the omission of fundamental points, which are
later required for proof or claims. .


Title: The title of the minutes of a session allows it to be easily located in the group of minutes
found in the respective book. This title is written like this: MINUTES OF THE SESSION OF MAY 27,
2012, or also MINUTES OF THE SESSION OF 05.27.2012.

Introduction: The introduction of the minutes is an opening formula that includes: place, date and
time in which the session takes place; and the names and surnames of those who attend and those
who act as president and secretary, if there are many who attend, only a general reference to
them is made and the respective register is attached to the minutes.
Text: These should contain only the following information; the matters discussed in the session,
the form and results of the votes in each case and the agreements adopted. Furthermore, when
requested, they must contain the records that those present wish to leave about their opinions
and/or votes cast in the session And nothing else, Concrete and precise.

Closing of Minutes: It is a formula that is used by custom and indicates that the session has ended.
Indicates the time at which this act concludes.

Signatures of those who accept the minutes: As determined by the regulations of each institution,
the minutes, once approved, must be signed by all attendees, only the president and the

The account
The word minute comes from Low Latin, and its meaning is “draft”, that is, a writing that precedes
the final one, especially of a legal nature, for example a contract, where the formal details are
missing, which is prepared and approached. to the parties to see if they are in agreement before
giving the finished and final version.

In a speech, conference or meeting, when draft notes are taken to account for what was
discussed, they are also called minutes.

When copies of documents are filed, to keep a record of them, we speak of minutes, as well as the
term is also applied to the fees charged by lawyers detailing the concepts to which they

Minutes concept

It is a minute, on the other hand, a systematized list, which maintains an order, of various
elements, used for example in bars and restaurants to display their list of dishes, drinks and
desserts. Example: “the menu includes starters, main courses, drinks, everything with their
corresponding prices.” Sometimes this list with the dishes to be served is placed on each of the
tables that make up the corresponding party, printed on quality cardboard. Continuing with the
use in gastronomy, in certain countries such as Argentina, quick meals that require little
preparation are called minutes. Example: “in that bar they serve you delicious menu items, ideal
for when you are in a hurry.”

The job
The official letter is a protocol document that binds, especially the highest-ranking authorities. It is
used for the purpose of communicating and coordinating actions, inviting, requesting information,
answering, sending documents, thanking or dealing with various administrative work issues.
The official letter is "a written communication, referring to the matters of public service in the
agencies of the State and by extension that which mediates between individuals of various private
corporations on matters concerning them."

Within the breadth offered by the presentation of ideas, it can contain the most varied topics. It is
distinguished by its sobriety of style, which is due to the fact that official communications seek to
regulate the dispatch of State affairs in all cases that require written evidence.

The elements of the OFFICE are:

1) LETTERHEAD: name of the institution that covers the office.

2) CLASSIFIER TABLE: Classification data for registration and filing referring to the issuing office,
which may be the following:

a) SUBJECT: Synthesis of the main ideas contained in the text.

b) MESA: The office that sends the letter

c) NUMBER: The number designated to the document.

3.- RECIPIENT. The person or department to whom we spoke, with their location data and position
they hold.





8.- MOTTO: Legend that uses the dependency (written with capital letters and in quotes), for

9.- PREFIRMATION: is the annotation of the name and position or category of the signatory
(written in capital letters).

10.- SIGNATURE or SIGNATURE: It is the word or handwritten letter that identifies us.

11.- FINAL REFERENCES: these are the initials that we write down as CCP (carbon copy for), this
helps us to facilitate the file data or copies that are sent and to whom.


The memo
The Memorandum is a writing that is essentially used to assist memory as a note"; It is therefore a
note or message of an official nature.

Memorandum means "what should be remembered or kept in mind." Its use in correspondence is
intended to record the ideas that must be present in our memory when superiors regularly give
written instructions, which is why it is purely internal to the company or office that sends it.

The length of the memo is half a letter (it must be remembered that it is a message and not a
letter) and its style is sober due to the purpose for which it is intended.

Most offices or important companies use printed paper, exclusively for this communication with
letterhead and the word memo.


2) The elements of the MEMORANDUM are:

1.- LETTERHEAD. (Company details or memorandum name only)

2.- CLASSIFIER TABLE, subject, date, table, etc. (file data) at the top of the right side




6.- TEXT.








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