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If we look at individuals, we see that when they choose, they do so in an

unpredictable way. The actors have a constitutive form of choice that can be
designated under the term digitized. Each individual operates under alternative
principles of choice: the positive or negative pole of the choice varies according to
mechanisms that are not observable within consciousness.

This fundamental fact of the binarity of choosing would lead directly to the
consideration of the impossibility of social construction, given that the world of
individual possibilities manifests itself contingently. The social would explode into
an infinite bundle of possibilities in which no one could agree.

Western tradition tried to solve the problem through a kind of coercion. The
humanistic and ethical tradition was imposed from which the social was treated as
a normative theory of correct and prudent choices. Faced with the constitutive
binarity of choice, morality privileges only one side of the poles: the positive.

Hobbes redefines the problem. Individuals preferentially decide on the unethical

choice, that is, war. Hence the need for a State that established and guaranteed
order in social relations. The instrument that transforms nature into order is legal in
nature, the social contract; and the science that conceptually reconstructs the
establishment of order is, naturally, law and politics.

Sociology, until Parsons, was stuck with respect to the problem of the double
contingency of choosing, since it tried to solve it in terms of the relationship
between human beings.

Durkheim postulated the mechanism of moral solidarity at the basis of the social
constitution; Weber sees the future of the modern world as an increase in
rationalization according to the end/means scheme, and social action is only
conceivable provided with meaning as long as it is reconstructed in terms of said

The basic situation of the double contingency is, then, simple: two black boxes,
due to who knows what chance, enter into a relationship with each other; each
determines its own behavior through complex self-referential operations within its
own limits.

What remains visible is therefore, and necessarily, a reduction in complexity. Each

one presupposes the same thing with respect to the other... Through a simple
assumption they generate certainty of reality, since this assumption leads to
assuming the assumption in the alter ego. The two black boxes remain separate,
they do not merge, they do not understand each other better than before; They
concentrate on what they can observe in the other as a system-in-an-environment,
as input and output, and in each case they apprehend its self-referential form from
their own perspective as an observer.

They may try to influence what they observe by their own action; and again learn
from feedback. In this way, an emergent order can be generated conditioned by
the complexity of the systems that make it possible, which does not depend on
whether this complexity can also be calculated and controlled.

A summary is the result of summarizing. This verb refers to making something
shorter, eliminating the accessory and limiting itself to the central thing. Executive,
on the other hand, is one or something that is responsible for executing something.

Executive Summary
The idea of an executive summary is linked to the development and presentation of
a certain document to a bank or a potential investor. The objective of an executive
summary is to present, in a few lines, a project in front of the people who can
decide on its financing.

This means that the executive summary is usually a text that serves as a
presentation of a commercial project. Like any summary, it must be concise and
clear: its purpose, in this case, is to draw the attention of its recipient to inform
them about the main aspects of the project. This way, if the recipient is interested
in the idea, the person who prepared the executive summary can provide
additional information with other documents.

Suppose a musician wants to set up a recording studio to rent. With the intention of
obtaining the financial resources that will allow him to develop the project, he
prepares an executive summary and requests an appointment with the manager of
a bank. The objective of the individual is to present the executive summary to
request a loan: in this way, the summary details what the idea is, what budget is
needed to be realized, what are the profit prospects, etc. When analyzing the
executive summary, the manager may show interest and ask for more information
before deciding to grant credit.

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