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Action plan format

Action plan Coordinator


If you witness a robbery or assault before finishing it, take into account the following
recommendations: verify that all the participants are not in panic and admit them all
waiting for them to calm down and be able to give testimonies of what happened to
the police.
Emergency functions

➢ Never leave valuables so that they are visible to strangers in

the complex.
➢ If you handle money, always keep it in a place that is
inconspicuous to other personnel.
➢ Do not inform strangers of the group's internal procedures for
Before handling money and valuables.
➢ Avoid routines for traveling from your home to your work
address and vice versa, as well as to restaurants or
recreation centers.
➢ Do not disclose information on economic activity and group
account statements.

➢ Do not oppose the robbery, this is one of the most difficult

things for some people, we know that material things cost,
and even worse if the robbery occurs on payday, but stop
During and think: What is more valuable to you: your life, your family
waiting for you at home or material things?
➢ Stay calm, there have been cases in which the most serious
injuries occur because someone did not know how to stay
calm and pulled out a weapon or tried to avoid the robbery.
➢ If you can, ask for help, but remember that you must be sure
of how to do it, perhaps this is the most difficult part of all,
because in general criminals threaten to kill anyone who
makes any attempt to call the Police.
➢ Once the robbery is over, take a moment to reflect, and if for
some reason someone is injured, try to provide help as much
as possible.
➢ Notify the authorities as soon as possible, taking into account
the physical characteristics of the thieves will be of valuable
importance to the authorities.
Follow-up training Resources
➢ Report news to the
emergency manager. ➢ Instruct staff on the ➢Radio telephones
➢ Support the inspection procedure to act in an ➢Alarm
process of the entity's emergency situation of ➢Cell phone
competent authorities to this type.
collect information.

Goals Develop a clean and organized evacuation process, seeking to protect
the physical and mental integrity of workers in the event of an

B ➢ Remain calm and do not carry out any reckless act that could endanger
e the life and integrity of the people present.
f ➢ Avoid arguing with criminals, you should not provoke them or make
o movements that could generate aggressive or dangerous reactions.
r ➢ If circumstances allow, and if the life and integrity of the people present at
e the assault are not endangered, officials and the public must follow the
following procedures:

d ➢ Activate the alarm system in order to notify the authorities of the

u occurrence of criminal acts without putting the life and integrity of the
r people present at the assault at risk.
i ➢ Be careful to note any details that may help authorities identify the
n assailants and conduct investigations.
g ➢ Observe the direction in which they flee, the description and, if possible,
the license plate of the vehicles used.
a ➢ In the event of a confrontation, go to a safe place and protect yourself
until you are completely sure that the situation has been controlled by the
➢ Follow the instructions of the emergency brigade personnel. After that,
carry out a thorough and rigorous review (search) of the people leaving
the company as well as the company's senior executives. Check your
belongings, for example, briefcases, suitcases, boxes, packages. Check
your vehicle, car, truck, trailer and box thoroughly. All this to prevent the
company from being stolen or robbed.
Keep workers out of the threat of danger in the event of events such as theft and
other types of emergencies.


➢ Carry out a thorough and rigorous

review of people leaving the
company as well as the company's
senior executives.

➢ Check your belongings, for

example, briefcases, suitcases,
boxes, packages.

➢ Check your vehicle thoroughly. All

this to prevent company objects
from being stolen or stolen.

➢ Stay calm, act according to the

contingency plan.

➢ Do not allow people to enter the

area where the robbery occurred.

➢ Review the place where the

robbery occurred, analyze the facts
carefully and look for clues.
Immediately inform the company
representative and the supervisor
on duty
➢ Find the reason for the theft and
quantify the amount stolen.

➢ Make a complete report for the

representative of the company and
the supervisor on duty and take
preventive measures so that it
does not happen again.
If it is the decision of the legal
representative of the company to
report the theft to the public

➢ If they ask for your statement,

remember to stick to the facts.

Action plan format

Action plan Coordinator

Establish standard operating procedures in case of fire outbreaks and incipient fires
Emergency functions

➢ Have protective and fire control equipment.

➢ Provide training and do extinction practices.
Before ➢ Know emergency telephone numbers (internal and external)
➢ Establish evacuation plan and maps with exit routes.
➢ Define meeting point.
➢ The location of the emergency is identified.
➢ Whoever detects the emergency (start of fire or fire) must notify the
Headquarters Emergency Director.
➢ If you are trained, you should try to control if it is a fire outbreak, if
you have the means.
➢ Move combustible objects (A and B) away from the place.
➢ Get away from danger if you can't or don't know what to do.
➢ The person in charge activates the alarm intermittently, which
indicates the existence of a danger to which all personnel must be
alert and notify the firefighters.
➢ Everyone must suspend their activities, turn off equipment, take
their carry-on items or belongings and pay attention to the second
signal, an alarm that indicates that you must evacuate.
➢ If the emergency gets out of control, it is evacuated and left in the
hands of specialized groups.
➢ Give final notice for evacuation.
➢ Avoid smoke, leave quickly, do not stop and do not turn back
➢ If you are in a smoky place: - Move while crouching. - Cover your
nose and mouth with a damp tissue. - Check the doors before
opening them. - Use stairs, never the elevator.
➢ Follow the instructions of the Evacuation Coordinators.
➢ Avoid panic, try to control people in this state.
➢ Circulate avoiding obstructing evacuation routes in an orderly
manner (row) and on the right side.
➢ All staff go to the stipulated meeting point

➢ Do not return to the fire site without authorization.

➢ Evaluate damage and new risks with authorized and trained
personnel, prepare the respective report.
After ➢ Check for possible new fire sources.
➢ Get medical assistance.
➢ Reunite the injured with their families.
➢ investigation begins
Follow-up training Resources
➢ Report news to the
emergency manager. ➢Internal
➢ Instruct staff on the
➢ Maintain permanent communications
procedure to act in an
surveillance of fire through telephone
emergency situation of
generating sources, such and cell phone
this type.
as archives, supply extensions
➢ Develop periodic
warehouses, kitchenettes, ➢Fire alarm
training for personnel in
electrical networks and ➢evacuation signage
fire control and
others. ➢Fire extinguishers.
prevention techniques.
➢ Carry out a monthly ➢First aid kit.
➢ Carry out periodic drills
review of the available fire ➢Smoke Detectors and
of actions in case of
extinguishers. Manual Stations
➢ Keep extinguishing
equipment clear.

Goals In the event that a fire is detected and the fire alarm system has not
activated the alarm sirens, the manual fire alarm buttons that the
system has at all exits of the areas will be activated.

B ➢ The brigade staff and the coordinator of each area of the building will review
e the area to ensure if the emergency is real.
f ➢ As soon as the location and magnitude of the fire is determined, the
o immediate supervisor will be informed who will determine the activation of
r the evacuation plan for the affected area.
e ➢ The designated personnel in the building must initiate the evacuation, and
position themselves at the escape exits ("EXIT") of the floor to direct the exit
of the collaborators. Workers will remain in their jobs and offices until they
receive instructions to leave the building.
➢ The Area Coordinator with the help of the brigade staff will begin the
evacuation of the staff and students in an orderly manner, once they receive
authorization from their representative according to the chain of succession
of command.

d ➢ People in the affected area are evacuated in the first instance. Then those
u that are in the area closest to the affected one.
r ➢ Under no circumstances will the use of elevators be permitted.
i ➢ When going down the stairs, they must do so in an orderly and careful
n manner and use the handrails to avoid falls. The movement of people in the
g opposite direction will not be allowed.
➢ Once outside the building, the staff and collaborators will stand in the furthest
area of the building and wait for instructions from the emergency brigade.
➢ Do not return to the fire site without authorization.
➢ Evaluate damage and new risks with authorized and trained personnel,
prepare the respective report.
➢ Check for possible new fire sources.
➢ Get medical assistance.
➢ Reunite the injured with their families.
➢ investigation begins


Establish responsibilities and response activities to events that cause a fire

emergency, in the offices of the multinational chocolate company.
Area Evacuation
Action plan format
Action plan Coordinator

Establish standard operating procedures in case of earthquakes

Emergency functions
➢ Develop a protection, security and evacuation plan.
➢ Basic knowledge about first aid and emergency kit.
➢ Secure tall elements (shelves, bookcases or wardrobes) avoiding
having objects that could fall due to movement.
➢ Know the location of gas, water, and electricity fuses.
➢ Remove obstacles from evacuation routes.
➢ Locate and mark safety zones and evacuation routes.
➢ When students are in classrooms, keep the doors open to facilitate
➢ Carry out evacuation drills in the event of earthquakes, in order to
instruct people on the measures to take and determine if the
emergency plan is effective.
➢ The main element is to remain calm, since many suffer injuries as a
result of cuts from glass, falling objects, crowding of people on stairs
and all because of panic. To avoid these accidents, we provide
some measures that may be effective in the event of a seismic
➢ Serenity must be preserved, avoiding panic or collective hysteria.
➢ Locate yourself in previously established safe places, if you cannot
achieve this you should take refuge under tables, desks or desks
away from windows or objects that could fall.
➢ Place yourself on the floor with your knees together and your back
During toward the windows.
➢ Hold both hands tightly behind your head, covering your neck with
➢ Hide your face between your arms to protect your head, close your
eyes tightly.
➢ If it is necessary to evacuate the place, use stairs, not elevators.
➢ If you are in the yard, stay away from buildings, power lines and
➢ If you are traveling by car or bus, the driver must slow down and
stop in a safe place. Likewise, people should stay in their seats until
everything returns to normal.
After ➢ Observe if anyone is injured and practice first aid.
➢ Go to the already established protection zones, without losing your
calm and without moving away from the group.
➢ Do not touch fallen power lines.
➢ Turn off the gas cocks to prevent any leaks and use it again until
proper inspection has been performed.
➢ Control the flow of water and do not use it until you check the
➢ Close electrical power circuits to avoid accidents due to contact with
fallen wires or a possible fire. 7 Do not return to damaged areas
without prior authorization.
➢ Use the phone only for urgent calls.
➢ Tune in to the radio to find out the emergency measures taken.
Follow-up training Resources
➢ Train and train in
➢ Determine the critical ➢First aid kit
actions aimed at
sites and safe sites of the
being prepared for an ➢Flashlight with new
earthquake and batteries
➢ Identify vulnerable people
actions aimed at ➢Battery powered radio
or people with a high
facing it. with new batteries.
degree of exposure.
➢ Train personnel on ➢Whistle to call for help
➢ Secure shelves to each
how to act before, ➢Cell phone, chargers
other and to walls or
during and after a and spare battery
seismic event.

Goals Develop a clean and organized evacuation process, seeking to protect
the physical and mental integrity of workers in the event of an

B ➢ Train and train in actions aimed at being prepared for an earthquake and
e actions aimed at facing it.
f ➢ Know the port emergency plan.
o ➢ Support in carrying out inspections to determine the physical vulnerability of
r the facilities.
e ➢ Support simulations and evacuation drills in the event of an earthquake.
d ➢ Stay calm, don't run, look for shelter. Position yourself: under desks,
u stretchers, next to a column or wall, kneeling, covering your head and face
r with your arms and hands, making your body as small as possible.
i ➢ Wait for the evacuation signal from the brigade. Stay away from loose
n structures.
g ➢ If you are trapped, ask for help, make noises so they can locate you, if a pipe
is nearby, hit it. If the structure was affected, the evaluation will be carried
out according to the instructions of the emergency brigade. Carry out Rescue
and Rescue work, First Aid if the emergency requires it
a ➢ Once the emergency is over, the state of the facilities is verified, and whether
or not to return to work is ordered by the director or Chief of the Port Brigade
and the respective emergency response reports are generated.
➢ Be aware of aftershocks, especially after a strong first movement. Stay away
from buildings that may collapse.
➢ If it is dark, do not light a flame or carry lit cigarettes, as there may be gases
or other flammable material in the atmosphere.
➢ If the place has stairs and if they are going to be used again, inspect that they
are in good condition.
➢ Do not congest telephone lines unnecessarily.
➢ The brigade members and volunteer personnel await the order of the brigade
leader to proceed with rescue, rescue and debris removal.
➢ Follow the instructions issued by the general coordination during the
rehabilitation period after the emergency.


SUBSTITUTE ALARM: In case of problems with the planned alarm system, the same
procedure will be taken into account and a whistle will be used to produce the sound, which
will be in charge of the evacuation coordinator.

PREPARATION: The preparation phase begins the moment the alarm is activated, and is
represented by the time required to interpret it, perform the functions inherent to the
emergency and make the decision to begin evacuating.
EXIT: It begins when any of the occupants takes the first step to begin the evacuation, and
ends when the last of the occupants leaves the facilities. The exit time, framed in the two
previous parameters, will depend on several factors such as occupational load, the capacity
and layout of exits such as doors, hallways and stairs, travel distances and training.
The evacuation must begin once the alarm is heard by those in charge of evacuation and the

brigade members. Evacuation of areas shall

include a current list of occupants who have physical impairments, including persons who are
unable to use stairs or escape routes due to temporary illness or other physical incapacity.
Evacuation Coordinators must ensure that all people in their group and areas in charge leave
when an evacuation occurs. Therefore, they should check bathrooms and less frequented
areas and rely only on the physical presence of the occupants, not on their voices, who may
not be able to hear or may be temporarily unwell or fainted.

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