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When we talk about intelligence, there is not just one type of intelligence but several.

EQ and IQ are
examples of these types of intelligence. EQ stands for emotional quotient, and it involves identifying
emotions in yourself or others, empathizing with other people, and such. And IQ is about your
intellectual ability in general. While both EQ and IQ play significant roles in various aspects of life,
they also exhibit distinct differences. If we consider the workplace, I believe that EQ is much more
needed than IQ. There are mainly two reasons why.

Firstly, EQ leads people to have healthy relationships with others. As much as working,
communicating is essential, and even in some cases, it is more important than the actual work itself.
We need to know how to express ourselves adequately to maintain our position in the workplace.
People with higher EQs can facilitate things more quickly than other people, which leads them to
draw attention to their work lives. So they can have important networks related to their work.
Overall, high EQ opens up the doors for people, like getting different job offers from different
companies or having raises in their jobs.

Secondly, according to studies that have been made, it is published that only %20 of our intelligence
can be attributed to IQ. The other %80 part is from our EQ. It is also known that adapting yourself,
your behaviors, and your feelings to different situations has its own significant place in work life and
in our daily lives. Your emotional intelligence skills, such as empathy, self-awareness, and self-
motivation, help you name your feelings and recognize them more easily in others, which leads you
to be accepted in your entourage.

In conclusion, even though IQ helps with analyzing, research, and development, people need to have
EQ to make use of them, but they don’t need such a high IQ level to turn the occasion into their
benefits. Without having a high level of EQ, people wouldn’t survive in the workplace. That’s why EQ
is more important than IQ in this situation.

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