Swimming Diagnostics 2

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 Name: Josemiguel Espejo Castañeda
 Physical Evaluation: Bad
1. BMI
2. Wingspan
3. Cooper
4. Resistance Test (Treffene)
5. Speed Test
 Technical Evaluation: Bad
1. Neutral Flotation
2. Breathing
3. kick
4. Trunk Twist
 Corrections:
 BMI: Your body mass index is above your ideal index, you must lose at least
8kg to be in line with your size.
 Wingspan: We cannot improve our wingspan since it is a determining factor
and the person is born with a genetic predisposition.
 Cooper: To improve aerobic endurance, the patient should start jogging
daily for 30 minutes and progress for weeks.
 Treffene: To improve aerobic endurance in swimming, you need to start
practicing daily for 1 hour.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15 meters at
maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45 seconds.

 Neutral Flotation: Holding the edge of the pool, arms bent, in a vertical
position, facing the wall. Put your head in the water for 10 seconds. As you get
used to it, you will let go of the edge of the pool.
 Breathing: With the help of a board with extended arms, kicking, we will
practice coordination and breathing technique. Every 6 seconds we will turn
our head against the left arm to breathe, we hold our breath underwater and
exhale. We will make 10x25m.
 Kicking: With the help of a board with extended arms, we keep the body in an
elevated position, performing the kick without the legs exceeding the surface.
We will make 10x25m.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in crawl position, with the body horizontal, the
head in the water and when we recover we will touch the water with the tips of
our fingers. This allows the body to rotate. We will do 8x25.
 Name: Abdiel Neira Espejo
 Physical Evaluation: Good
1. Speed Test
 Technical Evaluation: Good
1. Trunk Twist
 Corrections:
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15 meters at
maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45 seconds.

 Trunk twist: Holding a board in crawl position, with the body horizontal, the
head in the water and when we recover we will touch the water with the
tips of our fingers. This allows the body to rotate. We will make 8x25m.

 Name: Ismael Neira Espejo

 Physical Evaluation: Bad
1. Cooper test
2. Treffened test
3. Strength Test
4. Speed Test
 Technical Evaluation: Good
1. Armful
 Corrections:
 Cooper: To improve aerobic endurance, the patient should start jogging
daily for 30 minutes and progress for weeks.
 Treffene: To improve aerobic endurance in swimming, you need to start
practicing daily for 1 hour.
 Strength Test: To improve strength, you will start sessions in the gym
especially with the “rowing” machine, but also prioritizing the entire
lumbar area and back.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45

 Stroke: With the help of a board, we will swim crawl style and we will
do strokes step by step: support, traction and recovery . Then we will do
drills making a combination. Example: 2 right strokes, one left.

 Name: Claudio Mora Vera
 Physical Evaluation: Bad
1. BMI
2. Wingspan
3. Cooper
4. Treffened test
5. Speed Test
 Technical Evaluation: Bad
1. kick
2. Trunk Twist
3. Armful
 Corrections:
 BMI: Your body mass index is above your ideal index, you must lose at least
8kg to be in line with your size.
 Wingspan: We cannot improve our wingspan since it is a determining factor
and the person is born with a genetic predisposition.
 Cooper: To improve aerobic endurance, the patient should start jogging
daily for 30 minutes and progress for weeks.
 Treffene: To improve aerobic endurance in swimming, you need to start
practicing daily for 1 hour.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15 meters at
maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45 seconds.

 Kicking: With the help of a board with extended arms, we keep the body in
an elevated position, performing the kick without the legs exceeding the
surface. We will make 10x25m.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in crawl position, with the body horizontal, the
head in the water and when we recover we will touch the water with the
tips of our fingers. This allows the body to rotate. We will make 8x25m.
 Stroke: With the help of a board, we will swim crawl style and we will do
strokes step by step: support, traction and recovery . Then we will do drills
making a combination. Example: 2 right strokes, one left.

 Name: Jorge Colunche Contreras
 Physical Evaluation: Good
1. Wingspan
2. Cooper test
3. Speed Test
 Technical Evaluation: Good}
1. kick
2. Armful

 Corrections:
 Wingspan: We cannot improve our wingspan since it is a determining factor
and the person is born with a genetic predisposition.
 Cooper: To improve aerobic endurance, the patient should start jogging
daily for 30 minutes and progress for weeks.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15 meters at
maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45 seconds.

 Kicking: With the help of a board with extended arms, we keep the body in
an elevated position, performing the kick without the legs exceeding the
surface. We will make 10x25m.
 Stroke: With the help of a board, we will swim crawl style and we will do
strokes step by step: support, traction and recovery . Then we will do drills
making a combination. Example: 2 right strokes, one left.

 Name: Alejandro Panta Cisneros
 Physical Evaluation: Bad
1. BMI
2. Treffened test
3. Speed Test

 Technical Evaluation: Bad

1. Floatation
2. kick
3. Trunk Twist
 Corrections:
 BMI: Your body mass index is above your ideal index, you must lose at least
8kg to be in line with your size.
 Treffene: To improve aerobic endurance in swimming, you need to start
practicing daily for 1 hour.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15 meters
at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45 seconds.

 Neutral Flotation: Holding the edge of the pool, arms bent, in a vertical
position, facing the wall. Put your head in the water for 10 seconds. As you
get used to it, you will let go of the edge of the pool.
 Kicking: With the help of a board with extended arms, we keep the body in
an elevated position, performing the kick without the legs exceeding the
surface. We will make 10x25m.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in crawl position, with the body horizontal,
the head in the water and when we recover we will touch the water with
the tips of our fingers. This allows the body to rotate. We will do 8x25.


 Name: Alejandro Becerra Rosales

 Physical Evaluation: BAD
1. BMI
2. Wingspan
3. Ruffier test
4. Cooper test
5. Treffened test
6. speed test
7. Resistance Test
 Technical Evaluation: GOOD
1. neutral flotation
2. trunk twist
 Corrections:
 BMI: You are obese, you should start doing exercises to balance it.
 Wingspan: We can't do anything here, because this is something
 Ruffier Test: You should start doing more anaerobic exercises since the
test is short in duration but with maximum energy expenditure.
 Cooper Test: You should start with aerobic exercises such as going for a
daily run, since this is a test that measures aerobic endurance.
 Treffened Test: You must start doing aerobic and anaerobic exercises
since in this test we run at our maximum speed but for 4 minutes.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45
 Endurance Test: You must start training in the pool but for prolonged
periods (from 1 hour to more).
 Neutral flotation: Holding the edge of the pool, arms bent, in a vertical
position, facing the wall. Put your head in the water for 10 seconds. As you
get used to it, you will let go of the edge of the pool.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in a horizontal position, begin swimming in
front crawl position, begin making turns in the race to the
corresponding side of the stroke and kick.


 Name: Oscar Becerra Rosales

 Physical Evaluation: BAD
1. BMI
2. Ruffier test
3. Cooper test
4. Treffened test
5. speed test
6. Resistance Test
 Technical Evaluation: BAD
1. neutral flotation
2. trunk twist
3. kick
 Corrections:
 BMI: You are obese, you should start doing exercises to balance it.
 Ruffier Test: You should start doing more anaerobic exercises since the
test is short in duration but with maximum energy expenditure.
 Cooper Test: You should start with aerobic exercises such as going for a
daily run, since this is a test that measures aerobic endurance.
 Treffened Test: You must start doing aerobic and anaerobic exercises
since in this test we run at our maximum speed but for 4 minutes.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45
 Endurance Test: You must start training in the pool but for prolonged
periods (from 1 hour to more).
 Neutral flotation: Holding the edge of the pool, arms bent, in a vertical
position, facing the wall. Put your head in the water for 10 seconds. As you
get used to it, you will let go of the edge of the pool.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in
crawl style and begin to make trunk twists to the corresponding side of
the stroke and kick.
 Kicking: Holding a board in a horizontal position, he begins to swim in
crawl style, propelling himself with his feet.


 Name: Ronnie Agreda Quintana

 Physical Evaluation: BAD
1. BMI
2. Ruffier test
3. Cooper test
4. Treffened test
5. speed test
6. Resistance Test
 Technical Evaluation: GOOD
1. Armful
2. trunk twist
 Corrections:
 BMI: You are obese, you should start doing exercises to balance it.
 Ruffier Test: You should start doing more anaerobic exercises since the
test is short in duration but with maximum energy expenditure.
 Cooper Test: You should start with aerobic exercises such as going for a
daily run, since this is a test that measures aerobic endurance.
 Treffened Test: You must start doing aerobic and anaerobic exercises
since in this test we run at our maximum speed but for 4 minutes.
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45
 Endurance Test: You must start training in the pool but for prolonged
periods (from 1 hour to more).
 Stroke: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in crawl
style and begin to do the stroke technique correctly without having to
use your feet.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in
crawl style and begin to make trunk twists to the corresponding side of
the stroke and kick.


 Name: Jimmy Salinas Ramírez

 Physical Evaluation: GOOD
1. BMI
2. Wingspan
3. speed test
 Technical Evaluation: GOOD
4. Armful
5. trunk twist
 Corrections:
 BMI: You are obese, you should start doing exercises to balance it.
 Wingspan: We can't do anything here, because this is something
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45
 Stroke: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in crawl
style and begin to do the stroke technique correctly without having to
use your feet.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in
crawl style and begin to make trunk twists to the corresponding side of
the stroke and kick.


 Name: Frank Salgado Romero

 Physical Evaluation: GOOD
1. Wingspan
2. speed test
3. resistance test
 Technical Evaluation: BAD
1. neutral flotation
2. kick
3. trunk twist
4. Armful
 Corrections:
 Wingspan: We can't do anything here, because this is something
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45
 Endurance Test: You must start training in the pool but for prolonged
periods (from 1 hour to more).
 Neutral flotation: Holding the edge of the pool, arms bent, in a vertical
position, facing the wall. Put your head in the water for 10 seconds. As
you get used to it, you will let go of the edge of the pool.
 Kicking: Holding a board in a horizontal position, he begins to swim in
crawl style, propelling himself with his feet.
 Trunk twist: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in
crawl style and begin to make trunk twists to the corresponding side of
the stroke and kick.
 Stroke: Holding a board in a horizontal position, start swimming in crawl
style and begin to do the stroke technique correctly without having to
use your feet.


 Name: Renato Sanes Valverde

 Physical Evaluation: GOOD
1. BMI
2. Wingspan
3. speed test
 Technical Evaluation: GOOD
1. Breathing
 Corrections:
 BMI: You are obese, you should start doing exercises to balance it.
 Wingspan: We can't do anything here, because this is something
 Speed Test: We will use this exercise that consists of swimming 15
meters at maximum speed for 6 repetitions with a micropause of 45
 Breathing: With the stroke technique, we coordinate the movement of
the head to get it in and out of the pool, every 3 strokes.
 Name: Diego Farfán Palomino
 Total result of the Evaluations: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
Errors: None
The evaluated person is in optimal physical condition.
 Technical Evaluation: Good
Errors: None
The evaluated person has an excellent command of the freestyle technique.
 Corrections:
Constant training of speed work is recommended (Seguidillas every 12.5
meters in the 25m pool) to overcome your free time.
 Name: Aldair Roncal Miranda
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
1.-Speed Test (100 meters)
2.-Resistance Test (30 min)
 Technical Evaluation: Good
1.-Stroke Traction
2.-Stroke recovery
 Corrections:
 Speed test: In a 25 meter pool we will work in rows at speed reaching up to
12.5 meters and we return with a normal recovery rhythm; Then we go out
at speed completing the 25 meters and return to a recovery pace, we will do
this exercise for 8 repetitions.
 Endurance Test: The training is programmed starting with 1000 meters in
the pool alternating freestyle with backstroke; That is, you will start
swimming free at a fast pace and the recovery will be when you return
backstroke; When you touch the wall again you will swim freestyle and
return swimming backstroke; The exercise must be constant and without
 Stroke Traction : With the help of a board, the examinee will perform
traction until the thumb touches the lateral part of the thigh and return the
arm to its initial position (arms stretched holding the board). This exercise
will be performed for 25 meters until completing 100 meters per arm.
 Stroke Recovery : The evaluated person will hold a board with both hands
and at the end of the traction they must touch the shoulder and the parietal
part of the head with their thumb before the arm enters the water.
4x25mtsx arm
 Name: Eduardo Caycho Torres
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
1.-Speed Test (100 meters)
2.-Resistance Test (30 min)
 Technical Evaluation: Good
1.-Stroke Traction
 Corrections:
 Speed test: In a 25 meter pool we will work in rows at speed reaching up to
12.5 meters and we return with a normal recovery rhythm; Then we go out
at speed completing the 25 meters and return to a recovery pace, we will do
this exercise for 8 repetitions.
 Endurance Test: The training is programmed starting with 1000 meters in
the pool alternating freestyle with backstroke; That is, you will start
swimming free at a fast pace and the recovery will be when you return
backstroke; When you touch the wall again you will swim freestyle and
return swimming backstroke; The exercise must be constant and without
 Stroke Traction: With the help of a board, the examinee will perform
traction until the thumb touches the lateral part of the thigh and return the
arm to its initial position (arms stretched holding the board). This exercise
will be performed for 25 meters until completing 100 meters per arm.

 Name: Camila Quiroga
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
Errors: None
The evaluated person is in optimal physical condition.
 Technical Evaluation: Good
Errors: None
The evaluated person has an excellent command of the freestyle technique.
 Corrections: You could improve your resistance by working free and back
mileage for better breathing dosage
 Endurance Test: The training is programmed starting with 3000 meters in
the pool alternating freestyle with backstroke; That is, you will start
swimming free at a fast pace and the recovery will be when you return
backstroke; When you touch the wall again you will swim freestyle and
return swimming backstroke; The exercise must be constant and without
 Name: Miguel Benites
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
Speed Test
Resistance Test
 Technical Evaluation: Good
Stroke Recovery

 Corrections:
 BMI: The evaluated person must undergo strength resistance training to
improve their body mass index.
 Speed test: In a 25 meter pool we will work in rows at speed reaching up to
12.5 meters and we return with a normal recovery rhythm; Then we go out
at speed completing the 25 meters and return to a recovery pace, we will do
this exercise for 8 repetitions.

 Endurance Test: The training is programmed starting with 3000 meters in

the pool alternating freestyle with backstroke; That is, you will start
swimming free at a fast pace and the recovery will be when you return
backstroke; When you touch the wall again you will swim freestyle and
return swimming backstroke; The exercise must be constant and without
 Stroke Recovery : The evaluated person will hold a board with both hands
and at the end of the traction they must touch the shoulder and the parietal
part of the head with their thumb before the arm enters the water.
4x25mtsx arm
 Name: Venice Goicochea
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
 Technical Evaluation: Good
Errors: None
The evaluated person has an excellent command of the freestyle technique.
 Corrections:
 The person evaluated must undergo strength resistance training to
improve the levels of fat and muscle in her body.
 Name: Francesca Lavarello
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
speed test
Resistance Test
 Technical Evaluation: Good
Stroke Traction
 Corrections:
 Speed test: In a 25 meter pool we will work in rows at speed reaching up to
12.5 meters and we return with a normal recovery rhythm; Then we go out
at speed completing the 25 meters and return to a recovery pace, we will do
this exercise for 8 repetitions.

 Endurance Test: The training is programmed starting with 3000 meters in

the pool alternating freestyle with backstroke; That is, you will start
swimming free at a fast pace and the recovery will be when you return
backstroke; When you touch the wall again you will swim freestyle and
return swimming backstroke; The exercise must be constant and without
 Stroke Traction: With the help of a board, the examinee will perform
traction until the thumb touches the lateral part of the thigh and return the
arm to its initial position (arms stretched holding the board). This exercise
will be performed for 25 meters until completing 100 meters per arm.


I. NAME: Sergio Alfaro Palomino

 BMI.
 Wingspan length.
 Cooper test.
 Treffened test.
 Speed test.
 Resistance test.
 Neutral flotation.
 Traction and recovery in stroke.

 BMI: For this person, a training program to reduce body fat would be
recommended, training strength resistance with it.
 WINGSPAN: In the case of wingspan, taking into account age and, most
importantly, this aspect is a genetic determinant, no improvement can be
 COOPER AND TRFFENED: For both tests, in the case of cooper and
treffened, resistance exercises, which demand greater energy expenditure,
due to this the volume of oxygen in the lungs will increase.

 SPEED TEST: In the speed test, this is linked to the kicking and stroke
technique in swimming; which will be detailed later; but the way to train it
is at a distance of 25 m. swim at full speed doing 8 repetitions with a micro
pause of 60 s.

 RESISTANCE TEST: To improve this part, as in speed, training will be

needed for at least 3 days in a row, training mileage of at least 1000 m.

 NEUTRAL FLOATATION: It is evaluated that the entire body is in a straight

line, in this case the practitioner lowered his feet. An exercise that can be
done is to hold on to the edge of the pool, keep your feet stretched out in
line with your body and slowly let go.

 TRACTION AND RECOVERY IN THE STROKE: To improve this technique, a

board will preferably be used, having the board between the legs
squeezing them, moving forward only using the arms, we start with a
distance of 15m. then the distance will be graduated.

I. NAME: Kevin Gabriel León.

a. Mistakes:
 Speed test.


Leg extension


 SPEED TEST: To train these parts we will start at a distance of 25 m. swim

at full speed doing 8 repetitions with a micro pause of 60 s. The ideal thing
to train is at least 3 days in a row, to obtain better results.
 LEG EXTENSION: The evaluated person performs continuous free kick for
25 meters and upon returning the other 25 meters performs back kick
with arms stretched above the head. 8x25 meters.

V. NAME: Alejandro Díaz Díaz

VI.1. Mistakes:
 BMI.
 Cooper test.
 Treffened test.
 Speed test.
 Resistance test.
 Neutral flotation.
 Traction and recovery in stroke.

 COOPER AND TRFFENED: For both tests, in the case of cooper and
treffened, resistance exercises, which demand greater energy expenditure,
due to this the volume of oxygen in the lungs will increase.

 SPEED TEST: In the speed test, this is linked to the kicking and stroke
technique in swimming; which will be detailed later; but the way to train it
is at a distance of 25 m. swim at full speed doing 8 repetitions with a micro
pause of 60 s.

 RESISTANCE TEST: To improve this part, as in speed, training will be

needed for at least 3 days in a row, training mileage of at least 1000 m.

 NEUTRAL FLOATATION: It is evaluated that the entire body is in a straight

line, in this case the practitioner lowered his feet. An exercise that can be
done is to hold on to the edge of the pool, keep your feet stretched out in
line with your body and slowly let go.

 TRACTION AND RECOVERY IN THE STROKE: To improve this technique, a

board will preferably be used, having the board between the legs
squeezing them, moving forward only using the arms, we start with a
distance of 15m. then the distance will be graduated.

 Stroke Recovery : The evaluated person will hold a board with both
hands and at the end of the traction they must touch the shoulder
and the parietal part of the head with their thumb before the arm
enters the water. 4x25mtsx arm

IX. NAME: Junior Lozano Moncada
 Speed test.
XI.1. ERRORS: None


 SPEED TEST: In the speed test, this is linked to the kicking and stroke
technique in swimming; which will be detailed later; but the way to train it
is at a distance of 25 m. swim at full speed doing 8 repetitions with a micro
pause of 60 s.

XIII. NAME: Gonzalo Coronel

Errors: None
The evaluated person shows excellent physical condition

 Stroke traction


 TRACTION AND RECOVERY IN THE STROKE: To improve this technique, a

board will preferably be used, having the board between the legs
squeezing them, moving forward only using the arms, we start with a
distance of 15m. then the distance will be graduated.
 Name: Alejandro Polo
 Total evaluation result: Good
 Physical Evaluation: Good
 Technical Evaluation: Good
Errors: None
The person evaluated has an excellent command of the freestyle technique
 Corrections:
 RESISTANCE TEST: To improve this part, as in speed, training will be needed for at
least 3 days in a row, training mileage of at least 1000 m.

 STRENGTH TEST: To improve strength, you will start sessions in the gym
especially with the “rowing” machine, but also prioritizing the entire lumbar
area and back.

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