Ideas For Missionary Activities and Mission Worships.01.07.2022

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Various authors

1) Be clear about the objective of the cult and what you want to present.
2) Have an annual project that determines what need and focus you want to present to the congregation
during the year, in missionary services and other activities.
3) Decorate the temple with flags or typical elements of reality to present, whether from our indigenous
cultures or the cultures of selected peoples to pray for them or where there is a missionary that we
4) Project videos to create greater missionary awareness , the visual always has more impact, you can
use a data show or a large television.
5) Have a time of worship with songs that focus on giving and service in missionary work inside and
outside the church and the country.
6) Present choreographies or plays related to the missionary theme. (brief)
7) Invite a missionary to tell and show the work they do.
8) Exhibition of clocks with the different times where the missionaries are.
9) Prepare a stand of typical foods to share after the worship.
10) Create and prepare intercession cards with specific reasons for countries or missionaries, you can also
use brochures that the missionary has.
11) Make posters with the same verse in different languages and decorate the temple.
12) Make posters with different existing alphabets to create a transposition of cultures.
13) Explanatory brochures with the missionary vision of the church, its objective and purposes.
14) Brochure with the missionary(s) of the local church or those they have adopted, explaining the
commitment and responsibility that this means.
15) Collaborate with a missionary in making brochures, bookmarks and magnets so that everyone can
have a copy.
16) Line the storehouses with planispheres or make a world piggy bank to raise the offering: Among
children, young people, ladies and gentlemen, explaining the purpose of the offering and why.
17) For youth cults: make a piñata in the shape of the world and place cardboard of countries inside with
all the information about population, languages, religions, whether it is reached or not, missionaries in
that country, etc., and with their respective needs, then break it at the end of the service and invite
them to take one and pray for that nation.
18) Have those who are committed in one way or another to the missions sign a scroll and display it on the
church bulletin board.
19) Implement offerings of faith through envelopes that are given to all members, including children, and
collect them on the day of the missionary worship. The purpose of the missionary faith offering must
be explained, what it will be used for, and the results of the support with that offering. The amount of
offering sent must be reported each month in the missionary worship, congratulating those who gave
with great effort. and pray especially for all the offerings.
20) Missionary services led by different ministries of the church, children, youth, women, men. families,
education, etc.... the children's cult is separate but directed by them with reinforcements by the adult
who coordinates them.
21) Briefly remember biographies of missionaries, in the current or past mission field.
22) Christian music from the country to be represented, it can be sung with the congregation if it is brief.
23) Invite the congregation to a day of fasting for the needs of the world, explaining in worship the
importance of intercession and spiritual warfare.
24) Always in each missionary cult, if there is a missionary candidate, let him be part of the cult as such
and report how his process is going, if he is studying, let him report his progress, if he went on a
missionary trip.
25) Place a planisphere somewhere visible and a large world map indicating the countries for which you
pray and support.

Activities for missionary worship

You don't need too many resources to carry out beautiful missionary activities, just a little creativity and
help, ideas:


Stimulate the thinking of children and young people about missions, missionaries and the different mission
fields that the IDPMI has in Nicaragua and the mission fields in the world where we plan to send missionaries
starting in 2025.

Days before any missions event, consider the topic of this event with the missions board of the local church so
that it can be part of the studies from the nursery class (2-3 years) to the university classes and of course in
studies for adults too.

1. Encourage teachers to discuss the topic with their respective study groups on the day, including in
their family units, leadership schools, etc.
2. Ask them to leave time in class each week to help students develop art that graphically illustrates the
topic being discussed that week.
3. Provide the materials the classes need.
4. On the agreed day, before the beginning of the mission activity, collect the works of art that I leave as
homework to do in each class or group.
5. Designate an area of the church where you can display the art for everyone to see, and ask for
volunteers to set up the display.
6. Alternative: If your local church has a Christian school, classes can be assigned to prepare art on the
theme of some missionary activity that is in progress.

Help the members of the congregation, those who participate in the parade, and those who observe, to greater
identification with the missionaries they support and with the broad scope of the missionary effort that is
being made by the Department. of Missions and Evangelism and AMI.

This parade is very effective during missionary worship or in a massive missionary activity, be it a
conference, congress, fair, seminar, missionary workshop, etc.

Have a church group wear typical attire of the countries or ethnic groups where the missionaries are and
parade to close the missionary event or at another time but be clearly visible to the participants.


1. Provide the opportunity for people to meet missionaries personally and learn more about their daily
lives, the culture of their mission field, and their ministry.
2. Provide the opportunity for a question and answer session between the missionary/missionary family
and the brothers of the home where the group is held.

1. It is common for churches to work today in study, prayer or homogeneous groups; Some missionaries
can be invited to attend the group so they can share their experiences and calling in a more informal

2. In each home it can include dinner (preferable) or coffee and dessert before or after the missionary's
sharing and a question and answer session.

Kids have an incredible hands-on experience when they visit missionaries abroad through this simulated
mission flight.

1. Prepare schedules for mission flights (the number of flights will depend on the number of children
2. Place an order for flight tickets from a local airline.
3. Buy peanuts and soft drinks to serve on the plane.
4. Prepare a real-looking passport for each participating passenger. (Information about the countries to
prepare passports can be requested from the Department. of Misiones or AMI) or investigates them on
their own.
5. Pass out images and short videos of the places they would visit and also photos of our missionaries in
their field. (This is why we need the information that brother owes us. Wilfredo Martines)


1. Have curio booths where missionaries or missionary representatives can display rarities from their
respective mission field to give the congregation the opportunity to learn about other cultures and talk
one-on-one with the missionaries.
2. Children, especially, will enjoy this learning experience.

1. The number of curio stands needed for your missionary activity will depend on the number of
missionaries participating or the materials they want to have in the stands.
2. The booth may also contain books, prayer cards, flags, mission field information, registration forms
for missionary candidates, missionary videos, missionary music, etc. (Maximum, our churches lack
missionary music),
3. Prepare to have the kiosks ready at the beginning of the mission activity to stimulate interest among
4. Set the kiosks in a place where people can walk and see the curiosities.
5. These themselves can be of any form that suits or fits your situation.
6. They can be made from large pieces of cardboard and decorated to represent a place in the world. or
it may simply be a table with posters posted on the front wall.
7. Identify the nation each stand represents.


1. Provide a visual exhibition that provides information about world missions and sparks interest in
them. (That is why it is important that at the district fair there are places where data, music,
presentations, photos, etc. can be presented from the missionary perspective: Where there are schools
they can, in one classroom present Africa, in another, Asia, in another Europe, in another another of
our indigenous groups such as where Pastor Jorge Luis Cruz Cruz has churches, in another the fields
of the IDPMI International that Pastor Wilfredo Martínez provides us with, etc.

2. Designate several rooms (or a large area) where presentations of visiting missionary projects and/or
details of major mission areas can be prepared:
to. Africa, Eurasia, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, our indigenous groups, etc.
3. To learn about the culture of a particular country, use the Department's research materials. of
Misiones and AMI.
4. To provide information about a ministry of IDPMI International in a particular country, request a
copy from us, but take care of its use for security.
5. This activity may be an event other than the meeting time or after or before services.


Offer an international experience to help the congregation focus on world missions and mission outreach.

1) Set the day of the Banquet of All Nations within the missionary dates.
2) Reserve the church activity room for that date.
3) Divide the room into four or five areas to represent certain regions of the world.
4) Decorate the room with flags of many nations.
5) Check to see if your local library has books with cultural information about each area for decorating
6) It could be that the library also had typical music from different countries.
7) Prepare international foods known in each area.


1) Only a small percentage of IDPMI-NICARAGUA members make international phone calls and not to
missionaries in their fields of work because we don't have any.
2) There is no doubt that the heart is moved and you can identify better with the missionary when you
hear him speak from the mission field where he ministers or at least to another missionary, even if he
is not ours for now but we know him as Orlando Córdoba in Mali, Africa or another missionary.

With the church sound system or the internet, put on a phone with a giant speaker.

1) Call the missionary, if applicable, during worship or missionary activity when attendance is greater.
2) Make arrangements with the missionary before the mission activity regarding a call time so you can
meet him.
3) Be prepared with questions you want to ask him, but give him the opportunity to share any news or
needs he can in the field where he ministers.


1) To reinforce, through the ministry of music, personal participation in the work of the harvest that
Christ demands of each of us, is to encourage participation in missionary work from the ministration
of praise with an emphasis on missions.

2) An important part of any missionary activity is music ministry with an emphasis on missions.
3) Before the missionary activity, ask the minister of music or the worship leader to prepare special
music for each missionary service, a directory of missionary music should be made and rehearsed, in
many cases the missionary praise can be dramatized.
4) He or she may have soloists, ensembles, the choir, and/or hymns sung by the congregation to present
the missions in song.

1) When the person who supports missions can identify more intimately with a missionary or a need, his
or her sense of responsibility for missions increases.


ministry that the missionary raises in the national or international mission field.
2) It consists of motivating each believer or ministry during missionary activity to financially support a
missionary project for at least one year uninterruptedly with monthly faith offerings which are
delivered to the Department. of National Missions, specifically for what you want to support in
missionary work.
3) Set a certain amount of money monthly with which an individual or a ministry group (Youth, Men's
Ministries, Women's Ministries, children, Home Cell Groups, etc.)

"So go and make

disciples of all

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