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Dr. Felipe I. Arreguín Cortés

Technical Deputy General
Director National Water
Commission Professor
Faculty of Engineering
National Autonomous University of Mexico

1 Introduction

The diversion work is normally temporary in nature, and its objective is to keep the dam
construction area and its auxiliary works dry for as long as they require it. Even when the
work is used during the time when it is necessary to divert the river, the structure or part of
it can be used in the intake work or in the surplus work, through adequate planning,
construction and operation, Marengo 2001.

The choice of the diversion method will depend on various characteristics, among them we
can mention:

a) The runoff regime and the magnitude and frequency of floods,

b) the return period of the maximum expenditure,
c) the topographic and geological characteristics of the nozzle,

d) downstream supply commitments,
e) the planning of the work and construction processes and f) the diversion methods.

1.1 Runoff regime and magnitude and frequency of floods

To carry out this analysis it is necessary to review the hydrographs of the stream, ensuring
that these correspond to the hydrometric stations closest to the site of the nozzle, and with
the greatest possible record of hydrometric data. Knowledge of the runoff regime allows
defining the construction stages. It is important to determine the periods of floods and dry
periods, as well as the instantaneous maximum and minimum expenses.

For example, in Mexico it is common for the flood season in the rivers in the center and
south of the country to occur in the spring and summer, while in those in the north and
northwest they occur in summer and winter. If in a particular case there are floods caused
by tropical cyclones or thaws, their influence on the hydrograph must be taken into

1.2 Maximum Spend Return Period

In theory, the diversion works should be designed to derive the largest avenue observed;
this is not possible from an economic point of view, and a smaller avenue must be selected
according to the risk to be adopted. To do this, the following factors must be considered.

a) Duration of construction of the work,

b) cost of damage caused by the eventual flooding of the work area, c) cost of
delaying construction progress in the event of a possible flood and d) risk of loss of
human life and damage to areas located downstream, for example towns or areas

In Mexico, the National Water Commission has established the return periods for the
estimation of maximum expenditure for the different hydraulic works, indicated in Table No.
1. Even so, floods greater than those calculated with these criteria may occur, for example
during the construction of the Nezahualcoyotl dam (Malpaso), a flood greater than the
maximum observed occurred, and more recently the same thing happened at the El Cajón
Hydroelectric Project, Marengo, 1998, and Marengo, Cortés and Arreguín, 2006, which is
why the possibility of this occurring should always be considered, and measures taken to
respond to a possible emergency.

1.3 Topographic and geological characteristics of the nozzle

Topography is one of the factors that most influence the selection of the type of diversion;
in general, open nozzles (U-shaped) are conducive to building pits or channels, and closed
nozzles (V-shaped) are suitable for tunnel construction, Arreguín 2001.

Geology becomes relevant especially in the case of tunnels, it must be checked to ensure
stability, impermeability and resistance to erosion, assigning a relative weight to each
factor according to the type of work.

1.4 Downstream supply commitments

This factor may require that the sizing of the diversion work be governed not only by the
hydrological conditions upstream, but also by those downstream of the dam, for example
commitments to supply water for human consumption, irrigation, industrial uses. or
environmental conservation, forcing the installation of pumping systems or siphons to
satisfy demand when it is small, or to combine pits and tunnels during the construction

1.5 Planning of the work and construction processes

The general planning of the work and the construction processes influence the selection of
the diversion work and the type of curtain, the possibility of using the diversion work in the
intake or surplus works, the general construction program of the dam and of course in the
cost of all the structures involved.

2 Diversion methods

Detour works can be of various types and will depend on technical, economic, social
factors, time commitments and risk, the main types are:

a) Detour with pit or channel,

b) detour with tunnels on the slopes of the nozzle,
c) detour through and over concrete curtains and
d) mixed detours.

3 Diversion works with pits or channels

A pit is a channel located inside the nozzle, to open one or two work fronts to build the
curtain. They are normally used in earthen dams.

For the design of the pit, once located inside the nozzle, it will be necessary to determine
its length L , slope S , type of section and template width b and the Manning roughness
coefficient n .

It is recommended that the slope of the pit coincide as much as possible with that of the
river, in order to avoid erosive processes upstream and downstream of the pit, which could
cause the accumulation of silt in the channel in the first case, and problems of stability in
the second.

The slope of the pits must guarantee its stability and that it withstands the shear stresses to
which it will be subjected by the flow of water in the channel.

Type of hydraulic work Tr (years)
1 Storm drain
Free side on streets in towns where short-term flooding is
tolerated…………………………………… 2
Free side on streets in towns where temporary flooding is not
tolerated ……………………………………………... 2
1.3 Agricultural areas ………………………………………………………… 5

1.4 Urban areas:

a) Small towns with less than 100,000 inhabitants………... 2-5
b) Medium-sized towns between 100,000 and 1,000,000 5-10
c) Large towns with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants……….. 10-25

1.5 Airports, railway stations and buses……………….. 10

1.6 Ditches and counter ditches on roads and 5
2 Crossing structures
2.1 Highway bridges in:
a) local roads that connect small towns …………… 25-50
b) regional roads that connect medium-sized towns……….. 50-100
c) roads that connect large towns (cities) ……….. 500-1000
2.2 Railway bridges in:
a) isolated local roads (detours) ……………………………………. 50-100
b) secondary regional roads …………………………………….. 100-500
c) primary roads of the country 500-1000
2.3 Canal bridges or water conduction pipes for: a) irrigation of an area
less than 1,000 Ha ………………………………. 10-25
b) irrigation area of 1,000 to 10,000 Ha ……………………………. 25-50
c) irrigation area greater than 10,000 Ha ……………………………... 50-100
d) industrial supply …………………………………………... 50-100
e) drinking water supply ………………………………….. 100-500
2.4 Bridges for oil and gas pipelines:
a) local secondary supply ………………………………….. 25-50
b) regional supply ……………………………………………. 50-100
c) primary supply ……………………………………………. 100-500
Table No. 1. Recommendation of return periods for expense estimation
maximum design in hydraulic works, National Water Commission

TABLE No. 1. Continuation …
Type of hydraulic work Tr (years)
3 Sewers for the passage of small currents
a) On local roads that connect small towns………. 10-25
b) On regional roads that connect medium-sized towns …… c) On 25-50
primary roads that connect large towns (cities)
………………………………………………………………. 50-100

4 Delimitation of federal zones

4.1 Free currents in: 5
a) semi-arid to humid areas ……………………………………... b) 10 or greater
Based on capacity
arid areas with erratic runoff regime ……………. c) overflow areas of the
…………………………………………. channel natural

Streams with control works: 5 or 10 in

4.2 both, eitherhe
In addition to the free section, regulated spending must be taken
regulated of
into account. design of the
construction site
Yeah is

5 Delimitation of protection zones in hydraulic works In the opinion of

the CNA
6 Channeling of currents
6.1 Free currents in area:
a) small-scale agriculture, less than 1,000 Ha….…………. b)
medium-sized agricultural, from 1,000 to 10,000 Ha ………… c) 10-25
large-sized agricultural, from 10,000 Ha onwards ……................ d) 25-50
for protection of small populations ………………………... e) for 50-100
protection of medium populations ………………………… f) for 50-100 100-500
protection of large populations ………………… ………… 500-1000

TABLE No. 1. Continuation …
Type of hydraulic work Tr (years)
6.2 Controlled currents: Free section idem
a) There is a free section………………………………………………... that (6.1) plus the
for that period of
control design
expense if higher

b) There is no free section …………………………………………….. Equal to the

expense of
design of the
7 Diversion dams
a) Zone of small irrigation (less than 1,000 Ha) …………………. 50-100 100-
b) Zone of medium irrigation (1,000 to 10,000 Ha) 500 500-
…………………... 1000
c) Zone of large irrigation (more than 10,000 Ha)
8 Temporary diversion works
8.1 Small prey ………………………………………………………. 10-25
8.2 Medium dams ………………………………………………………. 25-50
8.3 Large dams ………………………………………………………… 50-100
8.4 Current relief channel …………………………………………... 25-50 ( or greater,
depending on

9 Storage dams
9.1 Jales (sludge from mineral processing in mines) ………... Azolve 500-1000
9.2 from the removal of soil in basins ……………………………. Water They are presented
9.3 for supplying populations, irrigation, energy, etc. ......................... in the following

TABLE No. 1. Continuation …
Loss of life Design
Storage Mm damage
Category 3

Height m
Small Less than 1.5 Under 15 None Based on probability
Less than cost studies Tr= 500 years
of the dam

Moderate From the order Based on studies of

of the cost of the probability
dam Tr=1000 years

Based on studies of
Considerabl probability
Greater than the Tr=10000 years.
cost of the dam
Median Between 1.5 Between 12 None
and 60 and 30 Within financial Probability study
Tr=1000 to 10000
capacity years

Moderate Probability study

Slightly greater Tr=10,000 years
than financial

Considerabl Greater than Severe storms.

e financial Storms maximized.
capacity Transposition of
Tr>=10000 years

Considerabl Excessive or as Maximum possible

Elderly: Over 60 Over 18 based in analysis
e an established
Failure is not Hydrometeorological
tolerated political norm Analysis of local storm
maximization and
transposition of
storms with
Tr>=10000 years

3.1 Cofferdams

The cofferdams are earth structures, graded materials, rockfill, metal, concrete
or wood, that oppose the passage of the river to divert it towards a tunnel, (they
are placed transversally or sent in the channel) or to channel it to the pit, of the
which can form part, when placed parallel to the axis of the channel, that is,

In general the cofferdams are temporary in nature, but on some occasions they
can be integrated into the curtain, see fig. 1 (structure No. 4), CNA, 1999, then
the quality of these structures depends on this situation and other factors such
as topography, geology and water velocity.

Another case in which they may have a definitive character is when they are
built in diversion works in dams with free fall spillways, Arreguín, 2000, for
example in thin arch, gravity arch and buttress dams, since in these cases they
serve to form water mattresses to cushion the fall of the jet from the spillway.

The maximum height of the cofferdams will be determined by calculating the

profile of the water in the pit (the same applies for other types of diversion) for
the maximum or design flow, to which a free edge is added. Their construction
program can also be obtained by calculating different water profiles for the
expenses that occur over time (hydrogram). For this purpose, the cofferdam's
expense-height curves can be developed, and the best economic option. It is
obtained through the cost of pits or tunnels-cost of cofferdams curve.

Figure 1. Section of a curtain of graduated materials, with integrated

cofferdams, National Water Commission, 1999
3.2 . Cases of deviations with pits

Below are several cases in which diversion works with pits were mainly used,
although in several of them they were complemented with tunnels.

3.2.1 Alvaro Obregón dam diversion work (Oviachic)

It consisted of a pit built on the left bank to make way for an avenue of 2,500.00
m 3 /s, see fig. 2, CNA, 1999. While the avenue was driven through the pit, three
tunnels were built on the right bank. In a second stage, the river was diverted
through the tunnels by closing the pit, and finally in a third stage, the curtain was
completed and the tunnels were closed, to later be used as intake work,
Arreguín 2006.

Figure 2. Diversion work for the Álvaro Obregón Dam (Oviachic), Sonora,
National Water Commission, 1999

3.2.2 Diversion work for the Adolfo López Mateos dam (El Humaya)

It was made through a 30.00 m wide pit, located on the left bank of the channel,
with a subsequent reduction to 20.00 m, see fig. 3, CNA, 1999. The left slope of
0.5:1 was formed by the slope of the mouth and the slope of the right bank was
2:1, as part of a cofferdam 14.50 m high and 600.00 m long, see fig. 4. In a
second stage, during the closing of the curtain, the detour was made through the
two tunnels of the intake work.

Figure 3. Diversion work for the Presidente Adolfo López Mateos Dam
(El Humaya), Sinaloa, National Water Commission, 1999


Figure 4. Pit of the diversion work of the Presidente Adolfo López dam
Mateos (El Humaya), Sinaloa

3.2.3 Diversion work with pit of the Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez dam

A 60 m wide pit was built on the left slope, see fig. 5, CNA, 1999, diverting the
current using two cofferdams, while the curtain was built on two work fronts on both
sides of the pit, see fig 6. During the dry season the pit was closed, diverting the
river through the intake work.

Figure 5. Diversion work with pit of the Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez Dam
(Mocuzari), Sonora, National Water Commission, 1999

Figure 6. Diversion work with pit of the Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez Dam
(Mocuzari), Sonora.

3.3 . Hydraulic design of diversion works with pit

To design the diversion work, the river's flow curve is required. In general, it is
recommended that pits operate with subcritical flow, when they are located on
granular channels or the cofferdams are made of graded materials or earth with
little protection on their slopes. When the pits are excavated in healthy rock, they
are lined or cofferdams that support high velocities are used, they will be able to
work with supercritical flow. Although it must be remembered that high speeds can
cause erosion in the channel upstream and downstream of the pit.

The design consists of making a proposal for the geometry of the pit or channel,
including the length L , the section, the template width b and the roughness
coefficient n . This determines the boundary conditions, which include the normal Y
n and critical Y c ties , in the pit and in the river, and in particular the control section,
in order to calculate the water profile, add a free edge and thereby determine the
height of the cofferdams and even the work program for their construction.

The water profile in the pit can be calculated by solving the gradually varied flow

d and S0-Sf
x 1

+ a d ( v /2 g ) d y

is the variation of the length y in the x direction, or “the derivative of y with d x
with respect to x ”,
S 0 is the slope of the pit template, S f is the energy slope of the flow, a is the
Coriolis coefficient and is the variation of the velocity head in the y direction or “the
derivative of the velocity head with with respect to and.”
d ( / 2g )

Once the water profile has been calculated, the velocities must be
d and
reviewed to ensure that no erosive effects will occur in the pit.

The depth upstream of the pit in the river can be calculated with equation 2:

k is the input loss coefficient, (2)

3.3.1 free board

The free edge is an elevation of the cofferdams above the water profile, in order to
take into account the effects of the flow waves. The general recommendation is to
increase the depth determined by calculating the water profile by 1.50 m, although

2hr = Y e + h
vt + kh vt


h r is the depth in the river,

And e is the tension at the entrance of the pit, h vt is the velocity head in the pit,

in some cases of large dams a free edge of 2.00 meters has been accepted.

The height of the cofferdams can be constant, taking as reference the tension
corresponding to the maximum or design expenditure, or variable, taking into
account the tension at the entrance and exit of the pit.

3.4 Examples

3.4.1 Example No. 1

Calculate the height of a U-shaped cofferdam, of a diversion work with a

trapezoidal section pit with 3:1 slopes, template width b = 30.00 m and a Manning
roughness coefficient of n = 0.025, see fig. 7. The diversion cost is Q = 170.00 m

The average slope of the river is S = 0.0015, the channel roughness coefficient is n
= 0.030, the cross section is approximately trapezoidal with slopes 3:1 and
template width b = 170.00 m.

Figure 7. Example Pit Data

On the other hand, the curtain will be made of graduated materials with a height H
= 80.00 m, slopes 2:1 and crown width of 15.00 m, see fig 8.

Figure 8. Layout of the work in example 3.4.1, (figure out of scale)


A cofferdam height of 3.50 m is proposed, with a crown of 7.00 m and 3:1 slopes,
built with material from the excavation of the foundation, and will not be integrated
into the curtain. The separation of the traces of the curtain and the cofferdam is
14.00 m, where vehicles will travel.

The length of the pit L, see fig 8, is:

L = 2(7.00) + 2(3.50)(3) + 2(14.00) + 15.00 + 2(2)(80.00) = 398.00 m

The normal tension in the pit It is calculated with the
and equations:
V 1 2/3 1/2 (3)

Q = AR 2 2/3 s 2/2 (4)

Substituting and solving:

Y, = 2.09 m
n t

The critical tension in the pit is obtained with the equations:

Q 2 A
g Tc

A c = bY t +
k ct = 30Y t + 3 Y c 2
t (6)

T c = b + 2 kY ct = 30 + 2(3) Y ct (7)


A c is the critical area,

T c is the free surface of the water for critical conditions and k is the slope of the

Substituting and solving equation (6):

Y = 1.43 m c t

Proceeding in the same way, the normal and critical ties upstream and downstream
of the pit (in the river) are:

nr = 0.97 m

cr = 0.47 m

As Y nt >Y ct >Y nr , there is a profile M2 in the pit, see fig. 9.

Figure 9 Pit section

To know the depth at the entrance to the pit, the water profile (M2) is calculated, as
shown in table No. 2.

Table No. 2 Calculation of the M2 profile inside the pit
Season Strap (m)
0.00 1.43
50.00 1.75
100.00 1.85
150.00 1.90
200.00 1.94
250.00 1.97
300.00 1.99
350.00 2.01
398.00 2.02

Considering a free board of 1.50 m, the height of the upstream cofferdam is equal

h = 2.02 + 1.50 = 3.52 m

Since h = 3.50 m was initially assumed, the proposed initial value can be accepted.

For the height of the downstream cofferdam you have to:

h = Y ct + BL = 1.43 + 1.50 = 2.93 m

Through an economic analysis, it must be decided whether the height of the

cofferdam is established constant with its maximum value, in this case that of the
entrance to the pit, or variable taking into account the height of the cofferdam at the
entrance and exit of the pit. .

The upstream depth of the cofferdam h r turns out to be:

h = Y e + h + kh (8)
r and et et


h is the speed load in the pit,

k is the input loss coefficient, in this case k = 0.05, then:

Q 170.00
V, =t — =-------- = 2.62 m /
A 64.68
, _(2.62) 2

h, = 1 = 0.35 m

Substituting into equation 9:

h r = 2.02 + 0.35 + 0.05(.35) = 2.39 m

3.4.2 Example No. 2

Calculate the curves of template width b against cofferdam height ha , and
expenditure Q against cofferdam height ha, for a detour with a pit 360.00 meters
long, with trapezoidal section and slopes 3:1, roughness coefficient n = 0.030,
slope S = 0.001, and a flow rate Q of 150.00 m 3 /s.

The river has an approximately trapezoidal section with a template width b of

150.00 m, slope of 3:1, roughness coefficient n of 0.030, and a slope of S = 0.001.

b-ha curve

The curve will be prepared for templates of 5.00, 8.00, 15.00, 18.00, 23.00, 25.00
and 30.00 m. First, the type of channel profile will be determined, to which a free
edge of 1.50 m will be added and with this the height of the cofferdam ha will be

a) Template width b = 5.00 m.

With the pit data, it is obtained that the critical depth is Yct = 2.76 m, with a critical
slope Sct = 7.80819 E-03 and a normal depth Ynt = 4.36 m, therefore it is an M2

For the other template widths from 8.00 to 30.00 m, the same procedure is
followed. In table No. 3, the water profiles and the heights of the cofferdams are
presented for each station from 0.00 to 360.00 m. In all cases, the critical depth is
noted at the initial station (0.00 m), and the calculation is made from downstream to

The normal braces and critical slopes to confirm that they are M2 profiles are noted

b) Template width b = 8.00 m

Critical depth Yct = 2.44 m
Critical slope Sct = 7.823616 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 3.98 m

c) Template width b = 15.00 m

Critical tension Yct = 1.90 m
Critical slope Sct = 7.97494 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 3.29 m

d) Template width b = 23.00 m

Critical depth Yct = 1.52 m
Critical slope Sct = 8.245303 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 2.75 m

e) Template width b = 25.00 m

Critical depth Yct = 1.45 m

Critical slope Sct = 8.318659 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 2.65 m

f) Template width b = 30.00 m
Critical depth Yct = 1.30 m Critical slope Sct = 8.50378 E-03
Normal tension Ynt = 2.47

Figure 10. Curve of template width b versus cofferdam height ha

Q-ha curve

The calculation is made for a pit with a template width b = 25.00 m. The procedure
is similar to the calculation of the b-ha curve, with costs of 3.00 to 150.00 m 3 /s,
see table No. 4 .

a) For the flow rate Q = 3.00 m 3 /s, the critical depth Yct is 0.11 m, the critical
slope Sct is equal to 1.837129 E-02 and the normal depth Ynt is 0.27 m, and it is
an M2 profile. In the same way as in the previous case, in table No. 4, the water
profiles are presented for each case, starting with the critical depth at station 0.00
and adding a free edge of 1.50 m. The review of the type of profile for each
expense is presented below:

b) Expense Q = 6.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.18 m
Critical slope Sct = 1.581919 E-02
Normal tension Ynt = 0.41

c) Expense Q = 9.00 m 3 /s

Critical depth Yct = 0.23 m

Critical slope Sct = 1.450886 E-02
Normal tie Ynt = 0.52 m

d) Expense Q =15.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.33 m

Critical slope Sct = .0130313
Normal tie Ynt = 0.70 m

e) Expense Q = 20 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.40 m
Critical slope Sct = 1.227767 E-02
Normal tie Ynt = 0.83 m

f) Expense Q = 25.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.46 m
Critical slope Sct = 1.172918 E-02
Normal tie Ynt = 0.95 m

g) Expense Q = 35.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.57 m
Critical slope Sct = 1.095929 E-02
Normal tie Ynt = 1.15 m

h) Expense Q = 45.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.67 m
Critical slope Sct = 1.042667 E-02
Normal tie Ynt = 1.33 m

i) Expense Q = 65.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 0.85 m
Critical slope Sct = 9.708412 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 1.65 m

j) Expense Q = 85.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 1.01 m
Critical slope Sct = 9.227438 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 1.92 m

k) Expense Q = 100.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 1.12 m
Critical slope Sct = 8.952878 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 2.11 m

l) Expense Q = 115.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 1.23 m
Critical slope Sct = 8.726092 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 2.28 m

m) Expense Q = 130.00 m 3 /s

Critical depth Yct = 1.33 m Critical slope Sct = 8.53438 E-03

Normal tie Ynt = 2.44 m

n) Expense Q = 140.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 1.39 m
Critical slope Sct = 8.421429 E-03

Normal tie Ynt = 2.55 m

ñ) Expense Q = 150.00 m 3 /s
Critical depth Yct = 1.45 m
Critical slope Sct = 8.318659 E-03
Normal tie Ynt = 2.65 m

The curve Q expenditure against cofferdam height ha is presented in fig. 11.

Expenditure (m 3 /s) Q
Figure 11 Curve of cofferdam heights ha - expenses Q

4 Diversion works with tunnels

This method is the most used in large dam diversion works. The cost of these
works can be reduced when part or all of them can be used in intake works or
surplus works.

4.1 Cases of diversion works with tunnels

4.1.1 Diversion work with tunnels for the Solís dam

Two tunnels of 6.00 m diameter were built, located on the right bank, where the
intake work was later housed, see fig. 12.

Table No. 3 Water stays in the pit y, and cofferdam heights ha, for different template widths b
Station x Template width b(m)
5 8 15 18 23 25 30
and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m)

0.00 2.76 4.26 2.44 3.94 1.90 3.40 1.73 3.23 1.52 3.02 1.45 2.95 1.30 2.80
25.00 3.18 4.68 2.85 4.35 2.28 3.78 2.11 3.61 1.88 3.38 1.80 3.30 1.64 3.14
50.00 3.32 4.82 2.98 4.48 2.41 3.91 2.23 3.73 1.99 3.49 1.92 3.42 1.75 3.25
75.00 3.42 4.92 3.08 4.58 2.50 4.00 2.32 3.82 2.07 3.57 1.99 3.49 1.82 3.32
100.00 3.50 5.00 3.15 4.65 2.57 4.07 2.38 3.88 2.14 3.64 2.05 3.55 1.88 3.38
125.00 3.56 5.06 3.22 4.72 2.62 4.12 2.44 3.94 2.19 3.69 2.10 3.60 1.93 3.43
150.00 3.62 5.12 3.27 4.77 2.67 4.17 2.48 3.98 2.23 3.73 2.15 3.65 1.97 3.47
175.00 3.66 5.16 3.15 4.65 2.71 4.21 2.52 4.02 2.27 3.77 2.18 3.68 2.00 3.50
200.00 3.71 5.21 3.36 4.86 2.75 4.25 2.56 4.06 2.30 3.80 2.21 3.71 2.03 3.53
225.00 3.74 5.24 3.39 4.89 2.78 4.28 2.59 4.09 2.33 3.83 2.24 3.74 2.06 3.56
250.00 3.78 5.28 3.42 4.92 2.81 4.31 2.62 4.12 2.36 3.86 2.27 3.77 2.08 3.58
275.00 3.81 5.31 3.45 4.95 2.84 4.34 2.64 4.14 2.38 3.88 2.29 3.79 2.10 3.60
300.00 3.84 5.34 3.48 4.98 2.86 4.36 2.67 4.17 2.40 3.90 2.31 3.81 2.12 3.62
325.00 3.86 5.36 3.51 5.01 2.89 4.39 2.69 4.19 2.42 3.92 2.33 3.83 2.14 3.64
350.00 3.89 5.39 3.53 5.03 2.91 4.41 2.71 4.21 2.44 3.94 2.35 3.85 2.16 3.66
360.00 3.89 5.39 3.54 5.04 2.91 4.41 2.71 4.21 2.45 3.95 2.35 3.85 2.16 3.66

Table No. 4 Water stays in the pit y, and cofferdam heights ha, for different widths Q

Station x Q expenditure (m3/s)

3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
and (m) ha (m) and ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and ha (m)and (m) ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and ha (m)
(m) (m) (m)
0.00 0.11 1.61 0.18 1.68 0.23 1.73 0.33 1.83 0.40 1.90 0.46 1.96 0.57 2.07 0.67 2.17
25.00 0.22 1.72 0.32 1.82 0.40 1.90 0.52 2.02 0.60 2.10 0.68 2.18 0.81 2.31 0.93 2.43
50.00 0.24 1.74 0.35 1.85 0.43 1.93 0.56 2.06 0.65 2.15 0.74 2.24 0.88 2.38 1.00 2.50
75.00 0.25 1.75 0.36 1.86 0.45 1.95 0.69 2.19 0.69 2.19 0.77 2.27 0.92 2.42 1.05 2.55
100.00 0.25 1.75 0.38 1.88 0.47 1.97 0.61 2.11 0.71 2.21 0.80 2.30 0.96 2.46 1.09 2.59
125.00 0.26 1.76 0.38 1.88 0.48 1.98 0.63 2.13 0.73 2.23 0.82 2.32 0.98 2.48 1.12 2.62
150.00 0.26 1.76 0.39 1.89 0.49 1.99 0.64 2.14 0.74 2.24 0.84 2.34 1.00 2.50 1.14 2.64
175.00 0.26 1.76 0.39 1.89 0.49 1.99 0.65 2.15 0.76 2.26 0.85 2.35 1.02 2.52 1.16 2.66
200.00 0.27 1.77 0.40 1.90 0.50 2.00 0.66 2.16 0.77 2.27 0.86 2.36 1.03 2.53 1.18 2.68
225.00 0.27 1.77 0.40 1.90 0.50 2.00 0.66 2.16 0.78 2.28 0.87 2.37 1.05 2.55 1.20 2.70
250.00 0.27 1.77 0.40 1.90 0.50 2.00 0.67 2.17 0.78 2.28 0.88 2.38 1.06 2.56 1.20 2.70
275.00 0.27 1.77 0.40 1.90 0.51 2.01 0.67 2.17 0.79 2.29 0.89 2.39 1.07 2.57 1.22 2.72
300.00 0.27 1.77 0.40 1.90 0.51 2.01 0.68 2.18 0.79 2.29 0.90 2.40 1.08 2.58 1.23 2.73
325.00 0.27 1.77 0.40 1.90 0.51 2.01 0.68 2.18 0.80 2.30 0.90 2.40 1.08 2.58 1.24 2.74
350.00 0.27 1.77 0.41 1.91 0.51 2.01 0.68 2.18 0.80 2.30 0.90 2.40 1.09 2.59 1.25 2.75
360.00 0.27 1.77 0.41 1.91 0.51 2.01 0.68 2.18 0.80 2.30 0.91 2.41 1.09 2.59 1.25 2.75

Q expenditure (m3/s)
Station x
(m) 65 85 100 115 130 140 150
and ha (m) and ha (m) and ha (m) and (m) ha (m) and ha (m) and ha (m) and ha (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
0.00 0.85 2.35 1.01 2.51 1.12 2.62 1.23 2.73 1.33 2.83 1.39 2.89 1.45 2.95

25.00 1.14 2.64 1.32 2.82 1.44 2.94 1.56 3.06 1.67 3.17 1.73 3.23 1.80 3.30

50.00 1.22 2.72 1.41 2.91 1.54 3.04 1.66 3.16 1.77 3.27 1.85 3.35 1.92 3.42

75.00 1.28 2.78 1.48 2.98 1.61 3.11 1.73 3.23 1.85 3.35 1.92 3.42 1.99 3.49

100.00 1.32 2.82 1.52 3.02 1.66 3.16 1.79 3.29 1.91 3.41 1.98 3.48 2.05 3.55

125.00 1.36 2.86 1.56 3.06 1.70 3.20 1.83 3.33 1.95 3.45 2.03 3.53 2.10 3.60

150.00 1.39 2.89 1.60 3.10 1.74 3.24 1.87 3.37 1.99 3.49 2.07 3.57 2.15 3.65

175.00 1.41 2.91 1.62 3.12 1.77 3.27 1.90 3.40 2.03 3.53 2.11 3.61 2.18 3.68

200.00 1.43 2.93 1.65 3.15 1.79 3.29 1.93 3.43 2.06 3.56 1.14 2.64 2.21 3.71

225.00 1.45 2.95 1.67 3.17 1.82 3.32 1.95 3.45 2.08 3.58 2.16 3.66 2.24 3.74

250.00 1.47 2.97 1.69 3.19 1.84 3.34 1.98 3.48 2.11 3.61 2.19 3.69 2.27 3.77

275.00 1.48 2.98 1.71 3.21 1.86 3.36 2.00 3.50 2.13 3.63 2.21 3.71 2.29 3.79

300.00 1.49 2.99 1.72 3.22 1.87 3.37 2.01 3.51 2.15 3.65 2.23 3.73 2.31 3.81

325.00 1.51 3.01 1.73 3.23 1.89 3.39 2.03 3.53 2.16 3.66 2.25 3.75 2.33 3.83

350.00 1.52 3.02 1.75 3.25 1.90 3.40 2.05 3.55 2.18 3.68 2.27 3.77 2.35 3.85

360.00 1.52 3.02 1.75 3.25 1.91 3.41 2.05 3.55 2.19 3.69 2.27 3.77 2.35 3.85

Figure 12. Diversion work with tunnel for the De Solís dam, Guanajuato,
National Water Commission, 1999

4.1.2 Marte R dam diversion work. Gomez (The Sugar)

The two ends of the curtain were built outside the riverbed up to the crown. At the
same time, a semicircular vault tunnel 6.00 m wide and 6.00 m high, with a slope S
= 0.001 and 424.00 m long, was excavated and housed in the slope, see fig. 13.
The curtain was closed using a concrete plug 18.00 m long.

Figure 13. Diversion work with tunnel for the Marte R dam. Gómez (El
Azúcar), Tamaulipas, National Water Commission, 1999

4.1.3 Sanalona dam diversion work

During the dry season, the river was managed along the channel while the ends of
the curtain located outside the river were built. At the same time, two tunnels were
built on the left bank, which would later be used as intake works. a cut on the right
bank, see fig. 14.

Figure 14. Diversion work with tunnel for the De Sanalona dam, Sinaloa,
National Water Commission, 1999

4.1.4 El Tintero dam diversion work

First, a cofferdam was built longitudinal to the riverbed to begin cleaning and
treating the foundation of the curtain on the left bank. At the same time, the
diversion tunnel was built, through which the river was managed through the
construction of two cofferdams transversal to the channel, see fig. 15.

Figure 15. Diversion work with tunnel for the El Tintero dam, Chihuahua,
National Water Commission, 1999

4.1.5 Nezahualcoyotl dam diversion work (Malpaso)

Five tunnels of 16.00 m in diameter were drilled in the slopes: three on the right
bank and two on the left, with a total length of 4 125.00 m, of which 1 858.00 m
were lined with simple concrete in the areas where the rock was not compact,
reducing its diameter to 14.00 m. Two cofferdams were built, one upstream and
one downstream of the curtain site. To close the tunnels, once the detour was
completed, three temporary closure structures were built at the upstream end, and
a final closure structure was placed on one of them. Their definitive closure was
achieved using concrete plugs, 40.00 m long, housed in the central area of the
tunnels, see fig 16.

The cofferdams are made of rockfill, with an inclined impermeable area of clay
placed on a filter of sandy material that rests on the main body, formed with rock
and lags and protected from the water side, by a rock cover. It has an irregular
section as a result of the conditions in which its construction was carried out.

Figure 16. Diversion work with tunnels for the Nezahualcoyotl (Malpaso) dam,
Chiapas, National Water Commission, 1999

4.2 Hydraulic design

To carry out the hydraulic design of the diversion work, the river flow curve is
required. Depending on the geological characteristics, the tunnels can work at free
surface, under pressure or in both conditions, and be lined or not.

In general, the tunnels are located at a higher level than the river bed, especially
when they will be used later as intake works. The design consists of making a
proposal for the geometry of the tunnel(s), including the length L , the section
(circular, semicircular, horseshoe), the roughness coefficient n , which can even be
composite, Marento, 2004 and 2005, and Marengo, Cortés and Arreguín, 2006.

Care must be taken that the speeds do not exceed the maximum allowable speeds,
which will be established according to the materials that make up the walls.

of the tunnel, the risk of areas exposed to cavitation must eventually be reviewed
and in any case the aeration systems that may be necessary, especially when the
diversion work is integrated into the excess work where high speed flows could
develop. Arreguín, F. et al , 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1991.
The analysis begins with the determination of the boundary conditions, which
include the normal Y n and critical Y c ties , in the tunnel and in the river, and in
particular the control section, in order to calculate the water profile, with this You
can know the entrance depth Ye to the tunnel, and then, by using the energy
equation, calculate the depth in the river, which by adding a free edge BL , it is
possible to determine the height of the cofferdams and even the work program for
their construction.

The water profile in the tunnel can be calculated by solving the gradually varied flow

d and S0-Sf
x 1

+ a d ( v /2 g )

d and

The variables were already defined previously.

With the water profile you can then know the depth at the entrance to the Ye tunnel.
Speeds must be reviewed to ensure that no erosive effects will occur in the tunnel.

The depth in the upstream river, hr , is calculated by the equation:

Q 2
Q 2

hr+ = Y e +( 1 + k (10)
2 gA e )
2 gA
Where: r 2
e 2

h r is the depth in the river,

Q is the diversion rate, g is the acceleration of gravity, Ar is the hydraulic area of
the river, Y e is the depth at the tunnel entrance and k is the entrance loss

Finally, the height of the cofferdam is calculated with the equation :

ha = hr+BL (11)

4.2.1 Hydraulic calculation of a diversion work with several tunnels

Let the diversion work shown in fig. 17, where two tunnels T 1 and T 2 , of lengths L

1 and L 2 respectively, and two cofferdams can be seen. In addition to the lengths,
there are other geometric characteristics that are known in advance in the project
such as the horizontal curves: B 11 , B 12 , B 21 and B 22 , the geometry of the inlets
and outlets: G 11 , G 12 , G 21 and G 22 , the slope of the tunnels that can even
change within tunnels S and S , that is: S , S , S and S ; and the roughness
expressed through the Manning coefficient n 11 and n 22 , which can be composed
as already noted, Marengo H., Cortés C. and Arreguín F., 2006.

In the event that the problem is a revision, the diameters D 11 ,D 12 ,D 21 and D 22

can be proposed.

From the continuity equation, we have:

Q=Qi+Q2 (12)

Applying the energy equation between a section in the river and the outlet:

H=Yi+Qi 2

(+ai)+ i L ni 2
4 Q
13 i 2
2— S ib L i (13)
2 gA i RiAi

H is the hydraulic head measured upstream of the tunnel entrance,

And i is the tension in the tunnels,
Q i is the detour cost in the tunnels,
A i is the wet area of the tunnels,
R i is the hydraulic radius of the tunnels,
i is the number of tunnels, a is the local loss coefficient, it includes, for example,
those caused by changes of direction, extensions, reductions, entrances, exits, for

The input and output losses, G ii and G2 can be calculated as Gj = k —

and the curvature losses B ii and B i2 as B t] = k— .
Applying equation 13 to the two tunnels:

0, + I, n,
R/3 S1
»" "
Y 2+
g, _y I 2 ( 1 +
A; l 2g
- S sb L 2
) — (O )(1 + C, Ln 2 1 T (O, )(1 + C, Ln 2 1
(Y - Y 2 )+ —
I - - -1 + 1., — S^L —2 I ---------2 + 2.2 1+ S,L, = 0 (15)
2 g R 4/3 ) i b l A, ) 2 g R,/3 ) 2b 2

'1 +a x .L, n 1 1
To 2
^ ^ 2 L2n21
(Y,-Y2)+ 2g R^ -
0 2 2g R 2/3 + s, ,L 2 - S 1 b L,e 0 (16)
4 TO: '8
l / l /

EQ 2 - FQ 2 1 + G + C = 0 (17)
E ( Q - Q 2)2 - FQ 2 + G + C = 0 (18)
( E - F ) Q 2 - 2 EQQ 2 + H = 0 (19)
H = G + C + EQ 2
AND EQ ± E Q -H(E-Ff ¡ (21)
2 2 1

E2 E-F
With equation 21 you can propose diameters and obtain the operation
tunnel hydraulics.

G 12
B 22 B 12
Upstream cofferdam

Tunnel Tunnel
2 1
L2 , D2 , Q L1 , D1 , Q

S 21 , n 2 S 11 , n 1

B 21 cofferdam B

G 21

Figure 17. Distribution of a diversion work with two tunnels

4.3 Examples

4.3.1 Example No. 1

Calculate the curves Q costs - critical depth in the tunnel Yc and Q costs -
cofferdam height ha of a diversion tunnel, which will be built 5.00 m from the bottom
of the river bed. The tunnel and river data are as follows:

River (upstream and downstream of the tunnel)

S = 0.0016
Trapezoidal section with 3:1 slopes
Template width b = 170.00 m
Q = 200.00 m 3 /s
n = 0.030


D =7.14 m
Coated, n = 0.017
V max = 5.00 m/s
Length L = 539.25 m

S = 0.0016

a) Tunnel discharge curve (Q-Yc)

The normal and critical depths in the river for Q = 200.00 m 3 /s are:

And nr = 0.93 m
And cr = 0.52 m

The critical tensions in the tunnel and normal tensions in the river respectively for
various expenses are presented in table No. 5.

Table No. 5 Critical braces in the tunnel and normal braces in the river
for various expenses

Expenditure (m 3 /s) And c tunnel (m) And nriver (m)

25.00 1.70 0.27
50.00 2.42
75.00 2.99
100.00 3.48
125.00 3.91
150.00 4.30
175.00 4.66
200.00 4.99 0.93

As the tunnel template is 5.00 m above the channel, and the normal depth in the
river for a flow rate of 200.00 m 3 /s is 0.93 m, the tunnel discharge will be free with
profile M2. In fig. 18 shows the Q-Yc curve.


Figure 18. Q- Yc curve

b) Q-ha curve

The height of the cofferdams can be calculated with the energy equation:
Q 2 /
Y + -= = Y +-—+ L- (22)
2 gA e 2 c
2 gA c 2

Q 2
Q 2

hr+ =Y e+( 1 + (23)

2 gA 2 gA
Where the subscripts e refer to the hydraulic
r 2
conditions eat the tunnel entrance, the

subscripts c to the critical conditions and the subscripts r to the river. A loss
coefficient k = 0.15 and a free edge BL = 1.50 m are proposed. The height of the
cofferdam will then be:

ha = h r + BL + 5.00 m

By solving both equations simultaneously, the results presented in table No. 6, see
fig. 19:

Table No. 6. Q expense curve versus cofferdam height ha

ha (m)

Q (m 3 /s) And e ha (m)

25.00 (m)
2.25 9.09
50.00 3.16 10.02
75.00 3.91 11.12
100.00 4.58 11.94
125.00 5.22 12.73
150.00 5.85 13.51
175.00 6.50 14.33
180.00 6.64 14.51
190.00 6.95 14.91
200.00 7.13 15.12

Q (m 3 /s)

Figure 19 Q-ha curve

4.3 2 Example No. 2

a) Calculate the curve: diameter of the diversion tunnel D versus cofferdam

height ha , for a flow rate Q of 350.00 m 3 /s. The tunnel has a length of

511.20 m, and will be located 4.00 m above the bed of the channel, its slope
is St =

0.0013, has a roughness n = 0.014 and the maximum allowable speed is

5.00 m/s.

b) Calculate the Q curve against cofferdam height ha , for a 6.00 m tunnel, for
costs of 50.00, 150.00, 250.00 and 350.00 m 3 /s.

The slope of the Sr river is 0.0013, with a Manning roughness coefficient of n =

0.030, an approximately trapezoidal section with a template width b = 150.00 m and
a 3:1 slope is accepted. For the cofferdam, a free edge of BL = 1.50 m is proposed.

a) D-ha curve

a-1) Calculation with D = 10.00 m

With the data provided, the normal and critical depth in the Ynr and Ync river, and
in the Ynt and Yct tunnel, respectively, are calculated:

Ynr = 2.59 m
Ycr = 1.50 m

Ynt = 7.70 m
Yct = 6.03 m

With these data it can be deduced that the tunnel will not drown and also knowing
that the critical slope Sc is 2.50035 E-03, a profile M2 will be developed, the
calculation of which is presented in Table No. 7, (for the hydraulic calculation in
tunnels with trunk section it is recommended to consult Marengo 2004 and 2005),
taking the critical tension at the exit of the tunnel as the control section, see fig 20.

Table No. 7 Water profile inside the tunnel with D = 10.00 m

X (m) And (m)

0.00 6.03
49.00 6.43
98.00 6.57
147.00 6.67
203.00 6.76
252.00 6.82
301.00 6.88
350.00 6.93
378.00 6.95
399.00 6.97
448.00 7.01

497.00 7.04
511.00 7.05

Figure 20. Water profile in the tunnel, upstream hydraulic conditions and
downstream of it, and height of the cofferdam, for the tunnel with D = 10.00

From the calculation of the profile, the tunnel entrance depth Ye = 7.05 m is
obtained, like this:

hr = Ye + Q -( 1.00 + Ke ) + 4.00
2.00 g A e 2


hr is the depth of the water in the river,

Ae is the hydraulic area at the tunnel entrance,
ke is the tunnel entry loss coefficient equal to 0.015 and added
4.00 m, which is the distance from the tunnel template to the bottom of the channel,
like this:

(1.015) +

hr = 7.05 +
2.00*9.81(59.22) 2

hr = 12.86 m

Furthermore, it is verified that:

Sc = 0.0025 > So = 0.0013

And the height of the cofferdam will be:

ha = 12.86 + 1.50 = 14.36 m

a-2) Calculation with D = 9.00 m

The normal and critical depth in the Ynr and Ync river respectively, and in the Yct
tunnel are:

Ynr = 2.59 m
Ycr = 1.50 m

Yct = 6.22 m

With these data it can be deduced that the tunnel will not drown and also knowing
that the critical slope Sc is 2.965544 E-03, a profile M2 will be developed, the
calculation of which is presented in Table No. 8, taking the critical tension at the
exit of the tunnel as the control section, see fig. 21.

Table No. 8 Water profile inside the tunnel with D = 9.00 m

X (m) And (m)

0.00 6.22
49.00 6.71
98.00 6.89
147.00 7.02
203.00 7.14
252.00 7.23
301.00 7.31
350.00 7.38
399.00 7.45
448.00 7.51
497.00 7.57
511.00 7.58

Figure 21. Water profile in the tunnel, upstream hydraulic conditions and
downstream of it, and height of the cofferdam, for the tunnel with D = 9.00 m

From the calculation of the profile, the entrance depth Ye = 7.58 m is obtained, using
equation 24, hr = 7.58 m and the height of the cofferdam ha = 15.02 m.

a-3) Calculation with D = 7.50 m

The normal and critical depth in the Ynr and Ync river respectively, and in the Yct
tunnel are:

Ynr = 2.59 m
Ycr = 1.50 m
Yct = 6.43 m

The critical slope Sc is 4.952331 E-03, a profile M2 will be developed, the

calculation of which is presented in Table No. 9, taking as the control section the
critical tension at the exit of the tunnel:

Table No. 9 Water profile inside the tunnel with D = 7.50 m

X (m) And (m)

0.00 6.43
26.00 6.92
50.00 7.11
74.00 7.26
100.00 7.39
108.00 7.43

From the calculation of the profile it is observed that from downstream to upstream
the tunnel works on a free surface up to an approximate distance of 108.00 m, the

works under pressure, see fig. 22, then the energy equation can be stated as
2 2
h r = Yt +(1.00 + K ' e ) l - Sun + (25)
—K— , + Rt

Figure 22. Water profile in the tunnel, upstream hydraulic conditions and
downstream of it, and height of the cofferdam, for the tunnel with D = 7.50 m

Where the subscript t refers to the geometric characteristics of the tunnel, l is the
distance where the tunnel works under pressure, and the entrance loss coefficient
k'e is worth 0.5, knowing that At = 44.18 m 3 , Vt = 7.92 m/s, Pt =23.56 m and Rt =
1.88. Substituting into equation 25:

(403.00 ( 7.92 ) 9.91

2 ) - ( 0.0013 X 403.00 ) + 4.00
= 7.50 + 4.80 + 2.14 - 0.52 + 4.00 )I = 17.92 m

Adding the free edge, the height of the cofferdam is:

ha = 19.42 m

a-4) Calculation with D = 4.00 m

The normal and critical depth in the river Ynr and Ync respectively are:

Ynr = 2.59 m
Ycr = 1.50 m

3. ............- (7.92) 2

hr = 7.50 + (1.00 + 0.50) M +


In this case the normal and critical ties in the tunnel do not exist because the entire
tunnel works under pressure, see fig 23.

Figure 23. Water profile in the tunnel, upstream hydraulic conditions and
downstream of it, and height of the cofferdam, for the tunnel with D = 4.00 m

Using equation 25, with:

At = 12.57 m 2
Vt = 27.85 m/s
Pt = 12.57 m
Rt = 1.00

We obtain hr = 144.35 m, and the height of the cofferdam will be ha =145.85 m

The D – ha curve will be constructed with the values obtained for each diameter D ,
see fig. 24.

Figure 24 Curve D – ha for example No. 2

b) Q-ha curve for a diameter D of 6.00 m

b-1) Calculation for an expense Q = 50.00 m 3 /s

With the data provided, the normal and critical tension in the tunnel Ynt and Yct
respectively are calculated:
Ynt = 3.09 m
Yct = 2.55 m

From the calculation of the profile, the entrance depth Ye = 3.03 m is obtained, and
applying equation 24 with ke = 0.015:

Q 2

h r = Ye + Q , ( 1.00 + Ke ) + 4.00
2.00 gA e 2

Furthermore Ae = 14.34 m 2 and Ve = 3.49 m/s, we obtain:

((3.49) 2

hr = 3.03 + . (1.015) + 4.00


hr = 7.66 m

and the height of the cofferdam is ha = 9.16 m

b-2) Calculation for an expense Q = 150.00 m 3 /s

With the data provided, the critical tension in the tunnel Yct is calculated:

Yct = 4.51 m

From the calculation of the profile it is obtained that the entrance depth Ye = 5.94
m, and applying equation 24 with ke = 0.015, considering that Ae = 28.27 m 2 and
Ve = 5.30 m/s:

hr = 5.94 + (5.30)
(1.015)+ 4.00

hr = 11.37 m

and the height of the cofferdam is ha = 12.87 m

b-3) Calculation for an expense Q = 250.00 m 3 /s

With the data provided, the critical tension in the tunnel is calculated:

Yct = 5.54 m

From the calculation of the profile it is obtained that a distance L of the tunnel equal
to 497.00 m works under pressure, thus using equation 25, with At = 28.27 m 2 , Vt
= 8.84 m/s, Pt = 18.85 m and Rt = 1.5:

(8.84) 8.84(0.014
(1.05) 497.00 - 0.0013 ( 497.00 ) + 4.00 =

hr = 6.00 + )2
19.62 (1.50)
+ 19.76 m
and the height of the cofferdam will be ha =21.26 m.

b-4) Calculation for an expense Q = 350.00 m 3 /s

With the data provided, the critical tension in the tunnel is calculated:

Yc = 5.87 m

From the calculation of the profile it is obtained that a distance L of the tunnel equal
to 505.00 m works under pressure, thus using equation 25, and with Ae = 28.27 m 2
, Vt = 12.38 m/s, Pt = 18.85 m and Rt = 1.5:
hr = 6.00 +' 12.38 I 12.38 N 0.014505.00 - 0.0013(505.00) +
) 2
I 1.50 ) + (1.50) 4.00

hr = 29.89 m, and the height of the cofferdam ha = 31.39 m. In fig. 25 the Q – ha
curve is presented.

Figure 25 Q – ha curve for example No. 2

4.3.3 Example No. 3

Calculate the expenses and speeds in each of the two tunnels, for the geometric
conditions indicated in Table No. 10, considering that both have accumulated losses
at 1— a2= 0.4 , lengths L i = 444.00 m and L 2 = 332.00 m, and slopes S 1 = 0.007261
and S 2 = 0.008421 respectively. The diversion cost is 120.00 m 3 /s.

Table No. 10. Diameters and roughness of the tunnels in example No. 3

Roughness N

Diameter D 1 (m) Diameter D 2m

8.00 8.00 0.015
8.00 8.00 0.017
8.00 8.00 0.013
8.00 8.00 0.014
8.00 7.75 0.015
8.00 7.50 0.015
8.00 7.75 0.014
8.00 7.50 0.014
7.50 7.40 0.014
7.40 7.40 0.014
7.40 7.40 0.015
7.00 7.00 0.015

Applying the energy equation for Tunnel T1 and T2 simultaneously, that is, using
equations 17 to 21, the solution shown in Table No. 11:

Table No. 11 Results of example No. 3

Diameter D Diameter D n Spent Spent Speed Speed
3 3
1m 2m Q 2 m /s Q 1 m /s V 1 m/s V 2 m/s
8.00 8.00 0.015 609.90 590.10 11.74 12.13
8.00 8.00 0.017 612.75 587.25 11.68 12.19
8.00 8.00 0.013 606.94 593.06 11.80 12.07
8.00 8.00 0.014 608.43 591.57 11.77 12.10
8.00 7.75 0.015 590.99 609.01 12.12 12.53
8.00 7.50 0.015 571.10 628.90 12.51 12.93
8.00 7.75 0.014 589.79 610.21 12.14 12.50
8.00 7.50 0.014 570.16 629.84 12.53 12.91
7.50 7.40 0.014 602.18 597.82 13.53 14.00
7.40 7.40 0.014 610.69 589.31 13.70 14.20
7.40 7.40 0.015 612.16 587.84 13.67 14.23
7.00 7.00 0.015 613.56 586.46 15.24 15.94
5 Diversion works through and over concrete curtains

In this case the curtain can be built by means of alternating blocks (monoliths), so that
the water can pour over the lowest part of the dam or through it.

1 .1 Cases of diversion works through or on the curtain

1.1.1 Diversion work is that of the Luis Donaldo Colosio dam (Huites)

Initially, the river was managed through a pit with a capacity of 7500.00 m 3 /s
excavated on the right slope of the mouth, with a rectangular section, a template width
of 28.00 m and a length of 700.00 m, see fig. 26. At the entrance and exit of the pit,
two transverse cofferdams of graded materials were built, the upstream one 35.00 m
high and the downstream one 25.00 m high, integrating a flexible screen up to the
basal rock, to prevent the passage of seepage. through the section and alluvium of
the river bed.

Afterwards, the pit was closed, and through the operation of two rectangular conduits,
6.00 m wide by 12.00 m high, located in the body of monolith No. 8, with a capacity of
2300.00 m 3 /s, see fig. 27, the avenues were managed. The ducts operated until
definitive closure was carried out. In addition, the possibility of managing the avenues
together with the upper part of monolith No. 8 had been considered, however, such a
situation did not arise.

1.1.2 Ing. dam diversion work. Juan Guerrero Alcocer (Vinoramas )

In this case, a pit was built with two longitudinal cofferdams with a plastic screen, and
a channel lined with shotcrete on the left side of the channel. Afterwards, four
rectangular reinforced concrete diversion ducts with a section of 6.00 by 7.00 m were
built, coinciding with the deployment of the curtain in the channel area, see fig. 28. At
the closure of the dam the ducts were filled with simple concrete.

6 . Mixed diversion works

As has been seen in the cases of diversion works presented, on many occasions a
combination of diversions is used, which are planned according to the hydrological,
topographical, geological and general planning conditions of the work. Thus,
diversions with pits and then tunnels were used in cases 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3. and 4.1.3.
In cases 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, pits are combined with ducts through the curtain

Figure 26. Pit of the diversion work of the Luis Donaldo Colosio dam
(Huites), Sinaloa, National Water Commission, 1999

Figure 27. Diversion work using ducts in the curtain at the Luis Donaldo Colosio
(Huites) dam, Sinaloa, National Water Commission, 1999


Figure 28. Diversion work using ducts in the curtain at the Ing dam.
Juan Guerrero Alcocer (Vinoramas), Sinaloa, National Water Commission,

7 Closure of the channel and dam

The closure of the river channel by means of cofferdams made of graduated materials
is done by placing large rocks that can resist the drag of the river current according to
the expense to be derived. On some occasions, rocks of up to a diameter have been
placed. ton of weight, when the river has been blocked in this way, it is placed on the
upstream face with increasingly finer granulometry, which is protected again to form
the cofferdam. It is likely that water will leak under the cofferdam and screens will
need to be placed under it to minimize the number of pumps that would have to be
used to drain leaks.

There are three closing methods:

a) Front closure.

It consists of placing the cofferdam material uniformly along the entire cross section of
the channel, from a crane, a bridge or a barge.

b) Side closure

The construction of the cofferdam is carried out from the banks of the river, placing the
closing material by turning, using trucks, see fig. 29, or heavy machinery.

Figure 29 Side closure using dump trucks

c) Mixed closure

It is a combination of the two methods mentioned above.

The definitive closure of a diversion tunnel is done when the curtain has been taken to
a level higher than the excess work, placing a concrete plug. If all or part of the tunnel
will be used permanently as an intake or excess work, the plug is placed immediately
upstream of the intersection.

In fact, the closure of the tunnel is planned in advance since the necessary
adjustments must be made available at the portal upstream of the tunnel to stop the
derivative current. These means can range from needles in very small dams to sliding
gates operated by hydraulic mechanisms with machined guides for the gates in large
works. These works must be carefully planned, since several cases have occurred in
which a small opening in the gate (of the order of cm) working with large loads has
caused serious complications in the closure of the tunnels; cases such as that of the
Cupatitzio dams must be avoided. in Michoacán Mex., or that of the Gurí dam,

To guarantee adhesion between the tunnel and the plug, spikes must be built in the
rock, and a cement slurry must be injected into this area using tubes previously placed
for these functions.

The length of the plug according to the experience obtained is of the order of two to
two and a half times the diameter of the tunnel, this gives an idea of the structural and
construction problems, when the tunnels are of large diameter (greater than 10.00 m ).
If we also consider that generally the time available for construction is short, the need
for adequate planning of this type of works is clear.

In Mexico, the CFE built a hollow plug for tunnel No. 3 of the Netzahualcoyotl dam
(Malpaso). In this case, 4000.00 m 3 of concrete were saved in relation to a full plug.
At the El Infiernillo dam, the plugs were located at the elbow of the surplus work, and
they are also hollow.

In order to show the stages of closing a dam, some comments are transcribed below
from the descriptive report of the Nezahualcoyotl dam (Malpaso), National Water
Commission, 1999.

“The construction of the dam was carried out in four main stages, the river being
completely diverted through the tunnels located on both slopes:

First Stage: Construction of the five diversion tunnels and their sealing structures.
During this stage, the access bridge to the right bank was also built.

Second Stage: Closure of the river channel through the construction of auxiliary
rockfill cofferdams that later formed part of the main cofferdams and diversion of the
river through the tunnels. Construction of the main cofferdams, to safely confine the
curtain construction area.

Third Stage: With the river passing through the diversion tunnels, the clean excavation
and treatment of the curtain foundation were carried out and earthworks were placed,
continuing the construction of the service and emergency spillways and the auxiliary
dams. . During this stage, in the dry season of early 1964, tunnels Nos. were closed. 2
and 5 by constructing the central plug therein and the final closure structure of tunnel
No. 1. During the following period of avenues, tunnels Nos. were kept in operation. 1,
3 and 4.

Fourth Stage: Once the curtain and the service and emergency spillways were
completed, tunnel No. was closed in the dry season at the beginning of 1965. 4 and at
the end of the same year, tunnel No. 3, using the entrance plugs and casting the
central plugs of the tunnels. Finally, in May 1966, tunnel No. 1 through the final closing
gates and the casting of the plug in the central area.

8 Proposed problems

1. Calculate the Q – ha curve from example 3.4.1, for the costs Q = 25.00, 50.00,
75.00, 100.00, 125.00, 150.00 and 170.00 m 3 /s.

2. After analyzing the erodibility conditions of the river in example 3.4.1, the
possibility of lining the pit was considered, and consequently varying its roughness.
Calculate the n – ha curve for the roughnesses n = 0.017, 0.020 and 0.025.

3. Calculate the curve b – ha , if the template width of example 3.4.1 varies as
follows: b = 10.00, 15.00, 20.00, 25.00 and 30.00 m.

4. Prepare a set of b – ha curves for the case of example 3.4.2, for roughness
coefficients n = 0.017, 0.020, 0.025 and 0.030.

5. - Calculate a set of Q – ha curves for example 3.4.2, with the roughness

coefficients indicated in the previous example.

6. Calculate the maximum velocities, Vmax , for the different coatings in the previous

7. Calculate the D – ha curve for example 4.3.2, for a flow rate of 450.00 m 3 /s

8. Calculate the Q – ha curve for a tunnel with diameter D = 7.50 m.

9. - Solve example 4.3.3, for a cost of 1000.00 m 3 /s.

10. Solve example 4.3.3, for all the conditions stated if the diameter of tunnel No. 1,
D 1 = 9.00 m

9 References

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Congress of the National Academy of Engineering, Sonora, Mexico, September 1984.

Arreguín F, Echávez G, Natural aeration in high velocity flows. Partially aerated

region, Part , VIII National Congress of Hydraulics, Toluca, Mexico, October 1984.

Arreguín F, Echávez G, Aeration in high velocity flows. Partially and fully aerated
areas . XI Latin American Congress of Hydraulics, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
November 1984.

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in Mexico, Vol. III, México, DF, México, pp 59-73, September/December 1985.

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Núm. 2, pp 34-40, November 1985.

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Advances an Aerodynamics, Fluids Mechanics and Hydraulic, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA, pp 186-192, June 1986.

Arreguín F, Echávez G, Aeration in high-speed flows , XII Latin American Congress of

Hydraulics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Vol 3, pp 368-379, September 1986.

Arreguín F, Echávez G, Natural aeration in high-speed flows , XII Congress of the
National Academy of Engineering, Mexico, Vol 1, pp 339-343, September 1986.

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separation of aerators) , Proceedings of the XIII Latin American Congress of
Hydraulics Vol 4, pp 89-100, Havana, Cuba, July 1988.

Arreguín F, Autrique R, Start of operation of aerators . XIII Latin American Hydraulics

Congress, Proceedings of the XIII Latin American Hydraulics Congress, Vol 4, pp 113-
122, Havana, Cuba, July 1988.

Arreguín F, Influence of geometry on the operation of aerators , Proceedings of the

XIV Congress of the ANIAC, pp 223-229, Guanajuato, Gto. September 1988.

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excitations , Division of Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Engineering, Mexico City,
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Volume III, pp 88-98, Zacatecas, Zac, October 1990.

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Montevideo, Uruguay, November 1990.

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Arreguín F., Excess Works , Mexican Institute of Water Technology, Cuernavaca,

Morelos, Mexico, 2000.

Arreguín F., Diversion dams, Mexican Institute of Water Technology, Cuernavaca,

Morelos, Mexico, 2001.

Arreguín F., Cavitation and aeration in surplus works , Mexican Hydraulic Association,
May 2005.

National Water Commission, Compact Disc Large Dams in Mexico, Mexico 1999.

Marengo H. Analysis of the risk of failure due to overflow of ph containment works

Aguamilpa during the extraordinary avenues of January , 1992 , Entrance document
to the Mexican Academy of Engineering, Mexico City. 1998.

Marengo M, H, Course on surplus works , Diversion Works Chapter, Center for
Professional Update and Technological Innovation; College of Civil Engineers,
Mexican Hydraulic Association, Mexico D. F., October 2001.

Marengo H. Programs for the calculation of hydraulic behavior in trunk section driving
tunnels operating with full tube when considering compound roughness , México D. F.
2004; No. registration: 03-2004-070612272900-01

Marengo H. Hydraulic calculation of conduction tunnels in trunk section considering

compound roughness , México D. F. 2005; ICA Foundation, ISBN 968-5520-14-3

Marengo H., Cortés C. and Arreguín F. “Experimental hydraulic analysis in pipeline

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United Status Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Design of Small

Dams , Continental Publishing Company, October 1976,

Vega M., Introduction to dam projects, National Water Commission Mexico, .D. F.,
Mexico, February 2005.

Prey Picachos,
Diversion Works
Guy Portal section tunnel
Number of tunnels 1
Portal section 8.50 x 8.50 m
Tunnel length 290.00 m
Maximum expense for the detour (*) 7,660.00 m³/s

Maximum tunnel design expense 512.00 m³/s

(cofferdam 90.50 meters above sea level)

Entry portal template dimension 74.00 meters above sea level

Dimension of the sill of the output 71.00 meters above sea level
Inlet channel length 45.00 m

Outlet channel length 110.00 m

Number of gates 2

Raising the gate threshold 74.00 meters above sea level

Gates (width x height) 3.80 x 8.50 m

Return period (Tr) 50 years

Upstream cofferdam
crown elevation 90.50 meters above sea level
Crown length 166.00 m
Height (offset The. 74.50) 16.00m
Downstream cofferdam
crown elevation 78.50 meters above sea level
Crown length 161.00 m
Height (offset The. 74.00 masl) 4.50m

(*) See river management

Cofferdam upstream of the curtain

Cofferdam downstream of the
curtain .

Current status of the diversion tunnel control


Current water level at the exit of the diversion tunnel

La Yesca Dam

Construction of two diversion tunnels of 14m x 14m each; length T1= 693.35m, length
T2= 750.57m

Exit from the diversion tunnels, as well as a part of the downstream cofferdam that formed part
of the curtain. PH The Tinder.


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