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Oscar Hernandez 23,833,466
Simon Rodriguez
• Known in his exile from Spanish America as Samuel Robinson, he was a Venezuelan
educator, writer, essayist and philosopher. Tutor and mentor of the Liberator Simón

• Rodríguez insisted with renewed passion on the need for a practical, useful education
that addresses specific needs, in conclusion a quality education.

• All his life he was a promoter of combining school and work.

• He conceived of education as the way that would allow each human being to fully
develop their talents and build themselves as a person and as supportive and
productive citizens.
Two years later, after the boy 1797 after leaving
Bolívar ran away from his In 1826, he
the country, he established a
tutor, is sent to Rodriguez's moved to second school- He died in Amotape
Master Simón was born in Caracas on October 28, house will Kingston
of whom take care of workshop as part of (Peru) on February 28,
HE (Jamaica) the project for all of 1854. at 84 years old
I.L. definitely his Bolivia.
training. J.
I n J 11 J.
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In May 1791, when he was already 21 years old, the
Cabildo of Caracas gave him a position as a teacher
at the School of Reading and He traveled to the He returned to
111111111111111111111 II United States where America in 1823,
he lived until the late established a school
1800s. in Bogotá (Colombia)
Writing for Children. Pi corne ll 1797 he joined the emancipation project inspired by
the Mallorcan pedagogue Juan Bautista
Luis Beltran Prieto Figueroa
He transformed the old School of Arts and Crafts for Men into an Industrial Technical
One of Prieto's main theoretical contributions on education was the thesis of the
teaching State.
He founded the National Institute for Educational Cooperation (INCE, current INCES)
and was part of the Presidential Commission of the National Educational Project,
coordinated by Arturo Uslar Pietri.
His books bring together his political, pedagogical and social concerns. In 1984 he was
incorporated as a member of the Venezuelan Academy of Language.

It was one of the On August 22, 1959, during the

Co-author of the
He concluded his Co-founders of Minister of government of Rómulo Betancourt,
first draft law
high school Action Party Education he founded the National Institute for
He was born on (1947 Educational Cooperation (INCE,
studies at the
March 14, 1902 in La Democratic In The Year Education In
Liceo Caracas in 1948) current INCES)
Asunción, Venezuela 1927. 1941 1948

In 1948 he was he returned to He died on April 23,

appointed by President Venezuela and 1993 at the age of 91
1918 He began He was Founder Rómulo Gallegos, dedicated himself to Caracas, Venezuela
secondary and First Minister of Education. educational work
studies at the President of the Co-founder of the abroad as head of
Federal School Venezuelan Current Education Law, mission at the service
Federation of Promulgated on July 9, of UNESCO
Teachers in 1936 1980 January 23, 1958, ib
He stood out for generating alternative, intercultural thinking, of resistance to the
global hegemonic model.
He was a pioneer of Afro-descendant thought in education, founding the Miguel
Acosta Saignes Center for Afro-American Studies in 1987.
Later he came to the School of Education where he founded the School of Education
Student Association
¨I believe that when you have mastered a technique or have reached the end of an
experience, you have to leave it behind to go in search of something you ignore. This
is the key to a good educator¨

(1975). The neocolonized Pioneer of Popular Education,

He came to Caracas with educator. Caracas: Editorial La alternative research and the method He died on February 25, 2016
his mother, Carlota, in Enseñanza Viva. (There are 10 of community work in his homeland in Caracas at the age of 80.
1950 when he was barely editions including the first from
15 years old. 1973).
She is one of the founders of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers
She is also one of the founders of the Venezuela Experimental School.
A firm follower of the educational postulates of Simón Rodríguez and Maestro Luis
Beltrán Prieto Figueroa, she affirms that education must be comprehensive, preparing
for life.
By the will of Miss Belén, as she was known, and by Amalia Romero, the Institute of
Comprehensive Education was born in 1955.
San Juan involved the students in the operation of the campus, in the fight for peace
Everything learned is useful for everyday life.
For Belén María Sanjuán: -education had to be comprehensive, that is, prepare for life.
March 10, 1917, In 1955, thanks to the will of Miss
Enter the teaching
was parish Belén, as she was known, and Amalia
profession from the
born Juan Romero, the Institute of
same year in which
in the Comprehensive Education was born.
you complete your
(Caracas) studies

Belén San Juan studied in 1955 when he addressed the owner of the He died on July 21, 2004
at the Women's Normal Caracas sawmill saying: “I come to make you a
School, where she dishonest proposition. “Make me this furniture for
graduated as a teacher a school and I will start paying you in 4 months.”
in 1936.

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