600 Calorie Diet

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600 Calorie Diet

4 meals; neither 3 nor 5 ARE 4: Breakfast – Lunch – Snack – Dinner


Infusions without restrictions: tea, coffee, mate
+ Optional: half a glass of skim milk (half a glass for the ENTIRE day)
+ 1 firm yogurt (Ser, Ilolay, any) + 1/2 banana OR 1 apple


FIRST: 250 cc of Light Broth (e.g. Quick Light, Caldiet)
An element of group 1 + an element of group 2 (any with any; but two elements of the same group are never added)

 2 light sausages
 ½ breast (palm of the hand)
 1 light burger
 1 can of tuna in water of 120 Grs.
 1 egg
 1 loin steak of 150 grams.
 1 fish fillet
 50 grams. of mozzarella
 Soy Milanese (3/4 of “Vegetalex” or 1 “Granja del Sol Homemade”)
 2 yogurts Be Firm

 1 peach
 1 orange
 1 medium banana
 1 apple
 1 pear
 1 artichoke
 2 palm hearts
 2 cucumbers
 100 Grs. eggplant
 1 tomato
 250 Grs. Pumpkin

- Corn or olive oil. A teaspoon of coffee (the smallest) or Fritolín
- Balsamic sauce, free soy sauce
- Recommendation: “Cocinero Light” (a mild vinegar with the consistency of oil)
- SALT: moderate/none (in cases of hypertension).
- Free spices
- Vinegar free
- Free lemon
They are taken YES OR YES. The diet WITHOUT supplements is bad.
1 Total Magnesian with breakfast
1 Supradyn Forte with lunch
1 Total Magnesian with the snack

Potassium intake can be done in two ways:

 Taking 1 “Control K” pill in the morning
 Eating banana for breakfast


- EAT 3.5 LTS OF LIQUID OF YOUR CHOICE PER DAY (Infusions, water, soda, light juices, light sodas)
- IMPORTANT: If I am going to do the diet; I do it and that's it. It is not questioned; It is not thought, it is not
negotiated. IT DOES


Q: Can I replace the snack with a cereal bar/light toast/etc.?

A: NO. Although a Light bar has fewer calories than a Ser firm yogurt, the impact on the body is not the same. A bar
has cereal (refined carbohydrate) that not only bloats, but is addictive and has a high glycemic index.

Q: And what do I do if I'm on the street and it's just snack time?
A.: You always have to carry a spoon in your backpack/purse to be able to stop at a kiosk and buy a yogurt. If not,
wait until you can buy it at another time... calm the desire to eat with liquid.

Q: Can I eat yogurt with fruits and/or cereals?

A: No. Firm yogurt can only be replaced by any of the Ser chiquitos line, which have around 60 kcal.

Q: I haven't gone to the bathroom for days. What I do?

A.: The option that works best is: for breakfast, drink the infusion + 1 large glass of ice-cold water + an Activia Light +
a kiwi. No taking spoonfuls of oil, nor making strange concoctions. In any case, if breakfast doesn't work for several
days, try a diet with more vegetables.

Q: I can't drink the necessary liquid, how do I do it?

A: There are many strategies to reach 3.5 liters. The best thing is to buy a 500 cm3 bottle and have a piece of paper
where you can write down how many you drank during the day. Or if you are a very neat person, propose to drink a
certain number of bottles with each meal.

Q: I have to lose a few kilos, can I not take the vitamins?

A: NO.

Q: I have to lose a few kilos. Is my diet modified at all?

A: NO. The diet is the same whether you have to lose 2 or 60 kilos.
Q: I love going to the gym, can I go to the gym for 3 hours a day?
A: NO. Diet is a way of living, it's not just about food. The proposal of the low-calorie diet is to learn to live
moderately, without excesses. If you know you are eating 600 kcal. (just enough to live perfectly well) cannot make
great physical efforts. The best thing is to accompany the diet with moderate, light exercise. Such as: bicycle and

Q: I suffer from insomnia and usually eat at night. Can I skip breakfast and eat yogurt at 3 am?
A: NO. Nighttime binges are cured by refraining from eating at those strange times during the first few days.

Q: I don't eat X food, am I going to be deficient in any vitamin/mineral/etc.?

A.: NO, because that's why we take vitamins, which cover us nutritionally.

Q: I'm doing the FLAWLESS diet but the scale doesn't reflect it.
A: There are several options. The first is to check if you are really following the diet impeccably; check if there is no
lack of liquid; If I respected the schedules, everything. Another option is that the body is retaining fluids; which is
solved with patience and replacing soda with water or juice; and eliminating salt intake. Finally; The body sometimes
presents resistance to change; It doesn't always respond the way we want; even if we follow the diet impeccably.
But you also have to know that if TODAY I did everything perfect and tomorrow I don't see the change; The day after
tomorrow I will see a BIG change; as long as you do things right. When this happens; he gives a lot of anger; But we
must concentrate on not losing sight of our objective and continue, continue and continue. Because soon I will see
the results.

Q: I'm hungry. What I do?

A.: The first thing to clarify is that the desire to drink and eat feel the same. Therefore, if I start to feel hungry, what
you have to do is drink liquid. The low-calorie diet produces an effect on the body that means that 72 hours after
starting it, we are no longer hungry with the 600 kcal. daily we eat. This is why after 3 days of a perfect diet, it is very
difficult for one to feel hungry... unless: either you have eaten more days ago, or you have skipped one of the 4
150kcal meals. of the day.
Whenever I feel a little restless (anxious, feeling hungry, etc.), it is best to: drink liquid... and if I don't calm down,
stay still... or look for another activity.

Q: If I'm hungry, can I eat gelatin?

A: NO. Gelatin is a semi-solid, and we cannot eat anything except liquid between meals. Gelatin is just an option to
occasionally eat as a dessert.

Q: I have a lot of fluid retention, can I take a diuretic?

A: NO. Diuretics are very harmful to our body. A healthy way to avoid fluid retention is to stop consuming soda and
drink water (with some Light juice powder). Also avoid salt.


1. You have a party

To do? There are many possibilities. The first is to eat before you go. Another, not eating anything at all, and having
dinner when you return home. If the food available is diet, pay close attention to the portions. A piece of advice:
always carry a small bottle of diet coke, which is often the salvation. The last option – and the most drastic – is to
avoid certain events. It may sound bad at first, but it is better to have a few weeks of diet training to moderate
yourself when exposing yourself to temptation.

2. Don't test yourself

Don't expose yourself to situations you don't know if you can handle. For many months/years you thought you
could do it alone, but... the scales show otherwise. If you see that you are tempted, go away. If you see that you
have that food in the refrigerator that tempts you, give it away. Etc.

3. Don't skip meals

Diet is like medicine. If the doctor tells you “1 ibuprofen every 6 hours” you take them without question… you don't
take too much or too little. The same thing happens here: it is as bad to eat more as it is to eat less. If due to a
particular situation you skipped a meal, it is not serious. Don't juggle, I continued the day normally. But don't let it
become routine. The diet is 600 kcal, no more and no less.

4. Be practical
If you have already found what food is delicious but at the same time not very tempting, and that is comfortable to
eat... it is advisable to buy trays number 102 and in a while prepare the meals for the 14 meals of the week... and put
them in the freezer. This not only helps eating become a formality (take out of the freezer/heat up/eat in 5 minutes)
but it also makes us eat in a monotonous way... which means gradually detaching ourselves from the attraction of
trying different flavors.

5. I'm going to the beach...

While it seems like dieting on vacation is impossible, it really isn't. It can be much easier than we think, if we are
organized and have our objective very clear.
The key is to carry the scale in your suitcase. It is the most objective way to know if we are doing things right.
It is advisable to always eat things that are measured in units, and that can be carried in a tupperware. Like for
example the 2 sausages, or the can of tuna.
If we don't feel like taking the tupperware, it is best to eat the 2 yogurts.

6. Actively participate in the forum

Active participation in the forum helps ALL of us; whether we are performing the treatment in a clinic or not. The
forum is a tool for containment and support, to consult, share experiences, learn from everyone and be mirrors.
Help each other, advise each other, express ourselves freely; whether from pain and anger or from maximum
happiness. It also serves to know that we are not alone, that there are many of us who are in the same situation. And
why not, also to make friends.

7. How important is it to do individual psychological therapy?

Although it is not mandatory; helps A LOT. Since many times, apart from the genetic predisposition we have to
obesity, psychological factors have a very important influence on our behavior; both in daily life and when managing
our excesses; to face food, to say NO, to prioritize ourselves, among many other things.

8. Bibliography
In any bookstore you can find Dr. Ravenna's books, of which there are three: “The Thin Line”, “The Addictive Spider
Web” and “The Slimming Measure”.
They are highly recommended, since they help understand how the diet works, and the impact it has on our body. In
addition to explaining how our addictive behavior works.

The ideal and recommended thing is to weigh yourself daily, in the morning, after your first pee. Something very
practical is to make a spreadsheet and write down the weights for each day.
To know if what I downloaded is correct, I have to do the following calculation:
 If you are a woman, you have to lose between 6 and 8% monthly
 If you are a man, you can lower between 8 and 10% monthly
Don't go crazy if the scale doesn't respond for a while (if you're on a perfect diet), because this treatment is not
mathematics, but biology. Many times our body reacts in different ways... and it can play tricks on us. One has to be
patient, and wait for the scale to show those grams less…. Because at some point it will happen, because at 600kcal
there is no body that can withstand it. If we don't lose weight, what we are retaining is liquid, because the fat
LEAVES because the body must get the energy it needs to live from somewhere.

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