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1- You are going to listen to a radio interview with Molly talking about her online book
club. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear

1 Why did Molly start the online club?

A to help students with their projects
B to show book reviews by students
C to discuss books with other students

2 What else can members do at the club?

A read a blog
B get ideas about what to read
C meet some writers

3 What was surprising for Molly?

A Reading is a hobby that teenagers enjoy.
B Some people think reading is boring.
C Students improved their schoolwork.

4 Why does Molly enjoy reading?

A Reading changes her life.
B It’s an activity she can do anytime.
C She sounds clever when she reads.

5 How are audio books useful?

A You only need headphones to enjoy them.
B They can improve your spelling.
C They teach you to say words properly.

6 What must new members do?

A give some information online
B get permission from their school
C pay some money to join

2- Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 Molly’s book club began because she couldn’t find anything similar online.

8 The book club has nearly 1,000 members, but not many people are joining it now.

1- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 We sat / were sitting on the beach when suddenly it started / was starting to rain.
2 I chatted / was chatting to my friend while we waited / were waiting for the bus.
3 Jack read / was reading a comic when I called / was calling him at three o’clock yesterday.
4 While the boys played / were playing cricket in the garden, they broke / were breaking a
5 Lionel kicked / was kicking the ball hard and scored / was scoring an incredible goal.
6 Where did Pat sit / was Pat sitting while you listened / were listening to music?
7 Harry didn’t meet / wasn’t meeting his friends yesterday because he studied / was studying
8 It was a cold night. It rained / was raining and the wind blew / was blowing

2- Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs
in brackets.

9 Gill_____________________ (not watch) the TV show, so she changed the channel.

10 _____________________(you / buy) anything while you were shopping at the market?
11 Mum was having lunch with her friends in the town while dad
_____________________(do) the housework.
12 I ordered a pizza and then_____________________ (pay) for it when it arrived.
13 _____________________(she / drive) fast when the accident happened?
14 The lights_____________________ (go out) last night while Beth was reading an
interesting story.
15 Someone knocked on the door, but when I _____________________(open) it, no one
was there.
16 I_____________________(not go) to the shops when you saw me this morning

3- Complete the sentences with these words. You will need to use one word twice.

anyone anything everyone everything no one nothing someone something

17 I didn’t see___________________ that I liked at the shops, so I looked online.

18 All of my friends are busy today – there’s___________________ to go swimming with
19 I did my homework quickly. I finished___________________ in an hour.
20 ___________________sent me a text message, but I don’t know who the sender is.
21 Did you see___________________ interesting on your holiday?
22 There’s___________________ in the box – it’s empty.
23 It was quiet in the library because___________________ was studying.
24 Ouch! There’s___________________ in my eye!
25 Do you know___________________ who can speak German?

1- Match 26–33 with A–H to make sentences.

26 My brother broke my camera!

27 I’m spending the summer in Greece. A I’m exhausted.
28 I studied all night for my English exam.
B I’m freezing.
29 I didn’t eat lunch today. C It’s delicious.
30 This old house is very cold. D It’s useful.
31 Can I have another piece of cake? E It’s terrible.
32 I don’t know why you like this stupid show.
F I’m furious.
33 This website has lots of information. G I’m starving.
H I’m delighted.
2- Complete the sentences with a word from A and a word from B.

A- ancient /dark/ dull /huge/ ordinary

B- exciting/ light/ modern /special/ tiny

34 I don’t look good in_____________ colours, like black. That’s why I always
wear_____________ ones.
35 The match wasn’t _____________ and we were bored. It ended 0–0 and was
really_____________ to watch.
36 The archaeologists used some_____________ technology to find the _____________
coins buried in the ground.
37 Today isn’t an _____________ day. It’s a _____________ day – it’s my birthday!
38 Ants are_____________ , but elephants are_____________ !

3- Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.

39 This_____________________ is the most important in the museum. (painting / valuable /

40 A_____________________ wrote this story. (young / writer / brilliant)
41 My parents gave me a_____________________ for my birthday. (beautiful / ring / gold)
42 My uncle drives a _____________________. (German / fantastic / sports car).
43 Milly watched a_____________________ and then had a bad dream. (black and white / fi
lm / scary)
44 When I opened the door, a(n)_____________________ was standing there. (man /
strange / old)
45 I mixed the milk, flour, eggs and sugar with a _____________________. (wooden / spoon
/ long)

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