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Romulo Gallegos University


EDRYS PETIT CI 17.123.415


Traditionally, the Concept of Health is understood as a positive concept, it is associated with the
idea of good organic and psychological functioning throughout the life trajectory of each individual.
The disease referred to a concrete and specific event that occurred in some people or certain groups.

Over the years this concept of health has been modified and if previously attention to illness was
the central axis of health actions, now "Health Promotion" is imposed. This means: the need to increase
the quality of life, achieve a higher level of satisfaction of needs, improve vital functions and develop
potential. To achieve these objectives, it is understood that worrying about illness is necessary to be
able to live, but it is not enough to raise the level of health; To do this, we first need to prevent the
disease from appearing, benefiting from preventive measures that prevent the level of health achieved
from deteriorating.

The World Health Organization refers to Health Promotion as "the process of enabling individuals
and communities to increase control over the determinants of health and therefore improve their health,
and proposes five basic lines of intervention, develop healthy public policies, create environments
favorable to health, reinforce community action, develop personal skills, and reorient Health Services.

The health professional is a key player and plays an important role in health education and in
achieving healthy lifestyle habits since his or her main objective should be to ensure that health is a
value appreciated by the population, so that acquire habits for their physical and mental well-being and
that of their family and social environment.

It is the practical and methodological training that is given to a person in the process of
development and growth. It is a process through which the individual is provided with essential tools
and knowledge to put them into practice in everyday life. A person's learning begins from childhood,
upon entering institutes called schools or colleges where a previously studied and educated person will
implant identities, ethical and cultural values in the child to become a good person in the future. By
becoming educated, a person assimilates and learns knowledge. Education also implies cultural and
behavioral awareness, where new generations acquire the ways of being of previous generations.

Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, as well as skills,
values, beliefs and habits. The educational process occurs through research, debate, storytelling,
discussion, teaching, example and training in general. Education is not only produced through words, it
is also present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes.

It can take place in formal or informal contexts. Formal education is commonly divided into several
stages, such as preschool, primary school, secondary school, and then university or college. Upon
completion of the training, a proof or certificate of studies is issued, which allows access to a more
advanced level. There is an education known as non-formal (not schooled) for which, unlike formal
education, a certificate is not received that allows access to a new educational level upon completion of
training; Normally, the places that offer non-formal education are community centers, private
institutions, civil organizations or the State.

The right to education has been recognized by many governments. At a global level, Article 13 of
the 1966 United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes
the right of everyone to education.4 Although in most places education is compulsory up to a certain
age, Sometimes school attendance is not, and a minority of parents choose home schooling, sometimes
with the help of online education.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity, according to the definition presented by the World Health Organization (WHO) in
its constitution approved in 1948. This concept is expanded to: Health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. In health, as in illness,
there are different degrees of involvement and it should not be treated as a dichotomous variable. Thus,
it would be reformulated as follows: Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, with the
capacity to function, and not just the absence of conditions or diseases. It can also be defined as the
level of functional or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the micro (cellular) and macro
(social) levels.

It is a state of well-being or balance that can be seen at a subjective level (a human being assumes
the general state in which he or she is found to be acceptable) or at an objective level (the absence of
diseases or harmful factors in the subject in question is confirmed). )


It is a process through which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a way that
promotes the promotion, maintenance or restoration of health (Park K., 2000)

The EPS It is a process that informs, motivates and helps the population to adopt and maintain
healthy practices and lifestyles, advocates the environmental changes necessary to facilitate these
objectives, and directs professional training and research towards those same objectives.

World Health Organization, is “any combination of information and educational activities that leads
to a situation in which people want to be healthy, know how to achieve health, do what they can
individually and collectively to maintain it, and seek help when need it.”


They are a set of behaviors shared by a social group, in a specific historical time and in intimate
connection with the forms, living conditions and cultural patterns of said social group. It is one of the
health determinants on which we can act. The lifestyle is transmitted educationally and constantly
throughout life. We must keep in mind the influence of advertising on these habits. Thus, they can be
modified by the individual himself, for better or worse, in terms of health.

They are, according to the WHO, patterns of behavior with marked effects on the health of the
individual. Its influence on health is determined by the interaction between personal characteristics and
the physical and social environment. Currently, numerous pathologies come from the union of both
factors; Furthermore, a large part of them are chronic in nature.

A sedentary lifestyle, the use of tobacco, alcohol, poor diet or risky behaviors are examples of
agents that are harmful to health. They are very widespread harmful patterns of behavior; That is,
unhealthy lifestyles that undermine individual and collective health. Its reduction would contribute to
improving the health of the population and controlling the increase in health spending. In industrialized
societies, community health problems are nothing more than the result of the sum of individual health

A healthy lifestyle is fundamentally configured by maintaining a sufficient and balanced diet,

abstaining from tobacco, very moderate alcohol consumption, observing a supervised and controlled
pattern of use of certain substances, and practicing physical activity. regular and safe sexual behavior.
The enjoyment of high levels of both physical and mental well-being is the most likely result of a
healthy lifestyle.

Disease is considered any state where there is a deterioration in the health of the human organism.
All diseases involve a weakening of the body's natural defense system or those that regulate the internal
environment. Even when the cause is unknown, a disease can almost always be explained in terms of
the physiological or mental processes that are altered.

(WHO), is that of “Alteration or deviation of the physiological state in one or more parts of the
body, for generally known causes, manifested by characteristic symptoms and signs, and whose
evolution is more or less predictable.”


It is the natural evolution of any pathological process, from its beginning to its resolution, without
the intervention of man.

PRE-PATHOGENIC PERIOD : corresponds to the time when people are healthy, that is, they
are in balance with their environment. In this period, the triad interacts, which is formed by:

♦ Guest ♦ Environment ♦ Agent

CAUSAL AGENT : Epidemiological agents are considered each and every one of the different
organisms that are capable of developing diseases in other organisms that act as hosts of the disease.
The wide variety of epidemiological agents that exist include bacteria, viruses or other groups of
microscopic parasites, as is the case of some protozoa.

These epidemiological agents share a series of characteristics that make them organisms capable of
causing diseases. Among the characteristics of epidemiological agents, the following stand out:
Pathogenicity, infectivity, virulence, antigenic power or immunogenicity, lethality, mutation.

HOST: The second element of the ecological triad is the epidemiological host or host susceptible to
contracting the disease caused by infection with the epidemiological agent.

Both humans, animals and other living organisms can be considered epidemiological hosts, whose
resistance and/or immunity mechanisms at the time of infection are deficient and favor their
susceptibility to contracting a disease. Such susceptibility may depend on different intrinsic
characteristics of the hosts, such as age, heredity, environmental conditions, nutrition and hormonal

Regarding the routes of transmission of the disease, that is, the way in which the agent infects the
host, they are usually the respiratory, digestive, urinary tracts, and even through the skin and mucous

ENVIRONMENT: It is the third element of the epidemiological triad

The environment plays a very important role in the process of infection and spread of diseases, since,
depending on the environmental conditions, infectious agents are able or not to reach the hosts.
In this way, the environment as an element of the epidemiological triad includes both physical
factors specific to the environment (soil, water, wind, objects) and biotic factors (animals, food, or even
human beings); which act as vectors of disease transmission.

On many occasions, a single change in the environmental and/or geographical conditions included
within the environment is capable of allowing or preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

For the disease to occur, all components of the ecological triad must be present. If one of them is
missing, the interaction cannot occur and there is no disease.

PATHOGENIC PERIOD: Corresponds to the beginning of the disease, even before symptoms

When the three elements of the triad become unbalanced, the pathological process begins in the host.
Agent Environment Guest

It is divided into several stages:


contact between the host and the agent. There are anatomical or functional injuries, but at an
insufficient level, which is why the patient does not realize it or if he does, he does not go to the
doctor, since it seems to be something very simple.

• PRODROME General symptoms appear, and it is difficult to determine what pathology affects
the host.

• CLINICAL STAGE : Begins with Nonspecific Signs and Symptoms: such as fever, general
malaise. Specific Symptoms: where the manifestations are specific to each pathology.

• CHRONICITY: where the pathology presents with chronic signs and symptoms.


Health Education is very important and can be applied in different areas of our life, such as the
family, social, school and work environment. It helps us maintain healthy living habits, avoid the
contagion and spread of infectious diseases, as well as prevent the appearance of chronic diseases that
affect our quality of life.
It can be applied from a micro level such as teaching hand washing, to a macro level such as a health

Health professionals can apply health education to the individual, family or community in the
following way:

1. Inform the population about health, illness, disability and the ways in which individuals can
improve their own health.
2. Motivate the population to achieve healthier habits.

3. Help the population acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to maintain a healthy

4. Advocate changes in the environment that facilitate healthy living conditions and positive health

5. Promote the teaching, training and training of all Community Health Education Agents.

6. Increase, through research and evaluation, knowledge about the most effective way to achieve the
proposed objectives.


Philosophy has emerged thanks to human curiosity. Searching for the answer to disturbing
questions about truth, being, authentic existence, the Absolute, the transcendence of the spirit, good and
evil, is doing Philosophy. The tendency to investigate, to know the meaning of things, has existed in
man throughout his entire history.

Health education is the combination of information, training and propaganda activities aimed at
promoting, constructing, preserving and restoring health and human performance capacity and extending a
life of human quality. Health education is based on the ideological and cultural formation of groups to
create a scientific awareness that is concerned with both individual and social health. It is not a personal
matter but a social duty and is aimed at stimulating the action of broad layers of the population towards the
protection of health as a social good.


The main objective of health education is to modify the behavior and attitudes of individuals in the
community to have positive health. We can say that Health Education has the overall purpose of
positively influencing the physical and mental well-being of the person. This purpose has guided the
objectives of disease prevention first and training and health promotion later. Therefore, Health
Education is a key tool in health policies, since its action is aimed at both the different health sectors
and the different groups.


- Positive behaviors that promote health in general.

- Environmental changes that help modify behaviors.

- Self-control and self-care of citizens.

- Enable individuals to make their own decisions through active participation in the health process.
The specific objectives of EpS are primarily aimed at enabling individuals to:
1) They can define their own problems and needs,

2) understand how they can face these problems with their own resources and external support

3) promote more appropriate actions to promote healthy living and community well-being. Thus, the
object of study of the EPS focuses on the behaviors and lifestyles of individuals, groups and the



BIOMEDICAL MODEL; Developed based on principles based on clinical medical science, so the
methods are unilateral and depend on the sick individual. This model considers individual behavior as
an etiological factor of the disease, so its

The objective is the modification of already ingrained individual behaviors.

INFORMATION MODEL; Also of a biological nature, although more recent chronologically, it

includes some of the contributions of psychological trends in the strategy for behavior modification. It
is similar to the biomedical one in terms of the way of understanding the determinants of behavior, that
is, the lack of information as an etiological cause. of the illness. Methodologically, it accentuates the
importance of the masterful contribution of information, adopting the content and form to the receiving
public, but considering it as an essential part of the process.


It is a value expectancy theory that attempts to predict and explain health behavior. It suggests that the
population's beliefs decisively influence decision-making in relation to health-promoting or restorative
behaviors. In its original formulation it contains the following elements: - Psychological preparation of
the individual to make a Health decision. Whether or not to adopt the positive decision depends on
individual "beliefs", the "perceptions" that one has about reality.


Psychological, based on the previous model and in an attempt to overcome the criticisms made about it,
and collecting contributions from the scientific literature of the 1980s on patient preferences in relation
to therapeutic compliance, Eraker and Cols. propose a new model aimed fundamentally at explaining
therapeutic compliance.

Psychological in nature, also known as the preventive, attitudinal or KAP model (Knowledge, attitudes,
practices) and written by O'Neill in 1979, it postulates the need to include motivation as an essential
element, after the information process, for the achievement of certain habits. . According to this,
achieving a change in attitudes in a positive sense would be followed by the development of certain
behaviors, already reinforced or modified. Methodologically, it proposes a source of information that,
with sufficient social recognition, transmits the most appropriate information to the audience with the
best means of communication.

It has been recognized that promoting health is possible by giving people the knowledge, the ways
and developing the necessary capacity to seek ways and adopt healthy behaviors, a task in which the
commitment, influence and political decisions of the state and their institutions.

These aspects were discussed at the First International Conference on Health Promotion (Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada, Nov 21, 1986) which supported the Alma Ata declaration, 1978. As a result, the
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion was published, which has been a source of guidance and
inspiration in that field ever since at subsequent international conferences. (Adalaide, 1988), (Sundsvall,
1991), (Jakarta, 1997) and (City

Mexico, 2000).

According to the Ottawa Charter, health promotion consists of “providing people with the necessary
means to improve their health and exercise greater control over it” and poses as a fundamental
requirement for health, peace, education, housing, food, income, a stable ecosystem, resource
conservation, social justice and equity.

Health promotion is valued as a means of achieving health for all, but it is not perceived as an
objective. Expanding the definition, the Ottawa Charter states: “…to achieve an adequate state of
physical, mental and social well-being, an individual or group must be able to identify and realize their
aspirations, satisfy their needs, and change or adapt to the environment.” environment"

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is a document prepared by the World Health
Organization, during the First International Conference for Health Promotion, held in Ottawa, Canada,
in 1986.

The first International Conference on Health Promotion, meeting in Ottawa on November 21, 1986,
issues this LETTER aimed at achieving the objective "Health for All by the year 2000." This
conference was, above all, a response to the growing demand for a new conception of public health in
the world. Although the discussions focused on the needs of industrialized countries, problems affecting
other regions were also taken into account. The conference took as its starting point the progress
achieved after the Alma-Ata Conference on primary care, the document "The Goals of Health for All"
of the World Health Organization, and the debate on intersectoral action for health recently held at the
World Health Assembly. It arose in response to the need to seek a new approach to the multiple health
problems that still require solutions in all parts of the globe today. The rapid and irreversible changes
that characterize the times in which we live force us to constantly project ourselves into the future, but
health systems have not even managed to advance at the pace imposed by the needs felt by the



All sciences are important for the state of health of the individual. They are the set of disciplines
that can provide adequate knowledge for the prevention of diseases, the eradication of diseases and the
well-being of a group of people. It can also be defined as applied sciences that address the use of
science, technology, engineering or mathematics in the provision of healthcare to human beings.

Health sciences are organized into two aspects:

The study and research to acquire knowledge about health-disease, and

application of this technical knowledge.

Both aspects come together to achieve the broad purpose of: maintaining, replenishing, improving
health and well-being, preventing, treating and eradicating diseases and better understanding the
complex vital processes of animal and human organisms related to life, health and their alterations

Among them we can mention:

Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Occupational Health, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Oral Rehabilitation,
Gerontology among others.

They come together to achieve the broad purpose of: maintaining, replenishing and improving health
and well-being; prevent, treat and eradicate diseases; and better understand the complex vital processes
of animal and human organisms related to life, health and their alterations (disease). It is said that health
sciences are interdisciplinary due to the fact that they intertwine or combine several sciences to study
the same unknown clinical case; or to deepen the study in a more specialized way. The research of this
science is based on pure sciences such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics, but also on Social Sciences,
such as sociology, psychology and others.



It is an essential element in EpS activities as it brings together different population groups at their
different stages of development. The family is a fundamental source of learning for the child, a model
of attitudes and behaviors. The increase in life expectancy, outpatient surgery or chronic pathologies
that require special care make the patient's home a place where educational activities must be carried
out more and more often.


Health Education in the school environment aims to instill knowledge, attitudes and positive health
habits in the individual during their early stages of development, aimed at health-promoting behaviors
and the prevention of the main diseases of this age group. You should try to develop skills for the
adoption of healthy lifestyles in adulthood.

The fact of working with a population group in a period of physical, mental and social development
makes the EPS Program in school one of the most efficient, because at this age one is more receptive to
the student. Furthermore, the school environment represents a common environment for this group of

population, which also makes it the most extensive program in terms of population covered.

The strategies must not be directed exclusively at the student, but also at parents and teachers so
that they can participate in the planning and development of the actions.

In schools, through learning about transversal topics, health education or awareness campaigns.


The EPS In the workplace, its strategy is aimed at raising workers' awareness about the Health risks
to which they are exposed due to the performance of their work. These risks are of three essential types;

- Risk of suffering physical injuries due to work accidents.

- Risk of suffering from illness due to toxic substances in the workplace.
- Risk of developing psychological imbalances due to the performance of the type of work performed.

In this sense, the EPS Its objective is to inform workers of the main risks and their rights in
relation to them, promoting positive behaviors in relation to safety, mainly mechanical risks, or
prevention of diseases, physical, chemical and social risks. The work environment should also be used
to promote the development of EPS Programs aimed at widespread problems in the population,
although not specific to the workplace. It would constitute preventive action against the main chronic

In the world of work, through the prevention of occupational risks, working on the risks of
suffering injuries, accidents at work, the risks of suffering from illness.

In the community, promoting healthy lifestyle habits, informing them about the risks and
motivating them to change their behavior, whether at home, health centers or meeting places.


The main purpose of the EPS Programs In the community it is the promotion and protection of the
Health of the "healthy" population, eradicating knowledge, attitudes and harmful habits and promoting
the maintenance of Health to reach one of the first places on the scale of social values.

These Programs are planned from the base of the primary and secondary levels of prevention.
From the primary point of view of prevention and promotion, the contents are intended to encourage
positive behaviors. From the secondary protection level, the contents are aimed at raising awareness
among the identified risk groups to promote behavioral changes in the desired direction and awaken
interest in the early detection of processes, through information on first symptoms and orientation
toward services. adequate care. It also implies the motivation of the population to increase active
participation in decision-making that affects the health of the community.

Clinical teaching or teaching in the clinical environment refers to teaching and learning focused on
patients and their problems, and usually also involving them directly in this process. The clinical
environment refers not only to the inpatient areas of hospitals (generally known as bedside learning),
but also to the outpatient environment and the community itself.

Education in the field of health is presented as an instrument for the acquisition of knowledge and
skills, in addition to promoting the development of faculties such as responsibility, participation and
decision-making with the aim of the subject achieving the maximum degree of adaptation and
autonomy, in the process of their health. This person's ability to adapt will determine their quality of life
and that of their environment. For example, often and when faced with a diagnosis of an inflammatory
bowel disease, the person changes, in a limiting way, their leisure habits, such as traveling. With some
exceptions, it is not a question of stopping traveling but of adapting this circumstance to the new health
situation: preparing medication, being well informed about vaccines if applicable, knowing who to
contact or being free from fears or unfounded misconceptions.

The link between the field of health and the field of education is intensifying, directly influencing
new forms of health care for people, both at the healthcare level and at the social level. Along these
lines, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers it a priority to promote education as a basic
instrument of change both at the individual and collective level, in order to engage the entire society in
the health process.

Health Education is a fundamental tool for recruiting and motivating the patients, families and
community that we serve in our daily practice. With it we manage to prevent diseases and promote
health and self-care, increasing the satisfaction of the people to whom it is directed and that of the
workers themselves, who see in it another way of carrying out their healthcare practice.

It should be noted that health education is an instrument and a tool for Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention, whose most favorable scope of application is the first level of care, as this is the
first contact that individuals and the community with health services.

It is of utmost importance because it is aimed at modifying behaviors, habits and attitudes of

individuals and the community, contributing to making people and communities self-responsible for
their own health. To achieve it, there are three levels of intervention; namely, the individual, the group
and the mass. Each of them has different ways of operating.

Health Education serves as a strategy in health promotion, it has become a form of teaching that
aims to lead the individual and the community to a process of change in attitude and behavior, which is
based on the detection of their needs and which attempts to result in the improvement of health
conditions. An important element to achieve its objectives is to know the attitudes, since it is on the
basis of them that modifications in lifestyles will be achieved and for which the motivation that we
manage to develop in individuals and populations is fundamental.

Finally, in order to make Health Education effective, educational programs must be developed based
on the health needs of a certain population group. These educational projects are carried out by
members of the Health Teams in coordination with individuals and communities.
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