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QUESTION (3) (a) The average age of a vehicles registered in the United States 2 = sees B years of Bhat variance is{144 months. The average price of a vehicle if $950: Sand the standard ra (i) Compute the coefficient of variation for each variable? GN9.... (ii) Compare De verinientepverntie age and | Gee ofvehides? (b) The table below gives the rankings for faculty members of a local college and the en er for these members as follows: Full Professor (Ay) If we choose one member at random, Preserve bathe guar? 06. on ad) .2 8 find the probability chat the selected member eh ‘na given city, there we ieclis Enos 3 fooky Sp # Oe person is selected at random, find the probability that he/she (a) Thefallowing data represent the number of calls received in a Hot Line of alealcompary fora i petadof wo months, [Nenberoteasnop [7 12 [ > 19] Pronto [Pr a pee a Find each of the following: prt cebu foo Bee ae pom 41 ms fhe fents said that they feel that they are overqualif ae (b) ina cecent of ae se presen she peson mn pon 13- pCO) «P&/0) dotearnalet (a) The sampte mea 1050 Stat 0 Minutes Good Kuck [tisn x() | fa) Choose the correct answer of the following sentences a frequency bar ehart Sn oe ~E re ; y < f Bi | pe | Quistion (ay | AQES Wore Hay acd¥iscihs n sc =02 nein INeiniutry af Wigner Education Peden Sh ced cart) \Y YP eure 8 tot | Comege af engineer et Ara bn Depavement Nation we Acomputer Flaw: One ov y 10. Marks | Answer all the following Questions: [1) Classify each v [2] For each the followin the con + Number of pizzas sold by Pizza Express each day + Relative humidity levels in operating rooms at local hospital + Number of banan: + Lifetimes (in hours) of 15 iPod batteries iable as diserete or «i MOUs wake Kets 4s ina bunch at several local Superm aisccate. continaas, , identify the variable, the samy Le, the population an variable is qué ive; and if qu hether it is di ative or qual intuous. v Suppose that we want to measure the weights of the NFL players for a sam $4 players in the American Stadiums L pliner 4 pilloess. All plowed ivy The, Adecco Stadion. (variable: Quowtitafiue » con Sinscts. 5 vitamin for Suppose that we measure whether or not one regularly take nt Saudi women sample of $0 pregn Variable: Wether nok one waulers takes Oy Sample:__ a preqnasd = ' Popula ion:_BIN preeyandl Goud wromen Type of var able: chai tbockine 1 [5 Ports} cass Boundaries| Frequency | Midpoints cind each of the following (a) The samplemean? Stat 1050 - Probability’ First Semester 1438/1439 Quiz 2-5 Marks Qi/ina study of reaction times of dogs to a specific stimulus, an ‘animal trainer obtained the following data, given in seconds Construct a frequency histogram? Gas] Fea) dest 23-29 8 2.26 — 28 = 3.0 -3.6 6 3.6% | ~ Taras] ao 3.46 - 4-35 44-50 4 {38 - 8-05 51-57 2 Gis abe | Tol | 30 | y fab 3 5 . Q2/Consider the following population values 20, 12, 39, 38, 18 | The population mean li 2% | fe ae Ni [The population median | The population modal LAE What are ( 25-26 @ Histogs ) Pelygon L~ G5. When two evetts same time, they are said to be Se . SS @ Dependent gor tMacually exclusive. (iii) Compound: {Sy fridspéndent ( vy) None 7X The difference becwecn the hapest and allest value in a set Of'walucs is called () Midrange (ii) Mode (iii) Median borings ___(v) None fican cepa gen the is computed for individual data, all values in th& data ()Midcange (i) ee re iy Median (iv) Range pF Gre Seogd. 8. A card is drawn from a deck and replaced: * nen a second card is drawn, The probability ofgetting an ace and then a queen wl be 2 2,652 aw ae s c 2 fee F) repre Py | dr @ Points) Jo es a 4 §. * a “ CRP ea fete beobane tate wot NEE Mens cacy Eyes ea teers ce (ee ee Pea PA 4 : BIS Kot Koa9 Cor ?% a E i \ Were arg ee cpnup grap (isrjfe ee feat SSI (gwey “pyr = ie? oe ee ey, an Bin Abdul A; of Scumce & Honus Department of Mathernanes COrKSE 1050 Gear MULTIPLE CHorces QUIZ TIME 30 Gffinates TOTAL MARK 5 gfeians ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (i) Sample z Pooula ) qv 4s ‘ k10w ) ) None eS 4 When cwo dice are rolled, che sample spa = ima . ws (Ww ( . fav (+) None —_— 5S When two events can occur at the same time, they are um « ()) Dependent (ut) ? epende, fone 6 tn the atapdarsd normal dhs z 9 F ” (i) 0.4850 (u) 0 S00 “8 ) ) None (i) Dependenc Jependent 11. The parameters of Opa Gi) (iii) nag (iv) npg (¥) None 12. Whar is the nu: ions of 6 different objects ta togeth 36 (iy Cqiy720) ay739) (yoo (None 13. The difference between a sample mean and a corresponding population mean is called (i Sampling Error (ji) Margin Error (iii) Seandard Exror (iv) None 14. Ifthe probability that an event happens is 0.58, chen the probability that the event won't happen will be (yoo (ii) -0.58 (ivy 10 (v) None 15. A card is drawn from an ordinary deck of cards and replaced; then a second card is drawn. The probability of ges 12 2,704 ce and then a queen is 2 ww 2 ® 652 2,652 (v) None an Bin Abdul A; of Scumce & Honus Department of Mathernanes COrKSE 1050 Gear MULTIPLE CHorces QUIZ TIME 30 Gffinates TOTAL MARK 5 gfeians ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (i) Sample z Pooula ) qv 4s ‘ k10w ) ) None eS 4 When cwo dice are rolled, che sample spa = ima . ws (Ww ( . fav (+) None —_— 5S When two events can occur at the same time, they are um « ()) Dependent (ut) ? epende, fone 6 tn the atapdarsd normal dhs z 9 F ” (i) 0.4850 (u) 0 S00 “8 ) ) None a) ) 2 iii) 9%) Norange ) 4 6 | iv) The Sample mode for data is: a) 15 6) 18 2) Nomode | \\ | —= - | | IS] The costs per load (in cent) for sample of 35 laundry deterge Consumer organization are shown in the following distribution Construct a frequency bar chart? tii) The sempte ®) Norange 4) 14 ,_- ") The sample mode for data i a) 15 6) 18 moet \\ IS] The costs per load (in cent) for sample of 35 laundry deter consumer org: 'ition are shown in the following distribution : ait Class limits | Frequency ; me bt 3-19 ‘a 3 I oe [ca r ait 20-26 | 7 | ne | “2ée ma | SAT feega mess etontane <) stidiness cbicd wet acest op beet ee = + ate es ad “A | 5:28 Statistics & Pro...3T115534Z-001 5:28 Statistics & Pro...3T115534Z-001 Answer all the following Questions: [1] Classify each variable as discrete oF 60 © Number of pizza + Relative humidity levels in operating rooms at ke * Number of bai everal local Supermarkets, dhéceate fhe sample, the popula santitia hes it is ¢ or f the NFL players for a sampl BJF L Plex . s America Sh 1 s vitainsin for ther or not one regularly takes a Vite ii, Suppos eo ant Saudi women. of fot cue we qulew teaKe. er * Popul Preoypaudl * Type of varinble:_cueli bokiue. et — av. _| go | | rir Sat LE Ly wal | fore eer Loreal Sa bftbass pee ca coeBicient of eee ya " eS sempre Sinan age ige ahah 0: Ooo 99 Py Sree ce ae EOS ~ prec? ghéa) Public Opinio night Ifa rand the probability that @) Exactly 5 Americans are sffaid of being alone 2 a aS. 2 [15 Points) (Oars 7 was taken on how much trust people place in the information they read on the Internet. If A = trust in everything they red, M - trust in most of what they read, H = trust in about one-half of whit they icad, $ = trust in a small portion of what they read The results are given as follows 8 Points) MMM # HM S_ M H M Ss oMMMM £2 M M & M MM HMM M HM H M Xx MMM HM M.™ M M ® Construct a categorical frequency distribution for these data, : TEP (r= VAR) sala Pa tb Eat) etreken MTS 7-86 BP ok workers aged 16 and over erve to work alone, Chonse workers a andy ‘Question (2 a) Computer Help Hot Line receives, om Poisson, For any ranciomily selected hour, fi alls? haf wage, 6 calls per hour asking for assis a ew ? bb) The probability that Samantha is accepted by the college of her choice is 0.65. H the probability that she will obtain e soholarship gen that she is accepted by the college is 0.54. Find the probability that ‘she will obtain a scholarship and willbe accepted by the college? 2 BUR. PCB/AL =. (265), 54) = c Preauen cf QS) 1 tree che 2-96 3654.35 F08 5-75 a Sheet: Potabibty amd States tor Cermputer Stadents €tgherFaeation \ Va Course: Sat ts Peloce Satan Rix Abdulazie vel Few imei oF Sout Arabia Cotte of Seles & Tien: One hase Semester 1439/1499 mid Term 2 Exam 15 Marks ay] ] 3 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 48) Choose the correct answer for each of the following: co 2. When the binomial distribution is wed, the outcomes must be 2. Dependent independent Mutually elusive’. None 2. The Sum ofthe probabilities of al outcomes in a probably distribution is 20 bos wl 4. None 3. The number of trials for a bidamtial experiment. 8. €an be infinite Ur Mast be fixed Isunchanged 4. None 4. The number of permutations of8 different objects are there, taken 3at a time is a et b. Py we oP 4. None 5. The probability that an event happens is 0.42.What isthe probability that the event won't happen? co None a -0.42 Jt O58 6 If 2eards are selected from a standard deck of $2 cards without replacement. The probability of getting 2 face cards (king, queen, Jack) is... = ce 4. None ‘7.1 PIA and B) ='P(A) . P(B/A ), then A and B are said to be Dependent b. Independent ¢. Mutually exclusive: d. None B.IFPIA or B) = P(A) + P(B), then Aand Bare saidtobe ..... a, Dependent b. Independent oo Mutually exclusive d, None 9 »- {5 the set of all possible of probability experiment. a. The event The sample 4 None 3 Jwhowillbe gis is... wiS)z2=4 ime 1D toa specific stimulus, an animal trainer obtained the [fin a study of reaction t towing data, given in seconds, Construct a frequency histogram © population meat © population median population modal e population variance e standard deviat 7 33-3,\ Sag = = e. The sample coefficient of va a. Dependent pend ) ea iven that am Question (2) Consider the following distribution of the ages in (years) of 100 Saudi women. TESTE RAT a i sl\G== | iG al | A 20-24 16 752 gE 25-29 32 S64 a 30-34 28 2 S96 2 ¢ 35-39 12 18 ty + GYH2 Total 100 160 £96 46 Find each of the followin, \ . \ Ve 4 (a) The variance of the number of ages Wee See nx 9a — } F9GUO — FEILE a9 (b) The coefficient of variation of ages s- Js Sed Arabia Subject Blosnics ar QF eo Kingdom Ministry Prince Sata 92 Exam 15 Marks ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS Question (1 Answer Hodl (1) Choose the correct answer for each of the following: 4. The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes in a probability distribution is .. a0 b.0.S d.None 2. The probability that an event happens is 0.42. What is the probability that the event won't happen? a. -0.82 b.0.58 «0 4. No 3. iF P{A and B) = P(A). P{B/A), then A and B are said to be ‘a. Dependent — b. Independent ¢. Mutually exclusive 4, IFP(A or B ) = P(A) + P(B), then Aand B are said to be a. Dependent b, Independent vc, Mutuallyexclusive — d. None 5, summnuniis the Set of all possible of probability experiment. a, The event b.The sample space c. Atree diagram d. None 6. ina family with three children, the probability that two of the three children are ap) bi cA d. None 8 | | | ] Question (3) (2) The average number of newspap standard deviation is S24 . The aver deviation of S=6 years (a) Compute SA 2 se a es SN. 8s. cS xise 2.16.22 9% 3% Mm Sample (l...i8..mcrres.. cars olan... Aram... ample. @) Simca. GMS. BRBB Ie... ENE NG BE th G balls numbered from one to sik and we select at random The probability of getting the resul E=fenye) G0 cxr5d} (a) Asum of 10: (WiAsumofSors Ex LU) OI) C23) CH 2D, HB) O54) PE) 2.8 = 2, 9.02 3¢ g erm (Smart n (3 (2) The average number of newspapers for sale in an airport newsstand is 12, and the Standard deviation is $=4. The average age of the pilots is 37 years, with the standard deviation of $=6 years, (a) Compute the coefficient of variation of each variable? Bes ia = 33:33.% a Bana SENOS = S. then. ba 2. Ar a+ {b) Which data setis more variable than the other? Th Semple. 6). i$.mere...cercebla. Hows Faenple.&) Since. CNY = B3:33.2%, a ENes IG. 22% (2) we have two bags each with 6 balls numbered from one to sit and we select at random one ball from each bg. Find each ofthe folowing The probability of geting the resus E=[esse) 6,4) (5/5) (2)A sum of 10 Seer 2's. 5 PLE). Beak x ()Asumof5er9 Ga Crt) 1) C23) 2), HB) C5, 4) 0/2 G94 PLE) = See an oiee, 3€ a 0) tnastatisics ‘here are 18 juniors and 10 seniors; 12 ofthe junior are males, an 6 ofthe *hlor are erates, as inthe folowing abe: 1y_p Studert| Male [Fensle| Total] A 5 jiutor [2 iG) [a8 oe & [senor (|e [0 coe Total [16 [12 28] st Ha student selected at andor find he probobly of electing he folowing resus: Oe ek So (2) junior of a female? . ype y PCT atE Nim. PC) + PF) — PCS and...E) ince) 5 2B z e : AG (by senior given that a male? Pos aM), a. Dependent pend erm (Smart n (3 (2) The average number of newspapers for sale in an airport newsstand is 12, and the Standard deviation is $=4. The average age of the pilots is 37 years, with the standard deviation of $=6 years, (a) Compute the coefficient of variation of each variable? Bes ia = 33:33.% a Bana SENOS = S. then. ba 2. Ar a+ {b) Which data setis more variable than the other? Th Semple. 6). i$.mere...cercebla. Hows Faenple.&) Since. CNY = B3:33.2%, a ENes IG. 22% (2) we have two bags each with 6 balls numbered from one to sit and we select at random one ball from each bg. Find each ofthe folowing The probability of geting the resus E=[esse) 6,4) (5/5) (2)A sum of 10 Seer 2's. 5 PLE). Beak x ()Asumof5er9 Ga Crt) 1) C23) 2), HB) C5, 4) 0/2 G94 PLE) = See an oiee, 3€ a 0) tnastatisics ‘here are 18 juniors and 10 seniors; 12 ofthe junior are males, an 6 ofthe *hlor are erates, as inthe folowing abe: 1y_p Studert| Male [Fensle| Total] A 5 jiutor [2 iG) [a8 oe & [senor (|e [0 coe Total [16 [12 28] st Ha student selected at andor find he probobly of electing he folowing resus: Oe ek So (2) junior of a female? . ype y PCT atE Nim. PC) + PF) — PCS and...E) ince) 5 2B z e : AG (by senior given that a male? Pos aM),

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