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What are human rights?

Organization; gender equality, proclaimed

Human rights are rights inherent to all by UN Women; the rights of the child,
human beings, without distinction of indigenous peoples and people with
INTRODUCTION nationality, place of residence, sex, disabilities.
national or ethnic origin, color,
Citizens must enjoy the complete protection of religion, language, or any other
condition. We all have the same OAS:
our rights through laws, documents, groups and
human rights without discrimination. T he OAS has
institutions. we have international organizations
These rights are interrelated, emerged as an
national organizations.
interdependent and indivisible. organization
Human rights groups in Peru were mostly born with a prominent
to confront the immense human rights role as a
violations that were committed during the
RIGHTS human rights,
internal conflict between the government,
Sendero Luminoso and the MRTA. democracy and
UN economic
They are associated under a National Human progress on the
Every UN
Rights Coordinator, which coordinates the American continent. Regarding human
groups' work at the national and international organ and
rights, the task of the Inter-American
level. With the fall of Fujimori, the groups have
Commission on Human Rights is
added work on specific issues such as
corruption, economic and social rights, and notable.

specialized agency is involved in some

way in the protection of human rights.

Some examples of this are the right to

development , which is the basis of the IACHR
Sustainable Development Goals ; the right T he Inter-
to food, defended by the Food and American Court of
Agriculture Organization of the United Human Rights
Nations; labor rights, defended and (based in San
HUMAN RIGHTS protected by the International Labor José, Costa Rica)
has been granted, together with the complemented by Dr. Alejandro Toledo on September
Inter-American Commission on Human 4 of the same year, finally being called the Truth
Commission. and Reconciliation It is created as the
Rights , the jurisdiction to hear body in charge of clarifying the process, the
matters related to compliance with events that occurred and the corresponding
the commitments made by the States responsibilities, not only of those who carried
Parties to the American Convention them out but also of those who ordered or
on Human Rights (ACHR) . tolerated them, and in turn propose initiatives that
affirm peace and reconciliation between all. the
Some examples of matters considered by the
International Court of Justice:
 A 1980 United States complaint that
Iran was holding American diplomats “YEAR OF GOOD SERVICE TO THE CITIZEN”
in Tehran in violation of international IEP
The Ombudsman's Office is an autonomous
constitutional body created by the 1993
 A dispute between Tunisia and Libya
Constitution. Its mission is to protect the
over the delimitation of the continental
constitutional and fundamental rights of the
shelf between them;
person and the community; supervise the
fulfillment of the duties of the State administration
and the provision of public services to the


In Peru there are organizations that serve to
support human rights.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Transitional Government chaired by Dr. Valentín
created the
Truth DEGREE : 3rd
Commission on
June 4, 2001, TEACHER: Santiago Briceño Quino
which was
ratified and NAME : Diego Quino RAmirez
AREA : FCC Resolution 217 A (III) , as a common ideal
for all peoples and nations. The
Declaration establishes, for the first
2017 time, the fundamental human rights
HUMAN RIGHTS that must be protected throughout the
world and has been translated into more than
What are human rights? 500 languages .
Human rights are rights inherent to all
human beings, without distinction of COUNTRIES THAT INCLUDE THE
nationality, place of residence, sex,
national or ethnic origin, color,
Citizens must enjoy the complete protection of religion, language, or any other
our rights through laws, documents, groups and condition. We all have the same
institutions. we have international organizations human rights without discrimination.
national organizations. These rights are interrelated,
interdependent and indivisible.
Human rights groups in Peru were mostly born
to confront the immense human rights
violations that were committed during the
internal conflict between the government,
Sendero Luminoso and the MRTA.

They are associated under a National Human Today there are 192 member states of
Rights Coordinator, which coordinates the the UN, all of which have signed in
groups' work at the national and international accordance with the Universal
level. With the fall of Fujimori, the groups have Declaration of Human Rights.
added work on specific issues such as
corruption, economic and social rights, and
impunity. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights is a document that marks a
milestone in the history of human
rights. Prepared by representatives of
all regions of the world with different
legal and cultural backgrounds, the
Declaration was proclaimed by the
United Nations General Assembly in
Paris, on December 10, 1948 in its
Every UN organ and specialized agency is  The systematic segregation of children
with disabilities from general schools
involved in some way in the protection of
(right to education);
human rights.  Failure to prevent employers from
discriminating in hiring (on the basis of “YEAR OF GOOD SERVICE TO THE CITIZEN”
VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS sex, disability, race, political opinion,
Some examples of violations of economic, social social origin, HIV status, etc.) (right to IEP
and cultural rights include: work);
 The fact of not prohibiting public or
 The forced eviction of people from their private entities from destroying or
homes (right to adequate housing); contaminating food and its sources, as
 Contamination of water, for example well as arable land and water resources
with waste from state-owned facilities (right to food);
(right to health);  Failure to establish a reasonable
 The fact that a minimum wage sufficient limitation on working hours in the public
to lead a decent life is not guaranteed and private sectors (right to work);
(right to work);  The prohibition of using minority or
 The failure to avoid hunger in all areas indigenous languages (right to SALITRAL
and communities of the country (right to participate in cultural life);
protection against hunger);  The denial of social assistance to people
 Denial of access to information or because of their condition (for example, HUMAN RIGHTS
services related to sexual and people without a fixed address or those
reproductive health (right to health); seeking asylum) (right to social
 The fact of not guaranteeing maternity
leave to working women (family
protection and assistance);
 The arbitrary and illegal disconnection of
the water supply network for personal
and domestic use (right to water).
 Universal: The principle of the universality
SECTION : “C” of human rights is the cornerstone of
international human rights law, they extend
NAME : Brayan Diego Agurto Morales to the entire human race at all times and
places; Therefore, cultural, social or political
HUMAN RIGHTS differences cannot be invoked as an excuse
2017 Definition: Human rights are those freedoms, for its ignorance or partial application.
faculties or basic values that correspond to every
person by the very fact of their nature and human  Inherent:
condition, to guarantee a dignified life. Human rights are
INTRODUCTION innate to all
human beings
Human rights are rights inherent to all without any
human beings, without distinction of race, distinction, since
sex, nationality, ethnic origin, language, it is assumed that
religion or any other condition. we are born with
them. Therefore,
Human rights include the right to life and these rights do not depend on recognition by
liberty; to not be subjected to slavery or the State.
torture; to freedom of opinion and  Absolutes: Their respect can be claimed
expression; to education and work, among indiscriminately from any person or authority.
many others. These rights correspond to all  Inalienable: Because they are inalienable,
people, without any discrimination. belonging indissolubly to the very essence of
the human being; They cannot and should
not be separated from the person and, as
such, they cannot be transmitted or human right, a category that cannot be lost in
renounced, under any title. the future.
 Inviolable: No person or authority can  Progressive: Given the evolutionary nature of
legitimately act against them, except for the rights, in the history of humanity, it is
just limitations that may be imposed in possible that in the future the category of
accordance with the demands of the human right will be extended to other rights
common good of society. that in the past were not recognized as such
 Imprescriptible: They are not lost over or that others may appear that at the time
time, regardless of whether they are used or were see them as necessary to human
not. dignity and, therefore, inherent to every

Civil and Economic, People's

Political Social and Rights
Rights Cultural
..first ..second ..third
 Indissoluble: They form an inseparable set of generation.. generation.. generation
rights. All must be exercised in their essential They are divided into three generations or dimensions: Freedom Equality (to Fraternity,
content, as they have an equal degree of obtain solidarity
importance.  Civil and Political Rights (or first generation). something)
 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (or second
generation) and
 People's Rights (or third generation) “YEAR OF GOOD SERVICE TO THE CITIZEN”

 Indivisible: There is no hierarchy between

them, that is, it is not allowed to put some
above others, much less sacrifice one type of
right to the detriment of another.
 Irreversible: Every right formally recognized
as inherent to the human person is
irrevocably integrated into the category of SALITRAL
HUMAN RIGHTS internal conflict between the government,
Sendero Luminoso and the MRTA.

They are associated under a National Human

Rights Coordinator, which coordinates the work
of the groups at the national and international
level. With the fall of Fujimori, the groups have
added work on specific issues such as
corruption, economic and social rights, and

DEGREE : 2nd “B”

TEACHER: SANTIAGO BRICEÑO QUINO Where do they appear written?


-Constitution of the country, laws and
AREA : FCC regulations guarantee and protect human
rights, judgments of the Courts
2017 -It applies within a State.
International right:
Human rights are legal guarantees that International Treaties and Agreements
protect individuals and groups of people (Conventions, Pacts).
against the acts of governments and other
INTRODUCTION entities (for example: transnational CHARACTERISTICS
companies). Human Rights seek to recognize the dignity
Citizens must enjoy the complete protection of of the human person.
our rights through laws, documents, groups and The HR apply to every human being
institutions. we have international organizations regardless of their nationality, ethnic or
national organizations. social origin, religion, gender, etc.
You cannot renounce its benefit, nor be
Human rights groups in Peru were mostly born
to confront the immense human rights
deprived of it.
violations that were committed during the
 Progressiveness
 Without discrimination
 Irrevocability
 Interdependence
 Indivisibility

 Respect human rights
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
 Do not interfere in certain specific
 International Covenant on Economic,
areas of individual life.
Social and Cultural Rights
 Guarantee human rights
 International Covenant on Civil and
Examples of law  Adopt the necessary measures to
Political Rights
• Civilians: Freedom of expression, achieve full satisfaction of essential
freedom of movement, respect for  American Convention on Human
privacy. Rights
• Politicians: Right to choose (vote) or  Ensure the provision of certain
 American Declaration of the Rights
be elected to a popularly elected services.
and Duties of Man
 Other international instruments.
• Economic: Work, create a company.
• Social: Health and education.
• Cultural: Respect for cultural identity.
• Of the People: Sovereignty, peace
and development.


sex, nationality, ethnic origin, language,
religion or any other condition.

Human rights include the right to life and

liberty; to not be subjected to slavery or
torture; to freedom of opinion and
expression; to education and work, among
many others. These rights correspond to all
people, without any discrimination.


 Life
 Freedom
 Equality
 Safety
 The integrity
 The dignity
 Environment
 Peace, etc.
DEGREE : 2nd “B”
There are various Institutions that defend
AREA : FCC human rights at the international and national
2017 UN
Every UN organ and specialized agency is
involved in some way in the protection of
human rights.
Some examples of this are the right to
HUMAN RIGHTS development , which is the basis of the
INTRODUCTION Sustainable Development Goals ; the right to
food, defended by the Food and Agriculture
Human rights are rights inherent to all Organization of the United Nations; labor rights,
human beings, without distinction of race, defended and protected by the International
Labor Organization; gender equality,
proclaimed by UN Women; the rights of the Among its founding objectives, the search for
child, indigenous peoples and people with peace and security, the consolidation of
disabilities. democracy, the promotion of fundamental rights
and the promotion of social and economic
development stand out.

Its mission is to protect the constitutional and

OAS: fundamental rights of the person and the
The OAS is the oldest regional organization in community; supervise the fulfillment of the
the world founded in 1948 and originated in the duties of the State administration and the
Pan American Union with the aim of promoting provision of public services to the population.
peaceful relations in the Americas.
Some examples of matters considered by the
International Court of Justice:
 A dispute over the course of the
maritime boundary dividing the United
States and Canada in the Gulf of Maine
 The case of the conflict between
Since its creation, it has carried out tireless
Argentina and Uruguay over pulp plants;
work to give greater attention to children and
 The case of the territorial and maritime
adolescents, who are generally little visible in
delimitation controversy between
the promotion and protection of their rights.
Colombia and Nicaragua.
 The case of the maritime delimitation
IACHR controversy between Chile and Peru, “YEAR OF GOOD SERVICE TO THE
The Inter-American Court of etc. CITIZEN”
Human Rights ( acronym : IDH
Court) is a judicial body of the OMBUDSMAN IEP
Organization of American States The Ombudsman's Office is an autonomous
(OAS) that enjoys autonomy from constitutional body created by the 1993
its other bodies and has its
headquarters in San José, Costa Rica , whose Constitution.
The purpose is to apply and interpret the
American Convention on Human Rights and
other human rights treaties to which the so-
called inter-American system for the protection
of human rights is subject.
They are attributes of every person
and inherent to their dignity, which
the State has the duty to respect,
guarantee and satisfy.

 As a whole they are:

• Indivisible
• Interdependent
• Interrelated
• Equally important for human
DEGREE : 3rd

TEACHER: Santiago Briceño Quino

NAME : Floro Correa Rojas


International Instruments
 Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
 International Covenant on
Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights
 International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights
 American Convention on
RIGHTS Human Rights

HUMANS  American Declaration of the

Rights and Duties of Man
 Other international  The DH establish the
instruments minimum conditions to live
with dignity.
 The basic needs of every
human being are:
• Survival
• Keen
• Protection
• Understanding
• Stake
Characteristics of human rights • Distraction
 Universal: They cannot be • Creativity
denied • Belonging
State Responsibility  Integrals: all have the same • Freedom.
 General disposition weight
 Rights of nationality and  Unalienable and non-
citizenship transferable Examples of law
 Mandatory: Must be fulfilled • Civilians: Freedom of expression,
 Civil rights
 Inviolable: They govern all freedom of movement, respect for
 Political rights
relationships. privacy.
 Social and family rights
• Politicians: Right to choose (vote) or
 Cultural and Educational
be elected to a popularly elected
 Economic Rights
 Rights of indigenous peoples
 Environmental Rights.

HR and Personal Dignity

• Economic: Work, create a company.
• Social: Health and education.
• Cultural: Respect for cultural identity.
• Of the People: Sovereignty, peace
and development.

DEGREE : 2nd “B”





There are several national and June 15, 1999 alleging the
international organizations that responsibility of the State of Peru for
protect the rights of children and the violation of the rights of Maria
adolescents. The most important Mamérita Mestanza by forcibly
subjecting her to a surgical
ones are cited below.
sterilization procedure, which
ultimately caused her death.

UN The government of Peru and the

This organization had its origins in OAS representatives of Mrs. María
1945. It was born with the objective of The Organization of American States Mamérita Mestanza Chávez, signed on
providing help to find solutions to (OAS) is the oldest regional August 26, 2003 a friendly settlement
conflicts between countries. organization in the world, whose origin agreement that includes measures for
It works on the adoption of measures dates back to the First International compensation to family members and
in relation to all issues of interest and American Conference, held in at the same time legislative and
inherent to humanity. Washington, DC, from October 1889 to public policy modifications to avoid
April 1890. repetition of this type of cases.
The Organization was founded with the
objective of achieving in its Member
States, as stipulated in Article 1 of the
Charter, "an order of peace and justice,
Some examples of this are:
 The right to development , which is
the basis of the Sustainable
Development Goals ;
 the right to food, defended by the
Food and Agriculture Organization promoting their solidarity,
of the United Nations; strengthening their collaboration and IACHR
 labor rights, defended and defending their sovereignty, territorial The IACHR is a main and autonomous
protected by the International body of the Organization of American
integrity and independence".
Labor Organization; States (OAS) in charge of the
 gender equality, proclaimed by UN promotion and protection of human
Case 12,191, María Mamérita
Mestanza Chávez, Peru rights in the American continent.
 the rights of the child,
indigenous peoples and people The Inter-American Commission on
with disabilities. Human Rights received a petition on
Some examples of matters considered the Human Rights of all citizens. It is
by the International Court of Justice: attached to the Public Ministry and
 A 1980 United States complaint therefore is part of the State control
that Iran was holding American agencies. Any person can submit
diplomats in Tehran in violation requests and complaints to it about
of international law; violations and threats to their rights
 A dispute between Tunisia and or those of the community.
Libya over the delimitation of
the continental shelf between
 A dispute over the course of the
maritime boundary dividing the DEGREE : 6th
United States and Canada in the
 The case of the conflict
between Argentina and Uruguay
over pulp plants; AREA : SOCIAL PERSON
 The case of the territorial and “YEAR OF GOOD SERVICE TO THE CITIZEN”
maritime delimitation
controversy between Colombia IEP 2017
and Nicaragua.
 The case of the delimitation




Ombudsman's Office. It is the entity in
charge of defending and promoting
INSTITUTIONS THAT PROTECT public administration and the
HUMAN RIGHTS provision of public services to
There are several national and citizens.
international organizations that UN
protect the rights of children and The head of the institution is the Promoting respect for human
adolescents. The most important rights is a central objective of the
Ombudsman who represents and
ones are cited below. United Nations and defines its
directs it. To be elected, he
identity as an organization of
"AGENCIES FOR THE PROTECTION requires at least the favorable vote people from around the world.
AND PROMOTION OF RIGHTS IN of two-thirds of the Congress of the Member States have mandated the
PERU" Republic. His term lasts five years. Secretary-General and the United
In Peru, human rights are a priority Nations System to help achieve
the standards set out in the
for all organizations in the system
Charter of the United Nations and
and work to protect the rights of
the Universal Declaration of
the most vulnerable groups, mainly The Inter-American Court of Human Rights. To achieve this, the
as well as in their education, Human Rights is one of the main United Nations System uses all the
promotion and dissemination. institutions dedicated to the resources at its disposal, including
Currently, among the organizations protection of human rights of the its moral authority, diplomatic
that promote respect for rights in Organization of American States. It creativity and operational reach.
Member States, however, have the
Peru, the following stand out: has different functions, but the
primary responsibility to protect
primary one is its contentious or the human rights of their
Ombudsman's Office jurisdictional capacity, since it can populations.
issue mandatory sentences for the
It is an autonomous constitutional
body created by the 1993
Constitution. Its mission is to Among its founding objectives, the
protect the constitutional and search for peace and security, the
fundamental rights of the person consolidation of democracy, the
promotion of fundamental rights
and community, supervise
and the promotion of social and
compliance with the rights of the
economic development stand out.

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