Monograph On Pregnancy in Adolescents 2021

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Surisaday PROVINCE
Alcoba Paredes ÑUFLO DE CHAVEZ

Monica Seas Amba


DATE: 08/09/2021
San Julián – Santa Cruz - Bolivia

Index P.

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................1
2. JUSTIFICATION OF THE TOPIC TO BE INVESTIGATED....................................................2
2.1. ACADEMIC JUSTIFICATION.............................................................................................2
2.2. LEGAL JUSTIFICATION......................................................................................................2
2.3. SOCIAL JUSTIFICATION....................................................................................................3
2.4. ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION.............................................................................................3
3. PROBLEM STATEMENT............................................................................................................4
3.1. Explain from the macro to the micro...................................................................................4
3.2. Explanation of the problem..................................................................................................5
3.3. Causes of the Problem.........................................................................................................6
3.4. Consequences of the problem............................................................................................6
3.5. Bibliographic Citations..........................................................................................................7
3.5.1. Problem formulation......................................................................................................8
4. HYPOTHESIS...................................................................................................................................9
5. OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................10
5.1. General objectives..................................................................................................................10
5.2. Specific objectives..................................................................................................................10
6. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK................................................................................................11
6.1. Historical Framework..............................................................................................................11
6.2. General concepts....................................................................................................................12
6.3. Political Location.....................................................................................................................14
6.3.1. Population.........................................................................................................................15
6.4. Explanatory Theories..............................................................................................................15
6.4.1. PREGNANCY IN ADOLESCENCE...............................................................................15
6.4.3. PREGNANCY IN ADOLESCENCE IN BOLIVIA.........................................................17
6.4.4. CAUSES OF PREGNANCY IN TEENAGERS............................................................18
6.4.5. PRESSURE TO ASSUME HIGH RISK BEHAVIORS................................................18
6.5. National Legislation................................................................................................................20
REGULAR EDUCATION SUBSYSTEM..................................................................................20
Law 27,610 Access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy..................................................21
7. Kind of investigation...................................................................................................................22
8. Conclusions and Recommendations...........................................................................................23
8.1. Conclusions.............................................................................................................................23
8.2. recommendations...................................................................................................................24
1. Introduction

This research work deals mainly with pregnancy in adolescence , its causes and
consequences, symptoms of pregnancy, how to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and
also provides us with statistics of reality and information on the percentage of young
women who have sexual relations at an early age. , without responsibility and advice
from young people towards their parents.

It is worth mentioning that this type of social problem is not recent, that is, it has
existed for years and the worst thing is that many investigations have been carried
out, but none have been able to solve the problem and that lately it has expanded
considerably in our country.

The objective of my research is NOT to solve the problem, but to try to give it a logical
explanation and propose measures to reduce the problem, an error that I found in
other research whose objective was, precisely, to solve the problem, which is almost

Currently, one of the main problems that affect young people who begin sexual
activity is unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.


The idea of carrying out research on this topic arose in us when we saw the reality of
this society, that in recent times teenage pregnancies are increasingly more, this
means a change in this society that is so competitive, alters the normal order of
adolescence when acquiring a responsibility that was not yet due. Adolescents have
a period of biological, psychological, sexual and social development. According to the
organization Save the Children, every year 13 million children are born to women
under 20 years of age around the world, more than 90% (11.7 million) in so-called
developing countries and the remaining 10 in developed countries. % (1.3 million)
Parenthood is a very worrying issue, and it is a challenge that every government and
society faces; It is an opportunity to generate reflective spaces. It is essential to
educate adolescents and help them be aware of the risks and responsibilities
involved in being parents at a young age, since there are conflicts in the
psychological and social aspects, because young people generally face a situation for
which they are not prepared. Promote an aggressive information campaign aimed at
youth to prevent parenthood in adolescents, which according to the rates that we will
demonstrate in the development of this research is high. This monograph will also be
aimed at greater knowledge about the topic of parenthood at an early age, causes
and consequences that encompass the topic addressed by us, all of this drives us to
carry out research that will later serve to raise awareness among all adolescents.
starting from the Educational Unit to which it belongs since it is a very serious issue
and we trust that our work will be of great use regarding this issue.


With this research we intend in some way to raise awareness among young
adolescents about pregnancy, and the care they must take to prevent it since if it is
not planned there are a series of consequences in academic, family and social life.


In Bolivia, abortion is punishable according to article 263 of the Penal Code. Article
266 establishes that women can have an exceptional abortion with prior judicial
authorization and in compliance with the grounds. With the 2017 modifications, we
wanted to establish the obligation for the public health system to grant women this
right free of charge without conditions, tutelage, without any doctor evaluating


The importance of the issue is to make the general population aware that abortion is
not a resource for young mothers, and bringing a baby into the world is a blessing
and responsibility on the part of the parents, since pregnancy is not desired is where
many setbacks arise, in one way or another in this investigation it is so that our young
people can be informed and aware of the population of San Julián.


Talks are promoted, we have psychologists for orientations in the Educational Units,
but there is no approach that really reaches out to young people who are in a stage of
curiosity, there is no financial availability on the part of the Municipality to invest in
workshops where young people They come to settle down and realize that pregnancy
is not a joke, that there are care and ways to prevent it.


High morbidity in newborns born to teenage mothers at the San Julián Municipal
Hospital in the first half of 2021.

3.1. Explain from the macro to the micro

Of every 10 teenage pregnancies in the country, six are registered in Santa Cruz, "an
alarming figure," according to the Center for Research, Education and Services
(CIES) Sexual and Reproductive Health. Due to this, an awareness and information
campaign for the population was started in that region.

"According to official data, from January to August there were more than 25,900
pregnancies in women between 14 and 19 years old (adolescents) and it is estimated
that by the end of the year they will reach 38,000. The Ministry of Health, for its part,
reported that this year at least 60,000 pregnancies will be registered in this
population, that is, more than 63% (of the cases) are registered in that region," stated
the national communications officer of the CIES, Martín Gutiérrez.

In addition, he assured that in the last 10 years the cases of teenage pregnancies
increased by more than 150%.

Contraceptive methods

Information from the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) Santa Cruz reports that
only 2.2% of the population between 15 and 19 years old uses condoms as a
contraceptive method.

In the Municipality of San Julián, the data on teenage mothers is considerable, and it
is noted that there is no type of prevention in their care.

LESS THAN 13 2 0.6
13-16 75 23.3
17-19 139 43.3
20-25 60 18,6
MORE THAN 25 45 14.0
TOTALS 321 100
Source: Department of Statistics
St. Julian's Hospital

3.2. Explanation of the problem

In the previous table you can see the high percentage of patients who have their
births even in adolescent stages (67.2%). At the ages when births usually occur, that
is, young adults, the percentage figures are markedly lower, approximately half
(32.6%). This implies assuming that in the course of the discussion of the statistical
tables, complications attributed to newborns of adolescents may arise in a greater
proportion, as has been demonstrated internationally (11,12, 15,16).

This aspect of births in adolescence is a critical issue and has been classically treated
with various proposals, in various media. It shows a lack of sexual education that
constitutes a link in the maintenance of poverty; The teenager sees their aspirations
to study frustrated and they dedicate themselves to being housewives, this implies
that the majority feed the ranks of low-income people, and the worst thing is the
appearance of a generationally repetitive cycle.

This problem poses a possible very long-term solution, since it implies a change in
mentality and an educational level that will only be achieved after long years of
teaching at the appropriate ages with coordinated work between home and school
and the multidisciplinary effort of parents. and various professionals.

3.3. Causes of the Problem

There are many and varied causes, but the most important is the lack of sexual
education . Parents often evade this responsibility and leave it to the teachers.

Other causes also include:

 The bad information we have about sexuality and contraceptive methods .

 Lack of maturity
 Ignorance or lack of sexual culture
 Rape (in some cases)
 The fear of asking and/or talking
 Parental neglect (neglect)
 emotional lack
 Unsafety
 Low self-esteem
 Lack of impulse control
 just out of curiosity

Other pregnancy risk factors may be:

 Early departures
 Consumption of alcohol or other drugs including tobacco
 School dropout
 Few friends
 Being the daughter of a mother who had her first birth at the age of 19 or even

3.4. Consequences of the problem

Pregnancy in adolescence is related to higher rates of morbidity and mortality, both

for the mother and her child.

Consequences on the mother:

 You are at risk of experiencing anemia .

 Preeclampsia and eclampsia.
 Premature, prolonged or difficult birth.
 Burden of guilt .
 Greater likelihood of divorce (marital problems, united because of pregnancy).

 Unemployment or lower salary
 Risk of abortion
 breast cancer
 Biological, psychological and social risks.
 Hemorrhages
 Infections
 Depressive reaction that can lead to suicide or attempted suicide.
 It generates great anxiety, uncertainty and interference with the achievement
of biopsychosocial maturity.

Consequences for the baby:

 Has low birth weight

 They are usually premature
 Congenital malformations
 Development problems
 Mental retardation
 Blindness
 Epilepsy or cerebral palsy

3.5. Bibliographic Citations

Piaget (1969) maintains that the maturation of the brain and body creates
conditions for the emergence of formal operational thinking, but many
Young people remain fixed in concrete operational thinking and cannot
Education are essential factors to promote the development of thinking
formal operational.

The study of low birth weight newborns describes the motherhood of

adolescents as a cause of it. Thus, pregnancy and motherhood
This vulnerable group is a social problem, both because of its frequency and
because of the
effects it has on the mother. In the adolescent's son there is a greater

probability of death, low birth weight and malnutrition, several studies
carried out demonstrate this as the systematic review by Ulanowicz MG, Parra
KE, Wendler GE, Tisiana L.

The WHO considers a high-risk pregnancy to be one that occurs in women under 20
years of age, since it is the main cause of mortality in young women between 15 and
19 years of age due to complications related to childbirth, and abortions performed in
risk conditions.

3.5.1. Problem formulation

How does pregnancy affect adolescents in the Municipality of San Julián, Ñuflo de
Chávez Province?


What are the consequences of pregnancy at an early age?

Does it affect your social life in some way or another?

What causes pregnancy at an early age?


Both socioeconomic and cultural factors influence the increase in

teenage pregnancy in young people between 12 and 19 years old in the Municipality
of San Julián, Ñuflo de Chávez Province, department of Santa Cruz.

Independent variable

Risk factor's

Dependent variable

Teenage Pregnancy


5.1. General objectives

Describe the occurrence of pregnancies in adolescents who attended the San Julián
Municipal Hospital in 2021 and their epidemiological characteristics.

5.2. Specific objectives

 Know what type of information adolescents between 12 and 19 years old have
about sexuality and contraceptive methods.
 Describe the characteristics of prenatal consultations in adolescents.
 Describe epidemiological characteristics of pregnant adolescents.


6.1. Historical Framework

The San Julián Municipal Hospital began its operation as a first-level medical center
in 1998 under the direction of Dr. Viviana Moreno. As a Level II San Julián Municipal
Hospital, it began its work in July 2016, and an agreement was signed with the
National Health Fund. Under the agreement of the Municipal Mayor and the Health
Fund there is level II care, also including pharmacy.

Until now it is considered a reference center for the Ñuflo de Chávez province. Since
2006, a Cuban medical brigade has collaborated with the Hospital with qualified
personnel and has signed an agreement between the Republic of Cuba and the
Mayor's Office of San Julián.

The Municipal Hospital of San Julián is a decentralized, non-profit, national public

institution, dependent on the Ministry of Health, whose activities are aimed at
providing health services and professional risks, through the services of: preventive,
curative medicine, rehabilitation and health promotion in first and second level
establishments. There is also the support of the Cuban medical brigade under the
Bolivia-Cuba international agreement, the renewal of which is every 2 years under
coordination with the Cuban health authorities based in the city of La Paz at the
central level, and the regional level at the city of Santa Cruz whose function is
promotion and prevention in the neighborhoods of San Julián such as monitoring
patients, promotion and prevention, etc.

Unfortunately, it is a Hospital that is still far from being able to provide comprehensive
care, due to a lack of infrastructure, equipment and human resources. There are
basic problems such as the emergency service, which is being expanded, but we are
still far from solving all the current problems to truly provide quality care.

The Hospital's MISSION is. Provide comprehensive and specialized health care with
quality - warmth, effectiveness, efficient and timely, welcoming everyone in its

environment of equity and respect for interculturality in basic medical and dental
specialties, contributing to reducing morbidity and mortality in all specialties,
prioritizing mother-child binomial of our municipality.

And the VISION of the San Julián Municipal Hospital is to be an accredited Hospital
with trained human resources updated in scientific knowledge with infrastructure and
equipment appropriate to its resolution level with responsibility, commitment and
respect recognized at the national level, respecting interculturality in the face of
challenges with an excellent organization and administration that satisfies the general

6.2. General concepts

Adolescence. (WHO). "Period of life in which the individual acquires reproductive

capacity, transitions psychological patterns from childhood to adulthood and
consolidates socio-economic independence", period of life between 10 and 20 years.

The stage of adolescence is classified into three groups:

- Early adolescence, between 10 and 13 years old, at this stage great functional
changes occur in girls (menarche or first menstruation), their characteristics are: They
lose interest in their parents, they begin friendships with individuals of the same sex,
their fantasies increase. and they do not control their impulses and have great
concern for their physical appearance.

- Middle adolescence, from 14 to 16 years old. At this stage, growth and somatic
development are completed. They have maximum relationship with their friends and
maximum conflict with their parents, it is characterized by the beginning of sexual
activity, adolescents feel invulnerable with omnipotent behaviors that generate risks.

- Late adolescence, from 17 to 19 years old. At this stage people accept their body
image. They get closer to their parents again and distance themselves from friends; if
they have them, they also get closer to their partner.

A teenager who becomes pregnant will behave as corresponds to the moment of life
she is going through, without maturing to later stages due to the simple fact of being
pregnant; They are pregnant and very young non-pregnant adolescents.

Pregnancy in adolescents is one of the main causes of inter-generational cycles of

poverty. When women can exercise the right to decide when and how many children
to have, the probability is much greater that the children will be able to access better
living conditions than the parents, thus breaking said inter-generational cycles of

The causes of teenage pregnancy can be many, and at the same time debatable, but
we will try to list some. At the same time, the risk factors for young women to become
pregnant exist in all social classes, but a girl from a low social stratum is more likely to
become a mother than one with a better economic situation and professional parents.

Predisposing factors

 early menarche.
 Early initiation of sexual relations.
 Dysfunctional families.
 Low educational level.
 Recent migrations (loss of family ties)
 Magical thoughts.
 Distortion of information.
 Increase in number of adolescents.
 Less fear of sexually transmitted infections.

Risk Factors:

 Growing up in poor or precarious conditions.

 Lack of education on the part of parents.
 Live in communities or attend schools where early pregnancies are common.
 Early use of alcohol and/or drugs.
 Having been a victim of sexual assault or abuse.

 When their mothers in turn have given birth to them at an early age.

Epidemiological characteristics.

 The proportion of young people who have initiated sexual relations is

 The age of onset is decreasing.
 But the ability to avoid pregnancy does not accompany this behavior.

6.3. Political Location.

The Project object of this study is located in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of San
Julián, which is the Capital of the Fourth Municipal Section of the Ñuflo de Chávez
Province of the Department of Santa Cruz. The town of San Julián is 150 km away.
North East of the City of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, on the paved Santa Cruz – Trinidad
highway. Your political location corresponds to what is indicated:

 DEPARTMENT: Santa Cruz de la Sierra

 PROVINCE: Ñuflo de Chávez


 CANTON: San Julian


 MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS: Montenegro, La Asunta, 2 de Agosto, San Julián

Centro, Villa Paraíso, El Fortín Libertad, San Martín, 10 de Noviembre, San
Salvador, Berlin North, Berlin South, Illimani, Limonal and Limoncito.

San Julián Centro Municipal District. District in which the San Julián Academic Unit
is located.

a) Access to the San Julián Centro District:

Access to the project area is from Santa Cruz, via a paved road that connects
the Department of Santa Cruz with the Department of Beni.

b) Territorial limits:

The San Julián Centro District has its limits:

To the North with the La Asunta District

To the west with the Villa Paraíso District

To the South with the Villa Paraíso District

To the East with the Villa Paraíso District

c) Extension: 45,908 Has.

Communities = 31,483 hectares.

San Julián Centro= 14,425 Has

6.3.1. Population.

The population density of the municipality of San Julián is 5.7 inhabitants per square
kilometer, above the Provincial and Departmental average, very close to the National

According to data obtained by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in the

Population and Housing census, the province of Ñuflo de Chávez has a total of
93,997 inhabitants, of which 45,528 are men and 45,541 women.

6.4. Explanatory Theories


It is defined as: "...that which occurs within two years of gynecological age,
understood as the time elapsed since menarche and/or when the adolescent is still
dependent on her family unit of origin."

Pregnancy in adolescents has become a serious concern for various social sectors
for about 30 years. For health, due to the higher incidence of unfavorable outcomes
or the implications of abortion. Psychosocially, due to the adverse consequences that
the event has on the adolescent and her family.

Unless having a child is part of a teenage couple's life project , pregnancy in them is
considered a problematic situation by the sectors involved, but if pregnancy in
adolescents is considered a "problem", it limits your analysis . In any case, this
"problematization" would apply to some subcultures or some social strata, but not to
all teenage pregnancies. Furthermore, considering it a "problem" requires applying
therapeutics that provide solutions without allowing adequate preventive actions to be
implemented. For this reason, it is convenient to frame it within the framework of
"comprehensive adolescent health." This allows all pregnancies that occur at this age
to be covered; adapt preventive actions within health promotion ; provide
comprehensive assistance to each adolescent mother, their children and partners and
provide elements for the development of adolescents' potential.

For all these reasons, pregnancy in adolescents needs a comprehensive

biopsychosocial approach by an interdisciplinary team trained in the care of
adolescents and in this specific aspect of motherhood/fatherhood.


 About 16 million girls ages 15 to 19 and approximately 1 million girls under 15

have children each year, mostly in low- and middle-income countries.

 Complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the second cause of death
among girls aged 15 to 19 years worldwide.
 Every year, about 3 million girls ages 15 to 19 undergo unsafe abortions.
 Babies born to teenage mothers face a significantly higher risk of dying than
those born to women ages 20 to 24.
 In 2015, the WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF and the World Bank estimated the
average maternal mortality at 67 deaths per 100,000 live births). This risk is
greater among those under 15 years of age, for whom the risk of death during
pregnancy is four times that of young women between 15 and 19 years of age.


HOUSEWORK 188 58.5
STUDENTS 52 16,1
OTHERS 14 4.3
TOTALS 321 100

Source: Department of Statistics

St. Julian's Hospital


 Bolivia is, by a wide margin, the country in all of Latin America where the most
teenage pregnancies occur.
 It is not only a problem of lack of information and sexual education for
adolescents, or little access to contraceptive methods.
 Statistics indicate that minors are increasingly exposed to being victims of
human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, gender violence,

rape, kidnapping and other crimes that exacerbate the problem of teenage
pregnancy in Bolivia and the rest of the region.
 The most recent report on the "State of World Population", from the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), indicates that the birth rate in women
between 15 and 19 years of age in Bolivia is 116 per 1,000 in that country.
 While the regional average for teenage births is 77 per 1,000


 Early initiation of sexual relations: when there is not yet the emotional maturity
necessary to implement adequate prevention.
 Dysfunctional family: the absence of parents generates emotional deficiencies
that the young woman does not know how to resolve, propelling her into sexual
relationships that involve much more submission to receive affection than a
genuine bond of love.
 Low educational level.
 Magical thoughts: typical at this stage of life, which lead them to believe that
they will not get pregnant because they do not want to.
 Sterility fantasies: they begin their sexual relations without care, and since they
do not get pregnant by chance, they think that they are sterile.
 Lack or distortion of information.
 Controversies between their value system and that of their parents: when in
the family there is severe censure towards sexual relations between
adolescents, often out of rebellion, and at the same time as a way of denying
themselves that they have relations, they do not implement measures
 Sociocultural factors: evidence of the change in customs, derived from a new
sexual freedom,
 occurs equally at different socioeconomic levels
 The lack of adequate education on sexuality and the correct use of
contraceptive methods.


Many adolescents are subject to pressure from their environment to use alcohol,
tobacco or other drugs and to begin having sexual relations, and this at increasingly
younger ages, which entails a high risk of trauma, both intentional and accidental. ,
unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Many of them also experience various adjustment and mental health problems. The
patterns of behavior that are established during this process, such as using or not
using drugs or taking risks or taking protective measures in relation to sexual
practices, can have lasting positive or negative effects on future health and well-
being. of the individual. From all this it is deduced that this process represents a
unique opportunity for adults to positively influence young people and in this way
prevent harmful events that can be everlasting for young people.

6.5. National Legislation



1.- What norms refer to family and motherhood and by what criteria?

There are specific provisions or they are of a general nature, such as

Political Constitution of the State or General Health Law.

The protection of the Family, Motherhood and Childhood, has its cornerstone in the
Political Constitution of the State, Part Three, Title V of the Family Regime, article
193, in which marriage, family and motherhood are protected; From these principles,
the Family Code in its Article 4. expands the constitutional precept, because these
norms, before the promulgation of this Code, already established the protection of the
family. This protection operates because modern constitutions contain a true
summary, we could say that it is a synthetic picture of the legal institutions of each
people, both as it affects Public Law and as it concerns Private Law.

This way of approaching the constitutional organization of peoples offers the

advantage of assigning them a defined structure according to the social, political and
economic moment that each society is going through.

As it specifically refers to children, there is the Minor's Code promulgated by Law

1403 of December 18, 1992, as an exclusive instrument of protection for infants, but
the fundamental thing about this legal body is that the Right of Minors is a new law
and stands out for its tutelary and protective nature, aspects that guide all its
provisions to the essence of this branch of Law. With this objective, the Organization
called the Social Service Unit has been created, for the purposes of said Code.
However, this protection is not noticeable, because it is nothing more than a
bureaucratic plant, which although it handles some cases in favor of minors, women
and the family, its determinations have no effect whatsoever.

The protection of pregnant women in their employment relationship is protected by
specific provisions expressed in the General Labor Law and its Regulations that
guarantee the civil servant immobility of the pregnant woman until one year after
giving birth, expressed in Law No. 975 and Decree Law 13214, also grants pre- and
post-natal family subsidies and allowances to pregnant women; to comply with the
provisions contained in Art. 25 of Supreme Decree 21637 of June 25, 1987 and Art. 2
of the Supreme Decree

Law 27,610 Access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy

The purpose of this law is to regulate access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy

and post-abortion care, in compliance with the commitments assumed by the
Argentine State in matters of public health and human rights of women and people
with other gender identities. ability to gestate and in order to contribute to the
reduction of preventable morbidity and mortality. It enshrines the right of women and
people with other gender identities with the capacity to carry a child to decide and
access the termination of their pregnancy up to and including week fourteen (14) of
the gestational process.

7. Kind of investigation

Type of study: quantitative, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional.

Quantitative: because we take an age group between 12 and 19 years old.

Descriptive: because it is based on the observation of facts without explaining them.

Retrospective: the variables are studied as they arose at the time of

the investigation.

Cross Section: because a cut is made in time. In this case, it is the

1st semester of the year 2021.

Study area: Municipality of San Julián Province of Ñuflo de Chávez in the

department of Santa Cruz.

8. Conclusions and Recommendations

8.1. Conclusions

1-The social problem that constitutes pregnancy in adolescence and its

consequences is a current issue, not yet solved and notably affected not only the
patients, but also their environment.

2-Aspects as important in newborns as Asphyxia, Prematurity, Infections and low

birth weight were much more frequent in newborns of adolescent mothers than in
those of young adults.

3-The approach to the problem of this work has two well-defined aspects: The
prevention of pregnancy in adolescence and the better management of pregnancy
and birth of those where the pregnancy could not be prevented.

4-The solution to the problem of teenage pregnancy and its consequences will not
come from a single source, a program or an organization. The entire community will
have to participate in creating a practical solution; from the combined efforts of
educators, public and medical health professionals, community organizations and
especially parents.

8.2. recommendations

o Consider that the consequences of teenage pregnancy on the newborn are a

multifactorial problem; Only with this security can strategies be developed aimed
at working on solutions.

o Give any attempt to contribute to reducing neonatal morbidity a broad approach

and from many angles simultaneously if results are to be obtained.

o Implement at the hospital level the Proposed care protocol that we developed in
our work and design an instrument to measure the impact of the implementation.

o Guarantee the wide availability of contraceptive resources by adolescents as a

valuable weapon in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy.

o Carry out research similar to the present one and compare findings, homologating
results, seeking a departmental vision that allows for the participation of health
authorities at this level.


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