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How to

create your

Your life project
it's your project

What is a dream map? 4

Why create a dream map?

What areas should you include on your map? 6

Steps to create your dream map 15

How to write your dreams? 16

How many dreams should you 1

choose? 7
What should you keep in mind when searching for images?
Create your dream map 19

The action plan 21

What is a

A dream map is a creative tool that allows you to

capture your dreams and your projects in the different
areas of your life.
Your dream map becomes your daily action route.

Without a dream map, it is very likely that you will

allow yourself to get wrapped up in routine or rather, in
routine activities that do not add much value to your life
and do not put you on the path to achieving your dream

When you have clear dreams, you know that you must
take part of your time to do activities that help you
fulfill them .

Thus, a dream map is not only a route but also becomes

your motivation tool to get up every day.

It is one of your reasons to wake up every day with more

energy to fulfill your dreams.

Why create a

Q Main reasons to create a dream map

If you don't have a route and an action plan for your life,
any path will do.

When demotivation hits, seeing your dream map helps

you dream big again.

A dream map helps you maintain your positive mindset

because it encourages you to believe that anything is
possible and a positive mindset is essential to fulfilling

When you make your dreams come true it is very

satisfying to see your journey , what you were
dreaming of a year ago and what you have achieved.

Without a map it is very difficult to know if you have

really made progress or are stuck.
What areas of your life
you should consider

1. Work area
2. Finance/Money
3. Fun and travel
4. Personal growth
5. Spirituality
6. Health
7. Family
8. Couple and friends
9. material dreams


all its areas


V Are you satisfied with your profession?

V Do you enjoy your work and feel passionate about it?

V Do you have the opportunity to grow in this job or do

you feel like you are stagnant?

V Have you already found your life purpose?

§ The answers to these questions should guide you in

writing your dreams. If you are not satisfied, what can
you dream, plan and do to change your current work

with all your heart x
that you love

V Do you earn what you really deserve based on your
knowledge and your work?

V Do you have a diversified source of income?

• Do you save a percentage of what you earn monthly?

• Do you invest your money wisely?

V Do you buy responsibly or do you do it on impulse?

When we create a dream map we forget to dream in this

area that is so important to fulfill our material dreams
and achieve our security .

• How much do you want to earn monthly and how do you

plan to do it?

These dreams should also be included in your map.


in life but if it is
very important in it
V Do you have spaces to disconnect where you connect with
your hobbies?

V Do you know how to disconnect on weekends to rest?

V Have you traveled as much as you would like?

V Do you leave your comfort zone to go to new places, new

shopping centers and restaurants?

Q In this area you should include everything you would like

to start doing in terms of fun and entertainment.*

For example ,

V Would you like to learn to play piano?

V Do you want to go to a SPA and give yourself more time

for yourself?

It is not something that is found,
It is something that is created

*This area is as important as the others.


V Do you continually learn things?

• Do you constantly read or listen to audiobooks?

V Do you invest in yourself by entering new courses and


• Do you constantly do things to grow as a person?


You have to get away from it

V Do you have the habit of praying and connecting with

your higher self?

V Are you grateful every day for the life you have?

V Do you have the habit of meditating and connecting with


Q Strengthening your spirituality and your faith is very

important to fulfill your dreams because your faith and
your inner connection are your support in the moments
when you feel that everything is falling apart in the
outside world.


see your cure

V Do you have habits that promote your health on a daily


V Do you exercise constantly?

V Do you eat healthily?

• Do you drink enough water?

• Do you take care of your thoughts?

V Do you allow yourself to feel and release emotions?

mr a1. 1. 0

Your health involves your well-being in:



V Do you spend enough time with your family?

• Do you have a good relationship with each of its


• Do you show them how much you love them and how
important they are to you?

V Have you healed any pending situation with them?


V Do you feel satisfied with the objects you have in your

life? (car, house, decoration...)
V What do you get materially
V Do you give the importance they deserve to material
objects? (to be abundant is to recognize that this area is
also important).
Steps to create your

1. Write all the above areas on a piece of paper.

2. Write your dreams in each of the areas (dreams to fulfill in

one year).

3. Choose only the most important ones to prioritize.

4. Look for the images of each of the dreams you chose. (The
idea is that you search the internet very well so that the
image you find really moves you when you see it).

5. Paste it on a piece of cardboard, a book or notebook or do

it digitally in applications such as Powerpoint.

6. Create an action plan for each of the dreams. Without an

action plan there are no dreams fulfilled.
How to write your dreams
Dreams are a product of our imagination and our
creativity. This is why it is important to allow
ourselves to dream big.

For "realistic" people, this dreaming process can be a

little more complex because they let their current
situation define their future, so they stay in the same
situation their entire life.

When it comes to writing your dreams you should be

as dreamy as possible but remember to write them
within a maximum period of one year.

On the other hand, there are dreams that are very

intangible and it is not clear to the mind how it should
begin to fulfill them, for example:

Have financial freedom

For this type of dreams, what you can do is look for secondary
dreams that complement that base dream so that your mind is
clear about what dreams must be fulfilled for the dream of
financial freedom to come true.
An example of a secondary dream to fulfill that base dream
could be:
Create a personal brand to start selling digital products and
physical products.
how many dreams
If when writing down your dreams you focused on the
nine areas I mentioned in the previous pages, then you
probably have more than 20 dreams.

It is very important that you focus on only between 10

and 20 dreams depending on how complex they are so
that your mind has a focus . Otherwise, you will create
chaos and you will not know where to start.

Another criterion that you should take into account when

choosing your dream is the frequency in which you plan
to fulfill it. For example, if within your material dreams
you have a house and you are just going to start building
the foundation for the down payment, then probably one
year is very little.

It is better that you focus on other dreams that can be

fulfilled in a year and that will help you in the future to
make your dream of the house a reality.

What dreams could support the dream of the house?

Maybe create a business to earn additional income. This
can be created in a period of one year and working on this
dream will help you in the coming years to make the
dream of your home a reality.
What should I consider
The dream map is an incredibly powerful tool if you
know how to do it correctly.

One of the most important things when creating your

dream map are images.

Is it enough to write your dreams on paper? The answer

is no.

Our reality is created through our thoughts , emotions

and actions . For this reason, the only way in which our
dreams can come true is through images that really move
If seeing the image makes you happy, excited and
motivated then we are on the right path.

Taking this into account, it is better that you look for the
perfect image for you on the internet and not in
magazines, why? because in magazines we limit
ourselves to choosing only what is available, while on the
Internet you can search for an image that really fits your
dream perfectly.
In dreams a good image is everything.
Create your

Now, let's get to work.

A dream map can be made in several ways.

1. Collage type on cardboard:

What you should do is paste a photo of yourself in the

middle of the map, put your name and then paste the
other dreams around it.

When you glue them together, it is very important that

you group your dreams by area, that is, that you glue
all your work dreams together, all your family dreams
together, and so on.

Keep in mind that with this methodology you will have

to have a separate notebook to make the action plan for
each dream.

2. Digital collage type: $,

It is done the same as the previous one, only instead of

being physical, it is done in tools such as Powerpoint.

3. This is my favorite. Dream book type:

What you should do is grab a book and start writing

down your dreams. On this occasion, we will not do it
collage type because the idea is to see the dream and
next to it see the action plan to fulfill it.

What I suggest is that you paste the dream on one
page and on the other, write the action plan.
The plan

How to create the action plan?

It is very simple.

To fulfill dreams we have to take into account:

1. How am I going to fulfill it ? This is where you must

create a list of resolutions to fulfill throughout the year
to make that dream come true.

The "what" is your dream.

The "how" are your purposes to fulfill that "what."

2. When am I going to fulfill it? Although we know that

the dreams you created are for a period of one year, it
is important that you put a tentative month of the year
in which you are going to fulfill it so that every time
you go to see your dream, you put a little pressure on
yourself and are clear that you must work to fulfill it in
that month.
You are ready
What do we continue with?
Action in
We already have your dreams, we already have the action
plan, now what to do in your daily life to fulfill them?

The next step is to take your agenda.

Every month you will create a list of purposes that you commit
to fulfilling in that specific month.

Each dream has its action plan and within the action plan are
the purposes, but in what month are you going to fulfill each

When you already have the resolutions for the month, each
week you are going to create some goals and each day you are
going to create some actions.

The idea is that:

• Your daily actions meet your weekly goals.
V Your weekly goals meet your monthly purposes.
V Your monthly purposes fulfill your annual dreams.
Have you heard anything about visualization?

Visualizing is creating your dream life in your mind , it is

closing your eyes and imagining that life as if you were
already living it in the present moment.

It is very important that you do this visualization exercise so

that you activate the law of attraction. Additionally,
visualization allows you to work on your thoughts and
emotions, why is that important?

Remember that in the previous pages I told you that your

reality is created like this:

Thought k_____ Emotion Action

Do you already see the importance of doing it?

If you don't know how to do it, you can find different guided
visualizations on YouTube so that you can just listen and
It's your turn
■ Are you ready?

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