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Internship Report


Production and Quality Control Practices


Independent Apparels Ltd.

Department of Management

University of Chittagong

Internship Report


Production and Quality Control Practices of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Submitted To

Shetu Ranjan Biswas

Assistant Professor

Department of Management

University of Chittagong

Submitted By

Sadia Afrin

ID: 16302128

Session: 2015-2016

8th Semester, BBA

Department of Management

University of Chittagong

Date of Submission: 20 June, 2021

Letter of Submission

20 June, 2021

Mr. Shetu Ranjan Biswas

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Chittagong.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,

With greatest pleasure, I am submitting my internship report entitled “Production and

Quality Control Practices of Independent Apparels Ltd.” as a part of my Bachelor of
Business Administration (BBA) honors degree. I have tried my level best to meet related
information for building a comprehensive internship report as defined.

I would like to express my gratitude for your valuable suggestion while preparing this report.
I sincerely hope that, this report will meet your expectation and will serve its purposes.

Sincerely yours,

Sadia Afrin
ID: 16302128
Session: 2015-2016
Department of Management
University of Chittagong


First of all, I am really thankful to my department supervisor Mr. Shetu Ranjan Biswas,
Assistant Professor of Department of Management, University of Chittagong for his generous
collaboration and direction in preparing this report. His valuable guidelines and plans aided
me a lot to make this report in an organized way.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Abu Tayyab, Managing Director of
Independent Apparels Ltd. for his support and cooperation. Without his help, this internship
report would not have seen the bright of daylight.

I transfer my gratitude to my supervisor Well-fare Manager, Mrs. Ruby Akter and HR

Executive MD Zia Uddin, also all the Management & Non-Management Staffs who have
helped me during my internship periods. And I am also thankful to my group members who
assisted me to make my report as a success.

I am greatly thanking to the persons whose enrich books, journals and working papers have
provided a valuable guideline to me in preparing this report.

Finally, I would like to thank our authority of Department of Management, University of

Chittagong, for their kind cooperation.

Supervisor’s Declaration

This is to certify that Sadia Afrin, student of BBA, Session: 2015-16, Department of
Management, University of Chittagong, bearing ID- 16302128 has completed her internship
report entitled on "Production and Quality Control Practices of Independent Apparels Ltd."
under my supervision.

I also certify that I have gone through the draft copy of the report. Thoroughly found it
satisfactory for submission to the department as a part of partial fulfillment of BBA degree.


Mr. Shetu Ranjan Biswas

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Chittagong.

Executive Summary

This internship report is based on Production and Quality Control Practices of Independent
Apparels Ltd. The main purpose of this internship is to learn by working in practical
scenario and to apply the knowledge acquired during studies. I have done this report during
my 6 weeks long attachment at Production and Quality Control department.

Independent Apparels Ltd. is a 100% Export Oriented Company and it exports various types
of Oven/Knit garments in foreign market. Over the last two decades, by offering the best
blend of quality, efficiency and productivity to their valued customer. Garment production is
an organized activity consisting of sequential processes such as laying, marking, cutting,
sewing, checking, finishing, ironing and packaging. And Quality Control department ensure
the quality of products to satisfy customers.

This report is divided by six chapters.

In chapter one, I have introduced the report’s theoretical discussion such as background,
objectives, scope, research methods and limitation of the study.

In chapter two, I have discussed about the Profile of the Company. Here, I also tried to
discuss about the origin of the company, mission, vision, products and departments of
Independent Apparels Ltd.

In chapter three, I tried to cover theoretical aspect of Production and Quality Control
department. Sample Section, Cutting Section, Sewing Section, Finishing Department,
Industrial Engineering (IE), Maintenance Section, and Quality Control Management.

In chapter four, I have organized and discussed all my knowledge about experience of
Production and Quality Control department of Independent Apparels Ltd.

In chapter five, SWOT analysis of production and Quality Control department of

Independent Apparels Ltd. illustrated.

In chapter six, the problems, recommendation and conclusion are summarized, which are
down by analysis of overall process.

Table of Content


LETTER OF SUBMISSION………………………………………………………………………….I


SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION………………………………………………………................III

EXECUTIVE SUMMERY…………………………………………………………………………..IV

Chapter One…………………………………………………………………………………10


1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………....11

1.2 Background of the study………………………………………………………………11

1.3 Objectives of the study………………………………………………………………..12

1.4 Scope of the study…………………………………………………………………….12

1.5 Research Methods…………………………………………………………………….12

1.6 Limitations of the study………………………………………………………………13

Chapter Two……………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Company Profile…………………………………………………………………………….15

2.1 An overview of Independent Apparels Ltd……………………………………………15

2.2 Company Profile at a glance…………………………………………………………..15

2.3 Mission, Vision and Core Values……………………………………………………..16

2.4 Policies and Procedures of Independent Apparels Ltd……………………….……….17

2.5 Code of Conduct of Independent Apparels Ltd………………………………………..17

2.6 Management Organogram…………………………………………………………….19

2.7 Products……………………………………………………………………………….20

2.8 Major Buyers of the Company………………………………………………………..22

2.9 Corporate Social responsibilities of Independent Apparels Ltd………………………23

2.10 Certifications………………………………………………………………………...24

Chapter Three………………………………………………………………………………..25

Theoretical Aspects of Production and Quality Control…………………………………….25

3.1 Theoretical Framework of Production…………………………………………………26

3.2 Key activities of Production…………………………………………………………...27

3.3 Sample Section………………………………………………….……………………..27

3.4 Cutting Section………………………………………………………………………...28

3.5 Sewing Section………………………………………………………………………...31

3.6 Finishing Section………………………………………………………………………34

3.7 Maintenance Section…………………………………………………………………..36

3.8 Industrial Engineering (IE)……………………………………………………………36

3.9 Theoretical framework of Quality Control Management……………………………..37

Chapter Four………………………………………………………………………………...39

Finding and Discussion……………………………………………………………………...39

4.1 Production Department of Independent Apparels Ltd…………………………………40

4.2 Sampling Section of Independent Apparels Ltd………………………………………42

4.3 Cutting Section of Independent Apparels Ltd…………………………………………44

4.4 Sewing Section of Independent Apparels Ltd………………………………………....45

4.5 Finishing Department of Independent Apparels Ltd…………………………………..48

4.6 Quality Control Department of Independent Apparels Ltd……………………………49

4.7 Quality Control Operating Section………………………………………………….....51

4.8 Working Procedure of Quality Control……………………………………………......51

Chapter Five…………………………………………………………………………………53

SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………………..53

5.1 SWOT Analysis of Independent Apparels Ltd………………………………………..54

Chapter Six…………………………………………………………………………………..55

Problems, Recommendation and Conclusion………………………………………………..55

6.1 Problem Identification………………………………………………………………....56

6.2 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………..57

6.3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….57


Chapter: One


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1.1 Introduction

“Ready Made Garments (RMG) has raised as the biggest earner of foreign currency. This
sector is one of the most significant and beneficial sector of Bangladesh. Now the apparel
industry of Bangladesh is one of the major export earner with value over $27.9 billion of
exports in 2019-20 financial year. Readymade garments of Bangladesh mainly powered by
young workers, where most of them are women. The apparel industry of Bangladesh started
its journey in 1980’s. According to BGMEA the number of garment factories in Bangladesh
is around 4000. The Role of RMG sector in Bangladesh is exceptional and it acts as a catalyst
for the development of Bangladesh.” (About Garments Industry of Bangladesh, n.d.)

Garments production is an activity which consisting of sequential process such as cutting,

sewing, checking, finishing and packaging. It’s a process of converting raw materials into
finished products. Quality control is one of the most important part of garments sector. This
ensures customer satisfaction. For apparel industry, Product quality calculated in terms of
quality and standards of fibers, fabric construction, final finishing etc.

I have completed this report on the basis of “Production and Quality Control Practices of
Independent Apparels Ltd.”

1.2 Background off the study

As a mandatory part of BBA Program, all the students of University of Chittagong have to
undergo an eight weeks long with an objective of industrial attachment and gaining practical
knowledge of current corporate world. I gained opportunity to work with production team of
Independent Apparels Ltd. and get to know about their Production and Quality control
activities such as cutting, sewing, finishing section etc.

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1.3 Objectives of the study

The Broad objectives of this report is to acquire proper knowledge by combining practical
and theoretical knowledge. The objective of the study is to offer an outline of “Production
and Quality Control Practices” of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Specific Objectives:

1. To analyze overall Production and Quality Control Practices of Independent

Apparels Ltd.
2. To know the functions and the handling procedure by the Company.

1.4 Scope of the study

Scope of study plays an essential role for student. In this situation my scope was enough to
gain my knowledge and experience. In some cases the learning flow was restricted because of
organizations rules and COVID-19 Pandemic. But I tried to cover most of the part of
Production and Quality Control System in this study.

1.5 Research methods:

Methodology is a system of methods used in a specific area of study. I have used both
primary and secondary data to prepare this report. I observed different activities by
observing Production and Quality Control department of Independent Apparels Ltd. In order
to complete this report, I made following steps:

Primary Data:

1. Conversations with MD and officers.

2. Face to face conversation with the officials.
3. Related field study which is provided by the officials.
4. Direct conversation with the workers.

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Secondary Data:

1. Official Website of Independent Apparels Ltd.

2. Published journal and articles on apparel industry
3. Books and Internet

1.6 Limitation of the study

Every efforts have some limitation and this study is not out of this. The limitations are given

i. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic we worked for a short time at Independent Apparels

Ltd. So, it was really heavy for us to collect broad amount of information to have
make a report.
ii. Confidential information was not allowed to share.
iii. Shortage of information in company’s written documents.
iv. Maximum data and information are based on secondary sources.

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Chapter: Two

Company Profile

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2.1 An Overview of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Independent Apparels Ltd. is a casual wear manufacturing company known for its state-
of the-art manufacturing facility, they are a 100% export oriented readymade garments
company. Their Production covers the Range of: All sorts of woven/knit. They are trying
to have an endless focus on quality improvement and the adoption of updated technology,
commitment to maintain a safe and healthy workplace environment for workers and strict
adherence to customer compliance requirements. (Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

2.2 Company Profile at a glance:

Factory Name Independent Apparels Ltd.

Address 21/ 27, Baizid Bostami Road, Nasirabad

I/A, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
CEO S.M. Abu Tayyab
Area 72,628 SQFT
Human Capital 1475
Production Capacity 1,80,000 PCS PER MONTH
Machine 800pcs
Yarn source China, Hong Kong, Indonesia
FAX 880-31-682829
Phone +17184756470

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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2.3 Mission, Vision and Core Values


i. We strive to be a global leader in fashion-knit and fashion outerwear by

empowering innovation and design to provide total customer satisfaction.

ii. We strive to be a caring and well-managed organization for our business

partner’s customers and employees, and a responsible corporate citizen to our


i. To innovate, to lead, to enhance, to provide best-value products and services to

global customers.
ii. To make a difference through our branding to stay ahead of fashion trends,
market changes and the latest technology.
iii. To enhance the quality of life for our business partners, customers and
iv. Growth through superior products and services, innovation, customer service,
and commitment.

Core Values:

i. Trust and long-term relationship with buyer.

ii. Integrity and professionalism in business conduct.
iii. Care for our customers, business partners and community.
iv. Bonding with employees and with their family.
v. Environmental preservation and Sustainability.

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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2.4 Policies and Procedures of Independent Apparels Ltd.

1. Maintain healthy relationship with stakeholders, namely- customers or buyers,

suppliers and employees.
2. Fight against dishonesty, fraud and corruption as and when it occurs.
3. Recognize the contribution of each individual and assist others to make
meaningful contribution.
4. Equal rights for all and no discrimination in any field.
5. Always ensure maximum utilization of resources.
6. Ensure health and safety of workers and encourage an environment conducive for
work. (Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

2.5 Code of Conduct of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Independent Apparels Ltd. strictly follows 8 code of conduct in their working place. They are:

 Fair and Equal Treatment: “Independent Apparels Ltd.” believes in treating their
employees, associates and all those they serve in the course of doing business with the
highest levels of honesty, integrity, consideration and respect. In other words, their
workplaces are completely free of emotional, physical, sexual or verbal harassment or
abuse. Moreover, employees must not be subjected to discrimination in recruitment,
hiring, training, working conditions, job assignments, wages and benefits,
compensation, overtime, promotions, discipline, termination and retirement on the
basis of gender, age, religion, marital status, race, sexual orientation, disability,
disease, nationality, pregnancy, or trade union and/or political affiliation.
 Compensation and Benefits: “Independent Apparels Ltd.” and its factories are
paying wages and overtime premiums in compliance with all applicable laws.
Employees are paid at least minimum legal wages or higher and provides each
employee a clear pay slip in local language for every pay period. Independent Apparels
Ltd. also provides all legally mandated benefits like Food allowances; transportation
or transportation allowances; Festival Bonus; Other Cash Allowances, health care,
maternity benefit with leave, Earned Leave and other paid leave; Contribution to

17 | P a g e
Provident Fund; Child Care etc. Independent Apparels Ltd. is not making any
deductions from wages which are not provided for by national law, or as a disciplinary
 Voluntary Labor: All work should be voluntary and not performed under threat of
penalty or coercion. Forced labor, including bonded, trafficked, indentured or prison
labor, is prohibited.
 Child Labor: “Independent Apparels Ltd” does not employ any person below the
legal age or buyer’s COC required minimum age. Child labor is strictly prohibited in
Independent Apparels Ltd.
 Working Hours: “Independent Apparels Ltd” is maintaining working hours including
day off in compliance with all applicable laws. Working hours may not exceed 60
hours in any seven-day period, except in truly exceptional, unforeseeable
circumstances. All overtime is voluntary and they are carrying out the operations in
ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures humane and productive working
 Health and Safety: “Independent Apparels Ltd.” is complying with all applicable
laws and regulations regarding working conditions including worker health and
Safety, Safe and hygienic work place, Fire Safety, Risk Protection and electrical,
mechanical &structural safety.
 Brand Code of Conduct: Independent Apparels Ltd. is following & ensures the Code
of Conduct followed by different buyers / brands working with them.
 Ethical Conduct: Independent Apparels Ltd. conducting their operation with high
ethical standards and involvement in any corruption, extortion, bribery, fraud, false
declarations, counterfeiting or insider trading by any employee is strictly prohibited.

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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2.6 Management Organogram:

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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2.7 Products of Independent Apparels Ltd.
 Men’s Printed Training short.
 Boy’s Poly Color Block Wick Tee.
 Boy’s Poly Heather Muscle.
 Men’s Tec Fleece Pullover Hoodie.
 Men’s Performance Stretch Qtr. Zip.
 Women’s Texture Knit Capri.
 Men’s Knit Track Pants.
 Men’s Woven Track Jacket.
 Women’s Wind Jacket.

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2.8 Major Buyers of the Company

Independent Apparels Ltd. one of the best denim exporters from Bangladesh, is working
with most of the leading fashion retailers from US, UK etc.

Major buyers are given below:

1. Wall mart
2. GAP
3. H&M

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2.9 Corporate Social Responsibility of Independent Apparels Ltd.

CSRs can be divided among economic, social and environmental responsibilities.

Independent Apparels Ltd. always tries to fulfill its social responsibilities through its
different CSR campaigns, projects and programs catering to the needs of its
stakeholders, including the marginalized of society at large, employees, customers,,
partner businesses and local communities. The company also implements systems of
Environmental Management in order to fulfill the environmental responsibilities it bears
as a leading apparels manufacturer.

Some of the CSR activities are-

• Green Plantation

• Financial Assistance for Marriage Ceremony, Medical Treatment etc.

• Promote Children Education

• Arrangement of Cultural & Recreational Program

• Donation to Different Voluntary Agencies

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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2.10 Certifications:
Independent Apparels receive various recognition for manufacturing good quality product

And for being eco-friendly producer. The certificates are mention below:

Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI):

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP)

Organic Content Standard (OCS) Blended

ISO 9001:2008

Organic Content Standard (OCS) 100

Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX)

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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Chapter: Three

Theoretical Aspects of
Production and Quality Control

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3.1 Theoretical framework of Production:

“Production is the organized activity of converting resources into finished products in the
form of goods and services; the objective of production is to fulfill the demand for such
transformed resources” (Bates and Parkinson, 1983)

The production of clothes, which was considered to be an art in the early period, has suffered
several changes. The technological innovations have helped apparel manufacturers, brand
merchandisers and retailers to move towards a new global reality where customer choice and
service are not just the priorities; but have the potential for creating a difference between the
success and failure in a highly competitive market. Today, in the global attire trade, the
retailers and brand merchandisers are playing a leading role, and the apparel industries
continue to change quicker than ever. It is essential to understand each and every aspect of the
apparel business to build a successful position in every sector of highly competitive market.
(Nayak & Padhye, 2015)

A production department is responsible for converting inputs into outputs through the stages
of production process. This can include few specialized functions with all other work
outsourced, or a fully functioning department that converts raw materials, combines
components into finished goods, and packages them. The production department can be the
major department within a business. It may employee mechanics, machine setup specialists,
maintenance personnel, and machine operators. A key focus of the production department is
efficiency. The production manager is responsible for making sure that raw materials are
provided and made into finished goods effectively.

The key function of the production department is stitching garments. But there are numerous
associated activities performed by the production team to run the production floor smoothly.
The main tasks of this department are defined here but are not limited to these only.

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3.2 Key activities of Production Department:

Major activities of Production Department are:

i. Job or Task Scheduling

ii. Material Requirement Planning (Inventory)

iii. Loading Production

iv. Process selection & planning

v. Facility location

vi. Estimating quantity and costs of production

vii. Capacity and Line planning

viii. Production follow up and execution

3.3 Sample Section:

The sample section is the first section in the readymade garments industry. Here, the first task
is to prepare the correct sample according to the buyer's preferences. Exporting aspect of
garment samples is very essential. Sampling process is a useful practice to approve the order
in apparel industry. The sampling department plays a major role to achieve a garment export
order for the factory. It is the key section for any garment manufacturing factory.

Responsibilities of Sample Department:

Sample department of apparel manufacturing industry has to maintain the below


1. Getting explanations about various design pattern from the merchandiser,

2. Composition of different samples and getting the buyer’s acceptance,

3. Notifying about separate quality related problems, encountered during preparing

samples to QC,

4. Cutting down operations and consumption,

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Types of sample:

1. Proto Sample
2. Fit Sample
3. Size sample
4. Sealed Sample
5. AD sample
6. Wash sample

3.4 Cutting Section

A cutting room is a separate area in a clothing manufacturer where garment components are
cut out. The accuracy and efficiency of cutting room operations is critical to all subsequent
operations and to final garment quality. (Vilumsone-Nemes, 2012)

Garment production begins with the cutting process. And in this process, the fabric is being
cut into different shapes or patterns of many types of garment parts (sleeve, collar etc.)
In mass production, numerous layers of fabrics are laid on a table and a huge number of
garments are being cut at a time. The laid fabric is called as lay. The cutting process includes
a number of sub-processes and the flow of the processes is as follows. The fabrics of the
cutting room are cut according to sample design. Then the cutting parts sew to prepare clothes.
Cutting is the most sensitive operation in the apparel industry, the main key to maintain good
cutting quality is accuracy in cutter man work. Cutting process is done by using a knife,
scissors, drill, etc. The knife is placed in the head of the cutting machine. The
manual method is the most used cutting method in the garments industry. This department has
various rules and regulation to secure workers safety.

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Cutting Working Process Flow chart

Cutting plan based on shade band record

Receive PO sheet, Tech pack and others detail

Fabric received from a store as per requisition

Relax fabric if necessary with record

Make a Marker to determine consumption

Marker and pattern Crosses Check (ratio, grain line, jumping, etc.)

Laying as per marker length (Spreading)

Spreading quality control

Random quality check on fabric fault & others

A cutting (if necessary hand scissoring done during check fabric) and band Knife cutting

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(Small panel such as single fly etc.)

Cutting Quality control

Randomly Panel check with hard pattern

Panel check with CAD marker paper

Layer numbering &bundling

100% panel check

Replace defective parts shade wise

Ready cutting parts to input.

Classification wise supplying to the sewing section

(Cutting Process Procedure & Flow Chart of Apparel Industry, n.d.)

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3.5 Sewing Section

Sewing department is the principle area of the apparel industry for the manufacture of
garments. The sewing process is the attachment of different parts of the cut pieces.

In the apparel industry, sewing section is known as the core of a garments. After receiving all
the element of garments parts from cutting section, then those parts are linked by sewing
machine. In this section manufacturer get a wide-ranging appearance of garments therefore,
sewing section is very significant department in the garments industry.

After completing the task of cutting section, all these parts are sent to the sewing department
to prepare the cloths. In this section various cutting parts come together with the help of
different sewing machine styles, threads and needles.

To complete the ideal garment easily, floor in-charge always maintains a working
procedure. Flow chart of sewing department in the garments industry also called as working

Working process sequence of garments sewing department are discussed in the below:

S/L Process Activities

01 Product analysis It’s a type of activities where they decide

about how a product have to sew.

02 Set up target for production Have to fix a target for production on the
basis of shipping schedule.

03 Set up machine layout on the Have to prepare machine setup layout on the
basis of target basis of daily amount of target.

04 Set up operator layout based on Develop operator layout setup on the basis
target of machine quantity.

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05 QC check of product Each garment must have to fulfill its right
quality. So, product checking must be
needed by Quality Check.

06 Line balancing Line balancing is a tool used for production

line to enable the flow line of production.

07 Line setup Line setup must be needed to achieve

healthy production.

08 Distribution of all the processes All the processes of sewing have to

distribute to the right person to avoid the
damage of garments.

09 Cutting parts received section A section, which received the cutting parts
from the cutting department

10 Cutting parts distribution to the All the cutting parts should be distributed to
operator and helper the operator and helper after receiving those
from cutting department.

11 Complete parts making By joining all the parts, a complete garment

individually has to make here individually

12 Online QC check During running of garments sewing, online

QC check must be needed to make flawless

13 Online quality audit An online quality audit must be included

here to show the buyer actual fault less
product developing process.

14 Counting output and checking Comparing with target quantity, all the
with the target output garments should be counted here to
make sure achieving the target amount.

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15 Final quality check (for each In this section, all the output garments are
checked finally.

(Flow Chart for Garments Sewing Department, n.d.)

Various types of garments defect:

There are various types of defects in garments, briefly discussed below,

Sewing Faults, Causes and Remedy

SN Sewing faults Causes Remedy

01 Needle, Bobbin, Loop Crooked off winding from thread 1. Thread gets
thread breakage package; excessive tension, poor trapped at the
quality thread and Badly wound thread guide.
thread on the bobbin
3. Adjust bobbin
winder alignment.
02 Seam slippage This happens when the yarns in the 1. French seam type
fabric are pulled out of the seam and can be tried.
are more frequent in fabrics made
2. Seam width can
from continuous filament yarns.
be maximize.

03 Skipped stitches Hook, lopper or needle failing to 1. Needle & thread

enter thread loops at the correct size must be
time. adjusted.

2. The pressure of
pressure foot must
be adjusted.

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04 Seam pucker Variable different fabric feed. Improve the fabric

05 Open seam or broken Improper handling of the parts of Clear markings for
seam garments. stitch line.

06 Variable stitch density Poor fabric feed control. Increase the

pressure of feet

07 Uncut/ loose thread It happens due to improper Garments finishing

trimming or finishing. should be regulated

3.6 Finishing Department

Today's consumer’s choice of clothing has moved towards fast fashion, and they demand the
accurate product at the right time and at the right price. Hence, the garment manufacturing
units often find it hard to cater to consumer needs. Their demand for aesthetics, appearance,
handle and comfort in clothing is mainly achieved by chemical finishing, especially in fabric
form. However, some of these useful features may be faded or lost during the conversion of
fabric into the final garment. Hence, garment finishing comes into play to prevent these issues.
In addition, production of customized designs in particular locations of a garment, and some
value-added finishes, are only possible in the final garment. (MacA and Fergusson, 2015)

Finishing is the last steps of fabric production or process manufacturing. Garments are
transferred in finishing department for checking, ironing, packaging, and final inspection to
get an attracting appearance after making full stitched garments by sewing group. Proper

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finishing process can be improved quality of garments and make on time order shipment. In
this section, all kinds of finishing practices are performed for the garments.

Functions of Finishing Department:

 Finishing input: At first the garments are issued as per order quantity from sewing
unit. It is the primary step of finishing garment.
 Thread suck up: Thread is sucked up by modern sucking machine to remove the
extra sewing thread from the fabric lay.
 Spot removing: Spot removing is one of the special inspections which is done after
primary quality check. A vacuum cleaner helps to emit spots from the apparel.
 Ironing: Ironing is the use of a machine, usually a heated tool, to remove wrinkles
from fabric. The heating is commonly done to a temperature of 180–220 °Celsius,
depending on the fabric. It’s an activity of finishing department.
 Measurement check: 100% measurement checked by QC inspector.
 Get Up check: 100% Appearance check for appearance by QC inspector.
 Metal detection: Normally it’s an important issue for garments industry for broken
needle or any types of machinery smallest parts cling to the garments lay. Its check
out through nine points.
 Folding: After completing pressing, the garments are folded with a predetermine
area. Garments are folded according to the buyers’ direction, requirements in a
standard area.
 Packaging: At last packing or cartooning the garments according to Buyers
 Final inspection: In this stage, buyer’s represent inspect the garments based on
AQL label to ensure the garments are as per spec sheet or not.
 Store for delivery: After the packing is done, the garment cartoons are kept is
suitable place for the buyer (Quality Control) to check.

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3.7 Maintenance Section:

The maintenance department is enriched by different professionals working to maintain the

endless production system and to keep the machinery in working condition. Department of
Maintenance is one of the most substantial parts of factory. The maintenance department is
mostly responsible to look after the machines and additional production equipment in proper
working condition and take corrective action against any environmental pollution.

The function of Maintenance Department:

1. Inspection of sewing machines and other machinery in the factory, restoring and
2. Preserving and ensuring continuous power supply in the factory.
3. Maintaining proper water supply, compressors, boilers etc.
4. Planning, design and implement any kind of extension of the factory.
5. Supply purified water for factory for using and washing plant.
6. Purchase of new machinery when needed.

3.8 Industrial Engineering (IE):

Currently Industrial Engineering (IE) is one of the main divisions for a garment. Skilled
engineers run the full factory in today. The key aim is to set tactics for improving operation
and reducing the cost of production. It also creates programmers for cutting costs.

Key responsibilities of Industrial Engineering (IE):

 Planning
 Monitoring flow system of production
 Pay system
 Monitoring and boosting the operator performance
 Operator training
 Production control system
 Quality control

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3.9 Theoretical framework of Quality Control Management:

Quality control is generally understood as assessing for quality after products have already
been manufactured and sorted into acceptable and unacceptable categories. Apparel
garments, accessories, and other textile products are assessed for quality in the
preproduction phase, during production, and with a final inspection after the product has
been completed. (Keist, 2015)

Quality means customer needs is to be fulfilled. Failure to maintain an acceptable quality

standard can therefore be ineffective. But maintaining an adequate standard of quality also
charges effort. From the first investigation to find out what the potential customer for a new
product really wants, through the processes of design, specification, controlled manufacture
and sale.
There are a number of aspects on which quality fitness of garment industry is based such as
performance, consistency, strength, visual and perceived quality of the garment. Quality
needs to be defined in terms of a particular framework of cost.

Quality control (QC) is a mechanism in which individuals estimate the consistency of all
aspects that are involved in the output. ISO 9000 describes quality control as "a quality
management component which is geared to meeting quality requirements."

In the garment industry, quality control is practiced correctly from the preliminary stage of
sourcing raw materials to the stage of closing finished garment.

For apparel industry product quality is calculated in terms of quality and standard of fibers,
yarns, fabric construction, color, surface designs and the final finished garment products.

(Alagulakshmi et al., 2008)

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Quality control department responsibilities may differ from organization to organization but
the main activities remain almost the same.

Quality Control Specialist Duties and Responsibilities:

 Conduct Product Tests and Assessment. The main responsibility of a quality

control specialist is testing and assessing products, commonly in an industrial or
warehouse setting.

 Identify Product Weaknesses.

 Record and Report Problems.

 Support Process Developments.

 Make Necessary Repairs.

Activities of the Quality control department are as follows:

 Creating quality standards

 Setting up quality standard operating procedure (SOP)
 Assurance of quality

Activities of quality control at the pre-production stage:

 Checking fabrics and trims inward and ensuring that only goods of quality are
 Confirm that no defective fabric is sent for cutting. If there is a minor fault in the
fabric, the fabric should be marked with defects and the same has to be
communicated to the cutting department.
 Preparation of the fabric inspection report and quality assemblies.
 Conduct pre-production meetings prior to start of production.

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Chapter: Four

Findings and Discussions

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4.1 Production Department of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Store Section: Before starting the production of garments, the required amount of fabric and
accessories has to store in the store section. All the fabrics first come from the supplier to this
unit and are observed here and held until dislocated to other units. The management of a well-
organized & well-equipped distribution system is important as an export-oriented and mass
development of apparel industry. The key duty of this department is to store all the raw
materials which is supplied by the vendor as per order placed by purchased department.
Independent Apparels Ltd. has one main store and two sub-store.

Fabric Inspection: The first step to take is to check the fabric after the store gets it. It’s a
systematic observation of fabrics to decide whether it used.

Four point system is used for the inspection of bales, rolls & piece goods in the fabric
inspection department.

Store Keeping System:

 Unload fabrics
 Inventory in warehouse.
 Fabrics inspection
 Recording in register book and Excel sheet.
 Updated information put in Bin Card (It is updated information card for bin or

Sewing Line Accessories item stored in the store:

 Yarn
 Button
 Main Label
 Sub labels
 Size Label
 Fit label

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Care Label: It contains the care construction. Different types of care label are given below.

 Washing Symbol
 Bleaching Symbol
 Ironing Symbol
 Dry-cleaning Symbol
 Drying Symbol

Drying Symbol Finishing Line Accessories item stored in the store:

 Neck board
 Hangtag with sticker
 Poly
 Tissue

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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4.2 Sample section of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Sampling process in the Independent Apparels Ltd. is an essential activity for the acceptance
of order. It has a separate sample section which is located on the ground floor in the 5 storied
building. Since the buyer usually places the order after getting satisfied with the quality of the
samples, this process is considered to be a vigorous one. The sampling process is performed
by a single department with trained labors since the process decides the order acceptance
factor. The merchandiser is the person who coordinates with buyer and sampling department.
Later, all his communications need to be understood visibly in the sample development

Brief Description of the Sampling Processes:

1. Tech Pack Receiving: This is the main stage of the sampling processes. In this stage
Tech Pack or the Technical pack is received from the buyer, via merchandiser. Tech
pack contains all the specifications to produce a garment.
2. CAD (Computer Aided Design): Stage pattern is made through CAD in this stage.
Computer-aided design (CAD) is the procedure of computer technology for the design
of objects, real or virtual. The design of geometric models for object shapes. But CAD
often involves more than just shapes.

3. Sample Making: The making of sample is the vital goal of this department. After making
the pattern, the sample is made by using the pattern set.

4. Size Setting: After making the sample, size is set according to the Tech Pack. If there is
any fault, the sample will be recreated.

5. Pre-Production (PP) Meeting: After the buyer has reviewed the sample, a preproduction
meeting is called. In this meeting buyer or his agent, merchandiser, sample manager, all
remain present. Then they will going to decide about when to start the production. If the
decision approved, the sample is ready to go for final production.

6. Grading of Sample: After deciding the sample, grading is done. There may be numerous
grades of a single design. The grading is done for separating the samples and patterns from
each other’s.

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7. Marker: After grading the samples. The design is entered into the marker software. This
software specifies how to set the pattern in the authentic fabric. By using the marker software
efficiently, fabric can be saved.

8. Cutting: After making the marker the pattern is delivered to the cutting unit and the fabric
is cut for final production.

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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4.3 Cutting section of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Independent Apparels Ltd. has its cutting department located at the 2nd floor of the factory
building. They work with those fabrics which are approved by sample department. Workers
are trained according to their experience. And, Amida machine used for rolling the fabrics,
then keep those folding fabrics for 24hours.

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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As cutting section is very sensitive operation because of using different kinds of sharp tools,
So Independent Apparels Ltd. follows some rules and procedures for the workers safety.

4.4 Sewing section of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Independent Apparels Ltd. has a sewing section. Sewing section of this garment is divided
into two units. The sewing unit-1 is located at the 3rd floor and unit-2 is located at the 4th
floor. Sewing section contains 26 machines for pants and 26 machines for jacket.

Activities of Sewing Section:

 Input material checking

 Accessories checking
 Thread count check
 Needle size check
 Stitching fault check
 Garments measurement check
 Size mistake check

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Sewing section has different safety guidelines for workers, which is provided by the
authority of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Types of machines: There is various types of machines used by the workers at Independent
Apparels Ltd.

 Plain, Top stitch

 Over Lock
 Flat Lock
 Button Holding
 Snap Button
 Chain Stitch

Various types of garments defect:

 Broken buttons
 Broken snaps
 Broken stitching

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 Defective snaps
 Different shades within the same
 Dropped stitches

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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4.5 Finishing Department of Independent Apparels Ltd.
Finishing room is the last steps of garment manufacturing. After making complete stitched
garments by sewing section, these are delivered in finishing department for ironing, folding,
poly packing, cartooning to get eye-catching appearance. This department is located at the
3rd floor. All types of garments finishing activities are done here.

Thread Cutting

Initial Checking


Measurement Check Repair/Alteration


Final Check


Folding and Packaging


Dispatch Shipment

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4.6 Quality Control Department of Independent Apparels Ltd.

Independent Apparels Ltd always practice Quality management to satisfy their customer.
From the preliminary step of sourcing raw materials to the final finished garment stage it
maintains the quality of product. Independent Apparels Ltd. has its own department for the
quality control. Independent Apparels Ltd.'s product quality is measured in terms of fiber
content and norm, yarns, fabric composition, color fastness, surface designs, and the final
finished garment products. Export expectations mostly relate to their customer sections and
the retail outlets.

(Independent Apparels Ltd., 2021)

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Requirements followed by the QC Department of Independent Apparels Ltd.:

The Quality System Requirements are based on the principle of PDCA Cycle.



Act Work

1. To understand the customers' quality requirements.

2. To organize & training Quality Control Department.
3. To ensure the proper flow of quality requirements to the QC department.
4. To maintain the flow of quality requirements to the Production Department.
5. To establish the quality plans, parameters, inspection systems, frequency,
sampling techniques etc.
6. Inspection, testing, measurements as per plan.
7. Feedback to Production Department.

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4.7 Quality Control Operating Section

Quality controls in Independent Apparels Ltd. are operated in diverse sectors.





4.8 Working procedure of quality control

Fabric Inspection and QC Procedures:

Incoming fabrics are mainly inspected at JC Penney’s recommended 4 Point system. 100%
fabric is inspected by fabric QC’s. Faults are given points keeping in view the nature and
strength of the faults. 40 Points are allowed in 100 inspected yards. If number of faults/points
surpassed than 40 per 100 yards, the fabric roll will be rejected. Lab test reports are also taken
from fabric suppliers and will verified through internal and third-party labs randomly.

Accessories Inspection: Accessories At the time of receipt in store are randomly inspected
by QC’s/concerned persons at least up to 10% of the received quantity.

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Cut Parts Inspection: 100% cut parts are examined before input to sewing. The excluded
components are replaced from leftovers or removed. Cut parts are inspected 100% before
sending and after receipt from printing or embroidery.

Sewing Inline Inspection: During stitching operations, the inspections are done on JC
Penney’s recommended 7-0 System. Inline QC inspects 7 pieces randomly for each machine
operator twice a day. If he finds any error among these 7 inspected pcs, then the Sewing
operator has to inspect the whole package himself and offer inspection again to Inline QC. If
the inspection is fault free, then this sewing operator will undertake follow up inspection of
03 Consecutive bundles. If 03 follow up Inspections are acceptable, then the Inline QC
moves to next machine operator. Follow up inspection, the Inline QC finds any fault, then
sewing operator has to go below 2nd follow up inspection. If the 2nd follow-up fails then
operator has to end the work for two decisions to be made depending on the nature of the

Sewing End Line Inspection: 100 % garments are checked on sewing related errors after
the finishing point. Both in and out sides of the garments are inspected.

Final QC Inspection: Garments are checked 100% on quality after pressing for fabrication,
finishing, appearance, sewing, shading, labeling etc. to make sure that quality garments are
packed into cartons.

Measurement Specs Control: Before packing, garments are 100% checked on

measurements for main measuring points.

52 | P a g e
Chapter: Five

SWOT Analysis

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5.1 SWOT analysis of Independent Apparels Ltd.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to help an individual or company recognize
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relevant to competition or project planning.
The principal objective of a SWOT analysis is to help organizations to develop a full
awareness of all the factors involved in making a business decision.

Now I'm going to discuss about some of strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of
Independent Apparels Ltd.

Strength Weakness

 Large quantity of resources.  Lack of training materials.

 Positive relation with other apparel  The training sessions are
garments. insufficient.
 Well equipped.  Lack of proper time management.

Opportunities Threats

 Rate of business growth is  Competition with other existing and

increasing in global market upcoming global market.
especially in USA, Canada, and  Political imbalance.
Australia and EU countries  Labor Conflict
 More production orders from

54 | P a g e
Chapter: Six

Problems, Recommendation & Conclusion

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6.1 Problem Identification

There is no end to development in any sector of an organization. There is always a room for
development. During my internship period, I observed some complications by spotting and
communicating with different peoples. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic I couldn’t engage myself
properly but there are some issues I have found in their production and quality control

These are given below:

1. Shortage of Raw Materials: There is lack of plentiful supply of alternative raw materials
in order to become self-sufficient in any industry. Independent Apparels Ltd. is foreign
dependent for the supply of raw materials. Bangladesh has to import raw materials of garments
from abroad in order to process it in Bangladesh. About 70% of garment export income has
to be spent for buying raw materials from the outside.

2. Lack of training programs: Garments workers do not have relevant training and education
in this specific sector. They are generally with 10-12 years of general education and learning
while in job. But in this area train persons are very much compulsory who have a lot of
knowledge in this area. But this company has no prior training programs for workers.

3. High Sound Pollution: The high levels of noise is common in garments factories in
Bangladesh. In Independent Apparels some machines of sewing section are older are not as
well maintained. This has caused a large number of sound pollution.

4. High Lose of Time: Machine operators lose some valuable hours due to several reasons.
The reason may be due to poor co-ordination within the department, previous process not
completed on time and other quality issues.

5. Absence of worker: Absence of worker in working day is common problem in garments

industry. Sometimes workers remain absent due to illness and for other reasons. A common
matter is found the workers of garment industry is that some of the workers remain absent in
the day after salary payment. As a result, the production is loaded and it becomes very
problematic to achieve the target of production.

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6.2 Recommendations

1. Independent Apparels Ltd. should try to produce raw materials by themselves.

It may reduce the dependency on foreign supplier and cost of production.
2. To maintain suitable quality, Independent Apparels Ltd. should take essential
steps such as training course for their employees and workers.
3. Machineries should be regulated properly by maintenance section and old
machineries should be replaced to avoid sound pollution.
4. Develop a well production control plan.
5. Motivate workers to join their regular work and provide them better work place

6.3 Conclusion

Independent Apparels Ltd. is a private limited company. It has a positive contribution to the
economy of Bangladesh. They believe in quality and time and highly emphasized in
maintaining a rigorous harmony in its working process and its environment. I observed the
different function of production department and Quality control department of Independent
Apparels Ltd. During my Internship period here I found a friendly and healthy working
environment is ensuring for the employee. The workers are working here with the highest
amount of satisfaction. Preparing this report has given me much pleasure, which is completely
new experience for me. By this experience, I have gathered some knowledge about the
garments industry. I tried to fulfill my objectives and I am quite satisfied. It has enlarged my
theoretical knowledge of bachelor of Business Administration in to some practical knowledge
and made my education completer and more practical. I hope, the experience of this project
will help me in my future professional life.

57 | P a g e

Independent Apparels Ltd. (2021). About Us.

About Garments industry of Bangladesh. (n.d.). BGMEA.

Corporate Social Responsibility. (2021). Independent Apparels Ltd.

Bates, & Parkinson. (1983). Business Economics (3rd ed.). Blackwell-Oxford.

Nayak, & Padhye (Eds.). (2015). Garment Manufacturing Technology. Woodhead.

Vilumsone-Nemes. (2012). Industrial Cutting of Textile Materials (1st ed.). Woodhead.

Cutting Process Procedure & Flow chart of Apparel Industry. (n.d.). Online Garments

Flow Chart for Garments Sewing Department. (n.d.). Garments Merchandising. Retrieved
June 18, 2021, from

MacA, & Fergusson. (2015). Garments Finishing Techniques. Woodhead.

Alagulakshmi, Subhathra, & Vanitha. (2008, February 1). Quality systems for garment
manufacture. Fibre2fashion.

Keist. (2015).Quality control and quality assurance in the apparel industry. Woodhead.

Independent Apparels Ltd. (2021). Store Section [Photograph]. In Accessories Approval


Independent Apparels Ltd. (2021). Cutting Section [Photograph]. In Accessories Approval


Independent Apparels Ltd. (2021). Sample Section [Photograph]. In Accessories Approval


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