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THIS DEED OF ADOPTON executed at Maghar Orphange on

December 6th day of 2023


1. 1. M/s Maghar orpgange son of Ms Urmila Parida , aged about 22 ,(ID

NO: 16835290 ) (Mobile no- 023-35209281 )

residing at Kalyan, Maharashta hereinafter referred to as the PARTIES OF



1. 1. Mr. Angad Rasinghania, son of Mr Prakash Rasinghania, aged

about 29 ,(ID NO:APAHT2894H ) (Mobile no- 9776919545)
2.1.Mrs. Neesa Raisinghania, w/o of Mr. Angad Raisinghania , aged
about 28 years (ID NO: 98163610826 ) (Mobile no - NIL )
both residing at Satguru Gardens 7th Floor 701/702 , Kopri, Thane East -400609
hereinafter referred to as the PARTIES OF THE FIRST PART.

WHEREAS the Parties of the First Part were married on Nov 29’ 2021 and
have no children of their own since first years of marriage.

WHEREAS as per medical reports the Parties of the First Part have no hope
of begetting any child of their own.

WHEREAS the Parties of the First Part were desirous of having a child of
their own who would perpetuate the family name and safeguard the family assets
and maintenance of the same.

WHEREAS the Parties of the Second Part have given birth to a son and
0(zero) daughters all unmarried aged about 26 days, respectively.

WHEREAS in pursuance of their above said desire, the Parties of the First
Part had approached to the Maaghar Orphange and Orphange contacted the
Second Part so as to adopt the son of 26 days bearing the hospital cost of
1,25,000/- of the minor, The caste is Hindu Odia , aged about 26 days (Date of
Birth being 09/11/2023 4:16am at Akushkiya Hospital), hereinafter called "The
adopted Child", to which the Parties of the Second Part had also agreed.

WHEREAS the Parties of the First Part, The Maaghar took the said Child,
Karthik in adoption as their son on December 6th 2023 and the Parties of the
Second Part, as husband and wife, gave the said Child, in adoption to the Parties
of the First Part.

Both the parties are desirous of recording and registering the said Adoption
to safeguard and protect the interests and rights of the said Child with regard to
her Succession and to the personal laws applicable to the Hindus.

Physical verification within a 72 hours timeframe, including taking pictures to

ensure the child’s well-being, can be part of a post-handover agreement. Be sure
to communicate and agree on the details with all involved parties, and consider
documenting these arrangements in a formal agreement to avoid any

It’s important to clarify any additional charges with Maaghar and understand
the details of the services they provide. Ensure that the fee of 1 lakh INR is clearly
outlined in any agreement or contract. Transparency about costs is crucial to
avoid any misunderstandings later on.


1. That in pursuance of the above said Act of Adoption, the Parties of the
Second Part, as Maaghar, gave their 26 days old son in adoption to the Parties of
the First Part and the Parties of the First Part, as husband and wife, have taken the
said Child, Karthik in adoption as their son on December 7th 2023, as per the
religious rites and customs.
2. Both the Parties do hereby declare and confirm that the Parties of the First
Part have duly adopted the said Child, as their son.

3. The said Child, has and shall have all the legal rights of a son in the family
of the Parties of the First Part from the date of adoption, that is 07/12/2023.

4. That from the date of adoption, that is, 07/12/2023, the said Child, has
relinquished all her rights and claims against her natural parents, i.e., the Parties
of the Second Part.

5. The Parties of the First Part shall be responsible for the maintenance and
education of the said Child, and they agree to bring up the said Child as their son/
daughter according to their status in life.

6. The Parties of the Second Part shall have no claim and responsibility
hereinafter as the custody of or any other right against the said Child.

7. Both the parties hereby confirm that the adoption of the said Child, karthik
done by them is in accordance with the Provisions of Section 5 and 6 of Chapter
II of The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956 and that the said adoption
is valid and complete in all respects.

8. Both the parties hereby confirm that the adoption of the said Child,
Karthik is irrevocable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties of the First Part and the Parties of
the Second Part hereto have signed this Deed of Adoption on the day, month and
year first above mentioned.

Paid the above mentioned amount( 2,26,000) in Cheque in the favour of Maaghar
on 06/12/2023.


1. Purohit Raisinghania .
2. Sameer Thakkar.

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