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Code: REC-RE-10
Regulation of
K qM i
Version: 6.5
Rectoral Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-

Academic activities Approval Document: UPSJB
Approval date: 14 / 07 /2017

The Regulation of Academic Activities is a document addressed to authorities, teachers and students of the San
Juan Bautista Private University (UPSJB) that regulates the academic procedures and administrative acts
described therein.


1. Objective 03
2. Reach 03
3. Legal Basis 03
4. General Aspects 03
5. Academic Procedures 04
5.1 Registration 04
5.2 Registration Form 04
5.3 Types of Registration 04
5.4 General Aspects of Registration 05
5.5 Late Registration 06
5.6 Registration Rectification 07
5.7 Extension of Credits 07
5.8 Registration Reservation 07
5.9 Reinstatement 08
5.10 Internal Transfer 08
5.11 Change of Headquarters, Local or Branch 08
5.12 Subject Validation 08
5.13 Directed Course 08
5.14 Directorial Resolutions Issued in the Subsidiaries 09
6. The Classes 09
7. Syllabic Advancement 10
8. Competency Evaluation System 10
Laggard Exam 12
Postponed Exam 13
Correction Examination 13
9. Attendance and Evaluation Control Record 13
10. Evaluation Minutes Report 14
11. Violations and Sanctions 15
12. Record of Occurrences that Affect the Library System, Laboratories
Sciences, Computing and Engineering 15
13. Final Provisions 16

Code: REC-RE-10
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017
1. AIM
Regulate the Academic Activities of the Faculties and Professional Schools of the San Juan Bautista Private
University (UPSJB).

Rector's Office, Academic Vice-Rector's Office, Research Vice-Rector's Office, Faculties, Professional Schools,
General Academic-Administrative Directorate of the Subsidiaries, Technical Registration Department (DRT),
Information Systems Directorate, teachers, university students and other support processes.

Law No. 30220 University Law, Statute of the University, its General Regulations, and other internal

4.1 The Schedule of Academic Activities is prepared by the Academic Vice-Rector in coordination with the
Deans and Directors of the Professional Schools and approved by the Rector and is valid annually.
4.2 The Dean or the General Academic - Administrative Director of the Branch (DGAAF) supervises and
controls the academic activities of their respective Faculty or Branch.
The Directors of the Professional Schools, with the support of the Coordinators, are responsible for
compliance with the aforementioned activities.
4.3 The Regular Program is developed in sixteen-week academic cycles.
4.4 Summer Courses1 They are scheduled exclusively during the first quarter of the year. The objective is
for students to achieve the credits that correspond to them according to their Study Plan.
The class schedule must correspond to the hours and credits established in the Study Plan.
Registration must not exceed ten (10) credits.
4.5 Academic Activities take place in the Professional Schools in the shifts established by the University.
4.6 The classes take place at the schedules established by the Professional Schools within the framework
of the
shift time distribution approved by the University2 .
4.7 The teacher may not teach more than three consecutive theoretical hours with the same group of
4.8 The teacher will not be able to give private classes to students enrolled in the course for which
was assigned.
4.9 Teachers who teach the same subject at the Professional School, at headquarters and branches, must
use the Silabo established by the University3 .
In January of each year, the Deans of the Faculties convene the Directors of In-Person Modalities,
Adult Education and Distance Education to update the syllables. Previously, the Directors must ask
the teachers for their updating proposals.
4.10 The Faculty programs the activities of each academic semester, in coordination with the Professional
Schools, in relation to:
— Formative Research.
— Cultural and Sports Activities.
— Social projection.

Code: REC-RE-10
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

4.11 The Academic Vice-Rector, the Deans of the Faculties, the Directors of the Professional Schools and
the General Academic - Administrative Director of the Branch, Coordinators of the Professional
Schools, teachers and students are responsible for compliance with the Schedule of Academic
4.12 At the beginning of each Academic Semester, the Professional Schools will make the following

1 Licensing Model and its implementation in the Peruvian University System, Glossary of Terms.
2 Resolution No. 002-2016-VRAC-UPSJB
3 REC-FR-005 (disseminated to Professional schools by electronic communication dated August 7 from the Academic Vice-Rector's Office).
material available, virtually:
a) To students: the Syllables, the Study Plan, the Curriculum, Class Schedules, and the Schedule of
Academic Activities scheduled for each Cycle, and the Regulations of Academic Activities.
b) To teachers: the Syllabus of the subject, the Curriculum, Schedule of their subject, the Schedule of
Academic Activities, the Regulation of Academic Activities, Evaluation System of Learning by
Competencies, Evaluation System of Formative Research, Evaluation System of University
Extension and Social Projection and the Directive for the Preparation of Syllables.
The Director of the Professional School is responsible for verifying compliance with this provision with
the support of the academic coordinator in the branches.

5.1 Tuition
Registration is the procedure by which the status of student at the San Juan Bautista Private
University is accredited, after compliance with the established requirements and in accordance with
the Schedule of Academic Activities. Registration is the responsibility of the student and is carried out
for each academic year.
It is the student's duty to enroll in a minimum number of twelve (12) credits per semester to maintain
their status as a regular student, unless they have less to complete the degree. 4 .

5.2 Registration Form

The Registration Form constitutes a contract for the provision of university educational services and
this condition can be invoked to establish the commitment of the parties. In the case of the
University, develop the training process under the conditions established in the internal regulations;
In the case of the student, comply with their payment commitments according to the rates
established for the services offered and within the deadlines of the institutional Schedule; as well as
academic commitments related to attendance, enrollment requirements, evaluations and other
internal provisions.

5.3 Registration Types

There are two types of Enrollment: Regular and by Subjects.
5.3.1 Regular Tuition
It is considered when the sum of credits of the subjects in which enrollment was made in an
academic semester reaches a minimum of 12 5 credits and a maximum according to the current
Study Plan of each Professional Career.
5.3.2 Enrollment by Subjects
It is the registration that the student makes by subjects in the academic semester in the cases
— Personal motives.
— Summer courses.
— When you must complete credit to complete your university education.
Code: REC-RE-10
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

In all cases, you lose your status as a regular student 6 and the benefits that correspond to

Anyone who enrolls in less than twelve credits is called a “student enrolled by subject.”

5.4 General Aspects of Enrollment

5.4.1 Enrollment at the San Juan Bautista Private University is carried out online from the second
cycle of studies7 . Students must meet the required requirements and follow the instructions
4 Art. 99.8 of the University Law No. 30220
5 Art. 4.2 of the Regulations of the National Registry of Degrees and Titles.
6 Art. 99.8 of University Law No. 30220.
7 Entrants register in person at the Technical Registration Department (DRT).
contained in the instructions.8 to finalize your registration. If you have difficulties in this process
or have missed your turn for online registration, you should go to the Professional School Office
to receive the instructions, as appropriate.
5.4.2 Students must be enrolled in the subjects that correspond to their academic year.
5.4.3 The Coordinators of Professional Careers will take into account, for the registration procedure,
the validation of the requirements and the disciplinary sanctions that may have fallen on the
5.4.4 Entrants must go to the Technical Registration Department for digital photography.
5.4.5 The order of registration by subject is as follows:
a) The subjects failed or pending from the previous cycle -if any-.
b) Those of the current or immediately higher cycle until the number of credits is completed
according to the Curricular Plan.
c) Students may enroll in subjects sequentially for up to three continuous cycles as long as
they meet the pre-requisites and credits of the current Study Plan.
5.4.6 The enrollment of students who must take subjects in different cycles is specified:
a) In the cycle that has the greatest number of subjects in the Professional Career Study Plan.
b) In the lower cycle if you have the same number of subjects enrolled in two or more cycles.
5.4.7 To enroll, students must meet the following requirements:
a) Have no pending obligations according to your Payment Schedule.
b) Proof of Payment of Tuition and First Installment of the established Schedule.
c) Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences must present the Vaccination Certificate
annually.9 , Medical Certificate of Good Physical Health10 and Good Mental Health11 issued or
endorsed by the Ministry of Health or Health Institution that has an agreement with the San
Juan Bautista Private University. Students of the Professional School of Psychology will
present the certificates according to the standards established by the School.
d) Affidavit of Commitment to Payment signed by the Student and the Financial Responsible 12 .
e) Photocopy of current Health Insurance.
The documentation presented for registration will be part of the University archives, and its
return will not be appropriate for any reason.

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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

5.4.8 Failing the same subject three times results in the student being temporarily separated from
the university for one year. At the end of this period, the student will only be able to enroll in
the subject that he previously failed, to return regularly to his studies in the following cycle. If
you disapprove for the fourth time, your final withdrawal proceeds.13 .
5.4.9 Pedagogical, curricular and administrative flexibility.
Flexibility occurs in the following cases:
a) Enrollment in one or more subjects corresponding to your Study Plan at any of the locations
in Lima or in the Branches, maintaining the conditions of your home location.
b) Enrollment in one or more subjects in another professional career of the University as long
as it is not of lower credit, content and hours than that of your Study Plan (they can be
general and elective courses, none of the specialty or basic career).
c) Enrollment in subjects of the Professional Career Study Plans of those national or foreign
universities with which the University has signed an Agreement as long as the credit,
content and hours are not less than that of their Study Plan.
The conditions for the implementation of flexible enrollment are:
a) In no case above are schedule crossings accepted.
b) Keep your student code

8 Online Registration Module User Manual.

9 Hepatitis B, AH1N1, Tetanus and others that the Professional Schools request for special cases.
10Lung X-ray (annual), PPD (annual), Complete VDRL Test, Complete Blood Count. R. M. Nº383-2006/MINSA.
11 Endorsed by a Professional Psychiatrist with the indication of aptitude for university studies.
12 Financially Responsible is the student himself, representative, guardian, representative or guarantor of the student.
13 Art.102 of the University Law No. 30220.
c) The course code is that of the course where you enroll.
d) The evaluation is in a direct individual report in the virtual classroom.
e) Automatically, each subject must register the registration at the headquarters, branch or
professional career where the registration is approved.
f) The syllabic contents of the subject must coincide.
g) The flexibility between In-Person Modalities, Adult Education and Distance Education occurs
in a maximum of three subjects during the years of professional training and in different
semesters. It can occur between Face-to-Face Modalities, Adult Education and Distance
Education as long as it is one subject at a time and it has been disapproved.
5.4.10 There is Conditional Enrollment for Academic Performance when the student who fails three
consecutive times in the same subject is temporarily separated from the University for one year
and rejoins after having complied with the provisions of the University Law, and must enroll in
the subject that he failed. .
5.4.11 The Registration system will automatically block all registration procedures in the following
- when a student has failed the same subject three times,
- suspension due to disciplinary sanction
- enrollment outside the Academic Calendar approved by the UPSJB
- when there is a crossing of subject schedules

5.5 Late Registration

It is the one that is carried out after the programming established for Enrollment in the Schedule of
Academic Activities. Late Registration will only be accepted during the first three weeks after classes
Late Enrollment is appropriate, as long as it has been authorized by the Director of the Professional
School or the Academic Coordinator of the Professional School in the Branch.

5.6 Registration Rectification

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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

It is the procedure by which the number of subjects on the Enrollment Form is modified, which can be
generated if any of the following cases occur:
a) When the student requests withdrawal from subjects or when he or she wishes to go from
enrollment by subject to regular enrollment or vice versa 14 , as long as it complies with the
provisions of article 5.4.5 of this Regulation.
b) For validation of subjects.
c) By extension of credits, in the last year of studies.
The deadline to request Registration Rectification is until the end of the fourth week of classes.

5.7 Credit Extension

The Extension proceeds for a maximum of 5 additional credits to the one corresponding to the Study
Plan if the student complies with the following two conditions:
a) Have completed Regular Enrollment according to the Study Plan and passed all subjects in the
previous semester according to the current Study Plan.
b) Have a minimum weighted average of thirteen (13) in the previous semester.
Exceptionally, an extension of credits may be requested (only for one subject) in the last cycle of the
The deadline to submit applications is until the end of the second week of classes.

14Rectification of Enrollment from regular student to student by subject only applies in proven cases of work need or health
5.8 Registration Reservation
It is the procedure that allows the student to suspend their studies in order not to generate academic
and administrative information linked to their checking account and record of academic activities.
Enrollment reservations may also be made for entrants who postpone the start of their studies for up
to one (1) year.
In both cases, it is necessary to request Enrollment Reservation, for which you must submit your
request to the Management of the Professional School and indicate the reasons for the request, duly
supported. The Registration Reservation will not exceed three (3) consecutive or alternate years 15 . It
is not required to be enrolled.
If the student has not requested Enrollment Reservation, his/her last name and first name will appear
in the Record with zero zero (00) in each of the subjects in which he/she has enrolled and he/she will
automatically lose his/her status as a student. When the deadlines exceed the periods indicated in
the preceding paragraph, the interested party must request a registration update, corresponding to
the migration to the new current Study Plan, likewise, the equivalence tables between the study
plans will be used in application to the Directive No. 001-2015–VRA. The Registration Reservation
request proceeds from the beginning of the registration process until the third week of the academic
Enrollment Update is the procedure that allows the student to restart their studies after an
Enrollment Reservation. Appropriate, if this is requested 30 days in advance of the start date of
classes according to the corresponding Academic Activities Schedule.
The reservation and updating of registration is authorized by means of an acceptance document from
the Director of the Professional School, Director of the Modalities of Adult Education and Distance
Education or in the Subsidiaries by the General Academic-Administrative Director and must be
communicated to the DRT.

5.9 Reinstatement

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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

It is the procedure by which a student returns after temporary separation for one year due to failing
the same subject three times or for disciplinary reasons. Reinstatement is given only in the subject
that you failed. If you pass on this occasion, you return to your status as a regular student.
Reinstatement is appropriate if requested 30 days prior to the start date of classes, according to the
Academic Activities Schedule of the corresponding semester.

5.10 Internal Transfer

The Internal Transfer of Students between the Professional Careers of the same Faculty at the San
Juan Bautista Private University is applicable for those who have passed at least four semester
teaching periods or seventy-two (72) credits 16 prior verification of the existence of a vacancy. It is
authorized by Dean's or Director's Resolution in the case of Subsidiaries.
The student who requests an internal transfer can validate subjects according to the Regulations for
Convalidations, to do so he must submit a request addressed to the Dean of the Faculty or the
Director of Adult Education and Distance Education Modalities. In the Subsidiaries, addressed to the
General Academic-Administrative Director of the Subsidiary (DGAAF) and in the Adult Education and
Distance Education Modalities to the Director.
The DRT will proceed to enroll using the new student code, the system automatically disabling the
previous code, leaving it only as a historical reference.

5.11 Change of Headquarters, Local or Branch

It is the procedure by which a student transfers from the main, local or subsidiary headquarters to a
subsidiary, local or main headquarters other than the one of origin due to academic, administrative

15 Article 100.11 of University Law No. 30220

16 Art. 98° of University Law No. 30220
and pedagogical flexibility.
The procedures for changing headquarters, premises or branch must preferably be carried out before
the start of classes. They are authorized by the Director of Professional Careers in Face-to-Face
Modalities, Adult Education and Distance Education or the General Academic-Administrative Director
of the Branch.

5.12 Subject Validation

Validation is the process by which applicants for external or internal transfer, who have a university
professional degree, a degree from Higher Institutes or have approved 72 university-level credits 17 ,
subjects are validated after evaluation of syllabic equivalence and subject to the provisions of the
Regulations for Validations of the UPSJB.
At the time of delivering the Certificate of Admission, the Technical Registration Department will
provide the applicant through the Special Examination Modality, in the cases referred to by University
Law No. 30220, the Regulations for Validations and the Schedule prepared by the Academic Vice-
Rector's Office.
The Dean, Director of the Distance Education Modality or the Adult Education Modality and the
DGAAF direct the process for Validation of Subjects following the procedure of the corresponding

5.13 Directed Course

It is the course in which the student of the last cycle of the professional career enrolls, as long as he or
she lacks 22 or more credits to graduate.

The directed course must meet the following conditions:

- Have been previously disapproved and have no prerequisites

Code: REC-RE-10
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

It is considered as an extension of credit for the registration of the last cycle.

Requires permanent evaluation of learning
To enroll in the directed course, the student must have a grade of 13 as a cumulative weighted
average for the penultimate cycle of studies.
That there is no crossover in the schedules of the enrolled courses with the directed course.
That the development of the subject does not entail the use of laboratories, workshops, rooms or
centers for practices.

The guided course takes place in sixteen weeks and must be included in the Academic Calendar and
assigned a teacher who is part of the full-time teaching staff. The development of the course does not
involve classroom classes. The course is given with weekly work sessions with topics programmed by
the teacher who verifies compliance. The student demonstrates the academic activity carried out
through weekly reports. The directed course will only be offered in person and in adult education.

5.14 Directorial Resolutions Issued in the Subsidiaries

The General Academic-Administrative Director of the Subsidiary issues Directorial Resolutions when
required by internal procedures of the Subsidiary. These resolutions will bear the signature of the Sub-
Secretary General and must be processed in other academic-administrative management units under the
same conditions as a Dean's Resolution.
The procedures that are authorized by DGAAF Directorial Resolution are:
— Resolution of Change of program.
— Resolution of Internal Transfer.
— Validation Resolution for subjects (due to internal or external transfer).
— Resolution of Exam of Correction.
— Resolution of Graduate.

17 Art. 98° of University Law No. 30220

— Resolution authorizing University Extension and Projection activities.
— Resolution of Appointment of Guardians.
— Resolution of Sanctions for students.
— Others in exceptional cases and in matters within their strict jurisdiction.
Procedures related to registration reservations, transfers, reinstatement, change of headquarters, premises
or branch, registration update are authorized with acceptance documentation.
In the case of Adaptation of Study Plans for students who migrate from their initial Study Plan to the current
Plan, the Dean approves the file following a report of compliance with the Equivalences signed by the
Director. In the Subsidiaries, approval is granted by the DGAAF following a report from the Academic
Coordinator of the Professional School.

The tutors are proposed by the Director of the Professional School, Director of Professional Careers in the
Modalities of Adult Education and Distance Education or the General Academic Administrative Director of
the Branch among the full-time teachers of the UPSJB with the report of the Tutoring Management or its
representative in premises and subsidiaries on compliance with the established requirements.

6.1 If the student reaches 30% absence from the sessions scheduled for the academic semester
(theoretical, practical or laboratory), including absences due to illness, he/she will not be able to take
a postponed exam. System18 will automatically block the Student's Attendance and Evaluation
Record, generating the notation LDI which means Limit of Absences.
Attendance at theoretical and practical classes is recorded separately.
Module for Recording Syllabic Progress, Attendance and Student Evaluation located in the Virtual Classroom of the “San Juan en Línea”
Intranet .
Code: REC-RE-10
/C/E Lhd « E S---IWWN K

Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

The student has ten minutes of grace to enter classes. The teacher and the coordinator of the
professional career are responsible for compliance with what is established.
The student must enroll again in the subject because it is considered that he or she has failed the
6.2 Classes will last 45 minutes.18 .
6.3 Teachers must record student attendance in the Virtual Classroom – Attendance Control Record 19 .
6.4 Compliance with the academic activities scheduled in Silabo is controlled by the Academic
Coordinators of the Professional Schools in each Headquarters, Local or Branch and supervised, as
appropriate, by the Director of the Professional School or by the General Academic - Administrative
Director of the School. Subsidiary in the Format prepared by the Professional Career for this purpose
and must report to the Director of the Professional School, Director of the Modality, Adult Education
or Distance Education or Subsidiary as appropriate. It is the responsibility of the Director to send a
consolidated report to the Dean of the Faculty to which he belongs.
6.5 It is the responsibility of the Academic Coordinator of the Professional School to enforce the
provisions related to Clothing.20 . The teacher will support compliance with this provision.
6.6 Teachers must attend all academic activities in formal clothing.
6.7 Teachers are evaluated in the performance of their academic functions by the corresponding
authority and by the students.

The syllable of the subject is a management guide for the teaching-learning process, mandatory for teachers
and students. It serves to monitor and control the development of the academic units contained therein.
The coordinators have the responsibility of registering in the Virtual Classroom the programming of the
teaching activities of the subject and disseminating the material indicated in section 4.12 before the start of

18Resolution Nº002-2016-VRA-UPJB
19 Located on the “San Juan en Línea” Intranet.
20 See Directive of the Academic Vice-Rector's Office N°VRA-DI-006-Student clothing by professional career
the first class of each academic semester.
Teachers must record the Syllabic Advancement in the Virtual Classroom – Syllabic Advancement Record 21 .


8.1 The learning evaluation strategies must be contained in the Syllabus of the subject and are governed
by the provisions of the Directive for the Preparation of Syllabus.
8.2 Formative evaluations are carried out in the fifth, tenth and sixteenth weeks, the latter with
suspension of classes.
8.3 The teacher is responsible for designing and updating the evaluation instruments in accordance with
the contents of the Silabo and what is established in the preceding articles.
8.4 The teacher responsible for the subject of a Professional School at the headquarters and branches
prepares the competency evaluation test referring to knowledge, product and attitudes, as well as
the exams for latecomers and postponers.
Formative Evaluation (FE)24 has the following features:
a) It is the average of programmed grades of:
C = Knowledge,
P = product (academic activities in classrooms, laboratories, practical reading comprehension,
cases, dynamics or others that are considered appropriate for the subject)
A = attitudes.

Code: REC-RE-10
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

b) Three evaluations are carried out: Formative Evaluation 1, Formative Evaluation 2 and Formative
Evaluation 3, in the 5th, 10th and 16th week, respectively.
The subject contains three thematic units that correspond to each formative evaluation.
c) In each evaluation The following weighting (P) is applied:
1. AIM 2
2. SCOPE 3
Laggard Exam 12
Postponed Exam 12
Correction Examination 13

21 Located on the Intranet “San Juan en Línea”

22 Competency Learning Assessment System approved by Rectoral Resolution No. 468-2014-R-UPSJB
23 Rectoral Resolution N°280-2015-R-UPSJB (08/17/2015)
24 Competency Learning Assessment System approved by Rectoral Resolution No. 468-2014-R-UPSJB
Anthem of the 17
San Juan Bautista Private University 17

d) The teacher must apply a knowledge evaluation, three product evaluations and an attitude
evaluation for each formative evaluation.
e) Each formative evaluation constitutes the weighted average of the qualification obtained in
knowledge, product and attitudes; totaling nine weighted notes. The rating of each unit is
obtained according to the following formula:

Formative Evaluation = (Note C * 2 + 1st Note P * 2 + 2nd Note P * 2 + 3rd Note P * 2 + Note A * 1 ) / 9

8.5 The final average grade is obtained by applying the established weighting to the following
Assessment Training 1: 30%
Assessment Training 2: 30%
Assessment Training 3: 30%
Assessment Formative Research25 : 5%
University Extension Evaluation and
Social projection26 : 5%

The Final Average formula is:

Final Average Grade = Ev. Training 1 * 0.30 + Ev. Training 2 * 0.30 + Ev. Training 3 * 0.30 + Ev. Research Form. * 0.05 + Ev. Ext. Univ and
Proy. Soc. * 0.05

8.6 Formative evaluations are applied to all professional careers in all subjects included in the new
8.7 The teacher is responsible for the security of the tests before printing, during their administration and
after grading. This responsibility concludes once the grades are entered in the Virtual Classroom –
Evaluation Registry.
The teacher's presence is mandatory during the exam.
In the UPSJB no substitute exams are applied.
8.8 The grading system is vigesimal (from 01 to 20). The range of disapproval of a subject in the final
average is from 1 to 10, and the range of approval is from 11 to 20 as a result of rounding to the next
higher whole number. The teacher grades with up to two decimal places and the computer evaluation
platform calculates the grades with decimal places. Only Certificates are issued with notes expressed
in whole numbers. Certificates of Merit are expressed in decimals.
8.9 Evaluations in which the student has not participated are recorded with Zero 27 equivalent to NSP.
8.10 Plagiarism is a serious offense. The student who commits it will be subject to the sanction established
in the Disciplinary Regulations following a disciplinary process. The teacher will cancel the exam, test,
work or other academic activity and will record the grade of Zero.
The teacher must remove the student from the classroom when he has detected him committing
plagiarism and will prepare a report on the incident to be delivered to the Director of the Professional
School or the DGAAF, as appropriate; the same day the offense was committed, accompanied by the
corresponding evidence (Test, Work or other), for referral to the Student Discipline Committee.

Code: REC-RE-10
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

8.11 The student can access their grades through the Intranet through the “My Grades” module and from
the “UPSJB APP” mobile application.
8.12 The teacher will deliver to the Professional School28 :
25 Formative Research Evaluation System approved by Rectoral Resolution Nº473-2014-R-UPSJB
26 University Extension and Social Projection Evaluation System approved by Rectoral Resolution No. 474-2014-R-UPSJB
27Virtual Classroom - Attendance Record located on the Intranet “San Juan en Línea
28 The types of evaluation are detailed in the Regulations of each Faculty and the Regulations for Preparation of Silabo.
a) The evidence of the formative evaluation with the qualifications obtained for “knowledge” and
“product”. In the case of the evaluation corresponding to “attitude”, the evidence is constituted by
a Check List of criteria or parameters with the qualification obtained for that item.
b) The evidence of Formative Research evaluation.
c) The evidence of the evaluation of the Social Projection Activity.
8.13 Each Faculty establishes, in coordination with its Professional Schools, the internal rules that allow it
to complement what is established in this Regulation regarding evaluations within the framework of
what is established in the Competency Learning Evaluation System, Formative Research Evaluation
System. and the Evaluation System of University Extension and Social Projection.
8.14 Academic Activities will be evaluated according to what is programmed in the Syllabus. The teacher is
responsible for recording the class carried out 29 . The Professional School Coordinator is responsible
for controlling the coincidence of the syllabic content with the class carried out by the teacher and
informing the Director of the School for the improvement actions that must be carried out in the
event of non-compliance.
8.15 The items and the number of evaluations are invariable30 .
8.16 The Final Grade per subject is the Average Grade in the case of approved students, and the Failed
Grade in the case of disapproved students. The final grade per subject is the average grade in the
cases of approved students and the Failed Grades in the case of disapproved students. The final
deadline to request rectification of grades is 15 business days after the closing of the Minutes, they
will not be accepted for There is no reason for a request to correct grades after the established
deadline, being declared inadmissible and untimely in order to safeguard the integrity of the final
average and the order of merit.
8.17 The student who fails for the third time in a subject is temporarily separated for a period of two
academic semesters in accordance with the provisions of section 101.2 of University Law No. 30220.

Laggard Exam
8.18 The student who does not take the first or second formative evaluation on the date scheduled in the
Schedule of Academic Activities, may request, upon payment and starting 24 hours after the
completion of the evaluation, to have the Lagging Exam taken in the class following Formative
Assessments 1 or 2. Otherwise, Zero equivalent to NSP will be recorded.

8.19 There is only a Lagging Exam for Formative Assessments 1 and 2 in the knowledge area. The teacher is
obliged to record the student's product and attitude grade for the period evaluated until the date of
entry of the lagging grade.
It is a requirement to take the lagging exam that the student submits a request to the Director of the
Professional School or General Academic - Administrative Director of the Branch, explaining the
reason for his or her absence.
The Academic Coordinator of the Professional Career is responsible for complying with the Schedule
for the Lagging Exam established by the Director of the Professional School.
The established date to take the Lagging Exam is in the class following the Formative Evaluation.

Postponed Exam

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Regulation of

Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB

Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

8.20 The Postponed Exam is for the student who has obtained a failing grade greater than or equal to 05
(Zero Five) in the final average.
The student who has only had a Formative Evaluation at the end of the Cycle will not have the right to
take a Postponed Exam and the System will automatically record a final grade of zero zero (00).
The Postponed written exam consists of knowledge and Product evaluation questions (to verify
competencies in the practical field). The evidence of the Postponed Exam must be delivered to the
Directorate of the Professional School in the In-Person Modalities, Adult Education and Distance

29 See Article 7 of this Regulation

30With the exception of evaluations for Academic Activities corresponding to the Curriculum that is being finalized.
Education or the Coordination of the Professional Career of the Subsidiary.
The maximum grade for the postponement is twelve (12).
It is a requirement to take a postponed exam that the student submits a request to the Director of
the Professional School or General Academic - Administrative Director of the Branch.

Correction Examination
8.21 The student who fails in a maximum of two specialty subjects at the end of his/her Professional
Degree may take remedial exams for said courses 30 days after completing the academic activities of
the current semester.
Exceptionally, students of the Faculty of Health Sciences will have two remedial opportunities: upon
completion of Basic Sciences and upon completion of Clinical Sciences. Each opportunity will only
allow correction of two courses that correspond to the cycles that comprise them. No correction is
appropriate for Hospital Internment.
To be eligible for the Remediation Exam, you must be enrolled and have attended at least 70% of the
sessions scheduled in the Syllabus of the subject.
It is a requirement to take a remedial exam that the student submits a request to the Dean of the
Faculty or General Academic - Administrative Director of the Branch for the issuance of the Dean's or
Director's Resolution as appropriate.
The Correction exam consists of questions on knowledge and evaluation of the Product. The evidence
of the Remediation Exam must be delivered to the Directorate of the Professional School in the In-
Person Modalities, Adult Education or Distance Education or to the Professional Career Coordination
of the Subsidiary, as appropriate, for the report of the Dean's Office or DGAAF.
The DRT is responsible for recording the grade of the remedial exam in the Virtual Classroom, having
in view the Dean's Report and the Dean's Resolution of authorization. In the Subsidiaries, the DRT of
the Subsidiary records the qualification having in view the Report and the Directorial Resolution of
authorization of the DGAAF.


It is a document per subject in which the:
9.1The attendance of enrolled students.
9.2The notes of the formative evaluations (knowledge, product and attitude).
9.3Qualification of formative research.
9.4Qualification of social projection activities;
9.5Final average
9.6Postponement note.

The registration of evaluations is carried out in the Virtual Classroom option: Evaluation Registration.
9.1 Teachers are authorized to record in the Virtual Classroom Attendance and Evaluation Control Record
the attendance and evaluations of students enrolled late within the deadlines established in the
Academic Schedule.
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Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

9.2 Student attendance registration must be completed within 72 hours of completing each class, after
which this option is automatically closed.
Only in cases of late registration will the attendance record be made by the teacher until the
established closing date.
The grade corresponding to formative evaluation 1, 2, 3 can be reviewed by the student until the next
class session. Once the grade has been entered into the system by the teacher and the Minutes have
been closed, there is no room for rectification of grades.
9.3 The subject teacher is the one who records all attendance and grades.
9.4 The recording of grades must be done immediately after having completed the deferred and remedial
exams, as appropriate.
9.5 The maximum period for confirming evaluations in the System is 72 hours once the grade has been
entered. Once this expires, the option is automatically closed and the corresponding Evaluation
Record is generated.
The teacher who fails to comply with this section is subject to a notification issued by the System that
will be brought to the attention of the Professional School and the Human Resources Management
for inclusion in their Personal File.
The Academic Coordinator is responsible for monitoring compliance with this provision.
9.6 Teachers can access the Syllabus of the subject, the Curriculum, Schedule of their subject, the Schedule
of Academic Activities, the Regulation of Academic Activities, the Evaluation System of Learning by
Competencies, the Evaluation System of Formative Research, via the Virtual Classroom, University
Extension and Social Projection Evaluation System and the Directive for the Preparation of Syllables.


It is a document that contains the student grades corresponding to each evaluation applied by the teacher
and are stored in the University database, from which physical reports can be obtained, as required.
The Final Evaluation Record contains the Average of all the student's grades obtained in a subject. Control
of the issuance of this document is the responsibility of the Technical Registration Department. The
Technical Record Department constitutes a physical file of Final Evaluation Minutes.
For the Minutes to be valid, they must bear the signature of the Head of the DRT and the Academic Vice-
Rector. In the Subsidiaries, the person in charge of this Unit and the General Academic - Administrative
Director of the Subsidiary.
If the teacher made a typing error or omission when entering the grades in the Syllabic Progress,
Attendance and Student Evaluation Record Module, he or she will request the Dean, after justification, to
rectify the Record within 72 hours after typing. of the grades of each Formative Evaluation. The DRT will
process the rectification with the approval of the Dean.
Once the deadline for registering grades has passed, the Academic Coordinator of the Professional School
must prepare and disseminate the Postponement Exam Schedule, informing teachers of the list of
students who must take this exam.
The data recorded by teachers in the Attendance, Syllabic Progress and Evaluation Recording Module and
the Student Notes Recording Module have the computer security measures established by the Information
Systems Directorate.


11.1 Infractions committed by teachers and students will be sanctioned as established in University Law
No. 30220 by articles 87º, 89º, 90º, 92º, 93º, 94º and 95º in the case of teachers; and, by articles 99
and 101 in the case of students.

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Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

11.2 The UPSJB has a Court of Honor in charge of issuing value judgments on any ethical issue in which a
member of the university community is involved, and proposes, as appropriate, the corresponding
sanctions to the University Council.
11.3 Plagiarism is a serious lack of ethical character. The student who is found committing plagiarism will
be removed from the Test and graded Zero Zero in the evaluations in which plagiarism was
detected. The teacher will inform the Director of the Professional School or the Directors of the
Modalities of Adult Education or Distance Education, as appropriate, about the offense committed
by the student.
11.4 In addition to what is established in the University Law, the UPSJB considers the following duties of
a) Attend classes punctually.
b) Respect the established schedule.
c) Respect your fellow students in word and deed.
d) Respect in word and deed the Authorities, teachers and students.
e) Comply with the rules indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the subject and during the
development of the classes.
f) Maintain appropriate behavior and dress appropriately.
g) Follow the teacher's instructions during academic activities.
h) Keep cell phones or other similar phones off during academic activities. i) Request consent from
the teacher to leave the classroom.
j) Comply with University regulations.
11.5 The following also constitute serious offenses by members of the university community:
a) promote, participate or collaborate in the commission of acts of violence that cause personal
and/or material damage that alter the normal development of academic and administrative
b) Use the university environments and facilities for purposes other than those of university
teaching, administration and well-being.
The applicable sanctions for each case are:
a) separation from the university without prejudice to any criminal actions that may arise.
b) expulsion from the university and placed at the disposal of the corresponding authority.
11.6 Enrollment is automatically canceled when the student is separated for disciplinary reasons, losing
all rights at the University.
11.7 It is prohibited for any member of the university community to carry, consume, share and/or sell
alcoholic beverages or narcotics, illicit drugs and psychotropic substances within University facilities.
11.8 In all activities of social projection, university extension, pre-professional, social cultural, academic,
sports and other practices carried out or promoted by the University inside or outside its facilities
(headquarters and/or branches) where the student represents or participates. As such, you must
observe good conduct with other people and property. Otherwise, you may be sanctioned according
to the seriousness of the misconduct.

An occurrence is generated in the Library System when the student or teacher damages or loses
bibliographic material that has been delivered to them. In the case of science, computing or engineering
laboratories, the occurrence is generated when materials, supplies, tools or equipment used deteriorate or
are lost during their stay in these environments. These must be noted in the Occurrence Record Module of
the Systems Directorate.
12.1 If the person responsible for the occurrence is a teacher, the Head of the respective Unit records it
in the corresponding format, which must be signed by the causer, indicating the modality of
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

compensation. This document will be part of the teacher's file for any personnel actions that may
12.2 If the person responsible for the occurrence is a student, the Head of the respective Unit records it
in the corresponding form, which must be signed by the causer, indicating the type of
compensation. This document will be part of the student's file for the actions that correspond to the
registration process for the following academic year, issuance of certificates, certificates or the
academic degree.


13.1 Depending on the institutional requirements and during the student's training, the UPSJB reserves
the right to establish or change the Headquarters, Premises and/or Study Branches, schedule
Academic Cycles, Shifts, assign teachers, teaching load and readjust their study scales. payments
and arrears.
13.2 Requests from teachers or students linked to the contestable procedures of this Regulation must be
presented to the corresponding authority or academic official of the Headquarters or Branch, as the
case may be. These requests are resolved in accordance with institutional regulations and following
the General Administrative Procedure until all internal instances of the UPSJB have been exhausted.
Only once this internal route has been exhausted, the teacher or student may resort to an extra-
university instance.
13.3 Communications between the Teacher or the student with the Professional School must be made
using the assigned institutional email.
13.4 The rules and provisions that oppose this Regulation are void.
13.5 Cases not provided for in this Regulation may be brought to the attention of the corresponding

Chorrillos, July 2017

Dr. Rafael Urrelo Guerra Dr. Reynaldo Chávez Ríos

Rector of UPSJB Secretary General of the UPSJB
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Version: 6.5
Regulation of Approval Document: Resolution No. 310 -2017-R-UPSJB
Academic activities Approval date: 14 /07/ 2017

Anthem of the
San Juan Bautista Private University
Holding hands
looking at the sun rising
with our happy face
marching very united.

The Peruvian people

and people in general
applaud our efforts
by the University.

We are the future of Peru

we are the greatness of Peru
a sovereign homeland
with new concern.

Saint John Baptist

Emporium of knowledge,
Saint John Baptist
our university.

United we will march

Peru is all ours
We are San Juaninos,
We owe it to Peru.

We are the future of Peru

we are the greatness of Peru
a sovereign homeland
with new concern.


RA,RA,RA ...!!!!

Author of Lyrics and Music:

Mr. Luis Abraham Elías

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