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Medical mathematics or medical and biological mathematics is an

interdisciplinary field of science in which mathematics explains
phenomena, processes or events associated with medicine or biology.
These can be used in the analysis or solution of problems belonging to the
area of health sciences or medicine. Many mathematical methods have
been effective in the study of health problems.

This seeks to develop mathematics "towards health", that is, towards the
scope of the health-disease process. And, to a lesser extent, "inwards", that
is, towards the development of mathematics itself.

Applied mathematics is frequently used in different areas of medicine.

Areas of mathematics with frequent applications to medicine:

· Calculus specifically the algorithm is applied to epidemiology and the

logarithm to immunology.

· Statistics, in biostatistics.

· Calculation of variations, calculating deviations from the mean in clinic


· Stochastic process applies to echocardiography and electroencephalography,

as well as to other biomedical methods.

· Propositional logic in medical informatics.

· Oncology

· Immunology, as in the Kaerber method and the Reed and Muench method

· Virology

· Human physiology, such as in the analysis of metabolic control and arterial

blood gases

· Diagnostic instruments, such as electroencephalography and


· Medical informatics, such as Cytoscape and STING

· Epidemiology, as in mathematical modeling of epidemics and biostatistics

· Genetics, as in gene prediction, genotypic frequency and gene frequency

With the spectacular development of science in our time and with the
invasive emergence of computers with great computing power, the
importance of mathematics has acquired surprising dimensions to the point
of invading, without us realizing it, our entire daily lives.

We are all aware that the computer is present in countless aspects of daily
life: medicine, computer animation, control of mechanisms, data analysis,
verification and security of transactions, process simulation, etc.

But few realize that the structural bricks that allow the computer to do
what it does are complex mathematical theories of information, fluid and
gas mechanics, computational geometry, and many others.
They have discovered a mathematical method that, applied to medical
images, allows us to determine the limits of prostate, lung and bladder
According to university sources, the formula represents an important step
since any method to treat a tumor, from removal to the use of radiotherapy,
requires precise knowledge of the limits of the tumor so that the treatment
maximizes the chances of cure and reduces the effects. on nearby healthy
Until now, on an image captured by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic
resonance imaging, the doctor draws a perimeter within which the
cancerous tissue is located.
Power law distribution can be applied to medicine
Japanese scientists have devised a mathematical method for diagnosing
depression based on graphs measuring the movement of patients. By
comparing the activity of a group of healthy people with that of another
group of depressed people, they managed to establish certain differences in
both cases, which could be used to objectively measure this disease. The
tool would serve to improve diagnosis and refine the application of
People with depression act differently than healthy people, but can this
difference in behavior be measured?
A collaboration between physicists and psychiatrists has thus led to a
possible objective measurement of depression, thanks to the application of
a mathematical relationship known as power-law distribution.

The power-law distribution, which has been observed in phenomena as

diverse as the magnitudes of earthquakes, the size of personal fortunes or
the number of visits to a website, had however never been applied to the
field of medicine. .
Mathematics in obstetrics helps us determine the appropriate size of the
birth canal by determining the appropriate measurements and angles for
delivery. This is determined according to the gestational age and the size of
the vaginal canal of the parturient.
What causes lacerations?
A difficult delivery or injury to the baby can occur due to the size of the
baby or the position of the baby during delivery. Conditions that may be
associated with a difficult birth include, but are
not limited to, the following:
· Large babies birth weight greater than 4000
grams (8 pounds and 13 ounces) Babies born
before 37 weeks (premature babies have more
fragile bodies and can be more easily injured)
· Cephalo-pelvic disproportion - the size and shape
of the mother's pelvis is not suitable for the
baby to be born vaginally.
· Dystocia- difficult labor or delivery
· Prolonged labor
· Abnormal presentation during childbirth- like breech (buttocks first)...
The greatest impact in the area of reproductive medicine - these
researchers have described a novel formula that allows predicting the
possibility of pregnancy and multiple pregnancies for each couple based on
the center's implantation rate and the number of embryos to be transferred.

In this way, various theoretical possibilities can be established so that it is

possible to choose the one that offers the maximum possibility of
pregnancy, with an acceptable risk of multiple pregnancy for the couple.
In the course of their research, experts have discovered the striking fact
that embryos help each other implant. The chances of multiple pregnancies
occurring can be up to 40 times greater than what would be the case if the
implantation of each embryo were independent of that of the others.
After working with five different mathematical models, the authors
concluded that the most accurate model is the collaborative model. It is
expected that this formula constitutes an important tool to reduce the risk
of multiple pregnancy without reducing the chances of pregnancy.
The rhythm method, also known as the calendar or Ogino-Knaus method, is
one of the oldest natural contraceptive techniques that exist. Through it,
women can estimate their fertile days and abstain from having unprotected
In any case, it should be noted that like all these procedures that do not
involve condoms or hormonal treatments, it is not 100% safe, so its
effectiveness must be taken with a grain of salt.
To calculate the date of ovulation, a mathematical formula is used on the
dates on which the woman menstruated and therefore it is necessary to
collect exact information for several months in order to make an estimated
For example, if 28 days pass between one period and another, the woman
would ovulate in the middle of the cycle on day 14, so during the 7 days
before and the 7 following that date she should take care of herself with a
barrier method to avoid pregnancy since sperm can live for 1 week inside
the uterus.
A group of cognitive neuroscientists has shown that babies have an
abstract number sense that allows them to relate the number of voices they
hear to a given number of faces. This implies that babies have numerical
concepts incorporated into their brains, even before they are born, and they
develop as they grow.
Mathematics against cancer
Based on differential equations, we attempt to establish how angiostatin, a
natural protein, controls metastasis.
Although at first glance it seems that it has nothing to do with the fight
against cancer, mathematics is an instrument that can be used to reveal
the secrets of metastasis (dissemination of a primary malignant tumor,
generally through blood or lymph, to organs). distant).

As far as UNAM is concerned, since 1997, Catherine García Reimbert, head

of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Institute for
Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS), has been designing,
with the support of her collaborators, models to understand and predict
certain aspects of solid tumors, as well as to suggest more precise
experiments around them.
Using differential equations, he tries to find out how angiostatin, an
antiangiogenic substance, controls metastasis.
Doctors use mathematics every day. Different types of doctors use mathematics to make different
calculations. Regardless of the doctor's specialty or the particular calculation, mathematics plays
an important role in medicine, because people's lives are involved. Being accurate in math is very
important because an overdose can lead to serious consequences, even death.

Medicine administration
Doctors use math for the simplest situations, such as how much medication to give a specific
person based on weight. For example: If a patient is to receive 1 teaspoon per 50 pounds (22 kg)
of weight, the doctor will have to calculate the exact amount that a person weighing 175 pounds
(79 kg) should take. In this case, 175 divided by 50 is 3.5, so the doctor will tell the patient to take
3.5 teaspoons of the medicine.

Additionally, doctors also have to calculate the time that the particular medication will remain in the
patient's system.

Calculating ideals

George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

A doctor often determines whether a person is overweight, underweight, or at their ideal weight.
According to the University of Detroit Mercy, it's not an easy calculation to determine this: women
should have a base weight of 105 pounds (47k) and add an additional 5 pounds (2.26k) for every
inch (2.26k). 54 cm) exceeding 5 feet (1.52 m). Men must have a basic weight of 106 pounds (48
k) and an extra 6 pounds (2.72 k) must be added for each inch over 5 feet (1.52 m).

For example, a woman who is 5 feet 7 inches (1.69 m) tall should weigh 105 (47 k) plus an
additional 35 pounds (15 k) (7 inches multiplied by 5 pounds) for a total weight of 140 pounds (63

Monitoring a pregnancy
Monitoring a baby in a woman's womb relies heavily on math and numbers.

When first determining a pregnancy, urine tests are performed that have a numerical reading of the
pregnancy hormone, or hCG, levels. The particular number will allow a doctor to determine how
long the woman was pregnant at the time of the sample.

Ultrasounds are performed at different points in pregnancy to evaluate whether the size and
dimensions of the baby and organs correlate with the size of a healthy baby.

If there are complications, the woman may need to take specific supplements, such as
progesterone, heparin, or baby aspirin. Each supplement must be taken in accordance with a
doctor's calculations to be safe for the growing fetus.

Specialized doctors: radiologists and neurologists

A radiologist is a doctor who uses radiation for treatments and who uses mathematics to determine
the exact treatment needed. A radiologist will use radiation to kill a specific type of cancer. A doctor
would have to calculate the amount of radiation for the particular type of cancer, as well as for the
particular person.

X-rays and CT scans require the use of mathematical algorithms. However, with advances in
technology, many hospitals have adapted equipment to run algorithms for radiologists, which
would have been previously calculated by the professional.

Another type of doctor, called a neurologist, works with patients who have epilepsy. These doctors
use a test called EEG, also known as an electro-encephalogram, to evaluate stress on brain
activities. If there is something abnormal, it can be detected by calculating the sums or differences
in relation to what the normal voltage of the brain should be.

Other general uses

According to Math Central, the numbers help a doctor with understanding their patient's condition
and can also serve as warning signs of infection or disease.

For example, white blood cell counts are typically provided as a number between 4 and 10,
according to Math Central. However, the number must be multiplied by 1,000 to understand how
many white blood cells are in each drop of blood. For example, a number of 4.3 means that there
are 4,300 white cells in each drop of blood. If the number is not within the normal range, this will
serve as a warning sign of something more serious.
Applications of mathematics in medicine or surgery?

Here is the answer to what you request:

I respond to you not only as a doctor, nor only as a person who loves
mathematics among other things after Medicine and Research, but as someone
who recognizes, respects and values the contribution of Mathematical
Sciences to our world of Medicine. What I personally call, "My everyday Medical
Mathematics" XD

... Mathematics permeates the entire task of human activity, in Medical

Sciences it is fundamental as well as the associations of physics, chemistry
and others. However, Mathematics in its interaction has promoted Medicine
and at the same time it uses it more and more with greater precision each time
because the health of a human organism is represented quantifiably and every
imbalance leads to pathologies before which we Doctors propose through
Medicine the best ways to restore balance to the health of our patients and one
of the best ways is provided by Mathematics, although not exclusively.

... Regarding non-surgical medicine, it is used for the doses of medications, for
the calculation and adjustment of doses in people with problems such as
insufficiency, in physiology to see renal filtration volumes, blood pressure, but
mainly everything that concerns pharmacology not only for doses, but also in
relation to pH balances, or having a better analysis depending on the cases.
Also in blood transfusions, in measurements in pediatrics such as BMI, or what
an infant should increase as it grows and to know if its growth and
development is normal, in pulmonology, in gastroenterology, hematology, in
hepatology, in every part of it. .

... As far as Surgical Medicine is concerned, it is mainly used in calculations

and applications of anesthesia for surgery, several elements are calculated to
know quantity, maintenance, according to the weight of the patient,
mathematics is used not only for doses, but also in regards to pH balances, or
having a better analysis depending on the cases. Also in this field, it must be
taken into account that in specialties such as plastic surgery, geometry,
angles, planes, etc. are studied and applied.

... All calculations for our patients are individual as they themselves are and
although the majority will not use pre-calculus, analytical geometry, integral
and differential calculus, linear algebra, etc., those of us who do lifelong
research and deepening in certain areas such as innovations surgical,
biomedicine, even computer bio-medicine, we will use every branch of
mathematics that is necessary and of course we cannot ignore statistics and
statistical analysis, which are frequently used by everyone in the area, as well
as the formulas that relate important items that help not only to understand the
behaviors of syndromes and diseases but also to be the map for more specific
treatment approaches.

Ready Gabriela!! A pleasure to be able to help you!!

Successes!! :D

Source(s): Human Medicine

BRILLANTISIMA · 8 years ago

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If you want to resort to surgery if you have kidney stones because it is a quick
method then you should think twice because this procedure is quite risky and
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The No More Kidney Stones software is undoubtedly a formidable program for
those who suffer from this disease.

Ramon · 1 year ago

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It is not the first time that I have bought RAM memories from here and they
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? · 3 years ago

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MOBSY MALONE · 8 years ago

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There is no specific field of application in medicine.

Although for the measurement of doses among others, it could be defined as

the use of basic mathematics and chemistry with their respective formulas.

In surgical medicine, you could say that unless you are in charge of
programming the machines it is very difficult for you to use advanced

In can know nothing more than algebra and there is no


You will NEVER use pre-calculus, analytical geometry, integral and differential
calculus, linear algebra etc etc etc......

At least not directly...

Krlos Rosenkreuz · 8 years ago

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Ok well... let's divide it into non-surgical and surgical medicine...

In non-surgical it is used for the doses of medications... to adjust those same
doses in people with problems such as insufficiency, in physiology to see renal
filtration volumes, cardiac output, but mainly everything that respects
pharmacology. Also in blood transfusions, in measurements in pediatrics such
as BMI, or what a child should increase as they grow, to know if their growth
and development is normal... in hematology, in pulmonology, in
gastroenterology too, in hepatology... .etc...

Second, in the case of surgery, it is mainly used in anesthesia issues for

surgery. Many things have to be calculated to know what dose of anesthesia
should be given to begin with, how much should be maintained, how often,
depending on the patient's weight. ..

In short, he who chose medicine as an escape from mathematics is wrong...

and each patient is different, which is why their respective calculations must
be made for each one...



Source(s): Faculty of Medicine...

Mar Minerva · 8 years ago

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Hello, well, first of all, greetings, I hope you are well. Well, regarding your
question, look, I thought I could escape from mathematics by entering
medicine and well, no, unfortunately one can never escape from them, we are
surrounded hahahahahahahaha, well, why? I say this well because constantly
in the application of medicine we need to count how many ml or gr or the usual
measures of medication must be applied, this is for example applying 3 ml of a
certain medication and well, just as truthfully, there we are occupying the
mathematics, in an elementary way but they are occupied, and well even more
complex ones (so to speak) such as the calculation of creatinine clearance,
calculating electrolytes, calculating urine elimination and so on countless
calculations in the which have to be made using formulas and well obviously
mathematics, in surgeries well in that field we can also use mathematics from
measurements to the use of some automated instruments (surgeries with
robots) which obviously require mathematics to program them etc.
Well, I say goodbye, I hope I have helped with your question. Greetings and see
you soon.
Mathematics is very useful in multiple disciplines of Medicine: ‣ Epidemiology (spread of infectious diseases). ‣
Pharmacokinetics. ‣ Prosthesis design. ‣ Planning and evaluation of control and prevention plans. ‣ Control and
analysis of clinical experiments. ‣ Economic impact of health measures. ‣ Etc

Applications of Mathematics in Medicine

The field of application of mathematics in medical education is very broad,
for example there are dosage (amount and method of use of a medication), pharmacology (mechanism of action of a
medication and concentrations), radiology (remember that diagnostic images are capable of being measured in two and
even three dimensions), the clinical laboratory (their values are expressed in numbers). Wherever you want you will find
the mathematics, in the case of calculating the date for a birth, there you will take the date of your last period, you will
add 7 to the day and you will add 9 to the month, and you will always obtain 40 weeks of pregnancy or what is the same
280 days (40 weeks) x 7 days). The examples are many.

Mathematics has application in all aspects of human life. In medicine we have to deal with doses that have to be
calculated according to the weight and size of each individual. If one does not know the minimum of mathematics, the
patient runs the risk of losing his life due to an accidental overdose. And that still happens in real life.


To better understand the dynamics of medicine, it is convenient to take into account a historical perspective. Let us
remember that the conception of the world and the Western value system until the 16th and 17th centuries were based
on Greek doctrines and Christian theology.

During the Renaissance, to solve the problems in which great disasters of various types manifested themselves, such as
epidemic diseases, they resorted to "science" to provide different answers and solutions to the already traditional ones.

This science is largely based on the ideas and postulates of the French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes
(1596-1650) and the English mathematician and philosopher Isaac Newton (1642-1727).

Descartes gave importance to dualism (material body and immaterial spirit) and the mechanical nature of external nature,
considering the human body as a simple but enormously ingenious organism.

Newton then developed a theory of the world; discovered the laws of universal gravitation, laws based on Euclid's
geometry, the equations of calculus.

In this conceptual framework of space and absolute time, certain particles were considered endowed with movement,
such as atoms that mathematically obeyed physical laws, in such a way that the effects of a known phenomenon or thing
could be followed and calculated. Based on the above, the world was compared to a clock, an instrument with which a
large number of phenomena, if not all, could be understood.

The scientific paradigm had a deterministic vision and a predictive capacity. These ideas led to scientists and technicians
calculating, manipulating and controlling the observable world in ways not thought of before the Cartesian revolution.
Thus, large bridges, dams, x-ray machines, airplanes and other advances of civilization arose (in the last hundred years)
by virtue of human interest.
Today the scientific concept rejects the "Philosophy of the clock", since there is a systematic conception: the whole is
divided into elements and these are interconnected, but not necessarily as a chain of causes and effects.

Euclidean geometry, based on evidence and deductions, which man studied and used for nearly two millennia, is out of
time; When applied to nature, mathematics based on calculus and differential equations are only approximations to the
real world, losing importance when it comes to explaining the why of the composition of proteins, the size of trees or
conduction in the nervious system.

Currently there are "new" mathematics, which have qualitative and quantitative characteristics that have given rise to
topology, knot theory, chaos theory and fractal geometry, all related to the complexity of linear systems. These terms,
with new connotations, are giving rise to a new scientific revolution.


Topology is a branch of mathematics, which deals with the profile and shape of three-dimensional entities, from protein
molecules to galaxies.

DNA, enzymes, monoclonal antibodies, antigens, amino acids and lymphocytes are a few of the body's proteins, whose
functions are largely determined by their profile and shape.

Topology therefore has great application in biology and medicine. It is a basic tool in the synthesis and development of a
new generation of diagnostics, medicines and vaccines.


Knot theory, as its name implies, reduces any of the infinite types of knots, including Gordian knots, to algebraic
equations used in the study of DNA configurations. Knot theory helps biologists understand how DNA begins to be made
into a chain, knotted during replications and combinations, and how the enzymes that give rise to this activity work.

The main observation has been that DNA is knotted and unknotted; he chains and unchains himself; If these changes do
not occur properly, the cells die.


Natural systems of any scale frequently exhibit abrupt and complex behavior when under the influence of powerful
forces of nature. Cyclones, storms and waterfalls are clear examples; There are other examples in astrophysics, plasma
physics and chemistry; in the social sciences there are riots; in public health the appearance and spread of epidemics and
in biology cardiac arrhythmias and neoplasias. Examples more inherent to man in everyday life are the violent vibrations
and problems that can arise when applying certain pressure on the accelerator of a car; Another example is the
distortions caused in sound due to excessive volume on a stereo device. These are non-linear or chaotic phenomena.

Thus, nature is full of examples of nonlinear behavior, which is the rule, not the exception. Why have the sciences,
including medicine, remained attached to the concepts of linearity and predictability? Before answering the question, we
will refer to fractal geometry.


A doctor named Ary L. Goldberg, associate director of the Arrhythmia Laboratory at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, stated
in 1986 that the interdependence in medicine between physiology, mathematics and physics will be a sinequa non in a
few years.

Literally "We are on a new frontier, a new class of phenomena that are manifesting. When bifurcations and abrupt, chaotic
changes in behavior are observed, conventional linear models are found to lose their importance. In 1986 the word
fractal did not appear in physiology books; it was not until 1996 that all physiology books mentioned it. Dr. Golberg was
already referring to fractal geometry.

If some rules are developed, and in parallel to them, computer simulation and graphic images are used, the complex
structures of natural phenomena can be captured.
For example, to replicate a (non-existing) tree, or a set of trees, it would be necessary to use 2000 bytes of memory and
appropriate rules. Thus, just as it happens in nature, each tree in the collective imagination would be different from one

The real and potential applications in medicine are obvious. The central and peripheral nervous system, the
cardiovascular system, the kidneys, the lungs and other organs and tissues are all fractal systems.

High-speed computers and new mathematical methodologies such as topology, knot theory, chaos or nonlinearity
theory, and fractal geometry, are the means and tools to consider phenomena in another way.

Deep and broad knowledge about vital processes is being manifested thanks to the new uses of mathematics.

Unfortunately, only a small group of scientific theorists, physicists, chemists, biologists and an even smaller group of
neurologists, cardiologists, oncologists and geneticists, understand and are interested in the important role that
mathematics will have in the future of medicine.

This situation is due in part to the fact that there is an unintelligible and abstract language that separates the rich and
fertile modern mathematics from ordinary human knowledge.

But fortunately this discipline is being studied by medical researchers. An article in NATURE, from November 1987, refers
to the importance of nonlinear mathematics in cardiac physiology.

The application of nonlinear mathematics to study complex dynamic phenomena in cardiology contrasts with the
biophysical methods used to characterize the currents and ion channels on which cardiac activity discharges. Similar
dynamic phenomena can be described in any excitable tissue, be it brain, intestines, heart or uterus, or even in all non-
living chemical media that can propagate excitation.

At the August 1988 conference of the American Mathematical Society, it was stated: "Recent advances in the
mathematical sciences suggest that there will be a significant potential increase in fundamental advances in the life
sciences, which will depend largely on , mathematical models and computing. Structural biologists will become genetic
engineers, capturing the geometry of complex macromolecules through supercomputers and simulating molecular
interactions in the search for agents with biological activity.

Using computational methods, biologists will be able to present on a computer screen the geometry of a common cold
virus, an intricate polyhedral profile of extraordinary beauty and a fascinating geometric shape, showing a surface with
molecular fingerprints that will allow the study of biological aspects.

Geneticists are making enormous efforts to map the entire human genome, however, in many physiology laboratories
contemporary algorithms applied to equations in fluid dynamics are used to determine phenomena such as turbulence in
the blood caused by swollen heart valves or cholesterol particles.

Currently, mathematics cannot be conceived as numbers, matter and space, it has been transformed into a science of
models and the application derived from the adjustment between them.

Similar to what happened in the physical sciences, mathematics is beginning to be the source of learning and change in
the biological and health sciences.

The national health institutes have computing resources dedicated to molecular biology, as well as mathematical biology
laboratories, based on biological and technical aspects to diagnose cancer and also make the diagnosis of other chronic
degenerative conditions typical of economic development, thus freeing patients from risks, such as shock states due to
the use of contrast substances, which trigger allergic phenomena moments after their application and sometimes, in the
worst case, death. An example of this type of risk are angiocardiograms in patients studied with coronary problems
(angina pectoris), among others, which can be resolved with magnetic resonance imaging.

Using these examples, I wanted to make known the importance of mathematics in the theory and practice of medicine:

They cure liver cancer through a therapy based on a mathematical formula.

Spanish researchers have cured a terminally ill patient with liver cancer and will open a "very important" line of treatment
if its effectiveness is confirmed after a trial with more patients.

The physical theoretical professor Antonio Bru, creator of the work on which he has been working for twelve years, said
that the good results obtained with the cured patient hope to be confirmed in a subsequent clinical trial, which must be
approved by the health authorities.

The results of the therapy, which will be published this Tuesday in the "Journal of Clinical Research", are based on the
stimulation of the bone marrow to increase the production of neutrophils (one of the five types of leukocytes in the
blood), through drugs that are already used on the market, although for another indication.

The therapy focuses on stimulating the bone marrow to increase the production of neutrophils, using drugs that are
already used on the market.

The therapy is based on a mathematical theory, Bru explained that the therapy has worked and that it is based on a
mathematical theory, so he hopes that new results can be obtained, after verifying its effectiveness in a larger trial that
he hopes will be completed. finished in a couple of years.

The research of Bru, professor of Applied Mathematics at the Complutense University, has focused on the study of the
growth of solid tumors and the search for a therapy to stop the tumor.

After proven mathematical tests and experimentation on animals, it was attempted on a patient who was in a terminal
phase, to whom the doctors gave less than two months to live and who, after a treatment of a few months and with
hardly any side effects, has been able to return. to his job as a high school teacher.

In addition to Bru, Sonia Albertos, from the Digestive System Service of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, and Fernando
García-Hoz, from the digestive service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid, participated in the trial.

García-Hoz declared that the treatment has been done at the Valle Clinic in Madrid and that, although we must be
cautious because it is a single case, it opens "a new research approach" that now must be seen if it is repeated with a
greater number of patients.

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