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tdi advanced

knowledge quest
The Full Spectrum of Nitrox Mixtures
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Technical Diving International

Knowledge Quest for TDI

Advanced Nitrox

• Using the TDI Advanced Nitrox Manual as a reference,

answer the questions on the following pages.
• Choose the most accurate answer for each question.
• Do not sign or date the student statement at the end of each
chapter’s statements until you have reviewed this material with
your instructor, and your instructor tells you to do so.

Notes: These assessments are designed for use in conjunction

with the TDI Advanced Nitrox Student Manual.

There are no review questions for Chapter 1 of the Advanced

Nitrox Student Manual.


TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 2 Review Questions:

1. An elite diver will have a focus on their dive that is?

2. The elite diver will focus on what fundamentals of diving?

3. How can lung volume be used to control buoyancy?

4. While using ideal breathing the diver should fill their lungs from

the ________________ and empty them from the ________________.

5. What are two reasons to deviate from ideal breathing?

6. While diving, when should the hands be used for positioning & turning?

Technical Diving International

7. What are the advantages of diving in working position?

8. What body position should a diver be in during the working portion of a dive
near an impactable environment?

9. Is there a time in diving when the foundational skills can be ignored?

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 3 Review Questions:

1. Oxygen is a ____________ and _______________ gas.

2. Is oxygen necessary for life?

3. List two calculations you will make using Boyle’s Law.

4. List three calculations you will make using Dalton’s Law.

5. Why does Equivalent Air Depth allow divers to dive longer?

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

Technical Diving International

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 4 Review Questions:

1. Hypoxia is ______________________________________________________


2. Any mixture with less than ________ percent oxygen in it is considered a

hypoxic mixture.

3. Why is the risk of hypoxia higher with the use of a rebreather?

4. A mixture of gas that contains no oxygen is known as an ______________


5. If a diver is exposed to more than _____ ata of oxygen during a dive, that
exposure must be tracked.

6. Signs and symptoms of central nervous system oxygen toxicity are

characterized by_____________.

7. What is the percentage of oxygen exposure for a dive with an exposure of 1.2
ata of oxygen for 55 minutes?

TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest

8. What are two signs and symptoms of pulmonary oxygen toxicity?

9. How many OTUs will a diver have after a dive for 55 minutes with an oxygen
pressure of 1.2 ata?

10. What are the allowed OTUs for a five-day period of diving?

11. List three things a diver can do to make better ascents while sport diving.

12. What are three signs and symptoms of nitrogen narcosis?

13. Describe how to minimize carbon dioxide while diving.

14. What is the most common source of carbon monoxide in a breathing


15. Describe how the body’s immune system might complicate a diving

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

Technical Diving International

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 5 Review Questions:

1. What is the pressure difference at 30 metres / 99 feet as compared to the

2. What is the best mix for diving to 32 m or 107 ft?

3. What is the Maximum Operating depth for EAN 27 for both working dive and

4. What is the partial pressure of oxygen at 30 m or 100 ft for EAN 30?

5. What is the EAD of EAN 36 at 25 m or 85 ft?

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 6 Review Questions:

1. Equipment that is used with oxygen percentages greater than _____ percent
must be cleaned for oxygen service.

2. List three steps in the oxygen cleaning process.

3. What should be done if a piece of oxygen serviced equipment is contaminated

or used with non-compatible gasses?

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

Technical Diving International

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 7 Review Questions:

1. What are three tools for dive planning?

2. List three limitations of using a dive computer.

3. List three benefits of using a dive computer.

4. What is the best way to backup a dive computer?

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 8 Review Questions:

1. What is the benefit of hand calculating dive planning?

2. List five aspects of dive planning and importance of each.

3. Why is calculating breathing gas needs important?

4. Metric: A diver uses 12 bar of gas diving at 10 metres for 10 minutes. The diver
is diving with an 11 L cylinder that is full at 200 bar. What is the diver’s SCR?

5. Imperial: A diver uses 225 psi of gas diving at 33 feet for 12 minutes. The diver
is diving with an 80 ft3 cylinder that is full at 3000 psi. What is the diver’s SCR?

6. Metric: A diver with a SCR of 13 L/min plans a dive to 25 metres for 35

minutes. What is the total gas needed to conduct the bottom portion of this dive?

Technical Diving International

7. Imperial: A diver with a SCR of 0.5 ft3/min plans a dive to 57 feet for 42
minutes. What is the total gas needed to conduct the bottom portion of this dive?

8. Complete a dive plan for a diver that is planning a multilevel wall dive to 28 m
/ 92 ft for 30 minutes. The diver has an SCR of 5 L/min or 0.6 ft3/min. The dive
will be conducted in a tropical warm water environment. Include breathing gas
choice and why, complete oxygen exposure, decompression planning choices, gas
supply calculations, equipment choices, and thermal considerations.

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 9 Review Questions:

1. What is the benefit of a predive checklist?

2. List three things a diver should do before breathing any gas mixture.

3. List the components of a START Check and define each.

4. Describe a proper descent.

5. Describe a proper ascent strategy.

6. For a dive to 30 m or 100 ft, list the stops that should be made with a multilevel
safety stop approach to the ascent.

7. Describe the proper philosophy for bailout planning.

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

Technical Diving International

Student’s Name_______________________________________Date__________
Instructor’s Name___________________________________________________

Chapter 10 Review Questions:

1. Describe partial pressure blending.

2. Describe continuous blending.

3. Describe the function of a membrane blending system.

I,_____________________________________, completely understand the answers

to the questions that I missed as explained by my instructor.
Student’s Signature*__________________________________Date:___________
* Only after the questions are corrected and reviewed with instructor. mm/dd/yy

TDI Advanced Nitrox Knowledge Quest


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