03 Reader Plan Document

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Currently, reading is conceived as a transversal skill that permeates the development curricular
development of all areas and subjects. Given its instrumental nature, it is a key factor that makes lifelong
learning possible in a society that is based on information and knowledge. Therefore, reading contributes
to the integration and adaptation of people to their social environment, as it enhances the development of
basic skills and the construction of tion of knowledge from different areas that, as is known, are
fundamentally articulated in a linguistic and symbolic way.

Since schools and educational institutions cannot be isolated from this situation, they must implement
joint and global action plans that are based on the curriculum of all areas and subjects. These plans must
be the result of reflection and consensus among all sectors of the school community.

Why the Progrentis Reader Plan ?

The Progrentis Reader Plan presented in this catalog establishes the general lines proposed by the Progrentis
pedagogical area. Its purpose is to improve students' reading competence and the development of the reading habit,
based on the role that reading plays in society.

This Plan focuses on reading as one of the basic skills that contribute to the personal and social development of the
individual. We must not forget, however, the close relationship that, in this sense, exists between reading and other
complex and complementary intellectual processes such as writing, speaking and listening, which enable lite the
development of the competencies necessary for the acquisition of learning. From this perspective, which interrelates
reading with other processes, the Progrentis Reading Plan proposed in this catalog must be interpreted. Therefore, the
reflections, approaches and actions set out in it must be understood as proposals and procedures integrated into the
didactic and methodological approaches necessary for the development of the skills, strategies, knowledge, aptitudes
and skills that an individual must acquire. for their personal and social development.

Likewise, this Reading Plan is situated in a certain conceptual framework that understands reading as an act of
communication that goes beyond the pure decoding of what is written and is structured around a series of general
objectives and lines of action that , interrelated with each other, constitute a general panorama ral of action for the
improvement of reading competence and the development of the reading habit in students.

What objectives does the Plan develop?

Progrentis Reader?

The Progrentis Reading Plan aims to contribute significantly to the improvement of students' reading competence, while
developing the reading habit. It also tries to help them discover and become aware of the value and pleasure of reading.

We present a strategic plan with guidelines and guidelines for action that seek to enable educational centers to carry out,
in an informed and integrated manner, their daily actions related to the teaching-learning process.

Thus, the main purpose of the Progrentis Reading Plan is to improve reading.
Its fundamental objectives are:

1. Promote the development of reading competence so that it becomes a priority element river and
collective issue of educational centers, families and the community.

2. Strengthen the reading habit and improve reading competence from a motivational perspective and
promoting the taste and pleasure of reading.

3. Guide educational centers to help students improve the development of competencies, skills and
strategies that allow them to become competent readers, capable of understanding, reflecting,
interpreting and using various types of texts.

5. Develop and promote cognitive maturity, as well as critical and creative thinking.
4. Contribute to the systematization and coherence of the professional practices that, in relation to reading, are
developed in educational centers and favor their integration in the teaching-learning process of the different areas and
subjects of the curriculum.

How is the Reading Plan structured?

The Progrentis Reading Plan is structured and organized progressively at each of the levels of the different products in
our suite. Each level has different books, all structured into chapters and articles that adapt to the age, academic level
and performance of each student.

All Progrentis books have their own publishing seal and registration number or ISBN code.

The stories are starring the Progrentis characters that make up La Pandilla. This group of friends accompanies and
grows with the students. It is part of the transversal proposal of the entire Progrentis Lector Plan (these characters are
presented and defined in section 4e) of the catalogue).


• This product, which has PRE 1 and PRE 2 levels. It offers three audiobooks per level (six
audiobooks in total), with the aim of forming a complement to the development. development of
metalinguistic skills and basic awareness of the reading-writing process.
• In this product, the themes of the readings are aimed at awakening curiosity about the closest
environment, such as family, school and the city, and, on the other hand, opening to a perception
of a more complete world, such as nature or living beings.
• The characters of La Pandilla interact with each other.
• These readings are offered to schools in digital format and audiobooks.

• This product, which has levels ABC1, ABC2 and ABC3, offers four books per level in its standard
version and six books per level in its Premium version (eighteen in total). Its objective is to
complement all the development and scaffolding of understanding as a fundamental skill and
bridge to higher order thinking skills.
• In this product, the theme of the readings is oriented towards the development of intelligence.
emotional agency and values, since each of the chapters of the books has an emotion as its
fundamental axis (joy, anger, resentment, anger, forgiveness, etc.).
• The interaction between characters relates to the four main characters of La Pandilla, five
secondary characters and three of Los Traviesillos.
• These readings are offered to schools in digital format.

• This product, which has the levels of MENTOR 1, MENTOR 2 and MENTOR 3, offers four books
per level in its standard version and six books per level in its Premium version (eighteen in total).
Its objective is to create a mature environment and a space for motivation and encouragement of
reading that support the process of understanding and skill development. higher order skills
associated with reading competence.
• The themes of the readings in this product are oriented towards the approach of universal
knowledge such as inventions, cultures, historical facts, places, etc.
• The interaction relates the four main characters of La Pandilla with the three secondary
characters and the three Traviesillos.
• These readings are offered to schools in digital format.

• This product, which has the levels of ELITE 1, ELITE 2 and ELITE 3, offers fifty items per level
(one hundred and fifty in total). Its objective is to complement the entire development
development of higher thinking skills, mainly critical thinking and the analysis and synthesis of
• The themes of these articles are grouped into blocks that have been defined as: sciences, arts,
places and technology. These items, property of Progrentis, include They can present cutting-
edge and current topics related to the reality of students.
• They seek to reach their centers of interest through different themes.
• These readings are offered to schools in digital format.

Age 10 - 12 years

Age 7-9 years

Graphic line Childish
Graphic line Intermediate
Objective Introduction to reading Aim Values
Levels 1 2
Levels 1 2 3
Number of books 3
Number of books 6 6 6
Characters 4 main ones from La Pandilla
Characters 12 in total
Presentation Digital + Audiobooks
4 main ones from La Pandilla
5 secondary characters from
The Gang
3 protagonists of
The Traviesillos

Presentation Digital

Target graphic line


Number of books

Age 13 - 15 years

Youth Graphic line Youth

Historical events, places or Aim Sciences, Arts, Places

characters and Technology

1 2 3 Levels 1 2 3

6 6 6 Number of books 50 50 50

10 in total Digital

4 main ones from La Pandilla

3 of The Traviesillos
In schools that have the Premium version, Progrentis tutors will have access to comprehensive material supplementary, called
Teacher's Guides. These guides will allow them to integrate active methodologies and work creatively on the development of
understanding as an innovative skill.

The Teacher's Guides, which accompany two books on each of the levels of the ABC and MENTOR products (a total of 12 guides)
add up to a didactic proposal, sequenced and illustrated with different activities. des, dynamics and exercises that allow students to
be guided to deeper, different and attractive work proposals whose objective is to improve, through active and innovative
methodologies, the set of thinking skills.

These guides are located in Progrentis Analytica, within the MasterPRO environment. They are presents given in PDF format so that
teachers can download, print or project them in the classroom.

They have an entire didactic proposal and work plan that guides the teacher to deepen and work on each of the activities. In
addition, worksheets for students are attached.

This work plan is structured in three moments:

BEFORE, DURING and AFTER reading each book:

• BEFORE The proposed activities seek to get students interested in reading. They also propose the attitudes, skills or
values that will be worked on so that the students discover and get to know them from within.

• DURING The proposed activities allow you to train linguistic skills, comprehension, attention, listening, memory and
vocabulary. To learn attitudes and values, the student must come out from within himself and, working cooperatively,
detect other needs and put his first actions into practice.

AFTER The activities proposed at the end of the reading are intended for students to internalize cen, reflect and analyze
the results of the actions they have carried out.



1. Adventures of The Gang

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-00-9
The Gang begins to live its first adventures. Curious about everything around them,
the four friends investigate, observe and learn about their surroundings and the
closest nature.

2. The best treasure

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-29-0
The Gang discovers a secret chest. The only way to open it is by following the clues.
The process will take them on many adventures. Do you dare to discover what's inside
the chest?

3. A big family
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-29-0
The members of La Pandilla have fun with their favorite hobbies and games. Will
they prefer to play alone or will they enjoy sharing with others more?

1. Shall we
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-42-9
The Gang enjoys experimenting with different objects and materials. Create your own
games to entertain yourself on rainy, sunny or windy days and invent rhymes and
stories to tell.

2. A gang of detectives
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-31-3
In addition to playing with their radio stations, La Pandilla helps older people and a bird,
guesses sounds and disguises themselves as detectives. In short, they have a great time.

3. What an experiment!
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: In progress
The Gang develops experiments that bring them closer to science and allow them to
discover how magical, fun and amazing it is to learn new things.
1 1. The treasure hunt
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-01-6
The members of La Pandilla join together to search for the Ruddy Pirate's treasure.
During the search, they will live incredible experiences and learn a valuable lesson in

2. Everyone gives what they receive

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-02-3
Lili always cares about others, but this time she is the one who needs help. Tom has a
great idea and, together with the other friends of The Gang, they carry out a plan full of

3. Beyond success
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-03-0
Mia and Max prepare hard to give their best at the World Jump Rope Championships. Mia
ends up as the absolute winner, but not only because of her talent, but because of her
example of camaraderie and sportsmanship.

4. Max's talent
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-04-7
Max is very sad and desperate. He doesn't know what to do to overcome his biggest
problem: people don't want him around. His friends from La Pandilla remind him how
wonderful he is and, in addition, a very peculiar character shows him that what he
considers a problem is, in reality, a great talent.

5. How we have changed

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-05-4
The history class will cause The Gang to experience a great journey through time in the
first person. The journey, full of adventures, will take them from prehistory to the
discovery of America. In addition, it will be an opportunity for friends to get to know each
other better.
6. Christmas activities
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-06-1
The first snows cause uncontrolled joy in La Pandilla. The end of year holidays will bring
them different lessons of friendship and they will learn the true meaning of Christmas.

2 1. Tom's mysteries
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-07-8
Tom's adventurous spirit will lead The Gang to solve puzzles and discover mysteries. In
this adventure, Los Traviesillos will have to test themselves.

2. Discovering the secret

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-08-5
The vacation takes La Pandilla and Los Traviesillos on a magnificent journey through
the Asian continent. The friends will learn a lot about the culture of this wonderful place,
but they will also fight to prevent Los Traviesillos and Don Pajarraco from getting their

3. The science club

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-09-2
The world of science will change the life of The Gang forever. The challenges you will
encounter in this adventure will test all your skills.

4. On vacation to Madrid
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-10-8
Traveling with friends is exciting. Our protagonists will overcome their fears and be
autonomous. A cultural tour of Madrid will help La Pandilla discover places and wonders
they had not imagined.
5. The great space adventure

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-11-5

Every effort has its reward and Tom will embark on a very motivating project. However,
dilemmas with your friends will challenge you emotionally.
They will have to work very hard to overcome all obstacles.

Basketball team

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-12-2

A limitation can become a great virtue to unite friends. The gang teaches us that together
we go further and that sports and values go hand in hand.

1. The time Machine
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-13-9
Working as a group, The Gang created a time machine that allows them to travel to the
future and the past. With this new invention, friends will live new and exciting adventures.
2. back to school

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-14-6

One more year. The members of La Pandilla return to school. The presence of Martín, a
new child, will bring many changes to them. Our group of friends will face challenges and
stories that will unite them more than ever.

The gang discovers the world

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-15-3
Summer arrives and another course ends. The Gang goes on a trip to Moon Island. It is
the first time that the little ones travel alone and the experience confronts them with new
and interesting adventures.
4. The island
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-16-0
A family cruise. The Gang cannot imagine the challenges they will have to face. Max's
backpack, Tom's bravery and
Lili will play a very important role in this adventure.

5. The secret club

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-17-7
The Gang forms a secret Club. The friends find a nice place to meet and, thanks to
everyone's cooperation, solve the challenges they face.

6. Love of animals
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-18-4
The Traviesillos will test the good feelings and emotions of the Gang. The friends will
solve different situations that will confirm their love for animals.
1. The adventures begin
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-19-1
Tom, Lili, Max and Mia have been friends since they were very little. His group, La
Pandilla, emerged under very mysterious circumstances. Years later, the help of an
extraordinary ally leads them to understand that their union was a work of destiny to
defend the history of humanity from the clutches of evil invaders. What will the friends
have to face?

2. Times to learn
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-20-7
Mistakes make people reconsider, learn and improve themselves. La Pandilla, MATT
and Los Traviesillos will learn that every effort has its reward. You have to work hard to
be recognized and, sometimes, the great effort made can lead to winning a prize, such
as the Nobel Prize.

3. If you want, you can

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-21-4
We all want to be important when we grow up. To achieve this, we must achieve our
goals, whether as athletes, artists, scientists or anything else. If we want to become little
geniuses, we must discover what we like to do most and work hard at it. The Gang meets
Albert Einstein!

4. Opportunities
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-22-1
Lili has been offered a position on an expedition in the great African savanna. She is
super motivated, but Los Temporales end up complicating everything. Experience
teaches Lili that although some opportunities are lost, new ones always emerge,
sometimes more attractive and interesting. The important thing is not to lose good spirits.
Do you know Charles Darwin?

5. Universal gravity
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-23-8
Each member of The Gang has their own qualities and abilities, but when they put their
minds to work as a team, it is as if they had the force with which the Sun maintains the
harmony of the solar system. And for harmony, the melodies that Mia plays on her
ocarina. Music is very relaxing, unless an apple falls on your head, like the one that fell on
Isaac Newton...
6. A new world revealed
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-24-5
They say that to find new places, we first have to get lost. The Gang will discover new
sounds, rhythms, flavors and cultures on a great adventure to the American continent. On
this journey, MATT will also discover things about herself and her origins.


1. Culture of yesteryear
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-32-0
The mythology of the Inca civilization is very intriguing, as it has very interesting notions
about the functioning of the world. The Gang will have to use that knowledge so that the
Inca people get rid of the annoying Temporals.

2. Get to know America

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-33-7
From north to south, and without forgetting the center, the American continent offers a
great diversity of cultures, traditions and legends. Some legends are fantastic; Others,
however, are told as if they had really happened. Cheer up, Gang! And long live Mexico!

3. The big calendar

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-34-4
How did the Mayans predict eclipses? The Gang will enter the Mesoamerican
rainforest to discover the secrets of The Stone of the Sun and its prophecies about
the Feathered Serpent.

4. The beginning
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-35-1
In Central America there is a very mysterious place. The first pyramid on the continent is
located there, but who built it? The Gang will have to put their ball-playing skills into
practice and dismantle the mystery.

Guide number
downloadable pages
5. Hiva's story
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-36-8
Without a doubt, the most beautiful and paradisiacal beaches in the world are in Oceania.
The Gang is very aware that, for this to continue, it is necessary to take care of the
environment and recycle waste. However, Los Temporales have other plans.
6. The lucky number

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-37-5

In the middle of the Atlantic there are some very enigmatic islands. One of the stories told
about their remote past is that they are the vestige of the missing Atlantis. La Pandilla, at
3,718 meters high, will feel lucky to be there.

1. Philosophy
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-38-2
Lili really likes to read, so it's not strange that her favorite place at the academy is the
library. Reading is the foundation of the mind, it is something "foundation-mint." The first
academies arose in ancient Greece, where the wise men asked themselves many
questions. The ancient Greeks also placed a lot of importance on sport, as they
maintained that a healthy mind required a healthy body.

2. From the top

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-39-9
There are times when things happen, such as the spread of a virus, that force us to
isolate ourselves and distance ourselves from society so as not to harm others. From the
highest place on the planet, Nepal, The Gang will fight to save the situation, but they will
also learn to meditate and find inner peace.

3. Responsibility
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-40-5
All jobs must be carried out with great responsibility. For example, architects must
design their projects very well so that they do not collapse after being built. Max is
fascinated by architecture, especially ancient, mysterious and complicated
architecture. That's why he is so attracted to the pyramids of Egypt.

Guide number
downloadable pages
4. Lights, colors and action
Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-43-6
In addition to being an excellent dancer, Mia is fascinated by the world of visual and
musical entertainment. Costumes, decorations, choreography and music must fit and flow
for maximum enjoyment by viewers. Gang, have you ever seen a Bollywood movie?

5. The first in everything

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-41-2
Lili's specialty is biology, which is why she knows the capabilities and abilities of the
human species so well. Lili loves to wonder how it all began, how human life began.
There has to be an explanation, because wisdom does not fall from the sky.

6. The decisive moment

Authorship and illustration: Progrentis ISBN: In progress
A person's life can change in an instant. However, this is not always the case. Although
sometimes the change occurs in a few seconds, other times it takes millions of years.
Tom will discover that his past, his present and his future are interconnected and that,
thanks to this, the possibilities are endless.
1. Art in the world - 1
Author: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-25-2
Art reflects the reality of an artist at a specific moment in his or her existence; your
feelings, emotions and ideas. If we look closely, we will realize that art is everywhere,
that it is part of our daily lives.

2. Sciences in the world - 1

Author: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-26-9

The word "science" comes from the Latin scientia, which means "knowledge."
So, we can say that science is the understanding of the world through observation and
experimentation of natural and social phenomena.

3. Places in the world - 1

Author: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-27-6
Our planet is wonderful. Every corner of the world can be a small or great wonder,
whether natural or because humans have intervened to get more out of its beauty.

4. The world and technology - 1

Author: Progrentis ISBN: 978-9962-728-28-3
Human beings have always used their curiosity and imagination to create new things
that allow them to experience and know the world better. To do this, he has used
technology in a way that will never cease to amaze us.

Guide number
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E p.
The characters of the Progrentis Gang grow with
students, from PRE to MENTOR.

TOM LILI intelligent, brave and educated. When others

He is the leader of The Gang. He is optimistic, dreamy and intelligent. She is
Always try to see the best in people and do the right thing. He does his don't understand something, she explains and gives details.
best to help others. His passion is soccer. His passion is animals.

He is happy, loyal and optimistic. He likes physical activities. He can be Additionally, he dances and plays various musical
very mischievous and sometimes carefree. His passion is sweets. E
instruments. His passion is the rainbow.
She is kind, friendly, tender and polite. Has ability for physical activities.

He is optimistic and has a fun personality. Simple and fun thoughts. He has a positive
gives. He is very brave, although he is opinion towards everything he sees. He
afraid of water. He doesn't know rest, he likes to tell jokes even though his friends
hates "relaxing." His passions are karate tell him they are boring. He is passionate
and space rockets. about extreme sports.

He is attentive and intelligent. Is a very He is overly optimistic and fun-loving. Is a
good friend. He is passionate about very good friend. His weakness is sweets.

Advanced Time Traversal Machine
He is smart, loyal and never backs down.
His passion is science. She is a friend of The Gang. It is a time machine that
comes from the year 3999. It works with artificial
intelligence and its objective is to avoid the temporal
anomalies that Los Tempo make rales and the
villain, Doc Barloff. He tries to hide his identity as a
Onl 4
time traveler, but La Pandi she discovered it. d

Leader of Los Traviesillos. He always gives Of a rebellious nature, he has a bad temper and
completely opposite and sometimes absurd advice. He is very naughty. He is Tanky's brother.
He is rude and doesn't care much about the rules.


She is distrustful, cunning, mischievous He knows a lot about science and technology.
and a little negative. She is Tonky's sister. He always wears a laboratory uniform and, at
his waist, a watch capable of controlling time.
He is determined, authoritarian and dominant.
Determinedly seeks to change events ments of
history in order to benefit him.

It is a robot built withBOP
cutting-edge technology. He It is a humanoid creature. Doc Barloff
loves adventure and testing himself to reaffirm his discovered him, frozen, at the North Pole.
superiority. Its creator was Doc Barloff, but he He is quite clumsy and does not possess
thinks he is a time traveler from the year 3001. His any supernatural powers. He likes to play
impulse is dominant, but he withdraws when with rocks. He is unable to speak properly.
things go wrong. Famous quote: "My name is Bip- His strange growls have made his famous
Bop, the magnificent one." phrase famous: "Kazú!"

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