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(Giới từ)
 Prepositions of Time (Giới từ chỉ thời gian)
IN  Các buổi (sáng, chiều, tối): in the morning / afternoon / evening
 Tháng: in May
 Năm: in 2020
 Mùa: in Spring
 Thế kỉ, thập kỉ: in the 21st century, in the 1970s
 Khoảng thời gian: in two days, in last three years
ON  Các thứ trong tuần: on Monday
 Ngày: on the 20th of June
 Ngày đi kèm với buổi: on Monday morning
 Ngày đạc biệt: on my birthday, on Christmas Day
 Ngày cuối tuần: on the weekend (AE)
AT  Giờ cụ thể: at 8 p.m., at 2 o’clock
 Giờ ãn sáng, trưa, tối: at lunchtime, at dinnertime, at breakfast time
 Buổi trưa, đêm, nửa đêm: at noon, at night, at midnight
 Ngày cuối tuồn: at the weekend (BE), at weekends
 Dịp lễ: at Christmas, at Easter
BY  By + thời gian (mang nghĩa: vào lúc đó hoặc trước đó)
 Giờ, ngày, tháng, năm, mùa...: by 7:30, by July, by Winter
 Thời điểm cụ thể khác: by lunchtime
DURING  Trong suốt một giai đoạn, khoảng thời gian: during the 1990s, during the
summer, during the night, during 2 weeks, during the lesson
SINCE  Mốc thời gian (kể từ): since 2009, since last month, since Friday
 Thời điểm trong quá khứ (kể từ khi): since I was a kid
FOR Khoảng thời gian nhất định (khoảng): for 2 months, for 10 years
UNTIL/TILL  Mãi cho đến thời gian được đề cập: until December, till night
FROM … (TO)  Khoảng thời gian kéo dài: from 6:30 p.m„ from Monday to Friday
BEFORE  Trước thời gian: before 9 o’clock, before work
AFTER  Sau thời gian: after 7:30 a.m, after lunch
TO  Diễn đạt giờ kém: ten to nine (8:50 a.m)
PAST  Diễn đạt giờ hơn: ten past nine (9:10 a.m)
NO PREPOSITIONS  next week, year, month etc.
 last night, year etc.
 this morning, month etc.
 every day, night, year etc.
 today, tomorrow, yesterday

 Prepositions of Places and Movements (Giới từ chỉ địa điểm và chuyển động)
IN  Ở trong không gian bao quanh: in the living room, in the classroom
 Ở trong không gian địa lí rộng lớn: in the sky, in space, in the world
 Trong: in the book, in the mirror, in the car, in the picture
 Phương tiện truyền thông, tài liệu in ấn: in the book, in the newspaper
 Ở địa điểm lớn (quốc gia, thành phố, quân, huyện...): in Japan, in Hanoi
 Phương hướng: in the South (of Viet Nam)
ON  Trên bề mặt có tiếp xúc: on the table, on the wall, on my face, on stage
 Bên cạnh, dọc theo bên sông: on the River Cam, on the coast
 Tầng nhà: on the first floor
 Bên trái, bên phải: on the left, on the right
 Đường phố: on the street, on Oxford street
 Phương tiện đi lại công cộng: on a train, on a bus, on a plane;
 Phương tiện cá nhân: on a bicycle, on a motorbike
 Phương tiện truyền thông điện tử: on television, on the radio, on the
news, on the Internet
AT  Địa điểm cụ thể: at the bus stop, at the entrance
 Địa chỉ có số nhà cụ thể: at 20 Xuan Thuy Street
 Vị trí tại một điểm: at the top/ bottom, at the beginning/ end
 Sự kiện: at a concert, at the party
 Nơi đến để thực hiện hoạt động đạc trưng: at the cinema, at school
NEXT TO, BESIDE,  Bên cạnh, cạnh, gần: There’s a market next to / beside / by / near my
NEAR, BY house
BETWEEN (…AND)  Ở giữa 2 nơi, 2 người hoặc 2 vật: between two dogs, between the cinema
and the post office
AMONG  Ở giữa nhiều người, vât, không gian: a house among the trees
BEHIND  Phía sau, đằng sau: Laura is sitting behind the tree in the garden.
IN FRONT OF  Phía trước, đằng trước: There’s a big paddy field in front of my school.
OPPOSITE  Đối diện: The post office is opposite the supermarket.
UNDER  Ở ngay phía dưới (vật bao phủ, bao bọc): The cat is under the chair.
BELOW  Ở dưới (thấp hơn so với cái gì): The airplane is just below the cloud.
OVER  Ở ngay phía trên (vật bao phủ, bao bọc): I held an umbrella over my kid.
 Bao phủ bên ngoài, bên trên: She put a blanket over the sleeping child.
 Qua, phía bên này sang phía bên kia: I walked over the bridge.
 Vượt qua chướng ngại vật: Tom jumped over the fence.
ABOVE  Ở trên (cao hơn so với cái gì/ trên một điểm xác định - thường không
dịch chuyển): The picture is above the sofa.
ACROSS, PAST  Across (băng qua): I walked across the road safely.
 Past (ngang qua): I live in a house just past the stadium.
ALONG  Dọc theo: We walk along the street.
THROUGH  Xuyên qua: We went through the crowd towards the stage.
UP, DOWN  Up (lên trên): The boy is climbing up the tree.
 Down (xuống dưới): Tears ran down her face.
FROM  Từ nơi nào đó: Jenny is from London.
TO  Theo hướng, ở hướng nào (kèm động từ): go to the south of London
 Đi đến...: go to Hanoi, walk to school
 Phía bên trái, phải của...: to the left of the park, to the right of the cinema
INTO  Vào trong: Come into the house.
ONTO  Lên trên: Move the CDs onto the second shelf.
TOWARDS  Về phía, về hướng: I stood up and ran towards him.
OUT OF  Ra khỏi địa điểm nào đó: Mr. Thomson has been out of the office.
OFF  Ra xa, ra khỏi: I must be off soon.
 Bỏ, ngã, rơi xuống: I fell off the ladder.
AROUND  Quanh: The kids are running around the lake.

 Other prepositions (Các giới từ khác)

FROM (từ) Từ ai, bởi ai: This is a letter from my grandmother.
Nguồn gốc, bắt nguồn từ: document from 17th century, heat from the sun.
Làm từ chất liệu gì (không thấy chất liệu ở sản phẩm): Paper is made from
Phạm vi: This store sells everything from food to electronic devices.
BY ( bằng, bởi) Đi lại bằng phương tiện: by bus, by train
Tác nhân tạo ra, gây ra (bị động): I was frightened by the strange noise.
Làm gì bằng cách nào: pay by cheque, contact by letter, switch it on by
pressing this button
Đo lường, tỉ số: Team A won the match against Team B by 2 points.;
The area of this house is measured by the yard.; Tony is heavier than Sam by
5 kilos.
WITH (với) Sở hữu: a girl with long hair
Sử dụng cái gì để thực hiện hành động (công cụ): cut it with a knife
Bao gồm, kèm với: the meal with wine came to $20 each.
Với, cùng ai, cái gì: I will go with you tonight.
WITHOUT (không) Không có: He spoke without much enthusiasm.
Không sử dụng, không mang theo: Don’t go out without your raincoat.
Không làm gì: He left without saying goodbye.
WITHIN Thời gian: You will receive a reply within seven days.
(trong khoảng) Khoảng cách: A market within a kilometer from the train station.
LIKE/AS: Like (giống như, như là): He ran like the wind.
As (với tư cách là): I have worked as a teacher for 20 years.
AT (ở, với) Tỉ lệ, phần trăm, giá cả, vận tốc: at 70 km/h, at $1000, at 10%
OF (của) Sở hữu: the role of the teacher, the members of team A
Mối liên quan: a photo of my dog, a map of Vietnam
Bao gồm, chứa đựng: a crowd of people, a cup of tea
Đong đếm, tính toán: a kilo of tomatoes, an increase of 2%
Cụm từ chỉ thời gian, tuổi: a girl of 10, the sixth of May
Đánh giá về ai: It was kind of you to help me.
ABOUT Liên quan đến: Tell me about your family.
Vị trí (quanh): She looked about the room.
Khoảng chừng, ước lượng: It’s about 3 kilometers.
AGAINST Chống lại, trái với: The man fought against the robber.
Đụng phải, va chạm phài: He ran against the car.
Dựa vào: Laura is leaning against the wall.
DURING Trong suôt giai đoạn, khoảng thời gian: duringthe 1990s’ during the
summer, during the night
FOR Cho, dành cho: This book is for you.
Mục đích, chức năng: I read a book for pleasure.
Lí do, nguyên nhân: My sister gave me a watch for my birthday.
Phương hướng, địa điểm đến: Is this the bus for Paris?
Khoảng thời gian: I’m going away for a few days.
OVER Trên toàn..., hơn, quá (phạm vi, số, tuổi, tiền...): over the world, over a
million people, over 20 years old

 Common Prepositional Phrases (Các cụm giới từ phổ biến)

In a hurry: đang vội On the average: trung bình
ln...mood: trong tâm trạng... On second thoughts: nghĩ lại
In love: đang yêu On one's own: một mình
In fact: thực tế On foot: đi bộ
In need: đang cần On purpose: có mục đích
In trouble: đang gặp rắc rối On time: đúng giờ
In the end: cuối cùng thì (kết quả) On the whole: nhìn chung
In danger: đang gặp nguy hiểm On fire: đang cháy
In time: kịp giờ On sale: đang giảm giá
In other words: nói cách khác On duty: đang trực, đang làm việc
In short / brief / conclusion: nói tóm lại On account of: bởi vì
In general: nhìn chung On schedule: theo đúng lịch trình
In particular: nói riêng On a diet: ăn kiêng
In turn: lần lượt On behalf of: thay mặt
In detail: chi tiết On board: trên tàu (tàu thủy, tàu bay)
In favor of: ủng hộ On business: công tác
In good condition: trong tình trạng tốt On the news: trên tin tức
In common: giống nhau On CD/ DVD/ video: trong đĩa CD, video
In secret: bí mật On the Internet: trên mạng
In advance: trước On the phone: đang nghe điện thoại
In public: trong cộng đồng, công khai On balance: can bang
In charge of: chịu trách nhiệm On the road: trên đường
In shape: dáng đẹp, cân đối On the outskirts: ở ngoại ô
In total: tổng cộng On the way to: đang trên đường đến...

At times: thỉnh thoảng By sight: biết mặt (vẻ bên ngoài)
At present/ the moment: bây giờ By change: tình cờ
At the same time: đồng thời, cùng 1 lúc By mistake: nhầm lẫn
At hand: trong tầm tay By heart: thuộc lòng
At once: ngay lập tức By oneself: một mình
At length: chi tiết By land, air, sea: bằng đường bộ/ đường hàng
At war: thời chiến không/ đường thủy
At peace: thời bình By all means: chắc chắn
At least: ít nhất By no means: không chắc rằng không
At risk: đang gặp nguy hiểm By nature: bản chất
At (first) sight: ngay từ cái nhìn (đầu tiên) By surprise: bất ngờ
At the end (of): cuối cùng (thời điểm kết thúc By law: theo luật
At the age of: ở độ tuổi By the way: tiện thể
At last: cuối cùng thì By cheque / credit card: bằng tiền mặt/ thẻ
By email / phone / letter: qua thư điện tử, cuộc
gọi, thư
Out of work: thất nghiệp Under age: chưa đến tuổi trưởng thành
Out of date: lỗi thời, lạc hậu Under control: bị kiểm soát, kiểm soát được
Out of reach: ngoài tầm với Under law / rule: theo luật, quy định
Out of money: hết tiền Under pressure: chịu áp lực
Out of danger: hết nguy hiểm Under suspicion: bị nghi ngờ
Out of the question: không bàn cãi Under construction: đang xây dựng
Out of order: hỏng hóc For fear of: vì sợ, vì e là
Out of stock: hết hàng For life: suốt đời
Out of breath: hết hơi For fun: để cho vui
Out of sight: ngoài tầm nhìn For sale: để bán
Out of mind: không nghĩ tới For rent: cho thuê
Out of control: ngoài tầm kiểm soát For a change: thay đổi
Out of luck: rủi ro For instance: ví dụ
Out of the question: ngoài khả năng Within the scope of: trong trong phạm vi
Out of fashion: lỗi mốt Within reach: trong tầm với
*** Phân biệt:
1. News 2. Corner
 in the news: được thảo luận, đề cập trên TV,  in the corner (of ST): rìa, cạnh, góc (trong một
radio... không gian đóng) - box, room...
 on the news: trên TV, trên radio  on the corner (of ST): ở góc (thường dùng chỉ
 at the news: khi nghe thấy, khi biết tin đường - chiếm diện tích bề mặt) - road, Street...
 at the corner (of ST): ở góc (gần, tại một điểm
nào đó)
The piano is in the corner of the room.
The cinema is on the corner of the street.
Let’s meet at the corner of my street.

Exercise 1: Put in the correct preposition of time (at, in, on, or no preposition).
1. Lucy is arriving _______ February the 13th _______ 8 o’clock _______ the morning.
2. The weather is often terrible in London _______ January.
3. It’s better to get a taxi if you are out alone _______ night.
4. She got married _______ September.
5. They usually go to the south of France _______ the summer.
6. Columbus sailed to the Americas _______ the 16th century.
7. The Beatles were popular _______ the 1960s.
8. I graduated from university _______ 2001.
9. His birthday is _______ June.
10. I usually go to my parents’ house _______ Christmas. We eat turkey together _______ Christmas
11. The train leaves _______ tomorrow morning _______ 8:00 AM.
12. I love going skiing _______ January.
13. We met at the restaurant _______ 8 p.m.
14. The class is _______ 9 a.m _______ Monday mornings.
15. I like to drink coffee _______ the morning and tea _______ the afternoon.
16. We went out for dinner _______ last Wednesday.
17. She left London _______ the 4th of March.
18. I had a party _______ my birthday.
19. Lucy went to New York _______ New Year.
20. We’re meeting _______ lunchtime _______ next Tuesday.
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the following prepositions of time.
in on at since for by
before after from to until during
1. My brother’s birthday is _______ the 5th of November.
2. I don’t like to walk alone in the streets _______ night.
3. My friend lived in Canada _______ 1994 _______ 2000.
4. I have been waiting _______ 7 o’clock.
5. I will finish this essay _______ Friday.
6. Sue waits _______ 20 minutes because the train arrives late.
7. I have a nap _______ I eat lunch.
8. _______ I go to work, I eat breakfast.
9. The street is full of traffic _______ night.
10. There are a lot of tourists _______ the summer.
11. _______ now, I still live alone in France.
12. We go to the beach _______ the summer.
13. We wash the plates _______ dinner.
14. They will be here _______ Tuesday _______ Sunday.
15. The trip lasts _______ 2 days.
16. They visit their grandparents _______ Easter.
17. I begin my new job _______ the beginning of the week.
18. The train will arrive _______ 10 minutes.
19. It was popular _______ the 20th century.
20. Jim had a terrible journey to Wales _______ Christmas Eve 2003.
Exercise 3: Put in the correct preposition of place (at, in, on).
1. He’s swimming _______ the river.
2. Laura lives _______ London.
3. Pass me the dictionary, it’s _______ the bookshelf.
4. There is a spider _______ the bath.
5. Please put those apples _______ the bowl.
6. Turn left _______ the traffic lights.
7. There are two pockets _______ this bag.
8. I read the story _______ the newspaper.
9. I’ll meet you _______ the airport.
10. Lucy was standing _______ the bus stop.
11. She was listening to classical music _______ the radio.
12. She hung a picture _______ the wall.
13. John is _______ the garden.
14. There’s nothing _______ TV tonight.
15. I stayed _______ home all weekend.
16. When I called Lucy, she was _______ the bus.
17. My mother lives _______ the second floor.
18. Unfortunately, Mrs. Brown is _______ hospital.
19. Don’t sit _______ the table, sit _______ a chair.
20. The answer is _______ the bottom of the page.
Exercise 4: Fill in the prepositions of movement.
around over past at through near up from
out of to down into above under off along
1. The children go _______ school every day.
2. Bob looked _______ the window and saw his friend.
3. The dog was running _______ the flowerbed to catch the cat.
4. Tony fell _______ his bike yesterday.
5. When we were driving _______ that village yesterday, we saw a green paddy field.
6. Is it far _______ here _______ the square?
7. I like to walk _______ the river.
8. The bus stops _______ the corner of the street.
9. The boys jumped _______ the pool.
10. Has the flight _______ Hanoi landed?
11. The boys jumped _______ the wall and ran away.
12. Have you put your clothes _______ the wardrobe?
13. You have to drive _______ the bridge.
14. They climbed _______ the mountain.
15. The man stopped and got _______ his car.
16. After fixing the roof, my father climb _______ the ladder.
17. Jane threw the ball _______ the net.
18. Tom ran _______ the bookstore and saw some of his friends inside.
19. My father installed an air-conditional _______ the light.
20. My school is _______ my house, so it takes me only 5 minutes to walk to school.
Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the following prepositions of place.
down behind at out of in front of
onto around off under along
up across over (x2) into between ...and
next to opposite on among from
1. They are flying _______ the fields.
2. Henry is walking _______ stairs because I’m waiting for him _______ the first floor.
3. Look! The little boy is climbing _______ the tree. It’s very dangerous.
4. Put your feet _______ my chair, please!
5. The girl is _______ the door. She is playing hide and seek with her friends.
6. The thief jumped _______ the fence to catch some chickens.
7. Susan often puts money _______ the piggy bank. She saves money to buy some toys.
8. They’re sitting _______ the Xmas tree as they want to take a photo with it.
9. Mary always sits _______ Peter in the class as they’ve been friends for many years.
10. They’re sitting _______ the table and having a big dinner.
11. The traffic light turns green. Kent is walking _______ the street.
12. Jose ran quickly and stepped _______ the train.
13. I’m very surprised to know that he is _______ Africa.
14. The coach is going _______ the road to the town.
15. My mother is taking the pie _______ the oven.
16. My son hid his new shoes _______ his bed.
17. Sue is standing _______ Tom _______ Peter.
18. I found my favourite comic _______ my books.
19. Simson went to school late, so he had to run _______ the schoolyard.
20. When I was interviewed, I had to sit _______ the interviewers.
Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.
1. She paid for lunch _______ advance, so we don’t need to pay now.
2. I went to the wrong house _______ mistake!
3. Please make sure that you’re _______ time for the class!
4. I was walking to the station and _______ chance I saw the glove I’d lost on the ground.
5. I love eating out in London _______ instance, one of my favourite restaurants has amazing
Japanese food.
6. I think the cat is _______ danger on that high roof.
7. Please describe the murder _______ detail.
8. I have a lot _______ common with my cousin. We both like many of the same things.
9. If the baby starts to cry, pick her up _______ once.
10. Did you forget your purse _______ purpose so you wouldn’t have to pay?
11. It’s best to arrive _______ foot, because there is nowhere to park.
12. _______ behalf of my family, I would like to say thank you to all of your help.
13. We had lived _______ the outskirts before we moved to the city center.
14. Be quick! Laura is _______ risk now.
15. The book was _______ reach on a high shelf.
16. I want to go to Germany _______ a change. I’ve never been there.
17. Many people were _______ work during COVID-19 pandemic.
18. This building is _______ rent now.
19. Luckily, this problem was still _______ control.
20. Responsibility for customer services is not _______ the scope of our department.
21. Do you like working _______ your own or as a part of the team?
22. She worked very hard and _______ last she managed to pass the exam.
23. Do you prefer paying by cheque to paying _______ cash?
24. My father has been _______ business for 10 days.
25. How much fast food do you consume _______ average?
26. Children must be supervised _______ all times while in the park.
27. The first boats set off _______ dawn.
28. You can’t drive through that road because it is _______ construction.
29. This building is so old that it is _______ use now.
30. Luckily, my train arrived _______ schedule.
Exercise 1: Circle the correct answer.
1. There’s a woman in / on the phone box.
2. Shall we meet in/at the cinema?
3. Judy moved to Australia in / on 1950.
4. John went to Spain for / to her holiday.
5. I have a lot of posters on / above my office wall.
6. They decided to get married on / X this Friday.
7. The wedding reception was at / for 3 o’clock.
8. The performers ran onto / into the stage.
9. I hardly ever work at / in the weekends.
10. It’s always too hot in / at my classroom.
11. What are you doing at / on Christmas Day?
12. We often go to my parents at / on Christmas.
13. We’re having Christmas dinner at / in my parents’ house in London.
14. My mother came in with the turkey and put it on / in the table.
15. The fans were so excited when he walked into / onto the room.
16. Are you going at / on holiday in / on the summer?
17. We’ve decided to go to the pub at / about lunchtime.
18. They got back from their holiday on / in Tuesday evening.
19. I found the cups in / on the cupboard on / by the wall.
20. You’ll be able to find a good dictionary in / at the bookshop in town.
Exercise 2: Underline the correct answer.
1. Today I’m going to work by / on / in car, but I usually go by / on / in foot.
2. The city is in / on / at the south coast of the Island.
3. He went to / at / for school to / at / by the age of 6.
4. My sister will come back in / on / at May.
5. I saw them in / on / at Christmas when I was in / on / at Prague.
6. Manchester is in / on / of the North of England.
7. Thomas Edison was born at / in / on the 19th century, wasn’t he?
8. We can get to the city centre in / for / at 10 minutes if we go in / on / by bus.
9. We’re meeting in / on / at 10:00 in / on / at Friday morning.
10. We had lunch at / on / by noon.
11. It is often rainy on / at / in autumn.
12. Mary goes to the gym in / on / at the evenings.
13. Steven didn't ask his brother before / after / until using his computer.
14. You can get to the city centre in / on / at the number 15 bus.
15. Helen had a lot of trouble in / for / with her homework.
16. On the way home, David got stuck between / among / with two cars.
17. I can't find my way to the beach, there was a road block through / over / past the tunnel.
18. We have to stay at / in / on home by / in / on the weekend because my parents are at / on / with
19. Don't forget to lock the door before / after / while you leave the house.
20. We heard about the natural disaster at / in / on the news.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.
1. There were _______ a thousand people at the concert.
A. for B. over C. under D. about
2. I usually listen to music _______ the radio.
A. on B. in C. at D. by
3. Could I speak _______ Tom please?
A. with B. of C. about D. to
4. There were some beautiful pictures _______ the walls.
A. on B. in C. at D. above
5. I bought many things _______ my stay in New York.
A. on B. during C. when D. with
6. I’m not _______ a hurry. I can wait.
A. on B. by C. with D. in
7. We arrived the airport _______ time for the plane.
A. at-in B. on-in C. on-at D. in – in
8. The resort lies about 1,500 meters _______ sea level.
A. on B. above C. over D. under
9. The cat ran and hid _______ the door.
A. in front of B. next to C. behind D. opposite
10. The thief jumped _______ the window and ran away.
A. onto B. out of C. into D. through
11. first, I found the work very tiring but _______ a few weeks I got used to it.
A. At - after B. In - before C. At - before D. On – after
12. You can see the map. My house is _______ the end of the road.
A. at - at B. in - on C. on - at D. on – in
13. We will have finished my assignment _______ Sunday morning.
A. in B. at C. by D. during
14. He is _______ Dallas, Texas but he was born in California.
A. from B. in C. at
15. It’s _______ 7 a.m. We need to leave work at once or else we’ll miss the bus.
A. at B. for C. to D. on
16. You must be _______ 18 in order to see the film.
A. in B. at C. under D. over
17. The book was written _______ Mark Twain.
A. by B. of C. in D. with
18. I’ll show you the picture _______ the palace.
A. about B. with C. in D. of
19. She always gets up early _______ the morning and goes to bed late _______ night.
A. in - at B. in - in C. in - on D. on – at
20. You’ll have to wait. He’ll be with you _______ a minute.
A. on B. in C. at D. about
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer.
1. We had to climb slowly _______ the hill.
A. down B. up C. in D. on
2. My boss gave John a bonus because he is always _______ time.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
3. A university is where you study _______ a degree.
A. with B. to C. for D. with
4. Lisa’s birthday will be _______ Sunday.
A. on B. in C. at D. by
5. The new factory is expected to go online _______ May.
A. on B. at C. during D. in
6. Many of us eat _______ fork and spoon.
A. of B. with C. on D. in
7. We have been searching for a web designer _______ a few weeks now.
A. on B. with C. at D. for
8. The TV is _______ the corner of the room.
A. in B. at C. on D. by
9. Philip waited for her _______ the movie theatre.
A. in B. on C. at D. between
10. You have to pay for the tickets _______ the day you order them.
A. with B. on C. in D. of
11. Please write _______ pencil.
A. with B. in C. in D. by
12. We sat down _______ the grass and ate our lunch.
A. at B. in C. over D. on
13. My parents got married _______ the 1970s.
A. in B. at C. on D. by
14. There’s a good restaurant _______ the end of the street.
A. on B. in C. at D. with
15. We usually have turkey _______ Thanksgiving.
A. in B. for C. on D. about
16. I took a plane _______ Munich _______ Rome.
A. among - and B. from – and C. from – to D. between – with
17. She always looks at herself _______ the mirror.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
18. I met Donna at a party _______ Friday night.
A. in C. during D. on
19. Daria’s books are lying _______ the floor.
A. on B. in D. above
20. The audience threw tomatoes _______ him.
A. on B. at C. in D. into
Exercise 1: Look at the following sentences. If it is correct, put a . If it is wrong, correct it.
1. Could you please take your feet on the table? _________
2. About a third of the Netherlands is under sea level. _________
3. The cat jumped over the wall into my neighbour’s garden. _________
4. I have been living with my parents in a long time. It’s hard to leave them. _________
5. With the club rules, we are not allowed to let non-members play. _________
6. Today, scientists know that there is no water in the moon. _________
7. The school is near to the post office. _________
8. He ran up the hill until he was without breath. _________
9. We bought the TV because it was in sale. _________
10. There is a police car behind us. I think they want us to pull over. _________
11. I have just read an interesting book with universe. _________
12. He worked in the day and most of the evening. _________
13. Gun powder was invented of the Chinese. _________
14. Everyone was on the meeting, except for Jane. She was ill. _________
15. The dog ran across the road and hid behind the tree. _________
Exercise 2: Find the mistake(s) in each of the following then correct it.
1. Our (A) cat always lies (B) above (C) the table when (D) we have dinner.
2. They walked (A) on (B) the (C) bridge together (D).
3. He returned safely (A) to (B) his expedition to (C) the (D) Antarctic.
4. I am going to (A) pick my (B) daughter in (C) the airport tonight (D).
5. Could (A) you take a (B) picture about (C) My Tam for (D) me, please?
6. Although (A) she’s 25 she still (B) lives on (C) her (D) parents.
7. He was in (A) Tokyo yesterday but (B) he’s (C) left in (D) Beijing already.
8. The advantage with (A) having a car is that (B) you don’t have to (C) rely on (D) public transport.
9. Maria left school in (A) the age of (B) 16 because of (C) her poverty (D).
10. There are (A) a few (B) differences among (C) American and (D) British English.
11. It was (A) terribly cold outside (B). It must (C) have been 25’ under (D) zero.
12. You could (A) take a (B) taxi but it’s better to go (C) by (D) foot.
13. I’m not on (A) the (B) mood for (C) such (D) silly games.
14. David can’t (A) come to (B) the party as (C) he is at (D) duty now.
15. The house is on (A) sale, but (B) we don’t (C) have the money to buy (D) it.
16. The company is (A) run (B) with (C) two people who (D) are twins.
17. She was (A) disgusted with (B) her weight problem, so she decided to go (C) for (D) a diet.
18. We’ve been waiting (A) for (B) over (C) half an hour. She’s never in (D) time.
19. The (A) world population will have (B) reached above (C) 8 billion by (D) the year 2050.
20. There has been (A) a (B) serious accident involving (C) four cars in (D) the motorway.

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